#genjutsu type
fullbarbarianprincess · 9 months
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Polar Particle Unsealing Technique
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The many expressions of Sakura-chan
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colorfulfoxengineer · 6 months
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Sakura hiden book cover
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r0semultiverse · 5 months
Borushiki Red Idea Mockup edit
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I had a dream that there was a Boruto filler movie where he was fighting an Otsutsuki & somehow the Otsutsuki was able to draw out Momoshiki more by force & Boruto became the antagonist by being forcefully made Otsutsuki and it was like 2 bright red horns & the Ōtsutsuki skin parts were like a red/pink from being wrongfully/forcefully extracted or whatever but not bloody, just pink/red in hue. It was basically a red Borushiki mode will full powers & a sort of reddish discoloration where his Otsutsuki skin was. It might have been some sort of Otsutsuki control power from a higher up member of the clan since there was a more powerful antagonist He's being mind controlled by a higher level Otsutsuki clan member (similar to how genjutsu can control people). The higher lvl Otsutsuki clan member had long black hair and a Kinshiki-esc body. Uses a mind control chakra technique that only works on other Otsutsuki & because of Boruto being anatomically a high lvl of Otsutsuki it works on him. IIRC Kawashiki & Team 7 had to fight him and the Otsutsuki clan member, sadly I don't remember how it all went though. :/ - (10/09/2022)
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gojobait · 8 months
adding 'sarada interrupts the fight and uses her mangekyo on mitsuki to break him out of omnipotence' to my growing list of delusions bc i need her to do something. literally anything at this point
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indras-wife · 5 months
Thanks for responding to my first request lovely. In your opinion, what type of woman would Indra and Madara date? I cant imagine those two psychos even falling in love fr lol especially Madara
Thank you for requesting this anon💖I see Madara is becoming a prominent figure in my blog for which I am very happy. These two men are undoubtedly interesting to write about. And tbh, I couldn’t imagine Madara and even Indra feeling in love. They both are too occupied with their ideologies, so much that they have no time for love.
Nevertheless, I tried my best to describe what type of women these handsome men are looking for 👀✨Hope I did justice for the request. Feel free to send more fun ideas!
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Indra is a little old-fashioned as the type of woman he would be attracted to has to be someone who is intellectual, sophisticated, doesn’t talk back and knows her place with him. Indra does not love being challenged, especially by a woman, so having a woman next to him who knows how to behave is a very important thing for him. He wants his s/o to be smart only because he is sapiosexual and having smart woman next to him turns him on different levels. A genius man needs a genius wife (in his opinion)
He is also into women who can take care of themselves and dont fully rely on a man. Since he would be busy with running leader activites, planning the next fights with Ashura, training his soldiers, etc, he wants the woman next to him to take care of herself and her responsibilites without relying much on him. If he sees her running errands, giving orders to others on what to do, he will become even more attracted to her.
He also loves women who take care of themselves and arent messy. Of course, he realises that taking care of your skin, clothes and appearences in general is not always an easy task, especially when they have kids in the future and they are running around, but he still expects hi s/o to be presentable always. Not necessarily with full face of makeup or fancy hair styles, but still looking presentable.
Indra HATES women who talk back. If his s/o talks back to him, he would not mind showing where her place is, by putting her in a harsh genjustu. He can always find someone else to be next to him, but he is so connected with his s/o already that it would hurt him a little bit looking for someone new. So his s/o has to learn to not disobey him and talk back, or else he has a perfect punishment for such acts. And to add more, punishing his s/o with a genjutsu is a very pleasurable experience for him(very sadistic…)
Last but not least, Indra wants a woman who is willing to have many children and dedicate her time to raising them into fine, smart, educated people. His lineage has to exceed Ashura's, so having as many kids as possible is the best solution for Indra. (Also he would not let his genes goto waste, No way in hell. His ego wont let him do it)
Unlike Indra, Madara likes women who can be pretty challenging, especially in fights. The excitement he feels when his woman challanges his ideas about the world is undescribale. He enjoys listening to his love's passionate ideologies about the world, patiently waiting for her to finish s he can crush down her each and very point. He enjoys being in verbal fight with his s/o more, than being in an actual fight in a battlefield.
Madara is also someone who would not date a commoner. In his eyes, he is a God, and next to a God has to be someone who is close to his level. A commoner would be too afraid to even be next to him, while a woman of aristocracy would look perfect next to him. To add, Madara always knew that his status as a nobleman would guarantee him a noble wife when the time came , so the idea of a marriage with a commoner was always off putting and even insulting to him.
One similarity Indra and Madara share are their desires for having a wife who takes care of herself. Madara is a clan leader, so he always has to look presentable in front of everyone. His wife also must look presentable. If he notices some imperfections, like a small strand of hair falling on her face, Madara would scold her and make her go back to the room to fix her imperfect hairstyle. He doesnt care if it hurts his s/o. She chose to be with him, so she has to take his harsh criticism on every subject. This harsh criticism might change only when she becomes pregnant.
On a softer note, Madar wants his s/o to not only take care of herself, but take care of him too. It is no secret that his man has long majestic hair, and taking care of it is a pain in the ass. He wants his s/o to massage his scalp after each shower/bath, to rub essential oils all over his skin and allow him to relax on her lap. This is pure bliss for the man, something he dreamed about for years and having his s/o do it, makes him happier than ever.
Despite being a cold, ruthless man, Madara wants his s/o to be kind, gentle and sweet, Yes this man wants his s/o to be fully opposite of him. He wants to see her be close with everyone in the compound, be they kids, elders or even members from his own clan. He of course gets extremely jealous when he sees his s/o all smiley with a random men from his clan, but he also realises that this is what he wanted his s/o to be like, so he should not complain.(He still scares the poor man off later on, making sure his s/o doesnt hear about it)
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tozettastone · 1 month
Thinking about Hidan's ritual technique thing.
