#george stacy keep your fucking doors locked.
“Dad are you really this afraid of me?!”
PS: I edit this a lot so be sure to come back occasionally!
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There were a LOT of lines in ATSV that stuck out to me, but this specific one hit me right in the feels.
First of all the way Gwen says it, her tone, the pain and emotion in her voice, her expression, EVERYTHING leading up to this one simple question is heartbreaking. Especially when you consider why she’s even asking this in the first place.
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I want to point out that right after Gwen took her mask off, the background colors change from dark red to much less threatening colors, much softer if I might add. This basically signifies George’s POV.
Gwen had just revealed her identity as Spider-Woman to her dad, who’s now in complete shock. He believes Spider-Woman is a murderer and the one responsible for Peter’s death, so now that his own daughter comes out and tells him that she is in fact Spider-Woman, he jumps to the conclusion that “Spider-Woman is a murderer who killed Peter so that must mean that’s all true about my daughter.” instead of “Ah, my daughter is sweet so there’s no way those things about Spider-Woman are true!”. Now when I first watched this scene, I was like “Huh?”, because Gwen could’ve said ANYTHING else to her dad. She could’ve been like “Why are you doing this?!”, or she could’ve gotten angry at him. Gwen is WAY stronger than George, if he decided to shoot her, she would have been able to easily dodge that bullet. She could seriously hurt George if she wanted to and she knows it, but when George started reading Gwen her Miranda Rights, Gwen wasn’t angry, she was heartbroken, and you can see the change in her expression.
At first, she looks upset, fearful, and worried. Then, she looks hopeful. Hopeful that her dad will hear what she has to say, hopeful that her dad will understand her and trust her when she tells him that she isn’t a murderer, but he doesn’t. THATS when Gwen’s expression shifts from hopefulness to disbelief and heartbreak. “You’re in this to help people right? Well so am I”, Gwen was trying to convince her dad that she was on his side, that she didn’t kill Peter, that she isn’t what he thinks she is, but George doesn’t listen. Gwen thought that by telling her dad “You’re all I have left”, that that’d make him listen, but it didn’t.
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You can hear the utter shock and disbelief in Gwen’s voice when her dad actually starts reading her rights, and you can hear how scared and distraught George is too, but there’s a hint of remorse in his voice. He sounds like he doesn’t want to do this. He sounds like he’s in pain, and well- he is. He’s arresting his own daughter. George thought that he was doing the right thing by hunting down Spider-Woman, he thought it was for the greater good, but now? He realizes he was just hurting Gwen.
Just put yourself in Gwen’s position for a second. She just revealed her biggest secret to her dad, and the reason she hid it from him for so long was because she was terrified of the thought that he would attempt to arrest her, and he DOES. He chooses to be a ‘good’ cop over being a dad. Imagine your own father, your own flesh and blood, and the person who gave you life, is absolutely terrified of you to the point where he almost aims a gun at you out of pure fear. But George doesn’t see his own child, he sees a monster. The same monster that murdered his daughter’s best friend. He quite literally can’t see his daughter in front of him, he just sees Spider-Woman.
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“How long have you been lying to me?” Is the only question George asks Gwen throughout this entire scene. He asked this as a father, not as a cop. He was absolutely distraught and the only thoughts going through his mind were “No, this can’t be true…” and “How could my girl, my sweet girl…” (Actual line from the script btw). Another line that sort of stood out to me was “Can you just not be a cop for a second and be my dad here?”, Gwen didn’t feel like she was speaking to her dad, she felt like she was facing down a cop. George has been treating Gwen like a criminal this whole interaction. “Do you really think I’m a murderer?” Gwen asked this because could not BELIEVE that her dad actually thought that of her. The whole reason Gwen removed her mask in the first place was out of fear that her dad would actually shoot her, he already fired a warning shot, so why wouldn’t he just go ahead and pull the trigger?
Something I noticed earlier is how Gwen’s spider senses went off when her dad approached her. Spider senses ONLY go off when there’s a threat nearby, so this pretty much means Gwen saw her dad as a threat to her life :(
Also taking note of the fact that Gwen is his daughter, sixteen years old- and like 5’4, yet George is STILL powerless against her. His only option is to get her to surrender. Gwen and George kinda switched places throughout this scene. At first, Gwen is terrified of George, and then by the end it’s the other way around.
Gwen tries her hardest to plead with George, she kept her arms up in a defenseless position the whole time to show her dad that she won’t hurt him, but he can’t even look at her. This is something I took note of when watching ATSV; While George is reading Gwen her Miranda Rights, he can’t bring himself to look at her. He just stares at the ground, with a disappointed expression on his face. A face of pain. There’s a clear difference when George first says “You have the right to remain silent”, and the second time he says it. It’s like he doesn’t want to do it.
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Now, I do hate George and I think he did a LOT wrong in this movie, but just look at his face for a second. Does that look like the the face of a man who is happy with what he’s doing? No. That’s a face of regret and guilt. He isn’t doing this because he wants to, he’s doing this because he’s afraid. Afraid of what exactly? Well, that brings us to my next point.
So obviously Gwen is in shock right now, her own father is trying to arrest her because he believes she murdered her childhood friend. Not only is Gwen shocked but she’s also confused. She’s probably thinking “Why is he doing this?”, and she came to the conclusion that her dad was doing this out of fear. Fear of HER.
This is a major reason as to why Gwen didn’t reveal her identity to her dad for so long. She knew he wouldn’t accept her, she knew he’d be scared of her, and she was right. George isn’t doing this just because he wants to be a good cop, he’s standing in front of the ‘dangerous menace’ who killed Peter, and that dangerous menace is Gwen, his daughter. George’s immediate reaction is to arrest Gwen because like I said earlier- He can only see Spider-Woman.
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Now onto what this whole analysis is about, the line Gwen utters next… Along with “You’re the best thing I’ve ever done”, and “I can’t lose one more friend”, this line BROKE me. Gwen assumed that George was doing this out of fear, which is the main reason she asked him this. She was so frustrated by the thought of her own father doing something like this to her. She hated being misunderstood to the point of being seen as a monster by the one person she considers a role model to follow, the ONE person she has left. You can hear the pain in Gwen’s voice as well as her dad’s.
You can actually hear a slight change in George’s tone after Gwen says that line. Because SHE’S RIGHT. He IS afraid of her. That’s the whole reason as to why he’s doing this. He doesn’t even respond to her, his voice slightly breaks and you can definitely tell this is really hard for him. Hearing his own daughter straight up ask him if he’s really afraid of her probably felt like a punch in the gut, that’s a question neither of them thought they’d ever have to face.
George fears Gwen because she allegedly ‘killed’ Peter, but it’s also because of her abilities. George has seen what Spider-Woman is capable of. He’s seen what she can do. That’s the reason he backed away and raised his gun at Gwen when she took a step closer to him and yelled “DAD STOP!”, he was scared of her.
Gwen was heartbroken. She was trying her HARDEST to plead with her dad just for him to try and arrest her, aim a gun at her, and yell “DONT COME ANY CLOSER!” at her when she tried to approach him. You can literally hear the fear in his voice. Honestly I’m surprised Gwen didn’t snap after this, let alone forgive George at all. Imagine living with the mentality that your own dad didn’t hesitate to point a gun at you while yelling at you to not come any closer, poor Gwen.
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I’ve always wondered what would’ve happened if Miguel and Jess hadn’t intervened. George actually had the intention of shooting Gwen, so if Miguel didn’t trap him in that box thing, George might’ve actually gone through with it, and that’s sickening to think about. The fact that he was even WILLING to aim a gun at Gwen is enough to fuck her up.
A difference between Miles and Gwen is that Miles knows he didn’t kill Uncle Aaron. Gwen on the other hand originally thought she didn’t kill Peter but the more her dad blamed Spider-Woman for it, the more she actually started to believe that she was responsible for his death. When Gwen told George “I didn’t murder Peter”, she was obviously trying to convince her dad that Peter’s death wasn’t her fault, but I think she was also trying to convince herself.
I don’t blame Gwen for wanting to join the Spider Society after all of this. I mean come on, her dad is terrified of her and thinks she’s a murderer, and she believes if she joins the Spider Society, she’ll finally find people who accept and understand her. No wonder she left Earth 65.
This entire scene was so heartbreaking dude I wanna cry time I watch it ☹️ The watercolors in the background as well as the voice acting from both Gwen and her dad were amazing and SO emotional, along with their expressions and the soundtrack- Ahh I could talk about this movie forever 😭 But anyways, thanks for reading my little analysis and FUCK GEORGE STACY ALL MY HOMIES HATE GEORGE STACY!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️💥💥💥💥💥🙅🏼‍♀️🙅🏼‍♀️🙅🏼‍♀️
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crackedoutgiraffe · 4 years
To the Moon and Back
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
A/N: Part 5
“Hey, hey calm down,” Spencer cooed.
“How am I supposed to calm down, Reid,” you snapped. You saw Hotch walking over to the two of you.
“Y/N, what happened?” Hotch asked with the same stoic face he always had.
“When we were at the principal's house he called her a-,” Reid looked around and lowered his voice so no one around could hear, “a fucking slut.”
“And now he slapped my ass,” you added. Hotch looked at Reid as if to tell him to scram, but Reid just looked at him pleading to let him stay.  
“Reid,” Hotch firmly said. Reid nodded and left to go examine the crime scene with JJ and Prentiss.
“Hotch, I feel so belittled,” you admitted, nothing like that has ever happened to you before. You had been catcalled, but never groped.
“I’m going to go and talk to him and his supervisor,” He replied, hoping to make things better. “Do you want anyone to come and sit with you?”
“Can I just go back to the hotel?”
“Sure, I'll see you tomorrow morning,” He said remorsefully. You turned to walk away and head back the way you came, “And Y/N, you’re doing just fine here, there is no need to worry.” you flashed him a smile and continued on your way.
It felt nice to have received that praise, especially from your supervisor. As you exited the school, you felt the cool summer breeze flow through you. It ran through your hair and your clothes, it ran along your skin and made you shiver. It was nights like these that made you wish you were in high school again. Not having a single care in the world, driving through the night with your best friends, and blasting Stacy’s Mom through the speakers of your 2001 Toyota corolla. 
The sky was clear and you could see all the stars. It reminded you of when you and your dad would sit on the bed of his truck and watch the stars. He always told you that if you were ever lost or confused, you could look up at the stars and they would tell you exactly where you were meant to be. The stars were the only thing keeping you connected to your father while you were traveling since you couldn’t visit his grave. His spirit was always in the stars though. The drive back to the hotel was boring, but you had connected your phone to the Bluetooth so you played Stacy’s Mom and opened the window. You got to your hotel room, took off your clothes and took a second shower making sure to scrub really well to get the filth of that detective out of your head. You got out of the shower and got dressed into your pajamas, turned the light off, and turned the TV on. It was so late you could watch the George Lopez show on Nickelodeon. You were half asleep when you heard a knock on your door. You dragged yourself out of bed and looked through the peephole, to see Dr. Spencer Reid standing at your door. You groaned at the thought of having anyone see you in this state, let alone Spencer. 
You opened the door and headed back to your bed, “Come on in, Dr. Reid.”
“Sorry di- did I wake you up?” He asked, partly trembling.
“No, I’ve been up for a while,” you yawned while muting the TV.
“Oh, I just wanted to come and check in on you.”
“I’m fine, Reid, really.” 
He just stood there looking at you like you were some helpless victim, “Can you not look at me like that?”
“Like what?”
“Like I’m some sort of victim,” you sighed.
“I’m sorry, I’ll stop,” he looked at the ground with remorse.
“Thank you,” you cuddled into your pillow and started to drift off to sleep. You didn’t want to fall asleep but you couldn’t help it.
Spencer’s POV
“Thank you,” she yawned. She cuddled into her pillow and it seemed like she was starting to fall asleep, I went to go sit in the chair in the corner. There was a blanket on the back of the chair, I grabbed it and put it on her sleeping body. There was no way I could leave her like that. I had no way to lock her door from the outside, and god knows what that detective will do if he gets in trouble with his supervisor. I accidentally fell asleep in the chair I was sitting in. A few hours later, someone was talking. 
“Spencer, be careful,” The voice cried. I knew that voice. I opened my eyes to see Y/N squirming in her sleep. She looked helpless and scared.
“It’s ok, Y/N,” I calmly said, “I’m ok.” She seemed to stop squirming and settle down.
