#go ahead and talk to bifrost about your army
lanatusnebula · 5 months
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Imagine my surprise when this guy didn't know about the sewer level.
(or at least he probably doesn't know)
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lis-likes-fics · 4 years
Ragnarok Rant - Part Two
Are your crocs still on because this ride is only getting wetter.
Picking up from last time. Starting with the points we end with. Starting points: -335 points.
Hela Arrives on Asgard I like the addition of the Warriors Three. Question. Where’s Sif? Lady Sif and the Warriors Three are kinda, y’know, a team. So...where is she? Dead? On an adventure? What? I’ll go ahead and leave that there. I would add points but the Warriors Three weren’t bad so them dying isn’t really my favorite thing in the world. Next.
Thor Arrives on Sakaar The aliens asking if Thor was a fighter or food was amazing. I love how they don’t care that he looks like he could lift a building, they’re just like, ‘Well, he didn’t say fighter. Let’s eat him.’ That was great. +10 points.
As a person who really really really really really really really really really does not like Thor...the whole ‘fight’ scene, if that’s what you could even call that, wasn’t quite enjoyable for me. Thanks for that. +15 points.
Valkyrie (I know her name is Brunhilde, but since she never told anyone her actual name, I will go with what she clearly wanted and call her this instead.) showing up drunk was great. If you wanted comedic relief, Taika, this is a few ways to do it. Not changing he characters to how you would act if you were them. Because you are not them and writing based off of this is not how you do things with a franchise with a built foundation. +10 points for well-made comedy relief.
Someone paid attention to The Avengers. The addition of the Bilgesnipe corpse that Valkyrie falls in is great. It was nice actually getting to see this species for once, instead of just hearing it as a reference from Thor or Loki. +10 points.
Question. How did the blasts only get the scavengers and not touch Thor at all? That’s not really how that works. He would have had to be hit a couple of times to make it accurate. But I did like seeing some of her skills so I will give points. +5 points.
Thor really thought she was helping him because it was him? Ha, yeah right. Valkyrie saving Thor just to take him in herself was great. I’ll give points for that. +10 points.
She really just does not care that he is a Prince of Asgard. On this planet, Thor, and probably on any other planet, too, your royalty doesn’t matter much. +15 points
Hela Back on Asgard There you go, Taika. That’s how you put in some comedy, not abusing Loki. Abusing Loki is not how you get people to laugh. Things like Hela explaining who she was, what she meant to do, and how she meant to do it and then Hogan completely ignoring her and saying he would kill her without a second thought if she threatened the kingdom is gold. This is comedy. Not cruelty. +15 points.
The entire army of the Asgardians being no match for Hela is great. It really shows how powerful she is to be able to defeat all of the guards on Asgard by herself. Points for that. +20 points.
And there’s go Hogan. The Warriors Three are officially all dead. Hm, shame. Well, I guess this is just a very long process to getting what you deserve after all of that shit you pulled on Loki back in Thor and Thor: The Dark World. You know he didn’t fully deserve the death threats and immediate accusations.
Heimdall retrieving the Bifrost Sword was a nice touch. I enjoyed that, no matter how small it was. +5 points.
You doing good so far. Good job because we got from -355 points to -240 keep it up and you may be in the positives by the end.
Meeting the Grandmaster Thor’s reaction to being stuck to a chair is to immediately get out of it and kill whoever put him in the chair. If he was rocketing toward someplace, not knowing where he was going, he wouldn’t scream like he did. No, instead, he would brace himself and get ready to fight. Wrong. Losing points. -10 points.
I actually really like Grandmaster. He’s humourous and is superior and is just an overall good character. His comedic relief is nice, is a change of pace from what we’ve been given and I appreciate that. +10 points.
“He’s wonderful. It is a ‘he’?” Love it. Questioning whether Thor was a male or not was great. +5 points because I don’t like Thor. :P
The obvious dislike Topaz has for Valkyrie reminds me of me and my brother. It’s like her presence annoys the hell out of her and she’ll insult her whenever she can. She’s a relatable character and one you’re able to actually laugh at. She’s also a character that doesn’t hit Loki at any point, although she does try and get him melted when he interrupted Grandmaster... Anyway, good character. +5 points.
Inaccurate. “Just wait a damn minute. I’m not for sale!” Not how Thor would have reacted. He would have been pissed, but he wouldn’t say this. He’d threaten them with great violence, not just yell about not being an item to sell. -10 points.
That is also not how he would have introduced himself. He would eye Grandmaster and tell him, “I am Thor, the son of Odin. If you don’t unhand me I will unleash my wrath upon you.” Or some ‘threatening’ thing like that. He’s honestly not that threatening. But he would introduce himself as he always does. He’d put as much superiority in his voice as he could and announce his titles. -10 points. Thor’s really loving the negatives, isn’t he?
“Wow. I don’t hear any thunder. But on your fingers, was that like sparkles?” Great. Grandmaster is working for the positive points. +10 points for insulting Thor’s power.
Thor’s reaction to seeing someone getting melted would not be to yell ‘Oh my god’. That is not how he would have reacted. At all. He would probably mutter something similar under his breath if he was going to speak at all. No, instead of all of that, he would have struggled to get out once again, and when he couldn’t, he would have given threatening another go. The only character growth we ever really get from Thor was in the first movie when he was wayyyy more arrogant than he is now (though he is still quite so). -10 points. We are at -250 points. Thor’s really messing it up.
Loki’s Entrance Loki being in the background while the Grandmaster introduces himself was a nice touch. But I have to say that if Thor randomly showed up after a few weeks of being presumably dead, Loki would not walk up to him surprised and tell him to shut up about knowing each other. He would actually still be mourning Thor because, despite the fact that Thor would not have cared much about Loki presumably dying again, Loki would have cared deeply because he’s Loki. Making it seem like Loki doesn’t care about Thor’s death and Thor caring a lot about Loki’s is not accurate and it is actually opposite. -15 points for making it seem like Loki doesn’t care about his brother.
Thor would not be happy that Loki was still alive if he saw him. In fact, he would be pissed off that Loki was there because, unlike what people want to believe, Thor doesn’t really care for Loki. He would have been pissed off that Loki had been presumed dead again and suddenly made the whole “I’m alive” thing happen again. -10 points.
That wouldn’t be their interaction. It’s the whole Thor and Loki relationship that’s getting on my nerves. Loki would walk up to Thor and try to cover up the fact that he is happy that Thor is alive the best he could because he doesn’t want to seem like he really cares. He would address the fact that Thor is alive and then explain what happened. Thor would cut him off, deciding not to listen to him, as per usual, and talk himself about how he thought Loki was dead again and how Loki messed some shit up somehow and tell him that he needed to help him escape without any acknowledgment to the fact that Loki isn’t just some servant Thor could boss around. -20 points.
