da5vi · 2 years
Ernie Hudson: “não sou um complemento”
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Junto de Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd e Harold Ramis, Ernie Hudson virou a primeira opção para qualquer um que enfrentasse problemas com fantasmas. E embora ambos os filmes tenham sido um sucesso estrondoso, o ator que deu vida a Winston Zeddemore não tem boas lembranças do período de produção.
“Fui o único trazido de fora, então encontrar meu lugar no meio daquilo... e eles todos eram acolhedores e inclusivos... mas o estúdio não era. E continuou não sendo”, comentou recentemente no The Howard Stern Show.
Caça-Fantasmas foi concebido por Dan Aykroyd, que pensou em Eddie Murphy e John Belushi, com quem trabalhou no Saturday Night Live, para participar do projeto. Após o anúncio da morte de Belushi, Bill Murray aceitou o convite. Harold Ramis veio sob sugestão do diretor, Ivan Reitman, que sentia a necessidade de revisar o material de Aykroyd e o achava uma adição ideal para o conceito.
Segundo Aykroyd, o papel de Winston foi feito com Eddie em mente, algo que foi comentado entre eles enquanto filmavam Trocando as Bolas. No entanto, Eddie não achou a ideia promissora. O papel seguiu para casting e, após cinco audições, Ernie conseguiu seu espaço, entrando no barco dos caça-fantasmas bem depois do trio.
Acontece que o ator se interessou pelo projeto a partir de uma versão antiga do script, onde Winston teria maior participação. A excitação por dar vida a um personagem interessante o fez topar gravar o filme recebendo metade do que estava acostumado... apenas para chegar no estúdio e descobrir que seu tempo de tela havia caído drásticamente.
“Era como se meu pior pesadelo estivesse acontecendo”, relembra em entrevista ao Entertainment Weekly. “Na manhã seguinte fui para o set para tentar mudar algo, mas Ivan disse que ‘o estúdio sentiu que tinha Bill Murray, então queriam dar a ele mais coisas para fazer’. ‘Tudo bem, entendo, mas não posso estar lá quando eles já estiverem estabilizados?’ -- Ele negou, claro. Não havia muito a ser feito. Um tom desagradável ficou no ar”.
“Foi muito, muito difícil pois eu era parte dos Caça-Fantasmas, mas era deixado de lado”, diz. “Quando os cartazes oficiais saíram, eu não estava lá. Demorou um tempão para ter esse reconhecimento. Mesmo nos dias atuais, estamos negociando um filme para começar a rodar em Março, e eu fico dizendo ‘caras, eu não sou um complemento. Se for para fazer isso, tem que ter sentido’”.
O quinto filme da franquia, que não será dirigido pelo filho de Ivan Reitman como da última vez, tem estreia marcada para o final deste ano. É doloroso saber que uma série de filmes tão amada tenha uma história tão injusta por trás de sua concepção. Torço, como fã, para que o grande Ernie Hudson consiga o que merece. Sua contribuição para os caça-fantasmas jamais passará despercebida por quem curte os longas.
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yusukesmomjeans · 2 months
No one understands when I say "why y'all like this" because not enough people saw the 2016 ghostbustrs movie
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monstermaster13 · 1 year
TftW: The Art of Being Art.
Art Weber (Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom) TF.
Nathan was known for his love of a lot of actors and movies…his main favorite actors consisting of Christopher Walken, David Bowie, Danny Trejo, Corey Feldman, Chris Sarandon, Sly Stallone, George Clooney, Jeff Goldblum, Jack Nicholson, Tony Todd, Billy Zane…to name a few but his absolute favorite was Dan Aykroyd. He had been raised on SNL and Animal House when he discovered John Belushi and it was through The Great Outdoors and Uncle Buck among others he had discovered John Candy.
In 2020 he stumbled upon a little rabbit hole known as the Aykroyd rabbit hole and had gotten hooked ever since and this experience got better for him once he discovered he could gain himself a were-Aykroyd alter-ego of sorts, which he did after having numerous dreams about turning into him, which made him stumble down further the Aykroydian rabbit hole and discovering a discord server that to his surprise…really was fascinated by his work, and he wrote tons of stories about Were-Aykroyds and his alter-ego as a King Were-Aykroyd who used his powers to help others and fight evil.
