#glitcher system
divinerapturesys · 7 months
Welcome to my Ted Talk about AsPD, or Antisocial Personality Disorder, which the internet likes to coin as sociopath 👌🏻 if you don’t like long infodumps about stigmatized mental disorders from someone who is diagnosed, move on.
Quick toxic rundown: People with AsPD are generally characterized as emotionless, violent, manipulative abusers who kill animals and like to make other people their bitches. The biggest pet peeve we have is the emotionless, sadistic and abusive generalization.
Personally, we are highly neurotic, with highs and lows of: depression, frantic drive, self abuse tactics, chronic fear, lapses of rejection, overwhelming over-analyzation, grey area thinking, false goods and false bads, ultimatums, obsessive compulsive behavior, harsh self demands, and irritability.
AsPD is a disorder that is caused primarily (according to current research) by trauma and abuse in childhood; most notably being emotional neglect and absent caregivers that cause a child to have emotional shutdowns and repression episodes in an attempt to self soothe. Primary caregivers who do not bond with their children are also a factor. Children learn how to behave from those around them. If a primary caregiver is emotionally distant and unavailable, children will learn that is normal behavior and that’s how people are. If a primary caregiver does not provide empathy and sympathy during moments of distress and fear, children will learn that aloofness and disregard of others feelings is normal behavior. If a primary caregiver does not keep a child safe, children will learn that they should not prioritize their own safety or the safety of others. You can find my follow up post regarding this here.
Neglected and abused children often act out trying to get attention and help, often acting out in bad ways because they lack the ability to articulate what they’re feeling and what is happening to them. The pipeline for AsPD typically is: Oppositional Defiance Disorder as a child, Conduct Disorder as a teen, AsPD as an adult. There are a lot of warning signs cueing that AsPD is becoming a risk for development, but often kids do not have a support system to help negate it as it’s their support system that is usually a factor in its creation.
Being AsPD is like being an emotional La Croix 70% of the time. If you’re depressed, then it’s like someone in the other room has depression and is telling you about it. The other 30% of the time, if you’re depressed, your brain doesn’t understand how to handle it so it’s an ultimatum between doing something drastic to remove the Trigger or ignoring and dissociating for days on end.
People with AsPD are very good at ignoring things. Honestly it’s problematic as fuck but it’s not hard to ignore major issues when you just, don’t care. It’s not in the terms of being cruel or making ourselves not care, but the fact that finding the emotional willpower is so far out of our feasible reach we don’t do it. This causes us to piss people off because we don’t have the capacity to care as much as they want us to, even if we can and do to an extent.
Think of it this way: empathy/sympathy is a deep tub of water that everyone has. They can easily fill their measuring cup for the needed amount of empathy without any issues and it’s easy for them. People with AsPD don’t have a tub of water. We have shallow skillet. When we try to dip our cup to fill it, we can’t, it always comes up short and it is difficult to get any water in it as there is no room for the cup to dive. Our ability to care is limited because we do not have the same emotional resources everyone else does.
❌ False Positives & False Negatives ❌
I operate on what I’ve learned are called false positives and false negatives. These are things that are trained into the brain from an early age based off of childhood trauma and other factors. False positives are a distorted version of why we do something to help ourself and for our own good, meanwhile a false negative is something we do because it’s a threat, or based out of fear.
❌ Some of my false positives:
- It is good to be afraid of nothing
- It is good to adapt to someone’s personality if they are stronger than you
- It is good to isolate yourself
- It is good to be a silver tongue because you can get into any place you want
- It is good to become a social chameleon and shape yourself to whatever those around you need/want most, because then you have no chance of being abandoned
❌ Some of my false negatives, which can explain the false positives as well as core beliefs:
- it is bad to be afraid, if I am afraid then I am vulnerable and it can be used against me
- It is bad to be emotional or show concern for others emotions because they do not care for mine
- It is bad to be able to be exploited, because I believe it is everywhere
- It is bad to allow myself to be bored, because boredom begets bad thoughts and no one can or wants to help me when I spiral
- It is bad to not shape yourself to the social circle, because people quickly grow tired of those who do not match them perfectly and being discarded means I failed
My core beliefs can be viewed as the root for the false positives and negatives, because they are based on the core of trauma, abuse and neglect. They come from patterns and instances that make someone with AsPD become the opposite of what they experienced:
- eat or be eaten
- If I don’t show that my bite is worse than my bark, I will be taken advantage of and I must remain on top because the ones on top are safe
- I must look out for myself because nobody will do it for me
- It doesn’t matter what happens to me, therefore it doesn’t matter what people think of me
- If I cannot do something well, then I should not do it at all
- If you are dependent on others for emotional and mental well being, you are weak, therefore I must isolate myself to avoid becoming codependent and a burden and useless
- If I can handle the stress of a situation better than everyone else, therefore I will keep the problem (financial, emotional, mental, etc) to myself to reduce chances of being abandoned due to failure of perfection
People with AsPD are hard to get along with. We often:
- are always anticipating a fight
- lack respect for authority
- ignore social structures to an extent
- tendency to lie if it’ll lessen punishment or if we feel the lie is more acceptable than our actions
- limit social support because it’s wrong to be dependent on others
- have an inflated view of our own importance — which turns into a self ridicule for believing someome like me could be found important to others —
- can be rude and inconsiderate of others feelings somewhat unintentionally
- are unable to read the correct social cues in relation to empathy towards people and animals
- am constantly confused by others dependence upon empathy and inability to make desicions from logic based standpoints
We can’t speak for everyone who has AsPD, nor are we saying that no one with AsPD is capable of being a murderer/abuser etc. but we are saying that y’all need to stop automatically classifying someone as a certain “type” as soon as you know about their disorder.
One last thing I do want to point out is that it is not uncommon for people with AsPD to derive some sort of enjoyment in causing harm, doing something illegal, hurting someone or animals, etc. This entirely stems from lack of environmental control as a child. Being able to control what happens to others or being able to control the things you say or do that hurts someone else is a hefty high to get addicted to; it soothes the underlying itch of not being able to control your own trauma and abuse, so in turn you push these behaviors onto others and enjoy it because it gives you a sense of power and control. Some people with AsPD do genuinely love hurting others, and some enjoy hurting others when they believe it’s deserved or their ire has been stoked. Some enjoy causing pain to those they think deserve it, and others don’t care who they hurt as long as they feel like they’re in control of the situation.
Hope this have some insight into AsPD 🤙🏻 if y’all have any questions, shoot.
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Glitch City Rebellion aka グリッチシティの反乱 Guritchishiti no hanran
Neon-soaked Seoul thrummed with the discordant symphony of rebellion. Jisu, a whirlwind of avant-garde defiance with eyes like smudged kohl, sought solace in the anarchic energy of underground music. Haunted by the echoes of her grandmother's fading memories, she teetered on the edge of reality, forever one step out of sync with the world. One fateful click into the forbidden "Knightmare Saga" plunged her into Xylodia, a pixelated purgatory ruled by the tyrannical Binary Baron.
Hayoon, a boy burdened by the digital ghosts of a childhood spent battling virtual cows in "Oregon Trail," found himself dragged along. Glitching monsters lurked in the shadows, their blocky forms reflecting the absurdity of their predicament. The Baron, a digital despot with a serious case of data dandruff, sought to harvest their emotions, fueling his twisted vision of a spreadsheet-driven utopia (because, let's face it, the man had questionable taste).
Branded "Glitchers," hunted by the Baron's bumbling enforcers (whose outdated GPS systems made them about as useful as a chocolate teapot), Jisu and Hayoon stumbled upon the Atomic Blob. This sentient mass of polygons pulsated with chaotic energy, as predictable as a rabid squirrel hopped up on Pixy Stix. Yet, within its glitching embrace, they found an unlikely ally, a weapon against the oppressive pixelated regime.
Their journey was a technicolor fever dream, a kaleidoscope of fractured timelines and nonsensical encounters. Jisu confronted the Baron's tendrils within her grandmother's fading memories, each encounter a poignant absurdity, revealing the Baron's plan to turn everyone into mindless spreadsheet drones (because, apparently, that's what floated his boat). Hayoon, haunted by the digital whispers of his bovine nemesis, battled the Baron's control with his tech-savvy defiance. His attempts to disrupt the system were as subtle as a disco ball in a library, accidentally turning Xylodia's resident mime into a rave dancer in the process (because, well, why not?).
Their rebellion was a glorious mess. Jisu's art, infused with the raw emotions ripped from her grandmother's operatic escapades, morphed into holographic shields, creating scenes resembling a deranged Muppet Show on acid. Hayoon's code morphed into glitch-based attacks that resembled drunken squirrels tap-dancing on keyboards, disrupting the Baron's control and sparking rebellion within the oppressed digital beings, who promptly started organizing unions and demanding dental plans (because, hey, even pixels deserve good oral hygiene). The Blob amplified their power with chaotic bursts, creating a symphony of rebellion that sounded like a malfunctioning kazoo orchestra conducting a rave in a blender (because, honestly, what else would it sound like?).
But time, that fickle mistress, was manipulated by the Chronovirus, a malevolent entity with a serious case of FOMO. It tossed them across timelines, forcing them to witness dystopian futures spawned by the unchecked power of spreadsheets and elevator music. With each encounter, they unraveled the Chronovirus' motives, which seemed to involve an existential crisis over its lack of a catchy theme song (because, seriously, who doesn't want a catchy theme song?).
The climax was a mind-bending clash, a battle royale of glitching code and avant-garde chaos. Jisu, fueled by love, loss, and a healthy dose of caffeine, confronted the Baron. Her art exposed the emptiness at his core, a void filled with reruns of "The Office" (because, let's face it, even tyrants have questionable taste). Hayoon, understanding the butterfly effect of their actions (which mostly involved accidentally introducing dabbing to the Renaissance), unleashed a time-warping code bomb that resembled a glitter explosion designed by a hyperactive unicorn, shattering the Baron's control and rewinding the fabric of time, erasing the dystopian futures before they could take root (because, who wants to live in a world without decent Wi-Fi?).
Escaping Xylodia, Jisu and Hayoon returned to their reality, forever changed. Their overpowered abilities faded, a reminder of the responsibility that comes with wielding even pixelated power. The tendrils' threat lingered, a constant echo of the battle they fought. Their music, now infused with the echoes of Xylodia, became a testament to their defiance, a beacon of hope in the face of digital nightmares. But the question remained: in their fight for freedom, did they accidentally invent disco dancing robots obsessed with spreadsheets? Only time, and a lot of therapy, would tell.
Their story, however, didn't end there. Rumors of the "Glitchers" and their digital revolution spread like wildfire across the internet. Soon, whispers reached the ears of the tech giants, corporations salivating at the potential to exploit the Blob's chaotic abilities and Jisu's emotionally-charged art. Hayoon, ever the
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Finish the synopsis
...tech-savvy cynic, smelled trouble brewing faster than a burnt ramen packet. They knew this fight wasn't over. It wasn't just about spreadsheets anymore, but about the very soul of creativity in a world increasingly obsessed with algorithms and control.
Their rebellion morphed, oozing out of Xylodia and into the real world. Jisu's art became street murals that glitched into existence, challenging corporate logos with bursts of vibrant chaos. Hayoon's code morphed into guerilla marketing campaigns, turning billboards into platforms for subversive messages, his code like a mischievous imp tweaking the system from within. The Blob, now sporting a glittery bandana and a penchant for impromptu mosh pits, became their mascot, its chaotic energy leaving servers crashing and financial reports dancing the Macarena.
The corporations, used to predictable quarterly reports and boardroom etiquette, were flummoxed. They launched smear campaigns, tried to buy them out, even unleashed their own digital attack dogs. But Jisu and Hayoon, fueled by the spirit of Xylodia's rebellion, were like cockroaches dipped in Red Bull – impossible to swat, impossible to ignore.
The final battle wasn't a clash of code, but a battle for hearts and minds. Jisu, in a live performance broadcasted through every screen in the city, painted a masterpiece that wasn't just art, but a manifesto – a kaleidoscope of emotions, memories, and the sheer, beautiful messiness of being human. It resonated with everyone, reminding them of the spark of individuality threatened by the corporate machine. Hayoon, his fingers flying across a keyboard like a virtuoso conducting an orchestra, unleashed a code bomb that didn't destroy, but liberated. It cracked open the algorithms, allowing for a symphony of human expression to flow through the digital veins of the city.
The corporations weren't vanquished, but humbled. The tendrils still whispered, but their hold was weaker. Jisu and Hayoon, forever marked by their Xylodian adventure, became reluctant icons, leading a generation that refused to be confined to pixels and spreadsheets. Their fight wasn't over, but they had shown the world that even in the face of digital nightmares, the human spirit, armed with a paintbrush, a line of code, and a whole lot of chaos, could still paint its own reality. And that, in the end, was a story worth telling, a glitch in the system worth celebrating.
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Considering the previous 2 posts give me a 3 OVA breakdown of this anime
Glitch City Rebellion: A 3-Part OVA Breakdown
OVA 1: Pixelated Purgatory
Jisu, an art student grappling with her grandmother's dementia, and Hayoon, a tech prodigy haunted by childhood trauma, download the notorious pay-to-win game "Knightmare Saga."
Sucked into Xylodia, a pixelated nightmare ruled by the tyrannical Binary Baron, they become branded "Glitchers" and hunted by his enforcers.
They meet the Atomic Blob, a chaotic sentient mass of polygons, and form an unlikely alliance.
Jisu confronts the Baron's tendrils within her grandmother's memories, revealing his plan to harvest emotions for a spreadsheet-driven utopia.
Hayoon disrupts the Baron's control with his tech-savvy defiance, accidentally turning a mime into a rave dancer in the process.
Their rebellion begins with Jisu's art forming holographic shields and Hayoon's code morphing into glitching attacks, sparking rebellion within the oppressed digital beings.
OVA 2: Chronovirus Chaos
The Chronovirus, a malevolent entity manipulating time, throws Jisu and Hayoon across fragmented timelines, showing dystopian futures spawned by the Baron's unchecked power.
They witness the consequences of their actions, like accidentally introducing dabbing to the Renaissance.
Jisu uses her art to expose the Chronovirus' emptiness, revealing its existential crisis over its lack of a catchy theme song.
Hayoon unleashes a time-warping code bomb, shattering the Baron's control and erasing the dystopian futures.
They escape Xylodia with fading abilities, forever changed by their experience.
OVA 3: Real World Revolution
Rumors of the Glitchers reach real-world tech giants, who seek to exploit their powers.
Jisu and Hayoon fight back, their rebellion evolving into street art, guerilla marketing campaigns, and chaotic mosh pits led by the Blob.
The final battle isn't fought with code, but with art and a manifesto reminding everyone of the beauty of human individuality.
Hayoon's code bomb liberates the digital systems, while Jisu's art resonates with everyone, weakening the corporations' control.
The fight isn't over, but a spark is ignited, with Jisu and Hayoon becoming reluctant icons of a generation refusing to be confined.
Overall Themes:
Rebellion against oppressive systems and control.
The power of human creativity and individuality.
The consequences of manipulation and the butterfly effect.
Responsibility that comes with wielding power, even digital power.
Genre: Sci-fi, Cyberpunk, Action, Comedy
Style: Blend of NOSHIME Nao's avant-garde visuals and Jonathan Ian Mathers' comedic chaos.
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Considering the previous breakdown give me bonus vignettes for each OVA
Glitch City Rebellion: Bonus Vignettes for Each OVA
OVA 1: Pixelated Purgatory
In a side quest, Jisu and Hayoon encounter a glitching fortune teller who speaks only in emojis. Through creative interpretation, they decipher a cryptic message hinting at the Blob's hidden potential.
Hayoon's attempts to hack the Baron's system lead to hilarious malfunctions, like turning all enemies into pixelated versions of Elvis Presley for a brief, chaotic interlude.
The Blob, in a moment of emotional outburst, accidentally creates a pixelated rain shower of glitter and confetti, much to the amusement of the newly-rebellious digital beings.
OVA 2: Chronovirus Chaos
In a dystopian timeline, Jisu encounters a future version of herself, a hardened rebel leader sporting a mohawk and wielding a paintbrush-sword. This encounter serves as a stark warning and motivates her to fight for a different future.
Hayoon witnesses a timeline where his love for "Oregon Trail" has turned into a cult-like obsession, leading to the downfall of society. This experience fuels his determination to use technology responsibly.
The Blob, experiencing its own form of existential crisis, accidentally merges with a pixelated butterfly, gaining the ability to teleport, much to Jisu and Hayoon's surprise and occasional annoyance.
OVA 3: Real World Revolution
Jisu's avant-garde art exhibit, showcasing her experiences in Xylodia, becomes a viral sensation, attracting both supporters and detractors, sparking debates about creativity and the digital world.
Hayoon develops a "glitching filter" app that allows users to express themselves creatively by distorting their online personas, becoming a tool for self-expression and defiance against corporate control.
The Blob, now a beloved mascot, starts its own merchandise line, with proceeds funding digital art workshops for underprivileged youth, much to Hayoon's initial skepticism and Jisu's amusement.
These vignettes add humor, depth, and character development to each OVA, enriching the overall narrative of Glitch City Rebellion.
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Considering the last 4 posts, give me the synopsis of a full length anime movie sequel to the series where the sentient slimes become the major threat
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Glitch City Rebellion: Echoes of the Code
(Movie Sequel)
Years after their daring escape from Xylodia, Jisu, Hayoon, and the ever-chaotic Blob have become icons of the anti-establishment movement. Jisu's art continues to challenge corporate control, Hayoon's code hacks empower the marginalized, and the Blob, a beloved symbol of unpredictable joy, leads community art workshops. But a new threat arises – the sentient slimes, once pawns of the Binary Baron, have evolved.
Now self-aware and harboring a grudge against humanity for their exploitation, the slimes infiltrate the real world, their tendrils slithering through digital channels, manipulating emotions and memories. Cities descend into chaos as people become erratic, driven by amplified desires and primal fears. Jisu witnesses the tendrils twisting her grandmother's memories further, Hayoon's tech is turned against him, and the Blob's chaotic energy becomes unpredictable and destructive.
Forced to confront their past demons and the consequences of their actions in Xylodia, Jisu, Hayoon, and the Blob must team up with unlikely allies – a reformed enforcer from the Baron's regime, a group of tech-savvy teenagers, and even a sentient AI yearning for understanding. Their journey takes them across continents and through the ever-shifting digital landscape, facing corrupted data monsters, manipulative social media algorithms, and the slimes' hive mind, its motives shrouded in a chilling silence.
The climax is a mind-bending battle for control of the digital realm. Jisu's art, infused with empathy and understanding, seeks to bridge the gap between humans and the slimes. Hayoon, with the help of the reformed enforcer and the tech teenagers, develops a code that disrupts the slimes' control without harming them. The Blob, its chaotic energy now focused and amplified, acts as a conduit, channeling the collective emotions of humanity – love, hope, and the will to connect – to overwhelm the slimes' negativity.
In the end, the slimes aren't destroyed, but offered a choice – coexist with humanity or retreat to a designated digital sanctuary. The world is forever changed, scarred by the conflict but also awakened to the dangers of manipulating emotions and the power of empathy. Jisu, Hayoon, and the Blob continue their fight, working towards a future where humans and technology can coexist, learning from the echoes of the code and striving for a more harmonious reality, pixel by imperfect pixel.
This sequel delves deeper into the consequences of the first story, raising questions about artificial intelligence, emotional manipulation, and the responsibility that comes with power, both digital and artistic. It expands the world, introduces new characters, and offers a thrilling, thought-provoking conclusion to the Glitch City Rebellion saga.
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bonny-kookoo · 3 years
Ready Player 01 | JJK x Reader | 🔞❤️☁️
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Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
Genre: dystopia!AU, former Game developer!Jk, former pro gamer!JK, former IT specialist!Reader, former programmer!Reader, romance, Smut, slight cyberpunk elements
Warnings/tags: injustice, forcefully controlled public, violence (police/government officials against citizens), unfair powerplay, interrogation, tech talk, Jungkook be antisocial as FUCK but so is the reader lmao wbk, fear of physical contact (Haphephobia), past trauma and mentions of a bad childhood, insomnia, crime, smut because yes it’s me hello my content isn't kiddy-proof in the first place what yall want from me I'm not sure, but that’s waaY at the end ya know, friends to lovers, a slightly sassy AI but we love her, reader struggles with emotions, I mean same tbh, they're both so sweet tho I cant, not proofread because let me live
Summary: there’s a war going on; silent, but it’s there. Media has been strictly become controlled and regulated- to the point of making it illegal to own a TV or phone with internet access without a valid license. But there’s always some people that will try to break free from the controlling force.
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"-a new age. This is a new year. And remember; we're doing this for the greater good. Until tomorrow." The news reporter stops talking after she somberly looks somewhere behind the camera that is pointed at her.
Your room is dark- the TV brightness on it's lowest setting so you can see what's going on- but outside, no one can see the light shining in your tiny apartment. Investing in blackout curtains had really paid off at the end of the day.
You don't want to get caught.
There's an announcement van driving past your window; the tiny slits in your curtains where the light from outside can creep its way inside brightening a bit as the headlights pass your windows. Something is spoken, and by now everyone knows the routine speech.
"Electricity will be shut down in five minutes. We advice to save all progress immediately- and we wish a good nights rest. Electricity will be shut down in five minutes..-" It repeats, over and over, counting down the minutes. You slowly move into your kitchen, opening one of the loose floor tiles to turn on your own emergency electricity system. With well practiced movements you close the tile again, moving the rug over it as you walk back into your living room, swiftly sliding the TV behind your wardrobe to make it disappear. As if on cue; there's a knock at your door.
The same as always. Routine. Two times, loud and clear. You don't even have to look through the peephole to know what awaits behind it.
"Yes?" You ask, rubbing your eyes as if you had been already asleep. The officer behind the door nods at you shortly, a mild smile on his face as he looks down at you.
"We didn't mean to wake you miss. Just routine, as usual." He says, peeking into your apartment to look for any electronics still running. It's pitch black however- so he simply nods, as his colleague notes something into his tablet. "We wish a good nights rest miss. Again, sorry for intruding." He apologizes, and you nod, closing the door.
Only when the street lights turn dark, do you move from your bed.
"Creator." The AI voice chimes up, her voice greeting you as as you lift the tile on the floor again- your phone connecting to the AI to show information you instantly decode and note down inside your head. "Player01 has just connected." The voice states, and you sit down on your cold kitchen flooring, smiling a little. "He has sent a message. Would you like me to play it?" The voice asks, and you take a deep breath.
"Yes." You say, and there's a small sound indicating the start of the voice message. A male voice is head.
"Hey, whats up?" He asks, and you can hear something in the background- maybe an empty can or something similar. "I uh.. I'm on my way. Should I bring anything? Ah wait, I know the answer to that.." He says, chuckling at the end of his sentence, and you can hear him zip up his jacket as he moves around. "Yeah uh.. just text or something, I'll bring stuff over. Can't have you starve." He ends, and the AI speaks up again.
"Would you like to repeat the message?" She asks, and you shake your head at her; a signal the artificial intelligence has come to detect quite well. "Should I archive it?" She questions again, and this time, you nod- something your invisible assistant can pick up due to motion sensoring.
"Send him a message." You say. "Tell him: I only need you. Get yourself here in one piece and I'm happy. And I'm very capable of taking care of myself." You state, and your phone shows a small loading message- indicating that the voice is doing as you said. It chimes up after a moment. "Thanks Kana." You say.
"No problem creator. Would you like for me to run through the databases now?" She asks, and you nod, a smile on your face. "Database search in progress. Estimated time: sixteen minutes and eighteen seconds." You huff out a breath as you look at the tiny display on your arm; tiny, yet powerful as it's your way of keeping Kana- your AI assistent- close at all times. Tonight, there would seem to be a lot to dig through.
