#geez sorry for posting this so much later than intended
Brother's Keeper Design Fun Facts that I Wrote on a Very Long Plane Flight to Occupy Myself, and Ignore the Baby Crying Behind Me and the Trail Mix I Spilled into my Luggage (and then Rewrote Later When I was Actually Coherent): a Saga
Hello, ppl who expressed interest in this, thank u for giving me something to do! I hope u find something interesting in me rambling. I like thinking about design maybe a little too much. Here goes:
Fun Fact! In this au Caleb essentially has three personas and now that I'm putting words to it, I realize that this is central to how i draw things because most everything I design to add him into the story is defined by one or more of them. It goes like this:
PERSONA 1: Mad Lord Metanoy
His public image: the tragic brother of the emperor, crippled and driven to insanity by wild magic and presented to the public as an example. This is what Belos WANTS everyone to see, and so it's the most prevalent and is a weird mix of pompous (bc he's an important public figure and the emperor's brother) and pitiful (bc his "tragedy" is central to Belos' propaganda).
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PERSONA 2: (Failed) Witch Hunter Caleb
The persona cultivated by Philip: simultaneously the perfect witch-hunting older brother he WANTS and thinks Caleb SHOULD have been if only he'd never been "corrupted" by witches, and also a rebuke for NOT being that. This is an image built out of Philip's wishes, idealization, hero-worship, nostalgia, and anger. Unfortunately for him, it's a persona that's no more real than Mad Metanoy is.
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Since he's in control of what clothes Caleb has and what furniture is in his room, he both tries to force it on him and punishes him for failing to live up to it. Which leads to my favorite design tidbit: the caged wings motif! I use it a lot lol, mostly on the furniture. I'm not sure it's really something Philip uses in this way on a conscious level, but the implications are pretty rude and it's fun for me to work in.
Similar to the Golden Guard/Gravesfield symbol but not exactly the same because other people aren't really supposed to know that Caleb has anything to do with the Golden Guard. Every time a pair of wings appears in Caleb's captivity, they are always contained within some kind of barrier. Even the wings of the Emperor's Coven symbol on Caleb's headboard are imprisoned beneath a canopy.
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PERSONA 3: and finally, The True Caleb!!
Who he REALLY is: a free-spirited nerd who likes to read, learn, and work with his hands. Poor guy though, he has very limited opportunity to express it. His real persona appears only in the hobbies he's permitted and how he wears and uses the things Philip provides for him.
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Anyway, this has been Design Rambling with Doodle. Tune in next time to hear me mumble about furniture probably. Now excuse me, I have to go pull loose peanuts out of the crevasses of my backpack
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al1v3-p03ts-s0ci3ty · 5 months
Hi! Can you write a Meeks one shot? (Fem!reader or GN!reader) where you're both nerds lmao, just some fluff :]
Hiiii :] I don't usually write Meeks stuff so forgive me if this is kind of out of character.
Essentially the gang plays d&d, on their way back to their dorms Meeks compliments YN on how well they played the game! I hope you enjoy >:] I haven't properly gone over this or corrected any grammar, so I apologise.
The room was the most quiet it had ever been, it wasn't normal for the common room to be this still. Though it was silent, the tension could be cut with a knife.
All the poets were gathered around the main table, usually used for studying, but occasionally the group enjoyed fantasy games aswell.
Neil was at the head of the table, there was a notebook in his hand which contained all of the outcomes of the story and characters depending on your dice roll. He was the dungeon master.
Todd and Charlie's characters had died not long ago, they were both waiting in anticipation. Pitts sat at the opposite head of the table, waiting for you to toss the dice. You could feel all 5 pears of eyes burning into you.
The dice were warm in your hand, the air in the room buzzed. This is what you've been waiting for. For weeks now, the poets would gather here and play d&d, it was different from their routinely meetings in that old cave.
Then there was a whisper. "No pressure, take your time." Meeks' voice was just as genuine as it always was. He was so kind to you and he knew exactly how to help during high stress situations just as this one.
You and him had been the only ones to have come this far in the game.
Neil was rather harsh with his villains, most of them had killed off the other members of the group. Other than Charlie of course, who rolled a 1 and his character tripped over a rock and died in the beginning of this session. But he still stuck around, curious of the ending of the game.
"Okay..." You say, your voice shaking.
You toss the dice at the table.
Everyone seemed to gasp and stand in unison, trying to get a better look at the dice.
Though, this didn't do much as the dice had managed to hit the table and bounce in the opposite direction of where you intended it to land.
"Turn on the light!" Charlie's voice was loud and rushed in comparison to the other silent poets.
Neil, being closest to the switch, turned on the light. It was pretty much no use as nobody saw exactly where the dice went.
You stutter, your anxiety getting to you. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"
"Don't worry about it." Meeks gave your arm a kind reassuring squeeze. You're sure that just his smile could make you feel better in a time like this, he didn't need to say anything at all, but he did.
"Thanks..." Your voice went quiet as the other members of the group went around the room looking for the dice.
"It couldn't have gone far." Charlie called from the other side of the room. "Geez, how hard did you throw it?" He laughed.
You opened your mouth to say something, but before you could Meeks nudged you lightly. "Don't listen to him, you know how Charlie gets." Meeks voice was a whisper in your ear. His words never failed to make you smile.
After a small while of searching for the missing dice, the group gave up.
"It'll probably show up later," Neil chimed in while everyone collected their things to leave, "I wouldn't worry about it." Even though it was his dice that you lost he seemed completely unbothered, but that was Neil, he was an optimist after all.
"Still though," you began, "I'm sorry. I promise I'll look for them tomorrow."
Neil waved his hand toward you, dismissing what you said. You often wondered how he could be so calm with the group.
Most of the posts had left the room by this time, the only people left in the room were you and Meeks, though he seemed to be waiting for you.
Once you'd gathered your things and slung your bag over your shoulder, your short friend held the common room door open for you. 'What a gentleman.' you thought.
"Good game." His voice was just as quiet and soft as always but it still held the level of excitement that he had when he was in that room. "You handled some of those last guys really well, especially considering the rest of the group weren't playing."
The door closed behind you both. The halls were empty now, the other members had gone to their dorms already.
"You think so?" You say, masking your insecurity behind a chuckle. The other poets often complimented eachother on how they'd done during their games, but it was different coming from Meeks.
"Of course I do." The smile on his face hasn't faded, not even for a second. "You were so strategic and you knew exactly what to do." He looked up at you while you both walked through the quiet halls. "That's a quality I really admire."
You felt a blush creep up on your cheeks. "Really?"
He nodded in response to your question as if the answer was obvious. The feeling you got from talking to Meeks never got old, you couldn't possibly get bored of this even if you tried.
"I can walk you back to your dorm if you'd like?" His voice was a little more quiet now than it normally is and you noticed him fidgeting with the hem of his blazer. Had you made him nervous somehow?
"Sure." You took a mental note to repeat every detail of this moment to Neil when you had the chance.
You turned slightly and caught a glimpse of Meeks' now blush pink face and that adorable smile that he had plastered on him.
"You did great too," you said, breaking the silence, "I wouldn't have been able to do any of those things without you." The volume of your voice shrunk down while you spoke.
"No way, that was all you!" He said in disbelief.
"You're kidding! There's no way I couldv'e played a game that well without you." Both of your voices were booming, you both spoke with such passion.
Too quickly had you reached your own dorm room, you regretted leaving the common room so soon. Though, it was late and if you didn't get any rest now you'd definitely regret it in the morning.
"Thank you for walking me here." You stood just beside the closed door.
"It's no problem." He said, the kindness in his voice was prominent.
"I really appreciate it." You smile back at him. Your cheeks were obviously rosy now and there was no way of hiding in. However, the same thing could be said about the boy infront of you.
There was a pause before either of you started talking again, a moment of silence neither of you had really noticed. Being in his presence was just so calming to you, the time you spent together flew by so fast.
"I should get going..." He shook his head, as though he was trying to pull himself from a trance.
"Yeah..." You nodded, your voice was slow. "I'll see you tomorrow."
"I'll see you." Just as he turned to leave he flashed you that cute smile again. "Goodnight!"
"Night!" You gave him a quick wave before entering your dorm room. After closing the door you sunk down beside it. Your face was bright red thinking about him, Steven Meeks. Who knew he could have such an affect on you.
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asknarashikari · 3 years
Just using a post due to the text limit in the askbox. (Hope you're fine with that, ma'am)
I feel like the only phase 1 rider that may be remotely close to being sane (like noticeably in your hcs Shoutaro or usually Shinnosuke and Emu) is...I guess the oldest of the heisei main riders, Hibiki? Although I never actually finished the show so I don't remember much apart from Hibiki being a paper driver. (plus wikis aren't exactly the most accurate like that kamen rider wiki) And I think he's not too familiar with technology (like computers or cell phones. I'd probably even say he'd be the main rider that sucks the most at video games, even worse than Sougo probably.) but then again I guess I can see why, he trained a lot and the oni riders fought makamou in the wilderness, what do I expect really? Aside from that...anything good he can actually do for the other riders, I dunno maybe he can give them some really good advice? (even after fully developing, they'll still cause shenanigans either way but eh) Then again that's probably a bit more effective to those who struggle to know what they wanted to do in their life and what they should do now. Kamen Rider Hibiki does have a lot of life lessons incorporated in the show, even if Shirakura and Inoue took over and fucked up that second half.
(Okay, the hell did I get from talking about Hibiki being remotely being the most sane of the phase 1 riders despite not saying much to this? Ah well and looks like there's a shit ton of reading you're looking at, sorry. It's probably even more ironic that I'm talking a character from a show I didn't even finish nor am I familiar with, but I'm certain I am correct on a few things though at least)
Okay so, all I can say is...Hibiki can be very wise and can provide some very important life lessons.
Eh but then again, I guess being the wise doesn't always mean you're could never be ridiculous or engage, get caught up in, and cause shenanigans anyways. (like Eiji. I think he's very wise even if he does have that whole pantsu-shtick) I guess Hibiki and also Godai are pretty much the two "elderly children" (that may be very weird to how it's supposed to work) of the Heisei Main Riders Shinnosuke and Emu have to look after. I didn't even intend to convince you anyways. I just said something I felt like saying, that's all.
(answer beneath the cut)
Oh, no, I totally get you. Hibiki does seem to be the more sensible type, at least in comparison to some of the other early Heisei guys. Even some of the later ones, to be honest.
Though I feel like he's rather aloof to other fellow Riders, owing to his lifestyle. Like, he's probably perfectly happy to offer advice, but only if you approach him about it to begin with. He won't be the one volunteering it. And he certainly wouldn't hover over them like certain Riders (cough Emu cough) would.
And geez, please don't call me ma'am. Gaim knows I get that enough from work. My best friend from uni, who works for the same company as I do, calls me ma'am when I call her on the phone XD
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chyrstis · 3 years
WIP Saturday
I don’t think I’ve been more relieved to see the end of the week pop up, and really wanted to take advantage of the time while I had it too. And also keep my computer from restarting in the middle of posting this, thank you very much. Geez. 
Tagged by: @vasiktomis @shallow-gravy @starsandskies @fadedjacket @faithchel @adelaidedrubman @p0lkadotdotdot which I want to thank a bunch for since I’m about to apologize for these way too early in the day tags in turn. <3
Tagging: @hunnybadgerv @painterofhorizons @cobb-vanthss @amistrio @geronimo-11 @redroci @nightwingshero @ma-sulevin @tommymillers @jackiesarch @shellibisshe @risenlucifer @jackalopestride @sneaky-apostate @tomexraider @strafethesesinners @scarlettkat86 @aceghosts @triedtriedtired @unlikelynick @siribear @weekend-writer and anyone else that wouldn’t mind sharing a WIP or two, or three, maybe? And for anyone that’s already been tagged? Don’t mind me one bit. 
How about a little bit more from the Trap fic maybe? I’m roughly on Ch. 3 draft-wise of it at the moment, but really want to start cleaning up Ch. 1 soon to post, so I’m going to see what I can do about that this weekend...
They ditched the van well outside of Silver Lake. Leaving it just down a dirt path in the thicker brush, Hana made sure to grab everything she could fit on her person before leaving, and gestured for Ben - the only name he’d actually bothered to respond to - to take point.
With her rifle out and in her hands, he didn’t raise any objections, and didn’t ask for a weapon either. Just looked at her for a long minute before taking those first few steps out, and she made sure to keep him squarely in her sights as they moved forward.
They’d just reached the outside of the trailer park when the radio at her side came to life.
“Deputy, are you there?”
The breath she’d held came out in a rush. Because at this point it could’ve been anyone, but Jerome’s voice was a damn blessing, and she couldn’t hold back the relief she felt.
“Pastor, goddamn is it good to hear you.”
Or the casual blasphemy, apparently. Letting go of the call button, Hana bit her tongue to keep from adding a flustered fuck to it all, but swore she’d make it up to him later.
“...Uh, sorry. After the day I’ve had, it really is good to hear a friendly voice.”
Jerome laughed. “It’s just as good to hear yours. We’ve been looking for you for the last few hours now, and with no word to go off of assumed the worst.”
“Yeah, about that. I might’ve been a little tied up.” Her wrists twinged at the memory, and she quickly shrugged it off. “But you’ve got me now. Did Dutch give you the rundown?”
I also might’ve been having some fun poking around in John’s head lately for the No Cult AU, and I really shouldn’t be surprised at all that it’s already shaping up to be much longer than intended. 
Squeaking on the leather seats, Charlemagne shifted and tried to get comfortable, only to grab for the handle above his head when John took the nearby corner sharper than intended.
He leaned right into it, laughing as John corrected for it, and almost looked pleased it had happened at all. “Damn, man. You’re no fucking slouch. Bet you’d score a record on that speed trap up north too. Beat that minute forty-five easy. Though something’s been bugging me since I got in here.”
“Do tell,” John replied, easing off of the acceleration, but only by a hair.
“I think I’ve been in here before. Which is weird, ‘cause popping or jimmying that kind of door’s a pain in the ass. Not that I tried before!” he quickly added, “Only really did that with the boat, but there was less doorbusting with it being open, and more jiggling the key trying to make sure it’d fit once I had it, but this shit,” - Boshaw leaned back in the seat and half slid down it - “I remember that. That’s shit you can’t make up without dealing with at least once.”
“You have.”
“Have what?” he asked, slouched down far enough for any reasonable person to get a cramp in their neck.
“Been in this car before.” John frowned. “Did you manage to forget already, or just succeeded in blocking that lovely little bonding experience for good?”
Judging from the strange way he was looking at him, he had. Unbelievable.
John sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose briefly before returning both hands to the wheel. “How you - drenched and soaking wet - left an inch of water behind on my floorboards, refused to buckle your seatbelt after nearly strangling yourself with it, and couldn’t stay still for a second out of the fear that you’d manage to slip out of the seat somehow?”
All while furiously apologizing and begging for mercy, but John didn’t feel the need to remind him of that particular detail. Not when everything else appeared to be clicking, judging from the way he’d frozen in his seat.
“I can imagine everything looks different when it’s morning and you’re sober.”
...And I might’ve started a little take on the beginning mission for Hana. I couldn’t resist.
“Stay on the path, rookie.”
Stay on the path.
Stay on the path.
With each step forward she repeated the words, over and over, her hand still in place on Joseph Seed’s shoulder.
Eyes forward. On Joey. On the sheriff, on the exit.
Almost there, Han. Almost there.
But the others weren’t still. Didn’t stay in place, and she moved a little faster. Knew her fingers were digging into Joseph’s shoulder as she urged him forward and found her attention drawn to the movement right out of her line of vision. The others - Peggies armed and not - closing in.
She swallowed, felt her throat nearly choke on nothing as she forced it all down, and took in a shaky breath through her nose.
Almost there. She could see the chopper now. Knew Pratt was waiting, and almost felt like she was jogging towards it.
Right as Burke raised his weapon, along with his voice, and her heart nearly stopped on the spot.
