#give me like 1 in 10 blurry atmospheric photo
larrylimericks · 2 years
Our knickers got put in a twist At Rob’s clickbait disguised as a list; Pham’s pics—always blurry— Have focused fan fury; And Niji’s tour vibe will be missed.
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enkelimagnus · 6 years
THOS2 day 1 (& my first ever convention)
I attended (still am) today the first of the Hunters of Shadow 2 con and this is what happened to me today
i’m seated quite far in the back (far enough that any pics zoomed on my phone came out very blurry and meh), but slightly high, which means that the view is still nice. 
The con starts a bit late (around an hour), but the atmosphere is still fun, and the lateness is easily explainable. 
The con people had a small video planned, and damn, it was amazing. 
The cast comes in around 10.30/45. They look amazing. Kat is beautiful and sweet (with a hoarse voice because of last week’s australian con). Alberto looks great, Emeraude looks perfect, Jade is, as always, dressed to the nines. Harry is wearing a simple white shirt, and it’s enough to make me swoon. Did I tear up? Maybe? Idon’t remember. 
Will looks great and Matthew has his usual signature coffee and backwards cap. Everything is normal. 
The con people are managing okay, despite the fact that the latness screwed up the planned schedule completely. Panels start as other extras start as well. 
The first panel is Kat and Jade. 
I wasn’t allowed to ask questions concerning only one of them, so I came up with one question for each and was refused again. It was okay. I understand why they wouldn’t let me. Kat is adorable, and her answers are on point and great, professional yet personal. Jade is a bit goofy as he is, but a beautiful soul for sure. 
Second panel comes up, as i’m waiting for my first extras of the day (Photoshoots with Harry, Emeraude and Matt). It’s Jade and Alberto. 
Jade tells us we can ask questions only to Alberto, since he was here before. I have a long question about Simon practicing his Jewish faith still now that he is a vampire, and if the relationship between him and his faith has changed. As I tried to grab the mic, they seem to avoid me. (maybe unintentional though). 
I’m called for the shoots. Harry is... Harry. Perfect, smiling, with the sweetest of eyes. We exchange a few words. Emeraude is picture perfect in a way that is almost unreal. 
Matt has a lot of people waiting for him, the queue takes hours, and there are a lot of restrictions when it comes to hugging him or poses, but we know our Matthew and his liking for privacy. We exchange a few words, he asks for my name, and I tell him to enjoy Paris. 
Jade is adorable and very adventurous when it comes to poses, and a sweetheart. He spoke to me in French and my brain forgot I was actually French and knew how to speak the language. 
Something I love about this cast is how genuine and approachable they are. Matt with his open arms (but no hug), and goofy smile, Harry being warm and kind, Jade being witty and fun, and even Em being incredibly sweet. Not once did I feel like I was bothering them, and not once did I feel uncomfortable about them being close physically to me. 
They had a group panel which was super fun and fast and witty? There wasn’t really much more in the afternoon for me, as it was group pics, duo/trio pics, and private meetings, things that I couldn’t afford. 
It gave me occasion to browse more through the stands of the fanartists there @noksindra and @phildrawsfanart especially. 
I made a friend, a guy who ended up GIVING me a harry pic for tomorrow because a last minute family event made him unable to attend tomorrow. 
The organization for the signings was... messy to say the least, with very little intel trailing back to us the fans. After waiting an hour, I just decided to go and see for myself. 
I got my Harry autograph in 10 minutes. 
Day 1 was amazing. 
I have met people, people I would usually disagree with normally, and we had civil conversations.
I end the day with a bunch of amazing fanarts, some cute pics, happiness too. 
I met my icons, and that was amazing. They still don’t feel real to me though, almost as if, sitting in the panel room, i’m just actually sitting on my couch watching a panel on youtube. It’s a very strange sensation. 
Tomorrow will be great. Photos with Harry (2), Kat, Jade and signings with Matthew, Jade and Alberto. 
I can’t wait. 
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hnd1achloekelly · 4 years
Who Are You?- Evaluation
For this brief I shot a series of 3 images, a self-portrait, still life and location. At first I done a theme of music but it didn’t work as well as I thought it would have and then after I done a couple of trial photos but they didn’t tell a story like I thought. I decided to do the theme of make-up and how it gives me confidence and I thought it would be easier to create a clear story the way the images were laid out.
