#so i love to spread the word of how SERIOUSLY FUCKING COOL THIS IS
pastafossa · 10 months
Dear pasta
Do you have any wood carving tips for beginners?
I bought a bunch of wood and a couple of knives and idk what to do
BOY DO I. And I'm in a good spot for it because I have FOUR carvings of the same design in various stages of completion to assist.
I'm going to also put this behind a cut so that anyone who's like br br pasta it's just wood wood is boring NO IT'S NOT IT'S AMAZING isn't forced scroll by. Although I'm keeping the first tip in the open because IT IS VERY IMPORTANT.
First, get yourself a pair of no cut gloves if you haven't already. I use these! They're cheap and they WILL save you a trip to the ER. Take it from someone who carved without them once and slipped with their knife and basically cut themselves down to the bone in their hand. 7 stitches and one bitchin scar later, I now never carve without gloves.
OK. So when starting, you're going to have your wood in of three forms: a blank (a small block of wood), a cut out (a blank that's been cut by a bandsaw into a basic shape), or a rough out (a cutout that's had most excess cut away and just needs details and final shaping). I don't know obviously which you have, but a LOT of people starting out aren't aware that when you're learning you can often purchase cutouts that make things easier (Hummul for example has a lot!). You can still carve from a blank, though! It'll just take a bit longer. Here's a picture with the 3 stages of my sea serpent design, and the first sea serpent I ever made that I carved from a blank, so you can see what I meam (coils are different on 3 just cause I felt like it, so ignore that).
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When starting, try to stick to more simple designs so you don't get overwhelmed. Think smaller, basic shapes, usually made of something like basswood which is a nice soft wood (easy to cut). My teacher for example starts everyone on basswood rubber ducky shapes! So there's no complex details, and more abstract shapes. These are three of the carvings I made that first week of my class as an example (the little face is called a wood spirit and you can find a lot of guides for them on youtube, they're very popular!)
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There is a basic process here that we can see with the sea serpents again! Step 1 you trace your design. Step 2, you're removing the large or small chunks of excess (this is where some use a bandsaw if accessible). Step 3 is rounding and shaping. And step 4 is adding details and finishing. If you're not sure about shapes, consider using some basic outlines from online! I've even used toys to give me a basic shape!
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GRAINS: when you first begin to cut, you're going to want to cut with the grain as much as possible. Wood carves far more easily when your knife moves with the grain than against it. There will be points where you have no choice (this is why basswood is a popular wood for beginners and experts alike - little grain, very soft), but try as best you can to go with it. You'll feel it when you cut with it - it'll be a lot easier, but depending on the wood, you can also see it! The bottom wood has an easy to see grain, the top one a bit harder (also note the difference between the band saw lines - perfectly straight and up and down - and the actual grain - left to right, more wavy, nature hates straight lines), and the middle you'll have to look closely to see. If you've got pretty natural grains, most carvers stain or seal them without paint. Basswood's got borderline no visible grain so is almost always painted (see duck above). You'll likely develop a preference as time goes on, too!
If you're carving from a straight up wood blank, try to make your design fit the shape as closely as possible. This will minimize the amount of excess wood you have to cut off! Especially since your first step is removing what doesn't belong before you start curving and rounding (there's also pencil marks on the top, so I know what I'm carving on all sides).
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SHARPEN SHARPEN SHARPEN. If you've got a good knife, it likely came pre sharpened, which is great and can serve you for quite a while, especially if you're cutting softer woods! But you're also going to need to sharpen your knife regularly - I'm working on a very hard walnut dolphin atm and I'm sharpening every 20 minutes or so cause it wears the blade down. To sharpen, you use a strop. There are additional guides for that and places to buy one, but if you're handy you can make one. My teacher's (and mine) is literally strips of cork board covered in compound, and glued to two sides of a wood paddle. Very cheap. 😂 If you need tips on sharpening, let me know!
If you're going to use a natural finish on your wood (i.e. anything but basswood), you'll want to sand after carving and before sealing! Start with 80 grit, then move to 120 grit, and finish with 240. Note: as you start to sand, you'll see lots of little spots appear! You want to sand those away!
MOST SEALANTS ARE TOXIC TO BREATHE, DO IT OUTSIDE OR WEAR A MASK! If you want to avoid that, seal with something like Tried and True Original Finish or try carving wood you paint instead, since you basically carve, skip sanding, and paint with watered down acrylics!
Lastly, the way I hold my knife when carving: I use my thumb against the non-cutting edge to 'push' the knife in a hingeing motion (I'll see if I can make a gif for it at some point). It takes some strain off your hands and lends more strength to the knife for harder or quick cuts. You can also cut VERY fast once you get this down, and my teacher's approved it as a valid technique.
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I hope these help! I love love LOVE carving and wish there were more classes around for people to take! Fortunately there are a lot of youtube vids and guides but SO much of it is really just practice. It's also an incredibly soothing hobby. I love sitting in front of a movie or series or listening to a podcast/audio book while I just sit and cut away. And remember, if you have a blank and get into it and start to feel overwhelmed, there are plenty of cutouts and roughouts you can try instead that mean all you need to work on is shaping and detailing! Let me know if you have any other questions!
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murdrdocs · 2 years
plsss do fem!reader getting a call from ethan!ghostface 😩 could be smutty or maybe 16+!! also ur writing is so good wtf
ahhh thank you so so much i'm glad u enjoy it! i rlly liked this request :)) this is SUGGESTIVE 16+ but not smut
Sometimes, truly, if you sit in silence for long enough, you start to consider that maybe you aren’t the best person, morals wise. 
You have your good qualities: helping old ladies cross the street, dog sitting for your friends, helping out sick relatives, doing good deeds without having to be told so. 
But the one bad trait, the one you were currently indulging in, seemed to outweigh everything that was good about you. 
Allowing some sick joke between you and your boyfriend to continue. 
As soon as Ethan switched from his usual, saccharine sweet voice, to the raspy, demanding tone of Ghostface, you should’ve told him to knock it off. Seriously. Not with that light, airy tone in your voice that showed how easily persuaded you are. 
But you couldn’t help but let him convince you to continue. Plus, you could’ve pretended that you hated it. Instead…
“Isn’t your line supposed to be: ‘What’s your favorite scary movie’?” 
Ethan, or Ghostface, chuckled. 
“See, you know the rules, sweetheart. Now, what’s your favorite scary movie?” 
You took a second to think, fiddling with the half completed puzzle that you and your roommates have been working on at the coffee table for two weeks now. 
“Probably Get Out. Does that count?” 
“Is that the one by that comedian, Jordan Peele?” 
“Yeah. It’s not really that scary, which is why I like it, but the plot and storyline is horrifying enough.” 
Ghostface hums and you decide to take a leap. 
“My boyfriend likes those traditionally scary movies, with the jumpscares and excessive gore.” 
He takes the bait. “Boyfriend? You didn’t tell me you had a boyfriend.” 
“You didn’t ask.”
You take a seat on the couch, your eyes glancing over the window. Briefly, you considered drawing the curtains, but then Ghostface continued to speak. 
“Hm, maybe I should’ve. Does he treat a pretty girl like you right?” 
“Yeah, yeah, he does.” A beat. “How do you know I’m pretty?” 
“Because I’m looking at you, sweetheart.” 
Your breath hitched. You should have known as much, but just considering the possibility is one thing, having it confirmed is another. 
Attempting to play it cool, you stand to your feet and approach the window. “Really? Because I’m calling bullshit.” 
You pressed your face to the glass and used the hand that didn’t hold your phone to your ear to shield your view from the light inside of your apartment. You scanned the streets below, the windows across from yours, and anything else your eyes could reach, but you couldn’t see anything. It was late, there wasn’t much activity in your complex, and the streetlight that previously illuminated your section of the complex was still out. 
Ghostface chuckled condescendingly. “There’s no point in looking. You won’t find me.” 
Stepping away from the window, you surveyed the apartment. Nothing there, save for the organized mess left by yourself and your roommates. 
“But you can trust my word. I see how delicious you look in that little number. That tight shirt, those tiny shorts. Looking like a whore, begging to be fucked,” he spat the last bit as if the words were venomous. "maybe gutted," he toyed with the idea, “your boyfriend know you walk around like that?” 
Your eyes met the cameras in your apartment, the ones that your roommates decided were needed in this big city. You’d never been more thankful to have them. 
“He does,” you took a seat on the couch again, propping your feet up onto the coffee table and positioning yourself to where you could be seen by the camera. Your legs crossed, and you ran a hand along your thigh. “And he loves it. If he could see me right now I bet he would be cumming in his pants.” 
There was a hitch in his voice, barely noticeable, but there. 
You took his hesitation to spread your legs and trail a hand down to the waistband of your shorts. Your eyes flitted up to the camera, you smiled softly, lifted your hand in a wave, then stuck it into your shorts. 
“You said you’re watching me, right, Ghostface?”
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sturnsdarling · 23 days
'what the fuck is wrong with you?'
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{insp by @sturnioz au} fratboy!matt calls smartand'mean'!reader after the fight, telling her she needs to come look after shy!reader, but after she finds out what happened, she lays into fratboy!chris, giving him the reality check he needs.
vibe check: arguing, kinda distressed shy!reader ig, smartand'mean'!reader is a take no shit kinda gal, angsty vibes, lil suggestive at the end
2.3k words
A/N: idk where this idea came from i just really like the idea of smartand'mean'!reader laying into fratboy!chris and him just firming it bc he knows shes right. PART ONE IS HERE
love and cigs, merc
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You burst into the party, frantically searching every room for Matt and your best friend. Matt had called you nearly five minutes ago, telling you that your best friend needed you and that there had been a fight, with little to no explanation after. Of course, you came to them immediately, knowing that Matt wouldn't call you if he really didn't need to.
When you finally found them, they were all in a back room of the party, surrounded by smoke and a crowd of people all fawning over the boys as Matt, Nate and Chris were all spread across a sofa in the back, your best friend curled up on Chris lap as he lazily toked on a canon joint, his knuckles purple and a soft grin on his face as you watched your best friend toy with his shirt.
"hey, angel, you got here quick" Matts voice washed over you as he stood up, placing a battered hand on the small of your waist and pulling you into him.
His hand came up to your face in attempts to pull you into a kiss, but his bloody knuckles caught your attention and you took his hand in yours, brows furrowed at his battered hands.
"Matt, what the fuck happened" you spat, looking up at him, his hand still in yours
"ouch, she called him Matt, y'hear that Chris?" Nate said under his breath, Chris chuckled in response and you shot them both a glaring look.
"Some kids tried to give Chris' girl drugs so, we showed them why that was a bad idea" Matt shrugged, looking at you as if it was such a simple thing.
Your attention was immediately on your best friend, your face riddled with concern. You dropped Matts hand and made your way over to her, pulling her up off Chris' lap and into a hug.
"are you okay? why didn't you call me?" you muttered into her hair before pulling away, surveying her face.
She nodded, "I'm okay, Chris and Matt handled it" she smiled at you, just before looking down to Chris, who shot her a wink.
"how did this happen?" you asked, grabbing her attention again as she sat back down on Chris lap.
"they saw me alone and I guess they thought I was an easy target" she began explaining the events of the night, but was quickly cut off by your annoyed tone.
"you left her alone?" you spat, your annoyance directed at Chris, "what the fuck is wrong with you?" you looked at Chris like he was dirt, glaring at him, he just stared back, his tongue pressed to his cheek.
"oh shit" Nate chuckled, "Matt, I think your girl is about to go world star on our boy"
"hey, angel, tone it down a bit, yeah?" Matt said, sitting back down on the sofa and trying to pull you down onto his lap.
You snatched your hand from his, tutting as you shot him a dirty look, returning your serious gaze back to Chris.
"s'cool, Matt, let her say what she wants to say, I can take it" Chris grinned, taking a long toke of his joint and looking at you
"you left her alone, at a frat party, knowing she never comes to these without either you or me? are you psychologically damaged?" you continued to lay into him, his cool and collected demeanour triggering you beyond belief.
"and what? some guys thought she was easy pickins, because, lets face it, she is, and then you lose your shit and have to mark your territory again?"
"hey, I'm not easy pickins" your best friend sulked.
"she could have been seriously fuckin' hurt, Chris, did you even stop for one minute to think about that?" you were burning holes into his face at this point, just waiting for him to respond.
Chris' face dropped at your words, the smug smile on his lips coming to a tight line as he clenched his jaw, avoiding your eye contact. His mind suddenly reeling with all the things those boys could have done to your best friend if Nate hadn't called him when he did.
"of course you fuckin' didnt, because you only ever think about yourself, Chris" you tutted, rolling your eyes and throwing your hands up in accusation at him.
