#give me a tv girl song and i'll find a connection here
lagsemantics · 8 months
Chromedome is both the Girl and the TV of the TV Girl.
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elsa-fogen · 4 months
So. On the topic of Alastor headcannons. What's your opinion on these radio themed ones:
Alastor has an internal radio. Like the concept of having songs play through your head, but more literal. He can tune to stations as if he was a radio himself. And if he really wants to, he can connect himself to other radios in his immediate vicinity and play that music though them instead.
His antlers help his radio powers. So when they get damaged (in battle, sheds them, whatever reason you wanna put here) his internal radio goes bazerk. Think; flipping stations randomly, connecting to other radios when he doesn't want it to, playing loud static at random. All the chaos.
He can hear through other radios. He once had to listen to Vox playing Barbie Girl through a TV right next to a radio in Vox's studio, for a week straight. Surely enough; Barbie Girl is now banned from all radio stations in hell.
What do you think? I got more like these if you like them. Give me a generic topic and I can probably list several under that category.
Yes, but he also can turn it on and off when he needs
Never thought about it, but it's funny (don't think i'm going to use it anywhere but who knows, maybe i'll make some funzies with that)
Pretty much used it in one my comic slihdsdkjfh +headcanon that Vox taught him that, he also can control when and which radio he wants to listen (or his head would be a horrible mess) ut i like headcanon that he has some songs banned on the radio lol
speaking of other radiostations, i actually made an instruction on How To get Your Own Radio Station In Hell, let me just find it real quick... i wanted to share it long ago, but couldn't find a moment
Imagine you're a normal sinner in hell, who suddenly wants to become radio host for one small station. and it's possible! and you won't even die, and get some benefits, if succeed. So, it's kinda hard, but doable
1. You need to write a letter asking for a permission to have your own station to The Radio Demon himself. a) letter should be handwritten, and your handwriting must be at least readable. Or you can use typewriter, if you find one. DO NOT write it on a computer and then print, you'll probably won't be able to get your station in following 50 years b) You should send your letter via post. DO NOT try to meet Radio Demon in person, you'll just lose time, or even if you get lucky, he won't take your letter. b*) Now you can just come to Hazbin Hotel and give your letter to Charlie Morningstar and ask her to give it to Radio Demon. Don't worry, she won't read it. b**) You should leave your contacts, that's obligatory if you want to get an answer - that means you have to have a place to live. c) Do not try to e-mail him, he doesn't even have a phone or computer to receive it. If someone gives you 100% totally real Radio Demon's e-mail - don't trust them, its fake 2. You'll get answer from the Radio Demon in 1-2 weeks, he'll send you set of papers which you have to fill out. You'll probably have to do it 3-4 times so don't worry, he's just testing your dedication. In these papers you give general info about your future radio station - the name, schedule, what activities you'll gonna have and what kinds of music wanna play. Include some jazz, especially if you mostly want to have modern music. You'll also have to tell a bit about yourself. You absolutely should not be connected to voxtech in any way. 2.b) he may simply dislike your ass and become a real bureaucratic monster. Keep trying - you can impress him with you dedication and he may like you in the end 3. When you got your application approved, you'll have to sign a contract, that gives you right to broadcast on a certain radio frequency. According to the contract - your radio station belongs to the Radio Demon, you'll just getting it in unlimited use, until the contract terminated. You DO NOT sell your soul to the Radio Demon. He can broadcast over you any time he needs and you can't do anything about it. He can also ask you to change something in your broadcast schedule, ask to replace of cancel any of your programs, ban music and so on. (Tho, he probably won't do anything of it). But since your radio station is his property, you're as well under his protection while you on your station, so if someone attacks you and you're unable to protect yourself and your station, you'll have a way to contact him and ask for help. You'll have a specific channel for it and list of morse codes for emergencies. You should not use this channel for anything else, or you'll lose your station. 4. After all paperwork is done and approved, you have to get equipment for your station. DO NOT use ANYTHING voxtech related, and you absolutely cannot have TV on your station. 5. After you got all the equipment, invite the Radio Demon to your station. He'll set everything up for you and give you list of emergency codes. Do not try to interrupt his infodumps even if you lost track of it and can't understand shit, it's better if you show enthusiasm. 6. And done! Now you are happy small radio host! The Radio Demon may show up on your station sometimes to check how everything's going, but don't worry about it, he won't be bother you too often after few weeks.
P. S. You are NOT friends with the Radio Demon, even if he acts friendly and calls you "dear" - that's just his normal, not-threatenning behavior P. P. S. Don't be too personal, don't dump on him your problems if they aren't related to the station when he comes to you. Just make him some coffee, talk about weather and tell that everything works just fine P. P. P. S. ABSOLUTELY! DO NOT! TRY TO HUG HIM! He'll just laugh at you, and if you somehow succeed he'll make everything to make you regret every action in your life and afterlife that led you to this moment (and it doesn't necessarily means he will torture you physically, once he run into masacistic freak that got a boner when was tortured) P. P. P. P. S. If you caught feelings for him - suffer in silence and NEVER try to confess. You'll lose your station immediately and will never get it back.
All these instructions are totally written by Rosie who heared so many complaints from Alastor about how people want to become a radio host but can't do it properly
And Alastor is probably making them experience what he went through to become a radio host in life
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buckets-and-trees · 2 years
Fifty Followers
There are MANY writers out there with so so so so many more followers, but I wanted to take a beat and celebrate a first milestone for me...
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I pushed this little boat out into the water only a few months ago, no fandom friends to speak of, just a desire to get out here and write and connect with people. Mostly for me - but when I say that I mean not to like become fandom famous or tumblr famous or anything. This year I decided I wanted to get back to doing things I want to again. I wanted to write. I wanted to write fanfic. I wanted to connect with people through fandom again because I did that a long time ago in a different fandom, and some of those people became some of my best friends (still have ties, but loooong distance and the seasons of our lives have all changed).
Truthfully I didn't expect to have fifty followers yet, and it's really cool to just get the little votes of confidence that yeah I'm writing what I want to write but that some of you also think hmm yes let's see what she does next! It means something to me.
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So... because I want to really start to have fun and get to know y'all... What if I throw out a ton of questions, and I'll answer up to like 50 of them this week. If you want to ask, drop a note in my askbox with the numbers you want me to answer.
I've got a list with writer-y questions, get-to-know-you questions, media-related questions, and fandom questions, so PICK YOUR POISON!
What was your favorite childhood treat?
Tea or coffee?
EDM or Bollywood?
Fame or money?
Childhood life or adult life?
Move on or Hold on?
Cats or dogs?
What part of your daily schedule is your favorite part of the day?
What is your favorite food?
What is your favorite song that you hear on a loop?
A crime you would like to be caught for.
Which 2 things do you want after the apocalypse?
Your current favorite song?
First trip after COVID.
Where would you go using the anywhere door?
Last search on internet explorer.
A thing you recently purchased impulsively.
A fictional movie you want to experience IRL.
If I were a celebrity, I would be…?
What instrument do I play?
Which is my favorite season?
What are your top 3 most used apps?
What is my spirit animal?
What am I allergic to?
Would you rather have 10M followers on Instagram or find true love? Why?
Do you want to be famous? If yes, then for what?
What’s your most-used emoji?
What would you do if you won the lottery?
What is your favorite holiday?
What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives?
Does writing energize or exhaust you?
What is your writing Kryptonite?
Did you ever consider writing under a pseudonym?
What other authors are you reading, and how do they help you become a better writer?
If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?
What was an early experience where you learned that language had power?
What’s your favorite under-appreciated novel?
How many unpublished and half-finished fics do you have?
What’s the most difficult thing about writing characters from the opposite sex?
How many hours a day do you write?
Have you read anything that made you think differently about fiction?
What was your hardest scene to write?
What one thing would you give up to become a better writer?
What is your favorite childhood book?
If you had to do something differently as a child or teenager to become a better writer as an adult, what would you do?
How long on average does it take you to write a story?
Do you believe in writer’s block?
Name a book that you would cherish for a lifetime.
Name a movie sequel you wish for.
Your Favorite Series worth a binge-watch.
What is your favorite Hollywood movie, and why do you like that movie?
Who is your dream girl or dream guy working in film/tv and why?
Your anytime movie.
Who's your go-to band or artist?
What is a movie adaptation you like?
Which actor or actress do you hate to watch in any movie?
Name a celebrity you truly admire and why.
Suggest a list of movies to watch this weekend.
Do you prefer real-life TV shows or animated TV shows?
A character you would die for.
A character who could corrupt you.
What book or series would you die to see turned into a movie or tv show?
What was the last book you read?
What moment do you wish you could experience again for the first time from any book/movie/tv show?
What is the first book that made you cry?
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?*
Is there anything in fandom you used to like but can’t stand now?
Most disliked character(s)? Why?
Most disliked arc? Why?
Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased?
What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
What is the purest ship in the fandom?
What are your thoughts on crack ships?
Your current OTP.
A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind.
What was the first thing you ever contributed to a fandom?
Have you added anything stupid/cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what?
What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
What fandom was it?
What was your first fandom?
Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr.
How do you feel about the other people in your current fandom(s).
Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for?
Your favorite fandom (for the people; not the thing you fangirl over).
Choose a song at random, what ship does it remind you of?
Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships.
What's a headcanon you have?
What are your favorite male/female ships?
Do you have any 3-way ships? If so, what?
5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms.
3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms.
A fandom you’re in but have no ships from.
What's a ship that you want to ship publicly, but everyone on tumblr hates it so you keep your mouth shut about it?
Character you want to be your PLATONIC ride-or-die.
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
Queen of Diamonds (Chapter 9): Kisaki Tetta x Fem!Reader
created by: @sirthisisa-wendys and @thehypestdeano
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synopsis: secrets come out again, things come to light, and for the first time, the walls might come crumbling down.
wc: 1.2k
tw: fluff
previous chapter 👑 masterlist 👑 next chapter
song recommendation:
"There are two officers coming to the door. Open it for them; they'll tell you they have a search warrant for the house. Let them in, then offer them some coffee. I'll be home soon, so stay calm. I love you."
You're sitting on the couch, frozen in fear as the men around you tear your home apart.
stay calm, stay calm, stay calm
"Mrs. Kisaki," an officer begins, walking around the couch to look at you wrapped in your housecoat. "I'm Officer Arashi. Anything suspicious been going on around here lately?"
Say what Tetta told you to say.
"I want to wait for my lawyer to arrive before I answer any questions."
"You need a lawyer to answer a 'yes' or 'no' question?" the dark-skinned man continues, his grey eyes narrowing. "You know how that makes you look, right?" You stare at him blankly, clutching your hands together tightly.
Various calls of "clear" echo around the house at random, and you can only imagine the mess the other officer has made. You hear the clattering of drawers, the thump of items dropping to the floor...
"Your husband is someone we're looking into concerning a missing person's case." Officer Arashi pulls out a cellphone before showing it to you. "Do you know this man?"
Your heart leaps into your throat, but you remain still and unmoving.
"He was last seen seven months ago. No one has heard from him since, and we're aware of his connection to a country club owned by Mr. Kisaki." You flinch. The other officer comes down the stairs, brushing loose strands of hair out of his face.
"All clear." Officer Arashi hands you a card, then stands abruptly.
"If you come across anything, give me a call. Or have your lawyer give me a call." The officers leave the same way they came, and once they're gone, you find yourself shaking. Your whole body shivers as if you'd been outside in the cold, and your vision begins to tunnel.
"Sons of bitches," you hear as the back door opens, and you can only turn so far to see Hanma walking through the door, dusting his pants off. When he catches your gaze, his face drops, and Hanma rushes to your side. "Everything alright?" he wonders, eyeing the mess made by the officers before crouching down in front of you. "Did they hurt you? Are you cold?" A blanket is produced and placed around your frame as Hanma mutters to himself, picking up the various things dumped on the ground.
"Tetta," you whisper through chattering teeth. "Is Tetta... okay?"
"Yeah, he's fine," Shuji murmurs, placing a set of books back on the shelf. "He just left work and is heading home. He sent me to make sure they didn't do anything to you."
"They didn't," you reply, leaning back into the couch slowly. "I'm... fine."
"You better have that lie straight when the boss comes home," Hanma warns. "He'll see right through you." But you can't seem to snap out of your shock, even as Tetta walks through the door and sighs.
"Thank you, Hanma," he says to the man standing in the kitchen. "You can go home now."
"I'd rather not," Hanma grunts. You can barely turn your head away from the blank TV screen you've been staring at for almost thirty minutes as Tetta approaches you, his blue eyes wavering behind his glasses.
"Sweetheart," he begins, holding your hands in his. "Did you do what I told you to do?"
"Yes," you breathe and Kisaki kisses your hands repeatedly, then cradles your face in his warm palm.
"Good; I'm proud of you. Let me fix you something to drink. Is tea alright?"
"Tetta, what's going on?" Your question isn't unprompted, and you can see the way Kisaki shifts onto the balls of his feet, preparing for his already formulated answer.
"Saito took a little excursion and doesn't want to come back, apparently. He's been reported missing, but I'm sure he's pulling this stunt for attention since..." Tetta trails off and you nod, understanding the situation fully.