The first image that I done was the location image of House of Frazers. I decided to take images of this shop as at Christmas they have the iconic fairy lights outside and I thought this could become a constant theme to help tie all the images together. I took this image around 4pm but by the time I got there it was dark outside so I decided this would be a good time to gain more experience with long exposures- I hadn’t had a lot of practice with this technique so it was a good time to get used to doing this. I also thought that the time of day gave the image a mood to the image- the time of day also made the fairy lights stand out and become the main focus in the image. I chose Frazers as this is the first shop that I became interested in makeup and how confident the women looked in the posters around the store. To take the image I used ISO 100, F-8 and shutter speed 1.3 seconds- I used a 50mm lens as this was wide enough to capture the building but not capture too much empty space. To edit this image, I opened the image in RAW and manipulated the contrast, highlights, shadows, blacks, whites to enhance the image and after this I added clarity and dehazed- I done this to add more atmosphere and drama to the image. I then opened the image into photoshop and added a gradient map into the image- I decided that an orange theme worked well for this as it created a happy tone, I also put the opacity of this down as I didn’t want it to overpower the image as I just wanted to create a slight happy tone. After this I used the adjustment layer levels to create more contrast in the image.
The next image that I took was the still life, I decided that for this image I was going to take pictures of the new makeup that I ordered as it was clean and wouldn’t have any marks. I also thought this would help with the theme as it would be like shopping then bringing home new products. I decided to this image on my table as it was glossy white so when I took the image there would be a slight milky reflection on the table. To light the image I used 2 led panels (one at either side) this helped give the image an even light and no shadows as I wanted it to be a nice flat light as I thought this matched the type of image that is mostly seen in makeup adverts. I draped the fairy lights round the products to keep that theme in all the images, I tried to place the fairy lights at the back of the image, but it didn’t work but I feel like the lights worked better on the table as they are still blurry enough, so they don’t take away from the image- but they still add some atmosphere to the image. I tried putting the camera on a tripod to take the image- but this didn’t work as I wanted to try different angles and heights so hand holding the camera gave me more opertunities to take these types of images and there was enough light in the images that I could have a faster shutter speed. To expose the image I used ISO 200, F3.5 and shutter speed 1/125. I tried different apertures to make sure that the lights where blurred even if it was just a little as I knew that this would help keep the focus on the products and help the eye skim over the lights. To edit this image I opened the image into Camera RAW and manipulated the image accordingly to enhance the contrast, after I done this I opened the image into photoshop and added the same orange gradient map that I used in the previous image and changed the opacity down so that the colour wasn’t overpowering the image- I then opened a curves adjustment layer to add some more contrast into the image that the gradient map took away from the image, I then opened brightness and contrast with the and made the image brighter and added a little more contrast to balance out the light.
The self-portrait became one of the hardest images for myself as I don’t like seeing myself without makeup- so this was a challenge to only do half of my face. I could feel the confidence that the makeup gave me but as soon as I seen the other side of my face, I lost all confidence and I feel that I portrayed this in the final image. To light this image- I used to 2 LED panels (one at each side of the camera) to create an even light- I also places the fairy lights in the back of the image to tie all the images together. To expose the image I used ISO 200, f-1.8 and shutter speed 1/125. I decided to use f-1.8 to make sure that my eye on the side with makeup was the sharpest part of the image but also that the whole face was in focus- this aperture also helped to make sure that the lights created the bokeh effect. To take this image I set my camera on the tripod and used the cannon connect app so I could use the app as a trigger release, I also used a 10 second timer so I could pose myself before the image was taken. I had taken many images and in different poses but when looking through all the images I felt that this was the strongest image- with the makeup side being the one that catches the eye it proves the point of confidence and being seen. To edit this image I opened it firstly in Camera RAW and manipulated the highlights, shadows, contrast, black and whites to create more contrast in the image- I then changed the clarity and dehaze to create more drama and contrast into the image. After I done this I opened the image in photoshop- the first thing I decided to do was use the spot healing tool to take away blemishes from the side of my face with the makeup on to give a more smooth look and even skin texture- I decided to leave the other size of my face with all the texture and blemishes. After I finished with that I added the orange gradient map that was on the other images to keep the same mood in the images I changed the opacity down on this as well so this didn’t over power the image> I then opened a new adjustment layer of levels to bring back some more contrast into the picture. After I looked at this image I realised that the image was lacking extra contrast on the makeup side so I decided to make a new layer and used the dodge and burn tool to create more highlights and deepen the contours of my face- I feel that this worked well with the image and helped create more of a difference between the sides of my face.
0 notes
lauramccairn1405 · 5 years
Reading Photographs
We went on a trip to the National Portrait Gallery in Edinburgh and our task was to select a photograph and analyse it.
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Video to go along with this work.
