#gen 2: stevie
smulie · 2 months
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Watching mama on the telly with her bestie. Stevie has been steadily climbing the journalist ladder and is now a Morning News Co-Host.
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panicsimss · 1 year
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Meeting the newest addition to the family!
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adorkabledemon · 1 year
On the other hand, I am liking how they're setting up Clawd and Draculaura's relationship in Gen 3. Primarily by developing Clawd as a character before having him be a love interest.
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brbsoulnomming · 11 months
Tell Me Sweet Little Lies Part 26
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25 | AO3
"You boys all right?" Hopper calls, after the sound of Chief Powell reading Jason his rights has started to fade.
"Can't complain about the rescue," Eddie calls back.
"Doing a lot better than we'd be without you," Steve agrees.
"All right, just hang tight until I get confirmation that Carver's all settled in the cruiser and on his way to the station," Hopper says.
And Eddie sees the merit in that, really, he does, but Steve had dodged directly answering the question of if he was all right the same as Eddie had, and Eddie needs to see him.
He creeps off in the direction that he'd heard Steve's voice come from, sticking to the growing shadows, until he damn near collides with Steve - who must have had the same idea.
"Eddie," Steve breathes out, grabbing the front of Eddie's shirt and hauling him in for a kiss.
Eddie wraps his arms around him, holding him as close as he can as he kisses him back, every last bit of the terror he'd felt in the last however long coming out in sheer desperation.
"Eddie," Steve murmurs against his lips, his voice a little frantic like he needs to say it but doesn't want to stop kissing him. "Eddie, baby, are you hurt?"
"No," Eddie says, muffled by the fact that he can't stop kissing him, either. "No, I'm okay. Are you?"
Steve doesn't answer right away, kissing him again and again, and Eddie cups the line of his jaw, cradles it in his hand for a moment before he pushes his fingers into Steve's hair, checking for any tender spots.
"Hold up for a minute, let me look," Eddie insists, but he doesn't pull away when Steve stubbornly keeps kissing him.
"Stevie," he whispers, the sound stolen up by Steve's ragged inhale.
"I'm kind of trying not to freak out," Steve admits.
Eddie registers the press of something cold and hard against his chest where Steve's still holding his shirt, the clink of metal when he shifts, and he remembers the handcuffs.
"Fuck," Eddie curses. "What can I do?"
"You're okay, right? He didn't hurt you?"
For a moment, Eddie thinks Steve might be deflecting, but the look on Steve's face tells him no, he's answering Eddie's question just fine - that's what Eddie can do to reassure him.
"He didn't hurt me," Eddie says. "He pushed me a couple of times, and one made me lose my balance, but no damage."
"Let me see-" Steve starts, but Eddie shakes his head.
"Uh-uh. You let me see first, then you can look," he insists.
A tiny smile tugs at the corner of Steve's lips. "I take care of you, you take care of me?"
"Bingo. So no trying to get fresh with me again until I've had a good look, all right handsome?" Eddie teases.
This time, Steve lets him cup his jaw again, peering closely at his face. It's getting dark enough that Eddie can't tell exactly, but nothing looks broken. He's pretty sure he's going to have some bruising, though.
"Okay," Eddie says once he's satisfied - or as satisfied as he's going to get until they're home. "Your turn."
Steve lifts Eddie's shirt up without any preamble, peering at his stomach and chest and running his fingers over his skin. His touch brushes over some of Eddie's soulmate ink, and - oh, fuck, if last time was Steve's hands in his hair and hot water washing away a week's worth of grime, this is molten heat running down his spine, the taste of Steve's tongue in his mouth, the feel of his breath on the back of his neck. Eddie shudders, lips parted in a soft gasp.
"Eddie?" Steve asks.
"Soulmate words," Eddie says.
"Oh," Steve says absently. Then, "Oh."
"Yeah. Fuck, we're doing that again once we're home," Eddie says fervently.
Steve's looking at him again, all warm and happy like he's just had the best experience of his life.
"What?" Eddie asks.
"You said home," Steve replies softly, gently tugging Eddie's shirt down and leaning in to kiss him again.
"It is," Eddie says. "With you and Robin, it is."
Steve closes his eyes, forehead pressing against Eddie's. They stay like that, tucked in close to each other, until Hopper's voice calls out and tells them it's safe to come out.
Hopper's got a flashlight on him, and he looks them both over when they emerge, the corners of his mouth dropping down lower and lower when he looks at Steve's face and wrists.
"Hey Chief?" Hopper says into the police issue radio he's got hooked on his belt, as they walk back towards Forest Hills.
"Yeah Hop?" Chief Powell asks.
"Get the handcuff master key out and ready for when we get to the station," Hopper tells him. "And you might want to add unlawful restraint to that list of charges."
Eddie blanches. "Who says we want to go to the station?" he grumbles.
"We can't do it tomorrow?" Steve asks.
"You'll be glad you got it over with," Hopper points out.
Which is probably true, but Eddie isn't going to give him the satisfaction of saying it.
"Got it," Chief Powell's voice comes back over the radio. "Which one of them is it?"
Hopper shoots him and Steve a little look. "Better get ready to hear from Lillian Harrington."
"Ah, shit," Chief Powell mutters. "All right, see you soon."
There's no police cars when they get back to the trailer - just Steve's BMW, still parked out front next to the abandoned boxes of Eddie's things.
"Can you help get those in the trunk?" Steve asks.
Eddie wants to point out that they don't feel all that important right now, but Hopper's already crouching down to pick two of them up, and Steve's awkwardly fishing his keys out of his jeans pocket. And it's - yeah, okay, if they went through all of this on a mission to get Eddie some of his life back, he doesn't want to come back empty handed, either. He picks up the last box, tucking it inside the trunk.
"Found this, too," Hopper comments, setting Steve's bat next to them.
Just the sight of it makes some of the tension leak out from Steve's shoulders.
"Get in," Hopper says. "I'll drive you to the station."
"It's my car!" Steve protests. "I've driven with way worse!"
"That's exactly why you're not driving now," Hopper says.
"That doesn't make any sense," Steve mutters.
"Stevie, if he isn't driving, I am," Eddie tells him. "You want me driving your car in my current state?"
"I know you've done it before, kid," Hopper adds, his voice gentler this time. "You shouldn't have had to then, and you don't have to now."
Steve looks away for a moment. Then he nods, clambering into the backseat of the car. Eddie joins him, sitting as close to him as he dares. Once they're in route - Eddie risks slipping his hand over, palm up. An offering, just in case.
Steve grabs it immediately, lacing their fingers together and holding on tight.
"How come the cops are so scared of your mom?" he asks Steve in a low voice.
There's a little laugh. "My mom's a lawyer. She's mostly a corporate lawyer now, but she was a criminal defense attorney for a while, and she'll still take some cases. She's going to be all over this."
Hopper gives a soft snort of amusement. "She's going to threaten to sue everyone from Powell to the mayor if Carver doesn't get charged the way she wants him to."
"She's a good lawyer," Steve agrees, grinning a little.
Hopper's eyes flick down in the rear view mirror, and Eddie knows he can see him and Steve holding hands. For a moment, his heart jumps into his throat - but Hopper doesn't say anything, just slips his gaze back to the road.
Flo's waiting for them with a set of keys and three steaming mugs of hot chocolate when they get to the station.
Eddie takes the keys before Hopper can, hurriedly unlocking the cuffs from Steve's wrists. Steve sags a little when they're gone, leaning into him for a moment before straightening up to accept his mug of cocoa.
"You can wait in the break room," Flo tells them. "The phone's free if you want to call your mom."
She ushers them in and closes the door.
Steve and Eddie take the threadbare couch, squished together, while Hopper plops down on a folding chair.
The phone's on a table by the couch, and Steve puts it on speaker after he dials.
"Wolfram, Hart, & Harrington, this is Lacey Shepherd speaking."
"Hi Lacey," Steve greets. "Can you connect me to Mrs. Harrington? This is Steven, one of her clients. I'm calling from a police station."
"One moment, please," Lacey says, before some truly terrible music drifts through the phone.
"One of her clients?" Eddie repeats.
Steve gives a little shrug. "She's working. She'll answer for a client."
But not for her son?
