#gio is molly's father now
blackhakumen · 1 year
Mini Fanfic #1044: Beartrap & Me (Epithet Erased)
6:45 p.m. at Sweet Jazz City's Beachy Shores
Molly: (Giggles Softly While Sitting Next to her Boss Beside Her on a Campfire Log) No way!~ Did that seriously happened?
Giovanni: (Chuckles Lightly) Yeah, really! Like, a literal moutain goat, (Quickly Grabs his Chin) not really sure who it belonged to by the way, just barging in, starts chasing everyone of us around the house, and wrecked and chewed off almost EVERYTHING inside! The plants, furniture, wires, he even demolished Ben's 3DS with his own hooves!
Ben: (In the Distance Helping the Rest of the Voyz Cook on the Grill) A Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time 3DS! Which costed me MY ENTIRE ALLOWANCE BY THE WAY!! I hate that FREAKING GOAT!!!
Giovanni: (Immediately Covered Molly's Ears While Glaring at his Minion in the Distance) LANGUAGE, BEN!!
Ben: Sorry, Boss.
Giovanni: (Let's Go of Beartrap's Ears) Sorry about Ben. He's been salty about that incident ever since.
Molly: (Smiles Sheepishly) I-It's okay, Boss. I've heard a lot worse from actually.
Giovanni: Wait, you have?
Molly: Yeah. Mostly from the customers I had to deal with back at the Toy Store.....
Giovanni's face suddenly turns dark as the words "customers" and "had to deal with it" are in the same sentence.
Giovanni: They were giving you a hard time?
Molly: Yeah. B-But the most I've gotten were complaints and narcissism! So it wasn't all that bad. (Gives Gio a Motherly Like Glare) And you're not gonna try plotting vengeance on them for my sake either.
Giovanni: (Playfully Scoffs) Oh come on, Beartrap! What makes you think I wanna doing something like that?
Molly: (Faces Flatters onto a Deadpinned Look) Boss, it's written all over your face. Why else were you giving me that look for?
Giovanni: To...show how....(Slowly Shrugs With an Awkward Smile on his Face) Intimidating I really am?
Molly raises an eyebrow at her boss in silence. It didn't take a five year old to know that she's not falling for his half baked lies.
Giovanni: ('Groans in Defeat') Okay, fiiiine. So maybe I was planning on getting them back for you. (Frowns a Little) I just don't want anyone to make my #1 minion feel bad. (Quickly Looks Back and Forth Before Turning Back to Molly, Whispering to Her) Don't tell anyone in here I said that by the way.
Molly: (Giggles Softly) I won't~ Just promise me you won't let it bother you too much, okay?
Giovanni: (Happily Gives Molly a Thumbs Up) You got it, Beartrap!
Molly: (Notices her Boss' Other Arm is Sticking Out From Behind his Back as She Gives Him a Teasing Smirk) WITHOUT crossing your fingers together from the back~
Giovanni: (Chuckles Lightly as Moves his Other Habd From his Back) Okay, okay. I promise for real this time. (Grabs his Chin Again) Now where was I in the whole goat story?....(Suddenly Snaps his Fingers) Ah yeah. The part where it destroyed Ben's 3DS or whatever.
Ben: (In the Distance) That goat can go suck the RIGHT PART OF MY-
The Boyz: BEN!
Ben: I'M SORRY! I just....really missed my game a lot!
Giovanni: (Rolls his Eyes) Anyways, after that ordeal happened, the goat kept chasing us around the house a few more minutes till Crusher suddenly swooped in out of nowhere, grabs him by the horns, and delivered the most devastating DDT throwdown I've ever seen in my life!
Giovanni: (Got Up and WVe at Crusher With Big Grin on his Face) WELL SAID, BIG GUY!~ SO PROUD OF YOU!~
Crusher: (Immediately Starts Stammering and Blushing While Watching his Crush Boss Happily Waving at Him) Y-Y-Y-Your p-p-p-proud!!!?~
Flamethrower: (Places his Hand on Crusher's Shoulder) Hey, eyes back on the grill, big guy. Don't want our food getting burnt, now do we?
Crusher: (Immediately Comes Back to his Senses and Continues Cooking) R-Right. Sorry.
Giovanni: (Sits Back Down) So yeah, after that glorious display happened, the goat's owner eventually came by and picked it up a few minutes later.....with all of our moms standing behind him the whole time. Giving all of us those....(Shivers at the Memory) menacing Mom Glares and whatnot.....
Molly: It was that scary, huh?
Giovanni: The most terrifying thing in the world, Beartrap. And they did what all moms do when they caught their kids red handed in a party: they kicked the guests out, they yell and scold us while the moon still shines, they use our allowance to repair all the stuff that was broken stuff in the house, and then grounded us for a whopping month in a half.
Molly: Yikes. That couldn't have been fun.
Giovanni: ('Sighs Heavily') Trust me, Beartrap, it wasn't.....(Smiles a Little) But we did managed to become the talk of the class for the rest of the school year, so it's not all dreadful
Molly: (Smiles Back at her Boss) Oh that's good to hear at least. It's been a while since I've ever been to an actual party myself.
Giovanni: Seriously? What about your birthdays?
Molly: (Chuckles a Little Awkwardly) Yeeeeeah, funny you mentioned that. I....um....don't think I've ever celebrated my birthday in.....let's say.....three or four years....
Giovanni: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock) You haven't celebrated your birthday in THREE TO FOUR YEARS!!!?
Molly: (Gets Startled by Gio's Sudden Outburst) I-It's not like I didn't want to celebrate it or anything! Lori's kept using her epithet to create her own fantasy world in her room all day, dad's been busy doing everything that doesn't remotely involve anything work related, meanwhile I'm the only one out if the three of us who not only have run the store as per usual, but also have to keep our home from being a literal pig stock! ('Sigh Heavily') So yeah.....Not really the best birthday memories if....I do say so myself personally.....
The words coming out his faithful minion's mouth has infuriate Giovanni to absurd extent. He knew her father was clueless, irresponsible bum of a man the first time he met him in that fantasy world Lori created a day ago, but to hear that he made his own daughter miss four....FOUR of her birthdays that she should've been celebrating at the time due to his and the older sister's lazy and careless antics has sparked a flare of anger within him that never felt before in his life up until now. If we're given the opportunity to turn back the heads of time to that day of the incident, he would most certainly uses it to bash Martain's head in as many times as he wants, regardless if it would tire him out or not.
But alas, as nice as it sounds, he is still in the present and his sweet, little Beartrap needs him now more than ever. So he takes a mental deep breath, letting his anger fade out within in and puts on a sincere, faithful grin on his face that he could Muster at the moment.
Giovanni: Well you can say goodbye to those crappy years, Beartrap. Because in a-uh- (Whispers into Molly's Ears) When is your birthday again?
Molly: In a couple of months.
Giovanni: In a couple of months! Me and boys will throw you the best birthday party could EVER hope for! Oh and your friends are invited too of course. As well as that Rick Shades fellow. I like him.
Molly: (Smiles Softly at the Thought of Rick Shades) Yeah. I like him too. And thanks, Boss. You really don't have to go out of your way to do this for me.
