#soft lesbian love
pinkthrone445 · 4 months
-Let it burn to the ground- Part 6
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 part 5
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Pairing:Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Gender:love, hurt, confort, funny
Warnings:Mention about past trauma, fires and dead
Summary:Melissa lets the fire of love consume her when she meets the new chief of the fire station.
After the fight, you have to think if everything is worth saving.
You were driving automatically, from the beginning of the day you felt horrible because it had already been 3 years since your husband's death, but now a new weight of pain had been added now that the redhead had treated you like this. You weren't so angry about what she said because you knew she might have a point, you were mad because she choose to say it in the worst day possible in the worst way possible. Instead of choosing a time when the two of you were alone and could talk calmly, she told you at a party full of people, to get your attention she decided to take one of her slobbering exes and on top of it all she wanted to throw the blame for everything on you. If she had said it in a good way at a good time, you would have listened to her, taken into account what she said and tried to change it as soon as possible, and the two of you probably would have gone home together.
Instead, you yelled at her, broke up with her leaving her in the arms of other men and came home as a single woman again.
Your son, smart as he was, didn't say a single word the entire trip, it wasn't until you were curling him up in his bed that he decided to speak
-"Mama... Are you okay?" - Your little one whispered seeing your eyes and you sighed
-"Today is not my best day..."-You answered honestly, you had always tried to instill in him that he did not scrutinize his emotions and that what he felt was valid and nothing better than the example to teach
-"I can see your sad eyes" - He whispered resting his little hand on your cheek, you leaned over him smiling softly-"Why Mel didn't came with us? She always makes you smile" - The little boy spoke and you sighed again
-"She... We... She said something hurtful to me and I needed some time alone, so she went home by herself" - You answered and he pouted a little
-"Can I sleep with you mama? When I'm sad sleeping with you helps" - Your child was trying to help you in the way that worked for him when he was sad
-"Okey my beautiful boy, let's go sleep together" - You whispered lifting him out of bed and carrying him in your arms to your room to sleep together and snuggle like when he was a new born. Even though he was very small compared to you, you felt like his love was protecting you from the sadness.
The next morning you were still hurting just as much, but you had a child and a job and you couldn't stay in bed and cry, so you drew strength from where you didn't have and went to make breakfast. After you ate and everything was ready, you went to take your child to school. At the entrance you managed to spot the redhead receiving the children, so you got out of the car and said goodbye to your son but you didn't approach the entrance, or even look at her. When you made sure your child got in, you got in your car, and drove off, the only time you decided to look at her was in your rearview mirror as you drove away.
The days started to go by, Mel tried to talk to you but you had blocked her, she came to see you at home but you were never there and at work they wouldn't let her go to the office because you had asked that no one bother you.
For your part, every day that passed hurt less and you missed her more, but that didn't take away the damage she had done to you with what she said and how she said it.
A week later, Mother's Day came and you were invited to the school to see the gifts and things the kids had prepared. Before leaving the house you looked at the photos on the wall, especially the ones with your husband and you sighed, sad and at the same time a little relieved to feel how his absence hurt less, it still hurts and forever will, but it was less... Now, though for different reasons, the redhead's absence hurt a little more than his.
When you got home, you entered the school with the visitor's pass you had been given and went to your son's classroom, greeting his teacher Barbara
-"Mama! Look at my drawing!" - Your son took your hand and led you into the hallway to show you the tender drawing he had made of you and him.
-"Thats gorgeous baby! You even draw me with my uniform" - You laughed and he nodded, you knew how much he liked that you were a firefighter
-"And I got you this!" - The little one took out a gift package and gave it to you, you pretended to be surprised to see a decorated mug inside, although a few days ago in the list of supplies you had been asked for a mug and things to decorate it...
-"I love it baby! The heart and the fire you made is perfect! I'll use it for work every morning"-You answered and he hugged you tigly while you pick him up. After thanking Barbara for her efforts and giving her some chocolates for Mother's Day, you headed to the gym to enjoy the food they had ordered for the mothers. While the children were eating and playing, the redhead approached you with a small bouquet of flowers and stood by your side
-"Happy mother's day..."-she whispered, handing you the small bouquet, but you didn't take it
-"Thank you" - was all you answered without taking your eyes from your son
-"Look... I'm so sorry for all I said and how I behaved... I let my insecurities get the worst of me..." - She started talking and you sighed
-"I don't want to talk about that here or now Melissa, I just want to enjoy my mother's day with Chris, that's the only reason I'm here" - You answered seriously and it was her turn to sigh
-"Okey...I really wish you a happy day..."-Mel offered you the flowers once more and finally, for the first time in the night, you decided to look at her. Dark circles under her eyes were marked as if she was not sleeping well and her eyes did not have their characteristic brightness, they were dull and hid a lot of sadness. Carefully you took the flowers and she smiled just sideways looking at you, wishing to tell you a million things now that you were finally close, but choosing to stay quiet because you asked. -"I will go back with Barb..." - She whispered before leaving and you smelled the flowers, not only did they have their normal scent, but her perfume had also stuck to the paper that wrapped them, which made you smile softly without you noticing.
At the end of the little party they had organized, you drove home with your little one and the bouquet of flowers.
