#gerudo twilight au
wr1t3-my-wr0ngs · 10 months
So I've lost the tag list for people who wanted updates of this story. It's been a crazy time for me, and I'm happy to once again get to share a new chapter with yall. As always, this is crosspoted on Ao3, so go and check it out!
He hates the desert. Even with his heat reducing gear on, the air is suffocating. His layers cling to him with sweat and sand, and every move he makes rubs his old battle scars the wrong way. The burn left by Volga throbs the worst, not as bad as it did the day he got it, but more than enough to make itself known.
He had tried to rest after being escorted to the tents, really he did. But between the weight of Times lingering glare, the betrayal rolling through his stomach, and the ever so subtle shakes that the long trek through the desert and subsiquent introduction to an entire village of Gerudo did not make better, rest would not come. Outside the tent, Warriors can make out the sound of Times voice pitched low as he speaks to someone. A fresh spike of betrayal lances through his heart.
He knows why Time is just outside, it's for the same reason his one time little brother had placed himself between Warriors and Twilight on the trek through the sands. Time doesn't trust him, and the lack of trust stings almost as much as the memory of the one eyed man turning sword against the Captain in favor of protecting that liar.
Even thinking about the rancher, if he can be called that, sends emotions and panic rising through Warriors in an unstoppable wave. All this time...all this time and Ganondorfs heir was right there. Sleeping next to them, laughing with them, getting them to trust him...
The tent walls seem to close in, and the phantom sound of a war long over rings in his mind. Its accompanied by the smell of blood, of faces he had trusted turning sword against him, fighting for his life through a battle field of a time and place he was never meant to be. Killing people he was responsible for all because of him.
The snarling Gerudo of his memory towers over him, the historic enemy of Hyrule bigger than life and oh so much worse than any text could convey.
The tent grows smaller and taller at the same time, perception distorting as the panic attack grips the Captain. He can't stay here, but leaving through the front of the tent isn't an option and with such a blatant guard, he's far too noticable in his current state. Piece by piece he strips himself of his outer gear; first the scarf, then the green tunic, then the chainmail till he's left in the soft cream shirt. Divested of the most noticable parts of his attire, he crawls over the numerous carpets to the back of the tent and inelegantly begins pulling up a stake from the sand. It's longer than expected by a factor of at least a foot, but it pulls up with little resistance and allows just enough slack in the back tent wall to slip out.
He makes for the first free tent he sees that doesn't have people milling about it. it wouldn't be his first choice of hiding spot, but now that he's out of his makeshift prison, he feels exposed without his armor. The tent flap allows him easy entry, and he takes a moment to breathe and get his heart rate back under control.
He doesn't expect to see the prone figure of Four, propped up on soft pillows, and the sight of the familiar face trips something in his mind. Quietly, Warriors creeps towards the Smith. A tight bandage has been wound across Fours face, the smell of foreign medical herbs and potions strong enough to be overwhelming. The young man's colorful tunic has been removed and carefully folded beside them, and the tell tail padding of further bandages and poultices can be made out under the shift Four wears.
They look...small. Smaller than normal, and the Captain's guilt mixes with the hurt and fear that still thrum through him.
"I'm sorry," he whispers, resting a hand on Fours brow and pushing wayward strands of hair away from the foul smelling bandage over their eyes. "I should have done something. Anything. But I let you get hurt, by him no less and-"
From out of nowhere, a sharp slap fires across the back of his head, hard enough to hurt but nothing more.
"Do not lie,"
Looking over, Warriors finds himself suddenly face to face with one of the Gerudo. Deep lines and dark skin make up a face that seems as old as the desert around them, and fabric in clashing shades of blue, puce green, and muddy orange wrap around a body that is easily twice the Captain's own height from head to toe. How he missed her, he doesn't know, as even sitting down he can tell that she is easily among one of the tallest people he has met.
"You come to my tent, you will refrain from lying." She says, expression hard and unreadable. Her voice is heavily accsented with the same foreign curl that Warriors can hear floating around outside the tent, but hers is thicker. It clings to her voice from some point deeper than just her lips, native sounds repurposed in non native ways to service communication without any drive for mastery of the second language. It reminds him of the older Sheikah who sometimes visit the castle, the ones Impa bows to with difference, and whoes accents tell of a time before the Hylian language was common to the tribe and who learned it out of necessity. That resemblance alone is what keeps him from doing something rash.
Instead, Warriors rubs the back of his head, the sting still sharp from the hit, and glowers at the woman who has not moved from her corner where she sits calmly drinking tea.
"I wasn't lying-"
This time he sees the incoming blow and ducks the slap to the head, but he is entirely unprepared for the other hand that flicks him in the forehead with needle like precision.
"Another lie!" She chastises, clicking her tongue disappointedly and setting her cup aside with reverence. "You learn fast but do not *think* about what you say. You may not think them a lie, but that only makes them worse. You lie to yourself and believe it. What could you have done, eh?"
Her golden eyes drill into him, and Warriors swallows.
"Your friend has told me how the battle went. Do not take the fault for things that are not your fault."
Warriors opens his mouth to retort, but a fresh surge of pain from his aggravated scar makes him gasp instead. The adrenaline of his nerves had dulled the sensation, but moving around has been bad for it, and as the adrenaline leaves his system Volga's burn flares once more.