I tried to go back to sleep but thoughts of her swirled in my mind. She was dreaming about me. She cared about me, enough to yell for me and tell me to be careful. Reid, you’re crazy. You’re not a psychoanalyst. You don’t believe in dream theory. But this you couldn’t deny. She was calling for you. Finally, sleep caught up with me. My dreams were filled with thoughts of her.
Your POV
Your alarm woke you up with its heinous voice. You snuggled into the blanket that you’d never seen before. You looked around the room for any explanation for the new blanket on you. In the corner, you saw Spencer sleeping on the chair.
“Oh my god,” you whispered. You silently got out of bed, grabbed your blue pants, white shirt, and pink blazer, headed for the bathroom to change. You put your hair into a high ponytail and pulled out a few pieces of hair to frame your face. Your makeup was basic, nude sparkly eyeshadow, mascara, blush, and nude lipstick. When you exited the bathroom Reid was still asleep in the chair.
“Reid, it’s 6:30,” you whispered softly, while gently shaking him awake, “we have to meet Hotch at 7.” He started to open his eyes, he looked so sweet. His hair was a mess, and he was still wearing his clothes from yesterday, “Did you sleep well, pretty boy?”
“I did actually,” he said sitting up and rubbing his eyes. “You talk in your sleep, you know that?”
“I hope I didn’t say anything too embarrassing,” you chuckled. “You didn’t have to sleep in the chair, you could have slept in the bed.”
“I was quite comfortable actually.”
“That’s a lie, I’m going down to get breakfast. Go get changed.”
“Alright, enjoy your breakfast.” You grabbed your wallet, phone, badge, and gun and left.
Spencer’s POV
She walked out of the room and closed the door, leaving me with my thoughts. I had a job to do though and that started with getting ready and getting to the station on time. I left her room to see Morgan walking from his room to the elevator.
“Pretty boy,” he said, noticing the room you were walking out of, “busy night last night?”
“I don’t want to hear it, Morgan,” I sighed.
“I’m just saying,” he smirked, “she seems to like you.” He held his coffee cup as if to say cheers and walked away.
I turned away from the elevator and headed back to my room. I got changed, freshened up, and messed up my hair. Staring at myself in the mirror for a second I heard my phone ringing, I went to find it laying on the bed. I checked to see who was calling and it was another number I didn't recognize. “Hello?”
“Hello, I'm Vanessa Scartop with KCCI 8 news, I’m looking for a Dr. Spencer Reid,” charmed the voice on the other line.
“This is he,” I replied
“Good morning Dr. Reid, I was told I could direct any questions about the recent bombing to you.”
“No, ma’am, I think you're mistaken, have a good day,” I hung up the phone, why would she call me? I checked the time to see that it was 6:50, we had to meet Hotch at the station at 7. I ran out of the room grabbing my bag and coat on the way out. I ran to the elevator and rapidly hit the button for the first floor. I ran out of the hotel to see Y/N leaning on the hood of an SUV.
She looked up at me and smiled, “Jeez, what took you so long?”
“You could say I was a little distracted,” I struggled to say, I don’t run very often.\
“Hop in, we have to be at the station in… 9 minutes,” she walked over to the driver’s side door.
“Are we gonna make it on time?”
“Of course we are, buckle up.” She was so pretty with her sunglasses on, they framed her face perfectly. 
My phone rang again snapping me out of my trance, “Hello?”
“Hi, is this Dr. Spencer Reid?” another woman spoke on the line.
“This is he,” I sighed, not again.
“Good Morning Dr. Reid, this is Amanda Gino with Channel 13 news, Would you mind if I could ask you a couple questions about the recent bombing at the house of Principal Givens?” “I actually would mind very much, thank you for calling,” I hung up and sighed.
“What was that?” Y/N asked.
“I don't know, actually,” I replied. “I’ve been getting a lot of phone calls from news stations recently.”
“Weird,” she smiled. “We’re here by the way,” she said while we were pulling into the parking lot. 
“6:58, that was supposed to be a ten-minute drive,” I chuckled.
“We’re going to be late Dr.” she smiled jumping out of the car and started to walk toward the door so I followed her lead.
We got to the conference room at exactly 7:01, Hotch didn’t say anything and Morgan just chuckled. There was a coffee station set up at the back of the room for us, I grabbed my first cup for the day and my phone rang again, I hung up immediately this time and went back to the table. Hotch got up and started talking about the case and what we had so far. He sent JJ and Prentiss to look through some yearbooks. “Reid, yesterday you mentioned something about the unsub couldn’t feel pain,”
I got up and started doing what I do best, talking, “There is a medical condition called pain asymbolia, where patients register harmful stimuli without being bothered by it. They have been documented holding their hand over an open flame because their brain doesn’t send pain signals to the central nervous system.” 
“Sounds pretty rare,” Rossi chimed in. “Are you sure the unsub has it?”
“The crimes prove it, this unsub displayed an unusual level of savagery toward his victims. And consider this, he smashed through a glass display case but there were no cuts on Jerry. That means he most likely punched through it, probably as a show of force. The only way the human body can withstand that level of pain is if he couldn’t feel it at all,” I continued.
“That must really stunt someone’s emotional development,” Rossi said. My phone started ringing again and I hung up.
“A big contributor to our sense of empathy is the way we process physical pain,” Morgan continued. My phone rang again.
“And the unsub didn’t develop his sense of empathy because it was cut off,” Hotch added, my phone ringing again. “Does every person with asymbolia experience this?” 
“Actually most people experience empathy just fine, which makes me think the rest of our profile is accurate. Loner, invisible,” my phone rang again, “outcast, son of a bitch!” I answered the call, just to make it stop, “Hi, this is Dr. Reid. I actually can come to the phone right now with a very important message that your mother is a d-
“Reid!” Hotch said sternly
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me,” I looked over as Y/N was trying to hold back laughter.
“I’m going to have Garcia look over medical records,” Hotch continued, I tried to stay focused on him. “What causes asymbolia?” 
I looked over to see Morgan snickering, “Severe trauma produces lesions in the insular cortex, usually after a stroke, but this unsub is so young it was mostly caused by an external factor.” Morgan, what did you do? 
“Like a bomb going off next to him?” Rossi asked.
“Like a bomb going off next to him,” I repeated looking at Morgan, who was still snickering.
Hotch left the table so we started to clean up some of the papers, “I will crush you,” I whispered to Morgan.
“What?” Morgan replied.
“What?” I said, playing dumb. I looked over to see Y/N, she was laughing to herself. She had the prettiest smile.
She was a ray of sunshine. She smelled like roses, her voice flows through your ears like syrup. Her hair falls perfectly off her shoulders, but today, her ponytail swayed perfectly with every step she took. Focus Reid. 
Your POV
After the meeting, you were still laughing at the thought of Spencer swearing. You may have only known him for two days but he had seemed so innocent when you first met. By now he and Rossi had left, leaving you and Morgan.
Morgan started to walk over to you and you sat up straight, “What do you think of the team so far?”
“You all seem really nice,” you said with a smile.
“How do you feel about Dr.Reid?”
“I mean, I’ve only known him for two days but he seems really sweet,”
“Ok,” he said. “Just sweet?” “Derek Morgan if you are asking if I have a crush on Dr. Spencer Reid,” you quipped, “then I’m sorry to say but that information is classified.”
“I thought you’d say that,” he sighed, standing up and heading for the door, “I’ll see you later.”
“See ya,” you waved him goodbye.
For the rest of the morning, you sat and looked at the files again, trying to stay focused on the and not the only thought running through your mind, that you did indeed have a crush on Dr. Spencer Reid, but he didn’t need to know that. 
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insomniac-arrest · 4 years
for the story prompt: that's how it started. And how it ended.
There was screaming on the day it started. I don’t what I expected, maybe some sort of warning. Some air sirens, explosions, anime intro music that would blare through my head space before everything went to shit.
There were signs of course, we were all aware of the species jumping. The whispers down in South America and then Europe. Cities that disappeared as entire populations went and Roanoke-d themselves.
I’m getting ahead of myself. That isn’t where the story starts and isn’t even where it ends.
It started with Daniel Uberman. Uberman was the slowest kid in our class, which was saying something since Janet Choi only ever pretended to run and Kirk constantly had sprained ankles. Daniel was so slow it almost hurt to watch and he also wasn’t the most popular kid since he didn’t know when to shut up and sang off key in choir just to be obnoxious.
I was on the track team and it just so happened that coach wanted me to give people pointers. That included Daniel.
“Keep your knees up, Uberman,” and “don’t look at your feet when you run.” That sort of thing. A lot of kids hate running, they think it’s a type of punishment or a waste of time. I never felt that way, ever since I was a kid the burning in my lungs and the fact I moved somewhere on my own two feet.
That was freedom.
They called me a nice guy, I’m not sure what that meant or if it was true. I mean, I once kissed Stacy Hendricks the same week I asked out Nora George. Okay, to precise, the same day. But in my defense I’m a romantic at heart and Nora George smelled like peaches.
But that’s not where the story starts.
The story starts with my mom shrieking at me. “You can’t do that Nicholas!” She said with red welts on her cheeks and the presence of a bear. “You’re bigger than him. You’re older.”
“He pushed me first!” I shrieked back because I was a willful child.
My mom got down on knee and looked me in the eye, “you can’t live with a bully, Nicholas,” she pulled me into a hug I didn’t understand. I’m not sure I understand it now. “You’re stronger than him, you can’t use that against him. No one can live with a bully.”
I hugged my mom back and pretended not to notice when her cheeks were wet. I never knew my dad. I never pushed my brother down again after that, even when he stole my toys and broke them and kicked me in the shins on accident.
They call it Burning Monday here, and they call it Lazarus Day in other places and others simply speak of it in whispers and sobs. We heard of the quarantine, but no one understood what a fungus like that could do.
San Francisco should have been safe, maybe California should have been safe, maybe. It was a Monday and I was out on the track for third period PE class, it was my favorite class as cliche as that is. Coach was off to the side reprimanding Amanda Johnson for lying down on the grass earlier, he seemed to be oblivious to her red eyes and skunk smell.
Amanda definitely had no idea where she was right then.
I was on my third lap and thinking about Nora George wanting to break up with me and fourth period history class and my stupid hangnail from the day before.
“Ahh!” A shriek came from the direction of the school and I turned just in time to see something lumbering over the hill. I mean, I understand it had two legs and arms and a head. But it moved wrong- crooked and jagged like the ball joints weren’t working right in their sockets. It’s skin was as grey as the morning fog and its jaw was open in a yawning, angry direction. The things were covered in some sort of fuzz that surrounded their eyes and mouths and ears. Green fuzz.
A second and third thing quickly sprinted down the hill. They were faster than anything I had ever seen, human or not. Things were falling off of them as they ran: fingers, ears, little things, and if I was thinking straight I would have picked up on that as hope.
I wasn’t, I was backing up toward the fence with my eyebrows rising and mouth silently falling open. “Zombies!” Someone shouted with their finger shaking. “Zombies.” They yelled that impossible word again.
That set everyone off in the sprint in the opposite direction of the horde. I hesitated for just a moment before I was off like a bullet toward the gym. The gym also doubled as a bunker and you could lock the doors.
And then I turned and heard someone shouting. “NO! God, fuck,” I turned just in time to see Daniel Uberman gasping for air and making barely any forward momentum. The devils behind him were much faster.
I turned to keep running. I was the fastest kid in the school. I could get away. I squeezed my eyes shut and wanted to keep running, needed it. But my mom’s voice was still trapped behind every other thought I’ve ever had.
You’re stronger than him, it said. Do something.
I internally groaned just as I turned on my heels and saw Luis Alvarez was holding his lacrosse stick with shaking fingers in front of him. He was fast too and not looking back.
“Alvarez!” I shouted, “Can I borrow that?” I took it from his hands before he could answer and went skidding down the slippery hill where Daniel was stumbling. A creature was five steps behind him with hands outstretched.
“Nick?” He gaped and looked up at me with wide eyes as I arrived. I lifted the stick above my head and then brought it down on the head of the zombie behind him. Kids later would call this “brave” or “stupid” or “wow, Nick’s kind of hot, yeah?”
The last one I didn’t mind so much. But the truth was that Daniel was scrambling for breath and I wasn’t just going to leave someone- my mom would never let me live that down.
The lacrosse stick cracked the head of the zombie like a ripe melon and it splattered with mush spraying in all directions. “Ew,” I wrinkled my nose as the mush inside the zombie was absolutely covered in that green fuzz, it’s insides were covered with it and the brain mush was riddled with holes.
“Fungus,” Daniel reached for me and clawed at my arm, “fungus, like in those ants.”
