#gerard pape
occultamusica · 2 years
Gerard Pape - Vers la lumière II (2017) for 8-channel tape (in Héliophonie, 2023)
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etes-secrecy-post · 2 years
Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
My GTA V Online Random Snapshot/Screenshot/Video: G's Cache & Stash House [Mar 5th, 2023]
Hello, and welcome to my installment of Random Snapshot/Screenshot/Video in GTA V Online. Yup, I add ANOTHER part of my random media. Hehe!😁
• And today, I want a discuss about two new free mode events that was recently added in GTA V Online: G's Cache & Stash House.
If you haven't seen my previous Random, then please [CLICK ME!].
So, without further ado, let's get started:
My Recorded video (via XBOX Game Bar) ⏺️🎮🖥️: [Pls watch. ↑]
• Okay, let's start off with the "G's Cache", and I'm here at the "Chumash Historic Family Pier" where I spot this question purple box icon on that specific location, not to mention the text message from "Gerald". Yeah, you remember this guy from your online contact mission. Anyways, once I proceed by running it is time to find that Cache box (or something). It took me about a minute to find that mysterious box until I found it & pick it up. And that mysterious box that I mentioned, was located the near boat lift. Picking up the "G's Cache" rewards me a $GTA 20,000+ (or sometimes less), ammo & some snacks. Neat! The next day, another icon blimps on my bottom left radar & I decided to go to that specific location, the Murrieta Oil Field near Palomino Highlands (in East LS, SA). Where I found another Cache beside the complete rust & abandoned truck at the abandoned scrapyard. Once I pick up the cache, two wanted stars triggered & got out of the place before I call Lester for removing the wanted stars. Uh yeah, and also I received a bronze award for "Here Comes The Drop".
• So far, I picked the Cache a couple of times in different locations with different random spots depending on the specific location. Depending on your In-game time, the G's Cache will spawned different locations from Los Santos & Blaine County, and collecting Cache(s) will either trigger the wanted star (which increased by collecting caches many times) or not; it's all rolling the dice. If you want more about "G's Cache", then please [CLICK ME! #1].
• The next one was called "Stash House", and I'm here in the middle of an industrial place in Cypress Flats to see what's on the purple home target on my radar. And also, another text message from Gerard. Here, you could see the purple ring was located, but before that, I need to equip a firearm in case someone will immediately go guns blazing. So, to access the "Stash House" press the right arrow d-pad on the controller or "E" keypad on the keyboard, and once inside take down the enemy AIs with a firearm. Once I killed all AIs in one room, there's a safe that needs to unlock by three different numbers. Okay so, on my first try, I don't know what to do after this & it took me a minute to figure it out until I found the yellow piece of paper with three numbers beside the duffle bag, and that piece of paper was the number combination for the safe, so memorization is required to unlock the safe. Once the safe is open, I stole their safe contents & I immediately leave the premises as fast as can with my infamous hoverbike (Pegassi Oppressor Mk II). I have to deal with oncoming AIs when I go ground, but I can easily avoid them with a flying vehicle. And what did I get? A small amount of GTA$ & safe content that I stole, which contains "Supplies" for my bunker. If you want more about "Stash House", then please [CLICK ME ! #2].
• So in "Stash Houses", they're different places spawn around the entire map via In-game time (a.k.a. your current time zone) with different setting inside & different numbers from a random paper spot place whether from the city of Los Santos or the desert area of Blaine County. (much like the aforementioned "G's Cache") And each stolen you'll receive a different type of supplies that you need for MC Businesses and/or Bunker (gun supplies). Like mine for example (another part video), I went to the same place as before, dealing with enemy AIs & looking for the piece of paper with different number codes for the safe, and once I repeat the same method, I get the cocaine supply for my MC Businesses instead of the bunker.
• For "Stash House", it's a very neat idea to earn some supplies from our existing MC / Bunker businesses instead of going to our business facility to steal (which will trigger the mission) and/or buying supplies with our grind GTA$ cash (And no, not your real-world money). As for the "G's Cache", umm... I don't know if it's worth it or not. And to be honest, there's certainly no purpose of why we picked Gerard's Cache? (Hence the name) But hey, GTA$ 20K+ is a decent worth of earning, I guess.
Well, that’s all for now. And If you want to see my previous car prize, and more, then please → [CLICK ME!]. 😉
(Where do all the links go you may ask? I made a post about all GTA V Online-related links. This will prevent error save drafts, in my future post. Plus, I’m always updating my link post.)
