#gemini graylu
classysassy9791 · 2 years
Personally I am not really a gruvia or graylu fan because I feel like gray with either of these ladies is a bit of a disaster. He doesn't treat juvia as a human being most of the time considering her affections are overbearing. And with lucy, it's kind of sad that alot of there 'moments' have sexual inutations like him always seeing her undressed and commenting gross things about it. Also the gemini moment isn't canon bc it wasn't in the manga. And Juvia deserves better character development.
I agree with you in regards to Juvia deserving better character development. I wish we had more of her discovering things about herself instead of her entire character revolving around her infatuation with Gray. She has such incredible potential, but instead we just get to see her as a "love pairing" for Gray, and it was all done so horribly wrong. Such a strong character such as her shouldn't have been reduced to a forced love interest.
In regards to GrayLu having "sexualized" moments, there are far more that are not sexualized than there are.
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Considering how sexualized NaLu is - a canon couple - any other couple's sexualized interactions pale in comparison. But that's Mashima's writing and fanservice unfortunately. You have to take the good with the bad in that regard.
And anything in the anime that's not considered "canon" has to be taken with a grain of salt. Mashima has stated that he has enjoyed the work that the studio put into filler episodes and movies so much he just declared them canon, and some of them had even been done under collaboration with Mashima. So "canon" is somewhat of a subjective term here.
But that's the beauty of fandom - we can both like & dislike different character and pairings, and that's okay! <3
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Lucy with: ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 🗡 ❓
Character Emoji Ask
❤️- Otp
Graylu, Lolu, or Lucana, depends on the day really. Lolu is my favorite rn tho.
🧡- Everyone I ship with this character
Gray, Erza, Juvia, Cana, Lisanna, Levy, Loke, Yukino, and Flare are the ones i actively like, but i ship her with pretty much everyone. don’t really have anyone i hate her with.
💛- Brotp
Natsu! Platonic Na/lu is where it’s at!!! i can’t see them as anything other than friends.
💚- Notp
Also, Natsu. I guess. The fans of this ship have really driven me away from it, and i actively won’t make any content with them romantically unless it’s in a polyamorous relationship.
💙- Crossover ship I like
I don’t really have any crossover ships. I guess Sun from RWBY or Goten from DBGT would be cute.
🗡- Badass headcanon
Lucy gets weapons with each of her star-dresses. I’d love to see a training montage with each of her spirits. We know she got giant scissor blades with Cancer, a bow and arrows with Sagittarius, and a whip with Virgo, but more would be so cool! Brass knuckles or rings with Loke, a battle axe with Taurus, a cane with Aries, a chain-whip or a gun with Scorpio? A staff that can change into another weapon for Gemini, and a spear for Capricorn. Aquarius would definitely be a trident or another urn. And then we could see Erza teaching Lucy how to fight with weapons as well!
❓- Anything else you want!
Tan or brown skin, chubby but muscular as the series goes on, freckles that look like a constellation, and scars! Definitely has less than her team (wendy included) but she’s constantly on the front lines! Give 👏 fairy 👏 tail 👏 characters 👏 permanent 👏 scars! 👏
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gralunaisland · 2 years
Starting off, I don't ship Graylu or Grayza (Nalu and Jerza ftw!) but I believe Gray had crush on both Lucy and Erza once. Gemini revealed in Oracion Seis arc that Lucy is Gray's type. And if we try to find similarities in Erza and Lucy, there are quite a few :
Both are level-headed and mature while also being absolute dorks at times. Of course, they're the prettiest too. They both have what it takes to keep the team in check, they're passionate about their friends and lastly, they both respect the boundaries of their respective lovers(Natsu and Jellal) despite both having been shown to have clear crush them. They are willing to wait for the right time.
That's Gray's type. Lucy and Erza are everything Juvia isn't nor can she ever be. She isn't Gray's type at all. She has been forced upon him. She doesn't have many friends, she doesn't respect personal boundaries, she is over possessive to the extent of attacking and wishing bad for others, she's even jealous of Wendy, a kid who happens to be like Gray's younger sibling, Frosch, an exceed even. Which is utterly disgusting. That's not the woman Gray wanted but unfortunately got. Would bring rain upon an entire town because of her own emotions.
She shouldn't exist honestly.
I actually really love how you ship differently than me, (I mean not really, since I ship Nalu and Jerza as well, just in how you don't ship Gralu) but that you're able to look at the manga/anime objectively! That's seriously a skill so many fans don't have.