“Ah!” Daniel threw his arms up as more of the fast creatures threw themselves at us. They were delicate and held together by flimsy fungus apparently. I cracked more of them open, but there were more. And more.
“Alright, Daniel,” I threw him the lacrosse stick, “how do you feel about being carried?”
He just shook his head feebly, but I grabbed him by the waist and started hauling him up the hill and toward the gym. The creatures were fast, but the new ones were just now coming over the hill and we managed to bang on the gym door with our fists before they could descend all at once.
Amanda answered the door with wild red eyes and looking like she was having the worst trip of her life, “dudes.”
I forced our way in, “zombies.” I spit, “actual zombies.”
“Like the ants!” I dropped Daniel on the floor and Lazarus Monday had officially started.
We’d find out later that the zombies were controlled by a type of fungus and tore themselves apart trying to move or eat. It would be a short pandemic. But we’d have to survive at least a week or so before it wore itself down into nothing.
But there was a lot to survive before that week was through.
First, Michelle James, one of the most popular girls in my class pointed at me. “You.” She said with a choked croak. Her eyes were red and cheeks streaked with wetness, “you just fought off all those zombies,” she turned to Daniel with her lips peeling back, “for Dan.”
I looked back at her and looked back to the lacrosse stick covered in fuzz and brains. “I guess.”
Michelle looked around to the handful of kids that had managed to get into the gym. Most of the teachers had fled or been taken down saving their students. “I vote that Nick gets to be in charge.”
I just blinked back at her. And several kids raised their hands in agreement. I didn’t mean to be in charge of surviving a zombie attack, but that’s how the story of leading us through Zombie Week started and ended: saving Daniel Uberman.
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imagine-that-100 · 5 years
Drunk | Part 2 |
Description of Part 1: Matty Healy x Reader (Female) | When you come back home to Manchester from University, you get invited to a house party filled with your old friends from high school. You hadn’t seen most of them for 4 years and the house brings back some old memories of the parties you once attended. Getting drunk with old friends ends up being better than you imagined.
Word Count: 10.1k
A/N: So, it turned into a series. There will be more at some point. Can’t promise you when the next part will be unfortunately, but I have lots of ideas and I’m excited to see where it will go. Thanks to @friends-dont-lie-asshole​ for editing for me last time you're the best! Let me know if you want to be tagged. Hope you all enjoy, love you x
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As you made your way down the stairs, you quickly manoeuvred around the remaining people that were left at the party. The 40 people that had turned up seemed to have dwindled down to about 20 whilst you’d been hidden away upstairs.
You headed into Steve’s downstairs bathroom to try and sort yourself out. You knew your hair must have been a complete mess and thank god you didn’t put lipstick on earlier.
As you walked into the bathroom, you locked the door and immediately went over to the mirror that hung above the sink. Your reflection wasn’t as bad as you expected it to be. 
You expected yourself to be a sweaty mess and for your hair to be everywhere, but you looked surprisingly okay. You just looked like you’d had a good time.
Your hair was a bit wild but nothing that running your fingers through it a few times couldn’t solve. What couldn’t be solved was the couple of bruises that started to form that littered your neck.
“Fuck” You mumbled. 
It was obvious that they were fresh, and you just knew that they would turn darker within an hour or two. You definitely needed to make a conscious effort to keep your hair down and around your face.
You didn’t want your first party back to make you look like a complete slut. 
Especially for Matty Healy. 
Thankfully, only your best friend and George had seen you with him. Hopefully you could keep Y/B/F quiet until tomorrow and George hopefully wouldn’t notice until tomorrow.  
You were about to head back out until you moved your blouse slightly and caught sight of something underneath. You unbuttoned your blouse slightly so you could see your chest in the mirror and you actually cursed Matty.
The red and purple marks all over your chest were all that your eyes could focus on. You sighed knowing that you weren’t going to be able to wear anything but turtlenecks for the next fortnight now.
You buttoned yourself back up and hoped that no one would be paying too much attention to your chest for the rest of the evening. After fixing your hair again and making sure you hid as much of your neck as you could, you went back to the rest of the party.
You went to Steve’s alcohol table that had bits left on it and grabbed yourself a vodka and coke. Whilst you were there, Steve came up beside you and started chatting to you about old times.
“Shame we never had this much alcohol like five years ago, right?” He asked you with a smile.
You laugh, “I think if we had this much alcohol back then, half of us would be dead”
This comment caused Steve to let out a loud laugh and you couldn’t help but join in. He then went on to ask you what you were drinking, and you told him.
“Yeah, I swear I had a few bottles of Smirnoff around, but they seem to have disappeared” Steve wonders out loud and you pressed your lips together to stop yourself from smiling.
You shrugged, not giving anything away, “That’s why you don’t provide the alcohol at parties”
Steve chuckled and you definitely sensed some drunken flirting as he carried on, “When did you become so cute and funny?”
“Always have been Steve. It’s a gift” You grin, before Steve was jumped on from behind by his best mate, Olly.
Steve was now trying to wrestle him off his back and a group of you were stood around watching the play fight take place. It was quite amusing and if you knew there was entertainment like that downstairs, you couldn’t really blame Y/B/F from getting side-tracked and not coming back up.
The fighting turned into a full-on brawl and both boys were rolling about on the floor. A few people that stuck around had started filming it and you couldn’t wait to watch the replay in the morning.
The entertainment kept your attention until you felt arms snake around your waist, and you were pulled back into a body. You didn’t bother turning around as you would recognise those tattoos anywhere and the voice that spoke into your ear was agonisingly low. 
“I wouldn’t call yourself innocent Y/N” The voice said.
“Not after what just happened upstairs” Matty whispers, moving your hair around to the other side of your neck. 
You felt him gently graze his finger over the mark he had previously left there, and it made you want to shiver. You made yourself keep your eyes on Steve’s antics in front of you and only chuckled slightly at Matty’s comment. 
“I don’t know what you’re on about” You told him before taking a sip of your drink.
You felt Matty nuzzle himself into your neck before his lips grazed your ear. This time he purred, “Would you like me to remind you?” before his fingers dug into your hips more and you fought off the urge to say yes.
When his grip loosened slightly you turned yourself around to look at him. Your back was now to Steve and your attention was focussed on Matty all over again. 
You lent forward and lent in to whisper in his ear, “Maybe after the game”
Matty chuckled and slid something hard into the back pocket of your jeans. You were confused as to what it was but before you had time to question his actions Matty had already walked off, probably to go and find the boys.
You smiled at his strategy and took another sip of your drink before turning back around to watch what was left of the childish wrestling on the floor. You placed your hand over your back pocket and realised Matty had put your phone there.
You hadn’t even realised you’d left it upstairs in the first place, so you took it out feeling the need to check it. As you pulled out your phone, you felt something else in your pocket as well.
You furrowed your eyebrows because you certainly didn’t have anything else in your pockets but as your fingers touched the object, you knew what it was straight away. You pulled the condom out of your pocket and looked down at it with a humorous smile.
Of course, Matty had brought a condom with him. 
It didn’t really surprise you, but it was funny that he was actually expecting to get some action. And he wasn’t wrong really.
You let out a small laugh before looking up to see if he was still around. It didn’t take long for you to find him. 
Matty was stood by the back door with a fresh bottle of beer in his hand, talking to George and Ross. Not a second later though, Matty’s eyes connected with yours and he smiled when noticed what you’d found. 
His smile turned into a grin when you raised your eyebrows at him and he did the same back to you. It was as if he was challenging you.
You bit your bottom lip as you put the condom into your front pocket and then you directed your attention towards your phone. You decided you’d message your girls at uni to tell them what had gone down because they were expecting something from you when you told them you were heading to a party earlier on today.
Your girl did a bad thing xx
You send the message to the group chat and you didn’t expect a reply at all it was nearing 2am. Usually if they weren’t out themselves, they would more than likely be asleep by 1.
They surprised you though because Stacy and Ava replied immediately asking, Who’s the lucky guy? x and Was it that fit guy you showed us the other day? xx
You smiled at this. When you told them, you were going to a party a few days ago they asked if there were any fit lads going. You of course then had to take them through everyone who you knew was going and that’s when you told them about George, Matty and the band.
They both thought you meant that George was the fit one but when you said Matty they were quite shocked. You obviously didn’t reciprocate the feelings towards George that the girls did but you could clearly see that he was a good-looking guy.
You replied to them and gave them a brief outline of what had just happened between you and Matty and they seemed to be ecstatic about it. Even though nothing really happened.
Turns out, you had just made their night in even better and you couldn’t help but laugh at that. As you were replying to them though, your best friend was calling you from outside.
The brawl had died off and Steve and Olly were now just laying on the floor panting like dogs and there was nothing keeping you in the room. You carried on typing as you went outside moving past the boys stood at the door. 
As you were about to pass them George asked, “Everything good Y/N/N?”
You looked up from your phone with a big smile on your face from your friends making you laugh. You couldn’t even stop smiling as you looked around the guys stood by the door.
George and Ross seemed to be smiling at you normally, which meant that Matty hadn’t told them anything yet. But Matty obviously gave you a cheeky smile.
“I’m good thanks George” You said and you were about to go outside before George asked you another question.
“Who’s making you smile like that?” He asked offering you his arm so you could come and have another hug. 
Of course, you moved to him and wrapped your arm around his back. You would never turn down a hug from George Daniel.
You looked up at him and told him honestly, “It’s just my uni girls making me laugh”
“What’s the joke?” Ross asked and your eyes moved to his.
You chuckled, “Me actually”
“Oh god, what’ve you done this time?” George asked and your eyes went slightly wide at the question.
“That one’s for me to know and for you to find out” You said before making brief eye contact with Matty and patting George on the back.
You saw that Matty’s smile had broken into a full-on grin out of the corner of your eyes at that statement. As you separated from George to head outside, Matty followed you. 
He definitely knew the messages were about him and he wanted you to know it.
“Telling your friends about me already?” He asked you quietly.
You didn’t even bother turning back to him when you said, “Don’t flatter yourself”
You had to keep him on his toes. You couldn’t and wouldn’t let him hold all the cards this early on in whatever game you were playing. 
You left him and headed round the fire pit to see your best friend seated next to Adam. You plonked yourself down in the middle of them and got involved with their conversation whilst continuing to message your uni friends.
You were definitely going to hold off telling your best friend this evening because if she couldn’t keep a secret about Matty from Matty, then you had no hope keeping it from everyone else. The other boys joined you all around the fire pit a few minutes later but you were too engrossed in your phone to noticed.
That was until you laughed at something that Ava had sent about George being fit and everyone’s attention was then directed at you. 
“What the fuck do you keep laughing at?” Y/B/F asked curiously.
You looked up and all the boys were looking at you, including a few others, waiting for an answer. You just shook your head and put your phone away so they hopefully would drop the subject.
“Just friends being idiots, making me laugh” You said and then turned to your best friend with eyes that said, ‘drop it’. 
Thankfully she again started talking and took everyone’s attention away. Well almost everyone.
“Come on Y/N, enlighten us all?” Matty smirked quietly.  
He was now sat next to you, where Adam had previously been, and you had to double take him. You hated that he already knew you’d spoken to your friends about him.
You smiled back and sarcastically reply, “Think you’ve already enlightened yourself tonight Matty” 
You were glad that everyone else around you had turned back to their conversation and definitely couldn’t hear what you just said. You’d die if everyone found out tonight. 
Usually you’d just own what you’d been up to. But there was something about being surrounded by this particular group of people that made your confidence dwindle back to what it was when you were in school. 
And confidence wasn’t something you had a great deal of back then.
Matty nudged you with his shoulder which caused you to smile down at the ground. He was sat closer to you now and he tucked the hair that was hiding your face from him, behind your ear. 
He lent in until his lips brushed your ear and admitted, “Yeah, thanks to you”
This comment caused you to bite your lip. The way he said made you want to squirm. 
He definitely fucking knew that he was doing to you because you couldn’t even react to what he said. Especially because you knew what he’d just done upstairs, because he certainly didn’t wait for his erection to subside. 
He got rid of it the other way. 
“All I thought about was you and those pretty lips of yours and what you can do with them later” He purred, and your breath caught in your throat.
Your stomach dropped and the way he said it made you want him to take you right then and there. That was so attractive of him to admit to you, it boosted your confidence tenfold. 
You heard him chuckle to himself when you continued to stare into the fire and then he continued to tease you. As he had now revealed your neck, he reached up and caressed where one of the bruises was starting to form. 
“Where’d you get that Y/N/N?” Matty asked curiously, as if he didn’t already know.