Tagged: @bryan360, @carmenramcat, @leapant
(😡 Unwanted tresspassers are prohibited to see this!😡)
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6ghassan · 6 months
Lunaire annuelle, Monnaie-du-pape 🌻🌺 (Savoie 03/2024)
Lunaire annuelle, Monnaie-du-pape 🌻🌺 (Savoie 03/2024) by Gerard Carron Via Flickr: fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunaria_annua
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garadinervi · 4 years
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Charisma X – Iannis Xenakis, (1h 2min, documentary, 2009), Written and Directed by Efi Xirou
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fxnkiero · 4 years
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I like what i did with the lightings
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wine-porn · 3 years
Tin Soldiers
Quick notes of a few of these since people have asked… Tyler chard and Bourgeois Les Baronnes open on arrival as samples… both clean and nice: the former a tightly-wound COMPLETELY un-slutty version and the latter an equally un-(insert typical SB descriptor which I refuse to stoop to) version, all clean with slight grass and alpine acidity. 17 Ancient Oaks RRV was full and beautiful, but kinda…
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bemorekleinman · 3 years
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#there’s a difference between ‘i am not responsible for your triggers’ and ‘i’ll do my best to help you but there are steps you can take too’
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I love alex brightman (source: x)
491 notes • Posted 2021-08-07 23:56:14 GMT
I hope mike faist knows how much power he has over the internet like he showed up for about 10 seconds in the west side story trailer and every person on the internet (including Very Important People such as alex boniello, tommy bracco, gerard canonico, etc.) are hyping him up like crazy
598 notes • Posted 2021-04-26 03:19:03 GMT
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you can tell when everyone’s gonna start dancing bc all the leads in the show will mysteriously disappear 5 seconds before
665 notes • Posted 2021-04-29 16:42:31 GMT
concept: a newsies revival where nothing is changed except somewhere, the phrase “whoever threw that pape, your mom’s a hoe” is added into the script
667 notes • Posted 2021-02-16 21:05:39 GMT
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See the full post
829 notes • Posted 2021-03-20 23:13:01 GMT
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turangalila · 6 years
Giuliano d'Angiolini (1960)
Notturno in progressione (2004) pour quatuor à cordes
live recording. Quatuor Parisii
Sans doute par la ritournelle chacun marque son territoire. Mais nous ne pouvons rien dire de précis sur ce qui se passera à tel instant, où, comment; et cette indétermination est un autre aspect de la nature. Ce quatuor est un hommage à John Cage auquel il emprunte la technique des “time brackets”. Il est dédié à Gerard Pape et au Quatuor Parisii.
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brookside-birch · 3 years
À l’Hôpital régional d’Edmundston, le 13 mai 2020, est décédé Mgr Gérard Dionne à l’âge de 100 ans et 11 mois, domicilié au Pavillon Le Royer de Saint-Basile.
Né le 19 juin 1919 à Saint-Basile, Mgr Gérard Dionne était le dernier fils d’une famille de dix enfants d’Aurèle Dionne et d’Octavie Pelletier. Il fut précédé dans la tombe par ses frères et sœurs : Alexandre (Germaine Ouellet), Camille (Pearl Picard), Eugénie (Joseph Arsenault), Zoël (Germaine Maurice), Père Basile, Benoit (Jeanne Cyr en premières noces et Yvonne Gagnon-Landry en secondes noces), Elzéar (Alphonsine Bélanger), Rose-Aimée (Adalbert Ouellet), Luce (Wallen-Henry Albert). Il laisse dans le deuil plusieurs neveux et nièces.
Il fit ses études primaires et secondaires à l’Académie Conway d’Edmundston. En 1939, à l’âge de 17 ans, il entreprit ses études classiques au Séminaire de Saint-Victor de Beauce et en 1944, ses études théologiques au Séminaire Saint-Cœur-de-Marie de Halifax. Il fut ordonné prêtre le 1er mai 1948 en l’église Notre-Dame-des-Sept-Douleurs par Mgr Marie-Antoine Roy, o.f.m., premier évêque d’Edmundston.