Eddie doesn't know why he's surprised, considering everything, but getting hit in the face with it like that is still a bit of a shock.
Fuck, he's going to hug Steve so hard after all of this.
Granted, he was going to do that anyway, because Eddie really wants a hug after this, but still.
The hold music stops.
"Steven?" Mrs. Harrington asks.
"Hi, Mom," Steve says.
"Steven." There's comprehension in her voice now. "What happened?"
"Jason Carver," Steve says. "He ambushed me with a gun when I was walking back to my car, threatened to kill me and my soulmate."
"Just threatened?" There's a sharp alertness in her voice now, and Eddie can hear the scratching of writing.
"He handcuffed me to a railing, took my soulmate out into the woods and shoved them around. Punched me in the face a few times."
"Punched you in the face," she repeats.
"In his defense, I was choking him with the handcuffs he made me put on," Steve adds.
"Steven Everett Harrington," she hisses. "I know you didn't just say that in a room full of cops."
"It's just Hopper," Steve says.
"No cops here now, Lillian," Hopper says.
She sniffs. "Once a cop, always a cop, Jim. You don't talk to cops."
If he wasn't for everything else he knew, Eddie might actually like her.
"What did the Carver boy say to you?" she asks.
"Uh - that he was trying to get justice and remove the curse from Hawkins. He said he believed we could do it. He was upset about Chrissy, and wanted to make us suffer. Something about planning to send people to Hell."
All technically true, and Eddie sure as shit isn't going to volunteer anything that puts Jason Carver in a better light.
"I knew that boy was unstable," she mutters. "The whole police force was wrapped up in looking for some insignificant gutter trash, and they're letting the real threats go around right under their noses."
Right, shit, so much for liking her.
Eddie slouches down, until he sees the anger in Steve's eyes. As nice as it would be to let him say whatever he's going to - Eddie puts a hand on his arm, shaking his head.
"You tell Chief Powell to call me after you're done giving your statement," she says. "If I don't hear from him in less than an hour, he won't like the outcome."
"Yes, Mom," Steve says.
The dial tone rings out in response.
"I don't want her to talk like that about you," Steve says immediately.
"I appreciate it," Eddie says, reaching out to gently brush his fingers against the bruise appearing on Steve's cheek. "But you've taken enough hits for me tonight. You can save swinging at your mom for later."
It wasn't until he said it that he recognizes the feeling in the pit of his stomach. He knows Steve doesn't agree, knows he's made it very clear otherwise, but - part of him can't help but feel like this is his fault, like Steve wouldn't have had to go through tonight if Eddie wasn't his soulmate.
He doesn't say anything, but Steve narrows his eyes anyway.
"You're my soulmate," Steve says. "I don't regret it."
Hopper clears his throat, and Eddie jumps, his hand dropping away.
Fuck, he can't believe he almost forgot he was there.
"Hop," Steve says.
Hopper shakes his head. "He's your soulmate, right? Whatever that means, you got nothing to fear from me."
There's a beat of silence, then, "At least it's better than Mike Wheeler, anyway."
Eddie barks out a startled laugh, clamping one hand over his mouth.
"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up," Hopper grumbles. "I'm sending the little shit to you when he gets on my nerves."
It's not long before Chief Powell comes to take their statements. They give him the same spiel that they gave Steve's mom, with a little more detail about how Jason was trying to make Eddie confess.
Chief Powell sighs. "Boy's not saying much in there. I think he finally gets how much trouble he's in. I better go give Judge Ellison a call, then get Lillian on the phone."
He scrubs a hand over his face, then looks at Hopper. "You sure you don't want your job back?"
"Nah," Hopper replies with a grin. "It's all yours."
Steve doesn't put up a protest when Hopper gets into the driver's seat of the Bimmer this time. He just reaches one hand out, and Eddie takes it, giving it a soft squeeze.
"The whole motley crew's probably at your place by now," Hopper warns them as he drives. "Your girl called a code red. The only reason we didn't have the rest of those numbskulls showing up at Forest Hills in a panic is because she'd already called 911, and the police were on their way as soon as they heard Jason Carver and gun. Joyce took the kids and Argyle over to wait with Robin, so I'm sure the rest of them are there too."
Sure enough, the Wheelers' station wagon, Argyle's van, the Byers' car, and his uncle's truck are all parked outside when they get there.
Part of him thinks so much for getting to kiss Steve senseless, but the bigger part is touched that they're all here like this. He sneaks a glance over at Steve, sees a slightly stunned smile, and gives his hand another squeeze.
Hopper walks in first, mostly so he can fend off the immediate rush at the door.
Robin's the only one that gets past him, flinging herself at both of them and hugging them.
"I'm okay, Robs, we're okay," Steve whispers into her hair.
She hugs them tighter.
Then she steps back. His uncle is in her place immediately, folding Eddie up in his arms - and then hauling Steve in to hug him, too.
"I'm okay, we're okay," Eddie says.
Finally, his uncle lets go, too, letting the crowd get a better look at them.
"What happened?" Dustin demands. "Robin said Jason locked Steve up and dragged Eddie off somewhere!"
"Handcuffed," Steve says. "But I got free."
"Handcuffed?" Erica repeats flatly, shoving her way to the front of the group.
She looks him and Steve up and down. Eddie can see the way the fire in her eyes burns hotter and hotter as she lingers over the welts around Steve's wrists, the bruises on his face, the dirt and blood on Eddie's own hands. He hadn't noticed that before now, but he must have ripped at the edges of a couple of his fingernails, digging his hands into the ground like that.
Then Erica turns on her heel. "I'm going to call Tina."
"Tina?" Eddie asks, confused.
"She's the biggest gossip at Hawkins Middle," Erica replies. "Jason Carver is a ruined man."
"He's already in jail!" Steve calls.
"Yeah, and when I'm done with him, everyone will know what a psychopath he is!" Erica shouts back as she slams the door to the study down the hall.
Nancy makes this little giggling snort sound - the same one he heard her make when he was in the hospital, what feels like forever ago.
Apparently it was a good sound, because she's smiling.
"She's going to be a terror when she gets to high school," Robin says fondly.
"Yeah," Steve agrees. "I'm so proud of her."
"Ugh," Lucas groans.
"Luckily, she's got better friends than I did, to keep her grounded," Steve adds, looking out over all of them.
Joyce worms her way to the front, looking both of them up and down just like Erica.
And just like Erica, there's a ferocity to her as she takes them in, though hers burns cooler.
"Oh, honey," she murmurs. "Come on, let me look at you in the kitchen."
There's a moment of silence, then she looks at them.
"Both of you, now," she orders.
Well, not that much cooler.
"Hopper, will you order pizza for everyone? I know it's late, but I'm sure we could use it," she calls back as she ushers them into the kitchen.
She points them both to the kitchen table, and what the hell else is Eddie going to do but obediently sit? She digs into the freezer, gets out an ice pack and wraps it in a towel, then gently places it over Steve's eye and cheek.
"Hold it there for a little while," she tells him.
Then she wets another towel and comes over to Eddie, taking his hands in hers and gently cleaning them up. She looks at him with such softness and warmth when her eyes catch his that, horrifyingly, he feels his chin quiver a little, and he has to look away.
"I haven't gotten to tell you," she says quietly. "It was a very brave thing you did, helping fight against One."
"It doesn't feel like it," he finds himself admitting.
She hums softly. "Because you were scared?"
"Terrified," he agrees. "But because I didn't do enough."
She makes a tsk noise, wiping away the last of the grime and wrapping a bandaid around the tip of his finger, where a drop of blood had sprung up. "You're here. That's more than enough."
Jesus Christ, he's not going to cry, he's not.
She takes pity on him, patting his hand one more time and then going to check on Steve.
"That goes for you, too," she tells him as she lifts up the ice pack to take a peek, then puts it back down. "You think I haven't noticed that it's always you?"
"They're kids," Steve protests softly.
"So are you," she tells him, in the kind of tone that manages to be both gentle and leave no room for argument. "And you are worth more than how much damage you can take for them."
"Okay," Steve says, one hand coming up to pinch the bridge of his nose.
She tsks at him, then gently cleans the dirt off of his face and hands.
