Holy fuck, The Winchesters jumped to 20x the difference from average market demand in the US, according to Parrot Analytics:
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Meanwhile, not to be petty but look at Walker's demand:
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TW and Walker are doing similarly in live view and +3 and +7, so this means TW has a stunning digital demand in the CW app, far above Walker.
And this only in the US, not to mention the international demand (both shows are available in HBO Max for foreign markets):
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nottheribbons · 2 years
Holy fuck balls, you are BOTH so exhausting. Goob, it’s a fucking loup-garou, for fuck’s sake. Not a rugaru. A loup-garou. Stop acting like you KNOW. That said, it’s obvious that Will DOES know (also, Jesus Christ stop dead naming him) and both of you stop trying to dick measure in subposts, it’s fucking ANNOYING to get both y’all’s bullshit DM’d to me.
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profound-boning · 6 years
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GhostofBobby searching for a logical reason that...doesn’t exist
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paulmccartneygrindr · 3 years
dafuq is 'occ*msh*pper'?
its better not to know i think...
but if you must know occamshipper/ghostofbobby is this unhinged destielie who spent years writing nutso metas about THIS TIME destiels gonna be canon. and even though she was wrong every time she still had people falling for it hook line and sinker every time.
now she’s trying to get walker cancelled because she’s a salty bitch.
also...she thinks eric kripke plagiarizer her life with the yellow-eyed demon/early s1-2 storyline sooo............
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ilovesamanddean · 5 years
Jared and Jensen are the Supernatural Brand
I see auntie Dott (@dottweets), GOOB (@ghostofbobby) and their destiel & wayward loving company are taking a new path, after their old one (The show is stale, no one wants to see the brothers anymore, people want the wayward crap) failed miserably with the CW president declaring openly that the show IS SAM & DEAN.
Their new path is that now the loooove the brothers and their bond. They love the brothers they say. And because they love the brothers they want them healthy and happy. They don’t want them to be codependent. They don’t want them to keep sacrificing themselves for each other. They want Sam to get married with a girl, to get a dog and move to the suburbs in a pretty house with a white picket fence. And of course they want Dean to elope with Cass so they can live their imaginary non existent love. And what a wonderful life would that be. The brothers could even exchange visits every Sunday. What a lovely Disney set up. But i’m sorry sweeties this ain’t it. This is Supernatural not the Brady bunch. 
They keep thanking Dabb & Berens for the new found “Character development” that allows the brothers “to grow away from the toxic codependency & explore their new found family”
What auntie Dotty & co conveniently forget is J2. They forget that Jensen called their precious “character development” moment where Dean didn’t went after Sam to die with him, A DISSERVICE TO DEAN. And he clearly said that if there was time he would ask for a rewrite of that scene. They conveniently forget that Jensen said AGAIN that Dean is not bi. They conveniently forget that Jared said that romance is not in the picture for Sam & Dean. They conveniently forget all the times Jensen said that destiel is a NO. They conveniently forget that J2′s endgame for Sam & Dean is either live together or die together. They conveniently forget that Jensen keeps saying again and again and again that the show is on its 14th season because of the brothers. He never, not even once mentioned anyone else. They conveniently forget that Jensen keeps going back to Kripke telling them that “Supernatural begins and ends with you”. They conveniently forget that Jensen said that Supernatural is not an ensemble show.They conveniently forget that Jensen just a couple of months ago said again that the brothers would still go to the end of the earth for each other. They conveniently forget that no matter how hard they try to twist or cover their thirst to separate Sam & Dean so they can keep their destiel dream alive, they will always stumble on J2.
And they fail miserably to understand that without that unhealthy, rare and special bond between Sam & Dean Supernatural will lose its identity completely. That is the element that separated it from every other show. That is the element that kept it alive. That codependent unhealthy relationship and J2′s work
Dabb & Berens can have as many temper tantrums over their dead wayward project as they want. The facts are the same. Roth and Pedowitz will keep saying the truth. That #Supernatural lives and dies with Jensen & Jared.
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go-diane-winchester · 5 years
Supernatural is finally coming to an end.  And this destiel shipper is threatening to sue CW over an opinion.  WOW!
