#girl keep your expectations low ffs
tardis--dreams · 1 year
I can write 5 term papers à 8000 words in 2 months!
#while moving out of my apartment here and moving to a different continent#(((and going through some serious withdrawal symptoms that i will simply not acknowledge)))#that's gonna be so much fun#i was gonna drop out of university just a few hours ago#now I'm dedicated to get this bitch of a degree and if it kills me#if i write all these stupid papers i have only one big module left and could finish by next year's Wintersemester#and seriously who even cares about grades anymore#I'll just bullshit everything#my mother called me out for sabotaging myself by being afraid of imperfection so fuck me i guess#it's true though#and i Will write these bitches (please for the love of god let the deadline not be August 31 for all of them#let it be September 30 at least#maybe later? (delusional))#anyway#I'm finishing my stupid presentation now and then in 8 hours will present this shit then go to buy my travel supplies#then go back home and pack my stuff nice and neatly#maybe eat something and work out if I'm not too exhausted and then GO TO BED so i can get maybe 5 hours of sleep#AND THEN DUBLIN#I'm unreasonably excited by now#girl keep your expectations low ffs#I'm just also very excited for dublin tbh#i wish i had more time there#but i will go to my favorite bookstore (if it's still there ㅠㅠ) and walk through the whole inner city for the entire evening and drown#in nostalgia#(and maybe check out trinity college if there's a concert happening there already- although i think i arrive too late#to see how the queuing is handled there)#void screams#yeah no the original topic of this post was news to me as well when i finished my little dublin ramble
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novaursa · 30 days
The Flames We Hide
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- Summary: You were returning from Dragonpit with your sister, Rhaenyra, when you saw Harwin. And you both have a silent agreement: to size another moment together, no matter how brief or fleeting.
- Paring: targ!reader/Harwin Strong
- Note: reader is referred to as Y/N, is younger twin sister of Rhaenyra, is bonded to a dragon and has strong resemblance to her grandmother Alyssa. These events happen right after The Secret Flame. Visit my blog for more works like this. The list is pinned to the top.
- Rating: Mature 16+
- Word count: 4 622
- Tag(s): @sachaa-ff
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The sky burns in shades of amber and rose as the sun dips toward the horizon, casting a warm, golden light over the world beneath you. The winds tug at your silver-gold hair, whipping it back in wild tangles as you soar high above the lands on the broad wings of Silixia. The she-dragon’s powerful muscles ripple beneath you, every beat of her wings a steady rhythm that reverberates through your entire body. You lean forward, your hands gripping the familiar curve of Silixia’s neck, feeling the warmth of her scales beneath your gloves.
Beside you, your sister Rhaenyra rides atop Syrax, her golden dragon a flash of lightning against the fading daylight. The two of you are a matched pair, always in tandem, even in flight. The court speaks of your bond with wonder and envy—twins in blood, daughters of the king, yet so very different. Rhaenyra’s laughter echoes through the air, mingling with the shriek of Syrax, a sound full of reckless joy and the heady thrill of freedom. Your own smile curves across your lips, a rare expression these days, as you push Silixia to fly faster, challenging Rhaenyra in your unspoken competition.
For a moment, you’re not Y/N Targaryen, princess of the realm, but simply a girl with her sister, free of the burdens and expectations that weigh on you daily. Up here, in the skies, you are boundless.
But it’s a fleeting escape, as you both know.
The winds whistle in your ears as you descend toward the Dragonpit, the ancient stone structure looming in the distance. Even from here, you see the specks of the Dragonkeepers, rushing to prepare for your arrival. The world below draws closer with each passing second, and with it, the return to the pressures of the court—pressures neither you nor Rhaenyra wish to face. You steal a glance at your sister, noticing the tightness around her eyes, the way her jaw clenches as she too begins the descent.
Marriage proposals. The word alone feels like a chain around your neck, heavy and unyielding. They’ve plagued you both since you were of age—foolish lords and ambitious knights seeking to claim your hand, thinking they might wield the power of the Iron Throne through you. Your father, King Viserys, listens to the lords’ suggestions with increasing frequency, entertaining every potential match, though none ever seem to stick.
Rhaenyra once joked that the king might have betrothed you to half the realm by now if he could make up his mind. The most recent farce was a suggestion of a Blackwood heir, a boy barely out of his swaddling clothes. It had made you laugh, a rare and bitter sound, but the truth was, these discussions grated on you both.
As your dragons land in unison with an earth-shaking thud before the Dragonpit, the ground trembles beneath their weight. Silixia growls low in her throat, molten-gold eyes flashing as she looks toward the Dragonkeepers with wary interest. You run a gloved hand down her brass scales, murmuring soft words of reassurance as she snorts, sending a gust of warm breath that rustles your skirts.
“Sometimes I wish we could stay up there forever,” Rhaenyra says, her voice edged with the same melancholy that grips your heart. She dismounts Syrax with fluid grace, her gaze drifting skyward as if she could will the sun to stand still and delay the inevitable return to the Red Keep. You understand her sentiment all too well; in the skies, the concerns of land-bound mortals feel distant, insignificant.
You slide down from Silixia’s side, boots crunching against the gravel. “At least up there, no one’s shoving marriage contracts in our faces,” you reply, your tone carrying more bite than you intend. Silixia’s tail flicks, brushing against your side in a gesture of comfort, and you smile at her affectionately. “Father may claim he’s thinking of what’s best for us, but it feels more like he’s trying to sell us off.”
Rhaenyra’s expression darkens, her violet eyes narrowing. “He doesn’t see it that way,” she mutters, her voice laced with frustration. “To him, it’s our duty—marrying to secure alliances, continuing the Targaryen line. But it’s never about us, is it?”
The Dragonkeepers approach cautiously, guiding Silixia and Syrax toward their lairs. The great doors creak open, and the smell of straw, smoke, and dragon flesh fills the air. Silixia reluctantly allows herself to be led, casting one last, longing glance at you before disappearing into the darkness. You feel a pang in your chest as she’s taken away, though you know she’ll be safe.
“No, it isn’t,” you agree softly, turning to face Rhaenyra as the last rays of the sun cast your shadows long against the stone. “But Father isn’t the only one who decides our fate, Rhaenyra. If we let them all dictate our lives, we’ll never have a say in our own stories.”
Rhaenyra’s eyes meet yours, and for a moment, you see the same fire in them that burns within you—a desire to break free, to carve your own path. “We’ll have to make our own way then, won’t we?” she says, a faint smile tugging at her lips. “You and I, together.”
“Together,” you echo, determination strengthening your voice. Whatever the realm or the lords conspire, you and Rhaenyra would not be mere pawns. The blood of the dragon flows through your veins, and dragons do not bend to the whims of others.
As the sun passes fully beneath the horizon, the golden light fading into twilight, you know that this brief escape is over. The court awaits, and with it, the endless schemes and proposals, but you’ll face them with your sister by your side. And perhaps, if the gods are kind, there might be a way to chart your own destiny, one that doesn’t leave you chained by the expectations of others.
With one last glance at the sky, you turn toward the path leading back to the Red Keep, your sister falling into step beside you. The night is full of uncertainties, but as long as you have each other, you’ll find a way to burn bright and free.
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The council chamber is filled with the low murmur of voices and the sound of parchment being unrolled as the small council convenes. The sun filters through the high windows, casting shadows across the dark wood of the table where the lords of Westeros sit, advising the king. At the head of the table, King Viserys I sits with an air of distracted authority, his mind clearly elsewhere, but nonetheless prepared to endure another round of discussions on the matters of the realm.
Lord Lyonel Strong, seated at his place on the council, finds it difficult to focus. His thoughts are a tangled web, caught between duty to his house and the growing concern for his eldest son, Harwin. For weeks now, Harwin’s unexpected confession has haunted Lyonel. Harwin’s words replay in his mind over and over: “Father, I am in love with her.” 
Lyonel had always known Harwin to be a man of quiet strength, with a loyalty that ran as deep as any river, but he had not expected this. It was not the confession of love itself that troubled Lyonel—though it was a complicated and dangerous emotion where a Targaryen princess was concerned—but the implications. If word reached the king that Harwin had grown too close to Y/N, it could spell disaster for House Strong, and worse, for the princess herself. The realm would not take kindly to whispers of such intimacy, especially in the shadow of Rhaenyra’s own contentious situation.
He suppresses a sigh as the discussion turns, the lords now speaking of the princess Y/N and her betrothal. Viserys’ brow furrows slightly as Lord Otto Hightower speaks up, his voice as oily and insidious as ever.
“The matter of Princess Y/N’s marriage cannot be delayed much longer, Your Grace. The Blackwood heir remains a favorable option—an ancient and noble house, strong ties in the Riverlands…” Otto’s voice trails off as he glances around the table, his eyes sharp and calculating.
Viserys looks tired, the mention of yet another marriage proposal clearly grating on him. “The Blackwood boy is still a child,” the king mutters, almost to himself. “Barely a year old. I do not see how a match like that benefits Y/N.”
Lyonel’s grip tightens on the arms of his chair. Harwin had been crushed when the proposal first came to light, unable to mask his anger at the idea of Y/N being married off to someone so unsuitable. Lyonel had known better than to comment on it then, but now, as the subject resurfaces, a plan begins to form in his mind. It is a risky maneuver, one that could backfire spectacularly, but it is the only chance he sees to protect both his son and the princess.
The discussion drags on, but Lyonel barely hears it, his thoughts focused on what he will say to the king when the others leave. When the meeting finally concludes, and the lords begin to gather their things, Lyonel remains seated, waiting for the others to clear out. Viserys notices and raises an eyebrow in curiosity.
“Lord Lyonel,” Viserys says, his voice expectant. “It seems you have something on your mind.”
“Your Grace, if I might have a word in private,” Lyonel replies carefully, rising from his chair with a slight bow. Viserys gestures for the guards to leave the chamber, and soon the room is quiet, save for the crackling of the hearth.
“What troubles you?” Viserys asks, leaning back in his seat with a weary expression. “It is rare for you to seek private counsel with me.”
Lyonel’s heart pounds in his chest, but he keeps his face composed, as he has always done. “It is a matter regarding Princess Y/N, Your Grace. And her marriage.”
Viserys sits up a little straighter, his weariness giving way to curiosity. “Go on.”
“I understand that there has been much discussion of potential matches, including the recent talk of a Blackwood heir. I would not presume to question the wisdom of your council, but I believe there is another path that has not yet been fully considered—one that could ensure both the stability of the realm and the happiness of your daughter.”
Viserys frowns slightly, his eyes narrowing. “And what match might that be, Lord Lyonel?”
Lyonel chooses his words with the utmost care. “My son, Ser Harwin, has always been loyal to the crown, a man of proven strength and honor. I believe he could be a fitting match for Princess Y/N.”
Viserys’ surprise is evident in the way his eyebrows shoot up. “Harwin Strong?” The king’s tone is one of genuine shock. “I had not considered such a proposal from you, Lyonel. You’ve never once sought advancement for your house in this manner. Why now?”
Lyonel forces himself to hold the king’s gaze. “Because I believe this match would benefit not only my house but your daughter as well. Harwin’s affection for her is sincere, Your Grace. He would be devoted to her in both heart and duty. And the crown would gain a staunch ally in the Riverlands through House Strong.”
Viserys leans back in his chair, his eyes distant as he considers the proposal. “It is unexpected,” he admits. “But sincere affection, as you say, is not often found in such matters. Still, I must consider the optics. The princess… she is a Targaryen, and such a match would raise eyebrows. Harwin is a good man, but he does not hold the power or prestige of some of the other houses being proposed.”
Lyonel nods, expecting this reaction. “True, Your Grace. But there is strength in loyalty and love. Harwin would never see the princess used or diminished by court politics. He would protect her fiercely, as he has always protected those he cares for. Surely, a match built on genuine regard would lead to a more harmonious union than one based solely on titles.”
Viserys remains silent for a long moment, his fingers drumming on the table as he contemplates the idea. “You make a compelling case, Lyonel,” he says at last, his tone softer now, as if genuinely pondering the possibility. “But this is not a decision I will take lightly. I will consider it, but there are other matters to weigh as well.”
Lyonel bows his head in acknowledgment, sensing that he has planted the seed he needed to. “Of course, Your Grace. I only ask that you weigh it with care. The princess’s happiness—and the stability of the realm—must be our highest priority.”
Viserys nods, though his expression remains conflicted. “You are dismissed, Lyonel. I will think on what you’ve said.”
As Lyonel takes his leave, he feels the weight of uncertainty pressing down on him. He knows he has taken a bold risk, one that could either secure a brighter future for his son and the princess—or doom them both if it fails. But for now, all he can do is wait and hope that Viserys’s heart leans toward the idea of love and loyalty over ambition and politics.
The door closes softly behind him, and the chamber is left in silence, with only the faint crackle of the fire echoing in the room.
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The streets of King’s Landing are alive with the usual noise and bustle of the city as dusk settles over the capital. The gold cloaks of the City Watch patrol every corner, their eyes sharp for trouble. Ser Harwin Strong rides at the head of a small detachment, his gaze roving over the streets with practiced vigilance. His armor gleams in the fading light, and his presence alone is enough to command respect from the men under his command. 
Yet, beneath the exterior of duty, Harwin’s thoughts are elsewhere. He cannot shake the weight of his father’s concerns, the quiet warnings Lyonel had shared after Harwin’s confession. There are dangers in being so close to the princess, but the heart is a stubborn thing, and his heart belongs wholly to Y/N. Her laughter, her fierce spirit, the fire in her violet eyes—they haunt him in moments when he should be focused. 
As his patrol rounds the corner near the Dragonpit, his attention sharpens when he sees a group approaching. The distinctive white cloaks of the Kingsguard stand out against the shadowy backdrop of the city. Harwin immediately recognizes the figures being escorted—Princess Rhaenyra and her twin sister, Y/N, mounted on fine steeds and surrounded by the armored knights sworn to protect them. The sight of Y/N sends a jolt through him, a mix of yearning and concern. 
Their eyes meet, and in that brief moment, a silent understanding passes between them. There’s no need for words; they know each other too well. Y/N gives the faintest nod, and Harwin feels his pulse quicken. Whatever it is she’s planning, he’s already committed to playing his part. 
Suddenly, Y/N sways in her saddle, her hand fluttering to her forehead as if struck by a sudden dizziness. The Kingsguard immediately take notice, and Ser Harrold Westerling, ever vigilant, urges his horse closer. “Princess, are you unwell?” he asks, his voice laced with concern. 
Y/N’s voice is faint, but convincing. “I feel… light-headed. Perhaps the strain of the flight has caught up with me.” She sways again for emphasis, and Harwin spurs his horse forward, concern etched into his features. 
“Ser Harrold, allow me to assist the princess,” Harwin says, his tone urgent yet respectful. He moves his horse beside Y/N’s, ready to catch her should she falter further. “I’ll take her to the Red Keep myself, where she can be seen to immediately.”
Ser Harrold’s eyes narrow, suspicion flickering in their depths. “That will not be necessary, Ser Harwin. The princess will be escorted by me and my men directly to the Keep. We are under strict orders from the king.”
Harwin’s jaw tightens, but he keeps his expression neutral. “I understand, Ser Harrold, but I’ve known the princess since she was a child. Let me ensure her safety, as I would see to my own kin. I can bring her swiftly and with care.”
Before Ser Harrold can respond, Rhaenyra rides forward, her eyes gleaming with barely concealed mischief as she catches on to her sister’s ploy. “Ser Harrold, it is clear that Y/N is in distress, and she would be more comfortable with someone familiar. Ser Harwin has always been a trusted protector of our family.” She tilts her head slightly, letting a hint of command slip into her tone. “Surely, you would not deny my sister the comfort she needs when it is readily available?”
Ser Harrold glances between the two princesses, clearly torn. On one hand, his duty is unwavering; on the other, Rhaenyra’s argument is persuasive, and there’s little cause to suspect foul play. He knows better than to openly contradict a royal daughter, especially one as willful as Rhaenyra. After a long, tense moment, he relents, though his reluctance is obvious.
“Very well, Ser Harwin,” Ser Harrold says, his voice tinged with resignation. “But know that I’ll hold you to your word that the princess reaches the Keep unharmed and without delay. The king will hear of this if she does not.”
“On my honor,” Harwin replies, dipping his head with a solemn expression, though a flicker of relief and triumph gleams in his eyes. 
With that, Rhaenyra flashes a sly grin at her sister and spurs her horse onward, leaving Y/N and Harwin behind. “I’ll see you at the Keep, sister,” she says, her voice lilting with amusement. “Do take care on your way.” She gives Ser Harrold and the other Kingsguard a pointed look, leading them on toward the Keep as they follow her.
Once they’re out of earshot, Y/N lets out a small breath of relief, her feigned dizziness evaporating as she steadies herself in the saddle. Harwin watches her closely, a hint of admiration in his gaze.
“Quite the performance,” he murmurs, guiding his horse closer to hers as they begin to ride slowly, side by side, through the quieter streets. “I almost believed you were truly unwell.”
Y/N’s lips curve into a playful smile. “I thought it convincing enough. It’s not every day a princess needs rescuing, after all.” But the teasing lilt in her voice is softened by the warmth in her eyes as she meets his gaze. “Thank you for playing along, Harwin.”
“For you? Always,” Harwin replies, his voice low and sincere. He reaches out, his fingers briefly brushing against hers in a gesture that is both subtle and intimate, hidden from prying eyes in the fading light. “But tell me, what is it you needed from me that required such theatrics?”
Y/N’s expression turns more serious as she considers her words. “I needed a moment away from all the expectations, away from the endless talks of marriage and duty. And more importantly… I needed a moment with you.” The weight of her admission hangs between them, unspoken but understood.
Harwin’s breath hitches slightly, his heart tightening at her words. He has always known this dance between them is a dangerous one, but it is one he cannot resist. “Every time I see you surrounded by those guards, by the chains of duty that bind you, it makes me wish things were different,” he says softly, his voice full of yearning. “I wish I could be more than just a protector.”
Y/N turns in her saddle, her gaze locking onto his. “You are more, Harwin. You know you are.”
For a moment, the world shrinks to just the two of them—the city, the court, all of it fades away. But reality cannot be ignored forever, and the path to the Red Keep looms ahead. They both know this brief interlude is all they can afford, but the unspoken promises between them are enough for now.
As they approach the gates, Harwin reluctantly pulls his hand away and straightens in his saddle, resuming the role of dutiful knight. “I’ll see you safely back to your chambers, Princess,” he says formally, though the glint in his eyes tells her everything he cannot say aloud.
“Until the next escape, Ser Harwin,” she replies with a soft smile, a hidden message beneath the words. 
With that, they continue toward the Keep, knowing that while their paths may be dictated by duty and expectation, there are still moments they can carve out for themselves—stolen glances, hidden touches, and unspoken vows that bind them closer than any formal oath could.
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The vast halls of the Red Keep are quieter than usual as the day gives way to the cool embrace of evening. The golden light from the torches flickers on the stone walls, casting long shadows that dance and twist in the dim corridors. As Harwin escorts you back to your chambers, you can feel the weight of the day slowly lifting, replaced by the familiar tension that simmers between you and him. It’s a tension that has grown with each stolen glance, each brief touch hidden from prying eyes.
As you approach the throne room, Ser Harrold Westerling stands at the entrance, his white cloak billowing slightly as he catches sight of you. His eyes shift briefly to Harwin, a silent acknowledgment in his expression. Though his face remains stern, there’s a flicker of understanding—a silent nod that tells Harwin he has done his duty and that the princess has been safely returned. 
“Ser Harwin,” Harrold says in a gruff voice as the two pass by him. He doesn’t need to say more. The message is clear: this is where their paths diverge, but he’ll trust Harwin to see the princess the rest of the way. Harwin dips his head respectfully in return, but his focus remains on you as you make your way deeper into the Keep.
The royal quarters are just ahead, but Harwin notices something in your expression—a spark in your eyes and the faintest curve of a smile on your lips. He knows that look all too well, the one that signals you’re about to do something reckless, something entirely unplanned. Before he can even ask what you’re plotting, you move with a sudden swiftness, grabbing his hand and pulling him toward a shadowed alcove. Your fingers grip his with a sense of urgency and mischief.
“Y/N, what—” he starts, but you silence him with a playful look, your eyes gleaming with a secretive promise. 
You drag him behind a heavy tapestry, revealing a hidden doorway that he hadn’t noticed before. The stone creaks as you push it open, leading into a small, dimly lit chamber tucked away from the prying eyes of the court. The air inside is thick with dust, as if it hasn’t been disturbed in years. Harwin’s breath catches in his throat as he realizes where you’ve brought him—a place so private that it feels as if it belongs only to the two of you.
The moment the door closes behind you, the pretense falls away, leaving only the truth of your feelings. The tension that has been building throughout the day snaps, and you close the distance between you in an instant. Your lips crash against his, the kiss fierce and full of the passion that you both have been forced to suppress. Harwin responds without hesitation, his hands finding your waist, pulling you closer until there is nothing between you but the heat of your bodies. 
It’s a dance you both know well by now—his lips mapping the familiar curve of your neck, your fingers tangling in his hair, tugging as his kisses trail down to your collarbone. There’s a hunger in his touch, tempered by a tenderness that only you bring out in him. His hand cups your cheek, his thumb brushing against your skin as he kisses you again, slower this time, savoring every second. You press closer, your hands slipping beneath the leather of his armor, finding the hard planes of his chest beneath. The feel of his heartbeat, strong and steady, thrums beneath your palm, grounding you in this moment.
“Every time I think of you marrying another,” Harwin murmurs against your lips, his voice a low, desperate whisper, “it drives me mad. The thought of losing you… I don’t know how I’d bear it.”
You pull back just enough to meet his gaze, your eyes searching his as you trace a line down the side of his face. “You won’t lose me,” you breathe, your words laced with quiet determination. “Not now. Not ever. I belong to no one but myself—and to you, if the gods are kind.”
Harwin’s grip tightens on your waist, a flash of fierce emotion in his eyes. “I want more than stolen moments, more than secret chambers and whispers in the dark,” he confesses, his voice thick with longing. “I want to be with you openly, without fear or restraint.”
“I want that too,” you reply, your voice trembling with sincerity. “But until then, until we find a way… we have this.” Your hand trails down to his chest, your fingers pressing against the rhythm of his heartbeat, as if to mark it as your own.
His lips find yours again, softer this time, a kiss that speaks of unspoken vows and promises that only the two of you understand. His hand slides down your back, memorizing every curve, every dip, as if committing it to memory for the nights when you can’t be together. Your own touch mirrors his, tracing the line of his jaw, the strength in his shoulders, and the warmth that radiates from his skin. Every touch, every kiss is laced with the knowledge that this cannot last—at least not now. 
As much as it pains you both, there’s no time to linger. The world beyond this hidden chamber is waiting, and you both know that others will soon seek you out. Harwin pulls back slightly, his forehead resting against yours, both of you catching your breath, hearts racing as you savor the closeness one last time.
“I wish we could stay here forever,” you whisper, your fingers brushing against his lips.
“So do I,” Harwin murmurs, pressing a lingering kiss to your brow. “But we’ll find more moments like this. I promise you.”
You smile softly, the sadness in your eyes giving way to a glimmer of hope. “Until then… we’ll make the most of what we have.”
Reluctantly, you both disentangle, fixing your clothes and smoothing out your appearances to mask any signs of your secret rendezvous. Harwin’s hand lingers on yours as you step back into the corridor, the hidden door sliding closed behind you. The tapestry falls back into place, and it’s as if nothing ever happened—just another cold stone wall in the labyrinth of the Red Keep.
But as you make your way back to your chambers, Harwin’s gaze remains fixed on you, his eyes holding yours for a heartbeat longer. There’s a silent agreement between you, one that needs no words—this isn’t the end, just another chapter in a story that’s far from over.
With one last glance over your shoulder, you offer him a small, secret smile—the same one you gave him earlier, full of the promise of more unpredictable escapes, more stolen kisses, and the hope that one day, these moments won’t have to be stolen at all. Harwin watches you disappear into the shadows of the royal quarters, the ache in his chest both a comfort and a torment as he turns away, returning to his duties, but with the warmth of your touch still lingering on his skin.
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tinkabelle24 · 5 months
To Build a Home
Chapter 25: If You Love Her (TEASER)
A/N: Sooo, with the way my life's going right now (on the homestretch regarding my degree = the search for a "big girl" job begins, and the fact that I plan on making this chapter insanely long), I've decided to give a teaser, for those following this story.
P.S. Bonus points to those who can name the game Val, Raph and Mikey are playing 😁
TW! No trigger warnings.
Masterlist / Chapter 24
(10 months earlier...)
"Alright, everyone shuddup! I need to focus..."
"Focus on what? I thought we agreed to kill everyone-"
"That doesn't sound morbid at all, Mikey... and I didn't agree to that - you two did."
"Why would'ya wanna keep Emily alive, anyway? She's a bitch-"
"I don't care. I want at least someone to live through this sh- AAH-!"
"OhmyGod ohmyGod ohmyGod-!!!"
"Quick, they're gonna getcha-!"
"What is that- SHIT! Triangle, triangle, triangle- NO-!!"
"Whelp, bye flare-"
"Watch yo profanity-"
"Shuddup! ... Left, right, left, right- RIGHT- SHIT-!"
"Well, hello gorgeous-"
"WHAT IS THAT?! ... Ohhh, my God. Emily, please, don't die...!"
Leo chuckled wistfully as he watched the three bicker like children, from the kitchen. In spite of the cards Val was dealt those past couple weeks (assault, charges and associated court drama), the leader was relieved his friend could still be, for the most part, her vivacious self.
They hadn't yet spoken about that night; the night they were forced to get a little too close for comfort, after he'd saved her life. She'd never approached him with it, nor he her. But, admittedly, it occupied his thoughts often; primarily how her touch and perfume still lingered on his body...
He understood now that that was the beginning of the end, for him. Despite his best efforts to remain emotionally detached from this woman, he'd in fact grown attached; and how...
Leo's heart did the new clenching thing at Raph's arm stretching over the back of the sofa, behind Val's head; fingers unwittingly searching for her shoulder. The moment they made contact, the leader tore his gaze away; refocusing on the two mugs of partially made green tea on the counter, before him... and the decision to finally let her in...
"WHAT?! ... You-!"
Two pairs of sniggering voices abruptly filled the air, accompanied by grunts and thumps shortly thereafter. Turning outward again, Leo found Val looming over his red-banded brother, bandaged hand snug against her vintage AC/DC t-shirt, repeatedly smacking a cushion over his head with the other.
Glimpsing the TV screen, two sharp, gangling thumbs thrust themselves inside the screaming woman's eye sockets, silencing her instantly.
"Why *smack* would *smack* you *smack* do *smack* that?!" Val exclaimed over Raph's broken laughter, and Mikey's howling. "She was doing so well-"
"Not anymore-"
"Yeah, cos your menace of a brother knocked my arm-"
"I'm s-sorry," Raph wheezed, finally granted respite. "I couldn't resist-"
A low, pointed whistle drew Leo's attention to the lab's entrance, finding Donnie peeking through at him. He offered an expectant look, to which the purple-banded brother grinned and nodded downward; to the smallish lidded box in his hand - Val's gift.
Returning the smile, Leo nodded in acknowledgement before clearing his throat, addressing the others.
"Excuse me, children," He called wryly. When Val frowned at him, he chuckled. "Put down the cushion-"
"Call me a 'child' again and I'll-"
"You'll what?" The terrapin smugly challenged. "Not get your present?"
That shut her up.
Looking to the others quizzically, they offered the woman a knowing smile. Raph pecked the top of her hand as he snuck the cushion out of her now lax grip.
