#gla 250
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2018 Mercedes GLA 250
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An Overview Of The Mercedes-Benz 2022 GLA 250 - Mercedes-Benz of Cherry Hill dealer specializing in offering drivers new, used, and Certified Pre-Owned Mercedes-Benz GLA 250. Mercedes-Benz vehicles fit nearly every taste and preference, and we encourage you to test drive any model that catches your eye. Our dealership provides financing services on-site. We promise to offer the best price and a superior customer service experience every day. Visit Mercedes-Benz of Cherry Hill today at 2151 NJ-70 in Cherry Hill, NJ. https://www.cherryhillmercedesbenz.com/new-vehicles/
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haefugbaum · 2 months
Day 25 of translating/commenting the famous „100 Ana Tipp“
Also a disclaimer for this one, I strongly advise not doing that. You won’t die but it’s not healthy. 😅
Tipp 25: „Drink a glass of ice-cold water every hour (preferably from the refrigerator, or throw in ice cubes). This fills you up and burns 18 calories in a 500ml glass (if you're awake for at least 10 hours that's 180!).“
If you do the math you would drink 5 Liters or over 1,3 gallons that’s waaaay to much. I already feel I drink much when I drink 2-3 Liters a day but 5 is definitely not healthy especially in the long run. Maybe they meant 250 ml (which is normally in a Glas) and not 500 that would make much more sense so you would drink 2,5 liters. Some of these Tipps are wild man, but I want to stay as true as I can to the original Tipps and tone of the things we did back then.
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sheltiechicago · 3 months
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“Black tide” (2023), broken laminated glass from vitroplus , black lacquer, nails, wood, medium, silicone, and tape, 3.5 x 10 x 9 meters. Installed in Maison Hazeur for Passages Insolites in Quebec, Canada.
Tons of Broken Glass Flood Architectural Spaces in Captivating Site-Specific Installations by Baptiste Debombourg
All images © Baptiste Debombourg
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“(R)evolve” (2017), windshields, wood, nails, screws, and paint, 8 x 8 x 4.5 meters. Installed at Eduardo Secci Gallery in Florence, Italy
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“Aerial” (2012), 33/2 laminated glass from Glas König, wood, nails, and white paint, 3 x 12 x 4.5 meters, two ons of glass. Installed at Brauweiler Abbey in Pulheim, Germany
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“Acceleration field” (2015), white laminated glass, wooden structure, screws, nails, paint, silicone3D, 11 x 7 x 1.8 meters, 250 meters2 glass at four tons. Installed at Fondation Antoine de Galbert in Paris, France, with technical assistance from Léa Marchalwith the support of Wellmade and Saint-Gobain
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diabolus1exmachina · 2 years
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Goggomobil TS-250 
The Goggomobil TS 2+2 Coupe was introduced at the 1957 IFMA exhibition along with a modified sedan. There are TS250, TS300 and TS400 and the numbers indicate displacement in cubic inches. The only major design change for the TS was a change from a suicide door to a conventional swing door in 1963 from serial number 02-211271. Coupes were always 10-20% more expensive than sedans. The cumulative production volume of TS was 66,511 units.Not only more expensive, but also a lot rarer than the sedan models, were the sports coupe models. There were some 210,000 units produced of the sedan version, and only some 66,000 units of the sports coupe. Quite a difference. Unfortunately, only a small number of these remain. In 1966 the company was taken over by BMW. 3 years after the takeover, the production of midget cars was stopped and they continued under the name "Glas Isar", after which they started to concentrate more on more luxurious and especially larger cars.
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rabbitcoolcars · 1 year
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1962 Goggomobil TL-250 Transporter Pickup
This model sports an air-cooled, 250-cc, two-cylinder, two-stroke engine located under an access panel flush with the bed and behind the rear wheels. It rolls on four 10-inch wheels, and the rear end is geared down slightly to handle payloads.
