#gg 3.07
is there any significance to the duffel bag at the bank in 4x07 that rio and beth deliver being filled with costume jewelry or whatever that slip of paper says? that went over my head
Hi Anon! TY for the ask. ❤️ Such an angsty episode, too. My favorite.
Idk that the bag itself has any specific significance. The slip of paper was, I think, a pawn shop receipt showing that all the jewelry was paid for and there’s nothing illegal about what he’s doing. Maybe the fake jewelry was commentary on how fake Beth is being? That seems like a stretch though. If you’ve seen other analysis on this specific choice for Rio I would love to read it! But I think it was just Rio covering his tracks with the feds while clueing Beth in that he’s aware of the game she’s running.
To me, there’s this standoff with Brio up until that moment, where they both know, but they won’t say.
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I really believe Rio knew she was responsible for a hit on him when he realized “Dave” wasn’t SS and that Beth sent him to execute someone she knew had Rio as his mark. And I think he suspected she was responsible for making him the mark. I also think Rio decided to heed “Dave’s” advice and try to be careful “with a woman like that.” It took this man 4 seasons to stop underestimating her ability to be cold blooded. I also think this is when he decided to change his approach.
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I view Rio as trying to work with Beth for the entirety of season 4. I don’t think he was ever going to give the cops that gun with her prints and I think he struggled a lot with the emotions of making the decision to resign himself to her. I have some discussion of it in this post. But everything he did leading up to asking her to choose him was him actively trying to show her he’s on her side and that they can work together. He made her The Banker. “He trusts you.” He told her he’ll show her how his operation is structured. He showed her not only his business, but also his family and how he mixes work and emotions constantly. He showed her his capacity for gentleness, for protectiveness, for offering her the things she likes and values. He tried to get her to see that he is like her. That he is human. He flirted with her, he acknowledged their connection out loud, he noticed when she dressed up for him, he appreciated her gestures even when she herself denied that they were gestures at all. He was so gd gentle with her that whole season! And I think it worked.
Beth’s incremental softening to him happened because of his choice to stop antagonizing her at every turn. He didn’t always get to see her thawing resolve, but I think he put his trust into it happening. For a while at least. He had no other choice. She had control and he had to work within her limits to get them to a point of honesty. 4.07 was a very honest episode. Rio actually used his words for once and asked for what he needed instead of making it a test of loyalties or some riddle. And despite her lies, Beth heard him.
My favorite line of this episode is when Rio so openly airs his hurt with, “I just thought that things were different now,” and Beth looks him over as he’s turned away and stutters out, “If Carolyn makes you feel…” It’s almost too intimate. Such an uncomfortable line both for her to say and us to hear. It’s this acknowledgment that she sees his feelings on him. That she’s aware she’s hurting him. These cracks in her denial and her little shows of the compassion and empathy and whatever else she feels for him that she’s been stuffing down are so engrossing to me. I love to watch her watch him hurt. Love to see the guilt bubbling up despite herself. The way she sits beside him with her hands up, almost bewildered. Not by the situation. I give her more credit than to underestimate him like this. She’s sitting in her discomfort at his candor. At his open choice of her and his brazen ask to be chosen back. Like, they don’t do that. Or he doesn’t, at least. He doesn’t ask her to save him. He doesn’t ask her to see him as a fellow human, one whom she cares about. They’ve sat in a car like this before and she asked him for help and to remember what she means to him. And he said no, that she was just work. And now they’re back in a different car, him asking her to remember what he means to her. Him asking her to pick him.
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The duffle bag was just another gesture. Another way for Rio to show her that despite her lies he still would choose her. Over and over. And over again.
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syfysource · 5 months
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Tiffany, I talked to GG this morning. They told me to give you a message. Though it kills me to do this, I promised I would.
Chucky 3.07 There Will Be Blood
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pynkhues · 3 years
I just saw a post about max shooting rio at the bar and how unlikely it was from the beginning. Can you analyze it more? I mean, why would he shoot Rio in a bar full of people? Serious active shooter vibes here. Also, even if it was Rio's bar, cops would be involved and Beth would be questioned. Also, Rio's men would probably just kill both of them on the spot. Holes again. What was Beth thinking?
A few years ago, I had to pick my brother up from a nightclub where there'd been a fatal stabbing in the middle of the night.
It was a really difficult, messy, horrible few hours spent trying to drive through the chaos of the inner city to try and find my at-the-time-19-year-old brother who'd been washed out of the club as the police and paramedics had fought their way in, and just seeing the mess of drunk, exhausted, hysterical partygoers was A Lot.
I did get my brother in the end, and he told me about the crush of people when it happened and the panic in the air and the fact that security couldn't get through because the throng was too thick, and how he wasn't really sure what had even happened until he saw it on the news the next day.