"There's juice and stuff in the fridge for everyone," he says.
"You're a sweetheart," she tells him.
Eddie snorts before he can stop himself.
She raises an eyebrow at him. "You have an opinion on that, Edward Munson?"
"No ma'am," he says quickly, even though he knows it's a lie.
Steve drops the ice pack away from his face, grinning. He looks - a little punch drunk, a little like how he'd light up so high every time the house is filled with people. "That was a lie," he stage whispers to Joyce. "He definitely has an opinion."
She tries to hide her smile. "Oh? Enlighten us."
Eddie groans. "Look, I love Steve, okay, he's the kindest, bravest, best guy I know, but he's way too much of a bitch to be a sweetheart."
Steve cackles, head tilting back as he laughs.
Joyce has one hand over her mouth, her eyes wide and glistening with what looks like unshed tears. Eddie frowns, tries to think back to what he said - fuck, he'd said love, okay, but everyone knows Steve's his soulmate now, and he hadn't said what kind, so there's no way she'd assume -
She reaches out, takes one of their hands in each of hers. "Will you boys come to dinner on Sunday?"
Steve's brows furrow in confusion. "Well, yeah, of course."
"Good. Will and El missed you," she tells Steve, then nods at Eddie. "And I think Will's unsure about it, but I know he'd like to be in that club of yours. I think having you around, together, will be nice."
"Of course, Mrs. B," Eddie says, exchanging a look with Steve.
She squeezes both of their hands, smiling softly at them a moment longer. "Are you ready to go back out and face the questions?"
They are, and they do.
Eddie takes over, dropping into DM mode to spin the story of what happened into something a little more colorful, a little less scary - and manages to cut his poetic waxing about Steve ripping the railing off and choking Jason while handcuffed short when Robin pointedly nudges him.
He's just about done when Erica emerges, looking very satisfied with herself.
"The whole school knows all the details of what a creep Jason is now," she says. "Both schools, by morning."
Steve picks her up, twirling her around.
She shrieks.
"Steven Everett Harrington, you put me down!" she shouts at him, kicking her feet.
Eddie notices she doesn't actually do anything to try to get him to let her go, and her shrieking is definitely the more gleeful variety, but he doesn't point it out for fear of the verbal dressing down he'd get.
She flips her hair when he finally sets her down, loudly commenting, "Ugh!" as she storms off to the couch.
"Me next," El requests, holding her arms out to him.
Steve immediately picks her up, smiling wide and playful as he spins her around to the sounds of her delighted laughter.
When he sets her down, he turns to Max - who was apparently waiting for that, and promptly throws a couch pillow at him.
"Don't you dare! What, just because I'm a girl! How sexist is that, why don't you try to twirl one of the guys?" she demands.
Steve tilts his head like he's considering that. "Okay," he agrees.
Eddie expects him to chase down Dustin or Lucas - but instead, the next thing he knows there's a pair of arms around his waist and Steve is hauling him up to twirl him around.
He cackles, draping his arms over Steve's neck and tipping his head back. "Come on, Harrington, put those muscles to use and twirl me faster," he teases.
Steve spins him around again, then sets him down, beaming at him.
Joyce whacks him on the shoulder.
"Quit that," she scolds. "You should both be resting. Go, on the couch, the both of you."
"How does Erica even know your middle name?" Eddie asks Steve once they're settled on the couch, after Uncle Wayne, Hopper, and Joyce have gone back into the kitchen.
"I know everything," Erica replies smugly.
Dustin scoffs. "Sir Everett is Steve's paladin. She only knows because he told us when we played."
In his indignation, he says it loud enough for the whole room to hear, and Lucas, Mike, and Will's heads immediately swivel over to look at them.
There's a moment of silence, as Dustin seems to realize what he just said. His eyes widen, gaze cutting over to Steve.
"You told!" Erica shouts delightedly. "Shotgun privileges revoked for a year!"
"You played with my sister?" Lucas asks, sounding betrayed.
"What the hell!" Mike agrees. "He was our friend first!"
Steve raises one eyebrow at him.
"You were!" Mike insists. "We even made you a part of the Party and gave you a walkie everything!"
"You sure that wasn't just to con your way into free movies last summer?" Steve teases, hands on his hips.
"Steve," Lucas protests.
"I think we're forgetting that Dustin knew about this," Will points out.
"Will, come on!" Dustin whines.
"All right, how about this," Steve says. "Will, when are you running one again?"
Will looks thrown. "Me?"
"Yeah, you," Steve says.
"Oh, I, uh. I don't know." Will's gaze cuts over to Eddie, then skitters away so quickly he's not completely sure it happened.
Yeah, looks like Joyce was right about him being uncertain. Eddie remembers Steve saying that Will was leaving his party behind and didn't want anything to play for a present, but his friends clearly hadn't done the same. Eddie can see how that'd cause some conflicting feelings.
"I've heard a lot about you," Eddie chimes in.
He feels Steve tense briefly next to him, then relax when it's clear Eddie isn't lying.
"What?" Will asks, looking back at him.
"Oh, yeah. Not to my face, of course, before spring break these little shits were terrified of me - and I already mourn the loss - but I heard them talking." He clears his throat, making his voice all high and squeaky. "'Can you believe that? Will never would have done that! Will would have given him a whole backstory! Will's introduction was ten times more interesting!'"
All right, maybe he's playing it up a bit - but he had overheard them talking about the differences in his and Will's styles a few times, and there were times that they liked Will's better.
"I wasn't the only one who DMed, though, Mike used to do it, too," Will says, face a little pink.
"Yeah, but you're way better," Mike says earnestly. "Remember how long my last couple of campaigns took me to plan and how quick we finished them?"
"Tell you what," Steve says. "You both work up one together, and Eddie, Robin, and I will play."
Jesus Christ, it's like Christmas came early.
Eddie cackles. "Just wait, boys, you haven't seen me as a player yet."
"Why am I roped into this now?" Robin protests, but it's the tone of voice she uses when she's going to do it, she just wants to bitch.
"We'll all play," Jonathan cuts in, glancing over at Nancy and Argyle. "Right, guys?"
"Oh, for sure. Bring it on, little dudes," Argyle agrees.
"Fine," Nancy says, rolling her eyes, but she's smiling. "I'm not dressing up, though."
"Dress up?" Eddie repeats, pouncing on it immediately.
"No!" Nancy retorts immediately.
Eddie wriggles, twisting so he can peer at her from over Robin's shoulder, eyes wide and beseeching. "Come on, Wheeler," he whines.
She glares at him, managing to hold it for a few seconds before she caves. "Fine! Remember this when it comes time for your study sessions."
Shit, that's right.
…eh, worth it.
"Dress up?" El repeats.
"Yeah, but boring dress up, not fun dress up like at the mall," Max says.
Eddie clutches his heart. "Mayfield. Don't you want to be a maiden fair? A tiefling princess?"
Max narrows her eyes at him.
El squeezes Max's hand.
"If I get a mace," Max says. "And I get to hit Munson with it at some point. I'll consider it."
"Deal!" Eddie immediately agrees.
He's pretty sure she means her character, and he can sacrifice a few hit points.
…she definitely means her character, right?
Eh, still worth it.
"Wait, there's costumes now?" Steve asks.
Eddie drops himself back over Steve. "Don't worry, I've got you covered."
Steve pulls a face. "Great," he mutters, voice dripping with sarcasm.
Mike and Will, who'd bowed their heads together to have a quick, fervent discussion, separate to look back up at the group.
"Okay," Will says. "We'll let you know when we've got it worked out."
The pizza arrives not long after, and even though he, Steve, and Robin already put away one earlier - that feels like forever ago, and he still devours a few more slices.
Eddie kind of expects some of them to go home at some point that night, but they never do.
Uncle Wayne takes the guest room that Steve told him he could have, and Joyce and Hopper end up in the other one. The rest of them all crash out in the living room, on couches and chairs and in sleeping bags.
No one bats an eye when he, Steve, and Robin tangle themselves up in each other.
Eddie falls asleep surrounded by his family, and thinks - there's no better feeling in the whole damn world.
Just one more part left, and then this will finally be wrapped up!
