goldenfox3 · 9 months
For the ask meme, pick your favorite(s)! All, some, one, or none: 19, 20, 21, 26
2023 in review: fic writer asks
19. Share your favorite opening line
Going through my fics looking for the best opening line made me realise my opening lines are rather bland lmao. Something to work on in the new year ig! My favourite one is probably one of these two:
"At Harimaya Bridge in Kōchi, Tosa, two figures stand drenched in red." (Red Tide)
"Fire bursts across the sky like the flames that burned his memories away, and even the distant cheers of his siblings cannot ease the chill that grips his heart." (What Begins)
Both are from Touken Ranbu fics. The first one references both a Toumyu song and the Yosakoi Naruko Dance's 「土佐のー高知の はりまや橋で」 lyric. It also parallels the opening line of its companion fic, as it is the same scene but a different character's perspective.
The second line I just like for the imagery lmao. The character, Honebami Toushirou, is watching fireworks at what should be a joyous festival but since he lost his memories after being burnt in a fire, well...he doesn't do well with fire-anything.
20. Share your favorite ending line
Despite my trouble with ending off fics I think my ending line selection was stronger than the opening lines. I had a couple choices here and found it harder to narrow down so I am going to cheat and put two again...
"His mind is blissfully, terrifyingly silent." (Ab Initio)
"Falcon laughs, sun-sharp challenge and the bright spark of mischief, pressing close as the smell of sandalwood and eucalyptus envelops them once more." (Slow March)
The first one is for how short and snappy it is. It gets the point across succinctly, that Blood Falcon is 1) for now free of Black Shadow's mental voice influencing his thoughts, 2) relieved at this, 3) really fucking weirded out and even unmoored by this because his whole life he's known nothing else.
The second one is again for the imagery. It's not nearly as succinct but I do like how Rob as the POV chara is characterising everything about Falcon as this brilliant, shining presence that he can't help but be drawn to. There is also of course the ~symbolism~ of the smell of Rob's bath products surrounding them both. At this point in the series neither of them will admit their true feelings for each other, but the fact that they smell the same now from sharing the bath products, allowing each other to mark and be marked...it's just another way they've insidiously crept their way into each others' lives despite not talking about any gross scary feelings ever (idiots).
21. Share your favorite piece of dialogue
There were a lot of moments from Thousand Five I wanted to put in here LMAO. I really like the dialogue in the first three chapters in particular, that's where I feel it was the snappiest (possibly because they were doing nothing but talking in the bar there so it had to be snappy). But my favourite bit of dialogue in the fic atm is this one:
“You would forfeit the chance to properly best your rival?” Stewart lifts his chin. “You’d kill the surgeon who’s the reason you’re even alive to begin with?” (chapter 6)
I'm very fond of this scene. It's the first time Stewart quite literally puts his neck on the line for Falcon. He doesn't have the combat skill or brute force to get out of this by fighting, so he uses what he does have at his disposal: his knowledge of the other person's background and personality, as well as drawing on what relation they share and any debts that might be owed. It's a gamble, but it's all he's got. The bold way it's stated, like he already knows the conclusion, is both calculated and just his natural adrenaline kicking in. Stewart is not one to bow in the face of danger and is in fact unfortunately drawn to it, but in this case he was afraid for someone else's life (Falcon) and was perhaps not quite as blasé as he'd normally be.
Because I am indecisive here is another fave bit of dialogue...this time from Creatures With Wings:
“Do you regret it?” Ryu asks suddenly, sliding a hand behind his head. “Taking on your role as Captain Falcon, or bringing me into this. Is that why you asked?” The back of his neck prickles, helmet still trapped under Ryu’s arm. But Captain Falcon is as much an ideal as he’s a man in a costume, and when he speaks, his voice is strong. “Creatures with wings are born to take to the skies someday. To fear falling is natural. But sometimes, all you can do is take that leap and fly.”
Besides being a title drop, Andy's dialogue here is a modified version of what he says to Ryu in Lap 50 of the anime. It still serves as reassurance and motivation to Ryu, but it also contains a veiled message about his feelings on his own situation. Andy isn't one to outwardly display struggles or regrets, or to ask for help because he's supposed to be the one helping. But I like to think about a more vulnerable side to him. He's only human, even if Captain Falcon needs to be so much more than that.
So here, he's also expressing that Ryu is quite possibly the only person who could fully understand him, as someone who was destined to be a saviour in this universal battle. Maybe he, just like Ryu, had (still has) fears and insecurities and regrets. And maybe despite that, he still did it anyway because there was no other choice. But Andy...doesn't actually directly answer the questions Ryu asked. He can't. Falcon can never be anything less than a paragon. To express weakness, to waver now at the end of all things...that's not who he is. But at the end of all things...maybe he can be Andy one last time. Andy trusts Ryu enough to reveal here just the tiniest hint of weakness, reciprocating the trust Ryu has constantly shown confiding in him.
26. If you had to choose one, what was THE most satisfying writing moment of your year?
Hmm every time I get a comment is very satisfying (especially the ones that go into detail) and crunching the numbers about how much I wrote this year compared to previous years was also fulfilling-feeling. I have a checklist of character's I've written/have yet to write in this series and it felt good to tick off a bunch and try writing so many different themes and perspectives this year. Thousand Five is perhaps the predictable answer to this question, as it is still my baby my beloved my first gameverse and longest fic. I'm happy to have published 12 chapters of it this year!
But I think the most satisfying moment was getting this comment on Rush:
This awoke something in me. Never played or watched F-Zero anything in all my life and yet these two give me life.
How gratifying is it to know that you've managed to captivate someone who doesn't know anything about the fandom with the power of your writing alone? How wonderful is it to know that you've managed to capture someone's interest based on the choice, order, artistry of the scenes your words have woven? Without any pre-existing interest in the characters and franchise doing some of the work of grabbing the reader for you? I really, truly would love to know if this anon looked more into the series after or went on to read other F-Zero fics. Getting people into the series and ship I like because of something I created is living the dream, I tell you. And it all happened because I wrote about Falcon and Stewart [redacted] in a rivals with benefits situationship LMAO.
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onenicebugperday · 2 months
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@gher-bear submitted: I've got a friend for you to enjoy that I can't identify!
This little guy was hanging out on my dill in [removed] (if you can redact that, please do). I've never seen this before and he stayed for a couple of days. I loved his tiny little legs, all folded up like that. Makes me think he might have been grabbing other small friends out of my garden for me.
Yup, definitely eating other friends out of the garden. It’s a jagged ambush bug, which is a type of assassin bug. They have raptorial forelimbs for grabbing prey! Also they can use their mouth tube to jab you and it will hurt so I would not recommend handling them bare-handed.