Giovanni: Of course I do. You're my #1 minion. I'll be always be there for you, kiddo. With that being said..(Starts Looking Away Nervously) uh....Molly?
Molly: Hm?
Giovanni: I...(Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth) know I might've already asked you this question last night, but.....(Takes a Deep Breath Before Turning Back to Molly With a Worried yet Firm Friwn on his Face) Are you really okay this? With me....kidnapping you and everything?
'Distant Chatter and Sound of Smaller Waves Coming to Shore'
Molly: Boss.....
Giovanni: (Starts Getting Up From his Seat and Pace Around a Bit) I know, I know it was a really bold, reckless, stupid move on my part to do last night, trust me, I already have enough crap from Trixie and Sheep Girl about it as it is-
Molly: Boss.
Giovanni: But I couldn't help it, okay? You were miserable in that toy shop and the fact that your own dad and sister never once bothered to help you out in anyway really ticked me off to no end!
Molly: Bosssss.
Giovanni: Like seriously, why the hell are you making your own twelve year old daughter do all the work while you lay around doing jack SHIT when you know damn well it was YOUR responsibility since day freaking ONE!!
Molly: Boss!
Giovanni: And it doesn't help the fact that hardly anyone sees anything wrong with this! Not even the authorities! All they seem to care about is getting their damn, stupid toys out if the shelves, no matter who is running the register! The fact that your friends, your teacher, a weird but cool wizard guy, and an annoying, useless, wannabe villain are the only ones cares more about your health and happiness than your own family and everyone else in this dumb city speaks volumes about society AS A WH-
Giovanni: (Finally Stops Ranting and Gives Beartrap her Full Attention) Y-Yeah, Beartrap?
Molly: (Takes a Deep Breath Before Speaking) Okay, first off, don't you EVER talk bad about yourself again! You're one of the most sweetest, passionate person I've ever have the pleasure of meeting and I refuse to believe and let you think otherwise, got it!?
Giovanni: (Immediately Salutes to Molly) Yes, ma'am! Won't ever happen again, ma'am!
Molly: (Simply Nodded) Good. And second....(Gently Grab Hold of Giovanni's Hand) Please don't stress yourself out. I'm.....(Gives Gio a Confident Smile on her Face) one hundred and one percent okay with this.
Giovanni: You...you really are?
Molly: (Happily Nodded) Yeah. I mean, sure, it's a lot to get used to, being kidnapped by the greatest supervillain this town has to offer and whatnot.
Giovanni: (Forms a Small Pout on his Face) You're not just saying that to make me feel better, are you?
Molly: Noooo, I mean it! You are a great villain and a boss. And I like I said: it'll be a lot to get used to. But to be perfectly honest, if there's anyone in this world I would spend the rest of my life with.....(Smiles Brightly at Giovanni While Gently Squeezing his Hand) I'm so glad it turns out to be you in the end.
And there it was. The bright, sparkle in her eyes, the warm, comforting she brings in the area, and a smile that would light up even the most angriest of people's moods. All of that and more was just enough to ease Giovanni's worries and focus on what's really important in front of him.
Giovanni: You know something, Beartrap? I'm a lot of things
Molly: Hm?
Giovanni: I'm loud, obnoxious, thick headed, arrogant to the extent, and above all else, I...may be am full of myself.
Molly: Boss.....
Giovanni: (A Smirk Starts Creeping Up on his Face) ('Heh') But even then, that STILL won't stop me from achieving my dreams to villainy and fulfilling my promises. That I....(Points Up into the Sunset Above Him) GIOVANNI POTAGE, will not only continue to provide my Boyz the upmost care and support....(Looks Back at Molly Woth a Determined Look.in his Face) But to also become the best damn guardian you could ever ask for. (Places his Thumb on his Chest) And that's a promise I'm willing take for the rest of my life!!!
'Sounds of More Waves Coming in and Out the Tides'
Molly: (Sighs While Putting on a Bit of a Pouty Look on her Face) Honestly.....I thought I told you to never talk down on yourself again, mister.
Giovanni: ('Sigh') Yeah, yeah. I know. Just trying set example here is all. But...you do get where I'm coming from in all of this, right?
Molly: (Smiles Softly) Yeah, I do. And I'll support and root you every step of the way. (Points her Finger and Moves it Up and Down at her Boss) But ONLY if you promise not to work yourself too hard for my sake and let me and the others help you out. We're a team now and teammates always help each other in need.
Giovanni: Very true, Beartrap. (Happily Nodded) Alright, I accept your promise. But only if YOU promise me to start going out more and enjoy being a kid for as long as you can. You're still have a lot if years ahead of you, you know?
Molly: (Nodded Back at Giovanni) Right. And a promise is a promise.
Giovanni: Spendid! As of today, Beartrap, you, I and our Boyz will take over this city and show em what we're really made of! And soon....(Picks Up Molly and Twirls her Around, Causing her to Giggle in Place) The whole WORLD will ours for the taking!
The duo turns to see Flamethrower staring at them in the distance.
Flamethrower: We're finally done cooking!~
Car Crash: (Smiles Brightly) Yeah and Ben hasn't made the food burnt into a crisp this time!
Ben: (Immediately Glares at the Duo Snickering Among Themselves) H-Hey! Name one time I've burned something food related!
Dark Star: Do you really want us to bring up last year's summer party incident?
Ben's eyes starts to widens as he mentally hears loud fire truck sirens and the fire burning around the house Itself, with his boss screaming out "GODDAMMIT, BEN!" ringing in his ears throughout all of it.
Ben: ('Gulp') No. I rather you not.
Dark Star: (Simply Nodded) That's what I thought. (Turns to Gio and Molly From a Distance) You guys, hurry up and get here before fire boy here strikes again.
Ben: Dude!
The Boyz: (Starts Laughing at Ben's Dispense)
Giovanni: (Chuckles Lightly) Well, you heard the man, Beartrap. Let's mosey our way over there before our food gets cold. Or burnt.
Molly: How did Ben even managed to do all of that in the first place?
Giovanni: It's another long story that I'm willing to tell ya if you want.
Molly: (Smiles Softly) Yeah. I'd like that.boh and boss?
Giovanni: Hm?
Molly moves her head over to Giovanni's cheek and gives it a soft kiss before hugging lovingly in his arms.
Molly: I love you.
Giovanni: (Hearts Begins to Melt in Pure, Genuine Happiness) Oh Beartrap.....(Happily Hugs his #1 Minion Back) I love you too. Always have and always will.
And so the duo of mischief finally begins to make their way towards the rest of the group to eat their long awaited BBQ meals. There's no telling what the future may have in store for either of them, but as long as they faced them together, side by side, they're more than up for it, as newly found villains.
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edgyonporpoise · 1 year
Prison of Plastic
Hey so I just finished reading/listening to Prison of Plastic, Epithet Erased’s book continuation, and my heart! Is full! My soul! Is nourished! And there is something spoilery! I have to scream about! Under the cut!
OKaY, so. I haven't seen Anime Campaign and I have no intention to, I wanna experience this story as it releases. BUT. Naven is absolutely 100% the secret final boss, right? They could be doing the whole "You thought the obvious twist villain was a villain, but there's a twist to this twist! Ooo~ooo~oo~~" but for now I'm operating on the assumption that he is and like. Fuck dude, he was so MAD.
