#give my green haired sunshine this shot too
epickiya722 · 1 year
All I ask for this shot to show up and I will be okay...
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This shot is also hilarious to me because it's the last shot of chapter 310. The chapter ended on Midoriya eating the food Dad... I mean All Might gave him! That is freaking adorable!
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kaciebello · 4 months
Don’t shoot the messenger
Slytherin boys x Hufflepuff!reader (use of she/her, no use of y/n) Masterlist Delivery Express ✿ Summary: The reader sees an opportunity to run an untapped market in Hogwarts and makes her first delivery. warnings: mention of alcohol and cigarettes, nothing else really Authors note: English is not my first language so I am sorry for any mistakes beforehand. I wanna spread this into a one-shot series. Proofread by me and me only :( • Next part: Delivery fees Word count: 1352
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Notes to deliver - 1
The Slytherin bedroom is filled with the usual chatter. Two boys arguing about quidditch tactics over a cigarette, some have given up and just stared at a ceiling while nursing a glass of fire whiskey. You can hear someone's father being mentioned in almost every other sentence. Nothing magical was happening if you omit this being a school of witchcraft and wizardry.
Suddenly, the door busts as if being kicked open. Revealing, to the boys, an unknown girl wearing a green uniform they are all familiar with, her cloak being absend. Her hair is neatly in a braid tied with a bow. All chatter stops and their attention is on her. She, however, paid no mind to anyone in the room and kept looking into her notepad as if nothing happened. Taking a few steps into the room and closing the door was only an interaction with her surroundings.
Nobody says a word for what feels like an hour. “ Who are you?” a voice recognizable as Draco Malfoy spoke. Snaping her head from her notebook she finally scans the room. As if searching for something. An offended scoff is heard from the boy as his question is left without an answer.
“ Sunshine? What are you doing here?” Lorenzo asks as he sits up. Her eyes snap to him the second she hears his voice. A sweet smile spreads on her face and her eyes create moon crescents.
“ There you are! I have a note for you.” She says and takes a few steps to his sitting figure.
His friends, still confused by what is this mystery girl doing in their bedroom, could do nothing but stare as she moved across the room with ease. But she seems to pay no attention to anybody but her friend. Passing the neatly folded note to Lorenzo, she sits down and crosses something in her notebook humming happily before turning back to him with the same sweet smile. The boy in question studies the note and opens it to read it. His eyes widen and his ears go red. He turns to the girl in shock. 
“ YOU GAVE ME A LOVE NOTE???” He yells and the second those words leave his mouth all his friends surround the pair like hungry hyenas. Her smile drops and her eyes widen to the point some would think is impossible.
“ Eh? Is that what that is??” She goes to snatch the note from him, which proves to be an easy task as Lorenzo is frozen in the spot. Before she could read the note herself, however, it was too snatched from her hand by Theodore Nott and passed around his friend group.
With a frown on her face, she turns to her friend, “ I, didn't give you anything, someone gave you a love note, I just delivered it.” She said making sure to emphasize mentioning her person in the sentence.
“ So this is not from you? Because that sure sounds like an excuse, lame one at that,” says Mattheo Riddle as he waves the note in front of her face. She swats his hand away like it's a fly and he passes the note to Blasie Zabini who has yet to read it.
“No, I had no idea it was a love note,” she argues back and places her hand on Lorenzo's shoulder. “ I love you, but not like that.”
“ Are you sure? because-”
“no, like, if you do-”
“ Maybe we can work-”
“ I would rather jump from the astronomy tower.”
“Ouch,” he said and she just patted him on the back with fake sympathy. The note was passed back to him and he finally had the chance to look at it again. All of his friends return to studying the girl sitting on the bed.  A minute of silence is broken when Blasie speaks up. 
“ Are you, not the Hufflepuff girl sitting next to Enzo in Charms?” Looking up and smiling.
 “Why, yes I am.” she proudly announces to the room. The shock and mumbles did not phase her as her friend got her attention.
“ So who gave you this note?” Lorenzo asks seemingly coming out of his trance from just receiving a love confession.
“ I don't know, some girl gave it to me and asked me to give it to you.”  She shrugs and targets the candy bag in Draco's arms, taking a handful without the boy noticing and popping a few chocolate pieces in her mouth. “ and you just did it?” 
“For 5 galleons.” He looks at her in disbelief. 
“ You sold our friendship for galleons?” he asks not believing he's worth a pocket change.
 “ She promised another 5 if I got her an answer.”
“oh my god.”  He throws his head back and stares at the ceiling for a second as the girl next gives him a confused look.
“ what? I didn't know it was a love note. Besides-”
“ How did you get in here?” Draco cutes her as he notices her hand sneaking into his bag of candy this time, snatching it away.  The two friends turn to the group of boys standing around them.
  “ I do you one better, whose uniform is that?” Mattheo asks pointing out the obvious Slytherin uniform on the Hufflepuff girl. Her eyes narrowed, not enjoying being interrogated. As she was about to answer Lorenzo was just a second faster.
“ Her own you moron, it's a color-changing charm. Good job on that by the way.” He says, getting up from the bed and breaking the circle his friends formed around them. The girl gets up and follows him to his desk.
“ That does not answer how she got here.” chimes in Theodor. Leaning on the desk she turns to them and crosses her arms.
“I'm a Hufflepuff, we have our ways. It is not that hard to find all the secret passages.” She says nonchalantly. Next to her, Lorenzo is hunched down and scribbling something on a piece of paper. Before any more questions can be said he shoots up with a little ‘aha’ leaving him.  Taking the girl’s hand and turning it, he slaps a little note folded in half in her palm. Then he fishes up what seems to be 10 galleons from his pocket and adds that as well.
“Now sunshine, please don't ever bring me love notes ever again,” he said and started to usher the girl out of the bedroom. She gets up from her spot and walks to the door not that much bothered by her friend kicking her out.
“ What if it normal note? Can I bring that?”
“ no.” He answers as soon as he hears the first question. ‘You're no fun ‘ can be heard faintly as she says it under her nose. Opening the door she previously so elegantly kicked open, she turns to his friends one last time.
“None of you want to send a note? It will cost you only 5 galleons.”All of them shake their head not wanting to use the girls' service. She gives them a few more seconds before she takes our step outside of the door.
“ Wait, sunshine,” Lorenzo stops her with a sheepish smile on his face Wordlessly she raises an eyebrow at him.
“ Next time don't forget to change the colour of your bow.” he says and motions to the bow keeping her braid together. She looks down and sees it proudly shining the yellow colour of her house. She just chuckles and without other words, she steps out of the room and closes the door behind her. 
The room falls silent for a minute before erupting into a bickering over what happened.
Notes to deliver - 0 
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fangswbenefits · 11 months
A Series of Firsts
𓂅 𓄹 Summary: You and Miguel are ready to become parents and you must now go through a series of firsts together.
𓂅 𓄹 Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x spider-woman!reader
No warnings. Just pure fluff. Mentions of pregnancy. Dad girl Miguel. Protective dad Miguel.
First Kick
“What colour should we have on the walls?” Miguel asked one day.
“Too much.”
“Red and blue?”
“That’s too… spidey.”
You giggled at his remark. “We’ll just pick a neutral one and let her decide as she grows up.”
“That’s settled, then,” he murmured, resting the side of his head on your baby bump as both of you lay comfortably on the bed.
“Fingers crossed for a zebra pattern in purple and green,” you teased.
“She can have whatever she wants,” he said simply and you knew he meant it.
Warmth spread in your heart, realising Miguel would give her anything she’d ask for. Even the moon.
As you rolled a single strand of his hair around your finger, you gasped abruptly and halted.
Miguel shot up straight in full alert mode. “What is it? Are you okay?”
You nodded, running both hands along your belly, waiting to feel it once more.
He immediately picked up on the meaning of your sudden silence and placed a splattered hand next to yours.
It didn’t take long for a second kick to be felt and you watched his face awe. “Does it hurt?”
“No,” you whispered adoringly at his concern.
He paused briefly. “That was a strong kick.”
You placed your hand atop his. “She’ll take after you, then.”
First Time Meeting
Jessica placed the little bundle of joy into his arms as soon as the spider-nurses were done checking the vitals and dressing her.
“What is this?” Miguel asked with a light scowl, shifting to have the sleeping baby face you.
Even through your post-labour exhaustion you managed to giggle.
She was dressed in a red and blue suit-like onesie that had Peter’s face printed onto the fabric as rainbow coloured words read ‘my 1st spider suit’.
“Remind again me why we let him choose.”
“You know how Peter is,” you said softly. “It’s a very cute gift.”
Miguel didn’t seem all that convinced, but brought her back against his chest protectively.
You watched as Miguel’s hardened face immediately softened in adoration and, for a couple of minutes, he just stood there, rocking her lightly in his arms.
“She’s… tiny,” he concluded, fingers probing around her hand. “She’s perfect.”
He raised her slowly up to his face and he planted a soft kiss to her forehead, earning a sudden yawn.
“Welcome home,” he whispered to her, completely transfixed. “I’ll always protect you.”
Something inside you stirred. This big grumpy man with volatile moods had just been disarmed by a tiny baby.
That was definitely a sight to behold.
First Sleepless Night
“We’re not having another baby.”
Miguel let out a measured sigh in agreement. “Ever.”
The two of you lay sprawled across the large bed, facing the ceiling as the first rays of sunshine began to lit up the room.
Your daughter had finally fallen asleep after hours of fighting against it, nearly driving both of you crazy in the process.
As you readied yourself to slide off the mattress, you felt Miguel’s hold on your wrist stilling you.
“Don’t move,” he whispered. “Please.”
You groaned inwardly. “I need to go pee, Miguel.”
Sleepy and bloodshot eyes met yours. “It took us hours to drain her energy… hold it in for a while,” now that was a desperate tone if you’d ever heard one from him.
You heaved a long and heavy sigh, feeling his thumb gently rubbing at your pulse point in sheer gratitude.
“Yup. No more babies, O’Hara.”
“Maybe one more?”
You shot him a death glare and he swallowed hard.
“… or not.”
First Scare
You paced around the apartment, having already lost count of the amount of baby monitors that Miguel had spread all over the place.
“This is a bit too much, no?”
Miguel was checking on the sleeping baby through the orange-tinted screen of his dimensional travel watch when he turned to glare at you like you had just said the most abominable thing ever.
“You can never be too careful,” he said in disbelief.
It was to be expected, really. Miguel was always obsessed with security no matter the context, so you couldn’t really say this surprised you.
“Even the watch?” you asked in awe.
“Of course. It’s a looped system that transmits directly to both our watches,” he said with a nod. “Any alteration in her bedroom trigers an alarm.”
Ever the scientist.
His eyes dropped to the hologram on his wrist and he let out a gasp.
“She’s gone!”
Your heart nearly collapsed as a feral Miguel immediately set himself on all fours towards her bedroom, clawing at floor.
“Miguel!” you called after him in a hurry.
Once you reached the open door, you were presented with Peter holding your daughter as Mayday chuckled happily, seated on his shoulder.
“Peter!” Miguel growled, yanking your daughter from his hold and bringing her close to his chest defensively.
“Miguel! We were just paying a visit,” he chuckled. “Cute baby, by the way,” he turned to you with a smile and a flick of his fingers.
But Miguel was having none of that. “Out!”
Mayday stuck out her tongue at him right away, a habit she had yet to let gonof whenever Miguel was around.
“Lyla, why wasn’t the alarm triggered?”
The AI appeared by his shoulder at once, filing her nails. “You forgot to activate the security system, boss.”
First Word
“Pa~pá! Say it. Paaa~pá!”
“Cheater!” you exploded as you entered the kitchen in large steps.
Miguel turned to face you as your daughter giggled.
“We promised to let it be something spontaneous,” you lifted an accusing finger at him. “Cheater!”
He lifted both hands defensively. “I’m just giving her some help.”
In truth, you weren’t upset with him in the slightest. He had been such a constanr presence in his daughter’s life even through an exhausting amount of work around Nueva York.
You feigned indignation crossing your arms across your chest.
Miguel picked her out of the baby chair and walked towards you with a tentative smile.
“I’m sorry.”
Your front broke right away as he leaned to nudge his forehead against yours. “You’re still a cheater,” you accused, not able prevent your lips from curling into a smirk.
“I’ll make it up to you.”
Your daughter started clapping enthusiastically. “Petaah~” and then burst into laughter.
Miguel looked down at her in shock. “What?”
It was almost comedic irony that the first word your daughter said was Peter, which had Miguel sulk for a couple of days.
First Steps
You missed kissing Miguel with no interruptions. Having some alone time in between taking care of your daughter was not easy to come by.
So whenever there was an opening, you’d both make it count.
He had your back pressed against the cold surface of the bedroom wall in no time, framing your face with both hands to deepen the searing kiss.
You melted into his touch right away, yearning for more.
Miguel broke the kiss momentarily to check his watch, panting lightly. “She’s still in the living room.”
You sighed in relief as he took your lips in his once more, hungrier this time. Both of your hands were resting on his firm chest, enjoying the way his muscles rippled under your touch.
Miguel hummed into you, swallowing your gasps and moans.
Your eyes were about to flutter shut when you detected movement out of the corner of your eye.
Panic took over and you immediately pushed Miguel away with a yelp.
Standing by the door was your daughter, gripping the frame with tiny hands, barely able to keep her balance.
Miguel offered her a kind smile. “Hey, you… come here.”
Your heart was hammering hard in your chest as you struggled to even your breathing.
She broke into an amused chuckle, wobbling in Miguel’s direction as he dropped to one knee. “Come here,” he encouraged.
But she would only take a couple of steps before her legs gave out under her to have her sit on the floor.
This was evidently very amusing as she kept trying to mimic her first attempt in between laughter
Miguel exchanged a proud smile with you and, for the first time in a long, you didn’t mind being interrupted.
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desert-fern · 10 months
The Walls Are Caving In - Jake Seresin X Reader
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Pairing: Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin X Fem!Reader (Known as Honey Bee/Honey)
Summary: You are sunshine incarnate, the life of the party who is so free with your affection. Jake finds himself struggling to express his desire to be like you while wrestling with his past, what happens when it all comes crashing down around him? AKA Jake is both touch-starved and in love.
Warnings: Jake has a shit dad, angst, still fluffy tho (lmk if I missed anything)
Word Count: 5.5k
A/N: This one-shot is inspired a little by the song In my Blood by Shawn Mendes. That and I really wanted to explore what could be going on inside the cocky man we all know and some of us fell in love with, so please enjoy 5k words of me putting Jake under the microscope.
Jake Seresin was a mystery to you.
The blonde man had always been standoffish around you, almost like he couldn’t stomach the thought of being near you. Yet when the other pilots came together, it was like Jake couldn’t be close enough, knocking elbows with Bob as he tried to take a sip of his drink and chuckling when the WSO had to set his drink down to give him a bewildered look. Jake would start teasing shoving matches with Rooster out on the beach, laughing as he got absolutely rocked back into the sand.
But when you were in the group? He was as far away from you as was considered polite.
The unfortunate thing was that you thrived on physical contact. You loved hugs, both giving them and receiving them. Fanboy had figured it out early on and would now run up and pull you off your feet to spin you around. It was nothing but playful, yet why did Jake always look at you strangely?
You’d given up on finding out, choosing to focus on your career as a base medic. It had been a dream of yours to be a doctor while growing up, but as you got older, you had to face the fact that it wasn’t the most financially sound decision. So you joined the Navy and found your calling as a medic. Between treating a few base personnel for coffee burns, the occasional broken toe from jamming it against a bench in the locker room, and the pilots and crew members who would pass out when the weather got too hot, you were thriving on your ability to always try and bring a smile and a listening ear to whoever came through the door needing help.
It was why you had become known as Honey Bee by the base dwellers, as you had taken to calling them. You were sweet and were genuinely interested in getting to know people, but if someone fucked around, you always had a whole swarm of people willing to makes sure they found out.
What you weren’t expecting from the job was to catch the eye of several of the Navy pilots, not for a lack of trying to dissuade them. You knew better than to shit where you ate, knew better than to mess around with a Navy man who could very well have a girl at any and every port of call. You were here to do your job first and foremost.