Guys, stop. In that one part where Grandmaster smiles and then looks over to Loki and bats his eyelashes, it is not because of the ‘favor’ Loki gained with the Grandmaster. It is obvious and made clear that the Grandmaster is pansexual and have you seen Loki? Of course Grandmaster would flirt with him. Loki, on the other hand, is uncomfortable with the Grandmaster’s looks. When Loki gained favor with the Grandmaster, it was not by having sex with him. We should know this by now. Loki knows how to gain favor and he has self-respect. He would not go to such lows for something like that. -10 points because the internet is not helping Loki’s reputation.
It is like Thor to emphasize just how ‘important’ he thinks he is. He’s just like this. He flaunts, he brags. Loki might say that he didn’t know Thor, but it would be because he sees Thor in a stuck to a chair by Grandmaster because the ruler decided Thor wasn’t important. He needed to protect himself from being thrown in the same chair so they had hope to escape. Getting himself thrown in the chair as well would not help and he had to act like he didn’t know Thor so he could find a way. +10 points for the whole Thor bit. But stop making Loki seem careless.
The threat was in character, but it would be less humourous for Thor. He wouldn’t laugh about it while saying it, he would have a straight face and tell Grandmaster to unhand him. Grandmaster, being the wonderful character he is, would not care about Thor’s threats and would carry on with his day as he does here.
Here is some of Thor being in character. Thank you for being accurate, at least a little bit. +10 points.
I have so many mixed feelings about Korg. I like his character, but I don’t like the fact that it is Taika playing him. I will, however, give points for Korg being a character that doesn’t insult or injury Loki and does not join in the whole ‘Let’s Abuse Loki’ Club. But I won’t add as many because Taika is the one playing and he hasn’t earned my respect. +10 points.
The rest of the scene was in character for Thor. It’s a good thing Thor didn’t try to crack any jokes or try and seem better than the asshole he actually is. +10 points for character accuracy.
It’s not looking so good. Points have risen to -275. Let’s see how this goes.
The Kingdom of Asgard The true history of the Asgardian kingdom was a nice touch. It was good in my opinion to finally have the whole ‘Odin conquering the Nine Realms’ to be brought to light after he tried to slide as a ‘benevolent king’ and tell Loki that you’re supposed to rule peacefully after all of the violence he unleashed onto all of the realms. +20 points.
The treasure vault was great. The ‘Infinity Gauntlet’ is a little strange because him having it with fake stones and a fake gauntlet all together is...something. The way she eyes the Tesseract, though, was nice to see. Another gesture to her similarity to Loki. +10 points.
As a person who absolutely adores wolves, Fenris was amazing and I love him and you get so many points for it. Also, it’s another gesture to Loki and mythology, so points for that as well. I’ll go ahead and do this. +50 points.
Look who’s being generous. Hela! Because we are now at -195 points. Keep it up.
The Waiting Room The prayer Thor says for Odin was an amazing touch that will be rewarded with lots of points. +30 points.
And so it begins. The Loki abuse. Of course, Loki wasn’t actually there, he sent an illusion of himself, but Thor threw the rock at him anyway, thinking, at first, that it was. This is not comedy, Taika, and it never will be.
Loki would try to reach out to Thor, even though he would know that his attempt would be useless, he would still try because he still cares. Loki would try to reach out to Thor so they could try to escape Sakaar. Thor, being the very bad brother he is, would completely ignore him and stick to the little things Loki has done, in comparison to Thor, and throw it in his face (pun intended).
+20 points for character accuracy. It would have gained you more if Thor hadn’t tried to find some small way to hurt Loki.
And Loki is right, he’s had to go it alone way more than once because Thor has never had Loki’s back, while Loki has helped Thor more times than he’d like to confess.
Can I just say, when Thor starts speaking about the things Loki had done, it did aggravate me. Loki did not strand Odin on Earth to kill him. If Loki wanted to kill Odin, he would have done it the day he impersonated him. Loki has the power to kill Odin because he is not weak. He wouldn’t have put him on Earth so he could live out his mortal days and eventually die. His intent wasn’t to kill Odin, it was to take his place as king since Thor had refused the throne after Loki offered it to him at the end of Thor: The Dark World. Bottom line, if Loki wanted Odin dead, he would have just killed him then. -10 points because of Thor.
That wasn’t exactly the right time to add Korg in for comedy. Even if I don’t dislike Korg as a character, his little bit was not appropriate at that moment. It did not need to be there. There was a serious scene where Loki and Thor are having a conversation about what they need to do and what has been happening. Korg’s bit didn’t need to be there, whether it was funny or not. -10 points for incorrect timing for comedy relief.
That concludes today’s rant about Thor: Ragnarok.
It ended better than it started and better than yesterday! Let’s see what we’ve got!
Starting Point: -335
Total Number of Points Given: +320
Total Number of Points Taken: -95
Total Number of Points: -165
To Be Continued...
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amyofasgard · 5 years
So I finally got this finished its been roughly 2 weeks I think, @sphynx-nightmare im sorry my friend but I finally did it. I've just been really busy but I've been desperate to post also @cenobxter might be somewhere in the story. one more thing there may or may not be some NSFW. Enjoy!