The old woman frowns.
"What is wrong?"
"Nothing," he grits out. "An old scar."
"Those are not nothing." She responds mater of factly, "I will examine it."
New fear shoots through him. It's bad enough he has to be in this tent village of Gerudo with an old war wound that won't stay calm, but the idea of any of them touching him-
Before he can begin to voice a complaint, his shirt has been removed without disturbing a hair on his head. Warriors blinks, fear and panic freezing in place within him, though he is of no mind to notice how comically fast it happened.
"Practice, now quiet."
Though her tone is brusque and her words cutting, the hands that begin examining the old burn scar across his side are gentle. He can't help flinching from her touch, the voice in the back of his head that kept him alive for so long screaming warning of an attack at being touched so suddenly.
The woman's hands pull back.
"You do not trust Sumati? That is fine. But you are in pain, so I will fix you."
"I don't-" Warriors tries, attempting to scootch away, but an iron grip prevents any escape.
"I say quiet, unless you wish to speak about trying to kill Meti'vi."
The old woman, Sumati, looks up briefly before continuing with their work. 
"Meti'vi, our Little Wolf."
Her fingers find the knot of inflamed tissue that throbs in the ambient heat, the remnant of magic fire that refuses to stop burning. Understanding flashes through the Captain's mind and he tries to pull away, but the press of a cool something - herbal and sticky- to the painful scar instantly soothes and stills him in place with sheer relief.
"None of your people have said anything, but it is not hard to know. I recognize your kind, Soldier. I remember the battles of my youth. You are a Hylian Soldier. The Gerudo have not been friends with Hyrule for many many lives. I am not surprise that you made attempt. When he first came to be with us, there are many even of eh Gerudo that would have tried also were it not for Anish."
She sighs, almost imperceptible.
"There are fewer now who know not to try again,"
Warrior starts, turning to look at the older woman, making Sumati tut when the action takes his wounds out of her reach and the bandage she had begun to apply over the sticky herbs.
"You mean, there are Gerudo who tried to kill him?"
The idea boggles the mind.
"There were," Sumati stresses, once again gripping Warriors by the shoulders and turning him to face the way he had been. "We have not had a king in many centuries. Our last one lead eh Gerudo to ruin. The King of Black Lies was not only enemy to Hyrule,"
She sets the bandage and Warriors swallows.
"You're still helping me,"
"I am a healer, it is what I do."
"...I don't understand."
Sumati sighs, long and deep, and her hands pull back from their careful examination of each old injury and point of pain. Warriors looks around, confused to see the old woman sweep the puce green scarf from her head. Curls that are more gray then red spring back up in a short hair style when freed. The cut is practical, harsh, and meticulously maintained. With her head and shoulders now exposed, she reminds him of the old captain, the one before him who took Warriors under her wing. He's even more confused when, moments later, the fabric is draped over his bare shoulders.
"I spent my youth in wars, some started by us, some not. I know soldiers. And I know war does not end for us when killing stops. I see it in your eyes, the battles you still fight."
She leaves him for a few seconds, turning away to do something and he briefly considers ducking back out the way he came in. But he has begun to feel the exhaustion of the day, the wrung out emotional drain that fighting back the horrors of the war always leaves him with. So, when Sumati turns around and reverently sets a small wooden cup filled with steaming tea down, Warriors is still there.
She waits for him to take a sip before nodding, adjusting the scarf over his shoulders so that it covers him more fully, then retrieving her cup and taking a slow thoughtful sip.
"I know why eh Gerudo tried to kill Meti'vi. I know why Hylians have tried to kill him also. But I do not know why *you* tried, Warrior."
Rather than answer, Warriors looks down at the cup and takes one last sip of warm liquid.
Sumati sighs and takes the empty cup from his hands, tucking them into a fold of her skirts.
"You do not have to talk to me, but know that my tent is safe to you. I will not tell any where you are."
This time when Sumati reaches out to him, Warriors does not flinch, and even though his mind protests being manhandled into laying down, as soon as his head touches the ground his eyes begin to droop shut.
"What was in that tea?" he slurs out, fighting off sleep as a light cloth is lain over him
"Only tea, you bring your own exhaustion."
Without his permission, he falls asleep.
Sumati sighs, eyebrows pinched in thought as she considers her new patient. It had been odd watching the sand covered voe crawl into her tent from the back door like a man being set on fire. The fear in his eyes had given her pause. T'i knew fear, after more then sixty winters of life, much of it spent tending to wounds on bloody sands while those still able to fight climb over the bodies of those beyond help. Fear, anger, grief— these Sumati knows as well as joy or triumph.
But this fear had not been of a man in battle, or one haunted. This was the fear of the hunted and the lost, and it was relieving to see how the blonde relaxed when he had caught sight of his injured friend.
Then he had opened his mouth and started talking, and Sumati's relief morphed into resignation as the guilt and the weight of burdens unshared crushed the soldier before her eyes.
Treating this soldier will be a challenge.
A slight dampness soaking through t'i's skirts reminds Sumati of the cups that need cleaning, and with a groan, she crawls out of the tent and into the still too warm air.