But that started to change. Jake had caught your eye, not just because of the blonde hair that always seemed to glow in the late afternoon California sun, the green eyes that seemed to clock where you were in a crowd, or because he was magnetic in a room of people, but because you wanted to know more about him. He was an enigma to you aside from his medical record. You knew that he’d broken his elbow in high school playing football, that he’d sprained an ankle tripping over a step, hell you even knew his medication allergies. But anything personal, you could forget about.
So you stuck it out, keeping your distance and content to smother the other pilots in your affection.
It was late in the evening as you watched Rooster play yet another song that was older than he was, his squadron around him yelling along to the words. You and Bradley had been close since the mission he refused to talk about, only that he and his godfather had nearly died. You two had also engaged in a casual relationship, hooking up on the off chance neither of you had a partner, but other than the occasional romp in the sheets, you two were as close as best friends. It’s why you were here tonight.
Taking a sip from your drink, you turned to watch the crowd around you, scanning the room and enjoying your people watching. You didn’t know how long you’d been staring around the room, but it had been long enough that Bradley had stepped away from the piano to stand behind you. “Hey Honey.”
You spun around, hand pressed to your chest. “Jesus fuck Bradshaw! You better not give your favourite medic a heart attack. Who else would treat your ass after you fell off another ladder?”
“That’s just rude, Honey Bee,” he teased, winking at you over his sunglasses that had fallen down his nose. “You know no one else fixes me up like you do.”
“Damn right. So watch it,” you shot back, snatching his sunglasses off his face and putting them on your own face. “Also sunglasses at 10 pm? Who are you fooling?”
He snorted, rolling his eyes at your smirk. “Okay, okay. I came over here to give you a hug ‘cause you’ve been sitting over here by yourself. But since you decided to be rude, I’m just gonna walk away.” Bradley turned, moving through the crowd away from you and towards his team on the other side of the bar.
“Fuck you!” You yelled after him, downing your drink and chasing after him. You caught up to him, tapping him on the shoulder and when he turned, you wrapped your arms around his middle, hugging him tightly. “You’re a real jerk, Bradshaw. You know that?”
He laughed, hugging you back. “And you’re a real smart ass for being as sweet as you are, Honey.” Bradley grinned down at you, pulling his aviators off your face and tucked an arm in the collar of his shirt. “Sometimes it feels like I gotta wrangle you.”
You pulled back grinning at him. “You love me.” You felt energised, like that one simple hug had been injected with jet fuel. You were a social butterfly if you had enough hugs throughout the night and thankfully the Daggers had a number of people who loved your playful teasing and joyous affection. It was how you spread your love and you would be damned if Bradley or his friends felt like you weren’t appreciative of how they kept him and each other safe.
“Regretfully,” he quipped, slapping your shoulder and moving over to where Phoenix and Coyote were chatting.
“Dick!” You called after him, laughing when he flipped you off, his back still turned.
You fell into easy conversation with Bob and Fanboy, grinning when Bob pressed his side to you for a moment after a particularly funny joke. And you continued to bounce around the little groups, laughing loudly and uproariously even though you’d only had one drink hours earlier. “How do you do it, Honey?” Payback asked after you’d come back from dancing with his WSO.
“Do what?”
“Have so much energy. I’d be exhausted if I were you.”
You grinned at him, a wide one showing your teeth. “Well Reuben, I see so many people because of work, but I’ve always been like this.”
“Now that,” he said, taking a sip of his drink. “That I can picture. Little baby Honey with two braids making friends with everyone on the playground.”
You laughed with him, feeling alive with the energy in the room. It was only when you glanced around at the other Daggers did you notice a storm cloud underneath the ray of sunshine you were casting over your friends.
“Why don’t you turn your charm on Bagman over there? Seems like his battery is wearing out.” You jumped nearly elbowing Phoenix in the face.
A shrug. “He’s not my biggest fan,” you said simply, missing how Reuben and Nat gave each other a look over your head. “Besides, I don’t want to ruin his night even more than it seems to be going.”
“Mmm,” Natasha hummed noncommittally. “Still, I think you should at least try.”
You turned around. “Why? You all see how he seems to always stand on the opposite side of the room from me, how he barely says two words to me.” There was a frown on your face, something so uncharacteristic that it nearly had Payback choking on his drink as he saw it cross your face.
Natasha just raised an eyebrow and you folded like cheap cardboard. “Fine, but he’s not going to like this.”
You wove through the crowd, making your way over to the jukebox where Jake stood contemplating a song choice. “Hey.”
“Hi.” He didn’t look up at you, choosing instead to stare at the song list you know he’d practically memorized.
A beat of awkward silence passed. “So…” you started again. “You have a song in mind or is it going to be a random choice?”
“Why? You have something you want to play instead?” His tone was sharp, like he was trying to brush you off and it startled you. You could feel Nat’s curious eyes on you and were half tempted to turn around and shout ‘See?!’ in her direction.
“N-no. I was just curious.” Now you were feeling unwelcome. Everything about his body language screamed ‘leave me alone’. He was tense, speaking through gritted teeth, hand white knuckling his beer bottle. “Especially since Rooster always seems to hijack the music whenever you pick a song.”
Jake didn’t say anything, going back to faking his pondering over song choices. You stayed for another moment, before nodding to yourself. “O-okay.” You gave him a hesitant smile before slipping away back towards Natasha. Seconds later, you heard Def Leppard begin to blare through the bar as Jake strolled through the crowd, using his size to gently pass a group of what looked like college girls, whose giggles seemed to carry over the music.
“See?!” You hissed at Natasha. “He would rather fake stare at a music selection he has memorized than talk to me. He clearly can’t stand me!”
Natasha just gave you a cryptic look before drawing you into a conversation about the strangest accident you had ever seen or had. It was enough to draw you focus away from the blonde pilot icing you out, but it also prevented you from catching Jake’s glances your way.
He’d managed to escape your notice for most of the night, choosing to keep to himself or chat with Coyote on the off chance you hadn’t barged into their little group. Contrary to what you thought, Jake didn’t hate you. In fact, he was almost envious of your ability to shine in a room this big. You bounced around like the light off a disco ball, your personality as vibrant as the colours that radiated off as it spun.
The biggest thing he was jealous of though, was the fact that you were free with your affection. You always had a hug and a smile for everyone and if anyone tried to dull your shine, it was like you couldn’t be touched. Jake was jealous of the easy way in which you could ask for a hug to satisfy you.
He couldn’t. Jake yearned for the freedom to be openly affectionate, craved the feeling of being held, but he had spent so long being told that men didn’t do that, that he had to suck it up and be a man. The few girls that had stuck around longer than just one night had never wanted to be close. Sure they had cuddled, but they had all drawn the line at him holding their hand, hugging them from behind. They had only seen him for the prowess and personality he exuded as Hangman, but he was tired of splitting himself down the middle. He wanted someone who wanted Jake too, not just the cocky persona he used to show off. The persona that had made his father spare half a glance his way. He wanted hugs. He just couldn’t ask for them, so he stayed away from you and your sunshine. Created distance between himself and your vibrancy, if only so you wouldn’t pick up on the fact that he desperately needed the affection you distributed in excess.
The half a day he’d spent under your care weeks ago stuck in his memory. Jake hadn’t managed to grab breakfast or lunch on a hot day, hadn’t had much sleep or water, and between the endless up and down, pulling G’s, and push-ups from losing an exercise, the heat became too much for him. He’d passed out halfway through his push-ups, falling face first to the tarmac and scaring the hell out of Hondo who was supervising.
He had been rushed immediately into the infirmary, falling into your capable hands. You had been incredibly gentle checking vital signs, your voice as soothing as a cool damp cloth pressed against feverish skin. You’d stolen his breath when you asked the questions you had memorized due to their frequency of use, and Jake felt like he’d been sucker punched. He didn’t remember much, having spent most of the experience sleeping, but he dreamt of you and every facet of you that had captured his heart and mind over the weeks you had gotten to know one another.
That experience was beside the point though. Instead of asking and being as open and carefree as you were with your love, Jake left himself to revel in the pats on the back, the handshakes, and bro hugs that were “appropriate for a man”. He let himself watch as you hugged Bradshaw, danced with Fanboy, and seemed closer to his squadron than he himself.
So he pushed you away and hoped you didn’t see through him.
Days later, you were bustling around the infirmary. You hadn’t seen the Daggers since the night at The Hard Deck and it was kind of taking a toll on your usual bubbly energy. You still had a smile for everyone, but it had started to become forced the longer your shift went on.
Earlier in the day, a pilot had passed out from the summer heat and hit his head hard enough that he bled. You had been filling out reports when the wall of noise hit you and you were on your feet in half a heart beat.
You hadn’t sat down since. That one accident had set off a never-ending queue of people walking through the doors and your feet hurt.
Sat at the desk at the front of the infirmary, you blew out a sigh. 10 more minutes. 10 minutes and then you could go home and relax.
“You good, Honey?” Bradley. You could recognize that smooth voice anywhere.
You nodded tiredly. “Yeah. Just really busy today.”
“I get that.”
“So.” You drew yourself up from your chair, stretching out your arms. “What can I do for you, Lieutenant?”
“I was hoping that you could check on Hangman.”
You blinked at him, thoroughly confused. “What?”
Bradley gave you a flat look. “You heard me.”
“Because he's been reckless lately. He’s going to get himself or someone else killed if he keeps flying like he has.” There was nothing but seriousness in his amber eyes. Every micro expression that flickered over your friend’s face was one of deep concern.
You nodded. “Okay. It will have to be tomorrow though, Roo. I just finished my shift.”
He shook his head. “I’m sorry Honey, but I’m worried about him. He won’t talk to anyone and Mav is at his wits’ end. Can you swing by today?”
Internally, you groaned. Jake hated you, you were convinced of that. Yet Bradley seemed genuinely concerned for his teammate and despite your best attempts, you hadn’t been able to put him from your mind. “Yeah, okay. But if he blows up at me, Roo, I swear to God I will hurt you.”
Rooster grinned. He knew your threat was an empty one, you both did. You cared about him too much to actually follow through with it. “Thank you, Honey. I owe you one.”
“Yeah, you do,” you grumbled as you walked forward to hug him, burying your face in his flight suit. “You really do.”
You felt him scoff as he hugged you back, pressing a gentle kiss to your head. You stayed like that for a moment before pulling back. “Have a good night, Honey.”
“Thanks Roo. Drive safe.”
And then he was gone.
Fuck. What had you just agreed to do? You buried your face in your hands and blew out a long breath. This was going to be a long night.
Bradley had texted you Jake’s address as you finished changing out of your scrubs. You knew he was worried, but a part of you was anxious about what would happen should Jake open the door and see you. Would he slam the door in your face? Would he invite you in and then hit you with the cold-shoulder?
Jake Seresin made you nervous. Pretty people always did, and Jake was no exception. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t thought about the two of you, but you never let your fantasies go too far. They were delusions. Jake avoided you at any chance he could, so you had one chance to make sure that he understood that you didn’t resent him even if he so clearly did.
Twenty minutes later, you pulled into his driveway behind the black truck that was so quintessentially Jake it hurt. You walked up to the front door, ringing the doorbell and trying not to look as awkward as you felt.
The blue door opened up and Jake stared at you with confusion written all over his face. “What are you doing here?”
You swallowed, mustering up some courage to say “Rooster sent me. Can I come in?”
“Sure?” Jake held the door open, stepping aside to let you pass by him. “You have strange timing. I just got Bradshit off my ass.”
“Heh yeah. It’s almost like an intervention or something.” Inwardly, you were cringing. Why had you said that? God, it was like any social skills you had vanished the minute you were around the blonde man. “Your house is nice. I love the colour of the hardwood.”
“Thanks.” Jake’s voice was back to short and clipped. It was clear that he was on edge now. Likely thanks to your stupid comment. Why couldn’t the floor just crack open beneath you right now and spare you the awkwardness? “So why are you here?”
You took a deep breath, letting your eyes meet his own. “Rooster is worried about you. He didn’t say why, just that I should check on you.”
“I’m fine,” he said quickly, averting his gaze. His arms were crossed over his chest, the black T-shirt clinging mouthwateringly to his arms and shoulders- you shook yourself mentally, cringing again at your thoughts. “You can go now.” Jake’s rushed voice cut through your self-judgement and brought you immediately back into his entryway where he stood not quite glaring at you.
Your interest was piqued by his rush of words. “That was awfully quick,” you remarked as casually as you could. “Jake, whatever it is, I’m not going to judge you. I only want to help.”
“Like I said, I’m fine. You don’t need to worry about me.” Deep down, a part of him was screaming at himself to let you in. To let you help. He would tell you everything if you only asked, if you stayed a little longer. Jake clenched his hand into a fist, restraining himself from capturing you in a hug and never letting go. He shouldn’t have these thoughts. You were just being nice. It didn’t mean anything. Right?
“But I am going to. And your team is worried too.” You tried to reason with him, as you watched him closely.
Jake shook his head. “How many times do I have to say this? I. Am. Fine. Okay?” His voice was raised and he seemed just as shocked as you by his outburst. “I’m sorry, but I am fine.” No. God no. Why had he shouted? Even he could see right through himself, couldn’t you? He really hoped you did.
You gave him a kind smile, before replying “It’s okay, Jake. I’d offer a hug, but I know how much you hate them. If you need to talk, you know where to find me.” You turned back to the door, opening it up and slipping past Jake, your arm brushing his chest and his breath hitched.
Turning around, you faced him and watched his eyes land on everything but you. “Jake?” Your voice was quiet, like you were afraid to push him. “Are you really okay?”
He shook his head, still looking at the floor. “No,” he whispered. The fight had drained out of him, his resolve crashing down around him. When he did meet your eyes, you were astounded by the myriad of emotions you found swirling deep within the green irises.
“Where’s your living room?” You asked gently, hoping that you both could have this conversation in a more comfortable place. Especially since Jake looked like he would collapse at any moment.
“Down the hall,” he said hoarsely, pointing ahead of you both.
You offered your hand to him and could barely contain the shocked noise when he took it. You felt the calluses on his palms, the rough parts that scratched at your own hands, but there was also a softness in them. The parts he tried to keep out of the light. “Come, let’s go sit.”
You perched on the edge of the brown couch and patted the space next to you. When he sat, you noticed how it seemed like he had purposely left space between you both. “So,” you began cautiously. “What’s happened?”
There was silence for a moment, before Jake spoke. “Too much,” he mumbled so quietly that you barely heard him. “And I just… I don’t know how to fix it.” He was still lying to himself. He knew how to fix it, he was just scared of losing the persona he’d spent most of his life perfecting. He knew that he craved the closeness that you could give him, he just couldn’t ask for it.
“Hmmm…” your hum was soft. Everything about you was soft, Jake thought. It’s why you were so liberal with your love. “Well, can I help you?”
He nodded before he could stop himself. Jake risked it and finally glanced up at you. Where he was expecting judgement or pity, all he saw was empathy, kindness, and compassion. It nearly stole his breath at just how much you cared. You cared about him, even after everything. “Y-yeah. You can,” his voice cracked on the words, but he steeled himself and refused to look away.
You gave him a soft smile, watching his face carefully. Jake seemed to be at war with himself, torn between choosing what he always had or finally allowing himself what he needed. Swallowing, you spoke gently. “How can I help?”
Those four words were the breaking point for Jake who had been strong for too long. The bottle holding in all his yearning, his wishful thinking, all of it, exploded in his chest and he began to sob.
Your eyes flew wide and you immediately gathered him in your arms, turning him into your shoulder. A moment passed before you realized what you had done and you made to let go, but found that Jake had clung to your sweater as he cried.
Each tear set free something deep inside him and Jake knew that nothing would be the same after this. His grip on his feelings had slipped and here he was, sobbing into your shoulder like a child who’d lost their favourite toy. But despite the shame he felt, Jake couldn’t stop and a part of him didn’t want to. You were here, whispering soft words of comfort, your touch grounding him in a way that reminded him how long he’d been floating on his own.
