#geno sans variant
bunningchaos · 4 months
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Aa- first ever Ko-Fi received! Thank you so much to Ren!
They asked for Vultous, sooo.. here's me deciding to draw his parents with him. Well, Sorro being a bitty since why not
Reaper belongs to Renrink on Tumblr!
Geno belongs to LoverOfPiggies (aka CrayonQueen) on Tumblr!
Goth belongs to nekophy, on Tumblr!
Vultous, Sorro and Survi, belongs to me ^^;
Happy (Bragging?) Bunning noises
(dang the caption thing covers the image- ree--)
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socksandbuttons · 2 years
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Geno Posting Hours, where I post fanart for other people! We got Valentines/Pink Geno by @krispzchaps , hes pink hes geno hes Hearts i love him Hiraeth Geno by @satellite-starss I saw him ONCE and then went ‘obviously i must draw him’ and then i realized halfway thru the first one he had a B O W and i had to add that second one. I love Bows....
Then My Geno Papyrus. I love Him Hes very smoochable I will not explain. King Licorice from Paper’d and I’s UTMV WIR au, a Sweet Man with a bitter side.
@kazachi69‘s Geno Papyrus because I need more papyrus. We NEED more papyrus. And lo and behold Mafia Geno, hes a doctor. I wont say what kind I havent gotten that far yet, But Oh I Love Him. I wanted to make my own since i dont think ive seen Geno from those Au’s. Absolutely inspired by that au @flamingbiscuit has got goin on. Their Error.... Lovable. As alwas the OG Geno is by @/loverofpiggies
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ALSO A BONUS that was at the corner on this page
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hexcia · 1 month
tell me about yuor error variant (echo) pretty please - error sans irl
well since you asked so nicely [actually insane about its own AU]
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Echo [They/It] is my error variant for my AU hexverse!!
Echo is one of the first characters I designed for this AU [alongside Ink] and initially started off as just a fun redesign as I had missed the UTMV fandom
and then it grew lore
For Echo's lore I switched it up a lot from the original. For example Geno and Echo are NOT the same person [i have way too many issues with that idea in general] and Echo doesn't live in the anti-void
They were found as a kid by a certain scientist that we all hate who was experimenting on displaced AU inhabitants. Its unclear where Echo, initially named Error, originally came from
Coding is a big part of HV and said scientist had been reworking other people's code to achieve his goal. Echo was unfortunate enough to have destruction powers coded onto them. They were essentially a tool, planned to destroy a multiversal threat that is still present in the modern story
To keep them from escaping, Echo was often told that the world is "kill or be killed" but didnt stop them. And yet they were terrified to learn that the multiverse was just as violent as they were told.
A suffering and grieving multiverse isnt kind to someone with unwanted powers, really.
Echo at this point was a mentally unstable teenager so in their Messed up Brain they thought it made sense to destroy anything in their way. Inadvertedly becoming someone they never wanted to be
This carried on for a few years until they crossed paths with Ink. Echo thought they were going to be hurt again while Ink was just curious about them.
This led to a weird sort of friendship between them. Echo trying to avoid Ink and Ink being incredibly curious about Echo's motives in the most lighthearted way possible
Slowly, Echo formed an attachment to Ink as he was the only one to show them genuine kindness. Ink became their favorite person because of this [BPD echo sweep]
After their newfound attachment, Echo slowly started to realize that what they were doing isn't what they wanted. They hated being feared and despised.
It decided to build a new identity for itself and chose the name Echo
Presently, they live in the doodlesphere with Ink and Blue and do more recreational hobbies. Such as sewing and reading
do not be fooled though, it still struggles massively. Echo can barely step into other universes now [it wouldn't be my AU without angst <3]
follow up questions are appreciated if you have any!!
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galacii-gallery · 2 years
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Behold- Ctrl+alt+Del also known as Delete this au variant of Reaper!Sans was made with the general idea of- what if he stayed with Geno til the very end? what if instead of leaving and coming back he didn’t leave until his job was finished?... only to end up corrupting by Geno’s side. :’) I sure do love thinking of angsty alternatives but also fluff.
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mr-jack-letterman · 7 months
More B-Side Verse!
Next up is Error.
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This is Trojan, the B-Side verse version of Error.
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(click for better quality)
- Within B-Side, Trojan used to be a Science Sans instead of a Geno Sans like Error was.