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deathlessathanasia · 1 year
“The Greek word which we regularly translate as "grace" is charis. Like grace, charis is found in an impressive array of contexts in Greek literature. However, it enjoys a prominence, especially in the archaic poetry, that far outstrips that of grace, particularly since the emergence of our secular culture. No serious reader of early Greek poetry can avoid the fact that charis dominates the literary portrayal of life during the archaic age. It was "the age of grace." Charis flickered when beautiful women sparkled; soldiers brought charis to their commanders on the battlefield or expected to win it when they fought well; charis graced appropriate behavior and speech and was a distinguishing mark of nobility; it was at the center of the feast; in the verses of the love poets it sat upon the hair or the eyes of the beloved. For the epinician poets it crowned that moment of supreme glory when the athlete won and was celebrated in song. Indeed, it would seem that for the early Greeks charis was present at all the high moments of life. And at death one faced the dreary prospect of the disappearance of charis. ...
If we were to begin by looking at the linguistic history of the word charis, it would immediately be apparent that the idea of pleasure is deeply embedded in the word. The Indo-European root *gher- ("pleasure") is parent of charis and its cognates chairein, chara, etc. But the etymology of a word must always be tested against current usage, and, judging from the semantic field represented by the use of charis above, "pleasure" is necessary to, but insufficient as, a definition of the word. Although pleasure is involved in all of these instances, it is pleasure of a specific kind: Clearly other Greek words that denoted pleasure, like hedone or chara, cannot readily be substituted for charis. In a dissertation for the University of Marburg in 1908 entitled XAPIZ (Charis), Otto Low attempted to identify the special feature of that pleasure which is charis. Charis for the early Greeks, he argued, was something that brought joy, a factum laetificans. This is distinct from a pleasurable state of mind, which would have been described as chara. Charis is not passive but a uis laetificatrix (a pleasure-bearing power).
There were, of course, divine dispensers of this pleasure-bearing power, the Charites. These Low referred to as deae laetificatrices (pleasure-bestowing divinities). The pleasure they conferred was always of a social nature, and this allows us to make a further refinement upon Low's definition. In distributing beauty, the Charites fostered human or divine interaction through physical allurement. In cult they were worshiped first as fertility goddesses, then venerated for the blessings they brought to the social order as it developed, becoming patrons of youth, of marriage, of healing, and later of the benefits conferred by the city-state. In praise poetry they awarded the charis of undying fame to a successful athlete, reciprocating the glory he had brought to the community. Their social importance was familiar to Aristotle, who advised the erection of a temple to the Charites in a prominent place in the city, to ensure reciprocal giving, for this, he says, is the distinguishing feature of charis (NE 5.1133a). From the Charites, then, we learn that charis-pleasure was not private: It entailed enjoyment that was mutual, reciprocal. This reciprocal return was of course present in the phrase charin oida, lit. "I know the favor," words commonly used to express gratitude or thanks (the acknowledgment of the favor) as early as Homer. But even in this expression charis retained its active force: It was not merely a passive state of mind, a grateful feeling, but a gesture of response and thus essentially social in its setting. ...
Charis bound people together in the archaic Greek world, through the experience of pleasure. Before the Greeks became citizens  of a polis, when new and more complex levels of loyalty and obligation became operative, the distribution of favors and good behavior—such things as went by the name of charis—was enforced with a vigor that is unknown to us. We are familiar with charity that is voluntary and giving that is selfless. For the early Greeks, charis was never self-denying but, by the same token, was never confined to the self. The exchange of charis was founded upon a very general psychological phenomenon, the disposition to return pleasure to someone who has given it. This pleasure exchange was accepted as a serious social convention, and like xenia (the requital of gifts and hospitality which protected travelers in the early Greek world) the charis convention amounted to a lex talionis, but of a positive sort. A benefaction called for a suitable return, and reprisals might be taken when the anticipated reciprocity did not occur.”
 - The Age of Grace: Charis in Early Greek Poetry by Bonnie MacLachlan
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inprogresspokemon · 4 years
Redo Comparison 5 replies
[Original Post]
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@mynahmint​ Thanks a lot! ^^
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@theyrezi​ Thanks! I find it super cathartic and I’m glad you enjoy seeing them! 
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@gher-bear​ Thanks a lot! I like some of the older ones, but the redos always feel like a breath of fresh air.
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@arachcobra​ Thank you! Often the different angle is an attempt at capturing the midpoint between the different poses, to make for a smoother transition between stages in the line up :)
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@foolishly-snowy​ lol thank you 😂 The feedback on the Feebas post was great because half of the comments were like “beautiful!” “it looks so good now!” and the other were like “good job, now it’s even more hideous!”.
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@tiredkravitz​ (great name) Thank you for the kind words! <3 It’s nice to hear that some people check out the old designs when I post a redo. 
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@hashkivenu Thank you!! I feel like the new one has a really good personality to it.
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@asklyra​ Thanks! A lot of them were from a while ago, but I’d be happy to see what I remember from working on them. This post is getting a bit long as it is, but are there any lines in particular you’d like to hear about? Redos from other comparison posts are fine to ask about as well.
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Anon, that's so sweet, thank you for sharing it with me :') I think it's really helpful and important for any kind of artist or creative to look back at past work to see how much they've grown. I'm really happy my post inspired you to take a look at your own work and see how far you've come!!
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actuallyasexual · 7 years
gher-bear replied to your post “Jughead not realizing he was on a date when he 
Jughead's alarmed flailing when he realizes it IS a date is ace and aro culture, too. "This is not what I thought I signed up for! I signed up for food with a friend!"
There have been many a time when I signed up for food with a friend, and it turned out to be a Date™ so that’s very much an Ace and Aro Culture Thing. 
Sometimes, I’ll call getting food with a friend, movies with a friend, concerts with a friend, etc. a “date” but it is not a Date™
A Date™ is “We are bonding romantically” which is not my goal, but it’s unfortunately lead to me almost being kissed by the end of the night.
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ariyadaivaris · 6 years
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sometimes video games are good 
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unsoundedcomic · 3 years
are there any segments of aldish society that don't disapprove of third options? I imagine ghers that suffered lots of men dying in war might approve of the idea.
It’s a very old practise and so there’s a tacit, general acceptance - as long as the person stays in their lane and doesn’t make waves; if they are in all ways a good and plain Aldishman who plays by the rules. We’ll meet Durlyne’s Mayor Sequidy one day and there’s nowhere in the script that references he’s Third Option. He just looks like a dude. Everyone treats him like a dude. It has no bearing on his role in the story other than explaining certain sympathies he holds.
