#genshin apocalypse au
dailykaeyas · 3 months
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Pov they're in an apocalypse
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klayr-de-gall · 1 year
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Day 9 - Apocalypse
The hot It-couple of Apocalypse City
You can always join in with all kind of fanwork and fandom! Make sure to use the #AU-August Tag, so I can find you!
As always, all entries for this week (Day 7 to Day 13) can be found on my Patreon already!
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jacksonnah · 10 months
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my genshin zombie apocalypse au !
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auroratumbles · 10 months
KAZUHA // another time.
cw: apocalypse au, mentions of blood (not graphic/descriptive!), death, mentions of infected people, only proofread once, angst!!
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kazuha draws his sword out of the sheathe and scans the barren lands. there’s no one around, but kazuha is intelligent enough to not lower his guard. the infected had become smart enough to conduct stealth missions and just some time prior they had almost caught him as he was asleep. the skies are grey and dreary but with no sign of rain. the polluted skies cover what little light remained. it’s near impossible to tell how long it’s been since it started.
has celestia forsaken teyvat? kazuha has begun to think he’s the only one left.
his sharp ears catch a sound of rocks being moved. someone is here. cautiously, he turns toward the sound of the noise and breathes a sigh of relief. it’s a human. kazuha is not the only one that remains.
you brush the dust off your dirtied clothes and look up to see someone looming over you. letting out a shriek of surprise, you dart back and raise your weapon to realise that it’s a human. a very.. pretty human, if you must admit.
“ah, sorry. i didn’t intend to frighten you.” the platinum-blonde haired man holds out a hand so you can walk to his level with ease. you grasp the warmth of his fingers and struggle to step up with your injured ankle. he hands you some bandages and you accept them gratefully, wrapping them around the bloody area.
“i thought i was the only one left.” a quiet whisper startles you out of whatever thoughts you were previously having. your hands still and you turn your head to the man, straightening your posture. the orange-red streak in his hair gently sways in the wind as he stares off into the distance with a far-away look in his eyes. you stare at him, tilting your head.
"...i must admit that i made that assumption as well," you breathe out a soft laugh despite the circumstances. "how odd that fate brought me to the desolate islands of inazuma, which in turn brought me to you."
"how odd indeed." the man falls silent for a moment, contemplating what else to say.
"what's your name?" he asks, bringing his red-eyed gaze to your face. archons, his eyes are really pretty.
"i'm [name]. what's your name?" you answer, your lips curling upwards.
"kaedehara kazuha, a wanderer who roams the land. perhaps the reason i have not been infected yet is due to the fact i do not stay in one place for too long." kazuha smiles back at you, warm and friendly.
"i see. that's a nice name." you compliment.
the comforting silence starts again and you self-consciously fix your hair and clothes, not wanting to look unhygienic or dirty.
you look at kazuha through your peripheral vision and realise he’s pulling a fresh leaf out of his pocket. curiously, you turn to him and watch as he brings the leaf up to his lips. a soft, unfamiliar melody plays through the green frond as you watch in awe. kazuha opens his eyes and smiles sweetly at you when he realises you’re watching. you clear your throat and look away in embarrassment.
it’s hopeless. there are so many infected surrounding you and your companion. your body’s covered in gashes and wounds. your legs can barely hold you up anymore, on the verge of giving way. your vision is spinning and you can vaguely feel strong wind flying around the area. the smell of rotting flesh is overwhelming and you try to raise a hand to cover your nose before your legs finally collapse and you fall.
your body is met with something soft when it lands. your head is cradled in warm, gentle hands as your eyes start to blur. soft words are said to you but you can barely comprehend their meaning. you use the last of your strength to muster a weak smile and raise your bloodstained hand to cup kazuha’s cheek. your hand drops and your vision finally darkens, the life leaving your once-energetic body.
poetically, the clouds drop rain onto the barren lands as you die. a storm begins despite the electro archon having left teyvat to ascend to celestia.
if only you had met at another time.
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notes: kazuha kazuha kazuha my love
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sleepxng-prince · 2 months
⤨ Perspectives New and Old
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the beginning with klee, albedo, and alice! reader is not yet mentioned, this au is a bit canon-divergent regarding backstories (generally the same with a modern twist, basically). klee and albedo are inspired by clementine and lee from twdg. this is essentially a pilot chapter, just to set the scene/plot in place :3 i'm really hoping this is well received because i am pouring all my time and effort into it lolol - that being said, reblogs heavily encouraged if you like this!
read on ao3! || master post!
