homoangel · 1 year
jessica lee moore 🤝 lorelai lee gilmore
dating this guy ⬇️
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babygirlwolverine · 1 year
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aturnoftheearth · 2 years
destiel // honey, honey - mamma mia soundtrack // watch on youtube
taglist! feel free to ask to be added or removed!
@babycakescastiel @youre-only-gay-once @gilmorenatural @fountaincas @selttiks4313 @dollhousemary @pinknatural @lovelikesomethingholy @frogstiel @buckmp4 @thesuperhell @heartshapedcas @destieldisaster @capellacas @antiherodean @thaiteacas @howldean@girlbossdean @bisexualstiel @scooby-cas @toobusytobebored @shallowseeker @acidarteries777 @davyperez @punishercd @the-moonlight-collective @notspiccy @kuntblogger @yourlocalsleepparalysisdemon @gayangelsmp3 @deanwinchestersfloralwallpaper @approximate-to-spherical-cow @justaskmetostay @confusedandconfusing7 @mineforevercas @redleavesinthewind @doemons-blog @chrispineofficial @tasteslikevelvet @millicentmarva @kellyscabin @frainces @eddiebiaz @icantleave @danneelswife @sixdifferentwaysmp3 @cranewivesnaturall @free-birdies @laznatural @fanfiction-thesis @soupernatural @charlieshandmaiiden @draculagerard @15x18thetruth @emeraldcas @4x01 @videnoirdvd
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dollhousemary · 1 year
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"dead wives don't wear aprons" — a 5x15/karen singer poem for today's "rebirth" prompt!
i wrote this feverishly in like 15 minutes, i truly don't know what came over me
taglist below (let me know if you want to be added or removed!)
@spnpoetryrenaissance @aturnoftheearth @friendshapedcas @pinoruno @gracekisses @soupernatural @evenupsidedownbeautifulsomehow @magdaclaire @cinderellarhea @horrorgay @heartshapedcas @breo-rose @raytoroinmybackpack @gilmorenatural @leafblogger @supersapphical @notreallyaroad @frogstiel
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t4tstarvingdog · 1 year
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A Southern Baptist, Son of a Gun, Son of Someone Else's Mother Type Kid — timothy l.l.s.h.
sometimes you're told judas kissed jesus, and sometimes you remember the thing that they didn't tell you. that jesus let him. what is love to thirty pieces of silver and a suicide? what is three denials before morning to three confessions of love? what do you let yourself ask for?
my poetry tag list (ask to be added or removed<3): @gracekisses @callcenterkilljoy @icantleave @hauntedpearl @chaosnatural @raytoroinmybackpack @carveredlund @pinknatural @deanwinchestersfloralwallpaper @obsessionofspn @sleepynatural @destielgaysex @gilmorenatural @faithdeans @heartshapedcas @howldean @redwinesupernova @cosmosinfinity23 @impala67-aka-baby @samsrowena @aturnoftheearth @themichaelvan @casbeeminestiel @punishercd @notreallyaroad @littlebitofdiaz @frogstiel @magdaclaire @babyheller @hellergregoryhouse @saintedcastiel @mayfieldarc
image description under the keep reading
[Image Description: a poem that reads
For God the Son, God the Sacrificial Lamb,  Loved the whole wide world so much That He let Himself be kissed right on That blessed cheek By another man. That whosoever shall  Believe this Son of a Mother, Shall live.
And I, son of a shotgun mother, myself, Loved this King of Kings so much, That I would not let another man kiss my lips For fear of God’s wrath Forgetting about the very same Original Kiss That got us here in the first place.
I dunno about Him, But I’ve never asked my Best Friend if He loved me, Three times in a row before God, Like I was waiting for him to deny me.
I’ve asked him to keep watch over me While I prayed, though. Guess that’s pretty near to the same thing.
—timothy l.l.s.h.
/end description.]
