#gina foster
dolcestilenova · 2 years
Catherine in Gina Foster hat
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sorcjapan · 1 year
【今日のレコード】PETE TOWNSHEND/Iron Man
【今日のレコード】PETE TOWNSHEND/Iron Man さぁ春節!ここからが本当に新しい年の始まるですからね、エンジン入れなおして参りましょ!今日は年末っぽくミュージカル♪ WhoのFireっがカッチョイイのでございます😉 https://sorc.theshop.jp/items/70931759
【今日のレコード】PETE TOWNSHEND/Iron Man さぁ春節!イヨイヨここからが本当の新年のスタートでございますヨ!今日は年末っってことで少しスケールの大きい(!?)レコードを♪あのピート・タウンゼントによるミュージカル『アイアンマン』のアルバムです。ピート独特のセンスが光り、あのFireのWhoバージョンもめちゃカッチョイイです。鉄の巨人に立ち向かう少年を描いているわけですが、政治も経済も国際情勢も敵だらけの昨今ですしね、我々も立ち向かっていくような強い意志で新しい年に挑んで参りましょ!! ☆こちらの商品は携帯サイトBASEから!!商品詳細→…
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philsfavoritepillow · 3 months
I think I have a superpower
So the buck being bi thing just made me realize something. I think I have a superpower. I just started watching the series as it comes out this season right, well this season is when they made buck canonically bi. This has happened before for me. I started watching supernatural as it came out on the last season. They made Cas and Dean Canon in the last season. I started watching teen Wolf as it came out on the last season, They made Lydia and stiles canon in the last season. I started watching Andy Mack in the last season. They made Cyrus and TJ canon in the last season. It’s happened other times too but those are the times it happened with the BIGGEST ships.
EDIT X2: Never Have I Ever, and Nancy Drew as well
When I was in high school: Chicago Med, The Mentalist, Awkward, The Fosters, Timeless, Superstore, the list goes on, this is WEIRD
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gina linetti was right: there are more thors in thor 4: more thor
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maaruin · 20 days
Fanfic Idea: Purgatory Galactica
Set after the last episode of the series (but probably before the epilogue in that episode):
The souls of Cavil, Boomer, Cain, Gina, Tory, Gaeta, Cally, and possibly Zarek, Dualla and D'anna died before they were ready to come to God but also with some seeds for redemption in them. So now they are in the Inbetween, where they have to face their sins. They interact with each other and with angels and maybe even with Jesus (yeah, I would combine BSG with Catholic theology for this - question is how explicit I would get).
I think most of these characters show some amount of contrition before their death, though some more imperfect than others:
Cavil tries to make peace with the humans.
Boomer freed Hera.
Cain decided against going through with the assassination of Adama.
Gina was aware that suicide is a sin, but didn't seem to see another way.
Gaeta surrendered by not jumping the Galactica away after his mutiny had failed to gain the results he hoped for.
Cally let herself be convinced by Tory not to kill herself and her son, only to then be murdered.
Tory at least somewhat tried to come clean. (She is the most doubtful of this group.
For three persons we don't have enough information:
For Zarek, it is not clear if he showed any contrition. We don't really see his final moments and his internal state is somewhat enigmatic anyways.
Dualla and D'anna seem more in control of their themselves when they commit their suicides than Gina. I'm a bit uncertain on how I'd view them. Are they already ready to meet God, or does their decision completely preclude them from this.
Now, I believe in universal salvation, so I would probably write them into this story. But it will be more difficult to build the redemption of those three than for the others.
There are also two characters who I'd say are in need of redemption at the end of the story but are still alive. They could be tied into the story in some ways:
Tyrol's vice is that he abandons the people he loves during times of hardship. He can be haunted by Boomer and Cally.
Athena has twice killed people out of impulse in a situation where this wasn't justified - Natalie and Boomer. She has very strong black-and-white, ingroup-vs-outgroup thinking. It is stated that Hera died young (we can infer that she had at least two children), so it is plausible that Athena outlived her daughter. Her death would likely cause her to spiral down... enough so that she can have visions of Hera going to Boomer after her death, and that will give, after a time of crisis, an opportunity for reconciliation. Leading to Athena becoming ready for taking responsibility for her grandchildren and growing her ingroup outwards.
(Maybe also Leoben? Leoben is weird, gets spooked by Kara's undeath and then more or less disappears from the story. I guess there needs to be something to bring him to a satisfying end as well.)
Unfortunately I don't really plan on writing fanfiction, so this sketch of the story may be all I ever produce of it.
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forensicated · 3 months
Smiffina Episodes: An Honour To Serve - Part 1
Uniform are running low as a virus takes them down. Millie is trying to battle through despite feeling rough. Nate, Leon and Rachel have called in sick. Gina's going to have to go out to boost the numbers!
Smithy is giving Callum the silent treatment after what happened the day before though he can't resist telling him he's still fuming at being put in that position over Callum's arrest of Glen Donovan (Appropriate Force) and is still considering speaking out about the amount of force used. Callum assures Gina everything is absolutely fine - even if Smithy did just stalk out before she arrived.
Jake Quinn rings the station to tell them he's been stabbed. Roger and Ben arrive as Quinn is loaded into an ambulance. In the flat they find a couple of patches of blood and the living room has been turned over. There's a voicemail from a Nicola that states 'Gerard' is in the way to see him as he's seen the flowers he left her. Roger takes the telephone number and asks Sally to do a check on it.