His mind could only focus on the pain he was trying to purge from his body. With each sob, his resolve on his self-judgements snapped and they floated away on the river of tears he cried for the parts of him he had spent too long hiding for fear they would be stripped from him.
Then, with sudden clarity, Jake realized what he was doing. He was mourning everything he’d lost. Everything that had made little Jake Seresin who he was. The excitement of flying, loving his friends with everything he had, all of it gone to appease someone who had been gone from this world for years now. He only cried harder at the thought of his younger self watching who he was now and being disappointed, asking him why he’d stopped hugging people. Why he’d pushed away someone who loved hugs as much as he had.
His face was buried in your neck, the tears wetting your skin. He clung to you, so afraid that if he let go that you’d vanish. And when you vanished, you’d take with you your kindness, the love you spread around so easily, everything Jake knew he didn’t deserve. How could he? You were a sunbeam that had fallen from the heavens above, casting your warmth on everything and everyone you touched. You were magic to him.
Your heart broke for the man in your arms. You silently cursed the pressure he was under as a pilot and whatever rigidity in his upbringing had made it so he didn’t or couldn’t express his true feelings. It hurt to hear his sobs but you knew that this was years of pain, frustration, and anger pouring out of a narrow bottle he had tried so long to keep shut. “I’m here, Jake. Shhh, I’m here.”
“I’m sorry,” he cried. “I’m so sorry, Honey.”
He felt you stiffen and pull back just a little. “Look at me Jake.” He chanced it, looking up at your beautiful face, cataloguing the fierce look in your eyes that was offset by the gentleness of your touch. “Never, never apologize for your feelings. You hear me?” Jake nodded tearfully, swallowing around the lump in his throat. “You can let go of your burden right now. I’m here for you, Jake.”
Your words only set him off again. They reminded him so much of his mother’s own and it cut him deep. She was the light in his life until somehow you’d eclipsed it. She had always given him the love he had craved and had been denied by his father, who had raised him never to express his emotions, yet he’d forgotten about anger. Mark Seresin was an angry man trapped inside the supposed standards of how a Texan man ought to be. He was needlessly hard on his boys, believing that it was his duty to ensure that every emotion had been beaten and worked out of them. He had raised his sons that crying was for babies and little girls. But he would never know how much damage had been done from his ‘tough love’. Mark Seresin would never see his sons snap under the pressure he had placed upon them and Jake was more than okay with that.
And so Jake poured that story out between tears, keeping his hands caught in the fabric of your hoodie, desperately trying to keep you close. He couldn’t have you slipping away from him, but even though he’d cried all over you, ripped open the deepest darkest parts of himself, you didn’t move except to slide backwards on the couch, settling yourself. You had cemented yourself in his life just by holding him close and Jake knew that you could never be aware of just how much that meant to him, how much he loved you for that.
You were going to stay. You held him as his sobs petered out. Held him close as he brought his breathing back to normal, and even as he tried apologizing. But you refused to hear it. “I said I wasn’t going anywhere and I meant it, Jake. Okay?” Your voice was still soft, your hand rubbing circles on his back as you both lay on his couch. He had his head pillowed on your chest, lying there despite the late hour. “You know you can talk to me, right? I meant it when I said I wouldn’t judge.”
“I know.” Jake hated how small his voice sounded, but he was so tired. Tired of the judgement he inflicted upon himself, the arbitrary scale he used to compare himself to others. He just wanted to rest and he was scared. His hard shell had been weakened under his breakdown and this was so new to him. Jake felt exposed, like he’d been stripped naked before you and left to face your judgement.
The only question was: would you still love him after this?
Jake was shaken from his thoughts when you said his name in that soft voice of yours. “What are you thinking about?”
He hummed. “How much I regret crying. I have a headache,” Jake let out a little chuckle at his words. “God, Honey, what do you think of me right now?”
You smiled at him. “I’m thinking about how strong you are, how much courage it took you to be so brave. You let your guard down and I am so proud of you for that, Jake.”
Jake’s cheeks pinked. “I might cry again if you keep that up,” he said thickly, swallowing the lump in his throat that threatened to choke him.
“I mean it. I am so proud of you, Jake Seresin, and I will say it as many times as I need to so it gets through your thick skull.” Your tone left no room for argument, but you were still smiling down at him, and the warmth of it washed over him like pulling a thick quilt over oneself during the deepest winter storm.
“I-I think I…” Jake trailed off, catching the end of his sentence before he could say it, before he could confess right then and there. “I have shit timing, holy fuck.”
You only raised a confused eyebrow at him. “Jake, what…?”
“I love you.”
He felt your giggle against his cheek, heard the peals of laughter go ringing through his ears. “I know, you sap. I love you too.”
“Wha- How did you know?”
“The infirmary. When you passed out a few weeks ago because you hadn’t had enough to eat, you were mumbling in your sleep. I just assumed you were calling your partner honey, but then you called me Honey Bee when you woke up and I just knew.” When Jake met your gaze, he saw your eyes full of what could only be described as the purest love. “I think I knew before you did.”
Jake laughed, shaking his head. “Well then,” he began. “Think I should make it official then?” He’d pushed himself up onto his elbows on either side of you and smiled down at you.
You looked adorably confused under his gaze, so he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours. You hadn’t expected it so you let out a muffled squeak that made Jake chuckle against your lips when he pulled away. “Honey…”
A wide grin nearly split your face in two as you looked up at Jake hovering over you. It took nothing for you to cup his face in your hands and pull him down into yet another kiss, this one more intense, intoxicating one another on the feeling of your lips slotting together.
Jake rested his forehead against yours, his breathing heavy and those green eyes, the ones that had enchanted you from the minute you met, fell shut. “Honey. My Honey Bee…” he whispered millimeters from your lips.
“Yours,” you whispered back, leaning up to press a kiss to his cheek so lightly Jake thought he’d imagined it. “I’m yours, and you’re mine, because you know that I will not be an idle partner in this relationship, mister.”
He laughed and it had never sounded so carefree to his ears. You had broken through his walls, forcing your way in with a touch so gentle Jake hadn’t seen you coming until you held his heart at your mercy and by the grace of whatever God sat in the heavens, you had breathed joy and light back into his soul. Jake was utterly devoted to you and your light, wholly captivated by you. You had remade him with laughter in his heart, reshaped his broken heart in your capable, yet gentle hands.
“-ake? Jake? Where’d you go?” Worry had seeped into your tone, your brows furrowing under the concern you felt. He’d spaced out a few times now, and while you were worried, you knew that it was likely residual doubt and his own way of trying to process the events prior. “You should go to bed, Jakey. It’s late.” Your thumb traced the ridge of his jawline, bringing him back into himself.
“Stay.” The words were out before he could stop them. “Please.”
One word, and Jake knew that he’d be alright, that he was safe.
You were here to stay, his Honey Bee.
A/N: big thanks to Star for proofreading and telling me that this wasn’t absolute hot garbage! And for the record, this isn’t Jake’s Dagger Comfort fic. That is still in the pipeline somewhere lol
Taglist: @sarahsmi13s @startrekfangirl2233 @lovinglyeternal @bradleybeachbabe @horseshoegirl @roosterforme @cherrycola27 @dakotakazansky @thedroneranger @aviatorobsessed @csmt-m
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beeoftheanxieties · 10 months
So, @da-proti-toku-grem kind of inspired me to make a lengthy post, sharing some positive vibes across the fandom, listing the reasons why I love each member of Joker Out and why I would go full mom-mode on them and cook for them and bake them gluten-free cookies.
A Joker Out, brain-rot, appreciation post
(members listed in alphabetical order)
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First up - as someone who had the chance to see them live, he is an insane performer
His ability to enchant the crowd is insane and you can tell really well that he has great acting abilities too
Watched him in Gospod Profesor too, spot on for someone who is a so-called amateur
His singing voice is... amazing to say the least, it feels really unique
Also, the way he talks, the sound of his voice, the words he uses, his pronunciation, if there were awards for talking he would get one
The languages he speaks, I want to study him, linguistically, he is truly a phenomenon
We of course love a bilingual king
He looks like he has his priorities straight
I also respect him so much for how open he is about his mental illness
I might relate to him a bit too much at times whoops
And the fact that he can somehow befriend literally anyone??? Love that
His friendship with Jere is the main one of course
Oh yeah and the fact that he literally helped people who collapsed at their gigs a few times
Bless him, he deserves all the rest he is hopefully getting
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First things first, I have a soft spot for math guys
And the way he talks about math is fascinating (but you still won't get me to like it Jan)
Cat dad???? We absolutely adore Igor and a man loving cats is such a green flag
I know people say he mumbles a bit and it's hard to understand him at times, but idk, he talks nice and slowly, so it's still really easy to understand him
He comes from my home region, so I am very biased haha
Also, every band needs a guitarist with luscious locks
He absolutely owns the colour red, that colour was invented specifically for him
The nose ring suits him so well too, this man KNOWS what fits him
And if that ends up being jackets with nothing underneath when he performs, THEN SO BE IT
I know people call Kris the lesbian icon, but from what I've seen lesbians are very drawn to Jan as well
Oh, and he gives me Klaus from the Umbrella Academy vibes (I blame the hair and the pink boa)
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Holy shit, sunshine in human form????
The most underappreciated one in the band imo
His surname literally means 'cat' and I am so normal that Jan has called him 'muca'
He also comes from my region haha, bias again
He's really good at filming, he actually shot a few things for RTV (national TV station) and edited them as well, god, talent
Also playing drums... I have sang, I have played guitar, played bass, but drums is something I feel like I could NEVER do, so hats off to you
As @da-proti-toku-grem pointed out, THE MOLE ON HIS LIP? weak knees, yes
He also reminds me of a good friend of mine and I vibe with him so much, I feel like I would vibe with Jure as well
I really don't like the fact that drummers tend to get ignored and I just wish there was more Jure performing content
Though I love it how every time, during Novi Val, he comes to the front and hangs with the others
His hair also looks so soft and fluffy aaaaaa
Again, biased but he resembles my bf the most out of everyone so hmmmm
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The baby of the band! (and the only one in the band I could actually call 'mulc')
In case you didn't know yet, he's half Dutch
And he speaks Dutch, which, as someone who speaks Dutch (in theory, not in practice) makes me really happy
I wish to study him linguistically as well
Also his parents' story feels very close to me, as I'm dating outside of my culture as well
According to him he was menace as a kid and I think we should normalise the fact that you can become a better person as you grow up
But pls don't honk at me on the road Kris, pls, I will cry
The songs he wrote??? NGVOT and Vse kar vem??? Oh boy, I love them, adore them
His holey sweaters are also a vibe
Dutch fans, if you don't shower him and the rest of the band with gifts at their Dutch concerts, I will be mad
Also gotta honorably mention Maks
They gotta be my fav nepo-but-not-really babies out there
Kinda like Maya Hawke?
I am ranting
He also looks like the only member of the band that I would fight, and idk why
Also, I must know if he supports Max Verstappen haha
Minus points for chemistry though, I cannot with that
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Okay everyone
Here we go
We have reached my beloved
I love all of them, but Nace just a bit more
It was love at first sight, I cannot lie
I have a soft spot for bassists and he might actually convince me to try and play bass again
He has been playing it for so long too??? like wow
I will always go feral about his tattoos
At every concert
I know he was the last to join the band but it looks like he fits in so nicely, it's beautiful
Strong mom-codded dad friend vibes
He kinda is the dad of the band haha
And he looks like he gives amazing hugs (lucky all of you who had managed to get one already)
A nice addition to the band
Oh and he's apparently shit at sports which is like... felt
Plus the fact that he wanted to be a vet?
Me too boo, me too, but neither of us is there now
Anway, I'll stop now. In conclusion, this band has my whole heart and they deserve every good thing that happens to them and so much more.
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alyssaforevermore · 2 months
Unearthed ↦ Daryl Dixon season two, part three
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Synopsis: Based on the events of The Walking Dead television series, Y/N Grimes, younger sister of Rick Grimes, attempts to survive in a world now inhabited by walkers. Family has always meant everything to her, but in this new world, can she keep her family safe and together?
Show: The Walking Dead (S1-S11)
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x fem!Reader
Warnings: coarse language, violence, character deaths, drug and alcohol references, series spoilers and general The Walking Dead content warnings!
Tags: @1ivinqdeadqir1 @callmeyn @thegeorgiahuntsman @mellxander1993 @bigbaldheadname @cjmonsterwolf @abbi23323 @actuallyklee @lanxsee @livingdeadblondequeen @sweetz1919 @moonmark98 @sarahbaker2010 @ririi-3 @ryoujoking @hayley1998 @crazyunsexycool @gabriella-aesthetic @dixons-sunshine
You stood there, your heart pounding in your chest as the woman’s words echoed in your head; Carl’s been shot. A million questions began to flood your mind, but you couldn’t bring yourself to voice them. It felt almost as if the air had been sucked out of your lungs.
“He's still alive but you've gotta come now.” The woman continued, but Lori didn’t budge. “Rick needs you, just come!”
Lori looked back at you for a moment and without thinking, you nodded for her to go. She turned back to the woman, nodding as she climbed on the back of her horse.
“Woah!” Daryl called out. “We don’t know this girl. You can’t go with her.”
“Rick said you had others on the highway, that big traffic snarl?” The woman asked, ignoring Daryl.
Glenn nodded. “Y-Yeah.”
“Backtrack to Fairburn road. Two miles down is our farm.” The woman clutched the reins of the horse tight in her hands. “You'll see the mailbox- Name's Greene.”
With that, the woman sped off the way she’d come. You watched as her and Lori slowly disappeared through the trees and bushes. If there had been room for another on that horse, you would’ve gone with them. It had been seconds and not knowing what was going on was already killing you.
The walker that had attacked Andrea began to groan, slowly sitting up. The woman hadn’t killed it.
Daryl shook his head, shooting the walker in the head with his bow. “Shut up.”
You took a deep breath, running your hands through your hair. “Let’s keep going, it’s going to start getting dark any minute now.”
“Shot?” Dale asked. “What do you mean shot?”
Your group had finally made it back to the highway, reconnecting with Dale and T-Dog. Glenn was filling Dale in on what happened.
“I don’t know, Dale. I wasn’t there. All I know is this chick rode out of nowhere like Zorro on a horse and took Lori.” Glenn shook his head.
“You let her?”
“The hell was I supposed to do?” Daryl scoffed. “Rick sent her. She knew Lori and Carl’s names.”
You nodded, shifting your feet. “She told us where to find them. They have a farm not too far from here.”
“We should head there then.” Dale spoke.
“Absolutely not. We can't just leave!” Carol argued. “I won’t do it.”
“Carol, the group is split.” Dale explained. “We’re scattered and weak.”
“What if she comes back and we’re not here?”
Andrea nodded. “If Sophia found her way back and we were gone, that would be awful.”
Daryl’s eyes fell on you, your silence catching his attention. At this point, you were too tired to argue and you couldn’t see a situation where anyone won. You didn’t want to pull people away from looking for Sophia, but all you really wanted was to be with your family.
After a few moments, Daryl let out a harsh sigh. “I say tomorrow morning is soon enough to pull up stakes. Gives us a chance to rig a big sign and leave her some supplies. I’ll hold here tonight, stay with the RV.”
“If the RV is staying, I am too.” Dale spoke.
Carol smiled, her eyes swelling with tears. “Thank you. Thank you both.”
“I’m in.” Andrea spoke up.
You looked at Carol, your eyes softening. “I’m sorry, Carol. I want to help you find her, but I need to go find the farm. I need to make sure my family is okay.”
Carol nodded. “I understand.”
“I’ll stay here with the rest of you.” Glenn spoke up.
Dale shook his head. “You should go with Y/N. Take Carol’s Cherokee.”
“Why do I have to go too?” 
“Two of you is safer than one. You need to reconnect with our people and see what’s going on but most importantly, you need to get T-Dog there. His cut has gone from bad to worse.”
“What exactly does worse mean?” You asked.
“He has a very serious blood infection. Get him to the farm and see if they have any antibiotics.” Dale spoke. “If not, T-Dog will die, no joke.”
Daryl raised an eyebrow, turning to his motorcycle that was just a few steps away. “Why’d you wait until now to say anything?”