In his little (hah, fairy) speech to Molly about talking to brick walls? That right there, is a normal person in a world with superpowers. Silly superpowers, but still, this story is very clear about how dangerous those powers are. This is a speech from someone who has Tried to talk it out, to have Mundie voices heard. He has tried to claw his way up, to build a respectable business run by, employing and catering to Mundies, to shove it in their dumb superpowered faces that normal people are still capable people.
And he is tired of being put down.
Tired enough to swing the wrecking ball through society, to tear down Epithets and everything they stand for. Think about it! Even if he is actually that nice guy we see, think about all the bullshit Epithets can cause. Think about the 17-year-old, so traumatized and scared of herself that she threw a tantrum so hard it took up his entire evening and nearly seriously injured 3 different people! (She threw Molly down a dumbwaiter. She nearly toppled literal tons of cake on him. She DISAPPEARED Rick's HEART!) Sure, it was an evening he had set aside for a speech class, but three hours late to finish it? He's a CEO of a multinational conglomerate. How many cross-timezone meetings did they have to reschedule? The fact that he takes the time out to make sure to urge Lorelai to check the message from Giovanni, even though no-one can see him and it doesn't seem to further any goal for recruiting Lorelai for his terrorist org besides making her feel better, makes me thing there's some sincerity to him. But that makes it all the juicier!
Makes me think of the line where Gio's spouting about people who think they're good but still do bad stuff! Makes me think about how Naven, snarky little pixie who's been playing along with Gio's rambles in any other way suddenly stops speaking at that point and doesn't come back in until after. (And maybe that's just for the flow of the scene but I can just imagine him floating in the background with suddenly flinty eyes while no-one's looking)
Makes me think of the little girl, the little girl he has implied he would kidnap (from what Molly's flashbacks said anyway) if it weren't for the laws holding him back, who crumbles under the weight of the world, of her family's business expenses. Yes, maybe Molly is right, maybe absolutely no-one knows what they're doing. But it is a human instinct to shield the children from the horrors of reality, to give them some small amount of time where they can be carefree. A shitty father, a bratty sister, and Epithets took that away from Molly.
Maybe Naven is just salty at Epithet users for looking down on him for being Mundie. Maybe he thinks he'll be doing the world a service, bringing it back to normal. Maybe he just thinks that these things are dangerous, and should be... Regulated in some way.
Maybe he's right? Even to people who do have these powers. People like Lorelai, who are scared of their own abilities. Or people like Mera, actively harmed by their Epithets. Or the whole IDEA of Ocean Country citizens being farmed for EXP. Damn, the idea of Down With Epithet Society makes a whole lotta sense.
And guys who make you think "Huh, that makes sense." are the most dangerous of all.
Silver-Tongued businessman, indeed.
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epitheterasedgen · 2 years
As much as I adore the idea, why do you want Percy specifically to adopt Molly? (feel free to ignore if you've already answered this)
I made an entire powerpoint about this once, and I have talked about it in the past, but I'll recap the main points here for any newcomers! :)
Molly needs to be adopted. Martin is a TERRIBLE father with no foreseeable reformation (even if he did reform, Molly clearly has trauma from his negligence now), and Lorelai is a TERRIBLE sister who does have an obvious planned reformation arc— but she is 17. That's NOT old enough to raise her baby sister. She can barely take care of herself; in fact, it seems like right now Molly is taking care of both her living family members. Molly is 12. That's unacceptable.
Giovanni cannot be the one to adopt her. Sorry, 19 isn't old enough to raise a kid, at least not in Giovanni's case. When Molly and Indus talk about taxes in the Museum Arc, Giovanni clearly has no idea what they're talking about and tries to act like an "adult" to fit in. Gio is wonderful, he's a great big bro, but he still lives with his parents, doesn't have a paying job, and doesn't know how to handle finances.
Could Molly handle all that stuff herself? Probably yes, but the entire point is that Molly shouldn't HAVE to. She shouldn't have to raise herself. She deserves a capable adult in her life: someone like Percy, who very clearly has her life together.
However, she also can't go back to being a "normal child." Molly is too old for her age, and a part of her will always be that way: world-weary, a bit snarky, and darkly comedic. For most parents, this would be a difficult hurdle to get over... but Percy is so autistic that she easily accepts this. When Molly serves her tea in a plastic tea-set and says she "doesn't have time to play around," Percy responds, "what a coincidence! NEITHER DO I." It's played for comedy, of course (everything in this show is), but Percy is 100% accepting of Molly's weird quirks because she is also, in fact, very weird and quirky and does not register them as strange.
These are the main ones! There are a lot more like "they're both ace and implied aro" and "I think Percy's protective tendencies would soothe Molly's abandonment issues" and "look at their MATCHING FRECKLES..." but I think you get the gist!
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narabea06 · 2 years
So a lot of people wanted more of the Fateful Family AU, so alright, here's more info on it-
- Percy had no idea Molly was her niece until she stopped by the toy store after the stuff at the museum and met her dad. She was very upset at Martin for cutting contact, but Martin just shrugged it off and ignored her basically
- Everyone knows "Gio" is actually Giovanni, except for Percy. Percy has said that he looked and sounded familiar, but every time that happened, everyone changed the subject. Sylvie is so close to just revealing who Giovanni is, but decided not to for Molly's sake
- Sylvie's bio mom was never really a great mom, and sorta was a tough love type of mom, and Sylvie ended up distancing from her a lot as he got older
- Molly's bedroom and Sylvie's office are right next to each other, and often Molly will go in to hang out with Sylvie while he works. Sylvie always enjoys the company
- Sylvie was really hesitant to accept Percy as his stepmom and still kinda is, but one thing that is nice between the two and that Percy is a great listener and will listen to Sylvie when he rambles
- Loralei and Martin do visit sometimes bc they realized that they sorta missed Molly, but Ramsey doesn't exactly let them stay long
- Ramsey is genuinely trying as a dad/uncle. It's been really difficult, especially with Sylvie since he is still upset at him, but he's trying. He ends up cooking for everyone in the morning usually, he listens when the kids are having problems, he tries his best to protect them when he can- He's really trying.
- Percy and Ramsey started working together on cases after Redwood Run, and Percy even had Ramsey stay in her apartment with her as a way to keep an eye on him. That's how they ended up getting even closer and getting to know each other more. By now since it's been about a year, Ramsey is mostly trusted now by the police.
- So, in this AU, it is one year into the future. So Molly is 13, Sylvie is 16, Giovanni is 20, and Percy, Zora, and Ramsey are their respectful ages
- Giovanni and Car Crash drive Molly to and from school everyday, and also pick her up to hang out with the other Banzai Blasters. Often Molly will drag Sylvie with her
- Trixie and Pheeny come over a lot to hang out with Molly, tho Pheeny does like hanging with with Sylvie bc sheep, and Trixie has a sorta father-daughter like friendship with Ramsey
- Ramsey is the main cook of the house due to Percy not actually knowing how to make proper meals, Sylvie only knows how to make ramen and tea, and Molly forgetting to eat.