I think you could argue for Hidan's ritual technique being a pure yang chakra release. Much like the Nara shadow manipulation, he uses something belonging to his victim to establish a sympathetic link between them. But whereas the Nara clan use shadows, which make sense as a vehicle for spiritual energy, Hidan's ritual uses blood, which makes a lot more sense as a vehicle for, like, physical energy. Blood has many associations with action and energy and vitality! And then, instead of an invisible binding on people's limbs, the technique opens physical wounds transmitted through that sympathetic link, so I think that's yang stuff as well.
It also makes sense with Hidan's actual skills and character. He might be a spiritual character, in his way, but all his devotions are incredibly physical. Even his meditations appear to involve catastrophic self harm while he does whatever religious contemplating he needs to. And outside of that, he shows next to no ability with non-physical skills like genjutsu or even elemental ninjutsu.
I think any talented yang chakra release specialist could crack that ritual technique wide open and reproduce it if given enough time (most people aren't, obviously) but I also think that the technique itself isn't really the thing that matters? Like, alone, it's not very useful. It's Hidan's execution of it that makes it dangerous. He made it as a vehicle for religious devotion, so he doesn't fuck around with psychological warfare or hostage taking ("kill me and your teammate dies!") or whatever, he just sticks a spear through his ribs and obliterates his own heart.
This technique would only work in very specific circumstances for non-immortals. For example: 1. hostage taking, 2. a suicide technique, 3. if the victim had a very different body type to the user of the technique and therefore things that the user could withstand would kill the victim, or 4. if the user has mad healing skills like Tsunade, Sakura or Kabuto, which grant a certain kind of temporary invulnerability in which they bounce back from lethal damage. Which is basically like time-delimited immortality, really. Are they even non-immortals for the purposes of this list?
So I think Hidan's ritual technique is eminently reverse-engineerable (and Shikamaru could probably tell you exactly how it works, given the whole 'sympathetic link' situation and his own cleverness!) but it's kind of... er, useless.
Except if you're hella religious or functionally immortal. Or both.
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mixelation · 4 months
async!Tori murder methods: boil em mash em stick em in a stew
a step is missing. you gotta peel 'em
anyway here's what i was writing
context: minato has been having a minor melt down over his massive and embarrassing crush, which tori doesn't seem to reciprocate??? and so he got a pep talk filled with iffy advice from jiraiya about winning the girl....!
Rejuvenated by his new determination to seduce her, Minato tracked down Tori in record time. She’d moved to the northwest corner of Rice Country, where the rice paddies were fewer and peach and apple orchards prevailed. He found her late in the evening, in a bar in one of the largest towns for the area. 
The bar was attached to a swanky hotel that probably once serviced whatever tourists came up here for the orchards. In wartime, the windows of most of the building were boarded up. The bar itself still retained its fancy decor, although there was a big sign out front listing all the types of liquor they could no longer get due to supply shortages. 
Minato peered into the window to confirm Tori’s presence, and then refrained from simply walking right in. 
She was with someone. Minato hadn’t anticipated this. Tori attached herself to groups sometimes, but meeting up with individuals seemed out of character. He didn’t want to just barge in and piss her off, or piss off her friend into doing something brash. 
Instead of using the front door, Minato went in like he was scoping an enemy building for an assassination. He reached a hand in through a bathroom window and set a hiraishin marker, then he squatted outside in the dark and concentration of very carefully having the marker crawl across the walls into the bar proper. 
Using a camouflage genjutsu, he teleported in and set himself up in a shadowy corner like a spider. This was overkill for masking his presence from civilians, but Tori’s new friend was a ninja. 
Minato didn’t recognize the face, so the other ninja ninja couldn’t be too important. He was moderately handsome, tall and broad with ink-black hair tied back in a roguish ponytail. His hitai-ate identified him as a missing-nin from Kusa. 
War had led to a bump in missing-nin. A lot of ninja decided they could no longer ideologically support their village’s wars, or realized they could be paid more with less risk of death if they went rogue, or just wanted to get away from a mountain of dead loved ones, or just had mental breakdowns. It wasn’t unusual to find one openly drinking in random hotel bar. 
But why was Tori with him? Minato felt a pang of worry. She was a civilian and he was an honorless missing-nin. Was she in trouble?
She seemed unperturbed, though, chatting amicably with him. She’d dressed up all pretty, in a form-fitting black dress. Her hair was done up in a half bun and she’d painted her lips dark red. She sat at a bar stool next to the missing-nin, looking casual and comfortable as could be. 
There was a slit in Tori’s dress which went right up her thigh. Minato could easily slip his hand into it and then he could… 
He stopped that train of thought immediately. He should get Tori to like him back first, before he started coming up with ways to undress her. Besides, what if she preferred he do something else? He could also–
Concentrate, Namikaze, Minato chided himself. Just because Tori looked really good tonight didn’t mean he could lose his mind. 
Tori laughed at something the other ninja said and placed a hand on his bicep. Minato frowned to himself. His cheeks burned with jealousy. Was she doing this to him on purpose?
No, Tori was clever, but she didn’t have a ninja’s senses. She had no idea Minato was even there. It was ridiculous to think her interest in this man had anything to do with Minato, not to mention unfair of him to hold it against her. There was simply something about this ninja that attracted her. 
But what? Minato wondered, feeling his face relax into a pout. And how do I do that? 
The man was handsome, but Minato personally thought he himself was much better looking. Minato was definitely also a better ninja and, based on the way the man was openly leering at Tori’s cleavage, significantly more polite and gentlemanly. Unless Tori liked that…? Jiraiya swore some women were into it, although Minato had his doubts.
Tori giggled again, covering her mouth with one hand. The man smirked at her. 
Is it my jokes? Minato wondered. Kushina always said they were bad, but they make other girls laugh… 
The man set a hand on Tori’s bare knee and she stiffened slightly. Right. Minato was breaking this up. He moved, just enough so any half-competent ninja would notice him. 
The man immediately reacted. It wasn’t obvious, but he tensed and shifted slightly. Tori studied the man’s face for a moment, then her eyes slid over in the direction Minato was in. She didn’t look directly at him, but she could obviously read the other ninja well enough to see where his attention had suddenly gone. 
Good, Minato thought. Her attention should be on him. Oh, except, if she couldn’t see him, she might be worried he was some sort of enemy. He didn’t want to scare her. 