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gaytedlasso · 2 years
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@gilmorenatural requested 9
Another white charcoal attempt before I figured out wtf I was doing
Send me a number 1-15 and I’ll post an abandoned WIP
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meatmensch · 2 years
Dean and Cas discuss celebrating Hanukkah. They reflect on their relationship, their shortcomings, and their growth. They laugh, they cry. They have a tickle fight. 2k. Rated T. Feel free to ask me any questions about Jewish stuff in this fic!
“Hey,” Cas rumbles. “Hanukkah is a few weeks away. Would you like to celebrate? For the first time in nearly forty years, you have nothing to do during Hanukkah. No one to fight. It seems fitting to celebrate a holiday about triumph…survival…victory over those who have wronged you.”
Dean opens his eyes and smirks. “And?”
“And I haven’t had latkes since they were made with turnips. The last time I played dreidel, it was with Uriel in the 19th century.”
Read more on AO3.
Taglist under the cut. Lmk if you wanted to be added or removed!
@shatterstar @dwcoded @thereweresunflowers @gracekisses @howldean @twoheadedcas @heartshapedcas @intraosseous @castielsclitoris @justafictionlover @pussypopstiel @palestinenatural @queerstudiesnatural @gilmorenatural @daalcuntynatural 
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@codenamefinlandia @2broschillin @corregatito @sweater-soup @big-wet-cas-eyes @bloodydeanwinchester @chapeldean @deanbroco @comfycowboy @corancoranthemagicalman @curlynerd @dmsilvisart @hauntedpearl   @emeraldcas @castielsupernatural @flowernerdcastiel @nelson-and-murdock-and-page @greatcometcas @icefire149 @imkaya @integer-0verflow @interrogatethecat @justaskmetostay @lonesome-dreamsss @november5th @buckticknatural @one-more-offbeat-anthem @pointyearedelvishprincling @saratsuzuki @septembersghost   @slipper007 @buckleymp4 @thisisapaige @wondrouswandering @wormstacheangel @supernatural4life2022   @iwantanime @xofemeraldstars   @gaytedlasso @faithdeans @bluehoursmp3 @urielcoded @gilmorenatural @blanketforcas
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pinkdean · 2 years
I was tagged by @iknowtheendnatural and @letmeblued post 5 comfort characters and tag 5 people. Thank you both for the tags!!!
1. Hawkeye from MASH my most beloved. You are everything 2 me
2. Sam gamgee! My guy!!! I love him! He'd make me soup what more could I want!
3/4. Greg AND Wirt from otgw. What a show. What a dynamic. Love them both.
5? I feel like I gotta put someone from supernatural since this is an spn blog but most of these men are DEEPLY unsettling. I love Rufus though so I'll go with him
I'm tagging @scooby-cas @milfcodeddean @plutoniclesbian @gilmorenatural @eyelinerdean if you want to!
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battlecriesandroses · 2 years
@date-mate-re-animate @deanwinchestersfloralwallpaper @gilmorenatural @drlobsterman @haboat + all my other friends that I'm too nervous to tag (I don't want to bother you): I love you guys more than I can put into words. every time I saw your name in my notifications, my day was immediately cheered up. I just wanted you to know.
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dollhousemary · 1 year
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“The Dollhouse” — a dialogue poem between Chuck and Metatron, for today’s prompt of the same name!
this poem was inspired by a good handful of other things, namely Supernatural 11x20 "Don't Call Me Shurley", "A Doll's House" by Henrik Ibsen, "The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane" by Kate DiCamillo, and a philosophical dialogue between Socrates and one of his students, Euthyphro :)
taglist below!
@spnpoetryrenaissance @aturnoftheearth @friendshapedcas @pinoruno @gracekisses @soupernatural @evenupsidedownbeautifulsomehow @magdaclaire @cinderellarhea @enochianribs @heartshapedcas @breo-rose @raytoroinmybackpack @gilmorenatural @leafblogger @supersapphical @notreallyaroad @frogstiel @ididit-allofit-foryou
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t4tstarvingdog · 1 year
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Bleeding Like a Ball-Point Pen in Your Hands — timothy l.l.s.h.