“What, do you have a secret pharmacy that we don’t know about?” You asked.
“Basically. I’ve got my brother’s stash.” Daryl began to rummage through the motorcycle, pulling out a bag. “Crystal, X— don’t need that. Got some kick ass painkillers.” Next, Daryl pulled out a prescription bottle. “Doxycycline. Not the generic stuff neither. Its first class. Merle got the clap on occasion.”
Daryl tossed the bottle to Dale, who eyed it with excitement before rushing off to give some to T-Dog.
“Mind if I take that with us?” You asked.
Daryl shook his head. “It’s not like Merle needs it anymore.”
You frowned, thinking about all the loss your group had faced in just a few short days. So many people you’d come to know, even if you didn’t like them all. Most of all, family. Merle, Amy, Sophia and now Carl had been shot. You couldn’t bear the thought of losing him.
T-Dog exited the RV with Dale’s help, who led him towards Carol’s Cherokee. Carol handed Glenn the keys, and he climbed in the driver’s seat.
“You remember what direction the farm is in? For tomorrow.” You asked.
Daryl nodded. “You still got your gun?”
“Of course.”
“Good. Be safe.”
You nodded, a partial smile creeping across your lips. “You too.”
“So, do we ring the doorbell?” Glenn asked as you slowly approached the farmhouse on foot. “I mean, it looks like people live here.”
“We’re past this kind of stuff, aren’t we?” T-Dog asked. “Having to be considerate.”
You shrugged in response when you heard a familiar voice.
“Did you close the gate up the road when you drove in?” Sitting on the porch in the dark was the woman you’d met earlier. 
“Uh, Hi.” Glenn choked. “Yeah, we closed it. Did the latch and everything.”
The woman nodded, leaning forward in her seat. “I never introduced myself. I’m Maggie.”
“Nice to see you again.” Glenn smiled. “We came to help. Is there anything we can do?”
Maggie’s eyes drifted to T-Dog’s arm, her smiling quickly fading.
“It’s not a bite. I cut myself pretty bad though.” T-Dog spoke.
“We’ll get it looked at and I’ll tell them you’re here.” Maggie responded, standing up.
“We have some painkillers and antibiotics. I already gave him some.” Glenn spoke. “In case Carl needs some.”
“How is Carl?” You asked. “Is he-”
“He’s alive.” Maggie assured you. “It's touch and go, but he’s hanging in.”
You smiled, nodding to yourself.
“Come on inside, I’ll get you guys something to eat.”
Maggie led you into the house and it didn’t take long for you to spot Rick and Lori. Maggie headed into the kitchen while you approached your brother.
“I’m so sorry.” You blurted out.
Rick shook his head, pulling you into a hug. “It’s okay. It's going to be okay.”
“We’re here, okay?” Glenn spoke.
T-Dog nodded. “Whatever you need.”
“Thank you.” Lori tried her best to muster a smile.
You pulled away from your brother and immediately pulled Lori into a hug. It took a few seconds for it to register for her, but Lori hugged you back just as tight.
Glenn and T-Dog headed to the kitchen while Rick and Lori led you into another room. Carl laid on the bed, motionless. The sight of blood on the sheets caught you off guard. You never could’ve imagined seeing Carl in such a position.
“If they don’t get back soon, we’re gonna have a decision to make.” An older man spoke.
“Shane and their man, Otis.” Lori explained. “They left to get a respirator.”
“What decision would that be?” Rick asked.
The man hesitated for a second. “Whether to operate on your boy without it.”
“You said that wouldn’t work.”
“I know.” The man nodded. “It’s extremely unlikely, but we can’t wait much longer.”
“Where did they go?” You asked. “I can go there, help them if they’re trapped.”
“We don’t need more people getting separated.” Rick responded. “Shane will be back, I know he will.”
You sat down next to Carl, grabbing his hand in yours as a tear fell down your cheek. His life was in Shane’s hands, and you weren’t sure how to feel about that after everything.
You’d just finished your sandwich when panicked screams began coming from the other room. You jumped from your seat, racing in to find Carl having a seizure.
“What’s happening?” Lori asked.
“It’s a seizure.” You responded as Rick reached out to hold him. “Stop! If you hold him down, you could hurt him.”
“We can’t stop it?”
The older man, who you had learned is named Hershel, shook his head. “He has to just go through it. His brain isn’t getting enough blood. His pressure is bottoming out. He needs another transfusion.”
Rick nodded. “Okay, I’m ready.”
“If I take any more out of you your body could shut down. You could go into a coma or cardiac arrest.” 
“What about me?” You asked. “We have the same blood type. I’ll do it.”
Hershel looked at Rick, who quickly nodded. You held out your arm and Hershel started the process. In no time, you were watching as blood flowed out of your arm and into the tube connecting to Carl.
“Thank you.” Rick spoke, smiling slightly.
You smiled back at him, nodding. “It’s what we do.”
“Y/N was a nurse, before the world fell.” Rick looked at Hershel.
“Do you think you can assist when the time comes?” Hershel asked. “It’ll be good to have someone else here who knows a thing or two.”
“Of course,” You responded. “Anything I can do to help.”
“I’ll get you some orange juice, keep your sugar up.” Hershel smiled, exiting the room.
“How much longer do you think we can wait for Shane?” Lori asked, her voice in a whisper.
You shook your head. “I don’t know, maybe another hour?” 
Lori placed her head in her hands. “This can’t be happening again.”
Rick looked at his wife, then at you. You could still remember sitting in the waiting room with Lori, waiting to hear news about Rick. You couldn’t believe that was just over a month ago.
The room remained silent, allowing you to get a few moments of sleep at a time. You kept waking up each time you heard any movement.
Hershel entered the room again, looking over Carl. “He’s still losing blood faster than we can replace it. With the swelling in the abdomen we can’t wait any longer or he’s just going to slip away. I need to know right now if you want me to do this, because I think your boy is out of time. You need to make a choice.”
“A choice?” Lori asked.
“A choice.” Rick responded, his eyes fixed on his wife. “You have to tell me what it is. You have to.”
Lori thought for a moment. “We do it.”
Hershel sprung into action, giving orders to anyone in the room. Carl was lifted onto a table and you stuck close by, still giving him your blood. Patricia, one of the farm hands and Otis’ wife, held Carl’s IV bag.
“You two might want to leave the room.” Hershel spoke, looking between Rick and Lori.
As the words left his mouth, the sound of a car approaching filled the room. You could see the headlights shining through the windows, bouncing off the wall behind you.
“Oh God.” Rick gasped.
Hershel looked at you and Patricia. “You two stay with him, I’ll be right back.”
Shane had arrived just in time, allowing Hershel to perform the surgery with the respirator. By the time the surgery was over, Carl’s condition had stabilized. You’d learned that Otis had died out there, Rick and Hershel breaking the news to Patricia after the surgery was over.
Carl no longer needed a transfusion, so you found yourself outside on the porch just staring up at the stars. You’d never felt so exhausted in your life, both mentally and physically. 
In that moment everything you’d been through in the last month finally began to sink in. Once the tears began to fall, they wouldn’t stop. You could barely catch your breath, clutching your chest with your hand. Sitting there in the dark, you couldn’t help but wonder if you’d made the wrong choice leaving the CDC that day.
AN: Here we are with the next chapter! I hope you enjoyed this more family centric chapter and the bits of Reader x Daryl. If you did, please remember to like and reblog! Thank you <3
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1-xo-xo-xo-7 · 4 days
The JLA meets The BatFamily gone wrong. ^^
Superman : Good morning, Batman -and Agent A! I see you have brought company-
Batman : Nightwing. Red Hood. Red Robin. Robin. Signal. Spoiler. Orphan. Oracle. There, do your meet and greets. Let's go, Agent A. [Very dramatically flaring his cape before exiting with Agent A]
Flash : Wait... Did he just call her an orphan-?!
Wonder Woman : Hello, children of Batman! I am-
Red Hood : Wonder Woman.
Wonder Woman : Ah, I see you already know who I am. Now, I would just like to give my appreciation for agreeing to meet up with us, I know you all have a very hectic schedule-
Red Hood : Wonder Woman.
Wonder Woman : Yes. That is I, my boy. [Is smiling like a ray of sunshine, regally standing with her hands to her hips, and a flutter of her midnight hair]
Red Hood : Wonder Woman.
Nightwing : Please, excuse him. He died once, it's gotten to him.
Flash : WHAT?!
Flash : Sooooo... Hi.
Red Robin : [Is practically like a zombie with his eye bags and coffee-stained mouth, nevermind he just got shot but it isn't really relevant right now] Hi.
Flash : Are you ok?
Red Robin : Peachy.
Green Lantern :...
Robin :...
Green Lantern : You're scary.
Robin : Good.
Aquaman : [Is actually having a great time chatting with Signal, just yapping about his knowledge about different sea creatures before-]
Signal : Can skinwalkers shift into sea creatures too? Since, it is confirmed merpeople are real. [Is looking up at him with eyes filled with genuine and innocent curiosity]
Aquaman : Uh... Uhm, I guess?...
Martian Manhunter : *Please... Stop. Speaking...* [ Is about to combust after having to hear about Spoiler's 30th recounting of her latest fight with a goony]
Spoiler : And so I suffocated him with my cape! You can't blame me Mr. Martian Manhunter! I'm just a girl and he was about to hit me with a BAT! Do you get my joke? But seriously, he WAS about to hit me with a bat and-
Martian Manhunter :... I am happy for your victory, Miss Spoiler. [Is practically close to a brain aneurysm]
Spoiler : Awwwww! How sweet, Mr. Martian Manhunter! But you can just call me Spoiler. Anyways-
Martian Manhunter : T<T *Stooooop...*
Flash : So, you're not really an orphan? You're just NAMED Orphan?
Orphan : Sure.
Flash : Ha. Ha. Ha. Haaaaa...
Green Lantern : So, what's your favorite color?
Orphan : Triangle.
Green Lantern :...
Superman : Hello, Nightwing. I am glad to see you again.
Nightwing : Hey, Supes! And me too you.
Superman : Oh, where's Oracle? Wasn't she just here?
Nightwing : That was a hologram. She's with Robin now.
Superman :... [Tweaking...] What?
Nightwing : She's with Robin-
Superman : She was a HOLOGRAM? [He didn't even NOTICE she was a hologram despite him being SUPERMAN]
Wonder Woman : I must say, Robin, it is quite rude to not acknowledge a friend who is right in front of you.
Robin : Are you a friend? No. No, you're not. [Is continuing to play online checkers with Oracle on his IPad]
Red Hood : YOU LITTLE SHIT! DON'T TALK TO WONDER WOMAN LIKE THAT-! [Is getting held back by both Nightwing and Red Robin]
Red Hood :...
Red Robin :...
Nightwing :...
Red Robin : How?
Nightwing : I don't know, Little Wing.
Red Hood :... [Grumbling] That's unfair...
Robin : [Is being held by Wonder Woman as she snuggles on his head of spiky black but, surprisingly, soft hair, now playing online chess with Oracle] I command you to stop.
Wonder Woman : Aren't you cute, My Little Prince? [Is chuckling, fondly]
Oracle : Your move, Little Prince. [Is, most definitely, smirking in delight at Robin's current predicament]
Robin : Hmph! [Is very much scowling and unamused]
Pennyworth : Master Bruce, you are quite cunning.
Bruce : Admit it, Alfred. A day without my children making chaos left and right, is a day filled with rest and relaxation. [Having a spa day and is currently sun-bathing by his football court-length pool]
Pennyworth : Hm. [Is playing golf with his specially made golf clubs and golf balls implemented with an 'A'] Do you want to play with me after your sunbathe, Master Bruce?
Bruce : Sure, Alfred.
Basically, Bruce made The JLA babysit his already grown children and I'm here for it. ^^
Green Lantern : So, what's your favorite color?
Orphan : Triangle.
Green Lantern :...
This bit was from a JLA meets BatFam Fic on AO3 but I forgot what. T-T
I've read too much fics I can't differentiate anymore...
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silly-l1ttle-guy · 5 months
Head Over Heels
i got bored
"Giogio... get out of bed..." Fugo sighed, trying to push Giorno off him. "You have a meeting in two hours..."
Giorno simply groaned and clung tighter to his boyfriend. He really didn't want to get out of bed. He always hated mornings, which is ironic, considering that his name quite literally translates to the word day.
"I stayed up till 2am last night, let me sleep," the blond mumbled, yawning as if to emphasize his point.
He did have a healthy sleeping schedule at one point, but it quickly fell apart once he took over as the Don.
"C'mon, goldilocks, you need to get ready," Fugo said tiredly as he sat up, which also forced Giorno to sit up.
"Pannaaaa..." this guy really didn't want to get up, and he expressed this by whining to his lover until the latter pushed him of the bed, which definitely woke him up.
Giorno immediately shot up, whipping his head around to stare at Fugo with the most offended expression the red eyed boy had ever seen, which caused him to immediately burst out laughing.
"C-come on, amore mio! Don't be dramatic!" Fugo said between laughs, as Giorno stood up and turned away, crossing his arms.
"I cannot believe you," he huffed, pouting as Fugo laughed his ass off behind him.
Moments after, however, Giorno seemed to give up the offended act and his pout cracked into a grin. The boy giggled and hopped back onto the bed, sitting in front of Fugo and holding the Italian's head in his hands.
"You're so cute, cutie pie~," he teased his lover affectionately, before placing a chaste kiss to his lips.
Fugo grinned wildly and wrapped his arms around his neck. "You've got it all wrong, pretty boy, you're the cute one here!"
Giorno laughed and kissed his pale lover again, who quickly reciprocated the kiss.
"I love you, Panna," the green eyed blond said softly, resting his forehead against Fugo's as they both pulled away from the kiss.
"And I love you too, my Giogio," the albino closed his eyes, just sitting there in his lover's embrace for a moment to appreciate him.
The cute moment was then promptly cut off by Mista bursting into room and almost tripping over one of the books lying on the floor.
"WAKE UP SLEEPYHEADS!! IT'S MORN-" Mista immediately cut himself off, as he saw the two teens turn to glare at him. Giorno was visibly playing with Fugo's hair to make sure he doesn't let his anger take control of him.
Mista, with a slightly scared-for-his-life expression, chose the smart idea and slowly backed out of the room, closing the door behind him.
Giorno sighed and turned back to Fugo, smiling at him. "I'll go get ready for that meeting, thanks for waking me up."
The white haired boy smiled and kissed his boyfriend's cheek, before letting go of him. "You're welcome, sunshine. I love you."
"I love you too, baby," Giorno kissed his forehead, before getting off the bed to go get himself ready for the day.
Fugo also got out of bed, deciding to water Giorno's plants for him and feed all the animals that Giorno insists on having. Some of them he created, but most of them are just strays he picked up off the streets.
It almost reminded him of how Bucciarati took him in off the streets, in a way. Fugo smiled solemnly at the memory of Bucciarati, before wiping his eyes and watering the plants.
About an hour or so later, whilst Fugo was playing the piano, Giorno entered the room and walked over to him. "I have to go now, I love you."
Giorno kissed the top of his head and quickly left, with Mista trailing out after him. Fugo sighed and smiled, taking his hands off of the keys to feel his face, which was warm and blushing. He was head over heels for that boy, that was for sure.
As Giorno left, a small, black dog ran up to Fugo, yapping excitedly.
Fugo chuckled and pet the dog, which was lovingly named Citrus, because Giorno gave it part of the orange he was eating when they had found the poor little thing on the streets.
Citrus jumped up onto the stool Fugo was sitting on, looking up at him and wagging his little tail happily. What Fugo really took notice of was the dog's eyes, however.
They were purple, and they looked just like Narancia's.
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kanerallels · 8 months
Kanera + Wild West AU
(One of the only AUs I ever made for them!)
That is honestly such an IMMACULATE vibe and I love the concept of it! Here's my take:
Dusting off his hands, Kanan surveyed the wreckage of the bar with what was probably too much satisfaction. Still, there was nothing like a good bar fight— not that he’d admit that to Sabine, since he was supposed to be encouraging her to stop causing problems like this. 
