#get iyami gunned
tottymatsuno · 2 years
I have no thoughts these days so I'm gonna post what the staff should do to improve the anime:
Osomatsu - give this man a puppy to spoil l want him to insist a toy breed is gonna grow up to be huge. Look at his paws!! His ears!! He's going to be a great guard dog! He's so cute and widdle
Karamatsu - next time they kill him let him come back as a ghost and the episode is from his pov. I want to see him get his revenge.
Choromatsu - give him a gun fr
Ichimatsu - more and less moe! Make him more moe but also grotesque. He should make me wanna fawn and puke I cannot explain more
Jyushimatsu - let him kill for real
Todomatsu - show his cock & balls ty
Totoko - also gets a pet but it's a goldfish and also a little pet shop of horrors parody so she feeds her enemies (Iyami, the brothers and others) to the goldfish. Totonyaa real.
Nyaa - let's her baby do her taxes
Iyami - show his cock & balls but for Telly <3
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malaierba · 9 months
WAIT, I HAVE AN IDEA FOR THE ZOMBIE AU: give everyone in Kara's group guns that are symbolic of their abilities (Nozomi gets a sniper rifle since she can use binoculars to see from far, Sho would probably get double guns or something unpredictable, Haru just gets a pistol 'cause he's baby, Kara gets a gatling, because he's used one before in the anime, and the last guy (already forgot his name smh) would probably get a bazooka or something due to his strength.)
I like the idea of giving them guns that are somewhat symbolic :-)c
(this also got kinda long lol sorry)
The reason why I said that the group managing to find 2 guns on their way to Tokyo was a fantastic stroke of luck, is because Japan has one of the most strict gun control systems among developed nations. As the article explains, it's why Shinzo Abe was shot with a homemade gun.
The way I picture them managing to get their hands on some guns is because one day, Nozomi manages to spot some zombies in the distance who are dressed as policemen, one of the few groups allowed to carry guns. After some discussion, the group decides that confronting them is worth the risk if they were to be carrying guns, which is likely in a zombie apocalypses. So they do and, lo-and-behold, they were right.
So for that scenario to happen, they'd have to steal them from a group of people who's allowed to carry such guns, right? 🤔 I can see them doing it in order to make their way to Osaka a bit easier? After all, the way things are probably going to play out in Tokyo is that:
It's a huge pain in the ass to get in, from a physical POV. Swarmed by zombies, some parts of the city are still flooded, etc.
As I said, Nozomi and Karamatsu become separated from everyone, and depending on the route (I've thought of two), they need proffessional medical attention. So they need to be taken into the refugee camp immediately.
But the leatherheads actually have a choice, since they're not in critical condition. And while Den (the big guy) has an interest in going to Tokyo, Sho (mohawk) and Haru (baby) could skip Tokyo and go straight towards Osaka.
As I mentioned, Haru actually has a Korean nationality. And I was kind of picturing him having trouble getting into Tokyo, like, the authorities being immense asses about letting him in because he has no family registers or anything there. He has SOME in Osaka, but at one point it becomes clear that the officials trying to keep someone that they perceived as less deserving out in order to economise resources.
All of this to explain that there'd be a divide in the group. Sho isn't going to leave Haru alone while he's being kept just outside the refugee camp, Den definitely decides to join them after he's checked on his orphanage siblings.
What I'm thinking is that after Karamatsu and Nozomi wake up in the hospital, Nozomi gets a text from Sho where he explains the situation and asks them if they could get some resources out of the camp, and get them to them, so they may have an easier time making their way to Osaka. No pressure of course but also please reply fast.
