#getting around siquijor
ironemrys · 2 years
Finders Keepers | Namor x Filipino!Reader
Summary: Namor x Filipino!Reader. That's it. That's the plot... kind of.
Word count: 5k
Warnings: Listen, this is for pure entertainment only. Don't take it too seriously- I sure didn't. I had fun writing this tbh. First ever Marvel fic I post on this website and it's this type of crap. Enjoy- or not. 
Italicized words are: 1.The Reader's/OC's thoughts and/or 2.Words that are supposed to be in a different language. P.S. I tried to use a Yucatec Mayan - English translator but decided against it last minute since I feared I would not do it any justice so I just opted to italicize when they're (Namor and the Talokanil) are using it to talk. Words in parenthesis are the translated Tagalog words. Sometimes they're loose translations because you can't just translate some terms from our language to English- let's just leave it at that. It's the thought that counts- I guess.
Also posted on AO3
It's not a good thing when you wake up in a strange place, surrounded by strange people. For our protagonist though, that's exactly what happened.
Where the fuck- 
Always a good start. As soon as she opened her eyes and blinked, trying to get rid of the haze in her mind, she looks around.
Someone speaks in a language foreign to her and she turns to the side before her eyes widen-
She stares. She sees the mouth of the person- person? Is it a person? Why were they colored blue? Who are they even? Where was she? Is she dreaming? Is she dead?
The person in front of her keeps talking but she can't understand a single thing. Besides, her brain cells weren't working at the moment. Everything seemed different, she can't seem to focus.
Finally, whoever it was that was failing miserably to get through to her stopped talking and left the room. That's when she noticed that she was sitting on a small cot, inside a tent? Maybe. She doesn't know. She's not sure.
She tries to remember the last thing her brain could before she woke up in this strange place.
She was on a vacation trip for the summer. She went to visit her late grandmother's hometown in the province of Siquijor. 
On the second day, she decided to take a boat and go over to Apo Island. It was a strangely cloudy day; a perfect time to go for a swim. She had snorkeling gear with her but no life vest. She didn't bother since she promised herself she wouldn't go that far. Besides, she's never drowned before. She can float if anything were to happen.
She was joyfully admiring the corals, the starfish, and the sea urchins. Fish of different kinds started to swim around and she followed them. Saying hi and hello, waving to the fishes as if they could understand her dumbass.
She kept following the school of fishes, unaware that she was getting farther and farther from the shore- that is until she sees a deep fucking abyss. 
"Ay puta!" Fuck! A garbled curse escapes from her lips as she raises her head from the water due to panic. The chasm was deep as all hell. It was dark and wide as if it would swallow her whole if she didn't swim away.
She tried to swim away. Emphasis on tried.
She lifted her body in an attempt to float and she would've. She would've been safe if not for the sudden cramp on her leg- the muscle twisted and it sent her body to a standstill.
Then darkness.
A voice spoke and cut her off her thoughts. She looked up in alarm and her eyes widened once again at the tall, handsome, yet weirdly looking guy in front of her.
He spoke again in a language she doesn't know. His brown eyes locked onto hers and it didn't seem like he was threatening her by the tone of his voice but his brows were furrowed and his lips were in a deep scowl. 
When she didn't answer, he called for someone outside of the tent. A woman and another man; taller and broader, entered. But again, for some unknown reason; they were both blue-skinned.
However, that aside, this is when the genius(?) protagonist noticed that one doesn't look like the others. His skin was tanned as opposed to the other two. He had pointy ears and a huge piercing on his nose. He was adorned in jewels and the other two were fully clothed while he was only in- 
Ay jusko lord. (Oh my god)
She averted her eyes and looked down at his feet only to notice the wings. She blinked once, twice, thrice- 
What the- 
She stared, again, her brain trying to process things but can't. Someone send help.
Teka. Nasan ba ko? The fuck. Sino tong mga to? Bat may pakpak ung paa niya, ano to cosplay? (Wait. Where am I? The fuck. Who are these people? Why does he have wings on his feet, is this cosplay?) 
"Ah- Ano-" Uhm- she starts to speak and the others turn to her. The woman then talks to her in a slightly commanding tone but it's still in a different language so she can't understand jack shit. 
When she still didn't answer, it was obvious that her host, or whoever they were, was starting to get a little frustrated with her uncooperative state. 
She could hear them talking to each other in the foreign language again and when she finally had her wits about her, she raised her hand.
"Uhm- Excuse me-" 
The three strangers stopped and turned. The man with pointy ears walked over to her in wide strides that she unconsciously leaned on the wall as a defense mechanism.
"You speak English?" He then asks in a low, deep grumble.
She raised her brow at him, "Yes? Of course, I speak English, I've been colonized." Weird that she answered that way but it was already done, so whatever.
Her snap seemed to surprise those in the room but at this point, she was too confused to care.
She looked around once more, "Wait, so where the hell am I? And who are you?" She asked him. 
It took a few moments before she was answered by the pointy-eared man, "I have many names-" he started, "My people call me K'uk'ulkan."
Clearly, the name didn't register in her brain because she tilted her head in confusion. He moves closer, right in front of her face in an attempt to intimidate her but she could only register the handsomeness of his features which confused her a little. Here she was, in an unknown place, with unknown people and that's what she notices. 
"But my enemies call me Namor." He finishes and waits for her to react.
She scrunched up her nose, "Can I just call you Namor because that first name is so hard for me to say." 
This amused him, she thinks, since his lips curved upward a little. 
"Where am I?" She finally asks and Namor leans back slightly, 
"You are in my kingdom." He answers and it again prompts her to raise a brow,
"Apo Island has a kingdom?" She asked and this time it was him who looks at her incredulously. He wonders for a bit before leaning down again near her face and she backs away.
"Child, where do you think you are right now?"
Di ba kasasabi niya lang na nasa lugar niya daw kami, labo naman neto. (Didn't he just say we were in his kingdom? He's confusing.)
"You said we were in your kingdom. I'm pretty sure-" 
"The location, child." He insists and she thinks for a bit, wondering what he could gain from knowing the answer.
"Apo Island, Philippines." 
There was silence. The man and woman behind Namor looked at each other and this didn't go amiss by her. They looked more puzzled than she was.
"What?" She asked, a sudden panic started to rise in her chest for some reason.
"You're in my kingdom. In the Atlantic Ocean." 
"Ha?" She gave him a look that says 'are you fucking kidding me?' but then her expression changed.
From giving them an incredulous look to showing them a tired one, she sighs.
"What?" Namor questions and takes a step back when she suddenly stands up.
"Ha? Hatdog." 
The three strangers looked at each other and she rolled her eyes, "I get it. This is a prank, right? Who are you really? Ano to, skit?" (Is this a skit?) 
"Kala niyo ba maiisahan niyo ko? Asa ka boy. Kaya pala naka-cosplay ka ee." She adds and raises a brow.
(You think you can trick me? You wish, boy. No wonder you're in some kind of cosplay.)
"What are you talking about?" The other woman asked with a disapproving look, "And how dare you call him a boy-" 
"English, child." Namor cuts the other off and commands the stranger but she scoffs, rolling her eyes in the process. 
"English mo mukha mo. And anong child? Gago twenty-something na ko." (English your face. And what child? Asshole, I'm twenty-something already.)
Her voice was defiant as she suddenly glared at Namor. This surprised him a little so he wasn't able to answer her. Obviously, no one has ever addressed him in such a manner before.
She thought she had him, "So ano ka? Crossover ni King Triton at Legolas? Sali sana ako kung parang tourism eme to kaso lokal lang ako mamsir." (So what are you? A crossover of King Triton and Legolas? I would've joined if this was something for tourism but I'm local.)
She started walking towards the closed drapes of the tent and she saw out of the corner of her eye that the taller man and the woman were about to stop her but Namor raised his hand to stop them instead.
"Let her go. Let her see." 
As soon as she stepped foot out of the tent, her eyes went wide, "What. The. F-"
The place was unlike anything she's ever seen. It was beautiful but that was the least of her problems right now. Suddenly, an uncomfortable feeling set itself in her stomach. 
Shit nasan ba talaga ako? What if di to prank? Tangina, ano ko na-kidnap? Gago aanuhin nila ko, wala naman ako pera. Shit uso pa ba ung human trafficking- (Shit where am I, really? What if it's not a prank? Motherfucker, was I kidnapped? Fuck what are they gonna do, I don't have any money. Shit, is human trafficking still a thing?)
"You are not where you thought you are." Namor cut off her rambling in her head and she whirled around in alarm, looking at him with fear in her eyes.
Now it has registered in her brain that she's in so much deeper shit than she thought. She backed away from him instinctively- before she ran.
"Hey!" The taller man had yelled after her but before he could chase her down, the woman said with a smirk, "Let her. She has nowhere to go." 
Meanwhile, the lost and confused protagonist of this story, well- maybe, no one knows yet if she is a protagonist. But for now, let's say she is-
Anyway, she ran. To where? She has no clue. She just had to get away from the strangers. She looked around and realized she was in a cave.
"San na ung exit?!" (Where's the exit?!) She yelled and it echoed against the walls. She covers her mouth and crouches on instinct before peeking to the side, checking if she was being followed. When there were no signs of an attack, she breathed out in relief. She thinks she's safe- she's not.
"Okay. Okay." She breathed in, trying to calm herself down, "Kung nasa kweba ako, malamang sa bandang dulo dito ung exit."  (If I was in a cave, then the exit should be at the far end.) She said to herself as if she actually knew what she was doing. She doesn't.
She started to crabwalk to wherever the hell she thinks the exit should be. She thinks she's being quiet and clever. Again, she's not.
"Where the fuck is the exit?!" She whispers, annoyed. She got to the end of the cave but all she saw was a body of water, like a small pond. There was no exit.
What if?
Nasa loob ba ko ng secret beach? De, di secret beach, parang secret beach, ung kelangan mo lumusot para makadating sa kabilang side. (Am I inside a secret beach? No, not a secret beach, but like a secret beach, where you gotta swim under to get to the other side.) 
Her conclusion seemed to make sense to her but there was one problem: she's not a good swimmer. She's never drowned before, granted, but still, she's not a good swimmer.
"Okay." She said to herself, "Options-"
Counting down with her fingers, she started to think, "Option One: Lalangoy ako pailalim to escape." (Option One: I swim under to escape.) She looks at the 'pond', it looks deep as shit.
"Option Two: Pakamatay na lang tayo dito agad bes, kesa kung ano pa gawin nila sayo. Jusko lord I'd rather die talaga." (Option Two: Let me just kill myself here, rather than finding out what they'd do to me. Jesus Christ I'd literally rather die.)
She continues to talk with herself, "Baka naman di ganon kalalim? Mukha lang? Siguro? Pucha naman talaga, oo."  (Maybe it's not that deep. Only looks like it? Maybe? Fucking really.) She's panicking. And when she panics, bad things happen.
"Okay, try natin, baka naman-" (Okay, let's try, maybe-) She walked towards the pond, dipping her feet into the water to test the temperature. There was a voice in her head saying "Hoe don't do it." but she ignored it. She was panicking, her brain cells were gone.
She sinks into the pond quickly and opens her eyes. It was harder to see without the goggles but the water was surprisingly clear as soon as she dove in. She looks around and sees a light and this brings a bit of hope to her heart.
But, as mentioned, she's not a good swimmer. She's not good at holding her breath either. She was halfway through the cave, the light still a few ways away from her when she felt herself start to lose air.
Panic. Panic. Panic.
She tried to swim up but she hadn't realized that the deeper she went into the body of water, the cave closed in on her.
Panic. More panic. She's going to die.
Option Two then. She thinks to herself before she takes a huge gulp of water. She has accepted her fate. Death to the stranger. The end. Her eyes closed and she fell deeper into the water-
Until she wasn't.