There was a click behind him, and Kanan’s blood ran cold. He knew the sound of a pistol being cocked— and he knew he didn’t have enough time to stop the man behind him. Really? After everything, this is it? He thought with a twinge of annoyance, of all things.
And then there was a crash and a cut off yelp, and Kanan found himself surprisingly not dead. He spun around to see the man with the gun on the floor, surrounded by the shattered pieces of a barstool. Standing over him was a woman with piercing green eyes and dark skin. Her hair was twisted back into braids, and she wore a simple shirt and divided skirt, nothing fancy. That did nothing to detract from her beauty, however, and the fact she was clearly the one who’d just saved his life definitely added to that.
Kanan was opening his mouth to thank her (and possibly say something charming. It had been a while since he had flirted, so he was a little rusty, but he figured he’d give it a shot) but she spoke first. “You’re Mr. Jarrus, the hired gun?”
And that voice… it was warm sunshine on a chilly day and the first chords of a piano in a church. It was the singing of the birds when you’re out on a ride and the day is beautiful and everything seems just about perfect, and Kanan was pretty sure he had just fallen in love.
Realizing that he was staring, he hastily shut his mouth and said, “Uh, yeah. That’s me.”
“Good,” the woman said briskly. “I’m Hera Syndulla, and I have a business proposition for you.”
“Well, then we’d better talk,” Kanan said, glancing around for an undestroyed table. Though if he was being really honest, he already had a feeling he’d follow this woman wherever she wanted to go.
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sery-chan-13 · 2 months
Your Girl?
Ch.8 of “My Sunshine” [Treechxreader]
Warnings: cursing and that’s about it tbh 😭
Sejanus left you at your house, and you quickly ran to shower. Your father was out on business so it was quiet.
The hot water felt like heaven on your skin. You scrubbed the dried blood and dirt from your face, washing your hair.
Your eyes shot open and you pulled back the curtain, expecting to see the one person you longed for outside.
“Oh great I’m going insane… ugh I hate this,” you mumbled.
Once you finished your everything shower, you stepped out, grabbing a fluffy green towel. It was your favorite color. It was everywhere without being overwhelming. Your curtains and bed spread were dark green. You had, albeit crudely, drawn some leaves on the window frame.
You dried yourself off, and put some vanilla scented lotion on yourself.
After, you slipped on your robe, doing your hair.
Deciding it was too much trouble to actually style it too much, you left it in its natural (curly, wavy straight) state.
You grabbed a dress out of your closet, not wanting to go in your academy rouges. Of course, a dark green dress with a flared skirt. At the bottom was small little leaf and bird embroidery. The top was a sweetheart neckline and it had puffy poet sleeves. Perfect.
You slipped it on. It reached your knees, so it was an appropriate length for the occasion. Not formal, but also not inappropriately short. If you were going elsewhere… like when you and Sejanus snuck to one of the bars in town… you would wear a shorter dress.
You smiled reminiscing about the stupid memory. You refused to drink, but Sejanus had one sip of beer and threw it up.
Finally being dressed, you applied some lip gloss and smiled at your reflection. Absolutely stunning if you did say so yourself. You looked at the time and cursed.
You had about 40 minutes. It would take you 15 to get there. You huffed, spraying some vanilla and lavender perfume, put on some flats, and took a pair of heels in your hand.
When you got there, you saw the tributes were either talking with their mentors or held by a peacekeeper. You looked in the dark backstage until your eyes landed on him.
You speedily walked over, showing your student ID to the guard before taking him to the back in a corner.
“Are you alright? I’m sorry I couldn’t go see you sooner, I heard about the vet how fucking stupid, you got stitches did it-“
“Hey, I’m ok. Calm down,” he whispered, his hands squeezing your shoulders.
You looked down. Tonight would be the last night you got before the games.
It hadn’t really sunk in that your best friend wasn’t in the Capitol for a vacation or a visit. He was here because his name was drawn in the reaping to play in the Hunger Games. A ‘game’ where kids killed other kids in order to survive.
Tears filled your eyes. Through the darkness of the backstage, he could still see your tears.
“Hey, don’t cry. You’ll mess up that pretty face of yours,” he joked, wiping your tears. “You have to help me win the Capitol over tonight, and I can’t do that if people think I make you cry now can I?”
You sat down on a chair and nodded.
“Everyone is doing something different. Some are going to show off how powerful their tributes are. Some how dangerous. Some, like Wovey’s mentor, are going for the feelings angle. We will see what Flickerman sets us up with,” you explained, drying off your tears again.
You began to take your flats off, and were about to put your heels on, before they were taken out of your hands.
“Hey what gives-“
“Let me do this. Please,” he mumbled as he kneeled down on the floor in front of you.
This was so so different than all those times he had offered to tie your shoes when you were kids.
“I’ll help you,” he said with a grin.
You sat on the swing, and pouted. While you appreciated his help, the utter embarrassment of not knowing how to tie your shoes at six was enough to make you hate it.
“You don’t have to be upset about it. We can all do different things. You can read big books, I can tie shoes. You help me read, I help you tie,” he said with the biggest smile you had ever seen.
Although he was a good reader, he’d rather have you read to him.
You launched yourself off of the swing and hugged him.
“Thank you.”
“Sunshine, please?”
How could you say no to those pretty begging eyes?
“Fine…” you said, trying to hide the blush that had just taken over your face.
He gently grabbed your leg, softly pulling the heels onto your foot. He fixed the strap, and smiled up at you.
“There…. All done,” he whispered.
You looked down at him and felt your face burning up even more. Now would be a great time to say-
“Alright people, places, we are live in two minutes!”
You groaned.
Treech laughed, and stood up, offering his hand, which you happily took.
Most of the tributes had talked up their skills with weapons. The younger one of course, were played up as being sweet. Lamina went out with Pup, and you were left in the wings. His hand found yours and squeezed it nervously.
“Well, Lamina, I’m sure we are all wondering… after Treech left you for the pack, how did you feel?” Flickerman asked.
You felt Treech look down. He felt guilty.
“Well… I…”
“She was hurt, betrayed, and just so distraught. Wouldn’t stop crying.”
Lamina looked to Pup with confusion written all over her face as if that wasn’t what they had talked about.
“He’s tryin’ to make you look bad. You’re already a Capitol favorite…” you whispered.
The rest of the two minutes went by quickly and you were brought on stage. You both sat on the plush couch and you smiled at the audience then at Cesar Flickerman.
“Well hello there Ms. (L/N), Treech. Now, I wish I could ask all about you, but you only have two minutes, so, the question that has been burning in the Capitol’s mind is: do you have a girl back home? A special sweetheart?”
Treech looked to the audience and slightly glanced at you.
“Well… no. I mean, she ain’t at home, but she wishes she were. And she’s not mine… yet. I mean, there’s not much I can do but hope that I can get back. Even in the games, she’ll be my lucky charm,” he said pulling out the necklace with your grandmother’s ring on it, sort of showing it off. “But I… I hope that I can get back to my sunshine. I’d crawl home to her if that’s what it took,” he said.
The crowd awed and gasped.
“Wait, she isn’t back home, but wishes she were? What does that mean? Where is she?”
“She’s… right here,” he responded, looking down at you, his hand finding yours.
Your eyes widened as you looked up at him.
The crowd gasped, a murmuring beginning to spread through them.
“Well ladies and gentlemen that’s all the time we have for these two. I really wish I could chat more, but off the stage you go!”
You shook Cesar’s hand and left.
Treech was behind you, and when you were off stage you wanted to talk to him.
Had he meant all that? Or was it just playing it up to the Capitol?
You tried to find him, but then noticed only the mentors remained back stage.
“Tributes got taken back to the zoo as soon as they got off the stage,” Sejanus whispered to you.
You jumped at hearing his voice. Even though his tribute was missing, running through the streets of the Capitol, he was still here.
You let out a sigh of relief.
“Told ya he was head over heels for you,” Sejanus laughed.
The rest of the tributes went and it was finally the last one. Lucy Gray.
She and Coriolanus stepped onto the stage. Her cheeks and lips looked decorated, and her rainbow dress was even more bright. She had a beautiful wooden guitar in her arms.
You looked at Coriolanus and saw what he had done. After the bombing, Tigress and him must have washed the dress. Then her lips and cheeks must have had some of Tigress’s rouge. You recognized the shade.
He was extremely smart.
Lucy Gray stepped up to the microphone and began to play her guitar and sing.
By the end of her song you were in tears, leaning on Sejanus.
The crowd cheered wildly, people were crying and everything.
You ran to her as she got off stage before the peacekeepers could get her.
“Oh Lucy Gray that was just… beautiful,” you sniffled, grabbing her hands.
“You really think so?” She asked with a small smile.
“Of course.”
It was late into the night when you sneaked into the zoo.
There was not many peacekeepers at this time of night. And those who were there fell asleep.
You crouched down next to the bars and whispered his name.
His head shot up and he looked around before coming over to the bars, his hands grabbing yours. They were warm compared to yours. You were always cold.
“Treech I-… I need to ask ya somethin’…” you stammered out. You didn’t know what would be worse. Him saying he was just playing it up or him saying he was serious.
“Go right ahead sunshine,” he whispered.
“Everythin’ you said tonight…. Did you mean it? Or was it just for show? Because I… I can’t live with this secret anymore. I’ve loved you since we were kids, it just took me way too long to realize it, and I can’t keep writing stupid love poems and letters you’ll never see… So… did you mean it?” You whispered, looking into him eyes with a blush on your face.
“Of course I meant it. I wouldn’t lie to you sunshine. I’ve loved you since we first met… obviously that was puppy love but I-i… couldn’t ever get you out of my head,” he whispered back, one of his hands gently grabbing your face to make you look at him. “I mean, when I told you not to come that one night? It was because I was jealous of Sejanus… the way he touched you…but he told me you didn’t shut up about me… and yeah I guess I’ve always been jealous, but I couldn’t say anything… but yeah. It’s all true. All of it,” he rambled, his eyes looking down towards your lips and back to your eyes.
Your face felt so hot you were sure your blush was visible.
He leaned in and stopped just before your lips met his.
“Is this alright with you?” He asked softly.
You nodded and pulled him in.
“Needy thing ain’t you? Still haven’t learned to be patient?” He teased.
“Oh for- shut up and kiss me,” you hissed.
“Your wish is my command darlin’…” he mumbled before pressing his lips against yours.
His lips were slightly chapped, a contrast to your smooth lips with cherry gloss on them. He couldn’t get enough. Your lips were sweet and soft. And you tasted so sweet, he couldn’t get enough, you would have him addicted to you just from one kiss.
But he slowly pulled away. You looked up at him and smiled, a hand going to cup his cheek. He leaned into it.
“Come back to me… please, I need you,” you whispered, leaning your head on the bars.
He did the same.
“I will… but there’s no place for me here in the Capitol. I’ll have to go back home.”
“I’ll go with you,” you said quickly.
“Sunshine, I’d never ask that you leave what you have here-“
“I have nothin’ here. Sej and Coryo? Father’s barely home and Ma is barely human anymore. Sej and Coryo can visit. I will go home with you.”
He looked in shock as you said that.
“If that’s what you want… I’d be thrilled,” he mumbled with a smile.
“Then it’s settled. I’m goin’ back home with you when you win,” you whispered.
You pressed your lips against his softly once more.
“Yeah… I’m gettin out of there because I have years of kisses to catch up on…” he mumbled against your lips.
You heard some of the guards stirring and got up.
“Good luck, I’ll be watching every second. You won’t die.”
He smiled and gave your hand a kiss before you slipped off into the dark night.
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i-know-geography · 2 years
Secret Lover
Tumblr media
Yandere!Father! Aiden with a Teenager! Reader
(Sorry if this gets too bad,i'm not that good on one–shots)
Tw:Yandere;Overprotection;Death;Murder mention
You have a lover,a person of your age that you've met in school,a really cool person.
But no one could ever knew about that.
Principally your father.
Your father is too much protective with you and your brother,Kody. He doesn't want you to date anyone,because "they're not good enough for you",in fact,you don't even have friends besides his coworkers and Lumine,and he always use the same excuse.
You loved your father,but he treated you like a child...you hate being treated like that.
You're fifteen years old! Why he treats you like you're 8?! It's not fair!
You knew that he would freak out if he knew about your partner,so that's why they were your secret lover.
You found an excuse to leave the house,saying you were going to return a book to the libary.
But you were on a date with your partner,on a park,just chilling around and being a cute couple.
You've being dating them for a month,and you were happy with them!
They were a cute partner,they treated you well and completely understood your complaints about your father.
—Maybe he just really loves his children?—They asked you.
—Yeah,he likes me and Kody a lot but i'm starting to feel uncomfortable about this,like,i want to have friends and go out with you,god dammit!—You scream this last part.
—Why don't you try talk to him? Maybe he'll understand!
—You don't think i've tried? He's fucking persistent! Nothing can change his mind!
You waited for your lover to say something,but they just looked at their phone with a worried face.
—Oh my,it's almost 6:30 PM! My parents are going to kill me if i get home late!—They aproached you and kissed your cheek.—Bye bye,sweetheart! Good luck in convincing your dad!
—Bye,honey!—You said,remembering you couldn't be home late either.
Aiden was in his office,his fingers were tapping the table,he looked annoyed about something.
He was annoyed about you,not especially you but the fact that you were dating someone,he warned you a million times that you shouldn't be dating anyone on your age,you are too young for this! And also,no one deserves a sunshine like you as lover.
But you were hanging out with one of your classmates for a whole month,and he was foolish enough to not notice it before,now his baby was hanging out with that weird freak who shouldn't even dare to look at them.
He knew that you weren't going to the libary,he sent some of his men to stalk you and see what were you doing.
He heard the sound of the office's door opening and tried to look calm.
—You found them?
—Yes.—One weredog said giving him a photo of his child and their lover.
When he saw the photo,he got really angry,that bastard dared to kiss his baby's cheek? Oh,they were so doomed.
—Do you know where they live?
—Yes,sir.—One of the men said,telling him the address.
—Great...—His green eyes glowed as he stood up.—Looks like we are going to have a friendly chat...
His men trembled,they knew whoever this person was,they were doomed.
You finally arrived home,happier than ever because of your date,you were quickly greeted by Lumine.
—[Your name]! How was the date?! Did you have fun?!
Your brother was on Lumine's side,playing on his switch.
—I thought you've died,why did you took so long?—He asked in his bored tone of always.
—Love needs a lot of time,lil bro.—You said,messing his hair.—Where is dad?
—Aiden just left,he said he had a "business" to do.—Lumine said,calmly.
—Oh,great,then maybe i'll do a video call with my sweetie!—You said,happly going to your room.
—...Love is always this cheesy and weird?—Kody asked on a ironic tone.
—Dunno,but they sound really happy!—Lumine smiled,he loved to see you happy.
You layed on your bed,grabbing your phone and trying to call your lover,but no answer.
Maybe they weren't home yet?
You waited ten minutes and tried to call them again.
Then after more ten minutes you tried to call again
And again
And again
And again...
But they didn't answered.
You heard the sound of the front door opening; Your father arrived.
You ignored it and tried to look something to do in the internet.
Until you've recieved something in your classroom chat group.
A link for a news site who said:
"Teenager is found dead close to their home."
Then you entered on the site and read the news.
"Fifteen years old teenager named [Lover name] was found dead close to their home,it seems that they died because of some spell.
You were in shock,you couldn't belived it! You've read it again,and again,it was really your lover's name and their photos on the news.
You felt the tears falling down on your face,why was that happening? Why with them?
You heard your father's voice from afar,looks like he was talking with Silver.
Now that you noticed...your lover died because of a spell,and your father is a powerful witch.
Could he be the one who killed your lover? He works together with the police,so he knows how to left the scene without evidences...but how did he discorvered about that?
You didn't care! You were so angry now,your lover died because of your fucking crazy father!
You got out of your room,fucking pissed,you found your father in his room.
—Oh,[Your name],my dear. How are you?—He said calmly,opening his arms to hug you.
But you just slapped him.
—YOU KILLED MY PARTNER!—You screamed at him,pushing him away.—WHY YOU DID THIS? I LOVED THEM SO MUCH!