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Haha, imagine what type of court case that would be.  The CW will be dragged to court for what?  Pain and suffering?  Well, nobody forced the destiel idiots to watch the show so there is no grounds there.  Queerbaiting?  Yeah, imagine them presenting
Exhibit A:  Purple shirt of unmistakable bisexuality  
Exhibit B:  Larry the Bull [aka Dean's latent desire to ride a man]
Exhibit C:  Pie VS Cake [If you choose pie, you are not bi]
Imagine the look on the judge's face.  I don't think any lawyer will be stupid enough, to fight the case on their behalf.  So they might get Minerva aka Intelligent Shipper aka GhostofBobby to do the job.  I can just imagine the judge thinking ''I know she is talking English, but I don't understand what that crazy bitch is saying''.  Heehee, I would be laughing my butt if I saw that.
I have just seen Jensen's instagram, and Season 15 is confirmed to be the last season.  Sad.  But if it is, at least J2 will be rid of Misha and his poop chutes.
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Remember when I told you to watch out for the crazy? HOOBOY WAS I RIGHT
I told you about @ghostofbobby (her twitter handle) AKA intelligentshipper (on tumblr- a misnomer if I’ve ever heard one) AKA Goob, AKA Erva J. Min (a play on Minerva, goddess of wisdom. Again, gag) in this post http://theyjustdontgetitdothey.tumblr.com/post/168726847227/watch-out-for-the-crazy-yall
Since then she has continued to set herself up as some kind of a visionary  among destiel shippers, twisting canon until it breaks and then declaring that her meta is true and anyone who doesn’t see it is being willfully ignorant. Lately I’ve been leaving her alone because she’s so deeply entrenched in her own echo chamber that it’s just sad. Then someone sent me this: 
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She has a sideblog. Okay, so I was curious. I checked it out. Here are some screen shots of that blog. Ummm...
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Yes. You are reading that correctly. She has convinced herself that she summoned a yellow eyed demon that’s following her. So. That leads to 3 possible explanations: 
1) She is just plain old batshit insane. This is some of the same stuff I heard come out of the mouth of my friend right before she was hospitalized for schizophrenia. Not about Supernatural, just demons in general. 
2) Her self-aggrandizement has reached such a level that she’s actually inserted herself into the mythology of the show to better proclaim herself an oracle. 
3) She’s a troll. Someone far more intelligent than I am once posited this theory way back when Erva showed up in this fandom. Erva started out on youtube with a bunch of destiel shipping videos long before she popped up on twitter claiming to be a nonshipper who was then gradually “convinced” that destiel was about to become canon. There are apparently many people on youtube who scam and troll various fandoms for their own amusement. It’s possible that her whole persona is nothing but fiction. She could very well be a bored troll having a laugh at both the shippers she tries to convince that destiel is real and the fandom at large. Her chief objective has always been to sow division in the fandom so that fits this theory quite well. 
My best advice is to avoid her completely. There seems to be some serious mental illness at play here even if she is a troll and do you really need that level of crazy anywhere near you? I mean. A lot of destiel shippers treat her like she’s so wise and take her word as gospel and then you see this. Just wow. 
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tinkdw · 6 years
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cockles ;)
Art by @winchester-reload !
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supernaturalnardog · 6 years
Are you still keeping up with the nonsense about the Supernatural Day event on Twitter? I can't believe they're still going, is this what it's going to be like every time Misha isn't the centre of attention? And while we're at it, someone get Ghost of Bobby some help, they're disturbingly invested in this and it's starting to be rather unsettling.
The level of obsession that minions and destihellers have with the event is seriously disturbing, and it really all boils down to Misha not being honored at the event. I have nothing against Misha personally, but the event wasn’t meant to honor him because he DOESN’T LIVE IN AUSTIN and the charity that the event raised money for was the PACK fund, which was created by J2 and is a combination of their names, Padalecki and Ackles. I’m not really seeing how Misha could have or should have fit into any of this, it was never meant to be about him. The people complaining should invest all of the energy they’re using complaining about the event to organize something for Misha in Washington where he lives instead, their time would be much better spent that way. They’ll always complain every time Misha isn’t involved in something because it reinforces their insecurities about Misha not being a 3rd lead. As for GhostofBobby, I honestly worry about her sometimes. How sad, lonely, and desperate does one have to be to spew the utter nonsense she does on a daily basis? I hope she finds a friend someday.