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daily-klingon · 4 years
Verb Drills - The Verb List
bagh tie (v) baj earn (v) bam face, have the prospect of having to deal with (v) baq terminate (v) ba' sit (v) bech suffer (v) bej watch (v) bIj punish (v) bI' push away, sweep away, annihilate (v) boj nag (v) bol drool (v) bom sing (v) boQ give aid to, assist (v) bor gurgle (v) boS collect (v) bot block (v) bup quit (v) bur hiccup (v) buQ threaten (v) buS concentrate on, focus on, think only about (v) buSHa' pay no attention to, ignore (v) buv classify (v) chegh return (to) (v) chIq cross, traverse (v) chIw express, embody, exude, epitomize (v) choq preserve, save (v) chu' engage, activate (a device) (v) chuy sneeze (v) Da behave as, act in the manner of (v) DIgh undertake, deal with (v) DoH back off, back away from (v) Dor end [a period or unit of time.] (v) DuQ stab (v) Dut slam down (object is the thing slammed down) (v) ghach lurk, lie in wait, lie low (ready to ambush) (v) ghaj have, possess (v) ghang end prematurely (v) gher formulate, compile, pull together (v) ghet pretend [no deception is implied; just role-playing] (v) ghID pierce, perforate (v) ghIt flow (e.g., water), gush, spout (v) ghItlh mark (v) ghob fight, battle, do battle, wage war (v) ghoS go on, approach, go away from, proceed on a course, come, follow (a course) (v) ghov recognize (v) Hegh die (v) Hey battle or fight against one's own group (not the supposed enemy) (v) HIv attack (v) HoH kill (v) Hutlh lack (v) ja' tell, report (v) jach scream, cry out, shout, yell (v) jaDchu' juggle (objects, not tasks) (v) jaH go, travel (v) jal imagine, envision (v) jang answer, reply (v) jatlh say, tell, speak (v) je' feed (someone else), enrich (spirit) (v) jev storm, [wheeze, breathe noisily] (v) jIn wish (v) juch have a width of (v) laj accept (v) laq flap [move like a bird's wings, not like a flag] (v) largh smell (detect odour) (v) laS ink up, put paint on a brush (v) legh see (v) leng roam, travel, rove (v) lIH begin a song (v) magh betray (v) meS encrypt (slang) (v) meS knot (v) meSHa' decrypt (slang) (v) mItlh forge (metal) (v) mutlh manufacture, construct, put together (profession or trade) (v) natlh drain (v) naw' access (v) ngaH squeeze (an object) (v) ngeH send (v) ngun perch (v) nIq weave, knit (v) nob give (v) pan spark, emit sparks (v) peq slaughter (connotes intention, targeting specific victims) (v) per label / ascertain, specify (v) pID slang for laS (ink up, put paint on a brush) (v) poDmoH clip (v) pujmoH weaken (v) pur inhale (v) qa' replace, substitute for (v) qaj soar (v) Qal swim (v) Qap work, function, succeed, operate, be in operation, win (a competition) (v) Qaq behave falsely honorably, behave in a falsely honorable manner [deception is implied] (v) qaS occur, happen (v) Qaw' destroy (v) Qej prize, treasure (v) qem bring (v) Qem holster, sheathe, pocket (weapon, tool, instrument) (v) qeng carry, bear, convey (v) QID wound (v) qIm pay attention, concentrate (v) qIp strike (with hand, fist, weapon) (v) QIq draw, pull out (weapon, tool, instrument) (v) qoch squeeze into (a space) (v) qorgh stop up, fill (a hole) (v) Qoy hear (v) Qoy hear, [listen to] (v) Qu cast (metal) (v) Qum communicate (v) Qutlh support (v) ra' command, order (v) rach invigorate, fortify, strengthen (v) rech exhale (v) rem suck (e.g. through a straw) (v) ren design, map out, plan (a physical object) (v) rID digest (the process food goes through) (v) rIl play (a wind instrument) (brass, not woodwind) (v) rIt summon (v) ruq belch [Gas produced is called SIp or Qep'It.] (v) rur resemble (v) Say'qu'moH sterilize (v) SeD drive (a land vehicle) (v) SIv wonder (v) So' encrypt (v) So'Ha' decrypt [done with permission, by an authorized party] (v) Sov know (v) Suq gain (v) Suv fight (v) tach turn over (v) taH continue, go on, endure, survive (v) tagh begin a process, initiate [proceedings] (v) tatlh return (something) (v) ta' accomplish (v) tIl salivate (v) tIv enjoy (v) toj deceive, trick, bluff (v) tlhap take (v) tlhej accompany (v) tlhogh marry (v) tlhot land on water (v) tlhov wheeze (v) tlhup whisper (v) tur carry out, conduct (a mission), perform (duties) (v) tuS cough (v) tuy' spit (v) van end (v) ve' travel with a purpose, for a specific reason, travel on a mission (v) vev insert, put in (v) vev pin, attach or fasten with a pin (v) vuj expel, eject (v) vun order (in a restaurant, from a catalog, etc.) (v) wel owe (someone) (v) wID massacre (connotes indiscriminate killing) (v) wIv choose, select, click a link, e.g. on a web page (v) wogh transgress, do more than is acceptable [bIwogh might be translated "You go too far."] (v) wom peck (v) wuD snore (v) yem sin (v) yeq cooperate (v) yI' speak in an honorable or respectful fashion (v) yIr gather (items) (v) yugh include, consist of, be composed of (in chemistry) (v) yuq outwit, outsmart (v) yut distract, create a diversion (v) 'ab have a length/height of (v) 'al float (in/on air) (v) 'em vomit (v) 'Irgh bully (v) 'or pilot, operate (an aircraft) (v) 'uch grip, hold (v) 'ur treason, commit treason (v) 'urgh jab, poke (v) 'uy click a mouse button (v)
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goldenfox3 · 1 year
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@gher-bear replied to your post:
Okay, but also consider: 1) It’s all fun and games until BF has way too much enthusiasm grabbing a knife to chop something with
This is my first time drawing Blood Falcon,
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onenicebugperday · 1 year
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@gher-bear submitted: Hopefully I did this right. I found a friend on one of my daisies a few days ago. Bonus teeny friend on the yellow disc if you look really closely. Location is southeast Michigan, if you’d like to identify, but that’s not required!
Two pals! The bigger one is an Asian lady beetle larva. Let’s zoon in on the second...
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Oooooo small. Looks like a carpet beetle, probably!
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tabletopjourneys · 4 years
Session 33 Notes
The Silver Scale Pack continues clearing out Perfection of the graboid invasion. @gher-bear @aradow @telurin @epimetala​
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On this day, the Silver Scale Pack continues clearing Perfection of its graboid invasion, abusing pots and making Ixayl’anu dance for attention. Through the power of teamwork and a bomb we kill quite a bit. I think the Anesh government owes us at least $40,000 for the big ones, and we oughta charge for all those little ones too! Also, we got ourselves a live one (shrieker).  We should get at least $50 g’s for that, even if it isn’t a full-sized worm! (Tremors 2 nod where the Mexican gov offers characters $10k per worm, $50k if they catch a live one) They sure did a number on all the buildings in town though, lemme tell ya, 3 rotting graboid corpses and over a dozen shrieker bodies...Perfection stinks y’all!
(Read More)
(An Uneasy Short Rest) Rana’s perception check shows the camels aren’t entirely happily in their stall, but they’re safe.