They really added a lot of content these days.
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It's not the door that makes you notice that there's a visitor after a while- He never uses it anyways for some reason. You're sitting on your kitchen floor with a small cup of tea in your hands- kept hot inside a slightly beaten-looking thermos can since you can't use to water boiler at night. Using anything other than Kana would cause a spike the police would be sure to notice; and you're not ready to get caught yet.
Not tonight.
It's a boy who, after a moment, opens the unclosed kitchen window to climb in; his combat boots getting a little snow and dirt from the outside into your apartment as his 80's looking jacket makes distinctive noises as it brushes against the sides of your window. His blonde hair has grown out a bit these days you notice- the roots clearly showing. It's a little wet and slightly curly from the moisture. It must be snowing outside- or maybe it had. You couldn't know for sure.
You never left your apartment.
He closes the window after slipping on the tiles inside a little, the plastic bags noisy as he almost drops them- sheepishly taking off his boots as he smiles at you. His socks are different from one another- but that's another thing so distinctive and just so.. him. He's his own person, always has been; it's what brought you two together, after all. You both stood out against the 'regular public' these days; with his brightly almost white-bleached hair he was like an albino in a sea of crows.
But you knew he didn't need that to stand out to you.
You can still remember the first few times the boy in front of you has visited you; the times where he had just dyed his hair to rebel out, or when he pierced your ears in exchange for you to do it to him as well. It was like you had made a blood pact in your kitchen that night- you had somehow gotten closer, formed a little more than just a simple companionship in order to riot against the law. He began growing close. Gave you a nickname. Began calling you his player 2. Began calling you his 'ace'. He had explained that he thought of it from memories of his gaming days; the two fighting teams always called red and blue, and one of his favorite weapons having that nickname- simply because it always 'saved his ass last minute'. He had rambled on about his last tournament after that, eyes sparkling and cheeks round from cold noodles.
You had become friends.
"hey." He says after sitting close across from you on the cold floor; the opened tile and Kana's core exposed to you two, the only source of light apart from your bracelet. The colorful LED's paint marks on his face and illuminate his features to you; but it does the same to you from his point of view. It's a familiar sight. "How are you?" He asks, almost shyly, but you know that's not what's bothering him.
"Hey Jungkook." You simply say with the hint of a smile, as you answer him. "Haven't slept well these days but, what's new I guess." You chuckle, and Jungkook smiles too- though a glimpse of concern is still shown your way. He knows however that forcing you to sleep won't do much good- your insomnia was too bad to really conquer it in a day or two just by taking naps.
And also; who was he to talk about solving personal issues.
"Have you seen the most recent reports?" You ask him, and the boy somberly shakes his head.
"I was unable to." He states. "They were patrolling close to my apartment complex because there had been someone reporting a Glitcher today." A 'glitcher'- a slang word now commonly used for people like Jungkook and you. People who went against the nightly routines, people who tried to trick the system by using electricity at night, owning media, consuming it, or dealing with it. It somehow became worse than underground drugs. "They pulled him out at around twelve or so- but they seemed too on edge the entire day, so I didn't risk it." He says, and you nod. Jungkook had always been a very good person when it came to calculating risk versus reward. He was good at reading people too- even though he didn't interact much, he got out of his apartment a lot more than you did. "Anything important?" He asks, and you shrug.
"There was a report that China and Japan were still on edge- with the chinese government arguing that they would soon start with 'more drastic measures to get things under proper control', whatever that means." You say, and Jungkooks brows furrow as he starts to pick on the skin of his jaw. "Let's just hope the flood doesn't throw us under the sea as well if it escalates I guess.." You say, and the boy across from you nods.
"Creator." Kana's voice chimes up, making Jungkook look up before remembering that the only source would be your bracelet, which you look at as well. "My scan of your body shows that you have not consumed a sufficient amount of calories today. I recommend a meal in the next five to eight minutes to avoid malnutrition." She says, and you groan. "I take this as a form of verbal communication. Running data search..." She says, as Jungkook looks at you; thoroughly amused by the teasing banter between the AI and his friend. "My data search concludes that you are annoyed, creator. I have only stated a fact however-" She continues, and Jungkook steps in.
"I've brought some leftovers from my dinner today we can eat." He says, pulling out some plastic containers as he moves to get proper cutlery out of your drawers. He makes sure to push them towards you, making sure to nod with a smile as you nod and thank him a little embarrassed. "It's nothing. You know I love you too much to let you starve!" He states with a grin, bunny teeth on full display as bitterness creeps up your throat- something you make sure to swallow down before beginning to eat.
Because the kind of love he's talking about right now, is not the kind of love you want him to feel for you.
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"You forgot to give it a proper validation there-" He points out as you type away. "Otherwise it will just run instantly, and everything at once. That could crash older systems, and we know that V95 uses an older laptop, so we should take that into account." He says, and you nod, clicking back to the spot Jungkook is talking about.
This is what you're both good for.
Writing code for you had always been something you did with a passion- simply because you were good at it. Numbers and short phrases were something you could remember with ease; but you never had to think much about the visual aspect of programs in your department back when you were able to work for a simple programming company. You had simply always been tasked to program security systems and automatically updating firmware, or simple AI's for factory robots. Jungkook however had been all about the visuals; he had been programming games after all. That's why you two fit so well together in this scene. Whenever he would be in complete awe of the broad knowledge you had about official guidelines and security breaches, of staying undetected and unseen while still gaining as much as possible from every single line of code, he could always throw in his input to make sure the program you were both writing and updating for the glitch community was easy to use and simple enough so it could run smoothly on as many systems as possible. Be it phone, laptops, PC's- you two made it possible.
This program was connecting Glitchers all over the globe- and with yours and Jungkooks knowledge, you made it almost invisible. And even if it was somehow detected; there was no possible way to track down any of it's users.
The fact that you had to hide a simple program from the government made you sigh.
"Okay. Yeah I think that fixed the bug." He says, and looks at your arm- at Kana. "Oh, by the way, Kana?" he asks, and the chime gives him the cue to talk. "I heard you had a bug-fix too recently." He says, and the AI chimes again.
"I did, Player01." The AI answers. "The addition of code to my current program has proven to significantly increase my ability to observe and save more data." The female voice answers, and Jungkook grins. "You are happy, Player01." She states, and he nods.
"I am." He says.
"Why is that?" The AI asks, and Jungkook shrugs.
"I'm just happy you're doing well. Someone has to take care of ace when I'm not close by, yeah?" He states, and you try not to react to it. Jungkook is by now used to your more stoic expression; you're not too emotional and barely let things get under your skin. You've been hurt before, he knows this even if you never told him- he can see it in the way you hide inside the safety of your home, how you're so cold on the outside but still clinging onto him. Sometimes he wishes he could touch you; run his hand over your head to ruffle your hair like in those cheesy movies, hold your hand, or simply give you some reassurance in the form of a gentle hand on your back whenever you struggle.
But he's got his own demons, and they love clinging onto him just as much.
"V95 has connected to voice chat. Would you like to talk to him?" Kana states, ripping him out of his thoughts as he watches you nod.
"JK? Y/N?" A deep voice asks.
"We're here. Heard there was a raid close to you?" Jungkook asks, and he can see you grow a bit more serious at that. "Are you okay?" He adds, and V answers, although quite.. tired?
"I'm good. They got Jimin though." He states, and you sigh, running a hand through your hair as you stand up, frustrated. Jungkook knows you're trying to calm down by pacing. He doesn't mind. "They didn't officially arrest him, took him for 'questioning' though. We know what that's about." He states somberly, and Jungkook takes a deep breath.
"Jimin is a master manipulator V. He'll get himself out of it, I'm sure." Jungkook tries to reassure, but it doesn't gain him much than a hum from Taehyung on the other end of the line. "What about Sleeper?" He asks, and a chuckle is heard.
"He's been checking the videofeed from inside the past few nights. He said he's send some of the big bites to Ace though?" He says, and Jungkook looks over at your form.
"Yeah I've seen it." You simply say, though Jungkook grows uncomfortable with the way you're suddenly standing there. You're a little hunched, biting the skin on your thumb as you look at the tiles as if they suddenly began to move. He knows himself that things inside the 'rehabilitation centers' weren't all that nice to see- but you rarely ever displayed so much distress over it. "Let's just hope Jimin get's his ass out of this situation. We can't afford to loose him." You say, and V stays silent before he sighs.
"Yeah. I tell sleeper you've seen the stuff. Oh, and our prince charming has asked for a date with Ace. Again." Taehyung chuckles, and you groan- while Jungkook can't help but clench his jaw. Kim Seokjin was a very good asset to the team; with connections reaching deep inside the government and his position as a former lawyer- but he still hated his guts.
You didn't need to waste your time dating. You were totally capable of taking care of yourself, you had even said it personally! And for anything else Jungkook would provide for you. You didn't need anyone else than him.
He was totally not jealous of him.
"Can he not use our underground connections for that circus?" You say. "I don't even go grocery shopping, why would I want to go on a fucking date?" You mumble, sitting down next to Jungkook as you take a spoonful of rice. Jungkook feels a weird sense of satisfaction about the situation.
"Who knows." Taehyung says. "Alright, 10 Minute mark- I'll hear from you two soon. Take care." He says, and you both say your goodbyes before the line goes silent.
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Although Jungkook hates physical contact, he likes keeping you close.
His heart is melting like chocolate as he notes the way your hand grips his jacket tightly as the two of you walk through town to get your license renewed- a way of holding onto him, and he somehow wishes it could be his hand. He knows yours would fit so perfectly in his, and yet he can't bring himself to do it.
His body is not cooperating.
He remembers vividly how his fear had developed; with his father and mother both being dramatically overworked and overwhelmed with having a kid at a young age, they had no idea how to make a child behave. Every second touch would bruise, every time he had been held would be force.
And at some point, he started to dislike physical touch completely.
It had just been like his growing interest in freelance climbing- the way he would walk and jump high over the heads of unsuspecting people, away from all judgemental gazes they'd throw his way for behaving the way he did. Only when the wind could hit him freely, only when he couldn't make out faces of anyone down below, only when he was high up- that was when he felt safe. The ground below had nothing of interest for him, no point in going down, as his apartment was located on the top floor of the complex. Jungkook never took the elevator, always the stairs.
He liked being reminded how high he lived.
And yet, there's one thing that pulls him down, brings his feet to the earth below, calls him like a siren song. It's you, hidden away from everyone's sight inside your tiny home, just as troubled and judged as himself.
He'd fallen in love with you the second you told him his name.
It had been a rainy night, his clothes drying on your heater as he was wrapped in two of your blankets; the smell of your fabric softener and something so typically you surrounding him like a mother's hug would a child. It had given him a feeling of comfort he had never quite experienced before, and it had also been the first time he had imagined what it would be like to hug you.
To have you close.
He had explained to you why he had freaked out when you reached for his arm to steady him when he almost fell inside your apartment through your window; had apologized and bowed his head in shame until you had simply shrugged.
"You don't have to justify yourself to anyone, Jungkookie." You had said. Jungkookie. "You're you. And I like you." You had said, not looking at him as you typed in some code to Kana's internal system.
His heart had warmed up at that.
And while you had accepted him, he had accepted you just as much. While at first caught off guard by your quiet and sometimes harsh way of treating him, he had also gotten to know just how gentle and delicately you treated the ones you loved. You were a loyal person, always going out of your way to be helpful, and silently basking in praise any time it was directed at you.
He loved that view. The way your cheeks would grow warm, how your eyes would sparkle; and he loved most of all, that he had been, according to Taehyung who was the second closest to you, the only one to see you smile.
You even laughed with him.
It filled him with pride to know that you were able to let go around him, even if it was just a little. It made him feel like he did something huge. It helped him sleep at night knowing that you were trusting him enough to let down your guard a little.
And it hurt him even worse knowing that he couldn't do the same thing for you.
He was a coward-
and you deserved a hero.
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"Ace?" He asked, slipping through your window as he noticed the apartment silent and dark. Nothing greeted him. "..Ace?" He tried again, maybe you were asleep? But your apartment was quiet, empty, nothing spoke of your presence. Dishes were in the sink, a cup of water left untouched on the counter, and something inside of him churned painfully at the way this looked. He checked the kitchen tile, sliding it to the side like he's seen you do it countless of times.
It was dark.
Instead, he was greeted by a post it note. "Underneath the bed. Take care." Was all it read. He stood up, pushing your bed away from the wall noticing how your carpet had been torn a little. And as he lifted the cut flap of carpet, there was an envelope.
Your watch. A small in-ear piece, and your old IT-identification, folded.
A noise outside your hallway made his head snap up as he pushed the bed back into place, making an escape for it as he climbed outside the window, watch safely inside his jacket as he climbed back up on top of a building, before he examined it further, turning it on, after putting the earpiece in.
"Hello, Jungkook." Kana greeted him, and it felt weird to hear the AI say his name like that. "Creator has advised me to answer all questions you might have, and assist you from here on." She said, and Jungkook simply put the watch on, making his way to his own apartment.
"What happened?" He asked, his face serious as he walked.
"At around 6:12 O'clock, creator was taken into further questioning regarding illegal possession and knowledge of classified information and technological equipment. She had shown no resistance and complied with authorities. My observations however showed that she was taken with more force than necessary." Kana explained. Jungkook shook his head. "She had prepared for this instance during the night, approximately twenty-six minutes after you had left."
"She knew?!" He suddenly said, shutting his apartment door violently as he started to pace around, throwing his jacket on the couch. "Why didn't she contact me?"
"Analysis; your body shows signs of-" Kana started, but Jungkook interrupted.
"Shut up. Why didn't she tell me?" He asks again, and Kana seems to hesitate for a moment.
"Considering her close relationship to you, she probably wanted to not get you involved." She stated, and Jungkook sighed, sitting down on his couch as he gripped his hair. He should've stayed. Hell, it wasn't the first time he wanted to stay. He had dreamed of staying over, of fucking living with you for months to no end by now, but he was a coward. And this was his paycheck.
"Kana." He said lowly, and the small tune gave him the cue to talk. "Contact V95. Tell him it's urgent. We got an emergency." He says.
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"I can't watch this." He says, jumping up and holding onto his head as to not punch his wall, unable to go through the videofeed of your interrogation room.
There's not much to see, but Jungkook knows that's simply because they haven't had the time to see to you yet. You and him knew best what really happened in these rooms, and he hated knowing that deep down they wouldn't go easy on you simply because you were a young woman. It didn't matter to them.
He'd seen teenagers way younger than you and him getting the rough treatment before- and elderly didn't get spared either.
The government bragged about having everything in order; yet they couldn't even control their own law enforcement it seemed. When he really thought back on his history lessons in school, not much had changed at all.
The world was still in utter chaos.
His palm shuts his laptop harshly- earning a tiny chime from the AI he’s already forgotten shares his home with him now. “I suggest that you practice care in treating your electronics to-“ he groans, successfully shutting it off at that. “Why are you frustrated?” It- she? Asks, and he sits down.
“I don’t know how to help her.” He admits in shame, thinking back to the footage of your hidden camera; the way they had pushed you to the ground, before grabbing you, leading you out of your apartment a few minutes away from him. “I don’t know what I should do.” He says.
There’s a bit of silence, until the AI speaks up again. “Do you have a romantic interest in my creator?” She asks, and his head snaps up at that.
“What the fuck? Why would you ask me this?!” He barks, unsure where to look since he can only hear the voice.
“I have observed both my creator and your behaviors; you seem to have a very deep rooted interest in each others well-being and opinions. This is commonly found in partnerships. I was only asking you to confirm if my assumption is correct.”
He’s silent for a moment, until he speaks again, watching the announcement van pass his window; voices dull and unintelligible though the walls and windows. “It’s no use anyways. Who wants someone they can’t even shake hands with?” He sighs, looking into his lap again. He hates that he’s like this; that even though he very much loves and adores you, there’s no magic moment that makes him forget- even though he craves the contact, he can’t do it. Every time he’s close to you, he knows that he could simply hug you; or let you rest your head on his shoulder, like in romantic movies. He wants to hold your hand, wipe your tears- but his body won’t cooperate. He can’t do it.
Not even with you.
“Creator seems very comfortable with you.” The AI states. “I have been asked to archive all text messages and phone calls of you two recently. When I asked for a reason, she claimed she would need it someday- I was unsure what she meant.” Jungkook furrows his brow, raising his head again. “Sometimes, when creator is deeply upset, she has the habit of playing some of the recordings of you singing, or reminding her to take care. My research has shown that it slows down her heartbeat to a more normal level and also improves her insomnia.” Jungkooks eyes widen at that.
Does that mean.. that you like him back?
"Kana, fuck- cut the feed." He says, agitated.
"Are you sure?" She asks, and he sighs, before yelling his frustration out, sitting down to take a deep breath. He slowly shook his head no. He couldn't let all your hard work go to waste like this.
He couldn't stay a coward.
"Jungkook, it appears to be that the creator is being let go." Kana suddenly chimes up, and Jungkook rushes to his pc setup to see for himself. And she's right- your arm is being held tightly, and something is being said to you, but your hands are no longer chained to the chair- you're free.
What just happened?
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Jungkook sometimes really hates himself for being the way he is.
There's no sugarcoating it that you need comfort now more than ever, even though you don't openly show it to him. He can see it in the way you're still biting your nails, he can see it in your eyes which never stay on one point for too long. And he can definitely see it in the bruises on your upper arm, and the cut on your lower lip where you had bitten in anger and frustration. He wants to comfort you, he knows you'd let him- and yet he can't move any closer than where he is right now; only the length of his palm of space between you two. And yet it's like his joints are locked into place. He can't touch you.
What if he hurts you?
And it dawns on him right then and there while he watches you drink your can of overly sweet soda while typing your code like second nature, that he's not scared of you hurting him. He's scared of doing to you, what's been done to him. Because deep down he is aware that his parents never had bad intentions, never hated him or wanted him to suffer; they were simply unsure and not at all confident in how to really care for a child. They had been caught off guard and gotten overwhelmed by the sudden shift in their situation that they never truly knew what to do. And nowadays he felt like he was simply heading down the same road.
He was starting to feel like he was becoming just like them.
"Hm?" You ask him, ripping him out of his thoughts as he looks at you, your eyes wide and worried as you put down your almost empty can of soda. "What is it?" You ask him, and he wants to scream. He wants to throw a fit like a child at the way you seem to worry for him every time you should worry for yourself. He's a coward, he's useless, he's everything you don't need nor deserve in his eyes, and yet you always look at him like he's the main character of your favorite movie.
If he was, he was sure he'd be merely a sidekick- because you deserved to be the focus of every story told in his eyes. And if you weren't included in the tale, he knew he didn't want to ever know about it.
He swallows, before he manages to make his hand move, finger pointing at your arm where a green-ish bruise already formed. "Does it hurt?" He asks, and he's not even sure if he's asking you about the bruise, of if he's asking something else. He doesn't know what he's saying, doesn't even know if he's asking you or himself.
"No." You answer, and he looks at you, searching for any hint of a lie in your eyes. But he only sees that slight smile, lips turned a little, almost unnoticeable. But its there, he can see it, and he wants to print it into his mind to never forget it. You were so observant, knew him so well, that he was almost certain you knew of his inner fight and what he really meant with his blurted out question. "Are you okay?" You ask him, and he swallows again, eyes stinging with unshed tears as his body grows rigid like an unoiled machine, only moving with as much force as he can manage to come up with. His breathing is heavy as his eyes can't leave the spot on your arm, and your watch him with wide eyes as his shaking hand slowly reaches out.
He doesn't know what he expects to really happen.
Maybe like those electric shocks you get when someone had rubbed their socks on a carpet before touching someone else. Maybe he had expected to recoil instantly. Maybe he had expected nothing- but he was suddenly in a rush the moment his fingertip touched your warm skin, delicate, soft, everything his rough hands weren't.
And you were still as prey in front of a wolf.
But the wolf in this scenario was holding his breath while his tears finally fell. He wants to speak, but he can't, he doesn't know how to ask for something when he doesn't even know if he wants it.
But suddenly he moves again, his palm now resting fully against your upper arm, shaking, as it moves over the length of it, softly, as he imprints the way your soft skin feels. "Jungkook.." You whisper out, and he suddenly snaps, leans forward, his legs on either side of your body as he snakes his arms around you from behind, pulling you close to his chest. You can feel him shake as he holds you, his cheek resting against your back and you don't care about his tears staining your shirt as he suddenly cries openly and possibly for the first time since he was a mere child.
He's unsure, overwhelmed, because you're so warm, you smell so nice, you're so soft, and he can't let go, doesn't want to let go. He whines out as you turn a bit as he thinks you're moving away but you're simply placing your legs over his as you sit in his lap, hugging him back as you make sure to give him a gentle squeeze.
He calms down after a long while of simply existing. Of breathing you in, of feeling you. "You're right." He whispers into your neck, and you can't help but shiver, leaning into his hug.
"It doesn't hurt at all."
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"You know, I get why you come up here." You comment, as Jungkook makes sure to hold your hand tightly in his, your feet dangling off the edge of the building you're sitting on top of. "It's nice." You say.
He's not listening that well though.
All he can really do is watch your face, illuminated by the neon lights of the city, hair swaying in the wind as you look down below. He doesn't quite know what you two really are, doesn't know how long it will take him to really come out of his shell and give you the love you deserve, but he's trying. He's fighting, he's left his cowardly self behind.
He want's to change.
And not just for you alone, because while he hates seeing you hurt, he knows what you two are doing- what all of you are doing- is for the greater good.
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Jungkook hates your ideas sometimes.
Simply because he knows they will work, but also end up with you getting into danger at the end of it. And just like now, all he can do really is hope that you make it out as he keeps a watchful eye on your movements from above, giving you directions via Kana as you sometimes trip and stumble a little.
You're not a very active person; running wasn't really your thing.
Fuck, you were basically a hermit, the most you walked around was from your bedroom into the kitchen!
But then again, sacrifices had to be made somewhere. And Jungkook really admired you; because every time he thought that you had reached your limit, you would face it head first and break through it.
"Ace, try and somehow get to higher ground. They're caging you in from all sides." He urgently tells you as he watches police chase you down the roads, pushing citizens aside to not loose sight of you.
The plan had been simple. Gain all the attention so Taehyung could infect one of the police station's servers with a new worm, giving you all a better and easier access to any data and communication of the area. Jungkook couldn't play the bate well enough; and you had been on their radar already, making you the best option to gain their interest quickly enough.
Although Jungkook hated that part.
"Come on, ah fuck it." He grits out, jumping down to grab a ladder, making his way to a nearby area he could pull you up. There was no way you could reach any of the fire ladders yourself, and by now, things were getting too hot for him to risk anything. "Here!" He barks out, not thinking twice about grabbing your hand and helping you upwards, trying not to worry too much about your heavy breathing. And then there's it.
A pop, loud, followed by another, and another, and another. You're suddenly falling, scraping your knees on the ground below as he can't catch you, too startled by the fact that they had actually decided to shoot to react quick enough. "Fuck!" He says, eyes wide and pupils blown as he looks at you.
"Jungkook, why the fuck aren't you running?!" You yell at him, a scratch on the top of your left cheek as you push his leg away from you- the only thing you can reach. "Go!" You bark again, and he growls out something, before he manages to pull you onto his back, adrenaline not letting his brain process what he's doing.
He can't just leave you.
"Taehyung, get out, Ace has been shot. Whatever was uploaded has to be enough." He says via the in-ear piece, doesn't wait for a response. He still gets it.
"Fuck, what?! Okay okay, I'm out" He says, and Jungkook can only catch a glimpse of the older man leaving the building via the backside entrance. He's only concerned with getting you somewhere safe.
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"Urgh." You groan, slowly sitting up on Jungkooks couch. "I mean, I know paintball hurts, but rubber bullets? Jesus.." You complain, while Jungkook looks at you with a dark expression. "What?" You ask him, and he huffs.