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lol-jackles · 2 years
What in tarnations was Goob doing in the ND fandom? Is he watching the show? - Some ND stans were pitching a fit after a CW fan account tweeted the ratings showing Walker at #1 and Nancy Drew at #7. Then Nancy Drew fans started claiming that the CW was rigging the Nielsen ratings to favor Walker. Goob must have saw an opportunity to spread more Jared and Walker hate. Here's the tweet that set the ND stans off: twitter*com/CWshows/status/1488264064270848000
So Occam/Goob thinks he found easy victims to make $$$ off from the Nancy Drew fandom?  Of course he did.  He’s done this before.  Especially now that he’s losing paying followers in the SPN fandom.
Come on, be like Nancy Drew and research the creeper.  For starters, he’s on a mission to “take down CW”, you know, the network that airs your show?
Here is an excerpt about Occam from this post
Occamshipper—also known as intelligentshipper, ghostofbobby, samn0se, umpocky-cigars-and-a-lotta-nope, aaroneema, huehuecoyote, and a slew of others—is a BNF in the DeanCas Conspiracy orbit and an aspiring Thanfiction. He's made himself a central part of a few efforts to Make the CW Pay—though they preface these actions by insisting they're just cheering from the wings (that's a tactic you'll see with him a lot: being the loudest voice in the room and insisting he's not pulling any of the strings).
Occamshipper has a fascinating fandom history. For a while, he believed that he had his own YED following him. Though he borrowed the name from SPN, his demon's name wasn't actually YED; he just chose that name because, apparently, speaking its real name would invoke it. There was also an entity that attacked him during the "start of his journey," but that's a different demon with no ties to his YED.  
If this sounds odd to you, it probably won't comfort you to know he isn't the first person to do this in a fandom. Thanfiction often invoked mysticism to make himself seem larger than life, like when he claimed to be battling undead shaman wizards. That sort of break from reality is concerning, but not enough to sound the alarm for some. Occamshipper identifies as a Pagan, but the specific pulls from Supernatural canon are independent of Paganism and more in line with Thanfiction's "channeling" of fictional characters and living actors.
Since their meteoric rise in fandom, Occamshipper has amassed loyalists who share their esoteric beliefs. Despite reminding everyone that he is not a significant part of the "official" efforts to take down the CW, he dominates the conversation surrounding the movement.
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youmightbeanidiotif · 4 years
Destihellers are finally doing something for others, they’re giving the rest of us something to laugh about:
Destihellers are desperate to get the finale remade and their half ship, stiel, grown up into a full and fully canon ship and have really been bringing the hilarity.
First, they tried a petition because, surely, since they’re “80% of the fandom” the network would be convinced and inspired right? They got 1400 signatures.
Next, they tried a gofundme in order to pay the network to reshoot the finale, but make it destiel: they came up about eight million dollars short.
Now goob (because, of course, it’s goob) is putting together a “legal and PR and marketing team” (no doubt consisting of her and fishsticks and dot) to sue and campaign and blackmail and starve the network into reshooting the finale and making it all about destiel.
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Meanwhile, dot has decided we're all just jealous because... we won?
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Sure dot, because we’re the ones looping Dean’s 15.20 “I love you so much” into the 15.18 confession scene or the sound of wings and Cas saying “hello Dean” into the 15.20 heaven bridge scene. Oh wait, that’s destihellers.
And by “mimicking” she must mean mocking, which couldn’t possibly have anything to do with their decade of harassment against everyone.
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incarnateirony · 6 years
For those who just know me on tumblr,
Or reconnecting basic points for those who follow me on twitter.
I'm just making an "eternal ratings tear" thread on twitter as thoughts come up. I'll eventually comprise it, at some landmark, into its own little thesis but for now,
It's basic points as the thought occurs to me.
This includes graphs (not made by me, but third-party non-fandom rating sites), sources, details, connections to renewology including the connection of the Plus curve into network decisions (both inside and outside of Supernatural, on a site that covers more than 150 shows).