- Percy loves eating the food Ramsey makes, but still in the morning eats the same thing: water and plain toast. Ramsey f**king hates it and is trying so hard to get her to try something different for breakfast. Percy always refuses.
- Ramsey loves doing drawings of everyone, and usually, everyone's birthday presents from him are drawings
- Despite Ramsey not really having a bounty on his head anymore, Zora still likes making his life miserable. She will straight up crash events they have, show up to dinner, scare the kids, etc. She just show up at the house and everyone is tired of her sh*t, but they can't exactly do anything bc she has such a terrifying epithet. Plus, she usually doesn't much beside mess with Percy and Ramsey and cause mayhem
- Molly is getting therapy, and Sylvie told her she's not allowed to refuse it- (He didn't actually force her, he just sorta explained to her that she seriously needed it, and she caved in-) He's not the one giving her therapy for the sake of her having privacy, but she is getting therapy. Percy and Giovanni also encouraged her to as well, which was sorta the thing that helped her finally decide to really go-
(Btw, if you have a specific thing you want me to make hcs for in this AU, feel free to ask for it! Also, I might make a few playlists for this AU if anyone is interested-)
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godliveblogs · 2 years
More Bears for the Circus
Epithet Erased Episode 2
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I have more than half a mind to start every new liveblog with this image...
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Well, if it’s complete, where’s the cool guy? (At this point I’m just cyber-bullying fictional characters)
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I do appreciate Giogio incorporating Bear Trap’s theme with their secret hideout.
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I’m sorry Molly, but that is clearly not the face of someone who cares about the rules.
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PLease let this be foreshadowing an improvement in Molly’s home life, Mr. Jello Apocalypse I beg you.
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“Except for the rules of drama, we follow those every chance we get.“
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You can tell from the menacing (ゴゴゴゴゴ) look on their face that they mean business!
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We already have one monkey in a suit, so obviously this circus is gonna need the bears to be dressed up, too—I elect we give them fezzes.
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It’s somewhat concerning how similar of a wavelength this child and grown man are on.
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It kinda is a bit, saddening I guess?, about how somber Molly can look at times—especially right after having a moment where she actually acts her age.
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Gio, first of all you don’t need to LORD over a kid while talking about tailoring, and second I am not surprised you have a sewing kit on you as well, ya definitely need to repair your cartoon villain costume after getting bodied constantly during all your battles.
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.............. Hey Molly, do ya mind if I borrow one of your sewing needles, just need it to, fix a stitch, on this doll I’m making of your father... But yeah, I’m hoping beyond hope that he is just extremely clumsy as well as neglectful, and not an alcoholic. There’s not much chance of that is there?
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Giovanni, please, give this child some peace of mind and raise her spirits by talking about your shared hobbies.
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Giovanni! How could you look at Molly’s :3 face and not divulge all of your secrets!
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Oh, I suppose that is why people call you a knit-wit? because of the knitting?
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What do you mean Molly? I’m certain he’s mentioned how crafty he is at least ten(10) times now!
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As expected from the MASTER of all things SOUP.
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Guys, I think he’s broken...
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mollysfoundfamily · 4 years
Odd idea but Time Travel! Everyone meets their future kids!
Anon I have been waiting for someone to ask this exact thing!! you might wanna get comfy this might get a bit long like this is more of a mini fanfic than a headcanon 
So after falling through the time portal Zora accidentally made when she tried to rewind the tv without the remote 
Molly and Sylvie: Their poor little faces are both beat red and they can't even look at each other!! they were at the puppy love holding hands and snuggling level and suddenly they have two twin children!!! Its especially weird since they're the same age as Molly and keep caller her Mama Bear She asks if she's a good mama...like her's was and they tell her she's the BEST EVER!!! large tears swell up in her eyes they lean in to comfort her and begin to cry themselves *it runs in the family* and Sylvie just comes back to the three hugging in a puddle on the floor He's gonna have his work cut out for him in 20 years They all end up talking about their feeling alot Maverick, unfortunately, ended up with ALL HIS PARENTS ANXIETY and is a tiny shy mess and hearing that his mama and daddy were just as bad at this age and got better really gives them ALL alot of hope for the future   Selena and Sylvie become one with the sheep together as she mentions they're homeschooled and he makes them memorize flashcards all the time and he just whips out the pack he had on him for his own amusement and quizzes her right there Sel: oh my gosh dad, mom was right you where always a nerd Sylvie: hey watch your mouth young lady!! Sylvie is having wwwwaaaaayyyyy to much fun with the dad authority Molly and Mav have a friendly little argument over what the best kind of bear is she still holds that Koalas don't count! and just talk about their pent up sadness while brushing each other's hair They both refer to Percy as Grandma and its too much for her heart to take!! eventually, they show them a family picture... they look so grown up!! Molly is still cute but also very very pretty! and Sylvie is crying laughing and dancing all at the same time because he's tall and handsome and has a beard and IS AN ACTUAL GROWN UP!!!!! They look so... happy together, they look at each other still blushing molly reaches out to hold Sylvie’s hand he takes it shyly they both giggle and end up doing an adorable Eskimo kiss 
Indus and Mera: Indus’s mind is completely blown with so much pure love and joy when he finds out he’s going to be the proud father of 3 beautiful children and have a beautiful family with his beloved Mera (think screaming crying foaming at the mouth but all in a happy way) He hugs all three of his beautiful future babies as tight as he possibly can which prompts Libby to start hugging him back from the other side leaving skinny little bird bone boys Cyrus and Maximus to get squished inside a beef sandwich Cyrus: Dad seriously stop!!! You’re crushing my ribs!! but more importantly, you're being really embarrassing!! Indus: *Sniff, Sniff* Y-you called me ...DAD!!!! *more fire hose pressure crying* Cyrus: it’s my middle school graduation all over again... Indus: AND YOU SOUND JUST LIKE YOUR MOTHER WHEN YOU COMPLAIN!!! speaking of which... Mera is completely frozen she doesn’ t know what to think or how to process it until_ Max: *yanks on her shirt* are you okay mama? She just bursts out crying because she never thought she could have children!! let alone three happy healthy ones!! Or a happy life and a family of her own it’s all too much!! a family hug pile around mama ensues Afterward, Indus and Libby spar with each other Mera and her moody boy share their general disdain for life and everyone plays with max because he’s so freaking cute also, they actually show them a future pic of them: Mera is the Karenest looking Karen that ever Karened and Indus is wearing glasses mera is emotionally conflicted and Indus thinks they make him look a genius
