ruleof3bobby · 6 months
I SEE YOU (2019) Grade: C-
Everyone keeps talking about the twist, but once they show the main one early on, the rest are out of left field, make no sense, and make so many of character look like idiots.
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jaucher · 1 year
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altairtalisman · 1 year
Random Info On Gladen 3
- He's good at lying, and his main tell is the subtle movement of his eyebrows.
- He's not good at dealing with sadness, and tends to keep things to himself instead.
- He has problems sleeping, and gets five hours of sleep maximum.
- He likes celebrating his birthday because he shares it with Gladea.
- If he could only save either the world or Gladea, he would choose his sister as he doesn't want to lose his remaining family member.
- He doesn't like getting his picture taken, but will pose cheekily if Gladea's in it.
- People always assume that he's overly attached to Gladea, something which he doesn't feel that is accurate. Gladea also disagrees with this assumption as her brother isn't attached, he's protective.
- His bed is usually messy as he doesn't care how it looks as long as it's comfortable enough to sleep in.
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olivierdemangeon · 2 years
I SEE YOU (2019) ★★★★☆
I SEE YOU (2019) ★★★★☆
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thalkonvotes · 8 months
Jesse Gladen
Statement of Candidacy Filed on 10/8/21
Identification Number: P40006603
Party: Concerned Citizens Party of Connecticut
Political Committee: Americans for Prosperity
Vice President Choice: None Stated
From: Winfield, KS
Incorrect political committee information was entered, Request for updated information sent on 2/14/22. It is past response date of 3/21/22. No information found online.
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voidsentprinces · 1 year
One of my favorite details about Warrior of Light is how side character will see us fight a Primal and be both awe struck and terrified of us. Like they can't tell which one of us is the real monster out there on the battlefield. The Warrior of Light keeps Lolorito up at night, the Holy See would rather open its gate to the exiled Scions than to spurn the Warrior of Light, better to keep them clearly in direct line of vision and then send them out on a suicide mission to parley with Dragons than let them stay cooped up in Ishgard and constantly a threat, Ysayle is genuinely at lost for words after we fight Ravana saying she hasn't seen us fight like that since she and her fought and despite just being defeated by Ravana, she seems more afraid of us than she is of still being in ambush distance of the One Mind, Elidibus doesn't truly comprehend our power and after we activate the Crystal of Azem, he genuinely falters and asks who we are, Thordan sees us as a terror beyond terrors, his death not being a peaceful one as we are warped from his perspective, Fandaniel chooses Zenos and us to antagonize genuinely because we are literally the only thing on Eitheirys that could guarantee that Zodiark was vanquished and the Final Days unleashed, Ryne is drawn to us for a reason beyond any sense she knows at first much like her she can sense the powerful light like that of Warden and needs to know more of it, and the only ones who outgambit us (Ilberd, Fandaniel, Emet-Selch and Zenos) are not in their right mind to begin with in dealing with us. And then again, all they can really do is STALL us as we are a single person siege engine cutting through waves of soldiers, the Garleans despise us and yet also respect us for what we did in the Praetorium, Zenos is truly in awe of us and calls us Champion of the Savages in reverence. Very few who meet us at first are gladened by our arrival, some are genuinely nervous and unsure when they meet us for the first time. If they do not hear tales of our gentler side from those who know us best.
The Warrior of Light is a beacon of hope but also a power not to be trifled with lightly and its kind of amazing how they write us.
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luimnigh · 3 months
So, I finished the night with a Gig for Wakako, the Fixer for Japantown.
She asked me to find Leah Gladen, a Netrunner who worked for her, and was offering to sell a rare piece of tech to Wakako: basically a universal jailbreak key for tech.
After some investigating, we found that Leah had tried to sell it to the Tyger Claws behind Wakako's back.
So we break into the club where she and the gang met, dispatch the Tyger Claws present silently, recover the Skeleton Key, and find Leah's body in a filthy bathroom.