Outside the tent is chaotic, but this is not unusual. Getting to set up at Kara Kara is a treat, a novelty that before the ban was lifted could not have happened. Having access to the oasis is strange and a blessed relief all at the same time. Water in a desert is a precious resource, and in all t'i's life t'i had never seen so much in one place. Still, something about it's depths keeps the old woman wary, and she keeps t'i's distance.
It is chaotic, but it is good, so Sumati doesn't pay it any attention until the frantic voices starts.
"Did anyone see him?"
A one eyed man, another from Meti'vi's group stands before a tent, gripping one of the long stakes in a hand.
"He's missing?" Another man asks, this one shorter and more square across the shoulders and wearing more layers then Sumati would have thought a Hylian capable of wearing in the heat.
The one eyed man runs a hand through his har, face twisted with worry.
"I went in to bring him some water, but all I found was this-" he gestures at the stake, "And most of his gear." The man looks grave, "Including his scarf."
A soft gasp of horror from the shorter of the pair is almost enough to make Sumati approach and ask what the problem is, until the next words offer her a final piece of information.
"Warriors left his scarf?"
Shakeily, the one eyed man nods. Meanwhile, Sumati's mind, older than it once was but no less as sharp, has put together the last piece of the mystery.
Warrior..., she thinks, they must mean the Soldier. She turns away from the pair and offers herself a rare smile of amusement. So, their prisoner has escaped? Too bad for them. After seeing the state of agitation the Soldier had come to her tent in, perhaps letting his captors sweat will be good for them.
Food has done wonders for Twilights mood and part of his mind frowns at how much of his depression was probably driven by unrecognized hunger. He is still shaky and uncertain, but the horrid little siren song of a voice in the back of his mind has quieted. That, at least, is progress. He takes his time getting ready to face the world again. Careful sweeps of a small brush over his lips add the bright yellow color of his lip balm to his encemble. Though not the best at applying the make up, there is something reassuring about the simple ritual. Once done, Twilight reluctantly leaves the tent.
The air around the oasis is cooler than the rest of the desert, and though his kurta isn't warm, he relishes the opportunity to shed the outer layer and walk around in his sleeveless blue undertunic.
There is something to be said for the power of a familiar place to ease anxieties, and the oasis is as familiar to him as the rest of the desert is by now. Even more familiar is the sprawl of tents around the water. The larger of the tents ring the encampment, offering a wall of sorts against the wind and sand for the smaller personal tents to take shelter in. Normally, a small collection of cooking slates and wide pans over hot fires would sit in the center of the encampment, but with the oasis this set up wasn't possible. Instead, the various cooking stations ringed the pool, each cooking area with a small group gathered around it.
Striding up to a near by palm tree, Twilight leans against the trunk and surveyed the area. 
"No crown?"
"Absolutely not." Is the instantaneous response the rancher gives Legend.
"Funny, I thought kings had crowns."
Twilight sighs.
"Not me. It's not something I've ever been interested in. Besides, the money is better spent on them." He nods at the tents around him, indicating the Gerudo as a group.
Afraid of what he might see but starting to be resigned to the worst case event, Twilight looks over at Legend. For his part the red clad hero looks very relaxed among the hustle and bustle of the village.
"What do you want, Legend? An apology?"
Legend snorts.
"Oh hell no. Believe me, I get it. Heavy is the head and all that noise."
"You aren't mad?"
"Eh, I'm always a little ticked off with something. But not at you. Not anymore. Like I said, I get why you didn't say anything. Gotta admit I didn't see this twist coming, and yeah, I'm hurt you didn't say anything. But I've cooled off...metaphorically."
It's Twilights turn to laugh.
"You're gonna want to take mid day rest pretty soon. Trust me, heat resistant clothes are not enough."
"Yeah, I'll do that in a bit." Is the flippant response. "One of the women here was kind enough to offer us tents. Nali I think her name is."
"I know her. She's good at the hospitality game."
Legend nods, turns and then pauses.
"Sorry I snapped at you when we all found out. You don't deserve that."
Twilight doesn't get a chance to respond before Legend walks off towards a set of smaller tents.
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pinksaphira11 · 11 months
Why I Love Gerudo King Twilight
Regardless of if Gerudo King Twilight looks like a Gerudo or not (aka whether it’s because he’s related to Time, and him being an honorary Gerudo, or because he’s descended from Malon and she has Gerudo blood that came out in him) I love the idea. And while reading a fic just now I realized why. (I always have these kind of deeper thoughts late at night man XD)
After Link’s adventure, what does he do? We know from the end credits that he leaves Ordon on Epona (yes it’s him leaving; if you compare the area in the game to that credits shot you can see it’s him going away from the village, not towards it) so we know that, at least at that point in time, he doesn’t stay around.
I love how Twilight Princess starts, because despite it being slow and me getting lost in what to do several times, as I was going around and exploring and talking to people I felt like I was really getting to know the place and how Link’s life was, why he loved it there. It really made me connect with them and him and so despite it being a slower, more boring start, it did it’s job well and made the rest of the game hit so much harder. And at first I liked stopping by often and seeing how they were doing, their reactions to new events, etc. But as time went on I did that less and less, not just because they didn’t have much new to say, but because Ordon doesn’t quite feel like home anymore and that’s even more pronounced by the end of the game.
