#gingebread men
adaru32 · 2 years
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Decorated some gingerbread cookies with my fam. Decided to have a little fun with a couple of them (Yes, the 1st one is doing what you think he's doing. Yes, I'm immature). They turned out even funnier (and sad) out of the oven. The top one's booty ballooned, and the bottom one looked like he let himself go with his shoes not fitting him anymore. 
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mintaikk · 12 days
Analyzing Cookie Run Designs
I think one of the reasons I fell in love with CRK is the character designs. I love character design, and seeing how awesome these designs were made me love the characters even more, so imma start doing posts where I analyze them! Please note that while I love character design, I am not an expert AT ALL, so please feel free to add stuff! Anyways-
GingerBrave Design Analysis
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I'm not tolerating any slander on my favorite boy, yall better leave him alone.
GingerBrave probably has the most simple design in the franchise, but that makes sense, since he's the starter Cookie and the player's first Cookie. He's just the typical Gingerbread man. Strawberry Crepe even bullies him for being boring, lol. Still some things to point out, though.
-Obviously based of the Gingerbread man. Nothing to say there. The game is extremely fucking good ar screaming in your face what these cookies were bases on
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-Based off the Gingerbread man, which is why he canonically runs very fast ("Run run as fast as you can, you can't catch me, I'm the Gingebread man!")
-GingerBrave's is the first Cookie to have escaped the oven, and that act alone could be seen as rebellious (god forbid a sentient being doesn't want to be eaten), so instead of the typical gum drop buttons, GingerBrave has skull gumdrops, which symbolize rebeliousness, fearlessness, and power and I think all of that fits him pretty well
-The hair (icing), imo, is just made to look him look younger or cuter. Idk the exact age, but we know that he's canonically a teenager
-Gingerbread and Gingerbread men are most often associated with Christmas. Candy canes are also often associated with Christmas, which is why his weapon is a candy cane
(Also, please appreciate happy GingerBrave showing a photo of himself. I love him sm)
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This one was pretty short since Gb has a pretty simple design. I'm excited yo do characters like Milky Way and Pure Vanilla, who have more extravagant designs!
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actualbird · 2 years
yknow, i really love the SR cards where the main plot is basically just NXX Boy Goes And Does A Thing, And He SUCKS AT IT!!!
vyn has SR Mercury In Retrograde where he does a fantastic job being absolute ass at household plumbing. marius has SR Overtone where he gets an A++++++ for being the last guy you wanna lend your guitar to, because hes really bad at playing the dang guitar. and at first i didn't know what artem's card was that followed this pattern but sam @samsspambox blessedly informed me that it's SR Thin Veil, the paywalled SR i dont have yet. and in that card story artem fucking SUCKS at PUPPETS
(sidenote: i generally weep at paywalled top-up cards but the concept of basically having to pay for artem's cringe is So Very funny to me)
but now here is where the injustice becomes apparent.....vyn, marius, and artem each have an SR Epic Fail: The Card Story
to avoid any misunderstandings, here are the traits of what, to me, makes up an "SR Epic Fail":
one Main Thing is the thing our beloved nxx boy will suck at and what and it's also generally Main Focus of the whole card story (which then later leads to a sweeter core message about vulnerability and love and being okay with not being perfect etc)
our boy has to suck In The Moment. not in a flashback, not in a referenced past anecdote, no no. i want to have to tap through the entire excruciating scene/s of him failing at whatever hes doing
the story format has to be in a contained card story and not a recurring-but-brief theme in a personal story
with this criteria in place, it is IMMEDIATELY apparent that luke is the only one without an SR Epic Fail. the closest story instances would be the following:
SSR Through The Heavens (the skateboard card) since he fails at being a normal not-hypervigilant human being and also the NSB makes fun of him with memes, but this doesnt count because it wasn't the Main Focus of the story, there was a whole lot of other stuff going on and the Main Focus was the skateboarding which he did awesome at
some past anecdotes and flashbacks in SR How I Remember You (the luke blindfold card) about how luke sucks at drawing and sucks at charades, but this doesnt count because the drawing was just referenced in a few sentences and the charades fail was a brief flashback. it's also not the Main Focus of the story as well
his general inability/difficulty with cooking that is a recurring theme across his personal stories doesnt count because it's not a card, and thus isnt eligible
this is terrible. this is horrid. i love luke and i want a card thats all about him messing up at a minor activity. i want a full SR Luke Fucks Up At Cooking where the focus is what it says on the tin
i can even see the story so clearly in my mind's eye. it'd be so easy. maybe luke tries to make gingerbread man cookies but accidentally ends up with a gingerbread massacre.
luke mentions hes gonna bake and mc is excited about it because it seems he put a lot of thought and research and prep into it, maybe it actually starts with a scene of them shopping for ingredients together, and theyre both looking forward to luke's baking! but when it actually happens hes like "oh sorry a case came up, dont come over to my place anymore!!" which is sus
mc comes over anyway the next day to pick up some stuff she forgot and luke is there acting awfully nervous and his whole BUILDING smells of burnt gingerbread but there are no gingerbread treats to be found. luke keeps evading until mc finds The Massacre in a plastic container box haphazardly shoved into one of the kitchen cupboards
and it's an absolute baked-goods crime scene in there. none of the gingerbread men look like they were ever even men or homonids of any kind to begin with, it instead looks like all the dough just came together in the oven to create an amorphous Blob with the odd "limb" sticking out here and there. what luke has created is a gingerbread abomination.