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storfulsten · 3 years
(sorry if someone already asked you this) when did you get to know bombeep and started liking it? and what made you like it out of all the fnf ships?
ok this ended up waaay ramblier than intended sorry, hopefully stuff got somewhat answered anyways lol
well my very first post about fnf on here was about asking if it would be weird to ship the two of them together, and that was on march 12, so at least since then. didn't know if other people shipped it then or not (people did but I didn't look hard enough tbh), so a couple days later I just decided to not care and made up the shipname and just went with it lol. and the fact that other people started using bombeep to refer to the ship aswell still blows my mind honestly ha
as for why this ship specifically caught my attention, idk probably bc whitty was the first proper non-meme new character new songs and story mod I saw a letsplay of, and his aesthetic and voice and songs were so good so I just grew really fond of him really fast. and ofc bf is the main protagonist character who's always there singing with dope-ass blue hair so he was already my fav before that. and sometimes in the past I've had the dumb habit of pairing up my favs in whatever fandom even if it makes no sense, and I guess it kinda ended up happening here too. though with the story stuff and them actually talking it's not completely out of thin air in this case at least lol and speaking of story and stuff, whitty was one of the first non-evil people bf had a proper shown conversation with (as far as the order I watched stuff in goes at least lol), so idk that's pretty dope. even if bf was kinda being a bit of a dick on purpose causing poor whitty to kinda loose it, not the most ideal of meet-cutes but still lol
but yeah I only got around to watch them letsplays and stuff presumably on like march 11 or so, so I was kinda really late on the fnf train overall. though at the same time if I'd gotten on earlier, maybe this ship would not have ended up my thing. so honestly I'm glad I got on when I did, it's weird to even think about shipping things differently at this point. I mean can you even imagine me shipping bf with pico? nothing wrong with the ship ofc but given how much I personally do NOT like it it's such a weird thought geez. and whitty? probably shipped with hex or something. perfectly valid pretty cute ship but personally naaah idk shipping is so effin weird man lol
but yeah in conclusion: it's all 8bitryan's fault lol
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quickspinner · 3 years
WIP Report
Because there’s gotta be someone out there saying Quiiiiiiick noooooooo why are you posting so many beginnings when you have so much unfinished work out there? (It’s me. I’m saying it.) 
SO. I’m a bit in the weeds for sure and there is definitely some internal screaming going on here. 😆  Mostly, what happened is that a bunch of fandom events happened and I tabled what I was working on to do those, because fandom events are fun! It’s nice to connect with other fans for a bit! Buuuuut I got kind of ambitious and bit off considerably more than I could chew with a few of those, so now I have a bunch of unfinished works hanging out there. So let’s go through the list of shame. (Note: every author has their own process and I am by no means judging anyone else for time between updates or how many stories they have going at once. Just me. I am judging me very much, because my process says “this is BS, Quick.”)
Here For You. I still owe two prompts for this and they are for near and dear friends who I known won’t hate me for sitting on it so long. Part of the problem is that this was fueled by NY special rage, and eventually I cooled off. Also, I had to go and decide to do a two-part finale that got all plotty and...yeah. I get hung up when I try to do plot instead of useless fluff. It got set aside in favor of the various time-sensitive things I got involved in. 
The Magic of You. This was part of a little internal secret santa that the LBSC group did, and it didn’t really have to be a two parter, but it was always intended to have a second part. Honestly, I tried to finish this one off last week because I thought it would be easy, but instead I wrote several thousand words that I ended up throwing out and I ended up back at square one. It’s in time out to think about its sins (or its inability to get to the sinning, which was really the problem last week, how hard is it to make two people fricking kiss, geeze) (not that hard actually because I wrote like four different confessions/smooches but none of them actually worked in the story). 
Guard My Heart. This was my LBSC Valentine’s exchange fic and y’all. I tried and tried to make this be no more than a three-parter, and everything I wrote for it felt like a complete infodumping copout. I might as well have just written “And then they realized they were in love and they smooched a lot” and called it a day. So I have finally given in and I’m letting it be what it wants to be. I’m really pissed about it though. So, yeah, this one is going to take a while, because while I have a lot more of the later-on stuff written, I tried to skip a lot of the early stuff, so now I’m working through the buildup that I should have just given up and written in the first place. Sorry, Mal. (I should know better, every time I get a prompt from her it turns into a monster)
Indelible.  I debated over posting this one; Ver would have understood if I was late with her bday gift, especially since I’ve been working on this fic so long. But, when I reviewed it, it’s well over half finished, and I think posting once a week will give me enough time to rewrite the ending (I wrote the ending early on, and then changed a bunch of stuff as I wrote, so the ending I wrote doesn’t work so great anymore). 
Beautiful Dreams. I dream of the day when I can get back to this fic. 😂 I was a little stuck when all the “stuff on a deadline!” hit, and it fell by the wayside again, but it’s not dead, and I’m hoping the break (again) will help me get the ball rolling again when I get back into it. 
So that’s where we are, and that list is giving me anxiety. 😆 I don’t like having this many things rolling at once (at least not where people can see them and are waiting for them). I’m going to do my best to get it under control. You can still expect to see a few one shots and sprint fics pop up, because everybody needs a break sometimes (and I have like four people I wanted to write birthday fic for and just didn’t have time, so I’ll be wedging those in here and there). I definitely won’t be taking on any more prompt months or exchanges until I get my house a little more in order here!
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dust-broken-berry · 3 years
This is part 4 and I already know that it's gonna be to ling to fit into one post. So there will be one or two more after this.
So Read that before you start reading-
Part 4: It's Here
    Dust and Blue made it over to the two groups of arguing monsters. Blue asked nervously-
“Uh...what are you guys d-doing?”
    All the monsters sudden;y turned and stared at Dust and the nervous Blue.
    Ink said-
“Nothing… Cross just had a bad feeling that something bad would happen. So I decided to act on that feeling, so I thought that we should all go out today to see if there was anything wrong. Then it just so happened that we ran into…”
    Ink’s words slowly faded when he saw the back of an eight year old child's head with a strange marking on it. Blue realized why Ink stopped talking.
“O-Outer can you take BluePrint away?”
“Ya I was intending on going with him and Noir anyways…”
    Outer looked angrily at Ink and his buddies.
“They shouldn’t have to see this.”
“Why? I mean I only know a few of them...but still.”
    Ink looked somewhat shaken by those words but kept quiet. Outer then said-
“Well you always get along so well with Noir, and I know that you don’t want him to be sad because you’re here right?”
    BluePrint sighed
“Ya ok, but only because I get to hang out with him.”
    And after that BluePrint and Outer left, with Outer holding Noir.
    Dust then said-
“So Cross had a bad feeling...it’s good you trust him, he has good instincts.”
    Dust said, but it was only silent after he said that. Nightmare then tried to explain what happened.
“Anyways, what happened was we just ran into-”
“A bunch of little do goody assholes.”
    Dust, Nightmare, and Blue, all shot Horror angry glances. Horror shrugged and said-
“Geez why the hell do you guys always get so pissed off with me. It’s not like what I said now wasn’t true.”
    Dust angrily responded-
“Maybe, but you need to keep your trap of a mouth shut whenever we are near them.”
“Fine, fuck ever”
“Anyways...we just unluckily ran into them.”
    Nightmare said now trying to explain the situation. Blue then said-
“Oh...I see, and Cross had a bad feeling…”
“And assumed it was about us.”
“Well I should be able to settle this with Ink, we shouldn’t fight if we don’t have to. We are under numbered, especially now with Outer gone.”
    Dust said, trying to think rationally about the situation.
“I would have at least tried to do the same thing, because you’re right we are under numbered. Maybe not by much but still.”
    The dark goo-like substance slips away from Nightmare’s body as he said that. Everyone else took the hint and slowly lowered the weapons for the time being. Dust walked in front of everyone and turned back towards Blue.
“Berry for right now stay behind me…”
    He looked in front of him at Ink, then back at Blue.
“They might have been your friends but if this somehow goes wrong, I don’t want you to accidentally get hurt.”
“Er-...ya ok”
    Blue said, obviously nervous. Dust sighed 
“Hm...here I know you get cold out here and you’re obviously worried so...”
    Dust took off his jacket and put it around Blue.
“There see, everything will be ok, don’t worry we aren’t even fighting.”
“Well...fine ok”
    Dust turned back towards Ink.
“Ok, look Ink we don’t need to fight right now trust me when I say there isn’t anything bad happening with us...today.”
“Then what were you guys doing?”
    Ink asked, so Dust answered.
“Me and Blue were just walking over to come get BluePrint from Outer.”
“Ya and uh, after they would have gotten him, me and Outer were just gonna go home.”
    Killer said, trying to back up Dust’s story. But Ink still kept asking-
“How can I be sure that you guys aren’t lying?”
    Cross gave Ink an unsure look.
“Ink relax I know what I said but there may be nothing going on here.”
“We don’t know that yet Cross!”
    Ink screamed, obviously starting to get angry. Dust also started to get somewhat annoyed, then saying-
“Why would we lie when we’re outnumbered?”
“Ink I’m with Cross, I don’t think anything is going on here?”
    Dream said, now starting to become worried. Ink screamed-
“Look I think something’s going to happen, ok!?”
“Ya and you’re going to start it.”
“What was that!?”
     Ink screamed as Dust turned angrily towards Horror.
“Nothing! Horror is just running his mouth again!”
“How did you-”
“You whisper loud.”
    Killer said before Horror could finish.
    Ink was just getting more and more irritated as the others kept talking.
“So? Nothing is happening, at all?”
“Yes...nothing is happening Ink.”
    Dust said, still annoyed, like everyone else at this point. Dream then added-
“Ink nothing is happening, at this point you're just arguing for yourself.”
“What do you mean?”
“I think you're just arguing with Dust because of what happened with Bl-”
“Ha, that's an idotic assumption.”
“Then tell me I‘m wrong.”
    Ink didn’t say anything, all he did was shake with anger knowing that his friend was right.
    Ink just stood there for a second and then all of a sudden he screamed-
    A random ink bone was then shot towards...Dust? Dust yelled-
    Ink stared wide eyed at Dust realizing he made a mistake.
“D-Dust I didn’t mean to do...I’m-”
    Before Ink could finish, a bone with a magic purple tint was fired at him. Ink screamed angrily-
    Dust summoned around an estimated amount of fiftyish sharp bones.
“Dust please calm down”
    Dust looked over at Blue
“Blue just stay behind me! This between me and Ink, I don’t want you getting hurt!”
    Dust yelled at Blue. Blue stayed silent as Dust and Ink started fighting.
    Neither of them hit the other for a while. The others waited ready for something to happen, waited for one to slip up, and then that’s when it happened. At this point Dust was tired of fighting,at this point in more ways than one. He didn’t want to fight in the first place, so wanting to stop the fighting, he stopped fighting wanting to reason with Ink.
“Ok, Ink, I think it’s about time that we-”
It Only Took A Second
An Unexpected, Yet Expected Occurrence For Some
But Regardless…
. . .
It Happened
    There was...a bone of black ink impaled through Dust’s ribs. He began to cough up blood. 
    Ink’s eyes went wide with sudden fear and regret. Blue ran up to Dust as the fighting began between everyone else. 
    Dust looked up at Blue and said-
“H-Hey...don’t cry...please?..”
    Even with all the fighting , Dust didn’t leave Blue. Blue still crying said-
“W-Why? You’re g-g-gonna die, and I can’t do anything about it!”
“I know...I know...I just w-want to see you happy...one last time…”
“I don’t want this to be one last time!”
“Guh!.. Berry…”
    Dust fell and Blue caught him
    Blue carefully laid Dust down on the ground and went to get up, saying-
“There must be something I can do! I-”
    Dust grabbed on to Blue’s arm before he stood up.
“Berry...there isn’t anything you can do...it’s not your fault…”
    Blue didn’t move and knew that Dust was right.
    Even if he somehow got to Dream or someone in the fight that could help Dust, it would be too late. Even if it wasn’t and someone tried to help...it would just make Dust suffer…
    Blue sat down next to Dust.
“P-Please...don’t go!..”
“I...won’t be gone…”
    Dust grabbed on to Blue’s hand.
“I’ll always be with you…”
    After Dust said that he began to dust, but before he was gone he saw the blank and empty expression of a changed monster, but before he could say anything he was gone.
    Blue with tears still dripping down his face, was frozen with empty eye sockets, then-
“Erg! H-Hey did you hear that?’
    Dream said, still fighting.
    The fighting slowly stopped after they saw the light blue glow of one monster's magic.
    Ink said worriedly
Blue looked like an empty husk with an emotionless expression, just standing there with five blasters and to many bones to count around him. He had two streams of dark blue magic flowing out of his eyes, opposed to the normal bright blue single stream of magic.
“Huh...how the...no...Blue…”
    A dark evil smile began to spread across Blue’s face as he laughed.
“MYHEHEHEHAHAHA...ha...of all the days for this to happen...for you to...kill someone...of ALL the days…”
    Ink said, still sounding worried. But Blue just ignored his words.
“It had to happen Today...it...it had to happen now...during these...during HIS...last few seconds… The first one you had to kill was Dust...as it seems...at least…”
“It seems?”
    Ink asked, still worried but now also confused.
“Hehe...he...ya...it seems…”
    Everything was then shot, all the blasters, all the bones were fired at Ink. 
    When the dust cleared, it appeared that most of the attacks hit Ink due to the large amount of splattered ink. Ink along with everyone else from their group was gone. But they left some things in the monstrous tower of chard bones. There were some small paint brushes and other small things like that of Ink’s left behind, but one of the more easy things to notice was an Arm.
    Blue just breathed heavy
“*Huff* *Huff* *Huff*”
“H-Holy shit!”
    Horror said in amazement, followed by Killer saying-
“Since when the hell could he do that?”
“Blue...we’re gonna need to ta-”
    Blue passed out before Blue could finish, but as he did something fell out of Dust's pocket (Which Blue still had on) Nightmare smirked a bit.
“Hehe, oh Dust you smart bastard. It’s as if you knew this would happen...at least sooner or later.”
    A few hours later Blue woke up on his couch.
“Ugh what happened…”
“You passed out”
    Blue, surprised to see Nightmare of all monsters in his house screamed, but then calmed down shortly after.
“O-Oh sorry, but uh...what are you doing in my house?..”
“I brought you here, would you rather me left you?”
“No… But anyways what time is it?”
“9:00 pm”
“Wait it’s n-nine!? Is BluePrint asleep!? Is he even here!?”
“Yes BluePrint’s sleeping”
“*Sigh* Good and thank you. But can I ask what are you still doing here?”
“I need to talk to you about what happened, it’s important.”
“What happened?”
“Do you not remember what happened today?”
“No not really”
“Ok, let me try and jog your memory.”
    Nightmare then threw Ink’s arm on the table.
“Aaahh!? Nightmare don’t just put an arm on my table! What if BluePrint comes in here!?”
“Do you know who’s arm this is?”
“Why does it matter I didn’t hurt them!?”
“Blue look, and tell me who’s arm this is.”
    Blue hesitantly looked at the arm.
“Is...that Ink’s arm!?”
“Yes it is and do you know why I have this arm?”
As if it were a slide show or a movie, the memory of what happened came flooding back. What he did to Ink...what Ink did to him...what Ink did to Dust. 
“No...no...no, no, no, no, NO!”
    All Blue could do was cry.
“I’m sorry but-”
“D-Dad what’s wrong?..”
    BluePrint was standing on the bottom of the stairs looking tired.
“And whose arm is that on the table.”
“G-Gah! BluePrint, Nightmare put the arm away!”
    Nightmare then slipped the arm away. As Blue said-
“BluePrint honey I’m fine you don’t need to worry.”
“What is it diamond?”
“Sorry dad but I know you’re lying.”
“And it’s about...Mr.Dust...isn’t it…”
    Nightmare grinned a bit
“Have to admit he’s a pretty smart kid.”
“Hehe...ya he is…”
    Blue said, then wiping his tears he smiled.
“But he still has to go to bed.”
“Why? You're sad…”
“I’m ok Diamond and it’s late, you have to go to sleep.”
“Ugh ok…”
    Blue gave BluePrint a hug
“Good night honey”
“Night dad”
    After that BluePrint went back to bed. Nightmare said-
“Ink went back to Error as I’m aware and that’s one of the main reasons he left us. They did already have a child right?”
“Ya PJ, my guess is he didn’t want to be away from them… But that’s not the point right now…”
“I know so let’s get back to that. You remember what you did to Ink now?”
“Ya I do… ...Nightmare...I just...I...I changed my mind...I just want to relax...I lost Dust and I did something…”
    Nightmare sighed, and looked over to his right and said-
“He isn’t listening, you should come out now.”
    Blue asked confused, not knowing who Nightmare was talking to.
    Nightmare again reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring on a chain.
“You know what this is?”
“Uh...ya the ring...he got us each one, you know like a promise ring thing...hehe...he said he never did those kinds of things but for me he would make an exception.”
“Ok and so you know where this chain thing came from.”
“N-No I just thought he bought it somewhere.”