You love the village and the people, but you’ve seen so much of the world that it’s hard to go back to that idyllic life of ignorance. You know there’s so much more out there to do, and particularly because you were the only one that could solve a lot of those problems, you feel obligated to go and try to help fix any problems there might be, to continue to find new lands to explore and help, because that feels like your new job after doing it for so long. So while you (and Link) wish so much that Link could just stay there and live a happy life... it just doesn’t feel right anymore.
I imagine that if none of the events of the game had happened, he would have very happily lived there the rest of his days and have married Ilia. But his adventure changed him, opened his eyes to more and made him get used to a different lifestyle, and his feelings for Ilia (in my opinion; these are the way my feelings were/how they changed as I played the game for the first time) changed from romantic to platonic. This tiny little town was his whole world and he was so content. But now he feels like a different person while they’ve mostly stayed the same. Sure, the kids and Ilia are different, but they’ve held onto those Ordon roots more. He just feels out of place now, like he’s grown too big for this place even though he still loves it to death.
You better believe he’d still visit until the end of his days, but resume the life he had there? He tries at first. And he loves going back to being a simple goatherd. But at the same time, he doesn’t feel right there anymore even though he wants to feel right there, wants things to go back to how they were, but they can’t, and so eventually he decides to leave. Whether that’s to find a way to Midna or to find a new purpose in life is up to interpretation (heck maybe it’s both) but he’s not able to stay any longer no matter how much he wishes to be happy with it again.
He probably explores more of the hidden corners of Hyrule at first. He might try being a soldier for a bit but I don’t think it’d suit him much, he’s too much of a simple cowboy for that so  don’t think he’d last long with it. He’d be good with going around hunting monsters for Zelda. Can’t see him settling in Castle Town, too different for this country boy, but I can see him living in Kakariko. He’d like living with the kind gorons and Renado, helping to rebuild things and welcome people back while defending them. But after a while I could see him getting restless, not liking the same old thing of doing patrols for monsters and being bored that he doesn’t have much to do in Kakariko anymore now that it’s back to normal.
I could see him eventually growing fine with Kakariko and staying there permanently, it’s a nice place that kinda felt like a second home on his adventure (at least to me; I went back there. all. the. time.) but I feel like he’d feel kinda guilty, like he’s choosing Kakariko over Ordon and like that’s not fair to them, so I think that factor would tip him over into deciding he needs to be on the move again. He needs to explore again, find new things, and maybe even find his way back to the Twilight Realm. He’d enjoy going and helping the other races too, staying there for a bit, but yeah, the road just seems most like home to him now. He got too used to traveling on his adventure.
But then he comes across the desert and it’s so vast that he figures he might find something there. So he wanders for a while, trying to find anything, until he runs into the gerudo. And they need him. They need him to be their king. Knee jerk reaction is to say heck no! He doesn’t want to be a king! But when he sees they need help, sees what being their king would mean; a new future, a new chance for them, a link (no pun intended XD) to Hyrule that could help them negotiate for a better life. And the more he thinks about it, the more he figures why not? They’re people that need his help and he had no idea what he was doing with his life anyway, besides wandering practically aimlessly. Maybe this is his next big adventure. Maybe he even figures he could turn over leadership once he’s done helping and wander again. But he says yes and they’re so excited.
They gain a king and he does so much for them. Gives them a home again. Makes them a people again, another ally of Hyrule, And there’s so much to do and it just all feels so GRAND again, like another big adventure it’s just that this time he’s rebuilding a whole people. And he commits and gets to know the people and by the end of it, when they’re finally going strong again and he could leave... he’s been there so long and fallen in love with the people so much that he doesn’t want to go. He found a new place to belong, one that is so far away from what he knew before that it (mostly) doesn’t make his heart ache for what once was, one that has so many people he cares for and has a new big purpose for him, one that, if he continued to be king, would keep going on without end, even if the work would be less now that he’d established them again. there is always most work for a king and he’s made a place for himself there. and so he stays and loves his new life and life is good. (although certainly busy, but he kinda likes it that way; he’s always taking care of someone, helping someone, and I don’t think he’d have it any other way, even if he wishes they didn’t need help. at least he was there when they did.)
For those MidLink shippers like me out there; maybe he even found a way to get back to her. either brought her to him or left them with their new life and went to start his with Midna. but in the gerudo king Twi au, I actually have something else I prefer; him getting over her and finding someone new. falling for one of the gerudo (all the wonderful daughters he’d have! he’d be such a good dad) and actually letting Midna go. most of the time I don’t like the idea of him not one day finding her but this one... it’s the only one I’m okay with it with. he heals his heart and moves on and he makes a GOOD place for himself.
This kinda started turning into me kinda writing a fanfic a bit, whoops, was just formulating my thoughts, did not intend that. XD I can still see Link eventually making a home in Hyrule, no matter which town it’s in, so long as he decided to stick with it long enough it felt like home instead of the road. But at the same time I feel like he’s so lost at the end of his adventure, like, what now? There was some grand goal to obtain, it was hard and was a long journey that seemed like we’d never reached the end but we got there, we did it, so... now what? Everything else just feels so small in comparison to a world ending problem and so either you take the time to get used to small things again and force yourself back into that mold or you go and find other big things to do that feel like that adventure again. And while he could do either I feel like it’s the latter one that this Link would do, particularly based off the end credits of the game, despite him wanting the former, because he just can’t accept that anymore.