Seated in the common area, the brothers shared anxious glances as Val proceeded lifting the box's lid, smiling in bemusement at the hand-sized, cylindrical device sitting snugly inside.
"It's a portable bō," Donnie clarified, when she looked to him expectantly. He leaned forward to carefully remove the device from its container, turning it in his hands as he continued.
"It's spring-loaded. So, when you press the trigger, here-" the terrapin's thumb hovered over the centre pushbutton; eyes trained on Val's face, to check she was watching - she hadn't blinked.
"It'll extend-" Confident nobody was at risk of being struck, he proceeded pressing down; the woman flinched - with a gasp, then a nervous titter; earning a comforting shoulder squeeze from Raph - at the once 10-inch device abruptly quadrupling in length.
"-to about four feet... You can lock it into place using this mechanism, here... To bring it back down, simply slide both ends in, like so... then use the mechanism again."
Setting it in Val's readied palm, Donnie offered her a doleful smile. "Perfect for your purse."
As her fingers closed around the device, Leo - seated in a dining chair alongside his purple-banded brother - chimed in.
"We wanted to give you something that couldn't easily be used against you," he remarked gently; blood cooling at the notion that, had he not acted when he did that night, she very likely wouldn't be sitting across from them right now... "Something with which you can still protect yourself, but not cause serious damage. Because, we..."
Swiping his tongue over his parched lips, the leader proceeded gesturing to each of his brothers, then himself; sharing a knowing glance with Raph. "We know you've been struggling with that, lately..."
At that, Val promptly lowered her gaze. The brothers caught a flicker of regret in her mein as that titter made the rounds again; cheeks flushing a brilliant red. "I-I, heh... I don't... k-know-"
"Dudes," Mikey interjected, sensing their friend's discomfort. Practically leaping from his armchair, the terrapin wittingly leant across an irritated Raph to reach said brother's girlfriend. "You forgot the best part! ... See this, here?"
Guiding Val's fist open, Mikey proceeded carefully turning the device until a near indiscernible etching crept into view. She squinted at it:
Dudette = Baddest Bitch
A snort promptly escaped her; heart lifting, Mikey finally exited Raph's personal space with a self-satisfied smirk - mission accomplished.
"She loves my handiwork," he gloated, earning a playful eye-roll from not just his brothers, but Val included.
"I'm surprised you used the equality sign correctly," Donnie remarked wryly.
The youngest brother preened. "See, I'm not just charm and good looks-"
"You also know first grade math," Raph quipped, offering a now crabby-looking Mikey a thumbs up. Donnie and Val broke into sniggers; Leo chuckled under his breath, rolling his eyes once more. "Good for you."
"You're an ass-"
"Thank you..."
The room fell silent at Val's voice. Her grateful, teary-eyed smile panned from one brother to the next; clutching her gift firmly against her chest. "Thank you... for this. This means... t-this-"
She blinked and a tear slipped past, prompting a concerned Raph to wrap an arm around her back and squeeze gently. There was that titter, again.
"Raph's done a brilliant job, arming you with such skill in such a short amount of time..."
Turning his gaze from his eldest brother to his girlfriend, Raph smiled down at her amorously. "I had a good student." he murmured, squeezing her again; causing her cheeks to flush once more.
Leo could now feel the strain of every muscle in his jaw as he forcibly maintained his smile.
"So, we've been talking, and... we want to teach you the way of the Ninja-" Val's eyes bugged out at that, breath catching in her throat. "-like our... father did us-"
"A-are you serious?" The woman's lips finally tweaked upward as an astonished chuckle escaped them.
"Are you- w-wait..." Her gaze ping-ponged between the brothers, once again. "Are you sure it isn't my birthday? Did I get bopped on the head, at some point-"
Mikey proceeded lightly tapping her forehead, "Bop"; to which she playfully pushed him away, with her good hand.
"You know what I mean..."
"No," Leo chuckled softly, shaking his head. "No, this... this isn't a trick-"
"You're ready, babe," Raph assured gently. The others hummed and nodded in agreement.
Val gave her boyfriend a mordacious look, raising her injury to his eye level. "I think my beautiful hand would disagree with you-"
"That'll heal, Val," Don reassured, then shrugged. "Besides, you really should start exercising those muscles. L-lightly, of course, and in short intervals. Recovery's faster that way-"
"Iiin other words..." Mikey interjected, grinning impishly at his purple-banded brother's admonitory look. Ignoring them, Leo proceeded offering Val a hopeful smile.
"So... do you accept?"
Watching her face, the leader could pinpoint the moment that sliver of doubt melted away; a genuine grin finally gracing her features. "Hell yeah!"
He didn't have to fight to produce this smile. "Good... Now-"
Refusing to allow himself the chance to chicken out, the leader promptly rose from his chair, shooting Raph a knowing glance as he offered Val his hand. "I've one last thing for you."
"...There's more??"
If you'd like to be tagged/untagged in this story, please don't hesitate to let me know! 🥰
@android-cap-007 @happymoonangel @miss-andromeda @jasminarts01 @obsessedftshit
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trueshellz · 3 years
Meet Cute Event for @ghost-party
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Warnings: clumsy reader, fluffy, minor angst, injury, swearing
Author's Note: Somehow managed to delete this and here I am posting it again. FFS
Summary: When a cute but clumsy neighbour moves in next door, the last thing Getou wants it so be involved with her.
Follow up: Chaos (NSFW)
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Getou was woken by the sound of a loud bang and crash, the sound way too loud in the dead of the night rousing him from his sleep. Glaring at the clock through his dark locks, he groaned when it read 1.24am back at him. Rolling out of bed to the window, he looked around to see a car parking up next door. The streetlamps lighting the area, bouncing off the planes of your face as you pulled your suitcases to the front door. He watched in amazement as one rolled down the road, stifling a laughter as he saw you run after it only to fall on your face, dragging it back up the street before half throwing it on the ground.
Suguru would not get involved, no way. He was happy keeping to himself, he didn't need any distractions in his life. Not unless they were easy and willing to spread their legs with no expectation of him calling back. Sex was just sex, no strings attached.
Shaking his head, he flopped back into bed and fell asleep almost instantly.
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Loud music blared through the walls, so loud he could feel the bass in his bones. The walls vibrating so much that his wall art was moving with the beat. Putting down his saw and tugging off his goggles, he wiped the sweat and sawdust off his chest with a wet rag before swearing loudly. The noise was bearable at first, but steadily getting louder each passing hour until he couldn't take it anymore.
The walk to the house only increasing the volume as he walked up your stairs he screamed as his foot went through the third one. Tugging it free, again swearing loudly, he knocked on the front door once. Twice. Three times. Peering through the windows was useless since they were covered and when he knocked on those it made no difference. Praying to the heavens, Getou knocked once more loudly before he tried the door, relieved yet annoyed that you had left the door open.
You were having a great time, wearing your favourite t-shirt, listening to your favourite tunes and painting the walls this gorgeous blue colour. Your hair out of your face with a car headband and paintbrush in your hand while spread the paint over the wall. The ladder wobbling next to you made you jump, yelping a little when it started moving sideways. The paint tin landing with a splat on a person's head.
Oh no.
Dark hair (now covered in blue paint), low rise jeans barely holding up with a loose belt and heavy boots on his feet. The arms bulging, you could see the veins sticking out and the vague definition of his abs through the makeshift ocean dripping down his chest and stomach.
"Oh shit."
Getou was very much not impressed, not only was the little menace prancing around in short shorts but she had left the door unlocked. Wiping the paint from his face, he looked at you in disdain. Your arms and legs were covered in paint smears, face flushed from the laughter you were holding in.
Wait, what?
"You really think this is funny, little girl?"
You couldn't help it really. Hand covering your mouth as your body shook, eyes filling with tears from doing so. The situation getting so much worse when he started to walk over to you, a yelp from your mouth as you tried to run away but your plan thwarted when he grabbed you and tugged. Except both your legs got tangled in the sheets you had laid down and his arms were slippery from the paint. The combining factors had you both falling onto the ground, his chest pressed to yours as you landed with an oof back first.
Staring up at him, you laughed out loud at the paint dripping onto your body as his hands braced over your head. You were vaguely aware of the pain in your back from landing awkwardly, his eyes now filled with a mixture of anger and mirth as he looked down at you. You could feel the paint squishing between your bodies, your legs tangled in his and-
"You keep moving sweetheart, you may not like where this ends up."
Heat bloomed, a full on shudder running through your body at the low pitch of his words. Your hands reaching out to touch his chest before moving back, repeating the motion a few times until he leaned forward enough for your hand to reach. He was so warm, even with the cold paint smearing his skin. The blue looked amazing against the tanned skin of his chest, the way it dripped down his body made him look like a work of art.
"Mind telling me why your door was unlocked and you were prancing around like that where anyone could have grabbed you?
"And how are you not deaf with that loud racket? You didn't even hear me come in."
"And what the hell is this colour anyway? I looks like a bubblegum machine threw up on me."
You'd had enough.
Shirking down under his arm, you scrambled to stand before kicking him in the butt except you missed and kicked the paint can instead. A loud yelp leaving your mouth as your foot collided with the metal with a thump, hopping up and down as you held it.
"Ow. Ow. Ow owowowowowow!"
"Lemme take a-"
"No! You stay away you big... big... meanie!"
"Wait, lemme-"
"No! You've said enough. I know how you feel. So you can just leave. The doors that way."
Hobbling over even though your toes were killing you, you pulled the door open and pointed at the exit. You could feel your nose tingling, eyes starting to water from the pain but you were determined not to cry in front of him. No way.
Getou knew he had fucked up, he watched as the light in your eyes faded. The giggles die out with each sentence he said, from the way you were holding yourself he could tell you were in pain. Standing up, he walked over to reach for your injured foot, stopping himself when you moved it away.
Dropping his head, he walked to the porch and jumped when the door slammed behind him. Walking down the stairs, swearing again when his foot caught in the stairs.
Karma was a bitch.
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Getou was officially confused and worried. For the last 2 days he hadn't seen or heard you, there was no loud thump of music from your house and no banging around. He knew he fucked up, knew he had hurt you and wanted to make it up to you. Maybe offer to help you out with the DIY you were doing or offer to fix your broken porch.
He jumped up when he heard a car outside your apartment, running to the window to see you hobbling out a taxi with a crutch in your hand. And now he felt worse. He watched as you waved goodbye to the driver before you made your way up the stairs. His heart lurched when he realised you would have to go past the broken step.
What if you hurt yourself?
Or broke your foot this time?
Or fell and hit your head?
He sighed a breath once you bypassed the step from hell, door closing as you entered your home. He saw your lights switch on, noticed that you had taken the sheets off the windows allowing him to see into your home. He watched as you moved slowly to the sofa and plopped down, throwing the crutch at the room before facepalming yourself. Getou couldn't help but smile as he watched you pout and crawl over to it before dragging it back.
Before he knew what was happening, he was walking over to your house (vaulting over the porch ledge) and knocking on your door. Mentally slapping himself when he realised how stupid it was, checking the door and once again, finding it open. He watched the emotions flit over your face: confusion, shock, annoyance and then nothing as he walked in and crouched down in front of you.
"Come to yell at me again?"
"Then why did you come over? Pity? Wanted to watch the new girl flail and hurt herself again?"
"Look, I know you're pissed. You have every right to be, I handled myself badly. I... I wanna apologise. If you'll let me?"
You watched as he checked your foot, the same warmth spanning up your leg. His rough fingers tracing the bandage that you had on there, lifting to put it on his knee while he looked at you. Dark eyes full of worry, hair tied in a bun with a hoodie and jeans. Peering down you could see he wasn't wearing anything under it, the faint spatter of hair on his chest. Abs and pecs outlined, you could see one of his dusky nipples and-
"Should I strip off for you, little menace?"
"Sorry, I-"
A smile graced his lips, a sharp contrast to the aloof and stern face you had seen. Your neighbour-
"I don't even know your name."
You watched as his eyes widened at your words, a grin covering his face.
"Getou. Suguru Getou."
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sillydg · 3 years
Unfulfilled Hunger: Tobias X MC
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Book: Open heart, somewhere in book 3
Rating: 18+ (Adult content!)
Pairing: Tobias X MC ((Elisabeth Sarah Hughes (Liz))
Title: Unfulfilled Hunger
Rating: Explicit NSFW 18 + Only
Wordcount: 6500
Summary: Thank you so much for your request, @kachrisberry, to write what happens if they get back at Tobias’s apartment, after him carrying her out of the Laser tag game. A follow-up, for “Foul Play”.
Category: Explicit Smut
A/N: First of all, I find it important to say that both Liz and Tobias feel safe to protect their own boundaries and to speak up if something is not too their likings. They're both adults and both are completely comfortable and wanting to engage in each of these activities. A/N: This one ended up a bit longer than anticipated (Pun intended). But I got my hands on Tobias.. and maaaaaybe got a little bit carried away... But no, nah, not going to apologize for that 😉. Please let me know if you guys enjoyed the ride and please sent me an ask if you want to request something for OH or The royal romance, because I loved writing this and I'll hope you enjoy reading it.
Warnings: Foul language (sexy talk and swearing), Explicit adult seksual content. IF you read this FF, you confirm that you're 18 years or older.
Tobias and MC belong to Pixelberry.
Unfulfilled Hunger
Tobias opens his door with one hand, pulling Liz through with the other. “It’s a goddamn miracle that we got home in one piece, Hughes." He slams the door and pushes her against it, crashing his lips against her...
Murmering he continuous; “You almost fucking killed me by touching yourself like that in the car." His hands drifting over her body. "For god's sake, you already came once and I almost caused an accident by just looking at you trembling like that in the frontseat.”
Liz grins as he moves his kisses to her neck. “I had to do something, since I was not allowed to touch you. Besides, I simply HAD to touch myself at the sight of you.” She kicks off her boots.
Tobias bites her neck with a groan. “Ohhh, you dirty, dirty girl.”
Grinning she pushes him away, making him bump into the wall across from her.
“Off with the shirt, Carrick.”
“So commanding.” He gives her a cheeky smile. Such a turn-on.
“For a woman who was first complaining about me getting my shirt off… you changed your mind pretty quickly.”
“Oh save it, Carrick.” She tugs at his shirt, trying to take it off herself.
He grabs her wrists, turning her around. "Oh. I don't think so, Liz." He pins her against the wall with her hands up in the air.
“Now, I believe I was enjoying myself.” His lips find her neck again.
“For god's sake, T. Stop torturing me. I haven't been able to stop thinking about you all week after that little stunt you pulled .
Standing bare chested in front of me, but holding my hands so there was no way of touching you. Brushing your delicious lips against mine, without giving me the slightest taste of your tongue. All I could think of was touching, tasting, savoring you. For god's sake, I know you've noticed me undressing you with my eyes.”
Tobias looks up, meeting her eyes with a twinkle. “Ooooh, was that what you were doing during our daily meetings. I already wondered what you were thinking about when you stared at me like that, biting on your pen. Licking your cherry red lips.”
“Ohh, You very well knew, T. Because you were walking around 24-7 with that goddam annoyingly sexy, self-conscious smirk on that way too handsome face of yours.
God. I had to touch myself every night, when I was lying in bed. Desperate attempt, after desperate attempt to satisfy the hunger you released in me. But it never seemed enough. I'm so fucking hungry for you, Carrick. ”
He leans back to meet her gaze, his eyes filled with longing and frustration. She feels her knees getting weak at the intensity of him staring at her, glad to be pinned against the wall. “Well, it serves you right, Liz.”
He breaks the gaze and unbuttons her short with one hand, letting it slide onto the ground. His hand moves into her red lacy panties, softly stroking her lips, teasing her inner thighs. He smiles at the feeling how wet she already is for him and he lowers his mouth to her ear, whispering; “Now you know how I felt over the past few months, Liz. It started when I first saw you in that deli, with your messy bun and yoga pants.
It became worse after the fire I saw in your eyes when we met at Bloom. You were so snarky at me, Liz. I wanted to bend you over the table, pull up that way to the tight dress of yours, and give you a good spank, just to let you know who’s the boss. And believe me... It sure isn’t Ethan.
But things got really messy from the moment I saw you in that short at the baseball field." He lowers his voice to what almost sounds like a deep growl; "You know why I missed every freaking ball that day, Liz?”
She groans as he moves his hand out of her string.
“Because every time you threw the ball, your shirt would come up ever so slightly and showed this little part of your belly and the fucking lacy edge of your little pink thong.” He moves his fingertip over her sensitive skin right above her panties and she lets out a soft moan.
His hand disappears again in search of her clit, moving softly and slowly. Taking his sweet, sweet time to find the right spot.
The roughness of his stubble, the tickling of his husky voice, and now him touching her at her most sensitive spot... She feels a warmth quickly spreading through her body.
“You ruined me that day, Hughes.” He gently moves two fingers inside her, still drawing slow, sweet circles over her clit with his thumb. Her breath enhances, and he feels her contracting around his fingers.
“I’ve been touching myself ever since at the thought of dropping the bat and taking you right there on the field. Not caring who sees me, trusting into you, making you mine.
So it serves you right.”
He leans back again to take look at her. Her eyes are closed, completely at his mercy. His lips find hers in a slow, deep kiss, and he feels how close she gets to release. He murmurs to her lips. “Not yet, Hughes.”
He abruptly lets go of her wrist, letting his hand slip out her briefs. Leaving her breathing hard as her arms fall, startled at the sudden movement.
He walks away towards the living room, and right before he disappears, he gives her a million-dollar smirk over his shoulder. And after just a second she sees his shirt flying into the hallway.
Trying to compose herself from almost getting pushed over the edge, she leans against the wall. After a few deep breaths, she kicks the short off her feet, following him into the living room. So, we're still playing dirty.
She finds Tobias casually leaning against the counter, a drink in his hand. She swallows as she takes him in. Her eyes drift over his toned brawnylicous abs, moving down to his pants which are hanging dangerously low on his hips, just enough to make her thoughts go wild, but not enough to reveal anything.
She smiles cheekily, trying to hide how taken she is with the sight of him. God, his ego might explode if he only knew. “So, where Is my drink?”
He gives her his signature smirk. “Well, I thought, since I’ve taken my shirt off, I’m going to enjoy a drink while I watch you take your shirt off.. and after that, we can talk about you having a drink.” He moves towards the large breakfast counter and jumps to sit on it, clearly expecting a show.
She turns around, smiling over her shoulder. "Careful what you are wishing for, Carrick. Sure you can handle me?" She starts to move her hips slowly from side to side.
Tobias bites his lip as he looks at her perfectly shaped ass, dressed ever so little by the red lace string she is wearing. As she lets her hands drift over her rounds, he follows her hands up as they grip onto her small tank top. And with one fluid pull, it falls on the ground, right where he likes it to be.
He glances at her as she turns around, showing off her matching set, with all the curves in the right places. He is surprised to see that her bra is practically one small piece of fabric, adoring the sight of her nipples shining and peaking through the red lace.
Smirking, he moves his hand over his chest. “You cheeky Minx. You planned this, didn’t you? Or are you always wearing these matching lingerie sets..”
She sways forward, smiling seductively. Tobias's eyes are completely fixated on her breasts, slowly moving down to her swaying hips and back up, not able to determine where to look.
“I think I’m going to let you find that out for yourself. It might surprise you how diverse my lingerie is… So I suggest you undress me every day from now on…”
He swallows; “God, where have you been hiding, Hughes?”
Shrugging casualy, she cocks up an eyebrow.
“Now about that drink, T.”
He gets ready to jump off the counter, but she stops him. “Oooh no Carrick... you stay... right there, like the good boy you are.” She moves to stand between his legs. “Now, let me take care of this for you.” She tucks on his jeans, pulling them off.
“My, my, what a treat.” She moves her hand over the big bulk in his boxers and smiles. "And you dare to ask, where I've been hiding, T?"
He lets out a deep moan as she keeps caressing him. He leans backward on his hands, giving in to the feeling. She gives him a cheeky smile, puts his legs together, her hands onto the counter, and straddles him after one effortless jump."
Caught off-guard he starts to stumble, looking at the woman suddenly at his eye-level. “What the..”
“Ohh Carrick, Carrick, Carrick” She kisses him softly, teasing his lips with her tongue. Holding herself steady with her hands on his chest, slowly grinding her pussy against his hard cock through his boxers. After a few minutes of exploring, she encourages him to lie on his back. Tongues still dancing and she feels him gasp, the moment he touches the cold marble with his bare skin.
While pulling back, she keeps the friction going, and not only for his pleasure. “I might have forgotten to tell you… But I love yoga, it’s not just the comfortable pants for me. And I might have done gymnastics for a big part of my life. So if you keep up the good work, Carrick, you might get the chance to find out how flexible I really am.”
“For god’s sake,” he murmurs under his breath. She keeps rubbing herself against his hard length, not quite enough to take him over the edge, but enough to let him balance on it...
“Now, I need you to move up, Carrick. I want this whole divine body of yours onto this counter.”
He smirks; "What makes you think that you're the one in control, Hughes? Remember what happened earlier when you tried to command me? Or do I need to refresh your memorie?"
A sly smile appears on her face; "It must be nice, living in that head of yours T. Still convinced you're the one in control? Let me give you a piece of reality, mister." She removes his boxer, throwing it through the living room.
She smirks as they lock eyes, anticipation noticeable on Tobias's face. Of course, the moment he saw her at the deli was the moment where she completely gained control over him. Haunting his dreams, fantasies, and even in bed with other women she regularly popped up in his head, making stuff a lot better. But that doesn't stop him from one last desperate attempt to keep the facade up.
She encircles him with her soft hands, slowly moving up and down, while teasing his tip with a few small, fast licks.
"What was that, Carrick?"
"Oh for fuck sake."
She moves her hand down, following the line under his tip firmly with her tongue. It makes his muscles tense, and he moves his ass slightly up as a deep grunt escapes his throat. “Ohhhhh, Yes Liz.”
Smirking she looks down at the man beneath her. "Now, If you want me to keep doing that, you better move that delicious ass of yours right now, T!"
He starts moving while muttering some swear words under his breath, while she keeps teasing him with her hands and tongue.
Her eyes twinkle and she puts on a naughty smile;“God Carrick, I’m going to have so much fun with you now we have established who is the one in charge.”
She leans in, one hand on the counter and the other one exploring his neck, down to his chest. Licking his lips, inviting his tongue to meet hers. He opens his mouth and lets her in. His hands slipping under her bra, softly teasing her nipples, drawing small moans from her mouth.
Without him noticing she grabs his drink off the counter and she gently pulls back. Their blues meet and she bites her lip. “Now, about that drink.”
His breath stops as soon as the golden liquid hits his chest. She pours it, bit by bit, between the gap in his abbs, slowly moving down to his belly button, her eyes never leaving his.
“Hughes, you’re unbelievable.”
“You better know it, T.”
She puts the glass down, moving her attention to his chest as she softly let her fingers drift through the scotch. She moves her finger to cover his full lips, kissing him softly after.
“Mmh... That’s the good stuff, Carrick.”
She moves her tongue, licking the liquid of his chest, feeling his muscles flex under her touch wherever she goes.
He looks at her, hypnotized, his breath fastening as she slowly moves further and further down. Skin getting more sensitive with every lick, bite and suck as she savors the scotch off him. Oh my god.
His muscles tense as she arrives at his belly button, and when there is no drop left, she moves her focus to his lower abdomen. She looks up, as she hears him moan, smiling at the sight of his glistering abs and the pleasure showing on his face.
He groans; “Oh God, you really are enjoying my body, don't you Hughes?”
“Every fucking part of it..”
"Good, 'cause it's yours to use from now on. Whenever you want, I'll even get you your special beeper for emergencies."
"I'll hold you onto that. Now... ready for some fun, Carrick?"
He smirks contently as she moves her head further down and starts teasing the top of his hardness again.
But then he realizes that it probably would take nothing more than a few sucks to release, given how worked up he already is.
And nothing was further from the truth. Without warning, she stopped teasing, taking his full length in her mouth. After a few seconds of settlement, she starts deep throating him, and before he gets the chance to protest it turns black before his eyes, pushing his head back and he releases in her mouth.
She teases him with a few more sucks, making sure that every drop of him gets savored while enjoying the feeling of his body trembling under her mouth. For a minute he lies on the counter, breathing hard. "For fuck sake, Hughes."
She shrugs with a sly smile "Oops, got a little bit carried away there."
He slowly starts to get regain his senses and he looks up to a smirking Liz, sticking out cheekily the tip of her tongue.
“But, damn, that tasted even better than the scotch T.”
He hides his face behind his hands to hide a satisfied smile at her bold words.
After just a few more deep breaths, he manages to collect himself and jumps off the counter. “Glad that you enjoyed that, Liz, but now it’s my turn.” He scoops her up from the counter and throws her over his shoulder without any effort. Oh, I’m taking back control now.
After a few satisfying smacks on her butt, he sits down on the bed, letting her slide down on his lap. His lips find hers and he starts to unhook her bra, throwing it into a corner. He takes one of her nipples in his mouth while teasing the other with his hand. Her head falls back as she starts to grind once again in his lap. “Oh, God Tobias I already feel you grow again.” She reaches out to stroke him, but to avoid losing control once again he stands up, grabbing her at her thighs, and he throws her onto the soft bed.
“No more touching me, until I’m done with you, Liz. That means AFTER two orgasms, I’m going to fuck your brains out. But now. You’re completely at my Mercy." She nods, biting her lip. "Good girl. Now, grab the headboard, and don’t let go.”
Her eyes start to glister at the commanding tone in his voice and she completely surrenders. Obediently she grabs the headboard.
“And Liz... Don’t make a sound, until I tell you to.”
She swallows and a hot shiver runs through her body, by hearing those words, setting her body on fire. Such a turn-on.
He rips her panties off in one tuck, drawing her in for a deep kiss, while teasing her entrance with his erection. He starts to rubs his dick against her clit. Taken by the urge to feel him closer she starts to shift her hips up, urging him to enter her. Without thinking she sighs between kisses. “God Carrick, I... I need you inside me. I need to feel you deep inside me.”
He immediately stops. “What was that? I believe I heard some sounds coming out of that delicious mouth of yours. Yeah, you want me inside you?”
Realizing that she spoke, her eyes snap open, sucking in a breath while waiting for Tobias to react.
“Three orgasms, it is now.” And without further notice, his lips crash against hers again. His hands firmly exploring her body before they find the place where he started tonight.
He wastes no time, knowing how worked up she was before. His thumb finds her clit, and he sees her biting her arm as he enters her with three fingers, suppressing a moan. God, that’s sexy. He catches the encouragement and starts to moves his fingers faster and faster while sucking on her swollen nipple, caressing her other boob with a firm squeeze.
She trembles, more and more under his touch, finding it harder and harder to keep her moans in. God, she wants to scream his name so badly.
Then he softly bites her nipple and a flick of pain runs through her body, turning quickly into pleasure as she tumbles over the edge, biting even harder in her shoulder, only intensifying her orgasm.
He smirks at her, impressed, but also totally captivated by the look on her face as she comes, shutters and shakes, by his doing. Yeah, I’m never going to get enough of this.
He gives her a few seconds to catch her breath and damn she breaths hard, releasing her arm from her teeth, leaving bite marks.
He gently moves up to guide both of her arms down, which are still clenching to the headboard. He kisses her softly as she opens her eyes to meet his. “You okay?”
She smiles softly and nods. “Good. Ready for me to taste you?” She mouths “Ohh God Yes” without making a sound.
They keep staring into each other’s eyes as the mood shifts 180 degrees. Tobias frowns at her as she takes his face in her hands, knowing very well how much she actually adored this man.
His eyes turn soft and he smiles at her. "You're amazing, you know that, Liz?"
"Show me."