Amy and the rest of the Avengers were at the compound in Upstate New York. They had gone away for the weekend to train. Unfortunately for Amy, Loki had chosen to remain at the Tower, but it was probably for the best as the rest of the Avengers didn't know about their romance and their secret meetings at Amy's LA apartment had been nice and private. The only people to know where the people who shared her apartment block with; Casey and her daughter Lily, who Loki loved to make smile with pretty flowers and gifts and just his charming personality. She didn’t want anything from Loki except him, but he insisted that Amy was to accept a gift he had made for her, it was a necklace she wore, a gift from Loki, a rare Asgardian silver that held a tree with royal Asgardian Emeralds. Loki explained that it was Yggdrasil the World Tree, It was there in the beginning and it is Yggdrasil that the connects the 9 Realms and using the Bifrost is to travel on its branches, without Yggdrasil the Bifrost would not be possible and neither would traveling between the realms, this meant that Amy’s and Loki’s love would not be possible if not for Yggdrasil. Things had been getting pretty heated lately during Loki’s visits, but nothing had gone further than an extreme make-out session. Steve frowned seeing Amy lost in thought. "Amy?" He said, sighing softly as she didn't react. "Amy?!" he said louder this time, making her snap out of it. "What? Yes, sorry, just tired." She said A few of the others chuckled as a bright blush covered her face. Tony on her left nudged her with a cheeky smirk. "What's keeping you up at night this time Sabrina? Art? New gadget? Spells and potions?" Amy laughed. "Na just couldn't sleep much," she shrugged dismissively. Sam frowned, reading between the lines. "Nightmares worse than usual?" Amy sighed - they all knew about the nightmares. More than once, when Amy stayed at the tower, she'd cry out loudly and someone would come in to find her rolling around on her bed, caught in a nightmare and drenched in sweat before they snapped her out of it. After the third time Steve had come in and found her like this, he recommended she speak to someone about it and Sam, having experience in counseling, was available to talk. She dismissed it initially, but after the fourth time Steve talked to Amy's mentor, Dr. Steven Strange, and between the two of them they all but staged an intervention to convince Amy to open up to someone about what she was dreaming about. Amy didn't react well and left the tower angry and hurt, but a few days later, talking to Casey (one of the only people who knew what the nightmares were about) calmed her down and rationalized everything after she vented the frustrations. She felt bad, she knew her friends were worried about her and agreed to meet them at Avengers tower with Dr. Strange. After apologizing for losing her cool before, she agreed to talk to Sam about the nightmares, but she still wouldn't reveal what they were about to which Sam agreed as well, saying that she would open up about them when she was ready. Steve frowned at hearing she hadn't gotten a good night's sleep. "Amy, maybe you should sit this one out, after all it's a hard course and it'll take about 3 hours to complete especially with the rock climbing." Amy shook her head instantly dismissing that idea. "No, I'll be okay, I'm not that tired, I just need to tire myself out and when we get back, I'll go get some sleep, deal?" Steve sighed and nodded. "Fine, but if you get too tired you head back and that's an order, okay?" Amy sighed but agreed, after all, she really didn't wanna get sent back. Steve talked them through the natural terrain obstacle course. "Okay, so first off today we'll be starting with the Mud mini obstacle course, in which you will be required to complete 4 different stages that you would usually find in your average assault course. Afterward, you move on to the 150-meter swim across the natural river." Steve smirked saying this next one "Then there's 'A Floor is Lava' in the forest exercise, where if you touch the floor then you restart that area." A few whooped in excited enthusiasm, Clint and Amy with Nat just smirking, they knew they could do that easily and some groaned in defeat like Tony and Bruce. "And lastly, a rock-climbing exercise, first to the top and hit the button on the Quinjet that's waiting there wins. Got it?" they all nodded. "Okay good, now you all have a wrist band to keep an eye on you meaning no tech, no magic, no helping each other either. This will also let everyone know if someone’s in trouble or in need of help at any point. Now positions…" They all lined up, ready to go, and a buzzer went. Most of them all sprinted off immediately to get across the mud obstacle course, but Amy wasn’t stupid, knowing she’d need all the energy she could get for later. She took her time going through the mud obstacles and it wasn’t long until she was overtaking Tony, Bruce, Wanda, Rhodey and Scott before she hit the first obstacle.  Thor, Steve, and Bucky were fighting for first place halfway to the 2nd Obstacle while Amy, Nat, Clint, and Sam were just starting the muddy slope climb - a 7ft slope of mud - and if you make it up the top, you slide down into the thick muddy water below. Amy managed to get over before Clint and wasn’t able to hide her laugh as she heard him yelp, tripping and going face-first into the water. Amy pushed through the thick muddy water, it was cold, wet and tough to get through, but soon they were through it and trying to keep pace with each other. Soon they got to the next obstacle: a rope swing, only you had to grab onto another rope mid-swing to make it the rest of the way across. Amy and Nat looked at each other and instantly they both picked up the pace, racing for the rope first. Amy managed to grab it a fraction of a second before Natasha could and kicked off but accidentally jerked it as Nat grabbed it, sending her into the mud pool below as Amy got over the flew through the air on the swing, knowing she was leading the pack of non-altered heroes. As she got to her next obstacle, she looked over her shoulder seeing Sam not far behind her, with Nat and Clint where right up her ass. She couldn’t help but smirk seeing Tony and Bruce pulling themselves over the mud slope and cry out as they fell into the mud before she kept going. She got onto her stomach and had to army crawl through more thick muddy water and by the time Amy pulled herself out to the other side, she was caked in mud from head to toe. She ran to the last obstacle - Monkey Bars. Amy sighed, she hated monkey bars, it killed her arms and she knew she’d need all the arm strength she had to do the swim and the climb, so she decided to go a different way. After all, Steve didn’t say they had to swing from the bars. She ran to them and kicked off one of the thick support beams and used that to propel herself to the top of the monkey bars and run over the top of them, being careful not to slip. Amy ran to the river happy she was finally out of the mud, hoping beyond hope that the river would wash away most of it, she was absolutely Filthy after all that. Amy spotted Bucky, Steve and Thor in the middle of the river, she knew the chance of her beating any of them were slim but the wrist bands they wore suppressed powers, so their strength was depleted a bit and she could only hope that it also took away their enhanced stamina. While they were rushing full speed ahead, she could tell even Steve had forgotten that their stamina might be affected so she kept her pace faster than average but steady. Amy had been swimming since she was a kid so she had no problems with keeping a good pace and she didn’t need to push her body as hard as the guys in front did, and before long, she had caught up with the guys as they were trying to do the ‘Floor is Lava’ challenge. Amy stood for a second, watching in amusement and taking in the course. This part was in the forest area at the other side of the river, there were lots of steppingstones and some were wonky, some were moving, and some were even wobbly. The highlight came from Steve falling off a wobbly one, making one of the sensors that were over the floor go off. “Shit,” he mumbled, and Amy smirked unable to help herself. “Language!” she smirked, hearing Sam, Nat and Clint laugh. They were almost across the river now, Scott, Wanda and Rhodey were about halfway across and an exhausted Tony and Bruce were just walking to the river, not even stressing themselves about the challenge as they talked. The best reaction to her comment was Thor who fell off his steppingstone and landed on his ass, his great booming laugh echoing off the trees whereas Bucky simply chuckled before turning and continuing on. Amy smirked and realized who her opponent would be for winning place, she could really feel the exhaustion in her but she was determined to win, no one had said it but they all knew whoever won would get to pick 3 things tonight: Where they got takeaway from, what movie they watched, and what the next training session would be. Amy smirked, running towards the steps but doing exactly what she had done with the monkey bars, run and lever herself up onto the trees. All the branches were pretty thick, so she quickly made her way across them, just managing to get to the other side seconds after Bucky did. “You ain’t gonna beat me Barnes!!” Bucky chuckled but shook his head choosing not to say anything, they both knew he’d have an instant advantage because of his Vibranium Arm but Amy was smaller and a little faster when he was weakened by his bracelet. She hesitated as she got to the cliffside, feeling a little dizzy and lightheaded, but she shook it off quickly, it wasn’t that bad. She could make it to the top first, press the button, and then sleep until Tony and Bruce arrived…in a few hours. Amy looked at Bucky putting on his safety harness and an exciting thought came into her head. She had climbed smoother surfaces than this with no problem, so she started to climb, ignoring the safety harness to gain first place. Bucky was close behind and not giving up the chase, but it looked like Amy was going to win. Just as Amy got past the halfway point though, another dizzy spell hit her and she stopped, tightening her grip on the rock and trying to ground herself. Bucky noticed Amy stopped and stopped himself, knowing something was wrong. Steve, Nat, Clint, Sam, and Thor, who were on their tails, noticed too but before they could say or do anything Amy’s body went slack and crumpled as her body gave out, exhausted. She started to fall, Bucky jumped, trying to catch her, as did Steve, but just as they were both about to get to reach her she vanished, leaving them to crash into each other with pain-filled groans. Loki appeared on the base of the cliff holding Amy in his arms and cradling her gently, his hand glowing as he scanned the length of her to make sure she was okay. Steve picked himself up and came running over along with the others, minus Tony and Bruce who had no clue what was going on and only just about to finish the river. The Avengers looked shocked to see Loki “Brother? What are you doing here?” Thor asked, Loki looked up after finishing his scan “What happened?” he demanded angrily. In his head, they were responsible for protecting her, she was meant to be safe but instead he had been alerted because she was in danger, and he found her falling from a cliff face. She could have been hurt or killed!! Thor frowned, “She fainted, I think.” Bucky piped up after recovering from smacking into Steve. “Yeah she did, I looked over and she stopped, I thought for a second she needed a break but it’s Amy, she wanted to win, so she wouldn’t stop when she was in the lead…her eyes rolled back and she fell.” Sam nodded. “She did say the nightmares had been keeping her awake.” Loki frowned. “What nightmares?” Sam sighed. “I don’t know what they’re about, but she struggles with them.” Loki gently brushed Amy’s hair gently to the side of her face. “Why did you not tell me my fire? I could have helped.” he said tenderly forgetting who was around, but when he did, he looked up with a very visible blush on his face. You could all but hear everything clicking together in the Avengers’ heads. Thor looked shocked “You are courting Amy?!?!” Steve groaned. “I knew this would happen.” Nat smirked at Clint. “You owe me $500.” Clint groaned. “How did you even know she was in danger?” Rhodey asked. Loki looked up. “The necklace she wears, it’s a gift, but it will always keep us connected and keep her safe.” Amy let out a soft whimper in her sleep, making everyone fall silent. Loki held her close. “Shh my love, it’s all right, I’m here…I’m going to return her home and stand watch over her…I don’t think Casey will be pleased about this…” Loki picked her up and teleported away, laying her gently in bed before texting Casey about what had happened before laying down to watch over Amy in her sleep.
