#gingerhaole answers
thunderheadfred · 4 years
I miss you and love you and will love you even if we go five years without talking, but I will poke you more regularly if you need that. ❤️ For your AMA... What are some songs that give you ASMR? Do you have any? I bet you do.
you KNOW the feeling is mutual
to be horribly honest, I haven’t been listening to all that much music. WEIRD, I know. my brain just won’t get quiet enough these days.
but here’s some ASMR that has been giving me ASMR lately
Nelco neco /ネルコ ネコ
Dianxi Xiaoge
Odd Tinkering
Moonlight Cottage ASMR
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pidgydraws · 5 years
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“What’s in the picnic basket?” asked @gingerhaole in //this// piece of theirs 💖 and my answer is champagne and moroccan chicken quinoa salad wraps!
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topaziraphale · 4 years
hi, maybe this is a stupid thing to feel bad about but seeing aziraphale being treated as an “uwu blushy nervous bottom” is kinda negatively affecting my self image. i know it’s dumb, but i think as a fat person it just feels really degrading to me? like i feel my only worth to someone would be just lying down and taking it, this probably is very stupid to get worked up over but do you have any advice as to dealing with that kinda stuff?
Hi, I'm sorry you're upset :( Your reaction is reasonable, don't feel ashamed for feeling the way you do.
I’ve mentioned in my about how I feel about people overdoing it with top/bottom headcanons to the point where people think they’re actually personality traits - that’s a mindset of very poor taste all on its own, but when it’s applied to  Aziraphale in a way that’s clearly just because he’s fat, it’s uh... yikes, to say the very least. 
My advice would be to cater your experience in the fandom as much as possible. Steer clear of artists or fic writers or people in general that only fetishize Aziraphale's body. Block users so that you don’t see their posts, and/or use tumblr's blacklisting feature to block specific tags.
And, if ns///fw content of Aziraphale is content that you want to seek, there are absolutely people that appreciate Aziraphale rather than fetishize him. People that can draw or write him and find him aesthetically and/or sexually appealing because he is a beautiful person, because he is a being that might be into sex and just also happens to be fat.
If I may suggest some blogs, if you haven't followed them yet or checked out their art, the first three that instantly pop into my mind are:
• gingerhaole // art tag and a wonderfully answered ask on the subject
• lonicera-caprifolium // art tag 
• naniiebimworks 
These awesome people draw both sfw and ns///fw art of Good Omens and absolutely do not hide that Aziraphale is fat. They draw him beautifully. Also, there are definitely more ppl I'm forgetting, because this fandom has so many talented and skilled creators, so I invite people to suggest any other content creators that I may be forgetting!
I wish you the best, and may you feel better very soon, anon. ♡
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Do you have any recommendations of people selling GO zines/fanbooks? The holiday season is coming up and I was hoping to get my friend one, but I'm new to the zine/fanbook scene and I'm not sure where to start looking.
I know there is the Flames Like Anything Zine that is coming up (or has already come out ???) focused on erotica / pornography if I remember correctly, and a bunch of zines launched these past months (one was even made before the show came out), but I don’t remember the names nor do I know if they are still available. I don’t know if there are other zines in the making…As you can say from this post, I’m not exactly a zine person, so I’m inviting my followers to give the answers themselves especially if they have links to the the zines they’re talking about.EDIT: I missed that you were also talking about fanbooks, and as pointed in the comments to this post, a lot of artists have edited their own. @gingerhaole is in the process of making a NSFW and SFW artbook, and I think @scaramacaisstuff has plans for making one as well later. As aa general rule you can keep an eye out for the artists you like the most, they are the ones who are going to talk about it.
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amuseoffyre · 5 years
Fic Review of the Year
Since I am verboten from writing anymore tonight, here’s my summar of stuff written through the year:
Marvel Cinematic Universe (including TV)
Rumours (Captain Marvel) First it was aliens. Now, Fury's ex-boss is back and looking for answers. 
Training Buddies (Daredevil/Captain America/Avengers) - Update only Matt Murdock pretends he doesn’t have a superhero and a fugitive assassin hiding in his bedroom.
Improvements (Black Panther) Sometimes, T'Challa gives his sister new toys to play with. 
