nintendont2502 · 1 year
I am. So goddamn stressed
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noodlesoup1819 · 5 months
Also this time the flavour tastes like smores, caramel, and a hint of smoke :3 (that's my interpretation, I have not asked pepperoni friend yet) And I love the colours, they work so well together!!
Also your so right Bram needs to adopt Aya RIGHT NOW
Ghfhfgh I'm glad ur enjoying the fruits of my latest hyperfixation <3
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willosword · 5 years
ALSO one of the main Thesis Points™ of steven universe is the fact that even good people have the capacity to lash out and hurt others when they’re confused, or when their pain is overwhelming them, or when they’ve been raised to not know anything else (obviously the main ones that come to mind are ‘redeemed’ characters like lapis, peridot, and bismuth. but literally every main character has gone through this, sometimes a Lot) and how showing a little compassion while still being able to draw the line and defend yourself can go a long way. so like, emphasizing that even our kind sweet steven is not exempt from this, that his pain can overwhelm him too, would just be *chef’s kiss* for the narrative. the final ‘boss’ would be defeated by love and kindness and communication, just like they always are. but instead of feeling like a re-hash, it would be an earned and poignant affirmation of what the show is all about
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doyoung-remade · 7 years
how would u describe ur bias using only five words 😌 it can be a sentence or just five different adjectives !!!!
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ambrosiadreamer · 3 years
i followed you because we have been friends for 8 years or something <3 (i wanted to send an ask but i don't really go here ghfhfgh ily tho)
you followed me out of pity /MEGA j 
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roqiu7535-blog · 4 years
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roqiu7507-blog · 4 years
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mallowbees · 4 years
i dont know much about TMA but ,, could you tell me a bit about avatars? I want to make a sona really bad because they look so cool haha
Oh heck YEAH I can!!
Right so!! Avatars are people who have had experiences with or behavior that aligned with one of the 14(15 kinda?) fear entities and end up serving them!! Throwing people to their, for lack of better words, god, to feed off of their fears and occasionally try to kick of rituals to make their god strong and getting some sweet powers as a reward!
!! It’s gonna be kinda hard to avoid spoilers with explaining this, so I’ll try to keep it to the minimum but some spoilers for avatar people’s stuff :’D !!
The 14 are as follows (I’m just gonna snag most of this from the wiki but anything not in italics is me):
The Burried :
Also called The Center, Choke, Too Close I Cannot Breathe.
The fear of claustrophobia, small spaces, of being unable to breathe and the underground and dust. Being at the centre of everything and it is all pushing down. Fear of being trapped without enough space.
Notable avatar person I can think of is 18th centry guy who worked in a grave yard and would nap in the graves cause it was quiet and when they installed bells incase someone was actually alive when they burried them they could ring it, so someone rang it and he cut the line because he thought they were nice and deserved to sleep, also early episode lost johns cave is a good example but doesnt have an avatar in it so hfgh
The Corruption :
Also called Filth, The Crawling Rot, or The Hive.
This entity is linked closely to our feelings of disgust, of feeling revulsion and fear of corruption, disease, filth. Manifests as mould, bugs, rot, decay, infection. The feeling of your skin crawling.
Jane Prentiss, she wanted to be loved and found love in a bunch of worms in a wasp nest in her attic, so she became their hive, she loves her worms and her worms love her, they sing
Also other guy I genuinely don't know his name he just made everyone sick at that retirement home with disease and hung out at hill top road a few times, got sealed in concrete and he always looked like he was skin and slightly rotting
The Dark :
Also called Mr. Pitch, The Forever Blind, The Sandman
A manifestation of our very primal fear of the dark, of what lies beyond what we can sense. What might be in it?
One of the oldest of the Entities.
Uhh cult kidnapped that one kid i think that was them, i dont know who the dark avatar is actually
The Desolation :
Also called The Lightless Flame, The Torturing Flame, The Devastation, Blackened Earth.
This entity deals in fear of pain, of loss, burning, fear of unthinking or cruel destruction.
Acolytes are enriched by destroying the lives of people who had things to live for, destroying things before their potential is realised. In exchange, the cult members can create heat--but not fire--and gain the ability to make their skin run like wax.
They burn from the inside and consume everything in flames, Jude Perry and Agnes Montague are the two i know, Agnes was born into it and died because of forbidden love and Jude set her girlfriends flat on fire so hgfhfg
The End :
Also called Death, Terminus, The Coming End That Waits For All And Cannot Be Ignored.
This entity deals in the fear of death itself, uncaring and unstoppable.
No known attempts at a ritual, presumably because it sees no need to, as Death claims all in the end.
Oliver Banks!! Had dreams of strings that tied people to their deaths, actual rational avatar, also didnt ask for this but he does pretty well. Also commited identity fraud
The Eye :
Also called Beholding, The Watcher, The Ceaseless Watcher, It Knows You.