Zora and Percy... and Ramsey: Percy and Zora are so freaking proud of their two  beautiful strong little women Zora starts sweating from her eyes because she never thought she'd really ever have a little family like that and a great big group hug ensues Zora also does a little dance and shoots of her guns when she finds out she is commonly referred to as Big Mama Molly almost also almost dies when they refer to her as Big Sis They both then start sparring with Dawn who they don't have to go easy on at all!! she's totally a match for both of them with her whip and the army of zombies she can raise form the dead!! her epithet is Artifact: she can restore anything to its original state! it's so epic!!! They also start cooing over little Nia because she's just such a gosh darn cute little bunny! *cheeks are pinched* it isn't until later that they actually get around to asking who their doner fathers are Nia that points at Rasmey... Zora+Ramsey: WWWWHHHHHHAAAATTTTTTT!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Zora spends a good hour screaming at the sky and comtimplating weither or not to kill Ramsey for getting his gross rat DNA inside her baby girl!!!  while that's happening Ramsey just brakes down on his knees because he can't comprehend how somthing using his DNA could turn out so unbelievably cute and just starts crying while his little bunny niece awkardly consoles him. percy isn't that surpised, she always knew if she and zora had children she'd want Ramsey to be the doner, which only makes Ramsey cry some more. after a while everybody managed to calm down and all agree that no matter what they still love their cute little baby nia! and they tell the story about how Zora AND Ramsey spent months trying  to convince Howie to take his place because they were both so scared of making a baby rat both of them also let Nia braid their hair and put flowers in it the girls show em a pic of future them too Percy is the most beautiful regal police chief woman ever with gray streaks and a freaking cape and everything!! Zora is having a straight up heart attack!!! Future Zora's still pretty beautiful too and looks like a combo of a pj wearing stay at home mom and an assassin, Ramsey's pretty much the same but he's devolved into socks with sandles. the Uncle is really taking over
Giovanni: Gio’s a little confused everyone’s kids are here but he doesn’t see anyone who looks like him anywhere But all the other kids do dog pile their BIG BAD UNCLE GIO!!! Because he is going to be the best and only babysitter they’ve all ever had!!!- also he may or may not have made them all Blasters (hang on folks this is gonna get feely) while he absolutely loves that and all the new minions be can’ t help but feel...Oh well, I guess when you’re living the life of a big-time villain it doesn’t really leave a lot of room for marriage or kids or... family But then he just happens to run into future Crusher and Future Spike they’re both wearing wedding rings and spikes...pregnant... he smiles and says he’ s so happy for the two of them that they could have such a wonderful life together all while he’ s struggling to hold back his tears (very very poorly) Gio: W-Well *Sniff* I-I *Sniff* should leave *sniff* y-you t-two alone *sniff* you could be *sniff* do a-ahny second now!! Crush grabs his hand just as he’s about to run away and cry forever and he notices that the little ring has 3 little diamonds blue, orange, and ...pink so does Spike’s. Crush slowly bring’s his hand over to Spike’s stomach and holds it there with his. It finally all clicks for him. Gio: BBBHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!! *a tiny lake is formed out of his tears as he hugs his soon to be baby girl* Her name is gonna be Gianna “Gigi” BearClaw Potage and she’s gonna be the cutest little feral tomato ever!
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kurisus · 4 years
Six of Crows Playlist
Woo, it’s finally here! This is a Six of Crows-inspired playlist I’ve been putting together for the last couple of months, and it will still be updated if I come across something appropriately edgy, lol.
Features songs for specific characters/ships as well as more general vibe songs. I put it in an order that makes sense, but you can also shuffle it.
Listen here
Reblogs appreciated! Feel free to share which songs are on your playlist~
And just in case you don’t live in a region where Spotify is supported, under the cut is the list of songs.
Trouble - Valerie Broussard
Devil Devil - MILCK
Scars - Boy Epic
Long Way Down - Robert DeLong
Beautiful Crime - Tamer
Bury Me Face Down - grandson
Black Sea - Natasha Blume
Born For This - The Score
Pitchfork Kids - AJR
Come with Me Now - KONGOS
Teenagers - My Chemical Romance
Control - Halsey
Woke Up A Rebel - Reuben And The Dark
Demons - Imagine Dragons
Six of Crows - Gio Navas
Things We Lost In The Fire - Bastille
Widowmaker - Night Argent
Bad Blood - Welshly Arms
Hit and Run - LOLO
Cops and Robbers - The Hoosiers
Turn The Lights Off - Tally Hall
Hustler - Zayde Wølf
Made For This - City Wolf
We Have It All - Pim Stones
Natural - Imagine Dragons
Heart Of The Darkness - Tommee Profitt, Sam Tinnesz
Lost My Mind - Alice Kristiansen
If You Care - Evan Barlow
Never Forgot - Kendra Dantes
Monster - Imagine Dragons
Dust and Gold - Arrows to Athens
Whiskey (Acoustic) - Young Rising Sons
Mile Magnificent - molly ofgeography
Ain’t No Rest for the Wicked - Cage The Elephant
Marked Man - Mieka Pauley
The River - Blues Saraceno
Man or a Monster - Sam Tinnesz, Zayde Wølf
Hard To Kill - Beth Crowley
12 Rounds - Bohnes
Devil Inside - CRMNL
Strange Birds - Birdy
Landmines - BELLSAINT
Après Moi - Regina Spektor
Little Poor Me - Layto
The Fear - The Score
Twin Skeleton’s (Hotel In NYC) - Fall Out Boy
Whisper - Burn The Ballroom
Glitter & Gold - Barns Courtney
Love Is Mystical - Cold War Kids
Love Is Blindness - Jack White
Dangerous Man - Valley Of Wolves
Call Me Devil - Friends in Tokyo
River - Bishop Briggs
Wicked Ones - Dorothy
Kings - Tribe Society
Dirty - grandson
Bullet - Riot Child
No Mourners, No Funerals - Victoria Carbol
Code Name: Raven - House of Heroes
Not A Common Man - Matt Smith
It Only Gets Much Worse - Nate Ruess
Forest Fires - Lauren Aquilina
The Angry River - The Hat, Father John Misty, S.I. Istwa
I Love You - Woodkid
Dirty Hands (Gone Mad) - Kendra Dantes
Wires - The Neighbourhood
Daniel In The Den - Bastille
Renegades - X Ambassadors
Lonely People - Tribe Society
Dangerous Man - Little Dume
Watch Me - The Phantoms
Danger To Myself - The Unlikely Candidates
Giants - Neoni
Legendary - Welshly Arms
Insane - Kendra Dantes
Fighter - Charlie & the Church
Champion - Barns Courtney
I’m A Ruler - Tommee Profitt, Ruby Amanfu
Alive - Rob Houchen
Sigh No More - Mumford & Sons
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spliinkles · 5 years
By the way. In the Role Swap AU, does the swap extend to Molly's homelife? Is Martin now her incompetent son instead of her incompetent dad now?
Oh god please no- Molly swapped with Gio so she's only 19 (so that would be rlly weird) and I would actually rather keeping the role swap out of family relations.
So to go a little deeper on that, Molly's family will still be her father and her sister (we could possibly have the sister be Molly's canon age?) I also think it would be benificial that we kept their jobs the same, so the Blyndeff toy emporium is still there (ohhh backstory angst for Molly considering Gio wasnt there to encourage her right? Right?! Just another valid reason why she goes apeshi-) And the same with Gio- he still has his mum!
I think this would be really really good, just considering the second we try to switch things or role swap with family, it kinda gets confusing (god forbid i spend another day theorising how to even consider it) hope this helps!!
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gorehoundclown · 4 years
Got any giomolly headcanons to spare?
okay anon, i wasnt answering this because its really the basis for a Big Fic i was planning on making, but seeing as how it looks like that time will never come, ill just open the floodgates!!!!!!!!!!!!
- while giovanni really is fun and playful, he’s actually really serious and stern when he needs to be. his way of speaking changes, his voice drops and his posture gets rigid. all business. this is due to his upbringing!