“He did, at the time he bought this stupid set of dog tags as a gag gift when I made him leader. Even though they were just meant to be a joke, he insisted that we don’t throw them away.”
“This is the other reason he gave us these things and maybe part of the reason he gave you that ring.”
“I...I still don’t follow”
“Hehe, Nightmare that is not even part of the reason I gave him that ring, it’s just a coincidence dumbass.”
    A voice said from somewhere, Blue was even more confused so he asked-
“Huh? Who was that…”
“Well Blue who is one of the only monsters you know that has the confidence to call me a dumb ass.”
    Blue thought and frankly there were now a lot, after Nightmare passed down the title the others slowly lost some of their respect for him. But still none of them would ever just come out and call him that...well not anymore…
“Ok show yourself”
    Nightmare said to seemingly no one, but still again a response came.
“Now look at who’s bossing me around.”
    In a small flash of magic purple light….he was somehow back…
    Blue was so surprised and started crying again as he said-
“Ya...it’s me…”
“As you can see he is a ghost so you can’t touch-”
    Nightmare was cut off by Blue jumping up and hugging Dust. Both Nightmare and Dust were surprised, but of course Dust was happy and hugged Blue back. Nightmare was still confused, saying-
“Wait what the hell…how are you…”
“I don’t know how he’s doing this…”
    Dust said confused, Blue looked up at Dust still hugging him.
“You what?”
    Blue said with tears still in his eyes. Dust sighed and smiled-
“Nothing Berry, this is...let’s just say it’s a pleasant surprise.~”
“Ok that’s enough of that, it looks like you’re fully here, at least in spirit.”
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 4 years
Hakuoki SSL Valentine’s Day Special
*sigh* I finished psychedelica of the black butterfly recently.... and geez I thought it was more tragic than ashen hawk (I really liked hikage’s and kagiha’s routes.... though i feel that by playing ashen hawk beforehand i knew that something was off at the start from the intro, and with kagiha given what happens). i’m probably going to translate the 2015 otomate party drama for it in the future since I have it in Chinese (provided no one else is planning on doing so)... unfortunately it’s like the Hakuoki drama that i just finished in that I don’t have text and will involve snipping the subtitles off a video....one day though.
Anyway. This translation is from the Dengeki Girl’s Style Magazine in the 2014 March issue. Felt stupidly long to do.
Translator notes will be located at the end for this.
also, i just wanna say it feels like Section 31 was involved in the Mars incident in Star Trek: Picard. 
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Hakuoki SSL Dengegki GS Valentine’s Day Special March 2014
Translation from KumoriYami
Principal Kondou Isami: Speaking of February, Valentine's Day comes to mind/you'll immediately think of Valentine's Day!! This has nothing to do with being a warrior?......Everyone doesn't have to be so brave? This month, we interviewed 10 very popular men from our school about Valentine's day. People who want to receive chocolate from girls must read this carefully!
What type of chocolate would you like to receive, if you received chocolate on Valentine's Day?
What are you going to do on White Day?
Recently there have been many names of the types of chocolate that people have been giving to others, for example, friends chocolate, giri chocolate, boys/men to girl/women chocolates, and so on, what do you think of this trend?
Vice-principal/ Classical Literature teacher / 2nd Year Class 1 Homeroom teacher/ Disciplinary Committee Supervisor Hijikata Toshizou
If someone wants to give me chocolate, ordinary chocolate is fine. But, nothing too sweet.
......Is this really necessary? Since it's a return gift for chocolate, then getting the other person something to eat is fine.
I feel that these people are following a trend. If you really want to have it made, getting honmei chocolate is enough.
2nd Year Class 1/ Kendo Club Okita Souji
Bite-sized milk chocolate is good. It has the right sweetness that I like.
Ah~ White Day. Are you looking forward to this holiday/celebration/ festival?
Isn't it nice to receive/good enough to get a bunch of chocolates? Though that has nothing to do with me.
2nd Year Class 2/ Kendo Club/ Disciplinary Committee Saito Hajime
Since this is considered an important matter for someone to give...... regardless if it is bitter or sweet it must be received.
 It's best to go with hand-made chocolate. Starting with the ingredients..... No, first learn how to practise making it. 
Although this deviates from the original purpose, as it can disrupt discipline. If needing to send something, one is enough.
2nd Year Class 1/ Kendo Club Toudou Heisuke
Well...... I'd like to get biscuits and chocolates or something.
If it's for a normal return gift, I might give candy also gummies [says soft candy] or something.
Eh......How many types are there? But, it doesn't matter as long as you get to eat chocolate.
Health and physical education teacher/ Year 1 Class 1 Homeroom teacher Harada Sanosuke
If it's a gift from the heart, a hand-made cake made for dessert would be nice.
That...... perhaps I might give her a special lecture. [pfft.....LOLLLLLLL]
 Although there are many ways to express one's feelings...... it is best to cherish your relationships.
Year 3 Class 3/ Student Council President Kazama Chikage
Of course hand-made chocolate is proof of my wife's vow of love for me.
I intend to prepare gold powdered candies for my wife to eat for a lifetime.
This trend is wrong. Anything used to convey one's feelings should be returned in the same way [???]. 
School doctor/ accountant [when was Sanan an accountant?] Sanan Keisuke
Although I won't eat it, chocolate mixed with a red liquid should be pretty good.
Due to the meaning/significance of that day, I'd like to give the other person something memorable/unforgettable as a gift. 
Expressing love isn't limited to only one method, [though] doing that really isn't bad.
Math teacher/ 2nd Year Class 2 Homeroom teacher Nagakura Shinpachi
As long I can receive something, it doesn't matter! Just bring it!
Yes, after receiving a gift one must give something in return...... Excuse me/sorry, is it alright/possible to give something a bit smaller?
It's just a trend...... I don't want to cater to this trend at all.
1st Year Class 2/ Disciplinary Committee Nagumo Kaoru
Chocolate? To be honest, I don't care for Valentine's Day.
If it's necessary to send a return gift...... how is that possible!
Che, this trend is indeed sad. If you want some you aren't allowed to go buying it.
2nd Year Class 2/ Health Committee Yamazaki Susumu
If I receive chocolate, I hope to receive the type that is easy is convenient and easy to carry anywhere to replenish energy. 
Something healthy/Something good for your health. If possible it would be best to give the receiving party food with low amounts of calories.
I always think that there is something wrong when trends deviate from their original intentions....... In short, remember to brush your teeth after you finish eating.
Principal Kondou Isami: How about it? Can this be used as a good reference? I'm very curious about how much chocolate everyone will receive!
TN since I’m not really familiar with Japanese chocolate names (probably cuz the manga I read isn’t really school life oriented): 
friend chocolate translation says "友人巧克力" literally "friend chocolate". so that might mean tomo chocolate
Giri chocolate is chocolate given by women/girls to men/boys who are usually just friends. kinda in the 'thanks for taking care of me' sense
the boys/men to girls/women chocolate might refer to gyaku chocolate
honmei chocolate is chocolate given from women to their significant other usually
i had to go and look up way more info on Japanese chocolate terms than I’d like for this translation.... also i find harada’s response to Q2 very interesting :3 lol.
pic at the start is from the 10th anniversary book. be content and suffer like i have from beating black butterfly as i refrain from posting the rest of that image! also im taking out my anger from doing that stupid defeating 1000 enemies quest in fire emblem heroes by grinding rival domains on you all! so suffer! suffer as i have! mwhahahahahaaaa!
i’d say jk but im really not posting that image til way later since still have yet to crop everything from that page (im procrastinating plus my queue is full for images til the end of march xD) plus i tend to want to post my scans as grouped by original release origin, the pages they’re scanned from (only reason y that ssl pic was with the others in the last batch), or by book (or by whatever i feel like lol). will still be posting more scans later today.... and with my other translations for the foreseeable future til i run out of images that i have saved on my comp.... Also I’m really annoyed right now since my scanner isnt connecting to my laptop for some stupid reason.
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melodyalanaroster · 4 years
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Welcome To Weathering
Disclaimer: This takes place after The Implementation Of Protocol 216.
"I love you Nathaniel. Don’t ever forget that.” Alana’s voice began to waver, despite her desperate attempts to keep it steady. Nathaniel was doing everything in his power not to cry. “I promise you, I wont.” He choked. He took his jacket off, placed it around Alana’s shoulders and kissed her. “I love you more than anything in this world Alana. And when I get home, I will spend the rest of my life proving that to you.” Alana turned to Sam and Ken. “Take good care of them.” She pleaded. Sam hugged Alana. “You know damn well we will.”
The car ride to Weathering was mostly quiet. Kentin drove and did his best to catch up with Nathaniel and make small talk, but Nathaniel wasn’t having it. It was nice to see his friend again, but he was too upset over having to leave Alana. Amber attempted to apologize to Kentin and Sam for how she acted in High School, but Sam cut her off before she could finish. “If Mels believes you to be redeemed, then so do we. My sister wouldn’t forgive and protect someone like you if you hadn’t changed.” She stated. “Oh, okay.” Amber muttered and looked down. Nathaniel stared out the window. “The last time I was in Weathering, Alana was leaving for Toronto.” He thought. Sam got on her phone. “Rini? Are you near Amouria? Good. I need you to get to the Black Tower and keep Mels company. She’ll know why I sent you and will tell you if she feels like it. Because you and I both know she’s insanely stubborn and will fall back into the abyss if someone from her innermost circle isn’t there to keep her out of it. I have no idea how long. The Black Tower has plenty of spaces to do that, I’m sure Mels won’t have an issue with you using a room to perform that action. Viktor can handle that, it’s not a difficult task. Trust me, you still won’t meet Nathaniel until the moment she’s decided upon. Thanks for this Rini. No, seriously. I’m not as worried for my sister... But I do know Nathaniel will rest easier knowing that Mels is being looked after during this. Alright. Love you too. Later.” She hung up and put her phone in her lap. “So, Severina is going to be with Alana?” Nathaniel piped up. “Yeah. Trust me, if anyone can keep my sister from falling back into that pit of depression, it’s her.” Sam replied. Nathaniel continued to watch the scenery pass by. It had been forty five minutes and they still had a few minutes left of the drive before they would arrive at the Roster Family Home. “Wow, I didn’t know Weathering was so far away from Amouria. This town is so cute.” Amber commented as she watched the town begin to pass her window. “It’s gotten a few face lifts over the years. It was a bit smaller when Mels and I moved to Amouria... And even smaller when we were kids.” Sam explained. “What type of people live here?” Amber asked. “It’s a mix. Neighborhood wise, the farms are to the East, the upper class is to the West, and everyone else lives in the North And South. The Roster Family Home is to the North...” Sam explained. 
The car swiftly passed through the city and began to enter a slightly wooded area. “We’re here.” Ken stated as he pulled up to a gate and put in a pass code. As the gate opened and the car pulled through, Nathaniel and Amber looked at the house. “Woah.” Amber commented. When the car came to a complete stop, they all got out and looked around. Ken popped the trunk and Sam immediately walked up to the door, unlocked and opened it. “Come on.” Sam encouraged. Nathaniel and Amber got their bags and walked inside. “Welcome to Weathering guys. Until Purification is complete, this place is your home. You can move about freely within the city, but you cannot go to Amouria. Nathaniel, you will be in Mels’ room. I trust that you remember where it is.” Sam clarified. Nathaniel nodded and walked to Alana’s room. When he got to her door, he sighed. “It’s strange being here and not having you with me.” He muttered as he opened the door. The room was covered in geeky items. The bed was black and deep blue, like her bed in Death’s Domain. He sat his bag down on the floor and sat down on the bed. 
His mind wandered to what was going to happen. Each and every member of the Cartel was going to die. The Police Force was going to be made aware of the R.D.R’s decision, as well as why he was no longer an issue. Eric had tried to call him at least twice in the past couple of days, but he ignored him. He knew what Eric was bound to ask and say... And he really didn’t want to be interrogated again. Alana had told him that she would contact Eric and tell him everything that he needed to know. Because of Sam, Alana would have Severina to lean on during this time. He kicked his shoes off and laid down.
“Hey Nathaniel! Wake up!” Sam shook him awake. “What’s going on?” Nathaniel gasped as he sat up. “Dinner is downstairs. Come on, you need to eat.” Sam stated. “Aren’t you not allowed in here?” Nathaniel asked as he sat up. “Under normal circumstances, Mels would kill me if I came in here. But, I am allowed to come in and check on you if it involves a meal being ready.” Sam explained. Nathaniel got out of bed and followed Sam downstairs. 
Kentin had ordered take out and placed it on the table. “There’s tacos and nachos for everyone but Amber.” He stated as Nathaniel and Sam entered the room. “Thanks for the salad.” Amber did her best to smile as she sat down in front of it. “You made sure to get sweet tea, right?” Sam asked as she sat down. “Of course I did, love. Come on Nathaniel, sit down. Make yourself at home.” Ken smiled as he sat down next to Sam and motioned to Nathaniel. “How can you two eat? Knowing what Alana is doing right now?” Nathaniel asked Sam and Ken. Sam sighed. “Right now, my sister is currently watching Sailor Moon with Severina and intends on doing a live stream of some of her play through of Kingdom Hearts 3 tomorrow.” She stated. Nathaniel blinked, a little caught off guard. “What?” Ken checked his phone. “Yeah, it’s on both the Family Forum and Instagram.” Nathaniel took out his phone, checked Instagram and the Family Forum, and sighed. Sam cocked her head a little. “This isn’t the first time my sister has watched over a Purification. This is simply the only time she’s ever been the one to enact it. She doesn’t have to take part in some elaborate plan. She just can’t leave the city until it’s over.” Sam explained. “So? She’s not gonna do any of the killing? Or be present to it?” Nathaniel asked. Sam face palmed. “I know she explained this to you. YES. She will be present for the death of the final boss. Once he’s dead and Purification is officially over, she will probably come out here and pick you up herself. Geez boy. I get that you’re upset, but please don’t waste my time being dense.” Nathaniel looked at Sam, annoyed. “Do you always have to be like this?” He asked. “YES! Nathaniel! As my brother, you are entitled to being treated how I see fit to treat my siblings. When you and Mels act like dense fools, I will happily call you two out on that. For fuck’s sake! I told you the exact thing the first time you two were together! You think that’s changed? Fuck no! So, sit your ass down and eat!” Sam boomed. Nathaniel looked at Sam, shocked and sat down in front of a plate of nachos and tacos. His mind didn’t want him to eat.... It wanted him to do his best to make his way back to Amouria and make sure Alana would be okay... But, he knew Sam was right, and his stomach needed him to eat... So, much to his brain’s dismay, he began to fill his stomach.
After dinner, Sam and Amber began walking around the property, talking. Either Alana had notified her sister about Amber’s condition, or Sam had instantly recognized it herself. Nathaniel pondered as to which option was the one that took place. “Mels told us the other day about Amber’s diet.” Ken walked up behind him. “Am I really that easy to guess?” Nathaniel asked. They began walking through the house. “For the past few years, I have had to be the sane one for both Sam and Mels. You can’t do that without picking up a few tricks.” Ken explained. They began talking about some of the events of the past few years. Alana had told Nathaniel a lot, but Ken was filling in some of the blanks. The rumors of the treaty between the Military and the R.D.R were true. Alana and Sam had had a fight so vicious that the organizations made it illegal for them to ever fight as enemies ever again. Everyone hated Azrael and blamed her for worsening Alana’s depression. “I don’t need to hear your side of Azrael forcing Alana’s and my separation.” Nathaniel interrupted Ken as Ken had begun to talk about it. “Sorry.” Ken replied.
After a few minutes of walking in silence, they met up with the girls, who had also ended up walking in silence. “Hey, guys, do you think we could go into the city and wander around a bit tomorrow?” Amber asked, doing her best to break the silence. “I’d rather not.” Nathaniel stated. “Well, that decides it. We’re all going.” Sam declared. “Why?” Nathaniel asked. “Because, you’re not gonna sit around this house and mope the entire time my sister is saving your ass! There are a shit ton of things to do in this city, and frankly, it would be good for all of us to actually enjoy our time here.” Sam emphasized.