You slapped his hand away and moved your hair back to normal, so it covered most of your neck. You looked toward him, and you shared a knowing look, your hidden desires quite obviously shining through before you both were drawn back into the conversation.
After about 10 minutes though, everyone was called inside and was told to gather round into a circle. The ones that wanted to play formed a circle with about 15 of you in it.
It definitely felt weird to be playing a game like you were 15 again, but you weren’t going to complain.
However, as you all started playing, it quickly became apparent that Spin the Bottle would no longer work. 
Half of you were in relationships and couldn’t take part, and you completely understood people when they said they were seeing where things were going with someone, so they didn’t want to play.
“Well this wasn’t as fun as it once was” Steve said looking round at the single people in the group. 
The singles that were around were Steve, Olly, Matty, Ross, You, Y/B/F, Alisha, other Adam that you hated, two of his mates and a few other girls.
“Well yeah, not everyone can play so it’s a bit shit” One of the others verbally points out, and you nodded in agreement.
“Anyone have a different game?” A guy called Michael asked.
You looked around the circle waiting for someone to throw an idea in but the room was silent apart from the music that was still playing. You decided to give your input.
“Why don’t we just play truth or dare but the spin the bottle version?” You put forward.
You looked around the group and noticed that most people were nodding, seeming to like the idea. You elected to ignore Matty’s smirk and paid attention to Steve’s confused face.
You raised your eyebrows questioningly at him and he then said, “What do you mean with the bottle?”
You sighed, not thinking it was that difficult to figure out. 
You went ahead and told him, “It’s really not that difficult Steve. The person with the bottle, spins it” 
As you say this you spin the bottle to demonstrate. And you watch as it lands on Ross. 
You smile at him, then you continue to tell Steve, “And the person who spins, asks ‘truth or dare’ to the person it lands on”
You silently ask Ross to pick for you and he chooses, “Dare”
You smile and say, “Then the person with the bottle picks what the question or dare is” 
You think for a brief moment and smile when you have one in mind.
“I dare you to pour the rest of your drink on someone who annoys the fuck out of you” You say smirking knowing full well who it will be.
Ross immediately smiles and picks his can of Carling up and sprays some of it over Matty’s top half.
“And then Steve, you pass it on to the next person along” You say, passing your best friend the empty bottle.
“Bitch” You hear Matty say as he wipes himself down. 
You look back around at the curly haired boy and grin at him. He shoots you his middle finger and you just take a sip of your drink and wink at him before you pay attention to Y/B/F.
As the game begins, you smile along as everyone takes part. However, as you look around you notice the Adam that used to bully you more and more.
You actually despised him so much. He had bullied you ever since you started primary school for no reason. 
You remembered hating going to school each and every day and cried about it most of the time. The teachers never did anything despite your parents asking them to multiple times and you just hated it completely.
You also remembered how thrilled you were to be leaving primary school and to start a fresh somewhere completely new in high school. You were ready for the fresh start but as your luck would have it, your bully followed you into your new school, into your new classes, and unfortunately into your form.
At the beginning it was fine, but he slowly reverted back to his old ways and you hated life once again. That was until George saved you that day and your school life got a lot better afterwards. People started leaving you alone and your real friends showed themselves.
You were caught up in your memories until someone shouting your name, jolting you back to reality. You looked around the room to see Olly, Steve’s friend, looking at you expectantly. 
That was when you noticed the bottle had stopped on you and you were asked again, “Truth or dare?”
“Truth” You said without really giving it much thought. 
You didn’t really have anything to hide from these people that you once knew. Other than what had just happened upstairs with Matty.
Olly took a moment to gather his thought before he asked you, “Where’s the riskiest place you’ve had sex?”
Everyone around let out a low, “ooo” and you thought their reaction was humorous. It wasn’t even a good question, and everyone was looking at you as if you were about to spill the best secret ever.
You shrugged your shoulders and admitted, “At work”
“Where do you work?” Olly asked and you told him that you worked in a bar.
“What? You never told me about that happening” Y/B/F looked at you in disbelief.
You shrugged your shoulders and said “Well I meant to”
She looked at you with a grin and asked, “When did this happen?”
You looked up as if the answer was written on the ceiling and you couldn’t quite read it. You’d had a lot of sex since then, and it wasn’t particularly that memorable. 
You couldn’t quite put a date on it, but you said, “I don’t know just after I went back so like September? October maybe?”
The group around you looked quite shocked at the truth that you told. Well everyone except for Matty. 
Matty was looking at you with a smirk on his face that never seemed to disappear. You didn’t even think it was that bad, you were certain other people had done a lot worse.
The game continued and you watched as Matty asked someone about when they lost their virginity. George dared someone to down the rest of their full drink that they had just made. Adam Hann dared Steve to get him another drink because he was being lazy, and Ross asked your best friend who she lost her virginity to.
After your go, your best friend spins the bottle and it lands on you. She looked at you, waiting for you to choose and this time you fancy a dare. 
She grins at you as she says, “I dare you to sit on the lap of the guy with the best hair”
You smile at her and then look around the room. The choice was clear in your mind and when you looked towards Matty his grin got bigger. You stood up from your spot and made your way over to the boys across the circle.
You looked straight into Matty’s eyes as you walked towards him and saw his face morph into one of disappointment when you sat yourself down in the middle of George’s crossed legs.
You saw Matty give you evils before you chuckled looking back at George, and you proceed to run a hand through his now loose hair. You really did love George’s hair and you had loved it at the end of high school. 
Matty’s was cute but George’s was better.
The game continued on and you just kept playing as if you were sat next to your best friend. So, if anyone span and it landed in the open space, you would know it meant you. It also saved you from having to decide between you and George.
After a while you got yourself up to get another drink as the Adam you hated had his go. You asked the lads around you if they wanted another drink and they all shook their heads except for Matty. 
“Vodka and coke?” You asked and he nodded giving you his glass as you stood up.
You were at the table making the drinks when you heard the other Adam dare Steve to pull the girl who he thought got better looking since high school. You chuckle as you pour the coke into yours and Matty’s strong drinks and know for a fact that Steve would go for Alisha.
Just as you were about to pick up yours and Matty’s drinks to take back, Steve whips you around to face him and before you had time to react his tongue was down your throat. You let yourself relax into the kiss and your senses are overcome by Steve.
You were pleasantly surprised at how much of a good kisser he was. His arms were around your waist keeping you pulled into him and you didn’t even realise that your arms were around his neck keeping him close to you. His aftershave smelt heavenly and all in all, it was a pretty good kiss.
As you pulled away from him, you couldn’t help the smile that was left on your face. You really hadn’t expected him to pull you in front of everyone but after that kiss you really weren’t complaining. 
Steve smiled down at you before letting you go and returned back to his place in the circle. You saw that everyone’s jaws were on the floor as they looked up at you. 
You couldn’t get the smile off your face though because you just didn’t know what else to do. You were just going to silently take the compliment. 
When your eyes connected with Caroline, Alisha and Y/B/F they all looked completely shook and this just made you want to laugh more. You shook your head and picked up the drinks, heading back towards Matty with his drink. 
You deposited yourself on the ground this time in the middle of Matty and George and handed Matty his drink. You noticed that he didn’t look too impressed when you handed it him but said a small, ‘thanks’ anyway.
“Yeah thanks for calling me ugly in high school Steve” You said and the group around you started laughing. Steve told you that wasn’t what he meant by pulling you, but you just kept pretending to be offended by it. This made the group around you laugh which you couldn’t complain about.
You found that the smile on your face became harder to get rid of. You just didn’t know what to do with yourself, so you just elected to down half of the vodka that you’d just made.
You noticed George’s eyes on you, and he jokes, “That bad, huh?”
You shook your head smiling at his banter and you continued to chuckle to yourself.
“It was surprisingly good” You murmur, and you heard Matty scoff next to you.
“It looked it” George admits which just made you laugh.
When it got around to your turn to spin again, it landed on your nice Adam. He smiled at you whilst he waited for your question to ask him.
“Where’s the weirdest place you’ve ever woken up after a night out?” You asked, literally having nothing else to question him on.
He thinks about it for a second or two before laughing slightly telling you “Matty’s bedroom floor with my legs on the bed and my head on the floor”
You start laughing at this feeling the need for an explanation and he happily tells you. He just can’t stop himself from laughing to do so. 
“We’d been out all night getting wankered at that bar in town” He starts, looking towards the other boys hoping they would remember.
“Oh shit, the night with those girls?” Matty asked suddenly and then it clicked for the rest of them. 
They all started laughing, nearly crying with laughter at the memory of this story.
“Yeah and we were all fucked basically, and I woke up with my head on Matty’s floor but the rest of me was on his bed. Along with Matty and George” Adam told you and you laughed along at his tale. 
Their laughter at the memory was probably funnier than the actual story itself.
“Did it look anything like that?” You ask pulling your phone out and showed him the picture that you’d taken a few hours ago of Matty.
Everyone laughed as you showed it round and Matty chuckled to himself. 
He gave you a small smile and nudge you in your side when you again started chuckling at the picture. You liked it though. You’d definitely be sure to add it as the picture of his contact on your phone when he eventually gave you his number.
The game went on and after your next strong vodka, you moved yourself back over to sit next to your best friend. The game had got progressively more intimate as people got more drunk and the questions became very personal.
The bottle unfortunately kept landing on you, and you had spilled many of your own stories to them. They now all knew that you typically went for guys with brown hair and brown eyes which for some reason Steve seemed to be very pleased by. 
But literally half of the lads playing, including the band, had brown hair and mostly brown eyes.
And you had also revealed to everyone that you were into choking. You really hated George when he asked you that question and you couldn’t help but see Matty’s grin grow when you told the group. 
But the alcohol in your system was making the truth easier to tell.
Anyway, Steve seemed to be very interested in you despite never saying anything of the sort to you before this evening or before the kiss. The only downfall to your kisses being out of this world, you suppose. 
Matty had started to relentlessly tease you. Making obscure comments about things that had happened upstairs earlier on which you were thankful no one clicked on to.
Your best friend was really trying to get you to have another dare as well because she wanted to set you up with Matty. Throughout the night, she had apparently seen him look at you like you were a piece of meat and she wanted you to go there. 
If only she knew what had happened a few hours earlier.
You watch as Steve’s bottle lands on you again and you sigh and down the rest of your vodka before you answered, “Dare”. 
You didn’t care what he asked you to do, you just didn’t want your best friend making it obvious about Matty. She was literally directing all of her questions at him which was starting to annoy you.
Thankfully, the alcohol was flowing through your system and you were very drunk at this point. Whatever happened, you could easily blame it on the drink.
Steve looked at you and smirked upon hearing your answer. Matty let out a sigh and lent back because Steve had yet again got you where he wanted you.
Matty stretched his legs out in front of him and let his arms hold him up. He was ready to go home until he heard Steve’s dare.
“I dare you to pull whoever you had a crush on in high school” Steve said, and you couldn’t help the smile that made its way onto your face.
It was comical that Steve thought it was him. 
Matty was all you could think about since your kiss with Steve. Especially when he kept leaving lingering touches on you when he was doing something. You had to remove yourself from being next to him because his touches were leaving you hot and bothered.
You got yourself up and smiled down at Steve. He had been relentlessly annoying since the kiss sending you suggestive messages on your phone and you fully knew what he was trying to do. 
You liked Steve but not in that way. You were just so caught up in the moment earlier on and you didn’t have the heart to say it was a one-time thing.
Hopefully the fact that you brushed by him and straddled Matty’s lap would let him down easily.
You heard the people around you gasp slightly when you sat down on his lap. You quickly said a low, “Don’t get too excited” before lacing your fingers into his hair and pulling him into another kiss like you were both alone again.
You didn’t hold anything back as you kissed him and despite Matty looking as if he wasn’t interested, you could tell he was. His lips were addicting and found yourself craving what Matty wasn’t taking full advantage off.
For the first few seconds he was lent back like he wasn’t interested, but you’d had enough of the lack of enthusiasm. You pulled on the back of his hair  whilst discretely grinding yourself down on him until an audible groan fell from his lips.
After that Matty sat up and his arms wrapped around your back, keeping you in place and you didn’t want to ever leave that moment. 
The kiss was hot, and you were glad it was so dragged out. You heard the commotion from around you as if you were all 15 again.
There was no doubt in your mind that you still wanted to shag him. You definitely did and by the fact his tongue was practically down your throat, you guessed he would be into that too. 
You couldn’t wait to see where the night was going to go. But in your heart, you didn’t want this kiss to ever end.
