#ghoulette speaks
theghoulettes · 5 months
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background dethklok......save me background dethklok..
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atmosghoul · 4 months
I just think Swiss LOVES tits. Any size any gender. First time Swiss met Ifrit, the fire ghoul was in the gym working out with one of those sleeveless muscle tees that let the titties peek out and poor new summon Swiss was all but DROOLING. Ifrit teased him abt it when he finally got the new multi in his bed.
Cumulus? Forget about it Swiss was a GONER. Loves to bury his face in her cushy tits and suck on them and call her Mommy. All while also pawing at her matching cushy tummy.
Dew? Perfect little tits. Swiss LOVES how big his hands look when he grabs Dews tiny tits.
Oh and AETHER??? ALSO with the tit and tummy combo?? Satan help him he just gets LOST in those moments.
One time cumulus and aether tag teamed him together and Swiss was boneless and dumb for a week after.
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kabukiaku · 2 months
Your alpha looming all the time is funny to me
I love alpha
I'd give him rocks
I had to doodle this
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since you weren't an anon, I drew your icon if that's okay!
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cupid-ghoul · 3 months
ghost movie this, ghost movie that
I need to see dewdrop in 4k for 2 hours on the big screen
give me my little man
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p1nkcanoe · 4 months
this might be one of the swissrora pics of all time
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from twitter
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papaemeritusthefifth · 3 months
Imagine if once a year the ministry allows some of the ghouls' family to spend a few days. After someone pleaded with Secondo during his era, he decided that it would be a great team building exercise and can improve morale. They had families in the Pit, after all. So now they have a few days each year where the families are invited to stay. In light of this, here's a few family dynamics!
Swiss: Has a great relationship with his family. He's one of the oldest in his extended family, so he is immediately swarmed by a few kits. He's great with the kids and is happy to help. He's closest with his brother, who is only a couple years older than him.
Phantom/Aeon: Is an only child, and it shows. Such a mama's boy. There's a moment during the first year with the new summons where their families show up and suddenly the older quintessence ghouls take a knee. A regal woman is standing in the smoldering summoning circle and Omega greets her with a solemn "Your Highness, we were not expecting you." This tall being regards everyone with a cold stare. They hear an absolutely ear piercing "MAMA!! :D" as Phantom rushes to hug her. And that is how everyone finds out that our favorite bat is related to a Prince of Hell. Despite this...shocking revelation, Phantom is on his best behavior for the next few days. It's clear he knows all the proper etiquette and is making a show of teaching everyone. Somehow, this ghoul who cannot figure out what kind of animal the Pink Panther is has a deep and extensive knowledge of court attire and manners. Dew is flabbergasted the entire time.
Mountain: Parents aren't in the picture anymore, so he grew up with his aunt, uncle, and two cousins. They were always disdainful towards our boy and treated him as such. Any gifts he received - if any - were only bribes to get him to do their bidding. When Mount was first summoned, he was quite reserved. Kept to himself and never accepted invitations for pack bonding. He warmed up to everyone over time, but no one wil forget those first few months. He is one of the few who doesn't have family visit.
Rain: Isn't close with his family. They haven't done anything wrong, but they just aren't as close as some others. His family visits but moreso out of responsibility. This is a family that is entirely neutral towards each other. Of course they love each other and keep in touch, but their letters are months apart and moreso to keep everyone up to date on large events. If you look closely, you can see Rain eyeing Swiss with his family with a glimmer of envy.
Cirrus: Has a small family, just her fathers and a younger sibling. They are the closest team you will ever see. Constant messages sent back and forth. When they visit, they immediately jump into the middle of a conversation as if that's how it always was. She gets majorly mischevious in the way that only siblings can bring out. You can visibly see her relax when they visit, and you realize how much being away from them takes it out of her.
That's it so far, but believe I'll be thinking up more soon!
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st-danger · 8 months
pls pls pls give us a little taste of how aeon’s heat goes and how the other ghouls handle it (from ur free use ask) i’m begging
Oh how good of you to ask as I just spent time texting @miasmaghoul about what it could look like not a few hours ago.
It starts in the most embarrassing, borderline juvenile way possible, and for a very long time after, Aeon feels shame and arousal in equal measure when he revisits the memory. The shame he could probably do without, but the others seem to enjoy that slice, and their continued reaction to it ensures it'll always get him going again, even if it makes him cringe.
Nastiness under the cut.
Edit: Free use ficlet here.
To put it frankly, Aeon loses his mind. It's overwhelming in a way he has nothing to compare to, and because of that, it's almost intolerable.
