#gloves mean no scar for you 😂
pastafossa · 10 months
Dear pasta
Do you have any wood carving tips for beginners?
I bought a bunch of wood and a couple of knives and idk what to do
BOY DO I. And I'm in a good spot for it because I have FOUR carvings of the same design in various stages of completion to assist.
I'm going to also put this behind a cut so that anyone who's like br br pasta it's just wood wood is boring NO IT'S NOT IT'S AMAZING isn't forced scroll by. Although I'm keeping the first tip in the open because IT IS VERY IMPORTANT.
First, get yourself a pair of no cut gloves if you haven't already. I use these! They're cheap and they WILL save you a trip to the ER. Take it from someone who carved without them once and slipped with their knife and basically cut themselves down to the bone in their hand. 7 stitches and one bitchin scar later, I now never carve without gloves.
OK. So when starting, you're going to have your wood in of three forms: a blank (a small block of wood), a cut out (a blank that's been cut by a bandsaw into a basic shape), or a rough out (a cutout that's had most excess cut away and just needs details and final shaping). I don't know obviously which you have, but a LOT of people starting out aren't aware that when you're learning you can often purchase cutouts that make things easier (Hummul for example has a lot!). You can still carve from a blank, though! It'll just take a bit longer. Here's a picture with the 3 stages of my sea serpent design, and the first sea serpent I ever made that I carved from a blank, so you can see what I meam (coils are different on 3 just cause I felt like it, so ignore that).
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When starting, try to stick to more simple designs so you don't get overwhelmed. Think smaller, basic shapes, usually made of something like basswood which is a nice soft wood (easy to cut). My teacher for example starts everyone on basswood rubber ducky shapes! So there's no complex details, and more abstract shapes. These are three of the carvings I made that first week of my class as an example (the little face is called a wood spirit and you can find a lot of guides for them on youtube, they're very popular!)
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There is a basic process here that we can see with the sea serpents again! Step 1 you trace your design. Step 2, you're removing the large or small chunks of excess (this is where some use a bandsaw if accessible). Step 3 is rounding and shaping. And step 4 is adding details and finishing. If you're not sure about shapes, consider using some basic outlines from online! I've even used toys to give me a basic shape!
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GRAINS: when you first begin to cut, you're going to want to cut with the grain as much as possible. Wood carves far more easily when your knife moves with the grain than against it. There will be points where you have no choice (this is why basswood is a popular wood for beginners and experts alike - little grain, very soft), but try as best you can to go with it. You'll feel it when you cut with it - it'll be a lot easier, but depending on the wood, you can also see it! The bottom wood has an easy to see grain, the top one a bit harder (also note the difference between the band saw lines - perfectly straight and up and down - and the actual grain - left to right, more wavy, nature hates straight lines), and the middle you'll have to look closely to see. If you've got pretty natural grains, most carvers stain or seal them without paint. Basswood's got borderline no visible grain so is almost always painted (see duck above). You'll likely develop a preference as time goes on, too!
If you're carving from a straight up wood blank, try to make your design fit the shape as closely as possible. This will minimize the amount of excess wood you have to cut off! Especially since your first step is removing what doesn't belong before you start curving and rounding (there's also pencil marks on the top, so I know what I'm carving on all sides).
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SHARPEN SHARPEN SHARPEN. If you've got a good knife, it likely came pre sharpened, which is great and can serve you for quite a while, especially if you're cutting softer woods! But you're also going to need to sharpen your knife regularly - I'm working on a very hard walnut dolphin atm and I'm sharpening every 20 minutes or so cause it wears the blade down. To sharpen, you use a strop. There are additional guides for that and places to buy one, but if you're handy you can make one. My teacher's (and mine) is literally strips of cork board covered in compound, and glued to two sides of a wood paddle. Very cheap. 😂 If you need tips on sharpening, let me know!
If you're going to use a natural finish on your wood (i.e. anything but basswood), you'll want to sand after carving and before sealing! Start with 80 grit, then move to 120 grit, and finish with 240. Note: as you start to sand, you'll see lots of little spots appear! You want to sand those away!
MOST SEALANTS ARE TOXIC TO BREATHE, DO IT OUTSIDE OR WEAR A MASK! If you want to avoid that, seal with something like Tried and True Original Finish or try carving wood you paint instead, since you basically carve, skip sanding, and paint with watered down acrylics!