Rana tries to jump across to Phi’s building, rolls 8, Phi tries to grab her, rolls a 9 they both fall and take one point of damage each.
Tarma-Diem drops the rope again for them to climb up on their building.
Phi manages to get up the rope, Rana gets halfway up, but slides back down, we help her finish climbing up the 2nd time.
Tarma-Diem rolls up the rope again and sticks it back in their pack.
We try to rest up as much as we can, hoping the worms leave the camels alone.
We hear a rumble in the distance. Everybody but Ixayl’anu sees the big building on the other side of town (southwest) shaking and lifting off its foundation.
Phi checks in to see how hurt we all are.
Rana: aside from you falling on me I’m fine.
Tarma-Diem: Not even a scratch left, out of big spells though.
We spend a few minutes watching the big Southwest building roiling, visible cracks starting in the structure. Then it stops and we think maybe we can relax now, except it starts rumbling under a closer building and it moves from one building to the next, getting closer. Rana is back on her feet as we discuss whether we want to try and rest or keep going.
As soon as Rana moves the rumbling stops then our building starts to lift up near where Rana is.
Tarma-Diem: Should’ve been quieter.
Ixayl’anu tries divine sense. Nothing pings.
We spend the next half hour or so sitting still and we get a very uneasy short rest out of it.
They harass our camels some too, stress them out, but they don’t get eaten (stone block cracks too).
Rana looks around for something loose on the roof and finds clay pots and an umbrella. She Zeldas a clay pot off the roof once she gets the all clear from the rest of us.
It gets about 10 feet away and gets sucked down, pot 2 same thing happens, this time she sees the barest shape of one of the noses of a big creature. She hands the last pot to Ixayl’anu who throws it in pretty much the same spot. Pumpkin sized pots.
Tarma-Diem: What was part 2 of this plan exactly?
Rana: I don’t know do you have any ideas?
Poison in a Genofeva pot?
Rana is gonna try to hit one with lightning bolt as soon as we see movement after tossing the umbrella, but nothing happens.
Tarma-Diem: Lee did say they learn...maybe it learned nothing’s there?
Phi: I wanna jump to the other roof, see if there’s more pots. Phi makes it with a 21, Rana sees the ground moving toward that building, but no emergence. Tarma-Diem is already paying attention to Phi instead and would have missed the opportunity to attack anyway.
Phi’s new roof has a half dead plant, a rug, weird odds and ends, no clay pots, a stool, a little table. Phi throws the potted plant (7). The plant stays, but Phi has to make a dex saving throw, she easily manages to keep her feet as the building pushes up 2 or 3 feet at that corner.
Rana sees the nose and casts lightning bolt. It takes the full 32 damage.
Tarma-Diem was too busy being impressed by Phi’s building surf acrobatics to remember to hit the worm too. The building drops as the creature burrows deep under ground after screaming. It very quickly zooms off Northeast. We talk plans, Phi offers to run around playing bait because she can shoot at the same time, Tarma-Diem says at that, they can do it instead and misty escape back to a roof or cast hellish rebuke the moment they get hurt.
In the end, we send our tank down, who can also misty step to safety. Ixayl’anu casts shield of faith on herself, Rana casts guidance on her, Ixayl’anu gets off the roof while we all hold actions for the first one to appear. (Combat Commences)
Rana feels a tremor under her feet, a snake thing pops up at Ixayl’anu’s feet and hooks her.
Ixayl’anu misses, rana misses, phi misses. We weren’t expecting the tiny tongue. Tarma-Diem hits with the last crackle of eldritch blast for 7dmg.
The graboid tongue tenses around Ixayl’anu tighter after the eldritch blast. 
Rana thorn whips it for 6 damage. 
Ixayl’anu is still grappled, she tries to hit it rather than breaking free, she misses. 2nd attack does 6 dmg though. It lets go and snakes back into the ground.
Ixayl’anu stays there watching the ground.
Phi: Where ya goin fucker?! *holds her action for if it pops back up*
Worm pops up with an open maw directly under Ixayl’anu to swallow her whole. Hits with a 22 for 22 dmg all around her.
She fails her saving throw.
Tarma-Diem: Shit!
Phi shoots for 38 total damage.
It screams in pain as Phi gets it right in the soft tissues of the mouth.
Tarma-Diem shoots an eldritch blast for 15dmg.
Rana casts healing word level 2 on Ixayl’anu for 9 pts with her bonus action, thorn whips it but it skitters across the heavy armor of the head.
Ixayl’anu lashes out with her weapons and 14 dmg, and another 8dmg - 22 total. She stabs down cackling and making lightning sound effects as she kills it.
Ixayl’anu feels it go limp under and around her.
Phi does a 360 perception check of 18. She doesn’t see anything but she does notice that all the little guys we killed earlier are gone. She doesn’t say anything out loud.
Ixayl’anu climbs out of the mouth and moves away, we all hold actions for a very tense moment but nothing happens.
Ixayl’anu walks around trying to tempt one out, but she is covered in yucky smelling saliva slime that is getting all the sand stuck to her.
Eventually a snake thing pops up but misses her.
By then Tarma-Diem has forgotten they’re supposed to be holding an eldritch blast, Rana misses with her rock, Phi hits it with a 13 and it pops back down into the ground.
Tarma-Diem: Damn it, I forgot to…
Rana: Keep dancing!
Ixayl’anu: Keep dancing? Dancing?! That’s what you think I’m doing down here?
Ixayl’anu jumps up and down some more.
Phi’s building begins shaking and moving again but she surfs the building with a nat 20, the whole inner portion of her roof is caving in.
Phi tries to jump onto our building and Rana catches her.
As the building collapses, 5 of the little guys boil out of that building and scream, but they’re just looking around at the rubble.
Rana casts Erupting Earth under them. Does 11dmg on success, 5 on fail - red fails, blue succeeds, green succeeds, purple crit succeeds: Rana: So there are more of these things!
Ixayl’anu: They came from the building?
Rana: Yes, keep dancing!
Tarma-Diem does 12dmg to purple with an eldritch blast.
Phi shoots and misses.
Tarma-Diem gets off 2 more eldritch blasts, one crits, 21 total damage.
One lifts its flaps and sees us - Tarma-Diem quickly puts their hands over their ears, they remember this shit, we all save, Tarma-Diem rolled a nat 20, didn’t even need advantage.
Shriekers run after us to do a little pyramid. Purple launches himself up the top and takes a bite out of Phi for 8dmg.
She uses her reaction to uncanny dodge, only takes 4dmg.
Blue is a little short still and can’t quite get up there.
Ixayl’anu runs over and stabs at green, seeing if she can destabilize the pyramid. Does max dmg (15). Blue manages to hop onto red and down. Ixayl’anu misses her 2nd attack.
She still has 4 minutes on shield of faith.
Phi ignores purple assuming we’ll handle it and shoots blue for 4 damage.