Matty was consuming your every sense. You could smell his aftershave which was one of the nicest things you’d ever smelt. He tasted like pure vodka which was no surprise from the amount that you’d both drank earlier, 
You were fairly certain that kissing him alone was making you more drunk.
All you could feel was his body pressed against yours and you just wished you were alone to carry the moment on to something better. However, you were in a room full of people and you only broke apart when you heard the door slam open and Tim’s voice, “What the fuck did I just walk into?”
You pulled away and laughed immediately. Your forehead was pressed against Matty’s and his curly hair was tickling your face as you laughed into each other. You moved away from him slightly and pressed your swollen lips together.
“Sorry Tim, I got a bit horny” You joked looking up at him and he burst out laughing at your comment along with everyone else.
Matty chuckled looking at you with suggestive eyebrows and you smiled at him before running your tongue over your bottom lip. You don’t miss Matty’s brown eyes glancing down at the action. 
You picked yourself up off Matty and plonked yourself down next to him and you were once again in between him and George.
You looked towards Y/B/F, Caroline and Alisha and they all had massive grins on their faces. You stuck your tongue out at them and raised your eyebrows before biting your lip to stop yourself from smiling too much. 
After all, you were still sat next to Matty and you didn’t want him to get too big headed.
You felt a nudge in your side and looked towards George, who was trying but failing to keep a smile off his face, “How did I never know that you liked him?”
You let out a little laugh at his reaction to what he’d just seen and saw that Ross and Adam were also grinning towards you. It seems that you’d shocked the lot of them. 
“That’s because I never told anyone but those three” You admit, nodding towards your girls on the other side of the circle.
“I could have set you up if I’d have known” George offers, darting his eyes between you and Matty.
You let out a laugh and said “Thanks George but I’d have rather died than anyone know I liked him in high school”
“What the fucks that meant to mean?” Matty chirped in over the noise of the game continuing on.
You looked back to him as if he was joking, “Are you being serious? You were shagging anything with a pulse and I definitely would have been bullied for it”
Matty laughed at this and threw an arm around your neck before pulling you into him again. You fell into his body as he kept you in the headlock. 
You tried to pull his arm down so it wasn’t around your neck, but he wasn’t moving for the time being. So you just enjoyed the little hug for what it was.
You rolled your eyes as you saw the other boys smiling towards you, even more so when Matty whispered into your ear, “Believe me, if you were mine, no one would’ve gone anywhere near you”
You rolled your eyes at his superiority complex and said, “Get the fuck off me now” 
You weren’t joking and Matty knew better than to annoy you at this point so he let you go. He was craving you as much as you were craving him.
The game quickly got back underway and before you knew it the bottle landed on you again. You rolled your eyes as it was Matty’s turn to come up with your dare. 
He very uncreatively dared with a smirk, “I dare you to shag me”
This made you let out a little laugh whilst the rest of the group gasped. You couldn’t fault him for shooting his shot. 
You winked at him and reply, “Maybe later” 
You definitely liked to keep him on his toes.
Just as the game was about to move on Steve paused and held out 3 Jager Bombs for you to take. These had been the forfeit for the uncompleted dares that only a few people had received throughout the night.
You looked towards Steve with a confused expression and he explains, “It’s your forfeit because you didn’t do the dare”
You shake your head, “Nah, I just said I’d do him later”
Steve looked at you as if you’d somehow betrayed him. Now that was comical.
He asked in disbelief, “Wait, your actually gunna fuck him?”
You shrug your shoulders and look from Matty back to him, “Sure, why not?”
Steve let out an amused laugh and says to himself, “Can’t believe your actually gunna fuck him”
Y/B/F pipes up from across the circle and drunkenly says, “Why’s it so hard to believe? She a slag now Steve. She can shag who she wants” 
That comment made you giggle at her honesty. You could and would shag who you wanted, when you wanted. If they were up for it and you were interested in them, why not?  
However, Matty chirped in to defend you as well, “Yeah Steve. She can shag who she wants… And she doesn’t want you”
You quickly note that Steve’s about to say something back to Matty and you really didn’t want to have an argument about something that was so irrelevant at the party.
You quickly interject, “Right enough. George can you please spin the fucking bottle” 
You don’t think your drunken self could handle anything kicking off if it wasn’t necessary. And the thought of Matty and Steve having a scrap over you was comical.
Matty seems overjoyed that he seemingly won that argument. You just took his joy for what it was though. 
He was rubbing it in Steve’s face, and you knew it was working.
Nevertheless, the game continued on and you thankfully don’t get picked out again. You watch as the game continues on and everything is fine until the Adam you despise gets dared to pull whoever the bottle lands on next.
You watch as the bottle spins around until it slowly lands on you. 
You had a resting bitch face in general, so you can’t imagine yourself looking anything near positive when you tell him sternly, “You better spin again because you’re not coming anywhere near me”
You take another sip of your vodka and watch as the smile on his face grows as he looks between you and his dickhead mates who are silently egging him on.
Dickhead-Adam starts moving his way over to you and you shake your head at him. Was this guy serious? Was all you could think.
“Come near me and I’ll cut you” You say before taking another drink as you’re trying to stop yourself from getting angry.
The twat just chuckles but carries on moving towards you. 
You shoot him a dirty look and say with venom clear in your voice, “I’m being fucking serious, don’t come anywhere near me”
You’re about to shuffle backwards but before you can he put his hand on the back of your neck to move you towards him. You hastily slap his hand away, completely disgusted.
“What the fuck did I just say?! Choose someone else, you dickhead!” Anger could clearly be heard in your voice and seen on your face.
You end up standing, wanting to be able to move away from him faster if he came closer again. You loathed the boy, you wanted him no where near your personal space.
“What? So you can pull Steve and shag him,” Pointing towards Matty, “But I can’t come anywhere near you? What a fucking joke” Dickhead-Adam says as he stands up as well.
Your about to lose your shit at him but before you can, George gets up too and says, “Adam, why the fuck would she want you anywhere near her when you were a dick to her for half her life. Stop being arsey and just pull someone else”
“Whatever, she’s a fucking slut anyway” He says and half of the group gasps. 
You immediately move without thinking.  
You sidestepped George and quickly brought your hand up and slapped the arsehole across the face. 
Your hand was immediately throbbing, so you knew it must’ve hurt him and his head was now facing to the side. You could see a red hand print on it which you found extremely satisfying. 
The sound echoed around the group startling everyone into shock. It was music to your ears though.
“You little bitch” He seethes, turning back to you slowly.
“Say that again” You challenge standing your ground. 
You were fuming and you definitely weren’t going to let him get away with the comments he said anymore. You watched as he started to come towards you. However, George’s arms were around your waist less than a second later moving you away from him.
You’d been turned around completely when the dickhead started shouting stuff back at you. You manage to turn your head back around to look at him and he’s trying to come at you.
Ross, Adam and Steve were now up holding the twat back from you and George was heading back his way. George’s arms were quickly replaced by Matty’s when he saw you try to go for the arsehole again. 
Dickhead-Adam was spouting vile words at you and you really wanted to punch him in the face this time. You cursed yourself for initially only going for a slap.
Matty found it difficult to keep you back but his grip around you never failed, despite you wanting it to. You watched as George grabbed the back of the arsehole’s head and push him backwards towards the front door.
You overheard George shouting stuff at him as he was practically being escorted outside but you were too angry to make sense of them. That and also Matty had practically picked you up and placed you in the kitchen.
Once you were in the room, Matty kicked the door closed with his foot before letting go of you. He places his back against the door so you can’t open it and he lets you roam about the kitchen.
“I want to fucking murder him” You say calmly as you start taking deep breaths.
You run your hands through your hair and pull on it to try and divert your attention from your boiling blood. Your eyes are closed, and you keep breathing deeply to try and calm your erratic heart beat.
When you open your eyes, you notice that Matty has lit up a cigarette and the smell of tobacco entered your senses immediately. You watched as Matty took a drag before offering it to you.
You walked over to him and take it before sinking to the ground, resting yourself against the side of the cupboards. You welcomed the taste and found that it calmed you down almost immediately. 
That didn’t stop the adrenaline that was still in your system though. You felt your hands shaking because of it.
“How’s your hand doing?” Matty asks sliding down the door. 
Your now sat opposite each other on the ground and you let out a little chuckle at his question.
You grin up at him and say, “It’s fine, thanks”
Matty chuckles back and takes the cigarette out of your shaking hands. His fingers linger as if wanting to make sure you were okay, but you end up tightening your hands into fists.
They still shake slightly but you feel them start to stop as you tense your muscles. Matty keeps you distracted by picking the conversation back up. “You looked fit when you squared up against him”
You smiled at his statement. 
“I wasn’t really going for attractive” You admit honestly.
Matty let out a laugh as he continues, “Don’t worry, you looked scary too. I was like, ‘Oh shit’” 
That made you laugh, and you could just imagine his eyes wide watching your actions.
He joined in with your laughter as well and you started laughing even more when he speaks his truth, “I genuinely thought you were going to punch me when I was holding you back though. That and I didn’t know how much longer I could’ve kept a hold of you... You’re a feisty one”
Matty and you were both laughing when there was a knock on the kitchen door. You both stood up laughing as Matty moved out of the way of the door. You watched as George came into the room and his eyes immediately darted towards you.
“Are you okay?” He asked, quite clearly concerned as he came towards you and immediately wrapped his arms around you. 
As he pulled you into his chest you wrapped your arms around his back and gave him a tight squeeze. This, you most definitely appreciated. 
“I’m fine, thanks for defending me” You murmur into his chest.
“I would never let that arsehole near you in the first place. Utter wanker. I hate the fucker” George angrily admits, and you chuckled completely agreeing with him.
When George let you go, he looked down at you and smiled, “Gotta say though, never been prouder than when you slapped him. It was so loud I thought you’d snapped his neck”
You chuckled and then Matty chirped in with, “I wish she did”
You all looked around each other and laughed. God, you really did miss these guys. 
“Don’t worry, he’s got a broken nose now” George tells you, and your eyes go wide.
“Did you actually?” You asked him, unable to get the grin off your face.
“No one says shit to my little sister and gets away with it” He says before throwing an arm around your shoulder. 
As his arm dangled around your neck you saw that his knuckles were slightly red, confirming to you that his story was true. You actually loved George Daniel so much, holy shit.
“I’ve missed you so much” You say, before hugging him again.
After your hug, they both lead you back outside and people start asking if you were alright. You honest were, you were just angry and hated that Adam with your life.
You got better though when your cute Adam came up to you and gave you a hug. You eagerly accepted it and Ross was keen for a hug as well wanting to make sure you were okay. 
Afterwards, you best friend threw her arms around your neck, embracing you tightly. After making a fuss over you, she then told you about George beating the shit out of Dickhead-Adam outside.
You half wished you’d seen it, but you were thankful that Matty had removed you from the situation. You would have been angrier if you kept on hearing the shit, he was shouting at you.
“Sorry about that Y/N” Steve said walking back into the room from outside.
“It’s fine, not your fault” You told him with a smile. 
You noticed that a few people had disappeared, and the group had dwindled down yet again. Not that you minded though, the people that were left were the best to party with. 
You didn’t even think about it before heading over to the drinks table and picking up the bottle of flavoured shots. You heard someone say your name, but you ignored them. 
You just wanted to forget about what just happened.
You unscrewed the cap from the top of the bottle and started chugging down the strawberry flavoured liquid. You lasted about 10 seconds before you couldn’t stomach much more in one go and you had a rest.
You turned around and saw George, Matty, and Y/B/F friend looking at you with smiles on their faces. You walked towards them and handed George the bottle before you reattached your lips to Matty’s.
When your eyes opened the next morning, you immediately wanted to die. Your head was banging as soon as the light hit your eyes and you groaned as you felt your stomach churn.
You sighed, closing your eyes again and tried to drift back off to sleep but the arm that tightened around your stomach kept you awake. You felt him nuzzle his face into the back of your neck and you sighed realising sleep probably wasn’t going to come back.
You took a peek at your surroundings again and saw that you were lay on Steve’s huge corner sofas in the lounge. Matty’s tattooed arm was lay over you and you saw Ross and George lay on the opposite end of the huge settee. 
You smiled at the sight in front of you and tried to again rest your mind. This was how you should be waking up after a house party, that’s how you knew it was good.
You hugged the blanket that covered both you and Matty into you some more to try and keep yourself warm. Who doesn’t want to keep themselves warm and comfortable when they are hungover?
