#getting better at choosing emotive photos
borrowedfreedom · 2 years
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Rosie dreamed of a nice cold shower breaking through the heat of the summer’s day. Just a nice, cool sprinkle to wash off the sweat. The cold water splashed across her face and blew up into her nose —
“Pluh — ugh! Pluh!”
Yeah, that wasn’t a dream. It was the horse sniffing her face after having taken a drink of water from somewhere. Where had she even found water??
Rosie sat up, hastily wiping the oat-and-hay-smelling dribble on the inside elbow of her shirt sleeve. She glared while the mare stared off into the middle distance, still dripping, like a dramatic, majestic moron.
They had walked all night, as far as Rosie’s combat boots would go. She had once thought they were her most comfortable shoes. Now she wished she had worn the old sneakers she’d used in high school gym.
The mare didn’t seem at all fazed. The farther they got from the track, the happier she seemed. Maybe she was just glad to be walking somewhere other than an exerciser. 
They left the road when the sun started to come up, when cars would be able to spot them and reports to police made. There were enough twists and turns and canyons in this part of the state that they could get out of sight pretty easily. But as the sun rose, so did her worry for her equine companion.
Maybe she shouldn’t have done this. Maybe the mare was better off with the horse beater. At least there she had food and water. What was she thinking?? She was probably going to get them both killed—
The mare moved again, whacking her muzzle up against the side of Rosie’s head as she did. This horse had absolutely no notion of how big her head was – and, seemingly, no notion of how precarious their position was, either.
“That was fair,” she told the mare. She’d made the decision. The only thing to do now was to live with it. The mare probably hadn’t been trying to say that, but the reminder to get out of her head and pay attention to what the horse needed was a good one either way.
She reached into her backpack for the hoof pick and brush she had brought. When her cell phone came out with it, she shoved that into her back pocket habitually, too. She stood, but the mare’s demeanor had changed, and even with her limited experience, Rosie could tell.
“It’s okay,” she told her, holding the tools up for the mare to see. “I’m just going to clean you up. See? No big deal.”
The horse reached out to sniff and blow the huff of air out. Though still tense, Rosie thought she looked receptive enough. She got closer.
“I’m gonna try your hooves first, okay?” she continued, though she hardly knew why. Maybe she just thought her calm and explaining voice might help the mare feel less cagey. Like she wasn’t hiding anything. It would make her feel better, even if it did nothing for the horse.
She reached for the mare’s shoulder and moved her hand down the back of her elbow and leg, not bending over until she had to. But as she stretched, her shorts pulled over her backside, and suddenly, her cell phone buzzed in her back pocket.
The mare reacted so quickly, Rosie couldn’t even adjust. She pulled her leg out of Rosie’s grasp and bolted, knocking Rosie to the ground in the process. She didn’t go far; a few feet away she turned and faced Rosie. Her ears were flattened and the whites of her eyes flashed as she stared at Rosie, blowing sharply in warning. She stamped a front hoof threateningly.
Rosie didn’t even attempt to stand. “Hey, it’s okay,” she said, holding her now empty hands up. When the mare’s ears flashed forward curiously and then back again, Rosie took the opportunity to reach slowly into her back pocket and pull out her phone.
“Look,” she offered, and threw the phone a few feet away from her onto the grass. “No more phone. Okay? It’s gone.”
It took several minutes, but Rosie took her time. She sat with her hands raised and empty, not even attempting to stand. The mare took long moments to inspect her, and at any slight movement from Rosie, she would raise her head and go back into threatened mode. But luckily, Rosie had nowhere else to be. She just waited, watching the mare for any cues that she was downshifting into a less heightened state of wariness. When at last the mare let out a heavy blow of stress and began to look at the grass for a tasty morsel, Rosie slowly collected herself and stood.
She picked up her phone and immediately switched to Settings, turning off every instance of vibration she could think of, and then turned off the device again entirely. Her jeans must have pulled across a button tightly enough to turn it on.
She turned back to watch the mare, who even now kept one eye on Rosie. Her owner must have used a buzzer during training, a small device that shocked the horse to spur them on faster. They were illegal during races, but it was a lot harder to spot them during training. And once the horse expected them, you didn’t really have to have it on you during the race to make them afraid you were going to use it. Her cell phone vibration only sounded like a buzzer, and the mare had become aggressive.
She’d never really had a strong opinion about them until that moment, figuring they might be useful for stopping aggressive colts or breaking up fights or panicky moments. But to use them so often and consistently that a horse would spook at even the suggestion that she might have one?
The resolve that had waned when she first woke up solidified as Rosie watched the mare watching her. Her hand tightened around her cell phone.
“No more buzzing,” she assured the mare, or maybe herself. “Not ever."
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zzencat · 4 months
Final Spouse’s Energy If You Met Them Now (+ how they would be like dating you) - Current ⏳
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Left to right. Choose the photo that you can’t get your eyes off of.
Where are they now? How are they doing? How would things be like if they were in my life now? May include some SUGGESTIVE comments, but is still very much SFW. I may have gotten carried away with this.
Note: This is your future spouse’s CURRENT energy, which may be prone to change within the next couple of years (ex: more maturity, better developed skills/assets, etc.) But if you were to meet your future spouse now, this is how their energy would look like.
DO BEFORE PICKING: Clear your mind. Close your eyes, inhale deeply, fill up your chest to the fullest, feel the air brush against the ridges of your nose. Breathe out.
Pile 1. “Hey. Hi, I guess?”
• very chill atm, very content with life. Goes with what life delivers to them (that’s pretty cute ngl)
• chill buuuut can be too chill to a fault. Not nonchalant but rather an innocent, “oh I didn’t know you were bothered by that *scratches head awkwardly* — think: Fred liu type of energy
• handles conflict calmly (they might be freaking out inside tho)
• likable and friendly person. Gets along with others well, tho they don’t seem too close with. They have only a handful of close friends, and it’s slightly difficult them to see people outside of that circle as close — selective with who they consider friends. If you got in a conflict with this person’s friends, it would def hurt your person a lot. Ofc they would want to hear both sides out with an unbiased view. (they won’t side with you just bc you’re dating btw, but they’ll let you know as gently as possible)
• doesn’t really have the capacity to yell at people. They’re pretty reserved or have solid emotional control
• definitely could be a loner. LOVES late night walks in the breeze, just the two of you, holding hands or talking or doing wtv- they really don’t care what it is bc it’s with you. I keep seeing this play out in my head tho, where a person with a grey hoodie, hood-on, hands in pockets, walks by your place at night and pretends they dropped something or makes some sort of excuse to see you even for a few minutes. ^^This is when they like the person tho- not actually dating (yet). They will take the chance to either invite you to walk with them (with or without excuse) or hope that you invite yourself lmfao 😂. OR they’ll lean on your doorframe and ask how you are, have a little chat, and every time you think of an answer or your eyes drift away while thinking, they’ll take the chance to check you out (not body, but facial features.) No thoughts in their mind, just how your face just…makes sense(?) to them? 😂😂 Pile 1, like, their eyes will trace the lines, curves, and dips of your face. If you have horrendous eye bags or dark circles, they’ll think it compliments your face somehow. Like you just “make sense” is what I’m hearing. The vibe I’m feeling is that they’re in stage 0 of this potential relationship—like they’re trying to figure out if they just like being around you or if they’ve actually grown romantic feelings for you. In this moment, they’re possibly at that point of figuring out that they DO have feelings for you and this little moment confirms it (altho they’ll push it back until they get home.) >>> (***little note here: they won’t mast*rbate thinking abt you yet and prob for a few weeks to months, bc this is still too early on for them, esp when they’ve just started to like you. It’s more of a respect thing for them- and ESPECIALLY if they haven’t gotten any signs that you like them back. After a couple of months (still not dating you), you could pop into a few of their fantasies tho, but only for a very brief flash. But again, the restriction is there IF yall aren’t tgt yet.)
• can be naive, and probably lets people walk over them too much/has too many open windows for others to take advantage of them. They have to learn to set boundaries properly and stand up for themselves. They will defend the people they love tho. They just let it go when it comes to themselves
• good natured, clean, and has good hygiene. You won’t see pube hairs (or hair in general) in their shower drain. They don’t mind cleaning it either- could honestly clean the house w no problem. It’s therapeutic for em
• pretty responsible person. Won’t argue if you tell them to clean smth or do the dishes. They’ll just do it
• amazing listener, willing to compromise/give you time. Will apologize even if they’re not in the wrong
• they don’t care abt your financial status as long as you’re responsible with money/show maturity over it
• perceptive of other’s emotions to an extent, and especially when dating you, they will pay attention to yours and your reaction to different things. If you look like you’re goin thru smth, they’ll ask right away. The concern on their face is unmistakable
• dresses up helllla nice for a date. Sometimes, subtly sexy and not even on purpose. BUT, there’ll be times where they’ll be in the mirror like “hm, looks kinda see-thru and kinda sexy…I’ll wear it since I know [y/n] will like it.” But they don’t expect you to jump them that night or anything. May hint at it and tease you thru out date night. (The “innocent” gaslighting might be goin crazy tho)
• forgives easily but they’d rather take the hurt than be mean to you
• extremely loyal. Absolutely no interest in anyone else aside from their partner. I don’t think they have the energy for anyone more than you either hahaha
• turns down their friends to hang out with you
• has a lot to say/wants to be heard but sometimes gets self conscious of speaking (as if they’ve said too much) even tho they’ve said the least in the room
• tall or there’s a height difference between you two
Points of Interest: Fred liu’s energy is soooo apparent- he’s not going away lmfao HELP, possible MBTIs: infj, enfj, awkward silence, bad jokes when trying to go off of your joke (like realllly bad- they should stick to the simple ones like ikea puns), nerdy, very put together but allows moments of mistakes, mentally stable, a bit boring, will walk your dog with no extra charge, gets your coffee every morning (if you drink it), remembers the little details, might be a bit vanilla in bed, arms around your waist, cares abt the romantic and friendship aspects more than the sexual relief, smiles more when you’re around, observant as HELL, remembers to pick up your meds, remembers important dates and times, very considerate and kind, simple watch, humble, “how about we make that one thing you like?”, homebody, doesn’t overdress (sometimes underdresses tho), very gentle and good hearted, learns your language to bond with you more, a total romantic and daydreamer, bro gets talkative in their mindddd (the scenario above prob came from them but shhh)
Pile 2. “I like the way you laugh. Eheheheh.” - Justin Bieber Interview
• a whole ass clown. Nah I mean “make you laugh until you die” kind of clown. Won’t stop even if you’re dying and gasping for air. LOVES to hear you laugh. They somehow have an intensive arsenal of jokes and will adjust depending on people’s humor- and they’re very good at this
• extroverted and TALKATIVE. Will go to Yapville and come back. Will share a lot with you and expects your feedback. Doesn’t matter if you’re an introvert or extrovert, they wanna hear your thoughts and opinions
• also they may have good leadership skills and are witty. The only issue with this is that they might be too agreeable sometimes- they want what’s ultimately best for everyone involved. The agreeableness thing is a 50/50 thing tho and applies to only some people in this pile, while the others’ future spouses will make better decisions and more sound judgments depending on the situation and what kind of person they are.
• they also don’t like to correct people’s wrongs, but rather show people how to do something. Some fs in this pile tho, can’t call people (you included) out on bs or mistakes. This may be an issue (since they might value harmony so much). This isn’t the best trait to have if you’re thinking abt kids in the future
• also if you have a dumb ass idea, they’ll hype it up and won’t think it’s dumb at all. They’ll be very supportive. Won’t ever make you feel crazy, unless you crack a joke more unhinged than they ever have/or you ever have. Maybe you’re not the type to until you meet them
• I will say, I don’t think they’re that much taller than you
• they’re so unserious sometimes that you can’t believe they’re as responsible as they are.
• somehow always knows the best places to go for a date or if you guys have extra time
• also don’t be surprised if it’s your birthday and they tell the restaurant staff to bring out the whole cake and candles, even mariachi band- be prepared that shit’s kinda crazy 😂 If you don’t like attention in general, I can’t save you in this relationship lmfaoooo
• they’re also pretty optimistic and prepared for emergencies. The type to track your period if you have em lmfao- *they get the notif on their phone* “oh you’re starting your period next week. Sweet.” “How’d you know that?” You ask, and they’ll say casually “Cuz I got the app.” *flashes you their screen w/ app open* and will browse it some more.
• these people are kinda crazy bc if they’re a parent in the future, they’ll bring a whole colossal ass backpack to an amusement park while carrying your kid. They don’t even care if it makes them look weird
• they probably have a weird feature(s) on their face or body that you love. You think it’s charming on them and while society might consider it weird or not conventionally attractive, they’ve figured out how to make it work
• doesn’t really struggle with jealousy. If anything, their form of jealousy is making you laugh even harder or doing something ridiculous to get your attention back on them and off the other person
• ^ they really do like your attention. They also love when you share things you’ve learned with them or you get them involved/inform them in on something you’ve been working on, reading, studying, watching, whatever it is, they’ll be interested. They’ll watch that dumb reality tv show you’re watching. You could even catch them up with some gossip/drama and they’d be invested af
• tbh im not feeling that they’ll ever be bored with you, regardless if you can keep up with their energy or not, because they’ll make you keep up 😭
• one sad bit I have to mention is that they probably have gone through something in the past where they weren’t on guard so they lost the person/opportunity. [I’ll keep this vague. The person doesn’t want me to dwell on it too much. They don’t want you to be fixed on negative things.] This event has stuck with them ever since and they feel that they can’t afford to make that mistake again. If you acknowledge their efforts in a serious conversation or just a random totally unrelated moment, they’ll very much appreciate that. More than you know.