A few hours later Amy groaned starting to wake up a little trying to open her eyes she finds herself nearly blinded by the morning sun. She rolled over, burying her head in the soft pillow and sighing softly, feeling much better than she had during Steve’s cross country assault course. She frowned - come to think of it, she couldn't remember how it ended. She remembered climbing up the rock face with Bucky and then...shit. She groaned, remembering the dizzy spell she took and knowing she must have fell. Surely, she was in a hospital bed with a broken something and a looong lecture from Cap and Dr Strange waiting for her as soon as she opened her eyes, but she frowned, confused, as someone kissed the top of her head. She boldly looked up, ready to look danger in the eye, only to see soft and loving green ones gazing back at her. Amy couldn’t help the smile that lit up her face seeing Loki before pulling him into a kiss. “Hello Handsome….” She smiled happily. Loki smiled but she could tell it was a sad smile. “Why did you hide your nightmares from me my love? I could have helped…”. Amy sighed. “I didn’t want you to know, it’s something I’ve had for years but I’m okay now, it just gets to be too much sometimes. You being with me helps, knowing you’re by my side, my nightmares fade and I dream about us and our future.” A happy smile spread onto Loki’s face. “I’m here if you ever want to confide in me Amy…you don’t have to hide when you are hurting or if you need anything from me.” Amy bit her lip. “Anything?” Loki smiled. “Anything.” Amy smirked in a way that can only be described as the definition of Mischief. “Then I want you… every piece of you to join with every piece of me.” Loki went wide-eyed for a second before a smile spread onto his lips as he stood. “You don’t get a prince in bed that easy Amy, beg…” he smirked they had talked about kinks before, so he knew exactly what she liked. Amy whimpered wantingly feeling much more invigorated after a good sleep. “Please my King, I want you to take me as your Queen.” She didn’t get another word out before Loki’s lips met hers in a kiss whose passion burned hotter than 1000 suns. Loki pushed her back onto the bed making quick work of removing her clothes and kissing down her body, leaving the occasional bite mark. Until he got to her other lips and kissed there with just as much skill, making Amy writhe under his strong hold. He wasn’t letting her escape his grasp that easy. He wrapped his arms around her thighs as he held her gently, but firmly, in place causing Amy to moan. It wasn’t long before she was a panting mess and she had finished. Loki smirked clearly proud of himself. “Kneel Before Your King” he ordered, and instantly Amy was on her knees in front of him waiting for his member excitedly. It was an impressive length, just like the rest of him, and Amy took him in her mouth and started to pleasure him. It wasn’t long before Loki had finished too and that was just their starter. After Loki kissed her again pinning her against a wall his cock already hard at attention. He smirked before throwing Amy on the bed and sexily crawled up her body before getting to her and pushing in, moaning loudly himself. It was like their bodies were meant to fit together like 2 pieces of the same jigsaw. All night they spent together and in many different positions, Amy’s favorite being the reverse Cowgirl and Loki’s was when she was bound and under his control. After a long night of Passion and Pure love Amy and Loki cuddled happily together. The next morning, Casey all but kicked the door down and before she noticed what Amy was sitting on. “Wit the fuck wur you thinkin Amy!? You couldae been killed! For fuck’s sake… ya Pair of Filthy Bastards get some fuckin clathes on!” walks out “Elliot! Get the Bleach…then get in that fuckin bedroom!”
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hiddlestoned4ever · 6 years
Drawn Between Worlds - Dr Strange/Loki x Reader
(Chapter 1) Chapter 2 (Chapter 3 coming soon) Plot: After you started working for SHIELD, you got drawn into the Avengers group and helped them stop Loki and his Chitauri army from destroying New York completely. That was two years ago. However, Loki’s dangerous behaviour didn’t stop you from keeping your interested in him. Or perhaps it is his mischievous self that’s the very reason for it. But as a long-lost associate turns up, you find yourself being drawn between worlds and feelings as old emotions come back while new ones develop. 
Words: 4158
Warnings: None
It's now two weeks since the party. The day after, the team divided up and it's now just Tony and you again. Because of that, you have some trouble filling all the time without the rest of your friends. The morning jog yesterday was dull, the training workouts are simple and boring. To get the time go faster, you tried to hang out with Tony when he's working, but that soon became sitting down on the chair and observe him.
Now you're outside on the streets, walking under the warm sunlight in your own thoughts. The headphone cord dangles from your ears to the left pocket where it's connected to your phone. Listening to music helps you to get distracted from the real world. You let it take over and steer your feet so you don't really notice where you're heading. The path is soon to lead you to someone who will make your life interesting yet again.
Walking out if the busy streets, the area becomes more abandoned. Big, old, empty buildings appear around you, but you keep on the pace. It's first when sirens suddenly overwhelm your music that you bring your focus up. Several police cars coming at high speed a bit ahead and disappears around a corner.