—Darling,i don't understand what you're saying,you know i don't kill people without a good reason for this.—There was he,pretending he doesn't knew what were you talking about.
Your father always did this,pretending that he didn't did anything to your friends or crushes,but at least he just scared them away,he never killed someone...until your partner shows up.
—Don't play the fool with me,i know all about your fucking mind games!—You showed him the phone,with the news about the murder of your lover.
—Oh...so they were really your lover,huh? I guess i have no regrets then.—And there was he,that sadistic and sarcastic side of your father,you didn't knew who was your true father,the good one or the evil one.—Don't get me wrong,baby,but i couldn't let that happen,i've told you,didn't i? You can't date anyone.
You were scared,scared because of what happend,scared because your dad was acting weird,scared because your father was a murder.
He grabbed your wrist.
—Why did you disobeyed me? I've told that no one on this world deserves you as friend or partner.—He forcefully made you hug him.—But you tried to date someone behind my back,you've betrayed me,i've thought i could trust on my own child,but i guess i'm the worst father in the whole world for you,am i not?
You felt kind of bad for him after what he said,but at the same time,you still angry because of what he had done.
—My dear,i've killed them because they were dangerous for you,to be true,everything from the outside world is dangerous for you.—He stroked your hair calmly.—And i've noticed you can't have a life in the outside world,i was a fool in trusting this on someone so innocent.
His voice got onto your head,the things he said...wasn't you being too much evil with him? He was just trying to protect you.
—But i won't make the same mistake again.—He looked deeply at your eyes.—[Your name] Harmaa Kivi...you won't leave this house ever again.
—WHAT?!—You got out of his grip.—DAD,THIS IS CRAZY!
—It's necessary,my dear,i can't let you go outside,from now on,you won't leave this house for nothing,you're going to do homeschool and my men will watch you so we can garantee you won't run away. Understood?
—B-BUT,WHAT ABOUT MY FRIENDS? WHAT ABOUT MY SOCIAL LIFE?!—You felt you were about to cry again.
—Your real friends are here,you don't need that pricks from your school.—He used his finger to remove the tears from your face.—Aw,sweetie,don't cry...i hate when you're crying,everything will be okay,from now on,we can always be together,like a happy family.
He patted your head.
—It's getting too late,you should get some rest.—He kissed your forehead.—Good night,my dear,daddy loves you!
He smiled,like everything was okay.
You ran to your room,locked the door and threw yourself in your bed,crying on your pillow.
You couldn't believe that,your father was a possesive man who wants to isolate you from the world forever,just because you dated someone.
Now you saw what your father really was;He is worse than a witch or a werewolf.
He is a monster.
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lunaraindrop · 1 year
The Lie Becomes the Truth- A Steddie Fic (Part 4)
Link to Part 3
At some point, Steve was going to have to get used to embarrassing himself.
While Robin was always kind enough to remind him that he sucked when he struck out with the ladies, Steve was a jock.
He was strong.
He was handsome
He had good hand-eye coordination, a wiz with his nailbat, and could beat up a Russian asshole with a phone.
Not too shabby, if he did say so himself. (Which he *did*, thank you very much Robin and Dustin.)
From the movies they played in Family Video, Steve had seen many action heroes saving the day. They would get shot, stabbed, blown up even, and still save the day.
So. Eddie was not some dainty damsel, and Steve, while being a strong, handsome former jock, was no action hero from a movie. After taking a few steps, Steve nearly fell over.
Right. He was injured too. Shit.
After some rearranging, Steve ended up with a new Eddie backpack. Or as Dustin liked to call it, Eddie was riding “Yoda-Style”.
Steve kept to himself just how much he didn’t think Eddie looked like a Muppet.
(Steve would tell Robin later, much later, that it is possible to crush on a musician that doesn’t look like they were created by Jim Henson. She flipped him off. It was great.)
Something else Steve learned? His piggyback companion didn’t think of him as that safe Shire place.
He couldn’t feel upset about that, because he found out that he was something far, far greate than a place.
He, Steve, was the Samwis!
Actually, that was a bit confusing. Eddie had said, “Samwis”. Dustin said the character Eddie was asking for was named “Samwise”.
That wasn’t what Eddie was calling him.
A plus on Eddie being pressed up tight against his back, (besides the obvious), was that Eddie’s words were clearer. No more garbled half sounds. Being off the ground made the metal head also more of his chatty self.
Still delirious as fuck, but at least they could understand the words coming out of his mouth.
Even if they did make Steve blush. He was confused as shit, but well…
How was he supposed to react when these things were crooned in his ear?
“Oh Stevewise. My gardener. My paladin. My fluffy haired knight. You water my flowers, tend my hedges, fight off Shelob…carrying me outta Mordor.”
Dustin kept looking over, furrowed brow, as he limped between his Nancy and Robin crutches.
Steve knew that look.
The little shit was contemplating.
Gears were working overtime in Dustin’s head, trying to make a picture out these random puzzle pieces he thought Eddie was giving them.
To be honest, there were gears turning in Steve head, too. (It was easier to focus on that than the pain in his sides or how only a few minutes before Eddie was….how *Steve* was a liar.)
He knew what a knight was, easy. He knew his hair had incredible volume. But the rest of that? What the fuck? Were those from that book his likes? From the *Dorks and Disasters* game? Was he speaking in code?
And most importantly…how the hell did Eddie know he liked to garden?!
Eddie didn’t have much of a yard at the trailer park, but he had brought some flower pots over to Max’s to brighten the place. But how did Eddie know he grew them?
Something warm was filling is chest, like liquid sunshine.
If Eddie wanted him to be his gardener, he would be the best god damn gardener Eddie had ever seen. What little lawn he had would be trimmed and green. He would keep Eddie’s house full of flowers every week. He and his uncle would drown in fresh vegetables. Forget the farmer’s market. *Steve’s* their farmer’s market, baby.
It was when they entered the trailer that Eddie’s chatter took a despondent turn.
As Steve put his precious, heavy load on the couch, Eddie…sang.
Steve didn't pay very much attention in school. But he did remember something about ocean sirens using beautiful singing to hypnotizing sailors to drown themselves, or something like that.
Yeah. If Eddie was a siren, then Steve would be drowning.
It wasn’t some heavy metal ballad, like most might expect. No. It was all the words he has brushed the shell of Steve’s ear, plus more, put to song. Steve was pretty impressed. Eddie was some fucking musician, making a song on the spot with all that blood loss and being nearly unconscious. But unlike how happy the words made Steve before, these were…sad.
"Oh Stevewise. My gardener. My paladin. My fluffy haired knight.
You water my flowers, tend my hedges, fight off strange things in the night.
You carry me out of Mordor, Safe, Mount Doom a distant shore
But you'll go back to the Shire, marry Rosie. And I...I’ll go West with the Elves, forevemore"
Dustin’s head snapped towards Eddie. His genius gears stopped turning. There was an epiphany. One completely lost to Steve. Completely lost to Nancy too, it seemed.
But not to Robin.
Despite him knowing for a fact that Robin didn’t play D&D or read that book (he asked, okay?), she knew a thing to two about music. Where Dustin got some secret code in he words, Robin heard something n the notes.
Something that made her cry and cover he mouth.
Nancy had turned to her and ask what was going on, but she just shook her head.
“It isn’t my place to tell.”
Dustin turned to her, looking so sad and lost, before he limped over and gently hugged Eddie.
“Oh Eddie…that isn’t how the story has to end! Frodo doesn’t have to go into the West. We love you. I love you! Your family loves you! Stay with us.”
Wait a fucking second. Was Eddie talking about…dying?! Again?!
Not on Steve’s watch!
Frantic, Steve gripped Eddie face. His eyes were still closed, so Steve got in close.
“Listen here, Munson! Stay AWAY from any fucking lights at the end of tunnels, okay? No walking West, or any shit, okay? Plus, ah…”
Eddie had talked Elves, right?
“Plus, the Elves are dipshit asshole...”
What was something Eddie hated?
Steve’s eyes lit up.
He knew this!
He slapped his hands and snapped his fingers.
“JOCKS! The Elves are total Jocks!”
Robin, bless their shared brain cell, picked up what he was putting down. “Yeah! And not the nice, dumb kind! Jason Carver? Totally a zealot, child hurting, friends-of-Dorothy-hating Elf!”
Eddie wrinkled his nose. “Eww.”
Smiling, Dustin jumped back in. “The West is full of Jason Carver Elves! Don't go towards any lights! Stay in the Shire. Your uncle is in the Shire.”
Steve put some curls behind his ears.
“Yeah. Wayne’s waiting in-in the Shire. Why don’t we go say hello?”
While the three of them were talking Eddie out of his dark mood, Nancy had used the time to fashion a new rope out of towels from the bathroom, and even a makeshift seat out of Eddie’s guitar strap. Somehow, big brains Nancy made the rope twice as long, and developed a pulley system with a towel rack, a floor lamp, and a plastic wheel-thingie with wrapped black cable that must have been from Wayne Munson’s job.
Jesus, sometimes Steve wondered if that woman was a female McGyver. How did she end up with an idiot like him, again?
Going as carefully as possible, Nancy crawled through first. Dustin was next, put into the guitar strap and towel seat. Nancy repositioned the mattress. Robin helped Dustin up as he climbed with Steve pulling on the rope. Hands were going bloody and raw from the terrycloth, Steve grunted and smiled when Dustin made it to the other side.
It was time for Eddie.
Unlike Dustin, Eddie wasn’t able to sit upright. He needed to be wrapped tightly in a blanket, while in the seat, and secured with some of the cables before they could pulley him through.
Gingerly laying him on the floor, Eddie started speaking again.
“Shire Time?”
Checking the belt already around his body, Robin answered back.
“We need to make you an Eddie burrito, but yes! We’ll get you to the Shire, then the hobbit hospital for magical stiches and rabies shots. How does that sound?”
Steve lifted Eddie as best as he could, and placed him in on the blanket. Something was still troubling Eddie, Steve could tell. As he and Robin wrapped him up (with “helpful” instructions from both Dustin and Nancy, Jesus), asked him what was wrong.
“But what about Rosie?”
Steve remembered him calling Nancy a flower, but he started to think that maybe even that had to do with that book too. That song of Eddie’s had him-Sam-Stevewise-whoever the fuck he was marrying this Rosie.
And that? Yeah, no.
He couldn’t let Eddie think that.
After all, he was Eddie’s gardener. And secretly damn proud of it.
Man, Steve really needed to read more.
A scary thought crossed his mind.
What if Eddie was so out of it that he *wasn’t* his gardener? What if the Samwis guy was a gardener, and Eddie was just reliving his favorite book while his mind was checked out?
“Hey, Eddie?”
In his cocoon, Eddie’s head lulled towards the sound of Steve’s voice.
“Do you know who I am? Like, really?”
Robin looked at him, curious and concerned.
“Steve, he’s lost a lot of blood, maybe don’t-“
“Steeeeve Harrington.”
Steve smiled, while Robin looked, nervous? Huh?
“Okay, yes, you’re right! I’m Steve.”
“Stevewise, the Gardener.”
“Steve’s not-“
Steve interupted Robin.
“Yes, I do like to garden.”
Robin raised an eyebrow.
“You do?”
“Who do you think takes care of the plants at my house?”
“I don’t know, a gardener?”
“Yes, that would be me!”
“I meant a hired gardener! Your parents pay for scented toilet paper and fancy stinky cheeses! I didn’t know!”
“Any time, guys!” Dustin yelled from the ceiling hole.
“Tone, Merry!” Eddie spoke back.
Steve got close to Eddie’s face, sweeping his hair behind his neck.
“See, this is why I asked. You called him Mary. Do you know who that is?”
Thank God, Eddie was becoming more lucid.
The two of them hoisted Eddie up. Tying Eddie with the cable to the rope, Robin curiously asked, “And who am I?”
“Robin, the Fool of a Took, of course.”
“I don’t know how to take that.”
Nancy yelled this time. “I think I see an ambulance outside of the windows! Come on!”
An ambulance?! Why the fuck was an ambulance out there?
Steve decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth.
Eddie needed medical attention, and fast.
Steve pointed up, even though Eddie was yet to open his eyes.
“And who was that?”
Something ugly and sad crossed Eddie’s face.
“And who is Rosie?”
The next words were not what he was expecting.
“Your wife.”
Not Nancy. Not your ex. Not “The girl I think you will marry.” No.
Your wife.
Robin and Dustin were silent. Nancy?
There was a time when Nancy appearing near dread at the idea of marrying Steve would have hurt him. Deeply. But that was a long time ago. Things changed. She would always be his first love.
But she was no longer going to be his last.
Locking eyes with her, Nancy’s shock and quiet panic melted into a surprised understanding.
Of course she was going to figure him out. If anyone was going to recognize a Steve in love and with a breaking heart, it would be Nancy Wheeler.
Nancy, doing her good friend Steve a solid squared her shoulders. As Steve pulled the rope, Nancy called up to a rising Eddie.
“Okay, let's get one thing straight. Stevewise isn't marrying Rosie. Or Violet, Petunia, ANY flower, okay? Nobody is marrying flowers, right Steve?”
Pulling harder, feeing the fibers in the cuts of his palms, he agreed.
“That’s right! Stevewise is not marrying Rosie. The only flowers he has are in his garden.”
Robin and Dustin were watching both he and Eddie closely.
Eddie? For obvious reasons.
But Steve? He knew it they were questioning why Steve and Nancy were making it official that they were not getting back together. He knew Dustin thought he was in love with Nancy. Robin too. She went as far as to tell Nancy that they were platonic with a capital P.
That was one of those important capital noun words.
And had he not had the nuggets talk with Nancy?
But now was not the time to tell his best friends that his ex just figured out that he liked guys, and he only wanted the one that nearly died on them.
With one final tug, Eddie Munson was through the portal.
And the rope broke.
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vulpes-fennec · 1 year
Look at That Cake (Elucien) 🎁
Summary: A series of fluffy/smutty ACOTAR winter one-shots! 12 stories for the 12 days leading up to Solstice (December 21).
Lucien helps Elain bake some cupcakes on Solstice. Sneak peek of my Secret Santa fanfiction without giving too much away (Gwynriel happening in the background)!
Notes: This one-shot takes place several months after the events of Pumpkin Fields Forever, but can still be read as a stand-alone.
Read: Masterlist | AO3
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“Do you need any help?” Lucien asked. 
Elain had excused herself to whip up more dessert, since everybody was craving solid food after drinking copious amounts of wine. 
Most of the evening was spent ogling at Lucien’s chiseled face, the exposed triangle of tanned brown chest, his perky ass, and his muscular thighs from a distance. Elain gone to the kitchen to calm down her pitter-pattering heart. But now, Lucien was leaning casually against the kitchen door, looking like a lord’s rakish son. Well. There went her heart again. 
Despite what Elain thought was a great day at the Velaris Harvest Festival, Lucien hadn’t visited her since. Elain had spent the last few months wondering where he was, recycling her memories of that day over and over, listening intently for any mention of Lucien in the Inner Circle’s conversations. Nothing. 
Where have you been? How are you? What are we? Elain had been dying to ask him when he showed up at the door for the Solstice Party. She shouldn’t care so much, shouldn’t be so interested in a male who was still a stranger, despite the constant presence of their mating bond. 
“You know how to bake?” she found herself asking. 
“No, but I’m quite adept at cooking.” Lucien remained in the doorway, half his face shadowed and the other half apprehensive. “I just…I didn’t want you to be doing everything yourself.” 
“I wouldn’t mind your help.” Elain glanced at his emerald green shirt and creased black pants. “Though you should put on an apron so your clothes don’t get dirty.” The two aprons available were her frilly pink ones. But Lucien donned the apron and swept his long, scarlet hair into a bun without complaint. 
“I am at my lady’s service.” Lucien’s little bow made Elain’s mouth twitch humorously. She always fought the urge to blush whenever Lucien called her his lady. “How do I look?”
If any male could look attractive in a frilly pink apron, it was Lucien. “You look like you’re ready to bake. Start by washing these oranges.” Elain practically shoved the fruits into Lucien’s hand, face heating as she turned away. 