I’ve got this, Minato thought, stepping out of the shadows to casually make his way to the bar. He could definitely get her attention, couldn’t he?
Tori pointedly looked away from him and smiled at the other ninja. She said something, trying to redirect his attention. 
Okay, fine, we’re playing dirty, Minato decided. What did Jiraiya say again?
The other ninja was obviously now paying more attention to Minato than Tori. This was because Minato was a threat, but he didn’t have to be. 
Minato stepped up to the bar on the other side of the ninja from Tori. He waved down the bartender and ordered a beer. Only when he had it in front of him did he turn to Tori and her new friend. 
“Hey,” Minato said to the ninja, also purposefully not looking at Tori. “I’m off duty, so let’s get along, okay?”
He flashed him his most charming smile. The ninja turned more fully to him. Tori’s cheeks turned pink even as she kept her expression carefully neutral. 
“Batta, you didn’t finish your story,” Tori said. 
Batta ignored her, eyeing Minato up and down. “Yes, let’s get along,” he said. 
Oh? Minato thought. Was he interested? Judging by the scandalized look that briefly passed over Tori’s face before she managed to banish it, she certainly thought so. What did Jiraiya say about jealousy and the heart…?
Well, if it made Tori keep her eyes on Minato over this Batta person, that worked for Minato. 
Minato leaned his elbow on the bar and set his chin in his palm, eyeing Batta up and down right back. 
“Batta-san, huh?” he said. “I’ve heard of you. I knew you looked familiar.”
Batta straightened his back slightly, pleased with himself. Minato wouldn’t describe himself as arrogant, but he did assume this guy had recognized him on the spot. Minato had a fancy moniker and everything. 
He still had absolutely no idea who Batta was, besides apparently a missing-nin from Kusa. 
“Do you want to get a more… private table?” Minato asked. 
“Sure,” Batta agreed.
Batta picked up his drink without so much as acknowledging Tori was still there, which was ruder than Minato had anticipated, even from missing-nin scum. Oh well. Minato had succeeded in getting Tori to glare daggers at him rather than giggling over Batta. 
Minato shot a smirk over his shoulder as Batta led him to the back corner of the bar. Tori made a rude hand gesture at him before turning back to her own drink at the bar. Minato felt a little trill at the hand gesture– she was emotional over him!– followed by disappointment when she turned around. 
The bar didn’t have much in the way of private seating, but Batta approached a table in the darkest corner. Minato purposefully stepped forward and dragged one chair around so his back was to the wall. This was a normal move ninja did to keep an eye on exits, but Minato wanted to be able to watch Tori easily. 
Batta sat across from him, and Minato suddenly realized that he was now going to have to talk to Batta instead of Tori, which was what he wanted. So. Maybe this plan had been stupid. 
Except! Tori finished ordering a second drink and then spun her stool around to watch them openly. So that was…. Good? Great, even. He wanted her to watch him. 
“What brings you to these parts, Yellow Flash?” Batta asked. 
Minato plastered his most charismatic smile back on his face and lied through his teeth about scouting missions. Batta nodded like an important Konoha-nin might genuinely be telling him about his mission. Minato had no idea if he was just playing along or if he was dumb enough to believe him. 
“What about you?” Minato asked. “The life of a missing-nin must have a lot more freedom from mission parameters.”
Batta, it turned out, loved talking about himself. He gave Minato his entire sordid tale of being unjustly passed over for promotion and then going missing-nin. Then he told Minato some self-aggrandizing stories about battles he’d been in to prove he’d deserved the promotion, and explained he was building up a small following of other missing-nin. 
“Missing-nin life is bloodier,” he said gravely. “I’ve killed five people.”
“Today?” Minato asked politely. Tori had her second drink in hand now. She stirred the ice with a straw while staring him down with a smile Minato would loosely describe as fiendish. 
“Today?” Batta repeated, confused. 
“Oh you mean…” Minato hedged, smile still firmly in place. “Since you… started…?”
“Village ninja can’t understand,” Batta said. “Missing-nin kill and kill, and we don’t care about who.”
Was this supposed to… impress Minato…? He tried to plead to Tori from across the bar with just his eyes. She beamed back at him. 
“But you’re different,” Batta said, leaning over the table, casting a shadow over Minato. He was tall and broad-shouldered, which had contributed previously to Minato thinking he was a bit good-looking. He had rapidly lost a lot of attractiveness points when he’d started talking. “You get it.”
Was this that ‘negging’ thing Jiraiya had talked about? Minato was seriously thinking about simply teleporting away. Now that he’d located Tori, there was only so far she could go. He could wait a few hours and re-find her. 
Except what if him looking her up twice in one night was too pushy? What if leaving meant Batta went back to her? 
“Why do you keep looking at her?” Batta asked. “Disgusting, isn’t she?”
“Um,” Minato said. “What?”
“Don’t get me wrong, she has a nice rack,” Batta continued, waving a hand dismissively. “I would have hit it if you hadn’t come along. But civilians disgust me. They have no power of their own, but they crawl all over the place like they own it. Weak, pathetic things. Worthless.”
Minato frowned. He didn’t… well, he didn’t really think that much of civilians either, or at least he hadn’t before he’d met Tori. But he’d also not spared a lot of thought for most ninja either. He just didn’t really care about most people. That didn’t mean you could call them disgusting, and certainly they weren’t worthless. If they were, what would be the point of this war, or being ninja at all?
Besides, how dare he talk about Tori like that? Tori was clever and funny and cute and infinitely more interesting than Batta. Had he been chatting with her with no appreciation for the gift he’d won?
Of course, Minato couldn’t say any of that without giving away the game. Instead he said, “Civilians are the backbone of our society. For all you know, she could work on a farm that grows the food you eat, or she could work at a factory that–”
“Such a village mindset,” Batta said, and then reached over and put one hand over Minato’s. 
Minato felt his smile finally slip. Across the bar, Tori straightened up and basically preened. Then she was slipping off her bar stool and strutting over to them, hips swaying exaggeratedly, and Minato completely missed Batta offering to let Minato pay for a hotel room. 
Tori waltzed right up to their table, eyes set on Minato and Minato only, and basically purred, “Did Batta tell you about the seven ninja he’s killed?”