They're all curled up on the couches in the common room, watching some movie Mountain chose. He can barely pay attention, and to be perfectly honest, stopped following it roughly twenty four minutes past the title screen. He feels weird in a way he can't quite quantify, and curls himself into the blanket a little further. Squirmy.
"You good?" Aether murmurs and Aeon startles, oddly enough.
"Mhm," he replies, and Aether nods his assent and turns back to the screen.
And then he feels it. Out of nowhere, apropos of nothing he feels hot from his toes to the points of his ears and the tingling that settles into his belly and creeps lower, lower, makes his stomach clench. Everyone's been, well, accommodating doesn't seem to fully define it, but usually it's kicked off by something. A dream. Dew looking at him like he means to consume him. Aurora having a little fun, unable to stop from teasing him, standing near and brushing her tits against part of him, braless, mock accidental. This is out of the blue.
This is the part he's not proud of, and cannot for the life of him, when he looks back, understand why he didn't excuse himself. He thinks he can get away with it. Not that he needs to hide, clearly not- but he feels funny about it now, nervous, and he doesn't know why:
Under the blanket, he lets his hand wander. As still as possible, slow to not rouse suspicion, he shifts again, makes it seem like hes just repositioning himself under the blanket. Innocent. But now he reaches for himself and slow and careful as he's able to avoid giving anything away, plays with himself. Pets at his shaft through his pyjama pants in long runs of his fingers, and feels his face heat. Grateful for the fact the lights are off. So, so grateful. His cock is sticking straight up before he knows it, pressing against his pants and he begins focusing on the head.
Tickling it. Giving all the attention to the tip, the underside, and while pretending to watch the movie, toys with it incessantly even as his eyes go blurry, too out of focus to catch much of what's happening on screen.
He misses the sidelong, careful glances from the others. Of course he does. He's throbbing and twitching and he has to figure out a way to pull it out so he can touch it for real. He barely registers Mountain standing up, until the lights are flipped back on. Beside him, Dew leans in and rests his chin on his shoulder, smiling. Too close for comfort and Aeon freezes.
"What are you doing down there?" Dew asks, silky and deeply amused. Aeon blanches and jerks away, hands freezing, but the giggling that echoes from Cumulus and Aurora, the knowing chuckle from Aether lets him know he's screwed. He opens his mouth to say something, flounder for some excuse, but Aether's reaching to pull the blanket away and Dew howls.
"No fuckin' way," he laughs, and Aeon feels another wave of pleasure roll off him, even as his head swivels and he stares at everyone looking back at him, looking at his lap, looking at the way he-
"Can't help yourself, huh?" Dew says, leaning in again to rest his chin on Aeon's shoulder once more, laying a hand on his knee that feels like heated steel. "Look at you go. Can't stop rubbing that red dick raw, huh?"
"I can't- help it," Aeon squeaks, looking to the others for some kind of validation, apologetic. "I don't know what's wrong, it just-"
"Came out of nowhere?" Mountain offers and Aeon nods. They all share a knowing look that makes Aeon feel he's missed something important. That they are aware of something Aeon is not. It makes him feel uncomfortable. Nervous. Incredibly nervous.
"You're in for a helluva night," Dew says, into his ear. He can feel his breath against his neck, and has no idea what he means, but suddenly the urge- the need, the absolute need, struck with a certainty that if he doesn't get a hand on himself right this second he'll discorporate- is too great and he cringes and shoves his hands down his pants to pull it out, with everyone watching.
"Fuck, I'm sorry," Aeon stumbles, like he hasn't been using them to get off whenever possible for weeks now. Like it's something they haven't seen. Well, not like this. Not everybody all at once, staring at him hungry and appraising while he loses his goddamned mind. He wraps both hands around himself and starts to jerk himself in quick, short pulls, frantic and stupid and fast. Singleminded intensity to cum. He hears a groan from one of them, and another round of giggling and cringes again, full bodied as he leaks a shining pearl of pre from his tip.
"Oh, don't be," Dew purrs and Aeon screws his eyes shut and pants and jerks and jerks-
He's there before he realizes what's happening, and now, unlike what's been happening earlier, he feels the base of his cock, the one he's been rubbing red sore any chance he gets, on anything he can, begin to swell and apparently everyone notices it too, because there's a chorus of sounds, approving and nasty from his audience.
"He's gonna pop it," he thinks he hears Swiss say.