It starts off sad, but it ends with a very good place for Link and the gerudo, so I just, idk, it just hits all the right places for me and tbh I love thinking of this as canon. It just works for him so well. Love this au I thank @thesacredtwink for coming up with this from just a simple edit someone did. (sorry for the notif I don’t wanna bother you but I do want other people to be able to find you and your wonderful work. [although like no one follows me so this probably won’t reach hardly any people XD] also, I don’t remember who it was that did the edit sorry.)
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thesacredtwink · 1 year
Sudden question came to mind for the gerudo Twi AU; do they have an actual name for the goddess of sands or was that lost to them? (If they even had one for her to begin with) and do they have other deities or only the one that they worship?
The Gerudo do have names for various gods and goddesses, including Cyclos and Zephos. For the sands, the name she has at the time Gerudo!Twi's era Lana — no relation to HW Lana. (It used to be Lanayru. Absolutely a wink and a nod to the old desert from Skord).
As for Cylos and Zephos, you spend time out in a desert and you run into wind and cyclones. So they exist as funky frog guys that periodically poke an elder sibling who is in charge of sand storms (aka Lana).
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smilesrobotlover · 9 months
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I hope you guys don’t mind some chaos zelda doodles. Mostly regarding my aus.
Some kotg nonsense, then love at twilight nonsense with a hint of TCOD, a moping Ghirahim with the hand of Farore nonsense along with four swords stuff, and lastly I wanted to sort of redo Linebeck’s design? He keeps giving me a hard time so I wanted to just make him a little more soft and cartoony. He makes me unwell.
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hermitdrabbles56 · 2 years
Long haired Twilight ramble..
He used to have really long hair when he was a kid and he absolutely loved it. But when he got old enough to start helping in the forge and the fields, the adults suggested he start cutting it so it wouldn't be in the way.
He didn't want to, but he felt like he had to and he was the only one with long hair in the village so he eventually agreed even hough it made him sad. And he always hated when it was time to trim it up again until he started getting used to it.
He hadn't noticed it had gotten so long during his journey until people started giving him a hard time about it (I personally blame the knights for the most part) to the point he finally just hacked it off so people would leave him alone.
When it's growing out while traveling with the chain. The first time it's pointed out it's actually a compliment which throws him for an absolute use. I'm betting it's either Wild or Hyrule but who ever it is just spend the night playing with his hair because it's really thick and really soft. So he leaves it for a little bit. But the first time it causes a problem he gets that sinking gut feeling that he should just cut it again and be sure to keep after it.
THANKFULLY someone notices that he doesn't look all to happy when he's getting ready to cut it and stops him. So then anyone who's good with hair just, teaches him how to keep it out of the way. Warriros teaches him how to care for it properly, Wild goes absolutely ham braiding it. Wind shows him how to do different buns to keep it completely out of the way if he needs to. So it all just, quickly becomes part of his routine and before they know it he's got more hair than Wild does.
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papabirdurskeks · 1 year
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
Getting back to answering what is left of these!
But to this question, I have lots of OCs that have gone from Point A to Point B due to lots of reasons! Change in plans for the story or just something about their first draft never clicked well so it had to be redone.
One of these OCs was one of LoZ OCs from an AU I had been working on with my brother. His name is Nashim! c:
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When Nashim first came about, he didn't look like he does now nor represent any of the traits he has now!
When Nashim was first made, he was MUCH younger and more of a love struck teenager looking for adventure (being that I made him when I was still in high school myself, haha). He really was all about being so passionate about finding love, always writing poems and singing songs and the likes.
Not to mention, he is also Gerudo but had no ties to Ganondorf or any of the canon characters (and still doesn't actually). Yet somehow he managed to exist around the same time as these characters. This was before the AU came to mind and after a bit of fumbling around and trying to figure him out more, I decided to scrap this whole idea and just redo him completely from the ground up.
Once this AU came about, Nashim was now aged up to his late 30's and is now the King of the Gerudo in this timeline, leading a resistance group against the Twili Empire that had nearly taken over Hyrule and the lands beyond in a 500 Year War after the events of Twilight Princess.
He's still a super bubbly guy with a heart of gold, welcoming and beloved by his people for his compassion, care, and wisdom; not to mention how far he'll go to fighting for his friends or those in need, no matter how dire the situation can be. He isn't one to think himself above anyone else and loves to know people. Because of this, he is a very important character and leader of the resistance in the story as he helps Aasim (my brother's character) try to confront the Twili Emperor Enasni and bring his empire to an end. He is friends with Aasim and many of the other resistance leaders as well and is well known for optimistic personality that can at times annoy and land him into trouble. But he doesn't care nor does he let negativity bother him.