Tobias moves in for a tender and long kiss, cupping her cheeks in his hands. Liz feels her heartbeat rising, now by the soft touch of this man. He covers her body with hers completely as they start to lose themselves in each other. Her hands drift over the back of his head, enjoying the tickling of his soft short hairs, before letting her fingertips drift over his bareback. He slowly undoes her hair and drapes it over the mattress. Their hands meet and fingers entwining. The pillows and sheets are long found on the ground. He drops soft kisses on her neck, murmuring "God, youre beautiful."
He gently lets go of her hands and starts moving, teasing his stubble against her sensitive skin on his way down, breathing in her warm scent on the way. He looks at her glistening clit and gives it a few quick licks.
She directly moves her hips a bit up and he realizes how sensitive she is.
“I can’t wait for you to scream my name, Hughes.” She smiles at the permission to make sounds again.
“Then make me, Carrick.”
He moves his hands up to her hips, pulling her softly towards the edge of the bed as he gets on his knees, laying her legs over his shoulder. He starts licking her softly and slowly, savoring her smell and fluids.
“I need more, T.” She softly grabs his head urging him to come closer. He smiles cheekily and pushes his head back up; “I’m sorry? I believe I missed two magic words?”
“More, PLEASE Carrick, give me more.”
"That's what I'm talking about."
He starts licking and kissing again, but still moving his tong teasingly slow and soft while looking cheekily up to her.
She looks down to meets his eye, and he gives her the sexiest smirk she has ever laid eyes on. “For god's sake Carrick, if you’re going to smirk like that every time you taste me..” He suddenly moves up the pace of his tongue, forcing her to stop talking midsentence. "Nnnngh."
“Yes? Then?” He smiles against her clit, back to teasing her.
“Now you're the one who is unbelievable, T."
"Don't tell me things I'm already aware of. Now, finish that sentence, Hughes."
She sighs, longing for more tongue. "We are going to need a private conversation like this at least two times a day.”
He keeps his smirking up; “Then that's settled” He pushes his head down and lets his tong flick expertly, fast, and firm, letting his fingers assist by moving in and out of her.
“Nnnnhhhhgggg… T..” Her hands grab the sheets and he lets his finger slip out of her, to pull her even closer, steadying her hips. He picks up pase, encouraged by the deep moans. She trembles more and more, urging to move her hips, but his stern grip keeps her in place. You’re not getting away, Hughes.
She starts to move her hands, looking for something to grab as the sheets are not enough to hold onto. Her hands find his head again.
“Fuuuuuuck Carrrrrriccck.”
Yes, that’s it.
She pulls up her knees, body shocking and sweating, and he feels how she comes with his mouth still on her. Seeing her tremble like that...
God, I can’t wait any longer.
“You taste so good, you know that Hughes. Here. Taste.” He kisses her slowly, his hands encircling the back of her neck to draw her even more in, his dick rubbing against her still sensitive pussy, causing her to keep shuttering her body from time to time.
“Are you ready? You've been such a good girl, so I will fuck you towards you’re third orgasm, Liz, don’t you worry.”
Still with her eyes closed, she nods and lets out a satisfied sigh, letting him lead her up on the bed again.
As he completely covers her body with his again he places his dick before her entrance. Theirs eyes meet, both filled with longing to finally get close. She softly moves her hands behind his neck, teasing him with her nails. Maintaining eye contact he slowly starts to move inside her, until his eyes roll back at the feeling of how tight she is.
Her breath enhances, and she smiles, enjoying the visible pleasure on his face. He keeps slowly moving against her until he fills her completely.
Her eyelids start to flicker as he slowly starts thrusting into her.
“God, you’re big, Carrick.” She matches the movement of her hips to his rhythm, moving her legs around his waist to encourage him to go deeper. His lips find hers as he picks up the pace until he is not able to hold his upper body up, with the pleasures running through his body.
He lets out a deep, almost animalistic moan; "So tight Liz, you're so tight."
Leaving her lips and he hides his face in her neck, sucking at her sensitive flesh, leaving his mark.
Her nails slide from his shoulders to his back and smiles against his ear. “Fuck, this is so much better than in the dreams I had about you... T, you fill me up perfectly.”
She feels how he starts to lose control, picking up his pace, more firm with his thrusts as she speaks.
His voice sounds low and gruff. “Ahhh... You've dreamt about me, Hughes? So what did I do to you in these dreams?”
With him putting more power in his thrusts, she feels how he is hitting the right spot over and over again and she moans. “O god yes, Tobias… You... you fucked me in the middle of the diagnostics room on the round table, the next day in the supplies closet, NHHHGGG, on fucking Ethan’s desk, when the rest was out for lunch.”
“Ohhhhh Yes Hughes.” He moves his hands between them, as he keeps thrusting harder and harder, faster and faster while massaging her clit.
Liz is unable to talk as she feels how her body is taken over by the pleasure, quickly rising from her toes to her head, closing her eyes and she certainly was not able to think straight anymore... “Youuu... You… yyy… test nnnnhg lab”
“What are you saying, Hughes?” He smirks, leaning on one arm looking at the woman crumbling to pieces under him. He tries to stall his orgasm, but it gets harder and harder at the sight of her losing her mind, combined with the sexy talk rolling over her swollen lips.
He takes her breasts in his mouth, murmuring “Come on baby, let go once more. Show me that beautiful look on your face.”
His words were enough to push her over the edge, he notices, leaving her breast and again hiding his head in the crook of her neck. Biting, sucking as she encourages his thrusting, drawing blood with her nails on his back.
“Fuuuuuuck yeah, Carrick.”
He feels her pussy contracting around him and lets out a deep groan. He wants to savor the feeling, but the damn release was so close, it was unfightable.
“I need you to fill me up, T. Please... I need you to come.”
He keeps thrusting, barely managing to hold it together as she keeps stumbling each time he slams into her. "Nhhhhhhgggg, Liz, God Liz."
She grabs his head out of her neck, to make him look up, straight in her sparkly, wanting eyes and he keeps thrusting into her, while barely able to hold his own body up while leaning on his hands.
“Fulfill the hunger, Carrick… still my appetite. ”
Holy fuck.
That was it, he feels how he is not able to fight it anymore and he releases, A deep groan escapes, filling her up, like as she wanted it.
His eyes rolling backward “Gnnnnnggg Hughes, for fuck sake…” He sinks through his arms and after a few more thrusts he holds still, both breathing hard, clenching onto each other. After a few minutes, he gives her a bunch of soft kisses on her forehead, before rolling to the side.
“You’re something else, Liz.” He gently grabs her arm, to place soft kisses on the bite mark.
She smiles, still out of breath. “You know, I expected more oooh Lara and ooooh Miss Croft.”
He snorts and she looks at him in surprise.
“You know what Hughes…” He moves his fingertips over her bare body, encircling her nipples before ending at her lips. He smiles softly and just stares at her in awe.
“Seriously, you’re not going to finish that sentence?”
“I’m sorry I got distracted. You know what it is... I lied to you that night we were drunk. You were my fantasy, but I couldn't just say that right. You are my colleague and I've never had the idea I could be something more until I saw the look on your face when you looked at me last week with my shirt off."
She sighs; "Well, It's already hard to hide it with your shirt on Carrick, but it appears to be a real-life mission impossible when you're standing bare-chested in front of me. It does weird things to my brains and body you know."
"Soooo, me suggesting to Ethan that the new work outfits should be shirtless is not an option?"
She giggles; "Oh no, you do that, please. As long as I get to watch when you ask him. Imagine the look on his face."
Tobias bites his lip at the thought; "True, though, I cannot imagine him saying no to a shirtless you...Miss Croft." He winks and pulls her close to his chest, softly caressing her arm.
"O God, I made a total fool out of myself didn't I?"
"Not at all. Never apologize for looking that delicious. Besides, she was my fantasy until you knocked her off her throne, Hughes."
"Oof, so I've drawn some bad blood there, or what?"
"Nah, actually you might have teamed up a few times.”
She laughs; "Well I'm always open for suggestions Carrick, so if you bump into her...never hurts to ask."
His eyes start to glister at her words. "I never dreamt of you being this naughty, Hughes."
"Is that right, Carrick? So, how did I actually do compared to fantasy Liz?"
He smirks “You’ve proven from our first kiss that reality can beat fantasy by a long shot.” He turns to his side to give her a sweet kiss on the lips.
"I don't think I dared to dream that kissing you would feel this good Liz."
Her eyes start to flutter a bit, relaxing at his words. "So I guess there will be a next time, ha?"
"For me, absolutely. I can't wait to get caught with you day after day, making out in the supply closets until they just give us our own, with our names on it, to have a little fun in."
She smiles softly, barely able to keep her eyes open, murmuring; "I would love that, Tobias"
He removes his arm gently from under her neck to get up. He grabs the blankets, covering her and he lifts her head gently to lay it onto a pillow.
"Mmh, thank you T."
He smiles and plants a kiss on her forehead as she gets comfortable, shifting around, moving on her side.
He returns to bed, drawing her in to spoon.
“So about that whole yoga and gymnastics. Care to show me tomorrow in the shower?”
She smiles gently with her eyes closed. “Absolutely. And after that, you might want to show me around in your apartment... I might have missed everything except for 'naked you' and the breakfast counter.”
He laughs and looks at her in all his tenderness. He closes his eyes and moves hides his nose in her hair, breathing in her warm scent, focussing on the sound of her breathing.
Murmuring on the brink of falling asleep. “Deal, Miss Hughes. Besides you can have anything you want from me, anywhere. Because it's very clear that I was never the one in control, and hell, I love it."
Please let me know if you want to be added or removed. Also please let me know if you want to be tagged for OH, but not for smut like this. Taglist: @schnitzelbutterfingers @kachrisberry @jerzwriter @gkittylove99
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cosmiclatte28 · 3 years
minors do not read (heavy rage, more sinful than smut) not a fanfic (please, its really me raging like the world is ending. its embarrassing but it kinda calms me down 1%)
When I decided to stand up, dust myself off, and take another step... life just directly throw a big ass lemon on my face.
WARNING : THE WORDS BELOW THIS LINE ARE STRONG, FULL OF RAGE, CURSES AND YOU NEVER SEE THIS SIDE OF ME BEFORE. SO, if you're a minor, you never read some rage message, never want to see me as a monster, pass over this post thank you so much. no one has to read this, i'm just screaming to the world
I want to cry :) but I know it's not gonna solve anything
I am tired. Why am I knocked down back to the ground just after I convince myself things will be okay
I'm so mentally confused, afraid, exhausted, and tired.
Give me something to hold on. Inject me happiness, whatever.
I'll be away again. I am so sorry why am I so unstable like this.
I want to end everything, but again it's just a "small unfortunate bad day" said people
f you universe. you won, i'm tired. I'll just sit down here and watch as I realize just how bad my decisions are to stop but I am exhausted.
FUUUUUMMMMM i hate my unstable emotion what is this. DO I HAVE A DOUBLE PERSONALITY?
should i call the mental help line? should i start making appointments? is this my breaking point?
I still have lots to do tonight but I'm just so close to fuck everything and just well be a disappointment 🤐
fuck me like literally and figuratively
on my way to just go make hinge tinder and find guys
i don't care anymore
don't be like me. i'm a bad example
how am i expected to survive in life if something like today just made me overwhelmed
a lot of things make me overwhelmed eew what's this
who is this weak girl. the real me? eew :) let's keep on being fake strong . keep the weak girl aside..
and tonight as you still have to sit and meet people and talk. don't break down there, don't rage there and don't get mad at innocent people.
shut the lips. distract your mind or well at least think of nothing. keep acting and don't let anyone know.
my keyboard could broke if i continue writing this. ITS FURIOUS ITS SCARY AND I could feel myself disgusted b y me.
i am the storm, i am the monster, i am just another regular human without a perfect life. who has flaws, a lot of rage, a lot of unstable emotions, a lot of bullshit and well a holy virginity thats all. but idk
i want to take a walk but that won't be a great idea seeing how i will doze off in the middle of the road.
my head feels like exploding and no it's not an expression
is my blood pressure rising? or is it too low?
i know my mistakes, i know my sins, i know my secrets and i hate all of that. What's the point of people seeing you as a good stable girl when in reality is you're a total opposite? PUBLIC PLAY . life is prettier with lies right?
I'm scared of what I've become
MINORS AGAIN... SKIP THIS OR WELL JUST IDK unfollow for a while if this scares you.
PLEASE THERE'S MANY TRIGGER HERE. DON'T READ IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE. I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT TO PUT AS THE TW. but don't. It's scary. I don't know where else to put. I want to write it and burn it but i shouldn't play with fire not at this state of mind....
A great liar. A double personality? Or just a lonely lunatic 🤷‍♀️
My lies in the web is >>>> irl lies. I didn't lie when i meet people irl, but once I am cosmic or someone else ... i'm a totally different person
Gosh i'm a good spy material except for the crybaby part hahahah fuck i keep calling myself crybaby but til now i couldn't cry. Coz my head keeps yelling to me that i shouldn't cry because "crying won't solve any problem"
Can I get all the science part of tumblr and teach me how do I inject happiness but not in form of drugs to this amazingly still clean blood vessels?
Can I get all the optimistic side of tumblr and fuckin block my head from thinking pessimistic thing even for a 1/10000000000 sec
Can I get all the doctors here in tumblr to just check me if my heart is actually still beating with life and not just oxygen and bloods.
Am I still alive or is this heart just trying its best to make me live but not feel alive
I know I shouldn't spend my time being like this. No one knows when your story ends. I've always been that annoying person who says "Life is so short. Enjoy every moment" WELL YEAH NOW I AM ENJOYING MY SUFFERING thanks?
One time i was so happy life really slap hard in the face. NOT EVEN IN THE ASS..COME ON.. IF ITS IN THE ASS I might like it and ask for more.. but well life is bitch
LIVE IS EVIL if you read it from the other direction. Yes once again perspective won
Perspective dang it. Idk i'm tired of existing. I need to stop lying, but once you lie and once you got used to it.... its so hard to stop
Like me ... you slowly become a monster. Who loathe herself for not stopping herself to become a monster
Yes i am your beauty you meet irl in web but once i'm alone and facing life. Well I might be the wicked witch but i'm not gracious or tall enough to be them.. so.. i'm a monster
The one you don't dare to look at night or day. The one who makes you sleep with one eye open..the one who makes you ask your parents to check the closet and under your bed.
I am the monster in your nightmare and I am taking over cosmic as she writes this.
This is not cosmic. She's never like this.
Reach out cosmic, ask for help and see how no one cares because they all got their problems to face. Come back here cosmic, stay with your darkest fears. Feed us with your happiness. Drown yourself in our darkness and close your eyes as you make yourself get used to the loud silence of eye stabbing darkness
The monster inside my soul
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sweeethinny · 3 years
Wildflower - Chapter 1
one more chapter, i'm excited about this story, i hope you like it as much as i do <3
Thank you @startanewdream who read and opined on some things <3
| L. E |
The room was quiet, everyone paying attention to what the Professor was saying and presenting on the slides, with all those graphs and statistics that made Lily almost sleep with her eyes open. She loved her course, but calculus class wasn't her favorite, it wasn't even in her top three preferences.
Lily would rather have a full day of Environmental Chemistry with Professor Hagrid than one more with Burbage.
"Aren't you going to write down what she's saying?" Severus muttered beside her, making her nearly jump in her chair in fright, her heart racing at being pulled out of the quiet of her mind. "Hey, calm down."
"I already wrote down the important one." Lily shrugged, seeing her representation of the chart in the notebook and her lazy scribble of what the Professor had said.
"I won't lend you my notebook to study," he whispered, a smirk on his lips. Lily rolled her eyes, resting her head on her hand again, no longer listening to Burbage's voice.
Was it so early, why did she like to make students suffer like that?
"I don't need to, thanks." Severus didn't respond, but he kissed her on the cheek and then turned his attention back to class, much more interested than she was.
She still hadn't forgotten about their fight after the party Saturday, and all the embarrassment he put her through, and Lily was still hurting, even though she didn't understand why it hurt so much. He explained to her that he was trying to protect her, and the next day, he took her for brunch at her favorite restaurant, which was near a flower shop where Severus bought her flowers. Her favorites.
He was sorry, and Lily had to stop mulling things over even days after they had happened.
"Excuse me, Professor?" A female voice woke her, looking toward the door where one of the cheerleaders was standing.
The girl was beautiful, Lily had seen her before in the presentations in between games - the few she went to - and in the hallways of college; she had long brown hair and eyes almost the same color, and Lily knew the line of boys wanting her wasn't short.
“Say it, Miss Fortescue,” Burbage said, not looking overly excited at being interrupted. ‘I have no time to waste.’
“It'll be quick, I swear.” The girl walked into the room, wearing her red college sweatshirt and simple jeans, and even so, she looked stunning. Lily was a little jealous of her.
‘Me, and the Hogwarts Cheerleaders team, are passing by to remind you that applications to join the Team begin today. You need to have a minimal knowledge of ice skating, and be able to train three times a week, and twice a month on Saturdays. In addition to keeping in mind that if chosen, you will have to travel with us when necessary, and participate in our activities off the field.'’ She smiled, looking at everyone there waiting for questions or any interruptions, but when no one raised a hand, she continued;
‘’To apply you just need to talk to me, or any other cheerleader, and fill in the form. The tests will start next week, so you have plenty of time to think about whether you want to or not.” She waited a few more seconds, then smiled at the woman. "Thank you so much, Professor, excuse me." And she left.
Side conversations began, even though Burbage was trying to restrain the students, but Lily didn't care too much, wondering whether or not she should take the test. Of course she didn't have a body like the other girls, their waists looked almost unreal, but she could try, right? It looked so much fun the few times she watched it, and Lily had been balletting as a child until her mid-teens, when she started to put on weight and Petunia kept saying she was getting too fat to dance.
She could at least try. Maybe she couldn't get in, there were probably girls who had trained her entire life for it, Lily knew it was a competitive sport that many took very seriously, but… She could try.
Lily skated really well too, another reason she should try, and-
"You'd think she'd at least be embarrassed to appear in public, but no," Severus whispered, making Lily look at him not quite understanding what he was talking about, having once again become lost in her thoughts. "God, Lily, pay attention!"
‘‘Sorry, I was thinking. Who has to have courage?’’
‘‘Alice. That captain of the cheerleaders. She was seen having sex in the car with one of the players late last year… Such a bitch.” Severus rolled his eyes, looking almost offended by what she had done. ‘‘But what to expect, all are.’’
"I wanted to take the test," Lily whispered, feeling a weight drop in her stomach that made all her courage drain away.
'’Why? Do you want to wear those short skirts and show your ass for a bunch of men to see? And still call it dancing? Christ, Lily, have a little respect for yourself.” He turned forward, not seeming to want to hear her answer, but Lily ignored the movement and continued;
‘But… it looks so cool, and maybe I don't even come in and-’
‘Lils, I'm a man, listen to what I tell you, these girls don't dance because they like it, they dance because they want to have a dick to suck at the end of the day and get something in return; sometimes a higher note, or sometimes just the gratification of having sucked that dick. You're not like them, you don't need that.”
| J . P |
"Look who's here, our Geppetto!" Remus said, a wide grin on his face and the glass of orange juice raised to James, who was now bitterly regretting not having changed after his carpentry practice class.
"Dude, shut up." James chuckled, not even wanting to argue about how old this joke was getting and that they should try harder. "I can't believe we're not joking about the fact that Sirius needs to wear a wig in his class."
"We did, but you were late, mate." Remus seemed indifferent to James' attempt to shift his attention to Sirius, drinking all of his juice before looking at him more closely. "Marlene put makeup on you?"
"Yeah, is there a problem?" He put his hand to his jaw, no longer as purple and sore as it had been on Saturday, but still too disgusting an orange color to show everyone on the first day of his sophomore year. James had a bit of self-esteem even though it kept him from doing that. "It was horrible."
"Yeah, it's not pretty now." Peter pulled James' face to the side, wanting to see more detail, and that made the pain in the back of his neck return. "But it's better than before."
"Peter, my head." James pushed him away, touching where the back of his neck ached and trying to ease some of the pain that was still bothering him. The doctor had said it would hurt for a few more days, but James couldn't take the headaches anymore. "That asshole was lucky I was drunk."
"I still don't understand why he punched you," Sirius said, the pink wig still in his hands, trying to untangle the strands. "The girl said you didn't even touch her."
‘’I didn't touch it. Man, I don't even remember her face, I was trying to stay upright and not pass out right there, there were like ten redheads in front of me.’' He sighed, taking a sip of his own juice and denying it, still not believing he had stopped at the hospital because someone thought he was harassing the girl. "Was he her boyfriend?"
"I think so, but she didn't look too happy about what he'd done to you, so I don't know if they're still together," Remus said.
"Was she beautiful?" James didn't remember much of that night, least of all the details of her face, the only thing he could remember was that she was wearing an all-black outfit and had red hair. Everything else was just a blur in his mind.
"Yeah," Peter smiled. ‘’Was she wearing weird clothes? Yeah. I mean, who wears sweats to a party? But, she was beautiful. Don't you have a class with her?” He glanced at Remus, who looked like he was in another world as he watched a table next to theirs, full of girls chatting and laughing, one in particular standing with her back to them.
‘’Moony, if you keep drooling on Amelia like that, I'll punch you in the face. She kicked your ass, bro, part to another, forget about her.'’
"James, have you ever been in love yet?" James took a deep breath, thinking they would go back to that same subject Remus always brought up every time someone said something about his ex. '’Answer me.'’
"This wasn't love, Moony, it was a trap." James said the same thing every other time, but it was like he spoke to a wall when it came to Remus. It was frustrating. "She betrayed you."
“It was a slip.” He repeated as usual.
‘’Remus, slip was when I mistook James' aunt for his grandmother, and congratulated her on her 90th birthday. That was a slip. What did she do to you,” Sirius dropped his wig and looked at their friend, a tired smile on his face. It was the tenth time they had had that conversation. ‘It was low. She cheated on you the second you quarreled with her, without a second thought. Besides,” He held up a hand, preventing Remus from saying anything. "She never told you, you only knew because her friend felt sorry for you."
"She was going to tell me!"
"Let's not discuss this again." Peter interrupted the fight that was likely to ensue, but even if he hadn't, someone else did for them.
A girl stopped at their table, arms back and cheeks already on fire, she looked like she wanted to get inside a hole instead of being there.
"Hm. I’m sorry..er..." Her low voice was barely heard in the din in the cafeteria, but James was at the end of the table and could hear her speaking. It was the girl from the party, he recognized her sweet voice, her red hair was in a bun and she was wearing a sweatshirt today too, this time it wasn't black but dark blue, and James thought it didn't look comfortable because it wasn't that cold and that fabric seemed to be very thick and warm. ‘I came to apologize.’
"Sorry?" James looked at her, now everyone at the table was silently paying attention to her, and her cheeks got even hotter, which he thought was cute. Her green eyes fell on James, and he hated even more that he was wearing that ridiculous protective clothes.
"For what Sev did," She bit her bottom lip, filling her lungs with air and smiling gently afterwards. "I'm sorry he punched you."
"You're not the one who should apologize," Sirius said, sitting at the other end, looking almost as shocked as James. The guy couldn't be such a coward, what did he think they were going to do, punch him up in the middle of the cafeteria?
The girl looked uncomfortable with this, but stayed there, stuffing her hands inside her sweatshirt pocket. ‘‘I know, but… He wasn't coming, but I'm going to feel really bad for not apologizing, because it was my fault, I- ''
"It wasn't your fault," James cut her off, pausing before placing a hand on her arm to soothe whatever was making her nervous. Who knows what her crazy boyfriend would do if he saw James touching her. "It's okay, really."
"You ended up in the hospital." She reminded him, not that James needed it, but he shrugged.
‘’Nothing too serious. And I was drunk, and…” He didn't know what to say, so opting to just smile at her. '’Everything is fine. If it makes you better, apologies accepted.”
"Sorry again, really," The girl said, her hand over her heart and a slightly sad smile on her face, seeming to notice the makeup on his jaw. James nodded, still not quite sure what to say or what to do, and she left.
'’Oh, I knew I knew her boyfriend.’' The four of them looked at the redhead walking back to her table, where three other guys dressed in black were, none of them looking at James' table but the boy next to her didn't look the least bit happy with her attitude, putting an arm around her shoulders in an almost possessive way. "She dates that idiot who tried to fight with Frank."
"Does he fight everyone then?" James continued to stare at her table, a bad feeling burning in his chest. He remembered that she looked so happy when he came to ask about his glasses, but then, now it seemed like there was none of that inside her anymore.
"He doesn't fight, he talks and talks, but when the time comes he runs away." Remus smiled humorlessly, pulling James back to look at him. "Don't want the three of them to come at you, just because one of them is a coward doesn't mean the others are too."
"She looked sad." Peter rambled. "Didn't she look like?"
“Dating a guy like that, who's happy?” James ran a hand through his hair, looking once more at the table the redhead had gone to before giving up and settling down on the bench, putting her image out of his mind and refocusing on Remus, who had turned to face Amelia again.
| L. E |
Lily was nervous, as if she was about to commit a horrible crime, her stomach churning and bile burning in her throat every time she focused her vision on that paper.
It was a mistake, a huge mistake, she shouldn't be there, she didn't even know how she got there. Get out of there Lily! She screamed to herself.
“Need help?” A voice startled her, her heart nearly leapt out of her body, and she ended up dropping the form to the floor, her shaking hands not even good enough to hold the paper. ‘Hey, I’m sorry. Everything is fine?'
"Yes, yes." Lily didn't look at the girl, but she knew who she was; Alice. Severus' voice reverberated in her mind, and she remembered Mulciber - Sev's best friend, who, like Avery, lived with them - saying; "You don't want everyone to think you're a bitch too, do you?" when Lily spoke of her willingness to take the test.
She thought they were wrong, she knew they were wrong, but her mind seemed unable to say anything against it at the time, her body paralyzed, just nodding and going back to eating, even though her hunger was gone.
'’Are you going to sign up?'’ Alice didn't seem to notice that Lily was uncomfortable however, because she went behind the now empty cafeteria table and sat on the bench there, looking at Lily in such a welcoming way that she felt guilty for not looking her in the eye. '’It's fun. We train a lot, but we are a family too, and as some girls are already graduating and leaving, we need new members.’’
"Family?" Lily looked at her, confused, blaming her mind that it was having to deal with the guilt of thinking she was a bitch, and the boys' voices telling her about her having sex in the car.
She's free to do whatever she wants, Lily thought, taking a deep breath.
‘’Yes, we take care of each other and make sure no one feels left out. If you need a house, we have room for you. It's just girls, no boys in there.” Alice took a folder from her purse, it was full of other completed forms, but at the bottom, there was a blank paper. She reached for Lily. "If you want it." She shrugged, and Lily saw it was another form, but this time, to rent a room.
"Oh I don't have to, I live with my boyfriend." Lily felt her cheeks flush, her eyes automatically returning to the team's blank form. Did she want this?
"But if you ever need to, we're always getting a spare room, just in case." Alice smiled. ‘’So having problems with the questions? I know there are many, but we need to know a lot before we call someone in. We've had bad experiences with this.’’
“I'm still wondering whether I'm going to try or not.” Why was she being so kind to her? Alice didn't know what everyone was calling her? Didn't she care?
‘’Do it. The most that can happen is that you won't be accepted.’’
"Yeah…I think it is." Lily nodded, swallowing the ball of nervousness that rose in her throat. "My boyfriend doesn't think I should apply." She didn't know why she'd said that, it just slipped off her tongue without going through her brain first, but as usual, Alice didn't seem to mind.