It's maybe a little silly to draw comparisons, but it's the first thing I think whenever I see that scene with Beth, Max and Rio, and in that sense, I don't really think it was a dumb idea on Beth's part at all.
She never seems to know if Rio's going to show up with an entourage, but she knows regardless that he's armed, knows that he has experience, knows that neither she nor Max have enough luck on their side to survive a private confrontation. I think she picked a relatively crowded public bar because there'd have ideally been panic the second the gunshot sounded to have meant her and Max could've made an escape.
That is, like you said, if she ever really believed he could do it, which I personally don't think she did. In that sense, I think she thought Max would see Rio and fold, which is what he did, and in that sense, the public setting only further protected all of them. Max felt the pressure and the relief of it, and Rio was in a position where it was harder to interrogate and intimidate.
Beth chose a space she'hoped would protect her, one way or another, and ultimately I think it did.
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gabrielllas · 4 years
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rio + having tunnel vision with beth
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jade-marie · 4 years
Good Girls 3.07 as textposts
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xstrawmari · 5 years
3.07 sneak peek #1
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bourbon-ontherocks · 4 years
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Oh, he totally can, sweetie!
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there’s gotta be a million fanfics about this already and i really need to go hunting for some, but:
what if luke WAS lorelai’s dance marathon partner?????????
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medievaldarling · 4 years
I will die on the hill that Beth only wants Dean because she knows she shouldn’t want Rio. And no one can convince me otherwise.
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c-sand · 4 years
A Gilmore game to make quarantine more enjoyable! Five favorite episodes, five favorite characters (in order if you can!), five least favorite characters, three favorite romantic relationships, three least favorite romantic relationships, three favorite platonic relationships, three unpopular opinions that none of us are allowed to mock ;) I'm sending this to three Gilmore Girls fans and hope you'll send it to a few GG fans you know as well! (You can send it to me too, lol)
(after actively making sure i don’t just pick jess episodes, because i swear i don’t just love gg for him, i swear) five favorite episodes:
[1.13] concert interruptus
[2.21] lorelai’s graduation day
[3.07] they shoot gilmores, don’t they?
[4.02] the lorelai’s first day at yale
[4.07] the festival of living art
*somehow in trying not to pick all of seasons two and three, i have two from four. and none from seven, what. a. shock. 
five favorite characters (in order if you can):
jess mariano (my boy. my love.)
sookie st. james (remember when they thought a revival would work without you? what laughs. what memories.)
paris geller (an icon.)
emily gilmore (the goat.)
michel gerard (michel deserved actual story on this show, okay? kirk got story. kirk got to be two different characters. michel was iconic when he got nothing to do, so imagine if he had done.)
five least favorite characters:
logan huntzberger (y’all already knooow.)
dean forester (y’all already knooooow.)
christopher hayden (y’all already knooooooooooow.)
mitchum huntzberger (basically get this family away from me.)
marty just sprang to mind jdshfkjdh
*special mention to our main characters lorelai and rory gilmore, who belong in both the favorite and least favorite categories, respectively. how do they do it? a true miracle. the power they have.*
three favorite romantic relationships:
rory and jess (i will never forgive this show for doing the classic “now that they’re together, we’ll stop showing their relationship, completely, so that we can warp it however we need to in order to end it”) (”jess never calls rory”) (get out of here with that noise)
emily and richard gilmore (”i demand to go first”) (catch me weeping)
lane kim and dave rygalski (i’ve never gotten through a single episode of the oc, so i’m fuming lol)
three least favorite romantic relationships:
rory and logan (excruciating in every way) (i stand by the cereal and the valentines trip with luke and lorelai being the only two acceptable moments between these two and everything else was trash.)
rory and dean (we stan emotional abuse, the best, totally not bad.)
lorelai and christopher (i don’t even need to say anything.)
three favorite platonic relationships:
rory and paris (one of the best showings of enemies to bffl’s in television history)
luke danes and jess (remember when jess wasn’t at luke’s wedding? hahahahahah wasn’t that just...............................hilarious.)
lane and mrs. kim (what a journey, when they were managing to be given screen time)
three unpopular opinions that none of us are allowed to mock:
(this is difficult, because [at least among what i’ve seen] i don’t think my opinions are that crazy)
ummmm luke and lorelai are a terrible together?
gilmore girls: a year in the life, was a masterpiece?
just kidding.
it was horrible.
it ruined the whole show for me, for a long time.
ummmmm liz danes is not a funny cooky awesome woman, she’s the drunk who abandoned her child and then showed up as the funny cooky awesome woman. if we’d actually seen growth, it might’ve been okay. but, she just shows up and they expected us to just pretend she’d done nothing wrong. you don’t just call your mom by her first name for no reason. and it was exhausting that people looked at jess, after she showed up, even more like he was being ungrateful. she didn’t even want to see him on christmas. but, hey, she’s got some earrings and a wacky fiance, so how fun!