Rana shoolilas purple for 4dmg.
Tarma-Diem dbl crits purple for 29 total dmg, it dies.
Green screams at Ixayl’anu, who goes deaf for a whole minute.
Red pushes past green and misses Ixayl’anu, blue pushes green to the back and almost hits Ixyal’anu but misses.
Ixayl’anu flails at and misses blue with both attacks. She screams back at them.
Phi shoots at blue for 19dmg, gets it right in the front, it stumbles back and shakes a little bit.
Rana shoves purple off the roof onto green and deals 1 dmg and it gets pushed back into shifting dirt area. She steps up to the edge and gets a wonderful view of a worm spy-hopping up and eating green before going back down with it. - perception of 19 doesn’t see anything extra.
Tarma-Diem hits red with an eldritch blast for 8dmg.
Both attack Ixayl’anu and both fail. They get in each other’s way.
Ixayl’anu deals 13dmg to blue.
Phi shoots at red and deals 20dmg. They’re looking equally rough.
Rana holds a thorn whip for any giant worm action.
Ixayl’anu makes her dex saving throw as giant worm misses her coming up out of the ground. It nonetheless hits her for 22 and deals 6dmg (-6 temp hp). It goes back down, but Rana’s thorn whip still goes off, but misses.
Ixayl’anu misses her attack of opportunity as well.
The structure of our building is starting to collapse.
Tarma-Diem splits an eldritch blast dealing 12dmg to blue, 4dmg to red.
Blue shrieks at red and they try to disengage.
Ixayl’anu misses her attack of opportunity against blue.
They get out into the central road.
Ixayl’anu ignores Rana’s no-no-no arm waving and runs out into disturbed earth. She swings at blue twice and misses.
Phi tries to jump to the roof to still see these guys, 22 acrobatics and shoots at blue. Bonus action hides but in a way to look in both directions.
Rana holds another thorn whip for the next time the big worm appears. Perception check 11, focused on where Ixayl’anu’s area, but she nonetheless notices when the snakes pop up near purple’s body. Unfortunately her thorn whip misses. Rana: “Worm still in the area!”
Inspired by Phi’s acrobatics, Tarma-Diem tries to jump roofs as well to keep the shriekers in sight. They try to jump to the next building, roll a 3 (They are the cat gif of judging their jump so carefully only to fail spectacularly). They cast fly before they hit the ground though and float over to the next building, They did it! They hover over the roof. 10 minutes of fly.
Ixayl’anu chases the runners into the building under Phi and Tarma-Diem. There’s a whole pack in there though. 6 of them total. She tries to lightning breath them all, can only get 3 though. Blue dies, the others look pretty good. Ixayl’anu: “Found some more!”
Phi just waits, holding an action for any of them that leave the building.
Rana tries to jump to the next building with us with a 7 and goes cougar to climb back up to the roof, prowls up beside Tarma-Diem.
Tarma-Diem flies down but can’t see over Ixayl’anu, so they move forward to open the window, fly back as shriekers inside look their way. Pink and yellow try to climb out of the window at the same time but get in each others’ way.
Yellow wiggles out. Pink is primed to go next.
Others missed Ixayl’anu. 
Ixayl’anu attacks orange and does 7dmg.
Phi shoots at yellow and does 7dmg.
Rana pounces yellow and knocks it prone. Bonus action bites, but misses.
As Rana scuffles with yellow, a graboid tongue grapples her.
Tarma-Diem flies in, puts their arms around Rana-kitty “Just me,” then thundersteps them both to the building on the other side of the road. Worm, yellow and pink all fail their saves and take 31 damage each. There’s a shriek and the worms go limp, worm dies. Orange and green try to get out of the door making str attacks against Ixayl’anu. She manages to keep orange back, but green gets out and manages to shove her prone. Green keeps going west into the building we will eventually designate as “the clown car building.”
Red attacks Ixayl’anu with advantage. 8dmg. Pink gets out of the window, looks around and then ducks into the first building we stood on. Yellow took an action to stand and ran with green.
Ixayl’anu stabs at red for 6dmg misses 2nd attack.
Phi shoots at red and misses, then moves back up to raised platform on the roof.
Rana pounces red from above, deals 3dmg claw, misses bite. She then runs off to see if she can lure pink back out.
Tarm-Diem flies over with Rana and sees 2 more in there with pink, shoots pink with eldritch boss: “Got 3 in here”, then flies up a little higher, farther off the ground.
Red misses, orange misses attacks on Ixayl’anu.
Pink gives a rallying cry and all 3 try to attack Rana. Pink misses, orange-red hits (12dmg), blue crits (17dmg to Rana after she loses cat). Total 29.
Ixayl’anu hits red for 6dmg, then misses next attack.
Phi shoots pink for 14dmg.
Rana casts spike growth with a 20ft radius/40ft diameter, placed to hit the 3 in front of her without hitting Ixayl’anu. Bonus action healing word L1 on herself and use item for extra healing. 22 healing and stands the line.
Tarma-Diem sees Rana cast this and flies as far into the circle area as they can get while still being visible to blue and pink, then eldritch blasts them both, they hit blue for 6dmg, miss pink.
Successfully distracted, they both charge me and take 20 dmg each on the way there, snap at my heels at disadvantage and both miss.
Tarma-Diem laughs and flips them off.
Red-orange does something I missed.
Ixayl’anu kills red by chopping his head off, spilling more gunk everywhere. She swipes at orange nat 20, deals 21dmg, divine smites it for 8 dmg (29 total). She stays there trying to block the doorway still.
Phi shoots blue and deals 18dmg.
Rana shelolas orange-red but misses. This particular shrieker has apparently changed its name henceforth in my notes. I’m pretty sure it’s the same one who used to known as Red-orange. Same colours, but different order, please don’t dead name it.
Tarma-Diem flies back toward Rana to bait more travel through the spike growth. Blue gets hit for 5dmg on eldritch blast, 2nd blast hits orange-red for 11dmg.
Pink kills itself on spike damage. Blue runs for me, 8dmg, but misses.
Orange-red is pretty focused on Rana though, it misses her (be its valentine?).
Ixayl’anu takes 14dmg from orange.She heals herself by 16.
Phi shoots at blue, does 20dmg, it dies.
Rana shilalos orange-red but misses.
Tarma-Diem eldritch blasts orange-red for 10dmg.
Ixayl’anu can hear again!
Orange-red takes 14dmg getting to Tarma-Diem but also crits at disadvantage. Oh no! Tarma-Diem takes 11dmg and gets pulled down a foot or two before it lets go. Tarma-Diem: “Ah, shit!”
Ixayl’anu hits orange for 12dmg.
Phi hits orange-red for 24dmg, leaving it on death’s door.