While your child was bathing, you opened the paper covering the flowers to place them in water, a small envelope with a letter fell to the floor. Curious and confused, you picked it up and opened it to find the unmistakable handwriting of the redhead
"Hello... I didn't know if you would accept the flowers, but if you're reading this it means that you did and they didn't end up in the dumpster like I thought... I'm so sorry for everything I said and what happened. From the moment I met you I fell in love with you, but the more I knew about your husband and how perfect you were, the more I doubted if I was worthy of having you by my side. He was an excellent dad, a very brave man, an amazing husband and a very good person in general, perfect for you... And I'm nothing like that and, besides, I'm old... I was jealous of him and what an amazing couple you made and I felt stupid for being jealous of someone who had passed away, so I didn't told you anything. Every day that passed, I felt less deserving of you and because I did not to mention my doubts with you, my insecurities came to the surface in the worst way at the worst time.
You don't have an idea of how sorry I am for what I said and for hurting you and for doing so many stupid things. I miss you and Chris so much.
I understand now that I lost you, how much it hurts to lose the love of your live. I'm sorry for invalidate your pain.
I hope you can forgive me one day.
With love M"
You stared at the letter for a few minutes, the truth is that Mel's anger wasn't unjustified, maybe it wasn't well expressed but she was right. You carefully grabbed your phone and unlocked the redhead's number, admiring her profile picture for a few seconds. After a little more consideration, you decided to send her a message
-You: "Thank you for the gorgeous flowers Mel... Do you think we can talk someday about what happened... About us?..."-Once you sent the message, you were left nervously waiting for a response that came almost immediately
-Melissa: "Yes please... Tomorrow after school?"-The redhead replied
-You: "I'll be working... Is there any chance that you can come to the office?" - You answered a little nervous
-Melissa: "I will be there after school"-She replied and you smiled softly
-"You:thank you... I will see you tomorrow, have a good night Mel"-It was the last thing you sent before you went check on your child in the bathroom.
The next day Mel was very exited about seeing you again, even though she might have to face the hurt that she did to you and hear you scream to her, she really missed you and needed to see you again.
For your part, you also wanted to see her to clarify some things, even though you were hurt, you really wanted to try to fix everything. You were aware that there were times when we all say things that hurt and that no relationship is perfect and everything takes work.
Although you and Mel had a desire to talk, fate didn't care. Even if it seemed like it would be a quiet day at your job, a call to the fire station changed everything. Gas pipes in a large building had exploded, not only causing the building to catch fire but also cause it to collapse. Immediately your station had to go to the call for help. While they were riding in the truck, you sent a message to the redhead, because you couldn't call her since she wouldn't be able to hear you for the sirens
-You:"Hi Mel, I know we had plans to talk today, but a complicated call just came in and I don't know at what time we will finish, I'm so sorry. Maybe we can talk tomorrow... Also, can you tell Miss Howard that maybe I will be a little late to pick Chris up, please. Thank you and I'm sorry"-You sent the message a little nervous about the situation
-Mel:"Hi honey, yes, no worries, I'll tell her and we can talk tomorrow. Please be safe" - Mel's answer was short but calmed you down a bit.
By the time you got to the building, everything was more complicated than you expected, so they immediately got to work saving as many people as possible.
Meanwhile at school, Melissa was teaching her classes but she felt watched, and it wasn't because of her students as they were all busy doing their homework. She carefully scanned the entire room, looking for the reason why she felt that way. When her eyes fell on the door, she found the source. Your little boy was watching her hidden behind the frame, and although the redhead could see almost half of the little boy's body, Chris thought it was very well hidden.
-"Chris... Are you okay?" - The redhead asked and got up from the desk and walked over to your son and knelt in front of him
-"No... My head hurts and I wanna go home" - Your son made his best sad little eyes looking at the redhead
-"Did you tell Barbara? Why are you alone in the hallway?" - Mel asked worriedly, frowning
-"I told her I was going to the bathroom... I miss my mom, can you call her please?" - Chris pleaded and Mel picked him up in her arms
-"Your mommy is working saving people... But if you want you can stay with me until your mommy arrives, would you like that?" - She asked and the little one nodded hiding in her neck.
Melissa knew that when Chris missed you or had a rough day he would say he had a headache so they call you to pick him up, but since you were busy, she would take care of him until you arrived. Mel alerted Barbara of the situation and stayed with your little one in her classroom while she teached.
When the fire stopped and people were safe, everyone went back to the station. You immediately tasked one of your lieutenants with reporting the mission, took off your protective clothes, and ran to the car to pick up your son. The mission had gone on much longer than planned and the kids had already left school and you hadn't gone to pick up your little one. While you were driving, you called Barbara and she told you that Mel had stayed at school with him waiting for you.
The school was empty when you arrived, but as you entered the redhead's classroom you breathed a sigh of relief when you saw the two of them there. Mel was sitting at her desk and your son was asleep curled up in her arms, with his head on her chest and her coat on his back protecting him from the cold. The woman's desk was filled with toys, books, and an empty food Tupperware, showing you how well the redhead had taken care of him.
-"Hi Mel..."-You whispered without really knowing how to greet her, a hug might be too much for how delicate the situation still was, let alone a kiss, and if you make to much fuss, your son might wake up. So you just got closer to them without touching anything-"Thank you for taking care of him, the call was a mess and was longer than expected, I'm sorry that you had to stay" - You whispered a little embarrassed
-"Hi (Y/N)... Are you kidding? I'm happy that I had to stay with him, we had an amazing time and I missed him so much... And he missed my food too"-She joked and you laughed softly. The redhead carefully got up from her chair to hand Chris over to you softly, not taking off her jacket so that his body wouldn't get cold. Your son frowned when Mel pulled him away from her body, but smiled when he felt you and continued sleeping.
