#ghoul Adam Milligan
adammilligans · 8 months
The difference between ghoul Adam and S5 Adam is so funny to me. Ghoul Adam was so grateful about John taking him to a baseball game and just wanted to know more about him and the next thing you know we see S5 Adam immediately started ranting to Sam and Dean about what a shit father John was.
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michaeliad · 11 months
dhmu thinking about ghoul!adam and adam as queen chrysalis and princess cadance 🤭
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saccharine-dean · 12 days
okay spn fans. reblog with your favorite transnatural headcanon to REALLY scare a CW executive
i'll go first. adam milligan you will never be cis to me
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ghostlyruinstrash · 9 months
personally, i think it'd be hilarious if the ghoul that pretended to be adam was also born on september 29th
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michaelectras · 11 months
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misc midamoodles
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ft kate junior
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shinelikethunder · 1 year
concept: attempted but failed wincest..... sam and dean know exactly how not-normal they are about each other, and they have TRIED to fuck about it. but it felt weird, and bad, and icky, every time, because of course they tried more than once. and they are SO MAD that apparently they can cheat death but not the westermark effect.
(ugh, this means both of their sex lives are something they'll just have to keep going to third parties for? but it gives them anxiety to know there's literally any part of each other's existence they can't share... SO unfair of the universe to do this to them)
....sequel: 4x19 Jump the Shark hits, and now BOTH of their search histories include "genetic sexual attraction" followed not long after by "can i get an sti from sleeping with a ghoul"
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michaelmilligan · 9 months
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I feel like we're forgetting someone today. <3
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sinaesthete · 2 years
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deadlydelicious · 9 months
god everytime I watch an Adam episode I am reminded of how fucking annoyed I am that they never made Adam a bigger part of the story.
like his existence is a FASCINATING story opportunity, and Jake Abel is a GOOD fucking actor
and they just....truck him out for like half a dozen episodes over a 15 year run and forget him otherwise. Art Thou Kidding Me? I can remember watching this first time around HARDCORE expecting him to be wrapped into the story and they just....dropped him?!?
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xviruserrorx · 1 year
I love the idea of Emma coming back and Adam being her favorite person
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sniff-sniff-sniff · 10 months
im rewatching the episode adam first shows up in and i literally wanna cry. he just seems so worried abt his mom and hes just so cute and sweet i literally just love him.
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abbatoirablaze · 3 months
Angels & Demons Chapter 8
Word Count:  1.7k
Warnings:  mentions of death, angst. 
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“WE CAN’T TAKE HER WITH US!” Dean argued, “she’s just a kid, Sammy!  Last week she was at a camp, singing kumbaya.”
“Yeah, and now this week she’s finding out that her mother is dead and that the thing that killed her is what we go after!” Sam argued back, “Dad put her and her brother in danger by never telling them about what exists, Dean.  WE have to protect them!”
“She’s a kid!”
“Yeah, she is.  She’s our kid sister,” he hissed in response as he hit his brother’s shoulder, “just like Adam is our brother.  We have to protect them.  Dad wanted them to be protected.  That’s why he ripped pages out of his journal when he came here.  He knew that his end was coming and he wanted to make sure that if the journal got into the wrong hands, people wouldn’t come for them!”
“Which is why we have to protect her and Adam!”
“Caitlyn is seventeen!” Dean reminded his younger brother, “she’s too young!”
“We were younger when we got pulled along on our first hunts,” Sam replied, “we were kids too!”
“SHE’S NOT TRAINED.  ADAM’S NOT TRAINED!” Dean yelled, “do you realize how nuts you sound right now, Sammy?  You sound like dad!  How is it, that in this scenario, you’re the one that sounds like him?  He wanted to keep them away from this life, Sammy!”
“I can take it,” you said slowly, looking between the two men you barely knew, “I-whatever you’re doing.  I can do it too!  If it means that me and Adam are safe, I-”
“You can’t,” Dean warned as he looked at the younger woman, “I’m not going to take that risk with you!”
“You don’t know me!” you argued, “you don’t know what I can do.  At least Sam is giving me and Adam the benefit of the doubt.”