In addition to the driver, the truck can hold one passenger who rides on a wafer-thin, flip-down seat. Two sliding doors akin to a UPS delivery truck — German postal workers used Goggo vans as official vehicles — complete the cab, whose floor is covered with wooden slats.
To accommodate the sliding doors, the truck’s roof and walls extend past the rear window nearly half the length of the bed. It’s as though the van body were chopped off just ahead of the rear axle. This styling touch also creates a little extra storage space: Because the entire bed is raised to accommodate the motor, the cab’s floor extends about two feet past the back wall.
Weighing in at a scant 1,300 pounds, the Goggo is about 9 feet long, 5 feet tall and 4 feet wide. It can travel at up to 65 mph and achieves up to 24 mpg. Its wheelbase alone is more than 4 feet shy of a basic 2010 Chevy Silverado regular cab.
Built from 1955 to 1964 by Hans Glas GmbH of Dingolfing, Germany, the Goggo pickup shared platforms with a two-seater coupe, four-seater sedan and a “Transporter” work van, and it originally cost about $1,000. Nearly 300,000 Goggos were built. Of those, about 3,600 were Transporters, mostly vans.
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leckerschmeckerei · 11 months
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🍳🌿 Einfaches Rezept für süßsauer eingelegte Paradieseier! 🥚🥗
Instagram, Tumblr und Facebook:
#leckerschmeckerei @leckerschmeckerei
- 6-8 hart gekochte Eier
- 250 ml Essig (Apfelessig oder Weißweinessig)
- 250 ml Wasser
- 150 g Zucker
- 1 Zimtstange
- 4 Nelken
- 1 TL Senfkörner
- 1 TL Pfefferkörner
- 1 TL Salz
1️⃣ Eier hart kochen, erkalten lassen, schälen und beiseite stellen.
2️⃣ In einem Topf Essig, Wasser, Zucker, Zimtstange, Nelken, Senfkörner, Pfefferkörner und Salz zum Kochen bringen. Gelegentlich umrühren, bis der Zucker komplett aufgelöst ist.
3️⃣ Hitze reduzieren und die Mischung etwa 10 Minuten köcheln lassen, um die Aromen zu entwickeln.
4️⃣ Eier vorsichtig in den Topf geben und sicherstellen, dass sie komplett mit der Essigmischung bedeckt sind.
5️⃣ Topf abdecken und die Eier mindestens 24 Stunden, am besten jedoch 2-3 Tage, im Kühlschrank marinieren lassen.
6️⃣ Die süßsauer eingelegten Eier als Beilage zu verschiedenen Gerichten servieren. Perfekt für Salate, Sandwiches oder als herzhafter Snack. 🥗🥪
Die eingelegten Eier im Kühlschrank aufbewahren und innerhalb von 1-2 Wochen genießen. Funktioniert auch mit dem Sud, wenn ihr die groben Sachen heraus filtert in einem Schraubdeckel-Glas, um sie darin im Kühlschrank aufzubewahren. Ihr könnt allerdings die Paradieseier auch einkochen mit dem Sud, so wie bei Marmelade im Schraubglas einkochen verfahren. So habt Ihr die Paradieseier etwas länger für späteren Verzehr dann haltbar gemacht, um sie dann erst innerhalb einer Woche, gekühlt im Sudglas aufbewahrt, zu genießen.
Kennt Ihr diese Paradieseier auch mit anderem Namen? Und NEIN, es sind keine Sol- oder Senf-Eier, die werden anders mariniert, können aber auch haltbar gemacht werden im Sud durch Einkochen.
Guten Hunger!