She coughed out the water on solid ground. She was on all fours, trying to catch her breath when she felt a firm grip on her arm. She turned to see Namor, looking at her disapprovingly.
"You are foolish." He starts with a frown, "There is no escape from here for a surface-dweller like you without our help."
"What-" She coughs roughly, she still can't breathe properly. Her eyes widened when she realized what was happening- she was having an asthma attack.
She wheezed and clutched her chest before falling to her side. She could hear Namor talking- or yelling- she's not sure. Her eyes started to water. She's trying to catch her breath so desperately when she feels something cover her mouth.
Suddenly she can breathe a little easier.
"Breathe," She could finally register what Namor was saying. Her vision started to focus and when she calmed, she looked down at the device on her face.
She started to inspect it, turning it here and there suspiciously.
"An inhaler?" She asked, "Looks like one of those things you use with a nebulizer." 
Her asthmatic ass aside, her situation still hasn't improved. This reality settled again in her thoughts and she looked abruptly at Namor who was just watching- observing.
"Okay. Uh-" She started, standing up rather slowly. She was looking at him like he was some wild animal she had to be careful around.
Well, she's not wrong.
"Uhm okay, Namor," She swallows her fear, 
"SIR-" She continued with her hands raised in front of her chest, palm outward as if to calm him, to surrender to him.
"I don't know what you want from me. I'm nobody. If this is a kidnapping then I can assure you-" 
Namor raises a brow but before he could interrupt her, she continued on her tangent, "I have no money. I'm alone. I don't have anything and if you're planning on selling my body parts then-" 
"I'm asthmatic. I have GERD- well, maybe, I don't know, I haven't had that checked yet." She stops to think, "I also have PCOS, I swear no one will buy me from you so-" 
"I have nothing to give you." She stops and it took a few minutes before-
"Follow me," Namor instructs and she tenses, backing away from him a little.
"Come here." He repeated, more commanding. But when he saw the panic in her eyes and the way she closed her hand in a tight fist, he changed his tone, "I will take you to where I found you, so follow me." 
"What do you mean: found me?" She asked, slowly and carefully walking closer to him. She was still wary of him but for now, she has no choice but to trust him.
Namor turned to her a little, "I found you in the water close to our border. I sensed a disturbance in the waves and when I went to look, you were there." He knew she didn't believe him since she again had that look on her face.
Of course, she replied, "That makes no sense." 
"Believe what you will. I'm taking you back." He continued to walk ahead and she followed timidly. They arrived in front of the tent once again. The two other strangers were still there, waiting for them. The woman was smirking while the taller man only looked at her suspiciously.
Namor then steps into the water, he was waist-deep before he turned to her, "Come." 
She hesitated, still. 
"I thought you wanted to go home?" He asked her, a playful grin on his lips.
"Yeah but- how do I know you're not gonna drown me once I get in there?" She crossed her arms in front of her chest and Namor laughing dryly caught her by surprise.
Teka. Ang cute nun ah. Hala. (Wait. That was cute. Oh no.)
"Trust me," His grin grows wider, "If I were to kill you, I wouldn't need the water." 
 She swallows and bites her lip at his words, her heart pounding for some strange reason. Maybe because he was cute when he smiled- oR MAYBE BECAUSE HE JUST FUCKING THREATENED TO KILL HER. 
She starts to weigh her options again but then, of course, not one of those was a perfect solution for an escape. And Namor said it himself, there was no way out of the cave without their help. So she sighs, might as well go with it. If she does die there- well- she hopes she doesn't but if she does- then she's dead. What else is there?
She walked over to the water and as soon as she was at the same water level as him, he pulled her closer to his chest, her face flushed when she braced herself against him, hands on his biceps.
Namor gives her the mouthpiece and she starts to feel her breathing slow down a little, her mind getting a bit fogged up with an unknown haze.
"Breathe." He commands and she follows. As soon as her breathing was steady, he drags her underwater.
"Eyes open, child." Was the next thing she heard him say. As soon as she did, she shielded them from the sun before looking around.
"Where-" She noticed they weren't near a beachfront like she expected. Instead, they were in the middle of fucking nowhere.
"Where I found you," Namor explains and she turns to him with another one of those disbelieving looks.
"What? No. That's-" She looks around again, "That's impossible. There's nothing here." She gestured to the open sea.
"Do you think I am lying?" Namor asks and she looks him in the eye. It unsettled her, even more, when she could see that he wasn't. He was telling the truth.
Pero what the fuck? (But what the fuck?)
"Where-" She swallows the lump in her throat, "Where are we?" 
Namor could tell that she was finally starting to believe him, "Near the borders of my kingdom." 
"And that would be where again?" 
"You surface-dwellers call this place the Atlantic Ocean." Surprisingly, he was patient with her despite her doubt and her use of foul language every now and then. 
"Why do you say that?" She suddenly asked and when he raised a brow, she clarified, "Why do you call me a surface-dweller?" 
Ah. Apparently, it still wasn't obvious to her that Namor and his people were different from her. Don't blame her though, some parts of her brain are working and some are not. Seriously though, whose brain would work properly after finding out you may or may not have been kidnapped by some weird-looking dudes?
"You don't live in the ocean, no?" Namor asked back, "How do you think I was able to carry you from the cave into the open sea without trouble? Without that mask?" 
She thought for a while. Namor could tell she was really racking up an idea in her brain with the way her brows furrowed and the way she scrunched up her nose. She was thinking- or at least she was trying to.
Finally, she gave up and shrugged, "I dunno. I just thought you were a good swimmer." 
Surprisingly, he chuckled. He was obviously amused. She was obviously stupid. 
"I am not like you." He then said, earning another raised brow from her, "What are you then?" 
"Think." He pointed at his forehead, in hopes that she would understand what he meant for her to do.
Thankfully, she did. She looked at him- really looked at him. She took note of his tanned skin, his deep brown eyes, his dark hair, and his jewelry. If that was all there is to him then she may have stuck with her first conclusion. Btu there were still the pointed ears- and she remembered seeing his winged feet. She also recalls the other two who had blue-colored skin. 
A dawning realization creeps up on her and as Namor watched her think, he could tell that she was starting to understand. She didn't. Not really. 
"So-" She starts, "You're- what?" She tried to think of a term but couldn't. Again, the brain was gone. There is one possibility she could think of but she thinks that the idea was too out there. There's a one-in-a-million chance that she'd be able to meet anyone from there.
So, no- it wasn't an option. It was too- unrealistic. 
But then another idea popoped in her head- not a good one though-
"Ah! Shokoy!" 
"Excuse me?" 
"Teka. Masyado kang gwapo para maging shokoy. But-" (Wait. You're too good-looking to be a shokoy. But-) She goes on a tangent once again, not bothering with Namor who was looking at her incredulously,
"You have the qualities, I mean- no, you don't- maybe?" She gestures to nothing, "Look, I don't know. You don't have fins and your ears are just pointy. You have winged feet instead of fins but then again, may paa nga ba pag shokoy?" (-but then again, do shokoy even have feet?)
"What did you call me?" Namor cuts her off her thinking, swimming closer to her a little and she finally looks up.
"A shokoy?" She asked back, "It's like a- hmmm- mer...man? Loosely." Unsure and a little confused, she wonders at the look he was giving her. 
"I am not a merman. I am a mutant." Namor was about to tell her the story of how he was born and how he became the ruler of the kingdom of Talokan. 
"Teka. Teka. Teka. Wait." She stopped him, waving her hands in front of his face, "You said, mutant. So- like- the X-Men?" 
"X-Men. You know?" She asked and shrugged her shoulders. Not getting the reaction that she thought she would get from him, she continues, "Everybody knows the X-Men. They're new but apparently, they've been living among us for quite a while now. They're a new addition to the Avengers... kinda like a sub-group." She explained and when Namor still didn't show any sign of recognition, she tilted her head.
"You really have no idea who the X-Men are? They might be like you guys." 
Bat di niya alam? Eh kaka-join nga lang nung mga un sa Avengers. Na news pa nga un. Pero baka kase walang tv sa tubig. (Why doesn't he know? They just joined the Avengers. It was in the news. Maybe because there's no television underwater.)
"I do not care for the affairs of the surface-dwellers." Namor finally answered.
"Aray naman." (Ouch.) She replied and held her chest dramatically while she raised her other hand, "Surface-dweller here, sir." 
Namor grins unconsciously, "You are amusing."
Before she could say another word, Namor turned around and she sees that the woman from before was right behind him except she was wearing a different set of clothes and she had a huge headgear on.
They talk with each other in the language our protagonist can't understand. The words exchanged were said with a sense of urgency. She noticed the way Namor suddenly tensed- his back straightened and his biceps clenched. When he turned around to look at her, his brows were furrowed, his jaw set, and his nostrils were flared.
"What's going on?" She asked.
"Come, we must return to the cave." Namor grabs her by the arm without a second thought or any warning before they dove deep into the water.
She had no idea what was going on. The blue people, more of them, not just the first two who were with Namor, were scrambling around and they were carrying- 
"Are those spears?" She asked under her breath. She was just standing in the corner awkwardly. Looking here and there. 
As soon as they got back to the cave, Namor dove back into a much deeper pond. He was gone for minutes and she waited by the edge, not knowing what to do. The question of what the fuck is happening and how the fuck did she get there was still on her mind but when about a dozen of the foreign people emerged from the depths of the pond, she stepped to the side politely to make way for them- to whatever the hell they were going.
She looked at them and they stared back. They were probably wondering why someone like her was in there with them. It was obvious that she was a visitor. Well, maybe visitor is a loose term. 
Staring contest ito. Ang awkward. Ano ba gagawin ko dito? Pasok na lang kaya ako sa tent? (This is a staring contest. How awkward. What am I even doing here? Should I go back to the tent?) She thought to herself and started to crabwalk. 
Again, no idea why the crabwalk. That's just her weird ass choice.
"Stop." She heard someone say and she turned. One tall guy was approaching her in quick, long strides. It was a different one, someone she doesn't know by face.
"What?" She asked and took a step back since she was intimidated by the way this man was looking and walking toward her.
He speaks quickly- too quickly that it doesn't register in her brain. Not that it could, he was speaking in another language. He sounded commanding- he looked commanding. And when she didn't respond to him since she can't understand jack shit, he suddenly grabbed her by the arm-
"Oy! Tangina- get off!" (Fucker- get off!0 She yelled, surprised and frankly, a bit offended at how she was grabbed without warning. She tried to yank herself away from him, only to have the stranger laugh in a mocking tone.
Aba gago to a. (This asshole.)
"I said-" She gritted her teeth- FIGHT MODE ON.
"-GET. OFF!" She stomped her foot on his, making him let go of his iron grip, she doubled back and braced herself before kicking him in the nuts. He bent over in pain and shock. 
Never mess with a Filipina. 
She removed one of her aqua shoes and raised it over her head, "Nyeta ka. Makahablot, kala mo walang bukas. Who the hell are you?" (You fucker. Grabbing me like there's no tomorrow.)
The man glared at her and stood up, a threatening and dangerous look in his eyes, "Who do you think you are?!" He yelled angrily and was about to raise his hand but a firm grip on his shoulder stopped him.
They both turned and she sighed in relief when she saw Namor. They talked with each other, Namor sounding gentle yet with authority towards the other man. The stranger seemed to settle down before his eyes widened, making her wonder what else Namor had told him. 
The stranger looked at her and what he did next surprised and confused her even more. The man knelt on one knee right in front of her before muttering something in the other language, 
"Forgive me." 
She raised a brow but before she could even ask what the hell he was doing and why he was doing it and what he meant, Namor had taken her by the arm. He then spoke in a commanding tone over the people gathered by the cave.
She wondered what he was saying. It must've been important and it must be about her because they all looked at her with- she doesn't know what look they were giving her- maybe- acknowledgment? Could be.