He made a new online friend in the form of Joe aka Ghosbustr on Deviantart and Joe really wanted to be a part of the action because he was a huge fan of Nathan’s stories and of Nathan in general, he of course liked the idea of Dan the Were-Aykroyd meeting him. He kept in contact with him for the next couple of years, and now it was 2023 and it was a very important day for Nathan. You see it was July 1st, which was Canada Day…now Nate himself was not Canadian but his Aykroydian alter-ego was, and also it was Dan Aykroyd’s 71st birthday, Nathan never forgot Dan’s birthday and definitely knew Dan would approve.
To celebrate and also because his newest friend Serena did an Indiana Jones character transformation which she showed him (which he liked a lot), he decided to also do an Indiana Jones character but not just any character…Art Webber, the fast-talking British military officer that was played by Dan in ‘Temple of Doom’. Although the character showed up only at the beginning, it was still quite a fascinating appearance from Dan.
It made sense since Steven Spielberg who produced the Indiana Jones franchise had a cameo in The Blues Brothers and also directed 1941 which was the first big American movie Dan had appeared in. He was on his computer that day when there was a knock at the door, he answered the door and he saw what appeared to be a package that was for him, it was from Ghostbustr. ‘To Nathan, keep on rockin, you gallant AykroydianKnight. You have brought me so much joy and chaos, and now i’m repaying you and your alter-ego. Even though you aren’t on the server anymore, I am still going to be with you. Yours truly, signed Joe.’
Nathan picked up the package and opened it and what he saw was a screen-used costume from the movie that was worn by Dan himself along with a signed autograph and a special totem statue. He set up the totem statue and pressed a button, making the statue's eyes glow. Just then a spirit emerged from the statue.
His supernatural sense went off as he saw the spirit, the spirit looked like it was a spectral version of Dan himself and before he could catch him, the spirit looked at him with a mischievous look and dove down into his mouth, entering his body and possessing him in the process. ‘Hey…that was uncalled for. But hey, if you’ve been here long enough you’ll know it’s going to happen anyway.’
A series of tingling sensations started to spread throughout his body as his stomach gurgled, this was definitely the first sign of his transformation as he saw brown hairs developing on his stomach which was also growing a little bit as his skin matured a little and lost imperfections, in addition to this his arms broadened and lengthened, the same hairs grew on them in the process. ‘Just like in my Were-Aykroyd stories only for real.’
His chest and torso broadened a little bit as some hairs grew on the former, his hands enlarged as his clothing slowly changed into a beige colored military attire, his legs had lengthened a little bit, he decided to take his shoes off to watch his changing feet which were enlarging, and also two of the toes on each foot were sticking together at the knuckle, giving him webbed toes just like Dan’s. He looked at what appeared to be a pair of boots with the same color as his new uniform and he put them on.
In terms of his writing he never intended the process to be so oddly entrancing/alluring but the people at Simp Central always interpreted it in that fashion and he wrote it as such because of that, he felt his rear for a bit which plumped up, and his back broadened. He grew in tight from 5’7 to 6’1 as his shoulders broadened, a red scarf appeared around his neck. His hair darkened a bit and took on a similar style to Art’s only it was a bit longer, as his eyebrows thickened and one of his eyes turned from brown to green while the other remained green.
His nose altered in shape and developed a cleft down the middle as a mustache of sorts grew above his lips and his features shifted to look distinctly Aykroydian, that wasn’t the only thing Aykroydian about him though, as his voice altered to develop Dan Aykroyd’s signature Aykroydian tone and speaking style as well as similar speech patterns before developing an English accent.
From what he could tell he looked and sounded exactly like the character but the best part was he was still himself, that is how he always did his character transformations, he always made sure the person transforming was still themselves mentally, and he always felt a great deal of disdain towards character transformations with mental changes, he was fine with people turning into characters they liked but the mental aspect ruined them for him. It just felt needlessly dark and depressing with no good end insight. He remembered not liking Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure at first because of all the character tf-fics of that variety hence why he decided to do his own in a way he felt comfortable with.