Heaton offers to help fill in and Gina accepts telling him she really is that desperate! He smiles and says her that's the old Gina he knows and she pretends to take offence at the 'old' and apologises for how she spoke to him. (Funny Money). She tells him she was having a bad time of it and he sympathises. She places Heaton with Sally "Oh. Excellent." "...Try and say it like you mean it, Sally." Roger calls in the stabbing and she assigns Smithy with her after their argument the evening before.
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"We are all on the same side." "We shouldn't have to take sides though, Ma'am."
Ben and Roger update Callum and Millie that a man was seen leaving the block of flats after a lot of shouting. He then went to a pink hatchback in the carpark and drove off. Sally updates them that the telephone number is registered to a Gerard Parry and sends the address through. Eddie thrusts a mask at "Sick Girl", Millie. "Coughs and sneezes spread diseases!" he tells her. Eddie Olusonje: Fighting Covid as far back as 2008.
Smithy apologises to Gina again and tells her he was angry. She tells him to forget it. Smithy speaks to the paramedics and then tells Gina the paramedics found Quinn on the floor by the open front door and all he said was 'thank you'. They speak to Quinn who tells them if it'd been an inch either way he'd no longer be here according to a doctor.
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Quinn tells them it was Gerard Parry who stabbed him because he'd had an affair with his wife. He'd been their builder a few months back and 'one thing lead to another'. He didn't want to be responsible for breaking up a family so ended it but she won't leave him alone. That morning he says she rang and left him a message saying Gerard had found the flowers he sent but claims it wasn't him who sent them.
Gina updates Callum with the address of the suspect but they're already outside. Parry makes a run for it when the police arrive and manages to get away. Callum returns to the house to meet up with Millie and to talk to Parry's wife and daughter.
Nicola insists Quinn is the one who is obsessed with her after a one off she instantly regretted. She claims he is stalking her and that Gerard only punched him. She shows Callum the card and flowers and details calls and text messages of harassment but has deleted the evidence to stop her husband finding them. She'd had an affair 5 years ago and promised it would never happen again. The Parry's daughter tells Millie that her parents either argue or give each other the silent treatment. She's become immune to it as she puts headphones in and turns her music up. She can't wait to be 16 and leave them so they can leave each other.
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Eddie finds the knife underneath a settee. It's an expensive speciality knife that comes from a block in the Parry's house. Nicola tells Callum it's been missing for a week. She hands a family picture to Callum and tells him it's the 'most recent picture she has' of Gerard. It's at least 6 years old judging by the age of the daughter. Heaton and Sally find Parry at the Jubilee Canal and arrest him for stabbing Quinn. He protests he never stabbed him, that he was fine when he left him. In interview he tells Heaton and Sally that he found the roses on the doorstep and read the card. He'd had his suspicions as Nicola was 'different' when Quinn was around and he was smug. He'd told her that she'd enjoyed talking with him but he'd been harassing her since. They argued all night as it's not the first time she's had an affair. He says Quinn laughed in his face and said his marriage was a sham and she loved him not Parry. He then described her intimately. Parry admits punching Quinn and says he punched him back. They struggled, he realised he was making a fool of himself and shouted at him to leave his wife alone and left Quinn 'grinning'. Sally shows him a picture of the knife and he admits its theirs but he didn't take it with him and he doesn't know how it got there.
Heaton updates uniform they have enough evidence to charge Parry, however he believes that he could be innocent from his behaviour in interview. Smithy explains the paramedics found the door open but Heaton counters that Parry described slamming the door closed. That is backed up by a neighbour that Ben spoke to. Roger found no blood on the door handle or frame but plenty on Jake's hands. There's no identifying the florist as it's a generic bunch of red roses wrapped in cellophane and the card is typed. It's six of one and half a dozen of the other. Millie admits the daughter said her mother has been feeling neglected by the father so could have set it up to make him pay her attention, however, she hadn't told him about the affair so why would she? They consider if it was a way of bringing it to the fore so that Jake could still get punished for rejecting her. Sally brings the Parry's phone records and there's a lot of calls from their number to Quinn's flat over the last few weeks.
Callum returns to the Parry's house and Nicola admits to calling Quinn a couple of times to tell him to leave her alone. Callum tells her there's 40 calls. Some are short 20 second bursts but others are much longer. They were made during daytime hours when her daughter and husband would be out of the house. She only wants him to leave her alone and sticks to her story that she didn't call him.
Smithy and Gina return to St Hugh's and tell Quinn that Parry isn't denying the assault as he expected him to. He tells the same story that Parry did in interview, but then goes into detail about what furniture got knocked over in the struggle and that Parry then pulled a knife on him. He can't say where Parry got it from. He went to the floor after being stabbed and claims Parry stared at him, threw the knife and left, slamming the door behind him. He remembers thinking he had to get it open again for the paramedics. Gina asks if this was before he called 999 or after. Jake seems confused as to why he's being questioned and gets twitchy. He also has no defensive wounds on his body or hands. "If a fella comes at you with a knife you're gonna try and take it off him." Smithy points out. "And if he opened the door for the paramedics, why is there no blood on it?"