Mel frowned, looking at your face more carefully
-"Yeah, I got a little hurt and I didn't stopped to wash my face, but I'm okay..."-You whispered trying to calm her worry-"Thank you for taking care of him..."-You thanked again as she took her purse and the two of you walked down the hallway-"Did you come in your car?" - You asked as she opened the school door letting you out first
-"It's a pleasure, I love being with him... No, I came with Barbara and she's already gone, I'll ask for a uber to go home" - She responded by taking her cell phone out of her purse
-"I'll drive you home, it's the least I can do..."-You replied and she smiled nodding in gratitude. Once your son was secured in his chair, the two of you climbed up and drove home quietly, it wasn't awkward but there was a bit of tension in the silence. The trip went by too quickly for your liking, and even though you hadn't talked about anything, you realized how much you had missed having her by your side, it hurt you what she said, but it hurt you more no having her close. Mel was about to open the car door to get out but your voice stopped her
-"The new season of Bridgeton is out... Do you want to come home to watch it?" - You asked nervously and she looked at you in surprise
-"I would love to... But are you sure you want this? Having me in your home?" - She replied in a trembling voice
-"I'm sure" - You answered confidently and she took her hand out of the door and put her seat belt back on.
Once you got to your house and put your son to bed, you turned on the TV opening Netflix but Mel called your name from the bathroom, confused you followed her and saw her with a wet towel in her hands and the emergency kit
-"Come... Let me clean your face first, we don't want it to be infected" - The redhead spoke and you sat on the small bench that your son climbed on to brush his teeth, Mel sat on the toilet with the lid closed and began to wipe your face with the damp towel. Her hands were soft and delicate, carefully running the towel over your features, wiping a small cut on your forehead with special care, even though you had your eyes closed, you could feel her watchful gaze on you
-"I'm sorry" - You whispered with your eyes closed, and the redhead's actions stopped
-"For your cuts? I don't like that you are hurt, but I'm glad it was something small and not something more dangerous" - Mel resumed her actions and you took her wrist gently making her stop her movements, slowly you opened your eyes and raised your gaze to look into her eyes
-"I'm sorry for not loving you the way you deserve it... I'm not saying that what you did was okay, but I know that somehow I pushed you to said what you said and in part you were right... I couldn't let him go because he literally saved my life and I felt like I owned something to him, loyalty even if he wasn't here, I was scared of forgetting him or that Chris forget him... I know I will never completely forget him because I see him in the face of my son every day and I know that Chris won't forget him because he loves him and knows the kind of person his father was, but I also know that holding into him won't bring him back and will only take you away from us. You are part of our family now, you are everything that I need, you are here now, you love us, you protect us and you are everything that we were missing... I get now that you are not here to replace him, but you are here to complete us... And I'm sorry for pushing you away"-You whispered, still holding her hand, and Mel smiled, resting her forehead on yours
-"I'm sorry for being an asshole and for being mean, you didn't deserve that. I'm sorry for letting my insecurities get the worst of me... I don't want to lose you both and I don't want you to forget your husband or that Chris forget his father, I just want to have a place here" - Mel pointed to your heart and you barely smiled-"Because you and Chris occupied my whole heart..."-Mel kissed your forehead gently and you hugged her waist resting your head on her chest-"I also love the pictures that you put on the wall where we are all together... We look like a cute family" - Mel whisper against your hair
-"We are a family, you are our family... I really missed you Mel... I love you" - You murmured against her chest
-"I love you honey" - Mel gave you a little kiss and kept holding you tight
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houstonxbreed · 2 months
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Me and who??
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tenderandmild · 4 months
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Healing touch
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ghastleaf · 1 year
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soft intimacy and cat interruptions 🐈‍⬛🪻
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Room in Rome (2010)
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natalievoncatte · 3 months
Lena was waking up, and not in her own bed. She was somewhere warm, swaddled in a heavy blanket. Her head was pounding and she didn’t want to open her eyes. A soft mewling sound tumbled from her lips, and she made as if to blink. Her eyes felt gummy and stuck shut.
“Shhhh,” a small, soft voice murmured. “I’ve got you. You’re okay.”
“Just rest,” Kara said.
It was easy to rest. He head fell against the wall of muscle that was Kara’s chest and pillowed on her breast and Lena let out a soft sigh, shifting a bit as she came around and grew more wakeful. She was sitting in Kara’s lap as Kara leaned back against a wall, and Kara had unclasped her cape and wrapped it around her in an impenetrable blanket.
As Lena opened her eyes, she saw that Kara was carding her fingers through Lena’s hair, so gently she barely felt it.
“Your hair is really pretty.”
“Thanks,” said Lena.
A kind of confusion swept through her. Weren’t they fighting? Lena was mad. She was furious. She was world-endingly, life-burn-downingly mad at the woman in whose lap she currently sat. Kara had lied to her about the fundamental nature of who she was and… and…
Lena didn’t feel mad.
“They gave you some pretty heavy drugs when they kidnapped you.”
“Kidnapped me?”
Kara let out a little snort. “You probably don’t remember. These were the lamest kidnappers, Lena. They nabbed you and immediately called me out. I found you and bagged them before you even came around from the drugs.”
“You probably won’t remember any of this later,” Kara sighed. “I just want to tell you I’m sorry again. I’m sorry I lied. It was wrong and you deserved better. I should have given you my trust the way you gave it to me.”
Lena blinked a few times but said nothing.
“I’ll never stop saving you. I will always protect you. Even if you never forgive me.”
Lena shifted slightly, pressing a little into Kara, who was now lightly teasing the tips of her fingers across Lena’s scalp, sending light tingles through her sleepy body. Kara yawned and shrugged.
“You okay? You warm enough?”
Lena nodded.
“Alex is coming with a team, she’ll make sure you’re all right. Go back to sleep, baby.”