"So what do we do?"
"I have to make sure this investigation gets dropped, since he's not actually missing," Tetta begins, standing. "And I need to get you somewhere safe." You frown instantly.
"What do you mean?"
You hear an "oh, boy" behind you, but choose to ignore it. Tetta takes off his glasses, then extends his hand to you.
"Come on, let's go upstairs."
Your husband leads you up the marble stairs and away from the former carnage until you're seated on the bed in your bedroom. Tetta sits next to you, holds your hand, and inhales deeply.
"Investigations are cause for a lot of attention," he starts. "And I don't want you to get caught up in the aftermath of something like this. So, I'm sending you on vacation for a little while."
"Without you?" you interrupt, eyes widening. "No, Tetta; we can't--"
"It'll only be for a little while, babe. I'll be sending Hanma with you so you can feel protected by someone you know. He'll take care of anything you need."
"But Tetta, I--"
"You're leaving tomorrow. I've already organized everything, all you need to do is get on the plane."
"And when you're there, I won't be able to talk as much as I usually would, but I will call every night before you go to bed."
"No," you shout, yanking your hands away and standing. "No, I'm not going without you!" Kisaki rises and shakes his head, lips pressed together in a thin line. "I'm not going."
"You really don't have a choice," he whispers, not looking at you. "I don't have a choice, either."
"I can take it. I can take the pressure as long as we're together! Just, please," you beg. "Please don't send me away. If you love me, you won't send me away."
"It is because I love you that I'm sending you on vacation," Tetta states firmly, turning around and walking toward the bathroom. "You leave tomorrow at eleven a.m. No more arguing, y/n. I can't... I can't take it. I'll have the maid pack your things in the morning."
"Hanma," you reply. "You say he's coming with me?"
"He'll be there as my proxy. Should you need anything, ask him. if something happens between the two of you - since I cannot be there to take care of you like I normally would - you have my full permission to... indulge in your desires." You swallow hard, finger shaking as you reach out to hold him close from behind. Tetta pauses in removing his tie, his hands drifting to your arms and stroking them slowly.
"I want you to come with me," you repeat, inhaling his woody scent. "You said you could never say no to me."
"I know, my love," Tetta croaks, his voice laden with sorrow. "But I'm saying 'no' to you now so I can say 'yes' to whatever you want once this is over. I promise."
"Swear?" you mutter, squeezing him closer.
"I promise on everything I am." He turns around in your grasp and lifts your chin up, kissing your lips gently over and over again. "I promise."
taglist: @hana-patata @xbabybajix @tjjjrsj @shvjis
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pretoriafics · 3 years
Runaway: A Teenage Dream alternative version
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Hi! Well, I know a lot of you guys have been requesting me a part 2 of Teenage Dream (And it will come soon), but I simply had this idea. I was been addicted to daydreaming playlists on YouTube lately, and I found one who let me pretty inspired. All the links will be in the fic.
Notes: This is not Part 2 of Teenage Dream. It's just an alternative version, okay?
Derek just found a playlist on YouTube that shows him his soulmate from a faraway dimension: you. Now, he is determined to bring you to him. Word count: 1.712 Pairings: Different Dimension!Reader x Derek; Contain: It's pretty romantic, I guess; AU Soulmate Warnings: SONGFIC!!; English is not my main language <3; Inappropriate language Teenage Dream one-shot TEEN WOLF MASTERLIST
It was a cold and rainy night. Stiles and Scott just came out of Derek's loft. It was complicated to deal with them sometimes, with all that teenage stubbornness and stupidity in supernatural stuff. Without mention of the troubles they caused to Derek. Come on, they made him a wanted criminal!
His life is reduced to run away from some kind of threat to keep his survival. Derek was an eternal runaway, and he was starting to get tired of this shit. He can't even remember what home is anymore or how it is to not fear for his own life. Peace was an unknown thing for him.
Derek approaches his laptop on the table - where Scott was before. The werewolf sat on the chair in front of it, ready to turn it off, but he sees something that catches his attention. YouTube was open and in the video suggestions was a video called "a playlist for your soulmate in a faraway reality".
Well... Daydreaming playlists wasn't his thing. However, he was curious and tired. If that playlist would make him calm his nerves and relax, he would listen to it.
Derek clicks on it, and the first song fills the room: Runaway, by Aurora.
I was listenin' to the ocean I saw a face in the sand But when I picked it up Then it vanished away from my hands, down
Tired, Derek stands up from the chair and lays down on the couch. He closes his eyes, just feeling the music and all the stress running away from his body. The music, the rain outside... Yeah, it was comfy. It was... good.
I had a dream I was seven Climbing my way in a tree I saw a piece of heaven Waiting, impatient, for me, down
There, with his closed eyes, he just could hear that song and the rain outside. Suddenly the rain stops, and the music is the only sound that fills the room. The last Hale opens his eyes and finds out different things at his loft: He can't see anything outside. Everything was dark there. His loft was dark too, with weak lights and several light particles floating around the room.
What the hell?
And I was running far away Would I run off the world someday? Nobody knows, nobody knows And I was dancing in the rain I felt alive and I can't complain
It was like his loft was moved to a different place. Even with all his knowledge about the supernatural, that kind of phenomenon was new to him. He never heard anything that could seem like that. Suddenly, Derek heard a female voice singing with the music.
But now take me home Take me home where I belong I can't take it anymore
A cloud of golden dust started to unite at a specific point of the room, and you start to taking form. You were distracted, sitting in a chair with a book in your hands and a laptop close to you. When Derek stares at your laptop, he sees the exact same playlist he was hearing. Sure! Certainly was something pretty weird with that playlist. It was showing him you, a girl he never saw before. You were translucid, almost shining gold. And you were the most beautiful creature he had ever seen.
It was love at first sight.
I was painting a picture The picture was a painting of you And for a moment I thought you were here But then again, it wasn't true, down
You look up from the book with wide eyes, scared. Your eyes run to the playlist on your laptop. Well, you and Derek connected the dots on your minds before staring at each other again. Seems like the playlist in fact showed your soulmate from a different reality. A faraway one. You gave him a smile, and he gave it back to you.
"Can you hear me?" You said, looking at him.
"Yeah. Can you hear me?"
And all this time I have been lying Oh, lying in secret to myself I've been putting sorrow on the farthest place on my shelf
Derek gave a step forward to you, memorizing each detail of you.
"What's your name?"
"(Y/N). Yours?"
Your eyes got widen again. Oh, holy crap.
"Hale?" You asked in urgency. He looks at you, surprised.
"Yeah. Do you know me?"
"You are one of my favorite fictional characters. You are literally part of my teenage."
Oh, wow. So, he was a fictional character in another reality! It was creepy and funny at the same time. Derek stares at the laptop of yours, looking at the title of that playlist.
A playlist for your soulmate in a far-away reality.
Hm. He stares at you.
"So..." Derek cross his arms in front of his chest, looking at you "Seems like the part of your teenage is your soulmate in a far-away reality. Do you think this is accurate? Because I think it is."
You felt your cheeks burning, and your stomach froze.
"I think it sounds right."
And I was running far away
Would I run off the world someday?
Nobody knows, nobody knows
And I was dancing in the rain
I felt alive and I can't complain
You gave him a smile, the most beautiful one he had ever seen. Wanting to feel your skin, Derek reaches out his hand on yours, trying to touch you. However, his fingers pass over on your skin. He can't touch you. Upset, he let out a long sigh.
"I think you're too far away."
You are upset as well. You always felt things when you looked at him on your TV, but you always thought it was just a crush that everyone has in some fictional characters. But now you know that, no, it wasn't just a silly crush on a fictional character. Deep in your subconscious, you knew he was destined for you.
"What can we do to solve this?"
"I don't know, but I'll find a way."
Derek looked at each book and talked to every witch he knew. He heard an ancient legend with one of them, that said that, sometimes, the universe opens a bridge to different dimensions. Many werewolves find out their soulmate this way. That playlist was a cosmic event, the universe trying to unite two lost souls.
Then, he finally found a book. An ancient and rare one.
He almost didn't sleep lately. Eager to stay with you, Derek couldn't help but translate each page until he finally could find a way to bring you to him. Sometimes, he was listening to that playlist on YouTube just to see you. You were almost melting in pure love just seeing how hard he was working to stay with you. Runaway by Aurora was filling the loft.
But now take me home Take me home where I belong I got no other place to go Now take me home Take me home where I belong I got no other place to go Now take me home Take me home where I belong I can't take it anymore But I kept running for a soft place to fall And I kept running for a soft place to fall
"Do you found out something?" You asked, looking at him with your eyes full of hope. Runaway by Aurora was filling the loft.
Derek denied, flustred.
"Nothing yet."
"Maybe It's impossible..."
He swallowed hard. Stubborn, he denied. He can't believe it was impossible. There's a way, and he was sure about it! It should have.
"No. It should have a way to bring you."
There, sat at his chair and translating that book, Derek was determined. He simply can't lose you, his peace point. He belongs to you.
And I was running far away Would I run off the world someday?
And then, Derek finally found it! Seems like a simple spell to him. All he needs to do is to pronounce the words with the bridge - which means the playlist - open. He looks at you with a shine of hope in his eyes.
"I think I found it."
Oh Gosh. You felt your stomach froze in anxiety.
"Are you sure?"
"It's my best bet." His green eyes stare at you. "Are you sure you want to stay here? With me?"
You gave him a gentle smile while holds your own hands, playing with your fingers.
"Yeah. I mean, I'm just tired of running from all the shit around here."
He gave you a smile as well. Derek knew that feeling. Hoping that the spell works, he stands up from his chair with the book in his hand. With the best Latin he knows, he pronounces the words of the spell, and you feel shivers all around your body. The sparkly dust seems to be sparkly and luminous than ever, and the darkness outside gives place to the view of the streets.
But now take me home Take me home where I belong I got no other place to go Now take me home Take me home where I belong I got no other place to go
Your body was losing the golden shine, and stepwise the natural tones of your skin were being revealed. Derek's loft was showing itself for you, and you felt your body starting to get warm again. And, done: You was now at his loft. Physically. His voice got silenced, and the only sound you could listen to was Aurora's voice on Runaway.
Derek couldn't believe you were really there, in front of him. Almost without air on his lungs, he put the book on the table and reaches his hand on yours. A large smile was born on his lips when he felt your skin. You felt your cheeks burning at his touch. Wow. You can't believe this!
He pulls you close to him by embracing your waist, and all you could do is smile. You rest one of your hands on his chest while the other one gives him a gentle caress on his face. Without contain himself anymore, Derek puts a soft kiss on your lips. And it felt so right.
It felt like the place where he belongs to.
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sebastianshaw · 4 years
RP Meme from The Lost Boys
I told you to stay off the boardwalk.
Hey, I liked that song.
I don't see any boogeymen or nasty guys.
Wait. That's from my era!
That's the ocean air.
Smells like someone died.
Looks like he's dead. No, he's just a deep sleeper.
If he's dead, can we go back to [PLACE]?
What's wrong with this picture? There's no TV. Have you seen a TV? I haven't seen a TV.
You're the only woman I ever knew who didn't improve her situation by getting divorced.
A big legal war wasn't going to improve anybody's situation.
Ouch. My hair.
Talk about the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
We've got some rules around here. Second shelf is
mine. That's where I keep my root beers and my double-thick Oreo cookies. Nobody touches the second shelf but me.
There's another rule around here, and I want you to pay
close attention. Don't touch anything. Everything is exactly where I want it.
There are some bad elements around here.
You're telling me we've moved to the murder capital of the world?
If all the corpses buried around here were to stand up all at once we'd have one hell of a population problem.
I just like to read the TV Guide. Read the TV Guide, you don't need a TV.
I was so worried. Don't run off like that.
We were that age, too, once. Only they dress better.
You have a generous nature. I like that in a person.
So how may I help you this evening? We have it all.
I look that needy, huh?
You're chasing that girl, aren't you?
I'm at the mercy of your sex glands.
Don't you have something better to do than follow me around all night?
Just scoping your civilian wardrobe.
Listen buddy, if you're looking for the diet frozen-yogurt bar, it went out of business last summer.
That's a very serious book, man.
Only five in existence.
Where the hell are you from? Krypton?
Nobody drives this baby but me.
We have to let it warm up a little. Hear that sound? Just like a baby pussycat.
That's as close to town as I like to get.
It's a pretty cool place. If you're a Martian. Or a vampire.
Are you guys sniffing old newsprint or something?
You think you really know what's happening here, don't you? Well, I'll tell you something. You don't know shit buddy.
This is just our cover. We are dedicated to a higher
purpose. We're fighters for Truth Justice, and the American
Think of it more as a survival manual.
There's our number on the back and pray you never need to call us.
I'll pray I never need to call you.
If you want your ear pierced, I'll do it.
I came this close to being called Moon Beam or Moon Child Or something like that.
I can't beat your bike.
You don't have to beat me, [NAME]. You just have to try
and keep up.
Just you! Come on! Just you!
That's what I love about this place. You ask, and then you get.
I can never sleep with the closet door open, either. Not even a crack.
Don't sneak up on people like that!