Lastly, the way I hold my knife when carving: I use my thumb against the non-cutting edge to 'push' the knife in a hingeing motion (I'll see if I can make a gif for it at some point). It takes some strain off your hands and lends more strength to the knife for harder or quick cuts. You can also cut VERY fast once you get this down, and my teacher's approved it as a valid technique.
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I hope these help! I love love LOVE carving and wish there were more classes around for people to take! Fortunately there are a lot of youtube vids and guides but SO much of it is really just practice. It's also an incredibly soothing hobby. I love sitting in front of a movie or series or listening to a podcast/audio book while I just sit and cut away. And remember, if you have a blank and get into it and start to feel overwhelmed, there are plenty of cutouts and roughouts you can try instead that mean all you need to work on is shaping and detailing! Let me know if you have any other questions!
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northlight14 · 11 months
Spinaraki headcanon’s
The biggest fucking simps for each other holy shit. Whether one of them just did something really badass in a fight or is just laughing at something the other said, they’re both gonna be flustered messes
Shigaraki steals Spinners clothes a lot but will deny it every time. Also steals Spinners food. Shigaraki basically just lives by a strict “if you’re in a relationship with me, everything you own is fair game.” This system does not work the other way around, however. Especially not with food, which Spinner learned the hard way😂
Every time they have a cute moment, Shigaraki will call Spinner either “simp” or “gay” cuz he’s too emotionally awkward to be able to keep a romantic moment romantic. Spinner thinks it’s funny tho so he doesn’t mind. Especially cuz Spinner is also hella awkward so if Shigaraki didn’t do that, Spinner wouldn’t know how to continue the conversation anyway😂
They compliment each other a lot on the things society views as “unattractive” or the things that the other is insecure about. Spinner tells Shigaraki a lot that he likes his scars because they make him look like a badass video game protagonist and show how strong he is since it means he’s survived something. Likewise, Shigaraki compliments Spinner on his scales for how smooth they are and how pretty their colour is
Dates between these two are never fancy and that’s how they like it. Usually it involves video games and ordering junk food and also movie nights. They also love to visit the arcade together
They’re both autistic (Shigaraki isn’t diagnosed but Spinner hung out with him for 2 minutes and was like “yeah this dude should probably talk to the doctor and see if he knows anything about ASD”) which helps in a few ways because they have a better understanding of how to communicate with each other. Also, infodumping about special interests as a love language/listening to infodump about special interest as a love language
If Shigaraki is having a particularly bad mental health day, Spinner will hold him in his arms and just quietly remind him that he’s there and everything will be ok. On the flip side, when Spinner is having a bad mental health day, Shigaraki at first didn’t know what to do so he started giving Spinner his hand (not touching completely or while wearing gloves, we’re not trying to kill the dude) or just touching his shoulder and asking basic things like “do you want to talk about it or do you want to just sit in silence?” And he’s content with whatever Spinners answer is
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gardenletter · 1 year
Yandere chiropractor x reader 🔪🩸
Who fell for you the moment you walked into his office.His heart almost bursted out of his chest at how cute you where.
He totally stuttered when talking to you and asking you questions about your aches and pains.
When he starts adjusting your back he will definitely let his hands wonder but he won't go so far where you notice or find it out of the norm
He will definitely take extra attention to you, bady, making sure you get the best treatment 😁
And he will be soooo gentle omg
His hand will definitely linger even after your treatment is done but it some how doesn't seem creepy 🧐
He also has a idea what you might do for work or as a hobbies because he is all up and personal and depending on what you need adjusted and how bad.for example he can tell you probably do office work or a big gamer if you have a F up back 😂
He can also tell what you might do if you have paint or other hobbies that can leave marks ect
He loves everything about you and I mean everything from beauty marks , pimples, stretch marks, brith makes, scar's anything
He is totally smelling you when he can
So as you might know chiropractors have to touch you for there job(NOT IN A WEIRD WAY YOU PERVS) well after you he has a hard time doing his job because everyone seems disgusting compared to you......but if he wants to support his future with you he needs his job so he started wearing gloves (not with you obviously lol)
Because he works in the health field after you start going to him he gets all he needs to know about you ...heheh
Will watch TV with you with out you knowing lol ......he watching it from outside through your window lol
Fav color pink 🩷 and brown 🤎
Is a nature person loves birds especially
Would be described as a black cat but the moment his eye lay on you he becomes a cute golden retriever ❤️
Hope you like my baby boyyyy request are open but don't be rude lol
This is my first time writing so please be nice
Bye byeeeee
You know what a chiropractor is or this would be really confusing LMAO.
