gemglyph · 2 years
Sky seizure fic!!!
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quirkle2 · 2 years
I have been haunting your suncaster au for a bit and I am so far loving it. I was wondering… is there a specific place to read?
no fics for it just yet ! i have some planned out tho so whenever the motivation comes back ill get right on it :]
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bobthebobking · 11 months
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Happy Halloween!! Have treat!! ✨✨✨
thank you, happy halloween!!!!! 🎃🎃🎃🎃
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blacknbluejustice · 1 year
Give me a sentence to make into gem glyph!
I will doddle a Sapphire saying it.
Please keep sfw.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
Watched the cereal video and honestly thought you were gonna pour milk in the bag and I was nodding along like “Yeah you deserve to be a little unhinged sometimes” and then you didn’t and I was like
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Where’s the cup?? Where is your bowl?????????? Are you going to eat the bag
I put the cereal in my mouth and then poured milk in my mouth. :D
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artemistorm · 2 months
stormy flight stormy flight stormy flight mrhejrhejeb. NOW
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Ehehehe nice choice, Stormy and @gemglyph. This one is also a gift fic for someone. This is about Sky and Twilight portaling into the Thunderhead of Sky's Hyrule and having to fly out on Crimson to get to Skyloft, but it isn't as easy as it sounds.
Twilight tumbled head over heels out of the portal and into the rain drenched grass. He righted himself on his knees just in time to get bowled over again by Sky. “Ugh. Ow. That was rough,” Sky rolled off of Twilight’s back and sat back on his bottom, instantly regretting it when water soaked through the seat of his trousers. Twilight got to his feet and spun around taking stock of where they were. Lightning flashed and thunder resounded like a battle drum. Torrential rainfall swept in waves across the narrow strip of grass between a stone tower-like building and a sharp drop off. At the top of a tower, a powerful beam of light shone far off into the distant clouds. Twilight shielded his eyes with his hand and carefully approached the drop off. He peered over the edge into the dizzyingly high abyss of nothing but cloud. He jumped away from the edge. “Oh dear sweet Ordona we are so high right now!” He exclaimed backing into the wall. “What is this place?” “We’re on the Isle of Songs,” Sky said. “This is my Hyrule.” “Where’s the ground??” “We’re on an island floating in the sky; there is no ground except what you’re standing on.”
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gryphonlover · 6 months
Hey :D I am worried about not having good internet where I am going this weekend, so I wanted to tell you before I go. I hope you have a very meaningful Easter! And that everything is good for you ✨❤️🫂
Thank you! My mom sent me some chocolates in the mail and I'm planning to spend most of my time with friends when I'm not doing homework, so hopefully I'll be able to relax a little.
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ajscico · 11 months
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Happy Halloween!!! Have treat! ✨✨✨✨✨✨
Happy Halloween 🎃
I have a thing for you, Apple
Time kept up a stream of murmured assurances into Sky’s hair as the horse (Epona apparently) galloped along. He couldn’t hear the words over the storm overriding his mind and heart, but the rumble of his voice was unlike the raucous thunder and unrelenting rain. He clung to the sensation, trying to communicate with his pounding heart and shaking breath that it was over. They were safe. Time and Twilight had come back for him.
Some awareness returned when the pounding of hoof beats under him had slowed, then stopped. There were more lanterns, he hadn’t heard Twilight return though…
“I’ve got her, son. Get that boy inside.” Time thanked the unfamiliar voice, even as he slid from the saddle behind Sky, then swept the Chosen into his arms. The rain quit pelting them, there was a flurry of noise, chaos, alarm, before it was abruptly muted.
“Sky? Can you hear me?” He needed to answer, wanted to cry in relief that the storm no longer pelted him. What came out was a pitiful whimper.
“You’re safe. Would it be ok if we help you get out of your wet things? You’ll feel better when you’re warm and dry.” He must have somehow managed to communicate his agreement because hands got to work unbuckling his baldric removing his sailcloth, and teasing off his gloves. He was soaked to the skin and while the towel passed over his frigid body was rough, the hands behind it were gentle. The tunic pulled over his head was not his, but it was soft. The high collar and long sleeves further trapped his remaining body heat and when he was finally wrapped in a fluffy quilt and held, it finally broke the freeze on his mind and heart.
