#get transed idiot
beepost-generator · 2 months
Just to be clear, Transgender Day of Visibility is absolute: if you post anything or are in any way visible today you will become trans.
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mutantmash · 2 months
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If you thought my last post was a joke youre WRONG 🗣️🗣️!!!!
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My pen died so no color ‼️‼️
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wilchur · 5 months
Ezra's vivisection scar branching out at the sternum and going underneath his pecs like top surgery scars is truly one of the smartest things I've ever come up with...
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egg-baby-official · 2 years
You can’t change my gender, I’m a CIS-LORD!
you know not of the power I hold
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demonhimbo · 1 year
had a dumb incident with my wife last night ‘cause of me being a moron, and in the aftermath of it she said “you know, it all makes sense actually. everything you did just now, and how you explained it”
“huh?” “it’s just what a dude would do” “oh no i’m just a guy huh. i’ve been a guy the entire time” “yeah, yeah bud.” “FUCK”
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urfaveisatransman · 2 years
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Tumblr user @dlolmusic is a trans man!
Requested by: no one
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artaintfartwarriors · 6 months
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Brick 2 go with bone
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Currently thinking about how female spiders are bigger then male ones
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and Angel is NOTICEABLY bigger then his brother
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But is basically the same height as his twin sister Molly
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kittypyuun · 7 months
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@sskurwysyn AKFJFHAJFH?? THANK YOU????? Your arts real pretty...... (*´∀`*)
Have fem Leo as a big thank you
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ask-the-creatures · 4 months
Those are your kids
I never gave birth how do I have kids.
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lightthatibecome · 4 months
Forgot I changed my theme and got jumpscared by the little fruit in my icon
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gabessquishytum · 2 months
trans dream who’s never been in a serious relationship before because he was too picky and cis people didn’t want to date a trans person. rather than lower his standards he just resolved himself (reluctantly, he wants to be spoiled, we all know how he is) to just be single forever. he doesn’t really take hob seriously when he comes onto him, expecting him to also be grossed out by his transness, but gets to find out that some cis people ARE just…normal. about trans people
Aww, idiot himbo Dream!! He's a silly boy.
He's all confrontational with Hob, like "well I'm trans, so there!" And Hob is just like. "Cool? He/him pronouns? I don't want to misgender you while I'm ravishing you." Dream just fucking. Bluescreens.
He's still not convinced though. Until Hob takes him home and sucks his t-dick and then fucks him until he's cum four or five times (he lost count to be honest). Only then does Dream begin to believe that a) cis people can be normal and b) cis people can be GOOD at sex. Revelatory, to be honest. Dream glues himself to Hob’s side and haughtily explains that he's never going to leave and that Hob is his boyfriend, now.
Hob is definitely not disappointed by this, as he thinks that Dream is sexy and hilarious and magical. He sincerely hopes to prove that Dream was right to be picky, and to wait for the right man to come along for him <3
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drbased · 1 year
A guide on how to be a radfem AND an actual leftist!
So say you see this comic shared by a radfem online:
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OK, so straight off the bat we have a kind of... suspicious portrayal of a trans person. In my experience, if a comic has this kind of overly polished art style, well, it's probably not made by a radfem, and it's probably made by a man. In fact, the comic style this reminds me of the most is stonetoss, a barely covert neo-nazi, whose comics I have seen, once again, shared on radblr!!
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(fyi this isn't the exact comic bc I couldn't find the one i saw on radblr a while ago, but you get the idea)
If you're an actual committed leftist, you probably don't want to be platforming outright neo-nazis.
And unfortunately for us feminists, a lot of neo-nazis are also anti-trans. So if you're about to share something from outside the radfem bubble, you just might wanna check first to see if it's thinly veiled hate speech that this guy MrPumpkinFace (whose name is in the comic, just to make searching easy for you!!) supports and -
oh - oh god -
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Yeah, doesn't take much of a search to find out exactly what kind of politics this guy supports. I repeat:
It doesn't take much of a search to find out exactly what kind of politics this guy supports.