©️®️CWG, 25.07.2023🌳🐩🐓🐩🌳
#Rezept #Eierliebe #Kochen #Lecker #SüßsauerEingelegt #Paradieseier #Selbstgemacht #EssenGenießen #Foodie #Kulinarisch #FoodBlogger #nordhessenkocht #nordhessenessenundtrinken #leckerschmeckerei #schmeckewöhlerchen #fingerfood #snackeier #süsssaureeier #eiersüsssauer #kalteküche #eingelegtes #eingemachtes #marinierteeier
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ourpendelleuchte · 2 years
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Die Mawa Glaskugelleuchte LED verfügt über ein mundgeblasenes Glas. Als Glasarten sind klar oder weiß opal erhältlich. Bei beiden Versionen wird das Licht gleichmäßig in alle Richtungen verteilt. Jedes Glas wird aufwendig per Hand aus klarem Kristallglas hergestellt und besteht aus drei Schichten. Eventuelle kleine Bläschen oder leichte Abweichungen in Größe und Glasdicke sind Zeichen handwerklicher Qualität. Die Glaskugelleuchte LED ist mit einer Aluminium-Aufhängung in Weiß matt, Schwarz matt und Grau-metallic erhältlich. Der Baldachin wird immer in der gleichen Farbe zur Aufhängung geliefert. Als Leuchtmittel ist eine LED integriert, die bauseitig mit Phasenan- und Phasenabschnittdimmer gedimmt werden kann. Auf Anfrage gibt es auch DALI, 1-10 Volt, Push oder Bluetooth dimmbare Versionen. Die Pendelleuchte wird mit einer Farbtemperatur von 2.700 Kelvin extra warmweiß, 3.000 Kelvin warmweiß oder 4.000 Kelvin weiß angeboten. Zusätzlich ist die Glaskugelleuchte LED mit einem Abstrahlwinkel von 12, 24 oder 38 Grad erhältlich. Bei einem größeren Abstrahlwinkel verteilt sich das Licht auf eine größere Fläche. Das Kabel mit einer maximalen Länge von 250 cm kann bei Bedarf gekürzt werden. Auf Anfrage sind auch Sonderlängen für das Kabel erhältlich.        
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glaesser · 1 year
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Installation le miracle
Wir leben in einer paradoxen Zeit! Obwohl wir durch das Internet täglich eine Flut vom Informationen bekommen, spielt kritisches Denken immer weniger eine ausschlaggebende Rolle. Und das immerhin rund 250 Jahre nach der Aufklärung. Aber weshalb haben Fake News und Alternative Fakten an einer solchen Bedeutung gewonnen und wo liegen die Ursachen für diese Entwicklung. In meiner Arbeit, thematisiere ich mit einer interaktiven Installation, den gesellschaftlichen Wandel und dessen Einfluss auf das künstliche Schaffen neuer fiktiver Realitäten. Hierbei werden die neuen digitalen Medien kritisch hinterfragt und hybride Mischformen mit Skulptur und digitalen Bildmedien vorgestellt. Die Kontexte, aus denen ich dabei schöpfe, entstehen durch die Wechselwirkung zwischen dem virtuellen unendlichen Raum und der Realität. Fake News gibt es nicht nur seit Donald Trump oder Putin. Schon immer wurde versucht Menschen zu manipulieren. In den letzten Jahrhunderten, war es unter anderem die Religion, die über Heiligen- Reliquien wie das Grabtuch von Turin oder eine weinende Marienstatue in Rom, neue Realitäten erschufen. Heute sind es weltweit Populisten, Autokraten und Diktatoren die mit Ihren Aussagen ein neues zynisches Verhältnis zur Wahrheit herstellen und diese über das Internet weltweit verbreiten. In der von mir konzipierten Arbeit, verbinde ich digital den Twitter-Account von Donald Trump mit einer Marienstatue. Bei jedem Tweet wird ein elektrischer Impuls zu einer Pumpe weitergeleitet. Diie elektronische Pumpe fördert dann eine kleine Menge Flüssigkeit in eine Kanüle die im Kopf der Statue verbaut ist. Die Madonna scheint zu weinen. Ein Wunder ist geschehen! In diesem Projekt wird ein Paradoxon erschaffen. Neue Realitäten und alternative Wahrheiten entstehen, die über Twitter, Instagram und Co ins Unendliche vervielfältigt werden. Der Kreislauf schließt sich. Fake News erschaffen neue Fake News! Installation « le miracle » Matthias Glässer / 2020 iPad / Donald Trump Twitter Account, Madonna Figur aus Holz, Elektronische Pumpe, Glas, Metall, Tränen © VG Bild-Kunst Bonn / Matthias Glässer
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germancarssince1946 · 5 months