Fonctions : Vicaire à la paroisse Notre-Dame-des-Sept-Douleurs (1948-1956). Aumônier des Sœurs Maristes du Mont Sainte-Marie et des Sœurs Servantes du Très-Saint-Sacrement à Edmundston (1956-1960). Après trois années d’études à Rome, où il obtint un doctorat en Droit canonique, il fut aumônier des Hospitalières de Saint-Joseph à Saint-Basile (1963-1967). Directeur de l’Office pour l’Amérique Latine de la Conférence catholique canadienne à Ottawa (1967-1971). Curé de la paroisse Notre-Dame-des-Sept Douleurs à Edmundston (1971-1975). Le 23 janvier 1975, Sa Sainteté le pape Paul VI le nommait évêque titulaire de Garba et évêque auxiliaire de Sault-Sainte-Marie (1975-1984). Il fut consacré évêque le 8 avril 1975 en l’église de Notre-Dame-des-Sept-Douleurs par Mgr Alexander Carter, évêque de Sault-Sainte-Marie. Le 23 novembre 1983, Sa Sainteté le pape Jean-Paul II le nommait évêque titulaire d’Edmundston. Son installation canonique eut lieu le 23 janvier 1984 en présence de Mgr Angelo Palmas, pro-nonce apostolique, en la Cathédrale Immaculée-Conception d’Edmundston. Le 23 janvier 1984, il succède à Mgr Fernand Lacroix, c.j.m., en prenant comme devise ‘’ Je suis votre frère’’.
En 1985, il fonde l’école de la Foi, s’occupa vivement de la relève sacerdotale et il tient de 1987 à 1990 un Synode diocésain. En octobre 1993, après dix années de ministère épiscopal comme quatrième évêque d’Edmundston, Mgr Dionne prend sa retraite, pour lui, prendre une retraite signifie ‘’poursuivre le ministère confié’’. Domicilié à l’Hôtel-Dieu Saint-Joseph de Saint-Basile, il continu de servir Dieu et son peuple, selon ses disponibilités. Il agit à titre de vicaire judiciaire adjoint et juge au Tribunal matrimonial, il prêche des retraites, des neuvaines et des triduums, préside des funérailles, mariages, baptêmes et confirmations, devient administrateur de paroisses et aumônier auprès de plusieurs communautés.
Lettres pastorales : Lettre pastorales sur les vocations (6 mai 1990)
Lettre pastorale- Année mariale (1987 à 1988)
Lettre pastorale- Un Synode diocésain (19 mars 1987)
Lettre pastorale sur les vocations (25 novembre 1984)
Publications :
Petite histoire (1995)
Je suis votre frère (2004)
En toute fraternité (2013)
Mère, dis-moi comment tout a commencé (2017)
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chilllikeice · 6 years
Payments juggernaut Afterpay is clamping down on fraudulent payments
THE country's greatest purchase now, pay later juggernaut is pondering deceitful exchanges and attempting to close provisos permitting desperate Australians to purchase products.
Afterpay — which turns over $2.4 billion in deals every year — is blasting and now has in excess of 14,000 retailers on its stage and in excess of 1.8 million clients.
Funds: One of every three Australians are doing combating money related hardships
In any case, the organization has been in harm control after a progression of open shames including a current situation where a youngster became lost despite a general sense of vigilance and could effectively arrange champagne utilizing Afterpay.
In spite of this the organization rejects around 50 for every penny of every single new candidate who attempt and join to the administration.
Customers are joining to purchase now, pay later plans so they can pay off products after some time. check the website for bbq afterpay
Customers are joining to purchase now, pay later plans so they can pay off products over time.Source:Getty Images
Afterpay's gathering head David Hancock said paying little mind to the organization not doing any formal credit keeps an eye on clients they were striving to set up more stringent procedures to stamp out this sort of conduct.
"Obviously there are a few things that we are endeavoring to enhance and we have methodicallly rolling that out and this ought to be finished before monetary year's over,'' he said. https://www.hr-sports.com.au/home-garden/bbq/
"We have taken care of various different things, once misrepresentation was found it was a decent chance to perceive what we can do."
SPENDING: Are you tossing cash down the deplete and don't understand?
Be that as it may, buyer amass Choice's representative Tom Godfrey cautioned these plans can rapidly get clients into heated water.
Decision representative Tom Godfrey said purchase now, pay later plans are another route for customers to keep running into monetary inconvenience. 
Decision representative Tom Godfrey said purchase now, pay later plans are another path for buyers to keep running into monetary trouble.Source:Supplied
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"It's essentially simply one more credit extension that over charge card obligations, a home loan and everyday costs can push as of now destitute individuals over the edge,'' he said.
The budgetary controller, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, has shone the light on these purchase now, pay later plans and will set up an answer to be discharged not long from now.
Of those utilizing Afterpay — an intrigue free approach to pay for products — around 22 for every penny of clients get stung with late expenses.
Clients are purchasing products web based utilizing purchase now, pay later plans.
Clients are purchasing merchandise web based utilizing purchase now, pay later schemes.Source:istock
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Late expenses begin at a $10 expense and an extra $7 is charged if the reimbursement stays unpaid seven days after the due date.
Zippay is additionally another mainstream purchase now, pay later plan which includes clients applying for a credit extension — to do this intensive credit checks are finished.