What, you don't like rice? Tell me [NAME], how could a
billion Chinese people be wrong? Come on!
You're eating maggots. How do they taste?
Sorry about that. No hard feelings, huh?
Drink some of this, [NAME]. Be one of us.
Give me those sunglasses.
You need sunglasses to talk on the phone?
Are you freebasing? Inquiring minds want to know.
Anything in here that might pass for after-shave?
Have a big date tonight, [NAME]?
Lose the earring, [NAME]. It's not you. It's definitely
not you.
All you do is give attitude lately.
Go take your bath.
What did you do to my dog, asshole?
I didn't hurt him. He bit me. This is my blood.
Why did he bite you, huh? What did you do to him?
He was protecting you.
Look at your reflection in the mirror. You're a creature of
the night, [NAME]. Just like out of a comic book.
My own brother/sister/friend/etc, a goddam shit-sucking vampire.
You wait 'til[NAME] finds out!
Just let me talk. Wait a minute! [NAME]!
You did the right thing by calling us.
Does the sunlight freak him out?
He wears sunglasses in the house.
He always had bad breath, though.
He's a vampire all right. Here's what you do.
I can't do that! He's my brother/sister/mother/friend/etc!
You better get yourself a garlic T-shirt, buddy. Or it's
your funeral.
I think we have to have a real long talk about something.
[NAME] help! He's coming to get me!
[NAME], help me! Open up! Help me! [NAME], open the window!
So what are you, the flying nun?
We're gonna work this out. We*re gonna work this out. Trust
me, okay?
I thought I saw something on my window, but I guess I got carried away.
I would like to have a personal life too.
Can I sleep in here with you tonight?
You smell like garlic.
What's happening to me, [NAME]?
I don't know how to help you.
Aren't we friends anymore?
Then let's act like friends. Let's talk.
We could talk about anything you want to talk about.
I have more serious things on my mind than girls and school. Things I'm dealing with.
Looks like I wasn't the only one who got lucky last night.
The dog chased my mom like the Hounds of Hell from Vampires
We've been aware of some very serious vampire activity in
town for a long time.
[PLACE] has become a haven for the undead.
As a matter of fact, we're almost certain that ghouls and
werewolves occupy high position at City Hall.
Kill your brother/sister/boyfriend/aunt/best friend/etc, you'll feel better!
Look, it says here that if you kill the head vampire all half-vampires will return to normal.
Does he know who the head vampire is?
You'll have to kill him. And if you don't, we will.
Vampire require a daytime protector, a guardian to watch
over them as they sleep. Fierce dogs, the Hounds of Hell,
are often employed for this purpose.
Truth, Justice, The American way triumphs.
Smells good. When do we eat?
Are we gonna have company again?
Well, you are the man of the house and I'm not coming in until you invite me.
He promises to behave if you come back.
I didn't know you were having guests.
Our batting average isn't terrific, is it? Zero for two.
You're so sweet to him.
I don't know what got in to him. He's not like that.
If you ever want to see [NAME] again, you better come with
us now.
Initiation's over, [NAME]. Time to join the club.
Don't kill me, [NAME]. I'm basically a good kid, so just
don't kill me.
Just work with me and I can help you. You'll be okay.
Is she one of them?
You shut the window and lock your door.
She's one of them! And don't tell me it doesn't make her a
bad person, [NAME]!
Yes, and it's my fault. You would've not met me, if I
hadn't liked you. I tried to warn you.
You drank someone's blood? Are you crazy?
We're not them.
Why didn't you kill me last night?
You're supposed to be my first.
What are you doing here? What do you want from me?
Don't kill anybody until we get back to you!
I got connections.
The night crawler. The bloodsucker. El Vampiro.
I don't want you going down there.
Look, this isn't a comic book, [NAME]. These guys are
brutal killers.
Who'd you rather go down in with you? Them or me?
If something happens down there, I won't have the strength
to protect you.
This time I'll protect you.
Even though you're a vampire, you're still my brother/sister/friend/etc
If you try to stop us, or vamp out in any way, I'll stake
you without even thinking twice about it!
Where did you say you met these guys?
Don't you touch her. Stay away from her.
Flies and the undead go together like bullets and guns.
There must be coffins here someplace.
I thought they'd be in coffins.
That's what this cave is. It's one giant coffin.
Right now they're at their most vulnerable. Easy pickings.
Remember. You just have to kill the leader.
We don't know which one he is.
I guess we'll just have to kill them all.
What's that, a little vampire humor? It wasn't funny.
Good night, bloodsucker.
We blew it, man! We lost it!
We unraveled in the face of the enemy!
They pulled a mind-scramble on us!
We don't ride with vampires.
"Burn rubber" does not mean warp speed!
Your dog knows a flesh-eater when he smells one.
The sun goes down. They'll be looking for us.
[PLACE] is crawling with vampires
They're coming to the house as soon as it gets dark!
I'm gonna see [NAME] tonight, and you're trying to ruin it for me.
I don't know what you don't want me to see.
I'm not talking about [NAME]! To hell with [NAME]!
Good. That's just the way we like it.
We've got a date tonight?
They'll be coming for all of us.
It's just old memories coming back.
Why are you so jumpy tonight?
He seemed so sincere, but it's insane.
Tell me. I promise not to laugh. Honest.
I think I should warn you all when a vampire dies, it's never a pretty sight.
Some yell and scream. Some go quietly. Some explode. Some implode. But all will try to take you with them.
Don't go out there! Stop him!
I say we terminate them right now.
You're mine. You killed [NAME]
Try the holy water, dead breath!
I nailed one of them downstairs with a bow and arrow.
We trashed the one that looked like Twisted Sister.
We totally annihilated his night stalkin' ass!
Death to all vampires!
We are awesome monster bashers!
Holy shit! The attack of Eddie Monster!
Stop! Get away from him! Just stay away from him! He's just
a little boy.
You're afraid to face me, [NAME]?
I tried to make you immortal.
You tried to make me a killer!
Stop fighting me, [NAME]. I don't want to kill you. Join us.
It is too late, my blood is in your veins.
Don't let them see me like this.
What happened to your face?
I knew it. You are the head vampire.
You're the secret [NAME] was protecting.
Don't ever invite a vampire into your house, you silly boy/girl/etc.
It renders you powerless.
Has everyone gone crazy? What's the matter with all of you?
It was you I was after, all along, [NAME]
It was all going to be so perfect, [NAME]
Just like one big happy family.
Great. The bloodsucking Brady Bunch.
I still want you, [NAME]. I haven't changed my mind about that.
I didn't invite you this time, [NAME]
Don't you touch my mother/father/son/dog/etc
Don't fight, [NAME]. It's so much better if you don't fight.
How much do you think we should charge them for this?
One thing about living in [PLACE] I never could
stomach--all the damn vampires.
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jaehyunsuh · 5 years
nct 127 reaction to: s/o being jealous and petty
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summary: you are both at your friends birthday party and your boyfriend (nct member) approaches excited to a girl you have never seen before, he is talking to her enthusiastic and she begins to be a little touchy and flirty what makes you jealous since he isn't doing anything to avoid it.     
i feel like Taeil wouldn't enjoy your childish at all, he seems pretty mature and also chill so he doesn't wants you to come and interrupt his inner peace.
"What's up? You have been acting weird all night?" He enters the leaving room, taking off his jacket and placing in on the living room.
"Oh my god, don't all innocent." You say with an annoyed face.
"That girl was all over you and you didn't thought about telling her you have a girlfriend or just to leave you alone."
Taeil sighs frustrated. "Y/n, are you serious? She used to go to the same class as me and we were surprised to be at the same place. That's it." He tries to put on a calm voice since he doesn't want to start a fight.
"And that gives you both the right to flirt in front of me and act like I'm not there? Please go lie to someone else." You stand up grabbing your purse continuing to walk to your bedroom.
"Y/n is always like this. You want to have everyone's attention, make things about you and fight about stuff that doesn't even makes sense.
"If you did the same i probably would have to swallows my words because you would come at me and play the victim. I'm sorry but i can't take this anymore." He grabs his jacket making his way to the door and slamming it while leaving.
you are hurt because of Taeil words. Are you really always acting childish and playing the  victim? You start feeling upset and proceed to go to bed thinking about how can you fix this whole thing. Taeil is a wonderful man, he doesn't like to fight or discuss, he never makes you mad and is always so thoughtful. You start realizing how the things he said were all truth and probably has been feeling like that for some time. The last thing you need right now is having conflicts in your relationship so you better find a way to solve things with him.
it's 3am already and Taeil hasn't arrived, suddenly you hear the door close and immediately stand up and make your way to the living so can solve things with Taeil.
"Hi." You say in a low voice staring at the floor. Taeil looks at you disappointed and then turns his head to the fridge pretending he didn't hear you. 
"Look, i know this isn't the first time I've acted like this and i know i look like an idiot everytime i do it. Taeil you know I'm not good with words but i love you, and you are the best person i have. I've realized that my actions and attitudes through situations like this aren't the best but i act like that because I'm scared of losing you."
he turns his head and approaches to you, he grabs your cheek with his right hand and proceeds to connect your lips. The kiss is slow and soft, you can feel all the love that he is trying to transmit to you.
"I'm glad that we clarified things now, i hope this causes a positive change in you. I love you and i hate seeing you like that. I love you and i always will." He leaves a sweet kiss on you cheek and after gives you a sweet smile.
johnny seems like he would be kind of jealous about his s/o and kinda enjoys when she gets like that as well, it makes his ego feel good. Perhaps he doesn't like when she overreacts about it and start making up things. He can joke about it at the beginning but the he will be annoyed.
"Hi babe." He whispers in your ear leaving  kiss in your cheek.
you don't answer, give him dead eyes and continue to take off your makeup.
"Oooh i see, someone's jealous for the girl at the party." He jokes
"I wanted to take here somewhere but since she rejected me i came here with you." He laughs making fun of you. You keep ignoring while he is just making you become angrier.
"Relax, I'm just messing with you." He gives a innocent smile. "Come on, let's watch a movie." He hugs your from behind and you move trying to escape his arms.
"Johnny, you always take everything as a freaking joke." You say staring at him.
"You left me alone and went to spend the whole night with this girl. You were flirting with her the whole party and you didn't give a damn that your girlfriend was there."
"Y/n, she is just a friend. You know i only want you." He tries to caress your hair but you stop his hand."
"Don't touch me."
"Oh my god y/n, don't even start with this sh*t." He claims annoyed.
"Oh my Johnny don't make me laugh. Whenever a guy is near me you become extremely possessive and i always try not to confront you so we don't fight." 
"If you are just going to compare I'm gonna leave, you don't even see how much you are overreacting. You are always making things bigger than they are, stop being so dramatic." He leaves the room leaving you standing by the bathroom door.
you sight in frustration since you don't want to be right but you have to accept he is. A few hours past and you hear Johnny watching tv while you take turns staring at your phone and the bedroom's ceiling. You decide to make your way to the living room so you can talk to your boyfriend.
"Johnny." You say in a sweet voice, sitting next to him and placing you head on the couch.
"Uhm". He hums
"Baby, I'm sorry. I know sometimes i overreact and make scenes but is just because i love you so much and i unconsciously want to protect you from falling in love with someone else and me." You stare at his eyes being honest at him.
"You are so adorable when you pout." He smiles.
he leans onto you and grabs your low back pulling you closer to him. The kiss is heated, needy and intense. Whenever Johnny or you are jealous both of your egos increase and lowkey becomes satisfied because of how much you care about each other. You feel his smile through the kiss and start smiling too. You are just so thankful and happy to have each other.
"Please let's kiss like this more often." He smiles sweetly.
"But without making a whole scene before, please." He makes a funny expression and the laughs leaving a kiss on your forehead.
for me taeyong is completely agaisnt his s/o acting all childish and jealous. He thinks he has made clear he is really picky when it comes to to relationships and even if he is really into someone they will realize how hard it its for him to like someone. So that's why he wouldn't find it with no sense if his s/o even has the slightly thought of him being attracted to another person.
"Y/n, do you want something to eat?" He smiles. You turn back at him and give him dead eyes and stare to the tv again."
"Why are you looking at me like that? Did something happen?" He approaches to the couch you are sitting caressing your arm.
"I don't want to talk about it." You grab his hand separating it from where it was placing.
"Y/n, we said that whenever we felt something we were going to talk about it." He has calm tone.
"So you want me to talk about it? I'll talk about it, you were with this girl the whole night and didn't even pay attention to me." You say in a loud voice.
"Sweetie, you know she is just a friend, don't overreact."
"Overreacting? I'm not overreacting. How would you feel if i ignored you with someone else the whole night. You don't even care about what i say, you need to be brave and at least tell me the truth."
"You know what's the truth? Maybe i enjoyed spending time with a girl who wasn't screaming right at my face and not even trying to solve problems, just focussing in her, her! And no one else." He says angry, grabbing his jacket and leaving the apartment.
you are shocked by his words and you have never seen Taeyong like this, he is always so sweet and calm, that's your favorite thing about him. You realized how much of an idiot you are hurting the best person you know, you need to stop acting like this when you are annoyed. You are the one who needs to be brave and mature and actually talk about things instead of hurting the one you love.
a couple of hours has passed and you decide to go to the studio, you know that's Taeyong-@ favorite place, you were always to find him there after he was sad, upset, tired, angry or stressed. You open the door slowly seeing at you cute boyfriend who is sitting in the couch in front on the cabin. He turns at you but ignores you a looks at front again.