To The Beat (Hunger Games AU) - Update only It was almost four years since Steve Rogers won the games. It was over two years since he’d last come home to the Victor’s Village in their district. Bucky Barnes wasn't the kind of person to let their friendship go. 
End of the Line (Avengers: Endgame) Sometimes, it takes a friend to know what's best for you.
Debrief (Captain America) When word comes in about a discovery in the icy north, Nick Fury knows there's one person who needs to be told. 
How Many Dreams  (Avengers: Endgame) Peggy Carter was not having the best of days. Two random strangers had apparently been seen waltzing around the compound. Hank was wailing about some vials missing from his lab and only five minutes earlier, some young thing from the R&D department came dashing in, exclaiming that the tesseract was missing. Several dots very clearly appeared to be joined. 
The Umbrella Academy
Brothermine Seventeen years apart and some things never change.  - Vanya & Five-centric.
The Beasts at the Gates When Viktor laid a trap for Lucian with Sonja as bait, he did not imagine the bait would bite back. 
Good Omens (also known as oh good grief, help my brain is flooded)
The Bookshop In London, there is a very particular Bookshop. It doesn't look like much. It's small and old and rather dusty. But it's there all the same and sometimes, it's even open. - every chapter of this one is a crossover with a different fandom. Because I’m just that Extra :)
Crossing Paths Every so often, a certain demon and a certain angel ran into each other.
Anatomy 101       Two humans are enjoying some alone time. A demon has questions. An angel has answers. (Gift fic for @gingerhaole. Or blame-fic. Blame fic is more accurate :D)
A Little Bird Told Me       Faced with the wrath of Heaven and Hell, an angel and a demon seek refuge together, knowing that their only hope of survival is the cryptic prophecy of a long-dead witch.
Rest for the Wicked Some time after the Not-Quite-End of the World, Aziraphale discovers something he has never experienced before. 
Operation Nannycam       When working as part of an undercover childcare team, it is unwise to leave your bored demon unattended.
Give Me a Sign       Wherein Crowley is helpful in the worst possible way.
Hunger - 20+ part series A demon and an angel discover some new dimensions in their relationship.
Full Circle    The Antichrist was returning to Tadfield Manor - Adam & Sister Mary-centric.
Flights of Angels An angel, a demon, a lot of wine and an unexpected series of revelations.
Choice An angel wept once, for humanity and mankind, before a Fall and a world turned upside down. Too many questions, too many doubts, too many fears, too much standing between the wrath of Lucifer and of God and the small, helpless people on the earth. 
Where Help May Be Found       Everyone knows about the bookshop. No one really knows why, but everyone knows about it. You can go there, they know. It’s safe. You don’t need to be afraid.
Inverse Omens A reverse-role AU, covering the whole series and a lot more besides. Currently 172k including all additional scenes and extended AU bits.
Intrinsicate Knot       In a palace in Alexandria, a certain serpent had an encounter with a certain young Queen. It did not go as planned. 
Christmas Present      The run-up to Christmas seems to get earlier with every year. Crowley knows why.
Moments       In time, someone who was supposed to be an enemy can become something like a friend. (GO Gift Exchange fic)
Total published wordcount for the year: 514,285 Total written wordcount for the year: ???????? I have so much rubbish lying around I have no idea.
Just in case anyone wondered how I buggered my hands so badly *points up* THAT.
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bisexual-nightmare · 5 years
Okay, listen, maybe no one wants to hear this, but I need to gush for a second about how much Good Omens - and this fandom - have changed my life.
Have saved my life.
I know it sounds cheesy, but hear me out.
I have had...maybe not the worst few months of my life, this year, but pretty damn close. One of the worst years on record, for me. I saw it coming when I accidentally answered a routine, run of the mill question during a physical last November with total honesty, and got a psych referral. I knew the signposts - we’re old friends. I’d just been blowing past them. Things were going to get bad.
I just didn’t realize how bad.
By July it was a daily struggle not to end it all. I was drowning, I was desperate, I was clinging to continued existence with fingernails worn down to scraps. I watched the show at debut, and kept watching it - kept using it, as a life raft. Immersed myself in the fandom, the fics and the art and the meta. Let it consume me, the way so much else was consuming me, but it was a good thing. A choice. A ray of light in a long, echoing tunnel.
