kinard-buckley · 30 days
Five Tevan head canons?
here are some headcanons!
Tommy is a cat person. The first time Buck spends the night, he wakes up with a tuxedo cat sitting on his chest. (The cat's name is Merlin, he's like 20 years old, very cranky, and Tommy's precious baby.)
Buck absolutely loves being the little spoon but sometimes when he wakes in the middle of the night and sees Tommy is having a nightmare, he'll plaster himself to his back, wrap his arms around Tommy's middle, press his face into the back of his neck and just rock him until he settles.
Buck and Tommy don't wait very long to have sex; sex is one of the few things Buck isn't nervous about re. his blossoming relationship with Tommy. It's the more emotional, serious stuff that gives him nervous butterflies. He's a little shocked at how deep he is after so short a period of time, so he tries desperately hold back a part of himself--because shouldn't Buck be protecting himself after the way his past relationships have gone?--but it gets harder with every passing day. Buck realizes he's in love with Tommy after their sixth date (dinner at a sushi place; they squeeze shoulder-to-shoulder in a booth and Tommy rubs Buck's back as he goes over the menu and Buck thinks I love you but instead says let's get California rolls and split them), and he realizes he wants forever with Tommy after just two months (Buck is brushing his teeth at the sink while Tommy is showering and singing old Sinatra tunes wildly offkey, and Buck thinks I'd like to do this every morning for the rest of my life). Buck manages to keep all the big feelings inside until six months have passed, when he finally confesses to Tommy that he loves him and Tommy's like oh thank God, I fell for you after the coffee date and I've been panicking that it was too fast ever since and they laugh about it together.
Buck takes Jee with him to pick out a ring to propose; a few weeks later, Tommy absconds with Jee to pick out a ring for Buck. Somehow Jee is the only Buckley-Han who can keep a secret, and Buck and Tommy surprise each other with marriage proposals on their anniversary trip.
Buck gets Tommy's callsign and a tiny LAFD helicopter (wih a little Tommy at the controls) tattooed to the inside of his wrist. For Tommy's first tattoos, he gets Who cares?! tattooed on his forearm and a little stylized image of Buck's turnouts with 'BUCKLEY' on the back on his shoulder blade. (When they get married Tommy adds Kinard-Buckley around his ring finger; Buck adds a matching Kinard-Buckley to his ring finger, gets the last lines of Tommy's wedding vows to him on his wrist under Tommy's callsign, and adds a landing pad under the little helicopter with a little figure meant to be Buck waiting for the chopper to land. They're very sentimental.)
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insecuregodcomplex · 26 days
Ooooh Buck & Tommy - S
ooo ok! thanks for sending :)
He knew he should've come by sooner. Tommy had been standing in line for the new coffee shop for 45 minutes now. He'd torn through eight chapters of his audiobook, changed what food he wanted to order three times, and debated getting out of line five. He would've left, if not for the promise of the best Tokyo Fog in town. Eventually, he makes his way into the actual shop, pulling his earbuds out and surveying his surroundings. It's cute, and up to code, with a shiny red fire extinguisher behind the counter, positioned and spaced appropriately. After all his years working in emergency services, he can't help but observe protocol in a new place. Lodged closely together, he feels the exhale of a small laugh from the man next to him. "LAFD?" Tommy turns to him and catches on a pinkish red mark by the man's eyebrow first. He notices, and absentmindedly brushes it with the back of his hand. "It's a birthmark."
"Sorry," Tommy starts. "I didn't mean to stare." "Nah," the man replies, "I'm used to it. People usually think it's a mark from the job." "Are you a firefighter?" Tommy inquires, trying to determine if he's ever seen this man before. "With the 118. Evan Buckley." The man — Evan — holds his hand out for a shake. Tommy laughs out loud. "Tommy Kinard. I actually used to be at the 118. Even before Captain Nash arrived." He quiets the voices in the back of his mind that notice the callouses on Evan's hand as they shake, his clear blue eyes and plump pink lips. Tommy's much more comfortable with his sexuality these days, but has only just met this man. Even if he is already captivated by the way his eyes light up as he laughs. "No way! I think only Chim and Hen have been there longer than Bobby. Did you know them?" Tommy begins to debate how to answer, how they knew each other, but not the best version of him, when a loud "next!" is called. Evan gestures in front of them, indicating that Tommy should place his order. "Hi, uh, one Tokyo Fog and a cheese danish, please. And," he turns around, looking at Evan, who's surveying the options on the board like he hasn't thought this far ahead. Tommy smiles to himself. "Whatever that man gets." The cashier nods, ringing him up and motioning to Evan to place his order. Confused, he comes up and, after trying to argue that he should pay for himself, finally asks for what he wants. They move off to the side and soon grab their treats, Evan holding the door open for them to head back outside. "You didn't have to do that." He tells Tommy, drinking from his travel cup. "I owe you one." They reach the street corner and realize they're off to walk in different directions. "Let me buy you a beer sometime." Tommy lets himself smile softly, not allowing himself to read into the sentiment beyond basic friendship. Gesturing to his full hands and the illuminated walk sign, he nods up to Evan. "Tell Chim to give you my number. Hen should have it, too, but I at least know Chim does." Tommy begins to walk backwards, towards home. "I'll tell you some old 118 stories over that beer you promised." Seeing Evan's smile break out empowers Tommy to give him a wink before he turns around, humming the song stuck in his head. Yeah, he thinks. This could be the start of something good.
send me characters and a letter for a little story!