Of course his own character tfs in general rarely used MC as an element except in some cases, but he never made it so the people transforming were unable to live their usual lives afterwards, his Aykroyd tfs were very much also a subversion of those types of monsters that he felt got portrayed as being hive-minded despite not being like that, such as werecreatures…he felt that there was no right or wrong way to play a werecreature but given his friend Werebelushi In Shades was one, he could understand why his friend was offended by the portrayal of werewolves in one little roleplay he had experienced, of werewolves being portrayed as hive minded bigots who hate humans despite being part human themselves.
He thought the people roleplaying with those types of characters were trying to be species-ist towards werecreatures. And having had his own share of problematic people who overuse the world domination ending and face heel turn cliches over and over, he felt he could do better than them and he wasn’t being arrogant when he thought that. And of course being turned into characters himself helped with the experience.
As his transformation completed itself, he was very much a perfect doppelganger of Art Weber but with his own personality and memories in-tact. He looked around for a bit before sending a text. ‘Hmmm, I think Joe should see this.’ He sent a message to Joe/Ghosbustr explaining what had happened to him.
Joe was ecstatic when he heard the news, as he came to visit Nathan. Nathan gave him a hug and explained everything that had happened…’You know those stories I write, well they’re real, i’ve got Were-Aykroyd powers.’ ‘I knew it! I knew you definitely weren’t faking it. I knew your alter-ego was real.’ ‘And he most certainly is real. And he has something he wants me to give you.’ ‘A present?’
He presented Joe a trinket he had found, it was shaped like one of Dan Aykroyd’s Crystal Head bottles and had an inscription on it. ‘This skull grants wishes, he can also give you powers like mine so you can be a Were-Aykroyd too.’ ‘Awesome, thank you.’ ‘No problem, pal.’
Nathan also thought that it would be a good idea to give his pal Werebelushi In The Shades something…’Hmm. You know I feel bad for him, the producers of the show make him review the stuff featuring that phoenix called Ciel Scarlet and yeah…some of those are okay, but let’s just say i’m very ashamed of having liked those in the past. Especially after the Puro stuff and what that transfur bastard nearly tried to do to Mel.’ ‘What did he do?’ ‘Sexually violated her.’ ‘Ouch.’ ‘That’s why i’m sending him something to cleanse him and give him something good.’
He sent his friend Matthias/That Werebelushi In The Shades a special story he had written himself about him meeting the Aykroyd characters, he even wrote a story in which in an alternate universe he had become a Were-Aykroyd and that spawned an unlikely partnership for Matthias in the form of his Were-Aykroyd counterpart. He also wrote a couple of cute Corey and Oats adventures for Mel to take the microbe and equine duo on.
“You sure are doing a spectacular job of being a good friend.”
“Yep…and you’re an amazing friend too.”
“You really mean that?”
“Yes, I do…Joe, without you I wouldn’t have become an Aykroyd fan.”
“I am glad to have helped you.”
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brookston · 1 year
Holidays 6.7
Anniversary of the Memorandum of the Slovak Nation (Slovakia)
Battle of Arica Day (Chile)
Beatles Day
Betamax Day
Daniel Boone Day (Kentucky)
Father’s Day (Lithuania; Switzerland)
Festival of All Possible Worlds
Flag Day (Peru)
Fleur-de-Lis Day
International Supply Chain Specialists Day
International Tourettes Awareness Day
Journalist Day (Argentina)
June Bug Day
Kataklysmos (Flood Festival; Cypress)
Land O’Lakes Day
Lime Tree Day (French Republic)
Love Island Day (UK)
Mother’s Day (France; French Antilles)
National Alexandra Day
National Benjamin Day