"you know, if you weren't Matts brother, I wouldn't let her come anywhere fuckin' near you, all you ever do is put her in a position to get herself hurt, or worse." you crossed your arms with finality.
Chris shifted uncomfortably where he sat, looking at you and then to your best friend who was already looking at him, apologising for your words with her kind eyes, eyes that only made your words all the more real.
"I'd never let anything happen to her" He said through a clenched jaw, looking up at you, his expression could almost have been mistaken for an apologetic one.
"and plus, we had her back, we fuckin' had those guys easy, they ran away cryin" Matt added, reaching out for you again.
This time you took his hand, bringing your gaze to him, brushing your fingers over his bloody knuckles.
"you think they're the only kids that wanna roofie girls and fuck them at parties? you think she's safe now just because you two fuckin' hot heads gave them a bloody nose and a black eye?" Your words stung, you'd never spoken to Matt like that before, not seriously anyway.
No one said anything, your words hung in the air, making everyone shift and come to the damning realisation of what actually happened tonight.
"I know you think you can protect her from this little fucked up life you've created for yourself here, Chris, but maybe it's time you wake up and realise who she might actually need protecting from" you said, looking him up and down with your final words.
Chris said nothing, only stared at you from under his brow bone with a clenched jaw and a loose grip on your best friends waist.
Matt looked over at Chris and then up at you, both of you teetering on the edge of an explosion he did not want to get caught in the middle of. He stood up, taking your hand in his and standing in front of you slightly, bringing your attention away from Chris.
"lets go have a cig, yeah?" He said, squeezing your hand.
You looked up at him through your lashes, unable to tear your eyes from him as he gazed down at you, his warmth only serving to calm you down.
You nodded with a clenched jaw and let Matt lead you out. As you walked out the room you glanced back at Chris, who was biting the inside of his cheek and blinking rapidly, trying to listen to your best friend apologising on your behalf. He wasn't angry, not at you anyway, he was angry at himself, because he knew you were right.
Once you made it outside, Matt dragged you to a quiet spot, pulling a cigarette from his pack and placing it between your pouty lips, sparking it before pulling one for himself and doing the same.
You took a long drag, your fingers shook slightly from the adrenaline you felt coursing through your body.
"y'know" Matt said, blowing smoke out his mouth before resuming, "I've never heard anyone speak to Chris like that and still be standin' after" a smiled, edging closer to you.
"kid had it comin' for putting her in a position like that" you shrugged your shoulders, taking another long drag of your cigarette.
"He didn't mean for it to happen, you know that right?" Matt said, dipping his head to meet your gaze.
you rolled your eyes, "he never means for shit to happen, Matt, that's the problem, shit follows him around, and one of these days she's gonna get hurt because of it" you looked at him, more serious than you'd ever been.
"what about me then?" Matt said, his face dropping as he stood back from you.
"what about you?" you screwed your face up at him
"if shit follows him, it follows me, he's my brother" Matt added
"and?" you cocked your eyes to the side, not seeing his point.
"y'don't think you'll get hurt one day? bein' around me like this?" Matt looked you up and down as he spoke.
"I can handle myself, Matt, she can't" you rolled your eyes with a slight chuckle.
"she can't, or you think she can't?" Matt questioned, his tone accusatory.
"what the fuck is that supposed to mean?" you snapped at him
"I think, you've spent your whole life protecting this girl and now, she has someone else to do it for her, and you cant handle that" Matt shrugged
"you're ridiculous." you rolled your eyes at Matt, leaning against the side of the house.
"am I?" Matt scoffed
"yeah, you fuckin' are becau-" just as you were about to give it to Matt straight, you were interrupted by Chris, standing just a few steps away from you both and clearing his throat.
"y/n, can I speak to you?" Chris said, his hands shoved in his pockets.
"what do you want, Chris? if you've come out here to try and act all big and tell me not to speak to you like that I swear to god I-"
"you're right" Chris cut you off.
"What?" you and Matt said in unison, turning to face Chris.
"you're right, okay?"
"I-" you went to speak, brows furrowed in confusion.
"I don't deserve her, n'probably never will, but, I care 'bout her, n'Id never let anything happen to her" Chris shrugged, unable to maintain eye contact with you.
"Chris" you sighed.
"you don't have to tell me the typa guy I am, y/n, I know, but I'm learnin' okay? she's helpin' me learn" He finally looked at you, still unable to look at his brother who was open mouth, gawking at his brothers confession.
You had no idea what to say, Chris just gave you his version of an apology and actually admitted you were right. You couldn't help but feel sorry for him, somewhere, very deep, under all his assholeness, there was an actual human being who, cared about your best friend probably more than he'd ever cared about anyone.
"Chris" you sighed again, "she trusts you, and, if she trusts you then..." you searched your brain for the strength to call it even with him, "I guess I have no choice but to trust you too"
A small smile crept onto Chris' face but he pushed it away almost immediately, the weight of his confession lifting off his shoulders as his usual self floated back into his body.
"If you tell anyone about what I jus' said, i'll get ya kneecaps broken, kay?" he sniffed, wiping his knuckle across his nose for a brief second, "both'a you" Chris looked Matt up and down.
"there he is" Matt chuckled, placing a hand on Chris shoulder
Chris shrugged off Matts hand and sauntered back inside, leaving you two alone again.
You let the moment hang in the air for a moment, smoking your cigarette as Matt stared at the way the butt illuminated your features.
"look, angel, I didn't mean anythi-"
"its okay, I get it, you're right" you interrupted him, rolling your eyes, feeling significantly less angry about everything after Chris' confession.
"okay, did I slip into a different dimension where you and Chris are able to back down from an argument?" Matt chuckled, looking around him as if he was looking for the portal he fell through.
You laughed, shaking your head at him with a smile, "I've been looking out for her our whole lives and, she's always needed me to protect her, I guess it's just tough now that she doesn't, really need that anymore"
"y'know" Matt stepped closer to you, hooking his thumb under your chin, "maybe its time you let someone protect you, for a change"
"oh yeah?" you grinned at him, "and who might that someone be?"
"me" Matt shrugged, edging his lips closer to yours
"you wanna protect me, Matthew?"
"mhm" Matt nodded with a smile just before kissing you, slotting his soft lips over yours with tender pressure.
You kissed him back, the taste of cigarettes thick on his tongue.
"you do look sexy with your knuckles all battered like that" you broke the kiss, taking his hand in yours and pressing small open mouth kisses on his bloodied knuckles
"you little sadist" Matt said, taking your cheeks in his hand, squishing the flesh together between his fingers.
"you love it" you tore his thumb from your cheek and placed it in your mouth, biting down on the bone before wrapping your lips around it.
Matt groaned at the sight of you batting your lashes at him with his thumb in your mouth, he pulled you forward by your jaw and brought you into him, a firm hand catching you by the small of your back as he pulled his thumb from your lips with a pop.
"I do mean it though, angel, it's time you let someone protect you for once" Matt looked down at you, placing his hand around the side of your face, using his grip to make you look at him.
"I can protect myself" you smirked up at him, eyes pouring into his.
Matt smiled and rolled his eyes, lowering his hand on your waist down to your thigh and dropping his shoulder to your stomach. In one swift movement you were over his shoulder.
"Matthew! put me down!" You erupted into laughter, hitting his back as you hung over his shoulder
Your pleads were met with a firm smack on your ass as a prideful grin spread itself across Matts face.
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taglist: @sturniozalt@mattslolita@shaquilles-0atmeal@blahbel668@sleepysturniolo@le4hsblog @sarosfilms @joemamaaa42069 @2muchofaslvt @seluky10
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sunshinesickies · 1 month
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Angst takes me a bit longer to write and I also don’t see myself doing much more angst fics in the future, but thank you for the request anon, and I hope you enjoy. Plz ignore the weird timeline crossover, I’m not totally up to date on what Yelena is doing after Hawkeye, but I like to think she’s out helping more widows or something along those lines.
*TW for angst and language
Kate Bishop x Reader sickfic
Burning Jealousy, Burning Fever
“Really, Kate?!” You can’t help but shout, a red hot feeling bubbling in your chest. “Seriously! I’ve barely seen you these past couple weeks, and I’m the one being distant? You keep saying you have work—but which work is it huh? Your actual job or the fantasy one where you run around shooting arrows with your cool new mac-n-cheese-loving blonde girlfriend?” You know you’re probably being unfair, but to be fair, so is Kate. She all but randomly accused you of being distant when that’s literally all she’s done in the past couple weeks.
“S-stop! Y/n you know that’s not true. Yelena is not my girlfriend! She just needs my help, I have a responsibility, I-I really thought you understood that.” Kate dark eyes soften a little as she looks towards the ground, tears burning her eyes. And yeah, yeah that hurts. Because you do understand, just not as much as you’d hope to.
“You already have a responsibility, Kate! To the company, to us.” You want nothing more than all of this to just stop, but you can’t. You can’t stop the burning rage and self doubt in your heart every time Kate runs off to join Yelena to do whatever the fuck they do when you’re not around. And the pounding-the pounding in your head that started a few days ago that just won’t go away. You know it’s clouding your thoughts, you know you’re being selfish. But is it selfish to want the girl you love to come home safe every night? To not have to wonder if she’ll make it home each day? To not have to wonder what she does when she’s off with a friend she never told you existed?
“I know that, y/n! But this is my responsibility too, as someone who can help others, who can make a difference, I can’t just stop being who I am…I….” The raven haired girl loses her train of thought when her phone buzzes in her pocket. She glances at it with a sigh. “I-it’s Yelena, she found the widow, she needs me. I have to go—y/n…I’m sorry.” Her face is full of regret as she looks up at you. Your eyes glaze over as she stands there, waiting for you to say something.
“Well, run along then. At least she understands.” You spit, energy drained as you stand there. Kate grabs her bow with a huff and leaves, moving towards the door without another word. The last thing you see is her glancing over her shoulder to you, an unreadable expression on her face, her eyes shining with unshed tears. The second the door closes you collapse onto the couch, and unable to keep your eyes open, you let them drift close as you think about how you even got into this situation.
Two Weeks Ago
It all started two weeks ago when you walk into Kate’s apartment, take-out for dinner in hand, and get the shit scared out of you when you turn on the light to see an unfamiliar blonde haired woman sitting on the couch, sharpening a knife as calmly as if she were reading a book. She looks up at you, confusion spreading across her face. “You’re not Kate Bishop—I was sure I broke into the right apartment.” She mutters with what sounds like a curse in another language.
“Who the fuck are you?!” You scream, backing into the front door, reaching beside you for anything that could protect you if necessary. “Woah, woah. Chill out not-Kate bishop. I’m not going to hurt you…mhmm…good thing I brought macaroni.” The blonde stands, tucking her knife away and motioning towards the dropped and spilled food by your feet. Your chest heaves as you try and catch your breath, frantic eyes never leaving the strange woman. She puts up her hands to show you they’re empty.
“No need for such dramatics. My name is Yelena and I’m a friend of Kate Bishop’s. Now is she going to be home soon? Should I heat up the oven?” She gestures to the kitchen.
“I—uh I…what?” You breathe, finally calming down a bit as it seems she’s making no sudden moves. It’s then that you notice Lucky had trotted over to the woman, wagging his tail as she bends down to pet him. Your confusion only grows. “What are you doing here? How’d you even—?” You take a few steps forward, taking out your phone to track your girlfriend. A wave of relief washes over you when you see she’s almost home from work.
“As I said, I need Kate Bishop’s help. This is her dog so I know I’m in the right place, well I had no doubts about that…but you I didn’t anticipate. Who are you?” Yelena asks and you keep talking, stalling for time until Kate arrives. “I’m y/n, I live here. Kate’s my girlfriend?” You raise your eyebrows expecting to get some sort of realization out of the blonde. She only frowns.
“Bishop never mentioned she was dating someone.” She looks somewhat betrayed as if she should have been kept in the loop. Just then you heard the click of the lock and you finally breathe normally as you watch Kate enter the apartment. She freezes, her mouth gaping as she takes in the scene before her.
“Ah there she is! Finally, Kate Bishop—hey how come you never told me about the lovely y/n here?” Yelena motions to you and you move to stand by Kate’s side. “Baby, what the hell is going on?” You whisper in her ear and she looks to you, an apologetic look in her eyes. “Um—y/n meet Yelena, Yelena, this is y/n.”
So yeah. That’s how you met the deadly assassin that happens to be your girlfriend’s friend. And that’s how this whole mess started.
One Week Ago
After the night you met Yelena, you quickly find out how much she likes to stick around, and how much she loves mac and cheese. You try your best to be polite, to enjoy the company of Kate’s friend, but its a little hard when every interaction between them feels like flirting and she keeps whisking Kate off to go on a “mission” or “stake out”, or whatever excuse she can come up with to leave you out of it. Yelena seems nice, she really does. But you can’t help but feel that she’s a little too nice, and a little too comfortable around your girlfriend. Not to mention the fact that Kate never once told you about her yet now acts like they’ve known each other forever.