It didn’t take long for the conversation to end and Nathaniel to go back to Alana’s room. He checked social media to see if there had been any updates. Eric was still trying to get a hold of him, demanding to know the answers to several questions. “I will discuss things with him.” Alana had told him. He knew he had to have faith in her. As he logged onto the family forum, he noticed that Severina had posted a video. She and Alana were laughing and eating pizza. “Come on Mels, why can’t I meet him before that gala?” “Because! This will be the first time my best friends meet my boyfriend! It’s going to be a historic event! Not to mention how Nathaniel and I will look like royalty and be able to have a romantic dance.... We haven’t done that since Prom....” “And what about that party you two went to a while ago?” “That was different... Nathaniel pulled me into a tango, and I was wearing a dress that amounted to little more than a napkin. At the gala, he’s gonna wear a custom suit, which he looks BEYOND SEXY in, I’ll be wearing a really cool dress, and we’ll have a chance to slow dance. God, the mere thought of it is magnificent!” Alana blushed. Nathaniel chuckled. She seemed fine, but he knew that with Severina there, Alana wouldn’t get too depressed. That didn’t stop him from missing her and worrying about her.
As he took off his clothes and got into her bed, he looked at the ceiling and sighed. “This is going to be interesting.”
I had the option of keeping Nathaniel and Amber in The Black Tower, but everyone told me that it would be better to do some world building. And because of that, here we are. Nathaniel and Amber are in Weathering with Alana’s sister and Ken. This completely derails from the in game canon. I’m definitely out of my element in the sense of writing from Nathaniel’s point of view... But, I feel like it’s necessary. I was really unsure of how long this one should be, because it doesn’t go with the game canon... But, I’m happy that it’s much shorter than the other ones....
Credit goes to:
Unnieverso for the Kentin Sprite
FNAFfanart67 for the base to Sam’s sprite
andanguyen for the background
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lifeisapicnicole · 4 years
I Just Wanna Be OK
I haven’t written a blog post in about five years or so. I don’t feel especially articulate or creative today, but I’m going to try anyway in hopes that I can feel more at ease with an experience I had a few months ago. You don’t have to read it if you don’t want to; it is just freeing to put things like this out there, ya know? That’s what people do on Facebook, in case you forgot. I know that for some reason, I am drawn to writing about my mental health. After this post, I hope to explore some other topics close to my heart as well. Hopefully sooner than five years from now, but we’ll see.
Anyway, yesterday afternoon, I got my hand stuck in a door handle (excuse my klutzy ways). It jolted a memory into my brain, reminding me of the time in February when I couldn’t remember how to use a doorknob.
I posted on my Facebook around that time that I had been on an inpatient unit for worsening depression. It wasn’t my first time there, and though most stays there are difficult, this one was particularly challenging for me. Due to an accidental mix-up with my medication in addition to a UTI and severe dehydration, I...I’m actually not sure how to say this. I guess I’ll just write that I lost my brain for a little while.
I was only supposed to be there for five days (according to me). Maybe a week, tops. Unfortunately, it ended up being three weeks (according to my sister, as I couldn’t even remember how long it’d been afterwards).
I won’t bore you with the details of a typical stay, like my adventure through the emergency room or hanging out with the other patients. Nothing new there this time, either. Also, I don’t recall how to put what happened in chronological order.
I do remember my doctor telling me in the beginning that something was wrong with my heart. As always, I asked him when I would be going home. He said, “I think you need to worry more about your heart than when you’re going home.” They thought I had Long QT syndrome, but after stopping all of my medications and five more EKGs, discovered that wasn’t true. As in, sorry, never mind! Thank heavens, though, and thank you to my sister for not telling me at the time that it can cause sudden death. Geez.
Anyhoo, I don’t remember becoming so confused, but I do remember the same doctor telling me that he forgot to take out one of my medications after he added a similar one. It was an accident. My family was not happy and very, very worried. During a visit, I remember my aunt’s face looking really...something. That said, this doctor is a nice man, and I think he genuinely cared about me. That is not always the case.
As a result, I hallucinated frequently. For instance, there was a long snake wrapped around my room. One night, my mom threw a huge party in the big gymnasium aside of the unit (there is no gym there) and did not invite me. My brain found that to be rude and I could hear everyone having a great time, so I actually got out of bed and ran around the unit trying to find my mom. Another evening, I saw a heist. I could see a girl in blue paper scrubs, running down a staircase, holding a ginormous bag of money with a dollar sign drawn onto it. The police were chasing her, but it was Andy Griffith and Barney Fife. They obviously tripped over each other’s legs and didn’t catch her, which I was quite happy about. Other times, I saw a goat and Disney characters. Then one night, I heard a woman breathing very loudly outside my room. She was waiting for her “surprise” birthday party, and the other patients told me I had to make a cake. Again, I found myself running around the hallways. In the morning, I found fabric rolled up that I believe was supposed to be a pumpkin roll. I still can’t remember that actual layout of the unit, because it took so many different forms and shapes when I was there. (There’s more but this is turning out to be longer than I intended).
I lost my typical speech. My usual therapist visited me and later told me that the only word she understood was “post-it.” (I have a love of office supplies). I did not eat for an entire week and lost almost 20 pounds by the time I left. I was taken to the emergency room to get checked out and get fluids, but nobody could find a vein, even with an ultrasound. At one point, someone tried a vein in the palm of my hand, which obviously did not work. My pupils were huge for weeks; my therapist could see no blue. The techs had to point me to my room every time, and I could not remember any of their names. I couldn’t remember ANYTHING, and a week or so of that time still escapes me. I often still worry that I did or said something weird, which is likely. I feel embarrassed sometimes, even though it wasn’t my fault. But then again, I try to remind myself that if you can’t be your true self in a mental hospital, where can you?
I also had the scariest experience of my life when hallucinating. When coming back to the unit from the emergency room, I saw all of the patients staring at me (they were not). My brain told me that I had committed a horrible crime there before I left and that all of the patients hated me. I could literally hear them talking about me. I thought the police were coming any minute to take me to prison, but couldn’t remember my parents’ phone numbers to call and warn them that I’d be on the news. (I actually tried the phones over and over; I was terrified).
Whelp, that’s it! I’m doing much better now, and I would not hesitate to go back to this hospital if I had to. Thank you to the staff there for their help.
To my visitors and card senders: your faces and sweet words made my day, everyday. I read those cards over and over. Thank you for bringing me better food, particularly homemade enchiladas.
To my parents: thank you for talking to my boss and my unit social worker (I’m not biased or anything, but I do love social workers). Basically, thanks for being my advocates when I was not able to do it for myself. And, for bringing me better food, even when I couldn’t eat it.
To my sister: thank you for all that you did. People, this girl was starting a new job at the time, but still helped me with EVERYTHING. In no particular order: she packed my bag, found my glasses, set up a card shower, did my laundry, arranged a visitor for every evening, renewed my health insurance, did my car registration, bought me new clothes, braided my hair, reminded the techs to help me with a shower, and tried to find a vein. There’s more, but you get the idea. She never did find a vein, but she always finds my heart. Also, for bringing me better food even though I ended up forgetting it was there.
There. That feels better. Thank you for reading, if you still are. Peace out!
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reveriequill-rai · 4 years
Blood Candy: Chapter 3
(sorry this took so long ;u; i kinda just...forgot to post this LOL. things start getting good now i promise)
“And that’s why I’m even more sick of this vampire nonsense than usual,” I finished telling Seb. “That Oliver kid was something else. This better be a city-wide April Fool’s joke; if I hear one more thing about vampires, I will push you out of this seat and crash this car.”
“Sure you will, buddy,” Seb laughed. “Actually, no, you probably will…the second you put your hands on the wheel, this car’s gonna be like nope and crash into a building just to put itself out of its misery.” 
“Love it when my friend’s own car hates me; I must be doing something right. Now shut up and eat this candy I got from Jasper,” I sighed, lightly shoving the wrapped candy in Seb’s mouth.
“Hey don’t distract—CANDY!” Seb cried. I kid you not, he literally pulled over in order to open it, then got back on the road once it was in his mouth.
“So?” I asked. “How is it?” 
Seb nodded.
“It’s good!” he said, sucking on the candy. 
“Glad you like it.” I smiled. We sat in silence for a bit. 
“Seriously, this candy is amazing,” Seb said suddenly. His tongue--and even some of his teeth--were stained red. “Even someone who doesn’t have a sweet tooth would enjoy it! Next time you go in for an appointment, you gotta ask Dr. Kermit what’s in these and where he got ‘em.”
“I will, buddy. I will,” I said. I began to doze off as Seb was wrapping up his tangent, still a bit drained from the blood work. My nap was interrupted when I heard a car horn blare as I jolted awake to find a truck swerving out of our path.
“Dude, you good?!” I asked Seb. “You gotta be more careful, man. Geez, I shoulda never given you that candy.”
Seb didn’t say a word. I sighed and went back to my nap.
The same thing happened a few minutes later. 
“Seriously, Sebs, you gotta be careful,” I repeated. “Are you even listening to me? Helloooo?” 
Again, he didn’t speak. Once more, my attempted nap was interrupted by a car horn and a car moving out of our way. The driver in the other car yelled, “watch where you’re going!” I turned to Seb. His expression was blank, and he just kept driving. 
“Dude, you’re gonna get us in a crash!” I cried. “Screw it. Pull over! I’m calling an Uber.” 
To my surprise, he did. I got out of the car and onto the sidewalk. Suddenly, Seb’s car went forward, but I barely managed to get onto the sidewalk in time.
“WATCH IT!!” I yelled. “Are you trying to kill me?! What was in that candy, dude?!” I groaned as I ordered the Uber. Once I did, I turned to Seb, who stared at me blankly…almost longingly, actually. His mouth was open slightly, as if he were in some sort of a daze, revealing his stained teeth. The candy was a vibrant red color, but for some reason, his teeth were stained with a darker red color. It was...off-putting, to say the least, but I was far too angry at Seb to even think of it for more than three seconds. He had no right to look at me so stupidly like that without any sort of apology or explanation. He looked as if he had no clue what I meant or what he was even doing, but Seb, even in all his mindlessly idealistic, failing-at-least-two-classes glory, was much smarter than he seemed. He had to be, if he could weave together elaborate conspiracies by connecting points that were otherwise unrelated. Many of my friends were smart people--to an extent--and I intended on keeping it that way for a while.
I did notice, however, that Seb also looked rather tired all of a sudden. His skin looked just a bit paler than usual, and there were some slight bags under his eyes. It looked like he had been tearing up. This was...strange, to say the least, considering he was just as energetic and cheerful as always a few minutes ago. Why the sudden change?
“Don’t look at me like that, Sebs…” I sighed. “That candy better not be drugged. We’ll talk later…I’ll meet you at home, dude.” 
Seb drove off, but ended up just turning to park not too far from where I was. I rolled my eyes, thinking Seb probably just wanted to follow me home. 
Finally, the driver arrived and I climbed into the back seat as per usual. I greeted him, of course, but aside from that, the two of us didn’t speak to each other. 
The drive was fairly peaceful—in comparison to driving with Seb, at least—until the cab driver looked in his rear view mirror. 
“That car behind us is awfully close…” he commented. I turned around, looking out the back car window to find Seb in his car. I growled in frustration.
“He’s been acting weird today…” I said. “Just keep driving, and be careful. I’ll talk to him at—“ 
Suddenly, Seb’s car pulled up next to us on my side, blocking the entire lane. I was so startled that I nearly jumped out of my seat.
“I haven’t exactly studied the driver’s manual in a bit,” I said, “but I’m pretty sure this is a serious violation of traffic safety.” 
“You wouldn’t be far off,” he said. I looked at Seb, who was staring intently at me. At this point, the two cars were practically clashing. We stayed like this until we finally left the lane, and Seb continued to tail us home. I tried my best to ignore it; if I survived the drive then I could yell at him at home. 
“Sorry for the inconvenience,” I sighed, tipping the driver $20. “Here. For your trouble.” 
The cab driver, who already looked exhausted, gave me a smile. 
“Thanks,” he said. “Have a good day…and please deal with your friend.” 
“I will,” I replied. “You have a good day, too...or at least a better one than mine.”
 Seb got out of his car just as I got out of mine. The two of us walked back to our apartment in silence until we got home.
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Dabi || You could have aimed a bit worse
SUMMARY: You had become a detective all because of him--because he’d gone missing for years and then had come back dead, but unrecognisable. To avenge him, in some way.
And now?
Now you were desperately trying not to shoot your boyfriend on the job.
GENRE: a bit of fluff, angst and crack??
WARNINGS: swearing, very vague implied child abuse
WORDS: 2200 ish
A/N: yayay another one!! This was based/inspired by the post where A is a police/detective and B is a criminal/villain and when one of them shoots each other they’re like “I’ll never hear the end of this” but great job me I can’t find it when i need it!! I hope you enjoy and thanks for reading!!!
DISCLAIMER: all publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.
“You shot me.”
“Look, I said I was sorry!”
“It hurt.”
“I’m sorry! Geez, Dabi, it’s not like I can control where my bullets go!”
“But you could have aimed a bit worse.”
“I did! You just jumped right in the way!”
“You knew I--”
“Okay, we’re done here.” You slammed the first aid kit shut, gritting your teeth in frustration.
Your boyfriend was the most annoying prick in the world. Bleeding from the leg, bruised and battered, and still he managed to piss you off and worry you.
You shoved the kit back in its place in the cupboard, muttering profanities and justifications for yourself.
See, the thing was, you were a detective.
And your boyfriend?
One of the most wanted villains in Japan.
Oh, but then again, whose fault was that exactly?
Who was it that faked their own death? The fake death that prompted you to become a detective in the first place? The fake death that led to you becoming a notable detective in the force, as a result leading to you having amazing amounts of coincidences running into your boyfriend on the job?
That’s right. It was all your prick of a boyfriend’s fault.
Dabi entered the kitchen, lingering in the doorway as he leaned against it, giving you the smirk he knew frustrated you. And aroused you.
If only you didn’t love him. Life would be so much easier.
But of course, it had been all because of your love for him from the beginning.
You were eighteen when you’d graduated from high school. Alone. Without the presence of your best friend by your side, or in the audience.
Nineteen when you’d gone on your around-the-world trip without your best friend. The best friend you’d planned it all with.
Twenty when you’d cried at your best friend’s funeral, unaware that he was alive and breathing the same moment you felt like you were no longer alive and breathing.
Touya had been missing for a few months already. Hope had been slowly leeching out of you, life moving on even though you didn’t want it to.
In the beginning, you’d tried to get answers. Marching right up to the Todoroki estate and demanding to know where he was. You’d assumed he was staying home, maybe subject to one of his father’s cruel training sessions, maybe too lazy to get up. The school never questioned it; he was a Todoroki, eldest of the number two hero. He might as well have set the school on fire and they would have created a statue in honor of him.
His family hadn’t known anything. His mother, sickly and stressed as she was, couldn’t give you answers. She could barely even talk and that made you feel immensely guilty. It seemed just mentioning Touya was enough to set her into a trance. His sister, Fuyumi, was only thirteen at the time and you didn’t want to hurt her any more than she already was. She had been so worried, the young girl who should have only been worried about trivial childish things, like trends or exams. Not a missing sibling. Not a fractured family.
You had wanted to talk to Endeavor but the man had too much work, it seemed, to even check in with his son’s best friend. You doubted you would have been brave enough either way. You hated him, too. Touya had hinted enough that you knew what the number two hero was like behind the closed curtains. Any encounter between the two of you would not have ended well.
All you’d gathered from your demand for answers was that they had informed the police.
Yet it didn’t seem like anyone was doing anything.
It had taken another week before you declared “screw this” and had stormed back to the Todoroki estate, fury and anxiety and stress and fear for your best friend mixing in your stomach. Where was he? Where was he?
This time, Endeavor had been home.
Like you’d expected, your encounter hadn’t gone nicely.
You’d glared and screamed, but tears had blurred your vision and your voice was hoarse. You could have been just a pest in the number two hero’s eyes. You weren’t sure if the rest of the family had been there to witness it, but you’d gotten a message from Fuyumi a few hours later.
Todo Fuyu: are u okay?
Todo Fuyu: i’m sure touya-nii is fine
Todo Fuyu: pls don’t worry he wouldn’t want u to
You’d been too pissed and shocked from your outburst, adrenaline coursing through your veins to reply immediately.
Finally, you’d gone to the police.
They hadn’t been much help. In fact, they’d been even less help.
You should have realised it though. You were, after all, just a young woman inquiring about the affairs of the Todoroki family. Who were you to ask about them? They didn’t know of your connection with Touya. They’d merely told you they were doing the best they could, and had sent you on your way.
Maybe that was when you’d decided to be a detective. When you decided you wanted all the answers and you wanted them now. Though you couldn’t get them.
So you’d applied for a criminal justice course at uni, studying your ass off, graduating and finding a job.
All the while your best friend was found beyond recognition save through DNA testing, had declared him dead, attended his funeral, comforted his family, and had resolved to make sure no one else had to go through that ordeal.