"Tae, I'm sorry, i know you probably don't want to talk to me but i need to tell you that i love so much and i hate being like this with you. I'm sorry for acting like that, i know you wouldn't do anything to hurt me." You sit on the couch and grab his hand.    
"You are always so nice to me and i always mess up with my sh*tty personality." 
he doesn't let's you finish and gets close to your face proceeding to kiss you. His lips feels like are healing how stupid you have felt for the last two hours, making you feel safe. He caresses your palm softly and grabs it even tighter.
"Hey, don't ever say you mess up and that you have a shitty personality, okay? I love you and i forgive." He is really close to your face and stares right into your eyes and touches your hair.
"Okay." You give him a shy smile.
"Do you want to listen to what i made while i was upset." He smiles standing up in his way to play the song he just finished.
i feel like this guy would be most likely to be jealous over his s/o. Even though of that he would be really annoyed and would lose his patience fast if his s/o starts to act childish and overreact while being jealous. 
"So are you gonna tell me what happens or you are just gonna avoid me for the rest of the night?" He already has an annoyed voice tone.
"Look, i wasn't going to tell you anything because i wanted to calm down but since you are talking like that i guess i would have to tell you." You are so angry and annoyed and the fact that Yuta is talking to you in this tone isn't making it any better.
"You always act so innocent, pretending you are the best thing ever and showing how great of a person you are, but tonight you couldn't even pay attention to me, flirting with you little friend and leaving me on the side." You roll your eyes and sit on the couch placed on the living room.
"Since I'm the best thing ever i think i can find someone as great at me, bye." He says firm with a clear angry expression on his face.
you start crying of frustration seeing how your childish actions make your boyfriend act completely different. Yuta has a strong personality and always express his feelings without holding back but even though of that he was always the sweetest person with you. He always listens to you carefully and gives the best advices. You can lose you man just like this.
you go to the Han River and walk until you find a beautiful yuta sitting on the floor, drinking beer and staring at the night view. Even though it's 2am Seoul is pretty active at this hour, you can see some other couples hugging and laughing sitting around the grass as well. You walk slowly to were Yuta is and sit beside him.
"Oh so you came." He takes a sip of his beer and doesn't take his eyes out of the river.
"Yuta, look, I'm so sorry that i say so many stupid stuff. I wasn't thinking clearly and just started saying things without even thinking about. You don't believe you are the greatest all the time and even if you do i'll give you the credit for that. You are the best boyfriend ever, you always listen to me and let me cuddle when i get sad. You are the best for me and i hope you can forgive me." 
Yuta looks at you and smiles, proceeding to grab your face with the opposite hand where he is holding his beer. He starts kissing you slowly, pulling his body closer to you and making you band against the grass, the kiss is getting more heated so you decide to push him slowly trying not to kill the vibe. You both smile at each other fluttered.
"Okay, i know I'm the best. He says playfully making you smile.
"I'll will forgive you only if you drink of these with me." He hands you a beer while showing a bright smile. You grab it and smile back him and the kissing his cheek.
"Cheers." You say clashing your drink with his.  
doyoung would be a quiet jealous boyfriend, by this i mean that if he is bothered by something he wouldn't show it at the moment but would definitely talk about it later when you are home or smth. And if his s/o is the one being jealous and petty he would be so annoyed since he has made clear to his s/o that she is the only one for him so it would make no sense to him at all.
"Y/n, I'm your boyfriend, we have been together for two years no, i think you can talk to me if you are going through something." He says caressing your hair and giving a sweet smile.
"Doyoung, don't play the sweet and caring boyfriend role on me, I'm not in the mood." You say sitting on the couch placed on the opposite side of the room were he is seated.
"Today you didn't even care about me and now you act all kind and friendly, please stop." 
"Ha! You are funny." He uses a sarcastic tone and stands up crossing his arm with an annoyed expression forming on his face.
"Y/n, you are never in the freaking mode. You are always avoiding talking about you feelings and turning your and our problems into ways with no exit."
"You know what? I think i need to breathe a different air to see if i can get way from your toxicity." He makes his way to the front door grabbing the car keys.
Doyoung has been the best boyfriend you could ask for, he always buys you food and sweets whenever you're feeling sad, upset or angry. He has never gave you any problems. You start realizing how all the fights you've had have been because of you, he's always so calm and paying attention to you when you are complaining hysterically, giving you support and advices. 
You already know he is at a coffee Shop Where you met, since it us his favorite place in the world, so you call a taxi and make your way to the coffee shop wishing you can have a proper conversation and fix the mess you've made. You see him sitting right by the door so you rush to enter the coffee shop.
"Doyoung, i want to talk to you." You sit in front of him with nervous look.
"Go ahead." He says staring right at your eyes and taking a sip of his coffee.
"You have always been so caring and nice to me and all I do is to act childish and like a stupid. Whenever we have problems I'm the one who always starts the arguments and discussions between us and it's making me sick." You feel how your eyes star watering.
"I'm really sorry always ruining your vibe and causing trouble. I know I always avoid talking about everything but it's just because I don't know how to express well. Either way I want to thank you for always supporting me knowing the huge mess that i am, but I love you and I hope that you know that I will always be here for you just as how you are for me." You smile at him hoping that he can forgive you.
"Y/n, you never ruined my vibe." He laughs
"The most important thing to me it's that you feel good, that's why I'm always trying to support you and be there for you. Believe me, I love you more than anything else and I will always be with you. I forgive you and I appreciate that you are finally talking about your feelings and being calm that's all I wanted and I'm proud of you for that." He caress your cheek
He leans closer to you and gives you a gentle kiss. He keeps caressing your cheek while kissing you and it makes you tear up. Doyoung has been the best person you've had in your life and you appreciate every moment with him. He stops an then kisses your nose and the gives a sweet smile.
"Come on, let's go home." He grabs your hand and you leave the coffee shop. 
even tho jaehyun gives a fierce and strong vibe he looks like isn't into arguments and discussions with his s/o, he feels like is a waste of time and it stresses him. Also i feel that when he has been in a relationship for a long time he has already make it clear how deep are his feelings for his s/o he would be annoyed when she doubts of him.  
"Babygirl, what are you doing? You have been quiet since we left the party." He kisses your shoulder and caresses your arms softly.
"Isn't it obvious that I'm checking my phone or are you blind?" You are annoyed that Jaehyun pretends not to know what's up.
"Wow wow, you are mad, okay."
"Can i ask why?" He tries to kiss your shoulder again but fails since you move and sit on the couch."
"Oh my god Jung Jaehyun, don't try to seduce me trying to calm me down." You look at him with dead eyes and them rolling them.
"You were with that girl all night talking and flirting and you didn't even care that i was there, that's what's up." You cross your arms while staring to him.
"Babe, don't be so dramatic, she is just a friend that i haven't seen in a long time and that's it." He says in a calm tone trying to sit next you.
"Jaehyun I'm not being dramatic. This just shows that you haven't changed even a bit since we have been together, you acted all sensitive and stuff telling me how i was the first girl to ever make you feel good but you proceed to flirt with another girl in front of my eyes." You are now almost screaming and kinda attacking him.
"You are the first person I've ever opened to and now you use agaisnt me in order to make feel bad. Congratulations, you made it." He gives you and upset look and proceeds to leave. You try to stop him realizing the weight of your words.
"Jae." You whisper but he has already left.
you think about at the beginning of your relationship it took you so long for him to trust you, you always had to insist him to talk to you about his personal life and feelings. Two years has passed since you are together and everything is wonderful, you now how hard it is for him to show his real self and how new it was for him to let someone see all the sides of him, and that person was you. Now you know that you disappointed him and now he is probably somewhere upset overthinking about your relationship.
you think about were he could have gone at 3am, he isn't going to the Han River since is the easiest place were you could find him. Maybe the rooftop at his dorm? Nct lives in a small building that has a nice rooftop, you kniw how much Jae likes to go there and have talks. You take your car keys and go to the dorm. You run in the stairs to the rooftop in a rush to find your beautiful, and now angry, boyfriend.
he is sitting with his hand down and arms resting on his knees, you are hurt to see him like this and the worst part, it's your fault. You sit next to him and past his shoulder softly, he turns his head to you.
"Why are you here? Do you have something else to say?" He goes back to his original position hiding his head.
"I-i want to talk to you." You are nervous and trying no to cry.
"Y/n, is not that easy, right now i feel kind of betrayed. You are the most important person for me. I've been honest with you, i told how insecure i was about relationships and love and how you are the first girl I've ever fallen for. And you come and use that as a weapon, i can't even think cleary." He looks completely heartbroken and shaking his head on denial, not believing how you made him feel.
"Jae,  believe me I know how hard it is for you to express with someone else and share your feelings. I'm sorry for being such a terrible person and using your weakness as a way to defend myself." You olay with your hands nervously  
"I wasn't thinking clearly and just thinking about the fact that that girl was so beautiful and the way you are always surrounded by beautiful women and I'm not like that. The reason why I'm always so overprotective and react in a bad way it's because I'm afraid of losing you. I wouldn't know what to do without you and I don't want that to happen." You stare at him with tears in your face feeling embarrassed for crying and seeming so vulnerable.
he grabs your face, leans into your face and starts kissing you slowly. He begins to slide his tongue inside you connecting it with yours, he holds you low back pulling you closer to his body and intensifying the kiss. You place your arms around your neck borrowing your hand in his hair and following the kiss. The whole thing is heated, full of passion, love and relieve.
"Hey, easy, we are on a freaking rooftop." You laugh.
"I wouldn't mind showing my love right here." He places one more kiss on your lips and you both laugh at his words.
"I love you, more than anything the world. Let's not fight like this ever again, okay?." He holds your hands and give a warm showing his beautiful dimples. (I'm melting while writing this, oh my god😭)
"Okay, i love you too." You give him another small peck and smile back.
i feel like he wouldn't like to be discussing or having any type of arguments with anyone at all but he would put on an annoyed expression that his s/o would notice immediately. He would give some type of silent treatment and then talk about it while being serious. If his s/o overreacts he would be kinda confused and slightly offended because he feels like she isn't trusting him.
"I'm not even gonna hold back." You say throwing your purse on the table.
"You don't even love me anymore, you didn't spend a minute of the time with me tonight." He looks at you shocked.
"Babe, calm down, let's talk." He says calm.
"You are always trying to be the nice and friendly boyfriend, please stop playing that role and start acting like an adult. You are always so quiet and never confront the truth." You are angry and rolling your eyes. He makes a sad expression and stays in silence for a few seconds. 
"Uhm, okay, if that's how you feel, bye." He proceeds to leave by the front door.
how can you be such an idiot? Winwin has been the best boyfriend ever and even since you've meet he has always been so honest and caring with you, he has never gave you any trouble and just showers you with love and support. You're sick to see how problematic you have become on the left this months of your relationship, but you think is just because you want to stay with him forever and that's the type of protection you use unconsciously.
you make your way to Ten'a house where he was must be staying. He is th friend who helps you solve your problems and intermediates when you need help. You knock the door and Ten opens it telling you that Winwin is in his room. You enter and see a sad Winwin laying on bed looking at the ceiling.
"Hey." You say almost whispering.
"Hey." He uses a serious tone not even turning his head to look at you.
"Winwin, I know for a fact that I'm the reason why we why we always fight. I'm so sorry for being such an idiot and causing you problems." You gasp.
"I'm tired to being the one that makes you upset. And if you wonder why I have been acting like this on the last this month it's because you have been so busy and full of schedule, meeting so many pretty girls and fans and need just makes me worried that you're going to leave me and I will have to continue to find my problems by myself. I'm sorry i just want us to be together forever i guess." You at the floor disappointed at yourself wishing he can understands you feelings.
"Y/n, I'm never gonna leave you alone, I'm never going to abandon you. Trust me, okay.? He gets close to your face giving a sweet smirk.
he caresses your cheek slowly and softly, giving you the sweetest kiss ever. He holds you wrapping you in his arm, making you feel safe and calm. You continue the kiss and then he is at the top of you while you are laying on the bed. He stops the kiss and sits again.
"I'm sorry, i forgot this is Ten's bed." You both laugh
"I love you." He kisses your forehead and grabs your hand guiding you to the door so you both can leave to home.   
oh my god my baby jungwoo, he is the cutest person ever!! He would definitely hate to fight with his s/o if he feels jealous he would probably become upset and pout🥺 and then his s/o would find out and talk about it. If his s/o starts acting childish and jealous he would be upset and sliiiiiighty annoyed since he always is so kind and calm so he would be quiet and try to give you the reason unless you attack him, in that case he would give you some type of silence treatment.  
"Y/n can we please talk?" He says worried. 
"You look upset." He pouts and looks at you trying to read your feelings.
"Jungwoo, the thing is that i can't believe how you have played the innocent the role this whole time just to ignore me with a girl today. You are unbelievable." You sight annoyed.