“He can’t babysit the both of you!”
“Then have me go with you!” you urged, “let me go with you and Adam stay with Sam.  That way we can both learn from you and you-“
“I’m not going to put you in harm’s way, Caitlyn.”
“Well, I’m not asking,” you spat, “so either take me with you, or I go anyways and you fight me and whatever else we’re dealing with.”
“God damn it, kid!”
“Alright, be careful…”
“we’re literally crawling through a tunnel tens of feet underground after finding a passageway in a crypt, Dean…I don’t know how much more careful I could be.”
“Is it bad if I make a Tomb Raider reference?” you teased, “or ask if this makes me Laura Croft now?”
“Laura Croft didn’t hunt ghosts, kid!”
“Woulda been cooler if she did!”  
He chuckled from behind you as the two of you crawled, “you sure are dad’s kid.  I’ll give you that.”
“I never got along with him,” you admitted softly, “he uh-he always was a bit ‘off’ with me…I don’t think he ever wanted a girl!”
“If it makes you feel any better, I don’t know if he ever wanted any of us at first…least, not how it felt when I was growing up.”
“I’m sorry…”
“Can’t help who are parents are!” He shrugged, “hey…how much further do you think we got?  I’m starting to get a cramp in my ass cheek from all this tight space army crawling.”
You giggled, “I can see the other end…I think we’re wherever this was meant to go.”
“Remember what I said…”
“About your ass cheek?” you laughed, “trust me, that image is forever seared into my memory.  Old man butt.”
“I’m not old!” he growled.”
“Whatever you say, old man!”
“Enough with the jokes, Caitlyn…this is serious.”
“I know.  I know.  Stay low,” you offered while you left his line of vision, “holy shit.  Dean…this place...”
“What?” he asked, hurrying up so that he could see what you were seeing.  He saw your flashlight turn on, and you gasped as he came in through the hole, “oh shit.”
“Home sweet home,” he chuckled, looking around.  He stepped on something and there was a squishing sound.  You screamed as he picked up a pair of glasses. 
“That’s Joe Barton!”
“Hey, hey…calm down!”
“Dean-I-I can’t do this!” you whimpered, looking at the mutilated corpse.  Your stomach felt like it was turning, and you looked away, balancing your weight on one of the coffins, “thi-this is too much…”
“What’s that noise?”
His eyes went wide as he looked back towards the whole which the two of you had come from.  He noticed someone blocking the path once more with fresh bricks. 
He pulled out his gun and pulled the trigger three times; the third time hitting a soft patch of earth above him which triggered some dirt to fall into the hole and block it off.
You screamed again. 
“Oh, son of a bitch,” he growled, before looking at you, “are you okay?”
You nodded, and lowered yourself to your knees, clinging to the coffin, “Dean…I-I’m scared.”
“Don’t be, kid…I’ve done this type of thing before.”
“You’ve been trapped in a tomb before?”
He frowned and picked up his phone, looking for a signal, “son of a bitch.”
“We’ll get out of here, Caitlyn.  I promise.”
“Yeah…okay,” you muttered.  He walked over to you and helped you up.  You were shaking like a leaf, but you accepted his hands, “come on.  Let’s try the door.”
“Y-yeah…th-the door.”  He agreed, unable to stop his own nervousness, “It’ll be okay, Caitlyn.”
He let go of your hands to try the door a few times, but when that didn’t work, he shook his head.
“We-we can’t give up.  We have to get out of here, Dean.”
“I know…I know…just, maybe there’s something here that will help,” he said quickly.  He took your hand and led you back down the two steps, towards the coffins, “doesn’t look like anyone’s been here in a while…you know, aside from Sloppy Joe.”
“Th-that’s not funny, Dean…” you muttered.  He took a few more steps forward, and he lifted the lid.  You screamed when you saw your mother’s corpse. 
“Who is that?” Dean yelled.
“Oh my god…that-that’s my mom!” you confirmed, shuddering at the sight of her.  You turned into Dean, clutching his shirt as you sobbed, “th-that’s my mom.”
“We have to keep going.”
“I can’t do this Dean.  I-“
“The other one is leaking too!”