National CAPHPACH Day (a.k.a. National Citizens Against Police Harassment Police Against Citizen Harassment Day)
National Elias Day
National Goonies Day
National Journalist Day (Argentina)
National Military Working Dog Day (Australia)
National Oklahoma Day
National RV Day
Prince Day
Prince Joachim Day (Denmark)
Sette Giugno (Malta)
Shirone Takogassen (Kite Fighting Festival; Japan)
Trial Technology Day
Union Dissolution Day (Norway)
Vivien Kellems Memorial Day
World Caring Day
World Day of Birth Rights
World Hemochromatosis Day
World Swift Day
Write to Your Father Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bartender Day
National Chocolate Ice Cream Day
World Food Safety Day
World Poha Day
1st Wednesday in June
Clean Air Day (Canada) [1st Wednesday]
Global Exhibitions Day [1st Wednesday]
Global Running Day (a.k.a. National Running Day) [1st Wednesday]
National Tailors’ Day [1st Wednesday]
Power of Youth Day (UK) [1st Wednesday]
Independence Days
Erephisian Technocracy (f.k.a. Orbis; Declared; 2005) [unrecognized]
Norway (from Sweden, 1905)
Feast Days
Amazing Mumford (Muppetism)
Antonio Maria Gianelli (Christian; Saint)
Captain Jack Sparrow Impersonation Day (Pastafarian)
Chief Seattle (Lutheran Church)
Colmán of Dromore (Christian; Saint)
Commemoration Day of St John the Forerunner (Armenian Apostolic Church)
Damien Hirst (Artology)
Edtors’ Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Gottschalk (a.k.a. Godeschalc, Prince of the Western Vandals; Christian; Saint)
Landulf of Yariglia (Asti; Christian; Saint)
Lanfranc (Positivist; Saint)
Ludi Piscatorii (Ancient Rome)
Meriadoc (Christian; Saint)
Meriasek (Christian; Saint)
Paul I of Constantinople (Christian; Saint)
Paul Gauguin (Artology)
Robert of Newminster (Christian; Saint)
Marie-Thérèse de Soubiran La Louvière (Christian; Blessed)
Pioneers of the Episcopal Anglican Church of Brazil (Episcopal Church (USA))
Smilin’ Ed (Muppetism)
Vestalia begins (until 15th; Old Roman festival to Vesta, goddess of the hearth, home & family)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [19 of 32]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 26 of 60)
Alexander’s Ragtime Band, recorded by Arthur Collins & Byron G. Harlan (Song; 1911)
Captain Fantastic and the Brown First Cowboy, by Elton John (Album; 1975)
City Slickers (Film; 1991)
Cloak & Dagger (TV Series; 2018)
Dark Phoenix (Film; 2019)
The Day of the Jackal, by Frederick Forsyth (Novel; 1971)
Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood (Film; 2002)
Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead (Film; 1991)
El Dorado (Film; 1967)
Face/Off (Film; 1997)
Fields of Gold, by Sting (Song; 1993)
Ghostbustrs (Film; 1984)
The Goonies (Film; 1985)
Grease (Broadway Musical; 1972)
Green Lantern: Emerald Knights (WB Animated Film; 2011)
The Hasty Hare (WB LT Cartoon; 1952)
High School Confidential (Film; 1958)
Horse’s Mouth, by Joyce Cary (Novel; 1950)
I Am Mother (Film; 2019)
The Johnny Cash Show (TV Series; 1969)
Jungle Fever (Film; 1991)
Kim Possible (Animated TV Series; 2002)
The Mummy (Film; 1999)
Perfect (Film; 1985)
Post, by Björk (Album; 1995)
The Producers (Film; 2002)
Purple, by Stone Temple Pilots (Album; 1994)
Rabbit Stew and Rabbits Too! (WB LT Cartoon; 1969)
The Rock (Film; 1996)
A Satire of the Three Estates, by David Lyndsay (Play; 1552)
The Secret Life of Pets 2 (Animated Film; 2019)
Simple Man, by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young (Song; 1970)
Squatter’s Rights (Disney Cartoon; 1946)
Vincent, recorded by Don McLean (Song; 1971)
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (Film; 2019)
Today’s Name Days
Anita, Eoban, Gottlieb, Robert (Austria
Valeri, Valeria (Bulgaria)
Antun, Radoslav, Robert (Croatia)
Iveta (Czech Republic)
Jeremias (Denmark)
Robert, Robi (Estonia)
Robert, Robin, Roope, Suvi (Finland)
Gilbert (France)
Anita, Gottlieb, Raimund, Robert (Germany)
Panagis, Sebastian, Zinais (Greece)
Róbert (Hungary)
Geremia, Landolfo, Roberto, Sabiniano (Italy)