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The sound of silence really isn't as silent as one would think. The young man could hear the wind, the sound of his own breaths, the rustling of leaves and songs of birds - the sound of everything but nothing all at once.  His eyes were fixated on a nearby flower. A wild petunia found itself cozy within a small gathering of other lavender-colored petunias, making their home right next to the bench the boy occupied. 
The flower is silent, no noise emits from it even as the wind sways it gently back and forth. 
A loud bell rings out, jolting the man slightly from his trance. He looks up and towards the building in front of him, watching as the doors of the kindergarten open wide and children flood out of it laughing and screaming. He stands from the bench, entering the gates with a small smile pulling at his lips. He scans the crowd for a certain little girl clad in red, who comes skipping out of the door with her brown bag bouncing behind her. The little girl quickly takes notice of the boy, her red eyes sparkling with surprise as she sprints over, "Albedo!"
She calls out with a cheer, immediately wrapping her arms around the young boy, Albedo's, leg. Albedo ruffles the girl's hair and she lets go of him to take off her bag. He grabs the girl's bag from her and tosses it around his own shoulder before crouching down, "Hello, Klee. Did you have a good day at school?" Klee nods with eagerness, already opening her mouth to begin talking about the things she did today. Albedo reaches to pick her up and she complies mindlessly, allowing Albedo to stand up with Klee held against his hip. 
"- and then BOOM!" Klee lets out a string of giggles, using her arms to express the size of the explosion she was talking about. Albedo nods to her to show that he is listening, which prompts her to continue, this time asking him a question; "You do science stuff at school too, right? Do you see big explosions all the time?!" Albedo only chuckles, "I'm sorry, Klee. In university, experiments are much more controlled and explosions aren't normally a desired outcome." Klee pouts and exclaims that "adult school" is boring, to which Albedo agrees with in his mind. Despite enjoying his field of study, he couldn't deny that he found certain days and certain classes boring. But that's guaranteed with anything, really. There's always going to be the boring part of something interesting.  Albedo doesn't verbally respond to Klee's comment, instead letting out a short huff of air from his nose in amusement and the conversation falls silent. Klee rests her head against Albedo's shoulder, clearly exhausted from spending her energy playing all day with her classmates, prompting Albedo to slightly speed up his pace. 
A few minutes later, the faint jingling of keys stirs Klee from her impromptu nap. She blinks her eyes open and raises a hand to rub the sleepiness from one. Albedo unlocks the door to her home and sets Klee on her feet, closing the door behind him as the little girl walks off and into the main room of the apartment. Albedo shrugs Klee's bag off his shoulder, placing it on the ground near the door as he, too, makes his way further into the small home. 
"Aunt Alice?" The boy calls out before hearing the sound of movement coming from one of the bedrooms. Alice peeks her head out from behind a door before fully leaving the room, walking towards Albedo with outstretched arms and a wide smile, "Sweetie! It's so nice to see you again, how were your classes today? I hope Klee didn't give you a hard time on the way home, hehe."  Albedo allows the woman to envelop him in a hug, returning it gently. 
"Classes were fine today, and Klee was well behaved. It helped that she was asleep most of the walk here," He comments, looking over to the young toddler that was now curled up on the couch getting ready to continue her nap.  "I'm glad, I'm glad," Alice lets go from the hug, "Go sit down, I'll bring you two snacks to unwind with."  Albedo doesn't dare reject her offer and follows her instructions with a nod, taking his place on the comfortable couch next to the now-sleeping-Klee. He reaches over and carefully slides her shoes off before covering her with the blanket formerly used for decoration, then picks up the remote from the coffee table to turn on the television. He flicks by channels quickly, barely giving some the time of day to hook him in.  He keeps going until the more colorful television programs begin to pop up - the kids' channel. Klee is asleep, but it was a habit for him to switch to the first cartoon he could find for the little girl. She would appreciate having something to keep her attention while she had a snack, he's sure of that. 