Gina updates Eddie and asks for his take on it. Eddie admits it's quite a confused crime scene. He says the things that are knocked over do not tally having fallen or broken in a struggle - for example a table has been upturned with one leg snapped off completely and then neatly laid inside the table frame. The blood is consistent with one stab wound, however Quinn has 5. There are marks on the wall and Eddie considers that Quinn could have braced the knife inplace and pushed himself onto it and taken 4 run attempts before the final one where he pushed it in fully. Smithy is only a couple of inches shorter than Quinn so attempts to recreate it - it lines up. Gina asks Roger and Ben to arrest Quinn but when they get there he's already gone.
Quinn has no criminal record and they have no idea what he's capable of. Callum is sent to bring Nicola into the station for safety. Smithy wonders if they could be in it together given that the knife from their home as used and found at Quinn's. It could be one way to end the marriage if she asked for a divorce and he refused. They are about to return to search Quinn's flat but are interrupted by the taxi driver who picked Quinn up from the hospital telling them he took Quinn to Nicola's house. Callum arrives to collect Nicola with Millie and shakes his asp out incase Quinn is inside. They find Nicola cowering behind the settee as she fears Quinn about to rape her. He tried to use his wound as a reason for her to leave Gerard and move in with him and Callum tells her that it was Quinn who stabbed himself. He'd have been able to copy keys from when there as a builder and that's how he got hold of the knife and made the phone calls, letting them connect to his answer phone so it looked as though they were talking. He's stolen her car and Callum puts out the registration.
Smithy finds Quinn's passport and sees he was deported from Australia so asks Sally to contact Interpol for more information. Ben finds ladies underwear and cosmetics in a drawer in Quinn's bedroom. The drawer also contains keys to Nicola's house. There are newspaper articles that describe a father commiting suicide in front of his 15 year old son. The surname is different but it's still Jake. They find a payslip for an internet cafe and attend, asking the boss if he's spoken to Quinn recently. He had been in approximately half an hour before them and needed to get something from his locker. He doesn't know what but Quinn did come out in a clean top. Whilst Smithy goes to the car for some bolt croppers to cut the padlock Jake installed on it, the boss tells Gina they get a lot of kids from the nearby school and Jake is really good with them but he generally keeps himself to himself. When the locker is open, Smithy pulls out a blooded tshirt, a pistol holder and bullet but no gun.
Heaton assures the Parry's they're digging into Quinn's background and trying to find as much as possible out about him. Nicola tells them Jake didn't have a happy childhood and that his parents and foster parents are dead. He'd spent some time in Melbourne and met a girl there but they broke up because 'she didn't understand him'. Smithy calls Heaton to one side and tells him about the gun and bullet. He's seems to have the gun tucked away away on the CCTV from the internet cafe and he's seen leading Sophie Parry outside. Quinn was arrested for stalking a woman in Australia but charges were dropped as there wasn't enough evidence. A few months later he was arrested again for sexual assault and still the charges wouldn't stick so they were dropped. Shortly after the boyfriend of the victim was shot and wounded. The police were certain Quinn did it but couldn't prove it, He was deported 2 weeks later. There was nothing suspicious about his father's suicide but they never found the gun used. He changed his name by taking on the surname of his foster family and then was in a succession of care homes before Social Services lost track of him.
It appears that he found out Sophie was a regular user of the internet cafe before Quinn started working there and that he applied for the job as a way to get closer to her for when he believed Nicola would dump Gerard and move in with him. The Parry's are terrified.
Smithy and Gina attend Sophie's school to talk to her best friend. They spot Nicola's car as soon as they arrive. Quinn is already there and armed. Gina asks for the headmistress but they hear a scream before she appears. Gina asks the head to action an evacuation. Smithy makes his way up to where the scream came from and is spotted by Parry who points his gun in his direction and tells him not to come closer as he takes 15 children, including Sophie and best friend Polly as well as a teacher hostage. Smithy assures him he won't and tries to get the rest of the children out. He uses the distraction to dart across to a dark room opposite Quinn. Gina tries to call Smithy on the radio. He turns his radio down and hides out of sight, not responding to the radio calls. His mobile goes to voicemail. Sally tells Gina and Smithy a girl ran from the car after Quinn parked and he followed her inside. A check of the car reveals an abduction kit of duct tape, rope and a hammer stored in the boot.
Smithy watches from a storeroom as Quinn stalks around the room. He asks the children for paracetamol and barks at Sophie to shut up when she tries to talk. He blames her for getting them into the situation as it was her who ran into school. He only took her because her mother wouldn't come without her. Heaton tells Gina to reply to Smithy to update him what's happening and that CO19 are en route.
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Smithy uses his radio to transmit what is happening and listens as Jake threatens to shoot one of the children. He isn't prepared to wait. Officers hear Smithy shout 'POLICE!' over the radio as he goes in, hitting Jake on the back of the legs with his ASP. He shouts at the children to run out of the room. They then hear Quinn say 'You shouldn't have done that' and a gunshot. Gina shouts Smithy's name and the next thing they hear is Quinn saying 'You've got a man down'"
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smudgemark · 2 years
The cast of "The Woman King" covers the September 2022 digital issue of Essence Magazine. Photography by Lelanie Foster.
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jackbatchelor3 · 11 months
Freddie Struggles To Process The News Walford REEvisited EastEnders
TW: Rape
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I truly believe that Gina Rodriguez or Kelly Marie Tran would have performed exceptionally as Jane Foster in the MCU Thor trilogy
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more-hats · 2 years
“I couldn’t ask for better partners or friends. ☺️” Okay then you need to raise your standards because REALLY??