The thing is that only Choromatsu and Jyushimatsu OR Ichimatsu and Totty are in Tokyo (haven't decided who) (I kind of want wakaba to get lost since in the mountain trip skit they also didn't know how to read a map haha. Besides they'd be with Iyami and maybe Chibita, who've both lived on the street, so they know a thing or two about survival) (Also, Osomatsu's group is heading towards Osaka because apparently Totoko's brother has a baby, so I was wondering, what if his wife was there with the baby at the time of the breakout? Although the story of Osomatsu's group is a whole mess, it'd have to do a separate post to get into theirs. It's... a lot more tense than Kara's, but everyone grows through it so it's alright)
It'd be a fun continuation to the story because obviously it opens a lot of questions like, will Karamatsu keep his promise to Sho? Not to mention, doesn't he have the responsibility of trying to look for the rest of his siblings? But there's Nozomi too, and even if she's reunited with her sister she doesn't want to leave her alone. And what about the siblings that he's found in Tokyo?
It'd also be fun to see Nozomi and Karamatsu figure out sneaky ways to get the stuff that the leatherheads requested and then getting it to them.
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They'll probably end up relying on Totty and Ichi, who are way sneakier and by then would've figured out a lot of how the system works.
There's also something VERY funny about Karamatsu arriving to any of his siblings rescued, backed up by men in leather jackets, guns abblazing lmfao. Even if realistically they'd only be able to use their firearms sparingly and in extreme situations, since ammunition would be a limited resource for them, and besides loud noises could potentially attract zombies.
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crtter · 2 years
I’ve seen some people here getting insanely up in arms about people tagging their posts as fictional characters and it’s like… that’s literally one of the most harmless things someone can do to your posts. Believe me.
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mismeander · 2 years
for the osomatsu ask game~ 👌🤳🔥🌈💬🤔🌚
👌 What are some matsu duos that you think are underrated?
Big fan of Kinnikumatsu, but otherwise im a fan of a lot of popular ones ;-; Suuji, choukei, Sue, Beni... really there's no bad matsu pairs
🤳 Who is the character you relate to the most?
Probably Karamatsu. He goes thru life, fabulous, feels his feelings, tries to be dramatic to be funny. I feel like I embody a lot of that too.
🔥 What’s an aspect of the show that you think is underrated?
THE MUSSIIICCCC holy shit I've started learning Matsuno Household on piano and it's really fricken hard but SO GOOD!!! The op and ed themes are of course all bangers but the background music in ososan is so special and important
🌈 What’s your favourite skit/episode to rewatch? Hmmmm I don't like to rewatch specific ones, usually I just throw on random episodes. I suppose gun to my head I'd say Iyami Kart
💬 Drop one of your favourite quotes from the show. "Village POTATO" - Karamatsu "Cold, ah, cold!" - Karamatsu basically Kara speaking in English gets me going lmao hes so funny
🤔 What’s a personal interpretation of a character you have that differs from the fandom?
most ppl really like Osomatsu and I mean. I love all the matsus truly and deeply with my heart but I do feel like he's the worst one. He's just rude and immature and pathetic. idk. He has 5 identical brothers its not like hes the most handsome
🌚 What’s something you want to see happen in the show that you’re pretty sure will never happen?
A fourth season HA
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obstinaterixatrix · 3 years
What's osomatsu? I looked it up and found one manga suffixed kun and one san, and also a movie and a series?? I feel like the art is familiar but don't think I've read it... would you rec it? And if so where's a good place to start?
this question is like a loaded gun being pointed right at my face (lol)
so osomatsu-kun is an old gag manga series from like the 60s that got adapted into an anime in the 60s and 80s. it’s about sextuplets getting into shenanigans and several other reoccurring characters like the girl next door, a conman, a scrappy orphan, etc. and since it was pretty old and pretty popular there’s a fair amount of references to it nowadays (e.g. one of susie deltarune’s startled sprites is a reference to iyami’s signature pose). I haven’t read or watched a lot of it but from what I’ve seen it can be charming and goofy. I’m pretty sure someone gets held at knifepoint for some reason.