But the death of network TV's standard methodology is "bullshit."
And has nothing to do with my release about the incline of digital calls. (https://intelligentshipper.tumblr.com/post/171511773350/ratings-for-dummies)
I just... can't figure out why CW keeps renewing it. Some sort of black magic, clearly.
Or it's like I said, and the industry is completely aware of this across the board decline (discussed, linked and sourced in the last appended reblog comment here: https://intelligentshipper.tumblr.com/post/171750857075/of-mindless-labeling )
Ya'll are fine. Cas is fine. TFW as a whole is important. The show is a hit. Our lowest episode (13x15) still (barely) ticks into the hit zone. High solid/low hit. I've received concerns about that hitting us around decision time for renewal. It's fine. Chill.
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velociraptorsss · 5 years
also @frozen-delight that person who just reblogged your post talking about how they aren’t primarily a Cas fan and don’t use “codependency”/queerbaiting/problematic cause they’ve lost all meaning yada yada yada...that’s ghostofbobby on twitter, who absolutely uses all of those phrases all of the time in the same context as fandom does and who is infamous for obvious reasons so their entire reply to you is a flat out lie lmfao. just so you know, cause they like to reblog your posts and say one thing when their twitter is 100% different from what they’re posting on tumblr. their reblogs of your stuff are not good faith imo.
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go-diane-winchester · 5 years
How come Misha gets away with causing so much damage to this show?
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Thanks for the conundrum @staycejo1:
That is a good question to ask.  How does Misha get away with so much?  The reason is simple.  Misha is smart.  Compared to Jared who is merely scholarly or book smart, and Jensen who is intelligent with regards to cinema and various arts [he hit the nail on the head with wincest, year ago], Misha is shrewd.  I don't like the man, but I have to admit, he is very smart.  He is using something I learned about whilst studying Public Relations: networking.  Networking requires skill.  You need to know how to talk to people and you need to know which people to talk to.  If you network properly, you reap major benefits.  There are a few cliques that Misha might be networking with:  SPN production personnel, SPN alumni and cast members, Creation Entertainment, media personnel and selected fans. 
SPN Personnel and affiliates
I elaborated on these people in other posts.
Bob Singer:
Bob Singer has been a co-showrunner for almost all the time that SPN has been on air.  He handles production while the other co-showrunner handles the story.  And yet, this man never gives the impression that he is a showrunner.  When Sera Gamble killed off Castiel, rumor has it, that Singer fought to bring the character back. 
Eugenie Ross-Lemming and Brad Buckner
She is Bob's wife and was brought on board with her writing partner, Brad  Buckner.  Since season 7, she has enjoyed many promotions.  Now she is a co-executive producer on the show.  Nice to work for your husband, huh.  She and Brad butchered Sam's character until recently.  I think Jared told them off.  They were demonizing Sam to elevate Castiel's status.  Currently, they are not writing destiel.  They are not stupid.  They are writing enough material to keep Misha on the show. 
Robert Berens
Robert or Bobo Berens started off as a writer and moved up to co-executive producer.  He allows the leads to be abused by heller fans, that he follows online.  Remember, he is the one following problematic fans and not the other way around.  Does that even make sense?   
What personal stake do they have in keeping Misha relevant?  Well, they all take their cue from Bob, and he is a close friend of Misha's.  If Bob has a stake in Random Acts or Gish, then it might explain why he isn't willing to let Misha go.  But I don't have that information just yet. 
Misha has shares in Stands.  For awhile now, they have been pushing destiel related merch.  When they start to regret it, you will see a change.  This is because hellers are already complaining about getting duped by Misha regarding the merchandise.  We will just have to wait and see.
SPN alumni, cast members and affiliates
I spoke about these people before so I will gloss over them here.
Kim Rhodes and Brianna Buckmaster
They needed Misha for Wayward Daughters.  They have affiliation with a bunch of fans who are involved in the Travis Aaron Wade scandal. 