Nashim, overall, he's one of those guys I'd honestly want to hang out with because of how fun and chill he is to be around compared to the ever gloomy cast of characters about (namely Thorn and Rina haha). Also, I totally see him being voiced by Danny Glover, he is just perfect for this kind of voice cx
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frayedblorbos · 4 months
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Twilight is just too easy to rile up when it comes to Maggie and everyone knows it, and Maggie herself is 100% unafraid of the mother-cucco and will take advantage of him. He’ll believe her big blue eyes any day.
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luna-lovegreat · 1 month
So one thing I like about Time is that he will talk about his life and journeys
He talks about it! He'll tell the boys stories and answer questions. (...when asked)
Obviously he tells his family- Malon knows everything
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But he has also never held back from telling the boys stories or answering questions
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I'm still always cackling over him telling them about gerudo town- he is way too proud to brag about being a mischievous gremlin
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"I proved to be a greater thief than all of ganons tribe"- oh yeah. He's definitely the good influence. (That's sarcasm, Wars is the one good example for the younger ones.)
He just. He looks so smug to tell them about his experiences with the Gerudo- I love how often we see him just talking to them and answering questions about his life.
Even if it's clearly painful memories- he has still always told them
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Obviously Time talks to Twilight the most about stuff- and everyone knows that (to where Sky went to him for questions about Time)
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But the thing that get me the most is Wind.
Wind asked about... everything! Wind asked about his first journey and his life- and Time told him
The sheer transition from
"I was wondering... about your original journey"
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"You told me about your original journey. Everything you said... the sages you described, the old traditions, the old stories- all of it! ...)
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And this literally drives me insane because Time told him- Time told him everything! He told him about the sages, traditions- Time literally openly talked to Wind about his first Journey because he asked.
The Hero of Time's story had always been a tragedy- I mean... yikes. Trauma much? But I think people overlook this part of him- that he's older. All the hurt and scars are still there, but he has learned to talk about it to deal with it. And I think I know why- (Read)
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Malon Malon Malon Malon!!! Jojo showed this set up for their marriage- Time was and is traumatized. But he and Malon worked to talk through things. I mean. Can you imagine keeping secrets from Malon? I don't want to. I feel like she would throw a cow at me. Anyways.
It takes a lot to work through trauma and learn to talk through it. Malon claimed him tho, so I don't think he had a choice. But seriously- she helped him work through things as family. Which led to a successful marriage for both of them, and got Time to where he can talk about these things with the boys :D
Time is a troll, so although he will share his insane life stories.... he will also say he fought the moon with no more context, and tell his wife that they have a descendant but not freaking tell her which one it is.
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He's so insane I love it <3
Just don't forget this part of him... don't forget that rather it's sad or goofy or whatever- he will talk about his life. If someone simply asks
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Art and comic by Jojo @linkeduniverse au! :DDD
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roskii · 1 month
Some people get SO mad about Aus where Ganondorf is a good person are so weird.
Ganondorf suffers racist writing. "The man in the desert" as your main villain is kinda..hmmm..racist! But even in zelda, Nintendo (before botw/totk) gives MANY hints that the royal family is DEEPLY racist that abused and used sheikahs (the the point of near extinction in oot!) and kill gerudoes for shits and giggles. The royal family is a murderous death cult that uses the other races. Gorons were insanely racist because of the royal families' influence. Daurina literally says he hates gerudos. (The chamber of sages was tense when Naboruu entered, I'm sure)
If people want to reclaim Ganondorf to make him a good guy (or hell, keep him evil) they can do that. It really rubs me the wrong way when people get uppity over an Au. "Ganondorf has to be the big evil! He's the worst! He's the BAD GUY" Bro, that's boring! He can't always be the bad guy cause even fans lament they want more of what Wind waker showed. A man apart of an oppressed race who wants to save his people. That was LITERALLY his goal (atleast oot/ww/twilight princess, totk Ganondorf has rather shit writing)
Ganondorf is so much more than a villain, and the royal family should be challenged.
Please just..think.
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lidoshka · 5 months
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mini conference
AU where the chain meet Wild and Twilight, but these two have been on adventures by themselves for years, so they are hesitant to join the other links...
-Link/Wild has already finished their second quest. They never got their arm back.
-Link/Twilight is older too, and he carries a crossbow. in Lieu of the Master Sword, he carries a Sage Sword, which is just as useful when battling darkness.
-Gerudo Twilight? *nods* Gerudo Twilight.
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sapphicseasapphire · 5 months
Hiii, I ADORE your chain as Cryptids AU, all of your art is gorgeous and every character is wonderfully unique, I wanted to ask for a lil more lore if possible? While Four is my favorite character we have not had nearly enough asks for Hyrule! And fairies in general, in your au are they more fae-like with some trickster tendencies or very kind and giving like the Minish? Thoughts on bottles, etc? TYSM!
Oh boy oh boy do I have some Hyrule Thoughts. And some general fairy thoughts as well!
(Under the cut because this is gonna get long)
For this au, I’m thinking of just Zelda fairies. Little glowing balls of light that flutter on fragile wings, iridescent and magical and gentle. Fairies have an affinity for magic: all kinds of magic, though they’re best known for their healing abilities. There isn’t a single archetype of what a fairy’s behavior will be. Some can be tricksters, some can be kind, some can be shy, some can have the most ill of intentions. Fairies are like people, really, in that they’re not just all one thing. (This is what separates them from spirits, really. They’re just on the cusp of ascension, but unlike Koroks or Blupees or Dragons or anything like that, they cling to their mortality and allow themselves to grow and evolve. Because of this, Hyrule is not a part of the telepathy circle).