osomatsu-san is a 2015 gag anime that ages the characters up to early 20s and turns them into useless horny neets. while the original had the brothers as more of a unit, the new anime gave them very distinct personalities. the manga has extra stories based on the anime. it was really, really, REALLY popular like 5 years ago. each episode might have one (or more) of 3 types of skits:
mundane character skits (e.g. karamatsu monologues about everybody’s mahjong strategy! everybody picks out hypothetical pizza orders and relentlessly dunks on each other! osomatsu thinks one of the brothers stole his wallet!) (unironically these are some of my favorite skits)
slightly-to-extremely unhinged character skits (e.g. ichimatsu’s cat can read minds! jyuushimatsu starts thinking about existential stuff which starts breaking down the entire world into its semantic essentials! todomatsu is fired from the show and replaced by an american actor!)
completely unrelated skits that (usually) uses the existing characters as templates with varying degrees of characterization carrying over (e.g. jyuushimatsu is being interviewed by choromatsu for a job! karamatsu (who isn’t karamatsu) and a genderbent todomatsu (who isn’t todomatsu) go to an inn and meet a small girl who’s the guardian spirit of the room, osomatsu (not osomatsu)! an adaptation of a charlie chaplin skit!)
as for whether or not I’d rec it……….. n-no. that doesn’t mean it’s not good at all, or you won’t like it, but 1) I don’t really like rec’ing things with vulgar humor because it’s a huge hit-or-miss range, and 2) since it’s an irreverent gag anime with the premise of Ha Ha Useless Stupid Virgins there can be a bunch of different caveats episode-by-episode. it’s not EVERY skit but stuff like fatphobia or transmisogyny or suicide does come up as a punchline more than once and one of the genderbend designs for jyuushimatsu is supposed to be an extreme gyaru look but it comes across very blackface.
the way osomatsu hooks you in is that, with all the personalities of the brothers, if you’re someone that gets invested in a certain character archetype, or a certain sibling dynamic, there are a lot of very good character skits that show it off. if you look for it, there’s also some surprisingly good character consistency/development across some skits, e.g. during s1 karamatsu is mostly a doormat, during s2 there’s a skit where choromatsu tells him to knock it off and be more honest, during s3 there’s an episode where the brothers are asking what pizza he’d want and he’s like ‘haha! anything you guys choose would be fine by me!’ and when they push him for more he goes ‘fine if you want the truth I think this topic is fucking stupid I just wanted to end the conversation’. like they don’t change enough to disrupt the status quo, but there is attention to detail that shows the writers are genuinely aware of their own characters. I’ve also heard that the writers actually targeted a female demographic, and I can kind of see it in terms of… while it’s a horny gag anime with dudes as the main characters, it’s never felt as Gross To Watch As A Gal as some other stuff. I think it’s because it’s horny but not sexy. nothing about this anime is sexy.
actually hang on I recently sent a post to a friend that describes the vibe of the anime, here’s a reaction to the s1 finale (but I don’t think s2 or s3 ever reaches the level s1 did) (It Was A Lot)
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Oh actually one more fun fact, the first ep of s1 got completely redacted because it had a bunch of spoofs and parodies of stuff and—from what I’ve vaguely heard—some big name studio guy who is a big fan of anpan man got pissed off. You can’t find that episode at all unless you go to illegal anime sites probably (lol).
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sugoi-writes · 6 years
Could your write something about choromatsu taking his s/o to get their 1st tattoo & him passing out before it even happens & he wakes up & sees they got a little frog tattoo
(Okay I said I was gonna go in order but this Choro ask was so cute! I couldn’t resist! Here you go, Anon!)
Today had been the day. Choromatsu waited by his front door anxiously, checking his watch feverishly.
“S/o should be here already… I hope she’s alright! Her appointment is in—“
Before Choromatsu could finish his rambling, the sliding door opened, revealing you, clad in loose summer wear. You smiled warmly to your nervous boyfriend, as he instantly jumped with a start.
“A-Ah! Y-You’re here!” he stammered, reaching out to grasp your hand in both of his, rubbing it nervously,” Are you… you’re… well, are you… still sure about… g-getting a tattoo, S/o?”