Namor then turned to her, "There is something I have to attend to. You must stay here." He ordered,
"What? Where are you-"
"Stay. My people will look after you as I have instructed. I will return-" He calls her by a name in the language she's not familiar with and she tilts her head, not understanding shit. But again, before she could ask, he had turned on his heel and left with most of the people carrying spears out of the cave. 
Once they were all gone, she sighed, looking around at the remaining strangers with her. There were two men- who she assumed were left to guard her, and there were three younger women. 
Oh tapos. Ano na bes? Nga-nga. (So now what?)
One of the younger women then approached her and handed her some new clothes before gesturing for her to follow. She looked down at the garments and then back up at the stranger. With another heavy sigh, she thinks to herself-
May choice pa ba ko? (Do I have a choice?)
requested tagging: @deputy-videogamer @rokuhoku @queenotaku23​ 
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onenettvchannel · 11 days
FLASH REPORT: American YouTuber 'IShowSpeed' arrives in the Philippines, causes Fan Frenzy for meet-and-greet in BGC [#TeleRadyoSerbisyoEXCLUSIVE]
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(Written by Rhayniel Saldasal Calimpong / Freelanced News Writer, Online Media Reporter and News Presenter of OneNETnews)
TAGUIG, NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION -- The American variety and veteran YouTube sensation 'Mr. Darren Jason Watkins Jr.', finally set foot in the country today, part of his highly anticipated Southeast Asia tour. This arrival of the 19 y/o Ohio state native, straight from the United States of America (U.S.A.), created frenzy among his Filipino fanbase, which led to huge masses of crowds and traffic jams across Metro Manila.
Indeed, his Philippine adventure started off with a bang. He played at a local basketball court in 'Brgy. 39, Zone 3, District 1' in 'Tondo, Metro Manila, National Capital Region'. The place was thronged with fans as the eagerness got the better of everyone to get a glimpse of the male YouTube star. It set the tone for a day that became truly frenzy-filled and filled with fervor.
Before going to the heart of the city, IShowSpeed made a quick detour to a local Chowking branch on Bustos Street, Sta. Cruz, this said city and province. The fast-food stop served as an emergency impromptu meet-and-greet location, where he was sat and hydrate himself in plain cold water, as eager fans were gathered outside to catch a glimpse of their online male YouTuber idol. He followed up his interest in Filipino culture by riding on top of a Kalesa, a horse-drawn transportation contraption, waving a Philippine flag to the delight of all that watched, helping spur his growing entourage on in excitement.
The joyride to BGC turned out to be a spectacle in its own right, as the male YouTube star replaced Kalesa with a motorbike, knowingly called as 'habal-habal'. The ride through busy Manila attracted even more attention; traffic came to a halt with fans trying to stay alongside their idol.
The chaotic night concluded before 7:30pm at 5th Avenue, BGC, in a Mercedes-Benz showroom, where IShowSpeed found refuge amidst a sea of people. Outside the unforgettable local dealership at Cats Motors Incorporated (CMI), chaos was at nothing less than pandemonium. If this day wasn't exciting enough, IShowSpeed teasingly posted to the internet media, including 'TeleRadyo Serbisyo: Dumaguete' and 'OneNETnews' that he would be meeting the Boxing legend and former senator "Manny Dapidran 'PacMan' Pacquiao", scheduled for tomorrow on Thursday (September 12th, 2024 -- Manila local time) when social media would once again go ablaze in the star-studded encounter.
In LIVE chats throughout the night, rumors are rife that the IShowSpeed Philippine Tour may well extend to the Visayas region on Day 2, including Cebu, Bacolod, Dumaguete and Siquijor. For now, unfortunately much however, Mindanao appears to be out of its itinerary.
IShowSpeed's arrival most certainly has left an indelible mark within the Philippines, and his livestream drew in more than 300,000 viewers from around the world, over half from the Philippines with 56% online audience share in this video sharing platform. And as this male YouTube star still goes on a rampage in this South East Asian adventure, one thing is for sure: IShowSpeed fever has finally swept the nation of the Philippines, and it isn't going away anytime soon.
This ongoing tour to South East Asia would be continued across the continent, first stopping in Thailand and later adding probably with the likes of Cambodia, Malaysia and Indonesia -- all for this month of September 2024.
SOURCE: *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWuJYrEZBkw [Referenced YT LIVE VIDEO via IShowSpeed] and *https://www.youtube.com/post/Ugkx685Idjol8tdYoSpnEhUNmxqKLfMVUOTW [Referenced YT Poster PHOTO via IShowSpeed]
-- OneNETnews Online Publication Team
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purplesurveys · 1 year
Do you prefer bar or liquid soap? Liquid, I guess, but it’s nowhere near being a passionate preference.
What's the speed limit on your street? I’m not actually sure but probably like 10 kph max. It’s a narrow street and a kid or pet could come running out of their house’s gate any second.
When was the last time you wore your favourite article of clothing? I don’t really have a favorite one.
Do any of your family members have an upcoming birthday? The next one is my mom’s in September.
On a scale of 1-5, 5 being the best, rate your last kiss. 0, It was a nothing kiss at that point, but I didn’t feel so at the time which to me makes it even worse.
What is your favourite flavour of Jolly Ranchers? I’ve never had those.
Where was your Facebook profile picture taken? Somewhere in Zambales.
Do your parents smoke? Neither of them do.
Would you rather bake cookies or a potato? Cookies.
Who was the last person to stay the night at your house? Reena on my last birthday.
Do you live close to a park? Private, tiny subdivision parks, yeah. Those barely count as anything though.
Is your favourite animal endangered? One of them is.
Have you eaten pizza in the last week? I haven’t. I did buy pizza-flavored Pringles here in Thailand the other night but I haven’t had pizza here yet. I don’t think I’ll have the time to do so either.
Who was the last person you added to your contacts list? I have no clue; I never add people to my contacts anymore. Since I greet people with “Hi [name]!” anyway I always know whose number I’m texting even if I don’t designate a nickname for them anymore.
How long does it take you to shower? Around 10-13 minutes. I’m usually able to finish a whole vlog in the shower, no more no less haha.
Do you prefer a brand of bottled water over others, or is it all the same? I don’t drink bottled water enough to have a favorite brand, but yes I do prefer certain brands over others because the taste difference can be super blatant.
Have you used Wikipedia today? I don’t think I have today.
Are you better at writing fiction or non-fiction? Non-fiction.
Do you know anyone who has moved to a different state? I know very few people who’ve moved out from Manila to the province. People do the opposite like 90% of the time, but moving to the province happens too although a lot more rarely.
How many pens can you see from where you’re sitting? There aren’t any.
Have you ever dated someone one grade/year above or below you? Nope.
What language do you think you’d be good at? Not sure, maybe Spanish. I have a decent handle of the language from the colonization anyway. :) What language do you think you’d fail at? Any Chinese language.
Do you still have a landline phone at your house? Yup, my grandma still calls via landline so we keep it.
What is your current desktop background? BTS.
How big is the television you last watched? No idea, it’s an Airbnb TV and I can’t be bothered to ask about the specs.
Have you ever been stung by a bee or a wasp? Nopes.
How many schools have you been to in your lifetime? Just two; I stayed in one school from kinder to high school and only switched when it was time to go to college.
What is the middle name of the last person you texted? Her middle name is her nickname, so Angela.
Are you of legal age in your country? Yep, I think 25 is legal everywhere?
Why did you last visit a doctor? Needed to get my braces readjusted.
Would you prefer an ice cream cake or a regular cake? Pass for the most part, but fine I’ll go for the regular. I don’t understand ice cream cakes. Why get a cake that, like, disappears?
How old is your best friend? She’s turning 25 this year.
What is/was your high school’s mascot? Both of the schools I attended don’t have one.
Do you carry pain relievers with you at all times? Nope.
Where is your mother right now? She’s in Siquijor vacationing with my dad.
What was the last thing to make you smile? This nice lady who was helping me get back into our Airbnb room without the building cat entering through the door. I think she’s the one who runs the laundry shop attached to this very Airbnb.
Are you currently saving up for anything? Not right now but the moment I land back in Manila I most definitely will have to save in general because I went balls to the wall crazy with the shopping.
What’s the view like from your bedroom window? An abandoned house on the right, two very quiet houses behind, some trees.
Generally speaking, do you prefer sweet or savoury? Savory. I don’t like desserts.
What would you do if you got home and you saw your house had been destroyed? Depends. Destroyed by a fire? Was it trashed and some shit got stolen? Did Agi tear off all the tissue rolls? Idk I could either have a panic attack, cry, get angry, be frantic, or anything else depending on what the house looks like.
When did you last go outside, and what for? I wanted to look for a cafe here in our neighborhood area in Bangkok and found one on Maps, so I tried walking to it but when I got there there was nothing :( So I just went back to our Airbnb since I don’t want to wander too far all alone.
Who is your favourite Sesame Street character? I didn’t really have a favorite but if you asked me now I would probably go with either Cookie Monster or Bert.
How often do you check your emails? Only when I’m on shift.
Do you have any plans for this Thanksgiving? I don’t celebrate that.
What colour is your backpack? I don’t use a backpack anymore but my main handbag is brown.
Would you slap the last person you talked to for twenty dollars? No.
What search engine do you usually use? Google.
How much did the shirt you’re wearing cost? No clue, my mom got this for me hoping I’d use it in Thailand. And now I am :)
Patrick Stump or Pete Wentz? I never preferred one of them over the other.
Do you know anyone who gives way too many hugs? A little bit, yeah.
What time do you usually wake up on Sundays? 8 AM.
Have you whispered today? I don’t think I have.
What grade did you get on the last test you took? The last kind of anything I was graded on was like this writing workshop for work where we were given a prompt and we got a seasoned journalist come in to review each of our works...anyway, I got like a 48/50.
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noirlevity · 2 years
Happy Birthday Tadashi!
Pairing: Tadaai Fandom: Sk8 the infinity A/N: Tadashi birthday fic!
For his birthday celebration, Tadashi was given a set of questions to ask Ainosuke. Ainosuke was chosen because he is the closest to him. Staring at the questions, Tadashi didn't really want to do it, but he also didn't want to be a killjoy.
Even his Ainosuke-sama was looking forward to it, so he must indulge.
"First question, what are you to the celebrant?"
"I am his owner," Ainosuke smiled widely.
Miya & Cherry rolled their eyes. Joe & Oka giggled while Hiroomi, Reki, & Langa had deadpan faces as they listened. Tadashi was about to go to the next question when Ainosuke whispered bashfully, "I'm the boyfriend." Clearly conscious of the eyes on him, Ainosuke defensively crossed his arms around his chest & gave Tadashi a petulant look.
Who was he trying to fool?
Ainosuke was blushing up to his ears. His small puckered mouth makes Tadashi smile.
"How did you meet each other? And where?"
"We met at my house. At the abandoned swimming pool."
"How would you describe him?"
"Lovable doggie."
Cherry opened his fan in irritation and gripped it like he could break it in half.
"How do you think he'd describe you?"
"Magnanimous Master," Ainosuke whispers, "Baby, cutie patootie."
"Hey what was that? We didn't hear it," Cherry complained. "Use your mic!"
"Say it again!" Demanded the teenagers.
"The love of my life,"
The crowd goes silent. Tadashi was the one who answered. Cherry got even more pissed off at their shameless PDA. Joe whistled. Miya rolled his eyes again, while Reki couldn't help but have stars in his eyes.
"If you can both go on a vacation, where would you go?"
"Siquijor, Philippines. Maybe Cebu. Just the two of us."
"You want to visit there right? Let's go in the summer."
"Next question please!" Cherry interrupted, brows knitted. Damn these two love birds. Who even came up with this question-and-answer portion? Are they trying to shove these two's relationship at Cherry's single ass?