- gio wants to reach the top ranks of the banzai blasters because his father is the Baron. top dog. head honcho. and he’s a stone cold motherfucker.
- his dad left him and his mom when giovanni was a little kid. his father was wealthy and put gio in fencing classes, piano lessons and all sorts of activities that would raise giovanni into a Respectable Young Man who would one day take his place on the throne. after finding out gio’s epithet is fUCKING SOUP, his dad felt nothing but disappointment. he considered all those years a waste, and forced the mother and son to leave the estate with hardly any money. his mom never revealed to gio the reason they left, though, and little giovanni spent many nights missing his father. this leads to giovanni idolizing the banzai blasters to the point of him joining being non-negotiable. he tries to ignore the part of him that resents his father for leaving them, but these thoughts grow as he gets older.
- after he leaves the group in canon, he meets up with molly [where the fic Beartrap takes place] and after realizing how much she needs someone to be there for her, goes back to rejoin the blasters with the sole intent of rising in the ranks, cutting down his father and taking control of the BB to turn it into a much more “WHOLESOME criminal enterprise!!”
- after the events of Beartrap, he works really fuckin hard to get his own small place and pulls some strings to get mollys father to (unofficially) hand over custody. he tries to be the parent and boyfriend she’s always wanted.
- living with gio starts to change how she acts. going from having a billion responsibilities and forced maturity to having almost none and having a newfound ton of free time really shows. its like a girl raised in a strict christian household going buck wild in college.
- her “rebellious teenage” phase hits her Hard. molly starts dressing “provocatively” and all the self-esteem lessons from giovanni paid off cause now Molly’s a Bad Bitch who Will fuck you up if she has to. she’s still sweet to her friends, strangers and her himbo, but people who try to mess with any of them are in for a quick KO.
- Gio has taught her everything he remembered from the hand-to-hand combat training lessons his father enrolled him in all those years ago, and Gio & Molly spar regularly!
- by the time molly is 17 (with gio being 24) its common knowledge around the banzai blasters that these two are An Established Thing and molly is more than happy to remind them by sitting on his lap at the start of every meeting. nobody would dare do anything about it, of course. he’s the baron.
- at this point theyre a god damn power couple. a force to be reckoned with. gio instills a sense of togetherness and solidarity throughout the banzai blasters, making the group much stronger as a unit. and molly does the heavy lifting when it comes to all the paperwork and business that keeps the gang running.
- gio’s happy-go-yelly attitude smooths out and he wears his business persona around the office like a metal showcasing all his years of hard work. when its just him, molly, or any of his original banzai pals who’ve stuck around this long to be his third in commands though, he goes back to emoting much like he used to. no matter how time shapes him, he’ll always be a big dumb goofball who loves his beartrap.
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epithet-headcanoned · 4 years
hello there! can we get some, uh, fluffy platonic cop mom!reader and molly? where she kinda goes to hang out with her every now and then after escorting her home one time at 2 in the morning? and percy recognizes her at the museum as the kid her partner is friends with? sylvie and gio are there sometimes? maybe accidentally adopts the museum trio? is that too much? thanks!
This is a bit confusing but I will try my best! Y’all’s wishes are my command, I cannot change this-
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Platonic Cop!Reader and Molly
You met Molly after the Sweet Jazz Police were informed on a mysterious phone call from a little girl in the museum district after it’s closing hours. Being on Percy’s squad, you and the rest of your team were assigned to check it out. While you were unaware of everyone else at the museum that night which was interesting, you were still curious about who the little girl was. You ask everyone on your squad and they were able to give you small info such as the fact that she was twelve, who she was associated with, etc. It’s not until you talk to Percy that you find out her name is Molly, and she lives above a toy store near Main Street.
You tried to drop the subject and carry on about your week when Percy told you that she frequently checks up on Molly and a suspicious 19-year-old boy who seems to be her brother, as well as another teenager who prefers to not answer to any questions but seems to be Molly’s friend. You were content knowing that at least she was safe for a while... until you were cruising downtown during a shift at 2 in the damn morning, where you recognized her while she was walking down the sidewalk, holding a bag.
You offer to drive her home and lecture her about “how it is extremely dangerous walking around this late, and who are your parents?? Where are they?? Yeah they’re going to jail” Molly freaks out and starts telling you that her mother is dead, and neither her father nor her sister knows she’s out this late. She simply snuck out to buy groceries from a downtown market since it was the only one in town that was open this late and she didn’t know where else to get food. You decide to let her off with a warning and you drop her off at her store.
You ended up telling Percy this whole story and to your surprise, she’s more understanding to the situation than you thought she’d be. “Her father is a bit of a deabeat, but he covers all paperwork as her legal guardian and we don’t have enough solid proof of him being a deabeat to put him away for good... as for her neglectful sister, she’s just simply not her legal guardian. The only adult in her life that genuinely takes care of her is that Giovanni Potage who you know I have mixed feelings about... there’s also that psychologist boy Sylvester, Molly told me they take care of each other as well but that’s all I got from him so far.”
Molly’s situation itches at you until you decide to take matters into your own hands and pay Molly a visit, just to see how she’s doing after the other day. Molly replied that she’s doing fine and invites you to stay for lunch. You didn’t expect that from her (you more expected her to shut you out-) but you’re happy nonetheless! You sit down and chat with her a bit about her life, your life and just about everything. Giovanni ends up breaking into Molly’s house as a “surprise visit” and almost leaves immediately when he sees you but you convince him that you’re not gonna arrest him, so you all hang out at Molly’s small tea party table while Giovanni makes soup for the both of you until dusk.
// *pant pant* I’m sorry I wish I could write more but I have no idea where to pick up these headcanons (for now) but I hope you like your mini fanfiction! I tried to be as creative as possible
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ninjansword · 5 years
For Your Entertainment | Chapter One | The Truth | Ninjago AU
Night had descended upon Thatcher’s Psychic & Tarot Reading. Down the street from the famed Marianas Circus, the small shop was not only a way for the Marianas to get money, but their living accommodations, as the apartment above it would prove.
Inside the shop, Molly Thatcher was finishing cleaning up, as she was preparing to close it for the night.
“Molly!” Beryl called from upstairs. “Are you closed yet?”
“Not yet!” The British gypsy replied. She was meticulously making sure everything had been spick and span.
Or at least, she was, until a hesitant knock on the door. Going over to see who it was despite the closed sign on the door, Molly stopped suddenly, clutching the side of the table nearest to her. Her eyes turned white, and she saw who exactly was at the door.
Nervously knocking on the other side were the Ninja, Ninjago’s protectors. Why had they been at the door? Molly was about to find out.
Hurriedly preparing tea, their knocks became louder. Pouring the tea faster as the knocking intensified, Beryl came downstairs to find out what was causing all of the commotion.
“Molly, someone’s at the door.” Beryl told her, giving her a quizzical look. “Why are you pouring tea?” She asked as she opened the door.
“For them!” Molly exclaimed as the Ninja walked through the door. Whipping her head around in shock, Beryl’s jaw nearly hung open.
Playing it cool, she replied, “What brings you here?”