Not that that was necessarily your pledge to make. You were just a detective, not a hero able to protect citizens on the larger scale.
But you didn’t want anyone else to face the years of waiting you’d done.
Your passion and work had paid off though and you were steadily promoted in the first few years of your career, a genius in how dedicated and determined you were.
It shouldn’t have surprised you that you were appointed as one of the supporting detectives in the investigation of the League of Villains, working closely under a lot of senior detectives as well as one called Detective Tsukuachi.
At first you had been apprehensive. Taking on the job was something big, huge, for you. You’d only aimed to be a small-time detective, helping missing people cases and working with families.
But since the League of Villains were a massive issue, you took it anyway. If they had offered it to you, you must have been able to offer something back, right?
You just hadn’t thought the League of Villains themselves would have had something to offer you.
Whether they knew it or not.
“L/N-san--they’re coming your way!” Takeo, a colleague of yours currently sitting inside the surveillance room, yelled through the comms. “Be care--”
“I know!” You hissed back, crouching behind the corner. God god god--oh god why were you here? Why did they have to be so close? You had no backup and no one was able to get to your position anytime soon and the most dangerous members of the League of Villains were heading your way?
You were so going to die.
You heard them before you saw them. Clearly they didn’t bother with stealth when they had the raw power of Dabi’s flames and the fighting skills of Toga and Twice. Your had nothing on them--your weaponry and quirk not strong enough.
You just had to make it count.
You tensed, lowering just a bit, ready to pounce and shoot when--
“L/N wait!” You froze, heart hammering. What now? “They’re splitting up! Dabi heading your way--” Seriously? It couldn’t have been Toga or Twice heading your way--maybe you could have fought one of them off, maybe you could have survived. But no, it just had to be the man with the flames that rivaled Endeavor’s himself. “--coming in--” Crackling. “L/N--”
“Takeo? Takeo--?”
What the hell?
You fingered your comm, panic rising. When that yielded no results, you glanced at the security camera high up in the corner of the hallway you were in. It wasn’t on. Or, it wasn’t on anymore.
What had they done?
“What do we have here?”
You jerked back around, lifting your gun and wasting no time as you pulled the trigger. You’d learnt long ago to never hesitate.
You weren’t able to see if you’d hit him, as there was a burst of hot blue flames and you were flung backwards, hitting the door you’d been guarding--the escape route that was the one you’d all deemed the most unlikely one they’d use. Of course the universe hated you.
You swore, scrambling for the gun blindly. The flames had damaged your vision temporarily; everything was bright, too bright.
You couldn’t die. You couldn’t. You couldn’t you couldn’t you couldn’t--
The flames died down and your vision darkened--oh god he was right in front of you!
“I suggest you move out of the way--”
He stopped. Something must have surprised him.
That was enough for you to grab the gun and slam it into what you hoped was his face.
Your vision was still blurry but you stood up, backing away to the other side, gun poised and ready to shoot. But you didn’t know where he was and you weren’t sure if you were meant to kill him. They were needed for questioning; if you could capture him alive, you’d all be able to question them thoroughly. The potential--
He moved so fast you had no time to react.
Who said that? Why…
Why did they sound so familiar?
“Get away from me!” You screamed, flailing as hands twisted your wrists until you were forced to drop the gun. You blinked, head aching but finally, finally, you could see properly.
See into beautiful half-lidded turquoise eyes that you knew.
Oh god.
You were speechless. He…
He looked like Touya.
Or, at least, the eyes were Touya’s. The hair was not your best friend’s red, the face scarred and bleeding--
And still Touya’s.
Still Touya’s. But older.
“No.” You breathed, shaking. “No!”
Because this wasn’t real. This couldn’t have been real.
Touya was dead.
You’d seen the body. Seen it and--
And had wondered how that charred person could have been the best friend you’d loved so dearly.
“Stop and look at me,” He demanded--did his voice crack?--, but he didn’t loosen his grip. No doubt you would have freaked out again.
You tried to stop. Tried to breathe and think again. But god--this wasn’t real, was it?
Was it?
“It’s me, Y/N. It’s…” He paused, jaw clenching. “You know who I am.”
You froze, eyes widening.
Then narrowing because, “No I don’t. I don’t know who you are! I don’t know and I don’t--I don’t...I can’t,” You hissed, breath heaving. “You’re...You’re dead.”
And you sobbed then, just once, because you were still on the job and now you could both hear others approaching. From the sounds of it, it was your colleagues--Takeo’s voice rising over the top, yelling to find you and find you fast.
Dabi--Touya?--let you go then and swiftly jumped back, eyes on you the whole time as he opened the door to the outside.
He opened his mouth to say something, then closed it, subtly shaking his head as he leaned outside, ready to leave but no--not yet.
You had to know. Just in case.
You leapt forward, grabbing his coat just before he was out of reach, breathlessly asking the question you weren’t sure you wanted to know the answer to;
“Is it really you?”
He didn’t turn around, but his head bobbed--yes. “I’ll come back, don’t worry your cloudy head, alright, Y/N?”
You let go then, a smile involuntarily forming on your lips.
Because ‘Cloudy head’ was your nickname. The nickname formed because you were always up in the clouds, dreaming of travelling around the world. The reason why you’d both planned a trip together, both dreaming of being free.
You couldn’t see his face, but you swore he smiled too.
“I’m sorry for shooting you,” You whispered above your boyfriend’s head as he slept.
God, you could be such a sap at night. You had both had the conversation; conversation where you two had agreed that it was alright, even if one of you hurt the other, as much as you both fretted whenever it happened. Deep down, you knew he was alright and just messing with you.
But you were really sorry you had shot him. Words couldn’t explain just how much you’d panicked after seeing Dabi fall off the ledge, knowing your bullet had pierced him--but how deeply? How you had been barely able to function and report properly afterwards, being forced to write the words ‘shot the villain Dabi’ on yours.
You slowly slid back down onto the bed, a weight being lifted off your shoulders at seeing him breathing steadily, knowing he was still alive.
You were just about to shut your eyes when he turned, his frustrating-as-hell smirk on his frustratingly-attractive face.
“You still could have aimed a bit worse, you know?”
You glared at him. And promptly turned around, back facing towards him.
Of course, it wasn’t to hide the smile that spread across your face as you heard his deep chuckle and felt his arms wrap around you or anything.
No, of course it wasn’t.
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fymagnificentwomcn · 5 years
What do you think about sanavber's portrait in the show also about her relationship with murat ? since she obviously didn't care about him at all while he was truly "fascinated" by her and clearly she deserved a better ending too lol murat was quite sad when he heard about what happened to her from farya
I talked about this in detail here: http://fymagnificentwomen.tumblr.com/post/180145301588/sanavber-wins-actually-lol-he-was-picturing-her
Yeah, she clearly didn’t care about him at all, but I’m afraid we really didn’t see her truly caring about anyone or any cause, and that’s the biggest problem.
Murad was clearly very strongly attracted to Sanavber physically, it clouded his brain so much that he dismissed that she had tried to stab him, and you know Murad - he does not take anything lightly, especially something like that lmao. I’m ok with Murad not being really in love with any of his women, but I’d love to see more of some companionship with Ayşe (have to admit they really looked like a cute family in scenes with Ahmed and Hanzade) and perhaps some hot, but purely physical attraction-based relationship with Sanavber. And of course for Sanavber to be more than just a cardboard villain for Farya to beat. Her death truly made her look again just like an obstacle intended solely for cheap removal instead of a flesh-and-blood character.
The scene when Farya speaks how much she loves him and how much she has sacrificed for him, while he just looks bored, does not reply to her at all, and then sees Sanavber in his head.. speaks all about Murad and his relationships with his women tbh.
Props to Ayşe for realising his destructive nature. I genuinely felt sorry for Farya when Murad tried to execute her and was willing to root for her in now coming to terms with the true nature of their relationship as well as his true nature - but her speech was again just one of many “grand speeches” put in her mouth that in the end was just an artificial way to again prop her up as some grand heroine, and this whole speech was ultimately placed in vacuum. It was arguably her best scene and it’s good that she expressed her pain and anger, but TBH Ayse’s farewell letter talked about same issues, but was so much more heartfelt and natural. While Farya did seem scared of Murad afterwards, the thing that occupied her brain mostly was… fighting with Sanavber. Her reaction to Sanavber telling her Murad treats her EXACTLY like he treated Ayşe and that it should be a lesson for her..again, Farya just puts on her smug face and is “I’m not like Ayşe, I’m sultan’s Murad’s LEGAL WIFE”. Geez, gurl. No change, no character development from “I’m not a slave, I don’t build on delusions”…Well, except you do. Same mentality like Atike. Even a very painful occurrence cannot open your eyes and bring about some self-reflection and self-awareness. [And don’t forget Murad with “It’s my mum who is my enemy, not myself” and “It’s ALL my mother’s fault” until the very end]. SAME. EXACT. MENTALITY (that I’ll explore even more later).
And I hate how some people called Sanavber whore, even before he actual apperance in the show… same about calling Farya whore because of sleeping with Murad without wedding.. like STOP.
To sum up, Murad didn’t deserve both Ayse and Farya tbh and all pairings with him in the show were a disaster, except for Murad/ Musa ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)“.
- Joanna
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Idolish7 17 | Hinamatsuri 8 | Boueibu HK 8 | BnHA 46 | MSO 9 | Rokuhoudou 8 | Code:Realise 13
Idolish7 17 (FINAL)
The culture clash here is hilarious! It’s pretty obvious this unknown guy is Douglas, though.
I can’t believe they’re doing these songs! I’ve known about these songs for a while, since they made waves a few years back – I think Memories Melodies’s music video was animated by Studio Bones and Leopard Eyes by NAZ.
Come to think of it, they never really show idol shows from the fans’ perspective, so this girl’s shots (Aya’s?) are a new thing for the entire genre…
Huh? Wait…this is the real Aya! Oh my gosh!
Well, that’s the end of another show. See you around.
Hinamatsuri 8
Where is “home” for Hina, though?
Geesh, the continuity on this show…what they’re saying right now means the opening of the episode was in medias res, dangit. Stop being so confusing.
I don’t really care about Ikaruga, I care about the “Standing Sushi Bar” in the back more…sorry, Ikaruga.
A few episodes, Hina really was homeless…hmm, continuity’s back in action here.
“Hurray for Psychic Powers” – I was reminded of a book that once appeared in Kado. Unfortunately, that book’s name is Ningen Manzai with all kanji, so it’s not a very close reference if it’s intended to be one…
“Ma Monthly” – Well, wouldn’t you know it? Boueibu collabs mean something here! See, this magazine is a parody of Monthly Mu, which (for some arbitrary reason) decided to team up with Boueibu back in 2016. Hinamatsuri even parodies the magazine’s logo properly! Amazing!
More namahage gags. C’mon, they wouldn’t escape me. They’ve been appearing for a while now, those.
Last time an anime character had a master the same age…*thinks back* That would be Ore Monogatari, with Saijou! Man, that was a while ago. If you don’t count the “same age” bit though, you have OPM and BnHA, which are a lot more fresh.
Jojothan’s (sic)? Is that a Jojo reference, a Johnath…aww, it doesn’t seem to exist. Dangit.
Hitomi’s going to take the dog in, isn’t she?
Even Hina’s shirt says “byebye”…geez, this is kinda saddening already.
Now Hina’s shirt says “sayonara”…why did they poke a hose through her nose, anyway? It made me laugh, sure, but…it’s stupid anyway.
What does Hinamatsuri do without “Hina”, anyway?
Oh, so that’s the significance of that part (post-credits sequence, ep 1)! I didn’t like that part, so I wished to never see it again, but now that it has some significance…it can stay.
I don’t think I’ve seen that image of Nitta with the hand to his head, with the vases on the side before…it must be new.
Normally Hina’s in the seat next to Nitta, right? Oh dear. Also, Utako’s missing and you can see Nitta’s sister in the bar shot as well. The rock singers who wanted to go to the Budokan with Hina are in the back, too, although there may be some people I don’t recognise in the bar shot as well…
Jinsei wa Survival = Life is Survival, not Life is About Survival…
Boueibu HK 8
Summer episode! At least it doesn’t sound as bad a fanservice episode than episode 7 did…(for Astral’s sake)
Karurusu brought back En’s old “What did you say?!”, but now there’s a rakugo background! (small LOL)
I can’t believe Manza tried to push his glasses up in the bath (LOL). Is this what glasses-wearers have to go through?
These seem a little too specific…and to Wakura’s sadistic taste for that last one…to be anything Kyoutarou thought up on his own. (i.e. They probably actually happened.)
Huhhhhhh…I think we finally had an actual woman appear on this show…amazing! (The Osomatsus’ mother, she has a name but I forgot what her name is.) Must be Osomatsu-kun from the ‘60s or ‘80s though, because that sure as heck ain’t the “gets episode 1 pulled from Crunchyroll” Osomatsu-san. I watched the entire season one of that thing, remember?
That dot point looks like a shell for some reason. It’s just two circles put together though. My brain must be in a summer mood from the episode, eh?
I know there’s one jellyfish where you have to cure the sting by peeing on it…oh sorry. I’m falling into Mahou Shoujo Ore’s “crass jokes” trap…
Dougo…likes natto? Weird. Plain weird.
I almost thought they were going to go camping just to fulfil the gap left by YuruCamp, but I guess the audience for YuruCamp and Boueibu doesn’t really cross over. I’m such an anomaly in that case, huh? I still want to know Pinecone-chan’s VA, come to think of it…
Like, c’mon! I can’t even break down that joke (Rashio Taison), it’s too obvious from looking at his name in furigana!
So Rashio is like the snowman from season 2…and the volleyball guy from season 2…maybe Kurotori? I don’t remember his school circumstances anymore…
They used CGI on the plane…? If they did, I barely noticed it until I played the scene again.
Oh wait, that’s a Studio Comet plane…ahaha…(look at Studio Comet’s logo for the joke explanation)
*crashes head on wall* Martha Shirahone…*eyes blank*…Martha Shirahone…Martha’s a girl’s name!!! Does that mean Astral wins?! My pride and the Boueibu status quo have both been wrecked if Martha (sic) really is on the non-binary spectrum…and it’s not some weird Engrish typo…Poor boy though, he spent 4 years depriving himself of one of his favourite things to prevent himself from being teased. (Okay, this “Martha” spelling’s going to annoy me for a while, so I’m going to revert back to “Maasa”…)
Interestingly, Maasa seems to be using a standard vinyl umbrella and not a “student-council-worthy” one. Update: Nope, this one’s sanctioned by the British Royal Family.
Eh? What’s with this monster’s face? He doesn’t have one, does he? I know what the kanji on his face is, but…I think this might be a first. A monster without a face whatsoever.
Is it just me, or did they get CGI for those clouds as well…?
Wait, so even Karurusu is against the idea of fighting this monster? Mr Enthusiastic’s kinda selfish, eh?
Kyoutarou’s still wearing his school swimsuit. But this definitely reminds me of Dark Aurite with the lip coloration...
Wakura so obviously followed Ryoma’s voice instead. It’s pretty much what Astral termed a “nutshot” for MSO ep 8, only it’s…meant to be kinky (I’m not feeling it, y’know?). I’m just vaguely miffed right here that they could be trying to put a cheap joke in Boueibu.
Ooh, nagashi somen with its bamboo…thingy…looks cool. Oh, but Ibusuki…no wonder Ata likes this kind of noodles.
Karurusu’s flag says “summer” on it.
It’s a bit blurry, but the bus says “campground” as its destination.
I wonder if that “spirit of fear” thing was a joke? I’ll come back and find it later. Update: There’s no joke there in Japanese…the word for “spirit of fun” sounds like kyuuki and then “spirit of fear” is just dokidokishiteru (which is just a word for the heart pounding, suggesting nervousness in this case).
Hey, someone (Ryoma) noticed Taishi’s angry outbursts for once!
What, the monster has a mouth, so he does kind of have a face…? (I’m confused…what constitutes “face” with this guy anyway?)
Karurusu…he dab! (…Kind of.)
Full transformation sequence again…*sigh*
Noticeably, you can only see Ryoma nodding when the Rajio Taiso monster asks if you can do rajio taiso outside of summer. I’d assume this is because Ryoma’s the one with the grandpa who does it all year round, but it might just be a space constraint. You never know with these things.
There’s another pun I need to go back to – “I feel radio calis-cleansed”. That can’t have worked in Japanese…Update: Uh, there was actually one here. It seems to be a pun on taiso.