There are many communities of Fairies, and they tend to group up around a Great Fairy as their leader. There are some colonies that are independent of Great Fairies, though, but they are rare to find, as they are at a much higher risk.
You see, while Fairies are magical, they’re very fragile. Usually, a typical Fairy wouldn’t posses enough magic to defend themself against a Hylian captor. Docile and tiny, they’re quite easy to bottle up and carry off, and easily discarded once they’re used. Great Fairies are much more powerful than the average Fairy, and even more powerful than a Hylian, so sticking around them is preferred. They protect the others.
Hyrule is a very unique case. You see, he was born with the Spirit of the Hero. For this au, the Spirit of the Hero acts as an enhancer for any kind of spiritual or magical power a Link already possesses. For example, Twilight is only able to shift because he’s descended from a God and possess the Hero’s Spirit. (Otherwise, one of his parents would have had God Powers TM too, and they probably wouldn’t have died so soon).
In Hyrule’s case, having the Hero’s Spirit grants him much more magic than a typical Fairy- almost as much magic as a Great Fairy herself. All of this power in such a small frame… no one is the wiser. Hyrule has enough magic to properly defend himself (if he had any sort of training… which, as a child, he didn’t) and most importantly, he has enough magic to hold a Hylian disguise for a LONG TIME. His glamour can change the way that he’s perceived but cannot change his actual shape. Others can see and even touch his changed form, but it is not real.
ANYWAY. Yeah. Bottles. Fairies are afraid of them, are afraid of Hylians. And Rito and Gerudo and Gorons and Zora and monsters and literally everything under the sun. When you’re two inches tall, everything is a threat.
Fairies are hunted mercilessly by Hylians, mostly. They’re never killed, not outright, but they’re taken from their colonies and shoved into a tiny bottle, sometimes for weeks and months on end (Fairies don’t starve as quickly as other species would, able to expend magic to keep their little bodies functioning). That being said, they often do not survive captivity. A tiny little bottle, often shoved in a bag and jostled around, no light, no food or water, all alone, just glass on all sides. It’s no place for a Fairy. Even if they do make it out (after expending magic to heal whatever wound they were abducted to treat), they will rarely make it back to their Great Fairy before succumbing to magical exhaustion or being captured again.
On the topic of magical exhaustion: Fairies have a limited amount of magic they can expend before they have to recover. Even one as powerful as Hyrule has their limits. Recovery almost always means rest, and it can mean their body does a forced shut down and simply stops working for days at a time. Often, Fairies are more hungry when they’re recovering, as magic can no longer be used to sustain the body.
Hyrule is less vulnerable to this than other Fairies would be, but when he’s standing next to the Chain? And every single one of them is hurt? After a fight where he’d used his magic to take down dozens of monsters? All while keeping up his glamour? Yeah, he’s gonna be feeling that one.
Telltale signs of magical exhaustion before it gets to the point of actually passing out: Physical exhaustion, drowsiness. Headaches, sudden hunger. Feeling cold. Often, the other heroes might notice Hyrule picking up an extra serving at mealtimes or ask to huddle up with someone at night (oftentimes Sky, as his wings are very warm and he doesn’t bat an eye when asked to cuddle). Hyrule sleeps longer, but never seems to gain any more energy.
Magical exhaustion, if pushed too far, can be fatal.
ANYWAY. When Hyrule first joins the Chain, he forces all of them to free any Fairies they might have. He enforces that rule as others join, and is hesitant to lower his glamour. I’m think that for a long time, they don’t even know he’s a Fairy. He’s terrified that if they find out, they’ll bottle him up and use him for healing and never let him go. For. Long time, he’s terrified of them. Fairy Bottlers surround him. It’s not until he physically cannot keep his “Hylian” form up that the others find out what he is, and he never expected them to be so understanding. So… apologetic. Actually legitimately regretful of their Fairy Bottling pasts.
ONE MORE THING. Four can turn Minish sized. When Hyrule works himself to magical exhaustion and passes out, he goes back to his True Form, the two inch tall lil Fairy. And of course, when that happens, it’s really really difficult for the Chain to move him or help him without accidentally hurting his tiny body. So Four will shrink down and help him to bed, check to make sure that he wasn’t hurt when he fell unconscious, and stay with him at their size so he’s not alone when he wakes.
I have many more thoughts but this is getting actually so long. I apologize!
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the-au-collector · 4 months
Epic: The Musical and Linked Universe
So I’m sure someone else noticed this already but Epic: The Musical gives off Linked Universe vibes. So I’m honor of the Circe Saga releasing next week, I thought I’d put in my 2 cents about what songs I associate with each Link (+some non-canon LU Links). There’s a bit of another LU-Links-reunite AU building up in my head but there’s no real direction yet so have this brain vomit instead:
- The Horse and The Infant - Warriors. So this goes into my headcanon that Warriors is the hero of 10,000 years ago. No I have no foundation for that theory. It just IS. Anyways he’s fighting the Yiga with an army of Gerudo and Hylians. He has to kill the Yiga leader’s son, who’s the new incarnation of Ganondorf. The kid is an infant. I don’t think I need to explain more but yeah.
