shellbow · 2 years
have a nice day~!
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I make people laugh and that makes me happy
I can learn things quickly
I like my writing
I'm comfortable by myself
I've been able to work through things that have held me back so I know I can work through more things
Thanks for sending this, it was a nice thing to wake up to <3
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teaspoon-of-salt · 5 years
If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications ✔ anonymously or not :) let’s get to know the person behind the blog ♥
tagged by @gaykeybladewielders ty!
illiterate af in chinese tbh and wishing it wouldn’t take so much effort to change that
i am on fucking track to win the longest time finishing a bachelor’s degree award
yeah, i’m a gamer. i play plants vs zombies 10 years after its popularity died. come @ me boys
my last 7 notifs are @persimmon-child, @that-random-human, @thewitchofsilenthill, @gigiviv, @baal-pit, @baezetsu, and i’m too lazy to go further back for my last one
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kingofthedumpster · 2 years
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@nblemons @aquaalta48 @lostsanityfoundit @ankitsukai @starryshorasheijis @catwithaotomeheart @argentontas @kittymina2003 @juguhuhenry51794-blog @inamichan @wingsoutro @tsukigakireida @hunterthemes @echemonsterxx @pastel-sugar-stars @daffypunk-blog @gigiviv @historicalfanfiction @danh27 @i-live-at-crack-speed 
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mishhima · 8 years
bc i'm evil: jearmin for #10
Ahaha I hate love you Gi, here you go:
‘You nearly died’ kiss- Jearmin (1382 words)
[Prompt me!!]
“-Fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen-“
Armin remembers how to do this, he’s practiced numeroustimes before,
“Twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty four-”
Even preformed the act to try save the lives of some of hisother comrades,
“Come on Jean! Twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty!”
Thiswas all part of the basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation training, thirstycompressions, check for breathe,
Noresponse, open airways: head-tilt, chin-lift, nip his nose and-
Armintries to compose himself, to muster out one deep and useful spell of oxygen.His mouth presses firmly and open against Jean’s- and half successfully hemanages too- yet not without shaking breathe and the salty tear-drops that havemade union even as far the way down as the quivering numbness of his lips.
Arminpresses his ear to Jean’s chest again, even places his trembling hand to Jean’sneck when the first pulse is deemed too difficult to detect under all thelayers of blood-ridden corps uniform.
It’sgot to be- somewhere- where is the pulse? Anything,
“Pleasepleaseplease-“The words never cease in their cascade from Armin’s tongue as he tries the sameaction again, tilting Jean’s head back, breathing out deeply.
Inthe moment Armin begins to loose track of where they are, how things got to bethis way. They must be about twenty miles north of Wall Rose, Nedlay Districtspecifically. Armin had managed to haul Jean’s body away as far as his smallerframe could muster before the exhaustion really settled in and he foundmomentary refuge for the two of them in a nearby livestock shelter (or remains thereof).
‘There is an irony to that’,Armin pondersas he rummages his hands frantically under the fabric of Jean’s jacket, tryingto find way to his- god, please bebeating- heart.
Jean had been so stupid- damn that fool!
More tears drop, this time straight down onto Jean’s face asArmin fails blindly in blinking them away.
The blond remembers the events. He had been so distracted inthought and action, is attention diverted solely to the prospect of getting himand Jean out of the situation- in one piece preferably. Two titans- 12 and 7meters respectively; nothing veterans like themselves couldn’t handle. Besides,this was only a location reconnaissance mission, no more than the two of themand a handful of lower-ranks would be necessary anyway. Or so Armin thought.
In his frantic search for life and barbarous battle with thetwo titans on such unreliable terrain; Armin had failed to respond quicklyenough to the approaching- or rather barreling- abnormal thundering across themash at is very rearguard.
This one was unlike most they had encountered before, one ofthe more dangerous abnormals clearly. Its limbs swung wildly either side of it,its versatile and swift-grasping jaw attempting to strike down at any piece offlesh it caught sight of- but Armin was too late in reacting, it would have hadhim- it could have and yet-
That was the last thing Armin heard before the hauntingzephyr and mind-churning clatter of a body- Jean’sbody- hitting the floor, palpitated its way down to Armin’s core and lefthim screeching out in terror.
“-Four, five, six-“
Jean has to wake up, he must! Armin continues to beg himself,forcing his interlocked hands down against Jean’s chest with a rhythmic intensity.
He is- not- going- to die- not for Armin! No-
“Wake up wake up! Nine, ten,eleven-“
The world cannot be this cruel; itcan’t just take Jean away from him… not like this-
“Fuck- please! Fifteen, sixteen, seventeen-“
“Agh!” Jean’s body thrusts upwardinto Armin’s hands with a spluttering cough and choking gasp for air. The blonddraws back quickly in response, hastily taking in the presence of Jean’slivening form. “H-hi…” Jean smiles meekly through his short, though gradually steadyinggasps for air. However before the taller man has much of a time to recover, thecrash of Armin’s body against his own takes him back yet again.