“Kate, how long is Yelena staying for?” You whisper to your girlfriend as the two of you cuddle in bed. The blonde in mention is currently downstairs, asleep on your couch. She’d been crashing at Kate’s apartment for almost a week now, coming and going at weird hours, almost never using the door, usually the window, and often taking Kate with her. “I don’t know. I guess until she finds all the widows in New York.” Kate mumbles into your shoulder, half asleep. You sigh, closing your eyes and letting the sound of her soft snores lull you to sleep.
Last Night
Almost another week passes and Yelena still hasn’t left. With your irritation only growing, you find it harder and harder to keep your cool around the assassin as she traipses around your apartment like she owns the place, eating mac and cheese and watching movies with your girlfriend, making her laugh and doing the dishes.
Work has been exhausting since you’ve been picking up Kate’s slack at the company that you work at, the one she owns. And you guess everything just hit its limit because this morning you’d woken up with an annoying scratch in your throat and a throbbing in your sinuses.
Currently you’re laying on the couch, the oncoming cold and exhaustion from the day making your eyelids droopy as you enjoy one of the few moments of peace you’ve had in the past couple weeks. Yelena is out doing god knows what and you’re laying in Kate’s arms as the two of you watch a movie. You sniffle softly, attempting to keep your slightly runny nose at bay. You can feel a steady warmth growing in your body, one that makes you feel cold even though you’re cuddled up to your girlfriend and under a cozy blanket.
“Hey.” Kate murmurs into your hair and you hum, glancing up at her, the blue light from the tv casting a soft glow on her face. “You okay, love? You seem off tonight.” She states, a small worried crease in her brows. You try your best to give her a convincing smile.
“Yeah, I’m fine Katie, jus’ tired. Long day.” You hum back. You’re mulling over the idea of just telling her you’re sick, then maybe she would focus on you for a while, make you feel loved and cared for like she did before Yelena came to town and distracted her.
Kate can tell you aren’t being fully honest and opens her mouth to say something else but a soft buzz from her phone on the coffee table pulls her attention away. She looks at the text. You can tell its from Yelena by the way her brows furrow and her jaw sets in that stubborn, determined look you usually find endearing. You sigh.
“It’s Lena, she’s close to finding the last widow. She might need me.” She mutters to you, avoiding your eyes because she knows she she’ll only feel guilty from the expression on her face. She knows she hasn’t been fair to you these past couples weeks. But she has a job, a responsibility, and her friend needs her. She’s helping to make a difference, to save lives. She’ll make it up to you, she will.
You pull away from her warm arms, standing up, head pounding at the sudden movement. “Woah babe…” Kate stands up too. “Where are you going? What about the movie?” She calls as you start to make your way to the stairs. You turn back to face her. “I’m tired. I’m going to bed.” You state simply, maybe a little too harshly judging by the way Kate looks hurt and confused by your words. You turn once more to the stairs.
“Ugh why are you being so—so….distant lately?” Kate bites back, and that’s it. You storm back over to her. “Really, Kate?!”
And…yeah, that’s how you ended up fighting with Kate at 11pm while sporting a very untimely fever—one which the archer doesn’t known about since she hasn’t been around enough to know you’re feeling under the weather.
You don’t know how long you’re passed out for, but when you come to, the apartment is flooded with sunlight. Kate’s coat and bow are still gone so you know she didn’t come back last night. Guilt bubbles in your chest when you think about what happened. You really didn’t want to fight with her, but you just couldn’t take it anymore.
You try to move but find your limbs feel like jelly. The light from outside amplifies your headache and you can feel your hair and clothes slightly damp with sweat from your fever. You want to call Kate. To tell her you’re sorry, that you love her, that you need her now. You blink, not sure where your phone is and not having the energy to find it. You hear a distant whine and faintly resister Lucky licking your hand. You muffle a painful cough into the pillow below your cheek and you can’t resist when your eyes drift close once more.
When Kate finally comes home that afternoon, her heart drops the second she sees you sprawled out on the couch. Even from across the room she can see the thick layer of sweat coating your hairline and your ragged, uneven breathing. Her eyes widen and she curses under her breath as she rushes over to you. Her worry only amplifies when she sees you up close.
“Y/n? Baby, can you hear me?” She places a hand to the side of your cheek and feels the strong heat radiating off you. She can’t believe this. She can’t believe that she didn’t know you were getting sick, or that your fight could have been induced by the fever, or the fact that you needed her and she left you for almost a whole day like this. The archer feels as though she could throw up just thinking about how awful you must’ve felt. All her anger and frustration from last night fades as she focuses solely on you.
“Please, baby, wake up, y/n?” She shakes your shoulder a bit and lets out a sigh of relief when you groan and shift a little. “K-Katie?” You slur, eyes still shut as you try reaching out your arm to find the source of the familiar voice. “Yeah, yes, baby. It’s me, I’m here.” Kate grabs tight onto your hand and squeezes it gently.
You slowly open your eyes to see the blurry form of your girlfriend crouch in front of you. You lose sight of her as tears start forming in your eyes. “M’sorry.” You whimper, and you can feel her soft thumbs start to brush away your tears.
“It’s okay, my love. It’s okay. I’m sorry too. For more than last night. For everything. For being distant, for not realizing you got sick for…” She starts to ramble as tears form in her own eyes.
“Iss okay.” You mumble. “You’re here now.” You offer what you can in the form of a slight smile. You can’t think straight right now, you’re not even entirely sure Kate is actually here and not just some fever induced dream. But whether it’s real or not, for the first time in a while, with her hand gripping your’s, you feel calm, comforted, seen.
Kate blinks the tears out of her eyes as yours drift closed again. Biting her lip, she pulls away but you don’t even notice, so lost in your haze. She returns a moment later with a cool damp cloth, a glass of water, and a fever reducing pill. She slips onto the couch, carefully maneuvering you so she’s holding your slumped form in her arms.
“Here, take this baby.” She holds the pill and water up to your lips and they part briefly, enough for her to get you to swallow. “You’re okay, love. It’s all going to be okay now.” She hums in your ear along with other sweet assurances as she holds your shivering form tight.
After a while of silence, you come to again, still only half awake but you can now feel Kate’s soothing presence as she holds you and something miraculously cool is resting on your forehead. “I-I’m sorry, Katie.” You mumble and you can feel her fingers running through your hair. “I trust you, a-and I understand. Really I do…I was just…” You add though your words are a slur of mumbles. Kate kisses your head. “Shhh, It’s okay y/n. I know, I know. Just sleep now. We’ll talk when you’re better.” Kate hums back and you let out a deep sigh.
“I love you.” You hear Kate whisper in your ear as you drift back off to sleep. And finally, you feel at peace, knowing her words are true. You love her too, but you can’t seem to get your lips to form the words. So instead, so settle for knowing that once you’re better, the two of you will be able to explain everything to each other, be completely honest, and to get through this. For now, you’re happy without needing to say anything at all. She’s here. And that’s all that matters.
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mopopshop · 2 months
Shattered Promises
part: 3
pairing: paige bueckers x oc
a/n: how are we feeling abt it so far?? tell me in my asks (i promise it gets more interesting than this 🙏🏾🙏🏾)
The days since your last coffee date with Paige have flown by, filled with more study sessions and lighthearted conversations. Paige’s charm and humor have made each meeting more enjoyable than the last and you’ve found yourself looking forward to each one.
After one particular study session, Paige seems a bit more fidgety than usual. You’ve been working on the project in the cozy corner of the campus library, surrounded by textbooks and notebooks. Paige keeps bouncing her leg under the table and you can’t help but notice her nervous energy.
As you finish up the last few notes for the day, Paige clears her throat, trying to mask her anxiety. “So, uh, I was thinking...”
You look up from your notes, noticing her unusual hesitance. “Yeah? What’s up?”
Paige fiddles with her pen, her eyes darting around the room. “Well, we’ve been hanging out a lot, and it’s been really great. I was wondering if, maybe, you’d want to go out with me? Like, on a real date”
Your heart skips a beat at her words, a mixture of excitement and nerves bubbling up inside you and you can’t help but blush. In your moment of admiration you don’t realize you haven’t answered Paige’s question, just sitting there and staring.
Paige quickly tries to backpedal “But you really don’t have to, like I get you’re busy and shit so… you know what? Just- just forget about it- it’s fine don-“
You finally register her words, snapping out of your trance. “No, no, no! Paige, no, oh my god i’m sorry. Wait— I mean yes! Like no I’m not saying no, i’m saying yes! …My answers yes” your rush out your answer awkwardly. 
Paige finally meets your gaze, her cheeks flushed. “ Oh— cool, cool, I was thinking maybe a diner? There’s this really fuckin good place I know. We could just have dinner and talk. I’m not rushing you or anything, just thought it’d be nice.”
You feel a smile spread across your face. “No seriously, Paige. That sounds really nice. I’d love to.”
Paige’s face lights up with relief. “Great. Can I pick you up at seven?”
“Oh, um, sevens good!” you say, feeling a bit anxious, realizing that Paige picking you up means she’ll be at your apartment. Apartment = Rya and you can’t have Paige finding out about that yet. “But if you don’t mind, I’ll just meet you there? I have some— stuff to take care of before.”
Paige raises an eyebrow, a hint of disappointment crossing her face. “Are you sure? I can pick you up if you want.”
You give her a reassuring smile, trying to mask your worry. “No, it’s really okay. I’ll see you there.”
Paige nods, though she looks slightly puzzled. “Alright, see you at seven.”
That evening, you arrive at the diner Paige mentioned. The place is charming, with its retro decor and cozy booths. As you walk in, you spot Paige already seated at a booth near the window, her face brightening when she sees you.
“Hey, Lara” Paige greets with a wide smile. “You- you look gorgeous, seriously.”
“Hi,” you reply, sliding into the booth across from her. “Thanks, you don’t look to bad yourself”
Paige smiles at the compliment and hands you a menu. “So, what do you feel like?”
You glance at the menu, taking in the array of options. “I’m thinking about the classic hamburger. What about you?”
Paige grins. “They have fire nacho’s, gonna grab those. You should try the bacon cheeseburger, shits better than sex”
You flush at the comment but continue to speak. “I’m.. not really a cheese fan”
“You don’t fuck with cheese?”
“No, never really resonated with it” you laugh.
Paige takes in a sharp breath. “Might be a deal breaker for me” she states sarcastically.
You feign disappointment. “Really? And we were just starting to get along”
You both laugh and proceed to place your orders, and as you wait for your food, the conversation flows easily. You talk about everything from your favorite movies to your funniest college experiences. The food arrives and Paige’s nervousness seems to melt away as she becomes more animated and playful.
As you both dive into your meals, the conversation continues to flow naturally. Paige’s humor and charm make the time fly by, and you find yourself feeling more and more comfortable around her.
“You been asking me hella questions about myself so,” you say between bites of your hamburger. “What about you? Talk about yourself a little bit”
Paige takes a sip of her drink, considering your question. “Well, I grew up in Minnesota. Moved here for basketball, obviously. Um.. I game and I like a mean shirly temple”
You smile, rollin your eyes. “That’s all you gonna tell me? Nothing else? Any siblings?”
Paige laughs, nodding. “Damn girl, I didn’t know what you wanted me to say but yeah, I have a younger brother. He’s in middle school, so I try to be a good role model for him. We’re pretty close.”
“That’s sweet,” you reply. “It must be nice to have a sibling you’re close to.”
Paige’s eyes light up as she talks about her family. “Yeah, it is. What about you? Any siblings?”
You hesitate, knowing the consequences of your actions the more you hold off telling her about Rya. “Um.. no, no siblings. It’s.. it’s just me and my mom. We’re really close, though.”
Paige’s expression softens. “That’s nice. Family’s important.”
You both continue to chat, the conversation shifting effortlessly from one topic to another. Before you know it, the dinner is winding down, and you feel a small sense of nerves.
Paige glances at her phone. “It’s getting late. Ready to head out?”
You nod, feeling a flutter of anticipation. “Yeah, let’s go.”
Paige stands up and, to your surprise, walks over to your side of the booth and offers her hand to help you up. “Shall we?”
You smile and take her hand, appreciating her chivalrous gesture. “Thank you.”
As you walk out of the diner, Paige opens the door for you, earning another grateful smile from you. She leads you to her car, and you both get in, the comfortable silence filling the space as she drives you home.
When you arrive at your apartment complex, Paige parks the car and turns to you with a gentle smile. “I had a really great time tonight.”
“Me too,” you say softly, feeling your heart race.
Paige gets out of the car and rushes to open your door for you. You step out, giggling lightly at her actions.