Part 27
Tag list (always happy to add more for the last bit!): @vampireinthesun @koibug @estrellami-1 @mentalcyborg @allbimyself26 @questionablequeeries @the-s-is-silent @whimsicalwitchm @a-gae-af-racoon @tinyplanet95 @n0-1-important @velocitytimes2 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @newtstabber @jcmadgirl @roblingoblin285 @lexyvey @paperbackribs @goodolefashionedloverboi @evix-syne666 @raisedbylibrarians @stxrcrossed186 @nightmareglitter @greekgeek24 @starman-jpg @crazyhatlady86 @imfinereallyy @manda-panda-monium @deleataecount @prideandsensibility @chaoticvictorianspirit @maydillydally @disrespectedgoatman @scarlet-malfoy @i-less-than-three-you @hbyrde36 @hallucinatedjosten @dragonsandgayships @arepaconchocolate @g4ys0n @novelnovella @bisexualdisastersworld @ghostofyourvampiregf @scarletyeager @pettrichore @nerd-and-nervous @hiimlevi @queenie-ofthe-void @cinnamon-mushroomabomination
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yikes-em · 5 months
Nap Away
For @astrangersummer week 2: afternoon nap
steddie | 976 words | gen/no warnings | college/modern
Read also on ao3
Tuesdays and Wednesdays are Steve’s weekends. He’s a hairstylist, a junior one at that, and works Thursday through to Monday. He and Eddie have no overlapping days off, Eddie’s from the bar falling on Sunday and Mondays, but Steve has his Tuesdays and Wednesdays. He goes grocery shopping, gives the plants of his their weekly watering should their routine require, doctor and dentists appointments. This Wednesday so happens to be Steve’s rare empty day. He’s already run the dishwasher and laundry, both audibly going in the kitchen. The bathroom is clean, they’d already agreed on pizza for dinner so no need for prep. Everything was right in the world. One glance at the clock told Steve, nested into a pile of blankets and pillows on the couch with a book, that Eddie should be home from his noon class shortly. The sound of keys in the doorknob confirmed that fact not even five minutes later.
“Heey, Stevie,” Eddie hums, bag dropping to the ground by their door as he toes his shoes off.
“Hi, sweetheart,” Steve muses back, dogearing the page. He pushes his glasses to the top of his head. “How was class?”
Eddie holds a finger to his lips with closed eyes. Steve understands. “I’ve gotta be back on campus in a few hours.”
“How many?”
“Right, thank you,” Steve hums. He adjusts his body to make room on the couch and tucks his book under the pillow beside him. “Sorry I forgot. How can I help you?”
Eddie blushes, kicking his feet up a little as he steps further into the living room to the beat of the music Steve’s got playing through the TV. He speaks through a yawn-- “I dunno.”
“Not really.”
“Need to do any work before class?”
“Surprisingly, no,” Eddie grins when his shins hit the couch. Steve reaches up for Eddie’s hips with both hands, holds him firmly, and presses a gentle kiss through his shirt just under Eddie’s belly button. “Whatcha reading?”
“Still trying to get through Watership Down.”
“Fuck yeah, baby, let me know if there’s anymore words you need help with?”
Steve nods. He moves his hands from Eddie’s sides up to grab his hands, tugging down at him. Eddie understands, sitting where Steve’s made space for him. Eddie yawns again and goes where he’s pulled until he’s flush against Steve’s body. The warmth on the couch grows as the shifting sun hits the front window just right and flashes rainbows through the lounge. It’s beautiful and safe and most importantly, theirs.
“How’s your day been, love?”
“Calm,” Steve hums lightly as he cards his fingers through Eddie’s hair. The dark green block of color taking up the left half of his bangs would be ready to be colored in the next few weeks, with his roots grown out a half inch already, but currently it was a tonedeaf and seasick teal. Sometimes Steve would find himself overcritical of his work, particularly on Eddie. Now, like it had been in the short months they’d been living together, his mind was quiet. Steve picked apart a few curls that clumped densely together.
“Good,” Eddie says, yawning yet again.
“When do you need to leave?”
Eddie takes a peek across the room at the same clock Steve had. “Class is at 5, I’ll be out at 6:15, I think. So leave around 4:30?”
“I’ll drop you off, we can leave quarter till. Go on and nap a bit, Eds.”
“You’re so chivalrous,” Eddie grins like a dope up at Steve. He nuzzles into Steve’s shirt, nose poking through the space between the buttons. Steve lets out a breathy giggle and pushes his face back. “I’m so lucky!”
“Yeah, you are.”
“You sure you’re comfortable?” Eddie asks, voice turning soft and genuine.
“Well, here, hang on.” Steve slides out from under Eddie with only a few grumbles, returning a minute later with a fresh glass of water and a small bowl of pre-cut strawberries with powdered sugar on top. Eddie whines again when he’s forced to hold himself up enough for Steve to return to his previous spot, but is quickly soothed by a few strawberries and a kiss on the head. “Alright, now we’re good. Nap away, my love.”
“I need to be up by 4 at least…” Eddie mumbles, all but a whisper. Steve nods as he wraps his arm around Eddie and pulls him close. He doesn’t wake Eddie until 4:15, a solid two hour nap in Steve’s opinion, with a kind nudge of his knee and kiss above Eddie’s ear after returning Watership Down to the coffee table. Eddie rouses slowly with a pathetic whine.
“Steeevieeeee,” He cries, wriggling around on Steve’s lap. “Sleeeeepyyyy…!”
“I know, baby,” Steve hums and shifts again so Eddie has no comfortable resting spot anymore. He sits up and rubs aggressively at his eyes. “Come on, tie your hair up and we can take a quick shower before I drop you off.”
“Hot?” Eddie peeks out from behind his knuckles.
“Yeah, Eds,” he laughs softly, already reaching for the hair tie around Eddie’s wrist. “Now, hop up, let’s go.”
Steve doesn’t even have time to dry his hair before they have to rush off, Eddie making it to class exactly on time. If they’d gotten a little carried away in the shower, who can blame them? But by the time Eddie returns home again there’s a hot meat lovers pizza on the coffee table, an episode of Jeopardy queued on TV, and Steve perched yet again in the middle of a blanket puddle on the couch. There’s no disagreements when Eddie further investigates and finds Steve in one of Eddie’s old band hoodies and just his boxers, limp hair sending thin clumps of waves over his forehead. Yeah, Eddie’s a lucky guy.
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talanashta · 3 months
Stevie Week Day 2
I'm late (only discovered this event today), but have my lil fill for day 2 @stevieweek! Prompt was "gender euphoria," but it can also (probably) fill "first dress." I'm going to try to get to the other prompts soon too!
Word Count: 707, Rating: G, Pairing: Gen (or can be read as one-sided Stobin)
“It’s shocked me to my core, but I like you. I really like you. But I’m not like your other friends, and I’m not like Nancy Wheeler.”
“Robin. That’s exactly why I like you.”
“Tammy Thompson. I wanted her to look at me.”
“But Tammy Thompson’s a girl… Oh.”
It’d been months since their conversation on the floor of the men’s bathroom at the Starcourt movie theater, and Steve still couldn’t get it out of his head. At first, he’d thought maybe he was still weird about Robin liking girls, but that didn’t feel right. He’d thought maybe it was his crush on her, but he respected her boundaries. She was his best friend, and that was perfect! He’d never had anyone like her in his life before. Tommy used to be his best friend, and he’d never even come close to how much Steve and Robin clicked.
Steve spent night after night staring at the ceiling of his bedroom in the dark, forced to contemplate it. It was that or think about the nightmares. He’d been, not sad, something else, when Robin essentially told him she didn’t like him back because he was a boy. It wasn’t how being turned down normally felt. This was like a throbbing ache in his chest and a hollowness in his stomach. It felt like being called bullshit by Nancy. Like he was wrong. Then the tears started falling.
He only let himself cry like this in the dark of his room with his parents away. Great heaving sobs where his breath hitched, clutching at his chest like he wanted to rip it open to tear out the negative feelings.
All his thoughts swirled through his head like he was drowning in them, being whisked away in a flood.
He remembered all the times he had felt like this in the past. How sometimes, with his skin crawling, he’d rush to the bathroom and frantically shave all his body hair to feel safe and normal. How his voice dropping had made him scream into his pillow at night. How he’d rub his fingers over and over his mother’s silkiest dresses when his parents were gone.