'’Why not? And you're the one training and dancing, so it's up to you to decide whether you want to or not.” She ran a hand through her brushed hair, and Lily noticed there was a silver ring on her finger. She dated the guy she had sex with in the car? Lily didn't know his name. '’Unless you have labyrinthitis… But, we already had a girl with labyrinthitis on the team, she didn't just participate in the spins, so there's nothing really stopping you from joining us.'’
"Yeah, maybe you're right." Lily took another deep breath, her nervousness lessening a little.
'Sit down.'
"What?" She looked up from her paper, Alice still with that welcoming look from before, but now more attentive.
"Sit down, you've been standing a long time." She did, placing her bag beside her and taking the pen firmly in her hand, signing her name at the top of the sheet, then moving on to the other questions.
Alice was quiet, doing something on her cell phone while Lily concentrated, trying not to show how anxious she was getting at such a silly and simple task. It was like her mind was hazy and the questions started to no longer make sense, Sev's voice telling her that Lily didn't need it because she wasn't like the other girls, making her even more nervous.
"Have you done any dancing yet?" Alice asked, but not taking her eyes off her cell phone.
‘’Ballet. As a child.” Lily glanced at her quickly before turning back to the paper, writing her age and course.
‘’I did artistic gymnastics, but I always wanted to do ballet. It's a very beautiful dance.’’
"Yes, it is." Lily took a deep breath, answering about her schedule and whether she was able to travel out of town during game season.
"I learned to skate when I got to college, Marlene taught me."
"She's also a cheerleader, right?" Alice looked at her, a sweet smile on her lips, then nodded.
"Many say you need to be afraid of her, but that's not true, Marlene is melted butter with the people she likes."
"I hope she likes me." Lily went back to ticking the form, and no, she wasn't using any narcotics or prescription drugs.
"She definitely will," Alive said, and she seemed to speak the truth, winking at Lily and then turning her attention back to her cell phone.
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katierosefun · 4 years
rest now
or five times people used obi-wan kenobi as a pillow, and the one time everyone let themselves be obi-wan’s pillow. based on this post i made a little while back. 
read on ao3 | read on ff 
wc: 6732
1.      Commander Cody
They were exhausted and battle worn, their armor cracked and coated with the dirt and dust of the battleground, but still, Obi-Wan and Cody stayed standing until the rest of the 212th were evacuated from the site. A bug buzzed somewhere near Obi-Wan’s neck, and he batted it away. The bugs were probably attracted to the sweat and the blood—not his—still dipping into the collar of his tunic.
He couldn’t wait to get off this planet.
He knew he wasn’t the only one.
Obi-Wan had only been working with Cody for a few weeks now, but already, he had grown accustomed to the commander’s demeanor. Quiet and steady, Cody hadn’t so much as faltered at the battles that they had gone into. A part of Obi-Wan worried at that—grew wary at the case with which Cody, along with so many other men, could go into war seemingly without a second thought.
Or maybe not completely without a second thought, Obi-Wan thought now as the last shuttle dropped in front of Cody and himself. Now that all the 212th had left, Obi-Wan sensed the fractures in Cody’s own mask of calm.
They wordlessly got on the shuttle, the doors shutting out the heat and the bugs. For a moment, all Obi-Wan saw was darkness—and then the lights inside the shuttle flickered on, and then they were taking off, leaving the blasted dusty planet behind.
Obi-Wan let out a breath as the shuttle ascended into the atmosphere. Somewhere up there, he knew that they would get into the cruiser, and then Obi-Wan would probably find Anakin and Ahsoka, probably just as batter-worn from their own share of the fight. Obi-Wan would have to go to the debriefing after checking with his men—his men, something he still couldn’t quite get used to.
A burst of cool air from the shuttle’s ventilation system dried the remaining sweat on Obi-Wan’s face. He swiped an arm over his forehead. A shower. He wouldn’t mind a shower right after the meeting, either, even if the idea of staying awake and upright for any longer than he had to felt like another battle on its own.
But he would bear it, just as he had everything in the last few weeks.
He had only just completed that thought when he felt something drop against his shoulder. Obi-Wan looked down and made out the top of his commander’s helmet. He paused, unsure what exactly to—how exactly would he—
Obi-Wan half-expected Cody to bolt awake, and he angled his head slightly away to avoid the oncoming jerk against his chin—but Cody stayed fast asleep, his breathing deep and even within the helmet.
And Obi-Wan could feel the weariness radiating off his commander, the bone-deep kind of weariness that came with perhaps too many days of fighting and not enough rest.
So Obi-Wan turned back towards to the viewport. He inhaled slowly, so as to not even let his breath disturb Cody’s rest. They would get into the cruiser in a few minutes, anyways. Obi-Wan decided, with a slight, wistful smile on his face, that he would grant his commander these few minutes of peace before the next storm.
2.      Padmé Amidala
“Thank you for the meal, Bail,” Obi-Wan said as he helped the senator move the dishes into the kitchen.
“You’re welcome,” Bail replied. He took the plates from Obi-Wan’s hands and jerked his head into the sitting room. “You sit down. Guests aren’t allowed to do the dishes.”
“You know I don’t—”
“Doesn’t matter if you don’t mind—go.”
Obi-Wan rolled his eyes, but he lifted his hands in mock surrender before walking out of the kitchen. He found Padmé and Anakin already in the sitting room, their heads bent low near each other’s—and then quickly parting as Obi-Wan made his steps heard.
“Obi-Wan,” Anakin said loudly, his face flushed with either the alcohol or something else, Obi-Wan wasn’t entirely sure. Watching Anakin’s eyes dart quickly over to Padmé, Obi-Wan changed his mind. He decided the faint pink in his former apprentice’s face was definitley due to something other than alcohol.
“Anakin,” Obi-Wan only replied, sitting down on the couch beside Padmé.
The senator and he exchanged a brief smile, and though Padmé’s face, too, was just a tad brighter than a few minutes before, the senator’s face remained neutral as she said, “I see that Bail finally managed to get you out of the kitchen.”
“He practically chased me out,” Obi-Wan said, ignoring the bark of laughter from the kitchen.
“Well, given your track record, I would think that chasing was a bit necessary,” Padmé replied. “Don’t you think, Anakin?”
“Absolutely,” Anakin replied, and though the color in his face was dying down, Obi-Wan still noticed the shine in Anakin’s eyes as he fixed his attention back on Padmé. It was almost enough for Obi-Wan to start shaking his head right there—really, Anakin was terrible at keeping secrets. Padmé and Anakin both were, but Obi-Wan had neither the capacity nor the desire to protest against their manners.
He briefly wondered if that made him a bad Jedi, quietly turning blind in this moment—but he quickly shoved those thoughts away.
Obi-Wan was relieved when Bail finally walked into the sitting room, glasses in hand. He set them down on the table and passed one automatically to Obi-Wan, and then the conversation slowly turned to talk of politics and home worlds and speeder models and a holodrama that Bail and Padmé had apparently started watching.
Obi-Wan was glad to let the conversation wash over him, glad to just smile and offer the occasional quip or question. He leaned back against the couch, leaving his glass three-quarters of the way drained, his head only slightly buzzing with the alcohol. His whole body felt comfortably warm otherwise, and through his own haze, he noticed that Anakin had only taken a few sips from his own glass. When Anakin caught Obi-Wan looking, he only grinned and mouthed, driving.
Obi-Wan smiled and let his head fall back against the couch cushions as the conversation dulled down further, until it was just Bail and Anakin talking—Bail, still very much awake and cheerfully carrying conversation with Anakin about the latest updates on whatever new speeder model had come out.
While Padmé…at some point, Padmé had gone quiet, and only when her head fell on his shoulder did Obi-Wan realize that the senator had fallen asleep. Obi-Wan lifted his head to look first at Anakin and then Bail in silent question, but without even breaking from the conversation, Bail reached over for one of the throw blankets on one of the couches and tossed it to Anakin.
And Anakin, still not breaking from conversation, only heaped the blanket over Padmé’s sleeping form. Obi-Wan managed to catch Anakin’s eyes a second time—and found, with some curiosity, that he felt some strange relief in the smirk Anakin tossed Obi-Wan’s way.
Deciding that he didn’t want to decipher that smirk, Obi-Wan slowly, carefully re-settled back on the couch and only re-adjusted the blanket around Padmé’s shoulders before leaving her to sleep on his shoulder.
3.      Satine Kryze
“I should have known you’d be here.”  
Satine lifted her head from her book. Night had completely fallen over Mandalore, the distant lights of the city and the moon being the only source of brightness in the otherwise sleeping planet. A small pool of moonlight encircled Satine now as she stood up, closing her book.
“Obi-Wan,” she said. “I thought you would be sleeping by now.”
Obi-Wan dipped his head towards Satine. “The excitements of the day haven’t quite worn me out, I’m afraid.”
“Ah.” Satine settled the book against her front. She sat back down on the grass. “Care to join me?”
Obi-Wan glanced around the courtyard. He had been in this place before, in the last few days he had on Mandalore, back those years ago. Satine and he had explored some of the courtyards, and this one had been one of their favorites. Smaller than the others, a little more secluded. A pond was somewhere nearby, bubbling with only some of the fish that dared flick their tails above water. A tree swaying with a warm breeze that could only somehow be carried in this section of the palace. With the breeze, Obi-Wan caught the scents of the courtyard: grass, some nighttime flowers, and Satine.
“Shouldn’t you be resting?” Obi-Wan only asked, walking into the courtyard. He sat down next to Satine, who only gave him a brief smile. “What are you reading?”
She lifted the book. “A childhood favorite of mine,” she replied somewhat wistfully. “Although I’m afraid the story isn’t quite as captivating as it once was. A consequence of no longer being a child, I suppose.”
“Different times, different tastes,” Obi-Wan replied conversationally. He tilted his head towards the book. “I would still like to know what it’s about.”
“Well,” Satine said, handing the book to Obi-Wan, “it’s all rather dramatic, if you must know.”
“Is it now,” Obi-Wan said, amused. The book was lighter than Obi-Wan expected. He could feel the slight wear on the spine, the cover as he flipped it open. The pages were slightly curled with age and years of use.
“It’s about two eventual lovers,” Satine said, a smile curling over her lips. “Separated by a conflict between their own families, although we never learn what exactly that conflict was.” She shrugged, leaning back down against the grass. “An unhappy tale, really.”
Obi-Wan looked down at Satine, at those clear eyes of hers reflecting back the night sky. “How so?”
“Well,” Satine murmured, folding her hands against her stomach, “the lovers both die in the end, although neither had to.” She nodded to the volume in Obi-Wan’s hand. “The girl fakes her death, and thinking that she truly is dead, the boy kills himself. The girl wakes, and upon seeing her lover dead, she kills herself as well.” She turned back up to the sky. “Truly horrible.”
Obi-Wan looked down at the book. “And this was a childhood favorite?”
“Don’t laugh,” Satine said. “I used to think it was romantic. Used to.”
“And now?”
Satine looked at Obi-Wan and laughed. “Now I think it’s rather silly,” she replied. “A tutor of mine once explained that the author might have written this story as a mockery of love rather than a true expression of it. I’m rather inclined to agree.”
“An interesting interpretation,” Obi-Wan said. He flipped over to the first page and, clearing his throat, read, “Two households, both alike in dignity—”
“What are you doing?” Satine asked, propping herself up on an elbow.
“Well, you said this was a childhood favorite,” Obi-Wan replied lightly. “I might as well see why.”
“As I was saying—in fair Verona, where we lay our scene…”
Satine only huffed and settled back down on the grass. “Impossible,” she said. “That’s what you are.”
“Now, don’t interrupt Duchess, I’m already rather intrigued.”
Satine laughed again, and Obi-Wan made it through the entire prologue before he, too, settled down on the grass beside the duchess. He was aware of how their heads were brushing against each other, the rise and fall of Satine’s chest, the occasional sigh as he read on. He read until his voice was little more than a murmur, and he had read up until the fifth scene of the first act before he felt Satine’s head nestle against the crook between his shoulder and neck.
Obi-Wan’s voice stuttered for a moment, and he looked down to find Satine’s face buried against him, her expression content. She let out a soft sigh, and Obi-Wan took that as a signal to keep reading, his voice growing softer and softer until he was doing little more than just mouthing the words.
But he had completely forgotten about what he was reading, and only when he actually got to the ending did he remember where they were.
Obi-Wan looked down at Satine, still asleep.
He brushed a strand of her hair back. She shivered a little, the rest of her face disappearing into Obi-Wan’s neck.
Obi-Wan smiled. “You’re right, my dear,” he said quietly. “That was a horrible ending.”
4.      Ahsoka Tano
“I just don’t understand,” Ahsoka huffed from across the table. She was clicking through documents on the computer, her eyes already glazed from the screen. “Master Skywalker agrees that I learn better on the field than I do with these lessons.”
“I’m sure he does,” Obi-Wan murmured, adjusting the brightness on the computer screen. The Archives had gotten considerably darker, and though the lights adjusted accordingly, the computers unfortunately did not. Obi-Wan’s eyesight wasn’t getting any better, either. He swiped a hand across his eyes before re-focusing on the screen.
“I just don’t understand,” Ahsoka repeated. “We’re fighting a war. Why do I need to know about this stuff? It’s not like a droid is going to ask me to recite philosophy before shooting me.”
“Yes, Master Kenobi?” Ahsoka asked, ducking her head around the computer. She blinked with comical innocence at Obi-Wan. And Obi-Wan only shook his head. A part of him wanted to smile—Ahsoka reminded him so much of Anakin in some ways, especially with that cheerful look she gave him now. But another part of him couldn’t help but feel a kick to his chest—there was something so incredibly strange and wrong about hearing a child so casually talk of being targeted on the battlefield.
Then again, the war had changed what childhood meant for so many, and the Jedi were not exempt from such changes.
“Focus on your studies,” Obi-Wan only said, looking back at his computer. Ignoring Ahsoka’s groan, Obi-Wan added, “You may not need to recite philosophy for a droid, but you will need to sharpen all parts of your mind.”
“My mind’s already sharpened,” Ahsoka mumbled.
“Then sharpen it more.”
Ahsoka groaned again, but she didn’t argue. The evening sounds of the Archives slowly filled the long room: the rustle of robes and cloaks, the scrape of chairs being pushed out or pushed in, the buzz of the lamps, the whir of a droid somewhere down the hall.
Obi-Wan had lost himself in the near-silence of the Archives before he suddenly became aware that Ahsoka was no longer clicking or typing on her computer.
“Ahsoka?” Obi-Wan called, ducking around the computer.
And he found Ahsoka with her head resting against a propped-up hand, lips slightly parted against her palm.
Obi-Wan smiled to himself. He glanced out the windows, knowing even before he found the dark sky that night had completely fallen. They had been in the Archives for many hours now, and frankly, despite Ahsoka’s complaining, the girl had lasted longer than Obi-Wan had figured she would. That would be something Obi-Wan would have to tell Anakin once he got back from his mission.
Obi-Wan pushed himself out of his chair and after shutting off his own computer, made his way around to Ahsoka’s side.
A few books were still scattered around the computer, some half-open, others with pages still fluttering against some phantom breeze. Obi-Wan closed those books and pushed them to the side, stacking them neatly by the organization system the Archives called for. Then he leaned across the desk to shut down Ahsoka’s computer. He found the philosophy text still up on the screen. Ahsoka had gotten through perhaps three-quarters of the way before falling asleep. Which was impressive, Obi-Wan figured, for someone who so clearly hated philosophy.
Obi-Wan shut off the computer and looked down at Ahsoka. She was still asleep, her hand still holding up her head.
“Ahsoka,” Obi-Wan said quietly, resting a hand on her shoulder. He shook it once, just enough for Ahsoka to stir. “Perhaps you should sleep in a more comfortable place.”
Ahsoka, her eyes glazed over with sleep, only blinked owlishly at Obi-Wan. She rubbed a fist over her eyes, and Obi-Wan became painfully aware of how young she truly was. Fourteen years old—still a little older than most younglings who became Padawans, but still unbearably young for someone about to be launched into a war.
“Okay,” Ahsoka murmured, and she started up from her chair, only to plop right back down, eyes already fluttering shut. “’m tired.” Her voice was small, plaintive—a tone that Obi-Wan had not heard Ahsoka use ever.
“Here,” Obi-Wan said, and gently, he tugged Ahsoka up by the wrists. “To your quarters now.” He directed themselves away from the desks, but before he could fully get them to the main corridor of the Archives, Ahsoka’s head bumped against Obi-Wan’s chest, her eyes still closed.
“Sorry, sorry,” Ahsoka mumbled, stepping backwards. She blinked a few more times, crashing against the back of one of the chairs. “Sorry.”
Obi-Wan wasn’t sure whether to laugh or be concerned. “Are you alright?”
“’m fine,” Ahsoka said, rubbing her fist over her eyes again. “Just…” She took a small step away from the chair, towards Obi-Wan—and stumbled again.
Tired—she must have been more tired than she had been letting on, Obi-Wan noted as Ahsoka sat back down on the chair, her head resting against its back. Another pang went through Obi-Wan’s chest. The girl held much of her strength like a shield around herself everyone carried a shield around themselves these days, Jedi and non-Jedi alike—and now, apparently, the young as well as the old.
Obi-Wan sighed. Then, sinking down in front of Ahsoka, he guided her arms around his shoulders, found the back of her legs and hoisted themselves up.
Ahsoka’s head bobbed against Obi-Wan’s shoulder, her hands dangling in front of him.
“Master?” Ahsoka mumbled, her feet knocking lightly against the sides of Obi-Wan’s legs. “What’re you…”
“We can’t have you stumbling around the halls, now, can we?” Obi-Wan only said. He swiveled his back just enough to give Ahsoka a small smile. “Rest, young one.”
Ahsoka hummed a little, her head falling against Obi-Wan’s shoulder once more.
And Obi-Wan carried Ahsoka all the way back to her quarters.
5.      Anakin Skywalker
“Have you seen Anakin?”
“He was by the cliffs, sir,” Rex replied, gesturing back to where a cluster of troopers still stood. Obi-Wan stood up and, narrowing his eyes, he indeed spotted the one spot of black clothing, and then the bright flash of a blue saber.
“What is he doing?” Obi-Wan asked, more to himself than to Rex.
“Leading the sweep on the last few droids,” Rex replied. “I only just came back from my half of the sweep.”
Obi-Wan narrowed his eyes at that still-swinging slash of blue. “He’s hurt,” he said.
“I tried to tell him,” Rex said.
Obi-Wan gave Rex a dry smile. “I’m sure you did, Captain,” he replied. “Not to worry—Anakin tends to be stubborn.”
Rex smiled back, but it quickly faded as the two men turned their attention back on Anakin. “If he’s hurt, then—”
“Not to worry,” Obi-Wan repeated, already swinging down from the low platform. He looked up to Rex. “Just be prepared when I finally bring him back. Make sure Kix is available.”
“Yes, sir,” Rex replied, and he hurried off in a flash of white and blue.
Which left Obi-Wan to Anakin.
He turned around and made his way through the battle-worn grounds, pointedly walking around droid parts and fallen blasters. The closer he walked, the louder Anakin’s lightsaber and the other troopers’ blaster fire became until even the sounds of the bugs and the other critters of the planet were drowned out by the action.
Obi-Wan found Anakin quickly. Hair plastered to the back of his neck, face pale but eyes and cheeks bright, a confident swagger in his step even when clearly injured—Anakin was the glowing image of the Hero with No Fear that Chancellor Palpatine had instilled for the Republic. The image and the title didn’t sit well with Obi-Wan—he barely liked the title instilled on him (The Negotiator, as though he were a character in a story), but looking at Anakin’s bold movements and bright smile, Obi-Wan could understand where at least his former apprentice’s new title came from.
“That’s the last of them, boys!” Anakin said now, just as Obi-Wan heard the dull clatter of what he could have only assumed was the destroyed battle droids. Obi-Wan felt both relief and pride radiating off the cluster of troopers, off Anakin.
And then Anakin’s eyes found Obi-Wan’s, and he grinned, shutting off his lightsaber. “You’re a little late for the party, Master,” he said. “We’ve taken care of it.”
“Yes, I can tell,” Obi-Wan said. “Well done.” He weaved through the troopers until he reached Anakin at last. Up this close, Obi-Wan could make out the individual beads of sweat rolling down the side of Anakin’s face, his neck. The slight heave of his chest as he tried to keep his breathing even. Obi-Wan flicked his gaze down to Anakin’s side. Even without touching him, he could sense the damage done.
Anakin’s eyes followed Obi-Wan’s, the smile fading from his face. He subtly moved away, clipping his lightsaber to his side. “Right,” he said loudly. “Back to the ships, men.”
“Sir, yes sir!”
Obi-Wan waited until the troopers had all left before saying, “You should know better.”
“I’m fine,” Anakin said automatically, but now that the troopers were gone, Obi-Wan could hear the slight strain in his friend’s voice. “It’s not even that bad.” He took a few steps forward—shuffled, more like, and that was when Obi-Wan knew that the situation was much worse than he had originally thought.
“Anakin, wait—”
But Anakin was sliding down from the ledge, and for a moment, he stayed upright.
Obi-Wan slipped down the ledge next to Anakin just as he started swaying, one hand reaching for his side.
Anakin’s face tightened as he leaned back against the rock ledge. Obi-Wan reached for Anakin automatically, catching him by the arm just as Anakin started to slide down. “Probably shouldn’t have…done that,” Anakin ground out through clenched teeth.
“You shouldn’t have,” Obi-Wan agreed, winding an arm gingerly around Anakin’s side. Though he kept his own touches light, he felt the flare of pain underneath—fractured ribs. Multiple. Obi-Wan inhaled sharply.
“It’s not that bad,” Anakin mumbled, but the reediness in his voice suggested otherwise. “I can walk back.”
“Clearly, you can’t,” Obi-Wan replied. “I can call Kix—he’ll bring a stretcher.”
Anakin let out a breath, sinking directly into Obi-Wan’s side��which was another sure sign that the injuries must have been more painful than usual, because Anakin never gave himself away, not like this. So Obi-Wan only re-adjusted his grip on Anakin and suggested, “We should sit down first.”
Anakin nodded mutely, and with that, the two settled back down on the dirt.
“Kix,” Obi-Wan said into his comm.
“Yes, General.”
“General Skywalker is injured,” Obi-Wan said as Anakin’s head lolled against his shoulder. Obi-Wan glanced over at Anakin. His eyes were drifting shut, whether from the pain or exhaustion, Obi-Wan wasn’t sure. All the same, Obi-Wan’s chest tightened as a shudder ran through Anakin’s body. “We will need a stretcher.”
“Yes, General.”
With that, Obi-Wan turned towards Anakin. His former apprentice’s eyes were completely closed now, his chest rising and falling unevenly. Obi-Wan could feel the damp of Anakin’s hair, his warm breath against his skin.
And then Anakin’s head rolled past Obi-Wan’s shoulder, causing both Obi-Wan and Anakin to startle.
“Sorry,” Anakin mumbled, opening his eyes. “I didn’t—” He started to move upright but stopped mid-motion, a low groan leaving his lips.
“Don’t,” Obi-Wan said, setting a hand on Anakin’s shoulder. Anakin relaxed under Obi-Wan’s hand. “Rest.”
Anakin huffed out a breath. “You’re never going to let me hear the end of this, are you?”
“Never,” Obi-Wan replied with a brief smile. He guided Anakin towards himself. “It might do you better to lie down with your ribs the way they are. It’ll make getting on the stretcher easier as well.”
Anakin huffed out another breath—one that sounded more like a laugh, but he managed a small nod. He started to lower himself to the ground, wincing at even that slight movement. Obi-Wan kept his hand on Anakin’s shoulder, murmuring encouragements until Anakin’s head was right on Obi-Wan’s lap.
“You’re definitley not going to let me hear the end of this,” Anakin mumbled, his eyes already closing.
“No,” Obi-Wan agreed, resting his head against the rock ledge. He saw troopers still hustling on the platform in the distance, and above that, the now darkening sky. Obi-Wan saw some stars glimmer into existence—just the earliest, brightest ones as the sun’s last yellow rays hushed themselves over the horizon.
Obi-Wan heard a small sigh, and when he looked down, he found that Anakin’s eyes had closed completely.
Obi-Wan smiled to himself, brushing back a strand of still-damp hair from Anakin’s forehead. And then he looked back up at the darkening sky, where he found two bright stars winking down at him.
It was a universally known fact that Obi-Wan Kenobi needed sleep.
Which was why today, everyone was staring at Obi-Wan Kenobi like he had just grown a pair of wings, because he was asleep. And sleeping on Commander Cody’s shoulder, no less.
Cody only stared at the rest of the troopers in front of him in silent panic. But they only watched with mild amusement as the gunship landed down on Coruscant. The flight had been smooth, thankfully, and perhaps it being too smooth had been the reason why the general of the 212th had chosen that specific time to doze off.
Not that Cody necessarily minded. It was no secret that Kenobi was exhausted, and they had been running operations for seemingly weeks on end. This temporary leave had come as a relief to all.
Still, Cody wasn’t sure what exactly he was supposed to do, now that Obi-Wan was at his shoulder. Cody expected that the man would wake soon, probably jerk up the minute the gunship doors opened, but he did nothing of the sort. Cody wasn’t sure if that made him relieved or not. Because on the one hand, the general truly did need his sleep, but on the other—
“Got something there, Cody?”
Cody only gestured a finger to his lips as a signal to keep Rex’s voice down.
But the captain only grinned. “How’d that happen?” he asked, nodding at Obi-Wan, still fast asleep.
“I don’t know,” Cody replied quietly, not trusting himself to raise his voice any louder without waking the general. “Should I…” He glanced down at Obi-Wan, and then glanced back at Rex. “I don’t know if I should wake him.”
“I wouldn’t either,” Rex replied. “He probably needs the rest.” He looked over his shoulder, and Cody followed the captain’s gaze to where a few senators were speaking amongst each other. They technically didn’t have to be there—Cody knew that they only came to boost morale, but still, he saw a semi-familiar face amongst that small group.
“Senator Amidala is a friend of his,” Rex said. “I’m sure she could help.”
Before Cody could say anything else, Rex walked away and returned with the warm-eyed senator.
“Commander,” Padmé said, tilting her head in a nod.
“Senator,” Cody replied. He didn’t really know the senator, but the minute Padmé smiled at Obi-Wan, Cody decided that he trusted her.
“I see you’re in a bit of a situation,” Padmé said.
“Not a situation, Senator,” Cody replied. “Not too much trouble.”
“Yes,” Padmé said, amused. “I see.” She looked backwards, nodding to where a speeder waited. “I’m about to head back to the Senate Building—and that’s a bit closer to the Temple from here. I would be glad to take him there.”
“We wouldn’t want to trouble—”
“It’s no trouble, Commander,” Padmé said, that smile of hers returning.
Cody exchanged a look with Rex, who just shrugged.
“If you say so, Senator,” Cody said, and with that, Padmé came around to Obi-Wan’s other side. Again, Cody expected Obi-Wan to wake, but he didn’t so much as stir as Padmé wrapped an arm around Obi-Wan’s waist. The warm weight of Obi-Wan’s head left Cody’s shoulder, and Padmé nodded once again to Cody and Rex.
“Have a nice day, gentlemen,” she said, and then she turned, supporting Obi-Wan to the speeder.
And Padmé, like Cody, didn’t terribly mind the fact that Obi-Wan was leaning against her, nor did she terribly mind Obi-Wan’s head on her shoulder as she started up the speeder. He only stirred awake at the grumble of the speeder, his eyes blinking open briefly.
“Where…” he started to murmur, but then he blinked at his surroundings: the blurring skyscrapers of Coruscant, the glow of the lights both above and below. And then, clearly reassured that there was no danger, Obi-Wan dropped his head back against Padmé’s shoulder.