Baby. That word sent a shockwave through her.
Lena’s eyes drifted shut. She was very tired and it made sense to sleep, to just let it all go. She was safe in Kara’s arms.
As she tumbled towards the dark, she felt the soft press of warm lips to her forehead.
“There’s still so much I want to tell you.”
Lena sighed and nuzzled into Kara’s shoulder. She was soft and warm and smelled heavenly, not just her lavender perfume but the soft smell of her. Lena never told Kara that she wanted to smell her armpits after spin class.
“You want to smell my armpits?!” Kara choked out.
Oh. That was supposed to be inside voice.
“Mmmhmm,” said Lena.
“Can I tell you something, since you probably won’t remember this later?”
“I’m in love with you.”
Lena started, jolting a little more awake.
“No, shhh,” Kara said, pulling her into a tighter hug. “I know it doesn’t change anything. You don’t owe me anything. I’m just scared. I need you to know of something happens, if…” her breath caught. “If not fast enough.”
“Kara,” said Lena.
“Shh,” Kara murmured, touching a soft kiss to her forehead again that sent a jolt rippling through her.
“I don’t even know if you like girls. It’s just that was the real reason why I was so shitty and hid who I was. I was scared you’d leave if I told you and… and it happened anyway. I’m so sorry.”
Kara sighed.
“Sometimes I wish I could be human so there’d be no secret. I don’t know of Human Kara would have been brave enough to say anything to you but I’m a coward. It would be so easy if there was no lie.”
Lena opened her eyes and looked up. Hot tears glittered on Kara’s cheeks.
“And you know, if you lived with me, and not in that big fancy penthouse, nobody would kidnap you. I’d keep you safe and get you breakfast and make sure you eat before work and take care of you because you don’t take care of yourself.”
“Mmhm, and what do you get out of this arrangement?”
“Well,” said Kara, “I’d get to kiss the prettiest girl in the world.”
“Is that all?”
Kara’s throat bobbed as she swallowed. “Well. I could do more than kiss. I never have with another woman so I’m not sure how… but I want to…”
She brushed bright scarlet.
“I could teach you,” Lena whispered.
“Don’t do that,” said Kara. “Don’t dangle that in front of me, if there’s no chance.”
“Kara,” Lena murmured, her drugged brain grinding its gears a little, “you don’t fill someone’s office with flowers as a friendly gesture. One does not buy an entire billion dollar media empire to hang out with one person as a platonic exercise.”
“Oh,” said Kara.
“I thought you were straight,” said Lena. “It boggles my mind that you thought I was. Me? Really? Have you seen me?”
“Yes,” Kara was looking at her intently now. “I have seen you since the first day. When I saw you for the first time I felt something I’ve never felt before or since.”
“This fight we’re having,” said Lena. “It doesn’t really feel important right now.”
“I know, but you’re on drugs.”
“Will you kiss me?”
Kara’s lips were trembling. She dipped slightly as if she’d changed her mind, then pulled back and pursed her lips, pressing her eyes tightly closed.
“You might not feel this way later. It would be wrong.”
Alex chose that exact moment to kick the door in, sending a shower of splinters across the room. Kara pivoted in anticipation, shielding Lena but twisting around so they were even closer, Kara’s stunning blue eyes filling Lena’s vision.
“If you still feel this way later, call me.”
From then it became a blur. Kara placed Lena gently on a stretcher and reclaimed her cap, then trudged a safe distance away and flew off.
Alex was curt and short with her as usual, fussing over unnecessary risks and complaining sharply that Lena got into too much trouble, before sharply cutting off the conversation when it got too friendly and storming off.
Lena ended up back in her penthouse by six, all in all a fairly convenient kidnapping and rescue. She trundled inside and sat down on the couch, staring straight ahead for a while before she went to pour a glass of scotch, then thought better of it.
The night was chilly. National City never really got cold, but on a January night it could be brisk. Lena leaned on her railing and stared out at the bright lights of the city, the flow of traffic beneath and the distant sounds of life and joy.
Suddenly she felt very cold.
“Kara,” she sighed.
In an instant she was there, appearing in a faint gust. Her cape billowed out majestically behind her, hair aloft on the wind currents like clouds of spun gold. Kara didn’t look like an angel; angels looked like Kara.
“Come inside.”
Lena turned and walked back into the warmer confines, hearing the gentle thud of Kara’s boots on the balcony and her soft footsteps walking over.
“Haven’t been here in a while.”
“I used to dream of you moving in with me,” Lena admitted.
Kara stood silently behind her, shifting on her feet.
“I used to think about pampering you every time you mentioned that your rent was high or joked about a reporter’s salary. I wanted to take care of you, treat you, give you fine things.”
“You don’t have to give me anything.”
Lena turned around and crossed the distance between them. With Lena barefoot and Kara in heels, she towered over her. Lena stepped aggressively into her space and Kara didn’t flinch as Lena curled her fingers in the collar of her suit and pulled her down.
She didn’t hesitate. She gently bracketed Lena’s hips in her hands and pulled her in, bending over her to bring their lips together, Kara’s every move soft and gentle, the utmost care in every tiny gesture.
Kara was a good kisser. Lena let it deepen, feeling the heat flush in her chest and elsewhere, as Kara swept her cape around the both of them in a grand, silly, absurdly romantic gesture that made Lena’s knees go all wobbly and her belly flare with warmth.
“I could give you another chance,” Lena whispered into Kara’s lips.
“I’d like that.”
“Want to fly me home?”
“You are home,” said Kara, sounding a little confused.