You ever make the mistake of sucking on a pen and having the seal burst and it all leak into your mouth? I really did think I was dying, whether it was from ink-poisoning or something else, I wasn't sure.
my poetry tag list (ask to be added or removed<3): @gracekisses @bloodydeanwinchester @floorboarddestined2004 @icantleave @hauntedpearl @altarofrowena @chaosnatural @raytoroinmybackpack @carveredlund @pinknatural @deanwinchestersfloralwallpaper @obsessionofspn @sleepynatural @destielgaysex @gilmorenatural @thechaincd  @faithdeans @heartshapedcas @aturnoftheearth @howldean @impala67-aka-baby @redwinesupernova @frogstiel
image description beneath the 'keep reading'
[Image Description: a poem that reads
So what, this is how I’m gonna love you now? I think I was letting you go This whole time.
Blood in my mouth— Blood in my fucking mouth— And blood staining your fist like ink when I Was thirteen years old,  Writing an essay for some School that never loved me enough to know My name.
Always had the habit of Sucking on the tip of the pen when The ink wouldn’t come, same as the words stuck Honey-thick in my throat. Always had the habit of letting it get to me, When there wasn’t anything more for me to write, All the words I had saved up,  Spent.
Didn’t notice it, one time, That my tongue was wet with ink, not spit, Till I went to the bathroom to splash water on my face, And instead thought I was dying. Bleeding blue.
Wasn’t till I realized that the blue Matched the smudges on my small knuckles,  Right hand, Aching from spending so long Cramped in that motel couch, tryna write something without words.
And this is how I’m gonna love you now, Blood in my mouth in the bathroom mirror, ‘Cause buddy, I’ve got no more words left, And I’m waiting for the relief.
The relief of knowing That the red in my mouth matches the red  On your hands.
The ink stained, you know that? Couldn’t rinse it out for days, without spitting blue. You can’t wash me away that easy.
—timothy l.l.s.h.
/end image description.]
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solarcas · 2 years
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For @becauseofthebowties' follower celebration - Prompts: parallels // falling
(In which, unlike Dean and Cas, Jess and Rory actually crash the car after this scene. You know, the logical thing that should happen after that amount of eye contact-)
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meatmensch · 1 year
All Will Be Well
2.6k, post-canon fix-it, shroomnatural! Sam slips Dean and Cas some magic mushrooms cuz he's crazzzy. Dean and Cas have a great time. Jupernatural as always. Dedicated to my beloved @twoheadedcas for her 21st birthday!
Mushrooms can really expand your consciousness - make everything clearer. Sam just wants Dean and Cas to appreciate how good they have it, and acknowledge what's really important. Cas doesn't deserve to deal with Dean's bullshit without even having a key to the backdoor.
Sam just wants his brother and best friend to be happy.
Read more on AO3.
taglist! lmk if u wanna be added or removed
@shatterstar @dwcoded @thereweresunflowers @gracekisses @howldean @twoheadedcas @heartshapedcas @castielsclitoris @justafictionlover @pussypopstiel @palestinenatural @queerstudiesnatural @gilmorenatural @arsonistsam @angelhannah @hauntedpearl
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fellshish · 3 years
Why was jensen ackles never on gilmore girls
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pinkdean · 2 years
@edenial thank you for the tag!!!
I was tagged to list 8 of my favorite shows, but honestly, the only TV I watch besides Supernatural is M*A*S*H* sometimes, so here are 8 of my favorite movies instead (in no real order)
The Blues Brothers
Twelve Angry Men
The Man from Earth
Rear Window
Dead Poets Society
O Brother Where Art Thou
Shawshank Redemption
Limited setting films I love you 😚💕
I'm tagging @scooby-cas @butchbennylafitte @heyassbuttlmao @gilmorenatural @castielsexhair @callalilycas @envydean if you want to do it!
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