“What are you making?” Elain was studying the cookbook when Lucien peered over her shoulder at the recipe.
“Orange and chocolate cupcakes.” A cup of flour, ¾ cup of sugar…1/2 pound of melted chocolate…gods, did Lucien always smell so good? His tantalizing scent of warm sunshine and sweet apples was distracting her from the numbers. 
“Sounds delicious,” Lucien agreed. He leaned down to examine the recipe, his face nearly cheek-to-cheek with Elain’s. If she turned her head, she could probably kiss him. 
“If I mix the dry ingredients…can you mix the wet ingredients and zest the oranges?” she asked faintly, trying to quell the urge to turn her head. 
“Certainly, my lady,” he affirmed. Admiring Lucien’s nicely shaped ass was inevitable as he collected the necessary ingredients. The apron, slightly too small for his tall frame, made the sculpted lines of his back and chest more pronounced. Elain had never seen Lucien in a domestic setting before, so having him wear her apron left her possessive urges satisfied. Mine, Elain’s instincts proclaimed proudly. Ah, that infernal mating bond. 
Elain tried to pay attention to the dry ingredients, but her eyes were drawn—once again—to Lucien expertly mixing the wet ingredients. Zesting the oranges with ease? Mesmerizing. Cracking an egg with one hand? Amazing. Squeezing a gush of juice from the oranges with the same hand? Drool-inducing.
Cauldron, the oven was not the only thing heating up in the kitchen. 
Elain melted the chocolate and began to lift the heavy bowl of wet ingredients. “Let me help you.” Lucien stepped up beside her, pouring the wet ingredients into the dry bowl as Elain whisked.  
“Thank you,” she murmured, his chest brushing her shoulder and sending a thrill down her body. “Here, you can fold the chocolate into the batter.” Elain handed Lucien a spatula. “Don’t fold too much. We want a swirl pattern in the cupcakes.” 
“Very particular,” Lucien murmured in her ear.  
“It needs to look nice,” she protested. 
“I didn’t know you were such a perfectionist, my lady,” Lucien teased. 
“I am not one to do things half-heartedly.” Elain poured the melted chocolate as Lucien folded the batter carefully. 
“Good.” Lucien’s russet eye glimmered with satisfaction as he glanced down at her. “Because neither am I.” He began pouring the swirled batter into the tins. Elain watched him, marveling at his precision and the lack of spilled batter on the side.   
Meanwhile, Lucien’s self-control was slipping by the minute. A proper conversation with his mate had eluded him all night, thanks to her family’s sharp eyes and even sharper ears. He managed to make awkward small talk with Elain, about nonsensical things like the weather and Velaris. 
The mere fact that Elain had given him a present this year had made his night. But when she smiled—smiled—at the small plant he’d gifted her, Lucien felt like taking a victory lap around the icy block of mansions. 
Now, she looked absolutely delicious dressed in a cute pink apron. Cauldron, that apron was going to be the death of him. But he couldn’t just let his desires run amok. Lucien hadn’t spoken to Elain in months, and he wanted to know what she’d been up to. If she ever thought about him.  
Elain was truly in her element: brows furrowing, lip chewing, and earthy brown eyes blazing as she whisked the heavy cream with a frenzy. Not one hair was out of place, not a single smudge of flour on her lilac dress. 
“I’m tired,” she announced after a few minutes, hopping to sit on the counter and handing the half-whipped bowl of frosting to Lucien. 
“Your dress?”
Elain shrugged. “It’ll be alright. Now whisk.” Her normally soft voice was assertive in her kitchen domain. 
Lucien chuckled. “My lady is very bossy. I like that.” Elain blushed, and he could feel her eyes on him as he whisked the frosting efficiently. 
“Alright, now I’m going to add the powdered sugar and chocolate powder to the bowl.” Lucien sent clouds of sugar and chocolate flying into the air when Elain dumped the powders into the cream. 
Elain coughed, waving her hand to disperse the clouds. “Sorry, my lady.”
“It’s alright,” she said between coughs. “I should’ve told you not to stir so quickly. Here, let me do it instead.” As they waited for the cupcakes to finish, Elain sat on the counter, hugging the bowl of frosting in her lap. A few moments of awkward silence passed. 
“I’ve been meaning to ask…how have you been?” 
“I’ve been alright,” she replied quietly. “You know. Velaris is the same as always.” Her brown eyes were sorrowful when she asked, “where were you all these months?” 
So his mate did think of him while he was gone. It pleased Lucien immensely. “Did you miss me?” he smirked. 
Elain blushed, but her pink lips were set in a line. “Answer my question first,” she demanded. 
“Bossy bossy,” Lucien tsked with a smile. “Well, the last few months were unexpectedly busy: taking Vassa and Jurian to the continent for negotiations with the other human queens, reaching out to Tamlin’s former courtiers, keeping tabs on Autumn’s movements.” 
“Oh.” Mild worry etched in Elain’s face. “Make sure…make sure you take time for yourself.” 
Lucien shrugged. “I’m taking time for myself today. Now…did you miss me?” 
Elain scowled and swatted at his arm. “That is very conceited of you.” Lucien arched an eyebrow. “I was open to spending more time with you after the Harvest Festival, but you did not show up to Velaris.” 
“If that is what my lady wants, then I am happy to oblige.” 
“Well, what do you want?” 
A trap. Of course Lucien wanted nothing more than to find passionate love. Wanted his mate to be truly his. But he couldn’t put that pressure on Elain, especially when he hadn’t allowed himself to explore the extent of his feelings for her. She’d avoided him for nearly three years, and though she seemed more receptive to him now, he didn’t want to have his heart crushed again. “I would like to visit Velaris more often. To visit you.” It wasn’t a lie…it just wasn’t the full truth.
“I would also like it if you visited Velaris more often.” There was no hint of deception on Elain’s beautiful face. 
Touch her, smell her, taste her, Lucien’s instincts urged him. Instead he said quietly, “I see you’re wearing the pearl earrings.” The creamy white pearls were lovely on her pointed ears. Lucien hesitantly before tucking a brown lock of hair behind Elain’s ear. To his relief, she did not stiffen or draw back. 
Elain smiled softly and took the box of corn hair clips that she’d gifted him hours earlier from his breast pocket. He knew precisely why she bought hair clips with corn charms: a reference to when they got lost in the corn maze at the Velaris Harvest Festival. “What are you doing?” Lucien asked.
“Seeing how these look on you. I’m wearing your Solstice present, so you should wear mine.” Lucien stayed very, very still as her fingers undid his bun and gently threaded through his shimmering red hair. Click, click. The corn clips snapped on either side of his head, pulling his long, crimson hair away from his face. He missed her soft touch when Elain leaned back, eyes twinkling. “I like it.” 
Lucien shook his head like a dog, but the clips stayed in place. “I have a feeling I look very ridiculous right now,” he muttered. 
“You do not look ridiculous.” 
Lucien puffed his chest mockingly. “This set-up is not doing favors for my reputation. I’ll have you know, my lady, that I am a famed courtier, a respectable emissary, a warrior, a son of a High Lord—”
He was cut off when Elain took a dab of frosting and swiped it on his nose. “Now you look ridiculous,” she giggled. 
Lucien leaned in closer, his hands on the counter caging her in. Elain’s breath caught, and Lucien could have sworn her nostrils flared to inhale his scent. “Should I report to Rhysand that Velaris’s most famed baker is violating food safety guidelines by contaminating the frosting?”
Elain shrugged and swiped another bit of frosting from the bowl. Lucien’s knees nearly buckled when she put her frosting covered finger in her mouth and sucked, maintaining eye contact. “Taste-testing is very important in the kitchen. I thought you said you were adept at cooking?” 
Gods, was she flirting with him? 
Lucien smirked, leaning in even closer. “At least I use a spoon when I taste things. Not my fingers.” Elain’s eyes widened, her red cheeks betraying her inappropriate thoughts. “In the kitchen. Is my lady thinking inappropriate thoughts?”
“Who says you can’t do those things in the kitchen—Oh!” Elain let out a startled gasp, staring at something behind him. 
Lucien whipped around to see Azriel and Gwyneth Berdara standing in the hallway, staring straight into the kitchen. The female had a loose grip on the back of Azriel’s shirt, and smiled brightly at Lucien and Elain. Azriel, on the other hand, looked mildly disturbed. As if he’d just walked in on two people fucking. Which was definitely not what was going on here. 
“We were just baking cupcakes,” Elain’s voice was a bit breathless. 
Lucien realized he had chocolate frosting on his nose. Cauldron boil and fry him. “This is not what it looks like,” he stammered, hastily wiping his face. 
Gwyneth giggled at Lucien, teal eyes twinkling. Great. There went his reputation as a famed courtier, respectable emissary, warrior, son of a High Lord… “We didn’t see anything,” she said mischievously, giving the shadowsinger a friendly push. “Az is just showing me where the bathroom was.” 
From the way the Night Court spymaster had smiled at Gwyneth all night to the way he allowed her to push him so casually, Lucien had a feeling there was something more than friendship happening behind the scenes. Going to the bathroom? Yeah, right. Lucien gave Azriel a pointed stare as the two passersby left.
“That reminds me, we should take the cupcakes out of the oven now,” Lucien said, moving away from Elain. Once the cupcakes cooled, Lucien tried to pipe the icing onto the fresh cupcakes, but his clumsy attempts were lopsided. 
“Here.” His senses zeroed in on Elain’s warm hand around his, guiding the icing bag and making perfect swirls. Lucien held back from snarkily saying, “If you could just keep your hand there forever, that would be nice.” He didn’t want to scare Elain off. 
Lucien ended up piping most of the cupcakes. He picked up the tray of finished cupcakes and followed Elain back to the family room. “We made cupcakes!” Elain sang cheerfully.
“Finally!” Varian said, stumbling over to grab a cupcake from Elain. “Thank you both. I can tell which cupcakes were the ones Lucien decorated.”
“Because they’re the better-looking ones, right?” Lucien elbowed Elain, who merely rolled her eyes. 
“Say that again and I’ll put frosting on your face,” Elain said calmly. But there was a humorous glint in her brown eyes.
“I wouldn’t mind if you were the one frosting my face,” Lucien said.  
Elain stood on her tip-toes to whisper into his ear. “What kind of frosting are you talking about?” 
It was Lucien’s turn to blush. What was it—the third time that night Elain had let it slip that she had a dirty mind? Compared to her previous behavior of awkward avoidance, it was a welcome surprise. But was she actually interested in him, or was she simply flirting with him? 
“The sweet kind.” Elain elbowed him back, red to the tips of her pearl-studded ears. Lucien grinned, taking a bite of the cupcake. Warm, zesty goodness was paired with rich notes of chocolate. “These taste good.”  
“Thank you. I’ll let my new baking assistant know he passed with flying colors,” Elain quipped.   
“Cupcake!” Nyx squealed happily, reaching for Rhysand’s hand. 
“Did someone say cupcake?” Cassian called out. He and Nesta reappeared in the room, reeking of perfume. Lucien chuckled. At least they had the courtesy to cover up their arousal before returning. 
“Where’s Gwyn?” Nesta asked, turning around to survey the room. “She’s going to miss the chocolate!” 
“Where’s Az?” Cassian added. Confusion crossed the others’ faces as they looked at each other, trying to remember what had happened. A moment of silence passed before Elain and Lucien began to laugh. 
“I don’t know, but we saw them ‘going to the bathroom’ earlier,” Elain giggled. “Maybe we should use the second floor bathroom for now.” 
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pinkykats-place · 1 year
BakuDeku Christmas Fics Ⅱ
UA Students
SFW One Shots
archive of our own recs
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None of the stories linked below are mine.
All are SFW … still read tags.
Art by @chrisandhedraws {twitter}.
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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King of Secret Santa! by Shura11
Summary: Class 1A is doing a secret Santa gift exchange! It goes about as well as everyone expects with Bakugo claiming to be number one in this event! Izuku has his own issues as he tries to figure out the perfect gift to express his feeling.
One Shot | SFW
Secret Santa by kickcows
Summary: Deku draws Kacchan for a Secret Santa exchange between the members of Class 1-A and has a mild panic attack over it. 
One Shot | SFW
The first gift you gave me by Cadameo
Summary: Izuku worked really, really hard on his Christmas gift for Kacchan - perhaps even a bit too much; but now he cannot make himself give it to him.
With a bit of a push and aided by the class Secret Santa, he might be able to convey his feelings and luckily, even get a gift back.
One Shot | SFW
All Katsuki Wants For Christmas by RewriteTheUniverse
Summary: “Kacchan’s going to sing?” was all Izuku could manage to vocalize, as this new fact seemed to be at war with everything he’d ever known about the angry blonde.
Even more surprising was the few gentle, tinkling piano notes that started off the song just before Kacchan opened his mouth and started to sing.
One Shot | SFW
Midoriya the Green Haired Sunshine by squeakymarshmallow
Summary: The Bakusquad learned quite quickly: Bakugou's hatred of Christmas was very conditional.
One Shot | SFW
christmas lights by WattStalf
Summary: Katsuki doesn't think he's very good at planning Christmas dates.
Part 1 | One Shot | SFW
christmas cake by WattStalf
Summary: Katsuki does some more thinking after his Christmas date with Izuku.
Part 2 | One Shot | SFW
come and trim my christmas tree by hollyandvice (hiasobi_writes)
Summary: Izuku and Kacchan may not always be creatures of habit, but when it comes to childhood traditions, there's no denying their roots. When it comes time to give each other Christmas presents, there's no one better.
One Shot | SFW
A (Warm) Snowy Night by charmie, Lumi09
Summary: A gift? Kaachan hasn't given him a gift in ten years. Izuku took the bag from Katsuki (who wouldn't make eye contact for some reason) as Izuku's fingertips brushed against his hand. Izuku dug through the bag until he felt something and pulled it out. His face lit up the dark night.
"Wahhh!!! It’s the super rare limited edition Silver age All Might figurine!" Izuku remembers when he cried rivers over this figurine because he couldn't get in time when he was five.
One Shot | SFW
The Perfect Gift by angel_lily223
Summary: Katsuki has a problem.
Christmas is just around the corner and he hasn't even got his boyfriend a gift yet. As he runs around the mall, trying to find the perfect gift, he realizes that maybe the perfect gift isn't something he can buy.
In fact, the perfect Christmas present for Deku was with him the whole time...
One Shot | SFW
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uptoolateart · 1 year
If I Let Myself Love You
My fic for @mlbigbang 2022!
It’s hard to be a normal girl with a normal life when your mother has terminal cancer. And when fashion model Adrien Agreste moves back to Paris and wants to be Marinette’s friend – or maybe even more – her life is turned upside down again. How can she risk opening her heart to love when her whole world is falling apart? Especially when Adrien is hiding a dark secret of his own….
*** No kwamis AU - 100% Adrinette. Half funny / fluffy and half heavy but with a happy ending. Please read tags. *** Rating: Teen and up
PREVIEW from Chapter 1:
On paper, he was nothing out of the ordinary – maybe six inches taller than her, with iconic golden curls like a film cliché. Simple jeans and a black long-sleeved t-shirt, but with the Gabriel brand logo letting you know that, as plain as they were, those clothes cost more than Marinette could afford after a whole month’s worth of babysitting. Two months, even.
What wasn’t ordinary was his smile, and the way it moved right into his moss-green eyes. Or the openness on his face, not just inviting but demanding that she know and understand him. Especially with the early-autumn sunshine hanging over the skyline, haloing his face and making the tips of his hair glow, like he was on fire and had been delivered into the world just for her.
That’s…too much poetry for this time of day.
Marinette licked her lips. She knew who this boy was, after all. They’d all been prepped about him for weeks – how they were supposed to treat him like just another student, ignoring how famous he was. He’d recently moved from London and wanted to keep as low a profile as possible.
She’d told herself this would be easy. Never mind that she had a collection of clippings of this boy’s modelling shots from magazines, or that his father was her favourite fashion designer in the world. He was just a normal person underneath the make-up and expensive hair…right?
But standing there, face to face, she saw that she was wrong. And it had nothing to do with him being famous.