“Wh-what?” you asked.  He gestured to the other coffin, and you shook your head.
“There could be something in there that gets us out of here.” He said quickly, making his way over while you clutched his side.  Your eyes widened and you shrieked in horror as you saw your older brother. 
“That’s impossible!” you screamed, “Adam is with Sam.  He-“
“Adam’s not with Sam, Caitlyn.  That’s not your brother!” he began, walking you back over to the door, “we have to get out of here.  You’re probably the next target.  It’s a good thing that you split off from your brother.  Sam would have been too focused on trying to guarding the grate that you would have went under the radar.”  
“Wh-what do we do?” you asked. 
He shook his head, looking up. 
And then he saw it.  He pointed up, “glass.”
“We break off something…like a coffin handle,” he said quickly, reaching for the closest coffin.  Seeing that he was kicking it, you did the same, until one of the long handles came off of it.  He took his coat off and put it over your head, “don’t look up for a second, okay?”
You nodded, and listened for the glass above you to shatter, “D-Dean…what do I do after this?  Wh-what will I do?  Adam and mom were all that I had…”
“You have us now, Caitlyn,” Dean said quickly.  He positioned the handle on the frame of the glass and helped you on top of the coffin, “Climb up, okay?”
You nodded, following his instructions.  When he got up, he grabbed your arm and started leading you to the car, “Wh-where are we going?  What-“
“Whatever killed your mom and brother, chances are they’re going to get Sammy next,” he said quickly, “we have to get back to your house.”
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“Oh god….wh-what do I do?”
“Untie him!” Dean growled, fighting off the ghoulish version of your brother. 
You looked at the man on the table in horror as you fumbled with the straps, “Dean he’s bleeding out.  I-I don’t know what to do.  I-“
You finished with the straps but couldn’t get the ropes undone, “I’m coming, Caitlyn.  Get the napkins.  Be ready to wrap his wrists when I cut him out.”
You nodded, rushing to the hutch to grab the linen napkins.  By the time you’d turned around, Dean was helping Sam up.  You were quick to wrap them around his wrists, applying pressure.  He groaned, but looked at Dean, “she’s the only one left…th-they never got to her.”
You looked between your two older brothers, brothers that you hadn’t known existed two days ago. 
“W-what now?” you asked. 
You watched as Dean and Sam lit the pyre.  You felt the tears welling up in your eyes and stream down your cheeks. 
Everything the two older men talked about seemed like white noise as you watched the flames lick at your brother and mothers body. 
Dean looked at you from beside his brother, “you okay kid?”
Your eyes met his, and you knew that deep down you weren’t. 
You were alone in the world.  You had lost your mother.  Your brother.  And you barely knew your father. 
“I want to go with you guys…”
Sam’s brow lifted as he looked at you, “What?”
“I-I can’t stay here,” you shrugged, “Adam’s gone…mom’s gone.  People will figure out that something happened, and they’ll look at me…”
“And you won’t know how to explain it?”
You nodded at Sam’s question, “yeah…I-I can’t stay here.  I can clean out my mom’s and brother’s accounts if you guys think I’ll be a burden…transfer everything to my name and just disappear...but those things…if they have friends.”
“You’re safer with us!” Dean admitted, “but we’ll talk about that in the morning, okay?”
Chapter 9
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nalivaa · 2 years
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advantages of having a boyfriend powerful enough to destroy half of the planet if he gets into a fight: you can get as shitfaced as you want and he'll just carry you home no problem <3
the lovely @ckneal let me draw their delightful post and i took full advantage of it :]
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spookyblazecoffee · 11 months
Re-watching Supernatural. I'm on Jump the Shark, and OH MY GOD!!! AHHH!!!! My poor baby! He was going to be a DOCTOR!!! I'm emotional!
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adammilligan · 2 years
it is ALWAYS gonna be funny to me how the ghoul tried sooooo hard to make adam out to be daddy's specialest princess for the sole purpose of manipulating sam and dean but the second adam was revived he was like yeah the only reason i didn't chase john off our property with a sawed off shotgun every time he had the audacity to show up was because mom said it would be rude to do that to a guest. :/
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