As curious as you are, you jog in the same direction and slow down when you enter an area where the cars have stopped and the police officers are on the outside, talking to a young woman and man. Some meters away, another woman approaches them and when the first woman sees her, she runs over and hugs her. From the distance you're standing, you can't hear what they're saying and it seems like everything is fine... but then it's suddenly starting to rain heavily out of nowhere.
"Great..." you mumble annoyed. From the nice weather you went out in, you didn't bring a jacket with a hood.
From the other end of the crowd, a man in a red cape has suddenly arrived. You instantly recognize him and so does the girls. One of them runs over to him and by the looks of it, slaps him in the face. Twice. The other woman follows and once she's with them, the raining stops so she must've commented on it. There must be a reason for him to return back to Earth so you start to run up to them.
"Thor!" you call and the God looks up.
"Y/N! What are you doing here?"
"I could ask you the same," you reply.
"Hi, I'm Darcy," one of the women says and reaches out her hand. You shake it with a smile, not really bothering who they are right now. You're more interested in what brought Thor here. "This is my friend, Jane, and this is my intern," she continues and points at a young man beside her.
"Eh... Ian, my name is Ian."
Turning back to the scene, you see the policemen come up to the two women.
"Oh, eh, Jane. I'm pretty sure we're getting arrested," Darcy says and Janes turns her head.
"Hang on," Jane replies and meets the officers.
One of the policemen lay a hand on her shoulder, but get abruptly thrown backwards like an explosion just occurred. Many other of the men also get caught by this and all of them land on their backs, startled by what just happened. The remaining officers raise their guns, pointing at the women, ready to fire. You and Thor rush over and he kneels down, barely touches her to see if she's alright.
"What just happened?" Jane asks gently as she pushes herself up on her feet. The police officer approaches you apprehensively.
"Place your hands on your head. Step back!"
"The woman is unwell," Thor answers.
"She's dangerous." 
Thor glances warningly up at them. "So am I."
The policeman grabs a hold of his radio. "Requesting armed response officers to the scene." The rest of the men start to circle you and the rest of the group when Thor pulls both you and Jane closer.
"Hold on to me," he says to both of you.
"Thor, what are you doing?" you ask as you feel your body sort of dissolve and then are sent in an enormous speed upwards. The experience is amazing but goes incredibly fast. Your head gets dizzy and you shut your eyes while holding tight to Thor's arm.
You must've fainted for a short second because the next thing you know is that your body falls down once Thor lets you go.
"Oops, sorry," he says and helps you back up.
"We have to do that again!" Jane excitedly says and her smile drops when she sees a large man with an armour of gold, holding the shaft of a huge sword. "Hi."
"Welcome to Asgard."
Your head snatches up at the man's voice. His eyes are the same colour as is the outfit. "Asgard?" you turn your eyes on Thor. "We're at your home?" 
"Well, the men on Midgard didn't seem like they had nice intentions so I brought you both with me. Besides, we need to figure out what's happened to you," he responds, now looking at Jane.
The sight before you blow your mind. It is magnificent. Like taken straight out of a fantasy movie, only a whole lot more beautiful. The big golden, triangle shaped building that stands out reminds you of some part of a musical instrument. Like some special kind of flute or something. And the Bifrost is stunning with its rainbow colour. Never did you think you would actually be able to experience this with your own eyes. Memories from when Thor talked about it comes to your mind and you realize why he spoke so passionately about it.
"Follow me," he says and leads the two of you out on the long walk across the bridge.  
* * *
"What's that?" Jane asks while she's lying on a table surrounded by women nurses and some information that appears by some kind of magic. Kinda looks like Tony's lab with all his, almost invisible screens where he can swipe information from one screen to the other.
"Be still," Eir tells her while you and Thor watch as they examine Jane.
"What do you think it is?" you ask him, both of you standing with your arms crossed.
"I do not know. It's not of Earth."
"I have never seen anything like this, but she will not survive the amount of energy surging within her," one of the nurses tells you. Before anyone gets to say anything else, the door to the room opens and an elder man with long white hair and a patch over his right eye enters.
It turns out to be no other than Odin, Thor's father, king of Asgard and protector of the nine realms. The father and son have a bit of an argument about mortals not belonging here, but that it's the only way Jane can be helped. Odin tells the guards to escort both Jane and you out, when the guard who grabs Jane's arm, get thrown back just as the policeman.
"Don't touch her," Thor says leaning down and tenderly lays his hands on her. "Jane, are you alright?" She nods her head while Odin inspects the energy force running through her body.
"That's impossible," he mumbles shocked.
"The infection, it's defending her," the nurse says.
"Or itself," you comment, taking a shot.
Next, Odin takes the three of you to another room. "There are relics that predate the universe itself. What lies within her appears to be one of them. The Nine Realms are not eternal. They had a dawn as they will have a dusk." Odin shows you, Thor and Jane an ancient book. "But before that dawn, the dark forces, the Dark Elves, reigned absolute and unchallenged." 
Thor leans over a book in front of them and reads out loud. "'Born of eternal night, the Dark Elves comes to steal away your light.' They were these stories mother told us as children."
"Their leader, Malekith made a weapon out of that darkness, it was called the Aether. While the other relics often appeared as stones, the Aether is fluid and ever-changing. It changes matter into dark matter and seeks out to host bodies, drawing strength from their life force. Malekith sought to use the Aether's power to return the universe to one of darkness. But after eternities of bloodshed, my father Bor, finally triumphed, ushering in the peace that lasted thousands of years."
"What happened?" you ask, getting really interested in these Asgardians stories.
"He killed them all," Odin responds.
"Are you certain? The Aether was said to have been destroyed with them and yet here it is," Thor says, clearly worried.
"The Dark Elves are dead."
Jane takes a glance down at the book. "Does your book happen to mention how to get it out of me?"
Odin's reply is not near reassuring. "No, it does not."
The king leaves and the rest of you stay silent for some seconds.
"Thor, can I speak to you for a moment?" you ask.
"Of course," he replies.
"I'll- eh, be out here," Jane says, pointing at the doors leading out to a porch. When she's out, you turn to your friend. Since you got here, everything has happened so fast but by the little 'break' you just got, you came to think of his brother.
"Maybe it's not the right time to ask this, but... where's that brother of yours?"
"What, Loki?"
"Do you have any other brothers hidden up somewhere?" you lift an eyebrow.
"You don't have to worry. Loki has spent his days in the prison down below since we got back from Earth and that's where he'll be. He can't harm you or anyone else."
For some reason, you feel a bit sorry for him that he's been in a cell for so long and will be for the rest of his life. Just the thought of Loki wakens something in you and you suddenly get the urge to visit him. On the other hand, Thor would possibly not accept that. But if he's safe from everyone, it can't hurt to go down there.
Having been in your own thoughts, you drop out of them and see Thor's wondering look staring down at you.
"Great," you say as a comment to his answer about Loki. Moving your eyes to the double doors, you see Jane gazing out over the railing. "You should go out to her. Must be a shock finding out you have a powerful weapon of darkness floating inside of you."
Giving you a little smile, Thor tells you the direction to some food and bathroom if you'll be needing it, and that he and Jane will find you shortly.