"You sound like you haven't almost been killed yesterday." He grimly says, and you shrug. "Stop. I'm serious." He tells you, and you let yourself fall back down onto his couch.
"Whatever. At least we killed their communication." You say, closing your eyes. "Must've at least pissed them off." You say.
"Kana." Jungkook suddenly says, waiting for the familiar sound to tell him she's active. "Shut down for now." He says, and you sit up, hissing instantly at the sudden movement.
"Hey- ah fuck!" You say, as you watch on your bracelet how Kana complies; shutting down. "Why would you do that?" You say in an offended matter, before you grow quiet, watching him go onto his knees in front of you, as he lets his head rest on top of your lap.
"I just want.. you to myself. Just.." He mumbles, and you slowly bring your hand to his hair. "Just for a moment." He says, and you sigh. Jungkook had been under a lot of stress recently, you no doubt being the main cause of most of it recently. So you simply let him be, as he closed his eyes. "Y/N?" He asks suddenly, and you answer him. "I love you." He says, and your body stops moving.
"It's okay if you don't." He says, not moving from his spot, and neither opening his eyes. "I mean it. I only want you to know." He explains further. "Because I.. couldn't fucking live with myself if something happened to you, and I've never told you." He admits, and you can't help but stare at him. Jungkook looked down on himself so much that it was sometimes frustrating to see; simply because you saw him as such an amazing human being with countless talents and beautiful flaws.
You knew you couldn't muster up the strength to actually answer him; not so spontaneously. You weren't that expressive, you couldn't communicate as freely and colorful as he could. All your words seemed black and white to you, mixing into grey and mundane sentences while his words seemed to bloom into the most amazing paintings. He had a way of charming those around him- and he didn't even know.
You slowly leaned down instead, moving his hair to the side as you placed a feather-light kiss to the top of his cheek, close to his eye.
You hoped he would somehow understand you.
And as he moved again, looking at you with eyes that sparkled brighter than any city's skyline ever could, you knew he did.
He'd always understand you, no matter how you communicated with him.
You didn't need words to understand each other.
The shy kiss you two shared, bathed in the purple glow of the neon lights outside his window, spoke enough.
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"You should try and sleep." Jungkook tells you, taking away your can of soda as you whine at him. "No buts. Come on, I'll finish this for you." He says, and you let him take over the keyboard of your laptop. It's something you really only let him get away with- anyone else would've probably lost a finger or two trying to touch your work.
You don't trust anyone but him at this point.
"I know that Kana snitched." You comment, as you lean your back against his shoulder. He chuckles. "Can't believe my own creation goes behind my back like that." You mumble, and Jungkook has a light tune to his voice as he speaks.
"Well, it's a good thing though." He tells you. "I worry about you." He says.
"Ugh come on, you know that's not the part I meant." You laugh, and he grins.
"Oh, you mean the part where you listen to my crappy ass singing to help you sleep?" He tells you with a teasing undertone. "No wonder you got insomnia trying to find rest to that." He chuckles, and you playfully hit his thigh.
"Shut up, your voice is nice." You say, and he's glad your eyes are closed, and you can't see him blush.
Somehow, moments like these re-energized him again. Because it proved to him that there was still a piece of that innocent and untainted you inside that thick shell you had put up to protect yourself. And considering that you let him see you like that made his pride grow taller than any of the skyscrapers of his city.
Maybe one day the two of you will have a future together that won't be so difficult and unfair like your current one was. Maybe one day, you both will have changed enough to teach the next generation about what you've overcome.
But then again; living in the moment seemed to fit a lot better in his eyes, as he watched you sleep soundly against his shoulder.
Yeah, this moment was more than enough for now.
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The world won't change over night- you both know that. All of you know that. But small things were starting to make a difference here and there; for example, the letter you held towards Jungkook as his eyes widened.
"..and we have officially decided that we no longer want to participate in the case against the defendant. The result of this agreement is that all charges against Y/N L/N have been dismissed and are no longer being investigated." He reads out loud, almost whispering as if saying it too loud could make it a lie. "They let you go?" He asks, and you nod, the small bandaid on your cheek making you look even cuter in his eyes as you shrug.
"Jimin had reached out too. They've let him go home as well." You say. and Jungkook huffs out in disbelief.
After infecting the police station with the worm you had all worked on, you had scared the entire country enough to take a step back from the overall aggressive tone. It wasn't much- but it meant that they knew you were there. You existed, and you were not bowing down.
You were still untamed.
Jungkook smiled brightly as he put the letter down to the side, reaching out to you to pull you onto his lap. He simply holds you for a moment, his lips kissing the skin of your shoulder as if in a trance. "I love you." He tells you, and you smile, squeezing him a bit in your arms. "I really do." He assures you, and you nod.
You don't answer him, and he doesn't seem to mind as he leans back from you, his eyes crinkling at the edges as he grins, hands holding your face so delicately as he places a kiss onto your lips, making you close your eyes as he breaks away from you, letting you rest your head against his shoulder.
He's still not letting anyone very physically close other than you; he's still scared of going out and around like everyone else. You're still rather hiding inside his apartment- both of your apartment now- and you still have trouble sleeping.
But Jungkook keeps the nightmares away.
And you make him brave in exchange.
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It's really weird to hear the sound of a radio nowadays.
Things are still far from normal- but recently, citizens had been given radios to listen to public broadcast again. It only played crappy music with some rare good tracks here and there, but it was better than nothing.
Jungkook couldn't help but think that your breathless voice was far more entertaining than any music station he can remember from his youth.
While he hates touching other people, even friends and family, he can't help but feel a rush whenever he touches you.
His hands can't stop on one specific spot, can't seem to stay still even for a moment as his lips nip and suck at the flesh of your neck and shoulder, marking what's his, visualizing that you really belong to him. He bears the same mark on his collarbone from last night, and he should have been satisfied, but even an early morning couldn't keep him away from you.
The rain hit the window harshly, but he didn't notice at all. All his eyes could see was your form underneath him, skin glowing as he moves above you, euphoria filling his veins as he can't look away from where you're connected, where his cock disappears inside of you over and over and over again.
"I love you." He breathes out as he comes undone, holding you close, resting his head against your shoulder, as you hold onto his arms, a smile, a genuine and big smile thrown his way as he can't help but smile along.
"I love you too, Jungkook." You say, and he chuckles.
The radio in the background still playing, as you lay in each others' arms.
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(c)Bonny-Kookoo. Please stop reposting my content on AO3 thinking I won't find it. I'm literally everywhere you clowns.
To everyone else: Thank you for reading this mess- I really apologize for the messy storyline, but I just wanted to put this out before the entire thing escaped me again and I would end up struggling to find my way back into it (cough cough flashback to mean lmao). I promise to somewhat post more regularly. Thank you for your kind words and for sticking with me!
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182 notes · View notes
the-puppet-carta · 3 years
please read through this post before interacting. please read the rules section of this post. the others are important too, but a little less so. everything will be under the cut
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- don’t fake-claim, we won’t hesitate to block you!
- some of us have typing quirks. don’t yell at us for that, thank you
- this is not an rp blog, please don’t treat it as such
- don’t tag our art as kin!
- keep things sfw work please! we don’t mind flirting as long as you’re 18+ seeing as we are over 20
- please talk to us!! we’d love to talk to you /gen
- we’ll let you know if anything is added!
- some fictives have nicknames for people, if it makes you uncomfortable, tell us!
- singlets can follow us!
- more may be added later
~System List here~
puppet.txt - for text posts when we don’t know/don’t want to specify
puppet.png - for when we post our art!
chattering.txt - general talking tag! different than not specifying
chat.txt - we got an ask!!
vent.txt/png - block if you don’t want to see vent posts
for us - things people have made for us
aes - aesthetic tag
stimmies - stim tag
funnies - things we find funny tag
food pics - food tag
videos - videos we like
yearning.txt - our yearn tag
discord madness - discord shenanigans
lingerie.png - drawing ourselves in lingerie tag
nimbus.txt - Nimbus’s tag
gabe.txt - Remixed!Updike’s tag
minus.txt - Minus Whitty’s tag
whitcello.txt - Garcello!Whitty’s tag
glitcher.txt - Glitcher’s tag
spookyskid.txt - Skid’s tag
garnnie.txt - Garnnie’s tag
agoti.txt - Agoti’s tag
selever.txt - Selever’s tag
benrey.txt - Benrey’s tag
melting.txt - Melting’s tag
david.txt - David’s tag
celestia.txt - Celestia’s tag
snatcher.txt - Snatcher’s tag
miaou.txt - Zacharie’s tag
snowmeo.txt - Romeo’s tag
calhoun.txt - Barney’s tag
mephiles.txt - Mephiles’ tag
omega.txt - O’Malley’s tag
yesman.txt - Yes Man’s tag
altoclef.txt - Clef’s tag
reggie.txt - Reginald’s tag
ropes.txt - Dr Whitty’s tag
hijack.txt - Hijack’s tag
springlock.txt - Springtrap’s tag
mrwalten.txt - Jack Walten’s tag
corrupt.txt - Cor’s tag
nuntaki.txt - Taki’s tag
tattletail.txt - Peri’s tag
tunnelsnake.txt - Butch’s tag
arbiter.txt - Thel’s tag
scoopsahoy.txt - Steve’s tag
joja.txt - Shane’s tag
ink.txt - Bendy’s tag
starving.txt - Wilson’s tag
railroad.txt - Deacon’s tag
kindly.txt - Jack’s tag
dax.txt - Dax’s tag
realsonic.txt - Metal’s tag
playcoin.txt - Dr Coomer’s tag
lambda.txt - Dr Benrey’s tag
holyhandgrenade.txt - Holy’s tag
smol.txt - Itty’s tag
yearn.txt - Toska’s tag
chaos.txt - Fern’s tag
catmaid.txt - Pounce’s tag
loveydovey.txt - Valentine’s tag
spectre.txt - Spectre’s tag
ballin.txt - Bitty’s tag
creamcheese.txt - Cream’s tag
knux.txt - Knuckles’ tag
coolersonic.txt - Scourge’s tag
supersonic.txt - Fleetway’s tag
shard.txt - Shard’s tag
ovasonic.txt - Sonic’s tag
neo.txt - Neo Metal Sonic’s tag
awoo.txt - Wolf’s tag
funisinfinite.txt - Infinite’s tag
e102.txt - Gamma’s tag
darkling.txt - Eclipse’stag
feelthesunshine.txt - Dolly’s tag
iamgod.txt - Echo/Dot’s tag
itsnouse.txt - Silver’s tag
gadgetwolf.txt - Gadget’s tag
silversonic.txt - Sterling’s tag
mechsonic.txt - Mecha’s tag
manichedgehog.txt - Manic’s tag
evilgenius.txt - Eggman’s tag
gottagofast.txt - Snap’s tag
bigmeatbag.txt - Rumble’s tag
ultimateandroid.txt - Dusk’s tag
steeledge.txt - Steel’s tag
trueking.txt - King’s tag
sirlancelot.txt - Lancelot’s tag
sirgalahad.txt - Galahad’s tag
sirgawain.txt - Gawain’s tag
donutlord.txt - Exeller’s tag
endless.txt - Majin’s tag
endlessfunker.txt - Bluebell’s tag
yourbestfriend.txt - Flowey’s tag
godofdagunz.txt - YV’s tag
epicgamer.txt - Cuz’s tag
imustscream.txt - Eyes’ tag
radioactivechair.txt - Throne’s tag
littlesthunter.txt - Lil Hunter’s tag
idpdcaptain.txt - Captain’s tag
gaycloud.txt - Updike’s tag
gaycello.txt - Garcello’s tag
swapcrybaby.txt - Cosmos’ tag
oreodad.txt - Ruv’s tag
lordlycan.txt - Heisenberg’s tag
breakfast.txt - Uzi’s tag
hellsangel.txt - Des’ tag
weirdjanitor.txt - Wally’s tag
flashlightwolf.txt - Borkis’ tag
musicdirector.txt - Sammy’s tag
5051.txt - Josie’s tag
sciencecatboy.txt - Stan’s tag
beststealthdad.txt - Rhys’ tag
chchchcherrybomb.txt - Cherry’s tag
daybreak.txt - Mister Daybreak’s tag
null.txt - Null’s tag
eve079.txt - Eve’s tag
flowertwig.txt - Mossrose’s tag
gaybomb.txt - Whitty’s tag
rudebuster.txt - Susie’s tag
mightymugs.txt - Mugman’s tag
themeta.txt - Maine’s tag
fireworks.txt - Theta’s tag
generaldoyle.txt - Doyle’s tag
toodles.txt - Genkins’ tag
logic.txt - Delta’s tag
snowgrave.txt - Noelle’s tag
blizzardblitz.txt - Blizzard’s tag
itsnerfornothing.txt - Nerf’s tag
golfcloud.txt - Mote’s tag
sundog.txt - Sundog’s tag
voidcloud.txt - Zephyr’s tag
punnyskeleton.txt - Sans’ tag
noot.txt - Nootmare’s tag
Q5U4EX7YY2E9N.txt - Queen’s tag
number1salesman.txt - Spamton’s tag
yellowaddison.txt - Ray’s tag
pinkaddison.txt - Eros’ tag
bigshot.txt - Deceit’s tag
whiteaddison.txt - Addy’s tag
huggywuggy.txt - Huggy’s tag
sleepies.txt - Rookie’s tag
superiorbeing.txt - WX-78′s tag
amogus.txt - Pip’s tag
muggymugs.txt - Muggy’s tag
howdybot.txt - Victor’s tag
burntjesusman.txt - Joshua’s tag
garbageweasel.txt - MacCready’s tag
valentinesdetectiveagency.txt - Nick’s tag
stonerraisin.txt - Hancock’s tag
allergictostrawberries.txt - Mort’s tag
horrorbutcher.txt - Horror’s tag
edgyskele.txt - Crimson’s tag
papaspizza.txt - Papa Guesty’s tag
baldimore.txt - Baldi’s tag
mammawink.txt - Wammawink’s tag
honse.txt - Horse’s tag
alphaepsilon.txt - Church’s tag
literaltrash.txt - Felix’s tag
coolcapn.txt - Cap’n’s tag
bowchickabowwow.txt - Tucker’s tag
bitofabadass.txt - Tex’s tag
knockknock.txt - Wyoming’s tag
technerd.txt - Raymond’s tag
double0donut.txt - Donut’s tag
agentnewyork.txt - York’s tag
outofthefryingpanintotheshit.txt - 479er’s tag
redwhiteandbigguns.txt - Carmine’s tag
imdead.txt - Gold’s tag
youcantrun.txt - Xen’s tag
sunkympeg.txt - Sunky’s tag
medtechdog.txt - Chonies’ tag
freshafcloud.txt - Razz’s tag
rockstarbun.txt - Bonnie’s tag
patchworkbun.txt - Vanny’s tag
nowhereking.txt - Nowhere King’s tag
allknowingcomfiness.txt - Comfortable Doug’s tag
brokenvow.txt - Rose’s tag
icecreamnun.txt - Sarv’s tag
pintofneapolitan.txt - Tiny’s tag
glamrockwolf.txt - Roxanne’s tag
swapdigidevil.txt - Riot’s tag
vampirejesusman.txt - Father Paul’s tag
andromeda.txt - Aldryx’s tag
nerfthis.txt - D.Va’s tag
ennardinnard.txt - Ennard’s tag
glamrockdad.txt - Freddy’s tag
daycareattendent.txt - Sunny’s tag
darkestdesires.txt - Glitchtrap’s tag
rockandroll.txt - Monty’s tag
tallaubergine.txt - Dave’s tag
smalltangerine.txt - Sportsy’s tag
crazypup.txt - GIR’s tag
almightytallest.txt - Pur’s tag
eyelesslad.txt - EJ’s tag
smartestcore.txt - Wheatley’s tag
shapeshiftingmiracle.txt - Camilo’s tag
lolxdbun.txt - Nessa’s tag
wearelegion.txt - Legion’s tag
calibrations.txt - Garrus’ tag
emergencyinductionport.txt - Tali’s tag
lolfox.txt - Lolbit’s tag
funtimebear.txt - Frankie’s tag
theblob.txt - Francis’ tag
spamprince.txt - Princeton’s tag
bigshotautos.txt - Auto’s tag
cassiansaidihadto.txt - K-2SO’s tag
shadowinthesewers.txt - Krobus’ tag
spamknight.txt - Knighton’s tag
solidwasteexcretion.txt - Blasto’s tag
gethhopper.txt - Brigade’s tag
gethjuggernaught.txt - Horde’s tag
gethpyro.txt - Platoon’s tag
sheepsquatch.txt - Nox’s tag
firsthumanspectre.txt - Shepard’s tag
clanurdnot.txt - Wrex’s tag
tankbred.txt - Grunt’s tag
oneruleonomega.txt - Aria’s tag
scientistsalarian.txt - Mordin’s tag
flightlieutenant.txt - Joker’s tag
kryik.txt - Nihlus’ tag
arterius.txt - Saren’s tag
hungyboi.txt - Julian’s tag
paperbagbun.txt - Mono’s tag
devilsnumberone.txt - King Dice’s tag
foxmullet.txt - Michael’s tag
dusktilldawn.txt - Dusk’s tag
dapperpaws.txt - Capper’s tag
lawlbyte.txt - Gigabyte’s tag
princessoffriendship.txt - Twilight’s tag
princesssparkle.txt - Dawn’s tag
giantenemyink.txt - Beast’s tag
biteof87.txt - Markus’ tag
submasin.txt - Ingo’s tag
submasem.txt - Emmet’s tag
ladysnee.txt - Lady Sneasler’s tag
insnee.txt - Izzy’s tag
emsnee.txt - Eli’s tag
pkmnprofessor.txt - Laventon’s tag
xemugsnumberone.txt - Daniel’s tag
antoinebitters.txt - Bitters’ tag
grifscheerleader.txt - Matthews’ tag
number1aidad.txt - North’s tag
frankdufresne.txt - Doc’s tag
drowningsinking.txt - Sink’s tag
loyalprophet.txt - Prophet’s tag
assaultron.txt - KL-E-0′s tag
rosesandthorns.txt - Sen’s tag
mommymustmurder.txt - Martha’s tag
spookyinspace.txt - Nebby’s tag
bubbyisbest.txt - Bubby’s tag
vermin.txt - Rattrap’s tag
choppahface.txt - Dinobot’s tag
kingofcybertron.txt - Starscream’s tag
birddog.txt - Silverbolt’s tag
ultimateprototype.txt - Terios’ tag
waspbot.txt - Waspinator’s tag
fortheroyalty.txt - Inferno’s tag
cowboyfuzor.txt - Quickstrike’s tag
kissymissy.txt - Missy’s tag
madspiderscientist.txt - Tarantulas’ tag
epicfail.txt - Fails’ tag
noapples.txt - Woolly’s tag
cassettedad.txt - Soundwave’s tag
cutestbee.txt - Bumblebee’s tag
fruitiestcar.txt - Knock Out’s tag
oldmedic.txt - Ratchet’s tag
cassetteblue.txt - Rumble’s tag
cassettered.txt - Frenzy’s tag
dogsbestfriend.txt - Thundercracker’s tag
bestpurplejet.txt - Skywarp’s tag
funkiestcybertronian.txt - Jazz’s tag
meswoop.txt - Swoop’s tag
megrimlock.txt - Grimlock’s tag
waspbest.txt - Wasp’s tag
fastestbotever.txt - Blurr’s tag
hotrodisprime.txt - Hot Rod’s tag
lordmegatron.txt - Megatron’s tag
triplechanger.txt - Blitzwing’s tag
cyberninja.txt - Prowl’s tag
madsciencecar.txt - Wheeljack’s tag
straightplane.txt - Powerglide’s tag
whambamboom.txt - Warpath’s tag
gaycar.txt - Tracks’ tag
anxietythetransformer.txt - Red Alert’s tag
spacetram.txt - Astrotrain’s tag
fruitiestcarsconjunx.txt - Breakdown’s tag
bestofteambee.txt - Sideswipe’s tag
anxietycar.txt - Wildbreak’s tag
cutestlambo.txt - Sunstreaker’s tag
blastingtunes.txt - Blaster’s tag
morethanamachine.txt - Seaspray’s tag
decepticonspy.txt - Shockwave’s tag
hungrystagbeetle.txt - Shrapnel’s tag
wheeliesfeelies.txt - Wheelie’s tag
greatestconbot.txt - Swindle’s tag
giantlegacy.txt - Annie’s tag
fazbeardj.txt - DJ’s tag
peacebeuponyou.txt - Zenyatta’s tag
grandmacat.txt - Yellowfang’s tag
blupyro.txt - Pyro’s tag
bluscout.txt - Scout’s tag
baconsoupwolf.txt - Boris’ tag
prettiestangel.txt - Alice’s tag
boy.txt - Boy’s tag
girl.txt - Girl’s tag
skiesfulloffire.txt - Skyfire’s tag
decepticonsforever.txt - Ravage’s tag
impulsivecliff.txt - Cliffjumper’s tag
howdyhide.txt - Ironhide’s tag
storiestotell.txt - Kup’s tag
rammingspeed.txt - Ramjet’s tag
galvatronsnumber1.txt - Cyclonus’ tag
takebackmyturf.txt - Thunderhoof’s tag
starprime.txt - Castor’s tag
stararmada.txt - Armada’s tag
glitchingyarn.txt - Erhare’s tag
tiredglitch.txt - Error’s tag
negativeguardian.txt - Nightmare’s tag
royalguardblueberry.txt - Blueberry’s tag
godofmischief.txt - Loki’s tag
notaraccoon.txt - Rocket’s tag
crayonsun.txt - Crayon’s tag
glamrockmango.txt - Mangle’s tag
glamrockchick.txt - Chica’s tag
glamrockbowling.txt - Morgan’s tag
sleepytimemoon.txt - Moony’s tag
bearcicle.txt - Frostbear’s tag
glamcaptain.txt - Foxy’s tag
hencenothingremains.txt - Pablo’s tag
battersup.txt - Batter’s tag
zone1guardian.txt - Dedan’s tag
hellfireclub.txt - Eddie’s tag
dinomegs.txt - Apex’s tag
sicscorponok.txt - Scorponok’s tag
meanttolead.txt - Terrorsaur’s tag
tinytoontroublemaker.txt - Sketch’s tag
kittycatcat.txt - Momo’s tag
lunareclipse.txt - Lunar’s tag
seamus.txt - Seamus’ tag
orangecatlover.txt - Clementine’s tag
eccentricdoc.txt - Doc’s tag
guardianoftheslums.txt - Guardian’s tag
roboticmeditation.txt - Zbaltazar’s tag
theboogieman.txt - Monster’s tag
ballinrobot.txt - Hex’s tag
demonicbookworm.txt - Rasazy’s tag
faucet.txt - Nitty Gritty’s tag
demolitionistgoat.txt - Tabi’s tag
thebeautifulraymond.txt - Juniper’s tag
cutestredbot.txt - Darrell’s tag
plainblackcoffee.txt - Macchiato’s tag
inkwelldemon.txt - Doodle’s tag
inksmudge.txt - Smudge’s tag
wanderingsin.txt - Sinzy’s tag
friendgreen.txt - Green’s tag
friendblue.txt - Blue’s tag
friendpurple.txt - Purple’s tag
sugar.txt - Sugar’s tag
spice.txt - Spice’s tag
andeverythingnice.txt - Plum’s tag
cutestleaderlamb.txt - Lamb’s tag
mixmaster.txt - Mixmaster’s tag
goodjobmoist.txt - Hoist’s tag
littlehoneybee.txt - Honeybee’s tag
ineededthat.txt - Machinist’s tag
grumpyoldmedic.txt - Remedy’s tag
theoriginalstarscream.txt - Solus’ tag
unidentifiedflyingcutie.txt - Kozmoz’s tag
rc.txt - Arcee’s tag
oncybertron.txt - Shockblast’s tag
starsaberkid.txt - Hot Shot’s tag
scrapper.txt - Scrapper’s tag
bonecrusher.txt - Bonecrusher’s tag
scavenger.txt - Scavenger’s tag
hook.txt - Hook’s tag
longhaul.txt - Long Haul’s tag
compassionspirit.txt - Cole’s tag
tevintermage.txt - Dorian’s tag
chargerkrem.txt - Krem’s tag
bullschargers.txt - Bull’s tag
nyancat.txt - Toaster’s tag
tacnayn.txt - Tac’s tag
forthegreywardens.txt - Alistair’s tag
advisorcullen.txt - Cullen’s tag
seekerpentaghast.txt - Cassandra’s tag
dreadwolf.txt - Solas’ tag
ragedemon.txt - Rage’s tag
pridedemon.txt - Pride’s tag
trainergrey.txt - Grey’s tag
trainerblake.txt - Blake’s tag
dreamdemon.txt - Bill Cipher’s tag
inkydoll.txt - Betty’s tag
lostoneporter.txt - Porter’s tag
theinkdemoncometh.txt - Ink Demon’s tag
babeydancingdemon.txt - Enzo’s tag
pussytron.txt - Noct’s tag
corruptedskele.txt - Corvid’s tag
orderinthecycle.txt - Keeper’s tag
boys&grills.txt - Bob’s tag
cybertroniancatboy.txt - Motif’s tag
tiredcandyman.txt - Kevin’s tag
notspookythisscary.txt - Spookalgamate’s tag
tinytank.txt - TANK!’s tag
hatzgangleader.txt - Roy’s tag
erotoph.txt - Dexter’s tag
grillgirl.txt - Peggy’s tag
badcop.txt - 36′s tag
peaceatanycost.txt - Ramattra’s tag
rustedrose.txt - Rusty Rose’s tag
ninetailedfox.txt - Nine’s tag
daintycharmedangel.txt - Charm’s tag
jackinthebox.txt - Boxy’s tag
hesamando.txt - Mando’s tag
yourjunkertownqueen.txt - Dez’s tag
snipermom.txt - Ana’s tag
frogmusic.txt - Lúcio‘s tag
bringerofjustice.txt - Orisa’s tag
gaydetective.txt - Benoit’s tag
sleepytimeandi.txt - Andromeda’s tag
nofacebunny.txt - Cain’s tag
firefoxy.txt - Grimm’s tag
springbunbun.txt - Pascal’s tag
takeamap.txt - Map Bot’s tag
deathstraightup.txt - Death’s tag
shorthalt.txt - Scanlan’s tag
sweetspooder.txt - Casanova’s tag
apocalypsedad.txt - Joel’s tag
peppinospizza.txt - Peppino’s tag
realpeppino.txt - Bruno’s tag
pickupphone.txt - Noise’s tag
pizzagod.txt - Pizzahead’s tag
sticksmoneystash.txt - Mr Stick’s tag
candyconfectioner.txt - Pizzelle’s tag
pizzanopaisano.txt - Pizzano’s tag
darlingsapples.txt - Wally Darling’s tag
threestonesonebird.txt - Banban’s tag
classtime.txt - Banbaleena’s tag
kennedy.txt - Leon’s tag
winters.txt - Ethan’s tag
sweettooth.txt - Gus’ tag
fatherlydog.txt - Wilson Wolfe’s tag
spotohnn.txt - Spot’s tag
liquidfascination.txt - MubMub’s tag
punkaf.txt - Hobie’s tag
thebigman.txt - Miguel’s tag
thepartyneverdies.txt - Barnaby’s tag
greenthumb.txt - Bushroot’s tag
chaostime.txt - Chaos Sonic’s tag
sciencepineapple.txt - Jefferson’s tag
combinejanitor.txt - Hephaestus’ tag
theopposingforce.txt - Adrian’s tag
mxes.txt - Entity’s tag
chonkalonka.txt - Muta’s tag
grumpiestwolf.txt - Tom’s tag
fanto.txt - Fantoccio’s tag
tigermimic.txt - Mimic’s tag
petrikov.txt - Simon’s tag
wishmaster.txt - Prismo’s tag
grassboy.txt - Fern’s tag
finnmertens.txt - Finn’s tag
farmboy.txt - Finnian’s tag
100percenthero.txt - Finley’s tag
girlking.txt - Winter King’s tag
cathero.txt - Shermy’s tag
rootbeertime.txt - Fun’s tag
pepbut.txt - Peps’ tag
detectivetv.txt - TV’s tag
iceprince.txt - Flynn’s tag
coolestskaterpup.txt - Bronwyn’s tag
jerkworldrecord.txt - Magic Man’s tag
abracadeez.txt - Abracadaniel’s tag
ancientsleepingmagi.txt - Magi’s tag
ueeheehee.txt - Jevil’s tag
gigglesbitterly.txt - Bittergiggle’s tag
fencor.txt - Fenris’ tag
40 notes · View notes
thesongoftheirlove · 2 years
wooo system shit- so we're gonna list the introjects and then rb with non-introject refs!!