Aw, Rashio’s so happy. Even if I think the staff have reached a new low with the “petty” on the monsters this time around, just seeing that smile lights up my face too.
Why do I feel a Madoka moment coming on right here with Karurusu’s promise?
It’s a Kagerou Project-style time loop, but for August 31st! Yikes! This is going to get confusing…
Yeah, it’s better not to think about time loops, Kyoutarou. You’re right.
Is “firework” a verb? Or is that wasei-eigo? Or slang? Or both? More things to not think about there…methinks. Update: Dougo says “hanabi taikai shimashou!” (literally “let’s do a fireworks tournament!”), so it’s not wasei-eigo, nor is it a verb. It’s just an unconventional subber’s choice.
They censored a big sign in the preview! But Crunchyroll doesn’t have episode 9 yet because of the French Open! Dangit!
I love how the blue bars randomly go “La la la laaaaa!”…LOL. But it also says “they find party dice in the clubroom…” (because it’s bushitsu kara dete kita no wa party saikoro).
BnHA 46
“Those acts are the same as those of villains.” – Actually, that would be the acts of vigilantes…*thinks about the Vigilantes manga*
Because Kouta’s letter was in hiragana, I could understand most of it…eh, my skills are pretty shabby after all. I couldn’t even understand the last line much.
“like a pair of tight jeans” – LOL, Best Jeanist seems to love a good jeans pun, eh?
Come to think of it, Gran Torino doesn’t have a number to his hero status, right? He’s just an ol’ fart after all, even if he’s mighty skilled.
We haven’t seen Mt. Lady or Shinrin Kamui (“Forest Kamui” would probably be his English name, but it’s in katakana…and it sounds stupid, to boot) in a while, come to think of it.
I didn’t think Iida was going to go with them! Wow, what a twist!
I always thought having two Kirishimas in the same season was funny enough (Ryoma from Boueibu and Eijirou).
Kamino? Because the subbers spelt it with a C, that seems like it should be a reference for some reason…Update: Yep, it is!
What’s up with the roses around Todoroki? Are you trying to make the fangirls squeal like this is some shoujo manga? Yeah, right! (laughs in the background anyway)
Aizawa looks really different in a suit…hmm, I normally like men in suits but I’m kinda iffy on suit!Aizawa. *ponders for a second* I prefer his old style more, actually.
Noticeably, Michiru uses koitsu (“this guy”) to refer to Ore. It does tell you something about how Michiru views her enemies.
What’s up with Mohiro in a dress? Princess Peach parody?
Even Saki’s ahoge goes “Oh!”, LOL!
A heart shake for the yuri fans…and stupid glasses for my entertainment. (Thank goodness you’re still catering towards me, show…)
That joke about murdering Hyoue completely went over my head…I get what it was trying to do, but…not funny, man. Not funny.
Michiru uses the –ssu ending that Dougo and Yumoto use, too…
Oh…dear. I think we have more than enough of the word “Happy” with Happy Kiss…now this mascot, too???
I thought Hyoue’s surname was “Kuroda”? Or is that just my imagination? Update: It seems I made it up…
U-Uh, hey…so this was their real intention with those eyecatches, huh? Another “draw me like one of your French girls” memes is in order! Wait, but Ruka’s magical girl form isn’t doing the right pose…aww.
It seems Ruka isn’t into the Magical Girls (it’s implied she’s into Michiru instead), but Michiru’s into Ore…just as Astral guessed.
If that sentence didn’t make sense, it wasn’t meant to! It was just a bunch of long English words thrown together…although “jihad” certainly isn’t English. I wonder if any religious people will get angry at that word being used so casually, though? (I didn’t expect to laugh so hard at these guys. Konami’s my favourite character – of course he is, considering the karaoke episode - but I think I have an appreciation for these guys now.)
LOL, me and Astral like to complain about how thinking up new attack names takes an hour or so…so we totally know your feel, Michiru.
If you look at the scene where PRISMA are shown to attack, it says bokasuka, which apparently means “lots of hits and punches in succession”. It’s basically like subbing it “fistfight!”, “kapow!” or something.
Happy-chan doesn’t even have a body in tiny form!!! What??? (LOL)
Can we please stop with the montages?! A show is better when people bother to animate stuff, alright?!
Happy-chan went “doukashira?” (-kashira is a female sentence ending) which made me laugh because it’s a contrast to that head of his.
Happy-chan doesn’t even have hands…I’m not sure how he’s meant to live like that, y’know?
That catchphrase has less impact the second time around, it seems.
Hmm…so it was actually foreshadowing for Michiru’s love, huh? I thought it was pandering to tsundere stereotypes…
As much as I laughed at the ol’ kick to the face, are Happy and Kokoro really brothers? Or is this just filler after all?
Oh, this new ED is “We’re Not Magical Girls” by the Mahou Shoujo unit (Saki/Sakuyo)!
You can spot a tiny magical girl figurine with pigtails on Yamo’s desk if you watch at the right time.
PRISMA’s song is called “Love/Attack!”
They actually got a next episode preview narrated by demons?! (LOL) This is a new level of weirdness, and I’m actually glad to have heard it with my own ears (because I’m trembling with laughter right now because of it). But…they talk at the end! They can speak?! Whatttttttt?!
Rokuhoudou 8
Gure’s got stud earrings. Don’t think I’ve noticed them before…
It appears to be a florentine and not a “florentin” like the subs say. It is just missing an “e” though…
Happy, happy! I think Karurusu got me into the spirit of being happy all the time…or at least happier than I used to be, anyway.
Seriously, this middle school kid acts like a Boueibu monster, it’s hard not to make a comparison.
Gure’s so goofy, I’m laughing as much as I normally do for Boueibu or MSO…Rokuhoudou isn’t normally like this, that’s all.
“good way to sober up” – It sure doesn’t seem that way for Tsubaki, though…poor soul.
That style with the lips…it’s so un-Rokuhoudou, and yet it still works! I can’t think of what it reminds me of, though, because it seems to remind me of another anime or manga and I can’t put my finger on it. Update: Maybe MSO? That’s the closest thing I can think of that matches right now.
Hey, come to think of it, doesn’t this guy look like Shishigami from Inuyashiki? Their outlook on life is mostly the same, too! (from what little I know about Shishigami in passing)
Uh…Gure? Didn’t anyone teach You about stranger danger?!
The delinquents…are in the duck boating club?! Well, that was a surprise…
This pretty much became my favourite episode, even though Tokitaka’s still my fave Rokuhoudou boy, LOL.
Code:Realise 13
Since I don’t know whether to denote this as the final episode or not, I won’t note it as anything…
Isn’t Cardia Lupin’s girl? Hands off, Impey!
The newspaper Herlock’s holding has an ad for animators…wuh? In the Code:Realise Victorian era? No way, Jose!
3 notes · View notes
forkanna · 6 years
NOTE: So this is the last chapter before the epilogue! Some of you will be sad about that, some will just be glad this loooong fanfic is finally at its close. But yeah, stay tuned for the epilogue, and I hope you all find it satisfying and/or entertaining!
ALSO, this is going to be the first of 8 solid days of Hanukkah updates! How, you may ask? Well, I had another fic I've been tinkering with that is 6 chapters long. Adding this chapter, and a chapter of Precious Little Knives, that's 8 little Hanukkah presents for everyone! Later this month, I'll also be posting something on the first day of Yule and also on Christmas. This is my favourite time of year, after all!
The final goodbye speech and prayer were at noon at next day. With how little sleep she and Elsa got, Anna was practically a zombie, zoning in and out while Father Frollo's monotone voice rambled on about community building and God and how happy he was to to have seen another group of faces come to the camp to grow. Despite the cold and severe look on his face when he spoke. The ceremony went on for a good hour and it was only thanks to the occasional sharp jab to the ribs from Elsa's elbow that Anna even kept awake through it.
The exhaustion only helped the feeling of sadness dampen her mood. Despite everything, she had a great time and it was horrible that she had to leave not only her sister, but also her new friends behind, as well.
"Oh, don't be so glum," Elsa tried to tell her as they made their way slowly back to the cabins, even though she herself didn't look entirely happy. But at least she was smiling, unlike Anna. "Now we will share a lifetime of the fondest memories."
Anna regarded her sister briefly before humoring her with a small smile back. "You're right." She bumped Elsa playfully with her hip. "So many very fond memories. I'm just a little sad that it has to end…"
"I know. But… well, think of it another way. This is the beginning of everything else." Her eyes held a million secrets, and they were all meant for her sister alone. Anna couldn't keep the grin from making its way onto her face before she placed a chaste kiss on Elsa's cheek.
"Yes, it is. And hopefully, you and I will be together again in a few months, and then I'm never leaving your side ever again." She laughed softly. "Does that make me sound clingy?"
Elsa made sure to kiss Anna's cheek back before she whispered, "Yes." They both shared a laugh this time. "But it's alright. I think after being completely separated for five years, you have the right to cling for a bit."
"Good." Anna reached out to loop their arms together and pressed close to her older sister's side. "Because I don't ever intend to leave this spot!" She gave a resolute nod before giving Elsa a coy smirk and a raised brow. "Want to try for a quickie before we go? As a parting gift?"
There was a low rumble from Elsa that definitely sounded like it would lead to another "Yes". However, all she had time to do was nuzzle Anna's neck and hum before they heard a knock at the door. So instead, she called out, "Who is it?"
"Me!" said Rapunzel as she creaked the door open. Though Anna and Elsa broke apart, it had been very obvious what they were doing just before they did, and their friend's reaction showed. She swallowed hard and ducked her head down between her shoulders. "O-oh, I- sorry, I thought- I didn't m-mean…"
"It's fine, Punzie!" Anna rushed to say before her friend ran off completely. If this was her last chance to see her friend, she was determined to take the bull by the horns. "Come on in, what's up? Can we get you anything? Juice, water… money?"
Her head shook, and she looked like she wanted to say more but didn't. After a moment, Elsa prompted her, "Would you like to come in so we aren't overheard? It might be less… uncomfortable for you." She did, pressing back against the door to shut it. "There. Now, what's… wrong? Or is nothing wrong?"
"Not really, but, I… well, I thought I'd come see you off."
Anna smiled and sat down on her bed, gesturing to the only chair in the room for Rapunzel to sit. "Thanks, Punzie," she said sincerely. "How are you getting home? Someone coming to get you?"
"Uh-huh. My mom. B-but before I left…" She took a deep breath in, letting it out very slowly. "I wanted to say I'm sorry."
The sisters exchanged an uncertain glance. "Um… okay," Elsa eventually said. "Sorry for what?"
"Being upset, and weird about this. Like… okay, I still don't think it's right, but I also see how much you two love each other. And that's so important! And the Bible tells us not to judge, to leave that up to Him, right? S-so I really shouldn't be… mad, or scared, or whatever it was I was feeling!" She took a couple more breaths, fingers fidgeting in front of her stomach. "Anyway, sorry for being so weird. What you two do alone is n-none of my business."
Anna bit her lip, unsure exactly what to say. While her heart soared at Rapunzel's apology and the sting of her initial rejection eased, it was clear by Rapunzel's demeanor and the way she flinched and her voice wavered that she still wasn't comfortable around the sisters anymore. She wanted to hug the brunette, because Rapunzel really had become such a dear friend to her over the past few weeks, but that probably wouldn't go over very well.
"Thank you so much for the apology, Punzie… I- I appreciate it and…" She paused her and closed her eyes. "I- I know that… you probably don't really want it, but I'd like to give you my phone number. So we can keep in touch if you want? Because I really care about you and I would love to talk to you and hear you ramble about Flynn and your life and-" She knew she was spinning out of control, but she found herself unable to stop. A few tears spilled over. "And I th-think you're an amazing person and I would still love to be your friend and-"
She stuttered to a halt when a gentle hand rested on her shoulder. "Anna," Elsa whispered, squeezing gently. Then she turned to the other girl. "She'd like to keep in contact. You could get her number and then later decide what to do with it."
A little squeaked "oh!" popped out of her mouth before she smiled. "S-sure! I'm just surprised you'd want to after…" Shrugging off her own nerves, she reached into her pocket for her phone. "Well, hey, this has probably been a really eye-opening camp for all of us! Guess we should just let go and let God, right?"
The redhead grinned weakly as she took Rapunzel's phone, typing in her number before handing it back and pulling Rapunzel into a tight hug. "I'm so glad you're not mad!" After a brief moment, she hugged back with a huge sigh of relief. They stayed like that for nearly a minute before Anna finally pulled away.
"We're okay then?" she asked hopefully.
"Yeah. I mean, it's still gonna be pretty crazy for me to think about… y'know, you two, but I'm done letting that stop me from being friends with you. Because I know in my soul that you're a blessing, Anna. Really." Then she turned to Elsa and awkwardly added, "A-and you, too! Of course!"
"It's fine," she chuckled, waving her hand back and forth. "I'm aware that you forged a bond with her first and we haven't spoken much."
Anna giggled, "I'm not so sure about your bond with Punzie being any weaker than mine though, Mommy." She chanced a playful tease before slinging her arms around both girls. Anna was over the moon with warmth and delight and her smile reflected that with how widely it was spread. Of course, Punz ducked her head and let out a long, mortified groan, collapsing against the two of them.
"Please don't tell anybody? Geeze Louise, I don't even know why I said that…"
"Maybe Mommy will have you massage her feet again soon," Elsa teased, prompting a deeper groan. Anna giggled and squeezed both women.
"We should all have a Skype night or something, play some Uno or poker again. You can even invite Flynn!" the redhead suggested. "I'd love to meet him."
That got her to smile again, even though her cheeks were still glowing with embarrassment. "Okay! I've never done that online, but it sounds neat!" Anna quickly pulled away from the two so she could rummage about for a scrap of paper and a pen. It took her a few minutes but it wasn't long before she was handing off her email address and her phone number to the brunette. She also put Elsa's number on there for good measure.
"Okay, so if you find someone on Skype named Feisty Pants- Lover of Sandwiches, that's me. My friend Kristoff changed it on me and I never got around to changing it back."
"Um, cool," she half-laughed, looking down at it. "And… thanks for like, giving me time to kind of separate 'sin from sinner', as we keep saying around here. This just wasn't anything I expected to, y'know… have to process while at camp. Or at all. But that's on me, not you two."
Anna pulled her into another hug. "Thank you for understanding, Rapunzel," she murmured. "I know it must have been hard but I'm so happy that you can look past the 'we're terrible people who are sinning' bit and just… understand that me and Elsa are in love."
"Well, I mean… if you're going to be like that, I guess at least you're not just doing it for kicks!" Her laughter was a little unhinged but at least she was laughing. Elsa patted her shoulder as they hugged, hoping to add to the warmth of the moment. When she did pull back, she sighed and said, "Well… I guess we better get going. Camp's over! Again…"
Anna slumped and gave her older sister a pout, but she eventually pulled away from her friend and stepped back to stand at Elsa's side. "Are you all packed up and ready to go?" she asked Rapunzel.
"Yep! Tried to make sure I was before I came here." Then she hugged her new friends. Again. "Talk to you soon?"
"Of course," Elsa promised, embracing her back.
"If you want, call me sometime next week," Anna offered. "Let me know what's up."
"That'd be super awesome!" Skipping back out the door, she called over shoulder, "Bye, Anna, bye, Elsa!"
After waving to her retreating form, Elsa shook her head and chuckled. "At least she didn't call me 'mommy' again while shouting it that way."
"I think you would have secretly loved it if she did," Anna teased her sister, leaning in and planting a few soft kisses in Elsa's neck. "Or maybe I should say that next time we're doing the naughties together." she gave Elsa a flirtatious grin. "What do you think, mommy?"
But the way Elsa's lip curled made it clear that was not something she was interested in. However, she was diplomatic enough to say, "Well… if you want to, I suppose it would be alright. Just don't start asking for me to change your diaper or anything."
Anna chuckled softly and kissed Elsa's lips lightly. "Never change, Sis," she hummed cheerfully. "I love you so much and I never want you to change." Filled with warmth and mirth towards the woman in her arms, Anna couldn't resist the urge to kiss her again… and again. And Elsa didn't try to resist, either.
Not long afterward, they were packed and ready to go. Instead of immediately sweeping off to the other campers, they spent a moment or two on the bed, simply lying in each other's arms. The kisses and heat, exploring bodies, had become less important than pure closeness in these final moments.
"I wish we didn't have to part ways at all," Elsa finally whispered, voice tight. Anna snuggled closer and sighed, closing her eyes and taking in Elsa's everything. Her scent filled the redhead with a sense of calmness that soothed the dark cloud of their inevitable separation looming over their heads.