Points of Interest: Getting a whole enfj vibe in here (healthy AND unhealthy enfjs), possibly enfp, entp, esfj, estp, esfp, surprise birthday parties, *dramatic gasping*, maybe likes drinking tea or making tea (esp one that’s pale-yellow colored- idk the name) and drinking it at night(???) speaking of which, night owl, flexible, will make time for you, “it’s okay! I got it!”, confident, on top of things, “sleep is for the weak” says while eye twitches, switch/versatile in bed—does not mind trying new things (they don’t even care how good or bad you are in bed. If they wanna spice it up, they will take the reigns if you don’t, with no problem), will try their best at anything and everything, the responsible class clown, loves board games, masculine and feminine energy is balanced well, probably a masochist bc they like to stress themselves out with all sorts of duties and responsibilities, very good at adapting, open to new cultures/living in countries completely different from them- weirdly, I’m seeing an Australian guy exploring the wild (…maybe that sort of thing excites them), “if you move, I move. No exceptions”, best parent award, “positions” by Ariana grande
Pile 3. “Hm.”
• in a bit of a stump. Probably has a part time job or multiple to support themselves on their own, but it’s better than being in their last situation.
• introvert. MAJOR introvert.
• minimalist
• straightforward, doesn’t beat around the bush
• not getting the vibe that they’re dating atm — single energy, but not really bothered by it
• would have a pet (eh, maybe) if they could afford to, since they neither have the time nor resources
• they would prob turn you down the first time you ask them out OR they ask you out but in a timid/unconventional/at a later period. I don’t think they have too much dating experience either (and I thought Pile 1 was a loner)
• tsundere type of energy
• the type to say they don’t want kids but when y’all get together, they start thinking abt it a lot, and may hint at it
• good at saving up money, bc they don’t really spend on much. but will work hard to buy you something expensive if they don’t think their efforts for you are enough OR if they don’t think they’re enough for you in general
• doesn’t care what other people think. Could care less if you don’t look your best on some days, have some break outs here and there or a lip filler gone horrendously wrong — if they love you, they LOVE you fr (…should prob sue that doc tho...)
• (expanding on the last point) generally, they don’t care what others think. HOWEVER !!! when you guys start dating, one or both of you (but especially on their side) will struggle with self-esteem issues. Be careful with this, because they will fall for you DEEPLY and literally can’t get out of it —> you’ve shown that you love them unconditionally, regardless of anything, and will be there for them no matter what. Pile 3, you’re pretty soft energy- I get burrito blanket/animal onesie type feels. Back to my point, if you’re not reassuring enough or emotionally available for this person when they open up, it could turn into a toxic relationship where you fall out of love first OR you get trapped in the cycle and now both of yall are depressed af.
• they don’t fall for people easily, like at all, so the obsession will be amplified by a million fold if they ever lose you. The idea of that crushes them and could take a huge mental health toll. It seems they could have leftover resentment from childhood (be it school, family, friends…). If they open up to you, that’s an honor. (At this point, they probably even trust you with their life, don’t tell anyone the info)
• In the worst case possible, you could get someone like this but feel an uneasy weird feeling around them. I’d advise you to keep you distance cuz that ain’t yo person. Obsession can get really bad with this group’s fs. Like real down bad bad. Like put a gps on your car bad. If you meet a person this creepy, don’t stick around in their life and definitely don’t have them stick around in yours. Chances are, this is a karmic person and they’ve come into your life as a reflection of your own insecurities or obsessive tendencies.
• VERY SMART. Can be calculative to protect themselves and those they love
• on the bright side, a well developed pile 3 future spouse enjoys solitude and has managed trauma very well. Tho they might seem socially inept, they’re prob just blunt and honest. They will tell you like it is. Will literally do anything for you, uncharacteristic, even if they look like an idiot on the street
• prefers more intimate settings alone or with you. With another friend? ehh…they prob won’t go
• will only go out if you go out, bc it’s you
• either secretly freaky in the sheets or inexperienced
• jealous easily and is very possessive. They don’t have too many people around them they deem trustworthy so this reaction is to be expected
• this person handles aggressive or violent behavior well. It doesn’t freak them out. (Also right now at 3:01 pm where I’m at, their energy is very hesitant to give out the reason why so perhaps when you meet them and gain their trust, they will tell you.) {P.s I’m asking them very specific and personal questions on the side rn and the silence speaks volumes. I won’t pry any further but they ask that you have some empathy, since they’re not sure how you’d see them.}
• another p.s.: 3:09 pm I think I’ve exposed too much here. There was a strong resistance at the end since it’s so vulnerable and close to their core that it freaks them out to be outed for strangers to see and read about. I won’t say anymore about their past. I’ve also become more careful of my wording - but I will say this for their sake. There is a strong desire to change in this person tho so being someone who brings positive influence into their lives. Someone who can prove that there are still good people in the world.
Points of Interest: istp, intp, entj, intj, istj, either good memory or doesn’t care to rmr (no in between. It varies from person to person, their values and where the info is coming from), notices every little detail, doesn’t care about your flaws, desensitized if you have breakdowns, unexpectedly a good comfort person. Again, a lot of resistance and hesitation, so I won’t say any more abt them. Ooh, ominous. Also, do you struggle with gut issues? Or smth diet related? Could be a whack diet. Okay, I had to go back and delete an important piece of info I put in initially but there’s a lot of disapproval over it. I will throw a small hint out since they’re allowing me to; it’s related to growing up. They don’t want me to be specific abt the period of when but that’s what you get just as a preface. I can tell they want to tell someone about it though. There’s just no one they trust. Also, rmr I said they don’t care abt what others think? Apparently, they care strongly abt what YOU think. It almost feels regretful? Embarrassing? To admit/write this. Thanks pile 3. That’s all you’re getting out of me today.
*Teddy Note: Teddy here!! I hope your day is going smoothly wherever you’re at! We’re back again with another reading and this time, it was a bit heavier to take in. I mean, this is future spouse we’re talking about so there’s definitely going to be a handful. I have to mention briefly, this is the first time I’ve ever felt a clear shiver against my body when doing a reading. Like a full on force that left me blinking like “wtf just happened…” Especially for a certain pile, who doesn’t want me putting them in the light too much. I saw someone with so much guilt on their face, but they looked so…small? Innocent? Youthful? As if they hadn’t done anything wrong in their life, it’s just that people looked at them…not wrong, but differently? It’s uncomfortable to find the word even after finishing the reading but “differently” undermines their experience and what they’ve been through. But they also don’t want to use a more negative word to describe it either so I’ll leave it there. Thank you for reading!! Remember, take what resonates, leave what doesn’t. I would appreciate any constructive feedback and if you guys reblogged with what pile you chose. It helps a practicing reader like me learn to be more accurate and aligned! Until the next reading, Teddy outttt 😎😎
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goldfish-afterhours · 9 months
Genshin Characters Apologizing After a Bad Fight
Characters: Diluc, Childe, Kaeya, Zhongli x Gn!reader
Type/genre: Bulleted headcanons, angst/hurt comfort?
Warnings: Curse words, probably not the healthiest coping mechanisms/apologies
His apology comes out strained, as if the words are clinging to the back of his throat
His fists are clenched tight by his side. He prepares himself for you to yell, to scream at him
But you don’t even turn around to look at him
Diluc always saw you as his rock, his lighthouse in the stormy night, the one who keeps him steady as his duties of both vineyard owner and vigilante shake him back and forth like a ragdoll
But right now, it hits him for the first time how small your back is, how human you look
Has he been taking you for granted all this time?
When you don’t respond to his apology, he calls your name, and you finally turn around
His eyes widen when he sees the tears streaming down your face
His heart absolutely breaks. How could he have made you, his love, his everything, hurt this much?
Before either of you says anything, Diluc flies towards you, cradling your head gently in his arms, as if any slight pressure would cause you to break and shatter like glass
“How pathetic of me to make you cry. I’m so sorry.”
His heart could rival the weight of the world right now
Childe isn’t used to disappointing others. No, he’s always been the golden boy, the prodigy, the one who sets the bar and breaks it at the same time
So how come you are sitting with your back to him, refusing to say a word?
And why can’t he find it in himself to say something, anything, to make this better?
He is petty person, someone willing to drown an entire city rather than admit defeat. Any word of apology is almost impossible to force out of him.
Instead, he drops a book in front of you. It flips to a random page, and you can see the photos and names of people listed on it
Not unlike a cat bringing their owner a mouse, this was Childe’s form of an apology, even without the actual words being uttered.
“Choose any person from this book. I’ll bring you their head.”
His fingers are restless, constantly scratching the back of his hand or twisting each other
His jaw is clenched, shoulders slumped forwards as he refuses to look you in the eye
“I…I was wrong. I’m sorry.”
You knew that Kaeya had a hard time with apologizing—not because he was arrogant and thought he could do no wrong, but the emotional and physical toll it took on him was great
He often finds himself caught in a dilemma
On one hand, he has a difficult time admitting he is wrong as it forces him into a vulnerable position. To be wrong is shameful, an embarrassment.
On the other hand, he knows he fucked up. And he knows there are only a very few amount of fuck ups people let slide before they get fed up and leave.
And having you leave is not something he can afford
Kaeya’s seen this before. Faced again and again with abandonment, he knows a simple “I’m sorry” is not enough to make most people stay
But it is all he can offer
He prepares himself for the worst, but he was not prepared for the way you gently lifted his chin with your hands, a soft kiss melting away his fears
When you slam the door to your room, Zhongli doesn’t try to stop you
He doesn’t knock on your door, nor does he try to coax you out
He knows your type of anger—it’s like fire, and feeding premature apologies or sweet nothings would only fan the flames
So he sits outside your door until you’re ready to come out
Slips you snacks and books from under your door, in case you get hungry or bored in your anger
When you see the treats and novels slowly appear from under the door, you’re still fuming, but it’s difficult to be furious knowing your thoughtful lover is on the other side, not pushing you to calm down but trying to make you comfortable as you sit with your anger.
When you finally calm down enough to unlock the door and step outside, Zhongli is waiting
There is not a trace of annoyance on his face, but you can tell he relaxes a little from relief that you are willing to come speak with him again
Takes your hands in his, giving them a gentle squeeze as he apologizes for his behaviour earlier.
“Please accept my apology, my love. I never meant to hurt you.”
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callooopie · 2 months
Modern!Cregan Stark headcannons (pt. 1)
Forgive my northern attitude, oh I was raised on little light — Northern Attitude // Noah Kahan
okay… we did not get much Cregan.. so these modern vibes might be a little off. I looked long and hard (🤨) at a photo of him and these were the vibes I conjured up.
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This man.. is so serious. Whenever you look at Cregan he looks like he’s going to pop a blood vessel with how tense he is. He’ll tell you not to worry, this is his natural state (“natural state?!?!”) you don’t think you’ve ever seen him relaxed… although there are times he lets loose, it’s reserved and calm. If he does relax it’s still oddly tense or as if he’s on edge. He’s mastered the art of being both chill but perceptive of his surroundings to a headache inducing degree. “Hm? Yeah I’m fine. Don’t worry about me, honest. One of us needs to be alert here.”
Immediately dipped after college. He got his degree in environmental engineering, he’s out of there. You, Jace, and Davos once planned a summer trip to Cregan’s cabin way up north. Now, way up north? Think like the Yukon or the bush of Alaska—that’s where Cregan would make his home. It’s secluded, no one bothers him, and he can live off the land in relative peace. You three get lost, of course. It’s like you have to take a seaplane, and then hike for a bit to the nearest town, and then you’ll have to wait for him to pick you all up. “You guys kept running around town. It took me forever to find you. Texts? I don’t get those traveling from the cabin… oh well—you’re all here now. The air will do you idiots some good.”
Dog dad. Dog dad. Dog dad. Cregan’s got big dogs, he’s got little dogs. A livestock dog to care for his chickens, some other big dogs for hunting, and a lap dog for emotional support purposes. It’s a hearty mix of Labrador, Pyrenees, mountain dog, maybe even a shepherd of sorts. But the little dog? I feel like it’d either be a dachshund or a corgi. A corgi is a reliable herd dog on top of being just a little guy. But a dachshund would be something he would hold as he walked around the perimeter of his land. Or even better he would have both. But this is his herd, his squad. “Hey!—settle down everyone. Sit down.. down now! Sorry about them, they’re just excited to see you. They’re usually pretty lax, except around you it seems.”
Terrible driver. But not because he’s bad at it, but because he’s literally in the wilderness, there are no traffic laws to obey. He’s driving down a hill full speed no braking. You’re in the passenger seat holding on for dear life as the car literally shakes and jolts you around. But Cregan? He’ll be holding a simple conversation with you, voice not even shaking from the sudden movements of the jeep or truck as he navigates the country road. I cannot figure out if he has more truck vibes or more Jeep vibes. I feel like either would work—as long as they got the job done. And either way, both cars would be muddied and somewhat damaged—filled with survival gear, winter gear, more things tied down on top with bungie cords and hooks. “What do you need? Oh, yeah that should be in the back.. somewhere. Probably in one of the bags—lemme go check for you. Hang tight, be right back.”
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This man fishes. Not like “leaving my bitch wife to go fishin’ with my boys” more like “I’m catching the radioactive catfish of Chernobyl and no one’s stopping me” type fishing. He gets into it, he goes crazy. Cregan’s out on a boat at sea looking for Cthulhu. Y’all know the show River Monsters? That’s Cregan’s type of fishing. Sure he does more ‘relaxed’ fishing once in a while, he enjoys the mix of adventure but also the quiet and the patience of the fish. He will talk about how beautiful the fish is, like Steve Irwin levels of talking to fish (and animals in general). Cregan’s a catch and release king, but if he does choose to use the fish he will use all of it from the head to the bones. Everything’s getting used and processed into something. “Let’s see what you caught.. oh nice, that’s a chinook salmon. A beauty too, look at the size of that thing. You caught that beast yourself without my help? It’ll taste better on an open fire, c’mon I’ll teach you how to gut it… don’t frown at me.”
Master chef I would think. It’s not Michelin star cooking, but cooking with the freshest ingredients possible? Cregan makes a mean salad from the veggies in his garden (a pretty big garden too, he built those wooden garden beds himself) and when he hunts he uses all the meat and bones from the animal as said before with the fish. He’s not overly hunting either, he gets enough for you and him to last a while. “Good harvest today, real good—everything was ripe and ready. What do you think? It all looks good? ..that’s.. that’s good. I’m glad.. save room for dessert too then. Have you ever had acorn cake?”