However, Consumer Action Law Center's CEO Gerard Brody said the enormous issue with Afterpay is that it's not required to keep capable loaning commitments — they drop out of this proviso.
Purchaser Action Law Center's CEO Gerard Brody said late charges on purchase now, pay later plans can rapidly include.
Buyer Action Law Center's CEO Gerard Brody said late charges on purchase now, pay later plans can rapidly include up.Source:News Corp Australia
"They are not required to ensure it's moderate and appropriate for the shopper,'' he said.
"The late expenses are likewise an issue, it's 20 for each penny of their income."
Shoeless Investor Scott Pape said his worries stay around these plans being centered around Millennials.
"What we've seen is organizations like Nimble and Afterpay putting a sparkling 2.0 tech vibe on it when extremely this is attempting to control youthful buyers."
Mr Hancock said more than 85 for each penny of every one of Afterpay's exchanges are connected to charge cards, not Mastercards.
— No credit checks.
— No intrigue charges.
— $10 for fizzled installments.
— 78 for every penny of clients have never paid a late charge.
— A lion's share connect check cards not charge cards to the administration.
— Credit checks.
— No charge if adjust is ponied up all required funds.
— Minimum $40 every month reimbursement.
— $6 level charge if adjust is as yet owing at the month's end.
Initially distributed as Afterpay customers cautioned of fraudsters
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tamenome · 3 years
Gerard Pape: Musical Eco-Systems and the danger of mass musical extinction
Gerard Pape: Musical Eco-Systems and the danger of mass musical extinction
“Save the Musical Eco-Systems!” In these hours the alarm raised by the great composer Gerard Pape and signed by Louis Siciliano, the founder of the MAGIC&UNIQUE GROUP, a sort of last stronghold that brings together all the “Rebel Musicians” around the globe is shaking the world of the musical mainstream. If we consider all musics in the world from the most ancient to the most modern, from…
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librairie-berthuy · 4 years
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Malko Productions 2001
Bon état
EAN : 9782842671389
Présentation de l'éditeur : 
Malko balaya le bar du regard sans rien apercevoir de suspect. Jusqu'à ce qu'il baisse les yeux, découvrant quelque chose sous la banquette, là où il était assis : une valise métallique. En une fraction de secondes, il comprit. Il se leva d'un bond, si brutalement qu'il renversa le guéridon et sa vodka. Tout en se ruant vers le hall, il lança à la serveuse éberluée : "Bistro ! Davai !" Stupéfaite, elle ne bougea pas. Malko jaillit du bar, le pouls à 150, sachant qu'il avait la mort aux trousses.
Prix : 1,35 €
via Tous nos livres
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Pape François : sept ans de pontificat, d’un bout à l’autre
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L’Élection du pape François
de Gerard O’Connell Traduit de l’italien par François Rosso
Artège, 588 p., 24 €
La Solitude de François
de Marco Politi Traduit de l’italien par Samuel Sfez
Philippe Rey, 288 p., 19,50 €
Cela fera tout juste sept ans vendredi : le 13 mars 2013, le pape François apparaissait, par surprise, sur le balcon de la basilique Saint-Pierre. Comment cette élection s’est-elle faite, un mois après la renonciation inattendue de Benoît XVI ? C’est ce à quoi s’est attaché Gerard O’Connell, correspondant à Rome de la revue jésuite américaine America, dans L’Élection de François. Ce vaticaniste a repris toutes ses notes prises au jour le jour le jour entre le 11 février et le 19 mars 2013, les croisant avec tout ce qui a été publié depuis et les enrichissant de nombreuses rencontres avec les acteurs même du conclave. Le résultat en est une chronique extraordinairement documentée sur l’élection du pape argentin. Sortant d’une vision trop italienne, voire curiale, on y découvre ainsi comment les plans établis dès la renonciation de Benoît XVI pour faire élire le Brésilien Odilo Scherer, archevêque de São Paulo, ou l’Italien Angelo Scola, archevêque de Milan, se sont rapidement effondrés.
→ PODCAST. Les 7 travaux du pape François
Comment, aussi, le nom du cardinal Bergoglio – un ami de la famille de l’auteur chez qui l’archevêque de Buenos Aires venait régulièrement dîner quand il venait à Rome – ne s’est imposé que tardivement aux cardinaux. Il faudra son intervention de haute volée, le samedi 9 mars, pour enlever l’opinion de bien des électeurs, mais aussi le discret travail de plusieurs cardinaux.