Lindsay Lister was lovely and, even before Dean and Rory auditioned for Cheaters, she deserved so much better than everything she got.
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humansofstarshollow · 6 years
who ate your favorite gg characters (tell us who’s #1!)? what other shows do you love?
#1…oh man. This is tough. Lorelai, probably.I also love Lane, Luke and Paris (not at all times, though). And Rory, of course. It’d be fair to say I kind of swing between Rory and Lor.Among the side characters I enjoy Jackson, Dave, Zach, Kirk, Miss Patty and Kyon.
On to that second question, I will forever love The 100 up to 3.07 episode. That’s my one true love.My list of favorites also includes The Office US, Parks and Rec, The Good Place, GoT and, recently, Superstore.
Thank you 😊
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pynkhues · 2 years
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The women call on an unexpected ally to help Max seek revenge. But when their plans go awry, Ruby's life is put in jeopardy. Meanwhile, a directionless Annie tries to find her purpose in life as Stan discovers his side hustle isn't what it seems. 
Starts now!
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gabrielllas · 4 years
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Who did this? Why? You?
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thebeautyis · 7 years
It's taken me a min to get over frustration of 3.07 but I think S3 hopes can still shine bright. Cait has said almost a year ago now at GG last year that they heard fan upset at the lack of sex in S2 & has implied multiple times since then S3 would be better. Recently she has said in a mag that in addition to the sexual chemistry they have a spiritual/emotional bond that is just as important. Sorry to bring her up but was it MBR who said J/Gen was just pure sex & that JC have so much more--p1
p2--as far as intimacy & a real relationship goes & that's what this season is about. I don't think Cait+OL&Co would keep bringing up fan upset about S2 if they weren't going to remedy that in S3. I also don't think MBR would say what he did about intimacy if they weren't going to show it. Same for Cait. She seemed to be talking about the show not the book aspects of JC. 3.07 seemed like a poorly executed angst build up but I believe we still have a lot of good to look forward to in S3.
I hope you’re right anon! Hopefully ep 7 was just a lowpoint and the next eps will be great. I have high hopes for turtle soup, given how excited Cait is about it (and also find it so weird in a great way and also hilarious that she’s so excited?? like why be that excited about that kind of scene???). I also read somewhere today about Cait saying there were gonna be more intimate moments once they’re on the boat so I’m excited for that!
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xstrawmari · 5 years
3.07 sneak peek #4
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beverlycrushr · 7 years
Hi! If you had to pick just 5-7 favorite Rogan scenes of the series, what would they be? What are your 10 favorite GG episodes overall? And which seasons do you love most and least?!
oh maaan such hard questions but
my fave rory/logan scenes (in chrono) are actually in my sophies meme but for the meme i excluded some of them because they went into another category so the top five are these (and these are scenes i have no actual reason why I love them I just keep rewatching them)
5.08: Dean breaks up with Rory and Logan swoops in and he is all like ‘no worries I’m here I’ll always be here let’s forget about this guy also Finn is sooo funny I’m sure you’ll love him both Colin and I are in love with him’ 
5.13: Rory walks up to Logan asks him for a dance and Logan has the audacity to tell Rory he’s not a relationship kind of guy (S5, S6 and S7 proved this statement way wrong) to which Rory answers that’s okay because she doesn’t want a relationship and casual sex will do thank you very much.
6.08: Rory and Logan have their BEST FIGHT EVER. No further commentary needed I know every single word by heart. 
6.11: Logan brings coffee and food for Rory after which he happily brags that he now knows the actual baking soda/crack ratio… oh and he also tells Rory he loves her, and Rory is all like: fuck this shit I don’t have time for you, bye. 
6.22: Logan goes off to London and you heart breaks because they are so in love but you know they’ll work things out… but still!
BUNUS 2: 5.07 and 6.15 whole episodes. 
but like sidenote: i love when they are fighting when they are cute i just love every single scene there is
Okay so top 10 episodes (in chrono) here we go  (7 of them are in my GG meme)
1.01 - Pilot
2.04 - Road Trip to Harvard 
3.07 - They Shoot Gilmores, Don’t They?
3.13 - Dear Emily and Richard
3.22 - Those Are Strings, Pinocchio
4.17 - Girls in Bikinis, Boys Doin’ the Twist
5.07 - You Jump, I Jump, Jack
5.13 - Wedding Bell Blues
6.13 - Friday Night’s Alright For Fighting
6.22 - Partings
and as for the seasonsseason 5 will always be number one, season 6 and 3 are close tho. least fave that’s tough… season 7 had some of the best Rory/Logan and Chris/Lor scenes but none of the top 10 eps were from season 7? but then season 4 also happened so let’s go with season 4. 
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