Arnis, Gaida, Gijs (Latvia)
Lukrecija, Radvydė, Ratautas, Robertas (Lithuania)
Robert, Robin (Norway)
Antoni, Ciechomir, Jarosław, Lukrecja, Paweł, Robert, Roberta, Wiesław, Wisław (Poland)
Teodot (România)
Róbert (Slovakia)
Isaac, Roberto (Spain)
Robert, Robin (Sweden)
Theodot (Ukraine)
Keenan, Melody, Nidia, Nydia, Nylene, Whitney (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 158 of 2024; 207 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 23 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 24 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ding-Si), Day 20 (Bing-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 18 Sivan 5783
Islamic: 18 Dhu al-Qada 1444
J Cal: 8 Sol; Oneday [8 of 30]
Julian: 25 May 2023
Moon: 84%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 18 St. Paul (6th Month) [Lanfranc]
Runic Half Month: Odal (Home, Possession) [Day 13 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 79 of 90)
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 17 of 32)
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 6.7
Anniversary of the Memorandum of the Slovak Nation (Slovakia)
Battle of Arica Day (Chile)
Beatles Day
Betamax Day
Daniel Boone Day (Kentucky)
Father’s Day (Lithuania; Switzerland)
Festival of All Possible Worlds
Flag Day (Peru)
Fleur-de-Lis Day
International Supply Chain Specialists Day
International Tourettes Awareness Day
Journalist Day (Argentina)
June Bug Day
Kataklysmos (Flood Festival; Cypress)
Land O’Lakes Day
Lime Tree Day (French Republic)
Love Island Day (UK)
Mother’s Day (France; French Antilles)
National Alexandra Day
National Benjamin Day
National CAPHPACH Day (a.k.a. National Citizens Against Police Harassment Police Against Citizen Harassment Day)
National Elias Day
National Goonies Day
National Journalist Day (Argentina)
National Military Working Dog Day (Australia)
National Oklahoma Day
National RV Day
Prince Day
Prince Joachim Day (Denmark)
Sette Giugno (Malta)
Shirone Takogassen (Kite Fighting Festival; Japan)
Trial Technology Day
Union Dissolution Day (Norway)
Vivien Kellems Memorial Day
World Caring Day
World Day of Birth Rights
World Hemochromatosis Day
World Swift Day
Write to Your Father Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bartender Day
National Chocolate Ice Cream Day
World Food Safety Day
World Poha Day
1st Wednesday in June
Clean Air Day (Canada) [1st Wednesday]
Global Exhibitions Day [1st Wednesday]
Global Running Day (a.k.a. National Running Day) [1st Wednesday]
National Tailors’ Day [1st Wednesday]
Power of Youth Day (UK) [1st Wednesday]
Independence Days
Erephisian Technocracy (f.k.a. Orbis; Declared; 2005) [unrecognized]
Norway (from Sweden, 1905)
Feast Days
Amazing Mumford (Muppetism)
Antonio Maria Gianelli (Christian; Saint)
Captain Jack Sparrow Impersonation Day (Pastafarian)
Chief Seattle (Lutheran Church)
Colmán of Dromore (Christian; Saint)
Commemoration Day of St John the Forerunner (Armenian Apostolic Church)
Damien Hirst (Artology)
Edtors’ Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Gottschalk (a.k.a. Godeschalc, Prince of the Western Vandals; Christian; Saint)
Landulf of Yariglia (Asti; Christian; Saint)
Lanfranc (Positivist; Saint)
Ludi Piscatorii (Ancient Rome)
Meriadoc (Christian; Saint)
Meriasek (Christian; Saint)
Paul I of Constantinople (Christian; Saint)
Paul Gauguin (Artology)
Robert of Newminster (Christian; Saint)
Marie-Thérèse de Soubiran La Louvière (Christian; Blessed)
Pioneers of the Episcopal Anglican Church of Brazil (Episcopal Church (USA))
Smilin’ Ed (Muppetism)
Vestalia begins (until 15th; Old Roman festival to Vesta, goddess of the hearth, home & family)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [19 of 32]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 26 of 60)
Alexander’s Ragtime Band, recorded by Arthur Collins & Byron G. Harlan (Song; 1911)
Captain Fantastic and the Brown First Cowboy, by Elton John (Album; 1975)
City Slickers (Film; 1991)
