#gimme a papa sandwich
Rewatching F.R.I.E.N.D.S. with bf be like:
I'm sorry but this has been stuck in my brain for days and needed out.
(Videos and pictures courtesy of Google and Ghost's official ytb in case of the Mary on a Cross snippet)
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techniiciian · 1 year
📏 we've compared heights a thousand times but gimme the visual anyway. gimme vader + ani, matt, and han sandwiching luke (with love)
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matt vc: we could be standing in order from tallest to shortest if SOME members of this family wouldn't bicker. looking at you gramps & dad! at least papa is the cutest we all gotta protect him, even though he could wipe the floor with all of us. . .
@skysaunter & @stillsolo
thank you for indulging me in my antics. i will never get over how tall everyone but luke is. i guess the tall gene really did skip a generation.
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stray-writer-glitch · 6 years
A Craving
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Pairing: Han Jisung x reader
Genre: fluff and I think of it as platonic but you don’t have to
Word count: 1015
A/n: This idea came to me at 3 am one day and was finished at 3 am the next. I was blessed on this one. (ft. Svt)
You: I am craving something
Squirrel boi: what is it? candy?
    wait are you on your period???
    do you want me to come over with a heating pad or some meds?
    are you stocked up??
You: Han Jisung stop typing!!
    no, I’m not on my period it’s different
    I have no clue what I’m craving
Squirrel boi: is it something sour?
You: no??? doesn’t sound right
Squirrel boi: spicy???
    is it ramen? cause I’m kinda hungry now and could definitely go for some
You: not spicy, but it could be sweet?
    like a natural sweet, but not too sweet
    it’s definitely a drink of some kind
    and it’s fruity
    I also have the creeping suspicion it’s not even made in this country
Squirrel boi: a smoothie???
    bubble tea??
You: I don’t know!
Squirrel boi: okay gimme a minute and I’ll help you figure it out
You: what are you planning
Squirrel boi: to take you shopping for the perfect drink
You: I’m paying!!
Squirrel boi: NO WAY!!
You: I called it
    I’m paying
    besides I’m the one with the craving
Squirrel boi: stop arguing and open the door, I forgot the keys
You rush towards the door, almost slipping in your socks on the hardwood floor of the hall. Once you finally opened up the door you were greeted by Jisung’s smile. The smile pushed his cheeks to be more squishy than normal and you couldn’t hold back from poking one of them.
“Will there ever be a day when that isn’t your standard greeting for me?” Jisung pouts, faking annoyance.
“Never.” You claim happily, getting your shoes, wallet, and keys before exiting the apartment. “How did you even get here so fast? I thought you were working in the studio today?”
“Chan kicked me out, told me to get some fresh air.” Jisung slid on the banister of the stairway, waiting at the bottom for you to walk down the stairs like a normal human being. “The hypocrite probably hasn’t been outside for a week.”
“We should send Woojin up there to kick Chan out of the studio. Lord knows, the only way to battle that stubborn fool is with the mom of our group.”
Jisung snorts. “We both know Woojin is the dad of the group. He’s the Papa Bear!”
“I am not about to have this argument with you. I have a craving that won’t let me think properly.”
“Excuses excuses.” Jisung waves you off. “But on the topic of cravings. The cafe has these awesome juice - lemonade things that are to die for. They also have some decent sandwiches and I’m hungry. Let’s GOOO!”
With that he pulls you along with him to the cafe, which was thankfully not too far from your shared apartment. Oh yeah, you were also roomates with this squirrel. Thankfully being roomates with him didn’t ruin your friendship with him. You’ve heard too many stories of broken friendships because rooming with a bff didn’t turn out to be as picture-perfect as some people imagined. While Jisung was a little bit messy he did his share and, when you reminded him to, cleaned up every once in a while. He of course had some annoying habits, like sprinting up in the middle of the night to scramble through the whole house for a paper and pencil to write down his newest lyric idea. Or forgetting his keys. But he was great otherwise.
