#giselle disenchanted
As much as I think the teenager/stepmother conflict was cliché, derivative, and even a little lazily done, one thing I appreciated was that Morgan doesn't straight up hate Giselle. It's clear from her interactions in the first part of the film that she genuinely loves her mum, and sees her as her mum when she calls her that, she just also finds her frustrating at times. Which I like. You often don't tend to get those in these kinds of tropes.
It does, however, make the inevitable "you're not my mum" moment feel... jarring? I get she was pissed, but idk, I feel there were better ways they could've gone about it.
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roberrtphilip · 2 months
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cherylblossom · 2 years
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inwhichiramble · 2 years
Some Disenchanted thoughts (spoilers!!):
Amy Adams has RANGE y’all. She was fabulous
The fact that Giselle, Morgan, Robert, and Tyson all got to be the heroes, there wasn’t just one person who swept in an did it all themselves was just… *chef’s kiss*
Idina Menzel 😍
There was a great balance of magic and real life stuff in a way that was different enough to make it unique from the original but also honor what sets Enchanted apart as a movie
The costume department popped off, y’all
Robert being head over heels for Giselle and being a really good dad is just very soothing to watch lol. And the part where he saved the little girl whose family was identical to his 😭 poetic cinema
Peep James Monroe Iglehart! I got so excited when I heard his voice 😂
Yep I just love everything about this film lol. I don’t think it was better than the original but I don’t think it needs to be, either. It was special in its own way and I’m going to be talking about it forever 😂❤️
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jq37 · 3 months
Having just rewatched it, one of my favorite subtle bits in Disenchanted is when Giselle gets the idea to make the cupcakes to campaign for Morgan to win princess so she'll be popular and have friends because, in the background, the "That's How You Know" motif from the first movie plays and the clear implication is that her thought process is, "How can I make sure that Morgan knows that I really really love her? Oh, duh, grand gesture!" She's keeping the same energy for all her close relationships, romantic or not, which I love. And it really shows how differently their trains of thought are running pre-wish because while Morgan is angsting over whether she counts as Giselle's real daughter at all, Giselle's personal score is literally playing the platonic version of first movie's catchiest love song.
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barbie-edits · 2 years
In this house we love peacock themed dresses 🦚 👗
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reputationslaylor · 2 years
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crying rn
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The contrast between Giselle being the gushy gooey sappy one and Robert being Done With It in Enchanted vs Robert kissing Giselle and her saying "what was that for?" and him answering "I just love you." in Disenchanted is the reason I'm alive rn
She's been influenced by the world enough to think her husband needs a reason to kiss her!!! He's been influenced by her enough to know that he doesn't!!!! They will balance each other out both ways forever
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weather-maiden · 2 years
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Me plotting to put my OCs through unspeakable horrors
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ibrithir-was-here · 2 years
Sandman Enchanted AU
So i watched Disenchanted today and it was wonderful, and made me super nostalgic for Enchanted, and since my brain has been on Sandman for two months of course it went "do a Sandman Enchanted AU"
Now, would it have made so much more sense to make it a Hope Godling AU, where Hob is the happy singing Endless who gets thrown into the real world to meet Grumpy Human Dream? Yes, of course it would--
But consider the absolute crazy hilarity of an AU where, after Dream's ruby is broken and his power releasesed something goes wrong, and he gets split into two--his dark melonchaly spooky Nightmare Half---and his whimsical, hopeful and actually happy Daydream Half
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And the Daydream half gets shot across reality to the New Inn, and Hob Gadling is now stuck playing confused and rather concerned host to a singing dancing Daydream, who's free of his melancholy for the first time in years and is warping reality to make it into a Disney musical eachtime he laughs, which is often.
Hob is absolutely at a loss as to what to do, especially since his Stranger is acting incredibly stranger then usual--and he's smiling at Hob, constantly. Its a good thing Hob's immortal or he's sure he would have died from that smile alone 100 times by now. And as much as he loves seeing his Stranger so happy and affectionate he's trying hard not to take advantage of that by letting his own deep feelings loose as it's clear something is off--
A fact confirmed by Joanna Constantine (who Hob also knows, we'll put her in to fill in Nancy/Morgan's role basically as Hob doesn't have a fiance or a kid) who makes it clear that yeah this isn't how Dream usually is and something must have gone wrong with him trying to get his tools back.
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So Hob's trying really hard to be a gentleman and not get too swept off his feet by Daydream--who really isn't making it easy cuz he's so sweet and open and incrediblely affectionate.