He doesn't understand but it makes everyone laugh again and suddenly his orgasm is upon him and he knows on instinct he has to squeeze himself there, hard, now-
He uses both hands to wrap around and milk the bulge, hips thrusting forward, and watches, mortified and keening, as it tries to bounce out of his grip and spit out rope after thick rope, and he cannot let go of the fat bulge, has to pulse it rhythmically, just knows he has to-
"Unholy shit," Dew cackles, "he actually, oh. Oh unholy shit look at that-"
He finishes cumming, eyes watering while he looks around at the others, still unable and unwilling to loosen his hands- he just knows if he does it'll be unbearable. Doesn't know how he knows, but he knows. He takes in the delighted, hungry looks from the others and the nerves come crashing back, accompanied by deep embarrassment and excitement.
"Welcome to the club, sweetheart," Swiss grins, standing up. Aeon's stomach lurches when he sees the outline of his cock pressed against his pants.
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nihildenial · 3 months
mist is definitely that short butch lesbian dressed in army cargo pants and a tank top you see at the grocery store and immediately fall in love with
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pro-memoriia · 2 months
I was just talking about how I wish this didn't get spread to other platforms but I gotta rant.
Sorry this may sound contradictory to my other post.
People complain about her singing loud or high. That's her job! She is NOT a lower vocalist. She is there to sing higher parts. As are ALL the ghoulettes. She is THERE to sing LOUD. If she wasn't loud, there would be no fucking point.
And like I said in a comment on a different post, STAGE PRESENCE. Impera brought us so much insane stage presence from the ghouls and stuff. They're up there to be seen, to be heard, to HELP THE BAND. They all dance and shit. They all move around. They all pull dumb bullshit. And you guys are angry over this girl doing the splits or dancing with Swiss?? IT IS HER JOB!!!!!!!!!!
SECOND, if something IS wrong, it's not her fault!! Ghost had a ton of tech issues this tour. If her mic was set too loud, that's not her fault!! Because TECH ISN'T HER JOB. If she accidentally sings a wrong pitch or note or something, SHE PROBABLY DIDN'T MEAN TO. Judging by the unmasked member's posts and videos, she's used to smaller stages and performing areas. Ghost is HUGE so their concerts are huge. Maybe she wasn't used to that. Maybe it was nerves or just because she wasn't used to the set up or anything. Either way, NOT. HER. FUCKING. FAULT.
People are saying it's straight misogyny, which I believe mostly. But if that's true, why the fuck appreciate and adore Cumulus for her voice and then shame Aurora for hers?
This may sound dumb but I think a small portion of it might be THOSE fangirls of Swiss (and the unmasked member who plays Swiss).
They are their own people! With their own lives! Doing their jobs! And sometimes, they make mistakes!!!
So if you hate her for her vocals or stage presence, FUCKING THINK FOR A DAMN SECOND.
And you hate her because of Swiss or Swiss unmasked, you're gross. And weird. Get a grip. That man isn't real. That man isn't yours.
And if you hate her because she's a girl, you're a sexist prick and you're not meant to be a Ghost fan. Because I know DAMN WELL Tobias F. is far from misogynistic.
This really shouldn't have spawned in the first place. From TikTok, from Twitter, Tumblr, Insta, anything. It shouldn't have happened.
If you hate her that bad, keep it to yourself. Because I promise you, the ghesties who do appreciate ALL the ghouls and ALL the ghoulettes do NOT wanna hear you bitch and moan about a girl singing and dancing.
Anyways, sorry if I seem aggressive or repetitive. I know I'm not normally this mean. But like. This is annoying as hell and I'm sick of seeing it everywhere.
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theghoulettes · 7 months
happy valentines to everyonne but. ESPECIALLY happy valentines day to denise bryson.
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atmosghoul · 12 days
Cumulus: anyone want a snack from 9/11?
Dew: you mean 7/11?
Swiss: oh my god they hit the second slurpee
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vampirecatprince · 1 year
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What a time for me to finalize my current headcanon line up for the Ghouls (and a few Papas), huh?
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cupid-ghoul · 19 days
she con on my clavi til I con dio
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asknamelessghoulshiek · 2 months
Give each of your pack mates a theme song
this goes based off vibes I guess-!?
Mountain: Heart to Heart by Mac DeMarco
Swiss: Government Hooker by Lady Gaga
Sodo: Ausländer by Rammstein
Aether (when He was still on band crew): Beautiful is Boring by BONES UK
Rain: Oleander by Mother Mother
Phantom: Maybe by Half•Alive
Cumulus & Cirrus 2for1: Bloom by j^p^n
Aurora: Pretty Girl by Clairo
Uhhm… I’m not sure about me, honestly. But that’s the songs I think about when I think of my Pack!! Maybe I’ll do one from when I was in Terzo’s pack?
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p1nkcanoe · 4 months
bringing back the old “mountain cums fast” and combining it with “cirrus rarely cums” for a yummy night of pleasure and pain
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