→ CRITIQUE. L’évangélisation selon François : les extraits du nouveau livre du pape
À l’insu du futur pape qui n’apprendra ainsi que bien plus tard que, le dernier soir avant le conclave, alors qu’il dînait seul à la maison Paul-VI, son séjour romain, une quinzaine d’électeurs dînaient au Vatican chez leur collègue Attilio Nicora, se révélant les uns aux autres leur décision de soutenir l’archevêque de Buenos Aires dès le premier tour. Avec ceux dont « ils pensaient qu’ils avaient fait le même choix », l’un d’eux fait les comptes : 25 voix au minimum. Le cardinal Bergoglio en recueillera 26 le lendemain au premier tour.
Une Église dont Marco Politi raconte les réactions face à ce pape qui « déstabilise » et « désoriente »
« Quand on écrira l’histoire de ce conclave, confiait avant sa mort le Britannique Cormac Murphy-O’Connor à l’auteur, il apparaîtra qu’au cours de la semaine de congrégations générales, une petite minorité a progressivement fait comprendre aux cardinaux électeurs que les grands favoris, Scola, Scherer et Ouellet, n’étaient pas les hommes qu’il fallait pour prendre la tête de l’Église, pas les hommes qu’il fallait pour la guider à ce moment de son histoire, et que le seul candidat qui le pouvait était Jorge Mario Bergoglio. »
Une Église dont, dans La Solitude de François, Marco Politi, autre vaticaniste chevronné, raconte les réactions face à ce pape qui « déstabilise » et « désoriente », non seulement à la Curie mais à travers toute l’Église. Il décrit la « fracture » d’une Église marquée par « la coagulation d’un front conservateur dur, doté d’une importante force organisationnelle et médiatique, qui développe une opposition croissante, mois après mois, année après année ».
Face à cette pression, François, qui « va de l’avant » sans abdiquer sa volonté de réforme, se retrouve « seul », comme lâché par « le marais des dirigeants habitués à la routine et rétifs à se frotter aux nouveautés de l’histoire ». Ce pape « anxiogène pour le clergé comme pour les évêques » mais qui « a compris que l’Église doit s’insérer dans les points de contradiction de la société » ne recevrait en effet qu’« une faible mobilisation » de la part d’évêques et cardinaux qui « s’exposent peu » pour le défendre ou soutenir ses objectifs de changement.
→ À LIRE. « Le pape François », un film sur Jorge Bergoglio
Ce sont ces évêques « peu réactifs, peu courageux, qui ne se mobilisent même pas quand le pape les exhorte à agir » qu’interpelle Marco Politi qui, depuis l’Italie, ne semble toutefois regarder que les réactions d’un Occident vieilli et craintif qui s’enferre dans un populisme identitaire dont François est devenu la cible. Mais, au-delà, cette réaction est-elle partagée par ceux qui, dans le monde entier, ont fait l’élection de François ou applaudi à sa radicale nouveauté ?
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2XtFltI via IFTTT
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itunesbooks · 5 years
Primacy and Its Discontents - Michael E. Brown
Primacy and Its Discontents American Power and International Stability Michael E. Brown Genre: Political Science Price: $27.99 Publish Date: January 30, 2009 Publisher: The MIT Press Seller: The MIT Press Experts consider whether American primacy will endure or if the future holds a multipolar world of several great powers. The unprecedented military, economic, and political power of the United States has led some observers to declare that we live in a unipolar world in which America enjoys primacy or even hegemony. At the same time public opinion polls abroad reveal high levels of anti-Americanism, and many foreign governments criticize U.S. policies. Primacy and Its Discontents explores the sources of American primacy, including the uses of U.S. military power, and the likely duration of unipolarity. It offers theoretical arguments for why the rest of the world will—or will not—align against the United States. Several chapters argue that the United States is not immune to the long-standing tendency of states to balance against power, while others contend that wise U.S. policies, the growing role of international institutions, and the spread of liberal democracy can limit anti-American balancing. The final chapters debate whether countries are already engaging in "soft balancing" against the United States. The contributors offer alternative prescriptions for U.S. foreign policy, ranging from vigorous efforts to maintain American primacy to acceptance of a multipolar world of several great powers. Contributors Gerard Alexander, Stephen Brooks, John G. Ikenberry, Christopher Layne, Keir Lieber, John Owen IV, Robert Pape, T. V. Paul, Barry Posen, Kenneth Waltz, William Wohlforth http://dlvr.it/R4tZ77
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sonicsolipsism-blog · 6 years
Friend & cooperator of Xenakis for 15 years!
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the-football-daily · 4 years
Pape Cheikh Diop joins Dijon on loan from Lyon
The Spanish-Senegalese midfielder will spend time at the Stade Gaston Gerard for the upcoming campaign from Football News, Live Scores, Results & Transfers | Goal.com https://ift.tt/31y6z2r via IFTTT
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