fullyfazed · 1 year
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sketched some gios during a dnd session the other day and wanted to try coloring digitally so have The Guy (and one mom)
full spread and OG under the cut :)
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kiobeeoooo · 27 days
something dumb I made featuring the (I think) unofficial designs for Giovanni’s moms
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Original under cut
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makofan100 · 7 months
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Sone doodles I did
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lostbookwyrm · 2 years
Since Jello announced on stream last night that Giomamma (the tall crystal one of Giovanni's moms) is a Roughhouse, have my personal hc.
She will ruin your life with crystals and essential oils. If she don't like you, she will find our what you don't want and give you shit that'll make it happen.
E.g. a Girl at Gio's high-school was being an asshole abt his epithet and she gave her a bunch of aquamarine and rose quartz etc. Stones that encourage fertility. Guess who dropped out of school 9 months later. Noone else knows.
Meanwhile the Giomommy is an avid baker and just a classic sitcom Mom.
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sadsoftserve · 6 months
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yeah, okay, but what are your flamebomb and blairecrash headcanons?
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Fred is kinda dumb. We all know this. He's like SUPER dumb, around only her specifically. He gets all flustered and blushy when someone brings it up too.
Fred goes to Giovanni for dating advice. Why? Because he's his boss ofc! Needless to say, Giovanni is way more experienced in this field than you'd suspect. Half of the shit Fred does, was advice he got from Gio.
He also goes to Flamethrower for dating advice. He is just as hopeless as Fred.
Fred is a history nerd. He will go on for hours about smth like, the Taigan Australian war or smth and Blaire will listen. She may be only focused on his face, but she's "listening"
Fred probably has a big family, (I mean 8 family cars? Yeah that says something) and I think he gets made fun of relentlessly by them.
When Blaire first met his family, she was nervous, but it quickly went away when she found out Fred's family is SUPER strange. She felt at home though, they are nice people.
Blaire's love language is I think probably gift giving, Fred's is quality time and Physical touch (the guys broke he can't afford gifts.)
And when Blaire gets him something expensive he feels so bad because he knows he can't return the favor. So instead he just showers her with as many free dates and hugs as he can
Has beaten Tanners ass and gotten suspended for it. Does not regret it, his family is also very proud of him
Malewife x Girlboss vibes frfr
Flamethrower was the first one to catch feelings. He didn't realize it at first, but when she took him to go blow something up, he was like "woah, I like her" and has been hooked ever since.
Giovanni isn't too thrilled though. That's his SISTER. He loves his boys, but he loves his sister more, and his big brother instincts will not fail!
While Flamethrower didn't know she was Bulimic at first, when he found out, bro cried. Like real ass tears, in front of her, Giovanni and the rest of the boys. They were all huddled in the big stall of the girls bathroom at a brunch place. (You can guess the looks they got when they walked out bawling) and flamethrower was bawling his eyes out, which in turn caused Giovanni to cry, which caused all of them to cry.
She's never felt more cared for.
So Flamethrower actively knows when an Episode is close. He knows the signs. And he will no matter what, support her through it. Even if that means staying in her room, cuddled close while she watches myth busters.
He's very emotional. Like, you've seen Giovanni emotional, think that but x5 more
His love language is words of affirmation, While Valeri's is physical touch
He has also beaten the shit out of Tanner, except he did it at a cheer match and almost got kicked off the team.
Thankfully Ms. Cox convinced the cheer coach to not kick him off, bc she knows what Tanner did.
They use a lot of pet names, to an uncomfortable extent.
The first time he went to a Roughhouse family reunion, he was ganged up on by all of Val and Gios cousins. He was interrogated, and threatened. Soon enough they found out he was harmless and left him alone. Moxie still keeps her eye on him.
Her mom's love him. He's such a helpful boy. Giomommy won't admit it, but she's happy that she found someone. Her mom is just happy he's not an ass like Tanner.
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speyerboot · 3 years
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Decided to try and give crystal mom another shot. what'ch y'all think?
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soulguana · 5 years
Why I enjoyed Epithet Erased Episode 5: Part One:
Spoilers below:
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epitheterasedgen · 5 years
How about this, you know when people gets REALLY sweaty when they are sick? Well, how about Giovanni sweats ALOT of soup SO MUCH from his body that it dampened his race car bed and smelled like soup. Reactions varies from Giomommy "aw fuck not again" to Banzai Blasters(once they received their boss' call) "WE HAVE A PROTOCAL TO BRING MATTRESSES" to Molly and Sylvie "OH MY GOD ARE YOU ALRIGHT!" to Ramsey, Percy, and Zora's "Do I smell soup around here?"
Honestly this was such a trip to read asghsdjfkl
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wicked-rosie · 5 years
Giomommy: You wanted money, so here's your birthday card.
Giovanni: *opens card* Where's the money?
Giomommy: It should be in the card.
Giovanni: This is monopoly money!!
Giomommy: You never said what kind, don't be picky!!
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millicent-dagworth · 4 years
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So this was the project I was doing for a while but I’m not sure when I’ll be getting back into it because I haven’t done this style in a while and if I were to finish it up, it would look drastically different. This is the first of two for what I got fully done though and will be posted in a bit.
I do not own the characters nor song, but this is my guessing at certain people’s backstories. (Slight spoilers for Anime Campaign?)
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soupervillainpotage · 5 years
“It’s weird.” Giovanni’s mother says softly. “My little Gio never gets sick, but that nice looking detective and his daughter dropped him off last night completely passed out and he hasn’t moved since.”
She places a hand on her cheek. “If he weren’t obviously breathing I’d call the hospital.”
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hirayuki · 2 years
giovanni: nobody can send me
giomommy: giovanni clean your room!
giovanni: ughhh, yes mom
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makofan100 · 2 years
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Late valentines day art
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also GIOMOMMY 😭😭😭
I f u didn't notice, he wears black nail polishes
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artofapeach · 2 years
what do you think of the hostage scenes and the aftermath of the characters in the episode protection in epithet switched compared to the original?
It’s cute! I loved imagining Sylvie carrying his daughter into the car 😭
The only thing I found odd was Molly going to comfort Mera and Indus. I don’t know, I don’t really feel like she made the connection with them to comfort them like she did in the original? I guess she’s just nice, but still. I don’t feel like she would risk getting caught for that.
I know he can do it once, but I feel like it would have been better to have Giovanni make another healing soup and give it to Mera for later. It could have also been a way of showing him getting stronger, like he’s leveling up!
Also, someone please teach Giomommy to stop screaming at her boy
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