Cloak & Dagger (TV Series; 2018)
Dark Phoenix (Film; 2019)
The Day of the Jackal, by Frederick Forsyth (Novel; 1971)
Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood (Film; 2002)
Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead (Film; 1991)
El Dorado (Film; 1967)
Face/Off (Film; 1997)
Fields of Gold, by Sting (Song; 1993)
Ghostbustrs (Film; 1984)
The Goonies (Film; 1985)
Grease (Broadway Musical; 1972)
Green Lantern: Emerald Knights (WB Animated Film; 2011)
The Hasty Hare (WB LT Cartoon; 1952)
High School Confidential (Film; 1958)
Horse’s Mouth, by Joyce Cary (Novel; 1950)
I Am Mother (Film; 2019)
The Johnny Cash Show (TV Series; 1969)
Jungle Fever (Film; 1991)
Kim Possible (Animated TV Series; 2002)
The Mummy (Film; 1999)
Perfect (Film; 1985)
Post, by Björk (Album; 1995)
The Producers (Film; 2002)
Purple, by Stone Temple Pilots (Album; 1994)
Rabbit Stew and Rabbits Too! (WB LT Cartoon; 1969)
The Rock (Film; 1996)
A Satire of the Three Estates, by David Lyndsay (Play; 1552)
The Secret Life of Pets 2 (Animated Film; 2019)
Simple Man, by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young (Song; 1970)
Squatter’s Rights (Disney Cartoon; 1946)
Vincent, recorded by Don McLean (Song; 1971)
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (Film; 2019)
Today’s Name Days
Anita, Eoban, Gottlieb, Robert (Austria
Valeri, Valeria (Bulgaria)
Antun, Radoslav, Robert (Croatia)
Iveta (Czech Republic)
Jeremias (Denmark)
Robert, Robi (Estonia)
Robert, Robin, Roope, Suvi (Finland)
Gilbert (France)
Anita, Gottlieb, Raimund, Robert (Germany)
Panagis, Sebastian, Zinais (Greece)
Róbert (Hungary)
Geremia, Landolfo, Roberto, Sabiniano (Italy)
Arnis, Gaida, Gijs (Latvia)
Lukrecija, Radvydė, Ratautas, Robertas (Lithuania)
Robert, Robin (Norway)
Antoni, Ciechomir, Jarosław, Lukrecja, Paweł, Robert, Roberta, Wiesław, Wisław (Poland)
Teodot (România)
Róbert (Slovakia)
Isaac, Roberto (Spain)
Robert, Robin (Sweden)
Theodot (Ukraine)
Keenan, Melody, Nidia, Nydia, Nylene, Whitney (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 158 of 2024; 207 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 23 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 24 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ding-Si), Day 20 (Bing-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 18 Sivan 5783
Islamic: 18 Dhu al-Qada 1444
J Cal: 8 Sol; Oneday [8 of 30]
Julian: 25 May 2023
Moon: 84%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 18 St. Paul (6th Month) [Lanfranc]
Runic Half Month: Odal (Home, Possession) [Day 13 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 79 of 90)
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 17 of 32)
0 notes
p1vscom · 4 years
The story of the Ecto-1, the Ghostbusters' car...
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The Cadillac Miller-Meteor was one of the protagonists of Ghostbusters. It's no coincidence that the director decided to dust it off for the disastrous sequel... We're obviously talking about the car that in Ghostbuster 1 and 2 helped the iconic Ghostbusters to move through the streets of haunted New York. We try to retrace the interesting story behind what has become a protagonist of the film over the years. The original Ectomobile is a 1959 Cadillac Miller-Meteor converted into an ambulance by Miller-Meteor.
Miller and Meteor were initially competing companies. Wayne Corporation, an Indiana company that produced buses, in order to diversify its production, first, in 1954, bought the Meteor Motor Car (which built limousines and ambulances) and two years later the A.J. Miller Company, which produced hearses and ambulances. Thanks to Wayne's alignment, Miller-Meteor was born in 1957.
The model that later became the Ecto-1 left the Piqua, Ohio plant in 1959 (a total of 400 units were produced). One of the peculiarities of this car were the huge rear fins, the same as the 1959 Cadillac Eldorado, and the rear wheels that were half covered by the bodywork.