"Is he the jealous type?" Ainosuke thought for a few seconds. It never crossed his mind.
"I'm not sure. What is there to be jealous of? I only have eyes for him."
"So Adam was just playing with my feelings?" Langa commented. Reki was the only one who heard his remark.
"You took him seriously?"
"No... but, it feels as if I got betrayed."
"Don't worry, you still got me!" Reki declared.
"Are you the jealous type?"
"Not really." A pause. Ainosuke adjusts himself in his seat. "Maybe just a bit,"
"Ainosuke-sama, I only have eyes for you too."
"NEXT!" Cherry bellowed. Joe giggled next to him, amused at how impatient he was to get this portion over with.
"What feature of the celebrant do you find the most attractive?"
"His hands.
"I like your face and your beauty mark but I love your hands the most. The way you just know where to touch~"
"FYI! There are minors here." Cherry interrupted again while he rolled his eyes.
"What feature of yours do they find most attractive?"
"My legs."
". . ." Tadashi was speechless.
"Silly puppy, you think I won't notice?" Ainosuke leers at him. Obviously guilty, Tadashi pressed his lips together in defeat, shoulders hunched downward in embarrassment, ears as red as the roses at the Shindo mansion.
"This pair is something else." Joe commented. "Shamelessly kinky. Damn even I'm a bit jealous!"
"Shut up! Can't blame Tadapi. I find Adam's legs attractive too." Joe stared at Cherry dumbfounded.
"Nothing, I was just surprised."
"Finally, please say a message to the birthday celebrant." Ainosuke cleared his throat.
"Happy birthday puppy~! We'll be together for the rest of our lives. Love you!"
Ainosuke stood up from his seat. He took something behind the podium and rushed to where Tadashi sat. With a bouquet of red roses in his hand, he lifted Tadashi up as he hugged him tightly, startling the other man. He kissed him in front of everyone and offered him the roses with a childish grin. Cherry and Joe watched their friend with gentle eyes. The look on Ainosuke's face was full of bliss. He looked so content and happy as he held Tadashi in his arms. The love he has for Tadashi was so apparent and precious that it was jealousy-inducing.
"He was the one who set this portion up." Cherry deduced.
"He did.
"He has been preparing for this party behind Tadapi's back and was very nervous about it. Isn't it cute?"
Cherry hid his face behind his fan. "Not gonna lie, it is."
Hiroomi looked at the couple with admiration. He wished he could get the same kind of love too. Oka couldn't stop himself from feeling content.
Here was true love. And it was beautiful.
Reki ran to the stage dragging Langa and Miya with him. He encouraged everyone to take a group picture. He already set up the camera for the shoot. Everyone huddled together with Ainosuke and Tadashi at the center and took a picture.
When the picture developed, everyone's eyes widened with surprise. Tadashi smiled so sweetly at the camera that everyone felt like they got slapped in the face. So he had a reason he was scowling all the time: it was to save everyone from having a heart attack every time he flashes his charming smile. Ainosuke's affection towards Tadashi had been difficult to comprehend, but now they understood where he was coming from.
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siquijorbestof · 2 days
A Journey Through Siquijor: Must-Visit Gems of the Mystical Island
Siquijor, a small yet enchanting island in the Philippines, is known for its mysticism, beautiful landscapes, and pristine beaches. Often overlooked by tourists, this island has become a secret paradise for travelers seeking a unique and serene experience. If you’re planning to visit, get ready for lush waterfalls, scenic coastlines, and mystical adventures.
In this post, we’ll uncover the places to visit in Siquijor, helping you make the most out of your island getaway.
Cambugahay Falls: A Tropical Oasis
Tucked away in the forest, Cambugahay Falls is one of the most iconic places to visit in Siquijor. This multi-tiered waterfall offers crystal-clear, turquoise waters that cascade gently into serene pools, perfect for swimming and relaxing. The surrounding greenery creates an almost magical atmosphere, making it a true tropical paradise.
Visitors can take a refreshing dip, try the rope swing for a bit of adventure, or simply bask in the beauty of nature. It’s an ideal spot for families, friends, and solo travelers looking to escape the heat and enjoy some quiet time. Don’t forget your camera, as Cambugahay Falls is incredibly photogenic!
Salagdoong Beach: The Cliff Diving Haven
For thrill-seekers, Salagdoong Beach is an absolute must on your list of places to visit in Siquijor. Known for its stunning beach and cliff diving spots, this place offers both relaxation and adrenaline. The beach itself boasts powdery white sand and crystal-clear waters, perfect for swimming and sunbathing.
What truly sets Salagdoong apart, though, is its cliff diving platforms. Adventurers can take the plunge from different heights, diving into the warm, inviting waters below. If cliff diving isn’t your thing, simply enjoy the view from the restaurant on-site or snorkel around the coral reefs.
Siquijor Butterfly Sanctuary: Nature’s Delicate Wonders
Hidden within the island is a sanctuary that celebrates the beauty and fragility of nature. The Siquijor Butterfly Sanctuary is a peaceful spot where you can admire the colorful and delicate butterflies that call this place home. It’s a charming location for those who appreciate the small wonders of the world, offering a serene break from the beach.
Walking through the sanctuary, you’ll learn about different butterfly species, their life cycles, and their importance to the ecosystem. It’s a great experience for families and nature lovers who want to connect with the island’s biodiversity.
Lazi Church and Convent: A Glimpse into History
Steeped in history, the Lazi Church (San Isidro Labrador Parish) and its convent are among the most historically significant places to visit in Siquijor. Built in the late 1800s, this beautiful Baroque-style church and its large convent are testament to the Spanish colonial period in the Philippines.
Walking into the Lazi Church is like stepping back in time. The architecture is stunning, with intricate wood carvings and aged coral stone. Adjacent to the church is the Lazi Convent, once the largest convent in Asia. It now serves as a museum, offering a fascinating glimpse into Siquijor's past. History buffs and cultural enthusiasts will find this site captivating and enriching.
The Century-Old Balete Tree: Mystical and Mysterious
Siquijor’s reputation for mysticism wouldn’t be complete without a visit to the famed Century-Old Balete Tree. Standing tall for over 400 years, this ancient tree is steeped in local folklore, often associated with supernatural stories. Beneath its thick, sprawling roots is a spring-fed pool where visitors can enjoy a fish spa experience, where small fish nibble at your feet—a fun and relaxing activity.
The site itself feels mysterious, with the towering tree creating an eerie, yet fascinating, atmosphere. Whether you’re intrigued by the folklore or simply want to experience the natural beauty, the Balete Tree is one of the places to visit in Siquijor best of that cannot be missed.
Paliton Beach: The Island’s Secret Gem
Often compared to Boracay before the boom of tourism, Paliton Beach is one of the hidden gems of Siquijor. This unspoiled paradise is the perfect escape for those seeking peace, quiet, and pristine beauty. The beach is lined with coconut trees, and the white sand is as soft as powder, making it a picture-perfect spot for sunbathing or a leisurely walk.
Paliton Beach is also an excellent place for snorkeling, as the waters are calm, and you can explore the vibrant marine life just a few meters off the shore. If you're searching for the ideal spot to catch a stunning sunset, Paliton Beach delivers.
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jji2018 · 4 days
Sharing our Dumaguete & Siquijor trip with a twist.
Day 0 (September 11): Daraga, Albay to Manila
We met two of our friends, who happened to be twins, at MOA to satisfy our ramen cravings. We indulged in ramen and gyoza at Mendokoro Ramenba and took evening strolls at the Bay.
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Day 1 (September 12): Manila to Dumaguete
Front-row seat, baby! However, with additional tasks, such as opening the plane's emergency exit. Our rental car service delivered the vehicle to the Dumaguete airport right after we landed. We drove a gray metallic, less-than-a-month-old Toyota Wigo.
For our first stop, we enjoyed our late breakfast at Café Sans Rival at The Henry. We had pancakes, bacon, eggs, bangus, fried rice, coffee, tea, and juice! What a fantastic way to start our tour! Next, we explored and took photos at Pulangbato Falls, Sulfur Vent, Mango Ranch, and Tierra Alta in Valencia. We also stopped by the Cata-al Museum and Forest Camp. We checked in at Flying Fish Hotel, washed up, and had dinner at Gabby’s Bistro with PJ and Rae. The serving was generous, and the food and staff were excellent! And the mango crepe was lit!! We managed to get our ferry tickets for Siquijor before heading back to the hostel.
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Day 2 (September 13): Dumaguete to Siquijor
Travel time from Dumaguete to Siquijor was about 3 hours (the average travel time is 1.5 hrs). We took the Montenegro Ferry, the only vessel that sailed that day to Siquijor. The weather was rough. We rode a tricycle to White Villas Resort in San Juan, had a meal at their restaurant, and then decided to check in—a big thank you to the White Villas staff for accommodating us despite an error in our booking. We washed up, fixed our things, and slept the whole afternoon because our tour was canceled. It was such a rainy and windy day!
Day 3 (September 14): Day Tour in Siquijor
We enjoyed our complimentary breakfast at the resort. Afterward, we set off for our day tour, starting around 10:30 am. The weather had improved, making it safe to begin our tour. Our first stop was supposed to be Pitogo Cliff; however, it was still closed for the day. We decided to come back later that afternoon. Next, we went to Balete Tree Fish Spa. I expected small fish to tickle us. But there were larger ones, which I was a little scared. LOL. We shortly stopped by Hapitanan in Lazi and took broom shots. We met Ivana Alawi’s broomstick and brought home our souvenir voodoo dolls. We also stopped by Lazi Church and took photos. Lazi convent, which is across the church, was closed. It was lunchtime, and we ate Sinigang na pasayan and sizzling pork sisig at Jacs Kitchenette.
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There, the rain started to pour. Despite the harsh weather, we continued the tour and explored the Sambulawan Underground River. We expected a canoe to hop on, but no vehicle could fit in the cave. Equipped with a life vest and torchlight, we explored the cave on foot with our guide, Kuya Arvin, who is very accommodating and skilled at taking photos. Our next stop was Salagdoong Beach. It was still very windy, and the waves were huge, so we dipped our feet in the water and climbed up to the viewpoint. The view was still astonishing as the clear waters hit the rock formations. Our final stop for the day was the 'Welcome to Siquijor' signage. We were drenched when returning to the hotel.
For our dinner, we visited Dolce Amore, an Italian restaurant 2 minutes from the resort. Their pasta, pizza, and gelato were a true luxury. No wonder most of their patrons are foreigners.
P.S. Big shoutout to Kuya Jesse, our tour guide, who was super friendly and accommodating and ensured our safety!
P.S.S. We were supposed to return to Dumaguete, but all trips were canceled. So, we extended our stay at White Villas. We were unable to use our reservation at the Flying Fish Hostel.
Day 4 (September 15): Going back to Dumaguete
Kuya Jesse picked us up at White Villas and took us to Siquijor Port, hoping to catch any trip back to Dumaguete. We were given a queueing number for the 2 pm trip, but it was canceled. We took a chance for the 4:30 pm trip, but we had no slot. Thanks to the fixers who got over 20 tickets for one queueing number.  */Annoyed/*
It's a good thing Kuya Jesse lent a hand to us. His friend picked us up at the port ticketing office and helped us find a nearby inn to spend the night. This time, there were three of us sharing a room. We met Ate Fritzie at the ticketing office; she couldn’t grab a ferry ticket, too, and joined us.
That night, we tried booking our ferry tickets online. We booked possible trips of OceanJet fast craft, Montenegro Lines, and Aleson, too, for the next day.
Day 5 (September 16): Travel Day to Dumaguete, Manila, and Bicol
It was a very early wake-up call – 4 am (but I extended 10 minutes of sleep). Kuya Jesse picked us up at the inn head to Siquijor port for the second time. This time, the fast craft ferries resumed their trips. Our online booking for OceanJet (for beshie and me) and Aleson (for Ate Fritzie) were the keys for the 6 am trips. We bade goodbye to Siquijor and arrived in Dumaguete after 40 minutes of travel.