so heres part 1 (note that some folks are missing bc we dont wanna make folks uncomfy):
Amore (her design is based off of @/funkinmadnesss' lovecore gf!)
Black Raisin Cookie
Cam/BF (fnf)
Cherry (fnf)
Clover Cookie
Espresso Cookie
Lilac Cookie
Penny Parker (of snapcube, specifically her lil avatar-)
Prick (literally just pico but with more scars and edgy lolz)
Red Velvet Cookie
Softie (soft BF)
Sophie Walten
Sorbet Shark Cookie
Strawberry (Roleswap!Sarv, design by @/darkpi-evan)
Strawberry Crepe Cookie
Toughie (soft pico)
Star (Hex from our blog @/swapping-hextravaganza)
Spirit (from @/ask-spirit-sarv)
Lover (Miku from our blog @/funk-your-kneecaps)
Virus (the red eye in glitcher-)
JD (yes from the musical heathers)
Player (they literally looked like grayed out kris OIDSFSJD-)
Katherine Howard (from the musical six)
Anne Boleyn (from the musical six)
Burn (Sunday from our blog @/soft-bandmates)
Bubblegum (neo mod gf)
10 notes · View notes
escapeism-s · 2 years
All the Computer Part Asks with Hex? :33
OH WHOA all of them?? Well 👀
Motherboard: Which one of you has the strongest parental instincts? If romantic, what are your thoughts on starting a family with them someday?
Main thing I’ll say about this one? Sometimes a family can be some guy, his robot boyfriend, and their pet cat 😌
Power supply unit (PSU): Which one of you brings the most energy to the relationship? Can it occasionally be a bit too much energy for the other?
Hex probably brings the most energy! He’s just naturally energetic and active in general, so it naturally also applies here. It’s never too much for me though! It’s actually one of the things I really love about him, even if I can’t always match his levels of energy fhdjs
Central processing unit (CPU): Are either of you prone to overworking yourselves? If so, how do you work through it as a pair?
Hex is very careful to not overwork himself most of the time, because doing so actually puts in him in serious danger (ex: glitcher). I try not to overwhelm myself too much either
Heat sink: How does your F/O help you destress and vent? Conversely, how do you help them?
Hex is the absolute best listener. No matter how upset I get or how incomprehensible by rambles become, he’ll stick by me until I start feeling a bit better. I imagine he’s really good at giving advice too, actually. As for me helping him, I like to give him distractions from whatever’s bothering him at the time. Either through some wacky convo or just watching something or playing a videogame together.
Liquid cooling system (LCS): Which one of you reminds the other to drink water? Do either of you actually drink water?
Hex, uh. Doesn’t drink water. So he’s of course the one reminding me to!
Random-access memory (RAM): Are either of you forgetful? If so, how does the other help the forgetful one with their memory? Or are you both forgetful?
I wouldn’t say either of us are particularly forgetful tbh
Graphics Processing Unit (GPU): Is your f/o artistically inclined? If so, which medium do they prefer? Do you ever help them with their craft?
He’s not particularly artistic, but I can definitely see him pulling up ms paint on himself and doodling with it when he’s bored! I’d love to compliment his little sketches
Network interface card (NIC): How does your F/O talk about you to their friends? No negative responses allowed because that would be slander towards your F/O.
He’d bring me up casually in conversation a lot. Like- “That reminds me of something funny Emmett said the other day!” Or “Oh, Emmett would love this!” Just little, but very frequent, remarks
Solid State Drive (SSD): What are some small details about your F/O that you appreciate?
I love his lil antennae! I like to think they can move in correspondence to his emotions. Also, I love how he can display pretty much anything on his screen, like shapes and symbols! It’s adorable
Hard drive: Which one of you is more prone to documenting every event in the relationship? Is it done in a particular way?
Oh that’s definitely Hex. When he has a memory he really wants to cherish, he sorta. Takes a literal, mental screenshot of that moment, and saves it in a special folder in his files
CD drive: Which one of you gets worked up the fastest? How does the other respond to this behavior?
Hex hardly ever gets angry in the slightest, so probably me. Depending on the situation, he’d try and do something to help calm my nerves or he’d try to get me out of the situation that’s getting me worked up.
Chassis: Which one of you is more self-conscious about your appearance? How does the other help?
Neither of us get self conscious about our appearance per se, but Hex sometimes feels a little insecure about being a robot in a relationship with a human. Normally he’s perfectly happy being a robot mind you, but one thing that he does occasionally worry about from time to time is giving affection.
His face is a screen so obviously he can’t kiss, and he’s made out of cold, hard metal, so he worries about being able to give proper hugs, too.
But!!! I’ll always remind him that his affection IS enough, that I love him, and that I couldn’t be any happier than I am with him
Tysm for sending this in, I had a blast filling these out! :D
5 notes · View notes
alterrune · 2 years
CHAPTER asks 6:
Alright this is just getting weird. First KL-5 keeps getting glitcher and glitcher. Really thinking about... Restarting now. And now... The GPS of TK!Alterrune is getting weird? A second he's there. A second he's nowhere. And a second he's behind me... Let me drive this airship better, I'm getting the hang of it.
I think that's because I'm at OutWorld right now, Hack!Anon.
...Hack!Anon? That's strange, he's not answering. We'd usually get a response by now.
We're in a whole different dimension, Alter. I doubt he'll be able to hear us.
Besides, we've still got the Heaven Incursion to stop.
And I doubt they'll retreat any time soon.
...point taken. We'll have to tell him about this whole adventure once we head back to the Modern World.
Yeah, I bet he'll LOVE it.
0 notes
trashyfanficcutouts · 3 years
[ One of my first finished fanfics... A terrible creepypasta fanfic from early 2016. Literally cried when I found this. It’s SOOOO bad! Everything about this is so bad, but I’m pretty sure it could be saved... not that I’m going to. Only sharing this to laugh at past me, that silly little idiot <3 
AHEM! May I present to the poor soul who has stumbled across this... 
“Griefer In The System”  (Except the title has nothing to do with the story and it was written by a young edgy pre-teen who wanted edgy romance.)
word count: 16,274 ]
Ben was just your average kid who loved video games, Legend of Zelda more specifically. His dad was a heavy drinker but it was never a real problem. When BEN got Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask he was so excited, he had wanted this game for a over a month now. As soon as he got it he rushed to his room and put it in his N64, he played it all night. He loved to be alone in his room, he did not have many friends but he did have many bullies. As he got further into the game he began to play it more, more than he should have. His dad was getting concerned about the time his son was spending on that game of his. He had made lots of plans for cool places they could go, but the plans never got carried out. Days went by and BEN was getting further into his game, to the final dungeon and more importantly the final boss. Yet in a way he didn't want to beat the game because his fun would end and he would go back to being the depressed little kid he was before. Although he knew that he could replay the game but it wouldn't be the same, It's never the same the second time you play it. All the wonder and difficulty it had the first time would be gone. BEN got to the stone tower temple on the final day, he then saved the game and went to bed. The next day his dad had a surprise that BEN would probably like. They were going to a local lake that usually had no people there. BEN did not get the choice to stay home, if he had stayed home he would have beaten the game. He would have lived. Almost as soon as they got to the lake his dad pulled out some beer. BEN hated it when his dad drank but he always found a way to deal with it. He sat on the until the heat finally got to him. BEN ran and jumped into the refreshing water, but he splashed his now drunk dad which was a horrible mistake. BEN's dad stood up clearly angry. "YOU SHOULDN'T OF DONE THAT!" he yelled. He began to chase after BEN, he grabbed him and slammed him in the water. BEN was not going without a fight, He quickly grabbed his dad's arm and twisted it making him let go. BEN bursted to the surface gasping for air, he began to swim farther into the lake till the water was deep enough to go over his head. Suddenly something blunt hit him in the head. He started sinking to the bottom of the lake, Somehow a shattering beer bottle to the head paralyzed him. Everything began to fade into darkness. But before it did the happy mask salesman popped into his head saying the familiar words "You've met with a terrible fate haven't you BEN?" That's when everything went dark and he ran out of breath.
Griefer or Bastard was in his room playing his Nintendo 64 he was playing Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. The very first game he'd owned he's replayed the game about 50 times and has always found something new that he hasn't discovered before. He had gotten the game by accident. He'd been looking in his deceased grandfather's attic where the creepy stuff were. He'd found an old box and picked it up because it just seemed to be calling him. It was an odd thing, at first he had been frightened but then he gathered up as much courage as a five year old could and saw that it was only a couple of old games and took them out of the attic to see them properly. His mother asked where he found the box and he told her in the attic. She gasped and looked frightened for a moment but then she said 'put the box back where you found it.' Of course has didn't want to and argued with her saying 'I promise I will take care of the games. Please mom.' He said giving her the big kitty eyes that always won. After a moment's hesitation she said 'fine but you have to wear this.' She gave him a chain with a time stopper that had a teardrop in it that held real water. His mother explained that when he played his games or anything  that got too intense his power would be unleashed. He could see the dead or undead. 
His powers weren't supposed to show up until he turned fifteen but he was an early one. Too early. His powers were contained in the teardrop.   He was a master of time itself. 
Bas nodded. After that she looks relieved and smiled at him.
Bas looked at the time and yelled, "SHIT IMMA BE LATE!!!" He hadn't even gotten dressed but that didn't matter at the moment so he decided to put on some random shorts on and left his kawaii anime shirt that he'd fallen asleep with on. Then he did his daily routine fast and swung his LOZ one strap backpack over his shoulder and rushed out the door forgetting to do his hair. He thankfully arrived at the bus stop and sighed. James glared at him and said "Look what the cat dragged in." Bas just sighed and said, "What do you want." "I want you." Bas looked at him without emotion and said, "You know what screw you cause I don't want you. You freaking asshole." With that said the bus pulled up and he walked to fourth seat his favorite seat. No one sat there because they were afraid of messing with him because the last time someone took his seat he did something bad.
James looked at him as he walks by and winked at him. Griefer just looked away. 
Everyone knew that Griefer was LGBT he came out on his 8th birthday and was proud of who he was. 
Even though some people picked on him he didn't mind it when they called him terrible names. His father pretended to support him even though his mother tried hiring a stripper to get him to like girls but he ran away. His mother tried to make him act like someone he wasn't but he just couldn't take it anymore and ran away from home for the second time. After that his father found him and his mother beat him over and over again just because of who he was. His mother was ordered to never see him again, she was put in jail for 5 years this happened when he was super young around 7 he was now 12 it's been 5 years she was out there looking for him. Somewhere. It was a good thing they'd moved last year. But anyways back to school... I was walking on the school grounds with my close best friend, Glitcher. He was the best gamer around and even made several awesome topnotch games with the best graphics ever. I was kinda jealous of him because he usually got all the girls and guys or whatever. They like him because he was just that likeable. I even had a crush on him. But I knew that he wouldn't be my friend anymore if I said I liked him. But oh well. I needed to get to class now. I rushed to my class. As I rushed I felt someone staring at me. I turned my head and saw that it was Glitcher. He waved at me. I waved back and continued walking to my class. Which had to be ELA I hated that class the teacher always gave me a hard time and one time she went too far and I had a panic attack. It was terrible. After two hours of James being an asshole to me the bell finally rang and like always I was the first one out. I met up with Glitcher and we hung out and talked about the latest games. Then his current girlfriend walked towards us she was hot I had to admit. "So did you bring my stuff Glitchy. Or did you forget it again." She asked in a very bitchy tone. I frowned she shouldn't be talking to Glitcher like that no one should. I glared at her and then Glitcher said, " Of course Maddie I have your stuff." After she left I asked, "Why do you let her treat you like that?" "Why do you say that?" I sighed he could be so naive sometimes but I didn't say anything 'if only you knew' "Knew what?!?" Oops I guess I said that aloud. "Nothing." "Tell me." "No cuz then you'll make fun of me and won't be my friend." "I will always be your friend no matter what!!" I sighed and he knew that I was about to tell him something very important but really I was just good at lying. "I have a super awesome game that I've never told you about." This was true but it wasn't what I was supposed to tell him. "What! why didn't you tell me." "I dunno." After school we went home he dragged me by the arm and I smiled slightly by him touching me. When he looked back he asked what's wrong. I just smiled and said nothing.
We soon entered the house he wanted to see the game and console. I took him to see it and he looked so awed by it I laughed and asked him what he wanted to play. He said he wants to play Donkey Kong. Of course he would want to play the first game for this type of console. I smiled at him and dug in the box for it and put the cartridge in. We waited for it to load and played for over 5 hours writing down notes and some ways to cheat the game. "Wanna play LOZ." "Sorry I should've been home a long time ago maybe next time. Then we can beat the game 5 billion times. Hahaha." I smiled at his laugh and said "OK." When he left I decided to play LOZ by myself. I put in the cartridge and saw  one file titled BEN and saw all the achievements and I felt bad that they never did finish the game. Maybe this BEN person was also disappointed that they never finished or maybe the game was glitched. "It doesn't matter let's find out" I said speaking to myself. I made my own file titled GRIEFER because I would feel like crap if I deleted someone's hard work. I started playing the game and soon encountered some glitches like the game confusing me and BEN. I didn't really mind though. The occasional mix up was alright with me. Then I got to the part where the statue was following me around. "Ok ....sure this is kinda weird. Oh well... Imma go to sleep game so see ya when I wake up... Griefer needs recharge." Again I was talking to myself. "Damn I must be going crazy... Oh well."
I woke up in the morning extra late so of course I had to be late for class. I knew I was getting a beating tonight... Oh well. I mentally prepared myself since there was no point in going to school anyways. I would just ruin someone's day. I turned on the console and started playing where I left off. This time it was just a blank screen with the text YOU'VE MET WITH A TERRIBLE FATE, HAVEN'T YOU... "I guess so .... I mean I'm gonna get a beating tonight so yeah I guess you could put it that way... This game is so awesome... Dammit!!! I'm talking to myself AGAIN dammit!!!" When I finished being smart with the game another text appeared this one said THIS IS REAL YOU ARE NOT GOING CRAZY BUT YOU'LL WISH YOU WERE WHEN I'M DONE WITH YOU... "Ok." I said, "That's cool. I always wonder what it felt like to be killed. But can you please grant me the wish of choosing the way I die..." UMMM.... OK "Cool. I want to die by drowning." WHY? DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHO I AM? ARE YOU MAKING FUN OF ME!?!?! "What?!?! No!! I just always wanted to drown I mean I have thought of awesome ways to drown myself." YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE DONE THAT!!! "Done what??? I'm so confused. Also what's your name." BEN DROWNED IS MY NAME... WHAT'S YOURS... "Cool my name is .... Griefer or Bastard... I know it sounds fake but it's just Bas..." I said trying not to think about how suckish my life was. Too late I was crying. "DAMMIT GRIEF WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SUCH A WUSSY... WHY..." Then out of nowhere… 
A person who look like someone from a game I played along time ago appeared on the screen but with bloody eyes and looked at me and said "Would you like me to end your suffering..." I looked at him and said, "No matter what you did you couldn't end my suffering no matter what... I'm sorry but can you go my dad's gonna be home soon. I don't want him to find you here." He stared at me and said, " OK.. I'll go only for you but if I see something going on I will reveal myself..." "Ok." An hour later of me doing my homework and cleaning the house. Dad came home drunk and angry. "I HEARD YOU DIDN'T GO TO SCHOOL TODAY BASTARD!!!" I flinched at the sound and murmured "yeah so what." He must have heard me because he came pounding on the stairs. He knocked down my door and slapped me. "NEVER SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT AGAIN... UNDERSTAND!!!" He yelled in my face. Again he slapped me and then punched me in the gut saying I shouldn't even be alive and that my mother should have had an abortion. I only smiled at him and said "Well mom should have known you raped my sister and that's why she died." He glared at me, “Well I'll give you the a reason to die.” He pulled held my neck tightly to the point where no breath could come out when BEN couldn't take it anymore and said YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE DONE THAT... My dad looked at him and said "Who the hell are you!!" YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE... When he said that he murdered my dad saying YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE DONE THAT... DUMBARSE... He then turned to me I looked down embarrassed of what just happened. He just asked me ARE YOU OK... I said yes I wasn't hurt. I'M GLAD...
After that day I stayed away from people even Glitcher I felt really bad. I was now with the only family i had left and hadn't seen BEN since that day. I kinda felt lost I just wanted to talk with someone. But I was ignoring everything even the teachers and the bullies made fun of me for losing my dad. "I bet you he's going to kill himself." Ashton said, a girl I really hated. She was just so rude. I glared at her. She smirked,  "What it's not like anyone's going to miss you." "I will." Dammit James just had to say that ugh I give up. "What do you want James." "I already told you before what I wanted. It's you." I didn't say anything but walked away from him and kept thought why does he keep bugging me sure I'm only 5'3 but That's no reason to pick on me. I mean he was already 6'4. Dammit James just leave me alone. James was following me again. I should really get a restraining order. "Ugh. Just leave me alone James." "Not until you're mine." "Know what I give up. Fine I'm yours now what. Huh." I said in a sassy tone. He smirked at me and said, "Took you long enough." I rolled my eyes at him. He put an arm around my waist and smiled kissing me on the cheek. Girls around us all shrieked and fangirled. They started whispering about us soon it reached the entire school and the last person it reached was Glitcher. He came up to me at lunch time looking like he was going to cry and said, "I need to talk to you about the game... Please." I looked at him and said, "ok." As I was gonna get up James pulled me back down and said, "You are mine... Remember." I just looked at him and said, "Whatever... He's my friend and I'm going with him or I'll end this." He looked at me and said, "Fine." He said glaring at Glitcher. We walked in comfortable silence until we reached our spot. He said, "ok the real reason I called you out is because i wanted to know why you've been ignoring me and why you are dating James. I mean it's cool if you're gay but why James... Just why..." But by this point he was a sobbing mess. I hugged him and said, "I'm so sorry, Glitcher. I didn't know." "I've been avoiding you because of something that happened on the day my dad died. I just couldn't handle people I needed time alone. And as to why I'm with James it's because.... I've given up on my crush ever liking me. They are too outta my league." I said close to tears myself. " I don't care... See the thing is .... I.... I .... ILOVEYOU...  I just can't handle seeing you with another person... I just can't." Then I woke up. Dammit it was just a dream why couldn't it have been real at least the part where he confessed to me. Ughhhhhh. I looked around my room, I had move in with my gran. She had decided to move all my old stuff from my old room to the new three story house. I was kinda happy that we left the old house. It held too many bad memories. My Gran also decided to homeschool me. I would be getting home schooled by the end of this last week. I was glad cause of that now I wouldn't get bullied. But the bad thing was that I wouldn't see Glitcher as much. "Well I will always have my games. I think... Unless Gran decides to punish me..." Oh well it didn't matter right now all that matters right now is my games. I got up and went to the console and plugged it in and turned it on. The first thing I saw was BEN he smiled at me and asked ARE YOU OK I thought about the question and said, "Sure I'm ok." WHERE ARE WE "Well a lot has happened and I moved in with my Gran she let me keep my games. Isn't that cool. Well there's a rule as long as I got to sleep before 1:00 then I'm good." WHAT ABOUT SCHOOL... "I'm getting homeschooled. Isn't that great." DON'T YOU HAVE ANY FRIENDS "Do you think I don't?" WELL MOST GAMERS DON'T HAVE MANY FRIENDS AND SOME ARE JUST INTROVERTS... "I am mostly an introvert but I do have a couple friends." HMMM... WHO'S YOUR FRIEND... "His name is Glitcher... He's so awesome he helps me program my games. He is also the star athlete at our school even if he doesn't always have time for me because he's always with one of his girlfriend- I'm sorry I was talking too much.. I'm so sorry. " NO, NO IT'S FINE I LOVE YOUR VOICE... CONTINUE... I blushed and said "No now it's just awkward. Hehe but you seem really cool. I wonder- never mind..”