Thankfully Matty was keeping you warm and Steve’s sofas were extremely comfortable, and you’d surprisingly had a decent night’s sleep. The 4 hours that you actually had anyway.
Just as you felt yourself fall back into sleep, you heard the lounge door slam open. You jumped out of your skin at the sound and you felt that Matty did too.
When you opened your eyes, you were met with Steve walking into the room looking like last night didn’t happen at all.
He looked down and smirked smugly at you all when he saw everyone throwing death glares his way.
He let out a laugh and you started mumbling profanities as you put your head back down and you pulled the blanket up over your face. This seemed to make Matty laugh as you felt the vibrations of him chuckling against you.
“Get up, cleaners are coming in half an hour and Mum’s making bacon butties” Steve announced to the room.
You sighed at his statement. You’d forgot that he was rich, so his parents just got cleaners in to tidy the house after his big parties. You wish you were that lucky.
You heard no movement from anyone around despite the offer of bacon butties. Steve seemed to notice this too and proceeded to pull the blankets off of you. You groaned at his actions and started groaning at the cold air.
“I wanna die” You groan to yourself but Matty seems to hear you and he chuckled again before getting up. You see that the other boys are getting up as well and you sigh still not wanting to move.
“Come on” Matty says before taking your hand and pulling on it.
You were practically dragged up and you were not happy. Matty couldn’t help but smile down at your face, you looked so annoyed at life and you also looked really tired. 
Matty thought you were quite cute really.
You look around you and notice that all of the band is now up, and George looks at you with a grin. “Morning Y/N” He said extremely chirpily and far too loud for so early in the morning.
“Don’t speak to me” You mumbled before walking out of the room.
You hear them all chuckle before you wonder back through the house back to the kitchen. You say a quick ‘good morning’ to Steve’s Mum as you pass by the door but carry on walking into the back room. You desperately needed to change, and you were so thankful that you’d been planning on staying out anyway so you had all your stuff with you.
You picked up your bag and routed through it quickly to find a hairband. Thankfully you found one and put your hair up immediately, needing it to get out of your face.
Once you did that, you headed back through the house and bypassed the boys on your way. You were still wearing your see-through purple top and you couldn’t let Steve’s Mum see you like that for more than a brief second.
As you walked past the boys, you smiled tiredly at them. Each of them smiled back at you but you noticed George’s eyes dart down to your neck. 
“What happened to your neck Y/N?” George asked you in a humorous tone.
You completely forgot how bad the marks must have been but right now you didn’t have the energy to make up an obviously fake excuse. After the commotion last night, you and Matty couldn’t put each other down. He wasn’t kissing your neck much like earlier in the night, but it was easy to assume that he had caused the damage.
“Ask Matty” You admit in a dull tone before heading into the downstairs bathroom. 
You heard them all once again chuckle before the door closed behind you.
You freshened yourself up quickly and you were so thankful to get the vile taste out of your mouth and feel semi human again. As you were getting changed, you noticed that the marks on your chest were now full on bruises.
You sighed looking at them and shook your head at the state of your neck as well. You looked ridiculous. 
You could probably pass for a leopard, you had that many dark marks on you. However, you would quite happily let Matty make them all over again.
You changed into a different pair of jeans that you’d brought and into your big oversized hoodie that had ‘Hate you.’ written on the front of it. You were thankfully that the hoodie came up around your neck, so it aided in hiding the bruises that Matty had left there.
Once you felt entirely human again, you went to the kitchen and sat down with the rest of them as you ate the best bacon butties you’d had in a long while. Steve’s Mum was lovely and kept asking you questions about Uni which you happily answered.
You hadn’t seen her in so long, it was no wonder the conversation revolved entirely around you. Steve and the boys asked you a few questions too which you happily answered, and you found yourself wishing that you’d never left these people.
After you'd finished eating, Tim walked in and stopped when his eyes met yours. A big grin appeared on his face and you shook your head at him. 
You didn’t need this right now.
“Hey you” He said cockily with a knowing smirk on his face.
You were desperately trying not to laugh but you couldn’t keep the smile off you face. 
“Did you have a good night last night?” He cooed, faking innocence.
“Yeah” You chuckled, putting a hand over your mouth to hide your smile.
Your eyes flicked to Matty’s and he was already looking at you. He was smiling and you knew that he was entertained watching your discomfort at the situation.
“You looked like you were having a blast” Tim chuckled before picking up a butty and taking a bite. 
The other boys around were also chuckling to themselves and you just shook your head and returned your attention back to your food. You’d take anything to distract you from the situation though. 
Just as you took a bite of your food, Steve’s Mum chirped in and asked, “Did you shag someone Y/N?”
Everyone around you started laughing but you almost started choking on your food. You started coughing not believing that she’d just asked you that. 
You completely forgot that she was so down to Earth and was literally just like another carefree person. She didn’t even seem like a Mum to you.
You had tears in your eyes from how much you coughed at her question and you wiped them away just as everyone’s laughter died down. You were about to change the topic until Tim told her, “She might as well have, right Matty boy?” 
Tim slapped Matty on the shoulder and he grinned around at him. You shook your head and closed your eyes for a brief second. 
“I’m going home” You joked, and everyone laughed again.
About an hour later, you did go home and surprisingly the boys walked you back. Apparently, you lived on the way back to whoever’s house they were going to congregate in. 
You walked mostly with George and he made you exchange your phone number with him so he could text you instead of messaging over Facebook. You happily exchanged your phone number with him but then they all seemed to want it. 
You happily took all of their numbers and send them a text so they’d have yours. You couldn’t help but find it amusing when Matty was putting his number into your phone though. 
You knew that he’d definitely use it. 
As you got closer to your house, Matty seemed to take over from George and keep the conversation up with you. As you got to the end of your road, Matty’s arm was around your shoulder keeping you close, and you didn’t complain. 
If nothing else, he was keeping you warm.
It also wasn’t awkward which was nice. You were glad he was chill about the whole situation and there was no pressure about it at all. It was as if he was just a friend walking you back but being an odd ball at the same time.
“Right boys” You announced at the end of your road. You turned around to the boys that were walking behind you and smiled at them all.
You gave Ross and Adam a hug and reiterated how much you’d missed them all. When you got around to George you smiled up at him brightly. 
“We have to do something before you leave us again” George said, and you nodded into his chest.
“Definitely, I have to come and see The 1975 or whatever it is” You chuckled before letting him go.
“Lucky for you, we have a gig just before Christmas” Matty informed you and you proceed to smile at him.
You gave him a quick hug goodbye before saying, “Well I guess I’ll see you then”
You let go of him and back up down your road slightly. You were so glad you went to the party, it was definitely one to remember. 
“Good to see you guys” You called, and they all said a ‘Goodbye’.
Just as you were about to turn away from them you put your hands into your hoodie pocket and remembered that you need to give Matty something.
“Healy” You turned back and shouted.
You saw him turn back towards you as they hadn’t started walking off yet. You took a few steps forward before throwing the object at him. It hit him square in his chest and he chuckled at you when he caught it.
“Guess we didn’t need it after all” You say with a smile before turning and walking down the road.
Matty chuckles and turns back to the lads. They all have questioning looks on their faces and Ross asked, “What’s she on about?”
Matty lifts up his hand showing off the condom that you just threw back at him. They all start chuckling and make their way to George’s house so they can continue with their day.
A matter of hours later you woke up from a very pleasant nap. You were so tired when you got home earlier, you just went to your bedroom, got under the covers and went to sleep immediately.
You woke up from your nap at 5pm, which you were pleased with as you actually caught up on the sleep that you’d lost earlier. However, due to you still being dressed in your jeans and your hoodie, you woke up sweating.
You couldn’t stand the thought of doing anything else, like cooking yourself some food, before you had a shower. You quickly got undressed and jumped under the running water, loving the feeling of the hot water run over your body and soothing your muscles.
Relief flooded your body instantly and you felt as if you were a new person when you got out. You dried yourself off and got yourself dressed again before you started to blow-dry your hair.
You had your music on loud which meant that you didn’t hear your text notification go off. When you turned off the hairdryer and picked up your phone, you could help but let out a small laugh at the message on the screen.
You didn’t even have to check who it was from, you knew immediately. On the screen was an address and a next message that read:
Be at mine in 30 mins. We can have some fun x
Turning up at Steve’s house again the following weekend was quite unexpected. You’d received a message from the big group chat saying he was having another party and after consulting with your friends, you all decided to go again.
You had been there for a while and this time you mostly sat outside in the garden around the fire pit. Most of the same people returned this time, except for Dickhead-Adam and his group of mates, which you were thankful for.
When George turned up slightly later than the other boys, you got up and gave him a hug. You’d chatted to him throughout the week and found that you really had forgot what life was like with him.
You were so thankful you came to the party last weekend which reignited your old friendship. You really wished that you never lost contact in the first place.
This party was fun, and it was good that you mingled properly this time and didn’t spend all your time with Matty. You had spoken to him when you first got here, but then went your separate ways and just interacted in the conversations that included the both of you.
The night was going well, and you were getting tipsy watching the fire and listening to the boys play guitar. That was when Steve came up to you with 3 jäger bombs in his hands.
You take them off him, but as he walks back across to the other side of the circle, you shout after him “Wait Steve, what are these for?”
“It’s your forfeit. You gotta do it now because you didn’t do it last week” Steve reminds you.
You frown then and shake your head, “No I don’t. What for?”
No dare came to mind that you didn’t complete. Or did the amount of alcohol you’d ingested last weekend make you lose a few memories of the night?
Steve looked back at you as if it was obvious and told you, “You didn’t sleep with Matty”
You pressed your lips together to repress the smile that was itching to come on your face. Your eyes darted to Matty’s who was sat across the fire pit from you.
He sent you a knowing look and a grin was on his lips in less than a second. That boy, you shake your head, smiling like a fool.
Matty looked from you, up to Steve and very casually tells him, “Yeah mate, she doesn’t have to do them shots”
Steve looked back at you in complete and utter shock and you smiled at him before passing 2 of the shots around the circle.
“Thanks for the drink though Steve” You grinned before downing the shot and throwing the plastic cup over the fire at him.
Everyone around you seemed to be shocked except for the people that already knew. Their faces were quite humorous to witness, and you can’t help the giggle that leaves your lips before you turn back to your previous conversation.
Matty catches your eye before you become fully immersed into your little chat again. You send him a knowing smile and he returns your gesture by smirking and winking at you.
Your breath catches in your throat once again as the tension between you is clear. The memory of his hands teasing you, and his lips all over your skin come to mind, and your thoughts are once again back in the gutter.
You definitely couldn’t wait to get back to Matty’s later and let him have his way with you all over again.
Taglist: @the-girl-before @friends-dont-lie-asshole @lololovestaylor @murderousginger @peachquestions @siwiecola @nostalgic1975 @fairyyyfloss @theycallmenefi @colette2194 @maroonmolly @sexycleopatra @mrsprescott
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caps-lockdown · 5 years
Party Crashers (One Shot)
Steve Rogers x Reader where her friends jokingly send him an invite to his fan mail address for her birthday party. And Tony finds it and forces him to attend the birthday party. Reader being 100% oblivious to all of this until he literally walks in the door! 🤣🤣🤣
Here it is as requested by @katurrade my wonderful friend! Ask and you shall receive lovely! Hope you like it!
Party Crashers One Shot
Pairing: Steve Rogers X Fem!Reader
Rating:PG:13 (For jokes, booze, language, the usual) Pretty much all fluff, but there is a slight panic attack (although poorly written I can assure you)
Summary: You reluctantly agree to letting your friends throw you a birthday party, but when they send an invite to your favorite Avenger, how will things pan out?
Words: 5,576
It is AU in the sense that I’m having Tony live through endgame, and obviously Steve didn’t go back in time. Because I can’t move on. I don’t own anything but the reader and her family and friends. And the cat.
(Also the house pictured is NOT MINE. I wish it was, but sadly no. Just used it for imagining the party venue. And the dress isn’t mine either, but I can see myself owning it before the house.)
It’s also in Y/N L/N format. Enjoy!
Party Crashers
Two days before your party
“I’m. Not. Going. Stark. ” Steve Roger’s tone had a sense of finality to it, his body in a tense stance as he crossed his arms over his chest, looking at the patriotic themed party invitation that Tony was holding. A huge grin plastered on the billionaire’s face.
“Yes. You. Are. Rogers.” The man adjusted his glasses as he brought the invitation to his line of sight. Steve had tried to conceal the bright blue and red card when he got it in his fan mail that morning, but of course Stark being the snoop that he naturally was, he found it and brought it to everyone’s attention later in the Tower. “Look it’ll be good to keep in the fan’s good graces. After everything that’s happened recently, we could use the good PR.”