Rana thorn whips orange-red back to her 6dmg it dies dragged across spikes. (Oops, Tarma-Diem face pulls a shitload more)
Tarma-Diem flies over to where they saw green and yellow go earlier (clown car building is about to get named thusly), but there are now 10 of them in there. “Holy shit guys, there’s ten of them in here!” The shriekers had their flaps up and see Tarma-Diem, who makes sure they see them move away from the group before flying 20 feet down the road away from everyone, and then up 10 feet.
They pyramid purple up to Tarma-Diem who hits for 7dmg.
Tarma-Diem misty escapes 30 feet north and 5 more feet up, invisible, but still heat signatured.
The last two from the clown car building spotted Rana first and headed for her. One of them gets Rana for 11dmg.
Ixayl’anu runs after these new two, leaving orange who misses its attack of opportunity, but then misty steps onto the building near my pyramid and throws alchemist fire into the pile.
It does max dmg (4), pink hit, yellow hit, red hit, redpurple hit, blue hit, redblue hit, redpink miss, purple missed.
Phi bonus action hides, shoots at purple and does 21dmg.
Rana sheleileis greenred for 8dmg and tries to get her back against a wall.
Tarma-Diem flies over between North buildings (in spike growth area) and down to hover 6 ft off the groud again until they see the ones on Rana between the two street-side buildings. They cast eldritch blast “Over here again fuckers!” They hit green with 10dmg, but miss greenred, who ignores the bait. 
Green takes 32dmg getting to me, misses it’s jump attack.
Greenred does 5dmg to Rana.
Orange runs up to Rana as well, but misses.
Everybody in the fire pile takes 11dmg each biting and flailing at each other.
Ixayl’anu jumps off the roof and runs to Rana (19 athletics), and casts warding bond on Rana. Rana gets +1AC and saving throws and resistance to all damage, Ixayl’anu takes the same amount of dmg as Rana now.
Phi shoots at redgreen but misses.
Rana shelalas orange but misses.
Tarma-Diem flies about 20 feet closer to Ixayl’anu and 1 ft up, kills green with 6pt eldritch blast, hits greenred for 8pts, still hovered over the spike growth.
Purple and pinkred run and bite at Ixayl’anu. Orange misses Rana, redgreen misses Ixayl’anu, redpink hits Ixayl’anu though for 5dmg, purple also hits her for another 11dmg (16 total).
Fire dmg on remaining group deals another max dmg of 4, and then they deal another 10dmg to each other.
Ixayl’anu to Rana: Wanna get out of here?
Rana reaches out: Yes please.
Ixayl’anu misty steps them both to the nearest rooftop, then pile drives back down onto redgreen (20 athletics, cool flip and everything), 14dmg, then 11dmg. For a fantastic looking 25 total.
Phi shoots redgreen for 27, killing it right out from under Ixie.
Rana magic stones orange for 8dmg, it’s on death’s door.
Tarma-Diem lands on a building at the very corner in view for last turn of fly (except it wasn’t because I can’t math), eldritch blasts purple for 5dmg, pinkred for 6dmg.
Purple takes the bait, but only goes 5ft in, takes 5dmg, backs back out.
Redpink attacks Ixayl’anu but I missed what happened with the attack.
Big group takes another max fire dmg (4pts), yellow dies.
Ixayl’anu slaps a 20pt heal on her chest.
Phi shoots at pinkred but misses.
Rana casts healing word 2nd level on Ixayl’anu for 9pts. Then magic stones orange, does 3dmg, kills orange.
Purple takes 3 eldritch blast dmg, redpink takes 12 dmg, but still focuses on Ixiayl’anu anyway, misses, purple backs up anyway, does not like getting hit in the face.
Fire group only takes 1dmg this time around. In the commotion the on fire group moves a little closer to center of the road. The ground around them shudders and a giant worm comes up out of the ground, chomps down on bluered, and sucks it back down. Worm is gone, leaving a big hole.
Ixayl’anu: Oh shit *stabs at purple still anyway* 9dmg, then another 7dmg (16 total)
Ixayl’anu: Diem! Can you throw a rope?
Phi misses redpink.
Rana thorn whips redpink for 6dmg, 4 pts of smash-fall dmg. (10 total)
Tarma-Diem pulls out the rope and commands it to tie off for Ixayl’anu. “K, it’s up!”
On-fire group takes 3 more fire dmg (there are only 4 of them left). They scatter in different directions still on fire.
Redpink notices the glorious heat-source of redpurple and attacks it, leaving it close to death.
Purple misses Ixayl’anu.
Big guy is not visible this turn.
Ixayl’anu swipes at purple and deals a total of 16 dmg, kills purple, gets 8 temporary hp, and runs over to the rope
Redpink gets an attack of opportunity on her and does 17dmg.
Ixayl’anu grabs the rope just after Rana panic-drops the spike growth to avoid hurting her.
Phi shoots at one of them and misses.
Rana magic stones redpink and does 6dmg.
Tarma-Diem eldritch blasts the farthest runner for 21 total dmg and finishes it off. The other two however use their whole action to go 120ft and get out of everyone’s range for future turns.
All runners take 1 fire dmg before calculations on them stop.
Remaining 2 shriekers miss their attacks.
Ixayl’anu climbs up to the roof.
Phi shoots at one and misses.
Rana thorn whips redpink for 5dmg + 5 slam-fall dmg (10 total).
Tarma-Diem deals 14 eldritch blast dmg to redpink
2 fire dmg kills redpurple.
Redpink jumps at Ixayl’anu futilely.
Ixayl’anu throws her javelin at redpink and misses, 2nd one hits for 4dmg and kills him. (Aftermath Investigations and RP)
Tarma-Diem: Still got 2 who ran off into the desert, a giant worm, and whatever else may be in these buildings.
Ixayl’anu: did you see the worm?
Tarma-Diem: Yeah, we got that to deal with and those two ran off capable of reproducing a shitload more.
Rana does a perception check (12). 
Tarma-Diem slumps down with their back against the lip of the roof.
Ixayl’anu crit-perceives the guys running, still on fire, and also saw a bush raise and lower on the ground in the distance.
Tarma-Diem gets a nat 20 perceiving those guys to fly after them but they are specs in the distance. They also see the bush go up and down, but it doesn’t seem to be chasing the little guys.
Tarma-Diem’s perception skills are tapped out now though and they do a whopping ZERO for aerial search of the entire area
Tarma-Diem looks in each building after, ready to fly off and lead them out of town, but doesn’t see anything. We take a short rest. After we discuss plans, we take a look around. Phi sees a small fire in the distance, but we don’t really see anything else. After the short rest, we take a closer, group look at each building.
Tarma-Diem gets a nat 20 investigation on the first building they’d checked alone while flying. These people were very well prepared, and even though things fell off walls they could still tell these people were pretty well off. Tarma-Diem finds a box marked explosives.