The "That's How You Know" moment--which is Daydream trying to get Hob to open up about who it is he has a crush on because how can this person know Hob likes them if he never says-- is horrendously difficult for Hob to hold back just blurting it out, especially with the reality warping 'Open your heart and sing' stuff going on. And he's trying the whole time not to join in the singing.
Meanwhile the Corinthian--who has a combined Nathaniel/Narissa role--has learned about Dream's current condition and determiend that Daydream will be much easier to off--keeps trying to stab the pair and keeps getting trampled by background dancers and such XD
So Hob and Daydream keep getting closer and closer while Joanna tries to find out whats going on, and Daydream is just having a wonderful time, as is Hob, despite his misgivings.
Nightmare meanwhile, is barely holding onto human shape and is very put out about this latest inconvenience--especially since it turns out that Daydream holds the majority of his power to talk to animals, so everything Matthew says to him comes out as more "Caw" then words.
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Nightmare finds Daydream eventually and tells him they have to join back together for the good of the Dreaming and the Waking--things are getting more and more unsettled each time a musical number happens-- but Daydream begs to have one real date with Hob before they do, a date where he can just be happy and not mired down by all the self loathing and fear and such that Normal Dream has. Nightmare reluctantly agrees because they wont be able to join back together unless they both agree, so they all end up going to a dance or something thats happening
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Daydream has a wonderful time, and so does Hob, who of course has fallen absolutely in love with this side of his Stranger, and will be sorry to see Daydream go.
But Hob makes sure to draw Nightmare intona dance a well "this is your date too really you get a dance too" and during that time tries to tell Nightmare that he loves /all/ parts of him, not just the happy one. Nightmare of course is less then convinced, and of course goes into 1889 mood all over again, saying that he neither wants nor needs Hob's love (liar)
Which is just when the Corinthian has finally managed to snag hold of Daydream, and seeing the current situation, tells them "Look at how upset Nightmare is, he's embarrassed by all this lovey dovey stuff. Always has been always will be. If you go back together Dream will be so humiliated by all the gushy stuff you've done that he'll never go and see Hob Gadling again...unless you dont join back together..."
So when Nightmare comes storming up demanding that they leave and rejoin now Daydream refuses--but reality starts to break down again as the separation deepens by this refusal, things warping and twisting between fantastical daydreams and horrific nightmares as the clock starts to chime down. And finally Daydream starts to break down themself as Nightmare tells them to look around at what's happening, this is why they can't let go, why they have to do their duty, not give into their own daydreams--and Daydream knows that Nightmare is right--and their heart breaks.
And Daydream starts to fade away, something that delights the Corinthian who's managed to stay hidden as he knows the loss will ultimately undue Dream forever.
But just as Daydream can feel sorrow, Nightmare can feel remorse. And he knows that there's only one way for Daydream-- the side of the Prince of Stories that is the embodiment of happy endings and the power of a true love's kiss--to be saved, so he asks Hob to give Daydream the one daydream dearest to him...
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After the kiss Daydream and Hob have a tearful goodbye, thanking eachother for all that they've gotten to experience these last few days. Then Daydream finally agrees to reunite with Nightmare. The two come together, the world comes back into balance, and Dream comes back awkwardly into form.
Dream gives an awkward thanks and farewellnto Hob, telling him he needs to go after the Corinthian, and disappears, leaving Hob alone on the dance floor, with a bittersweet smile on his face.
But of course this has a happy ending, and after Dream deals with all that stuff and gets a talking to by Death and has time to process all the memories hw made with Hob as Daydream...he finally gets up the courage to head to the New Inn again, maybe while it’s raining so we can get the rain kiss scene…
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And things work out Happily Ever After…
Edit: Now with fic!
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avitha · 1 year
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So This is Love Power
Next Halloween costumes up! My Cinderella fam meets Disenchanted!
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roberrtphilip · 4 months
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Robert hesitantly leans forward. Summoning all the long dormant faith and love inside him, he tenderly, gently, presses his lips to Giselle's. Almost instantly, the flush of life rushes back to her cheeks. Suddenly, Giselle starts to blink, until she slowly opens her eyes, and looks up at the face of the one man who adores her more than any other. Her one true love.
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cherylblossom · 2 years
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“Oh, Pip. Wicked stepmothers don’t have cute chipmunks as friends. They have-”
“Cats! And evil ones!”
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disneydatass · 2 years
At the end of Enchanted Giselle was the CEO of Andalasian dresses for little girls and had her own brick and mortar in NYC and in the sequel she is this depressed housewife? Did she lose her business to covid?!
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