mc stares at the gingebread abyss, and it stares back.
upon further investigation, mc even finds slight burn marks around the oven's door too and luke has his face in his hands, his shame is IMMENSE, just about as immense as the aroma of gingerbread treats everywhere. he was hiding it because he was worried that he got her so hyped up for the whole thing that it'd be SUCH a disappointment to her that he fucked it up!
and mc is like "hey no it's okay, as long as it tastes good, it doesnt matter how bad it looks!" and then she breaks off a piece from the gingerbread monstrosity and eats faster than luke can warn her "NO NO DONT DO IT---"
it tastes like shit
anyway they go out to get desserts from cafe instead and mc reassures luke that she obviously still loves him even if he created a baked treats atrocity and broke the genevabread convention. she tells him that if hes having trouble or if he fails, his instinct shouldnt be to hide it all and avoid her but to let her know and so she can help out, because she wants to be there for the wins and for the losses, for the good days and the bad. luke then goes all blushy grateful happy and they kiss and love is real.
the end. the post-story text conversation can go something along the lines of
luke: okay so i figured out why my gingerbread men went nuclear
mc: oh? why?
luke: i....misread "tsp" as "tbsp".........every time
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beachbabywrites · 7 years
Christmas Eve // A Natasha Romanoff imagine
SUMMARY: Natasha wants her first Christmas with Reader to be absolutely perfect.
You slowly climbed out of the bed, following the sound of Christmas music floating around the apartment from the living room. The spot on the bed next to you was empty, cold even. “Tasha?” You called out when you noticed the living room was empty. “In the kitchen.” She responded. You froze when you entered the kitchen, for a moment you just watched her dance around and sing along with Mariah Carey. Two mugs were on the counter, breakfast already made. The redhead pulled a candy cane from one of the mugs and put it between her lips. “Who are you and what did you do with my girlfriend?” You asked hesitantly. Natasha smiled, pulled the candy cane from her mouth and dropped it in the mug. “I made hot chocolate.” She replied instead, pushing a cup towards you. “Thanks. What are you doing up so early?” You asked. “It’s Christmas Eve.” “I know.” “And I also know,” she started as she began to serve breakfast. “That Christmas is one of your favorite holidays. I want to make our first one special.” You smiled at her over the steaming cup. “Do you know what time dinner is tonight?” “Yeah, Wanda said  she would start cooking around noon, so five maybe. I told her I’d bring desert.” She nodded. “Grab a plate, get to that bed. We’re watching Hallmark movies.” “Really? You want to watch Hallmark movies?” You asked turning back to look at her. “No, God no. But there is one that looked good coming on in… 13 minutes so you should hurry.” “Oh yeah, cause it’s such a long walk from the kitchen.” You teased. “Wow, you went all out.” You said when you sat down. The pancakes were cut into Christmas trees, angels and gingebread men. “Yeah, I used those cookie cutters.” She explained as she turned the tv on. When you finished with your breakfast, the plates were taken to the kitchen and as soon as you returned to the bed, you cuddled close to Natasha, wrapping your arms around her, your head laying on her shoulder. You’re not sure at what point you lost interest in the movie, but you were lost in Natasha’s lips as she kissed you slowly, innocently. “I need to go shower.” You told her. “You want to join me?” The two of you showered, slow dancing under the running water to White Christmas. You stared up into her eyes, overwhelmed with the fact that this woman loved you as much as you loved her. That she would go through so much to celebrate a holiday she hated. As the water ran over the two of you, her hands roamed, like she couldn't keep you close enough. The two of you slid on sweatpants and crawled back into bed, where you stayed until you decided to go to the kitchen and work on desert. Natasha wanted cookies, so that’s what you made. It was so much fun, eating raw cookie dough as Natasha kept the music on. At one point Steve dropped by to see if you were ever going to leave the apartment. Natasha acted like it was obvious that you both were staying in bed all day long. “I see you all every day of the year, let me have one day.” She teased. You swatted her arm with a wooden spoon and told Steve that the two of you would be down for dinner. Around three you both started getting ready, trying on dresses and doing your makeup together. “Hey, you should wear my red heels with this dress.” Nat suggested as she zipped it up for you. “And you should wear that pearl necklace you bought me on my birthday, it would go great with those shoes.” You told her. Dinner was spent with sneaky kisses and hands being held under the table, Tony constantly teasing the two of you, trying to push you under mistletoe. Natasha kept trying to deflect that attention on to Steve. After taking multiple pictures together, the dinner was over, most of the team decided to stay back and hang out for a while, you and Nat slid off to your rooms. “Hey, sit on the couch real quick, I’ve got a present you need to open before bed.” She said walking over to the tree, her heels echoed in the apartment. She picked up two square boxes, she tossed one to you and kept one for herself. “Open it.” She insisted with a nervous smile. You opened the box, throwing the wrapping paper on the floor. Inside was a pair of blush colored silk and lace pajamas. When you looked up at her she was holding a matching bundle of wine dark lace and silk. “You have to have new pajamas on Christmas right?” She asked a big smile on her face. “Though I will admit, it was also a bit of a selfish decision, but I think you will like them. If you want to go change into them now, we can turn on Frosty and relax for a while.”
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