I wrote my first fic in years this July, in a single day, like a thing possessed. The idea took hold of me and wouldn’t let go until I’d spilled my brain and my heart across the page.
The wave of positivity that came after posting - it was a lifeline. Is a lifeline. I have every email from every comment, and it sounds ridiculous, but those words have given me life.
They got me through August, then September. October. Two more fics out, and the fandom was stunning; I grew up in the ff.net days, and I remember the cesspit it could be. AO3 is like paradise; I can never, ever be thankful enough for the culture there, the way people litter positive comments and kudos in their wake like flower petals. Maybe I’ve been lucky. I’m sure there’s bad out there. It had to go somewhere; I’m sure it’s snuck in around the edges.
But this fandom? I haven’t seen a single awful thing. I’ve seen a handful of disagreements, but they’re polite; mostly it seems that if someone disagrees, they move on past. (As it should be.) There aren’t fights, the fandom isn’t divided, there’s no entrenched ideological war. And when someone likes what you’ve done, your meta or your art or your fic -
They tell you. And they tell you so beautifully.
We’re into December now, and I’m still struggling. I’m still fighting, every day - but I’m living, not just surviving. I’ve taken on a challenge that, a year ago, would have wrecked me; now, it’s helping me heal. I feel like a person again, not just a person-shaped thing, for the first time in...years.
Tonight I sat down to lay out the beginning of tomorrow’s prompt, and the words flowed like water from my pen. They may not be great. They may not even be good. But they’re mine, and I’m proud of them. And for the first time in a very, very long time, I’m proud of me.
Good Omens - this fandom - it’s powerful. It’s life changing. Life-saving. Good art will do that, both the original and the transformative works. And I’m so absolutely, desperately happy to have found this one.
A note, perhaps awkward and weird and if it is I’m sorry, to some of the people most responsible for (my personal) experience here: first, @neil-gaiman and the beloved Terry Pratchett, who not only gave us this world but their blessing to love it, and play in it, and share it. Fandom can, and will, grow despite the behavior of the original creator, but there’s something special about a fandom that grows not despite its creators, but because of them.
And to a few of the tent poles of my experience within the fandom: @gingerhaole, whose art has moved me to tears more than once. I thought I was ambivalent about art styles, and art in general, and then I saw your work, and I fell in love. @forineffablereasons, always a deft hand with the fic and the meta but also absolutely stunningly crafty, and generous with that skill - your massive cross-stitch pattern? I see that in my dreams sometimes. And @drawlight, whose fics genuinely haunt me in the best of ways, whose advent prompts are pushing me to challenge myself, and trust myself, and be myself. I cannot - I cannot possibly thank you enough. I know I curated my own fandom experience, but you’re all such genuinely lovely, amazing people - you help make it a good place.
There are others, so many others, I would list out every single author and artist and gif maker and meta-mastermind if it wouldn’t look absurd and ridiculous and take up ten pages. You’re amazing. You’re all amazing. So if you wonder, sometimes, if it’s worth it, if the post or the art or the fic or the comment you’ve made matters: it does. It does. Maybe it only matters to one person, but here’s one person right here, reaching out to say: it matters. You, all of you - together, you’ve saved at least one person. Helped me save myself.
And that’s the magic of the Good Omens fandom.
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blacklacefanfics · 5 years
Tag Game
I was tagged by @folieassdeux - I think this is my first time being tagged in something like this so yay!
rules: answer 17 questions and tag people you want to get to know better
nickname: i just go by blacklace or something on here
zodiac sign: libra- but I don’t fit the characteristics for the sun sign in any way??
height: 5'7″
hogwarts house: ravenclaw
last thing i googled: im pretty sure it was that rumor going around about how writing in comic sans makes you write better??