“Thanks for walking me up,” you say, fiddling with your keys.
“Of course,” Paige replies, her voice a bit hushed. “So, um, can I see you again?”
You look up at her, meeting her eyes. “I’d like that.”
There’s a moment of silence, and then Paige steps a bit closer. “Alara, I… I really like you.”
Your breath catches, and you find yourself leaning in slightly. “I like you too, Paige.”
Before you can second-guess yourself, Paige gently cups your cheek and leans in, her lips brushing yours in a soft, tentative kiss. The world seems to fade away as you melt into the kiss, your heart pounding in your chest.
When you finally pull back, you’re both breathless, and Paige’s eyes are filled with warmth and affection. “Goodnight, Alara,” she whispers.
“Goodnight, Paige,” you reply, feeling a surge of happiness as you watch her walk away. You enter your apartment, a tentative smile playing on your lips
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written-by-3racha · 12 days
"you read this?" ft. yoon keeho + kim jongseob
note from étoile : I had to write more seobie stuff but ugh the keeho brainrot is strong too... my two husbands are so cool <3 I got an idea and didn't know who to write it for til now so!
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You shouldn't have left your computer open. You probably shouldn't have left it open on your smutty idol fanfiction tab. And finally, you most definitely haven't left said smutty fanfiction tab while you were over at your two best friends apartment. Who happened to be idols. Who you happened to be reading the fanfiction about.
"Guys, I'm ba-" Your voice faded out, your eyes widening at the sight. "So. Lovely weather we're having?"
"Yeah... y/n, do you really read this? This shit kinda freaky not gonna lie," Keeho didn't even try beating around the bush.
"Keehos right, bondage?? You're into this stuff?" You couldn't be more embarrassed by your best friends words, but you also couldn't ignore the growing wet feeling in your core.
"I- I um-" You stuttered, unable to find the right words. "I was... studying?"
Jongseob and Keeho blankly stared at you. "Studying? Seriously?" Keeho quirked an eyebrow up. He turned to Jongseob, who whispered something in his ear. Keeho chuckled and repeated it out loud. "Say, y/n, do you want to recreate the fanfiction?"
You meekly agreed, face still flushed a deep red.
You were tied up arms above your head and legs spread wide, leaving nothing to the boys imagination. You were also blindfolded, unable to see the lewd sight in front of you.
Keeho's hand was wrapped around Jongseobs, guiding him as he fingered your tight cunt. "Juuust like that, Seob. Notice y/n's expression? How she looks fucked out even though we barely even started?"
"Mhm, she looks pretty, Keeho," Jongseob replies. You regretted choosing to read a fanfiction with a blindfold, "So pretty, wish I could see her eyes right now."
"Nope, we're recreating the fic, Jongseob. We're keeping the blindfold on, right y/n?" You didn't want to nod, but you knew Keeho was expecting you to, so you did exactly so.
"Do you think she's ready for the real thing?" Keeho now asked his younger friend. You could hear the sound of jeans unbuckling and pants falling down.
You heard the same sound again, probably Jongseobs pants being removed this time. "Sure looks like it. She's absolutely dripping."
You hear Keeho laugh at your submissive behavior again. Suddenly, you felt something prod at your entrance. Then, a stretch. You sharply inhaled as you felt not only Keeho's, but Jongseobs dick both enter you. You could feel the difference in girth and length, but they were both big, and they were both starting to thrust into you.
"Seobie, Kyo, please~" You exclaimed, tears threatening to prick your blindfolded eyes. Someone's hand started massaging your bood, someone's lips were on your collarbone, someone's hand was stroking your thigh.
"Please what? You're the one who was reading a fanfiction like this, baby," Keeho cooed.
"Please let me cum, it's too much," You whimpered.
Someone's hand started playing with your pink nub. "Jongseob, d'you think we should cum inside?"
"If she deserves it. Do you think you deaerve it y/n?"
You nodded, unable to firm any coherent words. You felt yourself being filled up at the same time you reached climax.
Your blindfold was removed and the knots on your limbs were undone by Jongseob as Keeho watched the mixture of fluids flow out of you.
"We should find another fic she's saved and recreate it." Jongseob suggested with a grin.
"Good idea, y/n, time to look through the fics you saved."
"Please no..."
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polyklok · 2 years
Attention Metalocalypse fans
Do you miss Dethklok? Just want a tiny bit more?
I’m not sure how many people are aware, but I’d thought I’d spread the word anyway-
There were DVD special clips of unscripted Dethklok interviews, some tv extras, other little tidbits and it’s extremely important to me that they are seen and HEARD
First of all, there’s a classic of Dethklok listing bands for over 20 minutes. It’s so dumb but nothing has made me smile so stupidly like this has. They all hype eachother up, Toki goes sicko, it fucking rules.
There’s also Skwisgaar teaching us how to play guitar. If you’re into silly degradation by a bimbo Swedish guitar god, this is probably for you. He also…sells us a guitar?
You obviously got Nathan Explosion reading Shakespeare (not really) and then he does it some more! (Not really)
Dethklok just…watching NASCAR. (Part of the reason why I think Murderface is from the deep south) Maybe that’s not classy enough for you; not enough Zazz? That’s alright, they also visit IKEA!
(A non-video one, which is surprising) Revolver interviews Nathan Explosion, in which this goth himbo realizes he doesn’t remember being borne
Okay, so I’m editing this bit by bit and this lovely person posted another non-video Dethklok interview, this time with Toki and Murderface reviewing music!
Eddie Riggs roadies for Dethklok. Reminder to all the Jack Black was/is a large fan of Metalocalypse! Also, they summon death (may or may not be related, I’m unsure)
Charles gettin drunk with the band! (This one might’ve been in the show…I don’t remember)
Murderface goes to the opera and talks awkwardly on the phone for too long. Like, way too long. Seriously.
Pickles goes on a trip. It’s wonderful to just hear him ramble honestly.
Don’t like Murderface? First of all, how fucking dare you. Secondly, you can listen to Charles Offdensen on the phone instead! Maybe they’re talking to each other!
Toki vs Skwisgaar staredown, courtesy of @doomstar because I forgot it! Skwisgaar, honey, your homosketuality is showing.
Dick Knubbler interviews Murderface and Toki over the song ‘Takin’ it easy’ (a classic)
Murderface plays wheelchair bound, “I wish my grandma was dead.”
Pickles the drummer is drunk is public. That’s the whole thing.
You can listen to Facebones selling you Dethklok references or even Facebones giving a special Mordhaus tour!
Facebones listing types of klokateers? Sure! How’s about Facebones (also the scientists) explains moshing? Not your cuppa tea? That’s ok, you can listen to Facebones…names… places…
A memorial for the dead klokateers, very emotional. Also Inside Mordhaus; The Klokateer story, which sorta gives us a small view into the true intensity of the job.
SoundGarden’s ‘black rain’, which pretty heavily includes Dethklok in the music video. It’s actually a very cool reference.
Dethklok gets in tune, where they just struggle with their instruments for a bit…yeah
A ‘fact or fiction’ interview that’s actually pretty recent, all things considered.
This extras compilation video, while it does include a lot of the stuff already on this list, it also has other stuff that I can find individually or some random interviews. If you have some time, I’d give it a looksie!
There’s also short ‘interview’ clips. Dethklok talking about;
Insects (I particularly like this one because pickles forces the rest of the band into a closet so he can have alone time)
And the future
It’s just nice to get a little extra content, ya know?
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betelgrouse · 2 years
Your Jaime Lannister smut is pure perfection. Please write more like this. Preferably with him dominant (but the reader is as sarcastic as him), but anything else will do too. Seriously, good smutty writing.
Oh my gosh, this is the kindest comment, I can't tell you how much it means!!! You seriously just made my whole week, thank you. <3
Here's a soft and smutty little piece written especially for you with a romantic dom jaime :) I have a few other drafts in the works, so stay tuned ;)
Morning Air (Jaime Lannister x reader)
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Rating: Explicit
Words: 1k
Summary: A glimpse into a soft (but smutty) morning with your husband, the Lord of Casterly Rock.
(Soft dom!jaime and soft sub!reader; oneshot; tried to make the reader gender neutral, but feedback much appreciated!)
Warnings: language, unprotected penetrative sex, romance (read at your own emotional risk!), nikolaj coster-waldau's problematically good looks
Note: two handed jaime (but he's perfect with any number of hands!)
The sun was streaming through the open balcony doors, and a cool ocean breeze gently lifted the long, translucent curtains as it entered the room, carrying the scent of saltwater and sunshine with it. You could hear ocean waves rhythmically splashing on the rocks below as you woke, a sound just slightly slower paced than your husband's breathing next to you. The view from Casterly Rock was lovely in the morning, but you'd rather look at the man sleeping next to you. The Seven must have sculpted him with their own hands, you thought. Closed eyes beneath a crown of golden hair, and a strong, lean body beneath the sand-coloured bedsheets. Your eyes roamed down to his chest and arms, marked with the occasional faded scar; no one had landed a blow on the Kingslayer in a long time, thank the Gods.
His body shifted, and you looked back up to meet Jaime's warm gaze. He reached out, gently cupping your face, and kissed you slowly. He pulled back, hovering over you, blonde hair just brushing your forehead.
"You looked like you wanted something from me," Jaime murmured, tracing your lips with his thumb. Still holding your face, Jaime ran his other hand up your leg, drawing circles on your inner thigh. "Tell me what you want, love."
You smiled up at him softly. "I want you to be on time for your morning briefings with your council. For once this week," you teased.
"If you don't want me to fuck you in the morning," Jaime whispered against your lips, "you shouldn't wake up looking so lovely." His fingers slid higher, and he started rubbing small circles on your clitoris [or tip]. You felt your legs start to spread open.
You reached down to reciprocate, but he lifted his hand from your face and stopped you. He lifted your hand to his lips before pinning it to the bed, all while drawing those circles that were already starting to make you come undone.
"Besides, I don't think you really want me to leave so soon, do you?" Jaime mused, smirking at the face you make as he slips a finger inside you, adding to the rhythm. "Do I really leave you so unsatisfied?"
You both knew the answer to his question, but he just loved to tease you. He added another finger, pumping in and out of you a bit harder now. You started moving your hips with the rhythm involuntarily. Gods, it felt good. He always felt so good.
He planted a kiss beside your ear. "Well?" he inquired, increasing his pace.
"Well what?" you asked back, somewhat more breathlessly than you had intended.
"Do you want me to stop?" His eyes glittered mischievously.
"No," you gasped out. His fingers were good, but you wanted him inside you. He really was going to make you beg him for it, wasn't he?
"What do you want, my darling?" He's so cocky, you thought. Well, when he looks like that, I guess he can be.
"I want you to..." You still blushed saying such vulgar words, which is exactly why Jaime loved to get you to say them. "I want you to fuck me."
Jaime grinned. "What was that, love? I didn't hear you."
Oh, his arrogant, annoying, perfect face, you thought. "I want you to fuck me, Jaime, and I want you to fuck me right now."
"If you insist." He grinned even wider, evidently quite pleased with himself. Holding your thigh, he sank himself into you, groaning deliciously in your ear. He rocked in and out of you, hitting that spot inside you over and over again. The fucking felt amazing, of course, but you also loved how his chest moved against yours like the tide meeting the beach, and how you saw that same pleasure you were feeling echoed back at you in Jaime's eyes with every thrust.
You two were tangled up together, legs crossed, faces touching. He gently tugged your hair, tilting your head back so he could plant sloppy, open-mouthed kisses along your neck. You met his lips and savoured the taste of him, his warmth, his softness.
You felt your climax coming and let it crash through you in waves, like the ocean below. Jaime felt your muscles tighten and he fucked you through your orgasm before his own climax hit him. He came deep inside you, his body weight pressing down on you and his breathing ragged in your ear. You took a deep breath, taking in the fresh ocean air and the smell of him, and thought there really couldn't be anything better.
After a moment, Jaime sat up and poured a cup of water, offering it to you before pouring one for himself. You expected him to rise and get dressed for the day, but he just sipped his water and looked at you with an enigmatic expression, as if deciding something.
"What is it?" You raise your eyebrows at him and smile. You can't help but smile when you look at him.
Jaime silently returns both cups to the table beside him before rolling back on top of you, head buried in the crook of your neck. You laugh and slide your hand into his hair, gently playing with it. His hair gleams like real gold in the sunlight, you muse.
"You're going to miss your briefings again," you press, but you're holding him and you don't want to let him go.
"Shhhh," he responds, nuzzling closer into you.
You match your breathing with his, and your chests rise and fall together, like the rhythm of the sea below.