- Since Trojan originated from a younger and overall nicer Sans variant, Trojan is much more pacifistic and less angry than Error.
- He still destroys Universes, but he's less likely to actually fight people. He does his job and tries to flee as fast as possible when Scribe shows up, only rarely giving in to fighting.
- A glitch is spreading throughout B-Side verse. It seems as though there is no cure, but destroying the infected universes seem to slow it down. So, Trojan does his best to kill off the infected universes using his power, only leaving the uninfected alive. This earns him the title of "God of Destruction" throughout the multiverse as rumor spreads. No one, except Trojan's trusted allies, know of his true motives.
- Scribe and his crew are trying to stop the same corruption, but Scribe believes Trojan is the root cause of it and seeks to annihilate him, thinking destroying "the source" will kill off the rest. He doesn't see Trojan's efforts as "damage control", all he sees is Trojan "spreading more corruption."
- Being alone for so long has made him more like Alphys, very nervous and anti-social, but undeniably brilliant. He has a habit of going on long rambling tangents about data, space, magic, and whatnot. Most people don't understand a thing he's talking about though. He doesn't care, he's just happy to infodump.
- Most people see him as this maniacal mad scientist who tortures people and experiments on souls. Many Sanses like to compare him to some of the abusive and horrible Gasters throughout the multiverse. When, in reality, Trojan has absolutely zero confidence in himself let alone his "mad science."
- Most of Trojan's time is actually spent researching and documenting the different magic and fighting styles all Sans and Papyri have. He finds all the variation extremely fascinating and just rly rly rly wants to learn about it all. (*Cough* undiagnosed autism *cough*/lh)
- Trojan really doesn't have many friends and doesn't get out much. But, unlike Error, he's pretty good friends with Nightmare and his gang of misfits, as well as Cyan, the B-Side variant of Underswap Sans.
- For a long while, Trojan couldn't remember he used to be a Science Sans. Once he did remember, Cyan gave him his necklace as a reminder to never forget.
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The rest of these are not rly that important, they're just funky little design quirks I think are cool lmao.
- Trojan is named after a "Trojan Horse Virus" a type of computer virus that disguises itself as a normal program.
- His name is also a reference to the Trojan Horse in Greek mythology. Within the story, not only was the Trojan Horse a smart plan, the monument itself was an alleged tribute to Athena, goddess of wisdom. Trojan is a very smart cookie so using my tism powers I named him after something connected to the goddess of wisdom essentially NSNDNND.
- Trojan's "strings" are less like strings and more like thick ribbons of green binary. Within the Antivoid, similar to Error, Trojan has a bunch of these ribbons hanging from the "ceiling". But unlike Error, written on these ribbons are the names and serial numbers of all the universes he's destroyed. It's his way of remembering them and memorializing them.
- The binary code surrounding him can spell out various small phrases or words relating to what he's feeling. Normally, they just spell out "Trojan". But as seen above in my paper sketches, they change periodically. The translations for the binary can be found underneath each sketch.
- Trojan's eyelights can change as well. They turn into 1s when he's surprised, angry, excited etc, and change to 0s when he's embarrassed, sad, worried, etc.
- When he's overwhelmed or confused, strings of binary cover his eyes.
If you have any questions about B-Side verse or the world itself, don't hesitate to send me an ask or a message!
Original Error by @loverofpiggies
(I hope tagging is alright-)
Extra info about B-Side verse :D
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ikanin · 18 days
Adding on to my Draconic AU sort of idea I had earlier (my last post)
First off, generations:
ab aeterno (From the Eternal)- True dragons born of divinity includes beings like Life, Death, Dream, Nightmare, and Ink. These few are frequently seen in depictions of the divine and are seen as immortal beings who may do as they please.
ab Antiquo (From the Ancient)- who are the first generation of man made drakes or divinely cursed. Includes people like Fresh, Geno, Error, Core, Sans, Fell, Swap, and XGaster.
ab Incunabulis (From the Cradle)- the newest generation of drakes. These beings mostly make up drakes who were born as drakes rather than made drakes. Carrying over some blood from “ab Antiquo” (most parents will remain probably unnamed) quite a few were never even human to begin with. Those who were born human might be Killer and Horror. While those who were born Drakes might be Dust, Cross, Ccino, etc
Draco naledi- The genus for the drakes who retain their humanoid figure. This includes those who can shapeshift into other forms but their base forms retain human like qualities. This genus while seeming tall when compared to those of a normal human stature, they are seen as the little guys to much of the other Drake genuses.