“Actually, it was only five,” Minato said, smile returning. 
“I have a proposition,” Tori said. 
The threesome she implied she wanted only seemed to mildly interest Batta, but then Tori fixed her cute little smirk on Minato and he was already on his feet. Most of him knew she wasn’t serious. A smaller, more excited part of him genuinely wanted to let her just lead him back to her hotel room, even if Batta came with them. 
“If he’s into it,” Batta finally said, also standing. 
“You have to close my tab for me,” Tori told Minato. 
After Minato settled both Tori and Batta’s tabs, Tori led them out of the bar and then down a dirt road that curved out of the town proper and into the wooded area around it. There were several roadside inns out here– cheaper places meant for budget travelers– but it occurred to Minato that his sweet, civilian little crush had just willingly wandered into the woods with two ninja. 
Of course, Minato would never do anything to her that she didn’t want him to be doing, and he liked the idea of spending time with her outside under the stars. But the principle of the matter was still there. Tori was smarter than this. 
Batta was eyeing the back of her head as she walked, also looking slightly flummoxed by the situation. He definitely thought she was an idiot for this. 
Oh, Minato realized dully. I’m an idiot. He’s her mark. 
Tori paused and fetched a thin scroll out of her cleavage. 
“Okay, before we do this, I do have one request,” she said. “Yellow Flash-san, I was going to get Batta to take a look at this for me…”
She offered him the scroll, literally fluttering her eyelashes at him. She said she found it in a farm house after the ninja squatting there left. She wanted to know if it was valuable. 
“If it is,” she said, “I’ll trade you for it.”
Batta sighed deeply and crossed his arms. 
“I told you,” he said to Minato. “Weak and pathetic. She was talking up getting me to bodyguard her up the Northwest Corridor.”
Tori shifted, looking ashamed. Minato knew this was likely an act, but he still didn’t like it. 
“Sure, I’ll look at it,” he said, accepting the scroll. 
Tori brightened. It was very cute. It wasn’t cute enough for Minato to actually open the scroll, because that was how Tori trapped you in a horrible little barrier run on mildew or something. 
“It’s a technique scroll,” Minato said after he’d flipped it over a few times. Next to him, Batta brightened in interest. Minato offered it to him. “Why don’t you take a look? You probably know more about fuinjutsu than me.”
Tori’s eyes lit up with mirth, which was probably the best face she’d made yet. 
“Sure,” Batta agreed after a beat. He opened the scroll with an unnecessary flourish. 
What happened next made Minato grab Tori around the waist and move them both out of the way in a panic. There was the faint blue glow of chakra around Batta’s hands, and Batta dropped the scroll instantly. Then his skin peeled away from his fingers and curled up, like watching bloody wood shavings. He screamed and kicked the scroll further away, but the technique continued to spread across his skin, up his arms and then his neck and across his face. Blood gushed everywhere. 
He collapsed, dead. 
“Holy shit,” Tori said, prying herself free of Minato's grip to go peer down at Batta’s corpse. “That went way worse than I thought.”
“What…” Minato started. She’d just been carrying that around? In her bra?
“I tried to get a job as a fruit peeler at a processing plant,” Tori started. 
She’d wanted to be able to do a full day’s work in a few minutes. She’d thought it wouldn’t be hard to make something that could differentiate between cell layers and then kick off the outer layer. The problem was that she wanted it to activate when she set whatever she wanted peeling in the seal array, and then accidentally made some sort of abomination she couldn’t open herself without it sucking off her own chakra and peeling her outer layer off. 
Minato had to hand it to her. When Tori wanted someone dead, she was brutal about it. 
“You handed that to me first,” Minato said, voice higher than he meant. 
“You’re not stupid enough to just take things from me,” Tori said. “And you made Batta go all ‘wah, wah, civilians stupid,’ so he wasn’t going to listen to me. You had to be the one to ask him to open it.”
Minato stared at her. Tori had her hands on her hips. Her brows were furrowed sightly at him, not the least bothered by Batta in a bloody mess two feet behind her. 
“....and why did you want to kill him horribly?” Minato asked slowly. He had really, severely misunderstood the situation, and he was feeling increasingly stupid for it. 
Tori gestured emphatically at the body. “I was saving you from your own stupid decisions! What the hell were you doing?”
Making you jealous, Minato thought, and then realized how bad that would sound. 
“So you killed him?” Minato repeated instead. 
“Yeah, so what?” Tori replied. “If I couldn’t get him to clean out the corridor for me, I was going to kill him anyway. That guy’s a creep.”
The Northwest Corridor was a stretch of trade road connecting Rice Country to Hot Water Country that had collapsed into an extremely dangerous highway of banditry over the course of the war. Tori hadn’t been planning to sleep with Batta at all. She’d wanted to take advantage of Batta’s delusions of grandeur and his tiny following of two-bit missing-nin and put it in his head that he could personally profit from clearing out bandits and taking over the road himself. This would require him taking control of the bandits currently parasitizing it, or clearing them out. Then she could finesse safe passage for herself. 
Typical Tori behavior, really, to decide the best way to accomplish something was to completely obliterate the problem. The fruit peeling job was meant to tide her over until then. 
Minato didn’t particularly care Batta was dead. Minato didn’t know enough about him to want to do it himself, but Tori seemed to have deemed him human garbage. Minato certainly had no affection for him to feel bad he was dead. 
“Well?” Tori said. “Why the hell were you hitting on my mark?”
“I…” Minato fumbled his words. This was really embarrassing. “I wanted your attention.”
Tori raised her eyebrows, incredulous. 
“If you wanted a ninja,” Minato said, trying and failing to keep the pout of his words. “Why didn’t you just ask me?”
Tori blushed, ripping her gaze away from him to stare at the grass. 
“I couldn’t tell if you liked me like that or not,” she mumbled. “You’re hard to read.”
“Of course I like you,” Minato said immediately. Tori’s eyes widened slightly, and Minato realized his faux pas and tried to backtrack. “I mean– we’re friends, right? Why else would I hang around you so much?”
Tori’s lips thinned. She pointed at Batta. 
