#giant emperor moth
moths-daily · 8 months
Moth Of The Day #203
Giant Peacock Moth / Great Peacock Moth / Giant Emperor Moth / Viennese Emperor
Saturnia pyri
From the saturniidae family. They have a wingspan of 15-20 cm. They can be found throughout Europe and North Africa.
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Crusade Week 6
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---//Origin: Planetary Governer Guyus Luther Goruros Bahara VII//---
The defenses stand for yet another day. The Heralds of the Chalice have once again pushed back the Kisun'sha'ea sept, and the honorable lady Cassian has led the venerable Imperial Knights to victory against the forces of the ruinous powers.
As of yet no skirmishes have been happening between our enemies, which worries me as I'm beginning to suspect collusion between them may be at play.
Additionally I'm afraid I have to report that two massive neverborn have been reported by our Knight defenders. They mentioned them being massive things, one bloated and grotesque, the other born aloft on giant moth wings with a massive scythe. May the Emperor preserve us.
This is grave news for our people, my friend, I pray your upcoming audience with the High Lords goes favorably, for if not, I'm afraid we aren't far from being doomed.
---//Astropathic-Transmission End//---
I did not manage to get photos of the other two matches played, due to our necromunda campaign. However, the Guard player with the Perlian themed guard killed it this week, and the Imperial knights managed to rack up the 2nd loss for one of the better ranked 40k players in the area.
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I've seen that it's okay to throw weird ideas in here.
Imagine some of Baki's characters as insect-like creatures (spiders or mantises? Basically insects with females eating males) Male insects bring food to the female as an offering and a chance not to be eaten. I find it funny that Baki's insect-like characters, wanting to mate with the human reader, not knowing how human mating occurs, but they are afraid, and bring her lots of food. So that she gets full and they can fuck in peace.
Or another point to this, if the food offering wasn't there and they just fucked? Insect! character wakes up, in the arms of the reader, and frightened, waiting to be eaten. The character is greatly relieved and happy when he learns from the reader that he will not be eaten before or after sex
I love ‘weird’ ideas. Adore them. Live for them. ❤️🩷
But if they found out they could mate with human reader without the repercussions? Poor little human reader would never be left alone 😭
Also! Here’s what I think the Baki boys would be as Bugs:
Katou: Cockroach (duh)
Hanayama: Rose hair tarantula
Katsumi: Golden ringed dragonfly
Jack: Emperor scorpion
Baki: Jumping spider
Retsu: Orchid mantis
Sukune: Goliath bird eater tarantula
Suedou: Easter lubber grasshopper
Kureha: Rosy Maple moth
Kosho: Death’s head hawkmoth
Oliva: Stag beetle
Yujiro: Hercules beetle
Shibukawa: Bullet Ant
Kozue: Great purple emperor butterfly
Doppo: Japanese giant hornet
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quietbluejay · 2 months
Plague War 2
yesss Sisters of Silence
man i wish there were books about the sisters
Swift footsteps came from behind. Felix moved aside at the moment Asheera Voi flashed past and leapt. Her armour powered her across the gap. As she flew, she reversed the grip on her sword so the point was held facing down and forward. The silica glass edge whispered through the heart, bringing forth a torrent of blood. Asheera pulled the sword down, opening up the side of the organ from top to bottom as she slid down its black flesh. It spasmed, and a horrible wailing set up from an indeterminate place. The cataract of foul-smelling vitae flooding from the wound filled the reactor chamber as if it were a bowl. She disappeared into it.
Voi is fun
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for some reason this just made me think of this
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sometimes i want to kiss the prose of this novel
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i love when a writer is good at breathing life into the small people Haley isn't Ruckley, but he's still decent.
oh we're back to mothman nurgle stretched him so he's 30 feet tall
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i have no clue where this is going and that hasn't happened in a while
also just as a side note i'm really glad that the warhammer writing i've been reading so far has NOT been "mil sf BUT EDGY" like there's milsf elements but they're not super…mil-sf-y if you get what i mean probably because on the hard-soft scifi scale, wh40k is softer than star wars
i don't think this bit is bad writing i just don't really tend to care about the full description of a military action or the nitty gritty of this kind of thing so reading this whole section is pulling teeth a bit
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The mental image of thirty foot long moth man swooping like a swallow, just nyooming over the battlefield
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I am not gonna lie a large part of what’s appealing about wh40k as a setting to me is the sci-fi/fantasy melange It’s basically dark fantasy with a sci-fi coat
giant demon acid dog...it just wants to play alas
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so much evil came from one man with too much power trying to save people by sacrificing the few for the many and we keep seeing that played out through this book! with the girl who may or may not be a saint, and the sisters of battle
notes from future bluejay: I thought maybe was I reading too much anti-consequentialism into this book because that's my own personal bias but going back through my notes and the screenshots I took, nah, it's right there in the text
and now for a mood shift...
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and thus Mortarion makes his dramatic entrance and finally we have the confrontation
i wonder how much does Mortarion actually believe of what he's saying. Well, the stuff about the Emperor, for sure, but the stuff about spreading nurgle being a positive thing…i'm not sure he actually managed to get himself to believe that it's definitely never been a primary motivation from what we've seen haha
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kids, kids, is this really the time to play suffering olympics but also owo they're both hitting at each other's weak points
mortarion: muahaha i will tell you all about our father's plans once you are my prisoner mortarion: but first time to cut off your legs- mortarion: MASAKA! it's the girl who is being possessed by the Emperor with the steel chair!