He’d explained it all away. He got used to being hairless during swimming, so of course, it felt weird having it back during the off-season. Alongside voice changes, puberty caused strong emotions from hormones (or something like that; that’s what the guidance counselor said during sex ed), so of course, he had the urge to scream sometimes. He missed his parents, but especially his mom, so of course, he wanted to feel close to her by grabbing the hem of her dress like he would when he was little.
It was all adding up, though, and sure, he wasn’t good at math, but he could add two plus two. All those times when he stared at girls’ hair and makeup a little too long feeling envious of how pretty they were. How much care and attention he paid to his own hair, keeping it as long as his father would let him.
Maybe he was… a girl? He- she- she decided to test her idea.
In the dark of night, she padded down the stairs to her parents’ room. She looked through her mother’s closet for a dress that looked like it might fit. She grabbed the first one she found in a stretchy fabric and headed to the ensuite.
The drawers on the right held her mother’s makeup, and while she didn’t quite know how to put it all on, she’d seen Nancy and her mother do it enough times that she could make a decent guess.
She pulled the dress over her head, fluffed her hair, and started in on the makeup. It felt right wrong right, so she leaned in as close to the mirror as she could so she couldn’t see the whole image. Just focused on applying the eyeshadow, liner, blush, lipstick. Until there was nothing left. Until she had to step back from the mirror.
She burst out into tears again, instantly ruining her work. Mascara ran down her cheeks. But her heart soared. She felt like she’d float away into the stars.
She’d never looked more like herself.
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artiststarme · 2 years
What If Steve Were To Leave Hawkins? Part 20 (Epilogue)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19
The series is finished! Thank you for everyone that read it and stuck with me through the 20 parts, I know it was a lot and ended up being much longer than I anticipated for my first fic. Thank you very much for your kind comments. I plan on posting my next fic sometime in the next couple of days, if you'd like to be tagged in that, let me know!
The trio were thriving in Chicago. It had been roughly a month since they had all three moved into a two-bedroom apartment a few blocks from the coffee shop and a little longer than that since they’d all moved away from Hawkins. All three of them were having the time of their lives. 
Steve had been picking up extra hours at the coffee shop with Betty to try and make some extra money. He loved working as a barista and being challenged to make the most asinine of orders. What he loved even more is when he looked up on boring weekday shifts to see Eddie and Robin pouring over their notebooks. Steve could watch them scribble song lyrics and math equations, respectively, all day. And whenever Eddie looked up to meet his eyes with a beaming smile on his face? That was nice too. 
Eddie had accepted a full time job at the record store that they had passed their first day in the city. He could finally work a job he enjoyed without threat of violence from high school jocks or cruel words from middle-aged churchgoers. He’d also joined the band that the cashier, now known as Justin, had invited him to. They sounded way better than the high school Corroded Coffin did and with Eddie’s guitar skills? The new and improved Corroded Coffin was getting more than five drunks whenever they played in the bars. Steve was there at every ‘concert’ and cheered the band, especially Eddie, on after every song. What Eddie especially looked forward to on those nights though wasn’t the full crowd. Oh no, he looked forward to the possessive kisses that Steve would give him once they were away from prying eyes. 
Robin loved Chicago. She had started taking Gen Ed classes at UIC for the fall semester and working at an LGBT+ bookstore on the weekends. While she was currently single after breaking up with Vickie, she was happy. They parted on good terms and they both agreed that long distance at their age wasn’t the answer. Robin spent most of her free time working at the bookstore or making friends at school. However, she also devoted a healthy amount of time to third wheeling Steve and Eddie. It was easy really. Especially since everyone turned into a third wheel around them, whether they knew it or not. Anytime anyone sees them, they’re hanging off of one another, giving each other heart eyes, and being disgustingly lovey-dovey in general. 
By far the best part of moving in together in the city for Steve was waking up to Eddie in the morning on their days off. They would lie in bed for hours just talking or kissing or talking and kissing. Today, they were talking about their future in Chicago. 
Steve was watching the sunlight from the windows hit Eddie’s contours and accentuate his messy bedhead. “Are you happy here?”
Eddie closed his eyes and yawned before giving Steve the biggest smile his tired face could muster. “Stevie, baby, I’ve never been happier. I didn’t even know I could be this happy!”
His eyes danced across Steve’s face before his smile widened upon spotting the hickey he had left the night before. “What about you?”
Steve hummed as he thought about his answer. He was still having trouble putting his happiness into words. He felt like he was living within a dream, one that he never wanted to wake up from. He looked back to Eddie, his glorious boyfriend. The man that had shown him what it was like to be cared for by someone and the one who had picked up the broken pieces everyone else had left behind. “I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. And I wouldn’t be if it weren’t for you. You make me really fucking happy, Eds. Even if you did eat the last of my Rocky Road cereal last night.”
Eddie’s smile turned into an overexaggerated pout as he fell backwards from his place hovering over Steve’s face onto the pillow. “I said I was sorry! I’ll pick up some more on my way home from work tomorrow. I can’t believe you ended your love confession with that, Jesus fucking Christ.”
Steve laughed and dragged Eddie back over to him, letting his frizzy curls curtain both of them. “I really love you Eddie.”
Eddie pressed a soft kiss to the tip of his nose and whispered, “I really love you too Steve.”
They kissed each other for a couple of minutes before Steve pulled away and nervously licked his bottom lip before speaking, “hey Eds, I’ve been thinking about something.”
Eddie gently shook his head, “I’m flattered, Stevie, but gay marriage isn’t legal yet so-”
Eddie’s eyebrows furrowed, “oh, was that not what you were… oh. My bad, carry on.”
Steve shook his head, he’d poke that bear later. He cleared his throat before continuing, “I’ve been thinking… maybe I could go back to school? I know Robin is really enjoying it and if I just went on a part-time basis then I could still afford it. And I know I want to get a degree eventually so maybe I could take some classes and decide what I want. What do you think?”
“I think that’s a great idea! We’ll figure out the money later. If you think going to school and getting your degree will make you happy, I say go for it,” Eddie said, rubbing his hand down Steve’s arm. 
Steve nodded, “I think it would. My parents always pushed me to go into business but I think if I did something I really liked, I would have a really good time.”
“What do you want to do, then? Not thinking about anything else, what would make you happy?” Eddie asked. 
Steve bit his lip. He had an idea but he’d never shared it with anyone else. He knew though that if there was one person who wouldn’t make fun of his interests, it was Eddie. “I want to be an author. If I could, I’d write stories that kids could look up to and be inspired by.”
Eddie smiled and grabbed the back of Steve’s head, dragging him into the most gentle of kisses. “I think that’s a great idea, Stevie. Neither one of us will have some normal, nine to five job. When I’m a famous rockstar and you’re a big, hotshot author on the New York Times Best Sellers list, we can tour together and see the world.”
Steve nodded, that was quite the dream. But it was missing something, one small aspect that wasn’t coming to mind. One thing would make their dream even more perfect. Eddie also seemed to notice and after a thoughtful hum added, “with Robin.” 
Steve’s smile stretched and with a small laugh he agreed, “oh yeah, with Robin. That’s the dream, baby.”
And with that, they kissed.