However what Draco Naledi lacks in firepower and nature born affinities they are more likely to make up for with the sheer amounts of Determination (DT) or Mana (MP) they store in their bodies. Making them able to out endure a large portion of non divine drakes.
Draco duopinnati- A genus for the species of drakes which typically retain only two wings and no frontal limbs, more commonly referred to as wyverns. Their affinities rely more specifical on fire or lightning, they are typically associated with the name Wyverns
Draco torquensvermis- A ground bound genus who typically lack external limbs or are long and winding with one set of forelimbs. These variants typically burrow themselves deep within the ground, their bodies never seeming to finish growing until their untimely demise or if their nutrients are in low supply. Despite this they do not grow an unreasonable amount, typically gaining an inch or two in length per year if met with the right conditions. These creatures are usually referred to as Wyrms, having an affinity for metal or even earth based magicks if born lucky enough. Though they most commonly rely on pure physical strength.
Draco troglodyte- A genus more commonly referred to as Knuckers. This variant more closely resembles Eastern Dragons in build, this genus is specifically known to have features from other animals. Like “fur”, more angular ears, hooves, etc. However they remain on the smaller side, with tinier wings of which cannot lift them off the ground. They have a more diverse variety of magicks than the other genuses. Healing magicks, blue magick, etc
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askerrorsans-s2 · 1 year
Error… the fact that you are ERROR Sans… doesn’t that imply there’s an original? Someone out there who is just… Sans? Doesn’t that imply that you’re just another variant in the multiverse?
And that also begs the question, if your bones were once white, but now they aren’t, doesn’t that imply something probably happened to you? I mean, I doubt you chose to get a full body tattoo or something…
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onlyplatonicirl · 11 months
I don't think the reason Geno doesn't die from touching Reaper is because of his DETERMINATION (I personally like to think Reaper's touch overrides DETERMINATION)
What if it's because Geno isn't supposed to exist?
Geno is one Sans split into two. And the "original" Sans is back in his universe. Hence Geno wouldn't be in Reaper's list of "souls that will be reaped."
You can't kill someone who doesn't exist.
Same goes for any Geno variant, like Fatal... or Error.
Also the fact that he technically already is dead as well!!!
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sensitive-g · 8 months
Sorry, I found you by accident, but who is Blue Scarf? why does he look like Geno Sans from aftertale (and many other questions)
Hey no worries! You’re not wrong about him looking like Geno- Blue Scarf is actually a variant of Geno himself that I created wayyyy back in 2016 and have been continuously working on his story since! His AU’s name is REDAftertale, a combination of REDACT and Aftertale, and the AU’s been a bit of a passion project that’s taken over my life.
I do have a lot of development on it, I just haven’t really given much detail about it in public yet- I have a ref of Blue Scarf on this blog somewhere, and a ref of the Sans that’s one of his current brothers, but most of everything else I’ve kept to myself and my friend circle just bc,,, Idk how I wannna publish it HDKDJDK. Idk if I wanna do like a comic or a fic or what LOL
I actually nearly gave like a multi-paragraph story summary as I was writing this answer out bc I just love talking about him HDKDJD but I’ll try to make it a really concise elevator pitch sort of thing:
Basically, what if you took a Geno out of his save screen, and put him into a timeline where he could do something? What if he wasn’t confined to just watching from afar, and was actually able to influence how things went from within?
Granted, the timeline isn’t his own, and his own influence is honestly less… in his control than he would like. But what could he learn here? What could he take back?
If this interests you at all and you wanna know more, or if you have any questions you wanna ask like you mentioned, please feel free- I’m more than happy to answer! Like I said I love talking about it so honestly if you’re willing to listen I could go over the whole ass thing FJDLDKDHK. Right now I just wanted to do a little hook thing bc my summaries are,, exceptionally long, and I didn’t wanna bombard you with all that at once LOL. OR if you wanna see it as a story I can see about making that happen 👀 it would just take time bc college,,,,
(Also lol if I do make it a fic I can make this the little summary thing at the beginning of it so there’s that too)
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bunningchaos · 5 months
duuuude vultous is gonna kill you if he gets out if that closet lmao. poor boy. wish I could save him. don't be mean to him.😡
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Thankfully, Sorro doesn't know who the culprit is. Nor is he gonna accuse anyone.
