scaryvampirelady · 5 months
moms be like why aren't you eating my 7 pounds of leftovers. why do you hate me. are you mad at me
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cockworkangels · 8 months
i should be allowed to scream and smash my laptop with a baseball bat at wok
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murphycooper · 2 years
PETER TOWNSEND????????????
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abloomingperiod · 10 months
nice. | i definitely know what casual means (part 1); jung hoseok
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total word count: 9.5k-ish
warnings: none but hobi is kind of a menace so brace yourselves
note 1: this is the firsssstttt chapter i'm so excited omgggg 💖💖💖 i hope whoever reads it like it! ngl i'm A Litlle nervous since it's my first one that's not 1 chapter long but also very VERY excited akjskjkjjks
note 2: if by any chance anyone feels like commenting on it or leaving questions PLEASE DO i would love to know your thoughts. enjoy it!
note 3: yes, picture jitb listening party hobi in this one 💖
"i disagree."
"yah, of course you do!" your friend daisy complains, following with a fake surprise at your words, "i'm shocked. please, care to explain."
you stare at her incredulously. not because your friend of 6 years is annoyed at you. that was just like any other noisy, alcohol-filled friday between you two. what makes you shoot your eyebrows up is what she wants you to explain. right in front of your other friends and their acquaintances.
you silently ask her to stop with your warning eyes, but just like always, daisy doesn't really seem to get the memo. so you opt for vague, quick answer.
"i don't think casual relationships suck. i just think men suck at it."
there. you gave it a try. there's your answer. she's gonna shut up now-
"what? it's an interesting take, don't get all quiet now."
you sigh.
here goes nothing.
"i just think men don't really get the concept of casual right and that's what kills it."
she blinks once, and twice, seemingly deep in thought, "...huh."
"and i think they see it as a form of being detached from any sort of commitment or empathy to the other person. they think only a serious relationship requires that, because they're dense and they're dumb and they don't see it as a two-sided situation. they don't think about the other side, and when the woman gets annoyed because, well, she's not really enjoying it or getting what she wants, and goes up to them, they get all 'woah you're getting way too attached that's not what this is'... they don't think they need to treat the woman right, because to them, caring about the woman's experience is a favor, and not something they want to do so, and that's why when the woman pulls out, they go to their buddies that are just as stupid as them and brag about the bitch who got attached and how women are too sensitive. they just don't get it. because they're stupid and superficial and they don't really like women."
silence. definite and instant silence.
you regret opening your mouth.
just as your mind told you before you left your apartment, you should've stayed at home, where your biased mouth wouldn't go on and on about past regrets and frustrations-
"damn, who bad laid you?" daisy's new girlfriend, sunmi, asks with a chuckle, and when the rest of you join, everything seems easier again, and your shoulders release from the tense grip your anxiety quickly held at you.
damn, that one was close.
except for one person, who seems to ponder as their eyes study your face, eyes squinting and lips slightly curving as your answer reach their ears,
"doesn't really matter, 'cause i definitely know what casual means", sarcasm dripping bitterly from your words.
the subjects changes, and that one person keeps staring at you every now and then, and you question whether he's judging, studying or straight up staring at you.
you don't know what has gotten into daisy's friend, hoseok, today. but he's definitely quieter than usual. waves and waves of high-pitched laughter long stored in the back of your mind, making space for a sudden quietness and a curious gaze.
you wonder if he has any objection for your words - which would, honestly, be a disappointment.
hoseok, from what you've seen, reads an interesting and easy going person, with a laughter so captivating that's capable of making others laugh until their stomach hurts without even knowing if there was ever a joke to start.
not that fun people don't have shitty opinions, but you oh so hope hoseok is not the case.
why, though? who knows.
probably him, by this point, because now you're staring back for what feels like a good minute.
god, you really lost your social skills.
"bathroom", you say to the table before getting up. it doesn't really phase anyone - is what you think is the case.
that is until you finish washing your hands, quickly shaking your head with a few "just fucking chill" leaving your mouth in whispers. as you turn around the corner that separates the rest of the bar from the bathroom, your eyes meet hoseok's, closer than you've ever been to one another.
you're two feet away from him, and you're sure the hot air touching your chin is coming from his slightly open heart-shaped mouth.
"hi", he sighs. was that tension in his tone?
"hey", that was definitely tension in yours, you note. you clear your throat, "is everything okay?"
"yeah, sure" he responds, "just... i'm sorry if that had anything to do with any experience of yours. felt like it did."
"oh." is the only thing that leaves your mouth, contrasting to the reasons for it. why is he saying sorry? why does he think he has anything to do with it? why is he so damn close? why do i find his words... nice?
say something, dammit.
"s'okay. it did, to be honest, but i already had my mind made up about it way before. s'fine."
he just nods at you, and your nice-filled thoughts return to tensioned ones when you realize he's waiting for more. what the hell?
"...i'm not talking about it."