"W-what do you mean? I didn't do anything." He looks even more upset now.
"I don't want to see you right now."
"Okay." He gives a fake smile. You enter your room frustrated and minutes after you hear the front door closing.       
how could you even fight with Jungwoo? he is the sweetest human being on Earth. At the beginning of your relationship he was so shy and quiet and you always have to insist him to go on dates with you and even watch movies with you. Even thought of all, he overcame his shyness and start to being the most caring and wonderful boyfriend in the world. You never did anything that could hurt him since he's just so pure and kind-hearted. This is the first time a discussion happens between you two.  
You need to fix this and you needed to fix it now. You go to playground nearby your house and search for him, he always goes there when he is feeling sad or stressed. He says it's a special place because it reminds me of it reminds him of good times. He's sitting looking at the families that are hanging out there and you proceed to sit next to him.
"Baby, I'm sorry for yelling at you. You have always been the best boyfriend ever and I'm paying you like this. It's just that you are so nice and sweet and i thought that girl wanted to take advantage of you. I trust you, i really do, please forgive me." You say completely disappointed at your actions.
he gives a sweet smile and proceeds to connect your lips together. You feel a whole zoo in your stomach, relieved at the reaction you got from him. He stops kissing your lips and gives you a little kiss on your forehead.
"Thank you for appreciating me and wanting to solve things so fast, i couldn't have pick someone better, i love you." He hugs you tightly making your heart feel calm and warm.
mark seems like a friendly and nice guy, i see him talking about his problems with his s/o but in a reality mature way expecting her not to overreact since he likes to talk in a chill manner.   
"Y/n, come sit, let's talk." He says patting the couch indicating you to sit next to him.
"You and your useless talk sessions, I'm tired, i want to sleep." You roll your eyes and go to the kitchen.
"Wow, so that's how you feel everytime i tell you to solve our problems?" He sounds disappointed and surprised.
"Yes, Mark. You always want to pretend to be so mature and have everything under control but sometimes it's not like that. All of the things you say are useless!." You claim firm in an angry tone.
"Whatever, talk to me when you reflection what you just said." He walks out the door looking as relaxed as always which irritates you even more. 
one of the things you like the most about Mark was his honesty, but today you are really regretting following his footsteps. Mark always expresses his worries and feelings with you but he has never been even a bit rude about it, even if I guy it's hitting on you right in front of him he will just keep calm and talk to you really chill. You've always admire his personality and how much chill he is. You wish you were just as mature as him, now you realize that's not exactly how you are behaving right now.
you make your way to his apartment. You open the door with keys he gave you, feeling like you are invading his space but it's necessary right now. You hear him playing guitar and it males you smile thinking how much you love it when he plays to you. You go to to his room and open the door slowly, he turns his head but looks at his guitar again ignoring your presence.
"Mark, i want to talk to you." You say sitting on the bed carefully 
"Okay, talk." He says fixing the strings of the guitar. 
"I know i overreacted about the whole situation and I'm really sorry. I know you always talk thing and tell me to solve misunderstandings together and i didn't even let you talk, I'm sorry if i disappointed but but i didn't even thought about what i was doing. I love you and I'm sorry." You say staring at the bed, waiting for Mark to tell you that everything was going to be okay and to keep calm like he always does.
he turns around and stares right into your eyes, he proceeds to grab your chin in between his fingers and give you a gentle kiss. His lips start moving in the most caring and soft way possible,  you slowly start to to feel how all of your worries are going away and finally feeling safe and lucky for having him.
"I appreciate that you are following my advices and paying attention to what i say to you, that's the most important thing to me." Gives you a gentle smile.
"Now listen to this song so you can see how much i love you." He kisses your lips one more time and grabs his guitar in order to start playing.   
to be honest i see him as the most likely to immediately come with and sarcastic or ironic answer to his s/o when she starts acting childish. If you can be annoying he can be like that 5 times more, he would eventually regret it and try to solce thing trying to take the lead. 
"Hey, you haven't talked to me in the whole trip home." Haechan tries to look at your face but you are watching the tv. You roll your eyes and continue to watch your show.
"Oh my god, i really hate when get like this. Act your age and talk to me!" He is clearly done right now. He hates when you give the silent treatment and act childish.
"I freaking at my age, you are the one who should stop acting like teenager flirting around with girls and acting like nothing happen." You turned to him and acted firm. He imitates your talking making fun of you while moving his hand mimicking your mouth. 
"Oh my god, so dramatic. When you stop putting a show talk to me, i'll be playing." He says unbothered and makes his way to the bedroom.
Haechan is always so hype and happy about everything and when something that invades his happiness comes he totally blocks it. Whenever you have arguments is always the same, he leaves you standing and avoiding the topic. This might be a good chance to make up and organize your goals as a couple.
you go to the bedroom where Haechan is sitting in front  of the computer playing one of the games he is addicted to, you seat on the bed that is placed slightly behind his gaming chair. Since he has headphones on you tap his shoulder.
"Don't." He says in a neutral tone.
"You are interrupting my game."
you roll your eyes and take a deep breath trying not to explode.
"LOOK KID, LISTEN TO ME!" you scream and take off his headphones. He turns his chair at you and looks at you while crossing his arms.
"Go ahead." He says looking at the ceiling sassy.
"We always avoid talking about how we feel, we end up ignoring each other and acting normal in the next hour. I'm sorry for acting childish and also avoiding talking like a mature person. I hope we can solve our problems better on the future. Hyuck, i love you so much, i just want us to be okay." You say grabbing his handand caressing it softly.
"Y/n, I'm also sorry for being the one who doesn't his age and making fun of our problems. I'll work harder for our relationship to be better, i promise." 
he leans closer to you and kisses your lips softly. He is so sweet and caring, you really want things to work out even better between you too. He finishes the kiss and hugs you tight.
"We can play together now." He makes a funny expression walking to the tv and handing you the controller, you smile in agreement and take it. 
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leelee10898 · 5 years
Fast cars & Freedom: Sit next to me (8/?) Part 1
Pairing: Logan x Ellie, Colt x Ellie
Summary: Logan and Ellie talk, the test is taken, and someone spills the beans.... literally.
Rating: Mature... sex.. yep...
A/N: So this will be a 2 parter, just way to much to get out in 1 post... enjoy!! If you would like added to the tag list, let me know.. catch up HERE
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Song inspiration:
Ellie sat in her office, it was Wednesday and she still hadn't heard from Logan. “knock knock.” a voice came at her door. “Oh hi Mr mann- Eli.” she looked up to see her boss standing in the doorway. “Have you had any luck getting those statements from Mr Rider?” he walked in sitting in front of her desk.
The statements shit! She internally scolded herself. She had been so caught up in her personal life drama she let her work slip, that ended today. “I am meeting with Logan to get them.” A smile spread across Elias's face “Excellent. Keep up the good work.”
She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding in.  This standoff with Logan ended now. She picked up her phone and rattled off a text.
“I know you are pissed at me, but this is not a personal call. Unless you want to find a new Accountant, we need to meet TODAY.”
A few minutes later her phone vibrated, a response from Logan. “ 1pm. i'll send the address.” a few seconds later another text with an address came through. She looked at the clock. She had about half an hour until the meeting and with traffic and the distance she needed to go now. She switched on her out of office messages and took off to the location Logan sent her.
She pulled up to a large gated house. The gate opened and she drove around front parking. Before she could knock on the door Logan opened it up motioning for her to come in.
“Wow, is this your house?” she marveled at the open floor plan. There wasn't much to it in all honesty.  Some furniture, a large TV. A stocked bar area and some framed car art.
“It's better than a box.” he chuckled. They sat on the couch, Ellie getting right down to the professional side of the business she had to attend. Logan having everything she needed ready.
They sat in an awkward silence before Ellie broke it. “Logan, im sorry. I know you're mad at me.”
“I'm not mad at you Ellie. Well, not anymore. I'm upset. I knew you had feelings for him, I knew it when I caught you two together.”
Ellies mind took her back to the night she knew she was in way to deep.
“Were gonna get caught Colt.” Ellie giggled as he pressed his body against hers on the couch.  “Nobody is here, everyone went out on a job. and pop is at a meeting. They'll be gone for hours.” his hand slide up to unbutton her jeans. He lifted himself up pulling the jeans down with him, leaving her in just her bra and panties. His lips came down hard on hers as she completely lost herself in the kiss. Her hands frantically pawing at his fully clothed body. “Less. Of. This.” she pulled on his shirt and breathed out between heated kisses. The sides of his lips tugged up into a sinister smirk, she wanted him as bad as he wanted her.
He pulled his shit over his head, tossing it across the room. She stopped for a minute, running her hands down his hard chest, before he stood pulling every last piece of clothing from his body. Ellie propped herself up on her elbow, her eyes widening at the sight of him, suddenly very aware of what she committed herself to. “See something you like?” she bit her lip nodding. In an instant he was on her again. Peppering playful kisses on her neck, down the valley of her breast. His hand reached around, effortlessly unfastening her bra, tossing it aside. His lips found her pink buds, as he flicked his tongue, capturing one in his mouth, before moving onto the next. He placed feather light kisses down her stomach, settling on her hips. Her heartbeat racing in anticipation as his strong hands grasped her thighs spreading them apart. He lowered his head kissing and sucking the inside of her thighs, “I want to taste you Ellie.” the vibration of his voice sending a pleasant jolt to her core. “Yes.” A low growl escaped him as he settled between her legs.
He flattened his tongue swiping it between her slick folds. He let let out an appreciative moan as his tongue swirled around the bundle of nerves. She sucked in a sharp breath as her head flew back against the cushion. he looked up between his lashes watching her chest rise and fall, faster and faster as her moans became louder and louder.  He slipped a two fingers into her wanting center, slowly pumping them in and out. Her back arching at the welcomed intrusion. Her legs began to shake, he knew she was close, he curled his fingers slightly reaching the perfect spot as she came undone, a slew of curses falling from her lips.
Satisfied he pulled back and grinned at her as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. He sat up.  Ellie watching him, though lust blown eyes. She climbed onto his lap, her lips crashing against his in a heated kiss. “I want you colt.” she moaned against his lips. “Mmmm,  lay down Ellie.” she shook her head. “No. I want to be the driver.” she grinded her hips against him. He gripped his stiff length, slowly pumping it as she slowly lowered herself down, gasping out at how he filled her.
She allowed herself to adjust a moment before rocking against him. He threw his head back at the sensation, a deep moan escaping him. He lifted his head,  his lust blown eyes boring into her. “You're my driver forever, remember that. Now drive baby.” He gripped her hips guiding her down onto him faster and faster. She bounced hard against him  as she moaned out. “Fuck, yes. colt.”
The sound of his name falling from her lips drove him wild, he bucked frantically against her. his hand slipping down rubbing tight circles against her aching clit. That was all it took for her to come completely undone. She leaned against his chest, nails digging into his strong shoulders as she screamed his name, forcing his own release.
She laid against his chest for a moment, he tracked lazy circles against her bare skin.  “We should probably get dressed.” she sighed standing up. “A sin if i ever heard one, but you're probably right.” they retrieved their clothes, dressing quickly. Colt pulled her against him “You're incredible Ellie.” She his face down, capturing his lips in a sensual kiss. “Let's go get some food. I'm starving.” Colt grabbed his jacket “Only if I get to drive.” She winked, standing on her tiptoes to kiss him again.
“What the fuck is this?” They heard, pulling apart  quickly. Both turning to see Logan standing there. “Do you have a problem pretty boy?” Colt taunted.
“Yeah. I do.  You're fucking making out with my girl.” Logan snapped, shoving Colt.
Colt coming back bumping his chest. “Last I checked she wasn't anyone's girl.”
“Colt! Logan! Stop this.” Her pleas going unanswered.  Colts smug grin setting Logan off as his fist connected with his jaw. Colt lunged forward tackling logan to the ground as the two rolled around exchanging blows.
“Stop it. Stop it guys. Help.” Ellie screamed, finally toby and ximena came running in, followed by Kaneko. “Stop it at once.” He commanded, his booming voice causing both to freeze instantly. Ellie took off running both scrambling to run after her. She climbed up the ladder onto the roof. How did things get so complicated.
“Ellie? Ellie?” Logan called out, pulling her back to the present. “Sorry, I was just thinking about something.” she told him about the night of prom, how they were freaked out about the plan and if things went south. How they travelled to vegas on a whim and getting caught up in all the what ifs, they married. She had thought Colt had filed for an annulment after they had a blow up and he left. Only to find out he never did. Logan sat there in silence,  absorbing all of the information.
“Well, I kinda get why you didn't say anything, but. I wish I didn't hear it from Colt.” he sighed.
“I know, im sorry Logan. But as a peace offering, my dad and I are throwing a 4th of July bbq. If you don't have plans we would love for you to come.” Logan smiled as they stood up walking towards the door. “I think I can manage that.” he pulled her in for a hug, she rested her head against his chest, breathing in his scent. “Are we good?” he pulled gently stroked her hair, “were good.”