Guilliman gets freed Guilliman: okay fight me Mortarion: looks like team rocket's blasting off again!!!…
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except...he is, kind of, starting to ohhhh boy Guilliman is mad Mathieu: i didn't think he could get angry like this, i thought only the bad primarchs did that
guilliman really has a complicated relationship with the concept of father, huh and now it's time for him to sit alone in the dark and the book ends on guilliman reading lorgar's book
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archive-of-artprompts · 9 months
🐝Send in a number + Character and I'll draw them in an outfit or as a creature based on that insect🦋
Allotopus Beetle
Apollo Butterfly
Assassin Bug
Atlas Moth
Bald-Faced Hornet
Banded Darter
Banded Demoiselle
Beautiful Demoiselle
Bhutan Glory Swallowtail
Black Swallowtail Butterfly
Bullet Ant
Butterfly Dragonfly
Cabbage Butterfly
Cattlehearts Swallowtail
Common Batwing
Common Bluebottle Butterfly
Common Brimstone
Common Rose Swallowtail
Conehead Mantis
Cream-Spot Tiger Moth
Cuckoo Wasp
Death's-Head Hawkmoth
Devil's Flower Mantis
Differential Grasshopper
Drain Fly
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
Eighteen-Spotted Ladybird
Elephant Hawkmoth
Elephant Mosquito
Emerald Bee
Emperor Dragonfly
European Hornet
European Mantis
Eyed Ladybug
Fire Ant
Five-Spotted Hawkmoth
Fork-Horned Stag Beetle
Fourteen-Spotted Ladybird
Ghost Mantis
Giant Leopard Moth
Giant Long-Legged Katydid
Giant Malaysian Leaf Insect
Glasswing Butterfly
Goliath Beetle
Golden-Ringed Dragonfly
Great Black Wasp
Green Grasshopper
Green June Beetle
Green Snaketail
Green Stag Beetle
Halyzia Sedecimguttata (aka orange ladybird)
Hercules Beetle
Honey Bee
Hummingbird Clearwing
Hummingbird Hawkmoth
Impatiens Hawkmoth
Jerusalem Cricket
Jewel Beetle
Lime Hawkmoth
Long-Legged Fly
Luna Moth
Monarch Butterfly
Mosaic Darner
Mud Dauber
Oleander Hawkmoth
Orchid Mantis
Painted Lady Butterfly
Paper Wasp
Peacock Butterfly
Pharaoh Ant
Picasso Bug
Pipevine Swallowtail
Poplar Hawkmoth
Queen Alexandra's Birdwing
Question Mark Butterfly
Red Admiral
Rosy Maple Moth
Ruddy Darter
Scorpion Fly
Small Tortoiseshell
Southern Hawker
Southern Flannel Moth
Spicebush Swallowtail
Spiny Leaf Insect
Sunset Moth
Tailed Jay Butterfly
Tarantula Hawk
Thorn Bug
Tiger Mosquito
Twentytwo-Spot Ladybird
Ulysses Butterfly
White-Lined Sphinx
White Witch Moth
Yellow Jacket
Zebra Swallowtail
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onenicebugperday · 2 years
@mothygoth​ submitted: hi!! can you identify this spider and possibly this moth pin my friend got me? the spider is on whidbey island, washington and this probably doesn’t matter but my friend got the pin from spain. sorry i don’t have better pictures of the spider! thank you so much!!
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What a lovely man! He’s a male giant house spider. The butterfly, I’m not sure! The patterns/colors remind me a bit of some of the emperor butterflies, but I don’t recognize it for any exact species.
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atlasanswers · 10 months
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Just wanted to add a few things here and said 1. I’ll try and post every Tuesday ,Wednesday and Thursday at 12’00, the schedule may change when I start school, 2. (Putting this fact here bc it’s pop culture) the emperor moth is the moth Mothra is {well she a giant moth[there’s a lot of giant moths]}(have not seen the Movies, I just know this fact bc is about moths)and bonus 3. Mine(not atlas, me the human drawing the moth obsessed pony) my favorite moth is the rosy maple moth
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2-b-frank · 6 months
Psst ribbon try this on your boss it worked with emperor *gives ribbon a laser pointer*
Ribbon was in the middle of speaking to his boss when he sees something appear inside the basket of his.
He was standing before the 13 ft tall caterpillar-moth hybrid sitting on his throne, that dumb big grin plastered on his face.
Ribbon spoke, continuing, “Oh, and one more thing…” He pulled out the laser pointer, shining it on the floor, in front of the throne.
Everything appeared slightly intrigued. He spoke nonchalantly, "Oh..?"
He went quiet, still staring at the dot.
His pupils dialate. His antennae were pinned back and he jumps off the throne. Landing on all eights. Sliding on and taking the red carpet with, towards Ribbon. His tremendous body getting bigger and bigger in view.
Ribbon screams and runs, dodging the giant. Unfortunately, the same couldn't be said for a couple of innocents and standing guards as the rest of the insectoid onlookers watch in horror.
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bugs-are-nifty · 11 months
I have found the list of our current members. To my knowledge it is still accurate. Now I must rest, my aching bones need to sleep
Sincerely, Granny Long Legs
Bug species -- Name ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Atlas Moth -- Mark Mosura
Bumble Bee -- "Bee King"
Daddy Long Legs -- "Granny Long Legs"
Praying Mantis -- "Manti"
Orchid Mantis -- Ochi "Oreo" M.
Tarantula -- Talyn Y.
Scorpion -- Scarlet S.
Scorpion -- Samara S.
Katydid -- Katherine M.
Fly -- Figaro F.
Water Strider -- Walter S.
Saharan Silver Ant -- Sarai A.
Lightning Bug -- Lawrence Q.
Giant Leaf Insect -- Fern P.
Wavy Maplet Butterfly -- Wilma M.
Centipede -- Hailey Z.
Wasp -- Carla Y.
Cicada -- Ida C.
Stag Beetle -- Stella B.
Darner Dragonfly -- Pia R.
Ladybug -- Lydia B.