Updated Taglist: @nickavalens @conversesweetheart @themostunoriginalpersonever @swimmingbirdrunningrock @eddiethegreatteddybear @harrumphingtons @call-me-big-eyes @moonshadows-13 @glittergluekintsugi @cpidcupk @doubleb11 @mentalcyborg @amoris-no-smut-allowed @purple-lemonade @labels-are-for-the-weak @thebrazilianatheist @rajumat @livelaughlexa @5ammi90 @colorful565 @marvelousforlife @chaoticcoffeequeen @gregre369 @suddenlyinlove @thegreatmistake @stillfullofshit @nburkhardt @batxsignalsx @newunknowns @thosemessyvibes @tailsfromthecrypt @luciana-rowan @bird-with-pencils @adaed5 @lolawon @flustratedcas @iwillfindmyneverland @messrs-weasley @skoomy-doompy
@yearningagain @forest-fogg @bitchysunflower @stardust-era @newtstabber @bobatrash-queen @notjasontxdd @ohlook-afrog @00biscuit @grtwdsmwhr @oxidantdreamboat @the-witch-forever-lives @estrellami-1 @whatthemeepever @a-simple-gaywitch @imzadidragonfly @freddykicksasses @krimsonsimp @whatthefuccck @delta-piscium @anaibis @tinynebula @darkwitchoferie @evix-syne666 @tawghasa @pyrohonk @lillys-weird-world @superduckmilkshake @paintsplatteredandimperfect @tiny-enthusiast @whalesharksart @krazyperson @username-i-guess @ilikechocolatemilkh @awkwardgravity1 @romanticdestruction @espressopatronum454 @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit
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salthien · 10 months
when all was said and done, Coronation ended up leaving kind of a bad taste in my mouth, so I didn't really plan to make anything further for blball and especially not for Coronation. that being said, I did have some stuff I kind of liked from before it broke bad, so on request here's a kind-of wip amnesty for one of them.
hands, 1.4k. gen. blaseball does not leave much time for leisure, especially for its captains. elip dean of the hades tigers makes do with what they can get.
“have you thought about picking up a hobby?”
elip’s attention is slow to leave their notebook, still scribbling postgame notes at one of the empty clubhouse tables. their head lifts, eventually, then tilts, one brow arching.
“something small,” mehdi elaborates. “to keep your hands busy.”
they maintain the look, brows furrowing in a challenge.
“you fidget, eli. a lot.” a pause, and mehdi lifts a palm defensively. “don’t look at me like that. i just think it would be good for you. you don’t need to be in captain mode all the time.”
elip ducks their ears as if admonished, but their eyes are smiling as they tip their head in another unspoken question.
“you’ve got options. just something to keep your hands busy - i wouldn’t be surprised if we’ve got needles and yarn stashed away around here somewhere, or beads. paper’s not hard to come by either.”
something clicks, then, and elip’s eyes go wide as they nod excitedly.
it starts like this: little paper animals, folded and strewn about the clubhouse. they are imperfect; the white underside of the bright squares peeks out around uneven folds on cranes with wings that won’t sit right, crabs with lopsided pincers, frogs with short bodies and too-long legs.
there have been a few casualties, too, accidentally swept to the floor and caught by wayward heels. elip trashes the crushed ones as readily as anyone else.
“oh– shit.” vela says, prying a bright yellow crane from her cleat one day. “cap, you gotta be more careful with these little guys.”
elip looks across the dugout, shrugs once. later, though, they see vela tuck the crane under a magnet in her locker, its crumpled wing carefully smoothed out. it fills them with a warmth they can’t name long after they’ve left the stadium.
they don’t limit themself to paper. as the season goes on, elip swaps craft paper for colored twine, carrying beads in a hidden pocket of their skirt. despite mehdi’s protests, they unwind the first three lumpy, uneven bracelets they make to save material - no use being wasteful.
the fourth, elip presents to stevie with little fanfare. they press it into his hand - a simple thing, pale blue twine, small green beads strung into the weave - as he comes in from striking out in the top of the ninth.
“for me?” he asks, even as elip is beginning to step away. they nod, only half-looking at him, but pause as the crow’s feet around his eyes crinkle with a smile.
“captain dean, you’re too kind.”
they notice it after that sometimes, the twine fastened snugly beneath his glove. it makes them smile no matter how far they’re down on the scoreboard.
in the off-season, they throw themself even further into mehdi’s suggestion, whenever training and their duties as captain allow for it. one day in late summer, amaya arrives at the clubhouse to elip, awaiting them expectantly, hands behind their back and eyes bright.
“morning to you too, elle.”
when elip finally reveals their gift on outstretched palms, amaya pauses, surprised, her eyes flickering from elip’s face to the painted clay pieces cradled in their hands.
“you made these?” elip answers their question with a firm nod and lifts the little clay armaments further, gesturing to amaya with both palms.
“seriously–? they’re so cute, are you sure?”
elip rolls their eyes exaggeratedly, and amaya finally acquiesces, taking the miniature silver-and-rose painted sword and shield from their palms with a kind of fond reverence that elip won’t soon forget.
by the beginning of season 2, more gifts have found their way into the hands of their team, each stripe carrying a token from their captain’s creative spree. elip abandons their more complex endeavors as the season begins and they turn their focus to the game.
they wonder, perhaps too much at first, about wandering zephyr - cursed and, they hope, making the best of it. he seems happy, no matter what color jersey he wears when they see clips of him online, and that’s what matters.
but pragmatism is the name of the game, especially as players start going up in flames: they stop letting themself worry if he misses Hades, unsure if a yes or a no would bring them more peace.
when they catch one of his interviews, scrounging for news on the rest of the league as much as they dare, they linger on it just enough to notice the beaded corner of an ash-gray keychain hanging out of his pocket. a lump rises in their throat, bittersweet.
you only keep what you had on you when you died, say the long-dead as they fill the hall of flame with space and color and depth. 
there are ways of contacting the living, but not reliably. 
we’re here for you, they offer, but you’ll have to get used to this. chances are you’ll be here a very long time.
leandra doesn’t mind. she’d heard the stories of the hall and still chosen it willingly the day she’d taken the field after mondegreen’s incineration. that does not make the physical adjustment any easier - the dampness, the way her fur clings to her flanks, the way her chest aches for breath that won’t come - but she’s made her peace with that, too.
what does ease her mind is the scrap of maroon cloth she discovers in her breast pocket, surfacing a memory - elip, closing it into her hands the morning of day 79. sewn into it is a sun, pale yellow and filled in with hasty stitches. the captain had not been clear what it was for, only that she was meant to have it. they’d been quite insistent.
leandra finds herself glad for it now, running her thumb gently over the stitchwork. it is, if nothing else, an affirmation of her decision. she cannot imagine elip in the dark of the trench.
they don’t talk, much. derrick is fine with that. the silence is comfortingly familiar, and elip seems equally unbothered by it. they commiserate over bad games, elip might ask a question or two about the hall or about derrick himself, but mostly they seem happy to simply have him around as quiet company while they read or study games or make things, sequestered for a handful of hours in elip’s hades flat or derrick’s tiny new apartment.
on one occasion - post-finals, when elip’s in charleston for vela’s memorial - they bring a bright sheaf of paper and seat themself on the floor with it, one cowled ear tipped toward where he sits on the couch. it’s a kind of quiet intensity he hasn’t seen from them much.
aren’t those good luck? he asks in sign, the quiet too comfortable to break with his voice - it's easier, sometimes, and elip's fluency in the common languages of the league makes up for his spotty hall-earned education. elip looks up between cranes, a brightly-colored row of them lined up in a semicircle on the rug. elip's ears tip back in confusion, and derrick repeats himself.
their expression doesn’t change; if anything, they grow more confused.
“those’re good luck, right?” he says, out loud this time, and the understanding that dawns over their face is quickly replaced by amusement, their shoulders shaking with quiet laughter.
lucky, they sign with a smile, middle finger lifting off their chin, and derrick realizes his mistake before their hand can even make it back to their face to demonstrate what he’d said instead.
“y’know– fuck it. maybe i do want to know if they taste good.” he grouses with a lopsided smile, leaning back to stare up at the ceiling. once elip’s laughter subsides, they nod, signing lucky again as they set the newest crane with its fellows.
“gonna need a lot more cranes than that to help either of us, i think.”
elip’s ear flicks dismissively beneath their tichel, and they pull another piece of paper from the sheaf to their careful creases anew.
derrick doesn’t remember falling asleep, but he wakes later to find his apartment empty. the only evidence of elip’s departure is a text comprised entirely of emojis - happy face, shushing face, waving hand, sleeping face - and a small navy blue crane they’ve left in his upturned palms. he smiles faintly, leans to set it on the side table and only jumps a little bit when something crunches softly behind him.
he starts upright, turning halfway, but there’s nothing behind him except the back of the couch and another crane. a third falls into his lap with his movement, and he connects the dots at last, pulls the collar of his sweater around to find that elip has in fact filled his hood with yet more palm-sized paper birds.
derrick doesn’t believe in luck, really – but he gathers the little pile of birds onto the old side table and carefully slides the blue one into his phone case for good measure.