You appreciated the sentiment that Choromatsu had offered you, chuckling as you grasp his hands with your free one, squeezing.
“I’m absolutely sure, Choromatsu,” you reply, instantly making Choro’s shoulders relax. He had been worried sick about the whole process. For starters, he initially said that it could be dangerous, because what if you got a staff infection? Ink poisoning? He did some research, and—
Oh! No! Even worse! The places in Akatsuka! Some of them were very shady parlors (one of which being a money trap, set up by none other than Iyami-san). There was NO WAY that he would let you go near those places! They’re filled with shady people, thugs, YAKUZA?! NEED HE SAY MORE?!
His thoughts were interrupted by you, tugging at him gently,” Put on your shoes, Choro-kun. We can go ahead and head out.”
Of course, with that sincere smile of yours, who was he to say no?
Once he was donned in his loafers, the two of you were off. Luckily, the place that Choromatsu had staked out for you was a small walk from the house… and NOT ran by Iyami. 
Choromatsu gripped your hand protectively, being sure to stay close to you as the two of you walked. You had always found it amusing when he got like this, considering that he could barely be in the same room as you not long ago… As you reminisced about your precious boyfriend, he glanced over to you, having noticed your soft gaze on him. 
“So… you did decide on your tattoo, right?” 
You nodded gingerly, smiling to yourself. It was going to be a surprise, you mused to yourself. 
“Mm-hmm! It’s going to be special! So I’m not really that nervous about it!”
Choromatsu couldn’t help but smile, his cheeks being dusted with an innocent pink,” That’s good… are you still keeping it secret?”
This earned him your snicker, as you bump him with your hip. When he stumbles over your simple action, you laugh, getting closer to you. Playfully, you looped your arms around one of his. 
“Yep~ You won’t know until after it happens!” you practically sing. You were brimming with excitement, which did unnerve the nervous boyfriend of yours a bit. But nonetheless, he had made it known that he would support you in all of your endeavors. And now: there you were!
In no time, the two of you stood outside of a quant tattoo parlor, and Choromatsu was relieved that the facility was just as neat and clean looking as it was online. He spent a lot of time in the public library trying to find this place…
With a childish glee, you practically dragged Choromatsu in, who was still immensely nervous for you. His mind began to race again, his heart thumping quietly. What if the tattoo artist messed up? This would be something that’d be hard to remove. Actually, almost IMPOSSIBLE to, considering your financial status. You were lucky to save up the money between the two of you! 
It didn’t help that you were going on FRIDAY THE 13TH?!?! Tattoos had seemed to be cheaper due to the holiday, but that just made Choromatsu all the more paranoid. 
Would your tattoo be something involving with a 13? Is that your lucky number? Was this going to hurt you? Gosh, how was he supposed to take care of you? There was a vending machine in the building, he knew that, so maybe he could get you water! WATER! Yes, that’s right! 
Amidst his shaking and troubling thoughts, you had already checked into your appointment, and signed your waver to be tattooed. You were just in the process of getting your ID back when Choromatsu snapped out of it. His blood ran cold when he began hearing the loud buzzing of a tattoo gun… the one that was going to be used on you, more than likely. 
Sweat started to bead on his forehead, and he gently tugged you back, making you turn to him.
“S-S/o, maybe— just MAYBE— this isn’t a good idea! I know! We could get you a pack of temporary tattoos from the conveneince store! I know they aren’t very customizable, but it is much easier to correct and forget than a—“
“Choromatsu!” you finally manage to cut in, making Choro squeak shrilly. He looked to you with wide eyes, his hand grasping yours very tightly. 
You take both of his hands into yours, and smile at your boyfriend genuinely; no teasing, no smirking.
“I promise everything is going to be okay… like you said. This place has great reviews, and the people here are very nice and courteous, from what I can tell. So relax. This won’t even take that long! We can get in, get out, and maybe go get some food afterwards? My treat.”