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2014 Mercedes GLA 250
My tumblr-blogs:
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personalized-plates · 2 years
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connyskochstudio · 1 month
Falsches Filet
Falsches Filet Zutaten für 4 Portionen: 300 g Karotten 250 g Sellerieknolle 1 Stange Lauch 1 Zwiebel 4 Scheiben Falsches Filet (aus dem Vorderviertel à ca. 180 g) 625 ml klare Brühe (Instant) 1 Essl. Pfefferkörner 2 Essl. Butter oder Margarine weisser Pfeffer 4 Essl. geriebener Meerrettich (Glas) Petersilie Zubereitung: Karotten und Sellerie schälen, waschen und in feine Streifen…
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dydimos · 2 months
President López Obrador has tried to become the main reference of the “progressive” governments in Latin America, as he constantly advocates for Cuba and Venezuela before President Biden; he criticizes the right-wing governments or as he calls them “conservatives” and has maintained continuous disputes with several of them in the region (Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia – when the coup against Evo Morales took place-Panama and Argentina); all for trying to help his allies and friends (Rafael Correa and Jorge Glas in Ecuador; Pedro Castillo in Perú; Evo Morales and Luis Arce in Bolivia) or for interfering in the internal affairs of these countries (criticism of the Foreign Affairs Minister of Panama or to the President of Argentina).
However, there is one issue on which López Obrador has not entirely agreed with his “progressive” counterparts in the region, and that is the relationship with Israel.
Iran has just sent drones and fired missiles at Israel, in retaliation for the destruction of its consulate in Damascus, Syria, by the Israeli armed forces, with the aim of assassinating members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, in flagrant violation of international law.
The Mexican government strongly condemned the Iranian attack on Israel, and lukewarmly referred to the fact that originated the attack, that is, the Israeli bombing of the Iranian consulate in Damascus, which has prompted numerous criticisms on social networks of the government of Lopez Obrador, for measuring with two sticks the violation of international law committed by Israel; while demanding that the international community strongly condemn the attack by the Ecuadorian police on the Mexican embassy in Quito.
On October 7, 2023, Israel suffered a violent incursion by the Hamas group (which the United States and the European Union consider to be a terrorist organization), which resulted in the deaths of 1,200 Israeli civilians, police, and soldiers; and the taking of about 250 hostages from Israel and many other countries.
Mexico condemned the Hamas attack but stated that it expected a peaceful resolution of the conflict, prompting a strong response from Israel's ambassador to Mexico, who expected unconditional support.
Subsequently, the government of Benjamin Netanyahu launched a brutal offensive against Hamas and the inhabitants of the Gaza Strip that, as of April 13, 2024, had killed 33,686 Palestinians (two thirds of them children and women) and wounded 76,214.
The Israeli offensive has destroyed homes, schools, hospitals, mosques, public buildings, and civilian infrastructure.
According to the Netanyahu government, its goal is to destroy the Hamas organization, but what has caused has been a humanitarian crisis that has brought 1.5 million people to the brink of starvation, who have taken refuge in the southern part of the Gaza Strip, in the small town of Rafah, which will also be attacked in the coming days by the Israel Defense Forces.
The death and destruction inflicted by Israel had led many countries in the international community to demand an immediate ceasefire, the release of the hostages by Hamas and the commencement of negotiations for the establishment of a Palestinian State.
The South African government filed a complaint against Israel for possible violation of the Genocide Convention before the International Court of Justice (UN agency).