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be-events · 4 months
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congrats on surviving episode four of next gen! updated rankings can be found here.
for appearing in the fourth episode of NEXT GEN, all wannabes who submitted their participation may collect points as outlined on this spreadsheet. points were awarded based on the writing requirements submitted and the optional extra threads. no verification is required; you may link back to this post on your spreadsheets.
for the final episode of NEXT GEN, participants were once gain split into three teams to perform original songs in wannabe canon. just like last year, members were voted into each team by the audience in-character. the finale will be a live event broadcasted on television in real time while a live audience enjoys the performances at a small to medium-sized concert hall.
the live audience will vote on their favorite performances once the final group has finished. a combination of the judges’ evaluation and the audience votes will determine the final winners of the competition. the top three finalists will be offered a ‘universal’ contract and the option to sign to any of the three companies that they desire. runner-ups will be offered contracts from one company, depending on the judges’ discretion and if there are contestants that they feel will suit their company’s training program and future plans well.
once again, coaches are not to inform the creative process but to leave those decisions up to the contestants they’re advising. instead, they should act as mentors and answer questions and provide guidance in shaping the contestants’ visions. coaches will NOT be performing alongside the contestants.
the teams and performances for episode five are as follows:
STARRY DREAM line distribution
coaches: lee seojun and yeom sarang
stevie park
asakura touma
han jueun
jang hyunki
choi hangyeol
ANTI-HERO line distribution
coaches: park dohyun and lee chaerin
han yuwol
kim ara
song jiayi
hwang yejun
BANG! line distribution
coaches: zhou renyi and lee nayoung
ito seira
song jaeyoung
ryu inho
ryu siwoo
ryeo jihyun
NOTE: line distributions have been added!
this event is for next gen participants and coaches only. part 5 will run until may 25 at 11:59pm. any solos posted after the deadline will not be considered. please send in your submission before this deadline. the final episode will be shared on june 2, at around 9PM EST.
please use the hashtag #BE:NGS2P5 for all posts relating to this part of the event.
please write at least one 4-post thread with another participant or coach in your team preparing for the mission. NOTE: this task may be completed multiple times.
please write a 300+ word solo about your muse’s performance in front of the three judges and the live audience
OPTIONAL: please write a 200+ word solo about your muse reflecting on their preparation and their performance in front of the judges, as well as the entire season of the show. this should be treated as a verbal interview. what was the greatest challenge during this mission? how do they feel about their participation in next gen? are they hoping to be signed alongside another hopeful? etc. 
please keep in mind that all threads and solos should be written with the assumption that cameras are on the participants at all times.
when you’ve completed these tasks, please send the following form to our events blog:
preparation: link to thread *may be completed multiple times; please include multiple links if so
performance: link to solo 
reflection: link to solo *optional
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smulie · 2 months
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With Stevie in recovery, Sean works from home so he's able to care for and bond with Soleil.
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panicsimss · 2 years
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Lots and lots of goodbye hugs. Today is moving day for Timber. He’ll miss being back home with his family, but he’s looking forward to this newfound freedom
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adorkabledemon · 2 years
Also I need to know if Howleen is still Clawdeen’s sister. So I can adjust my OCs properly 😂
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takaraphoenix · 2 years
Two passions of mine are lists and family trees/next generations. One of my bigger gripes with the Fandom Wiki is that they will put absolutely everything to be a character category... aside from “next generation”...
So, I’m making my own list of next generation characters from all over the multiverse. Which is ungrateful, to be quite frank, due to how hard they are to find if you haven’t met them personally in a comic yet.
Which brings us to this post. Consider it a WIP as well as an ask for help. If you are as interested in next gen characters as I am, look at the shiny list! If you have read comics including next gen characters not listed here, please tell me the source and name so I can add them!
(Listed in braces behind are home Earth and continuity; if nothing is listed, it’s a child from the main continuity. Also, the list is in alphabetical order by hero alias, so if you want to just check a particular hero, that’s where you’ll find them.)
Children of Aquaman / Arthur Curry / Orin
With Mera:
Arthur Curry Jr. (New Earth main continuity; dead and also erased)
Arthur Joseph ‘AJ’ Curry (New Earth main continuity; erased)
Andrina ‘Andy’ Curry (main continuity since Rebirth)
Arthur Curry Jr. (Earth-12; Batman Beyond; listed separately because this one does not die in infancy but lives to be an adult)
Marina/Mareena Curry (Earth-12; Batman Beyond)
Eldoris Curry (Alternate Future; Justice League: Legacy)
Artur (Earth-16; Young Justice cartoon)
Children of Aqualad / Garth
With an unnamed mother:
Tula (Earth-22; Kingdom Come)
With Dolphin:
Cerdian (New Earth main continuity; dead and also erased)
Children of Batman / Bruce Wayne
Adopted Children:
Richard ‘Dick’ Grayson
Jason Todd
Timothy ‘Tim’ Drake
Cassandra ‘Cass’ Cain
With an unnamed mother:
Bruce Wayne Junior (Earth-3839; Batman/Superman: Generations)
With Diana Prince:
Stephanie ‘Stevie’ Trevor (Earth-3839; Batman/Superman: Generations; stepdaughter, biological daughter of Steve Trevor)
With Talia al Ghul:
Damian Wayne
Ibn al Xu’ffasch (Earth-22; Kingdom Come)
Athanasia al Ghul (Earth-49; Injustice)
With Selina Kyle:
Helena Wayne (Earth-2/Earth-203/Unnamed Earth of Batman/Catwoman)
Aion (Alternate Future; Batman in Bethlehem)
With Kathy Kane:
Bruce Wayne Junior (Earth-154; Super-Sons)
Stepchildren, with Harley Quinn:
Bryce Quinzel (Earth-616; White Knight)
Jackie Quinzel (Earth-616; White Knight)
Due to Amanda Waller’s cloning of his DNA:
Terrence ‘Terry’ McGinnis (Earth-12; Batman Beyond)
Matthew ‘Matt’ McGinnis (Earth-12; Batman Beyond)
Children of Batwoman / Kate Kane
With Renee Montoya:
Jason Todd (adopted; Earth-24; Bombshells)
With Maggie Sawyer: Unnamed Daughter
(Earth-24; Bombshells)
Children of Black Lightning / Jefferson Pierce
With Lynn Stewart:
Anissa Pierce
Jennifer Pierce
Jacob Pierce (Earth-118; Dark Knights of Steel)
Children of Bumblebee / Karen Beecher
With Malcolm Duncan:
Rhea Malia Beecher Duncan (Earth-16; Young Justice cartoon)
Children of Cyborg / Victor Stone
With an unnamed mother:
George Marvin Stone (Alternate Future; Justice League: Legacy)
Children of the Flash #1 / Jay Garrick
With Joan Williams:
Judy Garrick (retconned into the main continuity as of The New Golden Age)
Bartholomew ‘Barry’ Allen (Arrowverse; The Flash TV show; Jay Garrick and Henry Allen as well as Joan Williams and Nora Thompson are confirmed to be doppelgängers, technically making Barry the child of Jay/Joan)
Children of the Flash #2 / Barry Allen
With Iris West:
Dawn Allen
Donald Allen
Nora Allen (Arrowverse; The Flash TV show)
Bartholomew ‘Bart’ Allen II (Arrowverse; The Flash TV show)
With Jessica Cruz:
Jason Allen (Alternate Future; Justice League: Legacy)
Jenny Allen (Alternate Future; Justice League: Legacy)
Nora Allen (Alternate Future; Justice League: Legacy)
Children of the Flash #3 / Kid Flash / Wally West
With Angela Margolin:
Iris West (Earth-22; Kingdom Come)
Bartholomew ‘Barry’ West (Earth-22; Kingdom Come)
With Linda Park:
Iris ‘Irey’ West II
Jai West
unnamed/unborn baby
Children of the Green Arrow #1 / Oliver Queen
Roy Harper Jr.