Chinese Moon Moth -- David J.
False Tiger Moth -- Quizel J.
Silk Moth -- Steve M.
Waved Sphinx Moth -- Kalliope W.
Rosy Maple Moth -- Flint L.
Monarch Butterfly -- Prince K.
Ghostly Silkmoth -- Nico H.
Luna Moth -- Sun O.
Mexican Bluewing -- A. Alfaro
White Witch Moth -- M. Reid
Death's Head Hawkmoth -- Cedrick E.
Spanish Moon Moth -- Santiago R.
The Southern Festoon -- Shirley J.
Plume Moth -- Marvin D.
Diving Beetle -- B. Ryder
Giant Water Bug -- Erika S.
Queen Alexandra's Birdwing -- Tatiana F.
Snail -- L. Friesan
Pill Bug -- Violet R.
Wharf Roach -- Teri S.
Hermit Crab -- Harriet C.
Cricket -- Joe C.
Violin Beetle -- I. Lawson
Horned Elephant -- Gullane U.
Rosalie Batesi Beetle -- Viro P.
Saw Stag -- J. Pine
Great Purple Emperor -- A. Gennadi
Bagworm -- Rachel E.
Great Raft Spider -- Desiree V.
Orchid Mantis -- Orion M.
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freakystrashdump · 2 years
🔮The Oracle Bakery🔮
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Emperor Belos|Phillip Wittebane/OC
Slow burn, enemies to lovers, Belos is a content warning by himself
Read on AO3
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Chapter 3: Fortune favours the Delicious
He called for her.
Emperor Belos called specifically for her .
He sent his guards, his personal witches, to come to her bakery with an order to pack an order of scones and to escort her back to the palace as she made this special delivery. By all accounts, Selena wasn't needed to hand deliver baked goods, yet the guards stressed she was to be the one to do it. 
For that was the will of Emperor Belos.
Oh titan, this was it, wasn't it? This is how her (short) reign ends. The Titan may have spared Eda Clawthorne from the horrible fate of petrification, but even if the Titan willed it himself, she doubted it would spare Midnight from the Emperor's rage. She heard him say so himself!
He knew! He must have known!
Selena couldn't even attempt to sneak into the kitchen to make a quick reading, to make a tarot or spirit consultation, she wouldn't have minded either. She'd even have accepted those damn moths that insist on being her guides. Anything to prepare herself on what to say and what to do, to try and sway the odds of a favourable outcome, a favourable future . The guards were breathing down her neck the entire time, and when she packed a fresh batch of scones with shaking hands, they rushed her out of the bakery, one at each side so no chance of any escape was possible. Truly they were taking their job as an escort seriously.
The most she managed to do was pull out an old concealment stone she had stashed away in one of the drawers who knows when. It made quick work of hiding her messy appearance and tired gaze. Despite everything, she was not going to the Palace looking like Death themself paid her a friendly visit the night before.
So here she was. Two masked guards at her side, inside the palace, and standing in front of the throne room doors. Holding the cutely decorated delivery box in hands that shook so much she had to will them to stay still enough so as to not drop it by accident.
"And… who is this ?" A voice laced with disinterest and revulsion reached her, and only then did Selena notice the demon witch she recognized as Kikimora.
"Selena Fortuna, ma'am." The guard at her right answered.
The visible eye of the demon narrowed as she looked over her once more "Oh, the baker ." There it was again, the disgust she picked up on earlier "The Emperor has been expecting you, Fortuna . Do try not to waste his precious time." She snapped her fingers right as she finished making a tiny spell circle, the door creaking open at her command.
The guard's hand on Selena's shoulder felt much more constricting than just moments before as the throne room revealed itself in full. The hand was quick to push her in, forcing her to take a few stumbling steps. The size of the chamber was enough to cause vertigo, while the rhythmic beating of the giant heart above the throne sounded like a countdown to her demise. And right there, seated on the throne, was the man in the mask. 
Her jury, judge and executioner.
"Emperor Belos." Kikimora boomed "The Fortuna has arrived, as you have requested."
His eyes were blank, nothing but darkness behind the mask. And Selena would have preferred it that way, but alas, the fates were not on her side today, for as soon as his attention was on her, the eerie blue glow of his eyes came to life, cutting through Selena like a searing blade. She felt like she should be kneeling, or grovelling, or doing something , but she couldn't - she couldn't force her body to move. The air itself seemed electrified, her gut clenching as if every spirit, omen and premonition ability that ran through her family's blood was screaming at her all at once.
You are in terrible danger, Selena .
The Emperor's head cocked lazily to the side as he looked over the trembling witch, frozen in her tracks. 
"Ah. There you are."
She heard his voice before, but hearing it in person like this, in a setting as intimate as this, it made her skin prickle. It commandeered the room, despite how soft spoken he was. There was no need to yell nor shout for him to be heard.
"Please, do come a little bit…" he motioned with his hand, fingers extending towards her before curling back in, beckoning her towards him "...closer."
Selena couldn't suppress the loud gasp of surprise when her feet no longer touched solid ground. She had less than seconds to grip the box in her hands tightly to her chest before she was unwillingly dragged through air and across the entire throne room, her toes dangling only inches away from the ground. Across the floor, up the stairs, and coming to a stop right in front of Belos' throne. While her legs stayed frozen in the air, the abrupt stop lurched her upper body forward with momentum, her stomach churning with nausea at the sudden movement. She just barely caught herself, but was now inches away from those eyes that made her want to run for the hills of the Knee and change her name.
"S-sorry, my lord!" She squeaked and straightened herself up. Thankfully, as soon as she did, whatever spell Belos had on her was released, and the solid ground once again met her feet, giving back her body autonomy. She felt thankful that the Emperor opted not to note on how she almost crashed head first into his lap 
"I trust your trip here has been enjoyable?"