song stuck in my head: “Sugar Daddy” - Hedwig and the Angry inch; i haven’t seen the musical or movie, but im obsessed with this song (esp NPH’s version)
following: 172
followers: 63
amount of sleep i get: I try to get at least 8 hrs, but usually either 6 or 10 depending on how exhausted i am
lucky numbers: 7, 13
dream job: film director, screenwriter- i want to make something as amazing as Good Omens one day
wearing: Gir pajama pants and Kiki’s delivery service shirt
favorite songs: anything classic or hard rock (queen, ACDC, etc)
instruments: i used to play piano and guitar but im not a music person so
random fact: I decided to make my chosen middle name a (unusual) female name because of the headcanon that crowley has a female middle name because he’s genderfluid
aesthetics: witch outfits,vibrant colors, peaceful nature, lots of different styles i all like that dont fit together lol
People I tag- no need to do this if you don’t want to, but these are interesting people that i love to see on tumblr:
@nerdstrings @gingerhaole @sweathands @obliviousaziraphale @cliopadra @10yrsyart
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piratical-princess · 8 years
Tagged by @rocketorca
5 things you’ll find in my bag (currently a BlueQ “Art Supplies” messenger bag):
1. sparkly flip notebook with Star Wars stickers
2. at least one, of not two, of my knives
3. “Sugared Spruce” perfume roll-on
4. Wallet featuring a robot fighting a monster
5. At least 2 chapsticks
5 things you’ll find in my bedroom (I mean like my whole house is technically my bedroom, soooo)
1. my princess bear pillow
2. mushroom nightlight
3. dagger
4. Fijian war club
5. Two little lovingly hand sewn alien creatures made by @gingerhaole
5 things I’ve always wanted to do in life: 
1. Go to Thailand
2. Publish children’s book
3. have children of my own
4. have a gigantic, humongous moose of a mutt named Maurice who would go with me every damn where
5. fall in love so ferociously and completely that no option would be left to me but to surrender my life to that person -- and that person would actually be worthy of it
5 things that make me happy
1. shooting the shit with Biscuit
2. cheap ass glittery stuff
3. Sasquatches
4. cheese
5. Star Wars, come on
5 things I’m currently into:
1. Gawd how many times is Star Wars gonna be on this list...
2. Brooklyn 99, when I ever get to watch it
3. my new French press, makin’ coffee JES FO ME
4. Spinach and artichoke dip used in unconventional ways
5. Telling men no
5 things on my to-do list:
1. Go to gym all the time, not just to get out of breath and pretend that was work
2. Learn to make macarons
3. Write The Book
4. Illustrate Episode 1 of September Sparks comic
5. Find love of life, or at least someone who will do for a little while until they get here and not be gross
5 things people may not know about me (ye gods, what DON’T I share with you people?):
1. I have a weakness for kitchen gadgets and I love love love going to kitchen stores like Williams Sonoma and shit.  Never buy anything though.
2. If I could change my art style to any other style (and this answer changes a lot but most commonly it is...) I’d do the kind of 30s-60′s sci-fi pulp art that was all over trashy magazines.  Love that shit.
3. Went out to lunch today with a guy who owns 3 human skulls and that wasn’t even the most crazy fact about him.
4. When I changed at work and had on my Creature From The Black Lagoon shirt, people liked it and I mentioned I had finally got the blood off it from the last time I wore it to go see a guy.  Remembered that the guy in question was the ex-con, ex-heroin addict, ex-homeless man with a boxcutter-carrying stripper ex stalking him.  Realized my life had gotten more interesting since moving to Florida.
5. I hurt my heart this weekend by doing The Right Thing. I was whining to myself about it until I discovered that while I was doing that, my father, in the Cleveland cold, had gone to a women’s march with his girlfriend for the sake of all our rights and voices.  No more whining for Kit.
@duamuteffe, @acroamatica, @littleststarfighter, @shekillscacti, @pythoness-at-delphi
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al-spudkin · 8 years
Rules: Tell your followers 11 random facts about yourself and tag 11 people. Tag backs are allowed but if you get tagged again, you must not repeat any of the facts you mentioned in the previous round. The facts can be absolutely anything, whatever you feel like sharing and whatever comes to mind first.
tagged by @gingerhaole
1. I love trying new foods (especially Japanese, Korean, or Thai flavors) but I also have near-crippling social anxiety and a TINY eating-out budget. This makes going to restaurants… uhm… A Challenge(tm)
2. I got into the habit of painting my nails after meeting my mother-in-law: a professional nail technician who owns her own business. She did mine for a while and spoiled me. When we moved away, I took to painting my nails myself for relaxation and stress-relief. Since meeting my MIL several years ago, I think my nails have been naked for all of one week.