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dolcestilenova · 9 months
Catherine, Princess of Wales's hats in......purple/yellow
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sylvanfreckles · 7 months
Day Seventeen: Heirloom
“…yes, he seems like a nice enough boy. But, Tom, why didn’t you tell me you were adopting? I would have brought him a gift.”
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reasonsforhope · 5 months
"Mexico’s government recently announced the creation of 20 new protected areas across 12 states and two coastal areas in the country, covering roughly 2.3 million hectares (5.7 million acres). This follows a series of budget cuts to the nation’s environmental agencies.
Officials introduced four new national parks, four “flora and fauna protection areas,” seven sanctuaries, two biosphere reserves and three “natural resources protection areas” under the protection of the National Commission of Protected Natural Areas (CONANP).
“This is a commendable step toward biodiversity conservation and environmental protection,” said Gina Chacón, director of the Wildland Network’s public policy program in Mexico. She told Mongabay these new areas will help preserve the country’s rich ecosystems, foster sustainable practices and protect a broad range of important species and habitats. Though some environmental and Indigenous groups are wary the budget cuts could hinder efforts to conserve these areas.
The newly protected areas will preserve habitat and ecologically important marine areas for various species, including whale sharks (Rhincodon typus), Mexican prairie dogs (Cynomys mexicanus) and jaguars (Panthera onca). They will also help safeguard ecologically important coral reefs and areas of cultural significance to Indigenous communities.
Bajos del Norte, a new national park in the Gulf of Mexico, is the largest new protected area, covering 1,304,114 hectares (3,222,535 acres), almost nine times the size of Mexico City. The area is important to the more than 3,000 families that belong to fishing communities on the Yucatán coast. It is also one of the main grouper fish (Epinephelinae) reproduction sites in the Gulf of Mexico and will safeguard threatened species, such as the rocky star coral (Orbicella annularis) and the hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata).
Joaquín Núñez Medrano, the secretary of the UEFAHG or Union of Forestry and Agricultural Ejidos Hermenegildo Galeana A.C. (Unión de Ejidos Forestales y Agropecuarios Hermenegildo Galeana), lives in an ejido — a type of communally owned land used for agriculture and forestry purposes — called Cordòn Grande in Sierra Grande of Guerrero, along the Pacific Coast. For more than 10 years, Medrano’s community has monitored species such as the jaguar and sustainably managed the ejido’s natural resources, without government assistance.
But now, the ejido has been designated a protected area in this latest round of decrees, as it falls inside part of the new Sierra Tecuani reserve. “The goal is to strengthen what we have already been doing but with support to do it much better,” he told Mongabay.
The second- and third-largest newly protected areas are Sierra Tecuani, a 348,140-hectare (860,272-acre) biosphere reserve threatened by illegal logging, forest fires and land use changes, and the Semidesierto Zacatecas Flora and Fauna Protection Area, which is important for the recovery of the Mexican prairie dog.
The state of Oaxaca is where the government created the most new protected areas, numbering three: the 90-hectare (222-acre) Playa Morro Ayuta Sanctuary, the 56-hectare (138-acre) Barra de la Cruz-Playa Grande Sanctuary and the 261-hectare (645-acre) Playa Cahuitán Sanctuary. Other protected areas were created in the states of Quintana Roo, Veracruz, Campeche, Nayarit, Zacatecas, Chiapas, Colima, Durango, Jalisco, Chihuahua, Guerrero and the State of Mexico...
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has protected more areas than any previous administration, with a total of 43 new areas across 3 million hectares (7.4 million acres). But Mexico’s Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT), which works to safeguard the environment, has become severely cash-strapped throughout his six-year term.
SEMARNAT is one of many sectors in Mexico undergoing funding cuts. In recent years, Obrador’s government has implemented a series of strict austerity measures to free up more money for other areas like pensions and wages, boosting the leader’s popularity among citizens, particularly the working-class. Judicial workers, health services and academia have also had their budgets slashed in 2024...
Juan Bezaury-Creel, the director of the organization Fundación BD BioDiversidad Mexicana, said a protected area is better than no protected area because, once a decree is formalized, the government has a duty to protect it. However, this puts “huge pressure on existing personnel because they have to take care of more surface area with less resources,” he told Mongabay.
“The personnel from CONANP are heroic,” he said. “They are putting their lives on the line many times with little budget and little help.”"
-via Mongabay, January 25, 2024
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buckttommy · 3 months
umm. pause. guys. guys. gay tommy has been canon this entire time. what the fuck. like. oh my god. no. like. okay. okay. so. 2x9 (hen begins), sal [deluca] is talking about his girlfriend dragging him to see twilight. he makes a homophobic joke about tommy being team jacob and tommy's like "i don't even know what that means." chimney says "he's insinuating that you're gay" and tommy blows deluca a kiss. fine. whatever. but THEN you skip to 2x12 (chimney begins), and—i stg it's a blink and you miss it moment—tommy and gerrard (racist captain) are having this conversation in the background
tommy: what about that burger place? gerrard: tommy i hate that place. hey wasn't your girlfriend supposed to come and cook us dinner? tommy: uhh. next tuesday. gerrard: promise? tommy: uhh. uh. yes. yeah. i will promise.