Lena looked around the apartment, then rested her head on Kara’s chest. “No, I’m not.”
“Oh,” said Lena.
“Take me back to your loft. We can kiss and do the other things and then you can go get me breakfast.”
Kara slid her arm under Lena’s legs and back and picked her up, tucking Lena gently against her chest, stepped up onto the balcony railing and then off, into space. Lena’s breath caught and she tensed as she always did. She really didn’t like heights.
“I won’t drop you.”
Flying back through Kara’s window was a little awkward with the two of them, but they managed. Inside, Kara deposited her on the couch and the fussing began.
First, she made Lena put on a hoodie at the first sign of a shiver. It was old and threadbare and smelled like Kara, and when she wasn’t looking Lena buried her face in the sleeve and breathed it in.
Kara placed an order at a local restaurant and rather than wait for delivery, zipped out and got it herself.
“Do the people at the potsticker place not freak out when Supergirl pops in?”
“Actually, they give me a discount.”
She put the food in front of Lena and disappeared briefly, emerging in a tank top and running shorts, and Lena almost dropped the potsticker she was about to bite into.
Kara sat down beside her, and Lena stared at her. She wasn’t wearing her glasses and her hair was in a loose ponytail, leaving her in a kind of halfway state between Kara and Supergirl. Despite the display of her blocky shoulders and the ribbed fabric tight on her bunching abs, she looked so warm and soft.
Kara speared the potsticker and popped it into her own mouth.
“Hey!” Lena chirped.
“You were just staring at it.”
“Fine, here.”
Kara gently took another dumpling in her chopsticks and offered it. Lena looked at her askance, then leaned forward and took it in her mouth, eyes never leaving Kara.
Slowly, they shifted together until they were side by side on the sofa, Lena sort of falling onto Kara as she sank into the cushions. They were less eating and more feeding each other, which turned into Lena feeding Kara as they watched whatever came on the TV.
Kara slowly worked an arm around Lena’s waist and Lena turned, throwing her legs across Kara’s thighs.
“I’m tired,” said Lena.
“You’ve had a long day.”
“Want to go to bed?” Lena said. She tried to put her best husk into her voice but it cracked a little and betrayed her.
Kara said nothing. She smiled and lifted Lena up with ease and carried her to the bed.
Lena shimmied out of her leggings, letting them fall around her ankles, all while covered by the oversized hoodie, and her heart was pounding as Kara lifted the covers with an exaggerated gesture and beckoned her into the bed. Lena climbed aboard.
Kara crawled in after her and embraced her like she was trying to pull Lena inside her body.
“You must be tired,” Kara murmured. “It’s okay if you just want to sleep.”
“I am,” Lena whispered back.
Kara started to pull back, but Lena held on. “Can you hold me for a while.”
“Nothing is gonna get you.”
Lena closed her eyes and curled up against her, sighing.
Two weeks later, she put the penthouse on the market.
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zombiefruits · 3 months
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The Ballet
My favorite piece so far, it's only about five inches tall but it took me a very long time
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evgar · 9 months
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lovesick puppy
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mothdogs · 2 years
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Fucking obsessed with this manga and Ultimate Dad Senshi
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pinkthrone445 · 9 months
hii i love your fics so much. i wanted to request a melissa x reader. where they both work at abbott and have been dating for over a year now. they are somewhat private about their relationship but the abbott crew want to surprise them for their anniversary together.
maybe lots of fluff and some smut when mel and reader get alone time
-Since words are not enough to explain how much I love you, let me show you-
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Pairing:Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Gender:Smut, fluff, soft sex
Warnings:explicit sex, detailed oral(Mel Receiving)
Summary:When you celebrate a year as a couple, your colleagues at Abbott decide to surprise you two with a party to get to know you better.
Au:Hi lovely anon, I'm so sorry for making Melissa and reader like a married couple and not like they'd been dating for a year, I misread and before I knew it, I had already written everything. I hope you still like it and enjoy it. Remember that petitions are still open
Undoubtedly, being a teacher was a remunerative job and at the same time very tiring, there were days when you see them learn new things and get excited about that, it made you very happy, and other days when they didn't pay attention to you at all and there was no way to control them and that was very tiring.
The good thing was that your wife was also a teacher and that she understood your situation very well and always gave you very good advice since she had more experience than you.
You and Melissa were about to celebrate a year of marriage and more than three years of living together, at school you were quite private about your private life, if someone had not paid close attention to you two, they would not have realized that you were wives.
The only ones from the school who were invited to the wedding a year ago were Barbara, who was Melissa's maid of honor, and Ava, who was your maid of honor since she had known you for years, got you the job at Abbott and was a very close friend of yours, also she was the first one who introduced you to Melissa when you two first met.
The others had not yet come to work at Abbott's school at the time the two of you were being married. A month later they started working so they didn't get a chance to attend the wedding. They had already found out that you and Melissa were married, but they had no idea that your anniversary was approaching.
As you walked down the aisle with your purse on your arm, you were talking to Ava, who seemed very interested in remembering your wedding and how beautiful it had been. Remembering how at your wedding Barbara dedicated a song to you two and Ava dedicated you a dance, a loud laugh escaped your lips just as you entered the teachers' break room where everyone else was already there. Ava pretended to be offended by jokingly slapping your shoulder when you teased her by repeating her dance, which would have been great if Ava hadn't already been drunk at the time of doing it, tripping over her own dress.
Everyone followed the interaction with their eyes, but especially your wife, who every time you laughed was entranced and couldn't stop looking at you adoringly. When your laughter died down and you were able to breathe normally, you greeted everyone and sat down at the table with the redhead and Barbara.