The prospect of food did not sound great to him right now, because he felt nauseous with worry. Despite this, he nodded and allowed you to lead the way to the back room, where your tattoo artist had been waiting. After knocking on the door frame, you were welcomed in, and you sat in the parlor chair. Meanwhile, Choromatsu sat close by, forcing himself to sit on his hands to keep him from fidgetting.
“So, I see that everything checks out… you said you had wanted this one on the back of your shoulder, right?”
You nodded as the tattoo artist asked you the question, gesturing to the spot,” About right here, though it’s going to be fairly small.”
The artist smiled and nodded,” Excellent spot! It’ll be very easy to cover, and you’ll be able to see it well in the summer!” 
You agreed with him, and the two of you started to idly chat about the process: what pain to expect, what lotion to use, how long to keep the tattoo covered, etc.
Choromatsu, meanwhile… was a mess. He could hardly listen in on the conversation, his eyes trained on the tattoo gun. He usually wasn’t very squeamish at all. Quite the opposite, actually… but knowing that there were several risks involved with tattooing, this made him just as nervous as before. 
He could already hear the buzzing of the gun in his head, making his ears feel like they were ringing. He couldn’t stand the thought of you getting hurt by all of this. 
He hadn’t notice the tattoo artist sketching your tattoo, and transferring the finished line art to your skin. When he held up the mirror for you to examine it, you were thrilled with the job, and said that this would be perfect. 
And so, you laid on your back, and removed the sleeve of your shirt on that side, giving the tattoo artist room to work with you. And then… Choro’s fear came to life. The buzzing began. Choro’s hand never snapped out that quickly. He snatched your hand, gripping it for dear life. 
But, before Choro could ramble to you and ask that you reconsider, the gun already made contact with your skin. You flinched softly, but didn’t do anything overly dramatic. You lightly squeezed his hand, uttering a weak,” C-Choro… are you okay?”
“…I…I’m great, great… juuuuust great…,” was all he managed to get out, before he saw a trickle of your blood. This sent him over the edge, and he slouched over in his chair, falling completely unconscious. For a moment, you try to stop the process, wanting to comfort Choromatsu, before the tattoo artist stops you.
“Let him rest… I could tell he was nervous the whole time. He was sweating bullets for you. Nothing a bit of water and some snacks can’t help… He’s breathing, so he may have just stressed himself out too much.”
At the comforting words, you nod, still holding Choromatsu’s hand,” O-Okay… hopefully we can finish before he wakes up.”
Your tattoo artist smiles, winking,” This happens all the time~ We shouldn’t be at this for too long!” You smile, and nod in appreciation, letting the tattoo artist continue his bidding, the dull sound of the gun becoming white noise to you.
When Choromatsu woke up, you were at his side, holding his hand tenderly. You smiled, beaming down at him,” I’m glad you’re awake! We’ve been done for a little bit, and… I ran to the store to get you something.”
You hold out a small bag with some goodies, making Choro blink at you in confusion. You continue on, dotingly,”Eat a little bit. I think your blood sugar was a little low…”
Choromatsu looks to you with confusion, before eyeing the snacks dizzily,” You… you said you finished…? With your tattoo?” He sits up, yawning a little and smacking his lips.
Once the weight of your words hit him, he snapped his head towards you, eyes wide as dinner plates,” Y-YOU WENT THROUGH WITH IT???” He practiced shrieked, covering his mouth nervously. 
Though he was groggy and still dizzy, the thoughts of how everything went made his adrenaline spike dramatically. But here you were, laughing heartily at his reaction. You take his wrists and remove them from his mouth.
“Hey, I told you it wouldn’t take long! It isn’t my fault you passed out on me~ But now that you’re awake, I can finally show you what I got!” you chimed.
Choromatsu was still fairly worked up, but… surely if you went through it all, it wouldn’t hurt to see it now? Choro sat up a little straighter, clearing his throat.