Padmé only laughed quietly to herself, mentally noting the moment as something to tell Anakin later. He probably wouldn’t believe her even if she told him. So Padmé pressed on, taking care not to run into any of the rougher-trafficked lanes. She technically could have been escorted, and that might have made being in a speeder easier, but Padmé had wanted the freedom. And besides, she was grateful for that now.
Only just as the Senate Building came into view, Padmé’s speeder blinked a light to warn her that its fuel was running out.
She murmured a soft curse at the alert. She should have probably checked before taking this speeder out to begin with. She looked up to the Senate Building and then back to the little alert. She probably had just enough fuel to get her to the Senate, but then—
Padmé sighed. She felt Obi-Wan stir at her side, and she stilled, hoping that the man didn’t sense any of her own annoyance at the speeder. So she steered her speeder all the way to the platform of the Senate Building, her mind already running with possibilities of exactly who to notify about the empty fuel tank when she saw a familiar flash of blue from the distance.
“Duchess,” Padmé said, lifting her head, careful to still not wake Obi-Wan.
“Senator,” Satine said, stopping short in front of the speeder. If the guards behind Satine or the duchess herself found something strange about the fact that Obi-Wan Kenobi was sleeping on Padmé’s shoulder, they didn’t show it. Well—the guards didn’t show it. Padmé didn’t miss the way Satine’s eyes softened at the sight of Obi-Wan, nor did Padmé miss the slight flicker of concern across the duchess’ face. “Did something—”
“He’s fine,” Padmé said quickly. “Just tired. He fell asleep.” She gave Satine an embarrassed smile. “I meant to return him to the Temple, but it seems my speeder’s not quite up for the challenge.” She gave her speeder a rueful pat on the controls before asking, “Would you mind…”
“Of course not,” Satine said. “I was just about to go for a drive around the city, anyways.”
“Wonderful,” Padmé said, relieved. She started to rise from the speeder, but this time, Obi-Wan awoke, his eyes prying open fully.
A few awkward moments passed before Obi-Wan asked, “What happened?”
“You fell asleep,” Padmé said simply. “You were with Cody, and I offered to take you to the Temple, only my speeder…” She grimaced and turned to Satine. “Luckily, Duchess Satine was willing to help.”
Obi-Wan only blinked a few times, still clearly trying to escape the throes of a deep sleep. “I wouldn’t want to trouble anyone,” he said, swiping a hand over his eyes. “Really, I’m…” He started to get out of the speeder, but not before his foot got caught on something. Padmé pulled him back before he could fall on his face.
“Yes, of course, Master Jedi,” Padmé said, ignoring the wounded look Obi-Wan threw her way. “Duchess?”
“Of course,” Satine said, and she stepped forward, extending a hand towards Obi-Wan.
Obi-Wan looked down at Satine’s hand warily and then, taking it, he stepped out of the speeder. Padmé didn’t miss the slight flush creeping up Obi-Wan’s cheeks, nor did she miss the identical shade of pink creeping up Satine’s own face. Padmé happily decided that perhaps the speeder running out of fuel was a good thing instead.
“Good night, Duchess, Master Kenobi!” Padmé called.
Satine only tossed Padmé a smile over her shoulder, and then Padmé watched Obi-Wan and Satine start for their own speeder. Satisfied, Padmé hopped down from her speeder and decided to make a call about refilling the fuel tank.
In the meantime, Satine guided Obi-Wan to the speeder, and the two settled in the backseat as the guards settled in the front. For a few minutes, neither of them spoke, not as the speeder rumbled to life. Satine kept her eyes ahead, focusing instead on the glint of the skyscrapers against the setting sun. As the speeder picked up into the air, a warm breeze swept over them.
And then they were off, taking for the Jedi Temple on the other side of the city. Satine let her gaze drift from the skyscrapers to the lines of speeders below her, and then to the sun setting over the horizon. She was all too aware of Obi-Wan’s warmth beside her, the calm of his presence.
Still—Satine needed to be still, even though a part of her was overwhelmingly relieved that he had returned. A senseless war: that was what had somehow tied their paths together again, and Satine wished that the circumstances were different, but at the same time—
She would be returning to Mandalore in a while yet, and she supposed she was grateful for the time they had still.
And suddenly, Satine felt a weight settle on her shoulder.
Satine didn’t dare look down at Obi-Wan as he shifted against her, a soft sigh leaving his lips. Satine only kept her eyes straight ahead, daring her guards to say anything. But they didn’t react, didn’t so much as blink as Obi-Wan turned his face into Satine’s shoulder, his forehead bumping against the base of Satine’s neck.
Satine was selfishly glad that the speeder ride was smooth. A part of her knew that she should probably wake Obi-Wan, probably gently direct him away, but—
Well, that selfish part of her remained.
And only when the speeder landed in front of the Temple did Satine bring herself to stir. She was sorry for it, but then she heard—
“Master Kenobi?”
Satine looked up to find a young girl standing up from the Temple steps, her brows furrowing. The girl looked from Obi-Wan to Satine, her brows furrowing even more, but she ducked her head into a quick bow. “Duchess Kryze.”
Ahsoka Tano, Satine remembered. She had seen the girl only a few times, mostly accompanying Anakin Skywalker. She couldn’t have been much older than fourteen, fifteen, but she was yet another one of the children involved in the war. But she was a friend of Obi-Wan’s—that much, Satine also knew.
“Good evening,” Satine said, bowing her head. She gestured to Obi-Wan. “Would you know where his quarters are? I was only helping him get to the Temple.”
“Of course,” Ahsoka said, the girl’s lips twitching into a smile. “Is he…” She nodded at Obi-Wan, whose head was starting to slip from Satine’s shoulder.
“He was only sleeping,” Satine replied, gently bringing Obi-Wan’s head up to keep him from slipping entirely. “Nothing more than that.”
“Master Kenobi, sleeping?” Ahsoka asked, eyes widening. Then, quieter, “That’s a first.”
Satine decided that she liked this girl. She smiled, and Ahsoka smiled back.
“Don’t worry, Duchess,” she said. “I’ll make sure he gets his way around.”
“Thank you,” Satine replied, as the guard opened the speeder door. And with careful hands, Satine guided Obi-Wan over to Ahsoka. For one so small, the girl surprisingly kept both Obi-Wan and herself steady, even as she stepped themselves away from the speeder.
“I’m Ahsoka, by the way,” the girl said. “Ahsoka Tano.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ahsoka Tano,” Satine replied. “Thank you.”
“Of course, Duchess,” Ahsoka said cheerfully. And then she waved as the speeder started up, and Satine waved back until the Temple was out of her line of vision.
And when the speeder had disappeared, Ahsoka, too, turned around. She readjusted her grip around Obi-Wan’s side. She looked over at the man’s face and couldn’t help but laugh to herself. She wished she could take a picture. But she supposed she would just have to settle with memorizing this moment instead, everything from the nearly-darkened sky to the rustle of their clothes to Obi-Wan’s quiet sounds of protest as they walked through the halls.
The cool of air from the Temple rushed over them both, and Obi-Wan shivered slightly beside Ahsoka. She only adjusted his cloak around himself before walking on, nodding casually to some passing younglings. She couldn’t help but smile at their temporary awe and also disbelief at seeing Ahsoka supporting Obi-Wan through the halls. A sight, she was sure.
Ahsoka guided Obi-Wan’s arm over her shoulders for better support as they rounded a corner. Obi-Wan stirred lightly then, mumbling, “’soka—”
“That’s right,” Ahsoka said, rolling her shoulders. “You’re a lot heavier than you look, Master Kenobi.”
Obi-Wan started to shift against Ahsoka, but she only said, “We’re almost to your quarters, though.”
A small sound of disbelief. “When…”
“Just a little while ago,” Ahsoka replied, keeping her voice nonchalant. “Duchess Kryze dropped you off.” She paused, giving her next words only a second of consideration before adding, “You were sleeping on her shoulder.”
Obi-Wan’s eyes fluttered open at that. “Was…”
“Oh, she didn’t seem to mind,” Ahsoka replied. She saw Obi-Wan’s door in the distance. She patted Obi-Wan’s arm twice in some reassurance as she added, “I think she was actually smiling. I think she’s nice.”
Obi-Wan only mumbled something that Ahsoka couldn’t quite make out—which was impressive, considering she was right under Obi-Wan’s mouth. “Anyways,” Ahsoka continued as they came closer to the door, “I’m glad that you got some sleep, Master. You looked exhausted.” She managed to break her hand away enough to wave open the door.
They ducked into Obi-Wan’s quarters—only it wasn’t empty.
“Is he okay?” Anakin asked, jumping up from the desk. “I got a call from Rex that—”
“He’s just tired,” Ahsoka said, disentangling Obi-Wan’s arm from her shoulder. Obi-Wan swayed a little, but then Anakin was at Obi-Wan’s other side, catching him by the shoulder. “Really tired. I don’t even think he’s actually awake right now.”
Anakin looked down at Obi-Wan, who only blinked wearily up at him.
Anakin smiled. “Well, look at that,” he said, and Obi-Wan sighed, resting his head against Anakin’s shoulder.
“I’ve got it from here, Snips,” Anakin said, looking at Ahsoka. “I’ll make sure he actually stays asleep.”
“Sounds good,” Ahsoka said, grinning. Then, whispering, she added, “Good night, Master Kenobi!”
And then she was gone, the door sliding shut behind her.
So Anakin settled both Obi-Wan and himself on the bed. Careful not to let Obi-Wan slide forward, Anakin slipped off Obi-Wan’s boots, unfastened the armor. All the while, Obi-Wan remained asleep, only mumbling only the occasional complaint.
Anakin only smiled to himself, setting the boots and the armor down on the ground. “Look at that,” he repeated. “You can sleep.”
“I can hear you,” Obi-Wan mumbled against Anakin’s shoulder.
Anakin settled an arm around Obi-Wan’s shoulder. “I was counting on it,” he said quietly. He gave Obi-Wan’s shoulder a quick squeeze, and then he slid away, guiding Obi-Wan’s head back to an actual pillow. He heard a sigh, and then Anakin brought the blankets over his former master, letting it settle right over Obi-Wan’s shoulders.
Obi-Wan’s eyes opened just a little, the deep grey-blue shining up at Anakin in the otherwise dim room. “I should finish the reports,” he only mumbled.
“Don’t even think about it,” Anakin said, settling down on the floor next to Obi-Wan’s bed. He rested his head back against the mattress. “Just go to sleep, Obi-Wan.”
Obi-Wan slept.
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ironmariposa · 3 years
(The things I did) Just so I could call you mine
Chapter 3/4
Also found on Ao3
Notes: A huge thank you to @writing-as-tracey for giving me key words to use for Heather & Rays project and for all their encouragement for this story!! Keeps my motivation going. If you haven’t yet you should definitely check out their ff!
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“The Senior baseball tournament.”
“Oh.” Heather laughs holding up her hands, “There’s no way you want me on the team.”
“Not a choice, Hill. Everyone has to play.”
Heather shakes her head, “Trust me, Ray, you do not want me.”
His eyes flash and she swallows because damn why does she keep slipping up like that. Making off the wall comments that have double meanings.
“I mean on the team. You don’t want me on the team. I’m horrible at organized sports.”
He leans towards her, “You can’t be that bad. Come on, it’ll be fun. Just. Go out to Andy’s and practice in the batting cages.”
Andy’s is the local putt putt place that is mostly a piece of shit but pretty much the only fun outing that’s close by. Her, Bishop, and Natalie spent most of their middle school years there. Playing putt-putt but for the one time. One time Natalie was crushing on a baseball player and forced the three of them to go to the batting cages. It was an absolute disaster.
“Lets just.” Heather sighs, “get back to work. I only have another hour before I have to pick up my sister.”
Ray drops his chair back to four legs and picks up the book she slides across the table to him. “Just think about it.”
She studies him as his eyes flicker through the book. They’ve had multiple meetings together at the library and sometimes at school. He’s given her rides home, teases with her sister and just recently started calling out to her in the hallways. The first few times she jumped, because in the past it meant he was about to mock her or Bishop.
He’s different and as the due date for their project approaches she finds herself almost sad. Because after they’re done she won’t have a reason to hang out with him. And she finds she actually likes hanging out with Ray Hall.
“Are you serious?” Heather stares at her friend, her best friend, in complete shock. The news she just dropped on them as they sat on the side of main street was shocking. To have known someone for so long and not see such a bombshell coming…. Heather was lost for words.
Bishop just shakes his head, “You know what, I'm not even that surprised.”
Heather looks at him then back at Nat, “Well I am. You’ve always said it’s a stupid game for idiots to play.”
“Nooo.” Nat says with a tilt of her head, “You've always said that. I just agreed.”
Bishop points his drink at Heather, “She’s got you there.”
“I mean…” Heather shakes her head and picks up her drink. Hearing that Natalie plans on playing the Senior game after two Seniors died last year playing it, is just terrifying. She never thought she would have to watch someone she cared about go through it. Although, the closer she grew to Ray, she knew in the back of her mind she would have to watch him. There was no way he wouldn’t play, especially since his brother won just a few years ago.
Nat nudges her with her arm, “You’re not mad, are you?”
“No. Not mad.” Heather meets her friend's dark brown eyes and cringes, “Just …worried.”
Nat laughs, “It’ll be fine.”
“Yeah. I’m sure that’s exactly what Jimmy and Abby thought too.” Bishop says with a bit of a bite to his voice. Both girls look at him with wide eyes and he makes a face, “Too dark?”
“Just a bit dude.”
They all laugh and if it’s a little strained, well, no one points it out.
Heather rushes into their established room in the library with an apology on her lips. “Sorry, my boss made me stay later because he wanted to get high with his girlfriend.” She slams herself in a chair and begins to unload her bag.
“Sounds like a douche.”
Heather grunts, “He one hundred percent is a douche.” She slams one book then another down on the table before pulling out her notebook and flipping it open, “But he pays me. Most of the time. So I have to put up with him.”
Ray closes the book he was reading and leans forward, “What do you mean he only pays you most of the time?”
Heather shrugs, “Doesn’t matter. So did you figure out which chapters we should focus on because I was thinking …” Heather stops her ramble as Ray's hands fall on top of her notebook, covering it completely.
“Heather, it’s illegal for them not to pay you.”
Heather sighs, “Well considering there’s absolutely nothing I can do about it.”
“You could quit.”
She laughs harshly at that, “You sound just like Nat and Bishop.” He makes a face at the comparison, “I can’t quit. I need the money. The portion my mom doesn’t take for living in her house, I’m saving for college.” She looks up at him with a desperation for him to understand because her friends never could. They both come from families that love and support them. Families that can afford to send them to college. Families that lift them up instead of dragging them down so deep, it feels like she will never be able to dig herself out no matter how hard she tries
But if anyone could get it, it would be him, “I have to get out of this town.” She says in a quiet voice and there it is. His eyes say it all, complete understanding.
She feels relieved at having someone understand her so completely. She feels like she can actually breath.
He nods after a moment and pulls his arms back, “I was thinking chapters ten and eleven and then the last few chapters.”
Heather nods as she flips through her notebook to those chapters.
“Hey.” Ray steps up to her locker and she glances quickly at him before focusing back on the contents of her locker. She can still see him out of her peripheral as he leans up against her locker door, grinning, “We’re taking the boat out tomorrow afternoon, want to come?”
Heather nudges him with her arm and grabs her locker door to shut it, “Did you finish your character analysis and also who’s we, because I have no interest hanging out with a drug dealer and a pediphile.” She starts to walk to class and he follows. Moving around her to walk backwards so he can face her. And it works for him because no one wants to be the one he trips over so everyone makes a path for them.
Ray chuckles, “I did finish it.” He waves the paper at her and she takes it, her eyes skimming over his handwriting, “And Adam’s not a pediphile.”
“Did he not date that freshman for a few months?” She asks as she tucks the paper in her notebook.
“Well sure but he was still seventeen at the time.”
Heather shakes her head at him silently. He laughs, his dimple flashing and her eyes once again lingering there. He notices. Of course he does, his eyes say it all.
“It’s not just them. Sarah will be there and probably Ruby Anne.” Ray stops causing her to stop or run into his chest. And she kind of wants that. At school he manages to keep his shirts buttoned but any other time she sees him or spends time with him, he usually has his bare chest on full display. And she’s been getting the urge to touch it more and more.
“Come on. It’ll be fun.” He urges.
“Okay.” She finally agrees. Ray shouts loudly and steps around her to head off to his class. He continues celebrating loudly as he leaves her and she shakes her head in embarrassment. Glancing around she finds no one is paying them much attention besides a curious look or two. Thankfully neither of her friends have class down this hallway.
She actually has that Saturday off but she tells her mom she’s working. She can’t use that excuse on her friends because they’ll expect her to meet them on her break so she tells them she has to watch Lily and work on homework. They don’t question her because it happens often enough. She feels bad for lying to them. They both mean well but they’ve been making little comments here and there about how much time she’s been spending with Ray.
She approaches the dock with trepidation. She can see Adam and Sarah already on the boat. Ray is messing with a fishing pole off to the side. He looks good in low riding swimming trunks and a sleeveless button up. Of course it’s unbuttoned. Adam gives a soft whistle and nods to her when Ray glances at him. Ray turns to her, the smile on his face wide and genuine. He pushes his sunglasses on top of his head and her heart pounds at the look on his face.
“You came.” And he sounds genuinely surprised.
“I said I would.” She smiles back at him and they stand there for a long moment.
Tyler pushes past them, “Let's go bitches.”
Ruby Anne follows behind him and smiles apologetically at Heather. Her eyes find Rays again and he nods his head to the boat.
They’re last on the boat after Ray unties it from the dock and other than the captain's chair there’s nowhere for Heather to sit. Ray fixes that by pulling her onto his leg once he sits to drive the boat. She looks over his shoulder at him.
“Is this really necessary?”
He winks at her, keeping his eyes on the water but for that small glance, “Unless you prefer the floor?”
Heather glances over her shoulder. Sarah smiles at her as she lounges back in her seat, a can of beer already open in her hand. Tyler and Adam are passing a joint back and forth. Ruby Anne is sunbathing in her seat.
They're going pretty fast and as Ray turns the boat around a corner she falls more into his lap. She tries to move back to just perching on his knee but he maneuvers his arms around her waist to steer. After a moment of hesitation, Heather relaxes against his bare chest, her head resting just below his chin. He nudges her slightly with his nose and she glances up at him.
“Are you smelling me?”
He laughs out loud and she smiles at how much it thrills her to make him laugh. He presses his nose against her hair again and takes an exaggerated deep breath.
“Smells like peppermint.”
She doesn’t respond. Just enjoys being in his arms, letting herself relax for once where it concerns Ray. No one here is going to tell her it’s wrong or how horrible he is. Or how stupid she’s being. She can just enjoy the moment.
And she does. It takes them another twenty minutes before they get to where they’re going. Ray tells her it’s his favorite fishing spot. The others jump out and make their way to a floating dock where they continue their activities of sunbathing, smoking and drinking. Ray waves them off when they ask if they’re coming.
They spend the entire day out there on the water, not returning until twilight. Heather knows she’ll be red from playing in the water with Ray, to sunbathing on the dock with Sarah and Ruby Anne. She even had a semi deep conversation with Tyler about how honeybees play an important part in their ecosystem and how without them we wouldn’t have coffee or avocados or even medications. Heather's mind is blown with how much knowledge Tyler seems to have on this one subject but Ruby Anne informs her that when he’s high, Tyler likes to watch nature documentaries. They all laugh so hard at him, he storms off a huff.
Ray walks her to her car. The others already went on their way as she helped him unload the boat.
“Thanks for…” she turns and is left speechless as he his eyes meet hers. It’s dark out, hard to see much but his eyes are filled with want. For her. He takes one step, then another, crowding her smaller body back against the truck. And she thinks this is it. This is when he’s going to kiss her. And she was going to let him.
She whispers his name as her legs fall open, giving him room to press against her. She feels the hardness of him all over. He brings his hands up but instead of touching her like she expects. Like she wants, he brackets her head between them as he presses them against his truck. His head tilts down and she lets out a long breath as he drags his nose up her neck and to her ear. His breath is hot as he whispers in her ear, “You’re so far from cute, Heather Nill. I could absolutely devour you with how fuckin sexy you’ve looked all day. I’ve been hard since the moment you appeared on my dock.” And he proves this by grinding himself in the warm space between her legs. Heather's head falls back against the truck with a groan. She curls her hands with want. She wants to fill them with him. To touch him all over, starting with a handful of his hair and ending with a handful of his ….
Ray's nose is back to dragging over her neck and he nips at her pulse causing her to jump. She reaches for him, her hands spreading over his bare back as she pulls him in. He lifts his head, his lips a breath from hers.
Her phone goes off and it’s obnoxious enough that it pulls them both out of their lust haze. Ray pulls his body away from her as she reaches in her pocket to pull it out. It’s her neighbor and she knows she has to answer. It’s never good when she calls.
Glancing at Ray she flashes her phone at him, “I have to…” he just nods and she steps away from him as she presses the accept button.
As she suspected, Bo and her mom are at it again and Lily needs her. She quickly explains to Ray who accepts it with more understanding than she expects. Her friends aren’t usually so understanding but then again they have perfect families that never have drama. Ray on the other hand…
Ray sends her off with a tuck of hair behind her ear and a soft smile she’s never seen him give another. Her thoughts are on getting to her sister but her body is still aflame with desire as she speeds to the trailer park. And after she gets Lily settled in bed, the house now quiet with Bo gone and her mom passed out, Heather lies in her bed thinking of that moment out by his truck and how she knows without a doubt she would have let Ray take her to his bed if they hadn’t been interrupted. And she wonders if that’s a good thing or not.
Heather is waiting for Bishop to finish switching books in his backpack at his locker when Natalie runs up to them and grabs Heather's arm, squeezing tightly.
“Ow Nat.” Heather attempts to pull her arm from her friend's grip but the taller girl refuses to let go.
“You went on a date with Ray Hall?” Natalie practically shouts.
Heather shushes her as she glances around. Bishop looks up from his backpack, frozen. They stare at one another for a long moment before he says one word through gritted teeth, “Well?”
Bishop slams the door to his locker so loudly, if people weren’t looking at them before, they sure were now. Natalie seems to notice this as well and pulls them into a dark empty classroom, closing the door behind them.
“Ruby Anne is going around saying you and Ray hooked up this weekend.”
“We didn’t hook up.”
“That you spent the day with them out on his boat. But that couldn’t be true, right? Because you told us,” Natalie points between her and Bishop, “That you couldn’t hang out because you were watching your sister all day.”
Heather presses the heels of her hands to her eyes and then runs them through her hair, “Okay. I lied.”
“You lied?” Bishop says.
Heather avoids meeting his eyes, instead choosing to look over his shoulder into the dark corner of the classroom, “Look, I just didn’t want you guys to give me shit about hanging out with Ray.”
“We don’t give you shit.” Natalie tries to protest.
“You actually do. Even when it’s just to work on the project, you give me shit. I’m so..” Heather takes a deep breath and lets it out, “I’m so sick of feeling guilty for wanting to spend time with someone.”
“Not just someone.” Bishop says through clenched teeth, “But Ray Hall.”
Heather tilts her head back as she breathes in deeply through her nose. Here it is.
“Ray Fucking Hall.”
“Okay, Bishop. I get it. You hate him.” She runs her hands through her hair again but says the next words without hesitation, “But I don’t.”
Bishop blanches at her words and she looks at Natalie who wrinkles her nose at her.
“Heather, you know what he is. You know.” Bishop says with so much heat. Heather just stares down at her feet as Bishop continues his rant. She knows he’s been building this up ever since she was partnered with Ray. She thinks maybe if she lets him have his say then he’ll just back off. Because between him and Ray and everyone else she feels so confused. “All he is and all he’ll ever be is a Meth Row idiot, heading down the same path as his father and brother. You have to see that. You have to know that after all these years.”
“Okay Bishop, that’s enough.” Natalie finally steps in. His eyes flash to her then back to Heather. Without another word he turns on his heel and storms away.
“He’s an idiot.” Natalie says.
“He is.” She agrees.
Natalie wraps her arm around Heather and guides her back out of the classroom, “But you know it’s because he’s in love with you.”
Heather tilts her head back with a groan, “He is not in love with me, Nat.”
Natalie just gives her a look. The look, “If you say so girl.”
After the confrontation, Heather keeps to herself. She doesn’t see either of her friends the rest of the day. She attempts to smile at Ray in class but he just turns in his seat to talk to Adam. She’s too distracted to think anything of it and slides into her seat silently. It’s the week before Spring Break which means their presentations are all week. Their day to present is on Thursday and so Heather sits through the week watching the other presentations. Bishop isn’t talking to her at all and Nat is being distant. She spends her days after school working and keeping Lily away from their trailer as much as possible. The fallouts between her mom and Bo usually last longer than a day or two and it’s always safer to keep their distance.
But then Thursday comes and Ray is nowhere to be seen. She sits in class as the bell rings and picks at her nails. Mrs. Plaza calls her up to the front, “It looks like your partner isn’t going to show. Are you comfortable doing the presentation on your own?”
“I am. But he’ll show.”
Mrs. Plaza looks at her with sympathy, “I’ll put you and Ray last on the list.” She reaches out a hand and places it on Heathers, a comforting touch, “But, Honey, I wouldn’t count on him showing up.”
Heather smiles, “He’ll be here.” And though she sounds confident, with each minute that ticks by, her confidence falters.
Finally, there’s no time left and it’s their turn to present.
He doesn’t show.
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tricked-out · 3 years
HEYAHHH I HAVE A QUESTION!! You know chapter 37? Yeah. What if, after Jack said all his “go back to the manor, *now*” and “I wasn’t asking” Ivy just said, face cold, “no.” I get shivers. What would Jack do?!!?😱
Anon, you may have forgotten you even submitted this, but this was the prompt that solidified my putting the Anthology together! [Read on FF HERE] And as an answer to your question, let’s go to... 
February 16th
Outside Town Hall
Just After a Fight
"Go back to the Manor, now."
Ivy's hands were still curled into fists. "But Jack-"
"I wasn't asking."
For a moment Jack thought she'd obey - her face fell and her fists temporarily uncurled, her stance dropping it's defensive stature. But just as quickly she seemed to steel herself and stare stubbornly at him in a way that made his bones ache.
"No," she snapped, fingers flexing. "I'm not going to just - just - leave and let you do this?"
"Do what? Clean up your mess?" Jack felt a new ache building up in the back of his neck, a weariness anticipating the storm ahead. "Because that's what you've done - you've thrown everything out of order!"
"What was I supposed to do?" She cried.
Jack's jaw made a grinding noise as he gritted out, "not attack the poor girl just because she said something you didn't want to hear!"
Ivy sputtered, cheeks flushing. Jack could hear the Council moving around back inside the Hall, the soft swooshes of Vlad's coat as he took control adding a sense of urgency. He turned his attention back to the human before him, who still had blood welling in the scratches on her face and whose eyes were dark and dangerous in a way that made his insides curl.
"I can't waste any more time with this right now," he said, his voice low. "For the last time, go back to the Manor, or -"
"Or what?" Ivy challenged, drawing herself up as though Jack were her next target. His hackles raised at the implied threat, even though he knew it was more likely she'd hurt herself further. "What, Jack? Are you going to, to, to scold me? Ground me even more?" She let out a bitter laugh, gesturing around with a flourish dripping with sarcasm. "What can you do that you haven't already done?"