You're not being delusional like some Pro gr///vians are when they try to claim juvia and Natsu are best friends, or that Gray and Lucy act like siblings so shipping them would be inc*st. (Seeing 2 characters as a BROTP is totally fine, but what's not fine is claiming that shipping them would be inc*st. And yet, some Pros claim it to make Gralu shippers look bad.)
Anyway, the thing you're looking at objectively here is that Gray seems to canonically have had a crush on both Lucy and Erza, and I agree, despite also not shipping Grayza! Gray thought both were strong and beautiful. It shows us hints at a crush on Erza in that one episode where Gray thought she looked beautiful while she was sleeping, and maybe the flashback one where Gray kinda blushed as kids when Erza idr cried or something. And then yeah, you mention it right, Gemini showed how highly Gray views Lucy and how she's the "whole package". And then throughout the show, Gray shows how hot he finds Lucy, and blushes several times, like the time he was looking for her in her house, or in the Tower of Heaven, or in the Key of the Starry Heaven arc where he imagined her in an outfit made of paper etc. Anyway, those were just some supporting examples of what you were saying.
I totally agree with you about the similarities Erza and Lucy share! Oh wow, every point is just so perfect. They're both smart, hard-working, lively and fun, they're strong, and they're loving. And you're darn right that they're the prettiest of them all! I especially love how you bring attention to how they are both willing to wait for the right time for their respective partners! That's such a good point: they put their love interest above their own desires.
And yeah, that's the exact opposite of what juvia is. she puts what she wants first, disregarding anyone it hurts, namely most of all Gray, the fricking object of her affection. That goes against all the morals the whole story of Fairy Tail tries to extol onto its watchers and readers, where you should be giving it all for your friends, that you'll put them first. But Mashima decided to completely dump that moral when it comes to juvia and make selfish, jealous, delusional, obsessive romantic "love" a virtue.
I agree, there is no reason juvia exists. she shouldn't in the first place. she doesn't make Gray's life better (she's literally ruining him), she doesn't make Fairy Tail a better place (she antagonizes all the women, even literal children and creatures of other species like you mention, Anon), and she certainly doesn't make her own life better through being a horrible person and manipulating and forcing an unwilling man to be her lover (not that I care that she's ruining her own life, it just goes to show that she's helping no one out).
Thank you so much for sending this ask; I'm in awe of the amount of thought you put into it!
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rockkcityboy · 6 years
Ep 53
Me, turning on the light to continue watching since daylight is fading: this is for you, self-care natsu
"She's not alone, Ms Too-Much-Makeup."
"Can you remember for me?"
Natsu pls
"What kind of guys do you like?"
Some good ol' GrayLu bonding, nice, nice.
Gray and Lyon just both instinctively hate Racer, mood
Midnight is such a fucking little emo goth. I can't tell which so I'm declaring him as both.
Haha I forgot he used to be called Hot Eye. What kind of fuckin name???
"Fast is good."
Shut the fuck up, Racer.
I still find the "I can hear you" thing really creepy tbh. Like, that's such an insane magic???
But at the same time, that must be a really shitty thing to have, cause he said he can heard the expansion and contraction of muscles and shit?? Not fun.
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graylu-headcanons · 7 years
GrayLu Heacanon #8
Lucy loves to prank Gray. When he first started dating her, Gray assumed that she would be the more gullible one out of the two. However, Lucy’s creative mind allows her to constantly be coming up with new ways to mess with Gray. One time, Lucy asked Gemini to pretend to be her. Then she asked Gray to go out shopping with her. After they were done Lucy bet Gray that if they raced home, she would win. She even stated that she would give Gray a head start. Due to his competitive nature, Gray eagerly agreed feeling confident he would win. After Gray rushed through the door, his victory yell was cut off by Gemini!Lucy, relaxed on the couch, saying “What took you so long, slowpoke?”
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wintermaidenmuse · 4 years
Written for GrayLu Weekends 2020 :) My final submission, for Bonus - Day 5 - it’s up on both FF.net and AO3! It was definitely fun while it lasted, and I’m delighted to have been able to participate! <3 Till next time, fellow GrayLu shippers!
The Truth and Nothing But The Truth
by WinterMaidenMuse
Rating: G
Summary: Lucy can’t get over what Gemini revealed about Gray during the Oracion Seis fight. She just needs to know if it’s the truth! And if it takes using a Truth Serum to get to the bottom of things, well then so be it! What’s there to lose anyway? But she sure didn't expect all the extra drama that came along with it... One-shot. Don't read if you're a GrayLu hater!
Word Count: 7,817
Other Links: Series | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4
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impracticaldemon · 7 years
Has anyone ask you this before? I just curious about what's the first thing that made you ship graylu and why you decided to ship them? Thank you :)
Hi Anon!