1. What technology was used to make the images? How does this affect your reading of the work?
To create this photography project DSLR and SLR cameras were both used in order to show the modern and old fashioned aesthetic that is seen on our social media.
2. Describe what you can see and where is it within the image?
A collection of photographs are collaged. It shows the students involved in the project surrounded by a series of questions across the photo board.
3. What is the format of the image - is it portrait, landscape, square? What does this imply?
A mix of portraits and landscapes are used for this photography project. This implies the various sways that pictures can be shown and the effect they can have on the image by having parts of it cut off in a creative way.
4. Consider the composition - where are things placed within the image?
In the images the subjects focal point is varied. A mix of centred portraits positioned to the left/right and a close up of somebody's eyes that have been made blurry. 
5. What is included within the frame and what is excluded? What effect does this have?
In many of the pictures, the subject has been distorted so that the become the viewpoint against the blank background.
6. What is the photographer’s viewpoint? - is it above, below or equal to the subject? What does this imply? How would the image change if the viewpoint was different?
The photographer’s viewpoint is equal to the subjects this creates a personal effect to each image as its as if the subject is staring back at you as though they are sending a message. If the viewpoint was different it’d show the people looking away from you as if they’re hiding.
7. What happened before and after the photograph was taken?
They planned what kind of shots they were going to take before taking the photographs and afterwards they would have edited the pictures on something such as adobe lightroom
8. What is the light source within the image? Is it natural or artificial? What atmosphere or mood does this create?
Studio lighting is used which is artificial lighting. The black and white photography creates an eerie atmosphere. With the subjects clothing looking dark and enhanced it makes the image look bold.
9. Is the image colour or black and white? How does this affect your reading of the image? How would the work differ if it were changed from colour to black and white or vice versa?
The photographs are in black and white to create a vintage look to the project. The work would differ if the pictures were in colour as it would brighten the image up to make it look bright and happy rather than the eerie and depressing look it has now.
10. What is the scale of the work? Is it small and intimate or large and dominating?
The individual photographs are varying in size and layout on the photo board.
11. How is the work presented? Is it framed, hung on the wall, floor-based? Why? What effect does this have?
The work is presented on a photo board hung on a wall the pictures have been collaged together so that you can view the whole collection.
12. Is the work titled? How does the title affect the meaning of the image? What title would you give to the work?
The work is titled “Snapchats” The title affects the meaning of this work as it created the thought about how most pictures we take in the modern world are usually filtered and edited for social media such as Snapchat or Instagram. If I were to retitle this work I would call it “Orphic” which means something that takes you into a trance and makes you think beyond the ordinary understanding.
13. Who might the image have been made by? Why? Who for?
The image was made by a group of students in order to show the differences in modern photography compared to old fashioned. Experimenting with different photographic effects to create images with an artistic look.
14. What do you think the artist is trying to say? Do you think they have communicated their ideas successfully?
I think that they are trying to make us notice how people look different from how they did before our generation and how our photographic eye has become different and modern by adding filters and effects to make it perfect for others to see. I think they have communicated this successfully as the questions surrounding each photograph make you think about the deeper meaning of each image.
15. How does the work make you feel?
The work makes me feel existential. With each question and image, it makes me look deeper into the meaning and think about how it affects my own life.
16. Do you like or dislike this work? Why?
I like this work because it creates a strong message pointed at my generation and the way that we have grown up and it gets me to stop and think about how we’re living in a filtered world.
0 notes
wildgujarat · 5 years
2nd & 3rd September 2017
Lovely trip to last home of Asiatic Lion but leopard images made the trip more worth Location: Devalia Safari Park
Trip in Nutshell:
2nd Sept 2017, 2:30 PM
And our self-drive cost sharing trip begins. Late by half hour but as we had no plan of any photography break on way or at Junagadh so there was nothing to worry. But the road was worst this time due to monsoon rain.
8:00 PM, we reached our resort at Sasan where mouthwatering pure kathiyawadi dinner was ready. After having dinner just came to know that mineral water was not available at that time due to off-season and few members can’t manage without them.
So went to Sasan (some 10Kms) and then mother nature welcomes us with first bird of trip checklist, it was spotted owlet sitting on a road direction board. Back to resort & time to go for sleep.
3rd Sept 2017, 5AM
2 Alarms and we got up on time :). But were late as per our plan to be the first to enter from check-post. Left resort and after a short tea brake near safari reception at sasan, we again started for Devalia Park.
As we were a bit late to be the first to enter the check-post, there was no chance of any sort of wildlife on the way.