“Because I can do that?”
“Well,” Minato hedged. Yes, he did definitely need to monitor her trail of destruction for Konoha’s sake. 
“Plus, you always have that stupid smile on your face,” Tori continued. “I can’t tell if you actually like being around me, or that’s just your customer service smile.”
“Of course it’s genuine,” Minato said, surprised. He liked her. Obviously he’d smile and joke around. 
“Is it?” Tori replied hotly. “Because you were making that face at Batta all evening. You made that face at the bartender. You made that face at me when you–”
She abruptly cut herself off. 
“When I what?” Minato asked. “Tori, if I ever offended you, I didn’t mean to.”
Her face had gone a deep red. She blustered in a way that contrasted starkly from how she could usually string a conversation along. She turned and made an excuse about actually needing to go suddenly. 
“Tori,” Minato said, reaching forward and catching her wrist. Tori glared fiercely at his hand on hers, and he dropped it. “What did I do?” he asked. “I… I do consider you a friend. I want you to like me back.”
Tori fidgeted with the fabric of her dress. 
“We’ve met before,” Tori mumbled. 
Minato tilted his head to the side in askance. He wasn’t sure what that meant. 
“Twice,” Tori continued, glaring at the vicinity of his knees. “You saved me from some ninja.”
“I did…?” Minato said, confused. “The Kumo-nin in Grass Country?”
“No, before that,” Tori said. “You saved me from some Iwa-nin and you smiled that same stupid smile at me.”
She kept talking. He’d saved her, and then he’d saved her a second time, and he had given her the exact same you’re-safe-now speech he gave all civilians, and hadn’t remembered her. And then she’d turned around on her route to the coast and gone deeper into Grass Country just to increase her chances of running into him again. And then he’d found her in that village in Grass Country, and he still hadn’t remembered her. 
“So obviously I tried to kill you,” Tori concluded. 
“You– what?” Minato squeaked out. 
He had no idea how to react to this story. Even hearing it retold and being told dates and details, he had no memory of meeting Tori previously. She’d been lost in a sea of hundreds of ninja killed and civilians saved. Deciding to kill him over it was an insane reaction, but it had worked to get his attention, hadn’t it?
“So obviously you being all friendly is meaningless,” she concluded. 
“Thanks for interrupting my terrible date, I guess,” Tori finished. “Now if you excuse me, I’m going to go sleep in my terrible budget hostel.”
She stomped off, leaving Minato behind with Batta’s corpse, feeling like the dumbest man alive. 
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ichatake · 5 months
im curious since in ur request rules you have that you write yandere characters. What is your definition of yandere? How do you write them and what do you think about them? btw I really love your work.
and since we're on the topic, what characters would you see being a little yandere? What type of yandere would they be?
Hi Anon! I appreciate the question! Many people have different ideas of what a yandere is and how they should be portrayed. I’d like to start off by giving you the definition of what most people see a yandere:
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Now, my definition of a yandere is a person who is completely devoted to another, to the point where they develop unhealthy tendencies. I tend to write my Yandere characters in a more realistic way. (I tend to stay away from the whole ‘oh gosh you just killed this person because they looked at me weird’ kind of writing style. It’s just not my cup of tea)
Since I’ve always been a big fan of psychological horror and dark romance, I portray yanderes as narcissistic, manipulative, and simply not safe to be around. They might have stalkerish tendencies, yes, but I like to focus more on how they would affect the person they like. (I know it kinda takes away from the whole definition of yandere) Basically, I just like turning the usual lovestruck, insane yandere into a more realistic version of themselves (as realistic as they could get in the ninja world. I hate completely altering a character’s personality into something they’re not).
What do I think of yanderes? Well, I certainly wouldn’t want to meet one in real life. I like reading and writing them in fiction, but in no way shape or form do I romanticize or agree with whatever the Yandere does. I do not condone any type abuse because it’s absolutely vile that someone might go out their way to hurt others. Having said that, I think many people might not find the way I write yanderes very pleasing, because it’s not what they’re used to seeing, and that��s totally okay!
Now to answer you final questions:
I believe there are a few characters that might have the possibilities of becoming a Yandere or having Yandere tendencies:
Obito (way too obsessive):
I know a lot of people think the same way as I do. I believe that Obito is a man with serious problems.
He technically grew up alone, just with his grandmother. He almost succeeded in putting everyone in an infinite genjutsu, where he could distort reality to his liking and be with the girl he loved.
It’s safe to say that he would be a yandere where if push comes to shove, he will do whatever it takes to have you near him.
He is obsessive (he had a lot of pictures of Rin when he was young, so…). He needs to remember your face clearly, even when he’s away from you. You’re the reason why he breathes. He lives because you allow him to. That’s what he thinks.
Madara(protective and controlling):
Hear me out, this man is complicated.
Sometimes he would put his desires over you, but if we’re going to be honest, he’d shred down the world for you.
If something ever happened to you, Madara would take no time in avenging you. He’s a little different to Obito. Although he’s obsessive, he doesn’t completely revolve his life around you.
He likes feeling possessive over you, but he can leave at any time that he needs to. You have to wait for him. He’ll be a protective yandere, looking out for you and making sure you understand that he’ll be the only one there for you.
Kakashi (protective, pathological liar) :
Whoa? Kakashi? Really? Yes really. This man has grown up alone. He made friends, they died. They left. Anytime he got close to someone, they’d disappear. It’s only logical that if he were to fall for someone, he’d like to protect them.
However, this protectiveness can get overwhelming. He knows you’re capable of protecting yourself, he simply doesn’t want you to. If one thing he’s done wrong in life, it’s protecting those around him. This was his time to make up for all those times he failed.
He isn’t used to affection, but when he has it, he craves it. Badly. You need to remind him that you love him too, or else he might just think you’re ready to leave him at any time.
He isn’t above lying to get you to do something. He’s lied before, so why not lie again? If it gets things going his way, he won’t care. A little harmless lie can turn into a bunch of them.
Sasuke (distant, but protective) :
If he likes you, he definitely won’t show it. If he genuinely cares, he won’t be above doing anything inhumane. He’s already done a lot of things in this world that got him hate, adding another one to his list wouldn’t be a problem.