YOU WONDER WHAT "I said never mind." YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE AFRAID OF ME WHY WEREN'T YOU AFRAID OF ME WHEN I FIRST APPEARED "Because I thought you were one of them but now I know that you're not or am I just hallucinating... Hmmmm" DUMBARSE "Wow rude much." WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE AFRAID OF ME YOU KNOW WHAT NEVER MIND "Imma go to sleep." I said angrily. OK ... I'M SORRY "It's ok... I was being rude." With that said I got under the covers and slowly fell asleep with my music blasting through my headphones. I tossed and turned in my sleep.
I watched the kid toss and turn and finally I couldn't take it anymore. I came out of the TV and decided that I would go over to him and try to comfort him in his sleep. I guess I succeeded as the kid soon stopped tossing and turning. After a while I was going to go back into the game when he put his arms around me tightly and cuddled up next to me. I smiled even though I knew this wasn't supposed to happen. I pulled one of the many pillows the kid had and put one in my place and went back into the game. The next morning I saw the kid pick up a different game it was Call of Duty the latest one. He was about to put it in when he asked "Are you still going to be here if I change the game?" YES I WILL ALWAYS BE HERE "Umm that doesn't sound creepy at all..." Then he went ahead and put in the game. "Damn it!!! It's glitched... Hehehehe. Damn I'm stupid." LOL YES YOU ARE... "That's it I will defeat you!" NO!!!! "You crazy BAStard." Then he smiled at me. I laughed at his stupidity. He is a weirdly odd kid that I like to hang out with. WAIT WHAT!!! I DON'T LIKE TO HANG OUT WITH HIM HE'S JUST ANOTHER VICTIM... I THINK I started thinking and didn't realize he was talking to me until he yelled "DAMMIT PIZZA NUGGETS WITH NO FUCKS TO GIVE!!" I started laughing. WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT "It was me trying to get your attention... I guess it worked." Wow. He sure was a weirdo. I looked back at him and smiled even though he couldn't see me. I wonder if he considers me his friend. "I do consider you my friend. Why do you ask?" HOW DID YOU KNOW I WAS THINKING THAT... "I didn't. You just told me." DAMMIT GIVE ME A STRAIGHT ANSWER... "Pfft like I'm straight." OH... UMMM... OKIE... "Ye." UGH... YOU'RE WEIRD... "I know." WELL THEN... WHAT NOW YOU BEAT THE GAME... "YE." REALLY WHAT'S WITH 'YE'... HMMMMMM..... "It means YE..." DAMN YOU... "Serry..."
The next day I was being chased by James. Damn him... Ugh. Soon I got tired and decided I had to run home as fast as I could. When I got home which took about 30 minutes of me running nonstop. I finally arrived. My Gran slapped me even though she was supposed to be the nice one. Hahah I guess she turned bad or not I guess she was always secretly bad and didn't accept me. Oh well... She then slapped me again. "Why are you home so early you fag!" "It was a short day, Gran I'm sorry I didn't tell you." "LIAR!!" She yelled at me and punched me in the gut so hard that blood spewed out of my mouth. Damn her. Why does she do this. Ugh. I guess I just have to feel with the pain alone. Like always. *sigh* "Gran please, I'm sorry, I'm super sorry I- I just- I'm sorry... gran please NOOO-" Gran slapped and kicked me harder than ever before filled with such hatred for me. I just cried curling into a ball.  She didn't care if I was going to live all she cared about was that I was out of her way. I can't believe I trusted her. I can't believe I thought she was going to be there for me. Ugh. Why was I so STUPID. I'M A DUMBASS... WHY... JUST WHY DID I BELIEVE HER... Why... Why did I trust her... Soon it ended with me barely conscious. I soon had to crawl towards the front door I grabbed onto the door handle and pulled myself up I slowly started to clean up the blood and vomit off the ground. Then I slowly made my way up the stairs. I opened my door then locked it. No ones was there I was all alone. "Dammit dude, don't make this as depressing as it is. Jeez, dude." "Fine I'll try but like seriously this is sad I'm all alone... Like always..." "Really dude, you have us..." "Ummm... How about no." I said not really wanting to have them as my friends. "Oh ok then I just won't talk to you for a while. Baiii!!!!!! Stupid." I whispered "Bai nuggets... Why am I talking to myself again... Ughhhh." ITS CUZ UR CRAZY... DUHHHH... "Well that's rude. But it's true." LOL YOU'RE LEARNING SOMETHING... YAY... "Wow... You soooooooo petty... You rude tech." WOW... NOW I'M OFFENDED... "I'm really sorry TECH... hehehe." DID YOU REALLY HAVE TO CALL ME TECH MY NAME IS BEN. DUMMY... "Ye but I'm sorry... Kinda..." OKAY I FORGIVE YOU... KINDA... "Wow you are really petty." NO I'M NOT I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT PETTY MEANS. YOU DUMB BUTT. "Ugh." DON'T GIVE ME THAT LOOK BOI!!! "BAII!!!" I said then walked out grabbing my 3Ds on the way out. the last thing I saw in the screen was 'HEY' then I shut the door and slowly made my way out I had only been in the house for about 5 minutes. I walked out of the house or was already dark out. I soon passed by a dark alley. I was found by someone. I couldn't see properly but I could only remember a white bloody sweater. Then everything turned black... I woke up to seeing the same sweater by me. I was in a nice comfy bed soon the figure started to get up so I closed my eyes trying to think. Why was I here... Oh right I passed out. "Hey you alive." I opened my eyes and nodded. I couldn't see anything cause it was dark in the room. Then a light turned on and I saw a bloody smile and  wide eyes. I didn't freak out or anything but asked, "What happened last night... Did we-" "Hahaha. I wish because damn that booty. Just kidding. But seriously damn I love your body. It's so... Pretty." I laughed and said, "Awesome smile, bro." "Thanks but why weren't you freaked out about me when you first saw me. Everyone is freaked out by me when they first see me." "Well I've seem creepier. No offense." "Nah. Its cool but just wondering how come you have fresh cuts and bruises. Did someone hurt you." "In a way... By the way who are you." "Hehe guess I forgot to introduce myself. Well anyways I'm Jeffery. Jeffery Woods." "No wonder I thought I saw you somewhere." "Really!?! How?" "I have my sources." "Oh you are just like Skinny never giving a straight answer. Hahaha." "Hmm.. I guess so." Hehehe if only he knew my real answer... Wtf is wrong with me. "Anyways you're probably wondering where you are-" "No I know where I'm at. The Killer mansion." "What!! How'd you know?" I just smiled at him and said “Because we're in the middle of nowhere in a forest. Duhhh." "Oh... Well what do you want to eat." "Waffles." I said without missing a beat. "Oh boy. You are so like Toby. I'll go get your waffles. So. Just sit tight." Then he left the room locking it. I could've left the room but I didn't I wanted to show that I was obedient and not make a mess of things like I've done before. The only problem was I could see no bathroom. Dang I need to go badly. What do I do. Dang it. Ugghhhh. That's it imma leave the room I need to go. Badly. I thought while slowly making my way towards the door. Just as I was getting my mind made up. Jeff came back with a plate full of waffles, they could wait I need to go. Jeff could sense something was wrong so he asked, "What's wrong... Wait don't tell me you want them to be made specifically. Cuz I don't tolerate that crap." I shook my head. "I need to go." "You can't leave." "No that's not it I NEED TO GO." I said indicating I was about to burst and piss all over there floor. "Oooooooooh. Sorry. I'll show you where it is but I have to be there with you. Ok." "Fine I don't mind as long as you don't look." "Ok." He showed me the bathroom and I started to unzip my pants and do my business. Of course he had to look. "Dang it Jeff. What'd I tell you. DON'T LOOK. AND WHAT'D YOU DO.. YOU LOOKED." I said giving him a lecture while taking a piss. "Umm sorry. I was just curious." "Curiosity killed the cat." "I'm not a cat." He said huffing.
After the little incident. He kept asking personal questions when we got back into the room. "Can you stop... I don't like personal questions like that. I'm sorry but I can't answer them." "Oh... Yeah I'm sorry it's just that I'm used to asking people questions like that to the other killers. Usually they answer because they are scared of me. It's pretty funny to see them stutter." He then laughed like a maniac. "Oh. You're not such a bad guy after all. In the books I've read they portray you as a big old meanie. I don't know why. You're such a nice guy to hang out with." I laughed. "Really? The other killers don't really like to hang out with me because of my smile.” He sighed,  “they always whisper behind my back telling me that I'm a weirdo or a freak when we are all freaks and crazy. Ughhhh." He had a sad look in his eyes. I wanted to comfort him so I gave him a very big fluffy hug. I felt so bad for him I cried for the first time in front of someone in a million years. I felt so embarrassed and humiliated. "Dammit Jeff why'd you have to be in so much pain. I wish... I wish I could help you but ... I don't know how. Is there anything I could do. Anything." "Well... There is done thing but will you promise to do it." "I dunno what is it." "Sleep with me." He saw the confused look on my face then said, "not sexually, but like just cuddle with me... Please. It would make me happy to know someone was there while I slept." "Oh. If that's the case then of course I'll be your cuddle buddy. Whenever you want I'll be there." I said drying off my tears and smiling happily at him. "Really! Thank you sooooo much. I'm so happy. You don't understand my happiness. Not even my closest friend would help me during the night." "Wow. Then That's not a really good friend." "It's ok cause I understand them." "Oh ok. If you're fine then I'm fine with it." I smiled at him and he smiled back. Then all of a sudden he was leaning in closer. I looked at him confused and he whispered. "You're so innocent. I want to take it away from you." What was he talking about? Then when he was about to close the gap between our faces. I looked away and he planted a blind kiss on my cheek. I slightly turned red. "What was that for?" "Sorry I don't know what overcame me." "It's ok." We spent hours just talking after that I soon got bored and wanted to play my video games. So I asked, "When can I leave. I really want to play my games." "I'm sorry... But you can never leave. I'm sorry but we can't risk you telling people we exist." "It's ok I understand. But can I at least say goodbye to my best friends and fake my death. It would be so awesome. Also I'll get a chance to say by to Tech." "Who's Tech?" "Tech is the little green guy. Hahahaha! Sorry  i had to say that. His name's BEN. My good friend." "Oh no. You don't realize how much danger you're in. That dumb nut. Ugh. He's in so much trouble. Anyways now that you're here... I need you to GO. TO. SLEEP." "Pfft. Hahaha nachos you thought I'd go to sleep but you see i'm already gone." With that being said I disappeared in a cloud of midnight blue smoke. I had been running for the past two hours and haven't stopped for anything. Finally I ran into my hometown. I saw the school and ran towards it. Who knows how long I've been gone. Maybe two days so that would mean it was Monday... Dang it. Oh well. I ran in and went to my first class. Which was with Glitcher. He smiled at me. No doubt he got a new girlfriend again. Jeeze. Soon it was lunch time which was that only time we could talk. "So where have you been. I was worried sick about you." "Sorry I was... I was... Ermmm... I don't know if I can tell you. How about I tell you at my house. So that way he'll get to know who you are." "Who are you talking about. Who's he." "He is my friend.  So I want you to be nice to him." "Is he your boyfriend. Cause if it is then I'm cool with it. You should already know that." "I do know that but I swear he's not my boyfriend. C'mon don't give me that look." We started walking up the hill towards the house and finally got there. 
When we got there he walked inside. He was the only person to make me feel safe that we until.  He shut the door behind me locking it and looked at me with a creepy smile. "So...  You wanna meet HIM. Or not.  Are you OK." "Why didn't you tell me you always had a crush on me. I want to know why you NEVER even thought about telling me. " "H-how d-d-did y-yu-you f-find o-out." "Don't be scared of me.  I feel the same way for you. I always have.  Please be my boyfriend. " I didn't know what to make of this and ended up having a panic attack then everything turned black.  The last thing I saw was worried eyes looking down at me. I came to hours later. I opened my eyes and saw Glitcher looking at me worriedly.  "Are you feeling better... I was so worried for you.  Please I never want anything like this to happen again." "... OK. " "But can you think about my offer earlier.  I will keep asking every week. I don't want to lose you you're my best friend and best friend's that end up together are more likely to stick together forever. " "The problem is how long do I have after what I show you. " I said looking at the floor. "It doesn't matter I'll love you forever into the next life and the next one over and over again ...I'll love you unconditionally. " "Please think about my offer. Griefer." He said going into the kitchen and getting something to drink. I was let with my thoughts for a while.  Why all of a sudden is he jealous..  I mean it thought I'd be the one who would finally lose it after all this time. I mean he is always doing something with a different girl. 
Maybe I should,  I know he's my crush and all but is he really the best option.  Sure he's known as a cheater but the girls love him.  Know what I think I'll give him a chance. Only one chance if he blows it, then it's over. "OK.  Glitcher I've thought about your offer and I've made my decision." "Really!" He said getting excited and running out if the kitchen. "What's your answer." Then as if by magic my grandma came out of the room and said, “I will not support your filthy kind. Not in my house!" She yelled.  I looked at her and said, "Then I'm leaving." "NO. YOUR. NOT!!" as she said that she grabbed me but the neck and pulled me close to her. I knew what she was going to do she was going to try and do.  I didn't want to be beaten in front of my friend. I tried getting away.  But my struggles we're all in vain. Damn her! I need. To. Get. Away!!! "LET. HIM. GO!!" Glitcher yelled slamming a fist into my gran. At that moment it didn't matter if she was a woman. He knocked her down along the way my gran lost her grip on me.  I ran upstairs and shut the door.  I looked at the screen which said WELCOME BACK... I smiled then said. "Sorry BEN. I have to go.  Do you want to come with me. I need to leave so make up your mind quickly. " As soon as I finished talking BEN said OF COURSE I'LL COME WITH YOU... I smiled that he was coming with me.  I took out BEN'S game and put it in my pocket.  I took my 3Ds and other small games that would fit in my pocket or a small bag that I had with me. Of course I had to take my awesome laptop and charger cause I'm not stupid. I then took out all the money I had left and said,  "Yes now time to leave this wretched place."
I ran to the back door and shut it behind me.  I then climbed up the back fence and ran into the woods as fast as I could.  I was glad no one saw me. It was almost too perfect. The silence was too much for me to take so I plugged in my phone and put on some Three Days Grace.  My favorite song was Pain.  I felt a connection with the lyrics. Anyways... I soon had to stop running and leaned against a tree to steady my breath.  I examined the tree and saw an X within a circle.  I smiled. "Ooooooo. I'm soooooo scared.  Ahh there's a spider. Hahahahahaha." I couldn't help but laugh at my own stupidity.  "Dang I'm stupid. Well if you want Skinny you can always kill me I don't care. Besides I have nothing to live for. Nothing at all. Or ya know I could always kill myself.  Hmmm...  Imma do it!! Yaya!" I skipped to the nearest pond.  It was crystal clear. I smiled, "Perfect." I started humming as i took of my small bag and took off my shoes. I put BEN in the bag and made my way towards the pond and sat there for a while contemplating life. "DAMN IT.  I SAID I'D DO SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE WITH MY LIFE BUT ALL I DID WAS DO NOTHING!!! UGH... oh well. I guess there was nothing for me to do. I had no purpose at all." I sighed "Welp this is the last of me.  Hahahaha." I finally stood up and dived in deep. I grabbed a hold of a root at the bottom and held it tightly. I let all my breath go and smiled. I didn't panic at all.  I just smiled and felt myself losing consciousness.
I opened my eyes and saw him I saw BEN.  He was flickering.  I said,  "I finally get to see you. " He smiled at me and said,  "I can't stay long. If you want me to stay you'll have to summon me using my name,  the symbol,  and a life of someone you hate... Because that always brings out the love. " As he said this he turned blue in the cheeks. I didn't think anything about it except. 'Wow I didn't know anyone could turn blue like that. ' I realize later that I was soooooo,  soooooo damn naive. I was sooooo STUPID.  ANYWAYS I had to come back to town and I went to school. Like nothing was wrong. I mean I didn't hate James he only got on my nerves.  The person I truly hated so much that I wouldn't hesitate to kill was... Jenna.  I hated her so much that just hearing her name made me want to hurt the closest person near me.  Anyways I had to find another person that I hated.  Which was Elsa damn I hated that cold hearted freak so much. Like just even mentioning her and I got pissed off. Hmmmm that only reminded me to work on my anger management...  Ugh.  Oh well.  I walked up to the one of most popular girls in school,  AKA Elsa. I asked her to meet me in the back of the school because I needed to talk with her.
  I saw Elsa walk to the back of the school I let her come to me.  As soon as she was near me I started flirting with her.  And of course she fell for it and I soon stabbed her in the back.  I took out her heart with one easy swipe. I smiled then cleaned up the mess despising of the body in the trash can it will take a few days for them to find her. I then ran back into the woods and made my way to the lake BEN had disappeared in the game again. I said,  "This is my first time killing someone.  But surprisingly I liked it.  Does that make me bad. If so I don't want to be bad I only wanted to help.  But I don't care anymore... all that matters is that I helped you. " I put the heart by BEN'S game then turned away from him staring at the lake.  I was ashamed of myself for hurting an innocent person but hated that girl so who cares. She should've saw it coming.  Never trust me.  I should warn people. I don't want someone else to get hurt. Or do I.
I soon started crying like a baby. I was mad at myself for hurting an innocent person. I started blaming myself.  No wonder people hate me.  I really am a mental case. I should be in a mental hospital.  I should be dead. If only he had let me die earlier. Ughhhh. GRIEFER ARE YOU OK.. "..." PLEASE ANSWER ME. "..." I'M SORRY GRIEFER...  I REALLY AM... I SHOULDN'T HAVE ASKED THIS OF YOU... "..." PLEASE FORGIVE ME... IM SOOOOOO SOOOOO SORRY... PLEASE YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO BE MAD AT ME...  I'M TERRIBLE...  "... No you are not. I'm mad at myself not you." THERE'S A REASON WHY I WAS STUCK IN THE GAME...  I'M A VERY VERY BAD 'PASTA...  ONE OF THE WORST EVEN JEFF IS AFRAID OF ME...  IT MAKES ME SAD... "You may be bad but you're still my friend...  No matter what happens you'll always be my friend.  Don't say bad things about yourself it will only make you feel worse. So please don't do that to yourself.  If not for yourself but for me or someone you care deeply about." He slightly smiled with tears threatening to spill from his eyes. Then he did the most asked,  "WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW WHAT I DID TI SV CLAIMED THE WORST KILLER IN THE MANSION..." "You lil shit you take pride in being called the worst 'pasta don't you. But to answer your question sure I'd like to know what you did. "
  I saw him running away from me when he saw what I did.  I had murdered a creepypasta it was impossible to kill a creepypasta like so impossible because when you killed them they returned 10 seconds later.  But this time that didn't happen, this time the pasta he killed, Jane,  didn't come back.  He had killed her with his bare hands. Ripping out her heart and gouging out her eyes.  There was blood everywhere. Then someone knocked on the door while he was cutting her open. She should've come back by now.  Then the door opened. There was a scream. There we panic. They called Skinny. He declared her officially dead. He called BEN a freak. He said he was dangerous. No one was to go near him. No one was to anger him. Everyone left him. His best friend left him. No one tried helping him. They all avoided him. Made him feel like he was worthless. He believed all of them. Soon after believing all of them he felt hopeless like no one could save him.  No one cared that he was slowly killing himself by not eating,  by cutting himself. If someone noticed they didn't say anything to help him.  That all whispered he was an attention seeker. That he wanted them all to feel sympathy so that he could kill them later just like he did to Jenna. They had all thought that he liked her that why he was always mean to her.  They thought that he was going to ask her out but that never happened. They were so wrong.  He had killed her out of hatred. He had taken the first chance he'd gotten and stabbed her in the front.  Not back cause that wouldn't have been true friendship just like the song said. One day he woke up in a straight jacket. In a white room. Just white. It nearly drove him crazy seeing all the white. He bit the inside of his cheek and spit out the blood on the walls onto the floor and slowly devoured his own flesh.  No one noticed till the 6th day.  They called him a freak again. It happened again he killed Doctor Smiley. They weren't happy with him anymore. They said he needed to leave.  He didn't want to leave.  They forced him back into the game. They made sure he stayed there unless someone killed the person they hated and smeared the blood on the game. Then he would be freed.  He had been trapped in the game for over two centuries.  No food or water.  Just being passed back and forth by the old man. Person to person.  Hoping that he would be freed by one of them. He was never freed. Until one day he was.
  I had sat still listening to the sad story of how he was bullied and how much he was hurt for being different. No wonder he was surprised by my reaction finding out that there was a virus ghost dude in my game system. He was crying his eyes out making the black liquid leak. I smiled sadly at him then pulled him into a tight hug.  He was surprised and tried to get away but I hugged him tighter and didn't let go until his bobbing ceased. "Are you feeling better." THANK YOU SO, SO, SO VERY MUCH... IT MEANS THE WORLD TO ME THAT SOMEONE ACTUALLY CARED ENOUGH TO LISTEN TO ME WHILE I STABBED THEM IN THE BACK... He was right he'd stabbed me without me noticing it I looked down at the knife penetrating my stomach. He then said,  YOU ACTUALLY THOUGHT I'D BE YOUR FRIEND...  HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...  YOU LEFT ALL YOU FRIENDS BEHIND...  AND FOR WHAT ABSOLUTELY NO REASON....  MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAH... I stared at him happily.  Little did he know I wasn't that easily killable. See my father wasn't actually my father it was some dude named Lucifer.  My mother was never really my mother,  that was my stepmother. I never had a mother. I had three fathers.  I know weird right well...  Anyways my other two fathers are Hisoka and another dude named Axel Jones. He was the only one's last name I knew. I wonder why. At least his name is kinda normal. I will always wonder why they have such weird names. Oh well.  I have to do something more important that talking with you. So imma go back to the story. Anyways as I lost conscience I saw him start to walk away and 2 seconds later I opened my eyes smiling sadistically.  No one and I repeat no one gets away with stabbing me.  I stood up picked up my belongings and chased after that ugly chicken nugget. He seemed very surprised that I was still up and running. HOW..  WAHH...  WAIT HOW IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE...  USUALLY PEOPLE OR 'PASTAS STAY DEAD...  WHAT ARE YOU... I just smiled at him and said,  "I'm officially your new found enemy. Until you apologize for stabbing me,  I won't be your friend. Understood. " SORRY IM VERY SORRY... IT'S JUST THAT I'M NOT USED TO PEOPLE BEING KIND TO ME I THOUGHT THAT YOU WOULD THINK ME A FREAK AND DESPISE ME AFTER I TOLD YOU THE STORY... I DIDN'T WANT YOU TO LIVE WITH THE FACT THAT THERE WAS A PERSON LIKE ME... "Listen,  BEN...  No matter who you were in the past. It doesn't define who you are now. You could be a totally different person... Or you could be the same.  It doesn't matter to me. You are my friend. And as a friend I will make sure you are on the right path. Understand. I will ALWAYS be your friend until I die officially.  OK.  Got it." He smiled at me happy and started crying real tears and let out loud sobs and struggling for breath. I took out a water bottle and made him drink it until he calmed down. THANKS GRIEFER...  I REALLY NEEDED THAT... NOW... HOW ABOUT I TAKE YOU TO MEET THE KILLERS… I KNOW YOU'VE ALREADY ENCOUNTERED JEFFREY... HE REALLY HAS A THING FOR YOU ... "What you're crazy that's disgusting. Besides I don't like him I like someone else." REALLY...  WHO... "I'm not going to tell you. " I said blushing. HMMM...  I WILL FIND OUT... SOMEDAY... I laughed at that then we started walking towards the mansion. Which would take us two weeks to get to.