Vultous, Sorro and Survi belongs to me (BunningChaos)
Goth/Fell!Goth belongs to nekophy, on Tumblr!
Reaper belongs to Renrink on Tumblr!
Geno belongs to LoverOfPiggies (aka CrayonQueen) on Tumblr!
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proxylynn · 4 months
Mr Sans i have a question...
How do you feel about people making their own unique versions if you? Well, technically, mine are swap, fell, and geno variants, but you know what i mean.
sans: i mean, it's fine. just...*his sockets empty* never look up font-cest.
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galacii-gallery · 10 months
извините за повторный вопрос, но кто такой Delete!Рипер Санс(я знаю что это рипер Санс из reapertale), какой у него личность (и измененилась ли поведение Эррора Санса), и какие у него способности?
sorry for asking again, but who is Delete!Reaper Sans (I know it's Reaper Sans from reapertale), what is his personality (and has Error Sans' behavior changed?), and what are his abilities?
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( Using Google translate apologies if things are wrong! English translation will be after. )
Удалить!Жнец, также известный как Дель, является вариантом Жнеца, который был с Гено во время их превращения в Эррора, во время этого они обнимали другого, надеясь, что это вытянет часть Ошибки наружу и внутрь себя, чтобы сохранить часть Гено в живых. Я довольно много думал о его личности, так как оригинальный Жнец спокоен и склонен скрывать свои эмоции от других (Ну, кроме Папайруса и Ториэль.) ... Так что я подумал, возможно, личность более открытая, энергичная. может подойти ему, из-за того, что он принял только часть Ошибки Гено, он все еще сохраняет некоторые свои прежние черты, такие как кокетливость, однако его фильтр кажется тонким.
этого во время прикосновения удаляет чужой код, само их существование подобно вирусу. разъедают того, к кому прикоснулись, заставляя его забыть о других, самих себя - стать пустой версией самих себя, прежде чем исчезнуть из реальности, из базы данных.
для его оружия его коса стала косой-кнутом, оружием, которое распадается на части, чтобы стать кнутом, - когда он закален, он становится косой. оружие, чтобы легко поймать души, которые пытаются вырваться из его рук. (Когда-нибудь я это нарисую.)
Что касается пассивных способностей, таких как его бессмертие и вездесущность.
Его бессмертие ослабло, его можно остановить... временно убить. он вернется, но ценой будет то, что каждый раз он будет терять маленькую часть себя из-за ошибки внутри.
Его вездесущность стала более заметной, что позволяет ему наблюдать и легко телепортироваться в другие AU, если их посещают. (Его код сотрется. Побочный эффект его нового смертельного прикосновения... да, он тоже влияет на него, печальная судьба, не так ли?)
Полет у него нормальный. (Возможно, при желании он может сформировать крылья из кода.)
Несколько дополнений!
из-за его ошибок его зависимость от кофе превратилась в зависимость от чая.
чай боба является частью упомянутой зависимости.
пожинающие души теперь, кажется, восстанавливают его новую душу, даже если это чистая негрешная душа. что касается его старого, то он все еще откалывается и заменяется новым, если это произойдет.
он основан на синем экране смерти.
Delete!Reaper, also known as Del is a Reaper variant who was with Geno during their transformation into Error, during this they embraced the other hoping it would draw some of the Error out and into himself to keep a piece of Geno alive. I thought about his personality quite a bit, since the original Reaper is calm, and tends to hide his own emotions from others ( Well other then Papyrus and Toriel. )... So I was thinking perhaps a personality that is more open, energetic might suit him, due to him taking only a portion of Geno's Error he still holds a bit of his previous traits like being flirtatious, however his filter seems to be thin.
As for his abilities... I've been thinking about those quite a bit. I like to imagine his deathly touch has become something similar but different. instead of killing someone instantly he instead during touch, deletes the others code, their existence itself like a virus. eating away at the one who got touched, making them forget others, themselves- becoming a hollow version of themselves before disappearing from reality, from the database.
for his weapon, his scythe has become a Scythe Whip, a weapon that breaks apart to become a whip- when hardened it becomes a scythe. a weapon to easily catch the souls that try to escape his grasp. ( I'll draw this at some point. )
As for Passive abilities such as his immortality and omnipresence.