and it's like. number one, this sounds like a conversation they've had before. something to the tune of "hey, how come you never bring your girlfriend around" which i can't help but think was intentional considering the members of the old 118 were entirely familiar with deluca's girlfriend gina. but number two, no straight man who has a girlfriend sounds that unsure that they have a fucking girlfriend. it was very much giving "ah yes. this human lady that i love that most definitely exists. absolutely. also i like breasts." and it's just like. ok. what the fuck. like. i don't know if this was the plan all along. i don't think it was. i still maintain buck/eddie were supposed to go canon after the shooting and the powers that be got in the way. but. but. the idea that this canon queer character has been hiding in plain sight (subtext) is just. wild to me. like. i've always headcanoned tommy as gay, mostly because every character he plays seems fruity as hell. but bro. i don't think it's a headcanon anymore. and i don't think it ever has been. what the fuck.
there's also the idea that. like. so i've been watching the begins episodes again trying to figure out what, exactly, tommy's crime against the members of the 118 has been. like. he worked in a -phobic/-cist environment. he was definitely complicit in making hen/chimney feel like outsiders in their workplace yes yes all these things are true. but as far as i can tell, tommy has rarely ever actively been anything except spineless. deluca makes a homophobic joke? tommy laughs. gerrard makes a bunch of sexist and racist comments? tommy looks, but doesn't say anything to encourage (or discourage him). hen gives her monologue? he looks chagrined.
and his complicity would be absolutely shitty and inexcusable if he was just a cishet white man. no questions asked. but if — if — you view his behavior through the lens of the fact that tommy is queer himself? that tommy is, and always has been, a member of a marginalized community who felt it was easier and safer to assimilate than it was to be openly queer and have a target on his back? his behavior becomes a whole hell of a lot more understandable. yes, it's still shitty, but. there's a purpose behind it. and this idea is supported by the fact that, when gerrard leaves (flashing forward to bobby begins again), even before bobby gets there (because we always credit bobby with making the 118 the family it is today), like. the atmosphere is completely different. tommy and hen? are friendly with each other. chimney and tommy? also friendly with each other. which we also know because in 2x14 broken, he calls him up for help. which lends credibility to the idea that the problems tommy had (or thought he had) with henchim were not about them as people but more about whatever manufactured conservative boys club bullshit gerrard fostered.
and it's just like. motherfucker. bitch. what the hell. like. first of all, leave it to 9-1-1 to tell a story like this in the most subtle way possible. like if that was indeed the intended implication, i'm throwing my tv off a bridge immediately. but also. second of all. what is wrong with this show. they're crazy. i want to eat it like a loaf of bread. just shovel it in my mouth because the idea that tommy has been queer all along, that he wasn't brought back just to be a stopgap on buck's queer journey to eddie, but that he's been haunting the edges of the narrative like a gay ghost is sooo like. ohhh. okay. [throws up]. like????? okay. anyway. i'm going to be thinking about this the rest of the day.
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oneforthemunny · 4 months
Hi i am new to ur blog nd i luv it nd u!
Can u plz tell mw which eddie s have kids nd the names?
Thanks u luv u
of course! thank you! i'm glad you're enjoying it!
so, this is what i recall lol:
mafia!eddie has baby bea. she was a complete whoopsie baby (read baby blues for more) so that is their only one.
older!dilf!eddie has brielle his daughter with gina. she is a teenager when the story starts, and friends with reader's younger sister madeline (here's yayo for the full backstory). then there is delilah, which is reader and eddie's baby together (mentioned in can't hurry love).
then rockstar!eddie and nepo baby!reader have their six (yes, six) girls, which many believe is karma for mr. bad boy rockstar lol. there is persephone, kensington, sicily and sienna (twins), zahra, and vega (you can read how they got their names in pieces of you and me).
janitor!eddie has two babies with teacher!reader. oliver, who was actually one of your students who came from a bad home life. you and eddie started taking care of him, first at school then after school. he was put into foster care, and you and eddie fostered then adopted him. sometimes after the adoption process, you get pregnant and have olivia (mentioned in the best day with you today).
those are all established with works, this is where it gets a little dicey with the established works:
cowboy!eddie has baby cooper. i think it happened sorta by accident but not really? more so a weren't really planning, but had talked about it, it happened and we're happy kinda thing. there is a blurb i did that mentions baby cooper (i'll tag it here). the best i could remember, they had one more boy, but i don't think he was every given a name or written into the works for sure.
there was discussion about hockey!eddie being a boy dad, having a gaggle of unruly boys lol but never established further, so that's still open for debate and discussion.
there was also one for boxer!eddie, an ask that he'd have a whoopsie baby as well. it wasn't established either but was discussed, but it's still open.
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forensicated · 3 months
Smiffina Episodes: Appropriate Force
Gina leads a briefing that targets youths gathering on the high street. The relief know the youths will return as soon as they leave. Gina suggests using stop and search as a deterrent "Isn't that like using a sledgehammer to crack a peanut?" Roger asks. "Maybe it is but we have certain powers at our disposal and it would be silly not not to use them." She replies before telling Smithy and Callum that they're to be paired together for the afternoon - they're... delighted. They follow Gina to discuss them being paired together for a shift.
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They tell Gina that it 'isolates them from the team' who should feel their Sergeants are working with them and pairing them together sends the wrong message. Gina tells them they need to set an example. "Don't think I haven't seen you butting heads." She sends them out of her office and back to work. All completely normal. No tension whatsoever. Definitely no glaring involved.