"Me either," she murmured. "But it won't be forever and we'll still be able to call and Skype." Even as she said it, she gripped Elsa a little tighter, and she hugged back with equal enthusiasm. This wasn't going to be easy, but they could survive it.
Then it was time to meet their parents. The dreaded moment.
It was Anna who reluctantly pulled away first, giving Elsa a kiss on the cheek before getting up. "Papa said he'll be here around three… We should get going." A quick glance at her watch confirmed that she had fifteen minutes to get her and her belongings to the parking lot.
"Yeah." That was all Elsa said; there wasn't much more to say. But once they got to the door, she laid her hand upon Anna's to delay her. "Sister?"
"Yeah?" Anna rested her own hand gently over top of Elsa's and turned her head towards her. The blonde fidgeted for a moment, then shrugged and leaned over to kiss her nose.
"Just wanted one more moment with you. To kiss you goodbye before we can't." Anna beamed.
"One more proper kiss then?" she asked. "For the road?"
Elsa didn't seem to have any qualms. Her hands immediately lifted to cup either side of Anna's face, taking her lips with reckless abandon. Anna kissed back just as eagerly, letting out a little moan before slipping her tongue into Elsa's mouth. Anna never wanted it to end. And neither did Elsa, if the echoing moan was any indication. But eventually, she did draw back, breathless as she sniffled to stem the tears that had begun to fall somewhere during their moment.
"It's alright. We… we'll be fine. And I'll come visit you soon!"
Anna bit her lip, her own tears falling as she reached up to gently wipe her older sister's away. She reached out and pulled her into another hug. "We'll be fine," she echoed, choking up. Elsa patted her on the back as they embraced, nuzzling into her neck. Anna laughed softly through the tears. "We're never going to leave at this rate," she pointed out, hugging Elsa tighter. "Can't you just...come with us?" Despite knowing the answer, Anna couldn't keep the tiny sliver of hope from creeping into her voice.
"Afraid not," she told her gently. "I… have to go home and face the music. But depending on how that goes, you may see me before the summer has truly ended."
"Mom wouldn't disown you," Anna pointed out. "She gave up on me because I've been living with Dad. She'll be mad about you lying about me and probably be in denial and try to convince you that it's just my bad influence rubbing off on you." Immediately, a huge sigh came from Elsa's mouth, and she looked away. Then she turned back and cupped Anna's cheek.
"She won't fool me twice, Anna. Don't worry."
"I know." Anna gripped the hand on her cheek and caressed it with her thumb, smiling at Elsa. "We're together forever now." She turned her head to plant a soft kiss on Elsa's palm before pulling away again. "Come on, we really have to go now. At this point, I'm pretty sure we'll just stay here forever if we don't leave now."
"Would that really be so bad?" But before Anna could answer, she turned their hands so they both opened the door together.
It didn't take terribly long for them to trek across the campgrounds to the parking lot, even with their luggage in tow. A few late-leaving campers waved, as well as some of the counselors. Even Belle, whom had seemed standoffish at the best of times. Anna waved back at all of them, swinging her and Elsa's connected hands gently with every step they took. Despite being the one to push them into leaving the cabin, Anna still wasn't in much of a rush to part ways.
"Miss Anna! Miss Elsa!" Olaf bounced up and down excitedly, waving his arm from where he was standing next to Mark and who Anna presumed were their parents. The father especially looked exactly like the two boys but the mother was the one who was giving them Olaf's signature earnest, near-goofy grin. "Thank you so much for the great summer!"
"Of course," Elsa chuckled gently immediately, waving animatedly from where they stood. "See you next year!"
"See you next year! Make good choices!" Olaf answered back happily before he and Mark were led away by their suddenly sheepish father.
The parting sentiment made Anna burst into giggles. "I'm going to miss that kid."
"Yeah, he is… truly unique." Then she turned to look around again, and frozen in her tracks. "Oh."
There was their father. Clearly, Elsa had not been mentally prepared to run into him, despite how long she had to get used to the idea. He looked much the same, despite all the years apart. Anna forgot all about their connected hands as she excitedly dashed forward, dragging Elsa behind her.
"Papa!" she cheered, "I missed you!"
"There's my Anna Banana!" he said first, sweeping her into a hug. Though his eyes were mostly pointed at Elsa. That was understandable; the prodigal daughter was definitely the uncommon sight. "And you brought a friend! Who might this tall, pretty blonde be?"
Anna pulled away from him and gently nudged Elsa forward, grinning at the two of them. "I'd like to reintroduce you to your tall, pretty daughter!"
Elsa looked rather shy about it, glancing between the two of them. Edgar looked briefly stunned before he grinned broadly, his eyes misting over. "You've gotten so big, my little Snow Princess. And so beautiful, too; I hardly recognized you." There was a brief moment of hesitation before the tall man opened his arms for Elsa. "I may be old and crazy, but… mind giving your old man a hug?"
That request was more than enough. Eyes already watering, she rushed forward and threw her arms around his middle, squeezing tightly and shivering with the effort of suppressing her sobs. One of his hands reached up to cradle her head close against his shoulder, rocking her very slightly and whispering gentle words of comfort. A few campers and counselors glanced their way, but most of them seemed not to pay much mind to the tearful reunion. Anna watched the pair, feeling warmth at seeing her sister and father finally reunited after so many years.
"I can't believe it's really been so long," Elsa whispered so softly that it almost couldn't be heard. "Dad…"
"I missed you, Elsa." Edgar held her a little tighter and rubbed her back soothingly. "Gosh, it's so good to see you. How have you been, Princess? Keeping out of trouble?"
"Mostly," she conceded. Her eyes flicked very briefly over toward her sister, but didn't linger there. "I'm… very happy that I got to see Anna again. That we could talk; I'm so glad I'm not left guessing why I never heard from her anymore."
Edgar frowned deeply. "I'm so sorry. Had I known what your mother was doing, I would've intervened. She has no right keeping you two away from one another." He gave Elsa a tight squeeze and sighed heavily. "I thought she was better than that."
"So did I," she whispered back, relaxing into the embrace at last. "Seriously, I would never have expected… a-and I didn't believe Anna at first, and now I feel so guilty about that. And angry with Mama, but I don't want to be angry with her!"
Edgar ran his fingers through his elder daughter's hair, as though hoping the action would help soothe Elsa's anger. He stayed quiet for a few minutes and contemplated what to say next. "You have every right to be angry," he murmured finally, laying a kiss on her forehead, "so long as you know to let go of that anger and forgive your mother when you are ready to do so. Isn't that what I taught you true Christianity is about? Love and forgiveness?"
Anna fidgeted herself when she heard her father's advice. It was the same thing he told her when Hans first broke her heart all those years ago and while the pain their mother had caused was worse in comparison to that, the redhead knew deep down that she should do the same for her.
"Alright," her sister promised him readily, nodding against his shoulder. Finally, she sniffled and stood back, wiping at her eyes. "I'll try. And… I'm going to work on it on my drive home. Might call you two to keep me company; I have a car charger and a Bluetooth earpiece, I could probably talk all the way home…"
Edgar grinned. "There you go, that's a wonderful idea. I'm sure you both have loads of stories to share with me and nothing would make this old man happier than to hear them while driving a long six hours." He spared a playful nod at his other daughter. "You can help keep this one busy while I drive, too. She's a bit of a backseat driver and it gets a little irritating."
"You drive worse than I do," Anna commented with a roll of her eyes. "If i didn't, you'd have rolled us ages ago."
"Hey! I got here safely all on my own and only started drifting twice!" their father said, sounding mockingly appalled. Elsa chuckled, but it was the self-conscious chuckle of someone who was not quite sure of whether or not they were allowed to laugh on that occasion.
"We should be going," Anna pointed out as she stepped towards her father and her sister, smiling affectionately as she pulled them both into a crushing group hug. "Otherwise, I think the administers are going to force us to stay and help with the closing cleanup." Despite Edgar's grunt of agreement, none of the family parted. Anna placed a soft kiss on Elsa's cheek, lingering there just long enough to edge on being more than sisterly, before pulling away. "See you later, okay, Snowflake?"
"Of course," she breathed, voice full of emotion. She hugged Anna again, but kept it far shorter than the hugs that they had enjoyed within the cabin. Then she tore herself away, backing toward her own car. "Very soon. And I'll call you!"
Anna found herself struggling to keep herself from dashing towards Elsa's car after her as a lump in her throat made it hard for her to breathe and tears sprang into her eyes. Instead, she reached for her father's hand and gave it a hard squeeze to keep herself still. "Y-you better!" she managed to say, thankfully without too much difficulty. "I-I love you, sis!"
And she was out of there. Once, before pulling out of the parking lot entirely, Elsa stopped and waved out the window to both of them, tears clearly visible along her cheeks. Then she was gone.
"Alright, Anna Banana," her father sighed, clapping her on the shoulder. His eyes were clearly a bit misty, as well. "What do you say we, uh… we find a McD's or something on the way home, eh? Get a sundae or something to celebrate heading home."
Anna nodded and gave her father one more hug. "I'm going to miss her, Papa," she mumbled into his shirt.
"I know, honey. I know." Strong arm still around her, he guided his daughter toward the car.
It wasn't until they were a little further down the road, sitting in the car with their ice cream, that she began a long conversation with "Dad, I have something to tell you…" And it was not an easy one, but Edgar Saunders was patient, and listened as best he could. It was all she could hope for.
                                                   To Be Concluded…
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kitten1618x · 7 years
GoT Afterthoughts 7x06 Beyond the Wall (Jonsa Edition) SPOILERS
Hello lovelies ... apologies for the delay! As most of you know, my Marine was home briefly. ❤️ 
 We begin our episode with the war room map/table in Dragonstone and a fire crackling in the background -ominous foreshadowing? We then join Jon and the boys hiking through the winter wonderland. Tormund being Tormund pokes Gendry for some fun, before the talk with Jon takes a more serious turn. He asks about the Dragon Queen, and Jon tells him that she'll only help if he bends the knee. Tormund tells Jon he's spent too much time with the freefolk and now he doesn't like kneeling. 
 Now, what Tormund said next admittedly confused me (and I'm paraphrasing): "Mance was a great man, a proud man, but how many of his people died for his pride?" To my knowledge it was Mance himself who died because he refused to kneel -not the freefolk? Were Wildlings slaughtered off-screen unbeknownst to us? I'm not being facetious -if I'm wrong in my confusion, someone please correct me. Otherwise, what we have here is a plot hole -almost like Tormund giving Jon a reason to kneel, to not be like Mance and not put his family and people in peril over his pride. I'm not ready to bag on the writing just yet, but this is a blatant inconsistency -just sayin'.... 
 But moving on ... Gendry airs his grievances with the brotherhood and the Hound tells him to suck it up buttercup and that's that for now. We are then brought to Jon and Jorah speaking not of Dany (which, ya know -would make sense since this whole "epic romance" plot and all) but instead, they are bonding over their fallen fathers. 
 Jon: “my father was the most honorable man I've ever met, he was good all the way through, and he died on the executioners block.” (We'll come back to this). 
Honorable Ned's son, honorable Jon takes off Longclaw and offers it to Jorah. Jorah insists that Jon keep it, deeming himself unworthy. 
 Jorah: “It's yours. May it serve you well, and your children after you.”
Cue WINTERFELL music and a pensive looking Jon. Contemplating your future children, Jon? Imagining their red hair and curls? Tully and Stark looking? Okay, I'll stop now -but come on guys -what an Easter egg! And right from there we jump to Winterfell (SURPRISE) and Jon's future wife (and mother of his children).
Our lovely Stark sisters are in the traditional Stark spot upon the battlements. Arya tells a heartwarming tale of Ned catching her practicing archery and clapping when she finally hit the bullseye. It was sweet, and lovely, and everything I'd been praying for for weeks, but then the accusations fly and all is lost. Arya has the letter that Cersei made Sansa pen to Robb. Sansa is naturally upset about this and defends herself with the truth: they made her write it (even Robb knew that when he read it, geez Arya come on -It's not like you did/didn't do things, too!). Does everyone remember when she was Tywin's cupbearer? Because I do. 
 I don't blame either of my precious angels for what they did/didn't do to survive as scared, isolated and traumatized little girls -and dammit, they shouldn't either! But more on this later .... 
 Now, I don't like what they made Sansa say about Arya "should be on her knees thanking her" -it's not that she isn't right about the part she played in re-taking Winterfell, but THAT was definitely some shitty writing. 
 We flash back to our boys, and Tormund is attempting to bond with the Hound. Aside from being some of the best comic relief this show has delivered in a long time, I'm becoming sweet on Tormund x Brienne. Stop me! I love Brienne x Jamie too much! I'm trash! Someone just wheel me out to the alley and light my ass on fire! 
We got a nice little callback to Ygritte and naturally Sansa too -because "Gingers are beautiful, they're kissed by fire". More on this later, too ..... 
 We switch over to Beric and Jon first discussing how much Jon apparently doesn't resemble Ned (sure Jan) and then the creepy religion (again, burning children is bad, guys -I'm with Varys on this religion). Jon doesn't serve the Lord of Light, he serves ONLY the North. They do seem to agree on one thing: they are protectors, and Jon recites some of his Nights Watch vows: "I am the shield that guards the realms of men." More on this later .... (Are you guys picking up a theme here yet? Let's see if you figure it out before I get to the end of this post). 😉 
 After the Hound points them towards the mountain he saw in his vision, we go to Dragonstone where Dany decides to compliment Tyrion by insulting him? lol What she likes about him is that he's not a hero -heroes are stupid with their constant pissing contests (she's not wrong) -except I'm not sure I'd consider Daario or Drogo heroes? Tyrion points out that all these brave men have fallen for her -including Jon Snow, because apparently unbeknownst to US the actual viewers, he's been oogling her ....?? Daenerys denies it, but you can tell by her body language that this pleases her. But -"he's too little for her" ???? What does that even mean? 
Honestly, I can't figure out my Little Lion this season and it's kind of pissing me off. Is he cracked out on Dragon love too? Or is he being clever and playing the game? Varys did say he needed to find a way to make her listen. Does Tyrion think Jon can influence her? And where the hell is Varys, by the way? 
Dany brings up the upcoming meeting and her impulsive temper comes up -and the Tarlys (expect them to come up again in the near future too, guys). Tyrion warns her about ruling with fear and then the convo shifts to the subject of Dany's mortality and her line of succession. Dany jumps into serious angry paranoia mode (Targ trait) and flings accusations of Tyrion's loyalty at him again. Look -I fully understand that this is a touchy (and rightly so) subject for Dany, but I don't think he's in the wrong here -the line of succession is important to any monarch, and especially one that intends to ride into battle. But ...not today Tyrion, not today. 
We jump back over the wall, and now the boys are traipsing through blizzard-like conditions. Is it still the same day? Has night fallen, or is it just dark due to the snow storm? Ugh, this episode is leaving me with more questions than answers! They spot, and are spotted by an undead bear, and a few redshirt Wildlings are taken out. Thoros and Beric light the sonofabitch on fire, Tormund whacks it with his battle axe -I mean, this damn thing takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin', and ends up with Thoros in its mouth, before Jorah takes it out with a dagger (assuming it was dragon glass?). A chug of alcohol and a cauterizing of the wound, and he's miraculously up on his feet and ready to continue. 
On a side note: poor precious hound and his fire PTSD. 😔 Cant wait for Clegane bowl -hope it ends with fire and Sandor conquering his fear while exacting his revenge. 
And now we're back in Winterfell, and a distressed Sansa is confiding in Little Finger. If ya'll didn't pick up that she was sniffing him out, then I just can't help you. Sansa doesn't trust him. I strongly suspect she knows that letter turned up because of him. I'm 99% confident she was jugging him for info .... 
Sansa is nervous about the letter, though -rightly so, because if the lords see it, they may withdraw their support -BUT she isn't worried for herself, she's worried for Jon and keeping his army (amassed to 20k now -when did that happen? Go Sansa!) -so wake up and suck a fat one, Sansa haters! Don't you guys get it yet?!?! Sansa is loyal to Jon -shit, even Little Finger gets it. Why do you think he's so bent on sewing discourse between the sisters, now? Because all his attempts to drive a wedge between Jon and Sansa have failed! 
We return to the winter wonderland, and now it's Jorah/Thoros bonding time. I'm sorry that I don't care enough to repeat their exchange -it wasn't exactly riveting, and I pretty much knew that it was his "death knell". Anyone else getting whiplash from all this back and forth? 