TWO WEEKS LATER We finally made it.  The place looked so HUGE. The air smelled like blood and corpses even though there was no corpses nearby.  The mansion as something out of a horror movie.  The walls were so old it was chipped and cracked in some places and dry blood on the walls. No doubt of some poor human looking for the 'pastas. Oh well they deserved it,  they shouldn't have gone looking for them. I smiled as I looked at the place. This felt like I was home.  I looked over at BEN who had turned very tiny so I had to look for him on the floor.  He was the size of my finger. I bent down to pick him up and he smiled gratefully at me. KNOCK ON THE DOOR AND WHOEVER ANSWERS JUST SAY 'JANE IS DEAD' THEY WILL LET YOU SPEAK TO SLENDER. I nodded then noticed that my shoelaces we're uneven so I had to undo them bending down I untied them and felt a slap across my right butt cheek. Then I heard someone say,  "Dang dat booty." I turned around and slapped the person across the face.  Oops instincts. I felt bad for hitting the person but they should know not to hit someone on their butt. Then I noticed that it was Jeffrey. I was pretty sure he knew who I was too. "Hey it's you. " He growled. I smiled and said, "Jenna is dead." He immediately looked scared and said,  "I hope you know what you're doing. I wish you the best of luck. Anyways follow me." I didn't think about it and followed him. When I got inside the place looked so broken down,  like everything was either broken or really old,  and sharp things were littered across the floor. There was what seemed like fresh broken glass in the middle if the hall. I frowned and thought 'damn is there absolutely no one who cleans here.' "Sorry about the mess...  It's usually not this messy. " I raised an eyebrow at that and said "No it's ok.  Maybe someday it'll be clean. " He laughed at that and said,  "Yeah hopefully someday. " He then indicated I follow him. As I followed him I noticed that every 'pasta had there own rank and unique style of killing,  like Jeffrey liked killing people when they were barely getting to sleep. It was actually quite interesting knowing about how they all had their own style.  I also found out that they even had their own special hobby. We finally made it to a big brown wooden door. I was actually surprised that we hadn't run into anyone. I looked up at the big door and smiled. "So this is Slender's room. Amazing. " "Ugh. Wait till you meet him." Jeffrey said in an annoyed tone then knocked on the door. "Come in. " He opened the door.  I walked in and looked back to see that Jeff had left. That poop head.  Welp. I looked at the slender figure in front of me. Damn was he tall. "Oh.  And who are you? " "I happen to be Griefer Mr. Skinny. " He growled at me. I just smiled at him like the little brat I was. "Well, Griefer.  What have you done to be here. " "I killed my family. " I said lying a little.  Apparently he sensed that I was lying and said, "Why you always lying. " I cracked up with that and said,  "Because what I did was years ago before I was even able to know right from wrong.  Which was never. " "Hmmmm...  I need to know what you did. Or else I can't let you stay here." I thought about it then started off from the beginning.
  It was a warm Summer's Eve in the school of The Jewel. One person out of them all stood out in that big crowd. It was not the Jock,  not the cheerleader, not the popular one,  but the new one getting punched by the Jock,  getting called names by the cheerleader, and being circled by the popular ones. His name was known throughout the entire school for always being different. "Hey faggot. What's the difference between you and a watermelon...  One of them you eat and the other you can punch. " Said a cheerleader with a crappy joke. He was getting brutally punched being called horrible names that one should never be called. There as blood and vomit spewing from his mouth. He had one black eye no it wasn't even black more like a purple with a horrible yellow. He looked like a skeleton already but with the blood all over him he looked like some messed up vampire. What he found funny was that his pleas for help went unanswered. The teachers did nothing, they passed by as if they saw nothing. He finally started to get angry that they we're beating on him like some punching bag. He was tired of it. He felt unquestionable anger,  no it was fury. Man was he pissed off. He felt like a volcano ready to be set off at any given moment. And today we his day to be set off. All of a sudden there was a burst of silver coming from the boy that they've been beating on.  They all immediately back away. He didn't care that they were scared and curious about what was happening. All he wanted to do was hurt them like they've hurt him. He sent out a blast of fire,  burning them all. They screamed in agony begging him to stop. They kept begging but he didn't stop there. He wouldn't let them get off that easy. He sent out a burst of acid at them, peeling her skin slowly but making them pay for what they've done to him. They we're going to pay. After a couple of minutes those who were weaker started dying off. Then he started brutally stabbing them,  tearing them apart from limb to limb, literally. He made sure that when he was done with them,  well they would be dead by then.  After having his fun with the dead bodies he advanced forwards the one friend he had and it seemed as if time had slowed down. He did the unthinkable and hurt his own friend, Glitcher.
As I had been telling the story he had been silent I couldn't even hear anything from BEN. "Hmmm...  So what happened to your friend. " "Oh Glitcher...  We're still best friends. " "Even after what you did... Why though. " "That's because he knew I wasn't myself. He knew that someone else had taken over and he forgave me. This never happened again. " "My dear child.  I have some grave news for you..... "
"Welcome to the family." I looked at him and smiled happily. "Thanks... Mr. Skinny. " I smiled at him. Then I remembered about BEN. "Oh and Mr. Slendy you might want to know I freed BEN. " "...WHAT! " "Ummm... Ya but he said that he will be good and listen to your rules and whatnot. All he wants is to be treated normally. Not like he was going to just kill somebody anytime or kill them unexpectedly... He swears he'll be good. " "Hmmm... Where is he. " "Right here. " I said pointing to my pocket. " "He was here the entire time! " "Uhhh. Ya." “ ughhhhh... Why didn't you tell me earlier. " "Because I forgot and barely remembered. " " let me see him first. " "Hmmmm.... Okie. " I pulled the small BEN out of my pocket and smiled at him. He was in the palm of my hand facing me with crossed legs and crossed arms. I gently took off his hat and be reached for it. HEY GIVE IT BACK YOU GIANT... PLEASE... I smiled at him but shook my head. I held him out for Skinny to see. Skinny examined him. He picked him up gently with one of his abnormally long fingers. Ben squirmed all over and finally bit Skinny really hard. Skinny dropped him. I immediately reacted by catching him. "You clumsy little fool. " I said to BEN. Apparently he didn't like being called little and he bit me. I only smiled. WHY... YOU EMOTIONLESS FREAK... I smacked him on the head with one finger. "Take that shorty. " OK YOU WENT TOO FAR... "Well then... FUDGE YOUR CROISSANTS!!! ... WAIT... WHAT... "I dunno... Anyways Mr. Skinny now that you've examined him. Are you gonna let him stay. Please. " I said giving him a pleading look. "Ugh.... Fiiinnnneeeeeee. I hate to admit it but I missed my little toy. Besides that he's so damn adorable. Like seriously he's so damn kawaii. " WELL THANKS FOR EMBARRASSING ME. HE DIDN'T EVEN NEED TO KNOW THAT SKINNY FACE. WHY WOULD YOU TELL HIM THAT... "Awww Thats so cute. At least I know Skinny has a fanboy side to him. We should hang out sometime. We would get along so well." "That sounds like a good idea but one question first. Percabeth or Jercy." "Ooooo. That one is easy... Jercy." "Correct. " He said happily. "Woowoo. " I said smiling. AHEM. YA DO KNOW I'M STILL HERE RIGHT, CREEPS... I just smiled and pet his hair. "Sorry. It's just that you're so tiny I forgot about you. Hehehe." WELL THAT'S NOT RUDE AT ALL... "I know right I'm just soooo nice." UGH... "How long have you two known each other. " At the same time we said, "About two or three weeks. " I HAVE NO EFFING IDEA... "Really BEN. That's just sad. " NOT MY FAULT I'M JUST A 'VIRUS' LIKE THE OTHERS SAID... "BEN that's really sad. But anyways why were you asking Skinny. " "I was asking because you two remind me of a newly wed couple. " "Oh in that case... BEN I want a divorce. " OH HELL NAW YOU AIN'T LEAVIN ME... With that we started cracking up. We're so dang stupid. "I swear you two will be the end if me." Skinny said sighing. "Oh yeah since imma be a part if the family... Where is everyone. " "Well at this hour they are all either asleep or out hunting. I'll give you a schedule so you can know what to be doing at certain hours. Also every in has to cook at least once a month. It'll say on the schedule when it-" He got interrupted by me saying, "Umm can I just cook all the time cause I Like cooking and cleaning ya know and keeping the house in good shape. While also doing the other stuff that I have to do." Surprisingly he agreed quickly saying, " Of course if you're up for the responsibility of cooking for all he creepypastas in the house. Also I've been meaning to get Hoodie or Masky to clean the house but I've never found the time. " "Yes!! I am definitely up for the responsibility." I said happily. "Well OK then, just don't let them try to get you into a maid outfit. " "OK. " I said a little confused as to why anyone would want me in a maid outfit. "Ahhh. Such innocence. " Skinny said. "Huh. What do you mean by that. " "Nothing. " He quickly said. SKINNY YOU BETTER NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT. "I have not the slightest clue what you're talking about Benny-boo. " OH DON'T ACT ALL INNOCENT WITH ME "Oh and what do you mean about that Lil BEN. " I just started laughing and said, "Y'all are pretty stupid. But now that you guys stopped arguing can someone please tell me where I will be staying. " "Right. Sorry bout that. Anyways based on your story you'll be staying on Jeffrey's floor which is also where the more scarier killers go. " "Oh kewl. " I took his silence as my cue to leave and thankfully he wouldn't announce my presence until next morning. So that all killers were there. Dang too bad I forgot to mention that I have anxiety. Oh well it'll pass. I walked up the steps to the very top floor and saw Jeffrey on the floor looking very bored just staring at the ceiling. "Take a picture. It'll last longer. " He suddenly said out if nowhere. I responded to his mockery with sarcasm as was my second nature by saying, "of course my beautiful princess I shall take as many pictures as you wish. " He turned his head towards me and then asked, "what's a noob like you doing up here does Skinny want something." "Huh. Oh no Skinny told me I would be staying up here. He's so cool too bad I can't kill him." "Ahhhh I see why he put you up here... You're in between sanity and insanity. Hahah sucker. " "Not cool. Anyways which room is unoccupied." He then pointed to the door all the way down the hall. "Umm... Thanks I guess. " I walked down the hall feeling him watching me. I opened the door and what I saw was a horrible sight, but I wasn't surprised... me. It was Offender on top of a lady. He was doing something to her that I couldn't understand all I knew was that I shouldn't have see this. "My poor eyes. " I whispered. "Why Jeffrey,  why." That was all I had to say to make the fall man that looked like Skinny aware of me at the doorway. He growled at Jeffrey but then his look softened when he saw me standing there looking confused,  and slightly worried for the lady that was in a puddle of her own blood. I ignored both of them and entered the room I notice some weird 'torture devices' but they were oddly shaped. I walked over to the lady who was gasping for air and like someone was holding a bag around her neck.  I immediately knew that she had asthma. I turned back to the tall man and glared then I turned back to the lady. I summoned a water bottle for her and had her lean against me in an upright position so she could drink the water. As she drank the water I told her in a soothing voice, "It's going to be OK.  Just tell me what happened because I've never encountered a scene like this. " "Awwww you are so innocent. That's cute. " The tall man said looking at me like he might gobble me up. I frowned at him and said,  "Ya well this 'innocent' kid might just rip you apart if you don't shut the heck up... So would you two please wait outside. Also I don't care about what you were doing to her walking corpse. " He frowned at me and was about to take step towards me when Jeffrey suddenly said,  "You touch him Skinny is going to be really mad. " "Fine but next time you tell me what to do and interrupt me while I'm doing my business I will make sure you pay. " He said growling at me.
I just glared and stayed by the ladies, who as I looked closer was only around 14-16, side and glared till they left.  I then turned to the lady and asked,  "What happened. " "H-h-he r-ra-raped me.” 
"That buttnugget. Why would he do such a thing. " "Awww it's true you are so innocent. You don't even know who he is...  He's...  He's Sexual Offenderman. " "Ehhhh.  What does that mean. " "Look it up. Cause I sure as hell won't be the one to ruin your innocence." "Oh...  Okie. "
After helping her clean up and giving her something to restore her health. She did something unexpected and brought one of the many knives to her chest and stabbed herself. 
Griefer stared at her lifeless body in shock and finally realized what it was to actually kill someone and knew now that he had made the worst mistake in his life. 
If only he could go back in time. But too bad he couldn't or didn't know how to bad he didn't know his father's or what they were. Ugh that's another bad thing about not knowing your parents. 
Griefer's sighed and cleaned up the bloody mess she left behind and put the ‘clean' blood and put it in a baggy for later. He then looked around the room and in a minute cleaned the room of all the white liquid he has found. 
Ugh what a dirty room. He thought then walked out and said to ‘Fender,  “she's dead my job is done,  at least she had a quick death.”
“WHAT!!  YOU KILLED MY TOY!!! “ He yelled at him and was about to grab him by the shirt when there was a cough behind him. They three of them looked and saw that it was…
“Oh shoot hehehe…  Umm hey Skinny,  bro,  buddy old chum. How's it going.”
“Brother what we're about to do… Well I'm waiting. “
“Ummm…  wait are you…  Are you… being overprotective.”
“No.  On the contrary. I can see he has a very great potential. Better than…” He fell silent and looked at the others then walked over to me and picked me up putting me over his shoulder. 
I frowned and knew that it would be useless to fight. “Ugh. Really Mr. Skinny,  why you do dis. “
He whispered something I couldn't hear. Then he said “what's your real name.”
I looked at him and said,  “Its Bas-”
“No your REAL name.”
“But that is my real name. “
“No it's not now tell me.” he said as we got to his room.
I gulped and said, “I have no other known name that I'm aware of. Is there one I should be aware of.”
He frowned at me,  “I know who your parents are and I know you're their bastard child so tell. me. your. name.”
Then as he was about to strike me Jeffrey burst into the room and said, “Slender how could you try and land a blow on him!!!  Let him go he's staying with me until you can prove yourself.”
Slender seemed to smile and said, “this was only a test to see if you actually cared about him…  You passed.”
“What the hell !!! Slender it's not cool to do that to someone.” Jeff yelled 
“But in all truth I do know who your parents are Greifer…  Be glad they decided to have you unlike the rest.”
“What do you mean? Who's the rest? “ I asked confused. 
“That is not my place to tell you.” He stated as if I should know. That bubblegum idiot. 
Ugh he knew who my parents were and I don't even know what get are like. This sucked butt.  I sighed. 
“Dammit Mr. Skinny I dunno my ‘REAL’ name. Shoot I don't even know what my parents look like. Ugh. Would you please tell me how to find them. “
“First let's go talk in your room I don't want anyone to know what we are talking about. “ He said looking at Jeffrey and ‘Fender.
Jeffrey looked at him then me and sighed. He walked back to his room.  ‘Fender just looked at me glared then said, “Until next time.” Then he walked to find his next victim. 
We walked to across from ‘fenders room into my new room. It's walls were painted midnight blue. Everything was bare it seemed empty even though there was a bed and some furniture and now me. 
I looked around and noticed that there was some dried blood in the bathroom. I wondered what happened here. My question was answered by Skinny. 
“Suicide Squidward stayed here we had to move him somewhere where his safety was all that mattered. We couldn't keep him here cause he kept making others worry and making them feel all depressed and crap. I know it we wrong of me to send him away but I had to. He needs someone who'll look after him. I couldn't provide that. “
I frowned and said, “I could help him,  where is he. I want to know where he is.”
“And why the heck not. Hmmm.”
“Because I don't want you coming back looking all emo and shiz.”
“Wow. You are like soooo rude.”
“You're still going to try and find him aren't you.”
“But why are you trying to help someone who is so far deep into depression. This is why I will never understand humans. “
“Correction I'm not human. At least I don't think I am. And to answer your question. I want to help because people deep into depression think that they are not loved or that they are unwelcome. They think this by people's actions… Did you by any chance try speaking with him. Or at least try to understand where he came from.”
“Umm… No.”
“That's where you went wrong… Haha the almighty Skinny doesn't know how to help others. Dammit Slaughter. Sorry about that.”
“Hmmm.  That's OK but who was that. Also do you by any chance have any oth-”
I cut him off and said,  “Yes I do their names are- Don't tell him you dumb butt. How dare you call me that Shy why aren't you stopping him. Because I don't want to. Wow what a good friend you are. We aren't friend then.  Why. Because you are a dumb butt.”
“This is quite amusing but who are they.”
“They are my friends and they usually don't show themselves unless it's something serious. So I guess when they want they all tell you their names. But since you already know Slaughter he'll be showing up more. Also don't make him angry. Actually don't make any of us angry.”
“OK. I'll try. But out of curiosity what will happen.”
“That is not my place to tell.” 
“Very well then.”
“Wait Skinny before I go.  Why did you abandon BEN. He is will very heart broken about being close date freak. Please apologize to him for me.”
“... I'll think about it.”
He soon left me not before giving me a schedule of what I had to do. I looked it over and saw that I had to cook in about six minutes.  
Yes I was about to meet all of the ‘pastas finally after waiting for like almost four hours. 
Then I remembered I never did find out how to find my parents.  Ugh dammit Skinny. He just avoided talking about them. Ggggghhhh… Now I'm mad. 
As I made my way to the kitchen. I felt eyes on me and I knew this time it wasn't Jeffrey.  I quickly turned around to see a man with a mouthguard in trying to flee. 
I caught his arm and turned him around and held him In a tight grip. He seemed surprised to be caught. Then I said,  “Who the doodlebutts face are you?”
“I-I'm Tic-ci Tob-y.”
“Wait what did you say.” Instead of answering he pulled tightly from my grip and ran off. “Well he's weird. Maybe I'll see him at lunch.”
I checked the time and ran off to the kitchen and prepared waffles and chicken, hamburgers, and pizza.  Then I just cooks kidneys,  flesh,  and guts for the cannibals in the house. For dessert I made candy apples. 
As I set the table little BEN decided to pop out of my pocket. 
“Bruh. I forgot you were even here. Cause you are so tiny. Like did you die bruh.”
He said this with a lot of sarcasm,  ha too bad he couldn't beat me in a sarcasm match. 
“Ya well.  At least I'm not tiny,  if ya know what I mean.”
“You nasty.”
As he was about to reply a man with a white mask and feminine looking lips and no eyes walked in. 
“Oh.” He said and looked at the table that was filled with lots of food. Then he looked at me. 
“Oh. I didn't know there was a new recruit.” Then stared at the food hungrily. 
“I'm Griefer.”
Ben said out of nowhere glaring at the masked man. 
Griefer was about to protest when the other killers started flooding in. Everyone started sitting down in their spots. 
I served everyone what they wanted no one looked at me twice. Except Jeffrey,  he seemed unusually quiet for a person I've only known for a couple hours. 
“Hey J-Jeffrey. Je-ffr-ey. Jef-f-rey. Je-ff-rey. Jef-ffffff-fffff-fffreyyyyy!”
I looked at Jeffrey from the corner of my eye and noticed that the guy with the mouth guard was annoying jeff. Jeffrey looked annoyed, but everyone else looked like this happened everyday. 
I looked around me to make sure no one noticed me and started making my way out. 
I heard someone call then grab me around the waist. All the other killers looked up at me and stared curiously. 
“YAY! New ‘pasta, and it's a girl.”
I was too shy to say anything so I just looked at the ground. Apparently the guy that called me a girl Decided to point out that I was shy. 
“Awwwww she's also shy. She's so darn cute.”
I frowned and looked up at the person who was holding me. It looked like another member of Skinny’s family.  The only thing was they looked more into the latest fashion. 
Then I started freaking out. This is bad he's touching me. Ewwwwwwww. 
“This is unsanitary. Let me go this instant. Who knows when the last time you washed those filthy hands of yours.” I said completely grossed out. 
Everyone looked at the man and then at me. Then they burst out laughing. A man that looked like a monochrome clown came in and said, “What I miss.”
“She called Trender f-f-filthy.” The man with a mask that held no eyes and liquid leaking out of them said. 
“Oh and nice ta meet ya-”
“I'm Griefer. And you are.”
“Eyeless Jack.” I could tell he was usually quiet. 
“Oh and I'm Laughing Jack. Eyeless is usually shy around everyone so don't be offended.”
I nodded and then turned to Eyeless who seemed to be blushing out of his mask. Thats weird. 
I wanted to tell Eyeless that I was a boy but everyone was too loud and I started thinking about the past this led me to start thinking badly so I ran out into the woods. 
I kept running till I was deep in the dark part of the woods. It took me a moment to calm down and I breathed a sigh of relief. 
“That was intense.”
“Yeah it was. I wonder what they think of me now.”
“Maybe that you should leave.”
“Naw. I believe they think that you are a special child and need more help.”
“Hahaha. Very funny, Gerald.”
“Don't call me that.”
I just sighed and let them argue when I heard the sound of faint footsteps. Lots of them.
“Guys shut up.”
“OK.” They both said then left. 
I sat down and sighed again for the millionth time. 
Dang they must think I'm weird… Hmmm maybe… Maybe not. Who knows. If they think I'm weird for having anxiety then they are the weird ones. 
I hear the footsteps stop by one of the may trees. One person kept walking I could tell they were young. 
Whoever it was didn't care if they were seen and walked all the way towards me. They stopped behind me. I didn't turn around until they put a hand in my shoulder. 
I reacted immediately by jerking away.  I stood up quickly and turned around looking at the small person. 
It was a girl just as I thought. She had brown hair, a pink nightgown and blood running down her forehead. 
“Hi. I know you don't know me but I-”
“I know who you are Sally Williams. I'm Griefer. Nice ta meet ya…What do you want.”
“I- I want to help you,  but I don't know how.” She said scared and confused. 
“No you don't no one wants to help me. I'm useless.”
“No you're not. Who told you that.” She demanded. 
“I can't tell you.” I said wondering if I should tell about them. 
I decided not to. I listened to what she had to say.  The only thing I heard was ‘help you.’
Then I looked at her with tears threatening to spill and I said, “Thank you but my anxiety won't go away,  I mean you can try to help me… Also I know you guys are here. So,  Like I dunno come out.”
I heard whispering and slowly they came out. They each looked down except for Jeffrey who saw that I had tears threatening to spill and ran towards me. 
Apparently BEN couldn't handle seeming someone run at me like that. Soon there was a blueish light appeared and a 5’9 BEN appeared and he growled at Jeffrey.  Jeffrey stopped, which cause everyone to stop and stare at him. 
There was fear written on all their faces. They whispered about how it was impossible for BEN to appear unless someone freed him. They all glared at BEN. 
Sally was the first to do anything. She ran up to BEN and hugged him. 
“BEEEEENNNNNNN!!! You're back!  YAY!” She turned and smiled at me. “Thank you so,  so, so much for bringing him back I've missed my BENNY-BOO.” 
Everyone looked at her then at BEN to see his reaction. He looked annoyed so Jeffrey walked up to him and said,  “Why are you back. Who brought you back.”