Taking his advice, you leave the room and head down the hall. Everything is so well done decorated: sculptures, paintings, colours... Most of it in gold.
"Shit!" you quickly take out your phone to look at the time. It's been hours since you left this noon. Tony must be worried sick about where you are. However, your phone says "out of area". Sighing, you put it back into your pocket.
This is going well, what's next on the list? 
On the way, you meet Sif, the greatest of the warrior women and one of Thor's closest friends. She gladly escorts you to the food as you seem to have lost the way. You ask her about life here on Asgard and how the two prince brothers were as children.
"As any brothers. Fighting and playing. Loki is the master of tricks. Always has been. He used to play tricks on Thor, on all of us really. At first, it was fun, but after a while, it got repetitive and dangerous. Odin tried to have a strict talk with him but he wouldn't take words to wisdom."
"Sounds about right," you say and take a glass of water.
"You know him?" Sif asks surprised.
"Sort of. We stopped him when he brought his army to New York."
"Yes, of course! I must thank you for participating in that. Asgard is a better place without Loki. And Midgard must be too."
More boring if you ask me.
But you didn't say that out loud. You don't even know why you think that.
"You don't miss him at all? Surely, he must be somewhat good. I mean, according to your stories, before he found out he was adopted."
Continuing your walk, Sif shakes her head. "That side of him faded a long time ago."
You don't understand why you think about Loki so much but there's something about him that's caught your attention ever since he smiled at you for the first time. After that, you had visited him in the cage he was put in for a little chat where you figured out that his plan was to use the Hulk so he could escape. And his plan worked. Next time you got face to face again was on top of Stark's Tower in the middle of the battle.
Steve helped you with a push of his shield so you could jump higher and grab a hold of one of those flying space things that Loki's army used to bring death and destruction to the city. You climbed up and knocked over one of the Chitauries and jumped on the shoulders of the other while pushing two knives in both of his shoulders. This way, you could control the little flying float.
You turned left, making it take you towards Stark's tower where Loki had placed his special machine with the Tesseract in the centre. From it, a powerful jet going all the way up, holding up a big hole in the sky. That's where the army come from and you were gonna try to close it.
However, that turned out to be more tricky than you hoped for. Behind you, Loki came after you, trying to shoot you down.
"Oh, you," you sighed. "Clint, some help?" 
"I have my eyes on him," Clint replied. He was standing on a rooftop, bow and arrow lifted up to his face, aiming at the God. When he was sure that he'll hit his target, he fired.
But like a piece of cake, Loki snapped the arrow right before it would run right through his skull. He looked at it, then back up at Clint with a 'seriously?' look.
Right then, the arrow exploded and sent Loki flying in the air and landing hard on the roof of Stark's building. Shortly after, you jumped and rolled down some meters away from him.
Rising up slowly, you kept your eyes on him the whole time.
"Why are you doing this?" you asked as he groaned while standing up.
"Because I can. I have the power," he growled back.
"What exactly do you want? A throne?"
"I was born to be king!"
"Is this really the kind of king you want to be?" you asked with a high voice and arm stretched out to the disaster happening below us. "Everything in ruins, everyone trembling on their knees? What pleasure could that possibly give you?"  
For several seconds, Loki just looked at you. Staring you right in the eyes and then his expression changed slightly. Like he realized something, but his action to speak got interrupted when the Chitauri Leviathan crashed its side into the building right under you. The ground started to shake, and you stumbled as your balance got unsteady. Beneath you, the edge of the roof began to crack and fall, bringing you along with it. Luckily, you got a hold with your hands so you dangled with your body in the air.
"Tony! Tony, do you copy?!" 
"I'm a bit busy at the moment!" he called back.
"What's going on?" Steve asked.
"Oh, I'm just taking a break by hanging off the roof!" you shouted back, your voice raised as the railing you're holding onto, began to fall apart. "It's gonna break!"
"Thor!" Steve called.
"I'm on it!" he responded and started to swing the hammer.
Just then, the railing fully broke and you felt your body dropping but then, you suddenly hang still again. Looking up, you see Loki's hand around your wrist. Without hesitation, you managed to wrap your hand around his own wrist as he started to use his strength to lift you back up. And with a groan, he pulled you back over the edge so both of you landed on your backs.
"Y/N? What's happening?" the team asked from the ground. 
Breathing heavily, you stared up at the sky. "I'm okay," you assure them, but turned your head to your right, seeing Loki getting up. While you kept your eyes on him, you did the same.
"Why did you do that?" you asked.
His chest raised heavily as his blue mischief eyes looked at you. Parting his lips, he didn't get to say anything as the Hulk came jumping over the edge and grabbed him as they crashed through the windows and landed inside Stark's living room.
Of course, you never told anyone that Loki had saved your life. And you never learned why he did it but perhaps now, you have a chance to find out. If you only get a chance to see him.
Sif and you continue the walk as she tells stories of how they won wars, how the parties works and the day Thor got worthy of the hammer, Mjolnir. You tell her about how you ended up here and about the Aether that's taken a hold inside Jane. On your way, you spot a staircase that goes down to another floor and two guards on each side to keep people from coming down, or perhaps the other way around. 
"Down there's the prison," Sif explains when she follows your look. "God forbid any of them getting out."
"And Loki?"
Stopping, Sif eyes you questionable. "You seem awfully interested in him. Are you worried he's gonna attack your world again?"
Shaking your head, you look away from the stairs. "No, I'm sure he's well kept down there."
About an hour later, Thor and Jane find you in good company with Sif and two other soldiers, Fandral and Volstagg.
"Thor! Come, join us!" Volstagg calls with his cup raised in the air. Smiling, he and Jane sit down with you.
The six of you actually have a good couple of hours before the whole place get attacked. Everyone gets to their feet to strike back and defend their home. Then. all goes downhill from there.
Something crashes straight into the palace, causing panic to appear among all the people. You all run towards the spectacle. When you arrive, there's a giant black ship that has parked right in the centre of the great hall. Asgardian guards approach it slowly with raised spears. Then, chaos is heard coming from the stairs that you spotted earlier.
"The prisoners," a woman to our left says. You quickly understood that she must be Odin's wife. Frigga.
"Loki," Thor comments.
"Go, I'll look after them," Frigga tells her son. Thor doesn't hesitate to take off with his hammer.
Next, Odin comes up to you. "Send a squadron to the weapons vault, defend it at all costs. Seal the dungeon," he tells a group of guards who immediately leave.
"Frigga. It's a skirmish, nothing to fear."
"You've never been a very good liar."
"Take them to your chambers, I'll come for you when it's safe."
"You take care."
"Despite all I have survived, my queen still worries over me." Odin puts a hand on Frigga's cheek that he quickly removes.
"It's only because I worry about you that you have survived."
Odin goes off and Frigga leads you and Jane away. She takes a sword from one of the guards. "Listen to me now, I need you to do everything I ask and no questions."
You and Jane look at each other, then back forward.