Since our flight to Manila was scheduled for 10:40 a.m., we were able to try Dumaguete’s painitan for breakfast. PJ and his mom took us for a quick tour of Dumaguete and Valencia. And we made it on time for our flight to Manila! But upon landing, the first thing we did was to get our luggage and find a nice place to dine in NAIA T3. We cannot miss eating during lunchtime, so we had a meal at Army Navy and had takeaways from Tim Hortons before transferring to NAIA T4, where we were supposed to take off for Daraga, Albay.
Btw, the window seat was excellent! Covered with fluffy clouds, Mt. Mayon said hi to us.
And yes, we traveled from Siquijor to Dumaguete to Manila to Albay to Naga City in JUST A DAY. Teleporting was real, folks!
Thanks to Avis for driving us from Naga to Daraga and returning from Daraga to Naga. And thank you to Sieg for the additional stay at the White Villas.
Thank you, PJ, Rae, and Solamillo Fam, for driving us and the silvanas.
Thank you, Miracle21 car rental, for lending us your baby Wigo for your Dumaguete City & Valencia tour. Thank you soooo much, Kuya Jesse, for all the help in getting around Siquijor and for ensuring our safety.
Hoping to come back to Dumaguete and explore more places in Siquijor soon!
-- The Beshies, MaiMai & JenJen
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wheretogoph-blog · 15 days
7 PROVINCES IN 6 DAYS (Negros Oriental, Siquijor, Negros Occidental, Iloilo, Guimaras, Antique, and Capiz)
This trip was both exhausting and incredibly rewarding! I planned it for my 26th birthday. After six months of research, I finally created an itinerary that perfectly matched my flight schedule. Yes, I bought the plane tickets before finalizing the itinerary. I’m excited to share all the details with you—this will be VERY detailed!
Where to start?
I started my trip in Dumaguete, Negros Oriental, for easier transportation. My flight was 7AM.
I booked a flight from Manila (MNL) to Dumaguete (DGT) with Cebu Pacific. My flight was originally scheduled for 7 AM, but there was a one-hour delay. Fortunately, my tour guide was very kind and waited for me at the airport.
Day 1: Dumaguete, Negros Oriental
9:30 AM: Arrive at Dumaguete–Sibulan Airport. 9:30 AM – 9:45 AM: Wait for my checked baggage. 9:45 AM – 10:00 AM: Freshen up at the airport. It’s a small airport with only two restrooms, so it was a bit crowded. 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM: Meet up with Kuya Thony for the Dumaguete-Valencia Tour. I was a bit shy at first because I was running late, but Kuya Thony was incredibly understanding. I had booked a solo tour with him two months in advance. Despite the rain throughout the tour, which I usually dislike, we pushed on and I eventually forgot about the weather.
Here are the places we visited on the tour, including the entrance fees:
Subida Souvenirs Cata-al Museum: Donation only Tierra Alta: PHP 100 per person, PHP 50 for parking Sulfur Vent: No entrance fee Pulangbato Falls: PHP 100 per person, free parking Redrock Hotspring: PHP 100 per person, free parking Forestcamp Resort: PHP 200 per person, PHP 30 for parking Chada Valencia: No entrance fee Dumaguete Signage: No entrance fee Rizal Boulevard: No entrance fee Cathedral: No entrance fee Silliman View: No entrance fee Sansrival Pasalubong: Depends on what you buy Monkey Sanctuary: No entrance fee. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to see any monkeys because of the rain, though I spotted some in the distance on the mountains. Dove Feeding Plaza: No entrance fee, but you need to buy bird feed to attract the birds for photos. I opted for the larger feed, which cost PHP 50. 4:00 PM – 4:45 PM: Arrive at the hostel, Antwet Backpacker’s Inn & Rooftop Bar, for PHP 449.98 per night. After settling in and taking a bath, I headed out again at 7 PM. The hostel is conveniently located in front of the Negros Oriental Provincial Capitol.
I explored the area, took some pictures, and visited Rizal Boulevard, which was also part of the tour. Kuya Thony had mentioned it’s especially lively at night, and he was right—it was vibrant and full of energy.
Since I wasn’t very hungry, I looked for a café near the boulevard and found Tom N Toms Coffee. I ordered a mango yogurt smoothie for PHP 200. It was decent, and I spent about 30 minutes there before heading back to the hostel.
I prepared my things for Siquijor before sleeping.
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Day 2: Siquijor
I booked a fast craft ticket in advance via the Oceanjet website, which cost approximately PHP 750 for a round-trip ticket. I mistakenly thought that purchasing the ticket online meant I wouldn’t need to wait in line at the port. Unfortunately, I was wrong. First, there was a long line to get a physical ticket, and then another line for the terminal fee payment of PHP 15. It would be helpful if they included all fees on the website to streamline the process for tourists. I wasn’t the only one confused; many other travelers seemed to be in the same boat. The travel time is approximately 45 minutes to an hour.
There’s also a cheaper ferry option costing around PHP 400 round-trip, with a travel time of about 2 hours.
5:30 AM – 6:00 AM: Wake up and prepare. I was supposed to check out of the hostel and leave my luggage there, but the reception was unavailable. So, I ended up booking another night through the Agoda app. I couldn’t reach the property representative either.
6:00 AM – 6:30 AM: Breakfast at Jollibee, which is conveniently located near the hostel.
6:30 AM – 6:40 AM: Head to the Port of Dumaguete. Remember to bring a valid ID, as it’s required for entry.
6:40 AM – 7:00 AM: Wait in line to get a physical ticket and pay the terminal fee.
7:00 AM – 7:20 AM: Wait for departure.
7:20 AM – 7:30 AM: Boarding. One thing I love about Oceanjet is their punctuality—they’re always on time!
7:30 AM – 8:15 AM: Fast craft ride from Dumaguete to Siquijor.
8:30 AM: Meet my tour guide, Kuya Dehm, outside the terminal. Although he wasn’t the guide I initially booked, everything went smoothly during the tour!
8:30 AM – 5:00 PM: Siquijor Tour—an action-packed day exploring the island. Here are the places we visited, along with their entrance fees:
Welcome to Siquijor: Free, located just outside the port
Saint Francis of Assisi: No entrance fee
Paliton Beach: No entrance fee; donation requested for photo ops by locals
Pitugo Cliff: PHP 30, plus PHP 30 for parking
Old Enchanted Balete Tree: PHP 20
Hapitanan Broom Shot: No entrance fee; donation requested for photo ops by locals
Lazi Church: No entrance fee
Lazi Convent: No entrance fee
Cambugahay Falls: PHP 20, plus PHP 30 for parking
Molave Man-Made Forest: No entrance fee
Salagdoong Beach: PHP 50 entrance fee, plus PHP 20 for parking
Cang-Isok Old House: No entrance fee; only for sightseeing, as you cannot enter
Lilibeth Pan Bisaya
Kuya Dehm and I parted ways at exactly 5:15 PM outside the port where we initially met. The Siquijor port is more convenient than Dumaguete’s. I just showed my e-ticket and paid the terminal fee. Although there were plenty of tourists, the line moved surprisingly fast. I waited until 6:00 PM.
6:00 PM – 6:15 PM: Boarding.
6:15 PM – 7:10 PM: Fast craft ride from Siquijor to Dumaguete. This was the most terrifying hour of my life—the weather was cold, the craft was fast, and the waves were huge due to the rain. It felt like a roller coaster ride. The woman sitting next to me said the rough ride was normal, though the waves were higher than usual. After this nerve-wracking journey, I took a tricycle back to the hostel. The caretaker was very kind and said it was no problem to leave my things in the room, even suggesting I shouldn’t have booked another night as it was unnecessary.
I checked out at 9:00 PM and headed to the Ceres Bus Terminal for the 10:00 PM bus to Bacolod. To my surprise, the only available bus was an ordinary one. The conductor advised me to wait for the 1:00 AM air-conditioned bus, which would be more comfortable.
In the midst of it all, I forgot to have dinner on my birthday! I quickly took a tricycle to Bazinga Dumaguete, where I enjoyed a burger and fries combo for PHP 200. It was delicious! I stayed there until 11:30 PM and then returned to the terminal, where I almost missed the bus.
1:00 AM: The bus departed for Bacolod. I slept throughout the journey to save time and hotel expenses.
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Day 3: Bacolod, Negros Occidental and Iloilo
I arrived in Bacolod at 6:00 AM and had breakfast at a carinderia next to the terminal—one rice and hotdog for just PHP 35, plus a free soup!
Since it was too early for the museum and The Ruins, I decided to explore the area:
7:00 AM – 7:45 AM: I took a tricycle to the Plaza, which was only a 3-minute ride, but the driver asked for PHP 200. I was unsure and ended up paying him. I took a leisurely stroll around the plaza and visited the following attractions:
Bacolod Plaza Bandstand Welcome to Bacolod City arch City of Smiles San Sebastian Church 7:45 AM – 8:15 AM: Enjoyed coffee at Dunkin’.
8:15 AM – 8:50 AM: Walked to Capitol Park and Lagoon.
8:50 AM – 9:45 AM: Visited The Negros Museum.
9:45 AM – 10:40 AM: Took a Grab to The Ruins, but unfortunately, it was closed for an event.
10:40 AM – 11:30 AM: Headed to Manokan Country and had lunch at Aida’s Chicken. The chicken inasal was decent.
11:30 AM – 12:00 PM: Stopped by SM City Bacolod, which is conveniently located just in front.
12:00 PM – 12:15 PM: Walked to Bacolod Port and waited until my departure at 1:00 PM.
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM: Arrived in Iloilo, took a tricycle to my hotel, and checked in.
2:20 PM: Arrived at the hotel, which was quite old and lacked an elevator. My room was on the third floor, so I rested until 4:00 PM before continuing my tour.
4:00 PM – 4:30 PM: Started a walking tour around Iloilo:
Calle Real Sunburst Park Plaza Libertad 4:30 PM – 4:45 PM: Commute to La Paz Market by bus with a La Paz signboard.
4:45 PM – 6:00 PM: Had an early dinner:
Netong’s Original Special La Paz Batchoy Madge Coffee, the oldest coffee shop in Iloilo 6:00 PM – 6:15 PM: Took a bus to Jaro with a Jaro signboard.
6:15 PM – 7:00 PM: Explored Jaro:
Jaro Plaza Graciano Lopez Jaena Park Campanario de Jaro Jaro Metropolitan Cathedral 7:00 PM – 7:20 PM: Returned to Iloilo City Proper.
7:20 PM: Arrived back at the hotel.
I must say, Iloilo City has an excellent transportation system. Buses seem to go everywhere, which is very convenient. Plus, the hotel I booked is located in the city center, making it easy to get around.
Day 4: Guimaras
6:00 AM – 6:30 AM: Prepare to head to the port.
6:30 AM – 6:50 AM: Travel from the hotel to Parola Wharf. Advanced booking isn’t necessary. There are various fast crafts available, with fares ranging from PHP 15 to PHP 30 one way. I chose the PHP 30 option because it’s air-conditioned.
7:00 AM – 7:20 AM: Ride the fast craft from Parola Wharf to Jordan Wharf.
7:20 AM – 4:00 PM: Met my tour guide, Kuya Ryan, and we started the tour right away. Here are the sites we visited:
Jordan Signages: No entrance fee.
Smallest Plaza: No entrance fee.
Windmills and Man-Made Forest: PHP 30 entrance fee, PHP 20 parking fee.
Pitstop Restaurant (for Mango Pizza): I was skeptical, but it turned out to be surprisingly good! Free parking.
Guimaras Signages: Free parking.
Trappist Monastery: Free parking; donation requested for candles.