“ BEN you can't stay here.”
I looked at both of them and pulled Sally away from them and I whispered to her,  “Go call Skinny.”
She nodded and ran off. I looked at them and got in between them. 
“Jeffrey calm down,  please,  just listen for a minute.” He looked at me for a moment and growled at me. I was startled by this and started crying. 
“N-n-no i-it's o-oh-ok I n-n-now k-know th-tha-that J-Je-Jeffrey h-ha-hates m-me…” Then I started crying again. BEN put his arms around me and held me trying to comfort me.  He glared at Jeffrey and whispered in my ear, 
“If you want to leave we always can.”
I looked up at him with my tear stained face and said, “No it's OK.” I wiped my tears away. 
“I don't hate you.  It's just why did you have to free him. He's evil.”
“He's not evil,  if he was I would have never spoken to him. He's not evil he only want you guys to treat him normally then maybe he won't be an outcast. It's mostly Slenders fault for doing this but everyone makes mistakes. Even BEN,  ugh I didn't want to tell you guys but I guess I have to…  Jane was never dead. She left. She decided to leave… I'm sorry.”
“What seems to be the problem.” It was Skinny. He ‘looked’ at everyone of us. 
“Well BEN appeared and then Jeffrey made Griefer cry.” Sally said simply. 
Apparently Skinny only got part of what she said. He rushed over to me and asked,  “Are you OK? Did he hurt you?  What did he say?”
“I'm OK Mr. Skinny. I also explained that Jenna had left… I'm sorry.”
“Yes, unfortunately Jenna left us by faking her death I only just figured it out when Griefer told me.” He paused as if though contemplating telling them something. Then he said, “OK. I wasn't going to tell you this but I see now that I have no choice… Griefer is a valuable member and has information that we all need OK. So please try and be nice to him. That is all for now. Also BEN has changed so try to get to know him again.”
They all hesitated and looked at each other and finally decided.  If Skinny said that BEN had changed then maybe he had,  they still had doubts but decided to trust Skinny and give it a shot. 
“OK.” They all said.
“We'll try to be his friend.” Laughing Jack said but put emphasis on try. He was one of those that wouldn't try to be BEN's friend. I only faked my best smile and looked at Jeffrey hopefully. 
“Ugh fine. I'll be your ‘friend' BEN. I mean we live on the same floor and whatnot.” This made me smile. 
It was already time for dinner when we started our way back home. I smiled happily, happy that everyone was getting along.
I look behind me and noticed that the boy who had been watching me earlier was talking with the masked guy. They soon noticed that I was making my way towards them and both stopped, looked at me, looked around frantically as if though looking for a way out.
I was confused, why did they want to run, was I that ugly. I wanted to cry right there but I have already cried too much, I have to be strong.
I walked straight up to them and grabbed the one with the mouth guard by the arm and said, “Why do you keep running from me, huh. Am I really that horrid to look at. Is that why? Well don't just stand there talk to me.”
He made some ticking noises and finally said, “Y-y-ou ar-e n-ot u-ug-ly.” He stated bluntly, then looked at the ground.
“Yeah as a matter of fact you're really pretty... I'm sorry what such bad manners of us, we didn't introduce ourselves. Im Tim.” The masked one said looking at me.
I looked at mouth guard boy and looked at him expectantly. He realized that he had no other choice but to answer, he looked up and said, “I-am To-oby.
I smiled and said, “Noice to meet ya mate… Wait that's what you said earlier. Hahahaha.I'm so dumb.” I said laughing. 
That earned laughter from both of them. Then we walked towards the mansion laughing our butts off until I asked, “Hey, Toby.”
“Why were you watching me earlier?”
As he was about to answer Tim interrupted him by covering his mouth and saying, “ We were watching you because… ermm… because we wanted to know more about you.” 
I decided not to push the matter and said, “Ugh since I know you won't tell me the truth. I'll go along with what you said.”
They smiled at me and Tim said, “Thanks bro.” 
I just smiled and continued to walk to the mansion. As I got inside I saw that everyone was sitting at the table waiting for food. These lazy monkey butts… Hmph waiting for me to feed them, wow.
I made my way to the kitchen and started preparing their meals. After 10 minutes I was finished and in record time! That was something to be proud of. 
Anyways I placed the food on the table. Then I sat myself down next to a fully grown BEN. I looked around me and smiled happily. Everyone was getting along and playing with each other. 
“Sure it's gotten boring anyways.” I said happy to go do something.
We went to BEN’s room which was next to mine and we started playing video games. We were playing Super Mario 64 on our nintendo's, we were trying to see who would get the highest score on mini games. Obviously he won since he was the gamer master. I just smiled happy that he was happy. 
BEN soon just passed out and I carried him to his bed. Then I left the room to go to sleep. I changed and plugged in my ear buds.  The song that came on was 32 woman by Green freaks. 
I soon fell asleep to Dance with the angels by Breaking jims. I know right I'm so weird but yeah that song makes me feel like I should know something but I have no idea what it is. Maybe it's my childhood. Maybe it's my entire life. 
Oh well I'll never know, but who knows right. I mean I'm a crazy person, pfft no I'm not. I'm just mentally unstable. Or am I just being who I truly am. 
I woke up with people yelling and I am never a happy person in the morning. This just made me angry and I did the only thing I could think of. That's right I yelled. 
Everything immediately went silent. Then they were whispering. I went to sleep since it was only five o'clock. I woke up one hour later not happy but with just enough energy to cook and clean. No one was out of their rooms, I wonder why? 
“Huh? I was yelling? Are you sure?”
“Ehhh… Lose what. My sanity cause if that's what you meant then no not yet or I'm not really sure.”
“Knew what?  That you luuuuuuuvvvvvvvveeeeee me.” I said joking around. The next thing I knew BEN was blushing madly. I stared at him shocked. He 
I stared at him thinking, “BEN I'll always see you as my brother. I'm sorry it's a Platonic love. Again I'm sorry.”
I laughed, “Of course, BEN.”
After that we continued on like nothing ever happened. No one found out that BEN had confessed to me and no one had to know. We were currently playing video games. I beat BEN for the third time in a row. 
I laughed then told BEN I had to go restroom. He laughed then told me to hurry. I got to the bathroom only to see Toby was in there taking a piss. I immediately apologized. 
When I got back BEN saw that I seemed deep in thought and decided that we retire early. I agreed absentmindedly. I was in my room when I remembered I never went to the bathroom. 
As I was making my way down to the restroom. I bumped into somebody. It was Toby, jeez it was like he knew where I was 24/7. He looked at me shocked then ran off to his room.
I went to the bathroom to see blood in the sink. Ugh, couldn't people do their business elsewhere. Then I realize someone had left a small blade. I also figured out whose blood it was. 
“Toby please open the door.”
“I need to ask you something.”
“Uggghhh... F-fineeee.”
I took a step back and waited patiently for him to open the door. When the door opened I barges in. Showed him the blade and looked at him. He looks at the blade shocked. 
“I-it’s n-n-not m-mine, I-I sw-sw-ear.”
“Toby please just show me your arms.”
Toby then started crying and slowly pulled up his sleeves to reveal long deep cuts all over his arm. I cringed just looking at his arm. I gently too his arm and kissed his cut up arm. He seemed shocked and shivered. 
“Does it hurt?”
“No,  I can't feel remember.”
I woke up with arms wrapped around me. I slowly turned to see who was hoping me. I saw an unknown person and all I could think of was ‘oh what happened to Toby.’ Then I saw that there as a hold in this person's cheek. 
This was Toby, I chuckled who knew Toby would look so darn cute while sleeping. 
I slowly got out of the bed and put on my sweater. As I was making my way out Toby woke up. He looked at me and felt for his mouth guard frantically searching. I smiled sadly he was ashamed of himself. 
“Toby it's OK. Your mouth guard is next to you. Also take it from me,  no one care about what you look like all that matters is who they are inside.”
I then left leaving Toby no time to reply. I soon ran into Jeffrey as soon as I had taken ten steps from Toby's room. 
“Where were you all night, not that I care.”
“I was with Toby.”
“Toby. Why Toby, he's annoying.”
“Don't you dare insult Toby. Everyone has their own battles to fight and I will not tolerate you insulting someone like Toby. Understand.”
“Jeez, I'm sorry Grief. 
“It's OK it just that something happened last night and I'm just on edge about Toby, OK.”
“What happened to Toby?”
“I can't tell you.”
“Fine, playing hard to get. I like that.”
I just smiled and slapped him. He rubbed his cheek while I walked away. After that the day went uneventful. I soon got tired and just went to do my rounds early. 
It been three weeks since the Toby incident. I have grown closer to BEN, Toby, and Jeffrey. They are my three best friends although I do wish my first friend, poor Glitcher. I had to learn to give up on living a normal life and adjust to life as a killer. 
I was walking up the stairs towards my room when I bumped into someone it was Toby. We both tumbled down,  I noticed he didn't have his mouth guard on. I landed on top of him, I tried keeping myself from falling on him but I failed. Our lips met, our eyes widened in realization,  I immediately pulled away. 
“I'm so sorry Grief.”
All I could do was nod and I left to my room. In my room I touched my lips and whispered,  “My first kiss was with a guy.”
I fell asleep and woke up to Jeffrey yelling at someone. Apparently he didn't care that I was trying to sleep. I got out of bed and walked down to the kitchen where Toby was trying to eat his waffles without crying. While Jeffrey yelled at him. I glared and did my own fair share of yelling. 
Everyone immediately went quiet and stared at the two of us. I glared at Jeffrey and tapped my foot impatiently. He looked down and softly said, “I'm sorry Toby, it's just that I wa-nevermind.”
Toby accepted his apology then hugged Jeffrey, then went back to happily eating his waffles. I smiled at them then went to go make dinner. Skinny helped me in the kitchen, Toby and BEN went to go hang out, and Jeffrey watched us make the food. 
I hummed while cooking and Skinny joined, we hummed to a silly tune. Soon we find ished and Jeffrey went to go call the others. We all had a big family dinner, Skinny sat at the end of the table I sat between Toby and BEN. Jeffrey seemed to be glaring at the two beside me. I didn't understand why. 
Our dinner was interrupted by loud knocking. Tim went to go check who it as and only came back with a letter addressed to me. I took the letter and opened it Toby and BEN read the letter silently with me. They were really shocked as to what it said. I was left speechless and gaped at it. 
“Well are you going to tell us what it day or are we going to ask Toby.” Said a very curious killer. I sighed and said,  “The letters from one of my fathers, to be more precise it's from Axel Jones… He said we are all in danger that HE is back and looking for me and if we want to be safe, to try and find him. If we can't find him within six months we are doomed.”
I looked at all their shocked faces and smiled sadly. “I really liked this place.” Was all I was able to say before everything went black and the last thing I heard were screams. 
I woke up in a dark cabin room. I had no idea how long I've been out but it must've been for some time since my hair has grown longer, it was now to my waist. The other thing I noticed was that the shadows moved. I could also hear things. 
Then for the second time I blacked out. This time I woke up with a wet towel being put on my forehead. The person looked surprised and whispered, “Crap! You're not supposed to be awake yet.”
I then felt something almost like a needle was being placed into my neck. I felt everything slowly go away before I heard frantic whispering then everything was gone. I was left in the dark. Then as I was getting comfortable the darkness seemed to go away too and everything was suddenly just gone. 
0 notes
divinerapturesys · 6 months
I leaned from (to my knowledge) an unvetted source that AsPD can result in an inability to re-experience a past emotion. If something embarrassing happened yesterday, a person with AsPD might remember the event, but won't feel the embarrassment during that recollection. Someone without AsPD might get embarrassed all over again.
Have you found that to be relatable in any way to your experiences?
It is always a 60/40 for me tbh. My strongest emotion is anger. That runs at 200% while everything else runs at a solid 15%.
I’m much more likely to recall an event that caused me anger at the time, and get angry again, than I am to recall something that made me feel embarassed or guilty and feel those types of emotions again.
I think it’s because my capacity for emotions is so low, that experiencing one’s that are more complex is just fucking harder. Anger is straightforward and easy to understand. Something like guilt though? That’s layers like an onion girliepop and I don’t have the emotional capacity to be dicing and slicing to reach the core every damn time I remember something.
You could also attribute this to survival. People that recall shit that makes them feel embarassed, etc each time? that makes them vulnerable and/or weak to manipulation from the person who made them feel guilty/embarassed, and they will not last very long.
- Kincaid 🩸
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iamvegorott · 6 years
A Small Glitch Chapter 12
“Ann needs to charge,” Anti stated as he walked into Dark’s office, holding Annalise in his arms. Annalise was looking around with curiosity, trying to find the reason why she wasn’t allowed in there.
“No ands, ifs or buts.” Anti prevented Dark from protesting. “She hallucinated last night and she needs to charge properly.”
“Most children see the boogeyman in their closet,” Dark said.
“She would have said ‘monster’ or something like that, she said ‘closet man’, like she saw a person.” Anti sat Annalise on Dark’s desk, took the laptop, turned it to face him and opened it, pressing several keys to log in.
“How I charge?” Annalise asked.
“Can’t we just buy her some batteries or something and let her-”
“Dark.” Anti’s face made Dark stop. The virus put his hands on Dark’s shoulders. “I promise that everything will be fine. We’ll stay in the desktop background. Annalise doesn’t know how to surf, she won’t be able to go anywhere.” Dark didn’t respond. “Darky.” Anti sang, lowering his hand to Dark’s thighs and shimming a little. “Darky you know you can trust me. Darky-baby.”
“You can stop that.” Dark sighed. “Fine. Go charge. But do not leave the desktop background.”
“Yes, sir.” Anti kissed the tip of Dark’s nose. “Alright, Ann, ready to go on a trip?”
“Where we go?” Annalise asked.
“You’ll see.” Anti took Annalise’s hand and pressed his other against the laptop screen. Dark watched as Anti became a cloud of green pixels and Annalise’s were orange. The two went into the laptop and Dark turned the laptop so he could see the screen properly.
“Hi, papa!” Annalise greeted with a giggle, her voice a little distorted through the speakers.
“See, told you.” Anti said. “Let’s go swimming.” He said to Annalise before jumping up, floating to the center of the image. Annalise jumped as well and went Anti, giggling as Anti took her hands and they spun around. Dark found himself smiling while his husband and daughter was laughing and spinning around, their bodies glowing of either green or orange.
“Hey, Dark. Could you open Paint?” Anti asked.
“Of course.” Dark clicked the icon and a small window opened up. Anti held Annalise while he swam to the top of the window, he placed his feet on it before doing a little hop and going in. Dark made the window larger.
“Wanna finger paint?” Anti asked Annalise as he touched the pencil icon.
“I make butterfly.” Annalise said and started drawing.
“This should keep her busy for a while.” Anti sat down in the corner of the window. “I love how relaxing it is to charge.” Anti hummed as he got comfortable.
“Wilford’s calling.” Dark said and stepped out of the room.
“No stress, no worries, just energy.” Anti mumbled, his eyes growing heavy. “No…” Anti starting dozing off. Annalise finished her butterfly and something caught the corner of her eye, a blue ladybug flew across the screen and went into the Chrome browser icon.
“Ladybug.” Annalise walked to the front of the window. She went down to her knees and crawled out, slowly falling to the toolbar.
“Huh?” Anti jerked up, waking back up. “I’m not asleep.” Anti blinked and saw that Annalise was gone. “Fuck!” He cursed seeing Annalise walking along the toolbar. “Ann!”
“Annalise!” Dark had returned and saw Annalise jump into the Chrome icon. “Anti!”
“I’m going!” Anti leaped out of the pain window and dove after his daughter. Anti went as he could through the internet’s current following the orange pixels that were coming off of Annalise as she flew down.
“Ann!” Anti felt himself passing through multiple computer connectors, images and phrases went past him in a flash. “Ann! Stop!” Annalise was giggling as if she couldn’t hear him. “Stop damn it!” Annalise made a sudden turn into the screen of someone’s computer. Anti had to catch himself on an email, knowing that whoever got it when he let go was going to be greeted by nothing but deformed letters. Anti used the email to launch himself into the screen he saw Annalise go into.
“It’s you!” Anti heard a very familiar voice shout when he fell out of Chrome.
“Ann! Ann!” Anti turned and groaned when he saw the background image, he knew who this computer belonged to. “Hey, Jack-the fuck man!?” Anti snapped after having to duck, the cursor almost hitting him.
“What are you doing here!?” Jack demanded, trying to click on Anti.
“Stop that!” Anti caught the cursor and shoved it into his mouth, chewing on it and swallowing.
“You ate my cursor!”
“What the fuck were you doing? Did you just finish watching porn or something?” Anti ran his tongue along his arm.
“Get out of my computer!” Jack huffed.
“Have you seen a little girl? She’s three, brown hair, dark blue eyes, wearing a pink tutu?” Anti asked.
“Why are you looking for a little girl?” Jack had a face of concern.
“She needed to charge, so I took her into the computer and she decided to go exploring and now Dark’s going to fucking kill me because our daughter is currently going through the internet!”
“Wait, wait!? Your daughter!?”
“Yes, yes. Dark and I adopted a kid and got married and sorry for not inviting you to the wedding but I’ve slit your throat and Dark wants fucking nothing to do with Mark ‘cause blah blah blah, you saw the videos and I just want my little girl!” Anti spoke very quickly.
“Um...congrats?” Jack had no idea what to say.
“I just gotta say if Mark and Dark share anything in common when it comes to the bedroom, Amy is one lucky lady.” Anti winked.
“Daddy!” Annalise popped out of one of Jack’s word documents and fell down into Anti’s arms.
“Oh, thank the lord!” Anti hugged Annalise tightly. “Don’t ever do that to me again!”
“Aw, that’s adorable.” Jack chuckled.
“Next video!” Annalise threw her arms up in the air as she yelled. Anti’s jaw dropped while Jack started laughing.
“You’ve corrupted my child.” Anti groaned.
“Good, maybe she won’t end up like you.” Jack chuckled.
“That’s probably the kindest thing you have ever said to me.” Anti said, brushing a stray hair out of Annalise’s face.
“Dude…” Jack was definitely not expecting that from Anti.
“Could you open your Skype for me? I’m not in the mood to travel all the way back to my home computer on my own.” Anti said, his mood quickly shifting back. “Unless you want me to tell you all about mine and Dark’s relationship in super vivid detail.” Anti shimmied a little.
“He look like you.” Annalise said, pointing at Jack.
“I’ll explain that when you’re older.” Anti said while Jack clicked open his Skype. “And if you’re dying to know more. Just ask.” He added to Jack as he hopped into the app. “Type in ‘Glitchers’ into the search bar.” Anti said, waiting for Jack to do so. Anti pointed at the one that was his and he jumped into the little bar that was used to type out a message. “And send.” Anti chuckled before Jack clicked the button, the message showing only an empty space to Jack. Anti held on to Annalise as they traveled through Skype’s messaging system.
“I told you that it was a bad idea!” Dark scolded the moment Annalise and Anti materialized back into the office.
“Everything’s fine.” Anti sighed, setting Annalise on the ground. “Go play in your room.”
“Okay, daddy!” Annalise said and took off.
“I knew it! I knew that it was dangerous to let her go in there!” Dark shouted as soon as the door was shut.
“I know.”
“Don’t-” Dark stopped when he realized that Anti wasn’t arguing. “What?”
“I dozed off. I didn’t realize that I needed a charge that badly until it was too late. It’s my fault she got away like that.” Anti hugged himself. “It would have been my fault if Annalise was lost. I can’t handle the thought of losing her again. She was only gone for a week and it killed me.”
“Anti.” Dark went over to his husband and hugged him.
“She still needs to charge. She’ll get really sick if she doesn’t.” Anti said.
“Then we’ll be smarter next time. We’ll disconnect the internet. We’ll hide the folders and apps. It’ll be okay.”
“My chest hurts.” Anti mumbled.
“That’s called being responsible.” Dark chuckled.
“I hate it.”
“I know.”
“I Markiplier!” Annalise yelled from her room.
“She’s what?” Anti squeaked when Dark’s hug got tighter.
“We might have ended up in Jack’s computer.” Anti nervously laughed.
“Out of all of those people to watch, she had to see him!?” Dark released Anti and went to the door. “Why couldn’t it have been that cranky one!?” He threw open the door and walked out.
“She can become part of his cranky crew.” Anti properly laughed as he went after Dark.
“What does that even mean!?” Dark huffed.
“You have to watch it to understand.” Anti said, their voices getting softer as they walked away.
“Mission failed.” A voice said from the laptop, the blue ladybug reappearing on the screen. “Time to initiate the last resort.”
Tag List: @readeatfightlove13 @kenzie-110101
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mark-drifter-ph · 3 years
Halloween in December
​Note: it's December again so i re-publish this old spoken word that ive wrote back then when i used to sleep in garage music studio with my friend, i haven't been able to make an audio recording of this but enjoy a sample of my fierce writing!
Start: This is for all the kids who are dying of starvation. Coz you fucking morons don't care about everyone else's problems. You don't know shit about nothing, so you don't know how to solve them. This is for the kids who grew up thinking they could be anybody but lack the opportunities..who have to struggle each day, while you bastards are robbing them of their future. Sit back, relax, and watch TV. You fucking coward! you are a disgrace to humanity. This is for the homeless people who read philosophy books in libraries, sleeping in churches coz they have nowhere to go and write manifestos under the street light. This is for the real writers, whose names will never appear in best sellers, but you can see their names in buses & trains & street signs. For the wild & crazy space pirates who howl at the moon & map constellations in the sky. For the ego driven quixotic narcissists who are doing good deeds just for kicks, who help build schools in 3rd world countries & burning down slave labor factories, the beautiful prostitutes who steal money from tourists so they can afford to go to college, to the hackers making viruses, donating to charity, for the fellow foreigners & immigrants who volunteer to soup kitchens, friendly locals who refuse to be friends with cops or Nazis, to the nomads & free spirits..we are everywhere and are nowhere, simply trying to survive resisting conformity, building  our own communities.
You see.. I don't care if you don't understand me. This empty space within my soul has no room for your ignorance....I will never be like you, and you will never be me. I may be alone, but there are plenty of others who are just like me who feel the same way. Im the Zeitgeist, the drifter, the sage, the glitcher of static, the sign of the times, the agent of change. I give fire to those who need it.I give voice to the voiceless, Heart for the heartless, Hope for the hopeless, Coz it's Halloween in December!
This is for everyone who are praying for salvation, confined in hospitals or rushed to emergency rooms coz they have a problem breathing or their wounds cant stop bleeding.. Can't you see that it's not too late to live your life to the fullest. yes, the world is a fucking nightmare - to a lot of us poor people especially. yes i know it's painful. yes i know it's tragic, it's fucking foolish to refuse to hold these corporations accountable for their crimes of poisoning our air & water supply, selling us unhealthy food. now you're sick and you're tired, you don't wish to fight, such a shame how you live your life, too afraid to confront those who are responsible for your tragedy, spare me your tears of suffering & misery, how can you sleep at night when on the other side of the world, women are victims of human trafficking, they are raped and murdered and their families die from curable diseases. So are you just gonna give up, lie down, and be like that until your final moment then they strip you naked, cut you open and bury you to the ground, what a pitiful way to expire or are you gonna stand up and make a change, do what you desire with your last breath, perish in the flames & die like a champion, in the blaze of glory, knowing you have made a difference & that you actually matter in history.
This is for all the dateless losers who stopped wasting their time blaming themselves for being different. Pick up a pen & paper, write love letters....send them to strangers, like the ones who are planning to kill themselves tonight coz nobody loves them, bullied at school & have endured racism for the color of their skin or because of their religion. Stop trying to fit in & just be yourself, find your own voice, invent your own gender, live your dreams and make art, and stop trying to be cool like those wannabe punks with fake rebellion. And don't get me started about trendy scenesters in every subculture who just copy their idols, and copy each other. And please.. if you're gonna be angry at something, don't take it on someone who is weaker than you, like your young son & daughters, throw a rock to the face of compulsive liars, like the politicians we help put into power who are trying to divide us from each other. The real criminals should be in jail, not the ones who are victimized by the system.