The Court ruled that Palestinians have the right to be protected from acts of genocide and that Israel must refrain from actions that may violate the Genocide Convention; and allow international assistance to the affected population.
Israel has not complied with the Court's orders, nor with a UN Security Council resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire.
In this sense, several countries with “progressive” governments in Latin America have expressed their disagreement with Israel’s actions and have even gone further.
Colombia has just joined South Africa's complaint against Israel at the International Court of Justice and has pointed out that if Israel does not comply with the UN Security Council resolution on the ceasefire, it will break diplomatic relations with the Israeli government.
Colombia, Chile, and Honduras have already called their ambassadors to Israel for “consultations.”
Bolivia broke off diplomatic relations with Israel; Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua have supported the Palestinian cause for many years and condemn the Israeli offensive, as well as the occupation of the Palestinian territories by Israel; and in the case of President Lula of Brazil, he compared the death and destruction carried out by Israel in Gaza to the Holocaust that the Jews suffered at the hands of the Nazis in World War II.
The government of López Obrador, for its part, submitted a request to the International Criminal Court (this court investigates individuals who commit war crimes, while the UN International Court of Justice resolves disputes between states) to investigate the possible commission of war crimes by individuals of Israeli and/or Palestinian nationality in the current conflict in Gaza.
However, the Mexican government has not condemned the recent actions of the Israeli army, which murdered seven members of a non-governmental organization (World Central Kitchen) responsible for distributing food to the Palestinian population in Gaza; nor has it withdrawn its ambassador from Tel Aviv; nor has it expressed its unequivocal rejection of the Israeli army's actions against the civilian population in Gaza.
And this has an explanation. For three years now, the Mexican government has requested the extradition of the writer and former Mexican-Jewish diplomat Andrés Roemer to the State of Israel, where he went to take refuge in 2021, after the Mexico City Prosecutor's Office issued two arrest warrants against him for up to 60 cases of sexual abuse, which were presented by numerous victims, and which were verified between 2002 and 2020.
Mexico and Israel do not have an extradition treaty, so such requests depend on the goodwill of the Israeli government.
It was until October 2, 2023, that the Israeli authorities arrested Roemer. But the attack of October 7 got through, and the whole process came to a halt. Until Roemer managed to have him placed under house arrest in January 2024.
Since then, Mexico's position on Israel's actions in Gaza has been completely silent, without condemning for example, the killing of more than 200 humanitarian workers.
Mexico's lukewarm position seems to have been reciprocated by Israel, since a few days ago an Israeli court approved Roemer's extradition to Mexico, although Roemer can still appeal that decision.
On the other hand, the former Director of the Criminal Investigation Agency of the Attorney General's Office, Tomás Zerón de Lucio, accused of torture against people who participated in the disappearance of the 43 students from the Ayotzinapa Normal School, fled first to Canada, and then in 2022 took refuge in Israel, which has not responded in this case to the Mexican government's requests for his extradition.
Zerón was one of the Mexican officials who during the government of Enrique Peña Nieto (2012-2018) bought Pegasus software from the Israeli company NSO Group to spy on political opponents, journalists, businessmen, academics and even government officials.
This software continues to be used by the Secretary of National Defense and the National Intelligence Center of the Lopez Obrador government (although the president continues to deny it).
The Mexican government does not want to anger the Israeli government any more by accusing it of the excesses it is committing in Gaza, in order not to hinder the negotiations for the extradition of Roemer and eventually Zerón.
On the other hand, members of the Mexican Jewish community have had and still have an enormous influence on López Obrador, and they have certainly convinced him not to deepen Mexico's criticism of Israel over the situation in Gaza.
