#giant tank
gianttankeh · 8 months
Cheers very much. Be seeing youse.....
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So the final curtain has been and gone... Thanks to Summerhall for hosting Usurper's retirement party, to Tindegger, Joyce Whitchurch & the Chocolate Monk DJs for serenading our lugholes, and to our family & friends fae all over the dis-UK, Europe & further afield who made it along on Saturday. Our hearts melted, along with the rest of our bodies, in that sweaty sold out venue knowing that youse were there with us. Thanks also to our extended family of international weirdos across the globe who sent well wishes and who kept us keen to traverse the landscape of largely unpopular music for one day shy of two decades. We love youse, fellow choobs. You can continue to follow Ali Robertson's exploits... On Tumblr as Giant Tank, eh: www.gianttankeh.tumblr.com On Bandcamp as Giant Tank: www.gianttank.bandcamp.com On Faceboak as Giant Tank: www.facebook.com/gianttank On Faceboak as TfEh: www.facebook.com/Tfehgigs On Instagroan as Giant Tank Against Tedium: www.instagram.com/gianttankagainsttedium On Threads as Giant Tank Against Tedium: @[email protected] On YeTube with Collette Tank: www.youtube.com/@collettetank On Twitland as Chobertson: www.twitter.com/Chobertson
If youse wanna hear what Malcy Duff is up to next then maybe learn morse code or smoke signalling.....
(Photo by Alejandro Basterrechea.)
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literatus-ao3 · 2 months
buck's adorable this, buck's so stupid for tommy that
let's not forget that tommy did fake mouth static and thought he was good at it
it's dork for dork here and i love it
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eggsdrawings · 1 month
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who woke them up 😑
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Sore. || EJ x Reader. You took a pretty big fall on a mission, and it's got Jack worried about you.
“How are you feeling?” Jack’s voice is level, but you can sense the concern and worry in it regardless as he bends over you.
“I’m fine, honey. I promise.” You try to assure him, but he doesn’t believe your words. He settles down next to you in bed, holding you close and staying by your side so he can monitor you. 
You’d taken quite the fall during your mission yesterday, and Jack has been on edge since it happened, worried that something more serious could’ve happened to you, especially with all the bruises becoming visible on your skin.
“I’ve got nothing to worry about with a doctor like you by my side, Jack.” You whisper into him as you curl up into his chest.
Laying on your back has grown too painful from the bruising and soreness settling into it, so you’ve been spending the majority of your time curled up with Jack to comfort you. His arms circle around you, extremely gentle and careful as he pulls you closer to him, trying not to cause you any more pain than you’re already feeling. You can feel the anxiety seeping out of him, his body tense in concern. You make a weak attempt at massaging his back as you hug him, and it settles him out of his thoughts enough to curl around you.
“I promise I’ll be okay. I already feel way better than yesterday.” You soothe him with a few kisses to his temple and he can’t help but sigh into you.
“I just wish I’d been there to save you. To prevent it from happening.” His voice is unusually quiet, and it makes you hold him tighter.
“But if you hadn’t caught me you would’ve just blamed yourself. You’ve already done so much for me honey, you got me all patched up and checked out, and you’ve been taking such good care of me.” He wants to argue with your words, but he finds himself unable to.
He knows you’re right. If he had been on that mission and failed to prevent your fall he would’ve just blamed it all on himself and gone into another spiral of self-loathing which wouldn’t be helpful for either of you. Jack just can’t stand the thought of you being so hurt, especially when it’s a work injury. He knows you’ll be fine, all of your vitals are great and your pain is decreasing as the days pass, but his anxiety just won’t leave him.
Jack curls further into your arms, and you grasp onto him tighter, stroking his hair affectionately as time passes you both gently. You’ll be okay, you both know it, but you also know that Jack’s greatest fear is losing you, and a fall like that is going to have him scared for a little while. He’ll do his best to care for you, though, just as he always does, and you’ll eagerly accept his care and repay him with all the love and affection you can give him, just as you always do. Jack moves to press some affectionate kisses to your lips, trying to force his love and emotions for you into them. You return them in kind, sighing as you melt into his body, his hands gently roaming your skin, avoiding all your majorly sore spots. He doesn't know what he'd do without you here, loving him the way you always do, and he doesn't want to find out.
You’ll just have to get used to Jack’s developing penchant for trying to increasingly make your work gear more and more safe, to the extent he asks you if it would be unreasonable to add a punch of padding and bubble wrap to your work uniform. He says it out of love and concern, he promises.