He’ll work from the shadows. He’ll love you from far away. He isn’t really affectionate and doesn’t know how to show it.
One things certain though, you’re his lover. He will give his life for you or take another.
You ask him for the moon and he will serve it in a silver platter before leaving.
Do I think other character could be Yandere? Well yes, this is fiction after all, but these are the best that fit that description. Anyways, thank you for your questions! I’d love to answer more if anyone else is curious or wants to request some Yandere content!
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chatterbox-73 · 14 days
Simptember 2024.
Day 12 - Gifts.
Itachi Uchiha x fem!Reader
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This story is a smut story for simptember, I’ll be writing more characters x reader one shots for simptember and if you want to see a character please let me know...
You must be 18 years or older to read this...
Summary: Itachi visits you to rekindle an old childhood love with you, in hopes of asking a favour of you.
Word count: 1k
CW: NSFW and adult content, unprotected sex, drop of L word, mention of death, weapon/knife, public sex, public nudity, creampie, pregnancy.
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It was such a nice day, you had only a few D ranked missions lined up with your team, finding and retrieving a lost bunny: completed; helping the medical ninja move boxes of medicine into the hospital’s storage unit: completed; tending to the hokage rock, washing it and picking up rubbish: completed.
Now you sat in the grass relaxing, having sent your team home for the day, you had decided to go for a walk outside the village and found a small clearing in the woods where you chose to sit and relax for the rest of the day, as you looked up at the sky you listened to the leaves rustle however it sounded off, though you decided to pay it no mind for the time being, that was until you heard a heavy crunching of leaves, it was someone, an adult, a man. You stood and looked in the direction of the sound, holding your kunai knife tightly in your hand, “show yourself now…” you demanded and held your kunai ready to throw it, there was more rustling before a man in a straw hat and a large black cloak come out of the dense tree line, “I said show yourself” you yelled and throw your kunai, it made contact with the man’s hat and caused it to come flying off his head.
An audible gasp left your body as you came face to face with your ex-childhood-boyfriend, with Itachi, you had heard he was wondering around the village a few years ago however you never ran into him, what you had heard was he was now an Akatsuki member, he had a fancy type of Sharingan that could put you in a genjutsu in an instan and was looked for the jinjuriki to steal them, “what are you doing here? I’ve already alerted the others” you growled readying to reach for another Kunai but Itachi holds his hand up and smiles “no you didn’t and there’s no use in doing that” he hummed and despite your better judgment you returned it to its holder, “what do you want?” You asked and Itachi began to walk up to you very slowly, almost impatiently slow, he reached out a hand to brush your cheek and you wanted to pull back, to shove him, to take him down, but you couldn’t and you just simply melted into his touch. I was just like old times, you allowed yourself to become completely swept up in the feeling on his love, as children it was so innocent, hugging and shering sweets, playing with the stray street cats, even shearing a soft kiss once or twice; and yet even now it still felt innocent and warm, but there was something else behind Itachi’s touch, “what it is?” You asked softly, you reached up and touch his hand for a short moment before you quickly pull back, however your touch still lingering on his hand. “I’m going to die soon, it has to happen… but I wanted something from you before I do” Itachi said so comfortably that it almost rehearsed, you were stunned into silence and reached up and grabbed the collar “what are you even talking about, death? Tell me this is a joke” you yelled and shook Itachi slightly, however he just stood there and nodded, “it’s true, but I love you so much… which makes this all the more hard to do this” he hummed and pulled you in wrapping his arms around you, “just promise when I’m gone, you’re not alone to hate or go after the one who did this” he smiled and you nodded, “what is it you want from me?” You asked and Itachi’s face reddened, “I want you to take a part of me and keep it with you even after I’m gone” he hummed and lightly kissed your lips, you suddenly released what he was asking you, nodding you pulled him closer to you and pressed your lips to his, “I’d honestly regret it if I didn’t do this for you, after all we never got the chance to be a real couple together” you smiled and thought about all though memories as young kids, yet you felt a pang as you realised Itachi was right, so much wasted potential, so much loved lost, “alright, let’s do it” you hummed and brushed your finger into the hair on the back of his neck.
The sun was stinging your skin and caused you to feel a slight tingle over your skin, though thinking about it, there was a more of a chance of it being the activity Itachi had asked you to join him in, he laid atop you and worked his hips into a seductively slow and soft manner, you moaned and grabbed at Itachi’s back, “you feel so good, better then any word could describe” he groaned and his picked up his pace, “fuck Itachi, I’m gonna come” you moaned sensually in his ear, his hips shuttering and you whined cumming hard as his hot seed filled you.
You laid on your stomach as your nails dug into the grass as Itachi continued to take you in the small clearing, both naked covered in sweat and tears as you both held each other close, “you’re so big, it’s filling so will… I’m- I’m gonna.. cum again” you moaned out and reached back as your entrance squeezed around him and he grunted, finally cumming for the final time, fill you and keeping you plugged with his cock, not giving a single drop of his cum leave you, “I need it to stick, I don’t want to leave you alone again” he hummed and you smiled brightly, gripping his hand that rested on the glass next to your head, “I love you so much” you whispering, “I love you more then you’ll ever know” Itachi smiled and pulled your body back into his, breathing in your sense.
You sat in the doctors office, “you’re pregnant, I’d guess and say your due date is in late may” she smiled and you placed a hand over you stomach, he was most likely gone, but this baby was all you needed now.
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Simptember Masterlist
Day 11 - Tenya Iida: Last straw.
Day 13 - Gojo Satoru: Eyes on you.
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chidoridiscords · 1 year
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Kakashi training Sakura a bit of genjutsu.
There were a few lines in the manga regarding how Sakura is the type for genjutsu and a few panels to suggest that Kakashi taught her something but it sucks it was neither was shown, but oh well. Although it’s a nice thought to have to realize that Kakashi did have a one-on-one training session with each of his students.
Kakashi Hatake, Sakura Haruno © Masashi Kishimoto
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maboroshi-if · 2 years
SNote: Maboroshi is intended for 16+ audiences. Strong Violence and Swearing/Cursing will be in the IF. The warning list will be updated as we continue. Intro Post is still being pulled together, so if there are any questions, let me know!