You know what? He’s a park ranger. Or a state ranger. He’s got a job where he can take care of the land and teach people about the environment and how to respect it. Cregan’s all about teaching little kids what plants are poisonous and then on the next call he’s busting folks for throwing litter into a river. He is the type that if he spots you maybe hiking or doing something while he’s on duty he will pretend to bust you over for something heinous or embarrassing. Bonus if there’s people around you, now you’re getting arrested for leaving a dildo attached to a tree. But usually? It’s silly reasons laced with compliments that make you blush or smile. “..Whatcha doing out here? Hiking? Suuure. Y’know we heard some reports about a.. a very um—beautiful person wandering looking lost.. just saying, I know my way around..”
Such a good listener. Cregan is for the people who just need an ear to listen to them. If something’s bothering you, upsetting you, or you’re just not feeling like yourself; he’ll lead you out to the back porch, gesturing for you to sit down on the step beside him. It’ll be quiet, except for the sounds of nature surrounding the cabin and the woods. You can see mountain ranges in the background, the midnight sun casting a hazy glow over the land. And the next thing you know is you’re pouring your heart out to him. Cregan would remain silent, unless you ask him for advice or support. He’s the type to not want to impose on you if you don’t wish to hear unsolicited opinions or comments on a matter—so you’ll need to tell him you want to hear his advice.
Busted ass cabin. It’s so good. There’s a nearby lake, there’s mountains in the distance. The woods are thick and beautiful. The people yearn for such a place. It’s such a relaxed vibe too, take off your shoes in the house though. There is a lot of cleaning that goes on however on account of the dogs around the home. But the cabin is lived in and homey. It’s cool and refreshing in the summers with the windows open, and it’s warm and cozy in the winters with the fireplace roaring. It’s not too big, but it’s not too cramped either. “Not too warm? Too cold maybe? …well if you’re cold there’s a good way to fix that—“
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Cregan loves teaching you how to live off the land. It’s basically a part of what he does for his job. But with just you? It feels more special, more intimate. You’re eager to learn, and he’s more than happy to show you how to start a fire in an emergency, how to skin an animal and use all its parts for different things. What to do if you’re in a bind in the woods and what you should do first. It’s good advice honestly. Pure survival skills. His hands would be over yours, guiding them through the motions of something. His chin resting atop your head or on your shoulder as he explains each step or how something can be utilized to its fullest potential.
Don’t take his silence or his lack of reactions as something negative. Cregan’s just the type to silently revel in your presence first and foremost, no talking required. Most of your fishing or hunting trips are filled with silence, save for the sound of music from an old portable radio and the occasional sound of a beer can opening. Sometimes you read, sometimes you fish alongside him. But know that he does enjoy your company heavily, and if you do say something don’t worry he’ll respond. Sometimes he does worry maybe he’s a little too aloof or reserved when it comes to you. Reassure him that words aren’t always needed, and sometimes it’s good to just be next to one another without adding anything to it.
With you he can get a little silly. Cregan would lean against your side of the truck, a stupid smile on his face as you talk to him. If you’re hiking and there’s a muddy spot, he will pick you up and carry you over it. He’s the type to serve you food first before him, and if he’s having a snack he’s the type to share it without needing you to ask him. It’s like the phrase to be loved is to be seen. Fresh flowers for you every day, he wakes up early to make you coffee in bed. If you’re the squeamish type about hunting/fishing, he won’t go into the details of your dinner. And if you’re with him, he’ll take care of the food far off from you so you don’t need to see it.
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bandgie · 5 months
I had an idea but idk if you'd be comfortable with it so feel free to ignore it
I thought of minho and hyunjin for it. minho knowing hyunjin has a crush on someone. minho knows her but hyunjin doesn't. to tease him, minho takes the girl out on a friendly date and takes pics to show hyunjin. he gets jealous but that pushes him to talk to the girl and after meeting up a few times, they fuck. as revenge, hyunjin takes a picture or video or whatever to send to minho
I like loser to cocky hyunjin 😶
2k words
warnings! MDNI 18+, blowjob, throat fucking (light), cum swallowing, recording during oral
"Hyung, can you not send me things like that?"
"Like what?" But Minho already knows. He has a sly grin that makes his top two teeth slightly poke out. The smile only widens when Hyunjin groans, digging his phone from his pocket and unlocking it.
It only takes a few clicks before Hyunjin shows Minho the message. A sent picture of you holding up ice cream, smiling, and throwing up a peace sign.
"Ohhh," Minho pretends to finally understand. "Did you know she loves strawberry ice cream?"
"Minho!" Hyunjin jumps at the sound of his voice. "You know how I feel. It doesn't make me feel any better." He shoves his phone back into his pocket, folding his arms. "You're being a mean hyung to me."
"Mean? It's not my fault you're not doing anything. I'm just trying to give you a little encouragement." And although that's somewhat true, Minho can't lie that he finds joy in Hyunjin's scowl. 
Hyunjin shakes his head. "Well, stop it. It's not working."
But Minho doesn't. Every few days, Hyunjin gets an image of you with Minho. It ranges from going out for lunch to volunteering at animal shelters. Minho is in the same major as you and Hyunjin only came across you once. That's all it took for him to develop an innocent crush; one that Minho is seemingly keen on ruining.
Message after message, days upon days that leave Hyunjin feeling a mix of emotions. He's at the university library, staring at his phone and debating on blocking Minho's number until a glimpse of your figure catches his attention. 
It shouldn't be a surprise to see you, you all go to the same college, but it's rare for Hyunjin to come across anyone he knows due to his schedule. For a minute, he just watches. He observes the way you survey the room to look for a spot, and steps slowly to get a good look. He watches as your eyes lock with his, smiling and giving a small wave. You quicken your steps in his direction-
Holy shit. Are you going to sit next to him? Hyunjin hurriedly collects his scattered papers to make some room, not bothering to lock his phone that he hastily sets on the table. Your steps get closer, his heart beats faster. He's managed to make a small, messy pile when you stop just a few inches shy away from him. 
"It's Hyunjin, right?" Gosh, even the way you say his name makes his stomach dip.
Hyunjin nods, eyes shifting from his paper to your face. "Yeah."
"Okay good!" You happily set your backpack on the table and choose the seat right next to him. "I wasn't sure. I just seen you and thought you looked familiar. You're Minho's friend, no?"
This is the closest Hyunjin's ever been with you. He can smell your perfume, the lip balm that makes your mouth shine, and your cheery expression as you speak. How is Minho even friends with someone so happy?
Probably to make Hyunjin's life difficult. But there isn't an opportunity to answer as Hyunjin's phone goes off. Still unlocked, both of you stare at the message. 
From: Asshole [image sent] got to try out the new cafe with your favorite person the other day lol
Hyunjin reaches for the phone, but the damage is already done. You're quicker than him, snatching it off the table and scrolling further into the messages. Some casual conversations, lots of cussing, but mostly you. Just photos of you with captions ranging from what you did with Minho to Hyunjin asking- no begging - for Minho to stop. 
"What the hell?" You mumble to yourself just as Hyunjin successfully pries his phone from your grasp. He's sweating, you notice. Chest expanding rapidly and hands shaking. "Why is Minho sending pictures of me to you like that?"
He just shakes his head, unable to answer from embarrassment or shock, you're not sure. His dark hair sweeps over his face and he hurriedly packs his things. "I need to go." His voice is just as shaky as his hands. 
You grab a hold of his bag, preventing him from leaving. "You're not going anywhere." You yank on the material and he whines. "Hyunjin." He whines again at the sound of his name, but he remains standing and pulling against your grasp.
"Hyunjin. Sit. Down."
His legs turn to jelly, a final whimper escaping his throat as he plops back in his seat. You let a sigh, rubbing your temples in a way that makes Hyunjin gulp.
"Sorry, I...I didn't mean to say it like that." You take a deep breath. "I just don't understand why Min is sending you pictures of me. It comes off a little...weird. You know?"
Weird? Oh, he's so fucked. You're keeping a neutral expression, but Hyunjin isn't sure how much longer that'll last. If he tells you the truth, you might be disgusted. You both hardly know each other, how can he harbor even just some feelings for you? This is Minho's fault. It's only fair that he gets the full blame. 
"Yeah, no I get it," Hyunjin nods. "He just..." Fuck, what is he supposed to say?
You give him a few seconds before you prompt him again, "He just what?" You're being so patient. So understanding that you're still here letting Hyunjin save his ass. You should have called him a perv by now, slapping him across the face. But you didn't.
"He's just a dick." Fuck it. "I've already asked him to stop, but he just likes to torture me." You raise a curious eyebrow, but Hyunjin continues. "It was one time. I said that I think you're pretty just one time and he makes it his fucking mission to make sure he sees how much fun he's having with you."
That's not what you were expecting, but Hyunjin is far from done. "I would love to get to know you, to talk to you, but I'm such a pussy. That dick rubs it in my face how often you two hang out. Like, that's cool and all, but I want to rip my hair out." Hyunjin gets more confident as he talks, most likely getting riled up from talking about Minho, but you hardly mind.
"So, yes, it's weird. I know. But it's not my fault!" Hyunjin quickly scans the near-empty library at the raising of his voice. "Minho just keeps sending me you 'cuz he likes to tease me. That's all."
He stares at you and you stare back. A few seconds pass with quiet blinking before you realize you should say something.
Hyunjin groans, burying his beautiful face in his hands. You stare at his ashamed state, both pathetic and endearing. Truly, this isn't a big deal, but his dramatic reactions bring a small smile amidst the anxious atmosphere.
"So you think I'm pretty?" Hyunjin lets out a scoff, shaking his head at your question. "Is that really all you got from that?"
You shrug, but the smile on your lips still lingers. "Maybe. But that does sound annoying. I'm sure you get tired of looking at my pretty face all the time." Hyunjin laughs, finally picking his head up to look at you. His cheeks are flushed, his eyes like moon crescents. He gleams in the artificial lighting and it casts beautiful shadows on his features.
"Have you ever thought about getting back at Minho?"
Hyunjin stops his cheery laughter, eyes growing curious. He pinches his eyebrows together in thought, "I mean, does blocking count? Cuz if so, then yes."
You shake your head, lower lip caught between your teeth as a mischievous thought comes to mind. "I was thinking something a little more."
It's hard for Hyunjin to angle the camera at you. His hands keep shaking, the phone threatening to fall from his grasp right on your face. You're looking up at the lens from your knees, mouth full of cock. Your knees slightly ache from the bathroom tile floor, but you pay no mind. The main center of focus is quietly gagging on Hyunjin's length. That women's bathroom may be empty, but the sound of wet pops and smack echoes in the room rather embarrassingly. 
With a hard suck, you pull away from his cock. Hyunjin lets out a whine, hips shaking as you replace your mouth with your hand. 
"Are you getting my good angles?" You can't help but tease with swollen lips. Even in a messy state, he nods. You can't see his face, but you can see the black, tangled hair that moves. 
"Pretty," he chokes out as you pump him. " So so so pretty."
You flash your teeth at the camera, "Aw! Thanks. Do you think Minho will think so too?"
"Ye- Mmf!" He cuts himself off by pinching his lips. You've wrapped your lips around his girth again, sucking the tip while you stroke his shaft. He whines and whines, unable to stay quiet while staring at you through the phone. 
The video is wobbly but if he slows the footage down, he might be able to screenshot a few good frames. There's just something surreal about indirectly looking at your mouth take him inch by inch. It's like you're his personal pornstar, though he's keen on making sure little no one gets to see how good you look.
You relax the back of your throat, slowly pushing him deeper until his pubes barely tickle your nose. A soft gag comes from you, but you're determined on deep-throating him at least once. Hyunjin uses his free hand to brush a few strands from your face, coaxing you. You hum in appreciation and fit the last few bits.
Hyunjin's tip presses deep against the deepest part of you, pulsing from your tight throat. You can tell he's trying not to move, to fuck into your hot mouth to not overstimulate you. 
But he wants to. He can taste the orgasm on his tongue. So close, so warm, but you look so good with wide eyes. Tears brimming your lashes as you hollow your cheeks. 
Hyunjin moans, a long, drawled-out sound that makes him throw his head back. "Fuck. You're gonna make me cum." 
It's too difficult to speak, so you gently rock against his hips instead. As much as you would love for Hyunjin to bruise your mouth, this isn't the time. Right now, putting on a good show for the camera is your priority. To make sure you suck dick so good that Minho never bothers Hyunjin again with pictures.
His tip repeatedly hits the back of your throat, a little salty from the oozing precum. With one of your hands, you massage his balls. Hyunjin mewls at the sensation, toes curling in his shoes. His breath turns jagged, and now he can't help himself. His gentle hand turns rough as he reaches the back of your head. He makes a tight fist with your hair and drives his cock deep.
You gag, the tears finally falling from the relentless pace Hyunjin's set. He's already so close, you might as well let him use you.
"Look into the camera." Hyunjin's voice is rasp. While you were trying not to choke, your eyes were unfocused. Now you're trying desperately to look into the phone, mostly likely going cross-eyed from the force his his thrusts. 
His cock twitches in your mouth and you brace for the spurts of cum. Even as your prepare, you can't help the gurgled squeak you make on Hyunjin's cock at the salty release. He shoots his hot load down your throat, and all you can taste and feel is cum. Your hand tightens around his sack and they tense in your hold. 
He's moaning, panting like a dog behind the phone. Hyunjin gives a few more sloppy thrusts before pulling out, cum dribbling from the corner of your mouth. 
You groan as your throat empties, using your tongue to wipe the semen as Hyunjin's cock slowly goes down. Once the cum has collected, you flatten your tongue to give a good look to the camera before tucking your tongue in your mouth, swallowing.
"And, scene!"
note! I am in a but of a rut, but hopefully this'll help me get back on game!