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Hey Llama, since we saw what a good aquarium is like, how about zoo siren au if the aquarium was actually competent and good? :D
aka-indulgence more like aka-ingulGENIUS
Sans: This AU would probably make the biggest difference to dearly beloved orca boy. Our cute monochromatic sociopath has a dizzyingly large pool with plenty of room to move and depth to dive into, plenty of natural lighting from big windows and fresh air pumped from outside, a constantly rotated array of complex toys to pull apart. But most importantly, humans don't closely interact with him. The aquarium can tell he's angry, and doesn't want anyone near him- so for both their safety and his peace of mind staff interact with him exclusively through sheets of thick glass or from high walkways far out of his reach.
This has left them with a siren who still launches attacks when he can (like breaching to try and hit the walkway), but has never successfully killed anyone. And the biggest difference is he's only attacking out of momentary flashes of frustration. He's not planning murders far in advance, like his abused counterpart- he's just losing his temper. He's generally quite content.
Even more so when he meets his darling keeper.
Red: We have a very happy shark on our hands!
A big tank, full of swarms of little fish and actual live coral instead of just fake fibreglass, he's got one of those winding shark tunnels beneath his enclosure that kids love to run through. He delights in the excited expressions on their faces when he glides over their heads, and he likes being 'chased' around the tank... lots of cute viral videos of him blowing bubbles at children, or sneaking up behind an unsuspecting adult and scaring the shit out of them.
The aquarium tried to wean him off his affinity for people. It didn't work. Unfortunately, that means he can't really ever be released, in case he approaches swimmers and gets himself hunted- so now they indulge his fixation on humans for enrichment purposes.
The main difference for this Red is how he bites. He still bites keepers, But they're warnings for getting too close, nothing with malicious intent... he hasn't removed any fingers, he's still very popular with staff for his big personality. You can't help but love him.
Skull: Since Sans is happy pulling apart his toys instead of staff, Skull is arguably the most dangerous siren in this AU. Not much changes about him, really, despite the far better environment; he's got a lovely deep dark tank and a much bigger den to hide in, but he's still known for tucking away rather than approaching the crowds.
... And he's still a killer.
He's the only siren who's successfully killed someone in this AU. Ironically, the fact that it's only one death makes him seem even scarier, and his repeated attempts all the more jarring. If it weren't for the strict safety protocols that were enforced after the first death he likely would've killed again. Unlike their 'bad au' counterpart, this aquarium isn't nearly as willing to throw Mc into his tank to pacify him- in fact, they're not willing at all. Putting Mc within tentacle's reach of this behemoth seems to be the last thing they want to do.
... But if it keeps him calm, and stops him attacking...
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pallanophblargh · 2 years
Maximus doesn’t care about tank rescapes, only food. “I ordered blackworms where are they?!?”
I promise he gets fed regularly. He’s a glutton, but he’s a giant so it’s to be expected.
Hopefully the tank grows in nice, it’s been in a state of semi neglect for almost a year.
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brittandbiscuits · 2 months
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Inked and colored version of this doodle here 🐻💚
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kusukeslab · 2 months
i constantly wonder what kuusuke was thinking when creating the cat-tank.
did he just come up with the idea and was like "aha, this'll get him!"
the fact that kuusuke was planning it for at least a couple months is very telling, like he had TIME and still went through with it.
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seventhwoe · 3 months
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happy to announce that the wh40k dlc for powerwash simulator is beautiful
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ratwithhands · 3 months
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1 - Diantha security detail comic
2 + 3 - Emmet's UDF uniform vs Kalosian Guard uniform
4 - Lore/Background comic
Hooo boy ok so this idea has been simmering on the backburner for a while now. So Legends Z-A had its trailer released a few days back and I figured I'd make something around it. I know logically it's going to be a game set in the past but I found myself wanting to work on something more futuristic/sci-fi which is why we have our little Cyber Emmet here.
There's a lot of different things to mention so I'm just gonna break them down by the images.