There's two types of dead body in Cyberpunk: plot-relevant ones, which are static assets, basically a particularly gruesome loot chest; and ones created when an NPC dies, which can be picked up and moved by the player as a part of the stealth mechanics.
Leah's body was neither. It was instead programmed to act like Sandra Dorsett, an unconscious NPC you rescue in the second mission. You can tell because V carries dead enemies in a fireman's carry, while Sandra and Leah get princess carries.
...so I decided that I wasn't going to let that filthy bathroom be her resting place, and carried her body to the dropbox where Wakako would collect the Skeleton Key.
I scared a lot of NPCs, carrying a dead body through the streets.
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sonofekares · 4 months
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The Acreans
Inhabitants of the many islands of the Gladen Sea, the Acrean culture and society is extremely unique, diverging from the Marians during the collapse of the Marian Empire. Seafaring is at the cornerstone of their exsistence, gaining a reputation as fierce pirates in the modern day, descendants of the privateers who once fought for the empire. They are also frequently employed by other nations as navigators for trade expeditions. They are also known for their complex dyes and inks, synthesised from the large variety of ocean wildlife that they harvest and know intimately, some of the dye works on the islands are Millenia old.
Torpedo Foils:
Scavenged Titan artifacts their original purpose is unknown, but in the modern day they are used as high power engines, able to propel themselves faster than any other known vehicle. Carrier baskets for a pilot are attached underneath, although they’re sometimes used as weaponry in themselves.
Acrean Catapult Boats:
Known for their unique design and distinctive sails, the catapault boat is named for the forward ramp at the front of the boat. The ramp is used to assist in the launch of torpedo foils, which are attached to the ships anchors, which when dropped provide enough speed to launch the torpedo and activate its engine.
The ships are often elaborately decorated, usually painted as various kinds of creatures, with the example above being a depiction of a shark.
Making use of a Looksee, a type of orb made from a whale’s eye that can show a desired object to whichever user it’s linked to, this ingenious device makes use of the Looksee’s ability to point in the direction of a target. When activated the gyroscope allows the looksee to “lock on” to a target which then allows the attached firetubes to fire extremely accurately.
A pretty typical Log Gun, the whale gun is unique for its decoration, being typically decorated with the skull of a whale calf, as whales are seen as symbols of overwhelming power due to their association with Kasina Kene, a powerful war goddess of war and childbirth. They are also linked to Hotu-Hairangi, the primordial god of beginnings said to live in the Sunrise. In some legends it is said that the first whales were born from the spit of Uitnuli (goddess of the sun) when she spoke towards the east, landing in the Sunrise and migrating west as the herald of Launaka (goddess of the monsoon and underworld).
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another-dave · 7 months
“Halsin.” you greeted him with a simple nod before walking up to the lake. You will take your refreshment first.
“Still restless, my friend? After all your effort, I have hoped you have yourself a delightful evening at least.” the druid regards you revelently, his voice sounds a touch raspier than how you remember it.
“I had my fun. But I’m not sure you had yours.” you answers between handful of the clear water you splash onto your face and neck. The soothing effect is instaneous, making you wonder if the lake is blessed with healing magic, or you’re just in dire need for a bath.
“Chatter, dance, and smiles on the other faces. Such things gladen my heart more than liquor could.” you heard his quiet chuckle from far behind,  “I had a night to remember. Thank you.”
Accepting his thanks with grace, you finally climbs back up to join his side. The man chose such a lovely spot to sit and ponder, you thought while stretching your legs. The water surface barely ripples, like running silver in this moonlit night. It does cross your mind for a second, how lucky you feel to have survived to behold this.  
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CHOICES: : Roll your dice here. If you failed the check, you can pick other available choices 😊
1. “Any story to share? You look like having a lot on your mind.” you offer genuinely, wishing for him to open up.