“It’s...a long story. A story better heard if all of you are here.” Nya explained. “Excuse me.” Beryl told them, heading upstairs to fetch the other three performers.
Rushing them downstairs, Paola gasped at the sight of them, and Giovanni pulled out his wand.
“A cosa serve? What is so important—“ Giovanni began to say, before Beryl turned his head towards the ninja. “Oh.” He replied.
“I’ve got tea!” Molly exclaimed from the small kitchen. Rushing over with a tray of tea and cake, she winked at Jay as she came, causing her to trip.
Without hesitation, Giovanni whipped his wand at her, strands of yellow-green magic burst out, catching each teacup and slice of cake, moving it towards the ninja who were going to receive them.
“Was that—“
“Magic? Yes.”
The already-mostly-silent ninja were now struck with complete silence. Breaking through it, Giovanni then added,
“My name is Giovanni, though you can call me Gio.”
Catching on, Beryl realized she hadn’t introduced herself. “Oh! I’m Beryl, Beryl Mitchell. I take it you aren’t here for a psychic reading, nor tickets to the circus?”
“Circus?” Cole asked, as Beryl jumped at the chance to explain. “The Marianas Circus? You didn’t see the huge tent near this place?” She asked. Most of the Ninja nodded their heads no, which caused her to grimace a bit.
Smiling herself back up, she explained, “Well we work there! I’ve owned the place since my uncle passed, and it’s basically my everything. You’ve never been?”
“No, but that’s not what we’re here for.” Kai finally stepped up and explained, “We were sent here by our Sensei Wu to relay information that might be upsetting.”
In response, Beryl looked at him with a mix of both worry and contempt. “Paola!” Beryl called, realizing the Moon Maiden wasn’t there with them. “Come down!” She exclaimed.
Fast as lightning, a surge of purplish-black magic shot down the stairs and in front of the Ninja. Fog burst from the magic, then dissipated to reveal a sitting Paola, still in her performance garb from the day’s shows.
“I’m listening.” She said, turning to the ninja.
“Beryl,” Kai spoke, “Sensei said your mother was the Master of Intuition.” Upon hearing those words, Beryl sputtered a bit.
“What do you mean, Master of Intuition?” She asked helplessly. Putting on a cooler facade, she added, “My mother was, and still is, a working woman. The only power I knew she had was the fact that she always knew where something was if I’d lost it.”
“I know it must be hard to take in, but Sensei described as a sixth sense. Knowing where something could be at the present.” Nya explained to her, guiding her to sit down.
“Pardon, but isn’t that like premonition? I can see both the future and past.” Molly explained. “Really?” Jay said in surprise and excitement. Taking his arm, Molly stared deep into his eyes, her eyes becoming white in the process. Clutching his arm tighter, she closed her eyes.
“In the next, say, 10 minutes, you’re going to fall off a building, but not get seriously injured.” Molly told him point blank.
“Magic and premonition? Are you sure you guys aren’t pulling some circus Mumbo-jumbo?” Cole asked them.
“If we were, don’t you think we would’ve left the theatrics at the circus?” Paola asked him, staring into his soul with her piercing gaze.
“Besides, Molly, Sensei said your father was the Master of Gallium.” Zane clarified for her. Molly thought about it.
“Somehow, it makes too much sense.”
“How so?”
Molly pulled out a locket from her pocket. Opening it up, she revealed that the center was made of gallium.
“He gave me this to keep with me.” Very carefully, she felt it within herself to draw the gallium out of the locket, expanding it until it touched her fingertips. Then, she put it back in.
“Hey.” Ishanvi finally spoke. She had just come downstairs, her half-lidded eyes going wide at the sight of the ninja.
“Isha!” Beryl exclaimed, gesturing her over. The girl sat amongst the ninja, taking Beryl’s place.
“Now you’re an odd case.” Cole told her. “Sensei Wu explained that you were in a long line of Masters of Fungi, but you had died.” The words both created and cut through the tension in the room like a butcher’s knife.
“Why so quiet?” Ishanvi broke the silence. She turned to Cole. “It’s true. I died in the 50s. I was given new life after the fact.”
“I don’t expect to have an element, but what makes this true?” Giovanni asked them. “I mean, does your Sensei regularly send you out to tell people they’re the Elemental Master of something?”
“No, but he said it was important this time. He said you had to come with us back to the Monastery, to train your abilities and defend yourselves, for your own good.” Lloyd clarified, staring daggers into Giovanni.
“Train? Defend ourselves? I’m sorry, but we already know how to defend ourselves. Being a trapeze artist, as well as an acrobat or stilt walker aren’t skills you learn within a day—“
“Neither is being an Elemental Master!”
“—That’s not what I’m saying. What I’m saying is we have the skills we learned from years at the circus to know how to defend ourselves.”
Beryl had a point.
“Listen, it’s not that we don’t believe you or resent you; it’s the opposite. It’s just that...The Marianas is my life—it’s my income, my everything. I can’t just leave it behind for some looming threat that we already know how to handle, Elemental Masters or not.”
Straightening herself back up, she then coldly said, “Now, I feel like it’s within our best interest that you leave.”
The look in Beryl’s eyes—fierce yet pained—told the Ninja, as well as Ishanvi, what they needed to know. Once they were out the door without another word, Ishanvi turned to Beryl.
“How dare you!” She exclaimed, full of anger.
“How dare I what?” Beryl replied.
“How dare you turn them out like that! They told us we were Elemental Masters and you didn’t believe them! All because you think you speak for us!” Ishanvi yelled at her, extremely angry.
“If you felt a different way, you should’ve said something!”
“Beryl, we all did.” Paola replied. “Even if I don’t have an element to begin with, Molly and Ishanvi were into it. Just because you weren’t doesn’t give you the right to turn them away like that.”
“Because of you, they’ll never come back! We’ll be torn to shreds by some evil threat, and we wouldn’t have had the expertise to know how to deal with it with our powers! We needed Spinjitzu, maybe even Airjitzu!” Ishanvi continued.
Through all of her anger, she began to cry. Loudly sobbing, Molly took her head into her chest. Pounding softly at it, Ishanvi wiped her tears.
“All my life, I’ve wanted to be a hero. Now I finally had the chance to be one, and you turned it away.” Ishanvi told her, having calmed down.
“I’m sorry, damn!” Beryl declared, running back upstairs and into her room.
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godliveblogs · 3 years
Lady Mera’s Troubles
Epithet Erased Episode 2
A new session and a couple new info cards!
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Here’s Giovanni actually seeming introspective for once in his life, or maybe he’s just reading his bullet points off to the right...
And some good news for Molly, Gio actually does care about his posse (though he’s not above using their bodies as impromptu thrones) which as of now includes her! It may not be the best found family there is, but it is still leagues above the “Father“ she has now.
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And here’s Indus doing what he does best, breaking through walls—which is not to be confused with the other thing he does best, building barriers!
The most surprising thing of all, however, is that Lady Mera does not live in a 200 room mansion, and instead shares an apartment with Indus. If I was slightly saner I might conclude that maybe Lady Mera does not come from nobility or is otherwise part of the upper crust. Luckily for all involved I am a master at deluding myself so the new running theory is that Lady Mera has cut ties with her family to live a life of crime with her ever-loyal butler/bodyguard/chef/eye-candy Indus!