This entity is fear of being watched, exposed, followed, of having secrets known, but also the drive to know and understand, even if your discoveries might destroy you. Fear that you’re suffering for the sake of something watching.
Elias!! Horrible man!! Can body hop! Just wants to watch the drama unfold and get more power. Knows lots of things and compulsion ! Also Jon because he reckless curiosity kinda screwed him over there and yeah. And that one security guy who got consumed by a watcher lietner watching other people via security camera, rip that guy
The Flesh :
Also called Viscera.
Born from the fear of animals bred for meat, and in the human realisation that we are just animated meat and bones.
Manifests as strange bodies being twisted, reshaped, and butchered.
Thought to be the newest of the 14, born around the time of the Industrial Revolution
Jared Hopworth! Got a Lietner, runs a gym to change bodies into what people want until they're practically not human anymore, likes most bones if they're good bones
The Hunt :
Hunting and chase and violence, this is an animalistic fear, very old and primal. Fear of being hunted, being prey.
Less able to affect people due to our self-removal from the food chain. Self-proclaimed monster hunters (and those who do the same without referring to themselves as such) run a strong chance of becoming Hunters and then having a need to hunt and kill monsters.
Daisy! Things get kinda messed up when you combine non-human impulses with a person so! Murder! violence!
The Lonely :
Also called Forsaken, The One Alone The fear of isolation, of being completely cut off and alone. Fear of being disconnected.
Peter lukas, Martin, grew up lonely and shunned idk what you expected, can literally vanish, cool aethetic- Also that one girl who married one of the lukas’, nayomi? But she wasnt an avatar just with one
The Slaughter :
This entity feeds off of pure, unpredictable, unmotivated violence. Strong ties to war. Fear of not knowing, where, when, how or if pain will come but that it will. Can be violent like a frenzied killer or calm and regimented like soldiers firing on the battlefield.
Melanie! Anger! Murder! Stabby stab! Justificated feeling that your anger is right!
The Spiral :
Also called Es Mentiras, It Is Lies, The Twisting Deceit, It Is Not What It Is.
This entity is fear of madness, of being lost, that your world is wrong, that your mind is lying to you. It deals with deception, lying, deceiving the mind and senses.
Michael! Helen! I don’t,, really know what to say on this one hgfhfg
The Stranger :
Also called I Do Not Know You.
Fear of the unknown. That creeping sense that something isn’t right. Also of unfamiliar people. Manifests as objects pretending to be humans, like mannequins and taxidermied people.
Theyre not people they arent who they arE
The Vast :
Also called The Falling Titan.
This entity deals in our fear of our own insignificance in this universe, of losing yourself in too much space. Its effects involve void, vertigo, and falling, but also anything to do with openness and open spaces, fears like Agoraphobia, fear of deep water.
Simon fairchild is honest to god just vibing hes having so much fun also reeeally long lifespan he likes watching people fall off this and falling off himelf, also mike crew who didnt ask for this but just kinda ended up there anyway cause he got struck by lightning on a hill and got a book
The Web :
Also called The Spider, Mother of Puppets.
Deals with fear of being controlled, entrapped, being trapped and not knowing it, and your will not being your own, of being manipulated. Manifests as spiders and spider webs and patterns like spider webs.
The Extiction :
Also called The Terrible Change, The Future Without Us, The World Is Always Ending
The 15th Entity hypothesized by Adelard Dekker to be currently emerging. 
It is not yet confirmed to actually exist, if it is yet to be officially born, or if it is a combination of other powers and their overlap. It deals with the fear of catastrophic change, the destruction of humanity and its replacement by something different, especially via mankind's own causing.
Man-made elements are one of its hallmarks.
Avatars of other Entities would like to prevent it from emerging if possible.
Nobody on this one yet but yeah!!
So!! Usually it’s either the thing you are scared of embraces you and flips your behavior on its head, (Scared of being alone? Make other people alone! Scared of falling? Make other people fall!) Or something you like vibe with embraces and justifies you even if it scares you (Want to know?? Huh?? Buddy? Wanna Know? Or you just want some love? Get u some worms) Like if your experiences fall under one of the categories you probably go there if you’re not afraid of it, or if something happens and you’re terrified of it but not dead you’ll probably end up there hfhghgfh
Oh also here’s a what entity are you quiz if that helps ghfhfgh: https://uquiz.com/quiz/zxE9GQ/which-tma-entity-are-you-aligned-with?embed=False
Basically, does it scare you a little? Does it vibe with you a bit? There you go! You have an entity now! Have fun! HFGhfh
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goodomensedit · 5 years
oh sorry if this isnt the kind of blog to be okay w asks like this, i just wanted to express my feelings to some good omens blog fjgnkdjfgn(tbh i didnt even mean it sexually but didnt make it clear and hadnt read the exact definition of that word ghfhfgh)
we've had other questions that is more suprising. but still, we've answered their questions.
jokingly aside, thank you for courage to express your feelings to this blog. we are so grateful.
maybe the word you were looking for is "ineffable"?