Armin’s hands engulf either side of Jean’s; clutchingdesperately to any part of him that they can- his shoulders, his face, hischest- terrified of letting loose. Pulling the two of them back down onto thesoil floor with enough force, Armin worries for just a moment he might damage Jeanto an even greater degree, before a pair of weak arms envelop their way around hiswaist.
That accident, the impact, it could have shattered the Jean’s back- nevermind simply forcing the air from his lungs.
“Y-you- you,” The blond shudders,tear-soaked face shoving its way into the heat of Jean’s chest, “you nearly d-died! You- you stopped breathing!”
In quick an instant however Arminpulls away, his eyes wide and frantic, face and hands searching Jean just to besure-
Yes, he is here, alive- thank god he is alive.
Without so much as allowing thethought to process, Armin resorts to action: he draws is hands up either sideof Jean’s face, his grip so tight that is fingernails could very-well leavemarks in the flesh, and crushes his lips down against Jean’s with such a valianturgency that it takes what little breathe the brunette can muster away from himall over again.
The sensation is desperate, dampand rushed at best, all together fleeting and almost as soon a Jean gathers histhoughts enough to reciprocate Armin’s actions, does the blond pull himselfaway to collect a view of Jean’s features.
“Don’t do that again!” Armin’snails dig tighter, his jaw tensing as viciously as the desperate plea heushers, “Don’t you dare risk yourlife like that again- not for me!”
Armin’s eyes remain as red asburning coal, glassy and welling still as he slides his fingers up into thebloodied matt of Jean’s hair.
“Please- don’t… I can’t-“
‘Livewithout you’
Something of the sort- Jeanpresumes- it’s the same very influx of pure, sightless emotion that caused thebroader man to force himself between Armin and the abnormal to begin with.
“Oi…” Jean practically croaks, hisvocal chords still rusted, his chest aching and raw, “now that’s not very fair…”He brings himself to smile, edging a hand up from Armin’s hip encasing itaround one of the blonde’s own at his cheek, “not when you do the same for me.”
Armin understands that he does;time and time again and he knows down to the very minuscule fragmentations ofhis being that he’ll never stop doing it either; not until he can be sure that Jean is safe- that they aresafe together.
“Ha-“ Armin laughs dryly insaddening agreement, his hands falling down into the space between them, eyes closingshut and forehead dropping against Jean’s with a sort of emotional exhaustionthat breaks the other man’s heart.
It’s upsetting more than anything,because Armin can agree with Jean that he is completely truthful within hisstatement… and yet neither of the two are better for it.
It is dangerous, Armin understands,to be so unwaveringly attached to another human being when they live the lifethat they do. Neither one of them can guarantee the other’s safety. Nothing isfor certain nor can everyone be rescued.
Next time Jean might not be quickenough to react.
Next time Armin might not be ableto save Jean if he is.
Armin continues in is near-silent laughter, smilingthinly, breathing in the thick scent of Jean’s very ‘livingness’ if that is a thing at all, and grasping hold of hisjacket between his fingers all the tighter, he agrees, “You’re right…” In a moderateand sedated manner, Armin’s chuckles transcend into a drawn out and painfulsob, practically silent though his jaw clenches all the same.
Fresh tears begin again betweenthem- and observing the shudder in Armin’s frame does Jean pull the other manin closer, screwing his eyes shut and burying his face deep within the sunglowof disheveled hair under him, praying to anyone who will listen that- evenjust for a moment longer- they can stay like this, alone and together andheart-beating-ly alive, even if it is only amongst the shrieks and criesechoing across the interspace between themselves and the walls that they callhome.
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decinnas · 9 years
money & waste the night
money: Are you wise with spending/saving your money?
lmao not rlly,,, ,,, i just dont  c a r e i spend money on anythign
waste the night: What is your favourite pastime?
chilling with my friends ,, adn going on the computer
sounds good feels good asks
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weebtrina · 9 years
that gifset is implying the latter. she's basc being the classic definition of a weeaboo and in a disastrous sense, doesn't realize the harm she's actually doing + being ignorant of a culture
ahhhh ok!! thank you!! i wasnt sure if it was either and i was like “please dont be ragging on ppl who enjoy + understand the fashion and culture” !! :’)
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maychorian · 9 years
20 and 21! :)
20. Describe your perfect writing conditions.
A dimly lit room with a diffuser going with the smell of lavender and frankincense, my personalized playlist for that particular story playing in one tab, 750words.com open in another tab, a sleepy rat cuddled up on my shoulder, tumblr not updating so I’m not tempted to check it. 