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nancyheart11 · 8 months
💌 send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome
(you are awesome)
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this is wild to me. And thanks for the compliment i kinda need them today
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Happy Halloween!!! Have a treat 😊✨✨
Thank you :3
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kikker-oma · 2 months
Fan Joy July - Day 28
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Further by @gemglyph was so sad but so sweet🥹
All these boys dealing with such awful pain everyday and finally they get forced to stop and breath! It's such a bittersweet moment between Legend and Sky❤️😭
Please give it a read!
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next-hero-in-line · 4 months
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Thank you @/gemglyph for commissioning me for this. This sketch sat rotting in my WIP files for almost a year, I’m extremely happy with how it turned out 🫶
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linkvcr · 8 months
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doodles of martyr by @gemglyph while i was rereading it for the billionth time
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author-main · 1 year
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Ember Wild commission for @gemglyph! I went all out for this one! The ember set is my favorite in the game, I had to :)
ko-fi here (commissions+shop open)
Please preorder my tshirt for this contest <3
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ladye-zelda · 9 months
Merry Christmas everyone!!!!
Tis the season. I want to thank everyone for this wonderful year, even if I only joined in May XD
Thank you people who have been following me; I know I haven’t been posted anything of what you wanted in a long while and I sincerely apologize; I hope to change that around in the new year
And to all my mutuals, you guys are so amazing! I almost feel not worthy to be your guys’s friend since you guys are all incredible people and it almost feels unreal that we are friends
(This is gonna be a bit long so it’s all under the cut XD)
@cal-the-duende I am so sorry we haven’t been talking a lot recently, but thank you thank you thank you so much for being one of my bestest friends during my time on Tumblr. You are the bestest cal I have ever met, and I hope you can still be your cal self for the new year!
@uniquevoidflowers akfjskjfkajfmskjfskjfa you are so so amazing!!!! I can’t believe we are even friends because you have an amazing talent and I hope everyone will be able to see it!
@strawberry-catcake-deactivated2 I know you have deactivated (so if anyone can contact her you can send this message to her) but I am so grateful to be your friend! You are so talented and I know you may not see it but everyone else knows it and you are also an amazing individual. Honestly, I am a little jealous of your talent and I hope I can be good enough in digital art to be able to get to your level of talent
@unexpectedstormy you are so kind and amazing; thank you so much for being my friend! You’re talented and funny; I am so grateful that we are friends! May the koroks give you lots of gifts and good tidings this holiday season!
@webhead3345 you are a very talented individual! I hope we get to talk more in the future; you are very kind as well!!
@adrift-in-thyme ahhhhh you’re so very talented and I have always been a fan of your writing (Time meeting the blood moon has given me the feels) and I am so happy we are friends!!
@smilesrobotlover AAASKFJKSJFKAJFHGS I always love when we talk about the craziest things; you’re so nice and respectful and you’re also someone who I aspire to be!
@silvercaptain24 there are really not a lot of words I can say to express how happy you make me. You are so amazing and I hope we can remain vods!!!
@endlessartpumpkin aakshfkajfkakfksjkfjakfjkajfksjfa you are SO TALENTED and I DONT KNOW HOW WE ARE EVEN FRIENDS and AAKSGKSJDKSJFDKFJDJJFKSJFEA /pos; it makes me happy when you’re on my dash and I am very grateful we’re friends!
@geminiskulleta you are also SO TALENTED and a GENIUS when it comes to all things loz; I hope we can talk more in the future because I wanna join all those conversations with you and Isa (just haven’t because social anxiety and often don’t know what to say lol; plus I didn’t want to disrupt y’all’s genius conversations)
@gemglyph I know we’ve only barely interacted, but I am happy when we did! I still use that version of Sky that you came up with and he is so adorable! Thank you so much for everything!
@hotcheetohatredwastaken I know we have also barely interacted, but it makes me happy when you appear on my dash!
@here4dragons dragon!!!! It makes me happy whenever we speak. I know it’s been a while, but I still consider you an amazing friend!
@isasan347 IIIIISSSSAAAAAAAA! Talking to you about Zelink (and ALTTP especially) always makes my day; so very happy that we are friends!!!