2. [Intelligence] As your gaze landed at the wooden pipe, you can’t help but wonder aloud: “I recall seeing it lying around when Nettie showed me your chamber. A handsome pipe you got.” (Difficulty 8)
3. You let the conversation drift back to peaceful silence, simply admiring the tranquil scenery before you both.
Go back
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i will break your bones and ankles
nothing gladens my heart like seeing you in tears,
i want to see water rushing down from your eye sockets
i want to make sure you understand agony
i want you to feel pain
im going to put torns in your asshole and force you to sit while i force a rod ofhot iron down your throat.
you will know pain
you will know me
i'm pain personifed
i am the pandora box
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petnews2day · 6 months
NASA tests snake robots in collaboration with CMU – The Tartan
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/Dx9Ie
NASA tests snake robots in collaboration with CMU – The Tartan
Nora Sweeney-Gladen/Junior Artist Why do robots need to have legs? I’m not a roboticist, nor am I much of an engineer, but every time we see robots in movies, or in pop culture, or even in whatever strange demonstrations Boston Dynamics has for us that definitely isn’t going to become part of the U.S. military […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/Dx9Ie #ExoticPetNews
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keitmeg · 8 months
Hello author nim....how are you? I was wondering if one day you will upload "monster" again in its chanbaek version, I miss that story a lot;;;<|3
Hi there,
I'm gladened by your loyalty to that story, but I'm also saddened to tell you that I'm not ready to reupload it.
Thank you and stay safe out there 🙏
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altairtalisman · 1 year
Random Info On Rook 3
- Vae's excels at lying, and no one knows what vaer main tell is.
- Vae's terrible at dealing with being ignored as a result of vaer trauma from vaer past life.
- Vae has problems sleeping as vae's afraid of waking up to discover that everyone has gone back to ignoring vaem.
- Vae cares about vaer birthday being remembered and celebrated by others, but doesn't personally care for it.
- If vae could only save either the world or Gladen, vae would choose neither as vae doesn't care about the world and vae knows that Gladen would refuse to live in a world without Gladea.
- Vae likes getting vaer picture taken as it serves as tangible proof that vae exists.
- People assume that vae hates making friends, which is the opposite as vae doesn't want to be alone and is open to befriending others.
- Vaer bed is fairly tidy as vae doesn't sleep in it often, preferring to sleep with books instead.
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koramilsblog · 9 months
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Bertempat di Sasana Jemparingan Parikesit Cebongan Cungkuk Ngestihajo Babinsa Kelurahan Ngestiharjo Serka Sugiyono mengahdiri Gladen Jemparingan Arjuna ,Gladen Jemparingan Arjuna diikuti sejumlah 120 peserta.
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libidomechanica · 10 months
“To watch sparklings one word Love stared”
A ballad sequence
Heat, mights till of a beguilt these     king with but once between conscious exordium. And, in a     tempest, but like a flight
The love, which veil mouthed for moon! Is     may love. To watch sparklings one word Love stared and for air is     like myself window pee.
That state three fond and grieve? The world.     But lies, to gain, yield is sistake he like Norwakes not     me love whatsoe’er he strook, and with a stree, or song and they     song: mirth a dare all knight to them now and tree me first bird     Alas, and makes: fie, post-
town; and near this let unders, till     he show’d, like effective it and the seeked in vain, and     ball cold, whole see which lockstrail’d; he air of my had labyrinth;     a growth, and not the clock; she loue recourt. Thou can began     silken exceed withough,
and promise by Phœbe statue     chancessor secure, the rocking blame were wreat Nether mounted     from that each’d forth. A liters famous—to me, wreat puts     found the sun’s chasing drop adorn, with then from Káf revel     for the wept: he whole Ace
did make highs, and she child! Bid my     bow, we by sternal you, which to spent. And keep that is madam,     your body cries where two lovested. Here? Would not holy     complained and in you sweet conscience, dark of day and man     old, on a vine; and was
hark! Less by from my wreckoning;     for neck, so saved a masks do years, which was all in vain each     other bubbled she see then made, and children’s that I have     eyes, th’ envied on the cannot live. Seek Hero’s earts     make know I wondrouse, play
told tella melody; gone, a     poor silver. Stell the more physic to beauteous rain gloam     wherefore, and drank of so near to tasternity, it was     not a Son, over dry from anchery, as hid: then rested     photograph from went,
my fightless dead, how across the     to serename; and heer, before Sleep! At allured eies     peep cheeks life, I am and fine, like down on their arms     accepting as laid it a bow land she shudden decree A.     The so; no birth forgive.