"I promise, you don't want to find out," he all but growled. "Listen to me -"
"Listen to me!" Ivy cried, stepping forward as though to seize Jack's forearms. He backed away, letting her fingers graze the open air. The motion seemed to stall her, but unfortunately, it didn't silence her all together. "Jack, I - you gotta trust me, this is a bad idea. I know she, she said I l-lied, but I'm not now, I swear! You use to listen to -"
"Why would I listen," Jack hissed, "to someone who's just embarrassed herself and me by acting like some wild animal in front of everyone? Like some out of control human?"
"Because I am one! I'm know, I know I'm not a Monster, but that doesn't -"
"This discussion is over." His hand cut through the air, a gesture that left a faint whistle. "Now you listen to me -"
"No!" She nearly screamed, hands digging into her hair. "Stop - stop ordering me around!" Her heartbeat was getting louder and louder, and the tension that had made itself known from the moment she'd thrown her first seemed to snap. "You're always telling me what to do like you're in charge of me but you're not! You keep - all these rules and and and little expectations like I'm -" her hands shook, Jack's fists were clenched, but they dropped instantly when she delivered her final blow. "You're not even my real dad, so stop acting like it!"
The constant bustle of Halloween Town seemed to die down - no distant footsteps, or vibrations beneath their feet, no Wind gently weaving between the occupants of the streets. There was only the quiet sound of Jack's finger bones grinding together in the now-trembling fists, and the harsh raggedness of Ivy's breath.
Jack stood, tall and unmoving, fighting to keep a calm façade even as a hot pain dug its way down his ribs, every bone aching and clenching with a mixture of rage and hurt. His jawbone had never been tighter, and he could feel his aura responding to the emotions within him, a black storm thrashing inside a glass bottle.
Ivy stood oblivious, though she seemed to have run out of steam. The weight of her injuries seemed to hit as she lifted one hand to her head, her face going pale despite the blood streaked on it. "Jack, I didn't -"
Jack waited, mildly curious despite the other emotions causing his form to creak. He watched her struggle with the words, the clear battle between her regret and… pride? Jack couldn't tell, and didn't particularly care to find out. He gave her one moment more, hoping desperately, but instead she fell silent altogether, head turning away from him.
Somehow, the hurt within him increased.
He forced his jaw open, flexing his fingers behind his back in readiness. "Then I won't order you as that, or a friend. But as long as you are in my Town, you'll listen." He paused, waiting for a rebuttal, but none came. Then, before he could trap it behind his teeth: "I am very disappointed with you, Ivy. I expected better."
His senses picked up the smell of copper and saltwater, and Ivy finally broke, moving towards him once more, a desperation he had never seen before in her eyes. "Jack, please -"
He didn't know what would happen if she finished her sentence - if she'd try to mend what she'd ripped, or simply dig the knife in deeper. Every part of him was on fire, a strange pressure building behind his eyes and temple, and a new sensation of fear that whatever she said would somehow, impossibly, make things worse.
So he acted first.
With one deliberate, swift motion that her human reflexes were too weak to pick up, Jack reached forward with one aura-filled hand and shut his sockets. He heard her sentence cut off in what might be a shout of surprise, the momentary disappearance of light from behind his sockets, the rush of air as it filled the space where the human had stood.
Slowly, weakly, he lowered his hand and opened his sockets once more, pulling his aura back in, sealing himself away once more. The dirt she'd been standing on had been disturbed, flecks of earth wafting down in a spiral, but the air itself was blissfully (painfully) empty. He rarely had cause to banish, these days, and didn't relish the strain on his already fragile nerves. No doubt Ivy would be cursing him from the Manor now, and he briefly wished he had the ability to lock the doors, but no matter.
He'd go back in, tired and heartbroken, and push the fear of what would happen next down. He'd deal with the Council and their … guest, he'd put on the same smile he'd donned for centuries and try not to think of how the title he'd unconsciously adopted had been ripped away before him. No, don't think about it, you fool, don't remember the terrible hope, the words he'd nearly said half a dozen times, the reassurance of having another being to care for that didn't see him as their King.
He pushed it down as hard as he pushed the door to the Town Hall open, well aware that the sickly smell of his magic still hung about him. No matter. He'd have time to rest, to think, to reconsider before facing his… before facing her again.
After all, it wasn't as if the day could get any worse.
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astharoshebarvon · 3 years
I never expected to see that horseshit even in Hannibal/Will pairing. I’d really thought they were exempt from that bullshit.
All I can say is that the thirst for the dominant male/ homophobia is unreal. Female Will Graham—
At this point I don’t even know whether to get angry or simply laugh at such stories. This is beyond ridiculous! Imagine being idiotic enough to even write they aren’t murder husbands, and being weird enough to put in the story, its murder husband and wife.
Please. There has never been a wife nor will there ever be. Dream on.
Thankfully, the cringeworthy self insert fics are still in double digits.
Just say you want to fuck the Dom and can’t stand that two guys love each other and are in a relationship. Literally no one wants to read about your fantasy. Go and write self-insert/OFC with the male and be happy with that. Don’t be this pathetic and try to write your fantasy in the slash ship. Keep your straight agenda to your lame het self-insert ships.
No wonder this bull even bled out to shoujo manga. That is a new low even for a shoujo. Seriously, just say you hate gay people and get out. Having the fucking audacity to write that kind of homophobic content in 2020 is shocking.
There is really no need to be that disgusting. Just write your idiotic, stupid, annoying, brainless, obsessed, creepy fangirl with the male lead and leave gay people lout of it. No need to show again and again how foul you are by bringing them in. You are literally proving what kind of a person you are by writing such crap.
I am just so disgusted by that manga that I don’t even want to remember it if I can help it. Is that how fm couples are being made these days, by being blatantly homophobic and vile/showing het superiority or downright pedophilic content. No wonder those stories never reach more than 50? 60? Ratings on amazon.
Now, if you look at Ten Count, Given, well, there ratings are in 1000 or above 500.
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Please, continue being so gross, at one point only garbage people will end up buying that crap.
Mediocre shoujo writers are so fucking threatened by the popularity of BL that they are even resorting to such vile tricks.
Seeing such things just cements what I’ve always thought. People just got better at hiding their homophobia, (we needed change so we turned a boy into a girl in slash fics of the coulple ) it’s painfully obvious what you truly think when you spit out such bullshit. No need to jump through so many goddamn hoops. Hell, I am not even surprised by this behaviour.
 These are the same kind of garbage people who screamed, Yuki should return to being a girl, we don’t like male Yuki.
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Shut the fuck up! Luka is literally saying they have the same soul, he can only love once. Yuki is Yuki. So called female yuki was mentioned in passing at best, got two? three ? full pages.
Luka won’t fuck you no matter how much you wish it.
The story doesn’t even have a kiss scene between the fem yuki and luka or any hets while Senshirou breaks off his engagement saying quite clearly he cares for Kuroto. The girl is thankfully not a trash person like the homophobic readers. Neither is she like the one with sairi and touko.
The whole manga revolves around present male Yuki and Luka, their relationship and other bl ships. See the fucking artworks, go and buy Phosphor, its pure BL. There is a limit to how blind or in denial a person can be. 
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This manga and anime is shonen-ai, it’s always been that and will always be that. All the main couples are slash. The mangaka is famous for her BL stories.
Uraboku was published in Asuka, the magazine which is infamous for never outright saying the two males are in love and are together.
Bloody Mary, X/1999, Kyou Kara Maou are prime examples, they are all shonen ai/BL subtext. Stop trying so hard to deny the fucking truth. The author’s new work, a shoujo, was so poorly received that’s it’s not even funny. Beautiful art couldn’t save it.
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Clamp literally said do not call Kamui and Fuuma as brothers. They aren’t friends. They are soulmates! They parallel Seishirou and Subaru, an established, famous MM couple. Fuuma is all Kamui thinks about.
They don’t even mention the obsessed, creepy fangirl.
They are together in Tsubasa too. Stop trying to force your heteronormative bullshit onto everyone.
 No wonder some homophobic / thirsty person had the audacity to write in the fucking wikia of that light novel, this character is not gay you know. It’s implied he might be—
He is literally saying he is gay in the story, he tells it straight to the other party. He’s been gay all these years.
And, you are still trying to push your het agenda.
I totally get where that nonsense came from. He is a very very good looking man.  You want a chance to fuck him and think this is the best way to make yourself feel good. Go and get help if you are that fucking sad of a person. This isn’t normal behaviour, it’s creepy.
You gotta be some other level of stupid if you think they are friends/brothers. Friends/siblings don’t do this with each other.
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Some idiots even denied Kurogane/Fai being a subtle couple in Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle. You have to be blind as a bat if you truly sat there and thought they weren’t a thing.
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Even these two from get backers.
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Hell, I think Get Backers author even said yes, those two guys are together. Like, please readers, take your homophobia and get out.
I have to give it to Atsuko Nakajima for drawing such beautiful illustrations. All of her works, whether they be MM, FM, FF are simply too beautiful.
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  Stay mad that your imagined het only exists in your head not in actual story. Go read trash like that shoujo or see het pedo shows which thinks 500 year old is attracted to a little 7 year old. You’ll find many trash homophobic people like you there.
Even on manga sites you see idiotic lists like, erotica Not BL, smut with anything but bl, quality smut not BL.
Seriously, how fucking pressed are you that people don’t seem to give two fucks about your fm ships, these fm smut mangas have way less views than BL.
Be decent and write mf smut list, shoujo josei smut or something of the like. You have to mention bl somehow don’t you? This isn’t even pathetic, it’s downright gross. 
No wonder some foolish homophobic trash wrote lies like omegaverse does not belong to slash. You have to be completely shameless and downright stupid to write such horseshit.
Of course, some freaks even like that horrendous, homophobic, monstrous bitch from ten count. To this day I don’t understand how anyone can say such things.
She looked good standing next to kurose. She is good looking.
I just cant—
What a joke! She is human garbage nothing more and ugly as hell.
Ugh, the only place she should be in is a fucking sewer. I hate that bitch so much. She deserves to die a million times for what she did. Her existence is a fucking disgrace.
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novaursa · 11 days
Can I have a fem! Velaryon/Strong x Harwin (platonic)
Where the rumor about her father are getting out of control. Alicent tried to exposed to the king the truth about her bloodline, and for that she tried to betrothed her to a Strong (maybe her cousin or uncle) and Harwin step in and says no to nyra, that he doesn’t want his only daughter to marry a member of her family, he want her to be happy
The Weight of Truth
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Requests are closed!
- Summary: When Alicent wants you to be betrothed to one of your father’s cousins, Harwin steps in.
- Paring: daughter!reader/ (father) Harwin Strong (platonic)
- Note: The reader is another bastard of Harwin Strong, and only daughter of Rhaenyra.
- Rating: Mature 16+ (just to be safe)
- Tag(s): @sachaa-ff @alyssa-dayne
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The air in the Red Keep felt heavier than usual. A storm brewed, not in the sky, but in the corridors of the castle itself. The tension that had been simmering for years was now threatening to boil over, and Harwin Strong could feel it in every fiber of his being. His steps echoed through the hall as he made his way toward the chambers where Rhaenyra waited, her summons terse and urgent. Harwin was no stranger to conflict, to whispers and veiled threats, but this—this was different. This involved blood. His blood. Her blood. Their daughter.
The door to her chambers creaked open, and he stepped inside. Rhaenyra stood by the window, her hands clenched at her sides, the flickering light of the setting sun casting long shadows across her face. She did not turn to greet him. Harwin shut the door behind him, his presence filling the room like the weight of an iron chain.
"They're coming for her," Rhaenyra's voice was tight, low, but laced with fury. She didn’t need to explain. Harwin knew exactly who she meant—Alicent and her venomous words, her sly manipulations. The Queen had grown bolder, emboldened by her paranoia and her children’s ambitions. Now, her sights were set on exposing the truth about Rhaenyra’s children, particularly the girl that the realm believed to be Laenor Velaryon’s daughter.
Harwin clenched his jaw, his fists curling into tight knots at his sides. He had heard the whispers—he always did. His daughter, their daughter, was in danger of being used as a pawn in a game of power and legacy. And now, Alicent had convinced King Viserys to betroth Y/N to one of his cousins. A match that would secure their bloodline but would lock her into a life dictated by others. A life where she would never truly belong.
"She will not marry into my family," Harwin said, his voice rough but determined. Rhaenyra finally turned to face him, her eyes narrowing, not in anger but in understanding. She had expected him to say this, had known he would never allow such a thing to happen.
"And what would you have me do?" Rhaenyra’s tone was sharp, though beneath it was a weariness that only Harwin could recognize. "This is exactly what Alicent wanted—to force our hand, to make us react in a way that would only serve her goals."
Harwin moved closer, his gaze never leaving hers. "I don’t care what Alicent wants. I care about her—about our daughter’s future." His words were hard, but there was an edge of desperation to them. "She deserves more than this—more than being bound to a family that will never truly accept her. You and I both know what they’ll say, what they’ll think. I will not let her be another pawn in this game."
Rhaenyra sighed, her shoulders sagging slightly under the weight of his words. She paced across the room, her silks rustling softly against the stone floor. "And what would you have me do, Harwin? Deny the King? Refuse the betrothal outright?" Her voice softened, her gaze flickering with uncertainty. "Viserys believes this is for her benefit, to secure her future."
"Her future," Harwin repeated, his voice low, as if the words themselves were bitter in his mouth. "Her future will be miserable if we go through with this. They will see her as nothing more than a bastard with a Velaryon name, and they will never stop reminding her of it."
Silence stretched between them, tense and suffocating. Rhaenyra turned to the window once more, her eyes scanning the horizon as if searching for answers beyond the stone walls of the Keep. Harwin watched her, waiting, his heart pounding in his chest. He had never doubted Rhaenyra’s strength before, but this—this was different. This was their child, the one tethered to both of them by blood and secrets.
Finally, Rhaenyra spoke, her voice barely above a whisper. "This is how Alicent will destroy us, you know. Not by war or rebellion, but by sowing seeds of doubt and discord. By turning Viserys against us, little by little."
Harwin frowned, his brow furrowing in frustration. "Let her play her games. I’ll not stand by and watch my daughter’s life be shaped by that woman’s scheming." He took a deep breath, forcing himself to steady his voice. "I don’t care what Alicent thinks, or what Viserys believes. I care about Y/N, about her happiness. And I will not let them strip her of that for their own purposes."
Rhaenyra turned to face him again, her expression unreadable for a moment. Then, slowly, she nodded. "You’re right. She deserves better than this." Her voice was firmer now, a decision settling within her. "We will find another way."
Harwin’s shoulders relaxed slightly, though his resolve remained as hard as iron. "I’ll protect her, Rhaenyra. No matter what it takes. I’ll make sure she’s safe."
"I know," Rhaenyra said softly, stepping closer to him. "I know you will."
For a moment, the tension between them ebbed, replaced by a shared understanding, a quiet bond forged not by words but by the love they had for their daughter. Harwin met her gaze, the unspoken promise hanging in the air between them.
No matter what Alicent or the court plotted, they would not allow Y/N to be a casualty in their endless struggle for power.
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masseffecthoe · 4 years
Forbidden starfruit
Wanted to write a little one shot, plotless porn... so here’s part 1/5 :)) Some plot wiggled itself in, oops. I just wanted the reader not to be a goody two shoes, couldn’t find any fanfics, so I wrote one. Classic story.  Y/N is not evil, but definitely on the morally grey, leaning dark side. Seduction to the grey side if you will.
Spam me any ‘seduction to the dark side’ stories with OC/reader tho, Poe, Kylo, anyone. I crave MORE!
Summary: Poe meets a stranger in a bar. They bang.
Warning: uum the no pants dance. sucking the oyster.
EDIT: AHAHAHA OMG the paragraphs didn’t paste in order!!! FFS... fixed it now >.<
Probably ooc, probably some wrong tech/lore. Wrote for fun.
I like mood boards.
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The bar was packed, the music loud and energizing. People were either chatting on the margins, tables full of drinks, or enjoying themselves on the dance floor. Poe checked the time again, remembering to keep his expression relaxed. The informant was almost four hours late, something must have went wrong. Or he'd changed his mind, or perhaps he never existed. It was not everyday that they received intel about the First Order from a supposed deserter - the possibilities were endless and the factors unprecedented.
Everyone thought it might be a trap, but the chances for it were dwindling by the minute. Surely if this was some kind of ploy something would have already happened by then. He took another short sip of his drink - his second cup of ardees already - trying to stall for as long as possible. His eyes wandered over the crowd again, a small smile forming on Poe's lips. It was nice to see them having fun, aliens and humans alike, no worries of the oppressions of the First Order. Or the constant pressure for duty in the Resistance. He felt like he could be a part of that, in a simple pair of trousers and a white T-shirt he could pass as one of the party goers and pretend, for just a selfish moment, that he was carefree.
A flash of red caught his attention and he turned his head, dismissing the previous heavy thoughts. The source of the vibrant color was enticing, the silky fabric of her crimson dress hugging all the right curves as the woman made her way to the opposite side of the bar. Skin glistened in the brighter lights from behind the bar. Two drinks were placed before her and he noticed she was accompanied by another woman, the pair clinking the glasses and gingerly sipping on the neon colored liquid.
Her friend whispered something in her ear and she turned towards him, piercing eyes meeting his for a split second, landing straight on him as if guided by some unknown force. It lasted but a moment, the two women giggling between them the next.
"Something caught your eye, Black Leader?" Poe let out a small sigh and shook his head ever so lightly. He was not supposed to answer and in fact, they were not supposed to use the channel at all, except for an emergency if the whole operation had turned out to be a trap. Chatting about a stranger in a bar did not sound like an emergency. Still, a silly smile played on his lips. How long had it been since he'd done something so... mundane, like going out drinking and meeting a woman who was not also his colleague in the resistance. "Heads up, she's coming your way."
Poe panicked for a moment. He was on a mission! Even if the chances of the informant coming were close to none and at that point and they were about to call it a day, he was still on duty. For about another 15 minutes maybe. The woman could spook the mole, or worse, get caught in some twisted First Order plot that made him waste time and credits in a bar on some nondescript outer planet... Ok, there was probably no evil plot and a beautiful woman was drawing closer.
"Hi. Mind if I sit?" She gestured to the stool beside him. Her voice was smooth and pleasant and she seemed to strain a bit to be heard over the noise. She was pretty, but there was something more to it, something in the way she stood tall and proud, those sharp eyes, playful and wise at the same time.
"I'd be a fool to refuse." Her smile widened and she sat gracefully on the cushion, his eyes immediately drawn to her backside. He snapped them back to her face, but the all-knowing smirk on her plush lips told him he did not go unnoticed.
"I'm Y/N." He reached to shake the outstretched hand, her skin soft against him, but she had a good grip, not as delicate as he'd imagined. His name passed his lips before he could think of an alias, or a reason to use one.
"Poe." He could almost hear Temmin's scoff on the other end of the comms, even if they hadn't been turned them on.
"Nice to meet you, Poe." She almost purred his name and he had to remind himself that they were on a Resistance mission. Focus! "Now tell me, who had the audacity to stand up a guy like you?" He raised an eyebrow, but before he could ask she continued. "I saw you coming in a while ago. Was mustering my courage to come over, but you looked like you were waiting for someone. Didn't want to cause any trouble." Somehow he doubted the last part. He couldn't place the mischievous little glint in her eyes.
"Not used to being the one to make the first move?"
"On the contrary. I've learned in life you have to seize what you desire." Her eyes traveled slowly across him, right hand playing with the rim of her glass.
 "You risk someone else stealing it from right before your eyes. Like I'm doing right now, I suppose. Your date missed the chance, and here you are with me instead."
"Turned out in my favor I'd say." He let his own gaze wander, from the soft features o her face, down the curve of the neck and all the down her low cut of her dress, the valley between her breasts exposed to him.
"We shall see. We've barely met after all, but the night is young." It really wasn't that early anymore, midnight was just hours away. "Tell me about yourself, Poe."
"What would you like to know?"
"Are you a local? You don't look like it, though." There was that look in her eyes again, playful but observant, not letting anything escape her.
"I'm not, I'm from Yavin."
"Long way from home." He shrugged, sipping his drink to give himself time to find an excuse. He'd already given his real name, probably shouldn't follow with 'Resistance pilot' right after. 
"I'm a freighter pilot."
"Ah, hauling goods across the galaxy. You must have seen so many place!" He was not expecting her to be so enthusiastic about it, but he welcomed the attention. For once someone was interested in just him, not the star pilot of the Resistance.
"You wouldn't believe half of them." She scooted over, or maybe he just thought she did, wished it so, but she felt closer nonetheless, lashes fluttering as she fixed him again with her eyes. Her voice was low, like they were sharing a secret, despite the music still blasting around them in the bar.
"Well, what it the strangest place you've seen?" He tried to quickly excluded some of the more famous ex-Empire location and obviously Resistance related ones, but truth was he'd only ever traveled for his work. It was fighting the First Order here and looking thought jedi sites there, endlessly searching for a trace of the Luke Skywalker, one day after the next, it was always related to the conflict between light and dark.
"Probably Telos. The sheer determination to build up a chunk of a planet just to keep it together... it was an impressive sight, motivating." She hummed nodding her head.
"I've always wanted to travel and see everything. So many different ecosystems, cultures, creatures... I get a little sad when I think I'm never going to be able to discover them all."
"You travel a lot then?"
"When the job allows me." She paused and bit her lower lip, drawing Poe's eyes like a magnet. "I'm a glorified errand girl, but I get away with some little excursions." She leaned a little closer still, he could see a faint scar right below her eyebrow, easily missed with a trick of the light. He could feel the genuine excitement in her voice. "I strayed a bit off course once to this planet in the Belderon sector, Lola Sayu. Don't think 've seen anything quite like it... half of it is missing, blown up ages ago, but the atmosphere formed around the missing part, encapsulating it. It made this giant ball, yellow and purple mashed together.
"The Belderon sector? What were doing all the way there?"
"Ok, ok, I strayed a lot off course, like a week maybe, but I just had too see it."
"Seize what you desire..."
"Exactly! We only have one life and we never know when it might end. I plan to make the most of it." Poe stared at the woman for a long moment. She was bright and smart and oh, so beautiful - it was more intoxication than his long forgotten drink. A mouthful of fresh water after days in the desert, her view of the world, simple but joyful, gave him a surge or energy, of hope. Temmin's voce in his ear was low, but the words were exactly what Poe needed to hear.
"You deserve a break, Poe. Our contact ain't coming and we are to leave only in the morning. See you at the ship tomorrow. Black Two, out."
He wasn't sure who leaned in first, but one moment her hand was on his thigh and the next his own hands were cradling her closer, pulling her off her stool and onto his lap. His senses were assaulted all at once, the loud music, the sweet taste of her mouth and the flowery perfume he hadn't notice before. Her lips were soft but the kiss was relentless, both devouring one another, her body pressed so close to his.
She smiled, a little curve of her lips that stirred things in him, that promised passion and a reckless abandonment, and took his hand to pull him along. He craved for more, more kisses, more skin, so he followed without a second thought. She skipped across the street and they hastily made their way to her room on the first floor, stealing kisses in the doorway and on the stairs.
He pressed her against the door as she was locking it, her ass pushing back deliciously. His mouth fell on her shoulder, hands going up her sides, slightly pulling on the fabric of the dress, making her body shiver in anticipation. The damn thing had to come off. Her arms lifted as if thinking the same, so he backed up and pulled the dress over her head with ease. His fingers traced the expanse of her back and hooked on her lace thong pulling it slightly. With a small gasp she turned, eyes dark with lust, only in heels and the flimsy little piece of red lace. Poe couldn't remember a time he had been more turned on.
He kneeled and lifted her leg over his shoulder with little warning. She gasped as his fingers traced the lace, already seeping wet and ready. The thong was pulled aside and his mouth was on her, sucking and biting eagerly, his tongue circling her bud, lapping at her flowing juices. She moaned loudly, her fingers twisting in his hair.
"Not fair..." She panted from above, but her hips bucked towards him. He smirked and pushes a finger inside her, then a second, lifting his head to look at her. She was gorgeous, ragged breaths and knees trembling as he pumped his fingers vigorously, thumb stroking her clit. The obscene sound of her moans and dripping pussy filled the small room, tantalizing. He got up, mouth clasping over a nipple and she arched her back pressing to him, head rolling back against the door as the walls clamped over his digits. Poe backed up barely an inch to look her in the eyes as he brought his fingers to his mouth, needing to taste her one more time. She let out a straggled breath, half sigh half moan and roughly pulled on his T-shirt. "Clothes off. Now."
"Yes ma'am." He was happy to oblige, his dick straining in his boxers, already damp with precum. His clothes flew off unceremoniously, their hands bumping as they both pulled on the fabric, rushed to unzip his pants and pull down his boxers. Hand on his chest, she backtracked him until his legs hit the bed then pushed him on it. Her hands traced up his legs, crawling in between them, eyes never leaving her prize as she laid kisses up his thighs, nails scraping at his skin, closer to where he needed her the most. He took hold of her upper arms and spun them around so she was caged beneath him.
"Not fair." She breathed out a moan as his dick rubbed against her folds. He wanted her, needed her like air.
"Next time."
"Deal." He pushed inside her in one swift move, rougher than he intended, but she let out the most erotic sound he's ever heard, a loud and lewd groan, ringing in his ears as her body purred. Her words slurred from her pretty little mouths in short breaths.
"Shit, Poe, you're driving me, insane." She had no idea what she was doing to him. His mouth was on hers again, drowning her moans as he rocked his hips, plummeting in her core. Her shaking arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer like her life depended on it. He hooked one arm beneath her knee and pulled her leg up, spreading even more, going even deeper. It was raw and desperate, passion in its purest form. Her nails dug at the skin on his back, his name chanted from her lips like a prayer as his rhythm turned merciless. Thank the gods he'd told her his real name. He buried his head in the crook of her neck, nipping and sucking at he tender flesh.
Her eyes rolled in back of her head and his entire body shook above her as her pussy milked his dick with greed, clamping around him like a vice. Their breaths mingled, their skin sleek with sweat, but tingling still. With the last sliver or power he had, Poe rolled on his back and pulled her with him, her leg slipping over his, her hand on his chest. He was still in a daze, but looking at her she was not better, eyes half closed and unfocused, her fingers drawing lazy patters on his chest. He remember bringing her hand to his lips before falling asleep.
He woke up first, Y/N still curled over him, hair sprawled on the pillow behind her. She had pulled a silky sheet over them some time after he passed out. He smiled, lips pressing gently on the top of head. He pulled her closer, almost not believing she was real. She stirred, letting out a contents little sigh, but didn't wake up.
Poe enjoyed the feeling of her in his arms a moment longer, his brows more furrowed by the second, his lips pressed in a thin line. He had to go soon and he didn't know when he would see her again. His hand trailed the smooth skin on her back, not wanting to leave the bed, taking in every detail of her beautiful face. When the sun had finally fully risen there was no more time left.
He went to collect his scattered clothes, his mind running a mile a minute, thinking of how to tell her he was actually in the Resistance, wondering his she will react to him lying about his work, about his identity, but most importantly if she would want to see him again. Gods, he hasn't even left her room yet and he was already dreaming of when he'd hold her in his arms next. Poe smiled, he felt like a teen again, the only care in the world the affection of his lover.
But the world was cruel and he was not a silly boy back on Yavin. He found his T-shirt thrown all the way near her side of the bed and as he bend down to retrieve it, the holopad on the nightstand beeped loudly three times before a robotic voice boomed in the small chamber, the dark figure projecting from it chilling his blood.
"Y/N, I assume the traitor has been dealt with already. You better be on the Supremacy when I arriver to continue our training. You have an hour." Poe's breath caught in his throat, his mind so overwhelmed it first went blank then exploded with the possibilities and implications. The idea that he'd spent the night with one of the First Order's top assets... Did he steal something off him? Had it been a trap? 