That Friday the three of them, with Luca walked into the lab. Ellie check in, grabbing clipboards for all to fill out their information. Luca sat in the chair, the smell of the sterile environment making her nervous. “You ok Luca?” Logan lowered his head “I don't like Doctors offices, they give needles.” Her voice a whisper.  “Its ok, you're not going to get a needle.” he gently squeezed her little hand. “You promise?” “I promise. If you want, I will hold your hand if you get scared, ok?” Luca nodded her head, squeezing logans hand.
They waited a few minutes before being ushered into the back. Colt went first, followed by Luca. She hesitated getting in the seat. “Uncle Logie, fan you hold my hand?” Logan smiled at her taking her tiny hand in his large one. She paused a moment turning to Colt. “Colt, can you hold me please?” Ellie swore she felt her heart explode in that moment, as colt sat down in the seat, his arms wrapped around her, Luca leaned back against him while Logan held onto her hand.
The tech informed them the results could take up to 6 weeks as the lab was backed up.
The four of them grabbed dinner and went school shopping with Luca. Colt and Logan refusing to let Ellie pay for a thing.
Ellie spent the next week preparing for the 4th of July cookout. Everyone was coming, she was excited for Luca to meet the old crew. Riya and Darius showed up first. Darius setting up the pack n play in the backyard for Marcus. Frank had been on the grill all morning while Ellie worked on the food inside.  The doorbell rang and Frank came barreling through the house. “I got it. I got it.”
He answered the door and a petite brunette stood there. Frank encouraged the woman inside, walking up to Ellie. Ellie looked at the woman, something about her looked awful familiar. “Ellie, I want you to meet my girlfriend Sally. Sally this is my daughter Ellie.”
“Elliez it is so good to finally meet you.  You're dad talks about you so much.” Ellie giggled “I hope not to much.  It's really nice to meet you Sally.” she continued to stare at the woman, swearing she knew her from somewhere.  “Sally, I don't mean to stare but, Have we met before? I swear you look so familiar.”
“I don't think so hun, not unless you've been to lucky's diner in San Francisco.” Ellie shook her head “Nope, can't say I have. But anyway, come on out. Dads finishing up on the grill, the rest of the guest will be here soon.”
The doorbell rang and in walked Ximena, Toby and Colt. “Colt!” Luca came running into his arms, colt picking her up giving her a hug “Hey squirt.” he sat her down “Grampy got me a pool, come see it.” She grabbed his hand leading him through the house.  “Hey Toby, Hey X.” she noticed toby shifting on both feet. “Go ahead, you can see the pool too.” “thanks ellie.” Ximena shook her head handing her a tray of pretzel salad. “You know he has done nothing but talk about Luca non stop.”
“He has text me and called daily as well.” Ellie watched Luca splash colt, a smile playing on her lips. “How's logan been with it?”
“The same as Colt. She's quite taken with the both of them.” Ximena gave her an understanding squeeze. Logan, Mona and Stacie were the last to arrive. Ellie looked at the two “Did you guys come together?” Logan shook his head. “No, I pulled up and Mona did too, Stacie was walking to the door.”
Logan and colt stayed inside helping frank gather all the food. Ellie sat With Riya on one of the picnic tables. She leaned in close, dropping her voice so only she could hear. “Hey, do you think Darnell could lend me his services, cheap?” Riya looked at her confused “ohh you mean for the custody stuff. I was wondering what you needed a lawyer for.”
“No, I need to file for divorce.” Riya chuckled thinking she was joking,  the serious look on her face told her otherwise. “You're serious? When did you get married? Who did you marry?”
Ellie shushed her “Keep it down. 6 years ago. Colt and i got married in Vegas.” Riyas eyes went wide.
“You Married COLT in vegas?” She shouted, silencing the entire party. “What?” Her dad stood on the deck dropping an entire tin pan of coleslaw. Logan and Colt stood frozen behind him.
Sally came running up “Frank are you ok?” Logans eyes widened, he dropped the tin pan of baked beans onto the deck as well
Tag: @kennaxval @hopefulmoonobject @crookedslimecreatorpasta @be-still-my-aching-heart @ao719 @speedyoperarascalparty @riseandshinelittleblossom @cocomaxley @bobasheebaby @ownworldresident @cordoniaqueensworld @indiacater @blackcatkita @darley1101
@daniv2278 @brightpinkpeppercorn @lovehugsandcandy @going-down-downtown @mercyparkcrew @emichelle @annekebbphotography @powdesiree0816 @walkerismychoice @yesivefallenpreytothechoicestrap @zaira-oh-zaira @sweetest-marbear @zaffrenotes @simsvetements @zaffrenotes @professorortegasstudent @akrenich @ifyouseekheart @client-327 @choicelogansbitch @choicesarehard @paisleylovergirl @itskismetbb @itsmarleen @rhischoicesfanfics @distinguishedsaladoperawinner @iplaydrake @coffeebeandragon @jasidu2
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Stone Cold - S.S.
Sebastian Stan x Reader
My first request!
Anon: "Hi! :') I loved "friend don't treat me like you do" so much and was wondering if I can request an angsty fic based on the song stone cold by demi lovato, but with maybe a happy ending? Thank you so much!!"
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Word count: 3,482
Warnings: -
A/N: You didn't explicitly said who you want it with, but I assumed Sebastian. Hope you like it! xx
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Your Friendship with Sebastian has been the best thing that happened to you. You got to know each other through your job since you were one of the people responsible for the props in some movies, Marvel ones as well. The both of you instantly had a connection, and you knew you weren't the only one who felt it when Sebastian visited you to talk to you during filming breaks, as you normally sat alone in one of corner of the set, just like he did that day.
"If Anthony makes me laugh one more time, I swear I'll punch him. He's responsible for me looking unprofessional." He chuckled, sipping on his coffee. You nodded, smiling. You've caught Anthony making faces at Sebastian a couple times already. "But you gotta admit, you did the same to him." - "Sure but that's different." - "How is it different?" - "Because it's him then!"
You rolled your eyes and grinned at his childish behavior. "I want to see one day on set where you don't try to manipulate each other." He just shook his head no at your remark. "Can't do. He started it." You laughed at that. Now he really sounded like a straight up child. "By the way, do you wanna go somewhere to eat this evening?" You looked at him, a little startled. He never invited you to go out before, and your friendship had been going on for about 4 month already. "Uhm, I guess." You answered, not 100% sure about his intentions. "As friends or are you asking me out?" He chuckled at your question, finishing his coffee. "As friends, obviously." You nodded. Of course. "So you in?" He asked again, his hopeful gaze lingering on your face. "Yeah." A smile crept it's way onto his way as he nodded. "Is 8 okay?" You nodded, just before a crew guy came around. "Stan, we need you on Set." Sebastian nodded, smiling at you before leaving. You watched as he made his way to his position.
You hated to admit it, but you were developing just the tiniest crush on the romanian actor. Since the first day you've met he has always been a gentleman towards you. He was the only one on set who actually wanted to spend time with you. Of course you had a couple of other friends along your co workers, but when they talked you often felt left out. It wasn't like that with Sebastian. He was sweet, always asking how you're holding up and trying to light up your mood when you felt down. Since you both stayed in the same hotel, you met there a couple times as well to hang out at the hotel bar with the other workers. You cared about each other, and the way he showed that to you had you wrapped around his finger. And you mentally cursed yourself for it. He was a well payed, famous actor while you were some backround person who carries fake weapons around the set. He wouldn't be interested in you. And he just confirmed that.
As the evening arrived you stood infront of your bed in your underwear, different pieces of clothing scattered over the sheets. You had no idea where Sebastian wanted to go since he didn't spend his last break with you (which was fine, he obviously had other friends on set who wanted to talk to him). So you didn't know how to dress. You didn't want to look too fancy nor too casual. You decided on a lacy tank top with a black skirt with some matchig black heels and a jeans jacket. You put on some basic make up and took in your appearance, satisfied with how you looked.
The knock on your door came just in time. You grabbed your back and opened it to find Sebastian smiling down at you. He was wearing a white shirt under a leather jacket and some black jeans. 'Casual.' You thought to yourself. "Hello there." He smiled, pulling you in for a hug. "You look great." He added, his eyes shamelessly flying over your figure, making you blush. "Thanks! You don't look too bad yourself." You chuckled, making him grin.
You two left the hotel to get into a cab outside. Sebastian told the driver the address and he started driving. "Wanna tell me where you're taking me?" You asked, turning to Sebastian. "It's a small Diner Chris and I found the other day." He answered, smiling. You soon arrived at your destination and you followed him into a small booth in a corner. He had good taste, you thought. The diner was nice indeed, it had a nice atmosphere, the soft background music calming you. You ordered food and drinks and started chatting, telling each other about stuff you didn't know yet.
"There's actually a reason I brought you here today." Sebastian suddenly said, making your heart stop for a second. "And what would that be?" You asked as you put another fry in your mouth. He took a breath. "So, you're a woman." You raised your eyebrows at his comment, making him chuckle. "You have amazing observation skills." You joked, smiling as he laughed. "I know, I know. I just...I need your advice." Your brows furrowed in confusion. "Advice with what?" - "There's this girl, she's one of the make up artists and I really don't know how to approach her." You pressed your lips in a tight line as your throat went dry. You took a sip of your Milkshake, trying to calm your nerves. You had no right to be jealous, you were friends, he said it himself.
"Don't tell me you've never approached a woman before." You joked, hiding how uncomfortable you were with the whole situation. He rolled your eyes at your remark, smiling. "Of course not. But I don't know, it's something about her that makes me all nervous, it's weird." He admitted, hitting your arm playfully as you shot him an amused look. "And how am I supposed to help?" - "Tell me how you'd like a guy to ask you out." You turned your gaze away from him, pretending to think. "He should be a real gentleman, show me that he's interested in me rather than saying it. After a while I'd just want him to ask me on a date. That's it." You hated how it sounded almost like your friendship with Seb. Apart from the him liking you part. Sebastian nodded at your description. "It's kinda basic, isn't it?" He asked, making you narrow your eyes. "Oh, you think I'm basic?" - "No not you, but your expectations for men." He grinned. You just shrugged. "No high hopes means less possible disappointment."
The rest of the evening went well. Sebastian seemed to accept your advice since he didn't pick up the topic again. You secretly thanked him for that. About two hours later you decided to leave. You payed and made your way back to hotel, hugging Sebastian goodbye as you arrived at your floor. You didn't know it yet, but working eith him would become a lot harder than it was.
It already started the next day. You haven't seen Sebastian at all, even though he had two breaks already. You tried to tell yourself that it wasn't important, that he probably spend his breaks with his co-workers. But when he finally came to you, a bright smile on his face, you couldn't help but feel your heart flutter. "Y/N, I have great news!" Oh no. "I did it! I talked to Amanda!" So that's her name. "She's really nice, i spend my breaks with her and we're really getting along." Your jaw clenched on it's own accord. The last time you've seen him this happy was when you suprised him with donuts. You forced a smile. "That's great news! I'm happy for you." He grinned, thanking you. He opened his mouth again to continue speaking as his phone vibrated. He took it out, smiling as his screen lit up. "That's her, I gotta go. But still thanks for your help!" He smiled at you before leaving, giving you no time to answer. You sighed, turning back to your coffee. So this was how it'll be.
The next days Sebastian never joined you during his breaks. You got a quick hug when you briefly met each other, and a smile here and there when you brought a prop on set. You forced yourself to hang out with your co-workers to not sit alone during breaks. But you regretted that decision as the topic changed to what's going on between Sebastian and the Make up lady. You rolled your eyes as you tried to keep your full attention to your phone in your hands. God you hated this. You really missed Sebastian.
When work day was over and you made your way off set, you heard someone calling your name. You stopped and turned around, nearly tumbling over as someone basically ran into you to hug you. "Y/N she said yes!" Sebastian almost screamed in your ear before pulling away, a bright smile on his face. "I asked her out and she said yes!" You could practically feel your heart breaking at his words, but smiled anyway. "That's great!" He nodded excitedly. "Thank you, really. Without you I probably wouldn't have spoken to her." You mentally slapped yourself. "No problem, bud." You smiled, padding his shoulder. "Good luck with her!" He thanked you once more before leaving. You let out a deep sigh, turning around to catch a cab to go to your hotel.
You spend the rest of your day in your hotel bed, watching TV with some chinese take-out. Suddenly your phone vibrated, Sebastian name appearing on it. You furrowed your brows, he barely texted you. You picked up your phone to read his message.
'Just wanted to inform you that the date was great! She's so sweet and even has good taste in food!'
You let the phone fell back on the bed as you stared at the ceiling. You hated to admit it but god did you want to be that girl. But it was his choice. And his choice was her.
You tried to avoid Sebastian the following days. You didn't want to hear about him and Amanda, so it was actually a good thing that he didn't visit you during his breaks anymore.
"Hey Y/N, you coming to that party everyone got invited to this Friday?" One of your co-workers, Marc, asked. You shrugged. "Maybe, i don't know. I'm not really a party person." - "Oh come on, you have to come." Jessica pouted. From all your co-workers, you were closest with her. You sighed, you could never turn her down. So you agreed, causing her to smile. You turned your attention back to your phone, checking your mails. A new email made yur jaw slack a little, an offering to work at another movie. You let your gaze drift across the set, debating whether to accept it or not. It would help to get away from Sebastian, and the payment would be better. You sighed, locking your phone again.