Upon their climb, they hear the clinking of an undead scouting party. Interesting .... they send scouting parties ahead? The NK and his Generals are pretty smart. Which caused something to pop into my head: are Gilly's brothers the NK's Generals? But back to the action ... they start a fire to lure them in and ambush them. Jon kills the General and all but one of the wights fall. Aside from the convenience of all but the one they need falling, this is also interesting. If they take out the generals who raised them, the wights will automatically fall -so if the NK is taken out, then his entire army would perish! Hmmm ... 
So, my dudes tackle Bones and he lets out an ear piercing screech, which apparently alerts the others (hmmm -they communicate, too?). With an avalanche of the undead rolling down upon them at high speeds, they collectively shit their pants while hogtying Bones, and Jon orders Gendry to run for Eastwatch and get a Raven to Dany, declaring that he's "the fastest". Well, this is all well and good, but please explain to me just exactly HOW Jon knows this? Because I didn't know Gendry was fast ...did you? And not only do they send this poor kid who's never even seen snow before, off into the arctic wilds by his lonesome, entrusting his supposed internal GPS (I guess???), but they take his freaking weapon so he has no means to defend himself, to boot! 
And off he goes, while Jon and the crew race for shelter and find themselves standing over the weak ice of a frozen pond/lake. With no other place to go but forward, they take their chances and make for the rock in the middle, as the dead close in on them and after grabbing a few more redshirt Wildlings, the wights break the weakened ice and begin falling into icy water, creating a barrier and a trap for our boys. Winded, but alive, they freeze their tushes off, as night falls and an exhausted Gendry collapses before the gate of Eastwatch. Daddy Davos comes to cradle on of his fostered sons as Gendry breathlessly pleas to send a Raven. 
It's morning on the rock, and our dudes have snuggled to keep warm overnight. The Hound rouses from his comfy Jon Snow pillow to kick the grumbling Bones, who's probably just salty that he didn't get invited to the slumber party. Sandor gives him a good morning kick in the ribs, and when Bones squeals in displeasure, so do some of the wights surrounding them. Another clue of their links? 
Unfortunately, Thoros hasn't made it through the night. They burn his body and Beric says the creepy Lord of Light's prayer. I hope someone had the good sense to take his flaming sword first, but I doubt it, because while I love my boys -they aren't exactly clever ...they did go on a wight hunt, after all. 🙄 
Jorah and Jon discuss the connection and Jorah suggests trying to take out the WW's as their best chance of survival. Jon says no, they need to take that thing (Bones) back with them and a Raven is on its way to Dany -she's their only chance. I suppose she has the same magic GPS as Gendry. 😳 Beric joins them and counters that argument with just taking out the NK -he turned them all after all ...kill him and they all fall. 
Now, Jon puzzles me here. His reply to Beric's suggestion is: "You don't understand." 
What Jon? What don't we understand, baby?? Tell us!!!! Is Jon suddenly afraid of his own mortality? I don't think so, but then -what don't we understand?????? 
*screaming internally* 
Beric counters with how the lord brought them both back and maybe this is why. I'm not sure what Jon's thinking while his chest heaves and he eye fucks the NK -but .... perhaps he really is afraid? Maybe of failing and being forced to rise and fight on the NK's side? Suggestions are welcome here .... really. 
We jump back to Winterfell and Sansa has received an invite to KL. So, who sent this invite? Sansa refuses to go -and is certainly justified considering .... She intends to send Brienne in her stead, but Brienne is uncomfortable leaving Sansa unprotected because of Little Finger. She requests to at least leave Podrick behind, but Sansa denies her request, and after trying several times to politely put her off, she finally rudely dismisses her. Now, I have no doubt that Sansa is truly frightened to go to KL because of Cersei, but I also think that she specifically chose Brienne to represent her -not only because she trusts her to represent her interests, but also because of what Little Finger implied earlier -about Brienne intervening with Arya if necessary. I'd like to think that Sansa is not only protecting her little sister, but also Brienne's honor of having to side with one of the sisters should things get ugly. (They won't, trust me). 
We flip over to Dragonstone and Tyrion tries to convince Dany not to run off to the rescue, but (thankfully), she doesn't listen. She mounts Drogon and off to the rescue her and her lizard babies go! 
We're back at the boulder now, and an apparently bored Sandor is throwing rocks at the "cunt" wights. Not that I blame him, but we all knew where this was going, right? The ice has re-frozen and slowly, the dead advance on them again. This shit was really unbelievable, tbh. With the sheer amount of wights surrounding them, they should have been swarmed, but somehow manage to keep most of them at bay. Jon yells "fall back" (to where????) as Tormund gets grabbed and, oh my heart!!!! I swear I had a mini stroke! But thankfully, Sandor grabs him just in time (he knows he fucking LOVES fire kissed Gingers, okay?)!
And just when it seems that all is lost, Dany and lizard puppies arrive to fuck shit up!! Okay, despite their destruction to actual human life a few weeks ago -this was beautiful and visually very satisfying! This is what the dragons are for! They take out a good chunk of the NK's army -which is WHY I assume he targets the dragon still flying overhead and raining down hellfire on his army, rather than Drogon who was chilling while they all saddled up. I mean, it's just a guess, but it's truly the ONLY logical explanation I could come up with. 😐 
Dany reaches immediately for Jon, but a wight charges, and Jon turns to dispatch it, as well as a few of its comrades while the others climb atop Drogon. You know, Jon being the hero he was accused of earlier in the episode? The NK marches forward and takes aim at Viserion -who is still fucking up his army (as I mentioned above, and why I think he may have targeted him), as Jon continues to blindly fight the wights instead of climbing his dumbass on the fucking dragon! Why? So it can be HIS fault for what happens next, of course! 
I legit cried when Viserion died. I'm a grown-ass woman, and I don't give a shit! It was heartbreaking, to watch him plummet from the sky and crash into the lake, his eye drifting closed as he slipped below the ice ... and personally, I think Dany's facial expression nailed it: gut wrenching shock. As a mother, my heart broke for her, even though I know that the dragons future demise is necessary. 
An angry Jon charges right towards the NK for a standoff, as if he took Beric's words to heart and was prepared to sacrifice himself right then and there to kill the NK and save the whole damn world! But the NK doesn't want to scrap -instead, he reaches for another ice spear, and Jon seeing that he intends to take out another dragon, screams for them to go. 
He turns to sprint for Drogon (I guess? Because Drogon had already begun to take off?) but he's tackled by wights and dragged into the icy water. The group hauls ass into the air as an ice spear whizzes towards them, but Drogon avoids it and almost sends Jorah to an early grave. Dany glances back for any sight of Jon as Drogon flies them to safety. 
After the dragons fly off, the NK and his army nonchalantly shuffle on as if nothing happened. We get a shot of Longclaw by the ice hole and suddenly Jon lunges out of the water and uses its hilt to drag himself out of the icy lake. Soaked and frozen and probably figuring this is the end, he raises his sword to go out fighting and uncle Benjen drops in to save the day! He hauls a popsicle Jon onto his undead? horse and tells him to ride for the pass, declining Jon's offer to come with him and telling him "there's no time". Now -I've seen this part criticized, and I get it, I do -except what is Benjen supposed to do? He can't pass the wall -he's dead too. Guess he figured it best to go out fighting then endless undead loneliness. Maybe he figured he had no more dumbass nephews to save from beyond the wall anymore? Whatever the case, it was sad to see yet another Stark perish -even if he was technically already dead. 
We're back at Eastwatch now, and the Hound is dumping Bones in a dingy, as Beric says farewell and they'll meet again. The Hound says he fucking hopes not, but I don't think he means it. 😉 Atop the wall, Dany gazes forlornly at the landscape below, as Jorah tells her it's time to go (and calls her "Your Grace", and not Khaleesi? Since when?). As she turns to leave, the horn blows and Benjen's horse comes into view (and where have I seen this scene before?) only this time, WITH a rider. Hey -how the fuck did he get his horse back, anyway?
The Targ ship unfurls its sails, and we're in Jon's cabin as Davos literally peels the frozen furs from his trembling body, and sweet mary mother of God, Kit's abs! 😍 As Jon freezes to death, I'm just praying that Davos continues with his disrobing of Jon (and the camera follows), but nope ... 😔 Dany watches from the doorway with a mixture of worry, awe and since she's only human, probably lust (I feel you girl, I really do). On a serious note: she's privy to all those horrid scars that were never stitched and are still literal almost gaping gashes in his chest -and one directly over his heart. I bet Davos' words are ringing in her ears again. 
After that gratuitous abs scene, we head back to Winterfell, where Sansa is snooping through Arya's room -probably looking for the letter. Instead, she stumbles onto Arya's face collection. WTF! Naturally, Arya catches her snooping, and begins to terrify Sansa, and myself collectively, with some creepy dialogue that rings as an ominous threat -except, well ... let's break this down a bit. She is sharing some of her past. She wants to play the Game of Faces, but Sansa is not having any of this shit.
I'm pretty sure that Arya drops a MAJOR foreshadowing bomb here: "We both wanted to be other people when we were younger. You wanted to be a queen, sitting next to a handsome king on the iron throne and I wanted to be a knight riding off to battle." 
Okay, back to the terrifying conversation... Arya: "With the faces, I can become someone else, live in their skin, speak in their voice. I can even become you ..."
*she picks up the catspaw dagger and steps closer to Sansa* 
 (With the dagger in her hand): "I wonder what it would feel like, wearing those pretty dresses, to be the Lady of Winterfell. All I'd need to find out is your face."
 *she flips the dagger and hands it to Sansa HILT first* 
 When Sansa takes the dagger, Arya casually turns and leaves the room.
ARYA WAS PLAYING THE GAME OF FACES. Yes, it's shitty, and she gave her sister a mini stroke, but here's the thing: I believe they are BOTH playing Little Finger separately -to protect one another AND Jon, they just don't realize that the other is doing it yet. I'm fully confident that either Bran is going to sit our Starklings down, or they're going to figure it out on their own. And speaking of Bran, where the hell is he? Is he off with Varys? WTH?! 
Okay, and we're finally at the scene that y'all were dreading .... Jon's eyes drift open to a teary-eyed Dany who's relieved to see him wake. Immediately, he apologizes for her loss. She shakes her head and lowers it to hide her tears (probably trying not to make him feel worse), and Jon reaches for her hand. He tells her he wishes he could take it back and that they'd never gone. Dany shakes her head again and disengages her hand. She disagrees -she needed to see to understand. 
She tells him that the dragons are her children -the only children she'll ever have, and asks him if he understands what she's trying to convey. Jon shakes his head yes, as Dany vehemently professes her support in helping Jon defeat the NK. 
Now, I received an ask earlier last week when this episode leaked, about whether I thought Dany was doing this only for vengeance -and certainly, that does factor into her decision, I'm sure. And I don't fault her one fucking bit, tbh. I'm a mother -if you hurt my kids, I'm coming straight for you -why do you think the term "mama grizzly" was coined? But, on the other hand -she's now seen this horrific undead army, and what they are capable of. As someone who freed slaves, it only makes sense that she'd want to help make sure that humanity is not enslaved by the NK and the dead. This is WHY Dany is here, you guys. Not to be queen. Not to be Jon's wife. But to help save humanity with her fire-made flesh dragons, and die in a very messianic way -as such has been the arc they built her character upon. 
Jon immediately thanks her, and calls her Dany. She's taken aback -and explains that no one has called her that in a very long time. She brings up Viserys and in a roundabout way, says he was a dick, as to which Jon replies: "alright, not Dany. How about my queen? I'd bend the knee, but ..." he nods his head towards his injured state, as Dany asks about the people who've sworn allegiance to him (because she suddenly cares about that now?) and Jon says (and like I TOLD YOU ALL LAST WEEK when I watched this leaked scene, how very important and almost foreboding his words are): "They'll come to see you for what you are." 
WHAT YOU ARE. Not who you are. Not how caring you are. Not anything other than ambiguously WEIRD: what you are!!! 
Dany is still touched by this seemingly heartfelt declaration, and with more tears welling in her eyes, grasps his hand and proclaims that she hopes she deserves it, and Jon reassures her that she does. After some silent eye contact, she pulls her hand free from his grasp and tells him to get some rest. 
He obliges and closes his eyes, and then when she leaves the room, his eyes reopen and he looks -guilty? As he releases what sounds like an exasperated sigh. 
And finally, we end the night with the dead dragging Viserion from the icy depths with some heavy duty chains, and the NK reanimates him. Okay, I just have to say how fucking stupid that is. Where did these massive chains come from? Why didn't he just raise his arms and raise Viserion like he did the Wildlings at Hardhome? It would have been a lot cooler if he came lunging out of the water all blue eyed, rather than be dragged up with chains. Ugh whatever! 
Okay, so for a penultimate episode, I'm not majorly impressed, but I didn't hate it.
So, some things we need to go back and touch on (as noted throughout). Have you all figured out where I was going with it? Yes? No? 
We got Ygritte callbacks with "Gingers are kissed by fire". We got the Jon/Beric convo which was kind of reminiscent of Half Hand/Jon's convo when they were with the Wildling's as prisoners, and Jon even recited a piece of his Nights Watch vows! We've got Tormund bringing up Mance, and his refusal to kneel AND we've got an almost replicated scene (horn blowing and all) of Uncle Benjen's horse riding for the gate of the wall, only this time, WITH a rider! 
What does that remind me of? Well, a previously duplicitous undercover Jon infiltrating the Wildlings -using them to achieve his goal of getting back to Castle Black alive, to warn the Watch of the impending attack and to do his duty -hold the Wall against the Wildlings. How did he do that? By deceiving Ygritte -despite his feelings. 
Now, I'm not saying I'm right, and it's just a theory -but I truly do believe that Jon is playing Dany. BUT, I also truly believe that he does like her, and that he does really believe she has a good heart. She did just lose one of her children to save him and the crew ...  Jon's odd and ambiguous words: "They'll see you for what you are" is for our benefit -a clue to know where the story is headed. However, I do think that the fact that he actually admires and cares for her (cares, NOT loves) is making him feel pretty shitty for what he is/has to do, on top of the guilt he feels for being at fault for Viserion's death. 
It's no coincidence that he couldn't look in her eyes when he offered to bend the knee. It's also very telling that he did so when no one was around to hear/witness this. While Dany has been wearing her obvious heart eyes on her sleeve for a few episodes now, Jon has been pretty guarded, he hasn't shared ANYTHING personal, his expressions have been odd -and blank, mostly (as in this scene, as well) ... this developing "romance" has felt "off". With Dany's attraction being so blatant, I think that Jon easily picked up on her feelings for him, and he's using that -playing on those feelings, to secure an alliance. 
So why is this necessary if Dany already agreed to help him? Truth be told, I feel like Jon just doesn't fully trust her. Good heart or not, she is a stranger, he's seen her temper and how quickly she turned on Tyrion that day -this is Jon being smarter than Father (also brought up several times in the episode -as well as his honor) and Robb -who ironically was also brought up in this episode by way of Sansa's letter! 
Addressing the weirdness of Jon calling Dany, "Dany"? I believe this was to assert a familial tie -in the same episode where her brother was brought up, and ironically, the dragon that died, was named for. They are reminding us they're actually FAMILY (incase we forgot) because of what's going next episode, y'all. They want us to be kind of squicked out when it happens. 
All the mentions of Dany's inability to conceive? Well, for two reasons, really- to hit us (and Jon) over the head with the fact that Dany can't get pregnant, so boatbang can happen, basically -and Mr. "doesn't want to sire a bastard", feels confident to hang up his vow of celibacy if there's no shot of getting Dany pregnant. And also, for all of our tongues to be wagging about "oh no, could their be a magic Targ baby"? like many have been. A red herring for the red herring, anyone? A baby requires a time jump -a time jump cannot happen -the dead are literally KNOCKING on the Wall. If you've got a logical explanation for me -let's have it. And yes, I've heard the shadow baby theory, and while I think it's uber cool, I'm not really onboard with it -who would it kill, as that is their purpose?
Also -the NK and his Generals are impervious to fire -unlike the wights. But -will dragon glass and Valaryian steel kill the NK? I'm starting to doubt that ... 
 And before I sign off on this, I wanted to address one more thing (that I specifically looked for in my re-watch) -the mention I saw floating around here, of the Wolf eyes on Longclaws hilt opening as Jon emerged from the frozen lake -it did look like that, but it was just a shadow-a trick of the light, if you go back and watch it. 😉 
 Thanks for tuning in again. See you next week for my final recap of the season. And FYI: my kiddos start school the next day, so I can't stay up til 2 am recapping -my recap will be posted on Monday, instead. ✌🏻
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