Albedo's eyes scan the room briefly - nothing was out of the ordinary. His aunt's house looked the same as it did everyday, the route home was no different than yesterday's and the day before that. Aunt Alice even came out of the same room as yesterday to greet him. Yet, there's something off about this day in particular - Albedo's not sure if it's a good or bad thing, but it still made him feel out of place.  His eyes landed on the window, his eyes tracing the branches of a tree that hangs in front and covers the view very slightly. The branch was stationary, and the leaves gently wiggled with the wind - some even falling to the grass below. nothing is out of place, he concludes. He must just be exhausted. H e blinks and pulls his attention from the branch and towards his baby cousin beside him. She twists in her sleep, ending up on her back with a foot hanging off the couch. Albedo lets a short huff of air leave his nose as he tucks Klee's leg back into the couch before standing up. 
The soft hum of a joyful tune lured Albedo into the kitchen where Alice maneuvered around. with a quiet clearing of his throat, he interrupts her performance, "Aunt Alice, do you need any help?"  At his inquiry, Alice teasingly rolls her eyes, "Ever the hard worker, aren't you? If you wouldn't mind, could you help me with slicing the apples?" Albedo says nothing in response and simply goes to grab a knife and an apple, wordlessly getting to work as Alice continues on with putting together the rest.  After a few moments of silence, Alice speaks up - "You know, Albedo… You can call me mom."  The knife in the boy's hand comes to a stop half way through an apple. He turns his head towards the older woman with a lopsided look on his face. She returns his confused look with a beaming smile, "I'm just saying! You practically are my son, and you treat my daughter like your little sister, so I think it's only befitting!" 
Albedo lets a chuckle fall from his lips as he finishes the cut finally, deciding that was enough sliced apples, "If only Gold were here to hear you say that."  A bubble of laughter erupts from Alice, and she pats Albedo on the back, "Oh, she'd have my head." Alice takes the apple slices from him, moving them over to her section of the kitchen.  "You know," she starts up again, "Rhinedottir was very proud of who you are growing up to be."  Albedo's eyes find the branch from earlier in the distance, noticing how the green began to thin out as the wind took the leaves far from their homes. 
"She'd be boasting about you every chance she could get right about now. Oh, if only she could see the young man you've grown into now. Such a smart, caring boy," Alice continues, elbowing Albedo in the side gently as she placed the tray of apple slices now covered in multiple spices and toppings into the oven, "Anyone would be very, very lucky to be able to call you their son."  His eyes softened at her words, his lips curling into a small smile. Alice returns this smile, the faint wrinkles in her face making the upturn of her lips all the more prominent.  A comforting silence fell over the kitchen, save for the muffled sound of cartoons playing in the distance. Albedo’s thumb rubs against the handle of the knife soothingly, allowing the fallen conversation to repeat in his head as if he had rewinded a movie to rewatch his favorite part. Truthfully, he’s already considered Alice his mother and Klee his little sister — any time he wasn't at his dorm, he was here. Any time he wasn't overworking himself alongside his best friend, Sucrose, he was here. Enjoying the comfort of what a family can be, something he had been stripped of so young.  If anything, Albedo is the lucky one. He has everything he could have possibly wanted - granted, his mother left behind a lot for him already, but… She wasn’t one of those things. Albedo never expected himself to get caught up with personal relationships, but the moment he started letting people in, he found himself a lot happier of a person. The mystery of his roots no longer plague him as something that needs to be solved, because he’s made up for a lot of what he missed out on with Alice, and Klee, and Sucrose — they’re people who mean a lot to him, though he doubts he’ll ever have the courage to express that to them personally.
A short sigh passes Albedo’s lips, and he allows his thoughts to settle as he sets down the knife in his hands. Alice had been silently working away at the dishes while he was caught up in the crevices of his mind, so he moves to join her. “Are you done playing with knives?” Alice asks with a teasing lilt to her voice, and Albedo simply responds with the shake of his head. He places the knife in the sink and splays his hand open for Alice to place the sponge in his hand. “I’ll take over from here,” He claims, giving Alice no room to refuse. She playfully rolls her eyes in response and places the sponge in his hand, before rinsing hers off in the sink.
“Okay, Mr. Busybody, I’ll leave you to it.” 