I’ve done surprisingly well at work lately between calls, mainly because the only distraction is work, and I don’t LIKE work, so it’s easy to keep my brain daydreaming about fanfic.
21. How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
I usually write the chapter through completely, trying not to look back but get it all out in one go. Then I do a big picture re-read where I might change sentence structure and word choice, maybe delete some redundancies here and there. Then a second re-read for typos and grammar, and post immediately. So a couple of revisions. But ask me how many times I read it AFTER it’s posted. hahahhahaaaa
…it’s not really funny.
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marblemoon · 9 years
gigiviv replied to your post:i..want to update zankyou no mundane but...
[raises hand]
nnnNNNNIIICCCEE!!!! we shall see my friend!! 
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its-konoe · 9 years
o god I have this horribly sad theory that the Sphinx will turn themselves in afterwards so Nine waits for Twelve at the doorstep. Twelve has to say goodbye to Lisa so he goes into their bedroom and when he wakes her up he can't bring himself to make her sad so he just gives her a heartbreaking smile and hugs her real tight and she's still disorientated from waking up but some part of her realizes that this is goodbye for real this time and she clutches at him and cries and everything hurtsaaa//
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mishhima · 9 years
[whispers] even numbers :P
Wowo Gi ;) - okay here we goo..
2. first anime crush- Probs half the cast of snk tbh
4. least favorite anime character- I don’t really hate any but Shirou from Fate/Stay Night annoys me because he’s too bland
6. popular anime you didn’t like- One Piece, the art style is too gaudy for me
8. anime character you are most like- Jacuzzi Splot I’d like to say Haruhi from ohshc or Hotaru from Aoharu x Kikanjuu
10. favorite anime animal sidekick- Literally the only animal I can think of is penpen from nge
12. anime that should get more attention from others- BACCANO! 
14. saddest anime you have ever watched- Nothing in particular but the last ep of Death Parade made me cry
16. 10 5 best animes you have watched- znt, sakamichi, fate/zero, baccano, nge… 
18.10 worst anime you have watched- I don’t think I’ve seen any particularly bad ones… except Devil Survivor 2… good god
20. least favorite anime ships- I’ll just say the ones with inappropriate age gaps…
22. age you started watching anime/person who introduced you to it- Well I watched Studio Ghibli films and like Pokemon growing up but I didn’t really get into anime until 2 years ago when Free! and snk came out… I’m pretty much a fresh weeb
24. popular character you hate- Again, I don’t really hate anyone… I’d say Marc-to the-o annoys me now, but that’s just what he was turned into and not the character himself
26. manga you have read all the way through- I’m behind on so much except Shingeki No Kyojin
28. most upsetting moment in anime, why- oh my god Alexander vs Gilgamesh in Fate/Zero, even tho its one of my top 3 anime moments and literally gives me goosebumps, it still breaks my heart seeing Waver cry
30. one anime conclusion you would change- I’d delete the complete second season of Psycho-Pass
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waterfilters · 9 years
shutter n razor = ultimate bromance & princess n bambi are 2 sides of the same coin and they're all squad bless them tbh
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infinitequeer · 10 years
Hathor & Cernunnos
hathor: What brings you joy?
i really like it when my tea comes out at just the right temperature. i like it when it's cold, really cold, and snowy. it makes me rly happy when my winged eyeliner comes out right on the first try, and doubly so when it stays that way all day.
cernunnos: What is your favorite animal?
agh people always ask this and i still haven't figured out how to say "yeah i don't really have one" so ummm... cats. i really like cats. esp ragdoll cats because they are cute a f
send me a mythology ask :)
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marblemoon · 10 years
gigiviv replied to your post:honestly fuck the dude who took the url dids...
hmm maybe replace the w with a z so at least you can pronounce it? unless that’s taken as well…
hahaha omg why am i laughing didz this looks like...2007 omg...also its FUCKING TAKEN SHIT!!!!!
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its-konoe · 9 years
bye goodbye bye bye gigi bye bye im gone
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jolys · 10 years
i possess a black heart,
obscured by neither rage not resentment toward any creed
(though those indeed are perks of my work of art)
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mishhima · 9 years
doll, paper, lace, candle owo
Doll- Do you collect anything?- Not religiously but I have cinema tickets from my favorite films inside my wardrobe and a badge collection? Paper- What are you currently reading?- Nothing interesting just revision notes but after exams I’m gonna start these books called Save The Cat on writing screenplaysLace- What kind of clothing do you wear?- I go through phases of either wearing baggy tops and dark lipstick or pastel clothing Candle- What is your favorite scent?- I love the smell of a Sunday dinner? I think its because I smell it at work all the time? 
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