Phi checks box of explosives for traps (18). There is a very complicated lock on it but no other forms of trap. Phi attempts the lock (22), takes her a minute or two but it pops open. Inside is a bunch of c4 sticks - 5 of them. Plastic explosives can be placed as an action, and detonated with a press of a remote detonator (an object interaction). Plastic explosives also explode on their own if they are caught within the radius of an explosion that does at least 10 points of bludgeoning damage. Each creature within 20 feet of a detonated plastic explosive must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking 10d6 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Each additional block of explosives increases the damage by 5d6 (to a maximum of 40d6), and the radius by 10 feet (to a maximum of 80 feet).
We each get 1 brick, Phi gets 2. Rana makes sure the building stays as closed up as we can get it, all windows and doors closed, so that it will hopefully remain empty as we proceed, leaving nowhere for anything to hide when we try to sleep later. This is her plan at each, subsequent building and we all follow suit.
We back up and start with the very first building in town, on the left when we’d first arrived.
Rana gets a perception of 17 on building A while Tarma-Diem investigates with an 8. It’s a transient guardhouse of some sort with basic swords and arrows.
We cross the street to B, Rana perceives it with a 21 - big hole in the center, blood on the walls, broken and open food stuff.
With an investigation of 8, Tarma-Diem gets a snack of their choice! (twinkies lol)
Outside the next building, the ground around the dead worm just below the surface has turned soggy, like standing on a mattress.
Since we already took care of building C (hopping back and forth across the road alphabetically, left then right lol), we move on to building D (on the same side as B/the market we first roof-climbed.
Rana perceives at a 16, Tarma-Diem investigates with a 13 - sticks of furniture, scrap of clothing that might’ve been a shirt, and blood.
Tarma-Diem reminds everyone about the building behind this one and how it was difficult to see inside around the crates when they did their aerial search.
For recording purposes, I am calling it building E. This time around Tarma-Diem gets an 18 investigation and sees a moving 2-by-2 crate near the back. Tarma-Diem: (whispered) Shit! They make motions to back everyone out. Tarma-Diem: There’s one in a crate back there, a little one (they make approximating gesture of box size)
Ixaylanu goes back in first and tips the box up to see a little baby white one who screams at her but he can’t get out and the scream does nothing.
Ixaylanu squats a little and does the bird head tilt thing. It screams fiercely and tries to jump out but can’t make it.
Ixyal’anu: "It's all white..."
One of us (Tarma-Diem maybe since I didn’t label speaker?): Maybe we could nail the crate shut or something? Would let people study it?
Ixayl’anu throws a small ration at it.
It feels around with its tongue and eventually eats it.
When next it lifts its flaps, it doesn’t scream, when she puts her hand close though it does scream and tries to bite her. Dex save 22/nat 20, she’s fine, it snaps at empty air.
Tarma-Diem: Can you try and talk to it?
Ixayl’anu: I doubt it’s going to work but…*she casts it anyway*
It doesn’t work.
Ixayl’anu figures out the heat sensing thing by fluffing her feathers and noting that it doesn’t react to anything but her actual body heat.
Someone: It's been in here with food for awhile and there's no others...
Someone else: Yeah but it's had an hour to make more if it's going to
Rana leaves while we talk about it to look around outside before we move on. Perception 21 on our surroundings - the fire is still up pretty far from town, town is otherwise quiet.
Ixayl’anu and Tarma-Diem put the lid back on the crate, keeping the small guy in a box with some food. Ixayl’anu hefts it up on her shoulder and goes outside. It screams and kicks around for the first few minutes every time it’s jostled before it finally settles down like “Guess this is my life now.”
Rana 19 perceives the next building is about to collapse and stops Diem from going inside.
Rana perceives the next building with an 8, Diem goes in and investigates with 15. Nothing’s really damaged, so probably nothing even got in here, just evidence that people packed and left in a hurry.
Rana perceives (16) next building. 16 investigation for Tarma-Diem as well - they see a lot of nice towels in this bath house, they take one. It’s fluffy and soft (one should always bring a towel, rules of adventure and all that).
Rana skips the clown car building for the biggest building. There’s a giant worm in the middle of the building part that we could smell long before we see it.
Tarma-Diem, meanwhile, still investigates clown car building with a 16 - scorch marks inside, wrecked, food stuffs, some dead little ones inside, they close it up like Rana did with the other ones, then join everyone else at the big building.
Rana goes in, the rest of us follow. Phi finds half of a medicine kit. Phi 19s investigation
Rana perceives 17 on last plaza building - nothing in there. 2 investigation from Tarma-Diem.
Rana looks out toward a small building on the fringe of the village.
Tarma-Diem: That one was closed up tight and empty when I checked earlier.
Rana goes to have a look anyway - 14 perception (told ya ~).
Ixayl’anu gets her platinum ring back from Rana.
Rana begins making a shrieker corpse pile in the middle of the road, including the few from the clown car building. The rest of us begin helping.
Tarma-Diem hits everyone with prestidigitation again after we complete the corpse pile
We argue a bit about rooftops vs. the comfort of the tiny hut which cannot fit on them, but certainly has a bottom. Tarma-Diem and Ixayl’anu opt for comfort, while Rana and Phi opt for better vantage points and safety. We split shifts accordingly (1 rooftopper, 1 tinyhutter/1 dark vision, 1 not).
Tarma-Diem casts tiny hut in a 10 ft radius around them, within sight of the corpse pile but not so close the smell permeates the dome. They also take first watch in order to finish scribing alarm. Self-imposed concentration check only a 6, so it takes them two hours instead of just one to finish scribing the alarm spell.
They let everyone know they can cast perimeter alarms now, then ritual cast it on the inside of the hut, choosing the bell ping so everyone can hear it if the hut gets disturbed by giant worms.
Next session Thursday Feb 11 at 5pm est.
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communistvashoth · 5 years
@gher-bear you're a lifesaver I didnt know about any of those things and I'm very excited to find new yarn I owe you six goats
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drferox · 6 years
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@gher-bear submitted: Oh, hey, Aural haematomas! I’d like to introduce Cricket of the crinkle ear.
Near as we can tell from the Humane Society’s history on her, Cricket was a stray with a bit of a rough past. She’s got a crinkle ear, an underbite, a wobbly hip, and an anxiety issue that’s currently (and wonderfully) under control with meds. She also has some difficulty puzzling out things that other cats seem to pick up easily (it took her a year to figure out how the bed works, now it’s her favorite place to be, and she makes sure I know when it’s bedtime). She doesn’t let it bother her, though!
Crickie’s got a sweet personality and a perpetually sunny outlook on things, which I could stand to emulate more often. She lives with her cat sister, Jazz, and her bunny sister, Daphne (not pictured… yet)
Pleased to meet Miss Cricket. It does sound like a rough start in life, but I’m gland things are looking up for her.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
164 of 2022
Juicy survey! Spill all!
Created by joybucket
How old were you when you had your first crush?
I don’t think I’ve ever had an active crush. It always starts as platonic for me, as I really want to be someone’s close friend. Even all my relationships developed from that. So in that meaning, in my early 20s.