"Of course, Emperor." Selena forced a hospitable smile to her lips and fixed the glasses that almost fell off earlier. She felt her face twitch under the strain.
He hummed "That is good to hear. I do apologise for dragging you away from your work, but I really had to…sate my curiosity, you see." Emperor Belos leaned his head on the hand he prompted against the armrest of his throne "After The Golden Guard came to me, offering novelty baked goods of the human realm - Why, that truly is a novelty around here, isn't it?"
"It was no problem, really! No need to apologise, my lord!" She quickly let out "I am truly honoured to be in your presence, Emperor Belos."
The unmistakable sound of a chuckle, muffled by his mask, echoed through the throne room.
"I trust that is my order?"
Selena blinked, suddenly remembering that she, indeed, was holding a box of scones the guards instructed her to pack. It was a bit dented on the sides from how tightly she held it, but other than that it was presentable still. "Uhh, yes! Half a dozen scones, as was requested." She held it out to the Emperor with shaking hands. Emperor Belos straightened up in his seat, reaching out his arms towards her, armoured hands gripping the box. She felt the metal claws just barely brush next to her fingers, and even such minimal contact invoked thoughts of how painful the sharp metal would be if it were to pierce the skin of her hands. To drag over the exposed bones of her fingers. It was no wonder, with such thoughts running amok, that her spine grew stiff, cold sweat running down her forehead. She felt her always neatly combed fringe stick to the now moist skin of her forehead, the soft hairs tickling her brow uncomfortably.
She audibly gulped.
"Thank you." he sounded sincere. But, no amount of kindness he showed her helped ease her fraying nerves. He placed the box on the armrest to his right, before once more turning his full attention to her. "You are Isabella Fortuna's kin, aren't you?"
"Isabella Fortuna is my grandmother, yes." Selena answered courtly. While she knew the Fortuna clan was well established, somehow hearing the Emperor speak of her gran with any type of…familiarity, well, it felt unnerving.
"I know the Fortuna family well. Why, I offered your grandmother the position of head witch of the oracle coven, years ago. Has she ever told you that?" Not waiting for her answer, Belos continued "It truly was a disappointment when she declined my offer." The Emperor seemed to reminisce for a moment "What is your name, kin of Fortuna?"
"It's…Selena, Emperor." She answered, voice wavering.
Emperor Belos' eyes bore into hers, as if looking for…something. What it was, Selena couldn't say, but by the Titan, how his gaze felt invasive. She felt uneasy, throat clenched with anxiety, too afraid to break away from his gaze, not knowing if he'd find it suspicious or insulting. So she just kept that trained smile on her face, despite feeling her cheeks twitch from strain and the cold sweat run down her neck.
"Tell me, Selena… " oh thank the Titan, he finally spoke, she felt like she could breathe again "...are you afraid of me?"
And what a short lived moment of ease that was.
"Of course not!"
"I do not appreciate liars, Selena ." He cut her off, his voice turning cold and harsh, making her head spin by the sudden change. The way he said her name felt intentional, repeating it and announcing every syllable carefully, it felt purposeful somehow. "You have been trembling since you came in, fear is etched into your face and twitching beneath your skin every time you hear my voice. So I will ask you again, Selena… "
"...are you afraid of me?"
The witch felt her jaw tighten involuntarily, to the point of pain as the smile finally faltered. She cursed herself mentally, this is why she felt safest as Midnight, wearing the mask: Her face was too honest, too expressive. He had to have seen it shift as soon as he asked what he did. "I…I was…" swallowing felt like there was a ball full of tacks in her throat. Her brain felt like it was running a thousand miles per minute, thoughts going by so fast that they turned intelligible, nothing but pure noise, until finally running so fast that there was silence.
 "...I was…there." She spoke, as if on auto-pilot "I was there, my lord. At the petrification ceremony."
The Emperor let out a soft humm at this "There would be no need to fear me because of that, you know. After all…" he stood up, forcing Selena to take a step back to put some distance between them. He was considerably taller, the witch noted somewhere in the back of her mind.
"... you aren't a wild witch, Selena." His words felt like a challenge, a mockery of her, an admission of him knowing who she was-
Selena dug her heels in and stopped the doomer thoughts right there. She couldn't let it get to her. She couldn't assume the worst. But if that statement was meant to get in her mind, if it was meant to be an accusation, she knew how to answer it. Without hesitation, Selena's hand was already unbuttoning the cuff hiding her right wrist. Not saying a word, too scared her voice would betray her if she tried, she presented the Emperor with her sigil.
What she didn't expect was for him to reach out, cradling the back of her hand in his palm as he coaxed her to bring her arm up and closer to him. He brought up his other hand and using the sharp tip of his index finger, he traced a single line over her wrist.
"There you go, nothing to fear." He cooed, sounding like a doting parent who was convincing their child that no monster was hiding under the bed. "You are perfectly safe from the will of the Titan, as you are honouring his wishes - Just. As. You. Should." He tapped the tip of his finger on the sigil as he said the last four words, somehow sounding both reassuring and condescending at the same time.
And something about how he spoke made her uneasy. Like he was going to question her again, unsatisfied with her answer.
Selena shook her head fiercely, words bubbling in her throat and finally escaping "No! No, my lord, it isn't that!" She would have pulled her hand away, but she felt his grip was too tight for her to do so "I was there and I hated it! Titan forgive me, but I hated it! It isn't right, no witch should be hurt like that!" she swallowed thickly before continuing "And I ask for forgiveness to think that way, I know it's heresy, I know it, Emperor, but couldn't help but think of the Titan and by extension, of you, as cruel! As frightening! I can't understand how anyone could hurt a fellow witch that way!"