‘You’re…you’re…,’ she made out, wondering when she had lost the ability to form sentences.
He rolled his eyes, releasing her wrists and taking a step away from her to give her space. ‘Adrien Agreste.’ He said this like it was a brand rather than a personal name. ‘But seeing as it’s my first day here, maybe we could…pretend I’m someone else?’
She wanted to smack herself but couldn’t move. I’ve already messed this up.
‘Like…like who?’ she stammered.
He ran a hand through his shining hair and looked up, squinting in the sunlight before meeting her eyes again. ‘You know, I’ve been trying to work that one out for a while. Maybe you should make something up for me.’
She adjusted the shoulder strap of her bag before it could slide off her arm. ‘You…you want me to make up an identity for you?’
Adrien laughed. ‘Is that too weird? I mean, you don’t even know me yet.’
Somehow, she recovered herself. ‘Sure, I know you. You’re Adrien Agreste, the mad scientist who trains hamsters to howl at full moons. There was a whole article about it in the paper the other week.’
He laughed again, this time louder than before, and shook his head. ‘I bet you thought that was a pretty crazy thing to do. I lost a lot of funding for that stunt. No one will invite me to the scientist parties anymore.’
‘The scientist parties,’ she echoed, a strange feeling coming over her face. It had been so long since she’d smiled like this that she didn’t immediately recognise it.
‘We use technical language in the science circle.’ Adrien grinned at her, his eyes sparkling wickedly. ‘And who are you…’
‘Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I’m a baker. I knead emotions into pastries.’
‘You know, sadness and anger….’ She trailed off, belatedly saying, ‘Um…joy.’
Ugh, Marinette, what are you saying?
Adrien nodded and rubbed his chin as if taking this matter deeply seriously. ‘What does a sadness croissant taste like?’
Her eyes grew large. ‘That’s what I was wondering!’
‘I bet it’s salty.’
‘Like tears!’ she exclaimed, then gripped her lunch bag hard, to stop herself from hugging this total stranger.
They both fell silent. She wanted to look away but couldn’t. Something about his stare was like a fist, holding her heart and in no hurry to let her go. She was caught in his gaze as long as he wanted.
Keeping Reading at Ao3
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footballffbarbiex · 1 year
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I posted 6,072 times in 2022
That's 617 more posts than 2021! (no wonder you're all unfollowing me and my annoying ass)
3,899 posts created (64%)
2,173 posts reblogged (36%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
@footballffbarbiex (i'm my own biggest fan i see.)
I tagged 2,182 of my posts in 2022
#football blurb - 235 posts
#football imagine - 234 posts
#football one shot - 230 posts
#football drabble - 221 posts
#football fanfic - 170 posts
#football fanfiction - 160 posts
#nsfr - 147 posts
#antoine griezmann - 144 posts
#footballer imagine - 143 posts
#footballer one shot - 142 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#men love to keep politics and other subjects out of footy when it suits them so why can’t they keep their opinions towards other’s sexuality
My Top Posts in 2022:
unnamed male words: 749 warnings: mentions of pregnancy, mentions of baby moving (i know that this can squick some people out)
Rain pelts the windows, bounces from the ground and the air smells heavily of previous rainfalls. He’d had to slow down whilst driving compared to his usual speed which, as always, was still within the limit of course, but now even slower. The windscreen wipers have barely moved before the rain coats the freshly cleared glass. The spray from the cars in front doesn’t help, the red rear lights casting a glare in his direction creating a firework effect in the wetness. The radio was turned down, the windows in the back were slowly steaming up and the great British summer that he’d grown used to the last two weeks was now a distant memory.
Leaves that remain up in the trees are starting their steady changes, greens are beginning to taint with oranges, reds and browns. Some are already shedding their leaves, scattering them at the foot of their trunks as their branches curve to face the last remains of the summer sunshine.
Pressing a button on the fob on his keychain, the gates open slowly and he rolls the car onto the driveway, parking as close as safely possible to the door before making a quick exit. His key fumbles in the front door but with a final turn, he’s inside, sighing happily at the warmth here. He shrugs out of his damp outerwear and rests it over the hallway radiator before pausing, hand on the stairs bannister as he listens, realising now that he’s not the only one home.
The TV is on at a quiet level but the sound of it slowly drifts through the home until it reaches him. His feet begin to move before he’s fully thought about going to see her, but it seems his body has made his mind up for him. He follows the sound of it until he reaches the lounge. Blankets and cushions surround her, her large V pillow tucked neatly between her thighs and under her belly as she lays on her side, one hand protectively placed over the bump. She’s facing the TV but she’s asleep.
He tucks her in a little more, adjusting the blanket, smoothing the hair from her face and presses a light kiss to her forehead before jogging up to the bedroom to pull on some warm, comfort clothes. By the time he’s back downstairs, she’s stirring, rubbing her eyes with the curve of her hand and giving a small groan as her body awakens again.
“Morning beautiful,” he grins when her eyes finally open.
“Didn’t realise I’d fallen asleep,” she croaks, squinting at the light before trying to sit up to reach for her drink. He moves faster, reaching for her cup and pushes the straw towards her lips before replacing it once she’s done and slumping back against the sofa. “I’m just so tired at the minute.”
“That’s what growing a person does,” he smiles warmly at her and runs his hand over her belly, watching as well as feeling the way the little one wriggles around. “Good morning to you too,” he says and she smiles to herself that he always acknowledges the baby and they in turn, always try to wriggle for him.
“They’ve been quite active today.” she tells him, her hand smoothing over the large bump in large circle motions and watches as her belly begins to move, a hand, elbow or foot dragging from right to left and stretches out. “I’m running out of space though, I’ve already had a few kicks to my ribs today.”
“It's seeing this that makes it real for me.”
She grimaces as she tries to pull herself to a sitting position. “Pleasant reminders for you then. It’s the morning sickness still for me, the constant need to pee and walking like I’ve shit myself thanks to my waddle.”
“If I could, I’d do it for you babe, you know that.”
“Liar. You’d have one and be done with it all.”
“You might only want one.”
“I guess we’ll see, won’t we? But so far,” she gives her bump another affectionate rub, and gets a happy kick in return, something which he feels, “we’re doing ok.”
“You just missed your daddy, didn’t you? Got a strong foot I see, you’ll follow in my footsteps for sure.”
“I hope not. It’s nerve wracking enough with you. Let alone this kind of protectiveness.”
“You’ll be the first mother banned from stadiums for trying to fight everyone.”
“Everyone.” she agrees with a nod.
Forevers: @pom277  |   @emilielfc  |  @odegaardsblues​   | @archxron  |  @lawsandother  |  @meteora-fc  |  @smileytaa  |  @holdmybvbeer  |  @football-and-fanfics  |  @ofxinnocence  |  @footballerimaginess  |  @imaweirdobutyoulikeit  |  @kxndrixx  |  @chokinghazrdd  |  @marcdurm  |  @pingyu-in-wonderland  |   @dreamyfootball  | @declansmount  |  @penguintransporter  |  @degea-drama-llama |  @callyhandra  |  @gatekeptlee  |  @elliestonesx  |  @silverrmistt   |   @peterparkerbae  |  @untitled92260  |  @hotelthiago  |  @heli991113  | @weddingdisco  | @mrsmctominay |   @football-rambles  |
299 notes - Posted March 19, 2022
So...Teach Me. 2.
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words: 3952 warnings: dry humping, handjobs, female masturbation.
This was going to be up sooner, but it turned out my initial plan for this chapter changed and I'm much happier with how this turned out, even if it's much longer than I thought it would be.
Ease my little heart and let me know what you think? 
If you’d like to be added/removed/update your URL, then please let me know here. Crossed out means that tumblr cannot find your blog at this time. 
(hopefully I’ve got the right tag lists in place now for this)
A week or so had passed and the two of you had stayed in touch as normal via text. You’re still unsure how you’d gone from having an innocent night in to discussing teaching him all the dirty little tricks and tips that you had within the space of 24 hours. It hadn’t been the way you thought the night would go at all. The image of the way he’d looked as you’d taken his fingers into your mouth has been locked in your mind for days, distracting you from work and driving you to climb between the bed sheets and play with your toy.
The idea of being friends with benefits with him had never felt possible, let alone an option until he’d asked you that. Sure, you’d had a close friendship but the two of you had kept one another at arm's length, no lingering stares, no kisses at birthdays or Christmas that you wished to happen again, you were simply friends and that had always worked. Of course you’d found him attractive, you weren’t silly. He had a charm about him, a way of captivating those around him, you’d just never found yourself falling under that same spell that some of the others had. But maybe that was why he’d brought it up to you, you were neutral.
You can’t remember how it had started fully, but you remember saying how your old fuck buddy was leaving the city for a new job and that you’d have to either start using your own hand again or putting an ad online. Jokingly of course but he’d looked at you in such a way that you knew you had his interest and attention in the palm of your hand.
“But why would you need a fuck buddy?”
“It’s convenient.” You’d replied without hesitation. “Relationships can be hard, time consuming and the idea of just having one night stands, it doesn’t always sit well with me. They can be good, but I don’t want to have to keep nudging them in the right place when they’re trying to find my clit because they’ve spent the last minute or so rubbing my pussy lips. You both know each other, know what you both like in bed, it’s safer in most cases and you’re more relaxed. You just call each other up and say, ‘hey, wanna come over’ and your itch is scratched.”
“So you’d need to be asking a mutual friend then.” he’d commented in a way that he hoped was casual, but it was too late for that; his body language was giving him away, he was leaning into you on the cushions, edging closer with each sentence that you spoke.
“Why, do you know anyone?” you’d laughed and taken a long drink from your glass. “Unless you mean yourself?”
It had sounded like a throwaway comment in your mind but out loud, it sounded more like a genuine question.
“It has been a long time since I was with anyone.” He admitted, thumb now picking at a torn nail on one of his fingers while avoiding your gaze.
“I don’t think I’ve seen you date anyone while we’ve been friends,” you pondered it aloud, trying to think back to the last girlfriend or person he’d dated but no-one came to mind.
“Well over a year. If not more.” He stated. “My moves might be a little rusty, but I’m game if you are.” he’d tried to laugh it off but it sounded forced, embarrassed almost but you applauded him for putting himself out there before asking the big question
“But you miss sex though...right?” and the rest had been history.
You had no idea where to start with him. His confidence was at an all time low so that needed to be worked on too, and even though he’d said that he’d had sex, he hadn’t trusted his own abilities like almost every other guy you knew. You were going to have to start at the very beginning with him, treat him as though he was a virgin and mould him into someone who could be confident in bed, work his way around your body and hopefully, learn to give you pleasure. The thought of tailoring him to your needs made your core tighten. He wouldn’t need to unlearn bad habits from other people, but then again he also wouldn’t have the experience of how to fuck you from others either. You would be starting from scratch and the one thing that every man knows how to do, is to stroke their own cock. Now all you had to do was watch how he liked it.
“You want me to..what?”
“Masturbate,” you reply, gesturing for him to sit on your bed. When he still looks at you as though you’re speaking another language, you continue, “you know, wank? Give yourself a hand job? Toss yourself off. Choke the chicken.”
“No, I know what you mean, but why?”
“You’ll be teaching me how you like it. Everything else I can work out for myself but I want to see how you like it.”
“And you can’t just stroke me and find out?”
“I like watching, and when you’re close, then I’ll help.”
See the full post
339 notes - Posted February 6, 2022
A Little Sympathy Goes A Long Way.
Request and warnings:  can you write a cute fluffy one where someone of your choice takes care of their girlfriend while she’s sick or something cute like that? my cold is killing me lmao
The requester says it’s my choice, but really, she didn’t want to yell PLEASE CHARLES. I still heard that anyway.
Me? Back writing Charles years after I shared my first piece? You bet your ass I am. Let me know what you think? I’m super nervous 🥺👉👈
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The common cold has well and truly hit the household and though you’d love a little sympathy, you had a feeling that Charles wasn’t about to drop everything to be your sick nurse. You anticipated it from the way you’d teased him when he was sofa bound previously, surrounded by tissues as he decided this was truly it. He was struck down by a cold and would never breathe through his nose again. He complained about all the times he’d taken it for granted as you’d waited on him hand and foot, even mopping his brow when he requested it - though you think at that point he was just trying to see how much he could get you to do before you threw in the towel.
His over dramatics had you questioning your bedside manner but now, you needed him to forget the teasing and just be a good boy. 
> baby, can you pick me up some things from the store? I think I’ve got what you had. 
< oh I’m going to have fun with this, baby
The look on his face as he walked through his home, swinging the bag of pick-me-ups that he’d purchased from his fingertips as he approached, was one of glee. 
“Do I play nice or pick on you, like you did with me?” Charles asks as he pouts, scrunching up his lips as he taps his dimple and pretends to think. 
“Did not pick on you,” you say and frown at him before reaching quickly for another tissue and cough into it before blowing your nose and slumping back against the pillows. Your nostrils sting and are no doubt bright red as the skin thins from the amount of times you’ve rubbed them. The corners of your eyes are already aching from each new contact as you press the knuckles of your fingers into the edges and wipe away the fresh flurry of tears that stream from them.
“Did you get more headache tablets?” You croak and begin to reach forward for the bag which he dangles just out of reach with a grin on his face. 
“What was it you said to me? You have legs, use them.”
You did say that. But only because Charles was refusing to budge or sit up to reach anything, not wanting to help himself and simply just waste away in wallow. You were at least sitting and trying to swing your legs over the side of the couch to reach anything you needed, ensuring that everything was within grasp. 
“Not the same thing,” you bite, glaring at him as you try again to reach them. “Don’t be a dick.”
“Oh, she insults. I love it when you say nice things to me.” he chuckles before really taking you in.
He had to admit, you have certainly declined since he left this morning. What had only been a small sniffle and the odd sneeze yesterday had turned into hourly coughing throughout the night, a stuffy head this morning but at least you were mobile. He looks over you now, streaming eyes that keep trying to close, a nose to challenge Rudolph for a sleigh guiding spot and a now chesty cough that sounded painful. 
“Please,” you try again and this time he caves. The bag drops to the table and he rummages through it. 
“I’ve got vapour rub, flu and cold tablets, throat lozenges, a heat pack in case you had muscle pains”, he takes out each individual item as he announces them, “and,” he pauses as he grabs the bottom of the bag and tips it upside down, “all the snacks I know that you love, to try and make you feel better.” He’s pulling open the thermometer as he says, “say ahh.” and you do obediently as he lays it against your tongue and you close your mouth around it while it takes a reading. He doesn’t even make a sexual remark. You’re almost proud of him. 
“So you can be nice,” you sniffle, trying to keep your mouth as closed as possible and give him a weak, closed lip smile. 
“If you feel even half as bad as me, I need to look after you.” Charles replies, the taunting behaviour from minutes ago now disappearing as his instinct to look after you kicks in. 
“I don’t want to give it you again though.”
“Stop talking while it’s doing it’s thing. And I handled it well last time. I’ll handle it again.”
You want to argue that he had not, in fact, handled it at all last time but now was not the time to pick a fight. You want to add something else when the thermometer begins to beep and he makes quick work in pulling it out. 
“Yep, close to having a fever. Have you drank enough?” He knows from your expression that you haven’t. 
“I’ve mostly been sleeping.” You defend yourself, though just mentioning that you’ve been asleep makes you yawn. 
“Stay there and if you’re still awake, we’re getting you hydrated.”
“Hmmm?” He pauses in the doorway and looks back at you. 
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382 notes - Posted May 15, 2022
But Good Girls Don’t.
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Pairing: Charles x undescribed female!reader Words: 1112 warnings: mentions of masturbation (m), oral receiving (f), squirting, squint and you’ll miss the hair pulling, unprotected sex (p in v). 
Un-BETA’d as usual so all typos are my own bullshit. 
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663 notes - Posted July 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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pairing: Charles x undescribed female reader Words: 2713 warnings: unprotected sex, oral (f), edging, hair pulling, mad Charles. Probably more but I can’t think straight right now. 
Unbeta’d as usual, so all typos are my own bullshit. Idk why the font is being a dick, apologies. 
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894 notes - Posted July 31, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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