I hadn’t actually watched a lot of Fairy Tail (or read the manga at all) when I first joined the fandom.  I was drawn into FT mostly by all the references to the anime on tumblr and on the fanfiction sites.  My first favourite characters were Gray and then Erza - we’re just talking straight up personal preference with little outside influence.  With respect to Gray, to the extent that I have a type, he’s pretty close.
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Still talking about my impressions early on, I would have liked to see a Gray x Erza pairing, but then I saw the Tower of Heaven arc and I thought Jellal was really cool too.  The truth is that I’m really not hung up on “canon” or “not canon” for pairings. I do care about what I perceive as “in” or “out of” character.  Anyway, I liked the potential for Jerza, so I added it to “ships I like”.
Then I discovered The Ship Week.  (I’m was a computer gamer, not an anime person, although I know tons more now.)  The first ship week I saw was for Graylu. That seemed interesting, so I decided to write for it. I was impressed with how Gray accepted Lucy generally and as a team-mate without hesitation, and I never saw him put her down. For somebody who appeared a bit introverted, he seemed comfortable with her very quickly, and it didn’t feel “off”.
I liked how Lucy worried about Gray while he was dealing with his reactions to Deliora (Galuna Island) and how Gray stopped to check on Lucy in Edolas.
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Whether as friends or something else, these two often represented the “saner” half of the team to me, and sometimes they seemed to feel the same way.  Also, I saw little things that suggested that Gray liked Lucy as something other than a friend (and I think Gemini said that he was attracted to her?).  I’m not saying these are big things – but they’re the kind of things that I like.
Writing for the 2016 Graylu ship week taught me two things: (1) I liked the ship and found it comfortable to write about; (2) because the fandom was way ahead of me in the story and cared more about “canon vs. not-canon” for ships than I did, there were a lot of people who disliked Graylu.  Fortunately, most people take a live and let live approach. For my part, since I write for several different ships, I make sure to tag things correctly, I respect other people’s ships, and I encourage all content creators as much as I can.
To sum up:  I write about both Nalu and Graylu (among others), but they’re quite distinct ships in my head, with different dynamics and different strengths and weaknesses.  Graylu is special to me because it was the first ship I wrote for and it still resonates with me personally.
~ Impracticaldemon
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classysassy9791 · 2 years
Gray and lucy need more appreciation and love as a couple! Gruvia doesn't exist In my eyes
Hello, fellow GrayLu fan!
Personally, I don't necessarily like Gray x Juvia as a pairing. The way Juvia is depicted in canon in regards to her feelings for Gray is just not my cup of tea. To be fair, though, I think that was Mashima's fault. Juvia x Gray had so much beautiful potential! Their magic abilities are stunning together. However, Juvia consistently oversteps Gray's boundaries and forces her affection on him, which in my eyes is seen as toxic. And on the other side of that coin, after Fairy Tail disbanded, Gray left Juvia alone by herself in an abandoned village. He brought the rain back. That in itself is so inherently tragic, and once Gray & Juvia are reunited, its as if that never happened. Juvia deserves so much better than that, regardless of Gray's reasoning behind it. They had some cute moments, but all the other actions leading up to those moments are just not okay.
Gray x Lucy, however, are underappreciated in my opinion. They start out as friends, first and foremost. And we obviously see that Gray is attracted to Lucy during the Oracion Seis arc in which Gemini copies Gray. He easily flirts with her, and helps her save Natsu from E.N.D. He protects her - during the Grand Magic Games when she's severely injured by Minerva; during the Edolas Arc when he frees her from her bindings and helps her to save Natsu & Wendy, as well as when he covers her during a blast from Hughes in E-Land.
They both have a lot of loss and grief between them, which I feel like they have a common ground on, love to gossip about others, and overall have a very companionable relationship. In essence, I love them your honor <3
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gralunaisland · 2 years
Yeah that popular colourist from prev ask has a rotten personality. They're another one of those insecure pros that try to push the narrative that gray & lucy aren't close and are 'just teammates' while simultaneously view natsu & juvia as a brotp. It's obvious they project HARD onto juvia as even mere headcanons of gray liking lucy first before moving onto juvia is treated like a personal attack on HER. Even when they were still on instagram they'd complain nonstop about graylu lmfao.
I think this post would be perfect for you, Anon! I talk about stuff related to what you're mentioning.