3. Once, for a party trick, I solved a Rubik’s cube while drunk out of my goddamned mind. Nowadays I’ve forgotten all the algorithms, so I couldn’t repeat this performance if my life depended on it.
4. I really enjoy meticulously researching, fiddling with, and perfectly optimizing random things… then immediately forgetting they existed. Some examples of things I’ve done this with include: model ships, mathematics, my computer, my wedding dress, betta fish tanks, exercise and diet, interior decorating, the perfect recipe for strawberry-rhubarb pie, several disparate majors and thus my entire college career...
This is because...
5. I never knew it as a kid, but as an adult I was finally diagnosed with life-long Attention Deficit Disorder - Inattentive Type. This diagnosis immediately explained all the great problems of my life. Unfortunately, it didn’t solve those problems (that requires hard work and perseverance) but at least I have answers where none previously existed.
6. Reading, especially a super good story, makes me anxious. With rare exception, I wind up comparing my own writing to the author I’m reading. Makes no difference if I’m reading fanfiction or Herman Melville - I will inevitably do a one-to-one comparison. It’s pointlessly self-destructive and sucks the fun out of a lot of stories I would REALLY LIKE TO READ, so one of my goals this year is to force myself to read more for pleasure and try to overcome this weird jealous compulsion of mine.
7. In middle school, I wanted to be a Jedi more than anything else, except perhaps a student at Hogwarts. When Rey force-grabbed the lightsaber in The Force Awakens, this eleven year old girl inside of me started sobbing. It was instantaneous, overpowering, and downright embarrassing how hard that scene hit me, ha ha. And it only got more emotional when she went to see Luke, I mean...
8. Bruce Campbell said I was beautiful on twitter once and I will probably never be over it. (I still have no idea how he got that picture of me - that’s even crazier to think about)
9. I’m terrified of children. It’s a combination of body horror (so… much… snot) and a deep-seated terror that if I so much as look a child, the poor thing will immediately get run over by a bus or burst into flames or be eaten by a shark. I still have no idea if I will be able to overcome this fear and have my own kids.
10. Speaking of kids, ever since I was one, I’ve always really liked glass objects. Prisms, paperweights, goblets, stained glass, whatever. The thicker, heavier, and shiner: the better.
11. I’m struggling to come up with an eleventh thing right now because I think I’m coming down with a cold... Um... is that a random fact? Yes. #11: I’m mildly ill and craving every variety of comfort soup at the moment. Especially tonkotsu ramen, which I have recently become addicted to.
Tagging @jemimaaslana, @bethadastra, @cloneshepard, @theherocomplex, @geesharpminor, @rocketorca and IDK, whoever feels like sharing???
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gingerhaole · 1 year
Do you have advice for someone who hasn't drawn in years but wants to start again?
Gosh. I've been in this situation before, after a years-long spell without drawing. Without trauma-dumping, I had been through a lot in those years: had a baby, lost my mom, and had a double mastectomy. When I could finally use my arms again post-surgery, I drew my favorite drag queen, Raja. It was just for me, I wasn't trying to impress anyone, there were no risks. And after everything, I just wasn't afraid of failing. If it sucked, it sucked. As luck would have it, it didn't suck, and I just kept on going.
My best advice is to accept that you might hate what you do at first, but you might not. It doesn't have to be a masterpiece. There's something in you that needs to draw, that wants to express yourself this way. Let it out. Anything you do will not be a failure, it'll just be a start. You never know -- you might hit the ground running.
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thunderheadfred · 5 years
So give us your headcanon fragrances for your favorite characters!
oh boy. OH BOY. this is gonna get long probably, and I still won’t get everyone.this is mostly nonsense, but that’s the best thing about smell
The Arcana
Asra: A campfire snuffed out by the rain, the gritty taste of wet sand. Boiling water poured over assam. The earthy rind of an empty pomegranate. Dry paint and charcoal powder drifting like dust motes. The musty warmth of a favorite blanket as the sun creeps across it. The rarity of cold morning lilacs.