She knew she spoke too much, but couldn't help the word vomit as it came. Her breaths came out laboured and loud as she dared not look at the Emperor, instead just focusing on the floor between them with her head bowed down. While not entirely untrue, the story she spewed out was just a thin veil, haphazardly draped over why she truly was afraid of him. And she hoped that maybe, hopefully , he wouldn't question her further than that.
An overly empathetic witch is a minor offense compared to being a wild witch, after all.
As for the Emperor, he didn't speak, nor did he release her hand from his grip. Selena saw the hand with which he traced her wrist retreat, leaving her field of view completely, and feared the worst. After what felt like forever, he finally let out what sounded like a genuine laugh. And the hand she feared would light her ablaze, turn her to stone, came back, and instead of harming her it cupped her cheek gently.
"Thank you, for your honesty." His voice was sweet as he spoke "And for your honesty, you've earned my forgiveness. How could I hold anger towards you, when your only sin is being overly kind, your heart bleeding even for those who do not deserve it."
Selena bit her tongue at that last statement.
"I understand the love you hold for your fellow witches, even those who would actively harm us. We are all the children of the Isles, after all. Our hearts beat for each other, together to the rhythm the Titan laid out to us. But wild witches only care for themselves. They use untamed magic that defies the Titan's will and hurts all of us." He continued, the hand on her cheek moving up to cradle her head.
Selena was biting the inside of her cheek raw, not sure if she should reply. Honestly, she wasn't sure if she even could reply, his touch feeling overstimulating. Oppressive. Instead she gave a mute nod, hoping he'd interpret that as her agreeing with him. His thumb gently grazed the corner of her forehead, moving away the hair that was sticky with sweat, and for a fleeting moment, she thought she saw his eyes narrow, but it was gone so fast she chalked it up to her imagination.
"I do not enjoy being cruel. I hope you understand that."
And finally, finally , he released her, removing his hands and oppressive touch and letting her breathe again. As gracefully as ever, he lowered himself back on to the throne, lounging comfortably, his head resting on his palm once more.
"I do hope at least some of your unease has lifted. I'd hate to see you behave like this the next time I order from you."
Selena blinked once, twice, her brain not quite comprehending his words as he said them "Pardon?"
"Ah, you see, I seem to have developed a liking for human sweets." Emperor Belos remarked cheerfully, a complete turn from his previous mood "And since you are the only baker I know of who has knowledge on how to make them, it seems you have earned yourself a loyal customer."
"T…truly?!" Selena squeaked out so loudly that she slapped her hand over her mouth as soon as she spoke, fearing she could have come off as rude "I…I can arrange to have them delivered to the palace daily, if you want!"
"No, not everyday. I'll send an escort to the bakery whenever I get peckish. No sense in wasting food." The Emperor once more zeroed in on her eyes "And I expect you to deliver my order to me, personally . From your hands directly to mine, no one in between."
Seeing her confused expression, the Emperor continued "A safety precaution. You understand, of course."
Selena nodded once "Of course."
"Excellent! Now-" he reached into his white cloak and pulled out a brown satchel "-your compensation for today."
"Oh, thank you!" Selena was quick to once more close the distance between them, trying to prove his little speech made her less afraid of him (it didn't), and took the satchel of coins from his hand. She frowned at the weight "I think you may have been misinformed about my prices, Emperor. I think you've given me too many snails.."
"Think of it as a generous tip from a satisfied patron."
"This is way too much, Emp-"
"Nonsense." He cut her off "However, I do have a favour to ask of you." Belos leaned in once more, putting his elbows on his knees and lacing his fingers together.
Selena nodded and clutching the satchel tightly, for comfort "All you need to do is ask, Emperor."
"When I send for you next time, would you kindly bring the book where you found this recipe?"
The witch frowned in confusion "My…my recipe book?"
Belos chuckled softly, "I may come off as a bit spoiled, but I want to see what other recipes I can ask you to make for me."
"I dunno…" Selena trailed off, putting a hand to her chin in thought "I mean, I'll bring the recipe book, but a lot of the pastries have ingredients that I do not recognize. So the options are limited…"
The Emperor cocked his head to the side "That's a bridge we will cross once we get to it."
Selena answered with a brief nod "Then I will bring it…next time?" She finished in an uncertain tone
His glowing eyes seemed to smile, but it wasn't a warm smile. No, it was the type of look and smile that made her suppress an unpleasant shiver "I am looking forward to it, Selena."
The first thing that greeted Selena when she arrived back to the Bakery was Katya, giving her the tightest, most bone-breaking hug she ever received in her life.
The poor girl looked like she may have been crying before she came back, and she most certainly was tearing up as soon as she saw her. And Selena understood why, she really did. After all, she hired her as a part-timer just a little bit after the bard witch had escaped the Conformatorium, being imprisoned there for writing weird fiction about food falling in love. And since the young bard was so enthusiastic about food, well who better to help her out at the bakery. Katya being a little rebel was just some extra spice .
"I was so worried, I thought you'd end up at the Conformatorium!" Katya sniffled and tried to force the tears back.
Selena, still feeling shell-shocked, managed to shake her head "No, no, the Emperor just…wanted some pastries. That's all."
"So he didn't plan to imprison you for writing weird, niche fanfiction?"
The oracle had to laugh "No, no he didn't. Thank the Titan." She moved behind the counter and quickly started tidying up "I wasn't gone too long, did you manage okay? No one gave you any trouble?"
Katya watched the older witch buzz around aimlessly, cleaning up invisible crumbs and checking the drawer for things she wasn't even looking for "Boss, umm…Selena, are you sure you're…okay?"