- Just A Man - Hyrule. This song is the ultimate Hyrule song for me. It explains his character in my Relinked AU too. It’s just… it’s Hyrule’s song. As for the story based off of Epic: The Musical itself, I think he’s running from some sort of war in his Hyrule (either a civil war or a war with Calatia). The details aren’t that clear yet, other than he kills someone and feels bad about it.
- Full Speed Ahead - Wind. Need I say more?
- Warrior of the Mind - our first non-canon Link: First! I Imagine First and Hylia kicking ass together during this song
- Polyphemus - Okay, we’re getting into true AU territory with this one, but this is Twilight’s song. He’s trying to piece together the Mirror of Twilight again and accidentally angers a Hinox or other large monster. With him is Dusk, Rusl (or maybe Colin), and Dusk is stabbed at the end. That’s all I’ve got for this one.
- Survive - Time. And this one has a Story. Ganondorf attacks Time’s castle town with an army of Gerudo and monsters. Time and the Sages fight him off but at the last second he breaks free and slaughters everyone, including Time. However, just as the song ends (the point where Polyphemus falls asleep), Zelda rewinds time and sacrifices herself to seal Ganondorf into the Mirror of Twilight. This is the moment the Downfall Timeline is created too.
- Remember Me - Our second non-canon Link, Shadow! He, Four, Dot, and others are fighting this monster. The Four Sword shatters, Shadow takes charge but in the end wants to do the noble thing. Oh and he gives his name as “Link” and not Shadow (or Shade, as Four’s beginning to call him in my headcanon)
- My Goodbye - Legend and Fable have a falling out. Legend’s sick of feeling used because he’s the hero, so he decides he’s had enough.
- Storm - Our third non-canon Link, Age! Basically a Tears of the Kingdom scenario except Age and his Zelda (Fauna) never went down below the castle. He never loses his arm and Fauna never goes to the past, but they have to evacuate Hyrule to the sky with the help of the Light Dragon who clears the way.
- Luck Runs Out - Sky and Groose. Idk what went down in Sky’s Hyrule but they’re having a disagreement about how Sky’s handling it.
- Keep Your Friends Close - Our last non-canon Link, Spirit! This one also has some story behind it to make the song fit. Idk why, but he and his Zelda (Phantom) have gone to speak to their Wind God, Zephos (the same from Wind Waker) who gives them a challenge. They fail and Spirit gets separated from the group. I imagine it might have something to do with Ganondorf who’s still stuck under the receding Great Sea.
- Ruthlessness - This absolute bop goes to Four. It’s also a follow-up to Remember Me, so that means the monster Shadow refused to kill is Special. Related in some way to Fierce Deity special. So the story here is after the encounter with the monster, Four, Shadow, and others (I’m debating giving Vaati a redemption arc?) decide to try to get help from the god Fierce Deity. Except Deity is pissed because he thinks Four is a weakling when it was actually Shadow who took the blame for what happened to the monster. Fierce slaughters all of Four and Shadow’s men, Four seals himself into the Four Sword to distract/hurt Fierce, and Shadow escapes but feels really guilty.
That’s all I’ve got for now. I’ll add the Circe Saga when it comes out.
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tw1l1te · 2 months
I like your world building in this Au , but are there any Goron, Rito or Zora in The resistance? AND what about The actual sages? I like The concept that The sages met The reader (AKA link), maybe some of them helped Link against Hylia
There are a few Goron/Rito/Zora/Gerudo/Sheikah members of the Resistance. From the characters I've introduced:
Colin-Human (Inspired by Colin from Twilight Princess)
A few characters will be introduced in the next few chapters, one is a Rito and the other is a Goron. There will also be a surprise species soon revealed :>
The sages themselves most likely won't be present in Y/n's era. There's so much already going on and I can't see how it would fit into Y/n's backstory and general storyline. However, they might pop up in other eras!
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thesacredtwink · 1 year
Been having gerudo Twi brain rot again, and I got to thinking, if Twi manages to bring Colin the goat with him, he’d almost assuredly bring Epona with him too, and it made me start wondering; you mentioned cheese from goats earlier and so if they bred Epona to, say, an Arabian horse (or their equivalent) you’d have some good stock (from the KING’S steed) for both selling and herding said goats (since the goats would probably be on the highlands instead) idk, food for thought
Oh absolutely, though they would probably be better off with a sand derived animal for herding like a sand seal or even a fictitious camel. But ohhhh those would be some BEAUTIFUL horses. Would be PERFECT for in the mountains though!
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smilesrobotlover · 8 months
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Heyyyy week three babyyyy!!!
Day 15
Day 16
Day 17
Day 18
Day 19
Day 20
Day 21
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ezlo-x · 1 year
where's my link crossover au where the Links are non-hylian from different universes
yknow a Sheikah Link, Gerudo Link, Goron Link, Zora Link, Rito Link, Minish Link, Korok Link, Bokoblin Link, Twilight Link, Zonai Link
a spiderverse type of situation if u would...
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