Anyway, it's definitely stemming from insecurity in their ship that they want juvia to have all these "best friendships" with characters she almost never interacts with, and when she does interact with them, she's usually gushing about Gray or telling them to back off from Gray. It's like certain Pros desperately want to prove that juvia isn't so dependent on Gray by saying she's got other friends, when she really doesn't (no one she would want to hang out with if Gray was still an option) and definitely shouldn't. It's absolutely bad writing that Mashima has members of Fairy Tail tolerate her behavior in the slightest anyway.
I can understand people not wanting to ship Gray and Lucy because "to each their own", but seriously??? It's another level of delusional to pretend that Gray doesn't see Lucy as anything more than a person on his team that helps complete missions for money.
(Just think about how Gray was willing to die for her when she was still a pretty new member, which doesn't prove he loves her or anything, but it's just an example of how he sees all his guild mates as family, which is already way more than "just a teammate". Also, look at any of the times he's flustered by her beauty, or when Gemini reveals how much he's thought about her and even considered her "the full package", or when he and Natsu were insanely angry when Minerva was beating Lucy up in the GMG and ran out desperately to catch her. Thennn you could look at how Gray and Lucy are always talking to each other first whenever something happens because they enjoy each other's company. The list goes on and on about how Gray and Lucy aren't just teammates.)
Then it's another level of delusional to think Natsu and juvia are brotp's when they don't interact nearly at all. I don't want to use personal experience as proof, but from my recent watch-through of all of Fairy Tail except for the very last arc, Alvarez, I literally don't remember them talking to each other once. Not even a singular instance. And since juvia's interactions are usually brutally burned into my brain because each of them makes me want to kick her in the face, if they did interact with Natsu, I doubt it was anything of significance.
I can't see juvia wanting to be friends with either Natsu or Lucy or Erza (though Erza makes more sense because she stupidly and maliciously encourages juvia's stupidity and malice) because these three are the people closest to Gray, and therefore, they take up most of his time. she's always distressed and annoyed when she can't team up with Gray, and the main "culprits" who "steal" him are Team Natsu members. she in her very shallow, immature character would be very hard pressed to forgive them.
Onto the next thing you mentioned, that's just kind of embarrassing to be triggered by headcanons, headcanons that even end with their desired result, Gray succumbing to juvia. Is it that big of an insult for Gray to have liked someone else before her? It's not reasonable to believe people have only one love in their lifetime, and it's even more unreasonable to be mad at someone who raises the possibility. It's no slander against juvia if Gray liked someone else before her (and I definitely believe he did, at least small crushes on Lucy or Erza which we can glean from the canon material)-- juvia slanders juvia well enough on her own.
Sounds like they were a bit obsessed with GraLu lol. Does this remind us of anyone?? (*coughs up a lung* juvia).
(I suppose one could say I'm obsessed too haha, but the difference between me and these Pros I'd think is that my hatred for gr///via doesn't stem from my shipping GraLu (which came after my hatred for juvia), whereas I don't see any other reason for these Pros to hate GraLu besides their shipping gr///via. I suppose they could prove me wrong, however.)
Anyway, thank you very much for sending an ask! You had great points, and I love hearing about other Antis' experiences.
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graylu-headcanons · 7 years
how about graylu + the way their act towards children (their own kids or not). thanks, hun!
For this request, I’m just going to do them interacting with children in general… BUT you have inspired me to do a separate post on Graylu’s children so keep an eye out for it! Thanks, anon!
Lucy has a knack for handling bigger groups of children. She always lets them interact with her spirits: Leo comes out to play games, Gemini entertains them by turning into other people and making them do goofy things, and they just adore Plue.
She also loves reading them stories, which all the kids love because she uses funny voices for each of the characters and will sometimes act out the action sequences herself.
Gray doesn’t dislike children but it does take him a while before he warms up to one… and even then loud and rambunctious kids stress him out.
However, when he bonds with a kid, it’s for life. He mentors them and basically becomes their non-biological older brother.
And if there’s a kid wandering around town by themselves, Gray’s first instinct is to take the child home with him and Lucy.
Like Lucy tries to bring home stray animals but Gray will attempt to bring home stray kids.
“Babe look, I found a kid!” “Gray, we’ve talked about this before! You can’t just bring home random kids!”
Gray also enjoys building ice structures for kids to play on, like castles and jungle gyms (they burn off more energy that way).
What he doesn’t enjoy is being likened to a certain Disney princess with similar powers. More often than not, children will start serenading Gray with “Let It Go” until he complains to Lucy.
When all is said an done, though, Gray is always the first one to say to Lucy - after a day full of entertaining children - “Those kids were cute, but I bet ours will be cuter.”
And Lucy can’t wait for the day she can prove that statement right
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