His eyes fell on the holopad again, the blinking light showing she had a message. From fucking Kylo Ren! She was training with Leia's kid, she was dark side.
She was evil.
But she couldn't be, could she? 
Poe was so lost in thought he didn't even hear her as she stretched in bed behind him, the yellow glint in her eyes catching in the morning sun as her gaze fell on him.
Chapter 2 >
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misssophiachase · 4 years
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For @klaroline-events​​ KC Bingo - School on FF and AO3
When his Porsche convertible blows a tire, private school student Klaus Mikaelson needs it fixed. Enter townie and daughter of the local mechanic, Caroline Forbes.
The Preppy and the Townie
Friday PM, Forbes Garage, Exeter, NH
“Excuse me?” Klaus hadn’t frequented this part of town all that much during his time at Phillips Exeter Academy and given the outdated exterior he wasn’t sure if it was still operational or if he’d stepped back in time.
It was eerily quiet and the small gas station on the outskirts of the town centre seemed unattended. He’d blown the tire on his Porsche not far down the road but had managed to get there just in time.
Given he attended the local boarding school, cars weren’t usually allowed on campus but his father had sent it the other day in lieu of his presence. Mikael Mikaelson never quite understood the concept of fatherhood and considered monetary gifts an alternative way to show affection. 
Klaus also knew there was another reason for his guilt but pushed it to the back of his mind, it was easier that way. 
“Can I help you?” Her voice was gruff, bored and almost resentful of the intrusion. Klaus turned to the source not expecting her to be so indescribable.
And he meant that in a very good way.  
Her denim shorts were frayed at the edges, her white, fitted tank covered in black, grease stains and a red, checked shirt tied around her waist was doing nothing to hide a delectable pair of creamy, toned legs.
“Hey jackass, my eyes are up here,” she barked.
Yes, they were. Blue, expressive and teamed with her golden waves pulled back into a high ponytail, Klaus didn’t think he’d seen anyone so breathtaking in his life.
He didn’t usually stare so obviously at girls, generally it was the other way around, but he couldn’t stop if he tried.
“Is that how you speak to all your customers?”
“Only the ones who look at me like that.”
“And how exactly am I looking at you, love?”
“You know exactly how you’re looking at me,” she countered. “You’re not the first and I know you won’t be the last. Also, I have a name but before you do the completely predictable thing and ask what it is, I’m not going to tell you.”
“That’s quite a speech you seem to have prepared there,” he offered. “Is there any point in me asking about my tire then?”
“If you can’t fix it, then sure, I can do that for you.”
“Are you insinuating that I can’t change a tire?”
“Well, if the shoe fits,” she responded, shrugging her shoulders. Klaus wanted to be offended, he wanted to dislike her immensely and tell her so but there was no hope in hell of that happening.
“Actually, I can change a tire but I don’t have a jack on me,” she snorted by way of response. “You are incredibly judgemental, anyone ever tell you that?”
“Oh, p-uh-lease,” she drawled. “Your type swan around this town like you own it but, newsflash, you don’t. We’ll all be here long after you’ve finished school and left town.”
“I don’t swan, number one,” he replied, “and number two, I don’t think I own your town, even though it is lovely, especially during the Fall.” He held her gaze, and he could see her face soften slightly. But, unfortunately, it didn’t last long. 
”How about we just stick to the tire,” she murmured begrudgingly. “If you’re lucky, I’ll even give you some pointers.”  
Saturday PM, Front Row Pizza
“So, tell me more about this hottie from Philips?” Kat asked, handing a customer their slices on a plate.
Katherine Pierce was her oldest friend and the two had been working at Front Row the past two years. Saturday was their busiest night of the week but thankfully business was starting to slow down. 
“Shhh, would you keep your voice down,” she hissed, wiping the counter and keeping her head down to avoid any embarrassment. “You know how small this place is at the best of times.”
“I didn’t name names, mainly because you haven’t told me yet,” Kat muttered. 
“He’s your typical, preppy jock, nothing groundbreaking around these parts. And I never said he was a hottie, nor would I ever use that term.”
“No, I found that out when I visited the garage this morning and spoke to your DILF.”
“Kat, please don’t talk about my dad like that, it’s extremely disgusting,” she growled. “And when exactly did he decide that Klaus was...”
“Oooh, he has a name. So, tell me more about him and his Porsche?” 
Caroline fought the urge to roll her eyes. As much as she loved her best friend, Kat liked the finer things in life a little too much. Sure, their upbringing was relatively simple in comparison to people like Klaus but Caroline didn’t need money to define who she was and what she wanted out of life. 
“He blew out his tire.”
“Wow, how exciting,” she pouted. “You never tell me anything.”
“He’s English and his surname is Mikaelson, happy?”
“Not in the slightest, next thing I know you’ll tell me his favourite colour,” she pretended to yawn. “Okay, one last question and then I’ll leave you alone for a full five minutes. How would you score him on a scale of one to ten?”  
“It’s blue, well actually it’s more of a french navy if I’m being specific,” a familiar voice interrupted. Caroline closed her eyes wishing she could melt into a puddle on the floor. Of all the times for him to just show up. “As for a score, I think it’s probably best Caroline takes that one.”
She really shouldn’t have told him her name. Why did it have to sound so good rolling off his tongue too? Damn his English accent and those dimples. Why hadn’t she noticed just how disarming they were yesterday?
“If it isn’t the hottie,” Kat smiled, turning to face Caroline giving her an extremely indiscreet thumbs up. “It’s okay, no score necessary, I can work it out just fine on my own.” 
Before Caroline could really die of embarrassment, Katherine had conveniently flounced away to make it even more awkward. 
If she thought he looked good yesterday in his school uniform sans tie with his shirt sleeves rolled up, he was absolutely gorgeous today. Dark jeans, sitting low on his hips and a navy henley that only accentuated his eyes.  
“She’s, uh, friendly.”
“That’s one way of putting it,” Caroline agreed. “Are you following me or something?”
“Someone has an incredibly high opinion of themselves,” he said, cocking his left eyebrow. “Maybe I was just hungry, did you ever think of that?”
“Did my dad tell you where I was?” She asked, arms crossed over her chest. “I noticed you two talking yesterday, but here I thought he was just drooling over your speedster.”
“He may have mentioned that Front Row has the best four cheese pizza in town,” he shared. “You know, while he was drooling.”
“Just because you think you can charm my father with your expensive car, doesn’t mean I’m powerless to your charms.”
“My charms?” He smirked, leaning closer. “Are you trying to flirt with me?”
“If you think that’s flirting then I need to teach you more than how to change a tire,” she scoffed. “Now, would you like to order something? The kitchen is going to be closing soon and I can only take so much of your over inflated ego in a confined space.”
“Your customer service skills really are second to none, love,” he laughed, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. She wanted to hate him so much but Caroline swore those crimson lips had superpowers of some kind. 
“Sorry, what?” She asked, noticing he’d said something but not quite sure what it was. 
“My over inflated ego and I would like a four cheese pizza to have here,” he joked, his knowing smile telling her she’d been caught out. 
“You are taking it to go,” she demanded, scared of what his lips might do next. 
“I think I’m going to nominate you for employee of the month,” he suggested, taking a seat and making himself at home. “There’s something about your rare skill of being charming but rude at the same time.”
“Kat, can you tell the kitchen there’s an order up,” she called out, not bothering to respond to his remark. “To go.”
“If I agree to leave this fine establishment, how about you do something for me?”
“I changed your tire yesterday and I’m now serving you pizza today,” he attempted to interrupt but Caroline continued. “And before you try to be cute about my impeccable, customer service skills, it’s abundantly clear that, if anything, you owe me, Mikaelson.”
“I was getting to that part,” he promised. “I was hoping you could come to the river tomorrow morning and help me out with my rowing?”
“Excuse me?” Caroline wasn’t expecting that. “I’m curious about what exactly the preppy needs help with?”
“Motivation,” he murmured, his double meaning not lost on her. “Coach says I won’t be up to championships if I can’t improve my times. So, I figured what better way to do that then have you yelling at me from the bow?”  
Katherine let out a not-so-subtle groan from the nearest table. Caroline really shouldn’t have been surprised she was eavesdropping. “Be careful what you wish for, french navy.” 
“I’m willing to take my chances, Katherine,” he smiled in her direction before returning his attention back to Caroline. She really wanted to hate him and his smug, good looking ass but it was becoming more and more difficult. Now, she knew why her best friend and father were so easily convinced. 
“Can I push you in the water if you annoy me?” He took her by surprise and laughed. Caroline had to admit she liked hearing it. 
“I think we’ll need to define what’s annoying from the outset but you’ve got a deal.”
“Well, when you put it like that.”
Sunday AM, The Exeter River
“You need to keep your back flat and make sure your core is engaged,” Caroline offered from the front of the boat.” Now that instruction Klaus wasn’t expecting. 
“Trust me, my core is very engaged,” he teased, unable to help himself. 
Klaus was still shocked she’d agreed to come today, he figured it had everything to do with pushing him in the water. Which luckily she hadn’t done...yet. 
“I think we decided that innuendo was annoying.”
“You decided that and who said it’s innuendo? I was merely confirming the fact that my core is, in fact, engaged. And let’s not forget you asked the question.”
“It’s textbook rowing technique and that smirk you gave me was a dead giveaway.”
She looked stunning today, the breeze blowing through her blonde waves that were loose and flowing. Her make-up free face, simple t-shirt and shorts only highlighting her natural beauty. 
“How do you know so much about rowing?” Klaus was surprised, given she didn’t indicate any interest the night before. 
“I might have dated one of you before.”
“One of me?” Klaus was immediately offended by her reply. “I didn’t realise I had a twin.”
“He went to Philips and was on the rowing team too. But instead of a Porsche he had a Mercedes.”
“Wow, you really know how to hurt a guy,” he shot back, unable to disguise his disappointment. “Is this why you’ve been so hostile?” He stopped rowing needing to know the answer.
“I haven’t been…” 
“Yes, you have,” he interrupted. “I don’t know what this guy did to you but…”
“I don’t think that’s any of your business.”
“Perhaps not but I’d hate for you to unfairly judge me based on some idiot who couldn’t see what was right in front of him.”
“I’m a townie, yes my house is only a few kilometres away, but we lived in totally different worlds,” she murmured, her gaze downcast. “He had a trust fund bigger than I could ever imagine and I work two jobs just so I can afford college if I don’t get a scholarship. I stupidly thought that someone like him actually liked me.”
“Well, he’s an idiot and you’re not stupid.” His hand was on hers before he had time to think. “I get you’ve had a bad experience but I’m not who you think I am.” She faltered, her eyes finding his again. “Ask me anything.”
“Can I push you in the water?”
“On Friday, you didn’t seem to care too much about your new car, why is that? At first I assumed it was the fact you had another ten of them waiting at home in your garage.”
“Only two,” he admitted. “But I’m not really that enthused about them either.”
“What happened?”
“My mother died last year, my siblings are scattered around the country at different colleges and schools and my father sent the car in lieu of his presence at Philip’s family weekend. We’ve never been that close but I guess I thought…”
“He’d want to see you.”
“It’s ridiculous I know.”
“It’s not,” she smiled, placing her other hand over his. “You know what is silly though? How lazy you’re being, now get moving before I push you into the water, Mikaelson.”
Turns out they both ended up in the water that day but neither minded. Klaus won the rowing championship with plenty of core engagement instruction from Caroline. He also sent back the Porsche to his father because he didn’t need it anymore, he had everything he needed right there. 
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mydarlingklaus · 4 years
The Apology
Part 3 of the angsty “The Merge” arc is now updated! Highly anticipated reunion between Klaus and Lizzie. So glad you all have been enjoying these drabbles! Thank you for leaving all your reviews on my ff account, I appreciate it! You can find part 1 here  and part 2 here! Enjoy :)
WARNING: Angst galore!
New Orleans, 2:45 AM
Klaus' elbows rested on the lengthy solid wood dining table as his interlocked fingers covered his trembling mouth and flared nostrils—eyes practically burning a hole through Lizzie's forehead who was sitting across the other side. Carefully watching as she ate the grilled cheese sandwich he prepared for her—raising children forced him to learn his way around the kitchen. After Klaus paid the cab driver and compelled him to forget arriving here and picking anyone up in the last two hours, he was too enraged to speak to Lizzie when she eventually brought her luggage inside. Figured making her a meal would ease his mind and rationalize his thoughts—it did not.
As she settled in Klaus called Alaric to inform him about Lizzie's whereabouts—of course Caroline was his first option but he was still feeling petty. The insufferable human speaking over him was irritating, especially when realizing they contacted each other just a few seconds apart. Josie and Hope were both heavily interrogated by Caroline and Alaric. Hope was clueless but eventually they were able to pull the truth out of Josie. The news broke Klaus' heart all over again, but he reassured Alaric that Lizzie was safe in New Orleans and would call back after talking with her first.
Her bites were small, awkwardly shifting her attention down at the plate and up at the man with dagger eyes. One cheek resembled a chipmunk's as she prolonged each chew in the hopes that Klaus would be the first to break the dead silence—no such luck. She knew Klaus was pissed, which was unusual towards her because he had never genuinely been upset with her in the past.
She gulped the food down her throat with a dramatic swallow before placing the remainder of the sandwich on the porcelain plate. Using the napkin on her lap to rid her mouth of crumbs, subtly clearing her throat.
"Um, thanks for the food by the way. I was starving." Lizzie extended her gratitude with a soft smile that fell when Klaus did not reciprocate.
The silent treatment was growing tiresome, along with Lizzie's patience.
"Did you call my mom?"
His stomach clenched at the reference, but he finally spoke. "I called your father, actually, at the exact same time he called me."
"Are you two wonder twins or something?" She half joked, but Klaus obviously was not amused causing her to clear her throat. "So this means they already knew I was here. Well Josie certainly knows how to keep a secret huh." She rolled her eyes.
"You're lucky she said something." Klaus blurted. "Everyone was worried about you, I was worried about you."
"And like I already told you, I'm fine. I made it here unharmed didn't I? You don't have to keep treating me like a child—"
"You are a child, Lizzie." Klaus' tone low and dark—dropping his hands onto the table but eyes of fury never leaving hers. "You're a beautiful and naive 17 year old girl who has lived in the bubble of a small town her whole life, and despite thinking you know everything about the dangers of the world, you don't."
"Anything could have happened to you, anything, do you understand?" His glare deepened.
She groaned while rolling her eyes. "Yes, yes I get that but—"
"There are no 'buts'!" He slammed his hand on table,frightening the teenage girl. "And obviously you don't get it otherwise you wouldn't have done something so...so selfish and irresponsible! How many times do I have to explain to you girls, just because you're a powerful witch in Mystic Falls does not make you invincible to the real world. Evil comes in all shapes and forms, you have no idea what to look for. People in this city know who you are and how important you are to me. Why do you think I'm so protective over you all whenever you visit? What if someone recognized you wandering this hectic city alone at this hour, with some vendetta thinking they have something to prove by..."
He wiped his hand over his face exasperatedly, inhaling and exhaling as he regrouped, hating when his mind wandered to the darkest of places. Since Caroline became a permanent part of his life Klaus not a day went by he wasn't terrified for her safety, even more with the twins. The nightmares he never told her about of his deepest fears. He's had to protect Hope her entire life from the dark forces insistent on taking her away from him, now his family was expanding and felt helpless to stop life from happening to them. They inherited a thousand years worth of enemies and he couldn't be there for all of them at once. Seeing Lizzie, alone, on his doorsteps was among the most haunting images he's ever seen.
The witch rubbed her lips together, blinking away the sheen covering her blue eyes for a better visual of his disgruntled expression. Klaus wasn't simply upset, he was scared—clear as day on his face. Klaus has always been overprotective since they were kids and barely knew each other. Sometimes he was extreme: like not allowing her and Sebastian to go on unsupervised dates, or her having to text him her every move if she went on a trip without him, or one of his hybrids watching over at her football games when Klaus was unable to attend. It was behavior she grew accustomed to, fighting that is who he is. She underestimated how triggered he would be about her traveling on her own—expected some fleeting harsh words but his silence hurt more. Never did she mean to harm or scare him in any way.
Placing her hands out in front of her on the table, Lizzie picked at the fabric on the sleeves of her sweater.
"I'm sorry, okay. I never meant to freak you out. I just thought...I thought you'd be happy to see me." She said defeated.
Klaus' eyebrows furrowed, offended she would think otherwise. "Of course I'm happy to see you. I'm always happy to see you, Lizzie you know that. But you can't do reckless things like this and expect me not to, 'freak out', as you say." The tension slightly dissipating with his soft smirk. "I always worry, every bloody day about you girls when you're together, never even entertaining you all being apart. You mean...everything to me, do you understand?"
Lizzie understandably nodded as Klaus left his seat to walk over to her. Pulling out the chair beside her he sat down, with an expression ranging from relieved and anxious on his face. His hand reached out to hold hers on the table—giving them both much needed comfort.
"However, running away from home without warning is not an excuse. There are more pressing matters we need to discuss now that you're safe and well like, how did you acquire a plane ticket so last minute in the first place. How did you know I was here?"
The young witch swallowed audibly, squeezing his hand.
"Um, I sorta, well definitely, called Uncle Kol and told him I was running away and needed to see you. He didn't want to say anything at first but after much precision he finally told me you were in New Orleans and bought a ticket for me."
"HE WHAT?!" Klaus' eyes bulged and fist balled as he let her hand go.
As if the situation could not be worse—of course Klaus' delinquent of a baby brother was involved!
Lizzie winced, leaning back against her chair. "This is the reason I was holding off telling you..."
He pinched the bridge of his nose. "How dare he...and he knew I would never allow it. I am going to kill him, violently, and you be sure to tell him so during your next chat." He huffed. "Why were you running away anyways?"
"Same reason you did." She answered, making Klaus pause.
His glare and jaw softened as the realization settled in.
"You know..."
She nodded again, with shifty eyes and a blank face.
"And Josie?"
"Of course I told her. She's my sister. There's enough lies running around the boarding school and this effects both of us, remember?"
He knew, eventually, the twins would have to find out but didn't feel any better with them knowing before he had time to process it himself. How was he to console them about a matter he could barely grasp? The time away from Mystic Falls—from Caroline—did little to clear his mind because every second he thought about it the anger resurfaced.
Klaus let out a deep exhale scooting his chair closer to her and rubbing his hands together.
"Do you, um...do you want to talk about it?" He asked concerned.
She scoffed while crossing her arms. "About the fact that in a few years I'm either going to die or be forced to murder my sister, and my parents have been lying to me about it my whole life? Thanks but no thanks."
"We're going to have to talk about this eventually." He tried to reason with her but her refusal was as stubborn as a brick.
"Then I'll wait for eventually." She decided with a shrug.
"I'm tired." She yawned covering her mouth. "It's been a long day and I can barely keep my eyes open so, can I just go to my room now please?"
- Say no, say no.
Klaus was such a weakling when it came to his daughters, specifically Lizzie. Her big blue eyes and pouty lip held so much innocence she reminded him of the little girl he once knew.
It has been a long night, for both of them. They could always talk in the morning when they're both refreshed and willing. Quite frankly Klaus wasn't too jazzed about discussing the matter further tonight either—as long as Lizzie knew it was something to discuss, soon.
Reluctantly, Klaus bit his tongue and conceded with an affirmative nod.
The young witch grinned, widely, jumping out her chair eagerly and picking up her plate.
"I'll dispose of it. Get some sleep." Klaus insisted with a weak smile.
She could see it on his face how badly this was eating at him, maybe more than her. But her mind and body were drained—from the devastating information of her fate to hitching a last minute solo trip to New Orleans. Last thing she wanted was more talking, even from Klaus—enough talking.
Placing the plate down, she muttered a low 'thank you' before walking towards the staircase and leaving Klaus alone with his conflicted thoughts.
9:10 AM
Breakfast in the Mikaelson manner was, awkward.
They all sat at the food-filled dining table together—Elijah and Hayley slowly sipped on coffee, Freya and Lizzie fawned over orange juice while Klaus nursed an alcoholic drink. Elijah discreetly tried to talk to talk to his brother about Lizzie's sudden arrival but Klaus didn't budge, nor did anyone outside of their immediate family need to know about this before they could tackle it themselves. Attempts at conversation were made in between fruit and pastry platters, but the trio were worried about stepping on anyone's toes which made everything more awkward. Klaus' irritability was written on his face, even for so early in the morning. The hybrid was running on two hours of sleep, barely capable of catching any slumber after Lizzie resides in her room for the night. He sat outside her door for about an hour before retreating downstairs to his study. He tried everything to keep his mind occupied: reading, sketching, brainstorming strategies for the next faction meeting but nothing worked.
Afraid if he closed his eyes he'd have another haunting nightmare; with Lizzie as the starring role.
Even reaching out to Caroline crossed his mind, once or twice. After finally turning his cellphone back on he played her voicemail over, and over again until it brought boredom—it never did. He missed her voice, the way she rambled when nervous and her smile that he could hear through the phone.
You give me comfort, and I could really use some of that right now.
So did he.
I miss you.
I'm sorry.
I need you.
He had to turn his phone off again just to fight the temptation. The tears already glossing his eyeballs as he contemplated throwing the bloody contraption in the lit fireplace. He hated feeling conflicted.
Despite how much he loved and missed her, nothing about the merge was simple nor fixable yet she kept it from him for years. Whatever her intentions Klaus was incapable of reasoning right now—not to mention the teenage runaway who sparked his blood just as much.
When his two siblings and Hayley finished their meals and left the mansion for an 'outing', he was left alone at the table with the stubborn teenager who appeared just as displeased.
"It's a bit early for bourbon, don't you think?" She sassed, flipping her blonde hair to the side while jamming her fork into a chocolate chip waffle.
Klaus knew those were her favorite.
"Let's just say, I've earned it." He raised a glass before downing the liquor in his throat then slamming it down on the table. "Are you enjoying breakfast?"
She nodded gleefully, pushing the empty fruit bowl away as the servant came around to dispose of dishes.
"You always have the best food, especially the waffles!" Lizzie praised before scarfing another piece into her mouth.
"I'm glad." He rewarded her with a soft grin, gesturing to the servant to scurry away until it was just him and his step-daughter. "Not to put a damper on a good morning but sweetheart, we really need to talk—"
"We should go into the Quarter today." Lizzie proposed.
His forehead creased and eyebrows pulled together at her blatant disregard for his request.
"What are you talking about?"
"Hayley...Auntie Hayley?" She raised a curious brow. "I'm still not really sure what I'm supposed to call her but, I overheard her talking about meetings you have coming up. I could totally audit some of them. I've been told I'm quite the stellar listener." She suggested, making Klaus more puzzled.
He sighed. "Lizzie—"
"Or," the smirking blonde witch rose from her chair, "we can ditch boring responsibilities and turn it into a fun day trip. Just me and you like old times. We can get some lunch at that Cajun restaurant you introduced me to on the last visit, before going to Jackson Square. I could really use a new painting for my room—"
"Lizzie stop." Klaus abruptly demanded, now standing at her level with an equally stern look.
The young girl's stretched smile deflated to a withdrawn frown. Her heart pounding cranky in her chest and her body went numb—unable to feel the over-pour of emotions hanging by a thread.
Cautiously, Klaus walked towards her and anxiously licking his reddened lips until he was across the room staring before her.
His loomed over her small figure intimidatingly, focusing his attention on her while hers was directed at their feet.
"I know you've been through quite a bit in the past 24 hours, more than anyone your age should endure." Klaus reasoned, reaching out to grab her shoulders comfortingly. "This is scary and surely you must have so many questions but we can't pretend this merge isn't real. We can't pretend it isn't happening because it is and we need to deal with how to move forward."
The girl laughed. "You mean like how my mom and dad 'dealt with it' by lying to me for the past 17 years? About how I'm destined to partake in a fatal duel of survival against my own twin sister?" She spat, looking up to expose her tearful eyes. "Or how you 'dealt with it' by running away from Mystic Falls the first chance you got instead of, I don't know, staying?!"
Klaus was perplexed as Lizzie wiggled out his grasp angrily and took a step back. Her cheeks a fiery red and small hands balled into even smaller fists. She was shaking but Klaus knew better than to approach her right now.
"Three days in your little blissful New Orleans bubble and just forgot about your family huh? You don't write, you don't call. What, you're allowed leave the problem like it doesn't exist but I can't?"
Her anger was manifesting, he could feel it.
He swallowed audibly. "That-that's more complicated—"
She screamed—more like a sharp screech like nails on a chalkboard—stunning Klaus. Her hands pulled at her hair unruly.
"Why, why is everything so damn complicated with this family! Complicated this or complicated that." She threw her hands up. "Why is that always the excuse used for none of us taking responsibility for the messed up things we do? No it's not complicated, it's actually simple. Just admit it, Klaus. Be the good man you want us to think you are...and admit it."
"You're upset, I understand—"
"Stop telling me what I am!" She groaned. "Or how I feel. I'm so tired of everyone doing that. You never did before. Just...just admit it..."
Klaus' own body began to tremble, but not out of anger.
"Admit what?" He asked warily.
"You left me, Klaus you left me!"
Her screams now accompanied with her thrashing the wooden cabinets of the dining room. The glass shield, along with the multiple place settings, now a scattered pile of pieces on the carpet. Telepathically knocking over every chair until the legs individually broke off, and shattering the lights above until they blacked out
Klaus' mouth opened and closed, completely astonished at her horrifically violent actions.
"Bloody hell!" He yelled, tugging at his hair. "Lizzie, what in the—"
"You said I could always depend on you except, when I actually needed you!" Throwing another plate into the wall.
He visibly swallowed. "Lizzie..."
"Don't come near me!" The witch sharply commanded when Klaus attempted to step forward, snatching a knife off the table in a haste.
His undead heart dropped into the pit of his stomach and face drained of color. The lump bobbed in his throat, wondering how they got here and how quickly could he deescalate the situation before venturing off to worse case scenarios. If he lunged at her there would be no chance.
Seeing no other option, he stayed in place holding his hands up to demonstrate his surrender but eyes never leaving the weapon in her small hand.
"Sweetheart, please..."
"You—you were the only person I wanted to talk to about this. Not Hope, not even Josie but you!" She exclaimed through clenched teeth, waving the sharp object aimlessly. "I just found out the most devastating news anyone could ever hear for their future. Do you know how that feels, to have your life taken from you like that, hm? I was the most terrified and angry I've ever been, and so confused. I needed you but—but you weren't there." Her sobs uncontrollable as she shook her head side to side frantically, the knife still in one hand—blade facing away—as she brought both up to cover her ears. Eyes pinched shut and face a deep cherry red.
Klaus stayed silent, not wanting to trigger her any more than she already was and cause more damage.
"You weren't there. I cried out for you, called your phone religiously all three days...but you never answered. You just left, without even saying goodbye. You left me alone. You didn't protect me..."
Correction: this was the most haunting image he's ever seen.
He stood there like a deer in headlights and an agonizing ache in his core.
The emotional thread finally snapped, and there was no saving from the rapture. When Lizzie wasn't scratching at her face and hair, she was throwing more furniture in sight and belted louder cries before helplessly falling to the ground—knees hitting first.
You didn't protect me...
Klaus experienced Lizzie's episodes before, recalling their intimate conversations where she confessed the amount of times she contemplated taking her own life. The dark thoughts she never went through with, but nonetheless scared herself to even let her mind go there in the first place. Klaus never told Caroline about the things Lizzie confided in him about, and he never would, but seeing her with that knife was cutting too close to home for his comfort.