With the final ruffle to Albedo’s hair, Alice leaves him to finish washing the dishes and instead tends to her sleeping daughter. Alice joins Klee on the couch, lifting her head up to slip underneath so that Klee has something to lay her head on. The colorful animated characters beam on the television, telling stories that teach children lessons – truthfully, Klee was a little too old for cartoons of this level. She still enjoys them, sure, but she’s not the baby she once was. It’s something that Albedo seems to fail to grasp, really – but that’s no fault of his. His memories of childhood are reduced to nothing but puzzle pieces that have no specific place they fit into, so he tries his best.  Alice begins to undo Klee’s pigtails, running her fingers through her soft blonde hair. It had gotten a little tangled during the day, most likely due to her chaotic and playful nature. Such a small girl with so much energy… Klee reminds Alice of herself when she was young. 
Moments fly by slowly, the comfortable silence between the three feeling more like a warm blanket than anything. Days like these, while typically uneventful, have always been Alice’s favorite – they’re memorable in their own ways, and it’s something that’s really appreciated when the world always seems to be crashing in on itself.  Alice finds her eyes involuntarily shutting, the subtle flickering of the television being the only thing to keep her slightly conscious. The sound of the sink running has already faded, and so has every other noise – this tiredness came out of nowhere, it seems, and has entirely enveloped Alice.
And so, she slumbers. In the comfort of her own home, surrounded by her daughter and her nephew.
The land of dreams does not fall upon Alice, but it does fall upon Klee. Things are, of course, chaotic in nature – but this is something Klee enjoys. Explosions of different colors, setting of fireworks in the shapes of her friends… The little girl is comforted, not only by what joins her in her thoughts, but the feeling of her mother’s presence beside her. Such a thought brings a smile upon her slumbering face, and she indulges in her overactive imagination for a little longer.
… Or, perhaps not. The overbearing sound of static overtakes her elongated, pointed ears - a feature that she shares with Alice, of course - and interrupts her from what she considers a sweet dream. Klee feels the warmth of a blanket placed over her lap. A warmth that would be welcome any other time, but right now… it’s hot. Klee kicks the blanket from her body and rubs the sleep out of her eyes, ignoring the hungered pang of her stomach. She slips swiftly out of her mother’s hold, taking the blanket she once wore and placing it over Alice instead. It’s not the first time Klee’s made her own food – she’s a big girl! Making cereal or peanut butter sandwiches are no big deal, and they’re super delicious as well. Just the thought of something sweet but fulfilling brings Klee’s stomach to a rumble once more. And with that, she skips over to the kitchen as quietly as she can. 
Klee takes her stool and places it against the kitchen’s island counter. She steps up and reaches for the bread box, her tiny hands and short arms struggling to reach. The tips of her fingers poke the edge of the box, motivating Klee to try harder to grasp at the box – her legs now dangle off the table, 
her toes barely grazing the stool. The bread is so close, yet so far; Klee growls under her breath, a sound that's a mixture of annoyance and struggle as her little body continues to wiggle onto the table.
Then, a thud sounds out. This stops the young girl in her tracks, causing her to slip off of the counter in order to check what had fallen. Klee has always had good manners, cleaning up after herself, making sure she's quiet... so, if she had knocked something down, she had no intention to simply leave it there. Her eyes scan the ground, her feet leading her to circle the island counter in search for the mess she assumes she's made. But then, she hears it again. A thump, like something had flopped to the ground. This time, it becomes obvious that Klee hadn't dropped anything - in reality, the sound wasn't coming from the floor in the first place.
The door is slammed against once again.  Klee flinches, confused and slightly afraid over the noise. It's slow, with a lot of time in between, so it clearly isn't someone who's knocking... Klee hears no voices outside, instead her pointed ears are filled with the static noise from the television that had all but blended into the atmosphere. She debates waking up her mother, but what if it's nothing? What if the sound is simply just a bird accidentally flying into the door, and Klee will have woken up her mother - who doesn't sleep as much as she really should - for nothing.
Klee creeps towards the door, barely making a sound as she awaits for the next noise. A staggering silence stands between her and the door, but that doesn't stop Klee from decreasing the distance. A hand raises in anticipation, ready to open the door and peek out to get rid of her paranoia. The lack of thumping fails to comfort the child, though she doubts that the banging sound will make her feel any better either. Her tiny fingers shake, reaching out to the doorknob that she can barely reach - but her skin and the metal knob never collide. 