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kathaynesart · 2 years
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The call has ended, but the final recording still has a bit further to go.  
Sorry these past several updates have been such downers.  I promise the next one will have some fun banter.  Can’t wait to get back to the real world with less digital effects and data dump.  I don’t know how Donnie deals with all of it. 
Below the cut I’ve added a little talk about Donnie and the way he handled this heavy conversation, something I fear might come off a little harsh without the proper context clues.  Also, below is a fun little discovery I made about Omega! 
I’ve already had a few people express how Donnie seems mean to his family in this update, which I totally understand how it can come off like that.  A certain amount of nuance is lost in this sort of comic format with neither descriptors, actual voice acting, or even Donnie’s face to give context for the way he is saying certain lines.  It’s an artistic choice I made, but one I still wish to clarify.
I see the sudden hang up as less Donnie being a jerk and more him having to cut the conversation short because he has to keep focus and he’s scared of Leo talking him down from the ledge he’s standing on.  He’s sticking to his guns and it hurts him to see how much it’s hurting his family and so all he can do is distance himself before the strong emotions cause him to make a mistake in the middle of enemy territory (placing legitimate logical concerns over emotional ones).  At the same time he is attempting to remain calm if only to try and let some of that wash onto Leo and April, because he knows if Leo freaks out too much he could risk bleeding out faster, which is why he was pressing for April to care for him first and foremost.  Were he a better liar he might have done so just to keep Leo calm a little longer, but no such luck.   Donnie holds so much love for his family, and I don’t think an apocalypse has changed that, he just has difficulty at times knowing the hierarchy of emotions expected of such a rare and dire situation and instead chooses to focus on the logical issues because at least those are some things he has certain control over. He wants to keep his family safe at all costs and if he has to cut off the last conversation he initiated and desperately wanted with his family to do so then he will.  I hope that clears some things up.  I might make this paragraph into it’s own post tomorrow for those who might have missed this update. 
On another note, I discovered something fun while researching Donnie’s screen UI!  (Extra photos under the cut:) Omega is actually in the movie (kind of)!  Look at the lil’ guy!  All sorts of dead!
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Thanks as always for your support and comments, it means a ton!
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psychelis-new · 8 months
pick a pile: "I love you because..."
take a breath and choose the photo or number that calls you the most to read a love confession for you. it could be a friend, a colleague, someone you help/ed, a family member, your guides or ancestors, your higher self or your present/future partner/spouse. meditate to put yourself in a receiving mode and go check your one, dear soul. enjoy your Valentine's day: whether you feel lonely or not, whether you are in a relationship or not, know that you are deeply loved.
if you rather get a message from your present/future partner/spouse, check my instagram @/psychelis.new
don’t take the reading too seriously. only take what resonates with you and leave the rest. if you're not called by any pile, let this reading slid as it may not hold messages for you. if you're called by more than one pile, there may be messages in each of those piles. remember that is a general reading and some things may not resonate with you. energies can change and readings are based on present ones (as you read); you're always in charge of your life.
(photos found on unsplash)
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pile 1
I love you of a quiet pure respectful love, because you're strong and brave and you taught me that struggles can be overcome and new goals can always be reached. You taught me a lot also about love and friendship: maybe you don't know, but I have been going through a very tough situation and finding you/having you near, listening to you, helped me so much. You were (and are) like a dream come true to me. You made me stronger, inspired me and helped me move on with a lot of confidence and hopefulness more, and I'll always be thankful to you for this. I am not sure you know about this, about my feelings, I always look at you from a distance and freeze in awe in front of your kindness and beautiful smile. I would like to approach you and thank you personally but I am not sure you would accept it from me. I am still afraid to be abandoned or to disappoint you but I am sure one day I will be able to change this also thanks to you. One day I will be bold enough and thank you properly. I am working to get ready for that day and have no more fear.
[more symbols/signs: fairytales, children, The Little Prince (the dialogue with the fox in particular), fox, star, comets; could be friend, sb in your same school/job place crushing on you, ex, -online- admirer, childhood friend/crush; I'm getting lot of school-related/young energy, could even be a student if you're a teacher or sth; it seems someone who isn't used to kindness and gentleness/support and bc of this you made them addicted to this side of yours]
song: fetish | selena gomez, gucci mane
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pile 2
I love you because you guide me and give me peace. Your voice is like a tender sound calming my nerves, your words are warm and embracing me anytime I need love. You came up unexpectedly and brought the wind of change with you, a warm tender soft one that caresses me and plays with my hair making me smile of a peaceful smile. Something I could hardly experience before. I love you because you help me feel better and change/grow for the better. You've helped me cleansing from my toxic past and you made me see things from a different perspective. Like in a snap of fingers, everything went from chaos to calm, in my mind and in my heart. You always know what to say to bring me back on my feet, to balance me, and you guide me in every move I take. I am thankful for having you by my side, my true anchor and gentle loving sister soul. Never cease to speak to me, I love listening to your ideas and words, you always sing the most beautiful song in my ears, just for me to listen to.
[more symbols/signs: water, emotions, rain/rainy day, wind, sound, dreamcatcher, weather vane, bells, air signs; possible strong mental/5d connection; could be a soulmate (romantic or platonic), also a colleague or family member/ancestor or your partner's higher self]
song: every breath you take | denmark + winter
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pile 3
I love you because amidst all of the chaos, there you were and still are. I love you cause you always wear a smile and try to keep your joy with you, and share it around. I love you cause of your sweet tender habit to dance and turn around everytime you're happy. I love you for all the beauty you bring with you, even if you cannot see it. I love your regal side and your cute side. I love all the different people you are, especially your curios self, never ceasing to learn more of what's around you (please keep yourself safe). I love how you can lose yourself daydreaming about love and what's next for you, but also how you are so easy to distract... Maybe you should focus more, yes, but who cares? I like to distract you too cause when you notice you always get so pouty and offended with me and that's so very cute. Please try to let go of the past, trust yourself. I know you hurt still, but better things will come and you know it too. Don't let the anxiety/worries take over you, stay confident and trust that all will be great. I will also help you make it so.
[more signs/symbols: crowds, -long time- friend/s, studying together, raincoat, jeans, flirting; feels a classmate or friend -maybe a group of friends-, possibly someone crushing on you; young energy but especially from you here so the person/people could be "older" for some of you]
song: golden hour | jvke
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pile 4
I love you because that's what I was born for. I love you cause that's my duty, to care for you and protect you. But I also love you because you resemble me: you're determined, confident and you work for your dreams. You don't let anything or anyone bring you down and even if you don't feel this way now, I know you have it inside of you. You just need to believe again in all that you really are, you just need to remember who you really are. Let me in, let me help you remember it all. Let me help you give you your power back. We can have it all again, together. Don't let the demons you have learned to live with, govern you: you're the one in charge of putting them back to their place. You're the one able to give yourself all that you want, love included. Take care of you, give yourself breaks and get ready: a lot is in store for us. I'm sorry you have/had to wait so much. Please forgive me.
[more symbols/signs: vinyl, music, nostalgia, dancing, gala, Europe, dresses, castle, deep heart connection; possible past life connection (around 1700-1800 centuries; kingdoms); power couple; possible ex/situationship that now is on hold or future partner/spouse, guides/ancestors/departed pet or higher self; in all honesty the first message I got is the last line I wrote. Much more than the reasons they love you for, they wanted you to know how much they long for you now]
song: in the name of love | bebe rexha, martin garrix
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astrologanize · 3 months
pick a card : what can you do to ensure your blessings?❂
*please take a moment to take a deep breath and choose the image you are most drawn towards*
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———-for pile 1 ⊹
do you ever feel like a plastic bag-...no, nvm, but do you ever feel like you've been typecasted? like you have been pigeonholed into being something for so long and now you're just attached to this identity a lil too much? cuz i'm seeing someone who is living as though they're an elderly person who is too set in their ways. you are the classic case of your ego blocking your blessings!
the only way for you to ensure your blessings is to start paying closer attention & recognizing the uninspired patterns of behavior you possess because there is too much ego and too much stagnancy. you can experience the life you desire if you rework your expectations and realize that what you've been accepting as your life is really a path that requires minimal motivation from you - there is no zest! no lust for life! if you are dealing with any sort of depression or low mood i can understand the lack of motivation but i'm afraid you have to actively participate in your life in order for it to change.
once you begin to rework your expectations and become an active participant in your life you will be amazed by all that you attract. you could go from being a homebody to the life of the party, you could start attracting a bunch of different people, you could start attracting a lot of attention, especially romantic attention, and you'll finally start feeling free and able to see all the choices you have for yourself and your life. there are joyous times waiting for you! stop settling for the sake of ego, set aside your pride and choose life.
———-for pile 2 ⊹
if you know better then do better. although i am seeing you open to the world, it is not in a way that is conducive to attracting what you truly desire for yourself. you're someone who seems to be winging your way through life but you're not necessarily taking chances or risks, at least none that are major or worth much. it's kind of reminding me of 'good will hunting'...like you're this person who does have strong capabilities but you're not believing such or doing anything with them.
in order for you to ensure your blessings you need to start shaping yourself to be a well-defined person who understands their capabilities and decides to do something with them. time to work on your ability to be decisive! i do not think it will be a smooth ride for you in doing so because you will run into some temporary problems as you make the transition but you will finally be doing something different with your life.
an annoying adjustment period is standing between you and your blessings! but the blessings are lovely; your connections with others will surely improve as you come more into your own as a well-defined person and you're able to show up in the connections as such - you'll be receptive to them and they'll be receptive to you because you will have an improved relationship with boundaries. 'you're okay' wanted to come through for you <3 take some deep breaths and know that you are more capable than you think you are. also it's coming through that you guys should take more photos! whether that's of yourselves or with others or of your life.
———-for pile 3 ⊹
lol y'all are giving baby energy...if you're under the age of 22 then you being childish makes sense but if you're over the age of 22 then it's giving adultchild. you guys are killing the mood ngl, i'm seeing that you have the tendency to be pessimistic, creatures of habit, and lazy. no bueno. it's reminding me of water placements that refuse to get their shit together.
in order for you to ensure your blessings you need to stop wallowing in your emotions and allowing your emotions to control you, therapy may be a good option for you but ultimately you need to start learning how to properly share & confide your emotions. this does involve you also learning how to regulate your emotions and recognizing what you are actually feeling instead of it being an endless cluster of emotions and moods. sorry but ya gotta build some structure in your life!
this will be a tedious process because you're going to have to dish out some tough truths to yourself and point the finger to the mirror so you can get a grip on your life. how can the blessings come when you're choosing to stay under all your perceived misfortunes?
———-for pile 4 ⊹
i fear you are missing the fruits of life by focusing too heavily on your own ambitions. it's not a bad thing that you are someone who has pursuits of your own that you want to follow but when its to the point of neglecting connectivity with others then it is a problem. you get so caught up in thinking that life is going to pass you by & that you need to do all these things in order to attain happiness or a sense of achievement/fulfillment that you end up living a life based in fear & bulldozing your way through life.
in order for you to ensure your blessings you need to calm down and breathe and trust that good things are happening instead of getting in your extreme existential moods that cause nothing but issues and stress and create blockage. your existential crisis for your life is making you miss out on the people around you and chances to connect on a deeper level because you're so fixated on what you think you should/need to be doing for yourself.
taking a step back from your own vortex and quelling these fears will help you to become present in your life. you will be able to have heart to hearts with people, conversations that give you the chance to improve and further the emotional intimacy in your life. life will stop feeling like an uphill battle and you will no longer be chasing fulfillment but instead actually embracing it.
———-for pile 5 ⊹
you have resigned yourself to a supposed fate that is not meant for you. either you are living your life not on your terms & enduring things that truly do not resonate with you and/or you are hung up on what you thought your life would be like & won't stop beating that dead horse. it's seeming like you're a glutton for punishment at times and choose to dwell on shoulda woulda coulda's.
in order for you to ensure your blessings you gotta do some soul searching to figure out what actually does resonate with you because once you know that, whatever you put your mind to...you will be able to attain it with far greater ease than you know. start journaling, writing affirmations, writing down manifestations, the power of the mind and tongue is palpable for you. it's time to utilize your wits, speak your mind, express your thoughts! there is too much you are lamenting and not enough creation happening, which only furthers the feeling of you being stuck.
in doing this, you will be giving up something in your life...whether it be a path you're going down or a mindset that is not serving you, whatever it is...it will be a relief for you to no longer persist with something that has offered little to no benefit for you. a new realm will begin to form as you figure out your way of truth, no more shall you be a sitting duck refusing to surrender to the beautiful waves of life. believe in the life that is and is to come!!!!!!
———-for pile 6 ⊹
suffer in silence type, perhaps? i'm seeing that you have the tendency to have a major guard up, you stick to what you know, you hold yourself back due to your own fears, and the crown is befitting because you do feel the need to hold your head high. unfortunately this does not allow for energy to flow to you though!
in order for you to ensure your blessings you need to chip away at the walls you've built and start allowing yourself a bit of vulnerability. keeping your feelings to yourself and suffering in silence is creating blockages in many areas of your life because you're living from a place of fear and not honoring sentience. you cannot do everything on your own and there is no reward in trying to. it's time to ask & accept the help of others because you must learn to trust in others and be open to leaving the confinement of your own walls. be a lil helpless, as a treat. it's a wonderful feeling to give momentary reprieve by leaning on another, and it also gives the other person the opportunity to tap into their own humanity by assisting a fellow human.
you trying so hard to stand on your own is only making you shakier! if you allow for vulnerability you will begin to gather your bearings and life will be able to flow for you. even though you will be feeling not as independent as you were of course, your sense of security will drastically improve and you will start to be okay with the bouts of feeling unassured in yourself instead of forcing yourself to always be standing upright (which only leads to instability eventually).
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marigoldendragon · 3 months
Was thinking about who in the twst cast would be a sobbing mess at their wedding
Riddle. No. He'd be fluctuating between super happy and trying to maintain some decorum, and end up red faced half the time, but I dont think he'd cry.