Also, here's a bonus stonetoss comic for ya:
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So that's your definitive guide for not being a
complete fucking moron
In the name of 'owning the transes'!!
All you have to do is use that famous radfem pattern recognition and the equally famous radfem common sense and the equally famous radfem ability to check sources - all of which goes out the window when it comes to this subject apparently!!!
(Sorry, did I say this was a guide on how to be a 'leftist'? Sorry, I mean this was a guide on how to do the BARE. FUCKING. MINIMUM.)
Please, please, please don't leave it to random idiots like me to have to keep doing basic google searches for you all, and good fucking luck getting your average mainstream leftist to have any sympathy for you when you're uncritically sharing literal nazi comics on your supposedly feminist platform!!!
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autisticsupervillain · 10 months
Jonah Magnus 🤝 Maxwell Rayner: Introduced to the concept of transness by unknowingly stealing a trans man's body.
Jonah condescendingly explaining the concept of trans men to Rayner like he's a fucking idiot, as if he himself didn't have to Eye google what that was:
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Simon explaining to both of them that trans men have always existed and that they're both idiots:
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Simon, Jonah, and Rayner having to explain what transgender is to Peter because he never leaves the fog:
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Jonah and Maxwell getting accosted by transphobes in bathrooms, only to feed them to the Eye/Dark:
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Transphobe tries to start shit with Maxwell and he doesn't even respond. The lights go out for a second and when they come back on the bigot is just gone.
Trsnsphobe tries to start shit with Jonah and he just uses his Eye powers to make them experience all the shame and pain they've put trans people through until they're sobbing on the floor.
Peter now being the only cis guy in the old man squad:
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Peter now being the only cis Avatar on Earth:
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pissditching · 2 years
I've noticed something in the discussion around Gerard Way and trans identity that I am officially fed the fuck up with. While talking about Gerard's outfits from the second leg of the tour, people love to use use the line "clothes ≠ gender" as a gotcha for those of us who are keen to the fact that they aren't cis. This pisses me off for three main reason plus a fourth mini reason that's more of a history blurb than anything else.
Before we start anything, Gerard has been out as not cis for the better part of 8(!) years now. To not acknowledge that is doing them a disservice. Some of you have purposely chosen to ignore that fact. Right out the gate that's fucked up. Ok now we can proceed.
First off, you're right. Clothes do not, in fact, equal gender. I know this, and it sounds like you'd like me to believe that you know this. So forgive me for being a little confused when you go on anon after they're photographed wearing what you dub to be "masculine clothing" (i.e. anything that's not a skirt/dress with heels) and tell me I'm an idiot for implying that they aren't a cisgender man.
Secondly, the concept that clothes don't equal gender in only true to us very recently. If you think that Gerard Way, a 45 year old ex-Catholic Gen-X'er who grew up in an wildly conservative suburb of north New Jersey doesn't have a different relationship between clothing and gender than you, a 14-to-20-something year old who hasn't closed tiktok in three days and averages 0.3 minutes of critical thinking per week, then you're extremely delusional and self-centered. People are socialized in entirely different ways. As humans, our experiences are not in any way universal. What doesn't mean anything to you means everything to someone else. Maybe you don't equate femininity with skirts and dresses, but I guarantee you a 45 year old who has openly struggled with gender identity their entire life does in some capacity. This is not a bad thing.
Thirdly is that in your attempt to sound as woke and morally upright as possible, you're unintentionally (or intentionally, seeing as a considerable number of you are terfs,) discrediting and invalidating the way someone experiences gender euphoria because you personally don't get it. Gerard Way has only ever said "I don't use labels" in response to people implying that they're cishet. If your first reaction to seeing someone who could even potentially identify under the transfem umbrella experiencing visible gender euphoria in a dress is to say "oh well clothes don't equal gender, so I'm going to assume that he's a man in a dress until he explicitly outs himself", then congratulations! You're transphobic. Because that's the thing. When you use the rhetoric of clothes ≠ gender in that context, it becomes crystal clear you don't actually care about trans people. You just want to sound like the smartest person in the room. And you're willing to throw GNC trans people under the bus in order to achieve that goal.
