#gender equations
Last time someone called me a faggot was legit super helpfull in figuring out my gender situation. Like they 100% intended to insult me, but in the moment I just though it was nice that they clearly read me as male, eventhough I wasn't dressed particularly masc. And weirdly that kinda helped me figure out the kind of gender expression that makes me happy, because if I can be a dude in my faggy crop top and my gay leggings, then fuck yeah, that's the kind of dude I wanne be.
yknow what, slay tbh
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haunted-thing · 6 days
the day the mogai community somehow manages to learn that “fem” is not the same as “woman” will be the day i can die peacefully
please y’all feminine and woman are NOT the same 💔
(same goes for man and masculine)
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Happy Pride, if you claim that Judaism recognizes six or eight genders, you are not being an ally to Jews or trans people, you are just misinformed at best and maliciously co-opting the historical reality and labels of intersex and infertile people at worst :)
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I bring thee a silly dress for Donnie 🤲💜
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H'lo friend! Thx so much for the ask!
I know I deviated a bit from the original picture, but I think it turned out well :D
I hope u like it!
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sciderman · 1 year
how are u doing sci?
i'm doing so amazing! i'm moving jobs, i'm travelling around, i'm exercising, i am hopped up on caffeine all the time, i'm more sociable and talkative than i've ever been, i dyed my hair pink (it didn't work out), i've got a lot of good heart feelings right now, and my brain has never been so quiet. (i still worry and fret over crazy small things but i am kind of loving myself right now.)
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Imagine you are meeting a friend of a friend at a group lunch. Let us swap the genders here for this hypothetical. You are a dude and your friend is a dude and the friend of the friend is a dude. The first thing the new dude does after introductions is hold up his phone and say: "this is my fiancée. she's too fat for me, but this is her."
okay! fucked up. weird! despite this, you want to be a good friend to your friend so you keep up social pleasantries. later on you're all hanging out at your house, except your fiancée is upstairs, out of earshot. the friend of a friend starts showing you random girls on tiktok. "look at how hot and skinny this one is!" when you are UNCOMFORTABLE, the friend of a friend starts to go after your tastes and your partner: "oh, you're not into that shit? you like them fat? your fiancée is fat, so that's your thing?"
absolutely INSANE, right? you'd know that was supremely fucked up?
okay, but because we were all women, discussing men, and male height, everyone acted like this wasn't supremely fucking weird, that this person I just met was in my house insisting I look at videos of half naked tall men on "bigtok" was just being cool and edgy. I knew I lost when I defensively said, he's average height! Because I was accepting her framing the moment I was defensive: I was agreeing that short men are inherently undesirable, and only someone with a kink about it would want a short man, and being accused of having said kink was such an insult that I had to defend myself because I felt attacked. And I'm not wrong--it was an attack. She was trying to insult me and she's in my too big house that my husband bought for us to live in with our then still alive dog, and he just bought her and multiple friends dinner and we're obviously in love with each other so all she can ding me on is his height, so she did, so insistently that it worked.
And I think back to this sometimes because I hate that I caved, I hate that I was so surprised and taken aback by this (very stereotypically feminine mean girl) bullshit hostility. I hate that I was surprised and and weak and so concerned with being a good hostess that I was stuck in nice girl socialization mode. Had I been expecting a fight this is so easily the kind of thing I would sneer and say "so?" at, possibly before devolving into increasingly personal attacks. I am not above that. But here I was trying too hard to be nice and I was so stupid! And I hate that! I hate that when you're trying to be nice you can be caught off guard like that! I hate that most of the time I expect people to be mean so I'm ready and one of the few times I was determined to be nice this bitch was insane to me IN MY OWN HOUSE.
also she said some wildly fucking racist shit completely unrelated to height and when I think about this incident I also just think that all morality aside, it's so fucking gauche to insult your host who just bought you AND multiple other people he doesn't even know a very nice meal and then invited you into his house. like legitimately I would never be so ungracious. if you look down on someone so much based on racial categories and IDK, height???!!! then don't break bread with them in the first place! or EVEN THEN, just eat your food and talk shit later when you're back in your own home. damn.
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queerdisagreeable · 8 months
bitches be like "woah this ambiguously brown man is just like this other ambiguously brown man" and i'm kinda sick of it.
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galwithalibrarycard · 2 years
So I just watched the school for good and evil movie, mostly for Kit Young, and the two main girl characters essentially recreated the main story beats of the scene from beauty and the beast where belle’s love saves the beast, complete with a kiss on the lips, only to then reiterate that their love is “best friends only” AND I just went in the tag to find out that in the books these two girls are SIBLINGS?????? I think this is the most convoluted case of queer baiting I have ever experienced and my head is SPINNING netflix pls you’re going to give the kids watching this a COMPLEX
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clownprince · 7 months
idk maybe i'm just mad people dislike my Special Little Guy but like... the way that jarley shaped cultural perceptions of joker as a character (read: established the idea of him as a domestic abuser (of his female partner) furthering the associations with gendered violence/general misogyny that were (primarily) started by tkj/tdkr) feels homophobic in a way that's difficult to articulate
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liquidstar · 8 months
also listen i might just be insane but honestly the scene with crusch and rem in the carriage was kind of gay to me. yes it lasted like a minute but i dont care i think crusch was like for sure hitting on her. that being said gay in which way? who knows. to me crusch has like ambiguous transmasc swag before the whole gluttony thing. anyway i think crusch is trying to hit on all the blue water healers in the country
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violetdisasterzone · 7 months
once again thinking about the post-canon potential for transbian bingqiu... bc the potential IS there and no one can convince me otherwise
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bleekay · 1 year
i feel the same conundrum at choosing "cis" or "trans" on a poll that i do choosing "man" or "woman"
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drygrasses · 2 years
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Genderbent Tuggoffelees! Tugger could still be Tugger but Misto would be…Ms. Mistoffelees? Mrs. Mistoffelees? Guess they’ve gotta get married for the syllables LOL
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had to explain in the most basic terms what nonbinary was to a six year old earlier. i asked him what he thought i was and he said “well you look like a boy but sound like a girl” so i said “well actually i don’t quite feel like a boy OR a girl. and this little bitch looks at me and just goes “so you’re a monster??”
well i’ll take that
hell yeah im a fucking monster
*monster mash starts playing*
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chainsaw-dick · 6 months
@ all the artsts and writers following me. make your transfems tall with wide shoulders. give them body hair. give your transmasc characters a large chest. make them short. curvy. those aren't negative traits. those are ways in which real people exist. making all your trans characters completely gender conforming and the most stereotypical depiction of their gender, i.e. thin, curvy, clean shaven trans woman isn't the ally win you think it is. embrace gender non-conformity and body types and appearances society has conditioned you to think are unusual. get out of your comfort zone.
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