The Cadillac Miller-Meteor is a huge station wagon, more than six meters long and weighing a good three tons. In order to push such a sheet of metal there was an absolute need for an "American-style" V8, with a generous 6.3 litre cubic capacity and capable of delivering 320 horsepower. Despite the generous tonnage, the Cadillac Miller-Meteor's handling was quite fluid thanks to an air suspension system.
The car was chosen mainly for the maxi-dimensions, useful to contain all the various equipment needed to chase away the ghosts. In short, it was an undoubtedly pragmatic car. In the original idea of Dan Akroyd and Harold Ramis, who, besides being protagonists of the film, contributed to the genesis of the car, the Ecto-1 should have been completely black, with purple and white strobe lights. However, the idea of the black livery was discarded from production after the cinematographer pointed out that most of the scenes would be shot at night.
The recordist Ivan Reitman then contacted the designer Stephen Dane and commissioned him to design and supervise the development of the Ecto-1 from scratch. So here comes the Ecto-01 as we know it today: white livery, logo on the sides and sirens on the roof. Dane also designed all the equipment for the Ghostbusters, including the famous proton backpack, all in record time of two weeks.
For promotional purposes, the Ecto-1 was driven by one of the protagonists of Ghostbusters (in costume) in New York shortly after the film's release in 1984, causing a series of collisions caused by drivers distracted by the passage of the bulky station. The "death" of Ecto-1 occurred on the set of Ghostbusters 2. In the film you can clearly see that in a scene shot on the Brooklyn Bridge the car emits a little reassuring grey smoke. The car was then replaced with another Miller-Meteor bought by the production, which was then converted and named Ecto-1a.
The deceased Ecto-1 was then abandoned in one of Universal Studios' warehouses. However, the many fans managed to buy the car and put it back into shape and subjected it to meticulous restoration work.
It is the details, the fetishes, that make a film immortal. The Ecto-1 had all these qualities contributing to the "collective memory" of the Ghostbusters. The production was in fact very good at not choosing a beautiful car, but a "particular" car, able to break into the hearts of fans thanks to some details like the huge fins. It is no coincidence that the 1984 Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham, which was chosen for the all-female Ghostbusters of 2016, was not at all appreciated by fans. And it's no coincidence that the clever Jason Reitman chose to return the legendary Cadillac Miller-Meteor to the scene.
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entertainmeweakly · 8 years
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Like a fine-tuned machine.  - Doanld Trump
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kristalpepsi · 3 years
It's what they call the "Ghostbusters"
Also i ws lke, “ok ply the ghostbustrs theme” in my head b instead, under pressure by queen plyd instd 😔😔
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nitwit-tum · 5 years
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Named for your Luigi amiibo
Up B
Rated L
Tall Mario
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fuzzynecromancer · 5 years
Trump hatched outta the ghostbustrers 2 slime.
Yeah that sounds about right.
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bfkissesmoved · 6 years
hehe i was tagged by @ghostbustr to spell out my url with songs !!!
redesign your logo- lemon demon
amnesia was her name- lemon demon
two time-jack stauber
catabolic seed- the scary jokes
oh ana- mother mother
dream sweet in sea major- miracle musical
empty- kevin abstract
doctor- jack stauber
hehe i tag @byelerwiki @crackclown @goonzin @buildingq @acrylicveins (if u wanna do it !!! dw if u dont)
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rydcrs · 6 years
ghostbustr -> sourbod
reblog if u like
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p1nguseal · 6 years
I was tagged by @gothicwillbyers to spell out my user using songs!!! I thought this would be really fun
Bad Behavior - The Maine
Young Volcanoes - Fall Out Boy
Love It If We Made It - The 1975
EASE - Troye Sivan
Room - Palehound
Reaper - Sia
I'm just gonna tag some random people so I'm really sorry if you've already been tagged :(((
@staanuris @ghostbustr @byelerwiki @transguyrichie @soldez @ahoybyeler
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Ho ho ho... Feliz natal @ghostbustrs! 🎅🏼🎄<br> (eu ouvi seu feliz natal aqui http://twitter.com/ghostbustrs/status/965319785885110274)
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spotifynowplay · 7 years
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♫ Fallout ♪ by @ghostbustrs https://t.co/4ToY8lRSRg https://t.co/GVhxAszl6c
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rydcrs · 6 years
dumbslasher -> ghostbustr
rb if u want 👻👻
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