The sound of a drawer being shut with a bang made Katya jump "No, I'm TERRIFIED!!!" Selena yelled out desperately "That was the single, most scariest moment of my life! I thought I was going to die!" Selena gripped her hair tightly, scratching her fingers against her scalp "Good heavens above, I thought he was going to petrify me! And all he really wanted were some dumb pastries! Can you believe it?!"
"Uhh…I can't say I can."
"Sweet Titan!" Selena threw her head back "Katya, be a dear and throw me the pillow from the bench."
Katya scurried to one of the corner tables that had a bench with many throw pillows added for comfort, and picked the first that fell under her hand to toss to Selena. As soon as her boss caught it, she gave it a look, judging it for a moment, before giving a solemn nod and holding it over her face as she promptly screamed at the top of her lungs.
Even muffled, it made Katya scrunch her face at the intensity.
Selena removed herself from the pillow with a loud, comical gasp, and shook her hair back into its place "Alright then, that's better." She took in another deep breath, held it for five seconds, before slowly exhaling, closing her eyes as she did "I'm better. Everything is alright." She straightened up and did a little jump in her spot, the pep being back in her step once more, so to speak "So, did anyone ask for me while I was gone?" She asked, throwing the pillow back at Katya.
The younger witch caught it and inhaled through her teeth, making a hissing sound "So about that…"
Selena tilted her head to the side, blinking owlishly at her.
"Your uncle stopped by to say that your grandmother expects you to visit after you close up."
The two stared at each other for an awkwardly long minute, letting what Katya said stew in the horrible, deafening silence.
"Katya, I'm going to need that pillow back again, if you don't mind."
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vestige-nan · 1 year
The Thorn in my Side, the Pebble in my Shoe: Ch 8
Summary: The main quest line in Mannimarco’s perspective, except that he falls chaotically in love with the vestige just as much as he chaotically hates them.
Fun stuff: Don’t be mad, but I deviated a tiny bit from vestige’s canon reaction to learning the prophet’s identity. However, everyone else’s lines are canon, so if Varen sounds crazy I swear it was how he was written. As always, vestige is gender neutral and physical features are not described.
"The time has come for the Vestige to know the truth." Aquilarios said, and my lips pulled into a smirk as I rested my cheek on my fist. Though the vestige had taken the entertainment of watching the chancellor and the half-giant skirmish from me, the prospect of watching the vestige realize the deceit of their so-called "prophet" was equally, if not more, gratifying to imagine.
Abnur, despite his treachery, seemed to share in my satisfaction. "What's this? The Vestige doesn't know? Oh, this is rich!"
The half-giant looked wonderfully distraught, "Sire, don't …!"
"Vestige. Until now, you have only known me as the Prophet. But that is not my true name. " 
The vestige looked at Aquilarios quizzically, and I couldn't help leaning toward the visage in anticipation. The irony was too sweet; in the very same evening that my closest advisor betrayed me, Aquilarios would reveal his fraud to the vestige. (Though Aquilarios's betrayal was a petty offense at best compared to Tharn's act of treason, any morsel of the vestige's suffering was acceptable for now). I wondered if the vestige would be angry? Maybe upset to the point of tears? Or perhaps disgusted with the imperial's betrayal of trust? My smirk widened to a grin.
"I ... am Varen Aquilarios."
I felt my nails scratch and curl against the desk I was leaning against. For a brief moment, I imagined the vestige's face contort in anguish, betrayal, and outrage. I imagined what they might say in their moment of heightened emotion, what they might blurt out in the heat of anger, and if venomous words of rage might turn into weapons being drawn. I had no doubt that the being who could stand up to my forces would exert no large amount of effort felling the half-giant and the battlemage betrayer. I pictured the haunted expression the vestige would wear leaving the harborage, or possibly they would be disappointed and hurt?
I bit my lower lip. Perhaps I could send an envoy to rub it in, a corpse or a cult member to taunt their betrayal before lunging to their throat. Perhaps I could visit them myself to mock them in their weakened state before sending them to Coldharbor. After all, they would be significantly weakened from battle. Vulnerable even, physically and mentally. They might even be easy to manipulate in their state... susceptible to the gentlest of suggestions—
"Oh. Okay." 
My vision of the betrayed, vulnerable, tearful vestige was shattered and replaced with the vestige squinting and nodding as if they were attempting to feign recognition over the name (and yet, I highly suspected they were wracking their mind to remember the name Varen Aquilarios—their late fallen emperor!) By the divines, if I had not witnessed their daftness before, I would have assumed the vestige knew I was watching them and was toying with me on purpose.
Somehow, I was the only one to notice the vestige's ignorance.
"Our fallen Emperor, in the tattered robes of a Moth Priest, blind as a newborn kitten!" Tharn gloated. 
The vestige's eyes lit up with recognition and I got the barbaric urge to club them over the head with my staff. No disappointment, no betrayal, nothing?! I grit my teeth as my hands came into tight fists. 
"I am sorry I deceived you, Vestige," The 'emperor' lowered his head as he ignored Tharn, turning to the vestige.
"It's fine," The vestige waved him off. I seethed through my teeth. The divines must have created the vestige simply to plague my life and spoil my existence.
"You are angry," Aquilarios said, resigned. "It is to be expected." 
"I'm not, really."
"We lied to you... I... I hope you can forgive us. Forgive me." The half-giant lowered her head as well in a pitiful sign of acquiescence. I rolled my eyes.
"You're forgiven," The vestige thought for a moment. "And did you lie to me? I don't think you ever said you weren't the emperor."
"You can be at the very least a little upset," Tharn seemed to mirror my irritation. 
"It's really not that big of a deal," The vestige said.
"It is. I caused this. All of this. If Molag Bal destroys this world, the blame will be mine, and mine alone." At Aquilarios's words, I scoffed aloud at the imperial's audacity. I was well aware of Aquilarios's tendency to self-sabotage in a martyrial cry for attention, but to take credit for my masterful handiwork? My deviceful and brilliant machinations? His presumptuousness was a disrespect.