Diantha is attending a conference/ceremony where she will be discussing the plans for the urbanization of Kalos with the assistance of neighbouring tech giant and long time trade partner Unova. As a sign of goodwill, the Unovan Defense Force sent several people to either work as security or to help organize and prepare the ceremony. Among the list of people is Emmet, who was recently "working with" the UDF, and who is going to serve as Diantha's bodyguard for the event
Emmet's uniform was made by a mix of Unovan and Kalosian designers. It's meant to mimic the shapes while still keeping aspects of his Unovan uniform (mainly the collar, cuffs, and silver trim). He is carrying a handgun from his UDF uniform, however due to the public nature of the event, he is using his charge pistol instead of his wired pistol. He's also using a different face shield, using a silver one as opposed to his black one, since it better matches the uniform he's wearing for the event
Diantha's fur coat still has the angel wing shape. This isn't lore relevant I just couldn't fit the full thing onto the panel but it's definitely there
2 + 3:
Emmet uses a wired pistol (left side holster) and a charge pistol (right side holster). Both are standard issue firearms used by the UDF, however charge pistols are more common thanks to them being easy to hold and carry. A wired pistol connects to a battery pack of some kind to fire at a greater speed, whereas a charge pistol will generate its own power but take longer to fire and load. Emmet's wired pistol connects to the battery network that powers his body, allowing him to take advantage of his fast reflexes by using his faster weapon
Emmet doesn't get anything to wear for his Unovan uniform! Part of the contract he signed for his cybernetics states that he can't cover the prostheses unless it could lead to a breach in confidentiality (such as going to a foreign region or appearing in public outside of work reasons) since he's meant to effectively advertise the quality and construction of the body built for him. Of course he refuses to go outside completely naked to fight so the UDF got him a cropped version of his coat and shoes so he can have some more cover
The face shield is meant more for form than function. Technically the only purpose they serve is to cover his face when he's out on patrol, though it can also act as a screen to show him information about what he's seeing (kind of like an AR headset). He could technically get the screen function though cornea implants but he's not doing that + he wants the anonymity provided by the shield
Sections of the body can split open or be removed. The front abdominal panel can do both due to the different processing mechanisms inside needing easy access for repair/maintenance. Limbs can be swapped for different prostheses provided they have a compatible socket
The sockets in Emmet's back can be used to power other weapons/devices if he has a compatible cable. Emmet was given a bag of different attachments and cables to hook into his back so he can power a range of things from phones to laser rifles
He has removable skin. Any shot of him with the black body is the body without skin. In situations where he could possibly have skin showing or he is required to wear something that shows more skin, he'll have material rolled over the sections of his body that will be visible so they look more normal
Emmet got run over by a train ♥ long story short is that he went to rescue a passenger who had fallen off the platform and miscalculated how much time he had before the train pulled in. Once he got stabilized in the hospital afterwards, he only has around 30% of his original body intact, along with some sections they were able to somewhat repair but required new hardware being installed in order to return their function. Anything under the waist and a large portion of his arms were crushed beyond repair and as such, he's been connected to different machine to mimic the functions of his organs
The UDF (in a rather scummy play) contacted Emmet for business, asking him to sign a contract that would ensure he would live by letting them test their confidential new tech on him. He is the only ethical candidate they have for testing such prostheses so to get him to agree, they offer to cover the cost of everything relating to his health and work, as well as paying him a salary for the trouble. Since the only other options are "die slowly" or "lose all self sufficiency and go bankrupt living in hospital", he agrees, and so begins his second job as a living experiment and tool for the UDF
I think that's the most I've written for one post yikes. This isn't even everything but I'll cut it here because my hands are not pleased with me typing.
I still have a lot to think about for this concept, mostly what kind of work Emmet will do while overseas in Kalos and whether something dangerous enough will happen to warrant him using his body for what it was made for. That might be funny, only two settings and they're "I love macarons :)" and bloodshed.
Anyways hope you guys enjoyed this dump, feel free to ask on anything (it helps me write too ^^). See you later and have a nice day!
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king-k-ripple · 1 year
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gianttankeh · 8 months
A new (and final) Usurper album on Krim Kram.
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Krim Kram's Dave Murphy will be hand delivering copies of the new Usurper album, 'The Big Two', at our Summerhall retirement party tomorrow and you will be able to scoop it up in exchange for ten pounds sterling. It's an honest-to-gonk cd, as opposed to a cd-r. Bet ye never thought ye'd see Usurper housed in a digipak! We will also have a t-shirt available which will cost fifteen quid and is a limited edition of just twenty-five. Roll up, roll up.....
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occasionaltouhou · 6 months
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regular touhou #46: oh! create!
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eggsdrawings · 19 days
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grab what’s precious
fem dabihawks, ko-fi request for @cynda-queer !!
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szkin-art · 8 months
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Card illustration for Bootleg Heroes by Side 6 Games
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outerthesewilds · 1 year
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illustration i did of my favourite planet in the game, giant’s deep. :)
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