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cacoetheswriting · 1 year
pearl: v-day 1986 [drabble]
word count: 1k
content warnings: best friends to lovers, slow burn, mutual pining, a little cheesy fluff, adult language, use of pet names, oblivious idiots in love, self-doubt / insecurities - if i missed anything, pls let me know!
pearl masterlist
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“I fucking hate this holiday,” Robin sighs dramatically.
The video store is poorly decorated with a variety of cheap pink balloons and cardboard heart cutouts, painted red and smudged with a glue/glitter mixture. The posters on display were all of movie stars kissing and the plastic stand right inside the entrance featured a collection of cheesy romantic comedies.
Valentine’s Day never looked so good.
You shrug at Robin’s words, dipping a brush into some red paint before proceeding to apply the acrylic onto another cardboard heart. “It’s not all bad. I for one think there are worse holidays than this one.”
Robin rolls her eyes, sitting up on the counter. “You’re just saying that ‘cause this year you are blessed enough to have a boyfriend.”
You poke her arm with the wooden end of the paint brush and she chuckles.
“Eddie’s not—”
“Right.” Robin rolls her eyes and grabs a pair of scissors along with a piece of paper, “I forgot you guys aren’t into this whole label thing, or even admitting you actually like one another. Which is really cool, very progressive, but considering everything you’ve been through and how much he clearly cares for you, don’t you wanna just bite the bullet and call the boy your boyfriend?”
A soft sigh escapes your lips as you look up at her. “Of course I do, but that’s not the point.”
“I’m seriously confused then.”
“I just don’t want anything bad happening to him.”
She raises a brow, not looking away from the arts and crafts in her hands. “Super cryptic, not at all weird.”
You’re about to respond, in an attempt to explain your reasonings for not wanting to tell Eddie you actually care for him as more than just a friend, when the door opens and you’re greeted by the very metalhead you’re talking about with Robin. 
Eddie smiles when he sees you and you instantly return the happy expression, carefully placing the paintbrush on the half finished heart. By the time he’s at the counter, Robin jumps off and disappears between the stands — not before saying hi to the metalhead and shooting you a knowing glance.
“Hey, princess.”
Eddie leans over the countertop and kisses your cheek.
“What are you doing here?” You ask, not because you don’t want him here, but because you made plans for later in the afternoon and you weren’t expecting to see him until then.
He shrugs. “Just wanted to see my favourite girl,” he says, fidgeting with the sleeve of your shirt. “Apparently it’s the most romantic day of the year. Some baby in a diaper is going around striking unwilling participants with arrows. Real gory shit, if you ask me.”
You laugh lightly. Eddie continues, a cheshire cat grin spread across his features. 
“Had to make sure you didn’t get hit,” he adds.
Playfully rolling your eyes, you reach for his bouncy locks and tenderly push them away from his handsome face, keeping your hand on his cheek after. He settles into your touch instinctively, brown gaze glued to your own.
Yeah. Totally ‘just friends' behaviour.
“Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you’re too late. I believe an arrow struck me quite some time ago and I’m bleeding internally,” you play into his dramatics, “Run and save yourself. That diapered baby is ruthless.”
Eddie chuckles. He then tilts his head and places a hasty kiss to the palm of your hand before pulling away from you placid grasp — again, totally nothing more than ‘friends’ behaviour. 
You watch closely as he reaches for the inside pocket of his jacket and slowly retrieves a poorly wrapped gift. His gaze meets yours once again when he hands the present over. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day, princess.”
You’re taken aback ever so slightly ‘cause here Eddie stood, a rectangular item in his hold, wrapped in what looked like pages from a book, held together with a red shoelace.
You retrieve it hesitantly and the first thing that pops out of your stupid mouth is: “Eds, Valentine’s Day gifts are usually reserved for people in relationships, not friends. And now I’m the idiot who didn’t go the extra mile.”
But Eddie shakes his head. 
“Stop. Don’t even talk like that,” he appeals, “Nothing to be fretting your pretty head about, okay? I’ve been meaning to give this to you for some time now, just so happened I remembered where I put it this very morning. A happy coincidence, if you ask me.”
You don’t entirely believe him but nod in agreement regardless. Your fingers work to untie the ribbon and you’re gentle with the wrapping paper — thankfully you think to keep it because you realise quite a few months later it’s the excerpt from the chapter of Lord of the Rings Eddie read to you shortly before your almost second kiss.
And then you freeze.
Eddie thinks you hate it or something because he’s quick to interject, explain. 
“It’s a tape, as you can obviously see,” he’s babbling, “The cover is of Pearl, but so you don’t get confused between this and the original, I wrote E.V. in the corner here,” he points and your gaze follows, “for ‘Eddie’s Version’, cause I re-recorded all the songs myself. Acoustic. Just me and my guitar. It took fucking forever, but I-I think it was worth it. God, do you hate it—”
“No, fuck no!” You exclaim and look at him again, “This is the best gift I think I’ve ever fucking received. Thank you!” 
“You mean it?” Eddie questions.
“A thousand percent, Eds. I love it and…” I love you, you want to add only to stop yourself at the last minute. “Seriously, thank you.”
He’s smiling again and before you can react, he effortlessly jumps over the counter and wraps his arms around you, pulling you into a thrilling embrace. Your heart swells at the contact. It swells when you think about the gift in your hand. Honestly, it swells so hard, you swear it’s about to fucking explode.
From the corner of your eye, you can see Robin staring at the two of you. A stupid smirk plastered across her face.
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thank you for reading <3
& tagging some cool people that expressed interest in this lil series: @cactusangie , @spenciesprincess , @capitanostella , @ashlynnkennedy , @ms1oftheboys
pearl masterlist
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whatthebodygraspsnot · 5 months
Hi Ray!
If you are inspired: part 3 no.15 or part 5 no.12 💖
“Who would have thought that this is something that you’re into?” additional tags: light pet play, experimental puppy play, very light exhibitionism, idk if i like this yet - i'm just dipping my toes in for now - trying something new
It's the perfect early-summer afternoon.
Mickey's spent a lot of time in their backyard, but recently, this is the way he's come to ask for it - stretched out on his back, the grass soft beneath his bare skin and the breeze cool as it wafts over him.
He's perfectly content here, despite being naked down to his briefs. Because of it, maybe. It's freeing. In a way that might visually counteract the rest of his setup, but he loves this shit too. The thick black collar wrapped around his neck... The chain that threads through the ring and keeps him loosely tied to the metal stake in the ground, the lead gone slack in the grass...
It's the perfect early-summer afternoon, and Mickey is leashed up in their backyard, the sun pouring so beautifully over his exposed belly that he has to let out a content little sigh, stretching his arms over his head.
Their fence is tall - the slats overlapping - so if anyone wanted to peek over, they'd have to work for it. But they could do it. If they wanted to. They could stand on their tip toes and see Mickey chained up and sleeping and the thought of it alone has something nasty and pleasurable stirring in his gut as he lies here.
Because would that be so bad?
Mickey daydreams about it, feeling the sun warm his skin. And he's just under that first layer of groggy sleep when he hears the back door sliding shut, the footsteps that approach him setting off a flutter of lazy excitement in his chest for what happens next.
"Hey you..." Ian's voice is so easy. So fond, like the big hand that reaches out and starts to rub over Mickey's bare stomach. "You bein' a good boy out here?"
Mickey stretches a little, enjoying the heat that spreads inside him from the attention.
When he opens his eyes, it's with a pleasant little smile that matches Ian's, who is crouching to the ground to rub soothing circles on his stomach. Fuck, it's nice... So calming... Mickey hums in answer, because that's all he's expected to do. No words. None needed.
And he's not sure he has the words for this feeling anyway. Because when Ian leans in to plant a kiss on his forehead and then murmurs it, very kindly, "Sit up for me...?" the desire to please him is like Mickey's never felt before.
Not like this. Not to this degree.
When he pulls himself up to sit, it's a pleasant stretch, his eyes closing again as he feels Ian carefully pick pieces of grass from his hair. "Not much of a watch dog if you're out here belly-up..." he teases, brushing some off his bare shoulder now. "Thought you were s'posed to be guardin' the place."
Mickey's lashes flutter open. Searching. Carefully trying to piece together the seriousness in that. If he let him down or not.
But before he can worry about it too much, Ian's throwing him a lopsided smile, "That's alright..." his hand coming up to playfully mess in Mickey's hair, thank god. "Too nice out not to nap, huh..."
Now that he's certain he hasn't disappointed, Mickey smiles softly again, nodding in agreement. It really is too nice of a day to not take advantage of it.
And Ian seems to be on the same page. Because he lists forward to plant a quick kiss to the tip of Mickey's nose, "That's my good boy," and then he's unhooking the chain from Mickey's collar. "C'mon."
And god, Mickey's heart soars. He knows it's crazy, but the praise just fucking does something for him. No matter how hard they're going with this for the day - how immersed Mickey says he wants to be. All Ian's gotta do is say those two words and Mickey's fucking melting.
Because that's all it comes down to, isn't it? That's the one thing that's always been true.
Mickey loves to be Ian's. In any way he can get.
And there's nothing that really nails that shit home quite like Ian putting a collar around his neck - Ian holding the lead end of his leash - Ian telling him that he's his and he loves him and he's being good.
It may have spiralled a little, but Mickey's always loved being owned by him. Kept by him. And if he's gonna spend years hearing people call him Ian's guard dog - his pitbull - he might as well prove it.
Which means he follows after him when Ian relaxes back on one of the chaise lounge patio chairs, eager to fill the space beside him.
And again, all it would take is a little peak - a little tip-toe - and anyone at all could see how Mickey lays his head on Ian's stomach, staring up at him patiently until he can get that coveted attention back on him.
Good. Because then they'll see how much Ian loves him. How generous he is when Mickey nudges at his resting hand until Ian gets with the program and uses it to pet over the top of his head.
They probably wouldn't get it, actually. They wouldn't understand how good it feels, Ian's fingers threading through his hair and then coming to scratch behind his ear. They wouldn't get the swoop of fulfillment and desire that rushes in Mickey's belly when Ian looks at him like this.
“Who woulda thought this is something you’re into?” he murmurs pleasantly - a moment of fond introspection.
But Mickey's known this about himself always.
That's all it is, really, his eyes closing as he rests his head in Ian's lap, once again drifting to the feeling of those hands petting him back to sleep.
[ send me a smutty one-liner ]
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jujutsutrash · 1 year
(don’t look) but I want it
same modern!AU as the Geto one, some college roommate Yuuta with a crush and little self control. Pairing: Yuuta x reader Word count: 1768 Warning: nsfw minors get out, noncon voyeurism (kinda), male masturbation
The sounds coming from the other side of the wall were muffled and distant, but they still rang loud on Yuuta’s ears. Like a wave, the vibrations spread through his body, making him tremble as he laid in bed. Fuck, this wasn’t good. Not good at all. The music coming from your room infiltrated his space, taking over his mind as he just tried to rest. But that wasn’t the worse. Oh, no. The worse were the moans and grunts he could still faintly hear under whatever song was playing.
Pulling up his phone, he turned on the screen to check the time, the blue light coming from it illuminating him in the deep darkness of the room. One and thirty in the fucking morning. He should be asleep by now, but instead here he was, listening in to his roommate fuck in the other room. Seriously, this was a new low, even for him.
One song switches to another with the cry of a highly distorted guitar and in the crescendo of the new song, Yuuta clearly hears your desperate whine. It has a shiver running down his spine. He really was acting like a degenerate.
Not that he had chosen to be in this situation, though. You had left way earlier to go to that punk bar you love so much, all clad in black and leather, and it took all his strength to keep his cool when he saw you in the living room. He knew how it went, by the point you returned he’d probably be deep asleep. But he just so happened to be still lying in bed awake when you arrived. 
First he heard the closing of the door and the heavy sound of your boots on the old wooden floor. Then he heard your voice, quickly followed by some guy’s voice, muffled whispers moving towards your room. This wasn’t the first time you’d taken a hookup from the party - but it was the first time he was awake to catch it. Today’s show must have been shit for you to arrive before two a.m.
Yuuta hears a deep grunt and a half pitched whine, the muffled sounds sending a jolt straight to his cock. He should try to go back to sleep, but he is pretty sure there will be no sleeping for him tonight. His ears pick up what sounds like a low moan under the music, and Yuuta feels his cock throb, hardening under his boxers. Fuck, he was acting like a pervert, but he couldn’t deny how the thought of you making those sweet sounds turned him on.
His mind had been taken over by your presence ever since a little after you moved in. He was a computer engineering student in need of a roommate, and you were a visual arts bachelor who needed a place to live. At first, he thought you seemed a bit suspicious. The weird companies you kept, all the leather, the tattoo peeking from under your sleeve. But quickly he learned you could be quite sweet and charming. And it was even quicker for him to get hooked on you.