Tumblr media
- tom
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traumadotwav · 2 years
my mom saw i was up and like went to do things in the bathroom in the hall so id be blocked in my room unless i want to get a strike of opportunity, and the thing she’s been waiting to pounce on for like this week is that a sharpie marker is missing and im just like,,,where’d you last use it? like,,,just go out and get a box of sharpies, what are you talking about the only sharpie marker in the world gfdghdfghfdhfg, she says it with such a practiced way, a Gotchya with a smirk in her voice like,,,,,,,thats so sad ghfhfgh
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udonthreens · 6 years
7. top anime you plan to watch 
uhhhh,,, well i have 48 anime i ““plan to watch”“ on my old mal list. im watching 4 animes right now nd,,, thats a lot for me. yikes. so im not really planning to watch anymore in the near future fgfgfdgdfg.
UHHHH. OH wait does this mean top as in priority. hfhfghfdg i can read super well. well my priority is the new bnha episode, catch up with ditf so i can watch that weekly,, s;g0 as soon as i possibly can,, and hghhgh,, i gotta get back to sns soon before i forget it
10. top 5 characters you would die for 
3) GOSH KURISU AS WELL she deserves to live 3
i stan steins;gate. anyway,
5) GOsh there’s a lot of characters i love but not many i would full on die for. i take this anime question seriously. i would die for these fellas. ok that last one counts for two anyway,,
23. characters that deserved better
gosh im sure theres a lot more but i cant think of any??
OH OH SAITAMA,,, hnhng he deservers appreciation. i love how he doesn’t seem to let all the criticism get to him though,, a truly great man. HE STILL DESERVES IT THOUGH!! like,, he trained to the top of the world and what does he have to show for it? hatred. >:( im glad there are at least a few characters who really appreciate him though
AAAAA I’D SAY KAYO but without her suffering there wouldn’t be a story ,,, u know what no she didnt deserve it anyway.  Gosh im so glad her life turned out good in the end though ghfhfgh,, unless the anime ending was completely different from the manga, in which case i have. no idea.
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gdboymk02-blog · 4 years
https://comicvine.gamespot.com/profile/cibakep160/blog/go123movies-watch-hamilton-movie-2020-full-free-on/148312/ https://comicvine.gamespot.com/profile/cibakep160/blog/go123movies-watch-hamilton-movie-2020-full-free-on/148313/ https://comicvine.gamespot.com/profile/cibakep160/blog/stream-hamilton-online-free-movies-go-123-how-can-/148314/ https://comicvine.gamespot.com/profile/cibakep160/blog/123movies-watch-hamilton-2020-hd-movie-online-full/148315/ https://www.giantbomb.com/profile/cibakep160/blog/stream-hamilton-online-free-movies-go-123-how-can-/193731/ https://www.giantbomb.com/profile/cibakep160/blog/stream-hamilton-online-free-movies-go-123-how-can-/193732/ https://www.giantbomb.com/profile/cibakep160/blog/123movies-watch-hamilton-2020-hd-movie-online-full/193733/
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yesfesnews · 6 years
جديد في ملف "رضوان" من ذوي الإحتياجات الخاصة بفاس وحصوله على الأطراف الصناعية
جديد في ملف “رضوان” من ذوي الإحتياجات الخاصة بفاس وحصوله على الأطراف الصناعية
على ارتباط بقضية طفل حي الأمل باب السيفر (45)، و الذي سبق و قطعت أطرافه السفلى و يده اليمنى، و أصبعين من يده اليسرى بسبب مرض التهاب السحايا، و بعد ان كانت لنا مواكبة خاصة للحالة الإنسانية عبر مقالات و فيديو من عين المكان، علمنا انه مباشرة بعد نشرنا الفيديو من قلب منزل الأسرة الفقيرة، تدخلت جمعية “جميعا من أجل المستعجلات”، المشتغلة من داخل المركب الإستشفائي (chu) بفاس، بإشراف مباشر من مدير المركب…
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rstahmid-blog · 6 years
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nella-san · 10 years
iM ALIVEEE gkfdgk 0 3 0 /
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traumadotwav · 2 years
mom brought me a lobster roll from work and that was So nice and i was telling her how nice it was cause she wanted feedback but instead of us just having a nice moment it turned into her ranting about work at me about something she was clearly in the wrong about like ghfhfgh why cant you just treat me regular like she treats it as like a oh okay im in the green time to use this thing as a shake bag punch bag like : ( the most even the barest minimum kind gesture has like a high cost to accept and its like, that niceness is now tainted with like her being drunk and ranting at me
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