Maboroshi is an Interactive Fiction Game based in the world of Naruto, however, all events within the story span during the end of the First Shinobi War and the beginning of the Second Shinobi War.
Long ago, many years before you were born, the countries of the world were entrenched in warfare for land. Mighty warlords and noblemen wished to expand their territory; however, blood would need to be given in exchange; Unfortunately, for the people of the land, the blood given as payment was not theirs. Instead, shinobi across the lands sacrificed their lives to fulfill the greedy lord’s wishes. Villages would soon be pillaged, children and women would perish from famine, and demonic creatures would rise from the darkest parts of the world to roam the earth. This would later be known as the Warring States Era. 
Twenty years later, all the infighting, battles, and wars would just...cease to exist. No one knows what caused the wars to stop; many believe that an inner deal was made between Daimyo across the land, while others believe something much more sinister is at play. Regardless, the ninja world seems to have finally settled into peace and harmony.
It has been some years since the Warring States Era ended. Villages across the land have been ushered into peace, and the village of Kirigakure is one of them. 
Having just graduated from Ninja Academy, you're now a Genin placed into your forever squad. Focused on growing stronger and building a name for yourself. You set your sights on becoming the strongest nin in your village, and who knows? Maybe you'll even become Mizukage someday. Before that happens, you'll need to pass the Chunin exam, a test that is said to have painted the very soil underneath your feet red.
Exam preparations are put on hold when rumors of war begin spilling across the peninsula. 
Tonari Yuma, a missing-nin from your village once accused of kidnapping and killing five children from all across the Land of Water, has resurfaced as a chieftain in the small village of Kirostache. 
Proclaiming himself to be the rightful Mizukage of the Land of Water. He wages war against Kirigakure and denounces your village as a town full of traitors united in dethroning the Daimyo by the usage of dark means. Your father calls it foolish. There is no way that the Water Daimyo would believe such a basis. 
Or so he hopes.
A conspiracy is brewing in the Land of Water, and you will soon learn that life is not as idealistic as you believed.
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Fully customize your character!
I MEAN IT; fully customize them! Choose your 
Hairstyle and type
Hair color is locked to red, but you have the option to pick different shades of red, 
Skin color, 
How you appear to others, 
Eye color, 
Ninja outfit + civilian outfit
Name + Nickname
Genital choice + Body Shape will come in Part 2
Weapon (you can’t use your chakra ALL the time)
Birth Season
Backgrounds are locked based on your chosen clan
More to come soon...
Choose one of three clans to be your paternal lineage
Tsuchigumo: Become Spidewo-(man)! or not. 
Yuki: Possess the Ice Release Kekkai Genkai
Shirogane: Puppet Masters who originate from the land of Wind
Become a master of either Taijutsu, Genjutsu, or Ninjutsu
Or master a combination of all three!
Romance 8 ROs
Three are available for Part 1
Four ROs will be introduced in Part II. The last is a secret RO
Pass the chunin exam!
Failing means your death, so make sure you are ready when you take it.
Complete a bunch of D-rank and C-rank missions; you're only a genin, after all.
Learn forbidden jutsu or stick to a path of purity (aka, do nothing fun!)
Meet some fan favorites as they were when they were alive!
Determine your fighting style: are you more brutal, or do you have finesse?
Or maybe you don't want to fight at all!
Become a Jinchuurki? It could happen 
Choose to become a medic-nin if it suits your fancy!
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Izuna Uchiha (M): The Rival A boy shrouded in mystery, he is a constant reminder of your first C-rank mission and what went so terribly wrong. You’ve tried your hardest to make peace with him. But it feels impossible. He's a stranger in your tight-knit village and has found himself to be treated like an outsider. You would feel bad for him; if he weren’t so smug. Replacing one of your squadmates, he has shown an aptitude for warfare and finesse that makes you weary. How can a child who has grown up in a world of peace be so ruthless? Get to know him and you’ll unfortunately find out. 
 Izuna possesses an aptitude for Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, and Genjutsu, making himself a triforce. And it makes no sense to you, considering that you hardly see the boy practice! It will be interesting to see how he grows. If he makes it.
Chihiro Inoue (F): The Dreamer
One of your squadmates, she is a loud and outspoken girl with large dreams and big ambitions. Working to become the first female Mizukage, Chihiro often displays headstrongness and an overzealousness that can often get her into trouble. Luckily for her, fortune always seems to work in her favor.
Chihiro possess an extremely high aptitude for Taijutsu and Ninjutsu, calling herself a self-proclaimed weapons master. She gives as good as she gets, and has no problem getting a little dirty.
Tanui Hozuki (M or F): The Jokester
A jokester, they seem to have no desire to become a ninja; but with all that chakra they possess, they are given no choice. Apart of Squad Six, it makes no sense why you seem to run into them all the time, but you find their presence comforting.
You know nothing about their fighting style; only hearing whispers of the ‘wicked’ things that they have summoned from the adults in your village. 
Shinichi Hoshigaki (M): The Lost One/Secret RO
The second member of your original squad. Shinichi is the complete opposite of what you would expect from the Hoshigaki clan. Known for being fierce and aggressive, Shinichi is the exact opposite of the savage reputation that precedes them. Soft and friendly, Shinichi is a gentle soul and abhors the act of violence. But when push comes to shove, he will protect himself and his friends with the vengeance of Asura. Unfortunately, that wasn’t enough to save him. Or was it?
Shinichi possesses a high aptitude for the sword. Almost on par, if not matching Chihiro in strength and brutality. He favors the Water Release Jutsu; typical for someone coming from his clan. 
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Akane Uzumaki: your mother is revered as the five-tailed beast's holy priestess/vessel. Once labeled as one of the strongest Kunoichi in your village, she has settled into domestic life and has left behind a life of adventure. She seems content; however, you catch the sorrowful expression on her face whenever she looks at you.
[[Chooseable Name]]: Your father is a distant cousin of the Water Daimyo, considered a war hero for his actions in a rebellion that lasted almost ten years. He has been given the highest spot in the village as "supporting Kage," only second to the Mizukage himself. 