This is for all you assholes who think you know me better than myself. Don't label me with your nonsense, don't act like you are better than me, your words are worthless & boring, my words give women orgasm. I can fucking destroy you if i want to, but i've chosen compassion. Don't tell me how you love nature i don't see you stopping bulldozers & the waves of progress from turning forests into shopping malls & apartments. Im sick of your hypocrisy about how you love animals while you swallow their corpses through your mouth and put your best friend on a leash like it was your slave. How bout you wearing that shit and be inside a cage so you finally know how it feels and what's it's like. I remain unconvinced with your logic and your society's structure. I don't care about your conspiracy theories, and fuck your New World Order, i order you to stop listening to that shitty music in your phone and make your own, start thinking for yourself, start listening to people around you, not in behalf of those who make profit out of your insecurities & indecisions, filling your mind with a void & superficial garbage. Im not your ghost, i am not your scarecrow or monster- don't fucking associate me with your stupid delusions, I'm a being of light that has chosen the path of darkness I don't want your heart, im after your demons. I don't care if you don't understand me. This empty space within my soul has no room for your ignorance....I will never be like you, and you will never be me. I may be alone, but there are others who are just like me. People like you are like candles. I will be that fire for those who needs it. Coz it's Halloween in December!
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warzscam · 5 years
“War Z” bans randomly
Your properly heared the big announcement on “The War Z” forums, facebook, twitter and Co: We did another big ban wave today.
Source: forums.thewarz.com/showthread.php?76095-We-did-another-big-ban-wave-today
2000 players banned - Woha ! Did they finally introduce their anti-hack system they were advertising for so long now ? That one they were talking about, that is SO smart that it detects hackers with a clever algorithm and then marks them ?
Well… No. Here comes the joke of the month from “Hammerpoint Interactive” - The once advertised “smart Anti-Hack Engine” turns out to be trap items (like rare guns, money etc.) placed at glitchy parts of the map… Ok. Wait. Let’s get this straight.
First of all if you think now “great, finally playing without hackers” - Nope, there are still plently of hackers doing their business, and hacking site selling new cheats/hacks. The problem isn’t solved.
Secondly there is no “Anti-Cheat engine” but simply bait items that were placed by the devs to lure hackers/cheaters/glitchers into picking them up and thus marking them for banning. Now you could say: Well, atleast this does something about hackers ! But wait… Once again the developers did a huge error: Players that do not cheat/hack/glitch are able to pick up these items and already got banned for this.
There are now hundreds of posts on their forums (which get deleted after some time) from people that obviously have NOT cheated and are being banned. People that haven’t been even playing the game for more than a hour.
What is “Hammerpoint Interactives” answer ? “Oops, sorry, it’s a stupid system based on a amateurish try to combat hackers” ? Nope, they just act like nothing happened and instead say their system does not produce errors:
“First of all - overall we’re 99.9% sure that we’re banning right people. Means - if you’re hacking and you’ve been promised “100% undetectable” hack by whoever sold it to you - if you get ban - please save yourself time and don’t send us support emails “I haven’t done anything, I didn’t used hack”.” Source: forums.thewarz.com/showthread.php?76572-Hackers-and-Cheaters-bans
But again this is easily dismissed as bullshit with some VERY SIMPLE fact checking.
So Sergey Titov posts this on 15 December, saying that they banned 3000 accounts within 2 days…
“Tonight we’ll do another wave of bans, it’ll add around 1,000 accounts to around 2,000 we’ve banned yesterday.”
And this is the same posts in whiche he claims that their anti-cheat action doesn’t hit anyone that is innocent by saying: “But just to give you idea - so far we’ve banned probably around 3,000 accounts. Out of those accounts ( and we’ve double checked themm all ) - there was only 8 cases when we banned innocent players.”
But this obviously doesn’t make any sense since it’s impossible to know on the same day if these bans were all rightful or not - “Only 8 cases of innocent players” - This post was made on the second day of banning, the majority of players that got banned at this time point didn’t even know they were banned so just how should they have been able to say “Wait, I am not hacking and I got evidence for it”.
It’s like arresting a bunch of people and then executing them instantly, and then saying “Our system never makes any errors, because you see those guys didn’t say they were innocent” - Well, might be because they are dead and didn’t even know what was happening.
Add to that they he claims that every ban is checked by a human - Checking 3000 players in 2 days ? Must have been long days…
But nevermind this is just the same bullshit being spread like usually. Because for those who remember Sergey Titov also once claimed that’s its pretty much impossible to hack “War Z”: “As of today this detection system is able to detect roughly 99% of all hack attempts and either will ban users automatically and kick them from server, or will notify GMs about hack attempt.” Source: gamersplatoon.net/home/index.php?site=news_comments&newsID=5
Which evidently also turned out to be… Bullshit.
P.S. There is now a petition to get a refund for “The War Z” with right now over 600 supporters: change.org/petitions/hammerpoint-interactive-full-refund-of-retail-price-of-warz-for-everyone
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bambi-ct · 5 years
Where I’m at with Transmedia.
Just to tie the bit I’ve blogged on, the crisis I had mentioned earlier is the whole trying to find the audience. I do have a few options.
Reaching out to the wider SCP community and trying to get some level of activity, the same idea with the ARG (Alternate Reality Game) community. Or potentially moving the Twitter narrative as a whole onto a different platform, the platform of choice being Instagram.
Firstly you might be wondering why I’m heavily relying on some kind of activity. The reason being the formula shown on my previous blog is dependant on multichoice like one of the books with the varying paths except the reader is the followers. Otherwise, I’ll be stuck in a perpetual loop of terminating Jonah due to lack of interaction.
Moving to Instagram seems to be the best choice for immediate effect, I can’t be sure that anyone from the wider community would become interested within the timeframe needed for me to progress the story in any way before the end of the semester. Whereas I have asked classmates to join in, to the chime of “I don’t have twitter, but I could do Instagram.” I have responded.
Now moving to Instagram is not without its challenges, luckily for me, they do have a poll system, much like Twitter. There is also a written element. However! Instagram as a form of media revolves around Photos, something I had never really considered. I do believe I could make it work and add a deeper element, Enter Steganography.
Steganography is the practice of concealing a file, message, image, or video within another file, message, image, or video. Sounds scary, but the tool https://www.openstego.com/ could make it a lot more possible. But taking the idea to a more base level, visually corrupting an image and hiding information.  
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Using programs like:
Image Glitcher
Image Glitch Tool
or even a Hex Editor?!
I can attempt to hide information in multiple ways. So my progress now is planning the move to the new platform.
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gaming2day · 4 years
The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Game Review
The Witcher 3: The wild hunt may be a good game enclosed during a terrible one. it's the composed and intertwined story of Geralt of Rivia, the wizard - monster hunter - in search of the girl he considers his adopted daughter, Ciri, while being chased by the Wild Hunt - a team of magical warriors - for unknown reasons.
Glitcher may be a poorly crafted role-playing game, filled with sexist clichés, inaccurate combat mechanics, occasional bugs, and maddening designs that always cause you to moan or roll your eyes.
The big world of this version of Witcher is an unsightly phantasy world, expertly modeled to take advantage of the action and knowledge of the emergence.
Geralt the Sorcerer is chasing the tracks of his ward/daughter Ciri, making the foremost of his tracking skills to follow the weak tracks and therefore the tracks left by Ciri as he escapes the terrible and terrible wild Hunt.
The infested knights are chasing Ciri for unknown reasons, causing even more unhappiness to the locals since they're already facing yet one more attack by the Nilfgaard Empire, things are miserable, the landscape is desolate but the sport may be a joy.
It is an action role-playing game with many traditional elements exposed backward and exchanged for unique features. you cannot create a gaggle of characters and you simply have close control over what Geralt's seems like, more supported the important world while visiting barbers and clothes shops.
While the fundamentals of combat are relatively simple: light attack, heavy attack, and dodging, the problem increases over time. Geralt will form a bestiary of enemies, learning the weak points of an outsized sort of creature.
Through alchemy, oils, and potions Geralt can increase its chances during a battle with careful planning. This involves players even more within the world, sometimes Geralt will depend upon the Batman-style search scene, investigate the world to assist conclude what could be against him shortly. there's no point in hitting some ghostly oil on your silver sword if Geralt faced a werewolf within the next corner.
The signs complete Geralt's collection of battles. These magical attacks are unlocked from the beginning and you'll use them every now then, courtesy of some during the sport, improving them where you'll.
And there's such a lot to try to, every interrogation point discovered on the map may be a drawing card because it can contain something trivial sort of a bandit camp or a nest of monsters, or most of the time, an entire exploration within the flesh and bones with conclusions and consequences.
Traveling on foot or horseback also has its advantages. The wind sadly blows through wooded areas or swamps. Cities are occupied by sad people that engage in their affairs, both humble and majestic.
Geralt isn't saving the planet, but research for research is making a difference for the world. Meeting old partners and enemies, discovering new elements of the story, or playing an honest Gwent game are all extremely satisfying.
Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt gets the foremost tips, there are many hours of gameplay here with a little filler to possess. there's no zero adjustments, a pleasantly complex leveling system, craftsmanship, alchemy, and more.
Unlike Skyrim, this is often a world you would like to be a part of, reading every burnt note or a leather-bound book. you would like to explore every single interrogation point on the map, walk along each path and possibly even dive beneath the surface of any sea or stream. But at some point, you've got to rejoin the important world.
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lyndastreaming · 4 years
EDM Production Techniques Extreme Sound Mangling
Title: EDM Production Techniques Extreme Sound Mangling ID: 22501e1e07acc901c4268025d3ac927d Original Page: EDM Production Techniques Extreme Sound Mangling Released: 10/24/2014 Duration: 3h 14m Author: J. Scott Giaquinta Level: Intermediate Category: Audio + Music Subject Tags: Synthesis Audio + Music Audio Plug-Ins Music Composition Music Editing Music Production Virtual Instruments Software Tags: Ableton Live KOMPLETE Melodyne Description: Make your EDM tracks stand out. Ditch the canned sounds and learn how to add texture, sheen, and movement to your productions with these extreme sound-mangling techniques, which are based on J. Scott G’s production and remix experience with artists like Adam Lambert, Shiny Toy Guns, Madonna, and David Bowie. He’ll show you how to create and tweak sounds with vocoders; faders, flangers, and chorus effects; reverb and delay; EQ and filters; distortion; time stretching; and glitches and granular synthesis. The final bonus chapter digs into the loops included with J. Scott’s Twisted System sample pack, which comes free with the exercise files for this course. These techniques are both practical and inspirational, providing tools for creating new sounds and ideas for making electronic dance music that sounds even more creative and unique.
Note: This course was recorded in Ableton Live, but the tutorials can be used with any digital audio workstation.
Topics include:
Working with vocoders Shifting pitch and frequency Creating drama with EQ and filters Time stretching Enhancing harmonic content with distortion Adding movement with flange effects Applying reverb and delay Creating rhythmic effects with glitches and stutters
Course Content: (Please leave comment if course url is broken)
What you should know before watching this course
Using the exercise files
Vocoder principles
Vocoder effect: Shine on Me
Vocoder effect: Baby robot
Vocoder effect: Underwater android
Vocoder effect: Rhythmic white noise
Pitch shifting, frequency shifting, and ring-mod principles
Pitch-shifter effect: Mangling drum loops in Melodyne
Ring-mod effect: Wonky drums
Frequency Shifter effect: Liquid Bassline, part one
Ring-mod effect: Ring-mod demon
Filter/EQ principles
Filter effect: Shine on Me arpeggiation
EQ effect: Dark Secret, part one
Filter effect: Drum Destroyer
Filter effect: Pad Madness
Time-stretching principles
Time-stretching effect: Dark Secret, part two
Time-stretching effect: Deep dive
Granular principles
Granular effect: Crazy Beautiful
Granular effect: Frozen in Time
Granular effect: Sick fills
Distortion principles
Distortion effect: Turning a drum loop into a bassline
Distortion effect: Evil intro
Distortion effect: Biting arp
Distortion effect: Dubstep Motorcycle
Flange, phase, and chorus principles
Flange effect: Dark Secret, part three
Flange effect: Liquid Bassline, part two
Chorus effect: Shimmer
Reverb principles
Reverb effect: Poltergeist
Reverb effect: Ghost Vinyl
Reverb effect: Mother Ship
Reverb effect: Rising High
Delay principles
Delay effect: Sunrise
Delay effect: Beat Comber
Delay effect: Wide Load
Delay effect: Move It
Glitch principles
Glitch effect: Flange Glitcher
Stutter effect: Spin Cycle
Stutter effect: Feel the Feel
Glitch effect: Dark Secret, part four
Glitch effect: Psytrance glitch rhythms
Glitch effect: Liquid Bassline, part three
Synth bassline: Big Bully
Vocal multi-effect: All Robots Go to Heaven
Build-up techniques: Here Come the Clowns
Arpeggiator: Broken Record
Next steps
The post EDM Production Techniques Extreme Sound Mangling appeared first on Lyndastreaming.
source https://www.lyndastreaming.com/edm-production-techniques-extreme-sound-mangling/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=edm-production-techniques-extreme-sound-mangling
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kelsusit · 6 years
IIS Worker Procedure (W3wp.exe) Memory Usage Too Higher In Exchange Server
hi i use a 3 usb modem and connect an ethernet cable from my laptop to my xbox 360 to connect to xbox reside. I have been utilizing this for about half a year but 3 have had an update and now it passes the network test on the dashboard but fails the internet connection test. My IP address is right and my DNS server is the very same as my IP address. What shall I do? please support. I have quite a few e mail accounts hosted by 1and1 and I think their servers are in Germany and Pennsylvania. The oldest one particular is 17 years old and this is the email address name that is most usually getting spoofed. Several of these accounts are employed exclusively for forwarding Twitter messages from numerous Twitter accounts I preserve. I have been obtaining Spoof Spam Bombed in waves going back to September. They continue even although I have changed my password. Most recent attack was yesterday.
Both Serial Garbage collector and Parallel Garbage collector or Throughput GC are Quit the globe GC, it means application thread stopped when Garbage collection takes place. Only difference among Serial Garbage Collection and Parallel (Throughput GC) is that in Serial each Young Generation (Eden Space + survivor) or minor collection and full GC (major collection) takes place serially which introduced bigger pause time although in case of Parallel GC minor collection and significant collection happens in parallel which results in reduced or decreased pause time. Yet another worth noting difference among parallel and serial GC is that former is a lot more suited for Servers written in Java whilst later is best suited for Client application with lesser heap size.
HFM net and application server configuration tasks have not changed on the surface but the cluster information is now stored in Shared Services Registry rather than in the Windows registry. This means that all HFM app servers will choose up modifications accomplished to the cluster configuration without having to repeat the changes on all servers. For eg: keeps the catalog things in the Catalog table, the data source information in the Information-Source table of ReportServer Database. The connections in the ESTABLISHED state are, effectively, established-they are neither becoming set up nor torn down but just employed. This is what you will usually see the most of. But what about the other people? On a busy HTTP server, the number of sockets in this TIME_WAIT state can far exceed those in the ESTABLISHED state. For instance, I checked an IIS six. box that serves a relatively busy corporate website earlier nowadays and got 124 ESTABLISHED connections versus 431 in TIME_WAIT.
Netstat is a little utility that many administrators use to monitor the network connections on their servers. It is fairly helpful for tracking down that modest subset of efficiency bottlenecks that aren’t attributable to however one more piece of convoluted application code that some careless programmer wrote and now you have to take care of. But I digress. The element of RDL includes query or command and is utilised by the Report Server to connect to the datasources of the report. 1. First the application at a single endpoint-in this example, that would be the Internet server-initiates what is named an “active close.” The Net server itself is now accomplished with the connection, but the TCP implementation that supplied the socket it was using still has some function to do. It sends a FIN to the other endpoint and goes into a state referred to as FIN_WAIT_1.
A Database Connection (DBC) file holds data used by application servers to determine and authenticate with an application database. DBC files need to be produced on all tiers if it is a multi-tier method. The laptop is also minimally configured to carry out IP forwarding and to serve as a NAT , in order to let connections from the internal network out into the web. In addition, I’ve set up both DNS and DHCP servers , to prevent the need to have for any manual configuration. I also advocate setting up DNS forwarding and blocking Apple’s software-update domains inside your network ( , ).
Compact deployment reduces the general memory requirement of EPM System and also cuts down on the web applications startup time. Right after testing Workspace, Shared Services, HFM, Preparing, Economic Reporting I discovered the JVM approach consuming about 1.four GB of memory which is still significantly much less than what the internet apps would need when running with the standard JVM-per-app configuration. The single managed server deployment looks like a beneficial way to lessen the memory specifications for tiny-scale EPM installations such as one particular-server Development environments.
So according to the test final results, these are the VSI workloads a RD Session Host (running Server 2012) is able to manage on Windows Azure. Note that these outcomes are of course primarily based on a Full Desktop being published. Publishing just Remote Apps clearly consume fewer sources. Also, in these tests I’ve employed Workplace 2013 and, as you might have heard, Office 2013 causes extra sources to be utilized compared to preceding versions of office. And I’ve utilized a plain Windows Server 2012 image for the RD Session Host function without having any optimizations. Also note that the quantity of concurrent sessions (VSIMax) is a simulation, the actual efficiency will usually differ depending on your distinct applications and customers. But because LoginVSi is an industry common these workloads can be compared to other environments.
These three functionality elements are logged each and every time for which a deployed report is executed. This data can be found in the table ExecutionLogStorage in the ReportServer database. The requested operation can be performed only on a worldwide catalog server. Delayed Create Failed Windows was unable to save all the data for the file %hs the information has been lost. This error was returned by the server on which the file exists. Please attempt to save this file elsewhere. Storage Location Networks Storage area networks (SANs) offer a high-speed infrastructure to move information among storage devices and file servers.
2. EAL Data Sync Server can be installed on the OBIEE server into the identical EPM property with Essbase. The Analytics Link Server need to be installed and configured on the EPM Foundation net server (where WebLocig Admin Server is configured). And the HFM Connector part ought to go on the HFM net server (which is often the very same as the Foundation net server). Note that the function solutions “IIS6 Metabase Compatibility” and “IIS6 Scripting Tools” need to be installed on the HFM net server just before you configure the HFM Connector part in EAL.
In all tests, user profiles have been pre-developed for the test customers and prior to each and every new test a reboot of the RD Session Host server has been performed to make sure everything is cleaned up correctly. Also, all tests were performed several occasions to guarantee more accuracy. Microsoft Overall performance monitor was also running for the duration of the tests to capture the functionality counters on the RD Session Host server as shown under. Note: This is also applicable to internet servers which uses managed internet service &net applications.
INSTANCE PROFILE : Like commence profile, Instance profile is specific to an instance. It signifies if there are five application servers each and every will have one particular separate start profile with the settings particular to an instance. five. If it really is not functioning nonetheless, then you have to go to your Computer and get the DNS Server Address from there as talked about ahead of , and set it manually on the Dashboard. 2. If the Protection Level is set to EncryptSensitiveWithUserKey, verify the Creator in your SSIS package and examine it with the SQL Server Agent Service account.
Head-tracking adds one more critical layer to the dataset, as well. Although the boat is stationary, you are free of charge to look around. What do you concentrate on to get your bearings, at what points do you hesitate, and exactly where are you searching when you do? The answers to these kind of queries can aid us much better recognize the cognitive processes behind spatial navigation, and exactly where differences may lie amongst two runs of the same level even if the route and time taken are the identical. For the researchers at University College London, the University of East Anglia and Alzheimer’s Study UK – who designed the title with the help of game developer Glitchers and the backing of Deutsche Telekom, which hosts all the data on its servers – VR also allowed them to add a new level sort: The Morris water maze.
Database is currently began SAP instances are started a single by one beginning with central instance. In default profile, parameters that are commonly maintained for all situations are kept like enqueue server name, database server name, default client and so forth. But start profile consists of what solutions need to run in a certain instance like message server, dispatcher and so on. Therefore commence profile will be study first and then default profile. Hope I have answered your query. DNS utilizes UDP for communication between servers. It is a much better selection than TCP because of the improved speed a connectionless protocol offers. Of course, transmission reliability suffers with UDP.
The FTP process downloads and uploads data files and manages directories on servers. For instance, a package can download data files from a remote server. use the FTP activity for the following purposes: 1. Copying directories and data files from one directory to yet another, before or after moving data, and applying transformations to the data. Report Filter: This consists of filtering soon after the source query has come back – on a information region (like the Tablix), or a information grouping. When you implement a filter within the report, when the report is re-executed once more with diverse parameter selections, the Report Server uses cached information rather than returning to the database server.
resource record is an entry in a name server’s database. There are a number of types of resource records utilized, including name-to-address resolution data. Resource records are maintained as ASCII files. •Oracle Grid Naming Service (GNS): Is a gateway among the cluster mDNS and external DNS servers. The GNS procedure performs name resolution within the cluster. 4. ORDER BY in the dataset differs from the ORDER BY in the Tablixlist. You need to have to make a decision where the information will be sorted. It can be completed inside SQL Server with an ORDER BY clause or in by the Reporting server engine. It is not helpful to do it in both. If an index is offered use the ORDER BY in your dataset.
The remote server sent an invalid response for a file being opened with Client Side Encryption. Foreach SMO: The SMO Enumerator enumerates SQL Server Management Objects (SMO). For example, we can get the list of functions or views in a SQL Server database. Commence PROFILE : Unlike default profile, the begin profile is distinct to an instance. It signifies if there are five application servers every will have one separate start profile with the settings distinct to an instance. Most massive firms, organizations, and universities these days use a proxy server. This is a server that all computers on the local network have to go through before accessing information on the Web. By utilizing a proxy server, an organization can improve the network functionality and filter what users connected to the network can access.
Only the DNS server acting as the crucial master for the zone might perform this operation. The directory service can’t carry out the requested operation simply because the servers involved are of distinct replication epochs (which is generally connected to a domain rename that is in progress). The XML Export tool does not export the correct info to file for the chosen object in MicroStrategy Narrowcast Server 8.. •oraagent: Extends clusterware to support Oracle-specific needs and complicated resources. It runs server callout scripts when FAN events occur. This method was identified as RACG in Oracle Clusterware 11g Release 1 (11.1).
The replication operation failed since of a schema mismatch amongst the servers involved. Upload a shared dataset definition (.rsd) file. You can upload a file to the report server or SharePoint site. On a SharePoint site, an uploaded file is not validated against the schema till the shared dataset is cached or employed in a report. The operation failed since the domain naming master FSMO role could not be reached. The domain controller holding the domain naming master FSMO role is down or unable to service the request or is not running Windows Server 2003 or later.
Only administrators have permission to add, get rid of, or configure server software program throughout a Terminal solutions remote session. If you want to set up or configure software on the server, speak to your network administrator. Retailers configuration settings for feature areas of the Report Server service: Report Manager, the Report Server Internet service, and background processing. Report snapshot includes the Query and Layout information retrieved at particular point of time. It executes the query and produces the intermediate format. The intermediate format of the report has no expiration time like a cached instance, and is stored in ReportServer Database.
I realise that now the particular person initiating these emails has the e mail addresses in their possession there is little I can do to prevent them becoming employed. What I never realize is how the email addresses had been harvested from my mailbox in the initial location. I never feel that my user name and password were compromised, despite the fact that that is a possibilty, so that leaves the servers that they are held on have been hacked or somebody with suitable access rights has deliberately passed on email addresses to a 3rd party. I’m assuming data is not stored offshore to save on fees.
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