The sound of your moans break through the heavy music for a moment, and it has Yuuta grunting along with it, cock fully hard now. A large hand instinctively moves towards his heavy bulge, fingers ghosting over the visible outline of his cock. His body is subconsciously bracing to hear you again, flesh yearning for any crumbles of your sweet sounds. But it never comes, and now Yuuta is high strung, tension coursing through his veins. You are so muffled, so far away, and he wants more.
That’s when he makes a questionable decision.
Yuuta sits up in his bed fast, almost in a haze. There are no tentative movements as his feet hit the ground, long fingers digging into the edge of his mattress before he gets up. He only hesitates when his hand brushes against the wall. Shit, he knows this is wrong, but he just wants to listen in. Just a little bit. You’ll never know, there’ll be no harm done. Or that’s what he tells himself, as he slides to the floor and brings his ear to the wall diving your rooms.
He feels the cool paint touch the shell of his ear just as an aggressive guitar gives away to a heavy bass, but under the music he can hear your moans clearer now. You make a broken whimper and Yuuta shudders, resting his bare shoulder against the wall as his eyes close. He has one leg on the floor while the other is bent, feet firm to the ground, pushing him against the wall. You whimper again and Yuuta hums, feeling his cock twitch, his hand brushing over it.
A masculine grunt sounds from the other side of the wall, and Yuuta feels a pang to his chest. Jealousy - tinted with some guilt - runs cold in his veins. But he knows he doesn’t have the right to feel jealous when he is too much of a coward to even hit on you. And this is the price he pays, stroking his cock to the sounds coming from your room like a desperate man. He felt like some sick pervert, but it was too late to turn back now.
You cry out something unintelligible, and Yuuta grunts lowly, hyperaware of any sound he makes. The hand over his bulge grips and tugs his cock hard under the fabric of his boxers, pleasure shooting through his body. He could only imagine how good it would feel if it were your hands on him, if he was the one on your bed instead of on his bedroom floor. Your touch would be so fucking soft and warm, perfect hands sliding over his underwear and massaging the thick outline of his dick.
The music from your room pounds heavy on his ears, the fast beat influencing the rhythm at which he tugs on his clothed cock. He is hissing now, biting his lip as he hears you moan, the muffled sound sending electricity through his body. It’s like torture, you are so close and yet so far. Just on the other side of the goddamn wall, and still you are way beyond his grasp. It hurts. The heavy aching of his erection hurts even more.
One hand slips into his underwear and shamelessly pulls Yuuta’s thick cock out. His sense of decency be damned, he was way too deep for this. Best he could offer was to, when tomorrow comes, try and pretend he hadn’t just been jacking off to the sounds of you fucking. He’d carry this shame forever, but right now desire was speaking way louder than anything else.
Yuuta hears you moaning and your bed creaking, the sounds slipping through the calmer parts of the heavy music playing. His mind fills with images of you, the dream of what you’d feel like on his cock. His deft fingers travel up and down his sensitive erection with ease, as pre cum had already started to seep from the swollen head. Shit, it felt good, fisting himself to the sound of your moans. The type of good that seemed dangerously addictive.
He pumps himself hard and fast, and he can hear you louder, high pitched cries filling his ears even through the loud music. Desire burns in his core, lust building up in his veins. He is pumping himself with both hands now, going faster by the minute, a heavy crescendo that matches your noises and the creaking of your bed. Shit, he’d told you to get a new frame a thousand times, but now he was happy you didn’t.
A shudder run across Yuuta’s body as he feels himself getting closer, his teeth sinking into the skin of his bottom lip to keep himself silent. God, could he imagine if you hear him? It would be the most shameful thing - but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t want it just a little bit. The thought of being found out by you has his cock twitching in his large hands, thick length twitching as his fingers press against a sensitive vein. Maybe you’d take pity on him, give him a chance.
He could at least dream of that.
You cry out and Yuuta hisses again, fist tightening around his dick. It feels so good - could be better if it was you, hands, pussy, or anything else you’d want to give, but for now he’d settle with his fist. Beggars can’t be choosers, and he was already chasing his pleasure anyway, so too late for that. He speeds up his thrusts, fucking his tightening hands, as he hears the cacophony of grunts and moans that slip under the heavy drums playing.
His core burns, balls tightening against his body as they feel so heavy, so painfully full. He is thrusting up in his fists, gasping and heaving, drool slipping down his lips, his brain turned off. There is only instinct now, the bright flame of lust drawing him in like a moth, and by god, he doesn’t care if it would kill him.
The music slow down just in time for him to hear you whine in a desperate noise, and that’s enough to do him in. Yuuta grits his teeth as he climaxes into his hands, shooting rope after rope of thick cum onto the old wooden floor. He still pumps himself through his orgasm, fisting his trembling cock for what feels like a lifetime.
When he finally comes to, he realizes what he has done, shame and guilt filling his chest before his eyes focus on the mess on his floor. He is quick to pull a dirty shirt from his bed and clean up the proof of his crime - least it leaves a stain to forever remind him of what he did. Looking around, he realizes the sounds from the other room have subsided too. He puts his ear to the wall, he notices that the only noise still coming is the music playing.
Fuck, he was really a depraved asshole, wasn’t him? And a shitty ass roommate to boost. That night, sleep doesn’t come to Yuuta. He hears the sounds of the guy leaving not long after he climbs into bed himself. He hears the shower running, and you getting back to your room. But most of all, he hears the telltale thumping of his heart, begging him to do something about this desire that had now grown past the point of reason.
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fr3akho3 · 1 year
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Jealousy, Jelaousy.
Kinktober day 2: Jealous sex
Warnings: Jealous sex, Party sex, alcohol, weed, smoking, hickeys, use of the nickname Draculara/Drac, hickeys, smut, unwanted kisses.
2.7k words
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You didn't plan for the party to play out this way. It just sorta happened.
Peter Parker, your boyfriend, your friend, the boy you loved most, was never the biggest fan of parties; don't get me wrong, neither were you, but this party was different.  You wanted to go; the urge to be ordinary, distinctive, just a teenage girl. The urge was overwhelming. Therefore when your friend Margot begged and pleaded with you to go out to a party, you were thrilled. You had already invited Peter. Margot was a great friend she just had the tendency to...flip her priorities and ditch you for guys.
It's a chilled, cool, Saturday in the midst of October, your window is open as your getting ready for the party. Peter sitting gently on your bed while your sat in front of your vanity finishing your makeup.
"You...you look beautiful, well you always do but the witch costume really adds some effect to it all, you know that, beautiful?" Peter said longingly glancing at you in the mirror.
"You think so, my love?" A giddy smile spreads across your face as you turn around and sit on your bed next to him, placing a soft peck on his cheek.
Your relationship was fairly new, the transition between a long-lived friendship and a romantic relationship label wasn't complicated but just new. There were always romantic feelings that blurred the lines of friendship between you two, but the pure, raw, exposing love you had for each other was so refreshing to you both.
Peter kissed your cheek back, you looked at him and started laughing, he laughed with you, a soft kind of laughter that could fill an entire lifetime with joy, a smile that set paths to true happiness, all for you.
You stand up after mindless giggles pass and there's a comfort of silence. "You ready to leave, Peter?"
"Yeah, yeah let's go." He kisses your hand softly, taking it to stand up off your bed.
Leading you to your car, out of your house, you lock your front door, making sure to turn the lights off and leave everything clean. As your lead outside you get into your car and drive with Peter to Harry Osborn's Halloween party.
After a good 20 minutes of driving and getting lost in a rich neighborhood, you find the house with the tipsy high school students in costumes walking in and out of the house.
"Jesus Christ..." You breathe out as you exit the car, earning a laugh and an arm around your waist from Peter. "Ready to go in?"
"Of course, Draculara." He gives out a smug smile.
As you walk into the party, you spot your friend Margot and drag Peter to go and meet her. You go up to her and hug her immediately, she looks Peter up and down and then looks at you and smiles, "Okay, girl, I see the vision, kinda..." she laughs and then shakes Peter's hand, soon getting dragged away by a different guy.
"Wanna go to the kitchen and grab a few drinks, Miss?" Peter teases.
"You...you are a dick, you know that Pete?"
"I'm your dick though, right Draculara?" He says teasingly, the nickname made your knees weak.
"Mmm, yeah I guess." You shrug it off.
Walking into the kitchen, you pour Peter a coke in a solo cup, and for you lemonade and pink Whitney.
"Woah? Drac, you seriously gonna get fucked up? Like tonight? And since when do you drink? I mean you can...if you want but like...I don't know it's stupid never mind." He rambled off about your habits and safety and how underage drinking was bad.
"It's not a big deal, promise. It's not even a lot it's mostly lemonade." You say quickly defending yourself. Before he could speak you feel a pair of hands grasping at your waist, swiftly turning you around, you smile at the face you see. An old friend you haven't seen in years, Jesse Montoya.
"Yo, what's good, Ma? It's been fuckin' years since I seen your ass? Where you been hiding out?" He says laughing out and grabbing a sip from your drink.
"Yo, you're the one who disappeared on everyone, not me. I've been in the same damn place I've always been. You haven't even met my boyfriend, yet," You go to Peter on the other side of the counter and place him next to you. "This is my boyfriend, Peter Parker." You say smiling widely.
"Boyfriend? Ma? You grown now, huh? Getting boyfriends already, I mean I wouldn't doubt it with those tits." He laughs as your eyes go wide and Peter puts a protective arm around your waist.
"Ma? What you a little bitch who needs his mommy..." Peter whispers under his breath so only you here, you hit his arm softly and he shakes Jesse's hand. "I'm Peter, it's nice to meet you, Jesse."
“Nice to meet your too, Pedro." He says with a fake smile.
"It's Peter..." You stick your neck out to say before Peter can, you try and ignore the tension between the two boys.
"Oh, yeah, sorry. Spanish is my first language so I be getting shit confused, you know?" Jesse says lying to Peter.
"Yeah, yeah, I get it, it's all good," Peter says, beginning to get jealous of Jesse.
"Yo, Ma, we should Talk over there, I got a bunch of new shit to tell you," Jesse says with a charismatic smile on his face.
"Shit? For real? Okay, I'll be there in a minute." You say smiling at him softly. "You mind if I go over there? Only for a minute I promise, Babe." You say to Peter pleadingly.
"Yeah of course, he's your friend go, go, I uh, I'm gonna go find Harry he's here." He says sadly.
"Oh yeah, yeah, of course, I'll be back later." Peter watched as you sway your hips toward Jesse, even his name made Peter sick. He watches you longing as Harry approaches him, putting a hand on his shoulder and laughing, "Looks like he stole your bitch." Harry laughs as Peter rolls his eyes.
"Not my bitch, my girlfriend, Draculara." He says sadly.
"Why do you call her that? Draculara?" Peter laughs at the question.
"She likes to bite me, dude, and she likes to give hickeys; a lot, you should see what's under this stupid costume" Peter says giggling about the nickname he gave you.
Peter watches from afar as you smile and laugh at Jesse's jokes, watching as he slowly gets closer to you, almost as if inching closer to his innocent prey. Peter watches as his hands caress your soft hair, finger inches away from your thighs, that tight dress that lifts those boobs that both men love oh so much, everything felt as if it was in Jesse's favor.
"Go get your little vampire girl before he does something, he doesn't look like a good person who just wants to be friends, Parker, and no offense to your girl but she sees the best in everyone, she's vulnerable, that's not good for guys like him. Go get her." Harry says looking at Peter.
"She has friends. She's allowed to have friends. I'm not gonna embarrass her like that. She doesn't deserve it," Peter's thoughts are interrupted by Jesse going into kiss you, you dodge it and then pretend like it didn't happen, even though you're visibly uncomfortable.
"Oh shit...go get 'em, Parker." Harry doesn't even finish his sentence before Peter is storming over to you and Jesse, he goes up and turns you towards him.
"She's busy." He says kissing you passionately in front of Jesse, he walks away in shame at one point, but that didn't matter. The kiss was elegant, soft, and ravishing, a wave of expression and love, a life worth living, a new place in life in a new chapter. All in 40-ish seconds, a wave of pureness and love took over them as you pull away.
"Peter...?" You say softly, pushing a strand of his hair behind his ear. Peter looks at Harry for the okay to go upstairs and Harry nods at him. Peter swiftly takes your hand and runs upstairs into an empty bedroom.
"Fuck, Y/n/n, you've got me so worked up, you know that? Fuck, when he was coming on to you like that? You know how worked up that got me, Drac?" He's buried in your neck, ravished by your smell, he moves down to your collarbones as you hold back a whimper.
"Got you worked up over someone I don't want. I promise you I'm all yours. That was damn disrespectful what he did, I promise you, I'm breaking terms with him for you, that's disrespectful towards me and you and our relationship."
“Darling, can I show you how much it hurt, ma." He mocks.