As Friday arrived, you forced yourself into a simple, but fancy black dress and some heels. You still haven't accepted the offer from the other movie, but the thought of it still lingered in your mind. Sebastian texted you yesterday that he and Amanda officially started dating, and you felt numb ever since. You've definitely fallen for him, and you hated to see him with someone who wasn't you. So accepting the job wouldn't be so bad.
You walked out of the hotel, taking a cab to the restaurant the managers booked for the whole crew. You sat at the table with some of the prop people, your eyes immediately scanning the room for Sebastian. You spotted him on the dance floor, Amanda in his arms as they talked to each other while swaying to the soft music. You frowned at the scene, taking your phone out. You opened the email about the job offering, taking a breath before typing an answer, accepting it.
As the evening went on, you tried to concentrate on the conversation between the people around you. When you got hungry you slowly made your way to the buffet, grabbing a plate to get yourself some shrimp. "There she is." An all to familiar voice suddenly called, making you jump in suprise. "God Sebastian, warn a girl." You mumbled, putting shrimps onto your plate. "I haven't seen you in a long time, how have you been?" He smiled, a little confused why you didn't react as happy as you normally would. You took a breath, turning to him. "I've been great, you?" - "Amazing! Amanda is a pure angel, I'm so glad to be with her." His eyes shined in pure Happiness and you had a hard time not getting lost in them. "Sounds nice, I'm happy for you." 'Happy to see you so cheerful, not that she's the reason' you mentally corrected yourself. Then you remembered your new job.
"Oh, by the way, I have some news." You added, a forced smile on your face. "I've got a job at a different movie. Their payment is better than here. So, I won't be on set anymore." His face fell at your words. "You're leaving?" You bit your lip nervously, nodding. He just sighed. "So this is goodbye i guess?" You nodded again, showing a sad smile as he hugged you once more. He wished you luck before going back to his girlfriend. You watched as he left, waiting for your eyes to get teary but there was nothing. You body felt numb, your heart stone cold. You took a breath before turning back to your shrimps, secretly wishing this evening would end soon.
When it did finally end you informed everyone that you were leaving and officially quitting your job. You packed your things and left the hotel the same night, taking a cab to the subway to your new job.
*About 2 month later*
The new job was great. The people around you were nice, you never had to spend a break alone. But everything couldn't keep Sebastian off your mind. You did miss him. You barely spoke to each other, a text here and there but nothing more. You wanted to talk to him so badly, but you assumed he was busy with Amanda. When the set of the movie you currently helped on was close to where Sebastian was currently, you actually considered to visit him, but your doubts made that impossible.
It was a late Saturday evening when he texted you again. You were in your current hotel room, watching some lame drama on TV.
Sebastian: 'Where are you right now?'
You got confused by this. He'd never asked that before.
You: 'In a hotel. Why?'
Sebastian: 'Can I come?'
You swore your heartbeat stopped for a second. Why did he want to visit you?
You: 'Of course, is there a specific reason?'
Sebastian: 'We'll talk then, just tell me'
He sounded kind of harsh, which left you even more suspicious. You told him where you were, which he didn't reply to. You turned the TV off, your fingers drumming nervously against the leather couch as you waited for him to arrive, your mind flooding with questions.
A knock at your door forced you out of trance. You walked up to it, noticing how your hands were shaking slightly as you unlocked it before opening it. You were met with a tired looking Sebastian, his hair a mess and beard full grown. Before you could say anything his arms where around you, pulling you into a tight hug. You were startled for a second before you hugged him back, taking in the scent of his cologne. Yes, you really had missed him. "Hi." He finally murmured, pulling back slowly. "Hey." You replied, stepping aside to let him enter your hotel room. He sat down at the couch, you joining him after closing the door.
You sat there in silence for a couple moments, waiting for him to start as he was the one who wanted to come. "I have news." He suddenly said, making you turn your gaze to him while he kept his on his hands. "Amanda and I broke up." Your face fell at his statement while your heart jumped a little. It hasn't gotten over the crush you had on him, even after month of not seeing him. "Sorry to hear that." You said sincere and he nodded. "What happened, if I may ask?" He took a deep breath before answering. "It was a mutual break up, so everythings fine. We kind of rushed into the relationship, it was a bad idea since both of us wanted someone else but kind of settled for each other. It was a dumb, I know that now." You bit your lip nervously as his words hit you. He wanted someone else.
"Weird situation." You remarked. "Who would that someone else be?" Sebastian chuckled lightly at that, making you smile. God you had missed him so much. "Well, in her case it was a camera guy. I've never talked to him so I don't know about him." You nodded, waiting for him to continue. "In my case...she's a close friend of mine. We talked a lot in the past but she never dropped any clues that she felt just as I did, so I looked for other possibilities and found Amanda." You felt your heart racing at his words, his eyes finally meeting yours. He couldn't be talking about you, could he? "But all the time i've spend with Amanda, I couldn't stop thinking of her. And Amanda couldn't stop thinking about that other guy, so both of us forced the other one to confess." He took another deep breath, his gaze still boring into yours. "That's why I'm here." You stopped breathing for a second. No way.
"You want me to help you again cause you don't know how to tell her?" You asked, half joking half serious. He chuckled at that, shaking his head. "No, that's not the reason." He got serious again, taking your hand in his. "I hope I'm not going to regret this, but I like you. You're amazing and beautiful and you understand me more than anyone ever could. And I'm so sorry that we didn't have much contact the last months, I really tried to forget you and be happy with Amanda but I couldn't. You're stuck in my head and it seems like there's no way to get you out." You couldn't help but stare at him in disbelief.
"You like me?" Sebastian furrowed his brows, but smiled. "That's all you heard?" - "God no, no i just-I didn't expect you to like me." His face suddenly fell at your words. "Does that mean you don't feel the same?" He asked carefully. Your eyes widened. "God, no, i mean, yes, I-ugh." You took a breath, slightly amused by Sebastian confused face. "I like you too. Always have." He let out a relieved sigh at that, smiling widely. "Thank god. I was actually scared I was gonna regret coming here." You chuckled before mirroring his smile. You watched as he slowly scooted closer, bringing the hand that wasn't still intertwined with yours to your face, setting it on your cheek. "I've been dreaming to do this." He smiled before he carefully covered your lips with his. The kiss started slow as you got addicted to his taste, a mixture of mint and just him. Your heart nearly busted out your chest, your mind going dizzy at the feeling of his lips against yours. The kiss got more passionate pretty quick as his hand moved to the back of neck while you ran yours through his short strands.
A couple minutes went by before Sebastian pulled away, panting lightly with the bright smile back on his lips. "Definitely should have done that earlier." He noted, making you grin. "Definitely." Your eyes find his as you just smile at each other, happy to finally be together. "I'm really sorry I didn't tell you earlier." He suddenly said, smiling sadly. You just shook your head. "No, don't worry. I could've said something myself, instead i left the job at Marvel to avoid you and Amanda." - "You left because of that?" he asked, amused by your confession. "Were you jealous?" - "Of course I was. I wanted to be in her spot." You pouted, making him chuckle. "Don't worry, you are now." He pecked your lips, making you giggle. "I'm gladly accepting." You captured his mouth into another kiss, feeling him smile against your lips. You were finally in your happy place, with the person you loved the most.
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To Flower or Not To Flower?
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Recently, I've been asked a question all people come across in life. "If you've only had one boyfriend all your life, are you a virgin?" Since this blog has nothing to hide, I'll answer your question. Yes, yes I am. There's no shame whether you are or aren't. I'm waiting for when I'm comfortable to give all of myself to the lucky fellow. I am a woman with high standards, like many there's nothing wrong with that. I do often get picked on for being a prude and too picky, but by today's standards, it's hard to find your like orientation in the dating game. My type is a straight male, preferably older than me by a year or two that knows where he's going in life. I'd like a man who like me, doesn't need someone in his life but isn't afraid to look anyway. Let's just say... my gaydar has never worked and I have fallen head over heels for people who have little to no interest in girls a few times. Naturally, we've become good friends, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I hope we all find our other halves soon. If I do happen across a straight male, we have no problem hitting it off, but automatic relationships aren't my thing. I'm definitely a fan of the dapper man in a suit but it can really be hit or miss. The norm is; he wants a girl with lots of steam but acts like she has never been in a relationship. Trust me when I say there IS NO in between! Believe me, being yourself isn't even an option anymore. Not to mention, that you either fall into one category or the other by complete default. The issue I've often heard is "We're Either Too Pure or Complete Sluts".
Since I hide nothing here yes, I am a virgin. Seeing as my lack of lasting and/or the initiation of relationships has been unsuccessful, it should be no surprise that my sexual encounters should be the same. Before anyone asks, this is NOT an open advertisement that I see lots of people flaunting on tv. I feel that it is necessary to inform my audience of my status to better connect them should they have similar situations. For some reason, there's just something about us that is imperfect. No matter how hard we try and put in the effort we're still not good enough. There's a song I came across just the other day by Bella Poarch called Build A B**** that perfectly describes the predicament so many face. I'd like to believe that this song and Not Your Barbie Girl by Ava Max are anthems for singles, particularly this time of year. No wonder it can be difficult for people to share in a connective experience when everything we never seems to be just right. Much like the lyrics "you don't get to pick and choose different a** or bigger boobs if my eyes are brown or blue..." what is it about these standards that make dating impossible in today's day and age? I have a condition called Amenorrhea that allows me to have baby smooth skin and lack of "visits from Aunt Sally". Not all is good there since it obliterates my chances of having children and can lead to ovarian cancer later in life. Ironically, lots of guys have told me that they wish women didn't menstruate and were baby smooth. (Apologies for TMI) Ideally, some could say that I'm every man's dream though it is far from the truth. I am very much lacking in the upper body department which can sometimes cause me to be mistaken for a male when my hair is covered. When it comes down to sex and the appeal, is it better the first time or when one is experienced? Here's what people had to say;
Anonymous: "The first time I had sex was one of the most amazing things that have ever happened to me. It was wonderful, memorable, and a great part of a loving relationship. Depending on the different types there are there can be many first times, so I guess first time is great."
Anne: "First time. In my opinion sex for a woman for the first time is a good hurt. That’s an oxymoron, but that’s exactly how it feels. It is the best hurt your body can ever endure. Everyone remembers their first time having sex and who they did it with like the back of their hand."
Bob: "The guy should remember this time is especially for her. Her comfort and relaxed state are of primary importance. Go slow and don't rush in, and make sure she's completely warmed up. Can't say it's any different the first time or the hundredth time on our end, so no."
Lynn: "Something I don't want to remember. It was basically about him, it was basically over. No."
Winston: "Not at all like in the books. Women are uncontrollable and it's hard to enjoy yourself if she's wanting everything her way. Then it's super awkward when you see each other naked for the first time. More experience is better. It's the first time that can scar you."
Anonymous: "Definitely the first time! It was different and we both loved it. I was her first and she was mine, we've been together since before then. I'm glad she was pleased with me."
I'm guessing from the mixed opinions it depends on the person. According to my blue-haired bestie, it's better when both people are definitely in the right mindset and are willing to work with each other. For someone younger than me, she's never been a more down-to-earth person that'll give it to you straight. One thing's for sure after a long explanation of her experiences in the process, I'm definitely going to her for advice. The two of us lonely hearts obviously wanted to escape the many couples in our lives and hang out. Normally we work endlessly and tirelessly at our day jobs on Valentine's Day and have our Annual Anti-Valentine's party the following night. This year, we were both off early and decided to spend the night out on the town. We went to Chili's and got the drink of the month followed by some tipsy skee ball at Dave and Busters. It was fun working off the booze with three hours of arcade games. We're trying to win a frozen margarita maker that we obviously could buy on amazon for practically nothing, but what's the fun in that? $70 on arcade games over a few months is more entertaining and it lets us build up tickets and quality time that we've been lacking. Our male friend was, unfortunately, working a double that night and his usual the following day, so he couldn't kill zombies with us, but there's always next year. On the bright side, he didn't miss a pinata smash since there was a substantial lack of funds for one this year. I'm willing to bet that next year will be epic whether or not there is hope for the three of us.
For now, instead of having a wild romantic night like most of our families and friends, there is the Anti-Valentines party each year. To give you some insight, here's what our typical night of events looks like:
A playlist of tracks involving hurt, or messy breakups (for laughs)
Lots of drinks and food
The profane poster to write insults on and sign
More drinking and games (out in town with Uber/Lyft or at home)
Unleash our aggressions on a heart-shaped pinata
Time to talk and heal on all the dirty details
A movie to fall asleep to
A morning to relax from the hangovers
There's lots of fun to take your mind off of things so you're not thinking about how lonely you are. Believe us, we know how it feels. We all hang out over drinks and some fun to take a break from the most depressing time of year. This sort of thing happens even outside of the holidays. Sometimes you just need a good cry, something my male friend says often. He couldn't be more right. Truth be told, even he's gotten closer to intimacy than I ever could. One of his ex-girlfriends nearly got down and dirty with him in a family bathroom. I suppose in the heat of the moment anything will do so long as it's private. I'd like to think that when my special moment arrives it'll be the most eye-opening experience ever. My male friend pictures himself married and having a platonic experience with his future wife. My female friend had her first time as a teenager and describes it much like how it happens in a teen movie. I always picture myself in my apartment on a beautiful day but for some reason, I'm incredibly pissed off at my partner. They both joke that I'm secretly wanting a fiery relationship and that I'd wear the pants in the relationship. Somehow their confidence in my intimate skills are a little higher than mine are. When the topic changes from him attempting to toss me, that's when it gets a little interesting. I guess my Aikido skills are better than I thought for them to think that. When it comes down to it, I'll be sure not to let loose too many details. I'll leave the audience with that. For now, keep believing, and Much Love Your Way Darlings!