Hanabi Sugawara: Your sensei; is not what you had expected in a teacher. Seeming to coddle your small team of three more than teaching you. You feel that she is hiding something, something that could put everyone in danger.
DEMO (Coming soon) || RO Appearances || Discord (Maybe)
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stellawolfearts · 5 months
Hey, I found something in Investiture of the gods that i connected to the S5 trailer. If you are avoiding the trailer for spoilers reasons then feel free to ignore this post. otherwise if you wanna see my Nezha theory just click the read more button :3
Okay...so im making a post about why i dont like Li Jing personally and why I am exited to see him in LMK because of the severe tension between him and nezha due to thier history. and i noticed something while reading through the chapter of Investiture of the gods where Nezha tries to kill Li Jing. Taken from Chapter 14 - Reincarnation with Lotus Flowers
Running up to the man and hiding behind him, Nezha arrived shortly and explained the situation to this man, determined to vent his hatred. Giving in to Nezha's furiousness, the man spat on Li Jing and then clapped his hand to the former's back. As Li Jing was ordered by this man to fight back Nezha with little other choice, Nezha soon realized that his father's strength was far greater than originally — and thus the man standing at the pine tree must be none other than a Taoist who was a master at the enhancement arts. Realizing that if he effectively destroyed the Taoist, his father's strength would not be surpassing his own, Nezha lunged forward and slashed his lance into the latter's forehead. As a lotus flower appeared before the his face to negate Nezha's blow, the Taoist angrily unleashed forth his great golden pagoda from the heavens to trap the former within as punishment. Clapping his hands to additionally signal a great fire to rage within the pagoda, Nezha had no choice but to beg for mercy and declare his acknowledgement to his father — thus seizing the chance of being set free. Realizing that he possessed not a single burn from the Taoist's great fire, Nezha deduced the former's ability to be none other than Genjutsu. Threatening to burn Nezha further in his pagoda if he did not kowtow to his father with needed respect, the former had no choice but to do so in a rageful state. As the Taoist thus declared to Li Jing that he would teach him the burning pagoda art as a resistance against Nezha's potential future assaults, Nezha dismissed it first — and thus quickly rode back to Qianyuan Mountain in disappointment over his sullied vengeance. Now declaring his name to be Burning Lamp of Mount Divine Hawk, the former told Li Jing to forget about fame and riches under the Shang Dynasty and to live as hermit in the neighboring mountain valleys until the preordained assault upon the dynasty comes his way; at that time he should assist King Wu in the campaign.
and what do we see Li Jing with in the S5 trailer?
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Now i don't think this is the same exact type of pagoda, with it being a kids show I dont think he's gonna threaten to burn them alive forever with no chance of death cause the fire doesnt cause any real harm it just makes you experience the pain of burning alive.
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He does try to suck them in.
I think he's also threatening Nezha with this pagoda. or another one? idk.
But i just- can't help but feel like there's a correlation between Li Jing and his Pagoda in LMK and that part of his mythology.
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venerawrites · 5 months
I don’t know if someone headcanoned this before but im curious… Headcanons about Itachi’s s/o feeling sad bc they think they are like Izumi’s substitute (in the Itachi novel he said that he couldn’t correspond her love but this was the closest to an Itachi’s love interest)
author's note: I love when people sending me ideas like these and they always inspire me so much! I really, really enjoyed this one and I hope you do to! Thank you for requesting! <3
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I've said this before, but I do imagine Itachi with someone who is was born and raised somewhere remote and far away from Konoha. Most likely they did not knew anything about him, his clan or the massacre prior him telling them.
In this case, it would be Itachi that would share with them that there was once a girl in Konoha, with whom he was close. He won't go into a lot of details, thus leaving his partner to fill the blanks with their own imagination.
It's quite easy to get the impression that their relationship was more serious than he tried to portray it, especially when he explained how he put her into a genjutsu, giving her a sense of long and happy life by his side.
The initial reaction of his s/o is to embrace him or rub soothing circles on his back, comforting him and thanking him for sharing something so intimate with them.
But as the days passed, they started to think more about what Itachi has said about Izumi.
What exactly was their relationship? Did he love her? Would've they been together if the massacre didn't happen? Did he still thought about her? Was his s/o just some kind of rebound?
His s/o would start overthinking and overanalysing, but won't say anything to the Uchiha man. Deep down they would feel embarrassed by all these thoughts - it concerned his life before he met them and this girl has been dead for years now. If anything, it shouldn't bother them at all.
But it did. A LOT.
Now, at this point Itachi would've known his partner for quite a while, so he will immediately pick up the small changes in their behaviour.
He would probably wait a few days up to a week, just to see if they are going to tell him what is bothering them. When they don't do that, he would sit them down and confront them himself.
He is an extremely smart and calculating man, so he already had an idea why his s/o was behaving strangely, especially since this change happened after he opened up to them.
His partner would initially deny something was up, but after a bit more pushing from Itachi's side, they would finally vocalise their thoughts about how they are nothing more but a replacement for Izumi.
The man listens quietly, only nodding his head from time to time and mentally scolding himself for even letting such thoughts get to his s/o head.
After his partner finish their little rant (I would imagine that at this point they are quite upset, spilling all the doubts and worries that have been torturing their mind for weeks.), he would gently take their hand and lay a small kiss on the back of it.
He calmly explains to them that while Izumi did indeed had feelings for him, he never seen her in a romantic light. The genjutsu he used on her is an image of how her dream life looked, not how he imagined his. He gave her mercy, not love.
His s/o would seek some final validation for his feelings toward them, which he would gladly provide in the form of both verbal and physical affection.
However, if his partner remains somewhat unconvinced, he would get hurt and offended. Has he not shown many times that he loves them and only them?
He is also not the type to discuss the same topic over and over again, so he expects that one time clarification is enough. If their partner decided to bring it up again in the future, he would probably be a bit annoyed.
Itachi would always remain open and honest with his s/o, but since that "slip up" he would definitely take more care about how he word his thoughts.
cc artwork: Jae Cheol Park
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