"Yes, ma'am."
By the Dark Elves' ship, it now opens and dozens of elves and Asgardians start to fight. The elves seem to have the advantage.
Frigga, Jane and you arrive inside a chamber. She hands you another sword.
"I can go back out there and fight," you tell her, but she seems to have her own opinions on that.
"I told Thor I would watch over you. These are not Midargians."
"It's not my first time, fighting species from space," you tell her and she turns to look at me.
"You were there when Loki attacked Earth?"
"Can't have been easy. Coming here where he is after what he did. I apologize for his actions. I wish he was still the innocent little boy when we brought him in." She turns to Jane. "Now, I need you to come with me." She brings Jane around a corner in the room, and when they come back, Frigga explains to you that the Jane following is just a hologram as the real Jane is hiding.
"Ma'am. Let me go and help Thor," you practically beg her. When it seems like she's about to accept your wish, the doors burst open, revealing one of the dark elves. Frigga goes in front of you with a raised sword.
"Stand down creature. You may still survive this."
With strict steps, he comes into the room.
God, he's huge!
"I've survived worse, woman."
You're following his movements, not letting your eyes leave him.
"Who are you?" Frigga asks.
"I am Malekith, and I would have what it is mine." As he walks closer to Frigga she strikes him in the face with her sword. He takes out his blade and starts fighting with her and you try to find a chance to help her, but don't get one. Frigga puts up a good fight but another elf, Algrim, comes to his master's aid and subdues her. You rush forward and swing the sword. The sharp blade almost makes contact with Malekith but he foresees it and swings his own sword into a fight.
The two of you go on for a short moment until he uses his sword to block your hit while his other hand goes right in your face, sending you across the room so you land unconscious on the floor.
Malekith then walks towards Jane. "You have taken something, child. Give it back." He stands in front of Jane and as he goes to grab her, she disappears and he realizes that she's a hologram, he turns to Frigga. "Witch! Where is the Aether?"
"I'll never tell."
"I believe you."
You slowly begin to wake and open your eyes. But it's too late. Algrim stabs Frigga in the back. "No!" you scream, but she falls dead to the floor.
At the same time, Thor rushes in with a scream and shoots a lightning bolt at Malekith's face, severely scarring it. He and Algrim escape and jump onto their ship before Thor can catch them. After, Odin arrives to find Frigga dead. He holds her body in his arms as Thor, Jane and you stand silently around them.
* * * 
Right after all the elves are gone, everyone gets ready for Frigga's funeral. You and Jane were lent a pair of long dresses which some maids help you put on. Once you're done, you meet Thor outside the room. His eyes are sad so you give him a sympathetic smile. You had put out the thought of bringing Loki too, but Odin would not have it which stung in you because she was his mother too. But he still has to be inside the cell while all of you attend.
And it sure was a sight! It's the most beautiful memorial you've ever seen, including in movies. You could feel the strength of it and the sorrow everyone carried. Even though you didn't know Frigga, you started to cry on behalf of Thor and Odin's grief. And Loki, though you don't know if he knows about it yet. But she loved him, and you know he loved her too.
After the funeral is over, you, Thor, and Jane walk silently back inside.
"How're you holding up?" Jane asks him, holding onto his arm with both hands.
"Her death was not in vain. She protected you. She died honourably."
You walk silently on Thor's other side, your face down as you do. "I'm sorry, I tried to stop him-"
"Hey," Thor stops and puts his hand on your shoulder. "Do not blame yourself for this. It's Malekith. And I'm gonna find him and stop him." He takes his hand off you and continues to walk.
"Wait," you say after him and he turns. "Shouldn't Loki at least get to know about this?"
Tags: @fire-in-her-veinz @markusstraya
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nerdspotco-blog · 6 years
Possible Avengers 4 Title and Leaks?!? (Possible Spoilers Ahead! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!)
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Hey everyone!  So it’s been a crazy week for Marvel related content. We got a look at Tom Hollands new suit in the upcoming Spider-Man: Far From Home, both Luke Cage and Iron Fist have been canceled, and a whole lot of supposed leaks and rumors surrounding the Avengers 4 trailer leak, and title had also been spread around the internet. On a side note, please remember that these are just speculations, and rumors for now. please take everything with a grain of salt, and don’t shoot the messenger!  Lets get to it! To start it all off, the Russo Brothers have had a history of loving to troll fans. Their latest gag to fans however has been causing quite the stir among the fans and media of the MCU... 
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Fans have been thinking about the tweet and claiming that the title itself could possibly be in the picture. the next picture, which is a little more recent is just more proof of the Russo Brother’s love of trolling fans. 
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Now i’m thinking this could be a light from the Avengers 4 set, but people have also been freaking out over this picture. In my honest opinion, I don’t think that this is going to be much to freak out about.  Here’s where everything starts to get really interesting. Fans like myself are still on the edge of our seats for the reveal of the long awaited title, but it seems like the latest rumor that seems to be sticking is that the title of the fourth Avengers movie will be Avengers: Annihilation. The title like it’s predecessors come from another Marvel Comics event, Annihilation. 
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I’m honestly thinking at this point that the title will be released maybe a week or so before the trailer. For example, Marvel Studios decided to have some fun and put out a teaser video of both fan reactions, and clips of previous entries into the MCU. At the end of the video, announcing the first trailer to Avengers: Infinity War debuting the very next day. 
(Check out the video below to see what i’m talking about.) 