Guisi Lighthouse: PHP 30 entrance fee, PHP 20 parking fee.
4:00 PM – 4:20 PM: Travel back from Jordan Wharf to Parola Wharf.
4:20 PM – 4:40 PM: Return to the hotel to freshen up.
5:00 PM – 5:25 PM: Commute to Molo Plaza.
5:25 PM – 6:30 PM: Relax and explore Molo Plaza—there’s so much to see and do!
6:30 PM – 6:45 PM: Return to the hotel by riding a bus bound to Iloilo City proper.
6:45 PM – 7:30 PM: Prepare for bed and get ready for the trip to Antique.
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Day 5: Antique
I woke up before my alarm and quickly got ready to start the day.
5:00 AM: Wake up.
5:15 AM – 5:45 AM: Prepare for the trip to Antique.
5:45 AM – 6:15 AM: Walk to the public market behind Robinsons Place Iloilo. I needed to catch a jeepney with the “Mohon Terminal” signage. I was a bit anxious about commuting since there weren’t many clear instructions online. Thankfully, the hotel receptionist kindly advised me to head to the back of Robinsons Place Iloilo and wait for the right jeepney.
6:15 AM: Arrived at Mohon Terminal. I was initially confused because the only bus there was headed to Kalibo. Fortunately, I asked the driver, who confirmed that the bus would pass by Anini-y, Antique, my destination. I boarded the bus to Kalibo but informed the driver to drop me off in Antique.
6:30 AM – 8:30 AM: Travel from Mohon Terminal to Siraan Hot Spring and Health Resort in Anini-y, Antique.
8:30 AM – 12:00 PM: Enjoyed relaxing at Siraan Hot Spring and Health Resort. The sulfur hot spring was wonderful, and the resort’s cliffside location offered stunning views. I would have loved to stay overnight, but I had other tours planned.
12:00 PM – 2:30 PM: Headed back to the hotel. I waited for a bus bound for Iloilo outside the resort. The bus dropped me off at Mohon Terminal, where I caught a ride back to Iloilo City proper.
2:30 PM – 3:00 PM: Freshened up at the hotel and then prepared for an Iloilo City tour.
3:30 PM – 3:45 PM: Took a bus with a “La Paz” sign from Iloilo City. This bus also passed by the museums.
3:45 PM – 6:00 PM: Explored the museums:
Museo Iloilo
National Museum Western Visayas Regional Museum (This one was particularly interesting; it was converted from an old prison into a museum.)
Both museums are conveniently located side by side.
6:00 PM – 6:20 PM: Rode the bus back to Iloilo City proper and stopped at Robinsons Place Iloilo for dinner.
6:20 PM – 6:45 PM: Dined at JD Bakery Café. I tried their Molo soup, which was decent.
6:45 PM – 7:30 PM: Strolled around Robinsons Place and nearly forgot to buy pasalubong. Luckily, there was a Biscocho Haus kiosk nearby!
7:30 PM – 7:40 PM: Returned to the hotel.
7:40 PM – 8:00 PM: Prepared for the trip to Capiz and then went to sleep.
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Day 6: Capiz
I woke up extra early to prepare my check-in baggage. I had bought a bit too much biscocho and butterscotch, so I needed the extra time.
4:00 AM: Wake up.
4:00 AM – 5:30 AM: Prepare for Capiz and check out. I left my luggage at the hotel lobby before heading out.
5:30 AM – 6:00 AM: Went to the back of Robinsons Place again to wait for a jeepney bound for Jaro, as it would pass by Ceres Northbound Terminal.
6:00 AM – 9:30 AM: Traveled from Ceres Northbound Terminal to Roxas City Integrated Transport Terminal. There was light traffic, and we made a 15-minute stop in Passi City.
9:30 AM – 10:00 AM: From Roxas City Integrated Transport Terminal to Roxas City Plaza.
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM: Explored the city. Here are the places I visited:
Roxas City Plaza
Manuel A. Roxas Monument
Immaculate Conception Metropolitan Cathedral (Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Capiz)
Capiz Provincial Capitol
Ang Panublion Museum
Pres. Manuel A. Roxas Ancestral House
I initially planned to visit The Edge, but it was an hour away, and traffic was heavy.
12:00 PM – 12:15 PM: Took a tricycle back to the Integrated Transport Terminal.
12:15 PM – 4:00 PM: Travelled from the Integrated Transport Terminal to Ceres Northbound Terminal in Iloilo.
4:00 PM – 4:30 PM: From Ceres Northbound Terminal to the hotel in Iloilo. I took a jeepney bound for Iloilo City proper.
4:30 PM – 5:00 PM: I had planned to book a Grab to the Iloilo Airport, but fortunately, I found a couple of travelers also heading to the airport. The hotel offered a transfer service that was much cheaper—PHP 150 compared to the PHP 500 Grab fare.
5:00 PM – 5:45 PM: Transferred from the hotel to Iloilo Airport.
5:45 PM – 6:00 PM: Checked in.
My flight was originally scheduled for 7:30 PM, but as usual, there was a delay. We ended up boarding at 9:40 PM. You know there’s a delay when you see a Jollibee box at the gate!
10:00 PM – 11:15 PM: Flew from Iloilo to Manila.
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Dasma to Baclaran: PHP 60
Baclaran to Airport: PHP 200
MNL to DGT RT with 20kg check-in baggage: PHP 4,771.12
Breakfast at the airport: PHP 150
Coffee: PHP 255
Dumaguete-Valencia tour (tricycle, good for 2 pax): PHP 1,300 (Motorcycle tour for solo pax costs PHP 1,000)
Tip: PHP 500
Lunch: PHP 1,300
Coffee: PHP 100
Tour entrance fees: PHP 730
Hotel (2 nights): PHP 996
Cafe smoothie: PHP 200
Coffee: PHP 200
Souvenir: PHP 300
Total for Day 1: PHP 11,062.12
Day 2
Dumaguete to Siquijor RT OceanJet ticket: PHP 750
Tricycle to port: PHP 20
Breakfast: PHP 120
Coffee: PHP 200
Terminal fee RT: PHP 30
Siquijor tricycle tour: PHP 1,300
Tip: PHP 500
Lunch: PHP 1,200
Entrance fees: PHP 500
Souvenirs: PHP 500
Refresher: PHP 200
Tricycle from Dumaguete port to hotel: PHP 20
Tricycle to Ceres bus terminal: PHP 50
Tricycle from Ceres bus terminal to Bazinga: PHP 50
Tricycle from Bazinga to Ceres bus terminal: PHP 100
Dinner: PHP 250
Dumaguete to Bacolod bus fare: PHP 510
Total for Day 2: PHP 6,300
Day 3
Breakfast: PHP 35
Ceres terminal to plaza: PHP 200
Entrance fee: PHP 100
Coffee: PHP 100
Grab from Capitol to The Ruins: PHP 220
Grab from The Ruins to Manokan County: PHP 220
Lunch plus tip: PHP 250
Coffee at the terminal: PHP 50
Tricycle to hotel: PHP 100
Hotel (4 nights): PHP 3,462
Iloilo City to La Paz: PHP 15
Dinner: PHP 165
La Paz to Jaro: PHP 15
Cafe: PHP 200
Grab back to hotel: PHP 164
Total for Day 3: PHP 5,196
Day 4
Grab from hotel to Parola Wharf: PHP 125
Coffee: PHP 200
Iloilo to Guimaras RT: PHP 60
Tricycle tour: PHP 1,500
Tip: PHP 500
Entrance fee: PHP 200
Lunch: PHP 1,000
Parola Wharf to hotel: PHP 130
Iloilo City to Molo Plaza: PHP 15
Souvenir: PHP 100
Total for Day 4: PHP 3,830
Day 5
Iloilo City to Mohon Terminal: PHP 18
Coffee: PHP 200
Iloilo City to Anini-y: PHP 210
Siraan Hot Spring entrance: PHP 150
Anini-y to Iloilo: PHP 210
Lunch: PHP 150
Coffee: PHP 180
Entrance fee: PHP 200
Dinner: PHP 150
Pasalubong: PHP 5,000
Total for Day 5: PHP 6,318
Day 6
Iloilo City to Ceres Terminal: PHP 15
Ceres Terminal to Roxas City: PHP 210
Bus from terminal to plaza: PHP 15
Entrance fee: PHP 50
Coffee: PHP 165
Lunch: PHP 200
Tricycle from plaza to terminal: PHP 100
Roxas City to Ceres Terminal Iloilo: PHP 210
Ceres Terminal to hotel: PHP 15
Grab from hotel to airport: PHP 150
Coffee: PHP 250
Dinner: Free (due to delayed flight)
Coffee: PHP 255
Grab from airport to Dasma: PHP 1,500
Total for Day 6: PHP 3,135
Total Expenses for the Trip: PHP 35,841.12
Overall, this trip was the most expensive and exhausting journey I’ve ever undertaken, but it proved to be profoundly fulfilling. The Visayas region, with its stunning landscapes and vibrant culture, particularly Dumaguete, has truly captured my heart. Dumagueteños are some of the kindest and most welcoming people I’ve ever met. Their warmth and hospitality made every moment of the trip memorable and worthwhile.
Despite the challenges, such as navigating the various transportation options and managing expenses, the experience was enriching. From the breathtaking natural beauty to the rich cultural experiences, every aspect of the trip added value to my journey. The sense of community and the genuine kindness of the locals left a lasting impression on me.
If I ever decide to settle down or retire, Dumaguete will undoubtedly be at the top of my list. Its charm, combined with the incredible people and the serene environment, makes it a perfect place for a future home. The memories and experiences from this trip have cemented my affection for this wonderful region, and I look forward to returning someday.
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11yearsinthemaking · 15 days
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August 02, 2024. Went on a four-day trip to Dumaguete and Siquijor with Krizzy and Gene! Its been a month but I'm still on vacay-high.
We flew to Dumaguete and arrived there a bit past dinner time. We checked in at the hotel, had dinner then walked along the boulevard. We went to buy ice cream, fruit teas and accessories! Its nice how (almost) everything is walking-distance from our hotel.
The next morning, we have to wake up super early to catch the ferry to Siquijor. We rented this multi-cab to take us to our hotel in Siquijor and tour us around the island. We first went to this cliff, then went to two (2) falls where we did swings and robi did backflips (yes nagfreak out nanaman ako, as a mom lol), balete tree where there's a fish spa, then an underground river/cave. I'm still super amazed how we managed to do everything in one whole day (video coming up after this post). W e then head back to our hotel, had dinner then went out again to visit this cute and cozy bar which Robi and I found during our night time walk.
Next morning, we woke up super early again to catch the ferry naman going back to Dumaguete. Upon arrival in Dumaguete, we checked in muna sa hotel then went out again to go to Valencia, we visited their sunday fair in front of Valencia Municipal hall and had breakfast there. We had lechon for breakfast! Yes, LECHON! Dito ko rin natikman yung one of the best strawberry croissant. After breakfast we walked to Forrest Camp (na akala namin malapit lang, but nahhh). Forrest camp is a resort build around the falls and river, the place is super nice and the water is super cold! After forrest camp, we had lunch at a restaurant located at the top of a mountain, we had to take two separate tricycles kasi hindi kami kaya ng isa lang, hirap na hirap yung trike sa pag-akyat tbh. The food was fine, but the view, omg, soo nice. After lunch we headed back to our hotel na to freshen up and get ready for dinner naman. We went to this seafood resto and everything was so nice and affordable. After dinner we visited this cute cafe that serves one of the best coffees i've ever had. I was lowkey feeling tired na by this time since wala pa kaming proper rest but laban lang!
The next morning we went to Sansrival for breakfast before heading to the airport for our flight back to Manila!