Trey. Pretty emotionally stable guy. He'd probably get misty eyed if he felt it but otherwise no.
Cater. Yeah. Not like, super ugly crying (he needs to look good in his wedding photos) but I think he'd shed a few tears.
Ace. Yes. He'd be all cocky about it right up until the vows, then he'd start balling.
Deuce. Yes. I think he'd be fine until either his mum or his spouse started crying, then he'd break.
Leona. No, he'd just be a smug bastard the whole day. Not saying he wouldn't love his spouse, he'd just be insufferable about how great they are.
Ruggie. I think he could swing either way. Like he's had a hard life so he'd know how to not show venerability, but if it was a smaller more intimate ceremony where he'd feel safe to cry I think he would.
Jack. No. But his tail would be a blur the entire day.
Azul. Absolutely. Man craves affection. Getting married? He'd be a MESS.
Jade. No. Mr playing at being a butler would be the perfect gentlemen the entire time.
Floyd. No. He would be bouncing off the walls though.
Kalim. Absolutely. He has no qualms about showing his emotions he would let loose on the day.
Jamil. Yes. He'd hate that he's crying in front of people, but someone choosing HIM?? He would not be able to hold it in.
Vil. As fun as it is to imagine getting married is what breaks Vil's mask, no. He's a professional, he's not going to ruin his makeup.
Rook. Yes. One look at his spouse in their wedding attire and he'd be on one knee spouting poetry about their beauty, tears running down his face.
Epel. Yup. He'd probably not be happy about it, but he does cry a lot in the main story. Sorry Epel XD
Idia. Yes, but probably more from being just kind of generally overwhelmed by the whole thing. Like his anxiety gets the better of him once or twice.
Ortho. No? I would assume once he's lived some more life and gotten adult body upgrades he'd probably want to find romance. Maybe he'd make and install a crying unit just so he can experience it?
Malleus. No. But I think it would hit him AFTER the wedding. Like he's at home with his new spouse, looks over at them and it just kind of hits him. Starts ugly crying.
Silver. Hmmmm no. He's a pretty serious guy, and I think he'd get misty eyed, maybe a tear or two, but I don't think he'd be the sort to really cry that hard.
Sebek. Yes lol. He'd try so hard to be the serious mature husband but man cannot control his emotions. He'd have tears running like a faucet all day (and denying it all the time).
Lilia. No, he'd be all big beaming smiles. His sons' weddings however... he'd be a waterfall of tears the entire day. An absolute wreck of a man he'd be so proud.
Feel free to add any thoughts. There's a few characters I'm not super knowledgeable on, happy to read any counterarguments/extra thoughts people have :D
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charlotteking23 · 6 months
Would you be willing to do an Eric Coulter arranged marriage AU one shot where Eric and reader are put into an arranged marriage to further unite Erudite and Dauntless, or a soulmate AU one shot where the reader is originally from Erudite and switched to dauntless, she works as a doctor and they meet after Eric ends up in the infirmary for some reason. In either case, the reader is early 20’s and Eric is around 26, and everyone is older when the choosing ceremony takes place instead of being teenagers.
Cara Mia
Eric Coulter x fem reader (Jeanine's daughter)
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"What the fuck, you put me in an arranged marriage", Eric yelled angrily toward Max.
yes, but it's beneficial because the girl you are marrying is Jeanine's daughter and is to further unite Erudite and Dauntless", Max said walking up to Eric and handing him a picture of you.
It was a picture of you in blue clothes with your hair down smiling in the photo. Eric had to admit you were beautiful, but it didn't matter, he wasn't the type to settle down.
"When do I meet her?", Eric said stuffing the photo in his back pocket.
What, No mom I refused to get married to a guy I don't even know", You complained to your mom. You always knew this would happen, your mother using you for her own personal gain but you wished it wasn't today.
"It doesn't matter you will get married whether you like it or not. He's a Dauntless leader one of the youngest and was originally from Erudite himself". Jeanine finishes with no emotion on her stone-cold face.
She made it sound so easy to get married to a complete stranger but you had to do you had no other choice. She gave you a picture of the Dauntless leader, he looked scary with his piercings and tattoos. Blond hair and all-black outfits showing off his arms, no smile but his blue eyes were the most beautiful of his features.
"When do I meet him?-"
I couldn't sleep at all, thinking about my future husband. What if he hates me? What if ignores me? so many scenarios coming to my head. I was too nervous to sleep waiting anxiously to meet my future husband.
I woke early the next morning trying to figure out what to wear.
"Good, you look presentable", my mother said before leaving out the door towards the car. I followed her waiting anxiously till we arrived.
Two Dauntless guards escorted us out of the car to the head of the leader of the Dauntless office.
I saw the guy in the photo looking displeased at everything, I could tell he wasn't so thrilled about the engagement.
"Eric this is my daughter", Jeanine introduced us to each other.
"we will leave you alone to get to know each other better", Max said before walking out with my mother closing the door.
"Look we both know we are not happy about this engagement but we should make the most of it right", I said but in return, I only heard a scoff.
"It doesn't matter but you should be happy to marry a dauntless leader like me, Cara Mia", Eric said in a cocky tone stepping closer to me.
Blushing I replied, "Why don't we try to get to each other, I'm Y/n, I am 20 years old, and my favorite color is (whatever you want)."
"Eric a Dauntless leader, 26, and Black"
"Isn't that just a fitting color for", I said gesturing to his clothes. For the first time, I saw him smile since I came here, which was beautiful.
We continued to talk and laugh, getting to know each other and surprisingly we had a lot in common. It wasn't until Eric had pointed out the time, we had been talking for two hours.
Time skip Eric P.O.V
"where the fuck is she?" Eric mumbled in annoyance entering the cafeteria, his eyes landed on Four, who was seated by the table alone. Somehow you and Four became best friends forcing him to tolerate Four.
Huffing, Eric approached the table Four was seated at. "what do you want Eric? I thought you were tired of me after you kicked me out of the training session earlier."
"That's because you disobeyed my orders by interrupting my session, with that being said have you seen my wife", Eric said barely looking at Four.
It's weird how fast Eric's life changed since he got married. He never imagined getting married but never thought he could enjoy being someone's husband. He usually calls you by your name but for some reason, the word wife feels good to say especially if it's you. There was no doubt in his mind that you were the best thing to ever happen to him, his everything.
"no, I haven't seen Y/n", Four said in a neutral voice.
Eric left after Four's reply stomping out of the canteen, making sure to brush a few weak initiates out of his way.
Eric thought not only were born with a sharp Erudite mind but a witty tongue, but you were also beautiful.
With steady steps, Eric quickly made his way down the corridors, a hard look on his face trying to remember where you were. With a slight grin, he thought back to last night when you two shared a steamy shower under the moonlight.
Eric was truly happy to see your face every morning when waking up. He was lucky to be your husband, to have in-depth conversations with you about whatever, to please you in every way possible, to read to you every night in bed, and then talk about the book.
Then he hurriedly walked towards the library, Eric could not help but smile when seeing your figure which appeared in the doorway of the library, your nose stuck in the book.
Eric stood in the shadows, watching your figure walk right past him. He looks at you for a second before looking down at the book, smiling slightly as he sees you are reading one of his favorite books " The Tale of Two Cities". Dauntless people did not read, especially not good novels but back in Erudite, he was aware this book was popular.
Emerging slowly out of the shadows, Eric firmly gripped your waist from behind, gently kissing your cheek. Before he knew a book came crashing down on his cheek, hard. As you swung around getting ready to punch doing the exact thing Eric had trained you to do.
"Eric Coulter, you dummy", you shouted at him before letting out a giggle as you noticed his faint red color cheek.
Meeting your eyes, Eric let out a laugh while rubbing his cheek. "I have been looking everywhere for you Cara Mia, I didn't think you were here after you completely emptied to library yesterday.
"well I was looking for this book, so I came back", You told him kissing red cheek. When you married Eric it was like a dream, already been a year. Even though it was an arranged marriage it was purely all love.
His lips gently brushed against yours, memorizing the feeling of your lips against his before he let go," You're my wife, my everything. My world, I don't know what I'd do without you. Let me show how much I appreciate you, Cara Mia".
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zzencat · 4 months
Little Things You Can Do To Get Back On Track - Timeless ⏳
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If you came from my “Why Am I Still Unsatisfied?” reading, sit back and relax. Take in the messages I am collecting at this moment. These are very simple things you can do today to get yourself back on the track of life.
Note: This is meant to be short and simple, but a storm of butterflies can whip up a tsunami. I got more than what I asked for from my spirit guides today. It seems you have a lot to hear. You never know what could impact your life. “You should be prepared.”
DO BEFORE YOU READ: Clear your mind. Close your eyes, inhale deeply, fill up your chest to the fullest, feel the air brush against the ridges of your nose. Breathe out. You are no longer alone. Choose the photo that you can’t take your eyes off of.
Pile 1. “Simple is best.”
• You could use some vitamin C, to be honest. But don’t overdo it. Learn more about your body and keep up with it—things like how fast you metabolize certain things, but if you’re on medication or supplements, be aware that metabolizing medication is different from metabolizing food. You also either drink too much water or too little.
• If you’re prone to procrastination, start looking for libraries and cafes to help you better focus.
• TAKE BREAKS. Mental, emotional, all of it. Look out the window and observe things that catch your attention. Maybe you’ll start to realize that life does have its small and beautiful moments.
• You don’t have to be surrounded by friends and people all the time. Allow yourself some you-time, explore places on your own—I keep seeing someone wearing a scarf, drinking a hot-warm coffee (coffee is super dehydrating for you btw, so make sure you drink tons of water), fall season. Lounging around in your room and having a show binge by yourself is also good. It’d be nice if you had at least one day off every week to spend by yourself, without the presence of other people.
• Remember that you should recharge yourself too and that saying “no” is okay. You don’t have to be responsible for everyone else.
• Take a walk at dawn, but wear a jacket when you do so. Be wary of your surroundings still, but when you have a moment, breathe in the air of an area that has a dewy smell to it. Damp or rainy seasons work fine. Watch the sun come up for a few seconds and take that time to appreciate your environment.
Pile 2. “Rejection is Okay.”
• Have you gone on any dates recently? I’m seeing a girl with her legs crossed at a cozy cafe, but she’s not bothered by it. She’s neutral in fact, very simple existing, and she’s reading a wall full of post-it notes from other couple. She seems intrigued, although not overly. Just neutral and an “oh, how nice” kind of vibe.
• Perhaps there is a lack of confidence. You should strive to be someone that is okay with being alone in public—specifically LOOKING alone in public. No, that does not make you seem lonely. It makes you comfortable with your own presence. Maybe you tend to think a lot or contemplate often.
• Working on leadership skills could be something. Maybe you’d like to become more assertive? I don’t have too much advice for this group, to be honest. But you should learn how to stand up for yourself more and be careful so that people don’t take advantage of you (for anything/any reason) easily.
• Condition your mind to not caring what others think. Obviously, there’s a limit and rules set in place so that we don’t get in legal trouble—I’m talking about your mindset. Don’t let others get to you easily and work more on your posture. Standing/sitting up straighter will begin to subtly convince your mind and you that you’re confident.
Pile 3. “It’s too quiet.”
• journaling can help. It might sound boring or it might be hard to sit in one place for a while, but you have to practice it. Discipline yourself.
• Kind of similar to pile 1, but this is a less responsible group. Don’t distract yourself from your problems and face them head on. Being cowardly isn’t a good trait to have. Be mindful about drinking and what other things you’re putting in your body. This could bite you back in the future.
• Friends may be questionable, may try to convince you to do things you weren’t initially planning to do/try. Be wary of this and stand up for yourself.
• Another thing if you do drink, learn not to drink away your problems or get high enough to escape them. It’s hard, I know. But you have to realize how important it is to live. Don’t be so reckless. If your soul is being let down, you’ll pay the consequences.
• If you feel like a failure or everyone around you says that you are, don’t feed into it. Build yourself up. Make something out of yourself but don’t let those people know. They’ll see it and possibly try to take credit. Don’t let them. Deal with it in a calm and diplomatic manner and turn your head away. You don’t need that extra nonsense. Simple acknowledgement is what they really need, so don’t give them the attention. You’ll mature so much from this.
• It might feel lonely and you may think you’re the only person who’s overthinking/overfeeling about something, or you feel like you’re different from the people you hang out with somehow. A small part of you probably thinks there’s more to life than just…this. Whatever you’re doing to pass the time and simply have fun. Like “they wouldn’t understand so I gotta fake it til I make it” type of energy. Laughing it off type of energy. “Ah, whatever- it’s nothing~” energy. Find like-minded people who share the same interests as you and bond with them. You will experience more authenticity in these relationships than your previous ones.
• Pile 3, you definitely have a bit to learn and it takes work, but you have it in you. The potential is very obviously there. You know it too, but you brush it off—don’t deny it. Don’t be scared of it and learn to speak its language. Reach your hand out to whatever is in that mental cave of yours and show it some kindness. It’s okay for it to come out. You’ll learn that it will take your hand faster than you’d thought. Don’t let doubt get in the way. This pile thinks A LOT and likes to drown it out, because it’s easy. Let yourself think and feel the emotions, bad or good. You won’t even recognize what you were holding back. You have power to impact people more than you realize. Good luck Pile 3, you have this.