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Heaton pays Smithy a surprise visit to talk about his concerns for Gina. He asks how things are within uniform and Smithy tells him things are fine and Inspector Gold is running a tight ship. "She can be... uncompromising." Smithy cuts to the chase. "Is there something I should know?" Heaton tells him Gina threatened to leave. (Funny Money). "She offered her resignation? (His face! My heart!)
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Heaton explains it was about the gun trouble yesterday and he doesn't think she was serious but thought Smithy should know as her closest friend. He asks if there's anything he should be worried about and Smithy assures him not. He's not being honest.
Millie and Rachel attend a disturbance at a bank where a customer is behaving out of character and demanding access to her safety deposit box. She knew she'd need to make an appointment but jumped the queue and attacked security when he intervened. As the manager describes what happened she's pacing the floor. Sandra literally begs for access and then switches and wants to go home. Rachel is forced to arrest her because of her behaviour.
At the station Rachel explains to Smithy and Callum that Sandra is manic and hyper focused on getting her box and then that focus switched to going home when the police arrived. Callum's interest is piqued when he hears about Millie smelling petrol on Sandra. He goes to speak to her in her cell and is very gentle. He tells her she's safe now and asks if she or anyone in her family is in danger or has been threatened. She immediately tells him she doesn't know what he is talking about but he takes hold of her arm and rolls her sleeve up to reveal a burn. Rachel asks if someone did it to her but Sandra insists it was an accident from the hob. Callum knows it's from a lighter. He tells her it's ok, gets the FME to see her and then rushes with Smithy to her house, telling Smithy that her husband and children will be being held hostage by whoever burnt her.
The door is open when they get there with evidence of the family being disturbed suddenly. Leon calls out from upstairs as he finds Sandra's husband. Smithy and Callum go to the children's bedroom and brace themselves as they see two very still bodies covered with a blanket. Smithy lifts the blanket and thankfully both children are alive but they've been doused in petrol and threatened with being set on fire. Smithy's never seen anything like this before but Callum has.
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Callum leads a mixed CID and Uniform briefing and explains when he was a PC at Stafford Row 5 years ago they dealt with a series of aggravated burglaries where two men in ski masks and gloves would burst into a house and take the occupants hostage. They would tie the parents up in front of the children, brand the mother with a searingly hot petrol lighter and then they'd pour petrol over the children and make demands of the parents. The parents were so terrified they'd never testify but despite this they caught the ringleader, Martin Donovan through an anonymous tip and he's serving a 25 year sentence in Longmarsh. His son, Glen Donovan was known to be involved but they never got the proof to put him away. Callum is adamant that it's Glen who took the family hostage now he's back in Sun Hill after 5 years in Birmingham. Callum wants to arrest him. "On what grounds?" "He's guilty." Nice try Callum but that's not proof. Callum thinks if they act now they'll get forensic evidence like the ski masks/gloves etc.
Max rings the bell and Donovan opens the door in his dressing gown to see a mix of CID and uniform staring back at him. "Officers... what seems to be the problem?" "You." His focus is immediately on Callum.
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"Sergeant now I see? Haven't we moved up in the world." Callum angers Donovan by asking where his wife is. "You have a nerve." Callum arrests him for suspicion of aggravated burglary and they search the house. Max asks him if there's anything he should know about and Callum tells him to keep him talking long enough for them to nail him to the wall. Max takes Donovan back to the station.
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Rachel and Millie watch over the Marks family as they try to come to terms with what has happened in a private room. Gina arrives for an update and Millie is concerned as all have remained silent and are just holding hands - deeply traumatised by what has happened. Sandra's husband, Nathan, asks them to leave them alone and insists they don't want to talk to the police. Gina tells them they've arrested a suspect and that she needs their help. Nathan says there were two of them so there's one out there still and either way - what if they have the wrong man or what if they have the right one and have to let him go? He fears retaliation and does not want to be involved. Gina agrees they've suffered enough but asks them to give it some thought and speak to them if they change their mind.
Donovan sticks to the story that he's been home with his wife the entire morning but she's gone shopping so isn't there now. He insists he's not his father and that Callum is a corrupt scumbag. He tells Stevie and Max that he's trying to fit him up and not for the first time 'Callum has a sleeping problem. A sleeping around problem. He likes other peoples wives. Five years ago he had an affair with my wife. I put an end to it. Callum didn't like that so he tried to frame me for my father's crimes. That's the kind of person Callum Stone is."
Gina goes back to the house to check how uniform are going on their search. Unfortunately nothing has been found, Callum suspects that he got rid of it because he knew they'd come knocking. They've sent his clothes off in case there's any residue left on them from the petrol. Megan 'Meg' Donovan, Glen's wife, returns home and it's a toss up for which she's more surprised about - police searching her home or seeing Callum. He tells her Glen has been arrested and taken to Sun Hill. "It's been 5 years Callum, why can't you let it go?"
Meg backs up Glen's story that he was at home with her in bed all morning until she went shopping at 10.30am. She didn't let him out of her sight - not even at 5.30am because 'she's an early riser'.
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She insists Donovan was wrongly suspected the last time and that it's simply a coincidence that this has happened again when they moved back. She insists she'd know if her husband was involved and that the real criminal that Stafford Row ignored moved boroughs.
