#gf amore
bottlerofstars · 2 years
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beatleswings · 9 months
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My last drawing of 2023 and it's my Punch-Out!! OTP. Carmen as her alter ego, Arm Candy (again, a headcanon @boltun-tkn came up with and I have since approved and added to Carm) and Don as....well, Don. Based their pose off this.
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redqueenlizz · 2 months
Dia 3 de mi descenso a la locura
Aún recuerdo cómo hace 7 años comenzó una ansiedad incontrolable ¿Está vez por qué? Encajar en estándares imposibles, es muy vivido el recuerdo de como me quedaba sin poder respirar por qué la ansiedad me ahogaba.
El buscar ser linda y delgada me había llevado a no comer bien, sentir tan poco valor por mi, buscar aprobación externa en otras personas, todo para que se vuelva un ciclo vicioso.
Ya hoy en dia estoy muy feliz de poder amarme al fin a mi misma, ya no me odio, ya no siento asco de ser la mujer que soy, con mis defectos soy hermosa y nadie puede volver a hacerme sentir menos.
No puedo decir que ya todo está solucionado, pero se siente bien poder verme a un espejo y ver una mujer hermosa, ya no una niña que buscaba como sea encajar en un mundo raro donde todo tiene que tener un estándar a cumplir
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lkluvsu · 7 months
idk how we all got roped into ur lil roleplay thing but i clearly got the best part
yeah i needed to turn this place into a FAMILY
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niuxita21 · 1 year
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tfw when you and your bestie being mistaken for a couple is just a regular Tuesday night 
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the-acid-pear · 2 months
Oh yeaaah babyyy the charcater achieved my highest honor to grant assigning a argie punk song to them. Anyway davesport as FUCK.
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i would love to go on about how Psychic was always better for GF than her own parents lmao even if he still did nothing for her and BF beyond make sure BF didn't straight up die.
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alexxeey · 5 months
i just honestly wanna say, thank you.
thank you for coming into my life and making it so much better
thank you for always being here when i’m sick or feeling down or lonely
thank you for always making me laugh
thank you for always making me smile and blush
thank you for always having the right words to tell me when i’m sad
thank you for always being the best
thank you for being my girlfriend
and most of all…
thank you for just being you and being my amazing loving girlfriend..
te amo mucho mi hermosa estrella…. te amo mucho con todo mi corazón🥺❤️🫶🏻💕🙂
All these words that I am going to say are totally sincere and from the depths of my heart
I really want to say thank you too
you don't know how incredible you are to me
I could talk for hours about how you always make me smile and how you always make me happy with the smallest thing.
Regardless of the fact that you are always listening to me when I needed it, you support me no matter what.
You take care of me and protect me from anything and you don't know how grateful I always am for that.
Thank you for always being yourself when you are with me, I love every part of you, you are the most beautiful girl my eyes have ever seen.
And I really thank you for allowing me to love you with everything I have, thank you for letting me be the girlfriend of someone as incredible as you
Believe me, if I could express myself much better in English, I would write a book with all the things for which I am grateful to you.
Te amo muchísimo cariño, y siempre lo haré ❤️‍🩹
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someday-dreamlands · 10 months
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candysweetposts · 2 years
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I had this for a while so I decided to post it finally.
Some context: Alice wanted to introduce Ren to her parents. They already know about him or more like about his existence, but she wanted to introduce him properly as her boyfriend. Ren overprepared himself, as usual, dressing very formally and buying some flowers for Alice's mom. He arrives at the house very sweaty and nervous. He's welcomed by Alice and she invites him to the table where the parents were. Alice's mom is very nice and kind, meanwhile, her dad is looking at Ren like he wants to kill him (I mean he could've but his daughter would never let him). They all sat and talk. Ren had answers to all the questions and little by little he became more relaxed. Alice praised him a lot talking about his accomplishments, the school that he went to (he was at this fancy high school for rich kids), his qualities, etc. Overall it went great. After that, Alice followed Ren outside to the bus station. On the way, Ren felt so relieved that it was over and thanked Alice for the help. The bus finally arrived and the two said goodbye to each other.
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beatleswings · 1 year
You know, I’m so happy to see more love for Carmen and seeing more Don x Carmen shippers in the PO fandom nowadays. In the early days that I've been in this fandom, I remember her being hated on and people preferring you ship Don with someone else besides Carmen (I don’t mind multi shipping though). It sucked having to hide that I loved her and that I ship CarDon. To me, Carmen is actually a sweetheart who loves her boxer boyfriend so much and even when he loses, she still stays with him and continues to support him even dressing goth with him when he does in Title Defense? And she and Don are goals. He loves her so much that he has a move named after her and even dedicates his fights to her! 🥺
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madokachikamatsu · 2 years
Ciao la mia ragazza è la migliore del mondo la stella del mio cammino la mia luce il mio fiore la mia fonte di serotonina il mio caffè il mio tè amate le lesbiche (non la mia) buon continuo di giornata
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scarletnacht · 2 years
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Natural Glow In The Morning
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waitingg-foor-love · 11 months
No importa que tan lejos estés, siempre encontraré la manera de encontrarte.
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fewkesgirl · 1 year
Quisiera poder hablar contigo de nuevo, quisiera que dejaras de evitarme, quisiera al menos preguntarte que hice mal. No voy (ni puedo) negar que te extraño, extraño escucharte, platicar contigo, extraño que me digas cosas lindas. Te extraño a ti.
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nalinaturcott · 1 year
Percibo mi alma separándose de mi cuerpo;
Las llamas arrasaron con mi corazón.
Siento como se fragmenta,
mientras mi espíritu experimenta
Este cambio que ha nacido en oriente, con el sol naciente.
Se disuelve mi humanidad?
Impregnadas del pasado llevo las líneas de mis manos;
Un pasado que no viví con este frágil cuerpo.
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