ophidianmon · 3 months
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Apologies for being a just a little dead on here , my brain is an easily distracted animal . Thank you so much for all of the recent interest in my art, I deeply appreciate it !
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ticosanchezz · 4 months
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Digital Ultimates
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arcwoof7 · 2 months
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quintushazard · 10 months
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I've wondered for a while what I'd be if I was a Digimon, so I came up with a little evolution line for me :) I'd be just. Regular Digimon with glasses.
Dorumon > Dorugamon > Gigadramon > ??? I haven't decided on the last one yet haha
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awyeahobscuregaming · 7 months
Obscura #6: Digimon World 1
Digimon world 1 is a game I have a massive love for, and the content within it is janky but lovable. But, despite the cast of Digimon you can obtain, there's actually a few cut digimon!
Digimon world 1 is a game I have a massive love for, being a game I actually own and have beaten a couple of times. Digimon world 1 is a game that lets you raise your own Digimon. You must train your digimon, care for it properly, and explore the world and recruit people to your town! They help in a variety of ways, from item storages, hospitals, diners, an arena, all helping make the world easier to traverse!
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There's a rather small selection of Digimon to obtain through evolutions, this here being the screen showing you all the digimon that exist within the game (after digivolving into them, of course.)
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However, did you know within the gamefiles, there's some extra digimon not implemented in the game? They are, MetalEtemon, Gigadramon, and Panjyamon (Or IceLeomon).
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However, two extra digimon exist with no models, those two would be Kaminarimon, and WereGarurumon! (I had no idea what Kaminarimon was and had to look them up for the sake of providing an image. They've not made any appearances at all, so it's surprising they were even thought to be in this game!)
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All of these digimon have digivolution items as well! Meaning these were all cut rather late in development. These items are the MetalBanana, Noble Mane, Giga Hand, Electro Ring, and Moon Mirror.
That being said, to those wondering why WereGarurumon was cut and not prioritized to be put in, this game came out before the Anime! An interesting extra tidbit, is the english voice actor for Mameo is Mona Marshall, also voices Izzy from that anime!
Extra ---------------------------------------- Deepest apologies for disappearing for so long! I meant to make new posts, but I got a little sidetracked and accidentally forgot about making posts for this blog!
Credits ------------------------------------------------------------
Tcrf.com (For images of the cut digimon models & the items!)
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brainlessetemon · 1 year
With a name like "Brainless Etemon", there was bound to be digimon content
Anyways, this is Mugie, A partner digimon for a story I'm building
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Mugie is a malfunctioning gigadramon unit of the Crack Team's army. Instead of being vicious and destructive, he ended up being timid and meek. Deemed a failure, Mugie flees for his life as the Crack Team threatens to slaughter him to scavenge his mechanical parts (story extension): One of these attempts in the Crack Team taking Mugie's life is where the latter comes into contact with a human wandering the digital world looking for a way home. While the human and Mugie were scared of each other for a moment, it wasn't long until they realized they each don't mean harm
Before Mugie and the human were about to introduce each other, a Crack Team digimon managed to locate Mugie and tried to attack him, not caring about the nearby human. Not wanting a bystander to be killed for something he isn't involved in, Mugie grabs the human and flies to the distance as fast as physically possible
After a while, Mugie manages to shake off the Crack Team unit in an abandoned scrap yard, this is when Mugie and the human managed to talk to one another and get to know their stories. The human, now appreciating the Gigadramon's company, decides to give him his current name in reference to infinite possibilities. It was at this moment when an unlikely friendship was formed and the start of a series of events that will change lives forever
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viperzerofsx · 1 year
Our antagonists are introduced
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If i could digimon series, the squeal i guess.. maybe
Note: i came up with another 1 and typed it up, also the quote marks is because these tamers don't actually have crests, but that they fill similar narrative roles
Goggle-head (ie the protag), but whom is the twin sister of "friendship" rookie: Dracomon x - note: just to tell the 2 dracomons apart champion: Coredramon (blue) Ultimate: Wingdramon Dark: Dorbickmon MEGA: Slayerdramon Note: She's really into tokusatsu, it annoys her sister dearly, also she has a hard time trying to say "Aruraumon"
"friendship" (ie the lancer), but whom is the twin sister of  Goggle-head rookie: Dracomon champion: Coredramon (green) ultimate: Groundramon mega: Breakdramon Note: Cranky edgelord, just wants what she thinks is best for others, also she had a hard time trying to say "Aruraumon" and when the twins bring their powers together; ULTRA: Examon!!
male "Love/Sincerity" crest rookie: Aruraumon champion: Arbormon - note: it's kinda treated as a champion ultimate: Petaldramon - note: it's kinda treated as an ultimate MEGA: Bloomlordmon Note: is in their school's drama club, has on 1 occasion each has mistaken 1 of the twins for the other
"Knowledge/Reliability" crest, who may or may not play with air soft Rookie: Commandramon champion: Deckerdramon - note: it's a champion.. yeah... Ultimate: Gigadramon MEGA: Gundramon Note: he is a "westaboo"
"Hope" crest Rookie: Bakomon Champion: Gladimon Ultimate: Knightmon MEGA: Slashangemon Note: He's just a lower class-man that gets rapped in to this series of shenanigans
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holydramon · 7 months
the reason meicoomon isn’t available in survive was because they knew I’d be too powerful if all three of my favorite digimon were in the game
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sapphire-mage · 10 months
Little dumb thing, but I've been brewing this character for my novel series that is basically 'a demon who did so many good deeds that he became an angel, and now he is a hero who fights for peace and befriends humans and humans who have become angels'.