For example, José María Riobóo, a well-known entrepreneur in the construction sector, was the main person in charge of the construction of what at the time were known as the “second floors” of several main roads in Mexico City, when López Obrador was head of government (2000-2005). Since then he has been very close to López Obrador, so much so that Riobóo's wife, Yasmín Esquivel, was promoted by López Obrador to become Minister of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation. In 2022, López Obrador even pushed her to become president of the Supreme Court, but the attempt was frustrated when it became known that Minister Esquivel had plagiarized most of her thesis to obtain a law degree at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, which almost cost her to resign from the Court, although she eventually remained in her post.
Another person close to the president who is part of the Jewish community is Julio Scherer (son of a famous journalist known for his “progressive” positions), who was his legal advisor during the first three years of López Obrador’s government, from where he carried out numerous illegal businesses under the protection of power, mainly extorting big businessmen, to whom he assured them that he would settle disputes over taxes or the application of various laws and regulations, in exchange for multimillion-dollar payments.
Finally, such was the scandal of these practices of the Legal Counsel, that López Obrador chose to ask him to resign in 2021. However, no investigation was opened into this individual's multiple violations of the law.
Now Scherer is an advisor to the presidential candidate of the ruling party, Claudia Sheinbaum, so it is feasible that if the presidential party (Morena) wins the elections again, Scherer will return to doing illegal business, protected by the new president.
And Claudia Sheinbaum herself is the daughter of two Jewish teachers who came from Bulgaria to Mexico after the Second World War.
Sheinbaum has not made any pronouncements about the conflict in Gaza, much less has criticized the government of Benjamin Netanyahu, so everything suggests that if she succeeds in the presidential elections of next June 2 (she has a 20 point advantage over her main competitor Xóchitl Galvez), she will maintain the line of cooperation and zero criticism towards Israel (maybe she will not reach as much as the current president of Argentina, Javier Milei, who has simply presented himself as a vassal of Netanyahu), which lead her away of positions of Latin American “progressive” governments on this issue and of the mexican foreign policy.
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travel-with-hariom · 2 months
Rajgir, situated in the heart of Bihar, India, boasts a treasure trove of history, spirituality, and natural beauty. Among its latest attractions, the Rajgir Glass Bridge is an undeniable marvel of modern engineering and design. This blog post dives deep into the significance, features, and unique experience the Rajgir Glass Bridge offers. The Rajgir Glass Bridge, opened to the public in 2021, has quickly become a must-visit destination for individuals seeking thrill and natural beauty. The bridge, located in the eco-tourism area of Rajgir, is a stunning architectural feat, spanning approximately 85 feet in length and around 250 feet above the ground. Constructed with layers of toughened glass, the Rajgir Glass Bridge provides a transparent floor, offering a vertiginous view of the lush greenery and rugged terrain below. The bridge's construction was inspired by similar structures in China, tailored to fit Rajgir's unique landscape and environmental conditions. The transparent floor of the Rajgir Glass Bridge gives an illusion of walking in the air, providing an exhilarating experience for visitors. The bridge offers a panoramic view of the Rajgir hills, making it a photographer's delight. Walking on the glass bridge is a heart-pounding adventure, combining the thrill of height with unparalleled views of nature. Safety is a top priority for the authorities managing the Rajgir Glass Bridge. The bridge is equipped with world-class safety measures, built to withstand heavy weights, and undergoes regular maintenance and checks. The bridge is accessible to all ages, encouraging families, adventure enthusiasts, and casual tourists to experience its beauty. Rajgir is steeped in history and spirituality and is a significant site for Buddhism and Jainism. Visitors can explore ancient ruins, serene temples, and the tranquil Rajgir Hot Springs. The Glass Bridge is a gateway to Rajgir's broader cultural and natural heritage. The Rajgir Glass Bridge is a testament to human creativity and Bihar's natural beauty. It offers a unique blend of adventure and serenity, making it a must-visit destination for anyone travelling to India. The Rajgir Glass Bridge and its surrounding attractions promise an unforgettable experience. So, the next time you plan a trip to Bihar, walk the thrilling path above the treetops and immerse yourself in the panoramic beauty of Rajgir.
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photos-car · 3 months
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