The route to the cafe went through the park and you were so glad for the change of scene. You’ve been stuck in your room trying to finish up the stupid essay for history, and haven’t breathed air fresh from the plants for much too long.
Finally Jisung’s incessant pulling at your arm brought you to the front of a cafe that you have been favoring for a good while. Pinwheel Cafe was run by a family, their son, and a whole ton of his friends. It was far enough from campus that it wasn’t crowded 24/7 but close enough that it was within walking distance. You’ve been to that place so often you started to recognize and put faces to names on some of the guys staffed there, college students all of them.
“One strawberry and passion fruit sparkling lemonade, an iced americano, and the sandwich of the day, please.” Jisung rattled off to the barista, Joshua, a guy a little older than you two, who took down the order easily, as if he had experience with people rapping their order at him or something. Pausing Jisung looked over at you. “You want anything to eat?”
“Nope, I’m good.” You smile reaching for your wallet, but before you can even open it Jisung already whipped out his card and was paying for both his and your things.
“Jisung I am going to kill you!” You whisper yelled at him as he lead you to a table. “I said I was paying!”
“And I said; no way.” He had the audacity to smirk.
“You’re insufferable.” You huffed, plopping down into the chair. “How’s everything up in the studio?”
“Well, other than getting kicked out of there, mostly good. Chan has been going at it for a good week on this streak of inspiration. I’m mostly there to help edit and help figure some of the minor things out, offer a second opinion and what not.” Jisung went on, rambling about work and music and his latest run-in with writer's-block composer's-block? until a server you were pretty sure you heard being called Hoshi, but his tag read Soonyoung, brought your order.
After polite “thank-you”s and smiles you and Jisung dug in. Well, Jisung straight up devoured his sandwich and you tentatively took a sip of your drink.
It. Was. Perfect.
Jisung let out a short laugh. “Your eyes literally just lit up.” He pointed out.
“This stuff is The Thing™!” You declare happily. It took all of your self control not to drink the entire glass as fast as you could.
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mama-ghostie-61542 · 7 years
Calling In The Big Guns
Or “How Grandpa Saved Date Night”
Rated T for Teen
     “Are you sure ya planned for everything?”
      The large anthropomorphic turtle turned to the tiny human he married, “Yes, Babe, I have everything under control. The sitter should be here in…,” he paused as he turned to look at the clock, “five minutes. Everything is taken care of.”
     Roughly four minutes later, his baby brother came in, carrying a large satchel of fun things.
     “Hi Hi Hiii,” Mikey sang as he sat his bag down. “I am here to sit on the kids,” he laughed, as the two small boys and a tiny girl swarmed their favorite uncle’s legs.
     She looked at Raph skeptically, “Ya got this bonehead ta sit wit my kids? Ya realize they are a handful,” she paused, “and a half, each. Right?”
     He nodded as Mikey smiled slyly from the baby pile on the floor. “Yes, Babe, I know.”
         “He ain’t an octopus, Honey,” she sighed.
         “He’s a ninja. Mama, everything is gonna be fine. Can we go? We’re gonna be late for our reservations as it is.”
         “Right,” she sighed. “Gimme two minutes to get my coat,” she said as she walked away, pulling her phone out and tapping on the screen. After a few minutes she set it down and pulled her coat on.
         “Babe,” Raph near shouted from the French door leading to the terrace.
Holding up one finger, she turned to Mikey, she said, “Leo and Don are on call in case you need back up. The hooligans have been fed and bathed, they were winding down for bed in the family room. Emergency numbers are on the fridge. We’ll be back soon.”  
And they left.
Mikey laughed at the pile of kids he was currently at the bottom of and stood up. “You guys are good, but Uncle Mikey is better! Betcha I can make it to the family room first,” he said as he started walking down the hall, only to be passed by three small blurs.
He put “The Princess Bride” in the DVD player and within the first 30 minutes of the movie, was on the phone with his eldest brother.