Max confronts Callum about his relationship with Meg in the middle of the CID briefing room in front of Stuart, Smithy, Stevie and Gina. Callum admits they were friends. Stevie tells them Glen is accusing Callum of having a vendetta against him after he had an affair with his wife. His solicitor is claiming it is harassment and that Donovan needs to be released immediately. Max doesn't think they can avoid releasing him given there's no evidence, the victims are too traumatised to talk and Meg's given him an alibi. Callum insists if he is bailed now then they'll never get him. Gina and Smithy suggest checking out his associates to see if any are Canley based, if they have any similar history and if there has been any contact between father and son recently incase his dad has given him any advice on who to contact and who to work with.
Smithy and Callum try to get the family to testify. Callum tells them he knows how they operate - that they knew personal things about the family like where the kids went to school, where their parents live and made them feel like those closest to them as well as their children were vulnerable to being assaulted or killed if they didn't give them what they wanted. They told them they'd find them wherever they went and that they'd never be safe if they informed on them. He explains he worked with families that it had happened to and 5 years ago they caught the ringleader but his accomplice is at it again and he needs their help to catch him. Mark insists that once the children are discharged they're going to move far far away. Rachel asks if they don't get them... will they ever truly feel safe again? Sandra tells Callum to look her in the eye and promise her that he'll get them. Callum promises her - much to Smithy's concern.
Sandra tells them there were 2 dressed in black with gloves and ski masks. One was approx 6ft and the other shorter. The taller was the one with the petrol and the threats. She came down to find them in the house having already tied up her children. Then they made her shout for her husband. The shorter one said nothing the entire time. Nathan thrust £200 at them from the safe but they were after a diamond necklace that was an anniversary gift that is worth £15K. It normally was stored in the safe but she moved it to their safety deposit box as she was about to have it valued because money is tight and she was considering selling it. Smithy points out to Callum that they were talking a lot of risk for a relatively small payment. £15K is a lot of money but in the grand scheme of things it's a huge risk for a payout that isn't worth it as she could have gone to the police. Sandra tells them that the shorter guy was following her to the bank which means hopefully he - or the car - will show up on CCTV.
Gina arranges to speak to Martin Donovan, Glen's father, at Longmarsh prison. He tells her it's nothing to do with him but Gina tells him he knows who did do it. Martin claims if she's asking about Glen she'll be disappointed as he hasn't seen him since he was convicted because Meghan doesn't approve of him.
Max and Stevie hear back from Birmingham Police that Glen not known to be criminally active whilst he was living there. Donovan has had no contact with any known associates of his or his fathers and there's no irregularities in his FIU check. Maxc is wondering if there's something to what Donovan said about Callum having a grudge.
Gina has been delaying the solicitor for as long as she can but as nothing new has come forward then she has to let Donovan get bail. Before she can, Nathan comes in to do a voice ID. He listens to several men with similar accents repeating the same line and fails to pick Donovan out. Callum is furious but Donovan is released. Smithy and Max have a look through the CCTV footage that Roger and Leon have found showing someone following Sandra to the bank. There's a lot of cars double parking but there's a red Honda that keeps driving round the block and only drives off for good when Millie and Rachel appear. The car is registered to a Alan Duncan with form for armed robbery and violence. He's also only 5ft 6".
Gina asks Callum about his anonymous source that lead to Martin Donovan being caught in the act. Gina asks if it was his daughter in law - Meg - that told him. That tip off helped break the case and earnt Callum a promotion to Sgt. Gina has looked back through Donovan's record and found that Callum has also arrested him for domestic violence against Meg in the past. The charges were dropped as Meg wouldn't go to court so he couldn't take any further action. He brings it back round, telling Gina they want the same things. Gina tells him she only wants to get whoever it was who terrified the family and Callum insists that's exactly what he wants too, only he's adamant that can only be Donovan. She trusts his word but reminds him, he needs to find the proof, ordering him not to let her down.
Stuart returns to CID after working with the FIU department over the Marks' finances. He tells them that they're heavily in debt and that he knows what it was that the burglars were after. "The necklace?" Smithy asks. The wind has been well and truly knocked out of Stuart's sails as he's told that Sandra already told them both pieces of news. He does however have some new information, the necklace is insured for £30K and Nathan renewed the policy two weeks previously. Smithy frowns and tells him that Sandra told them it was only worth £15K.
Callum assures the Mark's family he knows that he has the right man and that Donovan might be out for now but it won't last long. Nathan tells him that if he really wants to help he'll leave them alone. Smithy interrupts, Callum over to him, and telling him they've got a name for the short man. Smithy, Max and Callum rush to Duncan's address with Stevie, Leon and Roger, however they just miss him with the TV and lights left on and a hot cup of tea. He must have been warned. They call 1471 on his telephone and see that he's had a call from the last few minutes and it came from a pay phone in the front office.
The Sergeants update Gina that someone phoned from the station to warn the Duncan the police were on the way. Smithy suggests Nathan Marks and suspects he was in on it from the start given how desperate he is for cash and that he took a £30K policy out on a necklace worth only £15K. Could he really do that to his own wife and children? Leon has watched the CCTV footage of the front office back. Nathan Mark's is seen making a telephone at the exact time Duncan received a call. Thankfully they know exactly where he is - at the hospital waiting for his kids to be discharged. Gina orders Millie and Rachel to bring him in and agrees with Callum that it's likely Marks failed the voice ID on purpose. Glen Donovan is back in the frame but Gina urges them to get Marks to confess in interview rather than hurry straight to arresting Donovan again.