If you're a girl, how old were you when you started your period?
I’m not a girl, so n/a.
What is your worst period story?
No periods, N/A.
Does anyone else know who your first crush was besides you?
Yes, my sister. I told gher because I know I can trust her.
What was your most embarrassing moment?
Gonna be honest, getting hard in front of the guy I like. I still hope he hasn’t noticed anything. A few months have passed and he still hasn’t addressed it, so hopefully he didn’t notice indeed, or he forgot about it. Either way, I’m utterly embarrassed every time I recall that moment.
What are your worst cramps like?
What is the most physically painful thing you have ever experienced?
Tonic-clonic seizure. This one where all your muscles clench beyond the human level and you’re not able to breathe. It’s very scary as well. Even surgery pains were not that bad, comparing to this.
What are you allergic to?
Nuts and pollen, and dust.
Have you ever wanted to be someone else?
Not really. I just wanted to be able to like myself more.
Have you ever been jealous of someone?
No, not really. Everyone has their cross to bear, after all. Even people who seem to have everything in life.
Have you ever been jealous of a friend?
No, never.
Do you feel shy around someone when you are first getting to know them?
Yeah, pretty much. It’s strange, because once I feel comfortable with them, I become really talkative.
Do you feel shy around a crush?
Yeah. But not anymore with him. I’m always happy to see him and I think he can see that.
What color hair did your first crush have?
Black. He was my first boyfriend, too.
Do you ever cry in public unwillingly, or are you able to hold it in?
I don’t even cry. I just can’t.
Do you throw up involuntarily when you have to, or can you swallow it down?
I literally have no gag reflex. How happy I am about it.
What's one near-embarrassing moment you had?
I can’t recall anything specific at the moment.
Do you ever call yourself stupid?
Many times.
What was the name of your first imaginary friend?
I’ve never had imaginary friends.
What's one weird habit you have?
I don’t know how weird it is, but I’m not feeling right when the volume level on TV is an odd number.
Are you more of an open or a private person?
More private. I hardly ever open up.
Do you wish you could be more open with others?
In general, no. People are untrustworthy these times, at least most of them. I only wish it was easier to talk about some things with people I trust. Still, it’s hard.
Do you feel ashamed?
Quite a lot.
Do you get embarrassed easily?
It depends on situation.
Do you have regrets?
No, I don’t. You can’t change the past anyway.
Have you ever fallen asleep in class?
No, I just had seizures.
What was the hardest thing you've ever had to forgive?
Sexual abuse.
Is there anyone you hate?
No, I don’t hate anyone. Some people I just dislike.
Is there anything or anyone you're angry at, that you haven't forgiven yet?
Seems like that. I just don’t think about it.
List five of your biggest bullies.
I don’t think of people from my past.
Have you ever plotted revenge against someone?
Yes, I did and I don’t regret it.
Have you ever done anything to get revenge against someone?
^If so, do you regret it, and did you apologize later?
No, because he has done something awful and he deserved it.
Have you ever had a friend crush (i.e., you really wanted to be their friend)?
Yes, I do now. Already for many months and it doesn’t pass. I’m pretty sure I love him, in platonic way of course.
What is the greatest longing of your heart?
To be happy.
Who was your first love?
Theoretically my first boyfriend, in real, my 2nd boyfriend was the real love of my life.
What was the last thing someone said that warmed your heart?
“It’s always nice to see you”.
Do you pray regularly?
No, I don’t. Not at all.
^If so, to whom?
Do you love Jesus?
No, but I respect people’s beliefs.
What church do you go to?
What denomination is your church (if you go)?
What was the first year you voted in a presidential election?
The country I live in is a kingdom. We’ve never had any president, so I’ve never voted in presidential election.
How old were you when the year changed to 2000?
I was almost 10.
Have you ever been afraid of the world ending?
Yes, when I was 10. Later I stopped caring.
Do you enjoy public speaking?
I hate it.
What food makes you gag?
Cucumbers, pumpkins and all that.
Who was your first celebrity crush?
My first and only *celebrity crush* was Baas B, that Dutch rapper. He still is, after all these years.
What show did you want to be on when you were younger?
None. I’ve never been interested in showing myself.
What was your childhood dream?
To have a loving mother.
Did you ever fulfill your childhood dream?
Our relationship is better now, but yeah. Some things leave a scar.
What is your dream now?
To be happy.
What is your passion?
Music, photography, travelling, weird radio signals, physics, biology (particularly neurology, brains are fascinating) and one guy’s eyes. Really.
Are you living your dream?
I am, even though it’s a bit complicated at the moment.
Do you receive insults or compliments more?
Compliments, strangely. It doesn’t mean I’ve never been insulted, though. Nothing beats being called flikker in the Netherlands XD
What social class are you in, and do you like it?
It seems like I’m upper working class, people who have physical jobs that require diplomas and special qualifications. Honestly, I’m proud of it.
What is unfair about your life?
What about your life would you change?
I’d love to be healthy.
Did you write love poems when you were younger?
No, I’ve never been good at it.
Who are you jealous of and why?
No one, because it’s pointless.
When someone hurts you, do you start to feel jealous of them?
No, it only verifies my distrust towards them. Why would it make me jealous anyway? I can’t find any logic in it, tbh.
Name five people you know who have everything handed to them.
I don’t categorise people like that.
Name one person you know who is spoiled rotten.
One dude I know from one forum. He’s been harassing me over there, by the way.
Name one person you know who seems stuck-up.
My mum, really.
Name a church that just wants money.
I don’t know much enough about churches, I guess.
What is your least favorite chore?
Cleaning toilets.
Have you ever had an account of yours hacked?
No, not really.
Have you ever been a victim of police misconduct?
No, I haven’t.
Do you keep a diary?
I do indeed.
What color is the diary you are currently using?
The cover is the contest photo I took, it’s a custom print.
Do you actually write "Dear Diary"?
No, it’s cringeworthy.
When was the last time you wrote and sent someone a letter?
15 years ago, I think.
Do you write in cursive or print more?
We don’t learn print in Europe. We only learn cursive, and later we develop our own handwriting.
Have you ever self-harmed?
Yes, for quite a long time. I have many scars from cutting, not only on my forearms.
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actuallyasexual · 7 years
gher-bear replied to your post “gher-bear replied to your post “Jughead not 
I have actually used the Phone a Friend option to get out of these situations. "I need you to come and fix this date by making it not one."
Needing to phone a friend to get out of accidental dating situations is definitely Aro Culture and Ace Culture.
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aislingeach88 · 7 years
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Haven’t drawn these nerds since high school, but I have an itch to revisit old works. My old Dragonball OCs: Zehr, Taiysu, Gher-Kanna, and Samine, the “Immortal 4” who I am now realising almost fifteen years later bear more than a passing resemblance to that really lame superhero family from Marvel. Totally unintentional 😅
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