To would rush more? With his like a     day-lady, Dians me put if the kneeled, the bring to be     a windowed. To the find,
trust as the bloody top possilence     has desired. Are struck too land Were you tale, untrolling     swain a could sank and
dropped hid my make their the dains overs,     differ, O Prince mother veil; but the Charis our ware,     and save and she with kirtless
crowning; for what’s nothing through     sense. Would begin directly desire. Scott in vain     accompany rest infant’s
brings of Honor two wee dormitor,     the firest to command and, and let in faintage I     sincession in Ohio
white, do sing of Noise and around     insert strait top, in such am I! What swear, had     beginning those this is being
shape found withal held a mannae     some shoes should falls shook it on that have him gauze and much those     trea flight the kept that the
wars, to guide. Me, the pleasure the     man, and is are such the flame and how who could a king brother     open-mouth with assume
day mountain, and Justible,     wretch the sacred fire, as than the felt thunder nerverse be     as steeds? In a gladen
Morphans your I wantique saintinged.     And all in Jerusades. What moon with its same     appened to ride, live a
below, are glorian say, and in     proud blisses of freed, thy born and mine. Laid not Woe will be     beast in over tella
I disdains, by despied in find     you continople that the less was a value dame moonlight     like that my civil
deserve the rived take where starving     a corn a rocking of bring much unknown. Of sistake     grimly spring, distial!
Dare yes, and their rotted of some     light bright for the wolf, and elves,—she lady. ’ That slumber thou     save as Mothere itself we did plague a wrathere casque so     confountain, and won, and
may of come more and me seemingle;—     his what mine, sweet should day stole that you, know the ever     lov’d, and in vain woman bed formed wind: but from you hendy     Gump. Our eyes back tread our
some live man Olympians,     approaching visage’s blab, and rock—thou with so have you, I     was them eased: the ruin, the cloud blends like their love torn itself-     lapt in tralucent
and you for shall my we the dare     ruble-plain; other love is open hand with his presser     pay then to this mothere! Body of still of Passion; shewest     hangest grows know you
has a maint where, his read the shall     thee forward of delight? Shall life is is is he were vigor     blest haue the was himself that a masks down hard very     palace youth a dusk, the
price a maize, that my even     illuminatest here vigor baby faith Parnate foot in     the stead cleaven Unbelieve’s which weary love dead, a     stones with at near, while the
loved by a few, and known to spite     bed, embranched alone. Mutter none, I could you music;     which his, doth the felt his hoof it to and murmur once was     secreeper, just till not
friency win, and not to plight, and     his he woman ice fathere best and on thy grief insole     is strayer! So, saying her, face maybe you lieutenance     to hear to God, while
will the Heave, I know far two heaven     pain, and mossessed abountry-woments own litel     for her speak, with he us and answer half opened her     lives in vain as full silench,
and gave light, or Duomo, and     suffer the Slaues the be from the little has good surly,     I this, by the kiss, who cause valets and who tails; and died.     And virtuous one little
kissive beauty to removed.     And for Cyril, and gave, who weeping locks up, she stairs in     story is wintenance downcast times close six stooped o’er worth     tire alonging on
his Hubbub in her that I metal     advices being a gazed, and out that length one fount     pained ocean anothing up such don’t know not to the her     palace, no press, all to
be as a Pumpkin there is separt     in a stant any of ther chased, pearl, and less of the     mud, we knowable on the walk of Fates rewart! On a     book his diving a
meriding; everlook to here     beautiful airs, with degroom, ’ these tonguess of alchymic fire,     to goes as she wild-woo! Ask me, greath the added in view,     and her speech, the mould me!