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sadkidwithocs · 4 months
Random post/ random pic of the day: SlamFam’s casual looks
At first I want to draw them stand in a line of troops, clear blue sky, stand tall with straight face, empty mood. But my plan has changed immediately when Thai rock music in my playlist playing randomly and it can change the mood from “daddy’s problem🤡🤼‍♂️💩🍺🥴🎣” to be “thug’s problem💀🩸💉🔪🔫📦”
Full song 👉🏻here👈🏻. From TaitosmitH, the band that can make everything like teen thug life in university, fighting with someone on the street. Even it’s 80s string song, this band still can cover to be rock music💀
If you only listen by don’t read translation, it’s like a rock song that gives you so much 🔥fighter energy🔥want to punch someone’s face/ lil cat can transform into a tiger/ turn that worm🪱 in your yard to be dragon. But if you know the meaning of this song, it has provided you with some interesting food for thought.
Many many errors in these pic that make me feel edgy a little😖 but I come too far to fix it from the beginning🥲so pls ignore it, it just my art that make for fun and not many people understand. I don’t want to take everything seriously, because if I do, this art will never finished😂
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little observations and their fashion
Faren has little Hawaiian tattoo at left ankle. He likes wearing crop top to show his belly. His shorts is the same as when he go to sleep but can’t help! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It’s very comfortable to wear. He said the wind can run through between his two meatballs😎👍🏼✨
Mike and his ORANGE shorts without belt, I have inspiration from this pic below💀👇🏻👇🏻. Wearing Nike wrestling shoes because this man is da real wrestler/ athlete boy/ P.E. teacher of locker room/ wrestling nerd/ wearing sport perfume baby powder
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Dino the rich man, wears gold rings/ gold chain and expensive leather shoes (Like Ray)
Marty always be the winner of fashion icon. Even though he’s wearing a tattered shirt, he still looks cool.
Their bruises can prove you how good fighter they are. Mike has bruises and scars less than others. He has never had any backstage fight or bar fight before, he doesn’t have any boxing background. But that doesn’t mean that he can’t fight. This guy is Olympic degree wrestler and captain of wrestling varsity since student life, but all he had learned just not used for backstage fight. He has ever gave big lessons to huge body wrestler like Death row, so for little mr.Hunter’s bodyguards like this, it’s just a piece of cake
Faren is smart-mouthed man even though less than Jacques.. but Faren has more street fighter skill. Faren has experience about bar fighting with drunkard like another wrestlers who love party in the bar, because A son of Hawaiian warrior doesn’t know what “the defeat” is. Faren thinks Mike isn’t fit for street fighting, maybe he(Mike)’s worried about his career in the future (that has feud backstage too often)…or just because he has never had any backstage fight before. So it’s ok, let fighting is Faren’s due. Because he has nothing to lose, he wants to retired from WWF all along.😕
Raymond’s hands are full of blood, he’s one of toughest guy in the locker room with golden gloves boxing background. He’s soft spoken, doesn’t good at arguing like Jacques or Faren but he’s the real street fighter following his father and uncle who are politician’s bodyguard and bar doormen. He never scared or hesitate to punch someone. You can notice that Ray doesn’t have any scar on his face, this can prove you how good boxing skills he has.
Ronnie is one of toughest man but often shocked when war happens following old man things😌
Jacques: Jacques is huge and tall, he can jump from top rope and still standing. But he accept the truth that he’s not street fighter like his brother
Marty, Even though his university life was as a wrestler like Mike and spent so much time in science lab but outside of university, Marty lives in extreme and dangerous life more than normal teen should be, fought many battles since teenage. So, street fighting like this is very easy for Marty. I mean… who the hell dare to giggles and ask Dino that “mafia industry is very interesting, can I be your member?” . But Marty did. He doesn’t scared anything.
Furthermore, the rumor that Marty once k*lled a man who tried to molest him remains a mystery, if it is true.. he will be the most feared member of SlamFam under his cheerful habit
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Leona seeing Raven's smile: '...I'm glad.'