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dailydungeondelves · 9 months
What TTRPGs do you enjoy playing? Like, what are your Top 5?
My top 5 TTRPGs constantly change because I can never make up my mind. But I have quite a broad range of favourites, since I play everything from solo games and 1 pages all the way up to the chunkiest systems you can find! I'm usually drawn in by the genre, but I've also picked up games because of their unique or interesting mechanics.
Here are the 5 that I'm currently obsessed with in no particular order:
Monster of the Week. A powered by the Apocalypse system where you play paranormal investigators, inspired by shows like Buffy, Supernatural and Twin Peaks. It's narrative driven, light and great spooky fun.
Exalted RPG. A very crunchy system where you play the chosen of the Gods, in a world powered by myth and anime. Will you usher in a new age of prosperity, bring the destruction of all Creation, or just chill and play card games with the God of gambling? It's all up to you~
To the Bitter End. A 2 player RPG from the Ultimate Micro-RPG Book, where you tell the story of a rivalry and the battles that ensue. Will it be a story of epic space battles, or two rival chefs looking to win Bake Off? Either way it'll all end in a climatic game of rock-paper-scissors.
Adventure Skeletons. A 1 page RPG where you play a bunch of skeletons exploring a "human dungeon." It's very silly, easy to pick up and play, and makes for a very fun evening of improv.
MASKS. Another Powered by the Apocalypse system, but this time you play teenage superheroes as you learn who you are and what kind of hero you want to be. It's a game that really promotes cooperation and team building.
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kitweewoos · 26 days
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Love you bestie! <3
AHhh thank you Anne!!!! Love you!!
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thequantumranger · 1 year
Have you tried the Power Rangers RPG by Renegade Game Studios? It's really fun!
I have not. I don't have anyone to play board games irl with 😔
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phantomcodes · 1 year
Hello, I am absolutely in LOVE with your Azure theme and I have everything sorted out for the most part. I would love to have the tags not scroll horizontally, I want them to show under the post, with the tags section the same width as the post with no scrollbar. Is that a change that can be easily made? And is it cool for me to do that?
hi thank you, yeah that's fine if you wanna do that and you know how
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What are 5 Tommy Kinard Head Canons that you have?
Also do you have an OCs that work with Tommy at the 217?
Ooh, this is fun. Thank you for this! Hmmm, let me think about this. Off the top of my head, here are some Tommy Kinard head canons that I have: He's definitely a snuggler which is great because I think Buck is too so they probably end up wrapped up in each other every night and waking up the same way. I think he's got some walls up around his heart that we have yet to uncover on the show and i hope we get a chance to. I know he said he cut the date with Buck short because he didn't want to pressure him, but I think there was an element of protecting himself there too. I think he likes escapism in his entertainment. For as much as Buck inhales non-fiction and random facts, I think Tommy likes getting transported and is fully willing to suspend his disbelief for a fun story. I think he's got a pretty plain wardrobe because he was so used to trying to stay under the radar for so long, but as he settles into himself, he starts to want to branch out. I'd love for Hen to get her hands on him and take him out on a shopping trip where he lets himself indulge. (This is coming from all of the cameos Lou has been doing and how much fun he has with colour. I want to Tommy to have that Care Bears shirt! 😂) Lastly, I think he's definitely an acts of service kind of guy. Buck suddenly finds his jeep running in top condition or Tommy waiting for him with dinner after a particularly tough shift. That kind of thing. Ooh, and do I have any OCs who work with Tommy at the 217? Not yet, but give it time. OCs are like plot bunnies for me - I start with one and they just keep multiplying. 🤣
Thanks so much for the ask, @girlwonderofficial! This was super fun!
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estel-eruantien · 11 months
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This is about Ryan Mitchell from Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue! For @girlwonderofficial
So, tbh, Lightspeed Rescue wasn’t one of my favs when I watched it, but reading fanfiction and looking back on it I really enjoy it. I love Ryan’s character, but I wish we had MORE for him 😂 He’s great, but we could have reflected on the whole “being raised by demons” a little more!
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thequantumranger · 1 year
Also, you do gif requests? Could do gifs of Dana Mitchell from Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue?
Sure. I own almost every Power Rangers season up until SPD. I don't own Ninja Storm nor Dino Thunder, and I believe I'm missing a dvd of Turbo.
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thequantumranger · 1 year
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Dana Mitchell in Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue (2000)
for @girlwonderofficial
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