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elbertoko · 7 months
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ferdienan · 1 year
DIY Solo Travel to Siquijor Island
Siquijor is a beautiful and very special island in the Visayas region (central Philippines). It isn’t a very popular destination among tourists and even less among locals, which makes it even more enjoyable because it doesn’t get crowded at all. It is a small island that you can actually go around with a motorbike in just 3-5 hours of continuous driving. All of the tourist spots are just right…
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benefits1986 · 1 year
Adios, Taurus Szn
Connecting the dots backwards takes a wicked mindset.  Today, my OG marketing dad and I had a catch up in the South. I thought ugod-ugod mode na siya and mahina na panunaw pero hiyang-hiya ako. At 70+ years old, tuwid na tuwid maglakad. Since it rained cats and dogs, nausog ng slight meet up namin. Nahiya na naman ako kasi sobrang aga niya and he messaged that he is outside Amici. LOL. He does not know where Southbank is and olats daw Westgate kasi umuulan. Apaka arte.  I missed Amici kaya G lang. I forgot to bring a book so I tried a quick trip sa bookstore kaso, nakita ko nakatayo siya sa second floor. My OG marketing dad is soooooo underrated and has an almost non-existent digital footprint. As a blue eagle x dragon (hahahaha), may ego talaga pero since anak-anakan niya akong tunay, wala na. Finished na. We bonded over black coffee, wine and pizza for almost 5 hours. He remembered our supposed meet up before pandemic. Sabi ko, nag-spiral ako and getting back on track. I thought the lost years meant we have to warm up pa, pero no. Parang kahapon lang. Bungad niya sa akin is: So, ano ng last name mo? Me: Shet. Sir, bakit naman ganyan ang tanong mo? He laughed and said na nagtatanong lang siya because I am of age na, matagal na. I said na road to house plant era na ako. He shrugged and told me bahala ako sa buhay ko. After the pangaasar, he told me that I’d match well with _____. Let’s leave that blank because TMI.  We talked about soooooo many stuff and he said na our meet up seems like destiny as anak-ama. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Huy. Tawang-tawa ako sa pagiging cheesy neto. He never fails. Iba talaga siya. As in. Even when he told me that he needs more time to brush up on the marketing game, terror daw siya sa mga panels ng thesis na inuupuan niya. Bwiset. ‘Wag daw siyang dadaanin sa unsound research design saka sa mga ... Sabi ko naman baka tawanan lang niya ako just in case mag-panel siya sa akin. Tumawa na naman. We aligned about how Kotler and Godin and Patel are coming together. And how he enjoys his 2 TB music files sa set up ng audio na pangmalakasan like 13th month x 3 ++++. Takte. Siya na. Sabi ko may Spotify naman pero syempre, ‘di tumigil. Sabi niya is from the flappers to the golden era, meron sa playlist niya. HAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHA. Sendan ko nga links para matigalgalan ‘to. Sabi niya pa tigil ko raw dream ko mag-pick up kasi hassle and that I may want to consider getting a ___. :D Daming alam. Pero gets kasi ‘pag nakapag-drive na ako ulit, humanda ang mga roadtrip na gustong-gusto ko. He recently got a Prado and will test drive sa major roadtrip niya soon.  What I love about huddles with my OG marketing tatay is that he never fails to amaze me. And that, dati wala akong ambag sa mga Pinas tours kasi gala siya for his work and his gala self. Ngayon, nagco-compare notes na kami. Syempre, 2 na lang daw ‘di niya natawid na lugar sa Pinas. Batanes and Jolo. E ‘di siya na. Pati Siargao, may secret spot siya. Shemayyyyy. And agree siya sa Negros na pakakkkkk sa ganaps and opportunities. Agree din siya na Siquijor is underrated. And that if may lockdown, gusto daw niya malockdown sa Kalinga dulo. LOL. May nalalaman pang pagbubunot ng damo as souvenir sa Kalinga. HAHAHAHAHAHAH. Hipster talaga ‘tong OG marketing dad ko. He’s not judging but he is upfront. Siguro, this time around, I saw him in his more relaxed state. Dati kasi gigil. Daming bashing. Sabi niya, pandemic taught him to be the kinder version of himself. OPAK. Tabi. He shared na dapat ang goal na these days is makatulog ng mahimbing sa gabi and continue to help people along the way even when it discomforts you. LOLLOLLL. Luh. Gospel mode na ba siyaaaa?  Challenged him to try free dive. Ayaw daw niya; pero he is on his way to scubadiving as a shala being. LOL.  He also shared a deep dive of his career ganaps which is soooo timely. :D Hahahaha. Para akong pinapakalma at pinapausukan at the same time. ‘Wag daw ako masyadong masungit. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA. Sabi ko I am trying.  He told me that my aura is radiating. And sabi ko, seems like siya rin. I guess nga, this afternoon’s huddle is meant to be. I feel like I’m with cup half-empty and half-full. As a mentor, he is honest but he makes sure that I am in a safe space. ‘Yung pake niya ‘di nauubos. Sana all. :D We also talked about my PTSD x mother dragon and topline shizummzz about my lola who passed away recently. He shared his life’s bits and pieces din and siguro, no TMI pero he shared na we just have to let things happen and connect the dots backwards.  Pati sa law school ganaps ko, aba, may kuda. Apparently, he took law for a year lang pala. LOL. Sabi ko pagusapan na lang namin next time kasi daming hanash neto. HAHAHAHAHAHA.  Perhaps what I like most about my OG marketing dad is his willingness and ability to share his mistakes straight up. Walang chaser. ‘Di on the rocks. Minsan hassle i-down sa system ko pero he makes me think better. He never fails to back up his stories with life lessons. HUHUHUHUHU. And that he is never settling for fancy titles kasi sabi niya nga, titles are but social constructs. EME.  Of course, ‘di ko na naman napigilan to ask anong honest opinion niya sa brand I am working under for the past years. Kinabahan ako kasi he paused. Sabi niya is from an outside perspective, maganda. Happy daw siya nasa fintech x digital ako. LUH. Buti wala siyang angal though ready naman ako. Need ko ng assessment sa kanya bilang ‘di rin biro na ang tagal ko na dito. By tagal meaning, I easily get bored kaya sobrang character arc development ‘yung chapter ko na ‘to. Andami pang need ayusin, matutunan at i-unlearn.  He used to bike daw but he is now into walking. But wait, there’s more. Before pandemic, nakikipagsabayan pa raw siya sa full court ng basketball. :D Pota siya. Gulat daw faculty sa kanya. Sabi ko naman ano ba toka niya since saks lang height niya. Point guard daw. LELS. Ego all over po, opo. Tanong ko, talaga ba? Sabi niya, noon daw, considered na siyang matangkad and ngayon lang naman daw sa generation namin mga tall na tall players. LUH. Daming yabang pero okay, at his age, this is monumental. Wala rin daw siyang maint na gamot. YABANG. Buti na lang ako, wala rin. :D  Sabi niya, we should catch up sooner because.... :D I am just soooo happy na we met kahit anlakas ng ulan na medyo baha levels na bilang ‘di naman kami sanay na may baha sa South. :(  Happy rin siya sa tiny house ko near Tags kasi spot nila ‘yun nung ‘di pa uso. :D Baka raw maging magkapitbahay pa kami kasi naghahanap sila na property near Tags. :D Sana all, ganun noh? Saka sana maging magka-community kami para derecho Tap Station szn na because nakakakilig talaga ang more and more days and nights near Tags come 2024 and beyond. HUHUHUHUHU.  Syempre, sabi ko is ‘yung bahay ko, basic lang. Sabi niya, tigil daw ako. Tiny house fits me best kasi ‘di naman din daw ako mapirme sa bahay. Who knows baka ‘pag natuloy e makapag-Vespa rides na kami. Though, apaka mahal naman talaga po, opo. More, more side hustles ‘pag nacadence ko na ang H2. ‘Di puwedeng sabay-sabay. LOLLOLLOLL.  Syempre, ‘yung mga apo niya binida. Gwapo kiddos e. Mana raw sa kanya. Sabi ko naman, no way kamukha niya pero sige, genes naman niya ‘yun up a certain level. Hahahahahahaha.  I just want to put this here to remind me that my OG marketing Polaris is always with me. The end of the tunnel is near and that I just have to keep slugging it. Kapit lungsss.  What’s really nice about our catch up is may checklist na ako ng next mentor ko sa mundo ng marketing. :) Excited na rin akong makahanap ng mentor na magiging kateam up ko sa sobrang daming updates and nasa future-proofing era na ulit ako. Parang ‘yung lipat ko from sales to fashion to digital to fintech. Here and now na talaga kasi at my age, saktong-sakto lang talaga ang bagong pivot. Dasal lang talaga. Focus and iwasan ang trust issues.  Pinayagan niya rin ako magbayad ng aming food and drinks. :D HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Buti naman. Maiba naman. Siya raw taya next time and dapat sooner.  Thank u, universe for the gift of mentorship in spite my shit. Thank u, Taurus szn. Pluto retrograde mode na tayo because iba ang hatak ng planet na ‘to. Hades levels but sabi nga sa comics universe, death is rebirth. CHZ.  Naparami ako ng inom pero ganun talaga. 2 weeks tayong walang alak sa sistema because ... LOL. Ergo, balik sa tiny sips MWF or whenever. 
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itsjanetimbengan · 5 years
Siquijor and its Exquisite Charm
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It was a cold, rainy, and cloudy kind of morning when we arrived at Dumaguete Airport. After a peal of thunder, we decided to take a tricycle going to Dumaguete Port. We touched down Siquijor after an hour of ferry ride and rode a tricycle again to reach our hotel.
Palm trees swayed gently in the breeze, fresh air filled my lungs and my eyes felt refreshed with the lush of greens around me. Siquijor might be notorious for black magic, mystic, and sorcery, but I got a sense of serenity in this place.
For an island known for witchcrafts and folklores, Siquijor boasts its exquisite charm with its unspoiled palm-fringed beaches, scenic water wonders, and laid-back setting.
We booked our flight to Dumaguete because this is the closest airport with frequent flights from Cebu Pacific and Philippine Airlines.
From Dumaguete-Sibulan Airport, charter a tricycle or a cab to get you to the port. Several ferries like Oceanjet, Montenegro Lines run as early as 7:00 am until 4:30 pm going to Siquijor which fare ranges from P130 to P240.
From Siquijor Port, there are a lot of tricycle drivers you can rent to bring you to where your accommodation is. Tricycle is the usual mode of transportation in the area so tourists normally prefer to hire tricycles for the island tour.
Located in San Juan area, Eastern Garan Seaview Resort offers an amazing cliff top views and not to mention a super chill vibes with its outdoor swimming pool and beach front view (and incredible sunset!!!).
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Siquijor, located in the Central Visayas, is the third smallest province in the Philippines, thus can be toured in one day only. It is locally known as “Esla del Fuego” because of its mystical fireflies.
We rented a tricycle for the whole day tour around the island.
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Believed to be enchanted up to this day, the 400-year-old Balete Tree lies in Lazi which is considered to be the oldest and biggest in the province of Siquijor. Apart from being said that mythical creatures live in Balete Trees, what makes it really mystical is that a natural spring flows right underneath the tree. If you’re up for a quick foot spa, just dip your feet and let the fish doctors nibble around your feet!
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There are stalls that sell some souvenirs, voodoo dolls, and love potions!
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Less than 200 steps going down, you will be mesmerized by Cambugahay Falls’ clear and turquoise warm water originating from natural spring. Lots of locals and tourists go here and enjoy making their sway to the falls.
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This falls has a three-tiered level, the top and middle which usually serve as swimming areas and the bottom and the largest as the jumping site. It usually gets crowded in the afternoon but just a tip, the top tier is the least crowded area where you can do unlimited swings for only 20 pesos.