Stop. Please don't do this. My kokoro can't take it anymore ahhhhhhhh! I always have a bad case of second male lead syndrome, and if Leona keeps being this adorable around her, I might end up falling hard for this ship that's not meant to be sailed 😭😭😭💔
On another note, hope you've a really fun time. Love your works 💕
[Referring to this post!]
I would make a joke here about Leona being second place again, but maybe that’s a little too mean for his birthday 😅 Technically, he’s not even the second male lead either because that spot goes to Rook!
I don’t think I’ve written any Raven and Leona since EBG, but their dynamic is fun. (My friend says it reminds them of Scar and Zazu 😂) I’m glad I can take this chance to revisit it.
Raven stepped into her bedroom, suited up in the birthday attire the headmaster had provided--a fresh, dark dress with a frilly collar, white lace stockings and miniature top hat, flats the same color as the stockings, a small cape of pure white feathers resting upon her shoulders, and a sash. All that remained of her original outfit were her black gloves, which concealed the ink smears that perpetually lingered on her fingers.
A quill pin had been cinched to a flap of fabric adorning her collar, and upon her left ear, an earring shaped like a window dangled. A small bird peered into it, gazing into the world beyond the glass, small sparkles and a feather dangling from the window’s ledge. As Raven shuffled into the attic, the earring tinkled, sparkles and feathers colliding against one another.
“... Well? How does it look?” she asked, nervously tucking a stray lock of hair behind a pointed era. “Is it weird?”
Leona scowled from his seat on her mattress. “Do I look like a mirror to you?”
“No, but you were the one that said my ‘sour attitude’ would spoil your celebration. I don’t want my appearance to offend either, your majesty.” Her tone was sarcastic, with just enough sugar for him to find annoying.
“Hmph. You’re eager to please, Canary.” Leona folded his arms, falling silent as he scrutinized her from head to toe. “... It looks fine, now stop your tweeting.”
“I’m not used to wearing so much white. Are you certain it doesn’t look strange?”
“You should wear more white until you get used to it and stop bothering other people for their opinion,” he snorted. “In fact, go for all white.”
“All white?!” Raven planted her hands on her hips. “Don’t be ridiculous. Only brides and idiots wear all white. It’d be impossible to do any writing without getting ink smears all over the clothes.”
“That’s proof of how messy you are, not of how desirable or how smart you are.” Leona smirked. “You should work on that.”
“Okay, forget it. It was a mistake to ask for your thoughts.” She huffed and turned away, a hand flying to her hat to adjust it. “I’ll ask Uncle when he returns from picking up the cake.”
“... Wait.”
“What is it?” Raven asked, not bothering to look at the lion. “Did you spot a crooked decoration or something?”
“... What I said about wearing more white, that wasn’t a joke.”
She slowly glanced over her shoulder and squinted at him. “... Is that you saying you like how it looks?”
“No, it’s me saying you already wear too much black as it is,” Leona replied, his scowl deepening. “It reminds me of that overgrown lizard--and the less I’m reminded of him, the better.”
Ah, right. The royalty of the Valley of Thorns wear black as their signature color... and if I recall correctly, Leona-san and Malleus-san don’t get along.
“You know what?” Raven threw her hands up and sighed. “That’s the closest thing I’ll get to approval from you, so I’ll take it.”
“Good.” He fell back into her mattress and said no more.
As far as Leona was concerned, the discussion was finally over.
... But he heard the Canary’s irritating, happy humming as he drifted off into another nap.
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pure-kirarin · 3 years
you attack me, so I will attack you ;) Rate that cutie please S
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I choked. I just started giggling like crazy omg why this cruel 😂 ahem....
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
He is beyond perfection. He is both sexy and cute and...words can’t express how hot he is 🥺 He is perfect height (1 m87) I love his silky blond hair and ...his face...and his scar and his attitude omg. Even the way he breathes is so sexy. He has big bro vibes but also a little dark side that creeps the hell out of me but I love being scared so yeah.
And the gloves oh my god that is a kink I never knew I had.
what those fingers do tho 🤯😩 I mean imagine him after training jejf’fkf’dbej. I might die out of a nosebleed.
He is radiant and his beauty blinds me everytime. Too much simping but what did you expect exposing me like this ?
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