"Go ahead, Peter, please."
"Can I take this off for you, my love?" He puts his hands under your shirt, slowly slipping it off, caressing your bare stomach with his finger. "So beautiful, you know that? Your my beautiful girl."
"Please, Peter, do something."  You beg for him to do something, you take your skirt off as well as the leg warmers and platform chunky heels you had on to go with your witch costume.
"Have you ever had sex before? Anyone ever touch you like this?" He questions, you only nod your head. "I don't think any of them could make you feel as good as I do. But, let me prove it."
You go onto the bed, laying down, propped up on your elbows to look at him.
"Draculara, so beautiful, can I unhook your bra for you?" You nod your head yes, he walks over to the bed and unhooks your bra, taking it off and placing it to the side, he looks at you, using one hand to caress and love the hardened bud of your breast, and his mouth to suck on the other one.
"So tender for me, so so soft, my love." He continues to suck and love on your breasts.
"Fuck, Peter, you don't know what you do to me, you make me feel- so! Fuck! Good!" You moan out in pleasure.
"Shhh, let me take care of you, Drac." He moans out going to kiss your soft, tender lips.
"Can I take your belt off, please?" He nods his head, and you get up and unbuckle his belt, putting it on the floor as you unbutton his pants and pull his zipper down, tugging on the hems of his pants, he shimmies out of them as you trace the hemming of his boxers.
"Already dripping for me, huh Peter?" You say teasingly as his hardened cock is already leaking out.
"Can I...you know, put it in?" He says smiling, slowly lifting your legs to remove your underwear.
"Go ahead, I wanna pleasure you, us." You say seductively.
He puts the tip in and groans almost immediately after entering you.
"Fuck, you feel that, Drac? Do you feel how tight you are? How much bigger I am than Jesse?" He thrusts into You without warning, sending a sinful moan out of your lips. He begins placing hickeys all over your collarbones and breast, placing a hand where you both become one, toying with your clit. He slams in and out of you at a rapid pace, groaning at the tightness.
"Fuck! Fuck! Draculara! Fuck! Y/n! Y/N/N! F-fuck! S'gonna empty out in you, yeah? Gonna fill you up real good?" The filth and sinful sounds of moans and skin slapping again each other fills the room as well as the party music from downstairs and all over the house is replaced by your phone ringing, you groan as Peter hands the phone to you, it was Margot.
"Answer. I want you to answer the, fuck! P-phone! Talk to her! F-fuck!"  You answer the phone as he slows his thrusts down to lower the sounds of slapping skin. "Show her how you sound getting fucked by my cock."
"M-Margot? Mm, what do you n-need? Please hurry the fuck up!" You try and resist moaning into the phone, too embarrassed not wanting for him to stop. You talked to her for a minute before hanging up quickly, his pace quickens as he smiles at you softly.
"My good girl, yeah? Jesse couldn't fuck you like I could? Tell me, do you think he could fuck you like this?" He pulls your legs forward, hand still on where two bodies become one, he stands up putting your ankles on his shoulders, making sure you're comfortable, getting closer and closer to your g-spot.
"Who fucks you best, Drac? Who makes you cum on his cock, huh? He couldn't fuck such a beautiful girl like you, I could. He could never fuck you so good? Make you feel so good, make such a smart girl so cock dumb." He says teasingly.
"Y-yeah! Fuck! Oh, yeah! Fuck! You're the only one who could fuck me like this! I only want your dick inside me! Fuck...! I'm so close, my love! I need you!" You beg him for more, he's so kind to you, making you feel very vain and very pulse of pleasure.
"F-fuck! Baby, I'm gonna cum! I'm so close! Do you promise you gonna give me hickeys when we're done? F-fuck!"
"P-promise! F-fuck! I'm so close! Please! Please, Peter, you make me feel good!" Scratching at his back, he moans your name one last time before emptying himself out inside of your wet cunt, he rides through his orgasm to get you to yours.
"F-fuck! B-baby! Mm! Feels s-so good! P-please! Wanna make you cum!" He moans, overstimulated Form it all
"I'm so close! P-please! Ah! I'm gonna! Fuck...!" You finish on his cock as he fucks into you more, helping you right through your orgasm.
"Did so good for me, sweet girl. Gonna clean you up, okay?" He gets up wobbling to the bathroom and getting a rag to wipe you clean, he comes back with the warm rag and does it.
"Peter...? We're you seriously jealous of Jesse? He's nothing to me. I love you, you know that?" You ask curiously.
"Listen, Drac, I...yeah...when he went in to kiss you I felt like I was gonna lose you, wanted to make you feel good so I can prove I'm better than him." He says shyly, putting his underwear on as well as he picks up your undergarments and lays next to you.
"Well don't be. I like you. Not him, swear." You say softly cuddling with him.
"Can I give you real aftercare, at my place? Give you a nice shower, and a few hickeys maybe?" You bite his neck softly, leaving a few marks before leaning back and kissing him.
"I do love you, you know? Really, Peter, I do." You stroke his cheek as he begins to kiss you more. "Let me put on my clothes so we can go back to your place,"
After putting back on your clothes and fixing your messed up makeup, walking out of the room after cleaning up a little bit, you both do the walk of shame to your car, Harry winking and congratulating Peter for no longer being a virgin, you laugh and then both of you go to his place and watch movies and cuddle for the rest of the loving, lustful, night.
@mazzystargirl @thedevax @tpaints @parkersmjs @eefeefeefeef12345 @whenisthefall @andr3wgarfieldsupremacist @blossoming-cee @d3adp00ls @aliengirl99 @80pairsofcrocs @isretroavibe @did-someone-change-my-name @practicallylivesonline @crypticbutterfly5 @jakobsdump @olivezgalore @mentallysickphysicallythicc @nixxaswrld @just-levyy
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dearanakin · 11 months
Hi darling!! Thank you soooo much for the soft biker!Eddie fic, that’s exactly what I was imagining 💖💖
I cant help but feel so soft at the fact that Eddie would definitely take whatever is important to you seriously (school, your career, etc) but he would always always find a way to make you laugh and feel loved amidst all the stress and potential chaos. And the fact that he could match you intellectually and in weirdness so you can talk about anything and everything under the sun and never get bored.
Like just imagine the late night talks you could have as he lays next to you in your bed, it’s 2AM and your parents dont even know he snuck in through your window - like that just????? Makes me 💖💖💖💖 if that makes sense 🥹
Thank you so much again, I really appreciate your efforts luvie and I wish you a beautiful start to the week 💕💗💕💗💕💗💕 (I hope this is correct fingers crossed 🤞🏼 but)
espero que tenha um dia lindo ☀️
Hiii!! That's so sweet of you and yes it's correct, I hope you have a beautiful day as well!! ♥♥♥ Thank you so much for always spending time reading my ramblings and always requesting a new one!! Did you say intellectual and weird? But also, nerdy. Because he's so nerdy it's too cute!!
Warning: Fluff and that's about it. Word count: 1.1k
It was only a few minutes past midnight, and you were sitting on your bed reading a book. You had a long day at school, and it was Friday. You spent the night with your friends and Eddie.
You couldn't help but smile at the thought of him, your heart fluttered, and your cheeks flushed hard. 
It's been only a few weeks since you started seeing each other, and it's been great. He's been really good to you, he liked how you were so interested in anything. He feels so fascinated about you, it's ridiculous. He likes to take care of you and listen to you intently.
Eddie parked his van a block away from your house, so he wouldn't look suspicious. If anything, he would definitely be seen as a murderer or a robber in action. He climbed the trellis to the balcony and slightly snuck into the window, watching as you were peacefully reading your book. 
He tapped a few times on the balcony door, and the sound made you snap out of your distraction. He was crouching on the floor, holding a playful grin on his face. His wavy hair was kind of messy and his bangs were falling over his eyes. 
You chuckled at the sight, he would sneak into your bedroom every once in a while. Walking up slowly to the window, you open the balcony door.
“Eddie, what are you doing here?” You whispered, a smile still playing on your lips.
He made his way inside your bedroom and quickly cupped your face, giving you a soft kiss. 
He tasted like mint toothpaste, and it felt like heaven for you. His growing beard tickled your chin. 
He shrugged his shoulders. “Been missing you already” He said simply, spreading kisses over your jawline and your neck. “But also, I made a discovery.”
“Yeah? And what is it?” You ask as you walk backward, stumbling over your bed, and falling into the mattress. He leaned his body above yours.
“I found out you are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in this world” His lips rubbed your soft skin, sending shivers through your body. 
You let out a muffled laugh. So fucking cute. 
Your mouth found his in a tender moment, tongues barely touching. He was being too soft on you. 
“Oh Eddie, you are so sweet, aren't you?”
“That's what they say” He jokes, while resting his chin on your chest. You tangle a few strands of his hair between your fingers, playing with them.
Eddie reaches over for your book, looking at the cover. “What's this about?”
“Oh, it's like a drama story with a mix of thriller” You explain, while he skimmed through the book, careful to not miss the page you were on. 
“Boring. You know which story is cool?” He taunts. You raise a brow out of curiosity. “The Lord of the Rings!” 
“You're saying the book of a Wizard and the Elves is more fun than this?” You ask, his face slowly turning into a scrunch. 
“Baby… They’re Hobbits” He explains, sitting up straight before leaning down next to you, fixing your pillow under his head. 
“Is there a difference?” You know you’re only mocking him, even though you didn’t care enough to know if they were elves or not. He places both hands under his head, crossing his legs. 
He makes himself comfortable after taking his shoes off.
“So, uh, a Hobbit is a mortal Halfling inhabitant of Middle Earth, whereas an Elf is an immortal tall warrior” Eddie states, and you hum in agreement. 
“Okay, so. Which one is more relevant? Wouldn’t it be better if they were elves and not Hobbits?” You watch him lay on his side, looking at you. “I mean, they’re immortal and taller.”
“That’s exactly the point, baby. There are elves and Hobbits in the story. Legolas is an elf, and Frodo is a Hobbit. They both have their qualities, but an Elf’s life is duller. And the Hobbits get to live in The Shire” His tone is gentle while explaining such a random subject to you.
But that is what you really loved about being around him. 
Your face turned into a confused one. “The Shire? What kinda place is that?”
Eddie softly chuckles and drops his left arm around your waist. “It's a small but beautiful, green rolling, forested and fruitful land. I think we would’ve loved to live there.”
You could spend the entire night talking to him like that. 
“Would you like to be a Hobbit?” You asked him, rolling your body to be face to face with him. 
Smiling, he shrugs his shoulders. “Only if I got to have my regular-size dick.” 
You almost choked on your spit from laughing too hard, covering your mouth, so your parents wouldn’t listen to you. You slapped him on his chest and he laughed along with you. 
“God, Eddie. My parents are going to kill me if they see you here.”
He was still chuckling at his own joke. “What? You asked me and I gave you my answer. What would I do with a dick the size of a small pickle?”
You hold back a snort, trying to not laugh at his words. “You are the worst.”
He wraps his arm around your neck, bringing you closer to him. He smells like soap and shampoo. 
“Who do you like the most, Legolas or Frodo?” You ask, your head is still leaned over his chest. 
Eddie thinks for a few seconds before sharing his preference. “You” The metalhead pinches your nose carefully, giving you a soft peck on your forehead. 
You roll your eyes at the corny response. It’s too adorable, but also provocative. “I’m being serious, you nerd.”
“Uh, I’d have to think about it. Deep inside I like both, I like that Legolas can fight. But Frodo is good and wise, and I dig that about him.” 
“So, I’m more like Frodo” You state, pinching his nose back, and he smiles at you. 
“You’re definitely like him. Too wise and too good for this world, princess” He agrees, bringing your lips to find his halfway. 
You spent the next couple of hours debating which Hobbit was better, and you learned a lot about Gandalf as well. You weren’t the biggest fan of fantasy, but the way Eddie always seemed to be deep into his thoughts when he explained things was too sweet. 
He always finds a way to make you laugh when you’re nervous, or worried. He’s weird in such a good way, it actually aches your heart, because you like him too much. 
And honestly, just spending time snuggling around his arms, listening to him speak, was enough for you. 