Marks acts offended that they'd even consider him to be involved. Max and Stevie tell him they know how much debt he's in, that he's insured the necklace for twice what it's worth and that he has been seen on CCTV making the telephone call to Duncan. He plays dumb when asked how he met Glen Donovan and Max reminds him that he's the man who burnt his wife and poured petrol over his children. They know he rang Duncan, they know Duncan spent time in prison with Donovan. What they don't know is his connection to them.
Marks breaks and tells them that he met Duncan a few years ago when he did some building work for him on the cheap because he wanted to build a business after qualifying in prison. He met him again recently in a pub and they got talking. He told him how much debt he was in and Duncan told him he knew someone who might be able to help and that it would be a win win situation. He can't name the second man because he knows everyone that Marks cares about and he won't be afraid to hurt them. It wasn't supposed to happen like it did. The necklace was supposed to be in the safe as he didn't know Sandra had moved it. When it wasn't there he lost it - and that's why Sandra got burnt. Max tells him the only way he can make amends now is to tell them who the second man is. It's Donovan.
Uniform rush to Donovan's house to arrest him. They check the downstairs as Callum and Smithy run upstairs. Callum goes to the bedroom to find a battered and beaten Meg laying on the bed. He rushes to her aid but Donovan is waiting for him. He blames Callum for trying to take Meg away and for getting in her head. 'it wasn't enough for you taking my father away you had to take her too." Smithy runs in and sees Callum and Meg and arrests Donovan. Donovan takes advantage of the distraction to attack Smithy, knocking him out for a few seconds. Callum drags him away and the two men have a violent fight. When Smithy comes round he calls on the radio for the others to come upstairs (Seriously? How could they not have heard it all!) He has to literally pounce on Callum's back and drag him off to stop Callum relentlessly punching Donovan. Both men slump to the floor, gasping for air.
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Max tells Heaton it was an insurance fraud gone wrong and that Marks has been very helpful with information now he's been caught out. Donovan's solicitor has made an allegation of police brutality and Heaton asks how they think he should proceed. Stevie says Callum should have a medal considering what Donovan did and that it's a bogus allegation. Max reckons he likely assaulted his wife knowing Callum would be riled and waited for the reaction.
Gina tells Heaton that Smithy witnessed what happened and that she will speak to them. Heaton tells her that he doesn't want the allegation to overshadow a fantastic result and she promises she'll sort it. "I don't want Sun Hill getting a reputation." he tells her. "... For getting results?" she asks. "For the means not justifying the results." "As I said sir, I'll take care of it." Smithy is adorably standing to attention when Gina enters and Callum pulls himself up to standing from a filing cabinet. She asks what happened with the air of an exasperated mother. Smithy says Callum was under a lot of pressure. Callum said he knew what he was doing and can't see what the fuss is about. Callum's recollection is that "Donovan assaulted Smithy, resisted arrest and needed to be ...subdued." Smithy hesitates and Gina asks him if Callum used excessive force. "Not that I saw." says Smithy. Callum tells her it was appropriate force considering what was happening and he'll face the consequences if people feel differently. Gina reassures him that they believe it's a baseless complaint that has been born out of spite and that she doesn't think it'll go the distance and she excuses him. She can tell Smithy isn't happy with that and asks him what the problem is. "Is that it?" he asks, telling her that the DPS will expect more of an inquiry. Gina tells him there won't be any DPS involvement because she'll 'have a word' and make him an offer he can't refuse.
Gina goes to see Donovan and tells him to drop the allegation or she'll make sure he spends remand on the same wing as his dad who will be told who grassed him up. She tells him she knows that Meg told Callum that he and his father were about to terrorise another family and as his victim, Meg was used to making excuses for him so she told him what she'd done and that he had to choose between her and his dad because she'd protect him but not his father and Donovan let his dad walk straight into the trap without a warning. Glen fears his father will kill him so she reminds him what he has to do to prevent it.
Smithy catches up with Callum and asks if he's heard from the hospital. Meg will likely lose the sight in her right eye. Smithy asks him why he went looking for a fight. Callum reminds him that he was beating him as he intervened to restrain him. "Restrain him? Looked to me like you were going to do a bit more than that." He asks if it's worth losing his job over and Gina appears and tells them that won't be happening because Donovan has dropped the allegation.
Callum goes home and Smithy follows Gina up the ramp. "And how did that happen?" Gina tells him he realised it was in his best interests to drop it. "You threatened him?" "I did what I had to do. Most people would think Glen Donovan got what he deserved. " "Most people weren't there, I was." Smithy snaps back. He tells her it's not as simple as she thinks and that he doesn't know what Callum would have done to Donovan if he hadn't been there to stop him. Gina points out Smithy told her that Callum had used appropriate force. "What's going on with you Gina? The Gina I know wouldn't believe something this black and white?" "Maybe I've changed." "For the better?" he asks before sighing and telling her he's worried that if they start turning a blind eye then they'll start setting the wrong example. Gina responds that she's fed up of watching coppers rather than the streets. "We're supposed to protect!" "And that's exactly what Callum did!" Gina replies. Smithy argues back that part of Gina's job is to protect her officers and keep them in line. "If you don't understand that then maybe you should resign!" he snaps, instantly regretting it. Gina freezes then turns slowly. Smithy apologises and says he didn't mean to say it. "Didn't you? This conversation is over, Sergeant." she says, walking away from him.
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