Mia Dearden
With Chloe Sullivan:
Jonathan Queen (Earth-167; Smallville TV show)
With Dinah Laurel Lance:
Connor Queen (Earth-49; Injustice)
Laurel Queen-Lance (Earth-11)
Olivia Queen (Earth-22; Kingdom Come/Earth-11)
With Felicity Smoak:
Mia Smoak-Queen (Arrowverse; Arrow TV show)
With Samantha Clayton:
William Clayton (Arrowverse; Arrow TV show)
With Shado:
Robert Queen Jr. (New Earth main continuity; erased)
With Sandra Hawke:
Connor Hawke
Children of the Green Arrow #2 / Connor Hawke
With presumably a version of Bonnie King:
Cissie King-Hawke (Earth16 - comics-verse, not cartoon verse, so the continuity of The Just)
Children of Harley Quinn / Harleen Quinzel
With an unnamed partner:
Unnamed Daughter (Earth-12; Batman Beyond; mother to Harley’s grandchildren, Deidra and Delia Dennis)
With Pamela Isley:
Unnamed Child (Earth-24; Bombshells)
With the Joker:
Lucy Quinzel (Earth-49; Injustice)
Bryce Quinzel (Earth-616; White Knight)
Jackie Quinzel (Earth-616; White Knight)
Children of Nightwing / Robin #1 / Dick Grayson
With Barbara Gordon:
John Thomas Grayson (Earth-2)
James ‘Jimmy’ Grayson (Earth-616; White Knight)
With Koriand’r:
Mar’i Grayson (Earth-22; Kingdom Come)
Jacob ‘Jake’ Grayson (Alternate Future; The New Order)
With Unnamed Mother(s):
Elainna Grayson (Earth-12; Batman Beyond)
Thomas Grayson (Alternate Future; Generation Lost)
Children of Red Arrow / Arsenal / Speedy / Roy Harper
With Jade Nguyen:
Lian Harper
Children of Supergirl / Kara Zor-El
Lucy (Unnamed Earth; Last Daughters)
With Brainiac-5:
XTC (Earth-22; Kingdom Come; inofficial name of the character)
With Clark Kent (in-vitro):
Kara Junior (Unnamed Earth; Created Equal)
Children of Superman / Clark Kent / Kal-El
With Diana Prince:
Bruce Kent (Unnamed Earth; Distant Fires)
Jonathan Kent II (Earth-22; Kingdom Come)
Three more unnamed children (Earth-22; Kingdom Come)
Jonathan Kent II (Earth-686; Dark Knight Returns)
Lara Kent (Earth-686; Dark Knight Returns)
Unnamed son (Unnamed Earth; Act of God)
Zod-Ur (Earth 12; Batman Beyond; though he is the biological son of E12!Diana and E50!Clark and fostered by E12!Clark)
With Linda Danvers:
Ariella Kent (New Earth main continuity; erased)
With Lois Lane:
Jonathan Samuel Kent
Jonathan Kent (Arrowverse; Superman & Lois TV show)
Jordan Kent (Arrowverse; Superman & Lois TV show)
Christopher ‘Chris’ Kent (Earth-16 - again, The Just comics, not YJ; their son in YJ is a version of Jon)
Clark Kent Jr. (Earth-154; Super-Sons)
Jorel Kent (Earth-2020; Superman 2020)
Joel Perry Kent (Earth-3839; Batman/Superman: Generations)
Kara Kent (Earth-3839; Batman/Superman: Generations)
Jason White (Unnamed Earth; Superman Returns movie)
Adam Kent (Unnamed Earth; Created Equal)
Hunter Prince (adopted; Alternate Future; Justice League: Legacy)
Children of Wonder Woman / Diana of Themyscira
With Clark Kent:
Bruce Kent (Unnamed Earth; Distant Fires)
Jonathan Kent II (Earth-22; Kingdom Come)
Three more unnamed children (Earth-22; Kingdom Come)
Jonathan Kent II (Earth-686; Dark Knight Returns)
Lara Kent (Earth-686; Dark Knight Returns)
Unnamed son (Unnamed Earth; Act of God)
Zod-Ur (Earth 12; Batman Beyond; though he is the biological son of E12!Diana and E50!Clark)
With Steve Trevor:
Hippolyta ‘Lyta’ Trevor-Hall (New Earth main continuity; rewritten to no longer be either of their child/Earth-2)
Vicki Trevor (Earth-34; Wonder Woman: Amazonia)
Ettie Trevor (Earth-34; Wonder Woman: Amazonia)
Stephanie ‘Stevie’ Trevor (Earth-3839; Batman/Superman: Generations; also Bruce Wayne’s stepdaughter)
With Steppenwolf:
Donna of Amazon Island (Earth 2)
With the Darkness:
Hunter Prince (Alternate Future; Justice League: Legacy)
Children of Wonder Girl / Troia / Donna Troy
With Terry Long:
Jennifer Long (stepdaughter; New Earth main continuity; dead and also erased)
Robert Long (New Earth main continuity; dead and also erased)
Children of Zatanna Zatara
With John Constantine:
Zatara II (Earth-22; Kingdom Come)
Raven (adopted; Earth-24; Bombshells)
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be-netz · 3 months
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Successful Season 2 – The Winners Of Mnet’s Survival Audition Show NEXT GEN SEASON 2 Reveal The Companies They Have Signed With
TV/FILM • 1 hour ago
NEXT GEN has successfully wrapped up its SECOND SEASON with STEVIE PARK coming in FIRST PLACE. Similarly to the previous season, the top three winners have been revealed to be able to select which of the three companies they would like to sign with. After much anticipation, the companies have finally disclosed the final results that everyone has been waiting on.
The companies represented in NEXT GEN included three of the top businesses in the K-Entertainment industry, LIME ENTERTAINMENT, SR MEDIA, and STUDIO DELTA. Representatives from each of the companies have announced updates regarding the decisions of the top three winners, STEVIE PARK, KIM ARA, and CHOI HANGYEOL.
Winning third place overall in the program, CHOI HANGYEOL has been revealed to have signed to SR MEDIA.
Second-place winner KIM ARA was announced to have joined SR MEDIA.
Finally, winner STEVIE PARK was revealed to have joined STUDIO DELTA, after a successful second stint on the wildly popular survival show.
It has also been revealed that contracts have been offered to selected finalists. Representatives from LIME ENTERTAINMENT have shared that RYU SIWOO and RYEO “LUCIEL” JIHYUN will be joining them as trainees. SR MEDIA has welcomed JANG HYUNKI and HAN JUEUN. STUDIO DELTA is also now home to SONG JIAYI and SONG “JAY” JAEYOUNG.
Did your favorite contestant make it?
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stereopticons · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
Thanks, Rae! I am absolutely cheating because I simply could not decide because how am I supposed to pick only five? I have so many that I like for different reasons! Anyway here are five six of my current favorites in no particular order and if you ask me tomorrow it’ll be different.
1. tangle and stretch [david/patrick, T, 3k]
2. if i’m not beyond repair [david/patrick, m, 8k]
3. coming home to you [gen, t, 2k]
4. shine like silver [david/patrick, t, 9k]
5. as close as pages in a book [stevie/ruth, t, 3k]
6. you light me up like starlight [david/patrick, m, 5k]
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steddie-there · 1 year
Rules: shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist and post the first ten tracks, then tag ten people 🎶
Thank you so much for the tag @madaboutmunson !!! I love getting tagged in things like this.
1. Ghosts That We Knew by Mumford and Sons
2. Fall Into Me - Acoustic by Forest Blakk
3. It's a Small World (guitar lullaby version) by Disney (I can explain - I teach first graders and guitar Disney is great working music 😅)
4. Don't Stop Believing by Journey
5. I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me) by Whitney Houston
6. Anywhere Away From Here by Rag'n'Bone Man and P!nk
7. Forever by Y&T
8. Can't Fight This Feeling by REO Speedwagon
9. Sanctuary by Welshly Arms
10. Holding Out For a Hero by Bonnie Tyler
Ohhh, I got so many good ones on here (ignore its a small world please 😅)
I'm not sure I have ten people to tag, but no pressure tags (and to my crc folks, this is hot shot): @scoops-stevie @willowworkswithwords @barbariansteves @unclewaynemunson @corroded-coffee @nitro502 @gen-is-in-her-pink-era @smoooothbrain @thesitharts @alexeithegoat @omgahgase
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