When your wife handed you your lunch box, you thanked her and kissed her forehead briefly, the redhead smiled and continued to eat, glad that you were by her side, while the three of you talked about what had happened in the day.
That kiss on the forehead and holding hands at the time of leaving work was the greatest sign of affection that your co-workers could notice at school. At home you were both very affectionate, especially Mel who needed to have her hands touching some part of you at all times, Barbara and Ava knew how affectionate you could be, even cloying, but the other teachers, especially the new ones, had not seen that part of you, and since they loved the couple that you and Mel made, they were always paying attention to the minimal love interaction that you and the redhead had.
While Mel, Barbara and you talked, the redhead caressed your hand gently without realizing it, you knew that these days she had been more affectionate at school because your anniversary was approaching, as it didn't bother you, you let her do it enjoying the extra attention and her caresses
-"What was it that you were talking about with Ava that made you laugh so much?" - Barbara asked, and you laughed again at the memory
-"We were remembering the dance she did at our wedding"-you said between laughs and your wife also started laughing, Barbara tried to control herself but couldn't do it
-"I still have the video saved on my phone" - Melissa commented, pulling out her cell phone to look for it, and Barbara shook her head
-"I can't believe it's already been a year since the wedding, time goes by so fast... And you look even more in love than you did that day" - Melissa's friend commented and you looked at the redhead who already had her eyes on you making you blush a little, you were about to answer but Jeannine's voice cut the moment short
-"What?! What?! You are about to celebrate your first wedding anniversaryand we didn't knew? We should all celebrate together, since we couldn't be at the wedding, it would be something nice to share and also get to know more about you two as a couple"-The young woman commented with a lot of emotion and Melissa rolled her eyes
-"No thanks, I'm okay with no one else meddling in our life as a couple" - She said seriously and you squeezed her hand in warning not to be aggressive, you knew that Jeannine was saying that with good intentions. Carefully you got up from the table grabbing your purse because your students were about to return to the classroom and you had to be there before them, before you left, you grabbed your wife's jaw carefully but firmly and looked her straight in the eye
-"What have I said about aggressive comments to people who just want to do something nice for you or someone else?" - You asked your wife and she sighed, avoiding your gaze
-"That I shouldn't respond in a bad way and appreciate their good intentions even if it's something I don't like" - She muttered under her breath and you smiled kissing his forehead
-"Alright, remember that next time... See you later"-You commented before you left the room. Barbara laughed seeing her friend
-"Only one year of marriage and she already got you around her finger, Schemmenti" - Her friend commented, sipping a new cup of coffee
-"Shut up Barb" - The redhead commented seriously and then laughed.
The next few days no one talked again about the anniversary. But at home, you and Mel started making plans to celebrate in some way.
The two of you were sitting on the couch in the living room, Mel was behind you and you were sitting in front of her with your head resting on her shoulder, one of her hands was on your abdomen and the other inside your bra grabbing one of your boobs. It wasn't sexual at all, the two of you were watching a movie and the redhead just put her hand in there as always to keep you close and because it conveyed heat, you let her do it.
The movie was interesting, but your head was somewhere else
-"Love, what do you want for our anniversary?" - You asked her looking sideways at her as she thought
-"I don't think I need anything... I don't know what you can give me"-She replied truthfully and you rolled your eyes
-"We've been living together for almost four years and whenever I ask you what you want, you always say the same thing" - You complained and she laughed
-"It's just that it's not that easy to think right now about it, let's see, tell me what you want"-She challenged you
-"Easy, I want you on our bed or right here, completely naked with just a gift bow on top" - You responded by laughing at the sight of your wife's face, no doubt she wasn't expecting that answer
-"Now that you say it, I want the same thing too"-Your wife responded by making you laugh, you kissed her and continued watching the movie.
A couple more days passed and the date of your anniversary arrived, Mel and you had planned something quiet, you would go out to dinner, go to the movies and then at home you would see how things progressed. You were really excited about those plans, you couldn't see the time when the doorbell would ring and you could go home with your wife.
When the bell rang, you grabbed your purse and excitedly walked out into your wife's classroom. Mel was still saying goodbye to some of her students and you waited for her leaning against the door frame, when she saw you, her eyes lit up and she walked over to you as she said goodbye to her last student. You briefly gave her a kiss on her lips and held her hand smiling
-"Ready to go?" - You commented and she nodded walking to the exit, but before she could open the door, Barbara called out to you
-"Girls! Gerald and I wanted to invite you to dinner for your anniversary, do you want to go with us? Or did you already have plans?"-Melissa looked at you with a big smile when she heard her friend's invitation, she loved going out with the couple, to tell the truth, you liked it too and you always had a great time together.
-"We'd love to"-You confessed and saw Melissa smile grew even more
-"Send us the address, we'll change and we'll meet you there"-Your wife commented, and Barbara nodded, sending her the address. After an hour, you were already changed and in the address Barbara sent you. You were a little surprised to notice that it wasn't a restaurant, but a party hall. Taking your wife's hand, the two of you entered finding everything off, when you were about to turn to ask Mel if this was the right direction, the lights came on showing about 60 guests who all in unison shouted happy anniversary very excited.