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steddieas-shegoes · 9 months
don't worry, bee happy
happy thursday and welcome to my weekly fic recs where I give the top 3 (to me) fics by some of my favorite authors! this fandom is really lucky to have so many talented people to make this possible. remember to check the tags before reading and always be kind to creators who are doing this for free because they want to. like, reblog, kudos, and comment on fics as much as you can to give them love!
this week had to bee @scarcrossdlvrs! bee has a knack for making steve even hotter than he already is, i can't explain it, just trust me. there aren't many authors who can completely change a scene by putting one single sentence of emotional upheaval in their work, but bee can and does. again, can't explain it, just trust me.
bee's tumblr | bee's ao3
Batter up! Rated E | wip/bang fic I don't even go here (baseball fandom), but I do with this fic. This is seriously one of the best bang fics out there and it's got the perfect burn speed. Also rock star Eddie!!!! They're SO HOT YOUR HONOR. Favorite part: Genuinely just the flow of this entire story is so appealing. Normally, I'm a please give me 7-10k a chapter girlie, but the shorter chapters work here SO WELL. The flashbacks, the news articles/interviews, the art pairings!!!
follow me between the jaws of fate Rated E | 7,893 words I'm not usually super into sex pollen. Like, I'll read it because it's fuckin' nasty, but it doesn't make or break a fic for me. BUT THIS ONE. Good LORD. See above where I said Bee makes Steve hotter somehow for this one because woof, bark, etc. Favorite part (this is so very explicit):
“You’re a fucking mess,” he says, and Eddie whines. He doesn’t touch Eddie’s dick just yet, his fingers dipping into the sticky, cooling spend caked in his pubic hair and bringing it up into both their lines of sight. He presses his forefinger and thumb together and spreads them, a string of cum spreading between the two, and then he wipes it on Eddie’s cheek.
“Filthy,” he says, but his voice is so gentle, so affectionate that it very nearly hurts.
the anatomy of a home run Rated E | 5,713 words Sometimes Good Boy Eddie Munson just really fuckin' slaps. Again, Bee is here making Steve hotter. Favorite part: Honestly, the dialogue for the entire thing. It was extremely realistic, sometimes fumbling, sometimes confident, sometimes shy. Exactly how it would be between these two in this situation.
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Abandoned Driveways
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Alex Keller x GN!Reader
| Blog HQ | Modern Warfare 2019 / 2022 Masterlist |
| Series Masterlist | Previous Part | Next Part |
TW for eventual angst, light swearing and flirting, mostly all fluff
Chapter 03
“How'd supper go?” Your best friend asked a few nights later, insisting you phone them and give all the details of your “date that wasn't really a date because these beautiful idiots are in denial”.
Biting your lip, you smiled to yourself. Reminiscing on how comfortable the night was. No forced conversation, no awkward small talk. It felt as though you had known him your whole life, and he moved back to town.
“Comfortable.” You decided on. “It was good, comfortable.”
“Seriously?” Your friend deadpanned, “all I get from you is it was comfortable.”
While they reamed you for not providing detailed explanations, you let your mind wander. Concerns you buried deep within your subconscious floating to the surface once more.
How answers about his past and employment seemed to be scripted. Rehearsed.
How he dodged any personal questions about his past and family.
“You two are living an entire Disney movie and all I get is fucking it was comfortable!” Your friend continued, pulling you back to the present.
Furrowing your brows, you scoffed lightly. “Not a damn Disney movie. I'm not planning a marriage to him, we get along really well like best friends. Simmer down.”
“That's not what the barista was saying.” They snorted. Your cheeks burning as you glared at the phone.
“Best friends banter too, you know. That's all we are, and all we ever will be.” You pointed down at your phone, like a parent giving their child a stern lecture.
“Famous last words.”
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Not that you'd ever admit to your friend, but over the next few months, the lines between best friends and something more began to bend between you and Allen.
The neverending banter and teasing continued; but you found yourself holding his stare a bit longer. Making small motions of physical contact more often. Inhabiting each other's space became a norm in your lives.
You popping over to bring him coffee in the morning, him joining you on the porch late at night when the subdivision was asleep.
An unspoken favour system, a silent running tab for coffee orders, and multiple meals shared in the others' presence. Maybe it was just his personality or the two of you vibing in all the right ways. But he genuinely felt like someone you've known your entire life.
Your best friend from the start, slowly morphing to your boyfriend. Which became official on one cool night.
Sitting on your porch swing, it was one of those late nights, thighs touching as his body warmed yours. Stars shining brightly overhead when he softly asked if he could love you the way his heart yearned for.
You told him he sounded like a cheeseball.
He told you that sounded like a yes.
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“So, uh, my name isn’t actually Allen. It’s Alex.” He confessed one of those nights, glancing over at you with a genuine smile. Relief flooding his eyes, finally able to tell you the truth. Finally able to reveal the specks of gold that hid behind the muddy shell he had to protect himself.
You stifled a laugh, causing him to tense as he shifted to face you. The porch swing creaking at the sudden movement, the seat tiling as he held a hand out to you.
“Alex Keller, nice to meet you.” Laughter leaving both of you, smiles wider than they’ve been the entire time you’ve known one another. You took his hand, shaking it dramatically.
“It’s so nice to finally meet you, Alex. The name fits you way better than Allen. You’re not an Allen.” Leaning over to press a quick peck to his cheek, you ignored the faux offended expression that spread across his face.
“This entire time, the entire time you’ve said you’ve liked me a lot. It was a lie? Because you didn’t like my name?” He laughed, arms wrapping around you as he continued laughing. Body shaking with the unfiltered joy and amusement; stomach aching by the end.
Laying your forehead against his shoulder, you smiled. Mind wandering to thoughts of a possible future; nothing too crazy. No thoughts of marriage or white picket fences with small screams. But how your life would look in a year or two with Alex around.
Coming home to find him in the kitchen serving a meal for the both of you that he made. As you really hoped to get off night shifts sooner than later.
Or going on road trips, falling for the tourist traps you find along the way. Filling your walls with cheesy pictures of the two of you posing together. Would he buy a corny hawaiian shirt for holidays like that? Or would he be on the “edgier” side, Ray Ban sunglasses, and skate shoes.
Ringing in the new year with a loving kiss at midnight, a silent promise for a better year ahead.
“It’s so funny how the world works,” you started softly, pulling back to look him in the eyes. “You moving here of all places, my quaint little neighborhood.”
You almost missed the flash of pain that crossed his eyes, like there was something he was avoiding telling you. Tilting your head slightly, starting a silent conversation where you silently inquired about his reaction. After a few beats of silence he finally spoke up.
“I uh, was moved here due to some conflicts with work. I can’t go into too much detail, considering the circumstances but it would be pretty bad if word got out that I’m here.” He shrugged, explaining the reason behind his false name and identity. Why he found himself sticking to his home and the neighborhood. Never venturing too far, never getting too close.
Until he found you. You were everything he shouldn’t have right now.
General taglist: @bloodonmyhands-1221 @v1naco @bowtruckleninja
Alex Keller taglist: @deadbranch @glitterypirateduck @gcing-back-to-505
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angstyaches · 11 months
i feel like 🐈‍⬛ (superstition) would be really cool for charlie if he said something off-handed and then one of the aldridges was just like “well, yes. obviously.”
Okay, I love this idea! I ended up tweaking it slightly, but I hope you enjoy 🖤 Also, I've been writing too many different Halloweens for these boys so it takes place on Friday the thirteenth instead!
Sick or Treat
CW: emeto, alcohol/drunkenness, superstition, teasing/banter, brief mention of parental death.
Charlie hiccupped and triumphantly swallowed back the acidic swell of liquid at the back of his throat. If he was going to vomit – and all signs pointed to yes – he would prefer to do it in the semi-privacy of Shayne’s bathroom, not here on the street in full view of Felix and Elliott.
“How much further?” he whispered, leaning on Shayne’s arm. He apparently didn’t whisper as quietly as he’d thought, though, because a few paces ahead, Felix turned around with an easy smile.
His freckled cheeks were flushed from the alcohol. “A little bit further, bud. You holding up alright?”
Charlie gulped again as he nodded. He wasn’t sure he’d ever get used to vampires and their extra-sensitive hearing.
“It’ll take even longer,” Shayne complained, staggering slightly as Charlie’s weight overpowered him for a couple of steps, “if you don’t walk in a straight fucking line.”
“Sorry, lovely.”
“It’s… it’s fine.” The nervous double-flutter of Shayne’s dark eyelashes sliced through the drunk, queasy haze in Charlie’s head.
“Mmm,” Charlie hummed, resolved to keeping his head down and walking in as straight a line as possible until they made it back to the townhouse. The part of town they were currently passing through was in need of some TLC, and soon, Charlie found himself taking longer or shorter steps, leaning to one side or the other, to avoid the soles of his shoes touching the cracks in the pavement. Some ran so close together and spread out from the same spot so that they looked like spiderwebs, which sent shivers down his spine.
Shayne groaned, hitching Charlie’s arm a little closer to his body. “The fuck are you doing now? Are you gonna throw up or something?”
“No, I’m just walking.”
“You’re all over the place, love.”
“Look at all the cracks!”
“What?” Shayne asked slowly. “What about them?”
“You know what they say! Step on a crack, break your mother’s back.” Charlie felt a stab of panic a moment after saying it out loud; it probably wasn’t a cool thing to say to someone whose mother was dead. He looked up sheepishly, reckoning he could afford to take his eyes away from the path for just a few seconds.
Shayne just looked confused, though. His pupils were endlessly dark, almost swallowing up the brown rings in his eyes. “Seriously? You’ve never cared about that before.”
Charlie raised his eyebrows. “It’s Friday the thirteenth.”
“So, maybe all of that stuff is actually true on Friday the thirteenth.”
“Well, yeah.” Hands tucked into the pockets of his trousers, Elliott turned on his heel and walked backwards for a couple of paces. The whites of his eyes gleamed in the moonlight, and Charlie was filled with the sickening dread as he was about to flash his fangs and everything. “Obviously, it is.”
“Elli,” Felix hissed softly, to which Elliott responded by freeing one hand from its pocket and tapping him on the arm.
“Friday the thirteenth is the reason all of those superstitions exist.” Elliott gave a shrug. “Not a lot of humans know that.”
Charlie always flinched under the way Elliott said the word humans. He never said it in a way that sounded condescending or superior, but he still managed to make Charlie feel like an insect standing by the feet of giants. Nothing so undignified as a maggot or a worm, but perhaps an ant.
Unsure of what to make of any of this, Charlie slowed to a stop so he could look at Shayne without risking a misstep. “Wh-what does that mean, lovely?”
“It means Elliott’s being an asshole,” Shayne said, shrugging a shoulder in Elliott’s direction. “So, you know, business as usual.”
“Hey, you little shit. You think you know better than I do?”
A kind of primal fear coiled in the pit of Charlie’s stomach. People kept emphasising that Ryan was the Elder vampire of her bloodline, that she was the one who’d been around for centuries and had all the answers, but from where Charlie was standing, Elliott appeared just as unshakable, just as timeless, just as… inevitable.
In other words, just as frightening a gateway into the supernatural world as Ryan. So, who could say he didn’t know something the rest of them knew?
Stranger things had happened, after all.
Don’t you think I would know about this? CT wondered idly inside his head; they were always extra quiet, extra sluggish, when Charlie drank alcohol. This was probably for the best, because otherwise, the two would probably start having loud, uninhibited conversations out loud for the world to hear. I am more ancient than the forests –
You can’t even remember what your name was before you met me, Charlie pointed out, to which they sat back in silence again, resigned.
“Elliott, are you being serious?” Charlie demanded.
“Yes,” Elliott said, at the same moment that both Shayne and Felix said, “No.”
“Charlie.” Shayne’s voice had an edge of desperation. “You’re drunk off your fucking face and Elliott’s bullshitting you.”
Charlie shook his head, dropping his gaze to the path again as he started forward. “I-I’m gonna avoid the cracks,” he said, “just to be safe.”
Shayne sighed with exasperation as he was tugged along.
“Do you want me to break my mother’s back?” Charlie demanded.
Somehow, Shayne mustered up an even more passionate sigh. “No, I don’t want you to break Ingrid’s back.”
They forged ahead, until checking for cracks pushed Charlie’s plans of walking in a straight line from ambitious to futile. He felt Shayne’s grip on his arm tighten as he wobbled across the path, the streetlights converging into one dizzying blur.
“Charlie, what’s wrong?”
Charlie pitched forward, spurting out several mouthfuls of dark, foamy vomit into the well-trimmed grass that separated the path from the side of the road. He groaned with relief that the ground would soak up the foul liquid, so that it mightn’t get all over his Converse.
“Love,” Shayne said, and Charlie reached for him with one hand.
“Yeah, no shit, you’re drunk.”
Charlie didn’t have it in him to explain to his boyfriend that he’d been handling his booze just fine until the lines in the path had started to blur before his eyes as he passed them. However, as though he’d cast off a few units of alcohol along with his vomit, his head felt a little clearer.
Shayne lightly smoothed a hand over Charlie’s shoulder. “Mmhmm?”
“Elliott was..." Charlie paused to stifle a wet, shallow burp. "... Winding me up, wasn’t he?”
The hand on his shoulder twitched into a grip, just for a few seconds, before it resumed forming a comforting sweeping motion. “Did… Did you figure that out all by yourself, genius?”
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