This whisper-shout jolts Klee away from the door, her head flinging around to look behind her in a panic. At the other end of the house, Albedo sits crouched in a hallway. He ushers her over, to which Klee gladly bolts herself towards him.  "Stay away from the door for me, okay?" Albedo continues to whisper, his voice barely reaching above a certain decibel. It's at this point that Klee realizes that something is not quite right. Albedo hiding had thrown her off entirely, and left her racing mind wondering why through so many unvoiced questions. Instead of asking, however, Klee nods at Albedo and huddles close to him.  "Don't go in front of windows, either. I need you to promise me."
Klee gulps, her brows pinching together with concern as Albedo grasps both of her shoulders with his hands. She's... never seen him so intense before. His typically stoic, aloof disposition has crumbled in the blink of an eye. It scares her, and the fact that she's scared of Albedo sets in even more fear. It's then that she realizes the discoloration on Albedo's hands as he pulls away. The tips of his fingers are dark, but with the lack of light in the house it's hard to pinpoint the exact color. 
"Albedo, what's wrong?" Klee whimpers, her eyes glossing over. She's so horrified at the fact that she has no idea what's going on that it becomes overwhelming, and tears form on her bottom eyelids. The three of them were having such a comfortable evening, all gathered together and winding down from busy days - that perfect, normal, and natural day had been tainted like a bottle of black ink being spilt onto a cherished picture, ruining the vision of a happy family.
With Albedo's next words, which had been spoken so impulsively, the black ink spread even further;
"I... think I killed someone."
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solelial · 2 months
i’m thinking i’m going to start posting little teaser things for BIAE here as i progress so here’s one now LMAO
he’s so pretty i wont him
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Art Masterlist
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madmanwonder · 9 months
Fusion Zombie Apocalypse & Celebrity- Musician AU
What kind of weapons do each of those four bandmates bring to the table in this?
Chongyun: Baseball
Xinyan: Fire Axe
Xiangling: Shotgun
Hu Tao: Cricket Bat
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xiaoao · 1 year
Hear me out, zombie apocalypse au ( I can take requests 🫶 but as of now planning on doing Xiao x Reader sinceeeee I love Xiao sm )
Where you, a vision bearer ( anemo ) is finding survivors to help or to accompany ! Your specialty is healing and shielding, but Xiao teaches you how to use a weapon such as daggers, pistols, etcetera !!
Will be doing this after DTMY, yes it will take a while and yes I might forget this but let's pray I don't 🙏 yes it's a good ending, the problem may have not been solved ( or will it ? ) but you two a together happily fighting for your lives 🫶
( DTMY will slightly be delayed because I'm currently doing my clearance for school !! Hope y'all understand 🫶 )
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ace-disaster-weeb · 1 year
Another Genshin Impact tier list inspired sort of fanfic, this time inspired by BonkMeGud's "Genshin characters in the zombie apocalypse" tier list! There's also some loose "The Last Of Us" inspiration here, if anyone's interested. Welcome to...
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This is a platonic Y/N fic because my ace ass demands more reader insert content that isn't just about shipping. You and Qiqi develop a close sibling-like bond over the course of the story, in which you seek out a safe haven for Qiqi to survive the zombie apocalypse at. Several of the scenarios from the original video this story is inspired by still apply here, but I did take a few creative liberties.
The characters in the "antagonists" tier aren't necessarily enemies for the whole story, they just play an oppositional role to you and Qiqi at some significant point. Most of the characters in general are just trying to cope with everything and survive. However, the Fatui are villains for the majority of the plot (Dottore probably started the whole zombie apocalypse thing), but they weren't on the tier list I used, and neither were most of the Fontaine characters, so...whoops.
There is some romantically implied Xiao X Reader in the prolog, which details your arrival in Liyue and the initial zombie seige on it as the apocalypse starts up, but unfortunately, that ship does not sail here. At the point where the main story starts, you've been living in a heavily fortified Liyue for the past 3 years. Given the fact that Qiqi is a zombie herself, the general populace has grown to distrust her. Because of this, Baizhu has opted to keep her hidden in an attempt to protect her. You've assisted somewhat in doing the same, fearful of the increasingly...erratic behavior of some of Liyue's residents.
Despite everyone's best efforts, this proves to Baizhu's undoing, as Qiqi's capture and his subsequent death at the hands of Hu Tao become the inciting incident for your journey. Within the first few chapters, you uncover Hu Tao's death cult, fulfill Baizhu's dying wish of rescuing Qiqi, and with a little help from Zhongli, the 2 of you escape from Liyue by hitching a ride on Beidou's ship.