His immortality has become weakened, he can be stopped.. killed temporarily. he'll come back, but the cost being that he'd lose a small piece of himself every time to the Error within.
His omnipresence has become more prominent, allowing him to observe and easily teleport to other AU's if visited. ( His code would rub off. a side effect to his new deathly touch... yes it effects him too, a sad fate isn't it? )
His flight is normal. ( He can possibly form wings made from code if so desired. )
A few extras!
due to his errors his coffee addiction has become a tea addiction.
boba tea is apart of said addiction.
reaping souls now seem to repair his new soul, even if it's a pure un-sinful soul. as for his old one it still chips away and gets replaced with the new if this happens.
he's based off the blue screen of death.
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tea-addict-1 · 5 months
I wanted to talk about this concept for the undertale multiverse because you can’t tell me that their isn’t smaller multiverses that build off from it.
For example: The main multiverse would hold those that are different versions of the classic sans. The normal au’s. Such as, Ink, Error, Swap, Fell, Dance, Geno, Death, etc..
But the smaller multiverses would be surrounding of an au like Swaptale. Because then that multiverse would be those that were based off swap sans. There are many different swap variants that are yet to be created. (As long as another blueberry happens I think we are okay). But, different swaps would be like; Swapfell, Blueberror, Yandberry (Someone remade yandere blue and it was amazing), and fellswap (I see it as a different au then swapfell)
And yes, some multiverses may have two au’s they base off like swapfell but they would just fall under both due to having both characteristics. And yes, some Au’s may not spread off into other tiny multiverses but that’s just due to nobody creating au’s based off them and it’s still a fun concept.
Though this idea would not limit having them interacting with the main multiverse au’s. Because then there could be a portal gate area that’s not run by any sans but the creators themselves where they could go to and from the portals.
Obviously I just wanted to rant about this idea since the multiverse is such a weird thing and this for me seemed like it makes sense. If you like the idea then you’re free to use it if you want. Also, if you have any ideas for this the please let me know, I will be making notes on this👍
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andizoidart · 1 year
Part Four of my UTMV character masterlist:
The Warden (Originally a Papyrus, an outcode)
The Observer (Originally a ??, shapeshifter, an outcode)
Daydream (Dream!Sans, from the Nightterrorverse)
Nightterror (Nightmare!Sans, from the Nightterrorverse)
Digit (Error!Sans, from the Nightterrorverse)
Dapple (Ink!Sans, from the Nightterrorverse)
Mocha (Ccino!Sans, from the Nightterrorverse)
Soot (Dust!Sans, from the Nightterrorverse)
Crossy (swap!Cross!Sans, originally from the Daybreakverse, now from in the Nightterrorverse)
Daybreak (Swap!Dream, from the Daybreakverse)
Nightfall (Swap!Nightmare, from the Daybreakverse)
Azure (Swap!Blue, from the Daybreakverse)
Blanche (Swap!Ink, from the Daybreakverse)
Saber (Swap!Horror, from the Daybreakverse)
Vivi(section) (Swap!Killer, from the Daybreakverse)
Viral (Swap!Error, from the Daybreakverse)
Mite (Swap!Dust, originally from the Daybreakverse, stuck in an unknown Multiverse)
Birdsong (child Dream, from Mourning Dove & Nightingale)
Lullaby (child Nightmare, from Mourning Dove & Nightingale)
Mimic (Mimic!Sans, an outcode)
War!Mimic (variant of Mimic, from the warverse)