“Leo! I need help! I swear Raph gave them sweets for supper. Hang on,” he sighed and yelled, “Get down. Now!”
After breathing for a moment, he whispered in the phone, “Get here as soon as ya can.”
Within 10 minutes, Don and Leo were letting themselves in the terrace doors. There were books strewn all over the house, the dog had a party hat on her head and was whining, the movie was playing but no one was watching it, and their sweet niece was whipping their little brother with a spoon as she rode around on his shell, shouting, ‘Faster, Steed!’  at the top of her lungs as her brother rode a broom and a mop around their uncle and shot suction cup arrows at him.
Leo laughed and lifted the tiny, adorable, tyrant from his baby brothers shell and chastised his niece, “Now, Sugarplum, that’s not how we play with Uncle Mikey.
About that time he heard Don yell from the family room, “Stop jumping on the couch!”
When Mikey finally stood up and looked at Leo, Leo burst out in a belly laugh.
Mikey deflated, “What?”
“You have spots of bright white paint all over you.”
Mikey’s ensuing growl slowly turned into a frustrated whine.
Leo let the baby down and said, “You should go wash up. We got these guys.”
“Right,” Mikey said in an exasperated chuckle as he headed off toward the bathroom.
Leo walked into the family room, plucking his younger nephew off of the hall table on his way, and giving him a firm, ‘Stay Down.’ Said nephew promptly ran into the family room and launched himself onto the couch, throwing his brother off of it, and sending him stumbling toward the counter.
Leo quickly launched himself between his nephew and the bullnose edge of the granite countertop.    
         Don was fighting his own battle with their niece.
         When Mikey got out of the bathroom, he heard a muffled call for help from Don, and upon turning the corner into his niece’s room, he saw the three year old trying to shove her mother’s wedding gown down over Donnie’s large cranium. Don was doing his best to fight her off without hurting her.
         The rest of the night progressed mush the same, with one person playing runner, and the other two effectively playing pong with the kids and keeping them in play. Until bedtime that is, then they had to call in the big guns.
         When Raph and his wife arrived home that night, they were greeted with a sight that would have melted the coldest heart. His brothers were curled up on mattresses on the floor, the kids sandwiched between each of them and the chaise on the couch. All six of them were sound asleep.
         Suddenly, a voice cleared from Raph’s easy chair and there sat Splinter.
         As he lifted his mug of tea, he said, “I trust your night out went well, my son.”
         Raphael nodded. “Why is everyone here, Dad?”
         “Good,” he replied. “Raphael, from now on, never send the uncles to do a grandfathers job. Michelangelo couldn’t handle them by himself, so he called in your other brothers. When bed time came and went, and the children refused to settle, Leonardo called me. I admit, it was amusing to hear the frustration in his voice. He won’t be having children of his own anytime soon.”
         “Thanks, Dad,” Raph smiled.
         “No problem at all, my son. The children are a wild bunch, but ‘Papa’ yelling the house down got them to straighten up rather quickly. I had to repair some things, clean up some others, and the laundry and dishwasher are running. It is rather late, I should get going. Please send your brothers home after dusk tomorrow.”
         Raph nodded.
         “Good. Go on, an old man can see himself out and I see the look on my daughters face. Make sure I won’t be a grandfather a fourth time, and have fun,” he chuckled as Raphael blushed.
         Raph somehow managed to stammer out, “We can’t. Well, I can, she can’t.”
         Splinter arched a brow and looked at his daughter-in-law.
         “When the baby was born, I hemorrhaged badly and they had to take my uterus out to stop the bleeding.”
         Splinter chuckled, as he walked toward the door, “Effective and foolproof.”
         “Exactly,” replied the diminutive woman.
         Splinter let himself out and Raph near dragged his wife to their room.
           When they finaly got home the following night, Leo, Don, and Mikey all looked at each other and said, “Never Again!”
         From his place in the dojo, Splinter smiled a soft, knowing smile.    
Something that just came to me and begged to be written. Please review.
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