Osric Chau and Orlando Jones
I don't think Osric had any personal stake in elevating destiel.  He really loved SPN and the fanbase.  He was probably trolling destiel for fun like Orlando Jones does.  The minute both men realized how problematic the hellers are, they slowly backed off.  I don't think Orlando Jones has spoken about destiel in a while.  He still is a friend with Misha as is Osric.  I don't think these actors have any ill will.  So far they just seem like a couple of trolls.  Misha's networking failed with Destiel but succeeded professionally because these two men may be able to ''hook him up'' with other projects. 
Creation Entertainment
Someone once pointed out that Adam, the CEO of Creation Entertainment, is in fact, Misha's cousin.  I don't have any sources of that.  However, for awhile CE was pushing a lot of YANA and destiel related things on their con circuit.  The reason is because they have financial stakes in Misha's charities and thought that pushing destiel might make his fans shell out more money.  The cockles photo ops probably gave them the erroneously impression that Misha himself, is profitable.  Recently, however, this happened. 
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They added a caption:  Name a better duo.  We'll wait.  So was Cockles not better anymore?  Misha is not profitable, so all of a sudden, CE loves the leads.  I think they realized that when Misha's entire con fails but one of Jared's sweaty hoodies which he wore all day, fetches $8000 during an auction, that maybe they were betting on the race horse that dances rather than runs to the finish line. 
Their personal stake was money which is why they dropped Misha and destiel related endeavors like a hot potato.  Misha's networking failed here.  Well, not completely.  I heard there might be a new Misha con.  I think they want to be sure that he is a failure before letting go completely. 
Media Personnel
There are many kinds of mediums that are available to Hollywood.  Some are more important than others.  There are small trendy little pointless media outlets, usually social media outlets, like Hypable, ONTD and Geekiary.  There are bigger more credible ones, also known as mass media outlets, like E! Entertainment.  The heads pick up on news coming from the mass media.  They don't bother with small outlets, and that is where Misha does his networking.  He has people working within these outlets who are not legitimate reporters.  They are merely gossipers and shippers in disguise.  These outlets are invited to meets to disseminate information and that is where Misha connected with these viruses.  Some of these pseudo-journalists have since been demoted, reprimanded or fired for misinformation. 
What is their personal stake?  Self-importance.  Hellers and their sock accounts keep these peoples social media handles active. 
Selected fans
These are fans that are overly invested in either Castiel or destiel.  Most of them are nobodies but because of their association with Misha, they are recognizable figures.  These are meta writers and influencers within the fandom.  Their names are: 
Lua James, with a twitter handle, poptivist.  Real name:  Theresa Cotter
Influencer who regularly attacks Jared on SM, and fled California after Travis's house was vandalized.  Close friend of Kim Rhodes.  Destiel shipper.  Claimed to be a Journalist.  Not sure about that.  Followed by Kim, Matt Cohen, Robert Berens and Briana on SM.
Monica Gleberman
Very big shot.  Lua's bosom buddy and Swagger magazine journalist or editor.  She is a minion who lied that she had sex with Jensen and Jared.  Commits fraud. 
Emily Cleghorn
Influencer.  Not sure if she is a meta writer.  Runs the SPN anti bullying twitter handle and Exorcising Emily blog on Tumblr.  J2 kicked her out of con once, because she made them uncomfortable with a tweet.  She got into a twitter fight with William Shatner over destiel. 
Reba Snodgrass 
Runs small cons like Wayward con.  Proven liar.  Has to know Misha personally in order to run the cons. 
Janelle Clay Davis
Influencer, also known as intelligentshipper on Tumblr and GhostofBobby on Twitter.  Claims to be haunted by the YED.  Pushes destiel like a religion.  Cyber stalks people.  Posted a selfie where she is posing with a gun recently. 
Sara Burnhope
Knows Misha and his parents personally.  Random acts volunteer as well as Gish participant.  Might have worked with YANA although I am not sure about that one.  Attacks people on his behalf on social media.  Cyber bully.  From the UK.  Might be an influencer.  Not sure if she writes meta. 
Melanie Adeline
Regular con-goer and influencer.  She has fans of her own.  She belittles Jared to his face.  Destiel shipper.  Knows Misha and Briana personally. 