"Uh, no. It's not," The vestige said. "This was Mannimarco's fault, he tricked you." I rose an eyebrow. 'Tricked' sounded like I pulled some juvenile caper, not orchestrated the most seditious act of treason ever known to mer or men, but at least the vestige had placed credit where it was due. I crossed my legs.
"I fell for his treachery because of my own arrogance." Aquilarios gripped his staff tighter. "Whatever you think of me, you must not blame Lyris."
"I don't."
"As for me... When this is over, if you still judge me harshly, you can end my life. I will offer no resistance." I rolled my eyes a second time. Every day I no longer had to pander to the imperial's melodramatics was a day better lived.
"That's crazy, so no I won't do that." The vestige exhaled, before taking the imperial's hand that wasn't gripping his staff with both of theirs. "I promise I'm not upset. Prophet or emperor, that doesn't matter. What matters is you're doing something about it now."
The half-giant beamed, Aquilarios let out a shaky sigh of relief, and I gagged.
The vestige let go of the decrepit, pitiful man. "So, what now?"
"We must find Sai Sahan. Everything depends on that. Abnur and I must confer on that matter."
And I would have to make preparations so that they would not get even within a league of finding his location. If only the wretched, miserable was as weak in holding his tongue as he was at swordplay.
"Before that," Tharn spoke up. "Vestige, may I have a word?"
The vestige perked up, coming to the betrayer's side. Something irked me about how quickly the insipid hero trusted Tharn, who not an hour ago was their enemy. Or perhaps I was still upset with Tharn's treachery. The black eye on his face certainly helped.
"This may come as a bit of an alarm to you, Vestige, but it is better to be wary of where you are when you're out doing... whatever it is you do."
The vestige's brow furrowed, and my lips curled up in a smirk. At the very least, Tharn was fooled by my deception in regard to my visage. 
"What do you mean?" The vestige asked.
"The King of Worms has had eyes on you for some time now. A magical visage that can spy your whereabouts."
"What?" The vestige's eyes widened, before they began to look around anxious. I almost laughed at their alarm; their flurry of panic could almost be deemed as endearing. Could be, as in someone of a lesser stature with lower standards would deem them so. Regardless, their fear was enough to spread my grin from ear to ear as I leaned closer to the visage. "Is he watching right now?"
"Yes," I couldn't help but mewl to myself.
"Most likely not, so you can stop that sweating," Tharn said, curtly, and the vestige relaxed their tense shoulders at his reassurance. Part of me wished I hadn't deceived the chancellor, just so I could watch the vestige continue to tremble at the thought of me. "I'm unsure of the mechanics of it, but his visage apparently goes blank when you aren't in proximity to mundus stones. Avoid the mundus stones and you should be fine."
"Oh, okay..." The vestige looked off to the side, biting their lower lip. In a moment of oddity, I imagined them in front of me with that expression of nervousness, not in front of the chancellor. I pushed the thought away as quickly as it came.
Tharn exhaled, exasperated. "What is it?"
"He didn't, or uh you..." They cleared their throat, "I didn't do anything embarrassing that anyone saw, did I?"
Tharn looked physically fatigued by the question and I burst out into laughter. I wiped a tear from my eye, "Ha! Everything you do is embarrassing, vestige." How great it would be if they heard that.
"I'm going to ignore that you said anything," Tharn said. "Varen and I have work to do, but we will call for you when we need you."
"Right," The vestige affirmed, and I could practically feel their blush through the visage. As they turned to leave the harborage, I felt myself grinning in triumph despite the losses I fell that evening.
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herstarlitdreams · 1 year
The Alchemist's Journal: Ingredients
This year, I'm going to make progress on the Skyrim Alchemist's Book if it kills me. This is a complete list of alchemical ingredients, including ones from the Anniversary Edition Creation Kit add-ons (but NOT including Berrit's Ashes, which are a single use item identical to Bone Meal).
As I complete pages of the book, I'll scan them in and link to them here.