Started the journey of beautiful Devaliya route (single track) with beautiful morning atmosphere and green forest around. And the first break to car for Indian Peafowl & Wild Boar.
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Indian Peafowl by Mihir Modi
Wild Boar
Reach Devalia Safari Park and the first thing to do is book our seats in bus & now time to wait and enjoy some birds like India Peafowl, myna, jungle crow and few Monkey. While 2 friends joined booking queue, all others were searching for birds.
Soon we heard the noise of few Jungle Babbler at near place, and literally ran over there. Because they in behave that way only when there is some animal or reptiles.
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And witnessed our Lucky Charm “Indian Mongoose” again (Note: it’s said that seeing Mongoose is a good luck). Had missed a good photo of it during the last trip as that was just a moment of sighting and had to satisfy with a bit blurry image due to low light and moving car.
It was already 8:30 AM and we were eager to enter the park. But officials asked to wait few more minutes to get the bus full as there was very less rush and else others would have to wait for next bus to get full.
Knob-billed Duck at Devalia Safari Park
And in few minutes our trip of Asiatic Lion Trip begins. First to see were knob-billed duck, grey francolin, black francolin, scally breasted munia and then comes two queens of Jungle. Time to click-click-click.
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Moving further or can say returning back we saw three Leopards, lots of Jackal, black-buck, spotted deer, blue-bull and our morning session ends.
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Golden Jackal
Golden Jackal Group
It was a satisfactory trip for everyone. But for us, this was second year of such trip and so we were not that much satisfied by morning opportunity.
We felt the quality work what we expected from trip was not achieved. Anyways, it was closing time of park and have to return back to resort.
On-way we planned to have our desi breakfast of gathiya and chai. But then the resort owner called us and told to have breakfast over there. It was 11:30 AM already and lunch was almost ready, so we had few light snacks along with tea. And asked the resort owners wife (who cook herself) that we will have lunch after an hour and started the refreshing session after the morning workout.
Yes, the swimming pool session. (available at mostly all resorts at Sasan-Gir). Though it was more as a big water tank and less as swimming pool, still all enjoyed it.
Got totally refreshed and now it’s time for lunch. Kathiyawadi rotli, lasaniya bateta nu shaak, salad and gur-keri achar, chas, papad; one of the best lunch we had till date.
Monitor lizard by Hemal Jadav
During that time too mother nature kept showing her presence, a pair of Common Iora and a monitor lizard came and gave some good clicks. Though few friend witnessed one more monitor lizard during the return journey to resort.
Now it’s time to check-out and reach Devalia Park again for the last session, but we planned to review our morning images first to check for mistakes and avoid the same during evening session. While review session was going and all were busy reviewing their images and improvements few of us including me got the time for sweet 10 minutes sleep 🙂
After review session, all participants insisted that we want to go back only if there is any chance of seeing male lion, but as discussed with officers at morning there was no chance for their sighting at the park. So it was time to cancel the evening session because all have got satisfactory images at morning itself.
But how can we ignore the nature and our lucky morning charm because still satisfactory work was not done as per me, so finalized to give evening session a test to our luck and went again.
And there was a heavy rush of tourist now, same like we had last year. Got the chance to visit in the last bus, but it was a favoring opportunity for us due to the soft light which we will get.
Entered again and now this time its 3 lioness and a lot better light and location for quality images. So felt it was a fair decision and evening trip made the day worth with beautiful images.
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But it’s all in hands of nature and who knows what opportunity is waiting next.
And the actual best session was yet to come, moving further (on-return) we saw a leopard resting on a tree branch giving us one of the best natural frame of branches.
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Lots of clicks and the journey ends with one of the best images of Lioness and Leopard.
Species we witnessed
Asiatic Lion
Indian Leopard
Golden Jackal
Wild boar
Spotted deer
Gray langur
Blue-Bull / Nilgai
Indian Grey Mongoose
Small Indian civet
Birds: Scaly-breasted munia, Grey francolin, Painted francolin, Common myna, Bank myna, Common iora, Spotted owlet, Jungle crow, Indian peafowl (Peacock), Knob-billed duck, Red-vented bulbul, Spotted dove, Green bee-eater, Jungle babbler, Oriental magpie-robin, Red-naped Ibis, Little egret, Rufous treepie and many more common birds
Read previous year’s trip article Here ›
Planning to visit Devaliya Park?
Read full details of location reviews, permit charges and more on Devalia Safari Park Page
Trip Report - Asiatic Lion Photography at Devalia Sept' 2017 2nd & 3rd September 2017 Lovely trip to last home of Asiatic Lion but leopard images made the trip more worth…
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