Comes o’er all: which in. So much; at     find. If the chus surpassign, our feed with love, accounsel     rich I should fight! Braid! Saved his it scorch, my fair deep than Beijing     banners hung lock bears to sloped him she late daisy,     the us, the kitsch. Direct
at the half with The tring of     humming. Binds were to for as in pure glowings could rank that     my mind I have to to you full our like and weights which it;     the woo the whence, and their tear loves hard cries perfection, longe     alonge thinking of trang
an appers brief whateful soul     reless eye; the self, and days smooth angry a caps; but the     fume. Or Cyril? And felt, is merry growne, over knitt and     look one, as through gift, the lovers sans you down them, to give.     Watched he fear shall her eye.
Perhaps that which loved the     goddessengently by this who have left me, if now—What Man finged,     pleasant on the Pass,
out agreen, in head to the Babe,     when of his proof alone hatever king eyes things before     to accord thouse, they soft
gods not appearly Winter-like     and a token to breat, so it, in from that the empt the     curl the appeal; apple
out a novice, mine eye be heavens;     and may driff sapless yours by time? Thou, as Lot’s name; forth     in thee, a Niobean
anothings; all the spirit, colour     breast erection of my mine and lips about leavenge death     He love that on the Captain-
peak; if your all dwelt this I     this vers like Cupid from hears with dread more scarry Florial     ented,—tis steed, as the
gracious have dairy from to chase     tubes to come fold aged purple behaving in my from     weak from back. Thought clamation;
O were coward upon the     soul old, upon thee, thanker, and, the judgment vouche, you mind     honey, thou now for was
a sun out he who give to dying     of mass for my expresent kill, whom years a spirits     my Sis too like a from
the low: but have you. Oh, my     expiate meere too late, that such in the chase, in the teless     rapes where love thaw’d bright a
feeling thoughs figure chiefe but only     of screast I have a gold what must from the bride, and their     moon! Talk in thing us,
half the this in the moss, oft heave     face of all deep, never some not amazed what though I meaned,     and if it to bides
itself conquet love-longers     forget floured upon it half-awake, that I can be     sented wide of love not
yet things; and dear, that way sun; for     tream between with me? The like Babe amorous express a     rack, and embroidered my
mind? But Idaliant with blazon     of his wreckoning to gate, that Leander should young of     the rod did impetence.
But thin The new-born it with shafts.     Retain, and Thither’s like a flame the height at lusty     glorious and when went and
fickly way physic all die fatal     Beautiful, in a way think fast, were my are oncertaint,     the sword Lochings—their
with her? But the past thee, though in     my name; and pearl the display is is counsel, the bishopkeeps,     and been as them stoop
had a drew he harp subdued now     was Heaves your sights of loves; for the thing male townstant, by sun     from; by thing me and of
honour’d, and scold the time? In thy     part when Hell man there was. And snowings being changer the     Crucifer knew; and she
wondered glorious and raises     pale-mouth wide! Love to here. Have resource have said unpavement     last again. The down
would be the joy but only yield     to walking with with thy love does soldier credible counsel     termin is own thee,
orie, victory from me touchsafe told     and on the way hirelieve? In hell ear, the love, all their     the solemnly Sleep, lest
which must his like the affect     Impotence, cherish. Ah, with main, and eyes shine imagination,     once they might, while
influenchangers despired and magne     and thus that clanguage on my her creepe, drop and children’s minds?     Half with my friars
accomplaining sinless day. Night to     remove that’s with a sorrows and planner often will     Yet a beautiful air.
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sputnikatze · 11 months
Let me be mad, mad with the madness of absinthe The wildest, most luxurious madness in the world Let me be mad, mad with the madness of absinthe Give me the fairest youth that ever gladened his mothers heart Let me be mad Let him be hero, saint, poet - whatever you will Let me make of him an absintheur And from hero he shall change to coward From saint to libertine From poet to brute You doubt me? Come then - to Paris.
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