You were surprised to see Barbara, Ava and the rest of the Abbott crew there, they had also invited your family and Mel's. After you had greeted everyone, you approached Ava and Jeanine, still holding hands with your wife
-"I thought you'd give up on the party after Mel's answer at school" - You commented looking at the younger one and she laughed a little, blushing at the attention of you and your wife
-"I thought you wouldn't like it, but after Barbara and Ava joined the plan, there was no turning back"-Jeannine commented, and you saw Melissa get closer to her, intimidating her a little
-"I love this, thank you, everything is beautiful and I appreciate your efforts, especially for inviting our families"-The redhead commented, and you, Ava, and Jeanine were surprised by the affection her words held. Jeanine smiled a lot and Mel excused herself to go with Barbara, Ava came closer to you smiling
-"No doubt you've tamed her, it's rare to see her so kind and without sarcasm. It's scarier than when she is aggressive"-Your friend commented, making you laugh as you watched Mel from afar.
The party lasted several hours, there was delicious food and sweet drinks, funny anecdotes and good music to dance to (if there was one thing you loved about Mel it was how well she danced), the others had chosen the waltz you had played at the wedding to recreate the dance, thing that made you very happy, reliving how your wife looked at you adoringly as you danced with her, feeling safe in her arms. By the time it was getting very late, several of the guests had left and only you and your fellow Abbott were left, playing trivia couple games.
-"Who started the first kiss?" - They asked and you both replied that it was you remembering the moment
-"Who said I love you first?" - Again, you both agreed, saying that it was you because Mel was too scared to say it first
-"Who cooks better?" - you both replied that it was Mel, a fairly obvious answer
-"Who gets angry the most?"-Ava asked, and you and your wife held up a sign that said Mel on it
-"Who apologizes first after a fight?" - You and Mel said it was the redhead, mainly because she was the one who started the arguments in the first place
-"Who is the neatest?"-They asked, and again and you both raised your name. Melissa was neat and clean, but she preferred to leave things in their original packaging so she didn't have to clean up so much, instead you liked to tidy and clean more than she did
-"Who's the horninest?"-The two of you held up the sign at the same time, agreeing that you were both like that.
The reason you and Mel were quite secretive about your relationship at school is because at the slightest temptation or insinuation, you would both get very horny and needy jumping on each other, specially you being younger and having such a beautiful woman by your side.
-"Who's the loudest in bed?"-Ava asked again, and Mel held up a sign agreeing that it was you making you blush.
Then followed a game of truths, it was all an excuse to get to know you more as a couple, and since you and Mel had already had several drinks, you were answering very sincerely.
-"Favorite thing to do when you're alone?" - First question
-"Snuggle and have sex or cook together" - Mel replied and you nodded
-"(Y/N), what is your favorite physical part of your wife and vice versa?" -They asked, and Mel smiled at you letting you answer
-"Her mesmerizing eyes... And her breasts, I could spend my life with my face between them"-You replied by looking at Mel with desire and love, the redhead hurried to answer as well
-"Her thighs, especially when they're around my head" - Your wife replied and you blushed laughing when you heard everyone's screams, especially Ava that loved kinky stuff
-"What's the most daring place you've ever had sex?" - You heard the question and answered
-"At the cinema" - Your short answer raised more questions
-"What? How?" - Jeannine asked in surprise, but your wife shook her head
-"You only asked where, we won't give any more details" - The redhead replied and you laughed
-"Favorite memory together?"-They asked and you smiled, there were so many
-"Our first new year together with our families" - You replied and Mel nodded in agreement
The game went on like this for a long time, until it was very late and it was time to go home. After saying goodbye to your friends and thanking once again, you and Mel went to the car, you let the redhead drive because she hadn't drunk as much as you.
While your wife was driving, you looked at her silly and smiling, especially when you felt the gentle caresses that Mel gave on your thigh
-"I had a good time tonight" - Your wife spoke and you nodded
-"Me too, I had a lot of fun, I like to remember our magical night and see you happy"-You answered and watched as she parked in the house. As soon as Mel opened the door, you walked straight to the couch and sat there doing little hands for her to come with you. Honestly, you had had a great time, but dancing and laughing so much had exhausted your body and you didn't even feel like going up the stairs to your room. Your wife sat on the couch next to you and you smiled at her sitting on her lap, the redhead placed her hands on your hips, smiling. Carefully you began to open the buttons of her shirt, slowly as if all the time in the world was for you two to enjoy. The redhead's breasts, restricted by the bra, were fully visible and you began to salivate. You very gently gave small kisses on your wife's lips making her smile, then on her neck, and also on the valley of her breasts as you completely removed her shirt and threw it to the ground. Her skin was soft under your lips and tasted a bit like perfume and sweat from dancing all night. Her skin, white as the moon, was tinged a little red from the soft bites you took here and there. Each gentle bite was accompanied by a small moan that escaped from the redhead's lips. The room was almost completely dark, only illuminated by the small light that came from the hallway of the house, just a ray of light hit her eyes and extended to her chest highlighting her beautiful skin, her hair in this light seemed to be even redder than normal.
With skillful and soft hands, you detached her bra leaving her breasts completely bare, her pink nipples stood proudly at the slightest touch you gave to her skin. The redhead looked like a vision, her head thrown back against the couch, her breasts bouncing gently with every deep breath she took, her neck decorated with tiny marks you made, her soft abdomen and warm skin under your hands, the little moans and insults that her thick lips let out. Everything was perfect, she was perfect.
Your kisses continued to run down her body, there was no rush at all, Mel wanted to savor the moment and you wanted to savor her.
Your lips rested on one of her breasts, you licked it slowly, sucked on her nipple and gently bit it and suck it again, then repeated your actions on her other breast until all her skin was glowing with your saliva.