"oh-oh right, right, of course! i'm sorry, i didn't wanna be invasive, sorry-"
"it's fine! don't worry, i definitely talked a lot about it on the table and-"
"no but even so what do i have to do with this- not that i wouldn't hear about it-"
at this point, you're barely letting each other finish your lame excuses for your lame anxieties, and it just turned into a mumbling and rambling festival, until both of you are curling your lips upwards like two dumbasses.
there you go. this too, feels nice.
yeah, that's definitely it.
you both chuckle, and when you look at the ground and lightly balance on your feet, you catch hoseok wrinkling his nose with a smile.
yeah, that's a nice smile.
"well... i don't mean to chime in, especially after that. but..." you return your gaze up and he's still looking at your face, "i agree with you."
"okay...?" you respond looking to your side, and nice turns into weirdness.
it was never typical of you to blindly trust men and their lightweight words. but after that one special occasion that you're pretty sure everybody back on the table is already speculating on or searching for instagram profiles back and forth, every hint of lies, manipulation or even interest coming from them annoys you to your guts.
your hurt, grudged and healing guts.
and you think he notices.
"i'm not trying to have my way with you."
"i didn't think you were" oh, but you did.
because they always do. and this is not in any way, shape or form, you bragging over attention from men. in reality, you've been despising it since everything happened merely a year ago.
they come, and they go, and all that stays is lies and hurt.
and yes, you did.
"yes, you did." his face turned serious just like it was back at the table.
you scoff, because now he's just being full of himself, "well, i'm sorry to pop your bubble but i definitely did not."
"popping my bubble?" he repeats your words with a smug scoff. god, is he enjoying this debauchery? "oh, honey, you're not popping anything."
your eyes couldn't get more narrowed at that, because now you feel like taking back every nice words you had about him. where did nice go? definitely far, far away. "oh but i'm this close to popping your nose open with my fist."
he sighs and softens his face. and as he looks both sides as if he's trying and seeing if any recognisable face is close to whatever this... thing is, you can't help but notice his perfectly curved nose. damn, it would be a shame to pop a bridge like that.
"sorry. that was not my point." he shakes his head slightly, "i'm sorry you went through that. we don't really know each other that well yet, so i didn't know about it, but it seemed... tough. you seemed kinda taken aback out there, which i don't blame you..."
you grin at his words. "she can be a menace."
"she can", he agrees, "but it's not out of malice. she's just..."
you both nod and grin at each other. he also knows her for years now and has definitely felt in his skin what daisy and her curiosity can do at the wrong place and the wrong time.
which is nice. hoseok seems to get where you and your shot up eyebrows back at the table came from.
which is probably why your shoulders relax, your arms hold each other on your back and you fidget back and forth on your feet now.
"anyways", hoseok says on a higher tone, "we should head back."
"we should", you agree. "but didn't you want to go to the bathroom?"
"me? no. i just came for you."
"'cause i wanted to have my way with you."
"i'm just fucking with you." his smirk comes back to his face and you accelerate every thought that goes through your mind about that, externalizing it with a loud scoff at his words that seemed way louder than a legit scoff should sound. you don't know if he notices it, but you do know his stupid smirk feels hot where it lands on your face.
so, with the dumbest come back you could grab from your lame collection, you retort.
"you wish!" you say to his back, as he's already making his way back to the gathering.
but then he turns around one more time, and as his teeth slowly lose their grip on his lower lip, he plain and simply retorts with amusement plastered on his lips and a seemingly darker tone on his eyes,
"and what if i do."
and your words fucking disappear from your throat. just like he disappears around the corner.
if only the sudden heat that rose up to your cheeks did the same.
and at this exact moment, you realize jung hoseok annoys the living shit out of you.
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anervousmirrorball · 1 year
there's no way people my age are getting married like _
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mcrbois · 2 years
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babybellssssss · 10 months
materiallllllllllll girllllllllllllllll
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gayhoediaz · 1 year
They’ve just arrived in Peru.
Girl. GIRLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. This is some of the hottest/sexiest-insert other adjectives here- smut I’ve read since…well. probably since you last posted a fic. But STILL! Not even half way through chapter 1 and I am in SHAMBLES
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you’re coming into my inbox with this right after they arrived in peru? girl you need to get some ice you’re not gonna make it through, here 🧊🧊🧊
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fairyyeah · 2 months
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oh girllllllllllllllll
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nenestansunsthings · 7 months
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teamfortresstwo · 10 months
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heavenly-delusions · 1 year
Pissing my pants laughing @ kobeni sliping not once but TWICE 😭😭😭😭 GIRLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
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ropemp3 · 2 years
this fool knows exactly what to say likee
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iamfezcosblunt · 2 years
im so horny for dominic file, and angus cloud, and jack harlow
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pootietangnem · 2 years
My granny heard this lady say “Zaddy” yesterday and she been talking about how she need a Zaddy ever since and I’m entirely to high for this 🤣🤣🤣 like girllllllllllllllll
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@titty-teetee girllllllllllllllll send HALP PLEASE!! 😭😭
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