I think people have forgotten big time that "don't assume my gender" originally meant "don't assume I'm cis", because now the way people interpret the rhetoric (don't assume my gender, clothes ≠ gender, I don't use labels, etc.,) and use it to prove a point only use it as if to say "it's inherently wrong and creepy to identify and acknowledge when people aren't cis. Cis is the default and the only safe assumption. Anything else is offensive and crossing a major boundary" and you can tell it's because they view transness as an insult to someone's character. We have to, collectively, stop viewing transness as an allegation you either have to beat or bear with. Alongside that, we have to stop assuming cisness.
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transfemzedaph · 4 months
idea that definitely hasnt been living in my brain:
joel totally, 100%, does NOT have a massive crush on zedaph. zedaph, who he's heard a lot of things about but, but nothing could've prepared him for how blummin' cute he is, for goodness sake-- what. what? don't look at him like that. it's nothing. shut up.
(hope u like this even if u dont write smth for it DJBDJD)
i fucking loved this ask so much <3. i transed joel & zeds genders. bc im me. also the end is meh & i dont know what grians base looks like and i do not care
Of course Joel had heard about Zedaph, how could they not have. There was the rest of ZITS in the life series, Skizz specifically when he found out the both of them were joining, and of course Grians run down of all of the hermits. The basic gist of it was she's weird in a cool way and makes creative and useless but fun machines, which honestly, Joel thought sounded really awesome. Redstone was fine and all but they did tend to think most redstoners were way too serious about the whole thing.
So when Joel was invited over to be the first person to test Zeds newest thing, they were excited!
What none of any of his friends had told them, was how flippin cute she was. And yeah maybe Joel ended up stumbling over their words more than usual whilst hanging out, and yeah maybe they were a little bit distracted from the game? activity? workout? whatever it was, Joel was a bit distracted because they kept watching Zed.
Joel rushes their goodbyes and runs off back home, laying face down on the floor of their newly built home, void they should have put some furniture in already.
Grian wanders over and lets out a little snort at the sight of Joel, who just groans and rolls over, propping themself up a bit,
"This is all your fault."
Grian just stares.
Joel locks eyes with him face scrunching, "You didn't tell me she was cute."
Grian, promptly bursts out laughing.
"Gri, no, this isn't funny. This is serious. And she's gonna think I'm an idiot now and it's all your fault!"
Grian's still laughing.
Joel sits then self up and crosses their arms indignantly, "Are you done?"
Grian's giggling a bit when he replies, "You've got it so bad! For a blonde! Again! You have a type sooo bad."
Joel kicks their leg out towards Grian, grumbling slightly, "Yeah well, you're blonde but you're ugly and I hate you. So there."
Grian sits himself down next to Joel, bumping their shoulder with his own as he does.
"Honestly I bet Zed loved hanging out with you. Don't worry yeah? And at least next time you can compose yourself before you hang out."
Joel leans their head on Grians shoulder.
"Yeah." They sigh, picking at their fingernails, before mumbling "Think 'm just overthinking it cause of being new 'n all that. Just dont wanna make anyone hate me."
Grian scoffs, "No one is going to hate you, and you know Skizz, and probably Tango and Impulse as well, have all talked to Zed about you? Why do you think she invited you to hang out?"
Joel hums.
"To me it seems like she was also trying to impress you too, showing off what she made?"
Joel blushes, halfheartedly giving Grian a little shove, "Shut up."
It's a couple of days later when Joel barges into Grians house, "I have an excuse to go visit Zed!"
Grian sighs, "And you had to come and tell me about this? Right now?"
Joel takes in the scene, Mumbo, standing next to a coffee machine, his moustache looking very lackluster, Grian almost curled up on his stool, hands clasped around a mug.
Joel winces, "Uh, what time is it?"
"Too early for this nonsense, shoo." Grian lazily waves one hand in Joels general direction to usher them away.
Joel grumbles to themself as they walk away, "Whatever, Grian doesn't get to know my really cool and awesome plan of going over and saying that we need to beat Impulse and Tangos high score without being a bit cheaty like they were. Which is the best plan ever."
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