“Well… what is it?”
You smile back at him, and turn away from him, revealing your plastic-wrapped shoulder. Choro squinted, and behind the cellophane, he could see a small green… thing…
He asked you to come closer so he could see it, and upon inspection, he saw a small, green frog. It was in the style of something familiar; he was a character called Keroppi. When he saw this, he instantly flushed bright red, looking to you quickly.
“Y…You didn’t get this for me specifically… did you?” he asked gently. You had referred to him by Kero-kun as a pet name, due to his smile and natural expression. It had been a little joke that had been going on for years… and now, it was coming full circle.
You giggled and turned around, kissing your green-clad matsu on the cheek,” That’s why it was a surprise~ What do you think?”
Choromatsu smiled through his nerves and slight fluster, holding his head,” That was… really sweet, but… Ahh, I feel light headed again…”
You laugh and had Choromatsu lean back, rubbing his hands and smooching his cheek once more.
“I’ll take that as a ‘yes’, you like it~” 
Choromatsu laughed along with you quietly, looping his arms around you. Were you reckless sometimes? Absolutely. Did you do things that drove him crazy or made him worry? DEFINITELY.
But your sentiment was just too adorable for him to handle. Oh, he knew that you got that tattoo with innocent, adorable intent. And this made his heart soar, knowing that you thought of him so admirably. 
He would be sure to treasure that sweet affection, and would definitely admire your tattoo for years to come. 
“It’s adorable… just like you.” 
You snorted when Choro uttered this, squeezing him close as you two bask in heat of each other’s embrace. 
(Thanks for reading! I personally haven’t gotten a tattoo, but I hope this was an okay read! Thanks for your request, dear! >3
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s2ep6: one man’s trash...
...is another man’s problem to clean up, of course! Just ask Iyami :P
This week’s episode is composed of two skits. The first one is the one with Iyami, the one with the fabled “mpreg” - and, well, it’s not wrong, but it’s not correct at all either :P
In the first skit, the Matsu parents have gone out on a trip, leaving their useless adult NEET sons to take care of themselves while they’re gone (all while they rub their lack of independence, and therefore lack of opportunity, in their faces :’P Matsuparents pls stop roasting me like this). Just then Iyami comes in, wearing lingerie and looking totally beat-up and impoverished; he’s clearly fallen on hard times. (His one-man circus has caused some fatality, among other things.) 
He begs the sextuplets for help, and initially they refuse. Which then leads Iyami to prove he won’t cost money by... cooking the boys’ literal garbage as food for him to eat... Which leads to him becoming pregnant with garbage food. The baby is poop. (So it is mpreg, except neither an actual womb nor Dekapan is involved.)
This segment has quite a bit of toilet humor, which to me personally isn’t my thing. If you’re sensitive to squelchy poop sounds (yes) and other stuff that involve bad hygiene, you might not enjoy this orz That being said, it isn’t really as bad or as explicit as other toilet humor things. Still pretty gross, though.
The brothers eventually take pity on Iyami and proceed to treat him out to eat, play horse races and pachinko, relax at the bathhouse... And Iyami miraculously gets on their good graces through flattery, and they even say that he can stay forever if he wants! It’s surprisingly a very sweet scene.