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Ahhh, I have to say that this is my favorite place in Siquijor! You will be lured with its magnificent stretch of translucent blue waters and fine white sand. Salagdoong Beach is also famous for its cliff diving area with almost 35 feet high, waiting for adrenaline junkies and daredevils to take the plunge straight into the water.
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Guiwanon Spring Park is a mangrove preservation and protection area which is managed by the fishermen and environment organization in this community. 
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A minute of walk on wood and bamboo bridges, you will be led to an open area or seminar hall which offers a magnificent view of the sea with a crisp, fresh air, surrounded by a lush mangrove forest. This sanctuary is a refreshing stop with an entrance fee of 10 pesos and in fact, there are small cottages you can rent if you want to stay overnight.
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The giant palm trees lined up at the shoreline, the powdery white sand, and the sparkling blue waters make Paliton Beach a nice spot for basking under the sun. 
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It was 3 in the afternoon and the sun shone brilliantly, making the water in the ocean glitter invitingly. Definitely a perfect tour-ender – we just unwind and chill by the beach until it’s time to go back to our hotel.
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Other tourist spots in Siquijor:
Saint Francis de Assisi Parish Church
Hapitanan Cafe Restaurant
Lazi Church and Convent
Lagaan Falls
Capilay Hot Spring
Instagram: https://instagram.com/janetimbengan
Twitter: https://twitter.com/janetimbengan
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrBSwTcWdhohq2UCPzUOs_Q
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manananggcl · 2 years
It was just a one-and-a-half-hour flight. Isa didn’t know what she was so worried about. As she crossed and uncrossed her legs, adjusting the summer kimono beneath her thighs, she couldn’t help scrolling through the messages on her iPhone as she’d done a hundred times before. Carmen’s “Delayed AGAIN? 🙄” and her younger sister’s “That’s why it’s called PAL…” made a fond scoff escape her lips. Then there was her most recent exchange with the only person who could properly be called her other half:
See you soon loser lmao [attached selfie] 
Apo 🐴
yowza travel safe. don't die. lol
Apo 🐴
if sending me that picture is another ploy to get me to send one back, it's not working. anyway see you, bye, sleep on the flight or something, you look like you could use it haha
Isa rolled her eyes dramatically as she scrolled through her chat photo archive with Apo Tiongson, her best friend of nearly thirty years–a fact that never failed to make her feel her age. She scrolled past the last no-makeup selfie she’d sent, to the photos they’d been sending each other over the last few months: Apo’s late lunch at a new restaurant on the island (photograph taken at Isa’s urging). A snapshot of the kids Apo trained to become Junior Explorers every Thursday, all of them making wacky faces and peace signs at the camera. A misty view of the sunrise through a sea of clouds. Photos that made Isa’s heart ache with an emotion that she couldn’t quite quantify—homesickness, if she had to take a guess, its poignancy intermingled with the sharp spike of fear.
Isabela Rosales hadn’t been home in years. Taking her family around the States and Manila usually acted as both a vacation for them and a brief break from her career as an OB-GYN, but coming home to Siquijor after over a decade away felt different. A long time ago Isa had thought herself tied to the island, which was alternatively small and humble, yet grand and expansive, in ways that she couldn’t quite explain to people who hadn’t grown up there. But she was sure, somehow, that the woman on a flight to Siquijor, three piercings, a tattoo, and five bad breakups later, was not the same girl who’d left it at seventeen, her heart fluttering like a trapped bird within her chest. Would they recognize her? Would she seem completely different to people who had known her since she was a kid running around in tsinelas? Or would they somehow say that she hadn’t changed–and if so, how was she supposed to feel about that?
Isa accepted a plastic cup of water from the flight attendant wheeling a trolley down the aisle, then as she bit her lip, exited Messenger for her Photos app. Finally her thumb landed on one of her favorite photos, one she brought out whenever she felt homesick: marked on the lower left corner with a filled-out heart, a selfie of herself and Apo from when he last visited her in New York, scarves wrapped around their necks to guard them against the winter cold. Apo’s cheeks were flushed, arm slung over her shoulders, smile as wide as hers. And Isa looked happy. Thousands of miles away from home and warmly, deliriously happy, as if she hadn’t spent all her life trying to push down stupid unrequited feelings for her stupid best friend. 
Isa felt her heart lurch uncomfortably in her chest. Family she could deal with; even years later, it wouldn’t be hard to pick up where she left off with Carmen. But the island itself? The elders? Apo?
Pick a battle, Isa, she told herself sternly, then sighed out loud, again. 
“If he has a girlfriend now, I fucking deserve it,” she muttered under her breath, her screen locking with a decisive click. 
The anino could wait.
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astoryinred · 3 years
Balete Trees: Eerie or A Sign of Life?
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The balete tree is one iconic aspect of Filipino folklore, said to be a dwelling of spirits and an entity worthy of reverence. This tree features heavily in many stories, including the comics and Netflix series Trese.
But what is a balete exactly? Scientifically the trees called balete are actualy several species of the genus Ficus, under the family Moraceae. This means that baletes are related to figs and the famed banyan tree of India, and even more distantly related to mulberries. One characteristic that baletes share with banyan trees is that they both start out as "air plants" and grow their roots downwards over their host tree till they touch the ground. Some species of baletes and banyans are also called "strangler figs" since this growth pattern kills off the host tree, leaving a dead wooden core within. In fact some baletes get so well established long after their host trees have died off, to the point that the woody roots form a sort of enclosure large enough for an adult (or two) to squeeze into. Very large baletes are excellent residences and nesting sites for a myriad of birds, lizards, insects, and other small animals.
The Science of Baletes: Where There is Balete, There Is Life
How did baletes get their eerie reputation? Some have thought that this is owing to the baletes' reputations of being strangler figs, others ascribe it to the balete's unsettling appearance especially when its stringy aerial roots are billowing in the breeze of a moonless night. Some balete species are allergenic, and exposure to their bark, pollen or fruit can cause respiratory symptoms that can be mistaken for...yes, a supernatural malady. However some people will tell you that there is a reason that baletes should be revered: where there is a balete, there is water. Baletes thrive in areas where the groundwater is readily accessible. In fact there is one balete in the province of Siquijor that has a stream emnating from the very base of the tree. To the ancients groundwater and surface water meant life. Where there is a balete, there life can thrive.
I first heard this during a trip to the Manila botanical gardens, while standing underneath a shady balete on the premises. I didn't think much of it till years later when I got around to counting how many strangler figs and baletes in my neighborhood. I grew up in an urban village right next to a creek, and some parts of the street have been built over the water. Not even a quarter of a kilometer away from the creek's intersection with a wall, there were once a dozen small baletes/strangler figs that had been cleared away for a road widening project. Further inside, within the village, was a fully established balete that was a good sport enough to permit people hanging Halloween decor on it every October. Other fig species relying on a little less water grew throughout the area.
It would then stand to reason that people would be reluctant to cut down a tree that signified the presence of groundwater, and certainly had a part in keeping the aquifer clean. The presence of supernatural elements would be a bonus deterrent.
Baletes in Other Stories
Baletes are also said to be the places for some of the ancient babaylans to have spiritual encounters or revelations essential for their training and connection with the Filipino spirit world. This is the reason of course that Alexandra in Trese was sent to a balete tree for her trials as a young girl. There is no one account as to what a young babaylan was supposed to encounter among those great woody roots, but it was understood that returning from the balete was a step in the babaylan's journey towards becoming a fully fledged healer and guide for the community.
In Jose Rizal's novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, a balete tree features as a key location for the Ibarra family of San Diego. In the first novel, the balete tree on the edge of town is said to be a site for misfortune as well as a refuge against the heat and other entities. In the early chapters of El Filibusterismo, two characters return to find something left behind in that great tree.
And lastly...the lady of Balete Drive? Yes, there is a Balete Drive located in Quezon City. This street is an oddly quiet thoroughfare between two busy neighborhoods, lined with this eponymous tree. Some people say the White Lady does not exist. Some swear up and down on her existence. No one really wants to hang around after dark to find out.
What Do You Do If You Encounter a Balete?
Leave it alone. The tree will not harm you.
But maybe you just might want to say "tabi tabi po" as you pass by. Who knows what is watching you from among those roots?
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thejohnthatgotaway · 2 years
hi johnnn
🎢: what’s the best ride you’ve ever been on?
⛰: if you could go on a road trip with just one of your faves who would it be?
Hello, Meeko. Thanks for this. Hehe. 😊
🎢: Not really fond of ‘rides’ usually found on amusement parks. Hehe. I remember feeling sick for a week after that Space Shuttle x Anchors Away experience sa EK back in college. But if I may alter the context of the word ‘ride’ for this, I’d say ‘yung habal-habal experience while touring Jomalig Island or ‘yung flying broomstick experience sa Siquijor or ‘yung roadrip around Baguio and Benguet a couple of months ago.
🏔: Hmmm. This is sort of tough considering I only have a few Tumblr mutuals I get the chance to talk to once in a while. Hehe. But, yeah, if I’ll have to pick one, I’m hoping it could be either you, or Jay, or Matt. Hehe. I think may mga mapapag-usapan tayong interesting about books or plants or life in general. And I’m sure the rest [of our Tumble friends] would make a good roadtrip buddy, too. ‘Pag nagka-chance makapag-usap siguro? Hehe.
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hanalwayssolo · 3 years
1, 2, 10, 18, 20 for the writing asks!
1. Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
By 'current' projects, I'd take that as the ones actively consuming my brain, and they are:
What We Ought To Give, part 3 and final series under The Burden We Share. It's an Uncharted fanfic centered on my OC Darcy Kingsley and her absolutely tumultuous relationship with Sam Drake. For the progress, I'm on my last stretch for the remaining chapters (6 more to go!) and I am stressed lmao. Anyway, what I love most about it... a lot, strangely enough? I love Darcy and her twins, the special family dynamic, and the notion that you can still find love (and love can still find you!) at whatever age or phase in life you're in. Also, I rarely read stories that revolve around a woman in her late thirties/forties who gets to do shit that’s more than just about being a mother, that they can be both a mother AND whoever they want to be, so here’s that, too.
Laws of Motion, part 2 and final series under The Science of Us. A FFXV fanfic I had to put on hold because the lore is bigger than my own life!! 🤣  But I'm writing and rewriting bits and pieces just so I can keep it moving even at such a horribly slow pace. What I love most about it is the big-ass found family energy, my dearest baby Briony, my Messengers, Cor the (not so) Immortal falling in love with an actual immortal that is Candela. 🤍
Renegades. A BNHA fanfic that's been in progress for quite a while, and since I have no time to focus on it, it does pick at my brain with plotbunnies from time to time. Tells the story of people discovering their Quirks for the first time and how they come to terms with it. Features POVs of people from different parts of the world. What I love most about it: Kit Fujiwara, her friendships with Xiomara, Tala, Miguel, and Odessa.
2. Tell us about what you're most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project.
There's this original story I've been keen on writing soon. The premise: it's set on one of the most beautiful islands in the Philippines but also believed to be one of the most mysterious. Siquijor holds a special place in my heart, and so does Corazon, a former classics teacher who came home from NYC to look after her mother. But her homecoming is soon mired by the faces of past lovers who have wronged her, and memories are quite a trigger for her need for blood. 🥴
10. How would you describe your writing process?
A fucking mess, that’s what 🤧
18. Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterisations?) Tell us about them.
God we can talk about this all day, but The Burden We Share in particular has tons of AUs. @oc-musings​ knows this all lmao
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
I have a lot of these in What We Ought To Give!!!! 🥺  And I remember going on full on meta on this lovely reader who asked stuff about Darcy’s connection with the twins and how I’ve been hinting at that ever since the beginning of the chapter. As an avid reader, I love paying attention to details - like some nicknames matter, and how mannerisms are described, and I love incorporating these things into my writing. Just leaving a trail of crumbs and all that. 
Fun meta asks for writers
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