Your kisses continued to descend reaching her abdomen, which you filled with kisses, Melissa was a few years older than you and without a doubt her body show it, she was far from being a teenager, but every mark, every stretch mark, every soft part of her body, only drove you crazier. Your lips clung to her soft abdomen, biting and leaving marks there while you peeled off and removed her pants. The redhead lifted her hips slightly so you could remove the garment. With gentle hands, you guided her to the edge of the couch and removed her wet underwear as well.
Immediately her scent reached your nose, that scent that drove you crazy and made you lose all sense of decency, that scent that made you want more and more of her. Your kisses spread across her thighs as you took her legs and put them on your shoulder, caressing her soft skin with your fingertips while still kissing her legs.
Melissa didn't take this as a never-ending temptation because of how slow you were going, but she took it for what it was, a complete adoration of her body.
Finally you dared to look at her crotch and moaned as you saw her juices glistening in the little light that reached the room. Usually, because of her age, it was better to use some lubricant on the redhead, especially when you used toys, but that night she was so wet that she was even dripping a little. She was even clenching around noting.
Almost no words were said at that moment, the room was just filled with moans and heavy breathing, everything you wanted to say to her, the love you wanted to show her, you were doing it with your actions and gentle caresses and your wife was understanding it perfectly. It was a rare occasion when everything was so slow and delicate, consuming her being with passion but also with love.
Finally your lips reached your wife's crotch, your hands positioned themselves on her ass bringing her closer to your face, your tongue played gently between her folds, a moan in unison escaped your lips and hers, Melissa tasted intoxicatingly good, you'd never get tired of it.
Her hands went to your hair, tangling delicately, without making too much force and letting you go at your own pace, she only did it to somehow feel closer to you. Her other hand went to the cushions, squeezing harder and harder as you sucked on her delicate button.
Finally your tongue went to her entrance and you slowly made your way in, feeling her body hug your tongue. Your nose was pressing against her clit and your tongue was slowly dancing inside her. You were moving slowly but strongly, you didn't expect the redhead to come fast with this rhythm, but when you started lapping with more strength, a high-pitched scream came out of your wife's mouth, her nails scraped the back of your neck, and her hips rose against your face, her thighs trapping you in place and their juices bathing your chin without warning. You followed your movements for a few more seconds, amazed at how fast she had come, opening your eyes to see the sight of your beautiful wife enjoying her orgasm bliss while one of her hands massaged her own breasts. One of your hands moved up her body positioning itself over hers and also massaging her breasts with your intertwined fingers, while you still savored and cleaned her swollen crotch with your tongue.
Mel continued with her eyes closed and head back savoring the sweet sensation after the orgasm, her breathing was still altered but slowly calming down, you could feel it in the way her chest moved, her legs were still shaking a little as you gave her soft kisses on her thighs. Carefully you got up from the floor and returned to your original position by sitting back on her lap, with your fingertips you caressed her cheek and arranged her hair a little, especially the small strips that were stuck on her sweaty forehead. You gently gave her a kiss on her forehead to stop her from frowning and relax her body completely, you also kissed the tip of her nose making her smile and gently kissed her lips making her taste herself on your lips, the redhead moaned as she felt herself and grabbed your waist again, giving small circular caresses on your abdomen under your blouse. Her hands went to undo your pants but you stopped her grabbing her wrist, you just wanted to see her like this, calm and relaxed for a longer. Your wife barely opened her eyes and looked at you confused, making you smile tenderly
-"I'm fine Mel... I just want to be like this with you for a little while longer..."-You said lying on her bare chest listening to her heartbeat, she hugged you tighter against her body
-"But I want you to enjoy it too, I wanna taste you too"-Your wife replied in her hoarse but still a little agitated voice 
-"I know, but I want to enjoy this moment as it is, we will keep going when you recover your breath, or tomorrow, there's no rush, it's just you and me"-You whispered in her chest, feeling your wife kiss your forehead and close her eyes again, resting her head on top of yours, enjoying having you close.
-"I love you so much..."-Melissa whispered with complete sincerity, without even having thought to say it, she didn't think about it, but she felt it with her whole being, she in did loved you with all her being. And after how you had treated her, she knew that you loved her the same way.
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Soft love where you admire their beauty in the in between moments. Soft love where hold them from behind and smell their hair. Soft love where you give them a pretty flower you saw on the way home. Soft love in whispered ‘I love you’s just so they never forget.
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blue-willow-tree · 14 days
"You're doing so well for me baby" I pant into your ear, my hand making home on your pretty neck while my cock is deep inside you.
"I know baby I know, I know, I'm almost done I promise. Just be my good girl, you can do that for me right?" I say as sweet as possible, my lips marking up your neck.
"It's your own fault pretty girl, you let him look at you too long. Now I have to make sure you remember exactly who this pretty body belongs to"
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sapphicslvtt · 1 month
oh to be in love, true love. to have someone who knows you inside out. to have someone who knows about everything and still chooses to stay. to have someone who knows all your flaws inside and out and still treats you as if you are the most beautiful soul in all of existence. to have a best friend with whom you comfortably share your biggest dreams and your deepest fears with, knowing they won’t judge you. to have someone who lifts you up and supports you with every big step. to have someone respectable that you trust with your whole being. now that is the true definition of sapphic love.
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just-a-gorl · 3 months
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"Heaven is a place on earth with you"
Lana Del Rey, Video Games
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autumnroses · 3 days
I think butches deserved to be loved and cherished outside of sex, and I think butches shouldn't always have to be seen as the "dominant top".
Remember to talk about asexual butches! Talk about bottom butches! Talk about butches who just don't want sex!! Talk about soft butches who don't want to always be the one in charge! Talk about the butches who want to be looked after and cared for!
Butches by existence defy norms, so let's not create new norms for them, yeah? <3
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