@karmaisdue I know we may not talk directly, but you’re probably the fastest mutual I have made solely on the fact that we once shared the same pfp 🤣
@kiwi-der-vogel AAAAAAA I love your art style!!! It is so unique and makes me happy and you’re an amazing person and AAAAAAAA
@kate-m-art Your art is so soft and cozy and you are also an amazing person and so kind! I hope to learn more about the legacy au and the cryptid au and all of your other aus because all of them are so amazing!!!
@link-or-sherlock I know we haven’t spoken in a long while but you are an amazing person who is also a really good friend of mine. I hope we get to talk more soon, because I miss when we get to infodump on each other or joked around like we did; but even if we don’t, you are still my friend
@mothielad Hi!! It’s been a while, I know, but I am happy to have known you!
@nancyheart11 Nancy!! You’re so kind and amazing; I am glad to be your friend!!! You’re also very talented in art, embroidery, and writing!!
@nocturnalfandomartist Hi! You’re so awesome and amazing and talented in art and writing I am still in awe on how we are friends. I will definitely try to be more active in trying to interact with you, because you definitely deserve everything because of the things you create!
@pallweople to all of the pall weople; thank you so much for letting me be a part of this!! You are all so fun and I hope I get to be a part of it more in the future!
@phoenix-arts7 Hi! Your art is amazing and I definitely cannot wait to see what’s in store for your au. I wish you many happy things in the future and may you be able to pet all the kitties you can!
@prince-of-red-lions I know we haven’t spoken in a long while but I am happy that we are friends! Thank you so much for being very kind and amazing!
@randomburstsofcreativity random!!!! You definitely helped me through a rough time, and I will always appreciate it. You are a nice, amazing person and I am happy we are friends!
@srah-the-violist I know we’ve barely interacted, but I consider you a friend! It makes me happy whenever you’re in my dash, and you are amazing!!!
@taruuu Taru!!! Thank you for helping me in Genshin; you are very amazing and I wish you many, many great things!!!
@uncleskyrule I remember reading your In Sickness and In Health story and I adore your writing style! You are very talented and I’m happy we are friends!
@whyoneartheven Evie!!! You are amazing!!! Thank you for being a good friend to me; you are so kind and i am happy we’re friends!
@wolfstorm888 Wolf!!! I’m sorry it has been a long time since we’ve spoken; thank you for joining me and Peggy in Triforce heroes and you are very amazing! You are very nice and I am happy we are friends!
@telemna-hyelle It is mindbloggling to me how we are friends. You were kind of the first tumblr user I have been following (before I got a tumblr account) and to be your friend has been such a high honor. Thank you so much!!
@skyward-floored It has been such an honor that I have been your friend. You are such a talented, amazing writer and I am so happy to be your friend! I wish I can say more, but I honestly don’t know the words I can say to express my gratitude on how much you’re an amazing person
@skyloftian-nutcase Thank you so much for helping me during a few hard times I went through. You are such a kind and selfless person and I hope to follow in your footsteps to become such an amazing person
@margindoodles2407 Margin!!! You are so amazing and talented and AJFSJFJSKGJKSFJKDGJKDHFJSHSWA we gotta talk more about stuff because AAAAAAAAAAAAA YOU’RE COOL
@theabyssfairy You’re so talented I have no words. Your art style is aesthetic and I always love the crossover ships you make and it always makes me happy XD
@anadorablekiwi Kiwi!!! You are amazing and wonderful and I have so many words to express my gratitude for you but I don’t know if they’re good enough to really say. Thank you for helping me during my rough times and you are so kind and amazing and I hope you can see how wonderful you are!
@silvrash-797 It has been such a pleasure to speak with you as well!!! You’re such a talented writer and are so kind and sweet!!!
@thepinklink I know we haven’t spoken a lot but I love your art and I think you’re amazing!!
I don’t know if I have missed anyone, but if I did I apologize. Thank you guys so much for the year, and have an amazing holiday and new year!!!!
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
Puddle (for the writing prompt?)
Link laughed in delight as he leapt from puddle to puddle in the rain. Kikwis scattered to and fro with little chirping sounds, their tiny feet making little pitter-patter noises in the moist earth.
The Surface was terrifyingly vast, but by Hylia it could be absolutely magical too.
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