The rest of the story sees you and Qiqi traveling around Teyvat as you try to find Qiqi a new home. Along the way, you both meet various other survivors, as well as learn more about what's happened to them over the past 3 years and what's been happening to the rest of the world.
The finale would see the remaining survivors all beginning to unite as one huge faction while Albedo and Sucrose begin to finalize a possible cure. At this point, you and Qiqi are basically inseparable, and even as the apocalypse starts to die down, the 2 of you continue to live and travel together, having found that sought-after safety in each other.
Again, I'm still kind of new to the Genshin Impact fandom, so I might have some info off, but I'd also love to talk more in-depth about different plot points if anyone is interested.
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kind-des-universums · 5 months
i just had the most brilliant idea
people call the apocalyptic event (meteorite impacts) that destroyed everything:
The Impact
i love myself (•̀w•̀) *smug*
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dailykaeyas · 2 months
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New friends
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sunkingwrites · 2 years
apocalypse!denki sets off fireworks to distract a nearby horde, btw <3
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zevlors-tail · 2 years
You ever get into a mood where you wanna consume fanfic or fanart or like. New content for whatever your fixation is atm-
But your brain and body are too tired so you just have this insatiable need for enjoyment of your specific content but you wish you could like download it into your brain bc actually consuming it would take too much effort?
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Important Genshin fandom rule: If you're ever looking at Genshin fanart or fanfic that's set in a coffeeshop AU... or mecha AU or mafia AU or post apocalypse AU or any AU... please remember the following facts:
Furina got isekai'd into this AU from canon
Furina has no idea what she's doing here but she is trying desperately to blend in
Furina has everyone fooled but she's convinced she's about to be caught
This is especially true if she's a background character with only one line.
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solelial · 2 months
『 ↳✧・゚ABOUT ;
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𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮
Before It All Ends is an upcoming visual novel based on Genshin Impact.
BIAE is set in a futuristic environment where visions are a product of scientific development rather than gifts from the gods. In this AU, they are more akin to delusions, and have serious drawbacks to usage.
You will play the role of a protagonist in this story, joining the main cast as you search for a cure to the sudden outbreak that has taken the world by storm.
The choices you make will have consequences. When you make your decision, make sure you choose the action you won’t regret.
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Before It All Ends is intended for more mature audiences (16+), as there will be heavier themes.
If any of the following topics are triggering or unsettling, please proceed with caution. These will be present in nearly every aspect of the game, regardless of your choices. These warnings will be highlighted in bold text. Any others are additional warnings that are still prevalent, but they do not take a highlight in the main story. Most of these themes are implied, and are not directly shown.
Major character death, illness and disease, bodily harm, blood, disturbing imagery, explicit language, portrayals of mental illness, mentions of past self-harm, usage of drugs and alcohol, human experimentation, abuse, harm to children, firearms and other weaponry, medical inaccuracies, and some suggestive dialogue.
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┊┊❁ཻུ۪۪♡ ͎. 。˚   °
Disclaimer: Before It All Ends is not affiliated with Hoyoverse. This is a fanmade project; it was created for entertainment purposes; it falls under the Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. section 107.
No copyright infringement is intended.
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madmanwonder · 9 months
Fusion Zombie Apocalypse & Celebrity- Musician AU
While Xinyan and Chongyun are killing zombies left and right to make it to their bandmates... Xinyan calls Chongyun her Dream-sicle while flirting with him. When he tells her to stop calling him that and she teases to make her... he dips her and surprises her with a deep kiss. When Xinyan gets into it the roles are reversed as it is Chongyun calling her his Hashbrown with her being the flustered one.
(Action) (Flirting) (Kiss) (Romance)
Xinyan and Chongyun were killing a horde of zombies left and right with ruthless attacks and indomitable will to survive for a another day and to make it to their band mates.
“Keep up the pace, Dreamsicle~!” Xinyan flirted in a teasing tone of voice as she took a head from a female zombie no older than her.
“Stop calling me by that stupid, childish name, Xinyan.” Chongyun said to his band mate in a calm, annoyed voice.
“Oh? What exactly are you going to do abou—!?”
Chongyun suddenly grabbed her and dipped her and further surprised her with a passionate kiss that would have taken her soul in a heartbeat.
“ ‘This’ is what I was going to do you, Hashbrown~” Chongyun said with charm in his voice as he smirked at the flustered young woman.
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