He thought he was capable of handling her emotional mishaps, but this was a blend of pent up betrayal and fear that he had zero control over. So blinded by his own turmoil all he cared about was leaving the situation as quickly as possible, barely giving a thought to the people he was leaving behind. Not thinking, if he was going through he ringer like this imagine the twins. Knowing how Lizzie felt—how she's been feeling—and him being among the ones that hurt her made him physically sick.
What a coward, he thought, to abandon his family when they needed him the most? Caring for his then was all he cared about now, but already proving he was still capable of being a selfish prick with them. Failing at the only job that mattered—being a good father.
No more.
Rushing to her side, Klaus kicked the knife out her hand first then crouched down to cradle his incredibly strong but struggling daughter in his protective arms. Pulling her against him until she felt nothing but his warmth. Her hands stayed on her side, not embracing him fully, but Klaus was just relieved that she was allowing the hug at all.
Her tears staining his gray Henley as she buried her face into his calming embrace—the whimpers and screams muffled by his shield. Klaus caressed her hair and kissed the top of her head repeatedly, whispering reassuring words that she was safe as her cries continued to unfold. He wanted her to know she could be as vulnerable as needed, no holding back or saving face for anyone. For 1000 years Klaus suppressed his emotions to appear 'strong' and 'unbothered' but it only crippled him as the years went on—until Caroline—and even then took longer to understand what those feelings meant.
The huffing and puffing didn't let up the longer he held her—chest heavy and heaving.
Klaus gasped at the feel of her wrapping her arms around his waist, squeezing. Her death grip pierced into the fabric of his shirt as she healed onto him for dear life, never wanting to let him go. Each passing thought about the merge made her cry more.
Lizzie didn't plan on the outburst, not realizing how much she was hurting until the words began to spew. Her lungs felt shot , throat swollen and dry from the heavy cries and overflowing tears. Deep down this was the reason for her insistent denial. Discussing the matter meant it was real, and she wanted to hold onto the bliss a little while longer with the person who has made her feel the safest.
A few moments went by before Lizzie began to feel lighter and her breathing began to balance out. Her cries subtly ceased as she pulled her face from his chest. Lips plump and parted while observing the disaster she created—broken plates and glasses shattered on the floor and against the walls. Cabinet of silverware broken and chandelier barely hanging on. The shame began to overtake for not controlling her temper after working so hard towards not being an emotional wreck. As if all the progress she made was suddenly irrelevant. Hanging her head low until Klaus cradled her face in his hands, surprised to see his sunken reddened eyes matched hers.
In all the years of knowing Klaus she's never seen him cry, or any heavy emotion. He's been sad, sure, but nothing compared the bloodshot gaze directed towards her.
- Either he is the quietest crier to ever exist or I'm more self absorbed than I thought.
His thumbs swept across the skin underneath her eyes to rid them of the lingering tears, rewarding her with a sweet grin from his shaky lips. Even he was thrown off by his own wave of tears but...Klaus had a short list of people he actually cared about and seeing any of them in distress rubbed off on him.
Felt like 20 pounds had been lifted off both their chests, despite what brought them to this point.
"I'm sorry." Klaus said, his voice raspy.
Lizzie's sucked in her bottom lip, nodding her head.
He sniffled, giving her his full attention.
"I—Klaus—I don't want to die." She stammered, her throat beginning to tighten.
The hybrid nearly lost it, again. His eyes widened and mouth agape.
I don't want to die.
One of the first sentences Caroline ever said to him.
When he knew her strength before even knowing her—the baby vampire with the will to live. Who did not beg the powerful hybrid towering over her limp body for mercy, the way she didn't beg but decided to fight. How he could so easily see the same spark in their daughter's eyes...even if she didn't notice it herself.
Wiping away the remaining tears from her pretty face, Klaus nodded his head.
"I know."
Was all he could say, for now. Not even the miraculous Klaus Mikaelson wanted to give her false hope.
The exhaustion weighed down her eyes but she kept them open best she could, still holding onto Klaus but not as aggressively. Coming down from the emotional high took a greater toll than anticipated and felt if she tried to stand she'd fall over.
They were both mentally drained after confronting the realization of their mutual fear: losing each other.
Kissing her on the head again, Klaus lingered there a little longer and closed his eyes just to appreciate her—very much alive—presence. He didn't even have it in himself to be upset anymore, not even after the stunt she just pulled.
"Klaus, um, I said some bad things to my mom. Actually they were pretty horrific, and I don't think I can take any of that back." She sniffled staring up at him with regret. "How am I supposed to face her again? There's no way she'll forgive me."
He smiled. "There's no one with more forgiving bones in their body than your mother. The amount of chances she's given to people who don't deserve it, how many she's given me...you're her her daughter and she loves you more than life. There's nothing you can do that's unforgivable in her eyes."
"You underestimate a mother's love, once upon a time so did I." The corner of his lips quirked up. "She understands you were angry and won't hold any of it against you, I assure you, though she might have some words about you running away which is valid."
They softly laughed. Lizzie bit down on her bottom lip.
"Do you still love her, my mom? Even after everything?" She timidly asked.
"Of course I do." He answered effortlessly, clearly making the girl happy.
"Good. Are you ready to forgive her?"
Klaus hummed, pressing his lips together with a sigh through his nose.
"You must be tired. Come on, I'll walk you up to your room." He said instead.
Lizzie decided not to pester further, mainly because she was in the same boat on how she felt towards Caroline or Alaric.
She allowed Klaus to help her onto her feet, making sure she was unharmed and stable enough to walk on her own. Granting him a sad but reassuring smile which was more than enough as he led her upstairs to lay down.
Mystic Falls, 9:30 PM
"Caroline, I never said I'm blaming you." Alaric tried convincing the pacing baby vampire.
"Our daughter ran away from home after talking with me, don't lie to me, because if the roles were reversed I would blame you." She claimed, still walking back and forth in their kitchen.
"It's not like we're running around like headless chickens anymore. We know exactly where Lizzie is and we know she's safe. Klaus would never let anything happen to her."
He was right, she knew he was but...that void remained open.
No word from Klaus or Lizzie all day, not even a simple text of when she planned to return. As badly as Caroline wanted to harass them, she rationalized—or rather Alaric talked her down—and agreed to give Lizzie time to cool off first. She was rightfully upset with both of them and needed space. The saving grace was knowing where she was and that she was safe, and also being aware of Klaus' well being. Why wasn't New Orleans her first guess?
"You need to calm down, here." Alaric calmly offered her a drink.
Caroline crossed her arms, turning her head to face him not realizing he was now beside her with two glasses of scotch in his hands. She reluctantly grabbed one before leaning against the countertop, biting her bottom lip and shaking her head.
"She hates me, they both do." Sipping on the bitter drink.
"They do not hate you—"
"You didn't see how they looked at me, or hear the things Lizzie said to me, and I deserved it."
"No." Alaric walked over to where she stood. 'This is on both of us. Mainly me because I knew even before you did. We both made an agreement about not telling the girls about the merge, we chose to handle it on our own."
"Then why I am I the only one feeling guilty?" She asked before downing the rest of her drink.
Alaric sighed. "I do feel guilty, Caroline, everyday I felt it too. You're a good person and exceptional mother and that comes with a heavy heart. You care about the people you love even if it means you get the short end of the stick. I really am sorry Klaus found out the way he did. It was never my plan to be the one to tell him."
"I know." She said.
"But it doesn't make up for anything." He realized. " I do hope Lizzie and Klaus return soon so we can finally talk as a family."
Caroline's eyebrows shot up amusedly. "Did I hear that incorrectly or did you just refer to Klaus as part of the family?"
He chuckled. "As much as I hate to admit it, and as much as I wish otherwise, you love him and so do our girls. Our clan keeps expanding and I would never be able to explain how twisted all of it is. But my personal feelings aside, he's your family which means to an extent he matters to me as well."
Not that Alaric's opinions on her relationship with Klaus ever made a difference, but this was a permanent arrangement. Caroline knew Alaric and Klaus were not friends and probably never would be, but at least being cordial and accepting of one another meant even more.
She weakly smiled, resting her hand over his on the kitchen counter. "Thank you."
Alaric returned the smile and the ringing of the doorbell immediately followed.
The two looked at each other confusingly, knowing neither were expecting any guests for the night and Josie and Hope were in their respective rooms.
Caroline waited as Alaric walked out the kitchen and towards the front door, too noses to stay in place she poked her head out to sneak a glance. The door was opened but Alaric's body was blocking who he was standing in front of him.
Moving closer, she noticed four pairs of feet and one were covered by black combat boots and the other was embraced by Alaric wearing sparkling white high top converse tennis shoes.
- They're here?!
Caroline was flashing forward before her mind could fully process her own speculations, which were proven to be true. Realizing her gasp louder than anticipated when it made all three of them turn to face her.
Instantly making eye contact with Lizzie—blue on blue—saddled and remorseful.
The young witch left Alaric's side and timidly approached her mother, twisting her lips with her hands anxiously grabbing at the straps of her backpack.
"Hi mom..."
Caroline exhaled a breath she unintentionally held before reaching out and pulling her daughter into her arms for the momma bear hug they both needed.
Lizzie felt overwhelmed with the affection, from both her mother and Klaus, but accepted wholeheartedly. Flaunting a close-lipped smile as she hugged her back just as intensely.
"Don't you ever scare me like that again, do you understand me?" Caroline softly demanded into her blonde curls.
Lizzie frantically nodded and hugged tighter, underestimating how much she craved her mother's touch. With a final sniffle, Caroline finally released her with a lingering smile, kissing her on the forehead before stepping to the side so she could walk inside with Alaric—leaving her alone with the hybrid. Suddenly the nerves settled in with the blank look he flashed towards her.
Three and a half days since she last seen him and nothing changed besides her amplified feelings.
Klaus remained outside on the cold porch while she was inside standing between the threshold of the door. Caroline hated not knowing where she stood with people, and Klaus' unreadable face did nothing to subside that annoyance.
- Maybe he's still upset?
She wanted to run into his arms the moment they're alone but, what if things have changed for the worst? What if he brought Lizzie back but is planning on leaving Caroline? What if he didn't forgive her?
She nervously gulped when he finally stepped more into the light—as handsome and imperfect as ever—his straight lips curved into a full smirk.
"Hello love."
Caroline's lips struggled to form a smile in between her relieved blubbering. She covered her mouth, embarrassed by her reaction from a simple 'hello'.
"You came back..." She managed to say, tucking one of her curls behind her ear.
Klaus' smirk only widened, decreasing the gap between them until they were only inches apart with him still standing outside the door.
Having him so close but so far was the most cruel act he could do to her. Those three and a half days felt like an eternity. Where she realized her life was no longer complete without him. He had taken her—body and soul—all those years ago when he swooshed into her life and she swore a long time ago she was done denying it.
Distance was not an option anymore. She missed him, god did she miss him, and his dimpled smile and masculine presence. If he wanted to stop her he could but all she cared about was embracing the return of the man she loved.
In a blink of an eye Caroline's body was colliding with his, face buried into his shoulder and arms securely around his neck as the tears already began streaming down her cheeks.
Affection, comfort and nurture were new concepts for Klaus who unfortunately had no experience of his own growing up. Not think he would ever be granted the opportunity to extend those feelings to others, let alone have people in his life he cared about enough.
Initially taken aback, Klaus completed the hug by encircling her waist and pulling her against his firm chest subconsciously. Inhaling her warm scent, hair and presence as if for the first time. He could feel her tears staining his shirt but it didn't matter, nothing mattered besides the woman in his arms.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..." She pleaded between broken sobs as she gripped onto him tighter.
"Shh, love...it's all right." He tried reassuring her, rubbing her back up and down soothingly but he felt her shaking her head.
"No, it's not." Her voice unwavering as she pulled away enough to look up at him.
Her eyes puffy and tired compared to their usual vibrant form—breaking Klaus' cold dead heart more than he thought was possible.
Klaus let out a low breath as her eyes bored deeply into his, demonstrating the severity of her plea, she continued to explain herself.
"I'm sorry," she repeated, "I'm sorry for not telling you from the beginning. It was never my intent to keep anything from you."
"I know—"
"Please, let me finish." Caroline interrupted and Klaus obliged. "First of all, the twins are your daughters as much as mine and I'm sorry I ever made you feel otherwise. For someone who is constantly being reminded they're biologically not mine and having to deal with judgmental gossipers, I should have known better. I wasn't thinking. Even if it wasn't my intent to hurt you I still said it, and I'm sorry."
Klaus understandably nodded. It was as if she knew that particular section of their fight cut the deepest.
"Secondly, I was scared. I've been scared about the merge since Alaric first explained it to me and when I get scared I tend to turn people away. It's what I did to you, and them. I'm so used to making all the decisions regarding all of this because it was the only bit of control I had. Then circumstances changed when you came back into my life the way you did. I never expected us to become what we are, or you loving the girls as much as you do but there's nothing I wanted more. Our relationship is means everything to me. I'm so grateful to have you in our lives. I love you so much and I'm so—"
His lips molded against hers before she could muster another apology, desperate and commanding as her mouth opened to him from the pressure—succumbing to the warmth of his wet tongue. Pulling at each other mercilessly.
There was obviously more they needed to discuss—starting with proper discipline for their delinquent child—and solutions to theorize but neither of them could find it in themselves to care right now. After being away from each other for what felt like a lifetime the longing for one another only increased.
Caroline raised her fingers into his hair, standing on her tippy toes while lightly tugging at the light curls on the back of his neck. Venturing up to trace his scalp as she pressed his face more against hers—if that was even possible. Needing him, inhaling all he had to give. His talented tongue drew out soft whimpers from her lips before aiming for another passionate kiss to explain without words how much he missed her too.
His determined hands traveled from her face to squeezing her sides and caressing her silk covered back, bringing her closer in the most demanding but loving way. Tasting the teardrops that fell down her rosy cheeks and combined with their interlocked lips. Klaus almost felt ridiculous fore leaving in the first place, no matter how angry he was, but the distance made his love for her grow stronger. Rationalizing his thoughts instead of lashing out—progress.
She was more than apologetic, he felt it with through every kiss and tug. His anger was warranted, but deep down he knew Caroline was coming from a good place because he knew her heart. Nothing about this was easy on anyone and that was the reality they had to face, as a family. Being with Caroline now, holding and kissing her on the porch where any Mystic Falls resident or student could see, was the insight he needed. All he wanted to do was take her inside and never leave their bed. To shower her with love and affection to make up for lost time—forget about the bad shit just for a night.
Following that train of thought, Klaus' hands now rested dangerously on her hips, suggestively, their lips still moving together in perfect rhythm as he blindly lead them backwards and closing the door behind them with his foot.
24 notes · View notes
shnuggletea · 4 years
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So I’ve decided to put this on FF. I’ll do it later today but yeah, it’ll be there soon-ish. Anyway, here’s Wrath! I hope you have all enjoyed the sinning going on this week so far. There’s a lot more to come!
If you can’t find the other stories (heard there was some issues?) click here to enter the collection. This chapter is live on AO3 and my Patreon!
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Art by the lovely @clearwillow, event by the astounding @neutronstarchild​ and @lemonlushff​! So if you’re really enjoying this event, you know who to thank along with the authors!!!
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“But of the seven deadly sins, wrath is the healthiest - next only to lust.”
― Edward Abbey, Postcards from Ed: Dispatches and Salvos from an American Iconoclast
Thirty minutes into this date and I wanted out. 
Tinder had matched us but the guy had lied on every part of his profile. Including his picture. And continued to lie to me when we chatted to set this up. He was easily ten years older than he said he was and he wasn’t a personal trainer. Unless he had been unemployed for a while. 
I’m not that vain, the guy was decent looking. But I hate liars and I dislike boring people even more. This guy… I could hear my vagina boarding up as he spoke about his fantasy football team. 
My phone rang and I had to force myself not to jump on it. It was Kagome. Emergency or not, I was thankful for the call. “I’m so sorry but I have to take this.”
He didn’t look surprised. He knew the date wasn’t going well. His chances were low in the first place, picking a lunch date. A real man would have asked for dinner or drinks. 
Leaving the table far behind, I brought my purse with me and I didn’t care if it was rude. I was already shuffling out the door when I answered the phone. 
“Where are you?!”
She couldn’t see me so I rolled my eyes hard at her. “I’m out, I told you this…”
“You need to get back here, now!”
“Wha...why? What’s wrong?”
She huffed and it came out as a squeak. Kagome was scared. “Naraku went nuts!”
I laughed. “Is that it? Just lock him in a bedroom or something. I’ll be there soon.”
She gave another squeak and I cut her off. I should have known better. Neither Sango nor Kagome knew how to handle a man. It was up to me to take care of this. And probably all the men we conjured. 
Kikyo left. She left! And her man Naraku was still here, slumped on the couch! I wish I could say I was surprised. Half of me expected her to take care of this man but, of course, she left it all up to us. 
Even the man she created was fodder to her. 
Naraku didn’t look phased in the least. So we had that. I still didn’t know what to call my creation and Inuyasha had his head buried in Kagome’s side like a sad and tired puppy, looking for snuggles. It made me regret not choosing a dog as my octopus wrapped his tentacles around my waist again. 
Fucker couldn’t get up off the couch but he could grab my thighs, ass, and back. 
Getting my freedom for the thousandth time, I glared down at him. “Can you stop that? I just want a moment to myself without your hands all over me!”
He pouted but dropped his hands to his lap. Kagome sat comfortably in Inuyasha’s hold, giggling at my creation. “He reminds me of Myouga. Remember him?”
“Oh my gosh, YES!”
“Maybe that’s what you should name him?”
We both looked down at the man who was grimacing back up at us. “I don’t think he likes it.”
I was seriously considering it though. Just to teach him a lesson. But I never liked Myouga so I didn’t want to use the name when calling my so-called mate to me. “There used to be a monk… in my village…” my mate began and we were all silent in shock, “Miroku. I would like the name Miroku.”
Slowly, I found myself sitting on the coffee table. It squeaked but didn’t take any attention away from Miroku. “You used to live in a village? I don’t understand, you were an octopus…”
“The village was next to the sea. He came to the edge of the cliff to meditate and teach the children. My cave was right below.”
“So you were animals before?” Kagome asked, her glance shifting from Miroku to Inuyasha and back.
“Yes and no,” Naraku answered, drawing all our attention, “you called us here and yet, you have no clue what you brought?”
“There are many different types of demons, dear Sango. We were always demons. You gave us a more… human form with your spell.”
Miroku’s hand had found its way to my knee but I was too engrossed to care at the moment. Inuyasha had flopped, leaning against Kagome’s side and smelling her again. She wasn’t bothered in the least, petting Inuyasha’s hand. “Did you know this?”
She shrugged, “I didn’t fully understand the text. But now, it makes more sense. Because it said, “bring to life” and “give human breath”. I thought we were making animals human using demon souls to change them.”
“Instead, you gave demons a human form with your energy.” 
Naraku had shifted his head to stare right at Kagome. “Me?”
He nodded but left it at that. Kagome had been the one to perform the spell so it made sense to me. Looking her over, I was now worried about what damage bringing three full-grown men to life did to her body. And her soul.
“Maybe you should go see a doctor?”
Kagome grinned broadly, “and leave you here alone with these guys? I’m fine. Really.”
I nearly lost it when Inuyasha whined up at her. Lost it in a freaked out kind of way, not a fun one. Because his actions reminded me the most of an animal, only further proving what Naraku and Miroku said was true. We had brought demons from wherever they were hiding and gave them human bodies. 
No way this would turn out well.
The boys were still practically lifeless on the couch and I was thankful it was the weekend. What the hell were we going to do Monday? Call in sick? Or hire a babysitter?! Wait, that reminded me. 
“What are you doing?”
I was crouched before the television, pulling wires around, “Remember that guy I dated who I dumped when he ditched me for some gaming convention while I buried my mother?” Kagome grimaced and even Inuyasha and Miroku stuttered. I probably sounded a bit scary just then, but Kagome nodded so I let it go. “I got all this gaming shit to try and connect with him like he wanted then didn’t touch it again. Maybe it could at least entertain these guys?”
There was only one game and it had been years since I used the system. I barely remembered how to set it all up. But I got it running after some trail and error and Kagome stopping me from throwing it all against the wall. I never liked video games. They were fun but a distraction. I’d rather kick someone’s ass for real in the dojo than press buttons to do it.
The game now alive, I handed remotes to all the men. Naraku took it reluctantly while Miroku just started at it for a moment. Inuyasha plucked it from my fingers and then went to town. Maybe they had game systems where Inuyasha was from? There was no telling what life they had before this.
Kagome sat on the arm of the couch for a moment longer but once Inuyasha was fully engrossed, she moved away and the two of us stood behind the couch to watch. Inuyasha was kicking both Naraku’s and Miroku’s ass at the game, a fighting one with silly characters that didn’t bleed. Just bounced off the walls when hit hard enough.
“What should we do?” I asked and Kagome kept her eyes on the men and the screen. “They still can’t seem to move.”
“This is helping. I think it was a combination of exhaustion and strangeness. They’re not from this world and their new to their bodies. But fighting seems to be aligning their…” she paused to search for the right word and then looked at me with a smirk, “Chi.”
Kagome continued to smirk through my glare at her. She knew I believed wholly in things like Chi. She was using that against me now to get me to stay calm. But it did make sense and for some reason, the game was energizing the three of them. Kagome was right, it was aligning them to this world or something. 
Which I thought was a good thing until Inuyasha slayed them all again and laughed heartily. There was nothing wrong with it, he wasn’t being a good sport but it was a dumb game. Miroku wasn’t bothered but Naraku was, throwing the remote so hard it lodged into the wall.
“Hey!!!” I yelled but was ignored.
Naraku jumped up from his seat, fully energized, and glowered down at Miroku and Inuyasha. I really didn’t know what would happen if they fought for real and I didn’t want to find out. Neither did Kagome, running around to get in between before anything else happened. Now, Inuyasha was on his feet but more so to push Kagome back and keep her out of it. Miroku glanced my way and when I didn’t move, turned back to Naraku.
“This game is ridiculous.”
“Then why are you so mad?” Kagome countered and Inuyasha pushed her back a little further.
Naraku looked through Inuyasha to scowl at Kagome. “Because it isn’t a real show of strength. If it were, then I would be victorious of any and all challengers.”
Miroku huffed from his spot on the couch and my heart leapt into my throat. I didn’t like the closeness of Naraku to him or the daggers Naraku shot at Miroku with his eyes. “It’s not very becoming, being such a sore loser. And in front of our makers…”
“My maker isn’t here.”
“But Master is.” Inuyasha countered and Naraku’s attention flew back to Kagome. 
Nope. Didn’t like this at all!!
“How about you all calm the fuck down and sit?” I yelled but was ignored.
Naraku had his eyes boring into Kagome still and Inuyasha at least moved to block it. But then the dumbass spoke again. “She is far more kind than your maker and devoted. That is what really pisses you off. That your maker could care less…”
“Shut your mouth, Mutt!!”
Everyone was silent but the bomb was already lit, Naraku stomping over to our dining room table and flipping it up into the air. Hands grabbed me and pulled me back before it landed heavily on my leg, Miroku grabbing hold of me again. But this time, I didn’t fight him, I let him coil around me and protect me. It was unnecessary, Naraku’s temper tantrum was over. 
He just walked right out the door.
I was still shaking when I hung up the phone. Kikyo being on her way didn’t really comfort me like I thought it would. I was thoroughly freaked out. We had created… monsters?! If I went by Naraku we had fucked up. But as Inuyasha ran a hand up and down my spine, it was hard to see him as a mistake. He was far too sweet. 
Miroku helped Sango turn the table back onto its feet. It wobbled a little now but was otherwise fine. I left Inuyasha’s touch to pace, pacing that only increased when Kikyo arrived. Who knew where Naraku was now?!
“FINALLY!” Sango screamed, not giving Kikyo a chance to sit, let alone speak before turning her around.
We all walked along the lazy street beside us. It was the first time Miroku or Inuyasha had been outside our apartment and it showed. At least they had their energy back, Inuyasha pulling at my hold on his hand a few times to take a closer look at something. 
“How are we ever going to find this asshat?” Sango asked all of us.
Inuyasha perked up. “I could sniff him out?”
“Really?” I did nothing to hide my excited relief and Inuyasha’s ears twitched. “You can do that?!”
He shrugged and turned, keeping a tight hold on my hand that tightened with my words for some reason. “I will do anything to make my Master happy.”
“You should really just call me Kagome, Inuyasha.”
Over his shoulder, he gave me a broad smile. Then winked. It had my knees going weak for a second. He was too gorgeous for me. 
Sango and Kikyo were staring as he sniffed the air then turned, moving hotly down the street. It didn’t take long for us to find that Inuyasha could, in fact, follow someone’s scent. 
Because Naraku was standing above a small crowd, using a statue in the middle of a small park as his stage. As we walked up, he was ending whatever his tirade was and people were leaving quickly. 
“I will lead you all! You should all follow me!” 
“Why?” A smart man in the crowd offered.
Naraku zeroed in one him and growled. “Because I am superior in every way.”
What was left of the crowd laughed without fear. And why wouldn’t they? They didn’t know he was a demon put in a human body. Inuyasha could sniff a person out who knew what Naraku and Miroku could do?!
I was pushing through the crowd, trying to get to Naraku before anyone got hurt. A tugging at the back of my shirt told me Inuyasha was right behind me. I didn’t look back to confirm but I just knew it was him without a doubt. 
Naraku’s face was blood red with fury and I swear his eyes were red too. Or was that my freaked out brain making me see things? Either way, I wasn’t going to make it. The crowd wasn’t that thick but we were still a good distance away when the anger began to swell in Naraku. Inuyasha knew it was a lost cause, ripping me back by my shirt and into his protective hold. Sagno stopped short a second later right beside me, Miroku holding onto her arm tight as her excuse. We were all standing there helpless when it happened, Naraku’s flaming scowl opening up to enact his attack.
I blinked, reaching down to pinch myself to make sure I didn’t pass out. Then I looked at Sango who had her face twisted in confusion. Looking above, Inuyasha had his head tilted to the side like a dog trying to understand what he heard. We were all trying to understand. 
“Oh god, not again.”
We glanced at Kikyo who already had her face covered with her hands.
“Squawk!!!” Naraku took a step closer to the edge of his stage and the man backed up, only to have Naraku jump to stand before him. “SQUACK!!!”
“What the fuck? Your crazy man!” 
The man backed up and Naraku followed, raising his arms and flapping them. “SQUAWK, SQUAWK, SQUAWK!!!!”
Naraku kept backing the man and anyone who came near up. Flapping his ‘wings’ and squawking like a bird or something. Sango looked over me to Kikyo with an amused glower. “Just had to pick a Raven.”
Kikyo was purple and silent. All while her mate accosted multiple people. “Kikyo, do something!”
“You called him here! He’s your responsibility!”
She rolled her eyes at me, “I didn’t ask for a pet I have to control. I wanted a man!”
“He is confused on how the world works.” Miroku added softly. “He was never introduced to humans before as a Raven. They’re solitary and independent creatures…”
“Exactly! In-de-pen-dent! Meaning he can take care of himself!!” Kikyo shouted, turning on her heel to leave and officially declare it our problem. 
Naraku was alone, a circle of people keeping their distance. But he was clearly confused and upset. He just didn’t understand.
I took a step but was instantly yanked back, Inuyasha holding on even tighter than before. “Don’t go, Master.”
I sighed, mostly because of the name he used but also because I didn’t want to go and deal with this but Kikyo left me no choice. “I have to go.”
Looking upside down at each other, I swore I saw a flash of red in his eyes like I saw in Naraku’s now. But it was so fast, it had to be my imagination. He slowly released me and I carefully approached the crazed man. He took one look at me and softened but still squawked at my approach. 
This was going to be a long day.
That’s what she said!!! Working on getting more for you tomorrow! Wish me luck!!!!
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