Lil Teddy note: I hope you enjoyed this reading guys!! Today I asked for simple things that my readers could do to improve their lives and become better beings. I meant to keep it concise and give 3D, things-you-could-do-in-the-present type of things, but apparently, I received other messages to give that involved mental and physical health as well. Some piles made me feel worried and passionate, like their higher selves were desperate to get them out of these ruts or situations. The signs have been there but maybe some piles haven’t been taking them seriously or have been brushing them off one too many times. This is your sign man 😂😂 Please, take yourselves seriously and realize that you’ve only got a shot of this. Stay safe, work on that confidence, and learn to be with yourself. With all that being said, take what resonates and leave what doesn’t!! Thank you for coming to our reading today :) Teddy outttt
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dreamofmetoday · 1 year
this is to tell you some random things about your future spouse (mostly their personality) 💖
how to participate:
decide on who you’re asking about, is it: your next spouse (which may or may not be your only), a random spouse, your most fulfilling relationship, your final spouse, the last person you date etc.
after you have decided on which person to focus on, ask yourself, “what are some details about my future spouse that would be helpful for me to know?” or “what are some random things about my future spouse that will help me recognise them?”
choose the photo feel the most drawn to.
take as long as you need to choose, you can check more than one if you feel drawn to do so. however, if you are having trouble feeling called to any then this pick a card is not for you. these readings will be honest.
tip jar
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conventionally attractive - especially body wise.
hard to access socially - they don’t surround themselves with a lot of people but a lot of people want to be in their presence, so you need to impress them to get deep into their circle.
not very homey - they don’t like cooking or cleaning and might not even know how to.
complex emotions - can cause problems with day-to-day living since their emotions can feel unpredictable to other people, but they are good at extending emotional understanding to others (this person is more emotional over logical).
they choose fun over responsibility, not necessarily extreme but they have poor time management for example (they can run late to things or forget chores because they were too busy playing video games, talking on the phone or even scrolling through tiktok etc).
they are daydreamy and bit unrealistic but they can also be good at solving problems - they are someone good to talk to.
cutthroat and harsh at times, doesn’t easily back down and they can be quite cutting when they want to.
they don’t like to live with regrets - even if they have them they still try to focus on the future, they are very forward-moving.
they can be easily angered or irritated.
they know how to get their way, aren’t easily bullied or taken advantage of (e.g if your landlord is trying to get one over you, they will make sure this sorted out, even if they have to get mean or aggressive).
they are not timid or passive and will be quite clear with you about what they expect from you, their goals, how they feel about you etc.
they can be good with words and explain things well, but sometimes they can undermine others or give the impression they are.
they have an overall belief that everything will turn out okay.
this person has trouble voicing their feelings. you will likely find them cold at first until you get to know them better.
small circle - they’re exclusive with their time and don’t give it out easily.
they have a sad, difficult past or have experienced a heartbreaking event that changed them. this made them learn to be more grateful in life (for things maybe others don't appreciate) but they are also pessimistic. they will not have fully overcome this when you meet, they will be independent but closed off.
you might be long distance, break up and get back together, or the beginning of your relationship will be on and off.
as you get closer you will begin to feel as if you two share a telepathic bond sometimes.
they will be giving without expectation.
they will want to spend a lot time with you. or in general, they just want to know where you are and what you’re doing at all times (they might want you to keep your location on for them and want to hear all the details about what you did that day when you share stories over dinner etc).
they will likely confess to you first but it will be obvious you both feel something before.
they like eating out, going to local events (and maybe travel).
they want a simple life, to a certain extent a “boring” life. they value stability and think fulfilment comes from your hobbies and loves ones, not wild stories and drama. they don’t want an up and down romance especially (this can also extend to being not very kinky or disliking “weird” sex).
they have a fear of losing what they have and need reassurance (about material things and loved ones).
this relationship is a destined one. you are meant to meet this person and experience a relationship with them, but both of you have lessons to learn first. you will experience some negative things that will teach you be grateful for what you have with this person so instead of running away when problems arise, you actually try and solve them instead. you will learn lessons together too (past life connection).
they are humble and have empathy.
they will be someone who worries or thinks about money a lot.
they enjoy learning and educating themselves.
they are good at finding silver linings.
they are sensitive and their feelings can be easily hurt at times, but they don't take life too seriously and can find humour in what's happening around them.
this person will be distant at first, they won’t rush into things and may take a while to text back or contact you or confirm plans. this will make you feel frustrated but they are just more slow-moving and a bit aloof.
they will be different from other people, they’re not caught up in social media and what’s cool and what isn’t etc. they do their own thing. they are not egotistical.
they prefer one-on-one time, or spending time with people they’re close to. they don’t want to go to big gatherings with lots of strangers too often.
they want to give a lot to their loved ones.
they can be quite disciplined or you will just admire they way they handle things, especially when it comes to difficult situations.
they can be destructive with their words, sometimes taking it too far. they can be a funny person but their jokes can hurt feelings too at times.
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403tarot · 1 year
this is my first general reading. take what resonates with you and leave the rest. close your eyes and take a deep breath to choose the photo that calls you the most. let me know if it resonates to you or give me a feedback through the ask <3
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You really want to meet someone worth loving. Maybe you've had some frustrating relationships with people who didn't appreciate you or maybe you just dream of having someone to dedicate that romantic song you love so much. You constantly wonder when, where, and how you will meet your future spouse, paying attention to the faces in the crowd and wondering if your love is there. The only thing you're not looking at before entering a relationship is at most important place: within yourself. Your inner self craves the care and affection that you're so willing to give to others but not to yourself.
The universe won't bring someone into your life until you learn to value yourself, take better care of yourself, and do whatever it takes to solve your own problems first. Take care of yourself. Put on nice clothes, fix your hair, wear your best perfume. Do it for yourself. Maybe invite your friends to have fun in a nice place, enjoy the moment, and don't tirelessly search for someone. Enjoy your own company and the company of the people you already have in your life. The universe is not foolish, and what is meant to be yours will come at the right time. You can't expect to love someone else fully if you only love yourself halfway.
cards pulled: the empress, the wheel of fortune, page of swords, 4 of cups, 9 of pents, 2 of pents, 3 of pents, 10 of wands and the devil.
After many romantic disappointments, you may have wondered if you will ever truly find someone to stand by your side. The past hasn't been easy; there were people who hurt you and made you doubt not only yourself but also whether there is someone in the world capable of loving you. You withdrew and hid from love, but that wasn't enough to make you stop dreaming of a healthy and reciprocal relationship. However, due to these past experiences, you doubt everyone who tries to get close to you and end up pushing them away.
You're afraid that they will see your weaknesses and no longer allow yourself to be vulnerable in front of anyone. While that's a great way to protect yourself, you can't find love by pointing swords at each other's faces. You need to open up emotionally and allow people to get close to you. The universe cannot send your future spouse at a time when you would likely just push them away without even giving them a chance. Consider gradually opening your heart. This doesn't mean you should let just anyone in; on the contrary, be responsible and filter people so that only the right one reaches the depths of your emotions.
cards pulled: three of cups, the moon, 8 of swords, 7 of swords, 8 of pents, 9 of cups, page of pents and 6 of swords.
It seems that the third picture concentrates the largest number of people who may be your future love just one step away. You have always taken care of others a lot, and it's likely that you are extroverted or have many friendships. You wonder if this whole "romance" thing is really for you because when you stop and think about your situation, not having love doesn't seem so bad. You already have everything you need, including that person you like so much... Love may be right under your nose. That person who is always with you, who makes you feel radiant, who cheers you up even in the toughest moments, that person with whom you are gradually building a relationship of companionship and care.
Open your eyes and your heart. Love doesn't always come suddenly; it can come slowly, with caution, respectfully nestling in your chest. If you have that person, communicate with them and explain your feelings. If by chance that person hasn't entered your life yet, be attentive to new friendships. For you, love is right there, just around the corner.
cards pulled: the sun, 3 of pents, knight of swords, page of wands, 3 of wands, page of cups, 3 of cups
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deck used: the marigold tarot.
you can give suggestions or request personal readings/with an idol of your choice. check my pinned to know more!
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pinkthrone445 · 4 months
-Let it burn to the ground- Part 6
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 part 5
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Pairing:Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Gender:love, hurt, confort, funny
Warnings:Mention about past trauma, fires and dead
Summary:Melissa lets the fire of love consume her when she meets the new chief of the fire station.
After the fight, you have to think if everything is worth saving.
You were driving automatically, from the beginning of the day you felt horrible because it had already been 3 years since your husband's death, but now a new weight of pain had been added now that the redhead had treated you like this. You weren't so angry about what she said because you knew she might have a point, you were mad because she choose to say it in the worst day possible in the worst way possible. Instead of choosing a time when the two of you were alone and could talk calmly, she told you at a party full of people, to get your attention she decided to take one of her slobbering exes and on top of it all she wanted to throw the blame for everything on you. If she had said it in a good way at a good time, you would have listened to her, taken into account what she said and tried to change it as soon as possible, and the two of you probably would have gone home together.
Instead, you yelled at her, broke up with her leaving her in the arms of other men and came home as a single woman again.
Your son, smart as he was, didn't say a single word the entire trip, it wasn't until you were curling him up in his bed that he decided to speak
-"Mama... Are you okay?" - Your little one whispered seeing your eyes and you sighed
-"Today is not my best day..."-You answered honestly, you had always tried to instill in him that he did not scrutinize his emotions and that what he felt was valid and nothing better than the example to teach
-"I can see your sad eyes" - He whispered resting his little hand on your cheek, you leaned over him smiling softly-"Why Mel didn't came with us? She always makes you smile" - The little boy spoke and you sighed again
-"She... We... She said something hurtful to me and I needed some time alone, so she went home by herself" - You answered and he pouted a little
-"Can I sleep with you mama? When I'm sad sleeping with you helps" - Your child was trying to help you in the way that worked for him when he was sad
-"Okey my beautiful boy, let's go sleep together" - You whispered lifting him out of bed and carrying him in your arms to your room to sleep together and snuggle like when he was a new born. Even though he was very small compared to you, you felt like his love was protecting you from the sadness.
The next morning you were still hurting just as much, but you had a child and a job and you couldn't stay in bed and cry, so you drew strength from where you didn't have and went to make breakfast. After you ate and everything was ready, you went to take your child to school. At the entrance you managed to spot the redhead receiving the children, so you got out of the car and said goodbye to your son but you didn't approach the entrance, or even look at her. When you made sure your child got in, you got in your car, and drove off, the only time you decided to look at her was in your rearview mirror as you drove away.
The days started to go by, Mel tried to talk to you but you had blocked her, she came to see you at home but you were never there and at work they wouldn't let her go to the office because you had asked that no one bother you.
For your part, every day that passed hurt less and you missed her more, but that didn't take away the damage she had done to you with what she said and how she said it.
A week later, Mother's Day came and you were invited to the school to see the gifts and things the kids had prepared. Before leaving the house you looked at the photos on the wall, especially the ones with your husband and you sighed, sad and at the same time a little relieved to feel how his absence hurt less, it still hurts and forever will, but it was less... Now, though for different reasons, the redhead's absence hurt a little more than his.
When you got home, you entered the school with the visitor's pass you had been given and went to your son's classroom, greeting his teacher Barbara
-"Mama! Look at my drawing!" - Your son took your hand and led you into the hallway to show you the tender drawing he had made of you and him.
-"Thats gorgeous baby! You even draw me with my uniform" - You laughed and he nodded, you knew how much he liked that you were a firefighter
-"And I got you this!" - The little one took out a gift package and gave it to you, you pretended to be surprised to see a decorated mug inside, although a few days ago in the list of supplies you had been asked for a mug and things to decorate it...
-"I love it baby! The heart and the fire you made is perfect! I'll use it for work every morning"-You answered and he hugged you tigly while you pick him up. After thanking Barbara for her efforts and giving her some chocolates for Mother's Day, you headed to the gym to enjoy the food they had ordered for the mothers. While the children were eating and playing, the redhead approached you with a small bouquet of flowers and stood by your side
-"Happy mother's day..."-she whispered, handing you the small bouquet, but you didn't take it
-"Thank you" - was all you answered without taking your eyes from your son
-"Look... I'm so sorry for all I said and how I behaved... I let my insecurities get the worst of me..." - She started talking and you sighed
-"I don't want to talk about that here or now Melissa, I just want to enjoy my mother's day with Chris, that's the only reason I'm here" - You answered seriously and it was her turn to sigh
-"Okey...I really wish you a happy day..."-Mel offered you the flowers once more and finally, for the first time in the night, you decided to look at her. Dark circles under her eyes were marked as if she was not sleeping well and her eyes did not have their characteristic brightness, they were dull and hid a lot of sadness. Carefully you took the flowers and she smiled just sideways looking at you, wishing to tell you a million things now that you were finally close, but choosing to stay quiet because you asked. -"I will go back with Barb..." - She whispered before leaving and you smelled the flowers, not only did they have their normal scent, but her perfume had also stuck to the paper that wrapped them, which made you smile softly without you noticing.
At the end of the little party they had organized, you drove home with your little one and the bouquet of flowers.
While your child was bathing, you opened the paper covering the flowers to place them in water, a small envelope with a letter fell to the floor. Curious and confused, you picked it up and opened it to find the unmistakable handwriting of the redhead
"Hello... I didn't know if you would accept the flowers, but if you're reading this it means that you did and they didn't end up in the dumpster like I thought... I'm so sorry for everything I said and what happened. From the moment I met you I fell in love with you, but the more I knew about your husband and how perfect you were, the more I doubted if I was worthy of having you by my side. He was an excellent dad, a very brave man, an amazing husband and a very good person in general, perfect for you... And I'm nothing like that and, besides, I'm old... I was jealous of him and what an amazing couple you made and I felt stupid for being jealous of someone who had passed away, so I didn't told you anything. Every day that passed, I felt less deserving of you and because I did not to mention my doubts with you, my insecurities came to the surface in the worst way at the worst time.
You don't have an idea of how sorry I am for what I said and for hurting you and for doing so many stupid things. I miss you and Chris so much.
I understand now that I lost you, how much it hurts to lose the love of your live. I'm sorry for invalidate your pain.
I hope you can forgive me one day.
With love M"
You stared at the letter for a few minutes, the truth is that Mel's anger wasn't unjustified, maybe it wasn't well expressed but she was right. You carefully grabbed your phone and unlocked the redhead's number, admiring her profile picture for a few seconds. After a little more consideration, you decided to send her a message
-You: "Thank you for the gorgeous flowers Mel... Do you think we can talk someday about what happened... About us?..."-Once you sent the message, you were left nervously waiting for a response that came almost immediately
-Melissa: "Yes please... Tomorrow after school?"-The redhead replied
-You: "I'll be working... Is there any chance that you can come to the office?" - You answered a little nervous
-Melissa: "I will be there after school"-She replied and you smiled softly
-"You:thank you... I will see you tomorrow, have a good night Mel"-It was the last thing you sent before you went check on your child in the bathroom.