Abecean Longfin
Alocasia Fruit
Ancestor Moth Wing
Angler Larvae
Ash Creep Cluster
Ash Hopper Jelly
Ashen Grass Pod
Aster Bloom Core
Bear Claws
Beehive Husk
Bittergreen Petals
Bleeding Crown
Blind Watcher's Eye
Bliss Bug Thorax
Blister Pod Cap
Blue Butterfly Wing
Blue Dartwing
Boar Tusk
Bog Beacon
Bone Meal
Briar Heart
Bungler's Bane
Burnt Spriggan Wood
Butterfly Wing
Canis Root
Charred Skeever Hide
Chaurus Eggs
Chaurus Hunter Antennae
Chicken's Egg
Coda Flower
Congealed Putrescence
Corkbulb Root
Creep Cluster
Crimson Nirnroot
Cyrodilic Spadetail
Daedra Heart
Daedra Silk
Daedra Venin
Daedroth Teeth
Dragon's Tongue
Dreugh Wax
Dwarven Oil
Elves Ear
Elytra Ichor
Emperor Parasol Moss
Eye of Sabre Cat
Falmer Ear
Felsaad Tern Feathers
Fire Petal
Fire Salts
Flame Stalk
Fly Amanita
Frost Mirriam
Frost Salts
Fungus Stalk
Giant Lichen
Giant's Toe
Glow Dust
Glowing Mushroom
Gnarl Bark
Gold Kanet
Grass Pod
Green Butterfly Wing
Hackle-Lo Leaf
Hagraven Claw
Hagraven Feathers
Hanging Moss
Hawk Beak
Hawk Feathers
Hawk's Egg
Heart of Order
Human Flesh
Human Heart
Hunger Tongue
Hydnam Azure Giant Spore
Hypha Facia
Ice Wraith Teeth
Imp Gall
Imp Stool
Ironwood Fruit
Jarrin Root
Jazbay Grapes
Juniper Berries
Juvenile Mudcrap
Kagouti Hide
Kresh Fiber
Large Antlers
Luminous Russula
Luna Moth Wing
Lyretail Anthias
Minotaur Horn
Moon Sugar
Mora Tapinella
Mort Flesh
Mudcrab Chitin
Namira's Rot
Netch Jelly
Nordic Barnacle
Ogre's Teeth
Orange Dartwing
Pine Thrush Egg
Poison Bloom
Powdered Mammoth Tusk
Purple Butterfly Wing
Purple Mountain Flower
Pygmy Sunfish
Red Kep Gas Bladder
Red Mountain Flower
Redwort Flower
River Betty
Rock Warbler Egg
Rot Scale
Sabre Cat Tooth
Salmon Roe
Salt Pile
Scalon Fin
Scaly Pholiota
Screaming Maw
Scrib Jelly
Scrib Jerky
Silverside Perch
Skeever Tail
Slaughterfish Scales
Sload Soap
Small Antlers
Small Pearl
Spiddal Stick
Spawn Ash
Spider Egg
Spriggan Sap
Steel-Blue Entoloma Cap
Swamp Fungal Pod
Thistle Branch
Thorn Hook
Torchbug Thorax
Trama Root
Troll Fat
Tundra Cotton
Vampire Dust
Void Essence
Void Salts
Watcher's Eye
White Cap
Wild Grass Pod
Wisp Stalk Caps
Withering Moon
Wisp Wrappings
Worm's Head Cap
Yellow Mountain Flower
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mwolf0epsilon · 2 years
Moth AU - Clone OC Moth Assignment
In which Eps assigns moths to her Clone OCS a la @waterlily707 's awesome Clone Moth AU! This took a hot minute to do...
ARC Trooper Bully - Rustic Sphinx Moth
ARC Trooper Jawbreaker - Black Arches Moth
Clone Medic Pox - Giant Silkworm Moth Caterpillar (Cannot pupate due to Sulu Ra's meddling so is forever stuck as venomous caterpillar)
Clone Medic Sponge - Giant Leopard Moth
Clone Trooper Jelly - Rosy Maple Moth
Clone Trooper Lichtenberg - Blue Tiger Moth
Clone Trooper Pretty Boy - Yellow Tiger Moth
Clone Trooper Olly Olly Oxenfree - White-Winged Red Costa Tiger Moth
K9 Trooper Redacted - Common Gray Moth
Commander Sturm - Garden Tiger Moth
Scuba Trooper Geoduck - Argent and Sable Moth
Scuba Trooper Conch - Madagascan Sunset Moth
Scuba Trooper Crayfish - Middle Lace Border Moth
Clone Commando Dragon - Elephant Hawk Moth
Clone Commando Komainu - Purple-Barred Moth
Clone Commando Basilisk - Southern Purple Mint Moth
Clone Commando Gremlin - Common Sheep Moth
Clone Commando Kerberus - Purple-Bordered Gold Moth
Clone Officer Incognito - Spotted Apatelodes Moth
Clone Cadet Sixer - Six-Spot Burnet Moth
Clone Cadets Patchwork & Ragdoll - Kentish Glory Moth
Clone Cadet Cartoons - Coffee Clearwing Moth
Clone Cadet Bonesy - White Plume Moth
Clone Cadet Sucata - Small Emperor Moth
Clone Cadet Leech - Galium Sphinx Moth
Clone Cadet Gadget - Lunar Hornet Moth (Spinal injury pre-pupation caused wing malformation)
Clone Cadet Spore - Spanish Moon Moth
Clone Cadet Amoeba - Lime Hawk Moth
Clone Cadet Tulpa - Robin Moth
Clone Cadet Caboose - Crimson Tiger Moth
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mytarnishedsilver · 2 years
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Have you seen OPAL around Faerune? She is a FAERIE who SUPPORTS the Unseelie Queen’s reign. People have heard she’s ASSERTIVE, PLAYFUL, and WITTY but can also be VOLATILE, STUBBORN, and IMPULSIVE. We’ll see where she falls when the revolution arrives, but until then she can be found working as QUEEN.
FAE NAME: [Redacted]
FULL NAME: Queen Opal the Lightbringer
FACECLAIM: Michelle Pfeiffer
SPECIES: Unseelie Faerie
FAE FORM: pointed ears, white hair, skin, and eyes (seemingly no pupils), amethyst geodes cracking through her skin sporadically over her body, giant emperor moth wings
IDENTITY: Cis Female, She/Her
ORIENTATION: Polyamorus Demiromantic/Pansexual
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Married to Dain Lulen (in an open relationship but is in love with her husband and only has children with him), sexual partners with her guard Ruby and several others
OCCUPATION: Unseelie Queen
HABITS: granting rewards and favors to those she deems entertaining, throwing lavish parties just for the fun of it, leaving paperwork to Dain, throwing her children down wells when they irritate her
Read here.
Opal is thriving in her current reign. Running two kingdoms can be exhausting, but with her very capable husband at her side, and a human liaison who would do anything for his people, she’s found it’s been rather a breeze. She throws parties often, getting to know her subjects in fun and interesting ways. She doesn’t allow anyone inside the palace, however, keeping her head on a swivel to prevent any rise against her and her Court.
She is very pleased with herself for pulling this off, and she looks forward to a long, successful reign.
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visualpoett · 1 month
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Giant peacock moth or giant emperor moth, Saturnia pyri, with caterpillar and pupa
Artist: Unknown
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221155 · 3 months
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