...which is then immediately negated by the next morning, when it turns out that Iyami is just a good-for-nothing freeloader that used up all the money the boys’ parents left them :P I had a gut feeling it was gonna end up like that one Spongebob episode where Squidward freeloads from Spongebob’s kindness :P The boys try to weaponize their words to get Iyami to leave - as in their words turn into boomerang-like weapons to attack Iyami with. This part would’ve been very cool... But unfortunately their insults and scoldings fit them more than they fit Iyami, and so they end up roasting themselves so hard that they die :P
So Iyami wins at the end!! He even robs the sextuplets’ house clean (revenge for S1Ep3?). But then he also weaponizes his words without thinking... and it destroys the entirety of Akatsuka Ward. Good job, Iyami; good job :P
Like I mentioned earlier, there’s a good deal of toilet humor that made me feel a little squeamish, among other things; so I dunno if I’d day this is my favorite segment orz But I still thought it was fun! The weaponizing-words bit was really cool, even though the boys are idiots and it all still ended badly for them lol :P There’s some interesting things to note, one of them being that the Choukei was strong in this segment - Oso and Kara sniped and snarked at each other a lot in this segment, and it was very fun to watch hehe :’D 
(Also, Iyami has a puppy friend! I dunno if he’ll be there forever, but he was cute ;v;)
And then there’s the second segment: In it, Hatabou holds Chibita hostage... with a toy gun. And he demands friends from Chibita. Basically in this segment all Hatabou really wants is friends, and so Chibita (who is a little hurt and offended that Hatabou didn’t consider him a friend at first lolaww) goes to help him find some.
This skit is a super nice surprise because almost the whole gang is here - first Chibita and Hatabou go to Totoko, then to Totty (who apparently thinks that the mysterious entities called ‘friends’ are either a myth or a bygone institution of the Edo period, Totty pls), then to the other brothers, then to Dekapan and Dayon. Everyone except Iyami is here and accounted for, which I imagine is super-special to everyone watching who missed the Osokun days and/or those who wanted the side characters to have more screentime. And more heartwarmingly, everyone Chibita went and accepted the offer of being Hatabou’s friend!
...except Hatabou isn’t actually sure what he wants in a friend. So everyone gathers together to give him ideas. And in the end, no one really comes to a solid, tangible answer - but even then, they do end up giving an answer to Hatabou anyway just by laughing with him and making him feel accepted into their circle. And Hatabou smiles and has fun!! It’s the cutest cutest thing!!!
This segment has to be among the sweetest skits Ososan has ever done so far ;v; Everyone, from the sextuplets to Totoko, were very nice and kind to the lonely Hatabou who just wants to have friends. And it turns out, he does have friends all along; to Chibita’s relief Hatabou seems to have realized it by the end of the skit. I’m just, aaaaaah my heart is melting just thinking about it again; it’s just the purest thing ♥♥♥ As Hatabou is one of my favorite side characters too, this segment just made me really happy and I’m glad that it’s a thing ;v; ♥
...and then the ending happened pfffffff Hatabou pls
I think I’m going to have to rewatch the episode again on my own time to fully get the gist - I feel like I missed some parts - but overall, it was still enjoyable, even with the toilet humor of the first skit. The second one of course is my favorite of the two ♥ We’re getting a lot more of the secondary characters this season, which is good! We didn’t get to see them shine very much in S1 so it’s good that they’re getting a good deal of love nowadays ^^ That being said, I’d still like for the boys to be the main focus haha orz
Speaking of the boys, next week is going to be Rare Matsu Duo Week again! We’ll be getting a skit entirely centered around biggest brother Oso and babiest brother Totty!! It’d be interesting to see how they’d be like on their own together :’0 Aaaaaah I can’t wait for that one! \( :’D )/
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Osomatsu-kun 1988 Drinking Game
Take a shot when:
–The sextuplets literally forget which of them is which –Iyami and/or Chibita are run out of town by a sign-waving crowd –Anyone is crucified –Any time a gun appears –Dekapan is literally God –Chibita and Hatabou are pretty much gay –Chibita does that thing with his legs when he runs –The sextuplets are shitbags to Totoko –Matsuzo and Matsuyo dramatically sing the theme song lyrics –Matsuyo is about to McFreaking lose it –Matsuzo just generally hates his life –The cop gets interrupted while eating his noodles –RERERE NO OJISAN –Iyami tries to kill somebody (two shots if it’s a child character) –Chibita just generally gets shafted by Iyami –Chibita does something selfless –Chibita does his devious face –Iyami does the “sheeh” –The sextuplets fuck with Chibita or Hatabou –Nyarome or the caterpillar appear
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