The blonde man sighed deeply, running a hand through his hair. Everything that had happened with Thanos was over and done with, but yet the people were still terrified and on edge. Rightfully so too. He didn’t understand how going to some grown woman’s birthday celebration was going to help, especially when he had never met her. So he thought.
“Did you read the note that was attached? It’s quite cute. Ahem.” Steve rolled his eyes as Tony cleared his throat, developing a shrill feminine voice as he read it aloud to the rest of the room. “Dear Captain America. You don’t know us but our friend Y/N has a birthday coming up and we figured since you both share the same birthday it would be awesome if we invited you! We just got her back and wanted to make up for missing her these last five years. You’re her absolute favorite superhero and she’s totally had a crush on you ever since you saved her life during the Battle of New York. Not that she’ll ever tell you that. Anyways you don’t have to RSVP or anything, and you aren’t required to take pictures. Hell you could show up, say hi, and leave with cake for all we care. Hope to see you!
Stacy and Jim Higgins” The rest of the avengers were laughing at the annoyed blonde’s face when Stark finished.
“They even included a photo!” Bucky and Sam were the first to look at the picture the brunette man was holding, Sam letting out a long winded “Daaaaang” upon seeing the woman’s face. Steve had to admit that Y/N was very attractive, immediately noticing her thousand watt smile as she snuggled what he was assuming to be her pet cat.
“Tony I don’t want to do this..” Steve tried to reason with him, losing all hope when his friend typed the number on the invite into his phone, tossing the taller man the device and making a “go on” motion with his hands as it began to ring.
Rogers was beginning to think of all the ways he could get away with killing the asshole philanthropist when he heard a voice call from the other side of the line. “Hello?”
“Yes...uhm uh is this Stacy?”
“Who’s askin?”
“It’s Steve Rogers. I’m…uh.”
“OH MY GOD NO FUCKING WAY! JIM GUESS WHO’S ON THE HORN? CAPTAIN FUCKING AMERICA!!! No…No I’m not kidding you asshole.” Steve couldn’t help but give a nervous chuckle as the female voice proceeded to call the male voice a bunch of inappropriate names. He heard her take a deep breath and continue. “Sorry bout that Mister America Sir. To what do I owe the pleasure of your phone call?” He shook his head, smiling as the woman made an attempt to sound polite.
“I just wanted to RSVP for Y/N’s birthday party. Fourth of July right?”
“Yea! Five o’clock at the address on the invite! You can show up whenever though, oh man Y/N is going to FREAK OUT! Thank you so so much for doing this! I know you must be really busy. Dealing with everything going on around here.”
“It’s no problem at all…” Tony smacked the man’s arm as he grimaced, biting back a few choice words for his teammate. “I’m looking forward to it.” His comment sounded forced and fake but the woman only giggled, buying his terrible performance.
“Great! I won’t tell her you’re coming, but we can’t wait to see you! Have a good night!”
“Of course, you too.” Steve’s face was void of all emotion as he threw the phone at Tony head on, clearly trying to wipe the satisfied expression off his face.
“There that wasn’t so hard was it Rogers?”
“Go to hell Stark.” The blonde man muttered, the other raising a hand to his chest, feigning hurt feelings.
“Language Cap. You kiss your mother with that mouth? It’s not like I’m going to make you go alone. I want to see this train wreck first hand.” Mentally exhausted from today’s turn of events Steve didn’t even bother with a retort, walking out of the room to head to his bedroom. He was too old for this crap.
Day of Your Party
Lake George, New York
“No, No, I specifically told you Patty NO FIREWORKS! Y/N gets all jumpy and she’s bringing Tigger too…yes, her cat. YOU ARE NOT MESSING THIS UP FOR US PATRICIA! I WILL END YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY TREE WITH A TABLESPOON OF GASOLINE AND A MATCH! Do NOT try me today! Tell your mom I said hello. See you soon!”
Stacy ended the phone call with a huff, her eyes sweeping the large group of people that were attempting to set up last minute decorations for your birthday. Of course they would have it out at their astonishing lake side house in upper New York, away from the city and away from the seas of family reunions at Central Park. Considering the holiday, Stacy was hell bent on making sure no explosions of any kind would be happening today. She wanted everything to be perfect for you, and she wasn’t above murdering your cousin to obtain that goal. She didn’t care if she was only eleven years old.  
“You threatening children again honey?” Jim quirked an thick eyebrow at his wife, watching the woman deflate just an inch before she ran off to scream at someone for hanging the wrong colored lantern above one of the large tables. He was fairly certain his wife was going to have a stroke when all of this was over. He could hope anyway. She had been a nightmare planning this whole affair for you, and that was only because you had eventually given in to her demands. It was like negotiating with the government. And he had willing married her.
He laughed as she opted to forcefully take the lantern from his brother Tyler, dragging the chair to another table and hanging it up in its rightful spot. All it took though was one saucy wink in his direction and he could feel his body relax. She was going to be the death of him.
~~A short while later~~
“I hope there isn’t too many people Mel, you know I hate feeling crowded.” You pulled into the long driveway of your best friend’s home. Mel, your sister sat strangely quiet in the passenger seat, lovingly petting a sleeping Tigger in her lap. Before Thanos she was merely a teen, now a high school graduate and looking into medical school. Tigger was barely a year old and just starting to be harness trained, the orange tabby loving the outside and you didn’t have the heart to keep him inside all the time. Now older, he still loved being outside but had gotten pudgy in your years away. You had missed out on so much, but Mel was never this quiet before. In fact, she had pretty much been silent the entire four hour drive to Lake George, only saying a few words here and there as you rambled on. “Why are you being so damn quiet? It’s creeping me out.”
Your sister only smiled at you, her eyes misted over just a bit as she shook her head. “I’ve just missed hearing you talk sis. Five years…” A small sob escaped her when you threw your car into park, reaching over to pull her into a hug.
“Hey now, it was five years for me too alright? We’re together again yeah?” Brushing the tear off her cheek you held back your own when Tigger let out a cranky mewl. That was one thing you would never get tired of. A joyful laugh left your mouth as you began to break away from the embrace, looking into your sister’s brown eyes. “Alright get out of here before you make me ruin my makeup. And just so we’re clear I expect a full blown alien conspiracy lecture tomorrow on the way home.” You jokingly scolded, watching her light up before taking the cat and dashing out of the car. Well at least she had stayed the ball of energy you had remembered.
Stepping out of your vehicle before locking the doors, you couldn’t help but let out a gasp at the house in front of you.
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“I see you guys finished the remodel!” You called out when you entered the foyer.
“Y/N! You look amazing!!” Stacy yelled, coming to give you the biggest hug as if you hadn’t been back for months now and she hadn’t just seen you a couple days ago. “Where did you get that banging dress? Did they have one in purple?!”
You lightly shoved your friend, looking down at your outfit for the day.
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“HEY EVERYONE, Y/N’S HERE!” A large amount of screams were heard throughout the house and soon you were being flogged by tons of family and friends. Most of them you had seen since you got back, but all of them at once was kind of suffocating. You tried to hide your nerves as you greeted the seemingly endless crowd of smiling, teary faces.
“Happy birthday Y/N!”
“You look great!”
“You got a boyfriend yet?”
“How’s work?” Holding your temple, you started to struggle to breathe, overwhelmed by all of the questions and closeness. A knock at the door seemed to stop everyone in their tracks, and you smiled gratefully as Stacy swooped in to shoo them all away.
“Let our girl breathe a little! Fuck! Buncha vultures.” Your brunette friend whispered the last part, you giggling as she led you away from the prying eyes and invasive questions. It had been nearly a year since you had come back, it wasn’t as if it was just yesterday or anything. Taking a seat on the back porch, you gladly took the mojito Jim handed to you while Stacy went to get the door, opening it widely and immediately looking confused.
“You…you aren’t Captain America.” She managed to get out as Tony Stark took off his sunglasses, reaching to take her hand and giving her a grand smile.
“Well spotted. I’m not. Tony Stark. I however, was under the assumption he was already here. “
“He’s not with you?” Your friend asked as he went to dart his eyes to his phone, a frown on his features as he went to call the avenger in question, holding a finger up to Stacy.
“He didn’t want to carpool and save the environment. He insisted he took his bike. Maybe he took a wrong turn at Albuquerque. Excuse me.” That was a blatant lie, as Tony had told Steve specifically to take his bike and offer Y/N a ride as an attempt to break the ice. Perhaps the good captain was in fact lost. He listened as the phone rang, clucking his tongue in disapproval as it went to voicemail.
“Sorry Stac, looks like you just have me for right now. I’m more than positive he’ll be here soon. I know he wouldn’t miss something like this. He loves birthday cake, as do I. But you know war heroes, always fashionably late. Shall we?” Your friend could only nod slowly, the information sinking in and Stark taking his cue to head into the large home. “Your home is stunning.”
“Thanks. Y/N should be out back.” Stacy waved him on and Tony took his time enjoying the lovely large windows and high ceilings. He also took the time to send a very strongly worded text message to Steve about punctuality, and the fact he should have beaten Stark here considering Rogers had left nearly two hours before he had.
It didn’t take him long to find you, halfway through your glass and staring out onto the massive backyard. People were playing volley ball, four or five men were manning the grill, women laughing in groups as they caught up. Even surrounded by everyone you still felt a little isolated. Not a soul paying attention to you. Noticing you were almost out of alcohol he backtracked into the house, grabbing a couple fresh minty drinks and heading back out.
“Y/N I presume?” Tony’s voice shook you out of your daydreaming, you jumping at recognizing his face. Iron Man Tony-fucking-Stark was standing just to your right, and you placed a hand over your chest in a poor attempt to steady your heart beat.
“Uhmnh…Yea….Yea that’s me.” You choked out, taking the billionaire’s drink offering and setting it down before coming back up to grasp his hand and giving it a firm shake. “I’m Y/N.”
“You sure?” His jab made you blush, you finishing your first drink before moving your steel straw into the next one. The brunette man smiled, sipping on his own drink and nodding at it in approval.
“What…what are you doing here?” Your question was blurted out at a rapid speed, the skin on your neck tingling again as Tony looked down to meet your eyes. You could tell that he had been waiting on you to ask, as it wasn’t everyday random world saving superheroes showed up to a woman’s birthday party.
“We got an invite from Stacy and her husband, but superhero business would have it that only I could make it tonight. I’m sorry if you were expecting someone taller. With blonde hair and devastating blue eyes.” You sputtered into your glass, giving Tony an incredulous look while he laughed at you. What had your friends mentioned in that invitation?
“No um, this is really wonderful. Thank..thank you for coming.” You nearly squeaked, trying to guzzle down the rest of your drink and standing from your chair. Jim signaled it was time to eat, Stacy starting to hand people red, white, and blue plates and napkins while the masses began to form a line for food. “I guess that’s our cue. Everyone will be really excited to meet you. And in case I don’t get the chance, thank you. Ya know, for saving the world.”
“All in a day’s work Y/N. Let’s get some grub, I’m starving.” You laughed as Tony extended his arm, helping you down the stairs into the party space, people offering him thanks and asking for pictures once they caught on to who he was. “No no, I’m just here for the free food and Y/N’s birthday cake. But maybe we’ll take a few photos after yeah?”
The two of you took a seat at the large long picnic table after piling your plates with ribs, potato salad, corn on the cob, and other fourth of July staples. Tony kept everyone laughing, telling stories to you and the twenty four other people that were there to celebrate. You secretly wished that you could be this outgoing, most of the time shying away from social interaction and people altogether. It would certainly help you and your lackluster personal life.
After everyone was on the brink of a food coma, Tony suggested the game of charades to help burn off some of the food to make room for cake. With it being after seven, some of the guests opted to leave for the evening, wishing you well and stealing a couple of photos with Tony before exiting. None of them seemed to notice the motorcycle parked alongside the driveway.
Steve’s eyes watched with amusement as you attempted to use your cat to imitate a machine gun, shouting Scarface quotes and Tony being the first to answer correctly. His breath was taken away by how beautiful you were in person, the picture being five years older after all. He loved the way your eyes crinkled when you laughed, and how your smiles always looked warm and inviting, even when you were clearly not doing the best at charades. Steeling his nerve he climbed off his bike, wiping his suddenly sweaty palms onto his pants and heading up to the front door of the large home. He took in a deep breath and knocked, staring into the rich oak and waiting.