Dreamer (Hybrid, from the Dreamer!AU)
Dreamer!Dream (Dream, from the Dreamer!AU)
Dreamer!Error (Error, from the Dreamer!AU)
Dreamer!Ink (Ink, from the Dreamer!AU)
Dreamer!Blue (Blue, from the Dreamer!AU)
Dreamer!Nightmare (Nightmare, from the Dreamer!AU)
Dreamer!Reaper (Reaper, from the Dreamer!AU)
SkSh!Papyrus (Classic Papyrus, culpeo fox, from the Skeleshifters!AU)
SkSh!Red (Fell!Sans, possum, from the Skeleshifters!AU)
SkSh!Blue (Swap!Sans, skunk, from the Skeleshifters!AU)
SkSh!Mutt (Fellswap!Papyrus, Coyote, from the Skeleshifters!AU)
SkSh!Outer (Outer!Sans, duck, from the Skeleshifter!AU)
SkSh!Pink (Lust!Papyrus, Arctic Fox, from the Skeleshifters!AU)
SkSh!Crooks (Horror!Papyrus, Moose, from the Skeleshifters!AU)
SkSh!Razz (Swapfell!Sans, ocelot, from the Skeleshifters!AU)
SkSh!Cherry (Fell!Sans, raccoon, from the Skeleshifters!AU)
SkSh!Swaps (Swap!Papyrus, chameleon, from the Skeleshifters!AU)
Bitty!Nightmare (Nightmare Bitty, lives with SkSh!Horror, from the Skeleshifters!AU)
CCA!Dream (Dream, from the CCA!AU)
CCA!Killer (Killer, from the CCA!AU)
CCA!Dust (Dust, from the CCA!AU)
CCA!Fresh (Fresh, from the CCA!AU)
CCA!Horror (Horror, from the CCA!AU)
CCA!Cross (Cross, from the CCA!AU)
CCA!Sci (Sci, from the CCA!AU)
CCA!Lust (Lust, from the CCA!AU)
CCA!Nightmare (Nightmare, from the CCA!AU)
CCA!Reaper (Reaper, from the CCA!AU)
CCA!Geno (Geno, from the CCA!AU)
CCA!Blue (Blue, from the CCA!AU)
CCA!Ink (Ink, from the CCA!AU)
CCA!Error (Error, from the CCA!AU)
CCA!Outer (Outer, from the CCA!AU)
CCA!Ccino (Ccino, from the CCA!AU)
CCA!Farm (Farm, from the CCA!AU)
CCA!Mimic (Mimic, from the CCA!AU)
Fantasy!Dream (AKA Star, Dream, from the Fantasy!AU)
Fantasy!Ink (Ink, from the Fantasy!AU)
Fantasy!Nightmare (Toddler Nightmare, from the Fantasy!AU)
Fantasy!Error (Toddler Error, from the Fantasy!AU)
Moon(mare) (Swap!Nightmare, from an unnamed AU)
Coddled!Dream (Toddler Dream, from the Boardbook!AU)
Swaddled!Nightmare (Toddler Nightmare, from the Boardbook!AU)
Nightnapped!Nightmare (Child again Nightmare, kidnapped by the stars)
Abdreamed!Dream (Child again Dream, abducted by the bad guys)
Little!Edge (child again fell!papyrus, from a fell AU)
Khonsu (A Nightmare!Sans, from Project Ra Chapter I)
FMNx2!Papyrus (Papyrus, from FMNx2!AU)
FMNx2!Sans (Sans, from FMNx2!AU)
FMNx2!Alphys (Alphys, from FMNx2!AU)
FMNx2!Asgore (Asgore, from FMNx2!AU)
Paprisun (A Papyrus to an Error, an outcode)
Lady Luck (An Error, an outcode)
Dip (An Ink, an outcode)
Dot (An Ink, an outcode)
Kernel!Error (AKA Bomb!Error, an Error, an outcode)
Tiny!Horror (Mortal Child Horror, from a Mortals and Gods AU)
Tiny!Dust (Mortal Child Dust, from a Mortals and Gods AU)
Tiny!Cross (Mortal Child Cross, from a Mortals and Gods AU)
Tiny!Killer (Mortal Child Killer, from a Mortals and Gods AU)
Tiny!Ink (Diverted Path God Ink, currently living a Mortal life, a Child, from a Mortals and Gods AU)
Tiny!Blue (Mortal Child Blue, from a Mortals and Gods AU)
Tiny!Geno (Mortal Child Geno, from a Mortals and Gods AU)
Dusty (Child Dust, adopted by Horror and Farm, unspecified AU)
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glitchysquidd · 3 years
Just Drop It Buddy.
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Next (Soon)
The first two pages to Stitch's Story,who he used to be and how he came to be.
//GenoSans belongs to loverofpiggies//
//undertale by tobyfox//
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stonesandpeaches · 4 years
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here have my geno variant,
good news he's still a prick like og geno but his name is Cadmus
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