The next day Mel was very exited about seeing you again, even though she might have to face the hurt that she did to you and hear you scream to her, she really missed you and needed to see you again.
For your part, you also wanted to see her to clarify some things, even though you were hurt, you really wanted to try to fix everything. You were aware that there were times when we all say things that hurt and that no relationship is perfect and everything takes work.
Although you and Mel had a desire to talk, fate didn't care. Even if it seemed like it would be a quiet day at your job, a call to the fire station changed everything. Gas pipes in a large building had exploded, not only causing the building to catch fire but also cause it to collapse. Immediately your station had to go to the call for help. While they were riding in the truck, you sent a message to the redhead, because you couldn't call her since she wouldn't be able to hear you for the sirens
-You:"Hi Mel, I know we had plans to talk today, but a complicated call just came in and I don't know at what time we will finish, I'm so sorry. Maybe we can talk tomorrow... Also, can you tell Miss Howard that maybe I will be a little late to pick Chris up, please. Thank you and I'm sorry"-You sent the message a little nervous about the situation
-Mel:"Hi honey, yes, no worries, I'll tell her and we can talk tomorrow. Please be safe" - Mel's answer was short but calmed you down a bit.
By the time you got to the building, everything was more complicated than you expected, so they immediately got to work saving as many people as possible.
Meanwhile at school, Melissa was teaching her classes but she felt watched, and it wasn't because of her students as they were all busy doing their homework. She carefully scanned the entire room, looking for the reason why she felt that way. When her eyes fell on the door, she found the source. Your little boy was watching her hidden behind the frame, and although the redhead could see almost half of the little boy's body, Chris thought it was very well hidden.
-"Chris... Are you okay?" - The redhead asked and got up from the desk and walked over to your son and knelt in front of him
-"No... My head hurts and I wanna go home" - Your son made his best sad little eyes looking at the redhead
-"Did you tell Barbara? Why are you alone in the hallway?" - Mel asked worriedly, frowning
-"I told her I was going to the bathroom... I miss my mom, can you call her please?" - Chris pleaded and Mel picked him up in her arms
-"Your mommy is working saving people... But if you want you can stay with me until your mommy arrives, would you like that?" - She asked and the little one nodded hiding in her neck.
Melissa knew that when Chris missed you or had a rough day he would say he had a headache so they call you to pick him up, but since you were busy, she would take care of him until you arrived. Mel alerted Barbara of the situation and stayed with your little one in her classroom while she teached.
When the fire stopped and people were safe, everyone went back to the station. You immediately tasked one of your lieutenants with reporting the mission, took off your protective clothes, and ran to the car to pick up your son. The mission had gone on much longer than planned and the kids had already left school and you hadn't gone to pick up your little one. While you were driving, you called Barbara and she told you that Mel had stayed at school with him waiting for you.
The school was empty when you arrived, but as you entered the redhead's classroom you breathed a sigh of relief when you saw the two of them there. Mel was sitting at her desk and your son was asleep curled up in her arms, with his head on her chest and her coat on his back protecting him from the cold. The woman's desk was filled with toys, books, and an empty food Tupperware, showing you how well the redhead had taken care of him.
-"Hi Mel..."-You whispered without really knowing how to greet her, a hug might be too much for how delicate the situation still was, let alone a kiss, and if you make to much fuss, your son might wake up. So you just got closer to them without touching anything-"Thank you for taking care of him, the call was a mess and was longer than expected, I'm sorry that you had to stay" - You whispered a little embarrassed
-"Hi (Y/N)... Are you kidding? I'm happy that I had to stay with him, we had an amazing time and I missed him so much... And he missed my food too"-She joked and you laughed softly. The redhead carefully got up from her chair to hand Chris over to you softly, not taking off her jacket so that his body wouldn't get cold. Your son frowned when Mel pulled him away from her body, but smiled when he felt you and continued sleeping.
Mel frowned, looking at your face more carefully
-"Yeah, I got a little hurt and I didn't stopped to wash my face, but I'm okay..."-You whispered trying to calm her worry-"Thank you for taking care of him..."-You thanked again as she took her purse and the two of you walked down the hallway-"Did you come in your car?" - You asked as she opened the school door letting you out first
-"It's a pleasure, I love being with him... No, I came with Barbara and she's already gone, I'll ask for a uber to go home" - She responded by taking her cell phone out of her purse
-"I'll drive you home, it's the least I can do..."-You replied and she smiled nodding in gratitude. Once your son was secured in his chair, the two of you climbed up and drove home quietly, it wasn't awkward but there was a bit of tension in the silence. The trip went by too quickly for your liking, and even though you hadn't talked about anything, you realized how much you had missed having her by your side, it hurt you what she said, but it hurt you more no having her close. Mel was about to open the car door to get out but your voice stopped her
-"The new season of Bridgeton is out... Do you want to come home to watch it?" - You asked nervously and she looked at you in surprise
-"I would love to... But are you sure you want this? Having me in your home?" - She replied in a trembling voice
-"I'm sure" - You answered confidently and she took her hand out of the door and put her seat belt back on.
Once you got to your house and put your son to bed, you turned on the TV opening Netflix but Mel called your name from the bathroom, confused you followed her and saw her with a wet towel in her hands and the emergency kit
-"Come... Let me clean your face first, we don't want it to be infected" - The redhead spoke and you sat on the small bench that your son climbed on to brush his teeth, Mel sat on the toilet with the lid closed and began to wipe your face with the damp towel. Her hands were soft and delicate, carefully running the towel over your features, wiping a small cut on your forehead with special care, even though you had your eyes closed, you could feel her watchful gaze on you
-"I'm sorry" - You whispered with your eyes closed, and the redhead's actions stopped
-"For your cuts? I don't like that you are hurt, but I'm glad it was something small and not something more dangerous" - Mel resumed her actions and you took her wrist gently making her stop her movements, slowly you opened your eyes and raised your gaze to look into her eyes
-"I'm sorry for not loving you the way you deserve it... I'm not saying that what you did was okay, but I know that somehow I pushed you to said what you said and in part you were right... I couldn't let him go because he literally saved my life and I felt like I owned something to him, loyalty even if he wasn't here, I was scared of forgetting him or that Chris forget him... I know I will never completely forget him because I see him in the face of my son every day and I know that Chris won't forget him because he loves him and knows the kind of person his father was, but I also know that holding into him won't bring him back and will only take you away from us. You are part of our family now, you are everything that I need, you are here now, you love us, you protect us and you are everything that we were missing... I get now that you are not here to replace him, but you are here to complete us... And I'm sorry for pushing you away"-You whispered, still holding her hand, and Mel smiled, resting her forehead on yours
-"I'm sorry for being an asshole and for being mean, you didn't deserve that. I'm sorry for letting my insecurities get the worst of me... I don't want to lose you both and I don't want you to forget your husband or that Chris forget his father, I just want to have a place here" - Mel pointed to your heart and you barely smiled-"Because you and Chris occupied my whole heart..."-Mel kissed your forehead gently and you hugged her waist resting your head on her chest-"I also love the pictures that you put on the wall where we are all together... We look like a cute family" - Mel whisper against your hair
-"We are a family, you are our family... I really missed you Mel... I love you" - You murmured against her chest
-"I love you honey" - Mel gave you a little kiss and kept holding you tight
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wellfine · 2 years
HII I love your art so much it's so expressive and it feels like theres so much movement in it! I was wondering if u had any tips or advice to help with that? I practice anatomy and expression so much but it seems like everything I draw on my own is so stiff!! Anyway I hope you have a great week :)) <3
Hi there! Firstly, thank you so much for the kind words, it means a lot that you would take the time to tell me!
Second- my advice is to take everything you've learned about anatomy and THROW IT OUT THE WINDOW!!!!!!!
... For now. Just into the front yard so you can keep an eye on it. But I have seen many artists concentrate chiefly on studying anatomy only to feel like their art ends up too stiff. My own experience has been to treat anatomy as a tool best used to correct an image in the later stages of construction rather than as your driving foundation.
If "correct" anatomy (however you choose to define that) is the priority of your undersketches, I find that you end up with a sort of Skeleton Song approach to drawing - y'know, the knee bone's connected to the thigh bone, etc etc. Whatever energy, emotion, or intent you wanted your drawing to convey is getting lost each time you split it into another anatomical segment. By over-focusing on individual parts, you lose sight of your image as a whole.
The key to conveying dynamic movement in motionless art is to ensure every element of your image agrees on and communicates the same action, the key to which is something called the line of action.
A line of action is simply that - an implied "line" with wich you lead the viewer's eye and communicate movement. Think of it as the core of your figure's action, simplified to its rawest form. By knowing this, you know what to emphasise and what to de-emphasise.
Well, art is a visual medium and I am better explaining with drawings than words or I'd never have picked up a pen in the first place, so:
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Images can have multiple lines of action, lines of action can complement and contrast each other, and a line of action isn't always as obvious as something like running. Imagine you're tring to make your art more "aerodynamic" to the eye. Since I draw a lot of One Piece fanart, I assume you're also familiar with it, and you can probably imagine how Oda uses "lines of action" when composing panels of Luffy punching something, Zoro slicing something, Sanji kicking something- etc etc. He's really good at selling the "oomph" of action shots by reducing visual clutter so that the impact of the action is greater.
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(The Monster Trio's abilities are all designed in such a way that allow for REALLY striking lines of action... you can tell Oda loves studying manga fight scenes and wanted to create a world where he could push these concepts to the limit, and it's no wonder One Piece caught the eye of animators even before it was serialised by Toei)
You're probably already noticing how line of action also feeds into composition and silhouette when it comes to conveying movement in an image. Basically put, once you've isolated whatever action it is that you want to convey, the more visual clutter you can streamline away from that action, the stronger an impact that will have on the viewer. A firm line of action, an uncomplicated silhouette for your figure, and a readable overall composition of your image/panel are all ways to minimise visual clutter.
You can also use this information to achieve the opposite effect! Sometimes the ideal action you want to convey is not fast, or powerful, or confident, and you can use the same principles.
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In fact, you can apply line of action to images that don't have any "action" in them at all. You can make a drawing of someone simply standing there feel more lively by applying these same principles to their body language:
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You can develop an eye for how to simplify movement down to its "lines of action" by studying real photos and other people's art. Try simplifying a figure to its silhouette, and then simplify that silhouette further to a stick figure. And honestly, a lot of this could be boiled down to "see your image as a whole and not just a collection of individual pieces". Set anatomy aside during the composition stage and bring it back in when you start building up the sketch.
Moving away from the line of action, my second piece of broad advice is simply to exaggerate more. Lots of artists subconsciously hold themselves back from pushing motion, expression, etc. out of concern that it will look "too much". Well, maybe it will- but you won't know that unless you try! You can always walk it back if you think you took it too far, but I think you'll be surprised by how far you can push your art before you hit that point.
My final piece of advice is to work on line confidence. Even if you follow the rest of this advice, if you have hesitant and scratchy lines, you're undermining the flow and punch of your art. The best way to improve line confidence is simply by practicing! Do a lot of quick, timed studies, and use a permanent medium like a ballpoint pen or marker. Focus on unbroken lines wherever possible even if it makes your studies look like garbo. I find traditional studies are best for improving line confidence, but if you'd really rather stick with digital then just don't let yourself use the eraser tool, and try using a chunky brush with limited pressure sensitivity.
And that's it! Don't stress about it too much though. Loosen up with your art and, like any other skill, you'll improve with practice, time, and analysing what you like about other people's art. Good luck!
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Michael Gavey - NSFW Alphabet
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warning : +18, It's getting steamy under the cut
Info : I needed more of this sweet crunchy bar lover so here we have a alphabet and I loved writing it. As always have fun reading ;)
A = Aftercare (how they are after sex).
°After sex he is either very very affectionate has his hand on his sweetheart, on her breast, her cheek, her side. He just has to touch her to know that he wasn't dreaming that he actually had her next to him. He kissed her all over while offering her a crunchy bar and his eyes would just light up with love and devotion. Like a sweet golden retriever who just wants to adore her.
°,,You were everything...so wonderful...I love you"
°Or he's the "that never happened" kinda guy who doesn't know what to do with his feelings and it's almost like a scandalous relationship in his eyes. But then he would be rather awkward and wouldn't quite know what to do and lie there like a plank but he would still do the praising.
B = Bodypart (his favorite part of you and them)
°Michael knows he's not an athlete or a rich kid from a family with not much money. But his shirt and khaki pants had their own style. When it comes to his body, it's next to his genius, which is unrivaled and he loves to show off, to see how he's better than his favorite or the other guy. But if he had to choose it would be his eyes and his silver tongue. He loved to watch his favorite, to pay close attention to her reactions when he slept with her. He also knew that she loved his eyes, she always said that she could see his love for her in his gaze every time. A compliment that made him blush. But especially when it came to the nightly bedtime activities with his favorite, it quickly turned out that his sayings also had action. He knew that even if he suffocated between her thighs, he could satisfy her.
°He loves everything. He loves everything about her, everything. He loved the way she looked at him, the way her emotions showed when he interacted with her, loved and adored her. Her hands that clasped his, stroking his cheek and praising his hair. Her soft, shapely breasts that he loved to massage, putting his hand on them or his face. The sounds of her voice, sometimes praising, sometimes arousing, sometimes warning. Her eyes that reflected his lust when they made love, that he saw light up when he made her compliments. When she did the tasks he gave her correctly. She was perfect...but if he had to choose perfectly, it would be her breasts and thighs. He just loves to see the soft skin pressed against the fabric. A short skirt that showed off her legs, a short top without a bra where her nipples pressed against the fabric. Leaving red stripes and kisses on her sensitive skin, all he had to do was touch her. Michael loved it and loved it just as much to take photos of it without her knowing he was her little personal photographer just to give her these photos as a gift in an album.