And with Digimon Next Order, I've been going in cycles of OCs being rep by different Digimon. And I now have a digivolution line that is 'Tiny devil -> Big devil -> Giant Robot Demon -> HERO'! And I'm just nerding out.
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tobiasdrake · 4 days
Eh, I can see the recolored 'mons as playable just being nice little extras, as they take far less resources to implement; Cyber Sleuth is also quite conservative with them; I remember Gigadramon doing its alternative counterpart to Megadramon bit, BlueMeramon and Panjyamon as ice-themed Perfects, Gotsumon's joke of only changing colors up to Perfect, and Black counterparts. Digimon World Next Order has plenty of them, but, it IS a Digimon World game, and all it did was turn the NPC-only 'mons into playable ones, reusing most of the animations and model. They are less about taking up slots, and more adding extra slots. Like Smash Bros echoes, ngl. Those became far better received once they were explained.
I suppose that does make more sense when you look at it like that.
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ask-digimon-hunters · 4 months
*project mugen arc Start*
Rose: here are the parts you go sir the parts you needed for this project.
???: *snatches tha arm of gigadramon out of roses hands* very well, project mugen is almost complete, now all he requires is a tamer… and I know just who to use. Rose how would you feel as my most loyal assistant to be in charge of my magnificent creation?
Rose: thank you… lord myotismon…
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blood-darkened-moon · 3 months
Here’s a random crossover no one ever asked for. What if Alfred and Alexia had Digimon partners?
Since they are twins, they start with the same Digimon (Leafmon), which evolves in different directions. However, I still wanted their Digimon to have some similarities on higher levels. Therefore, both become more dragon-like and have a Dramon-type Digimon as a Mega level.
As a military and weapon enthusiast, I wanted the Digivolution line of Alfred’s Digimon partner to reflect this. For the Digivolution line of Alexia’s Digimon partner, I’d like to keep the insect and plant aspects. Also, Snimon reminds me of Alexia’s third and Hydramon of Alexia’s second form.
Digivolution line of Alfred’s Digimon
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Leafmon → Minomon → Kokuwamon → Tankmon → Gigadramon → Gundramon
Digivolution line of Alexia’s Digimon
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Leafmon → Minomon → Dokunemon → Snimon → Toropiamon → Hydramon
As a bonus, I also have an alternative Digivolution line for both. Gundramon and Hydramon are Virus-type Digimon. So I thought with a more positive attitude, both of the twins’ Digimon could become non-Virus-types. In this case, I focused more on the “queen” and “soldier ant” aspects. I found Rafflesimon with a crown and plant features fitting for Alexia and Alphamon as a Royal Knight fitting for Alfred.
Alternative Digivolution for Alfred’s Digimon
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Tankmon → Knightmon → Alphamon
Alternative Digivolution for Alexia’s Digimon
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Snimon → Jewelbeemon → Rafflesimon
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sonicasura · 3 months
Ok what are some of your HCs for the DigiDad Kafka crossover/AU
Kafka has two albums of all his Digimon experiences. One is completely about his four kids from milestones to cute/funny antics such as them sleeping in a laundry basket together in In-Training forms. The other album is his experiences with other Digimon whether it be in the Digital World, Digital spaces or the rare real World encounters. He explored quite a lot over the two year span.
Kafka may have a bunch of friends in very high places in the Digital World. He doesn't really have any bias towards a Digimon so every type just sees him as a very cool bloke. UlforceVeedramon, Beelzemon, Apollomon, Seraphimon, GranDracmon(not the admirer), to name a few examples.
Kafka does have a Digimon stalker, Omnimon Zwart Defeat. They often tend to follow him more like a terrifying yet harmless ghost as his presence keeps the fallen Royal Knight calm for some reason. Reno nearly had a fucking heart attack upon seeing his friend nonchalantly chill on the shoulder of a giant entity that radiates sheer death. (Kafka is essentially an emotional support companion to a Digimon who doesn't want to be seen as an attack dog.)
Slight spoilers for the bottom.
Both Digimon from the air invasion attack do survive since Blizzarmon drags them into an Internet space once reinforcements arrive. (Megadramon and Gigadramon had only attacked the Digimon, not humans.) The two snapped out of their hostility once away from the head Kaiju's influence. Defense Force will later receive an apology message by them.
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ryushadowdragon · 4 months
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some pictures i drew with my graphic tablet
Part 1
Dezel - Tales of Zestiria
Angemon - Digimon
Wolfmon - Digimon
Gigadramon and Megadramon - Digimon
Renamon - Digimon
Manda, Aoda and Garaga - Naruto/Boruto
Garurumon - Digimon
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orifumioshi · 5 months
I swear I'm alive, just very lazy to go on sns :3c I kinda miss tumblr tbh so, aside the queue I've put in my art blog, I might want to interact more but also I'm very lazy to scroll down my dashboard (sorry).
Been binge watching SAND LAND, began Sasakoi anime, rewatching Gintama eps to have a good laugh and of course, replaying Digi Survive and Digi Next Order in which I choose digitamas with good boost status rather than getting my oshis and end up working hard to get my ikemen idiots combi (by their names, guess what digis I'm aiming hehe)
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Their evo lines were Gomamon→Seadramon→Gigadramon→Justimon and ToyAgumon→Growlmon(Orange)→BlackMegaloGrowlmon→Beelzebumon so yes, it wasn't planned until I reached Perfect XDDD
Also I swear I'm drawing, just that I'm doing a quite big illust that I must finish asap or I will regret so end up not doing other things.
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