Julian: Wood so wet the splinters bend. Epsom salt tingling on the tongue. A cloud of rosin. Beeswax melting over a flame. Cakes full of toasted thick-skinned nuts that stick to the teeth, chased with spiced rum. The briny aftertaste of blood hidden under a layer of iodine.
Nadia: Lavender tea. Whole-bean vanilla melting down the tongue. Tonka bean and benzoin. Snappy leather and the prickle of down feathers poking through starched cotton. A whisper of fresh-wound clock springs on the tips of the fingers.
Mass Effect:
Jane Shepard:  Sweaty residue of copper on nervous hands. Ozone. Orange soap that squeaks and leaves cracks on the knuckles. The faintest idea of vanilla lingering like a trick.
Garrus Vakarian: Brittle mint candy that breaks into shards. Hard blue exploding through the sinuses after a deep dive into a pool. The stickiness of car parts and asphalt baking in the summer. And sometimes lavender, but turned up to eleven, till it hurts.
Albacus: Yes really, cinnamon. A red whiff mixed with dusty peppercorns.
Hannah: Grapefruit shampoo and hot laundry. Vinyl pleather and old fabric truck seats patched with duct tape. The sulfurous smoke of firecrackers drifting over the unwashed milk-sweat of stubborn, tired children.
Grace Shepard: Lilies choking out the distant smell of preservatives and polyvinylchloride. A base of papery things that burn. Plywood and sawdust, a craving to sneeze.
Mordin Solus: Eucalyptus. Menthol. Baking soda foaming in a glass. The first hard taste of deep winter, like a punch to the lungs.
Sara Ryder: Bubble gum chewed down to rubber. Fired clay and tilled earth. The green skin of a mango. Grass stains, sweaty shirts, peanut butter and jelly.
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khiroptera · 3 years
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eyyy i'm at The Ineffable Con!
i'm sharing a booth with @gingerhaole and selling my first ever merch! patrons get a 10% discount code, so if you want in on that you gotta go pledge to any tier on my patreon 💝
and me and some artist friends have a Q&A panel on sunday @ 3PM GMT (please convert to your timezone!) so check that out if you want to hear us answer some questions and giggle a lot! tickets are still available and will be throughout the entire weekend 👀
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gingerhaole · 1 year
Have you started Good Omens 2 yet?
Finished it! Aaand I'm coping 😅
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gingerhaole · 2 years
what's the most useful way that other people can support you as an artist? like, in your ideal world, what does your creative support look like?
That is such a thoughtful question! I am very lucky to not depend on my art to make a living, which I think would be the best way to literally support most artists -- through their shops, patreons, etc. For me personally? The most wonderful, motivating, uplifting, fulfilling thing is to read comments. I think any creator will tell you feedback is the most rewarding thing -- what you liked about a piece, how it made you feel, what ideas it gave you, etc. Sometimes I hear from people who felt personally validated by something I made, and I feel like it's worth every minute I spend on art.
Thank you for asking this ❤️
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gingerhaole · 2 years
Alright , have to ask !! Have you seen Our Flag Means Death yet ? Some folks make comparisons to Good Omens <3
Oh yes my friend, I sure have. I was really excited to watch it, and then I dragged my feet because of the absolute fucking monster FIREHOSE BLAST of fan stuff on social media, in which I got completely spoiled for the entire ending because people can't be bothered to use a god damn 4-letter tag, but I'm not bitter. ANYWAY.
I finally watched it, I loved it, I knew I would. I have drawn a couple things which live on Patreon for another week or so, but they're nothing groundbreaking. I had a couple specific ideas but unsurprisingly I've already seen them done, so I've kind of decided I'm not going to draw anything for it unless and until I feel compelled. There's NO shortage of beautiful stuff to be found.
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gingerhaole · 2 years
Do you ever find yourself wanting to do Kristanna artwork again?
I don’t, mostly because I feel like I did all the things I wanted to do with them, but also because the Disney style, while it was really comfortable to use at the time, isn’t really mine. But they’ll always be one of my favorite ships, and Kristoff is the himbo we deserve in this rotten world.
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