C= Cum (anything to do with cum)
°Michael is a little pervert on the inside of course on the outside he is your sterotypical nerd with a weakness for math. But he would and will do anything to get inside her, of course only if his sweetheart lets him. But his imagination was always there when he jerked off to her picture at night, letting his imagination run wild. He almost came when his beloved allowed him to come inside her, he was completely mesmerized to see the viscous liquid running out of her.
°,,Thank you ma'm...that's-it's-it's just so pretty"
°When it comes to his darling's sperm, he's not above anything. He does everything and would do anything to satisfy her, always going to her center and using his silver tongue as often as his darling wants, of course. But even with cum play he doesn't really have a problem, it's just another erotic thing in the whole picture of eroticism for him.
°,,Can you please come again? Please darling I'll make it good yes?
D = Dirty Secret (self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
°He was the mysterious stalker who had the obsession with her when she came to university. Suddenly, photos of her always appeared in her room, whether in the middle of a lecture, in the cafeteria or outside. Within a few weeks, however, the initial photos of everyday life turned into erotic photos. A photo of her wrapped only in a towel, her breasts clearly visible while getting dressed. Her underwear and T-shirts were stolen, only for them to reappear a few days later with mysterious stains. Michael had almost built up a small shrine to her in his room. Every day, every afternoon and every evening he stalked her verses just to fuck his cock with her panty in the evening. Until all the stalking suddenly ended when the new student got together with the math nerd who stood by her side with math jokes, roses and new t-shirts?
°He would like to try out a role-playing game somehow. Above all, he can't get rid of the idea of the math professor and his student. He had often helped his darling with his homework, he knew math but he just loved to show off his genius. Having his favorite sitting in front of him at one of the desks just to bend her over it to fuck her over her mistakes just to get her to correct her failures knowing that she had done a sloppy job and she had to do the assignments again.
°,,You made a mess out of it...I guess if you want to get your grade back up you'll have to come to me again"
E = Experience (how experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing?)
°He doesn't really have any experience apart from his imagination, his hand and his pillow which he has always humped. He has read hundreds of books and articles on the whole subject but has no real experience. He once thought of visiting a prostitute only to change his mind and lock himself back in his room and read more about it all. Inside he was just afraid of not being good enough for his partner.
°But just because he has no experience doesn't mean he doesn't know what to do. As awkward as he may seem at first glance, just so overwhelmed by his sweetheart, it turns out that his sharp tongue that always brings the comments home is a true silver tongue. He completely makes up for his excitement and awkwardness with this one and does it more than well.
F = Favorite position (without saying you know what it's about)
°Cowgirl = He just loves having you in his complete gaze. Watching his heart move her hips, her hair tousled, her gaze full of arousal, her eyes closed and open at the same time, her hands running over his torso, holding on to him and leaving red streaks of ecstasy. It was an alternation of dominance as she either let go of him completely and he had to move his hips himself or she used her muscles to tease him. Or Michael would simply place his hands on her hips and set the tone, driving it on when she could take no more.
°Oral = Not an obvious position but something Michael especially loves to do is just kneel down under her table, between her thighs on the bed or right in the library behind the many bookshelves. He would do anything because he knows exactly how tempting it is for him and her. Michael loves just holding her, his fingers on her hips, pulling her back against him, hearing the sounds she makes before traveling back by his hair.
G = Goofy (are they more serious at the moment? are they funny? etc.)
°Yes Michael is more the serious type which doesn't mean he isn't nervous every time or just overwhelmed by the thought of sleeping with his sweetheart. He just wants everything to be perfect for him and her like a math formula.
°Which doesn't mean he's not cute because his jokes here and there with his sayings make her laugh which lightens the mood and takes the seriousness out of it.
H = Hair (how shaved is it? Does the trunk match the apple? ect.)
°Not only a math fanatic but also someone who pays attention to tidiness, Michael shaves his hair every time he goes to the shower, which is not every other day. On the other hand, he would give a completely biology and work-based answer if his sweetheart assured him that she didn't care if he shaved or not.
°Upstairs his light brown sometimes street dog blond hair is more of a dark brown when you look down but it doesn't really bother him and his partner either on the contrary it almost looks cute.
I = Intimacy (how are they at the moment the romantic aspect)
°Michael is a great romantic, at least when it comes to memorizing and thinking up poems. He has read enough Goethe and Shakespear to know how to flatter a woman. He will adore you, shower his darling with poetic poems and emphasize it with gestures.
°Gestures like kisses, caresses, a light scratching of her skin as a little preview of the little romantic hint of more when he traced the lace of her underwear. Michael Gavey is a little romantic guy who is very keen on this more traditional way of courting and will show up with a rose every time.
J = Jack off ( mastubation headcanon)
°He was her stalker, of course he would never hurt her, he couldn't. She had him in the palm of her hand without her even knowing it. But initially, before he got her heart, it was like an addiction. On MySpace he had already printed out every photo of her in the bikini theater or any other outfits that even pulled a little skin. He hung them on the wall and the ones that weren't double-sided simply served him as wank templates. He had cds full of her pictures, messages and recordings he had made which he listened to while looking at her picture on his screen, his cock in his hand imagining it was her cunt he was pounding.
°For him, all it took to masturbate was a look from you, a smile, a sagging bra, a short skirt. Michael escaped to the toilet as often as he could during this time to take care of his hardness. He was sure she knew he was doing it, that it only excited him more and that she was just waiting to see him again.
°But even after he gets together with his favorite, he won't be able to get rid of his habits. She still made him hard and this time she was aware of it and loved to use her own hand to tease him this time.
Kink = (one or more of the kinks)
°Praise kink = Michael even if he knows he is the best needs reassurance in the one thing he is unsure about. Sex. He needs the validation of his favorite, needs to see how good he is when he used his tongue to bring her to orgasm after orgasm. He needs the confirmation that he is good for her his darling when he fucks her his cock is enough.
°,,You are perfect...ah-fuck so good for me my goddess"
°Mommy/Ma'm kink = Initially not wanting to admit that he had something like this, he knew deep inside that he had something like this. That he had two sides, the dominant one where he needed her validation, became her proud plaything and let himself go when she allowed it. As well as the submissive side he loved it when she pulled his hair and just used him because she was allowed to be his mommy's perfect darling.
°,,Ma'm I-I please I'll be good I promise I-I won't come without your permission please mommy"
°Degradation = side degradation is something he and his partner made use of. When she had him under her or he was between her thighs, these nasty side comments were stimulating for both of them. If it wasn't her, then it was Michael who always made his darling blush with his questions and statements.
°,,What's up doll? Mhhh is my schwnaz too much or are you just stupid? Extra stupid for me to discipline you, isn't that right?
L = Location (favorite place to do it)
°The classic bedroom, at least the one room you all have at your disposal. Which is why it comes down to either his room or that of his favorite. The bed, which is wide enough for both of them, has always been perfect so far. Perfect for riding him so he fucks her in the pillows and sheets and he disappears under the covers to get between her legs.
°The less classic place but his favorite place to study and fuck is the library. The library is big, full of books, tables and chairs, the perfect place to have fun under the tables or in the evenings when no one was there anyway and they had every seat for her. Much to the chagrin of the librarian who suddenly found books on the floor every time.
M = Motivation (what turns them on)
°Praise = Michael loves to be praised by his ma'm, his goddess, and to be told how good he is, how perfect he feels and how well-behaved he is. It only takes a few words to turn him into a needy pink-cheeked boy.
°,,Say I'm good please? Please ma'm I'm so good"
°Clothes = Michael knows almost every item of his favorite's clothing by heart. He knows every short and long skirt, every t-shirt and top as well as every shirt and dress. He loves it when his heart leaves the first two extra buttons undone to show him which bra he is wearing or not wearing. When he let his fingers wander over the soft fabric just to dive underneath.
°,,Did you put on the extra short skirt for me? Darling I love you"
N = No (something they wouldn't do, dismissing)
°Threesome/Orgies = Share no. Michael, even if it doesn't look like it, is a pretty jealous person. And something he doesn't like and wouldn't like would be a threesome and/or an orgy. It wouldn't feel good and special to him anymore, he would want to have his sweetheart for himself, the togetherness, the perfection you have developed. He wants to be the one who gets your praise and not someone else.
O = Oral (preference whether giving or receiving, skill, ect.)
°Michael always wants to give his favorite oral pleasure. He sometimes likes it more than sleeping with her when he can just kiss his way up her legs. He knows that he has a silver tongue knows that his sweetheart can always just use it and he enjoys it. Enjoys it when she pushes him down on his knees, strokes his hair in praise and tells him how good he is when she takes his glasses off his nose and kisses him gently. The smile on her lips made him whimper she was just so beautiful. There was nothing better for him than to serve her through this, because he could be closer to her than ever before and had everything he wanted.
°,,Just let me serve you darling I promise it will be worth it"
°When it comes to getting it, he is a little insecure at first, not because he doesn't want it but because he actually wants it the other way around. His darling kneeling in front of him, she had to tell him a thousand times that it was okay, that she would like to try it. Before the most whimpering and needy sounds escaped him that echoed in the room.
°,,My heart this is-ah fuck god this is unbelievable-I mean you are-fucking unbelievable".
P = Pace (are they fast and hard? slow and sensitive? etc.)
°Michael will pretty much always go with what his favorite wants. By nature, he can't control himself very well and would rather go for a mix of the two, spoiling her slowly and intimately. Only to fuck her afterwards to pay attention to her words and give her what she wants.
°If his darling wants it differently, he directs her accordingly - it's a game of give and take between the two of them. He gave her what she wanted and she spoiled him with what he was entitled to.
Q = Quickie (their opinion on quickies, how often etc)
°Michael is not the type for quickies, not that he wouldn't do it for his sweetheart, but for him it's something that has no real appeal. He wants to take his time to enjoy the game and not just do everything so quickly. However, if his darling wants it and he has nothing planned, he would try it at least a few times.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
°Michael only really starts to experiment with his sweetheart when he gets together with her. Before that he only had himself and his fantasies, but with his girlfriend who was just as keen to experiment as he was and they both started to try out all sorts of things together it only sparked the love between them even further.
°Michael would risk everything if it came down to a moment of swearing. Not only would he give everything for her, but he would risk his entire reputation (which he doesn't really have) at the university to try something with her.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go? how long can they last?)
°Michael can go as long as his sweetheart wants in theory. But when it comes to a romantic evening, two or three rounds are possible if he has eaten his crunchy bar. But if he uses his tongue then the night can go on all the time he doesn't get tired of her pretty body he just wants to give her everything.
°,,One more time? Oh darling, I'll do anything for you"
T = Toys (do they have toys? do they use them? on their partner or themselves?)
°Blindfold = He loves it when his sweetheart uses the fabric, puts the blindfold on him and he just gives himself to her. When she tells him to get between her thighs and he can only rely on his other senses. Her praise reaches his ears and he just wants to make her feel good even more. He is "at her mercy" and her hands run over his body caressing him, but it can also be the other way around. When he puts the blindfold on her to make her experience with him even better. When he kisses his way down her body and leaves light scratches. It's a night of pampering.
°Paddle/Ruler = The punishment if he was too naughty and didn't listen to his orders then it was time to pull the wood over his body, or he pulled it over her body depending on which of the two wanted what. But apart from hitting and taking care of the red sore skin, they used the toy with the blindfold together. Just more sensations in a more limited field of vision.
U = Unfair (how they love to tease)
°Michael loves to tease his sweetheart of course this is all just a prelude to the evening but he also knows the more he teases the more his mommy will punish him for it. But when he teases it's usually light touches over her hand up to her breast it's so light it could have never happened. The eyes behind the glasses watching everything, the smirk on his lips when he saw her rubbing her thighs together, trying to get away from him just so he would follow her and not get away from her.
V = Volume (how loud are they, what sounds do they make, etc.)
°Michael is relatively careful with his volume, especially when it's still daytime and he's always a bit afraid of being discovered. But when they are together in one of the two rooms with the door locked and the curtains closed, he lets out his whimpers, moans and praises. The longer the session between them goes on, the more needy and louder he becomes.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
°He was completely afraid that his heart would leave him when she found out that he was her stalker. But as he waited with tears in his eyes for a slap or something, the last thing he expected was a gentle touch followed by a tug on his hair strands. It was that evening that they had spent the night
°He would blow all his fuses if he came into his room one day and found his darling there dressed in nothing but his shirts and one of his glasses. It would be the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
X = X-ray (let's look under the clothes)
°Under the dark happy trail when it's not shaved off, it's 16cm/6.29921in long and wide enough for her hand to close around it. The tip is definitely a light pink like his cheeks when he gets nervous. As well as some of the veins that are visible when he's aroused.
°He knows he's enough because even though he's not a top athlete, every time he made love to her her sounds, praise and touch were enough for him to know that his body was enough.
Y = Yearning (how high is the sex drive?)
°Pretty high. The hand, fantasies and images he had were no longer enough. Which is why he was all the more grateful that he had his darling. Of course he respected her needs and praised her all the more and was all the more grateful when she responded to him, because he often wanted to.
°What usually began as daydreams and thoughts quickly turned into something when she saw the dreamy look on his face. When his glasses slipped slightly and his cheeks turned slightly pink. Before she coaxed what he wanted out of him and they both disappeared into the rooms.
Z = Zzz (how quickly do they fall asleep afterwards)
°Michael Gavey is a precise guy when it comes to times, when he studies and also when he sleeps. He usually falls asleep very quickly, but he will always always always always find time for his darling. He runs his fingers through her hair, takes her hand and kisses her goodnight. He takes time to enjoy even the last moments and make them as pleasant/romantic as possible.
@ateliefloresdaprimavera , @ria-coolgirl , @valeskafics , @ammo23 , @a-song-of-fire-and-rain , @lady-slytherin-of-tarth , @palomam18
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