These influencers and meta writers are important because without them and their overreaching meta, Destiel will fall flat.  Misha accidentally tagged their meta once in a tweet.  Or so he claimed.  What is their stake, other than canon destiel?  Self importance.  These randos are suddenly important people, because Misha put them in that position.  They are the ones who encourage people to vote for Misha for awards, and harass the execs for destiel.  They are the ones who attacked J2 for the Nolacon joke and influenced others to follow suit.  The above women were implicated in the Travis Aaron Wade scandal.  There may be more, but these are the worst of the worst.  As far as I know anyway.
So to answer the question, why does he get away with this problematic system that he has put in place?  Notice, that he is affiliated with small fries.  Misha, like I mentioned before, is a nobody.  People are not linking the irritation they are dealing with, to Misha.  Misha's criticism of SPN's misogyny was reported in those petty small media outlets where his hellers are working.  And it was written in a such way that he is portrayed as a good guy.  If E! spoke about it, Misha would have been in trouble because Pedowitz and gang pay attention to E! not Hypable.  That's why they don't fire him.  They don't know what he has done because he has spn people in his back pocket covering for him.   
Even J2 don't have time to look through their own panels.  They are certainly not paying attention to Misha's panels.  So obviously Jensen doesn't know about this. 
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If Jensen was aware of this, a fistfight would have broken out of the set.  Jensen would have boxed Misha's ear.  Because this is sick.  This was apparently at one of the Chicons.  I don't know which one, because I can't stomach looking at that over bloated loudmouth.  This is proof that the leads have no time to spare looking at this man's panels.  So he is confident enough to say these things knowing full well, that the lead are too busy to care about him.  He's behavior goes unchecked, and his continued presence on the show ensures that Gish and Random acts are continually funded.  He needs Castiel to keep these two machines running. 
Excuse the typos. 
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Watch out for the crazy, y’all
There’s this twitter user who’s currently calling herself @GhostofBobby and boy howdy. She’s off the deep end nuts. She’s a destiel shipper, she pretends to be a fan of Sam/Jared while also using flawed metrics to prove he’s the least popular character/actor on the show, and she routinely attacks anyone who doesn’t think EXACTLY the same way she does. She’s obsessed with her follower count and everyone else’s follower count in relation to hers and how many people engage with her tweets. I mean, I think most people use SM for fun. To meet like-minded people, to create fanworks, to enhance your experience for whatever show or movie or book etc. She’s turning it into a contest that she apparently thinks she’s somehow winning. Not sure what the prize is there. NO ONE CARES ABOUT ENGAGEMENT LEVELS OR FOLLOWER COUNTS. Jesus. 
Her main goal seems to be to run all bibros off of twitter by attacking every statement they make and refusing to stop talking (I mean, I’ve seen her do 60+ tweet threads directing hate at someone) until the target blocks and reports her. Here’s one little gem. This is what she thinks:
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She thinks there’s a Secret Shadow Council of Bibros. Not even a joke. She claims to have receipts but they’re just the same regurgitated bullshit that minions have been spewing for ages. And she thinks that she PERSONALLY is going to take control of this fandom and destroy all bibros. She doesn’t seem to realize that she’s actually a dumber, more pedantic version of people like Queen Ari and exorcisingemily who also tried to use charts and fake stats and ad hominem attacks to try and control the fandom. Didn’t work out well for them btw. 
I was going to just keep ignoring her. She turns people off with her obsessive behavior and her dogged refusal to ever talk like a normal human so why bother? But her latest thing is trying to indoctrinate newbies to the fandom into destiel. She is putting together lists of people who can direct new people only to the blogs and twitter accounts that they deem worthy (ie minions and destiel people). It feels so much like the brainwashing that cults like Scientology do to new arrivals in LA to be actors. Very creepy. Here’s one of her manifestos X. 
So just be careful out there, folks, lest you get hit on the head and end up tied to a chair until you agree to chant MISHA IS THE THIRD LEAD until you believe it.
In the meantime, I’d like to call to order this meeting of the Secret Shadow Bibro Council. I’m thinking something along the lines of the Legion Of Doom? 
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Only we all wear cloaks and we have a lot of passwords and secret handshakes and whatnot. 
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samdean69 · 6 years
via Twitter https://twitter.com/mlmarkotan
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