“I’ll get it!” You shouted, hopping off the couch and dodging popcorn Mel was throwing at you along the way. You stuck your tongue out playfully, turning to open the door and finding yourself face to face with freedom in the flesh.
“Happy birthday Y/N.” His stunning blue eyes and even more attractive smile was too much for you and the room began to spin. “I’m Steve.”
You took his hand, suddenly feeling really light headed. His expression changed to one of concern as you took a few fumbling steps back, his strong arm instinctively reaching out to grip your waist and steady you.
“Hey you’re alright. I’ve got you.” His words had your brain going into overdrive, your mind flooding with the memory of the only other time you had heard him say that.
~May 4th, 2012~
“Why the hell should I take orders from you?!”
You heard the cop ask the man in the blue suit, you hiding behind a nearby car as you watched him interact with the officer, chaos erupting throughout the city. The entire office you worked in had evacuated in a panic, but you were one of the last ones to leave, narrowly escaping death a few times over just getting out of the building. Your eyes were glued to the man, never seeing him before in your life. He was extremely handsome from what you could tell, and clearly he wasn’t taking no for an answer. You watched as he proceeded to defeat a few of the strange creatures easily, and you couldn’t help but let out a raspy laugh as the officer quickly changed his tune.
“I need men in those buildings. Lead the people down and away from the streets. We’re gonna set up a perimeter all the way down to 39th street.” He had said the last bit into his radio, walking away and you gladly decided it was time to get your ass out of there. Standing up and headed towards the street you began running towards the nearest subway entrance. Your heart was hammering in your throat and you were sure you would have to throw out your heels and now ripped to hell dress when this was over. Turning a corner you let out a blood curdling scream as a truck came barreling through the air, you being directly in its way.
You shut your eyes and awaited death, but it never came. Instead you were grabbed roughly and tucked in between a set of buildings, a shriek leaving your lungs as you watched the truck go flying by. Your hands shot to cover your face as your panicked sobs came out before you could stop them, realizing you were alive.
“Hey you’re alright, I’ve got you.” Your hands were brought down from your face and you looked up to see the hero in blue staring intently at you, brushing some of your now loosened hair away from your face. You were certain your makeup was smeared along with dirt and dust from all of the debris floating around the city, but he only continued staring into your eyes.
“Boy do you ever.” Was all you could get out, a small smile lighting up the mystery man’s features as he grabbed your hand, looking into the street before nodding to you.
“Good. Now let’s get you to safety Doll.” You swooned and fought to keep up with the man as he started jogging back into the street, careful to help you dodge and duck the ugly looking creatures along the way. Stopping at the subway entrance he gave you a once over, making sure you weren’t bleeding as you fought a heart attack from all the cardio today had put you through. His hands on your shoulders weren’t helping things.
“You get down there and you stay safe alright miss?” You could only nod like an moron again, watching him turn to walk away.
“Hey wait!” He turned around at your newly found voice, you pointing to an alley that wasn’t under attack. “You’ll get to where you’re going faster if you take that way. It’ll lead you back to where you saved me.”
He cracked a smile, appreciating your kindness as he took off. You got all the way down the stairs before realizing you never got to thank him. Or learn his stupid name.
“Boy do you ever.” Your words came out in a whisper, his gaze turning to one of calculation as you smiled. There was no way he could have remembered saving you. He has saved thousands, millions of people in the past, and you weren’t that memorable.
“You…you were the woman I saved from the flying truck..weren’t you?” His voice was soft as he whispered back. You nodded with wide eyes, taking note how his arm hadn’t detached itself from your waist yet. Not that you minded.
“You remember me?” You stuttered out, trying to keep your shocked nerves at bay.
“Doll I couldn’t forget you even if I tried. Those directions saved my skin that day. I’m glad to see you survived.”
“Because of you! I didn’t even know trucks could fly.” Your comment made him laugh out loud, his arm leaving your waist only to cover his stomach as he filled the house up with joy. Everyone else laughed nervously, clearly not having heard the conversation between you two and therefore not having the slightest idea what was so funny.
“I see you cut your hair, your picture doesn’t do you justice you know.”His normal voice and remark set your face on fire, you whipping your head to look at your best friend, who only sheepishly shrugged and avoided making eye contact with you. “But I like it. Suits you.” Receiving another compliment from the blonde had you grinning like a goofball.
“Thank you….and uh thanks, for saving my life all of those years ago. I never got the chance to do it back then.” You rambled, before widening your eyes again and taking a breath. “And thanks for helping bring back everyone from the decimation too! I mean I was part of that and I know everyone is really grateful and all.” Finishing your long winded spiel you began studying the designs in the hard cherry wood floor, embarrassed at how the Captain only continued to chuckle at you.
“You’re welcome…and you’re welcome.” He beamed at you, Tony loudly coughing to bring the two of you out of whatever bubble you seemed to be in together.
“This is ADORABLE to watch. Seriously. But uh, I was promised cake and I’m not leaving until I get some.” Stark whined, your friends all agreeing before wandering into the kitchen, you motioning for Steve to follow. Stacy smiled warmly at you as she took the glad cake topper off, your mouth watering at the beautiful cake she had made. It was three layers, all different swirls of red white and blue adorning it along with simple gold stars.
“Oh Stac…it’s perfect. Thank you.”
“Hey that means we can sing happy birthday to both of you!” Jim clapped Steve on the back, shaking his hand as he went to light the one huge candle that sat on top of the cake.
“As long as you don’t sing Jim I think our ears will be okay.” Mel quipped, everyone laughing as they began singing to the two of you. Your eyes welled up with tears, looking at all of the faces of people you honestly weren’t sure you’d ever see again. And two of the people that helped make that happen were here as well. How about that. Once everyone had a piece of cake you all took to sitting outside on the back porch again, watching the summer sun begin to set off in the distance. It reflected off the lake beautifully, the reds and oranges in the sky extending over the water.
“I’ve missed how peaceful it is out here Stacy. You and Jim have an absolute paradise out here.” Your friends nodded, both too busy with cake to really take in the splendor.
“I think this cake is paradise.” Tony muffled out, mouth full of the sugary treat, Steve’s shaking of his head had you and Mel giggling into your forks. “You have to get me the recipe so my wife can make it. Or we can just pay you to make it.”
“Anything for one of the guys who saved the world. I’ll write it down for ya.” Stacy’s smirk made you chuckle, her fingers snaking out to take your clean plate from you. Walking back into the kitchen, the now very happy Stark following her, Mel sighed as she looked at her watch.
“It’s not even ten yet! What are we going to do!?” Her complaint reminded you how much younger she actually was, you perfectly fine with calling it a night. Your ears perked up at the sound of soft jazz music beginning to pour out of the speakers located on the corner of the deck, Jim turning on the assortment of lanterns. The whole back yard was aglow with twinkling lights and you started to subconsciously sway to the beat. Steve’s jaw working as he began to walk over to you, shrugging out of the brown leather jacket he had been wearing and setting on a chair.
“Well I know what Y/N and I are going to do.” Steve stuck his hand out to you, you smiling timidly before reaching yours to grasp his. “Care to dance, Doll?”
“Well I’m not going to say no.” He laughed at that, bringing you over to the side of the deck that was serving as a makeshift dance floor, Jim and Stacy following your lead when she returned from the kitchen. You got a chance to take in his outfit, nice gray slacks and a simple blue button up shirt rolled up at the elbows. It wasn’t much but he didn’t need much when he looked like he had been carved out of marble by Michelangelo himself.
“I have to admit, I don’t have that much practice with dancing.” The blonde admitted, your heart fluttering as a flush crept over his face. You squeezed his hand reassuringly as he dropped his other one to sit on high on your waist.
��Is the great Captain America flustered right now?” You giggled, allowing him to spin you around. “Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me. But for the record…” You gingerly took his hand at your waist, lowering it a little to where it sat just above your hip. “Your hand will be a lot more comfortable here. And you should relax some. I don’t bite.”
He swallowed thickly and nodded, you both swaying to the music in a comfortable silence as it played on, Jim making sure the songs stayed slow so you wouldn’t part ways so quickly. Eventually you began making small talk, asking him about his life and interests, Steve obviously very interested in what you had been up to since Thanos’ defeat. You found him extremely easy to talk to, your jokes making him laugh, his eyes crinkling with joy as the time passed.
“So we might as well start making wedding invitations now.” Mel uttered to Tony when he curiously eyed the Captain, your sister and Stark looking to each other before chuckling. “She’s not going to let him go now that they’ve met officially.”
“That’s funny, because I was thinking the same thing. About him. Maybe he’ll find that life I told him to get.” Mel laughed at the brunette, both of them nodding to the other couple to vacate the dance floor. Stacy couldn’t help the sly smile as you and Steve continued to talk, so enamored in each other you didn’t notice everyone else leaving the back yard to give you some privacy. Ten minutes later the next song came to a close, Steve attempting to lower you into a small dip that made your knees weak in more ways than one.
“Thanks for the dance Y/N.”
“Dances Mister Rogers, and back at you. They were lovely. Now where did everyone…. “ You began to look around, a slight familiar panic setting in as your eyes searched for your friends and the billionaire. You sighed in exasperation as you watched them scatter. Failing miserably at making themselves look busy and like they hadn’t been watching you two. “Go.”
“I’m sure they mean well.” Steve’s eyes sparkled as you rolled your own.
“Sure yea. They’re probably in there planning our first date.”
“Our first date?” You went to cover your face with your hands, a high pitch squeak coming out when you came to terms with the fact you had said that out loud.
“OhmygodI’msososorry” You rushed out, continuing to hide your face as you were certain you were the brightest shade of red in the rainbow.
“Y/N it’s alright…”
“No it’s not. You’re out there saving the world, and I’m sure that coming to this dumb party my exhausting friends probably blackmailed you into was the last thing on your to do list. And then I have to go and ruin a perfectly nice moment by opening my big mouth and asking you out when knowing my luck you’re already dating some stunning Amazonian woman who can cook and makes you stupid happy!” Anger boiled in your veins as the blonde could only stare at you, partially concerned you might combust, and partially endeared that you clearly had a big crush on him.
“For the record, Tony made me come tonight. But you’re the sole reason I’ve stayed.” Steve took your clenched hand, giving it a soft squeeze and the noise that died in the back of your throat couldn’t have been remotely human. “And secondly, I’m single, and extremely flattered. But I’m afraid there’s a small problem.”
“You’re afraid I’m crazy and will probably burn down your house if you ignore me for too long?” He blinked at you, taking a moment to let that sentence sink in before shaking his head.
“No, I don’t know if you’re a cup of coffee or dinner and a movie kind of girl. “ His grin had you seeing fireworks and holy star spangled banner Steve Rogers was asking you out! Quickly jolting out of your over-excitement you managed a coy giggle, you removing your hand from his before placing it on his right cheek. Bringing yourself up to your tiptoes you allowed your lips to lightly kiss his left cheek, feeling the warmth radiate through his skin upon contact.
“Well in your case Steve, I’m both. Dinner tomorrow night when I get back into town?”
His eyes didn’t leave yours, you sliding your hand away only to have him take it again. Your heart raced as he placed a chaste kiss on your knuckle, grinning at you like a love struck puppy.
“I’ll pick you up on the bike at seven o clock. Hope you like Italian.”
“I do.” You nodded, you immediately missing his hand when he let it go.
“Great, then it’s a date.”
“So it is.” You bit back a girlish scream internally as he began to walk away, before turning around and bashfully asking for your phone number. You typed it into his phone, laughing the entire time. Everyone gathered outside for a quick photo with the two Avengers, Steve staying right next to you, a hand on your waist and the two of you looking nothing short of smitten with each other. You gave both of them a quick hug goodbye, Tony’s being longer because he complained about you not dancing with him at all and he deserved better treatment because he was there first.
“Goodnight Y/N. Happy Birthday.” You smiled at the blonde, giggling as Tony had to physically grab the back of Steve’s jacket to pull him out of the doorway.
“Happy birthday Steve. See you tomorrow.” You waved them on, leaning against the frame as the two men became shapes in the dark. It wasn’t long after you heard the rumble of a motorcycle and a car start up, headlights pulling down the road as they drove off.
“I’m sorry they had to go.” Mel patted your shoulder as you shut the door, locking the bolt and turning off the porch light. You smiled at your sister saucily, throwing her a wink after she shut the blinds behind the couch.
“Me too, but god did I love watching him leave.”
Her response was a pillow. To your face.
The End 
Tag List: @kaytizzle @giggleberts @cuffski
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