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As we can see with how little experience she has digging through trash, she is definitely an aristocrat.
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Indus is like a starter minion, his base stats are higher than average (excluding intelligence) and his upkeep is zero, but he has very little growth and scalability, you keep him around in the late-game for nostalgia.
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Well of course, you were summoning him when you said his name, right?
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It’s a bit late to be talking like honest security guards now, isn’t it?
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Lady Mera is starting to remember the actual cost of her “free“ muscle, with which least of all is the headache that comes with dealing with him.
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What, that you let the honorable and easily out-witted knight templar keep a criminal scoundrel and an innocent child locked up without expecting him to be hoodwinked by a little girl in a hoodie?
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Indus, she is giving you an out here, I suggest you take i—
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... Rest in Peace, you funky lug of a man.
Though it seems that Lady Mera understood that Molly’s Dumb epithet could be used to make people behave dumb, despite Molly not showing her that she could use it that way. Epithets are common enough that I guess the way they function could be well-known and/or Lady Mera has experience with her own or Indus’s epithets to draw this conclusion...
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mollysfoundfamily · 4 years
I headcanon that Molly is a surprisingly good detective. May I have some Percy and Molly headcanons revolving around this?
Molly kinda becomes Percy’s deputy by accident. It started out with Percy going over some evidence for a robbery case at home and Molly was doing her homework at the same table
their papers got mixed up and Molly ended up cracking what she thought was the world’s weirdest geography assignment.
Molly is really good at spotting little but obvious details that nobody else really notices *like seeing the same bird fly in the security camera background and figuring out they just replayed old footage on a loop*
So she’s the best at finding crucial clues and putting puzzles together
As well as picking out little incriminating things crooks say during interrogations and completely catching them off guard
She’s also super awesome at spy work thanks to her epithet she can sneak in almost anywhere!
Expect for that one time she tried spying on some crooks by climbing in through a too small vent and got stuck... they still got the evidence but they also had to call howie to help get her out of the wall
Thanks to all the time she also spends hanging out with sylvie at his office she’s picked up some psychological skills that come in handy when figuring out motives too!!
The bad cop technique is brutal.. you made her cry and she’s not gonna stop until you tell her what she wants to know... trust me you don’t wanna be responsible for a crying Molly.
Everyone around the station knows her by now and refer to her as Percy’s little helper or detective baby bear and give her candy and head pats
They sometimes even get the chocolate donuts that have little bear faces because they know they’re her favorite!
She even has a little Sherlock cloak hat with bear decals and ears! And an oversized magnifying glass, she doesn’t use it for anything really it’s just fun!
She’s got a little police uniform like Percy’s too!!! Percy took so many pics of her in it because she looks like such a little professional!!
Even before she officially adopted Molly people mistook her for Percy’s daughter so often that they just kind of started to roll with it.
But then by extension whenever Gio got brought in for shoplifting gum or loitering and saw molly and started acting like his normal caring big brotherly self to her they also mistake him for Percy’s older delinquent son
Percy has also taken on this title... even with all the father questions, condescending parenting advice, and face lift rumors that come with it.
She will make a decent upstanding citizen out of that boy.
Okay back on track-Even when she’s helping her Percy alway makes sure molly gets her required 8 hours of sleep... she does not do the same for herself.
Thus Molly will often act as her care taker at the station and at home. Bringing her coffee, making sure she doesn't skip lunch or dinner and taking her to take a nap on the cot in the back room or the couch so she doesn’t burn herself out.
She’ll even curl up with her under the covers with her and be her little teddy bear to snuggle with.
Whenever they bring in kids who have seen or been the victims of crimes she’s always there for them with a soft hug and ready to listen and stay for as long as they need.
They trust her more than they do adults and she kina knows what it’s like to be in their position.
Whenever one of gio’s Boiz gets brought in she works her magic so they only have to do a bit of community service... she’s a totally corrupt cop!!!
She’s well on her way to joining sylvie in the child prodigy club!!! Police schools are already lining up to take her... buts she’s just happy to be helping out Percy the boiz and the kids who come in from time to time.
She doesn’t need fame or glory, she just wants to help those she cares about... plus she really doesn’t want another full time job anytime soon
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gorehoundclown · 4 years
I wish to heard more about your giomolly child.
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WHOO BOY THIS TOOK,,,a while to do. jfc. 
BUT HERE IT IS! Giovanni and Molly turns the toy store into a daycare that they run together. They make sure their two kids never have to help in the store while growing up unless the absolutely want to! Giomolly make great, loving parents and their kids grow up very confident and educated. NOW ON TO THE FACTS:
-Gio loves making clothes for them, and even made little bear outfits for the boys as a surprise gift for Molly during her pregnancy
-Apollo’s shirt/scarf is made out of Giovanni’s old Banzai Blaster cape. Molly&Gio are really into reusing material and not letting things go to waste.
-Apollo (to Giovanni’s distaste) becomes extremely interested in the now-disbanded Banzai Blaster organization, and uses other parts of Gio’s cape to sew more bandanas and scarves to wear
-Prince’s cowlick always resembles a cat ear, no matter how he’s facing
-Molly made wristbands for them out of her childhood jacket, they treasure them dearly and never take them off!
-Prince’s golden eyes has given him a hell of a glare
-Giovanni chose their names because they sounded cool
-He was so excited that Molly couldn’t say no
-Though Prince inherited his father’s excited personality, he’s usually the one getting them out of the trouble that Apollo starts
-The family worries about Prince’s....villainous tendencies..
Forget Newtumblr. I upload all my art to my deviantart (just in case this gets removed from the tag aGAIN)
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gorehoundclown · 4 years
giomolly royalty!AU
molly is a lonely princess ruling over her kingdom. well, unofficially. her dad is still the king and is *technically* in charge, but he’s always off on one vacation or another. molly is left to do all the work and duties the king would usually do, which stresses her out to no end. having little free time, the only people she interacts with on a daily basis are the staff around the castle and her Royal Guard: the Banzai Blasters. 
She grows fond of the pink haired one named Giovanni, especially since he’s basically her appointed bodyguard. The two become closer and end up flirting. The other staff/guards in the castle just looks the other way because they feel bad for what her dad put her through, but the two slowly fall in love. They think theyre being discrete but the entire castle can easily tell. The only time the staff  ever hears her laugh is when he’s whispering in her ear. Giovanni learns that her father’s actions go much deeper than just leaving her alone with his work, and he swears to protect her while biting back his rage.
One day, the king returns, surprising everyone in the castle. He goes to his Royal Bedroom to find the princess in bed with the royal guard. He’s pissed and flips his shit. He tries to rush Gio, but the BanzaiBlaster’s sword is still in reach. Giovanni doesn’t hesitate to behead the king.
The rest of the guards run into the room as this happens and they all pull out their swords to cut our boy into ribbons, but Molly haults them immediately, and declares that he committed no crime since she is now Queen of the realm.
Then they get married like a week later and giovanni takes more than half of the work so she can finally have a break and enjoy herself.
Alternate version where Giovanni is a robin hood-esque thief and Molly falls for him after she finds him stealing their family jewels a few times and runs away with him.
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