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 100 Xs1) "Day 26: Seattle and Old Side Chicks"
@creatureofthen1ght-v3 @crystalbaby12 @backoftheroomandnotbelonging @5sosfam1dlover @rosefilledhearts-blog
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Luna's eyes whip open. Her brain continuously running around things through out the few short hours it was supposed to call Sleep. That's how Luna functions when she has an idea.
Bursting with hungover energy, she jumps out of bed. Luna's never up and moving like this unless her mind is flying with creativity. This morning being a prime example as she tries to connect the musical dots that are overcrowding her head.
Not even bothering to smoke or brush her teeth, she's out the door. Down the hall. Banging on Ashley and Dom's door.
"I've got an idea." She states as she makes her way past a groggy Ashley.
It's not even 8A and Luna is buzzing. They went to bed around 4A. Ashley hating Luna's guts in this moment.
With her hands and arms full, Luna drops her treats on the floor. Her phone, notebook, multiple pens, bowl, jar of weed and two prescription bottles filled with Percocets and Xanax falling around her. Along with her Ideas.
"I wanna run a Super Jam." She states, wiggling her fingers. "I don't know how though yet...." She trails as she sits amongst her treasures.
Ashley plunks down beside her. Dutifully packing the bowl for her creatively manic friend
"Wut's 'oin ya mind?" Dom pops up from the bed asking.
"I don't knooowww....." Luna answers honestly. "I don't know if we should run an Authentic Seattle, Mainstream Grunge, Dead Seattle or Dead Grunge...." Her leg bouncing to the different songs running through her mind.
Covering Bands is really cool for some artists.... Paying homage is an entirely different entity.
Ashley fires up the bowl. Exhaling her hit, she asks Luna What's More Important.
"Fran." Luna answers without a thought as Ashley passes her the bowl with a knowing look. "Lemme call Colson." She decides as she takes a hit.
Colson's annoyed by his phone ringing. It's early as FUCK. No one should be calling him right now. Seeing the who it is, his anger lifts.
"HEY!!" He can feel her shine through the phone.
"Hi, Kitty..." Even tired he can't help but grin at the sound of her voice.
"I got an idea!!" She explodes.
"Oooh, yeah? What?" Colson asks.
He loves her ideas and little games. Luna never failing to amuse, intrigue and push him beyond his artistic scope. Or sexual limits.
"I wanna Super Jam.... I'm thinking four or five GREAT songs..." She goes on to explain.
"FUCK yeah!" Colson finds himself grinning harder with a nod.
"Cool... I'm getting out of here as quick as possible. Talk to The Boys. By time I get back we need a solid idea to mix and rehearse.
"I got you, Kitten." He reassures her, pumped by her idea.
Off the phone, Colson is hard from the sound of Luna's voice. Sliding his hand around his thick cock, he smiles.
"My Bitch is like no other...." He thinks as he aches for her.
Remembering her birthday gift to him, Colson grabs his laptop. Finding the file and setting himself up, he's prepared for his viewing.
Seeing Luna tease and fuck him, Colson strokes his cock like he's trying to strangle someone. He grows harder as he watches himself devour Luna's insides. Remembering her sweet taste of peaches, he pulls on himself faster.
Stroking his dick at a firm pace, his grip tightens. Watching their video, he imagines every inch of Luna as she slides herself around him on the laptop's screen.
Cooing as she helps him pump his huge cock into her. The sound of their satisfied moans pushing on his brain.
Floating back to That Night. The way he felt so nervous until Luna had popped in wearing The Cheetah Print Coat. The sight of her taunting his dick while easing his soul. It was the first time he had ever fucked her. Instantly admitting that he was truly in love with HER. Not just the memory of The Girl In The Cheetah Print Coat.
Their connection and sex being an inescapable delight. No one ever fucking his body or mind like THAT Brooklyn Bitch.
Yanking on his cock now, Colson's body stiffens as he splooges all over himself. Breathing hard, he lays there. Details from the strip club still weaving through his mind.
"Yo. Book us. I gotta get the fuck up outta here ASAP...." Luna says to Ashley's nod.
Catching a call from Monica, she's freaking out. It seems to be a steady state of mind for her recently. Luna hates it.
"I'm done." Monica states firmly. "I'm your FUCKING LAWYER. NOT YOUR MANAGER."
"Wait.... What the fuck are you talking about?" Luna questions her.
"I'm talking about that I'm your Lawyer but.... You need a Manager because I CAN'T manage your schedule." She starts in. "You don't know what this last month has been like for me. Besides all the legal and wedding shit, no one has your number so they all hit ME. My phone stays blowing up over you." Monica states with frustration.
"Wait... What??" Luna's beyond lost.
"YOU.NEED.A.MANAGER." Monica says slowly like Luna's dumb.
On this she is. Dumb and confused.
"What???" Luna asks again.
This makes Monica beyond frustrated.
"Dude... I can't book you... It's not my job. You NEED to get a FUCKING Man.A.Ger. I've been getting calls for IT since yesterday. Stern wants to book you... Good Morning America has BEEN asking for either Nightmare or Bad Things.... FUCK! THAT'S NOT MY FUCKING JOB!!" Monica yells.
"Wait.... Why IT?" Luna asks.
"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!?" Monica finally explodes. "You played it on fucking DayTime TV yesterday!!"
"OH SHIT!!! THEY RAN IT!!" Luna shouts in disbelief.
Amazed, Luna can't help but grin. Knowing she's as pretty as a sunset but always thinking her words were too ugly for DayTime. She's beyond pleased. IT is EXACTLY the kind of song people SHOULD be listening to at all times. Day or night, the message of the song never changes.
"You need a FUCKING manager. I'm not THAT. You paid for law school for A FUCKING REASON. To protect you, not to fucking schedule you." Monica expresses with an attitude.
"I know...." Luna begins to apologize before slipping into hungover reality. "You got ANY suggestions?" Luna can't help but ask with a snark, feeling slightly abandoned.
"No. Do this yourself." Monica says, still pissed.
"What about vetting?" Luna questions her.
"Fine. Bring me three. We'll figure it out who from there." She slightly relents.
"Thank you, Mon. Seriously. I know this last month has been a lot. I'm sorry. I'll find someone. I just.... You know I value your opinion... So, thank you." Luna sighs.
Meeting their freshman year in high school, Monica knows Luna is genuine. Whether she pays her or not, they're true friends. Monica being one of the few Luna will back down from and compromise with.  As Monica lets up on her a bit, they end their phone call on a positive note.
"So, what? Snippets of different songs mashed together?" Baze asks Colson as he explains Luna's idea.
Sitting around the front of The Bus, they're getting toasted with their morning coffee. Colson had woke them up after he'd showered, knowing they needed to get to work.
"Yeah... Just like that. Probably running like 6 or 7mins...." Colson answers to his nod of understanding.
"When will she be back?" Slim asks of Luna.
"They're on their way now. Should be here before 4P." Colson informs him.
"Wait. She wants to do this tonight?" Slim asks, without waiting for an answer he goes on. "That gives us 3hrs to piece together basically a whole new song.... Of shit we ain't probably NEVER play before so we gonna have to learn it AND then fucking rehearse it to play to a sold out club. Tonight."
Slim ends his rant by tilting his head as he gives Colson a look of What The Fuck.
"Dawg... Obviously she likes a challenge." Colson throws his arms out to showcase himself.
Slim laughs with the rest of The Bus as he rolls his eyes. Asking if They Know Any Of These Fucking Songs.
"Yeah we do..." AJ says confidently pulling out his phone. "Let's make a list of songs we know and how they fit into the different categories of ideas Luna has."
Sam hands him the paper and pen he asks her for. Getting up to grab more coffee, she stops and turns to the group.
"You know, we'll have nine musicians with us tonight. Besides the drums, I play bass and rhythm guitar... So, between all of us, if we pick the right songs the odds are that one of us will know how to play it." She says.
"You offerin' to get OnStage with us tonight?" Colson teases her.
Sam shrugs out an I'm Just Sayen' before Colson agrees It's A Good Idea and Theory. The group of them sitting together, trying to work out the flow of different songs.
Flying high over The United States, Ashley, Luna and Dom kick around their own ideas.
"So what do you truly want?" Ashley asks Luna.
"Honestly.... If it was MY show, we'd run a totally obscure mix. Focusing on the Lost Seattle Originals. I'd really LOVE to play a tribute to Mia Zapata, Stephanie Sargent and Layne.... Especially Layne. Considering how forgotten he was."
"So fucked up...." Luna sadly thinks of how the rock legend had laid dead in his apartment for over a week before anyone realized he was missing. The thought still breaks her heart the same way it did when she'd first heard the story.
"I don't think many of his fans are gonna know Seven Year Bitch or The Grits though.... But I don't know because they are hometown bands." Luna's leg is still bouncing as she sighs.
"Do you think you may be overextending yourself on this one?" Ashley says gently.
Not one to admit defeat, Luna's brain is still dancing around itself. Determined to figure this out.
"Wut aboot a King and Queen of grunge homage?" Dom asks. "Smashing togeter a Nirvana and Hole song?"
He thinks it's a great idea. Ashley knows it's not.
Luna's eyes go dark. It's a horrible idea in her opinion. Twisted though, it could be one of her greatest Fuck Yous yet. Luna's mind starts shifting gears.
"WHAT UP, BIIIITCHES!!!" Luna shouts as she climbs onto The Bus.
Ashley and Dom are behind her. They're met by excited Yos and What's Goods. Ashleigh greeting Luna with a tight hug.
Colson comes charging out from their room. Scooping Luna up, he attacks her with kisses as she wraps her legs around his waist tightly with giggling acceptance. Their kisses are matched with EWWWs and GO TO YOUR FUCKING ROOM. Luna continues to laugh as they kiss each other Hello and exchange I Missed Yous. Colson muttering a Shut The Fuck Up Sam while keeping his mouth on Luna's. Pressing hard on his lips, she plants a solid smooch on Colson before sliding off of him. Hard dick poking her on the way down.
"Sooooo.... I think I might have been a little overambitious with this whole Super Jam thing...." Luna admits.
"Thank the Lawd!!! She crazy but she ain't FUCKIN' stupid!!" Slim yells in relief as he throws his arms up.
"Thanks, Jerk Off." Luna laughs at him.
Slim tosses her an elbow and a Sorry as he laughs with her. She meets his peace treaty along with a smile.
"But I have a list!!" AJ pops in slightly agitated.
"Really?" Luna asks as her smile widens. "Me too!!" She laughs as she pulls a folded piece of paper from her back pocket. "What 'cha got?" She asks as she plops down beside him on one of the couches.
Sitting together, they go over their notes. Some things match up but a lot don't.
"No Seattle Tribute?" AJ asks with disappointment.
"Oooh.... We're still doing something." Luna reassures him. "Do you guys know who Tobi Vale is or who Andrew Wood was?" Luna asks including everyone in their conversation now.
Sam and Ashley do. That's it.
"Okay guys.... Roll up. It's story time." She says.
Staying in place, Luna digs Colson's Sponge Bob case out from in between the couch cushions behind her. His deep voice shouting THAT'S WHERE THE FUCK THAT WENT.
"I shoved it up there last week because of Case.... How awesome would that've been if she'd opened it?" Luna shrugs as she shakes her head at herself. "Total fucking win....." Sighing as she rolls her eyes and continues on. "Anyway... So, THIS is what I'm thinking.... Hold on, gimme a sec."
Firing up a joint, Luna hands it to AJ before lighting another and sending it across to Sam on the other couch. Left and Right. Sparking another for herself to camp on for a moment, she explains exactly What She Wants To Do and Why.
Everyone agreeing that It's A MUCH More Plausible Idea. Fully burnt they head off of The Bus towards the nightclub to rehearse. If it plays out as expected it'll be a fun and sweet tribute. Carrying a harsh kick to the cunt. Only those who are aware of Luna's feelings knowing EXACTLY what she's saying.
Colson drops his arm around Sam's shoulder and plops a kiss on top of her head as they head across the parking lot. She looks up at him like What The Fuck Are You Doin'.
"Thanks for taking care of those sheets yesterday." He says looking down at her with a smile.
"OH. You're welcome." She answers as his arm slips off of her.
Heading to catch up with Luna, Colson turns to shoot Sam another grateful smile. It's a nice scene, considering Sam really didn't care for Colson or think he was good enough for Luna when she first met him. Her opinion slowly changing.
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To be continued.....
❇Writer's Note: Feel free to share the WHOLE chapter with whomever 😘
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