I honestly think the title reveal will come in the form of a video like this, and at the end, much like this video, we will get a confirmation of when the trailer will be released.  Now this past week, the internet has also been freaking out with trailer descriptions that were leaked to Reddit. The description itself was said to be going like this...  “The trailer starts off showing the damaged Infinity Gauntlet in a field on the farm planet. As the camera focuses in on the Gauntlet, we hear Tony’s voice: “We were destined to lose.” Epic music score starts. The Quinjet is shown landing in a Wakandan wasteland as we hear Steve Rogers say: “We have come so far.” Tony and Nebula step off the jet as the remaining Avengers approach. Steve has a look of relief and says: “Tony”. Tony, seemingly defeated, shakes his head and gives a friendly smirk back to Cap. Marvel Studios Logo appears."We get a glimpse of the Battle of New York from 2012 Avengers. Loki is shown looking shocked and baffled as he is on top of the Stark tower. There is a flash of a blue light as the camera pans back. (Cuts to black) Next we see the Wakandan throne with M’Baku at the helm. He’s surrounded by his new kingsguard. (A mix of the hill tribe and Dora Milaje). Shuri and Banner are seen working on a new project in the lab. Black Widow, in full gear, is in Hawkeye’s family home from Age of Ultron. Basically everything is thrown all over the place and broken. Nat is studying some type of map with multiple photos and locations on it. A quick shot of Thanos is shown with a long sword, walking down an alleyway in New York City. The next shot is a dark hooded figure with glowing eyes, aiming a bow and arrow before shooting towards the camera.  (1-2 visuals of the Quantum Realm) Scott Lang (no suit) is shown running through a park dodging explosions. (Shot of Space) Thor and Valkyrie are aboard a Kree ship. Thor says: “If the stories are true, you’re our universe’s last hope. If such a thing even exists anymore”. The next shot is an older, determined Tony Stark walking through the new SHIELD HQ (Avengers Facility in upstate New York). He’s in full SHIELD attire and carrying an orange briefcase. Banner (wearing spandex) is seen running from something, looking terrified. The next shot is Ant-Man appearing out of a flash of light and landing in a desolate place. We see it from his point of view from inside his helmet. He looks left to right and to his left again and says: “What in the-“."(Camera focuses on Vormir and its stars) Next, a shot of Rocket and Nebula modifying some new weapons in the lab. Rocket says “When can we try this bad boy out?” They both smile at eachother and fist-bump. We get our first glimpse of Iron Man in his red and gold nanotech armor. Hulk falls from the sky and lands in front of him. Thanos, in full armor, smiles. Hulk smiles back. The next shot is in Japan. War Machine, Nat, and Steve (in their full Avengers gear) are surrounded by The Yakuza. Hawkeye (Ronin) walks through everybody from behind them and approaches the Avengers. There’s an intense exchange of looks between Clint and Natasha. (Next shot is at the Sanctum) Wong is communicating with Dr. Strange’s soul via portal. (Cuts to black) Grey haired Tony Stark and Ant-Man are in a post-apocalyptic NYC. The screen flashes back and forth multiple times through multiple scenes. We see Captain Marvel floating with her fists on fire and her eyes lit up. Thanos in the soul stone with young Gamora screaming at him, Loki and Thor fighting off Chitauri together and Tony handing Steve a brand new shield in the Wakandan throne room. (Cuts back to Tony and Scott) Tony opens the orange briefcase as Scott hands him an illuminated bracelet. Tony asks: “How?… Is this even possible?” Iron Man and Ant-Man are shown travelling through the Quantum Realm. Tony and Scott are back in the battle of New York from 2012. The final shot before the title reveal is an Infinity Stone disappearing from Thanos’ damaged gauntlet. He abruptly gets up and puts on his armor. His face goes from extremely infuriated to a menacing smile."Title reveal: Avengers: Annihilation"Stinger: The Hulk is training at the new SHIELD facility with Black Widow and Steve. Steve notices that Hulk has been training non-stop as of late, so he asks why. Hulk responds in Banner’s normal voice with: “My rematch is coming real soon, I can feel it!”"  Like I said at the beginning of the article, take all of this with a grain of salt. The only problem I have with this description is this, WHERE IN THE HELL WOULD TONY AND NEBULA GET A GOD DAMN QUINJET?! I personally think it would make more sense for them to use the Milano that is still on Titan. (But that of course is just my opinion.  And lastly, another trailer description has been leaked to Reddit by a user by the name of  vfxgurudontmind who has claimed to have predicted the reveal of Spider-Man in the second Captain America: Civil War trailer. Here’s what the user had to say... “Sup, you guys dont know me. However few years ago I was the one who posted here on a throw away saying Spider-Man appears in the Civil War Trailer #2 (I told people to remember the word “underoos”But here's some info: Final Trailer is about 2ish minutes. But it starts with the 10th year logo, which zooms into the screen in logo fashion but it flashes all colors of the stones as it does. Thanos’ voice: “My Destiny is not yet fulfilled...” A shot of a battered Tony, looks as though he’s still on Titan, confused. “Greater threats arise to undo the balance I lost everything to achieve... and I.... will not... be undone” Shot of Banner and Cap with Vision on a table fades in and out... Shot of Quills ship lifting off. Fades. Tony: “Fury was right.” He’s talking to someone out of view in some type of normal house. This MIGHT be Aunt May, he’s glossy eyed, and the dialogue is spoken over the prior screen, not actually what’s he’s saying. “He was right since day 1...” black screen Tony: scene of him in some sort of garage looking place. In front of 3 different suits, they seem pretty normal? None are the one that was leaked, he has the housing unit in his hands. “I’ll do whatever it takes so that never happens again...” black screen Tony in SHIELD gear. He’s walking towards the camera with soldiers behind him. Shot of Antman standing in the Quantum Realm. Cuts to him surrounded by 3 tardigrades. He’s running, then stops at a green portal type thing. Fades to a shot of Scott in street clothes. Gray shirt jeans and a jean jacket.Scott: “ I think... I might have a way to help.” Not sure who he’s speaking to. Or if this is even the real dialogue lol. Doesn’t look like it matches.Shot of an empty throne in Wakanda, various shots of Shuri, M’Baku, and Okoye. Black screen“This was NOT our fight...” Shuri or Okoye couldn’t tell. Screen still black. Shot of Cap standing arms crossed with Rhodey, Rocket and Thor, in a room that looks like it’s still Wakanda.Cap: “We need to make this right...”Banner: “Cap we don’t even know where to start... Thanos is gone. He won.” Thor: “Well... then we had better get to work”Shot panning down slowly of the pager Fury had in someone’s hands. I’m almost 100% certain it’s in Tony’s hands. A shot of Rhodey suiting up very briefly, from the knees up to the crotch area lol, it’s not nanotech, but looks more or less exactly how Starlords mask materializes with a Thor voiceover: “Are you ready for this?”Rocket: “Well... if I’m not...” pause. Black Fades in to Rocket, music silences: “What more could I lose?” Bifrost shot w/ Thor, War machine, and Rocket. Various shots. Gauntlet, still damaged, being reached for, shot of Nebula (looks like the same place Tony was earlier) , and then shot of Banner. Black screen. Thor: “We need an army to stand against Thanos...” shot of Thanos putting on armor. “Yours is the only one formidable enough to give us a chance...” shot of Thanos wielding a big double edge sword. “So I ask of you...” Various shots of Black Widow, brief shot of Tony’s suit, Caps new chest piece (chainmail!!!) and banner putting on a purple skintight suit and a button up over it In front of a mirror. Fades to Thor, “Will you help us?” More various shots, including a broken gauntlet on the ground as someone (clearly Thanos) is walking away... same aesthetic and scenery as the one when it’s being reached for. (I think he throws it on the ground??) “It’s been awhile since I’ve been to Earth...” Music is getting louder as it crescendos to a shot of Captain Marvels chest panning up to her face. The scenery behind her almost looks like Xandar. Because it can’t be Earth (that would make no sense) but it’s blue skies and clouds outside a window... Captain Marvel: “Let’s go” Shot of her flying towards something angrily, she cocks back a punch, eyes glowing, flames surround her. She punches, then [Title Card] as Avengers theme plays.However it doesn’t actually have anything, it’s just a blank screen with the music.. Post theme cutaway stinger, Rocket is in a rolling chair looking at a few computer screens, has on this cool ass white bodysuit. Rhodey: “I’ve seen a lot of crazy things, but a talking Raccoon? (rocket looks up at him from chair) Definitely tops them all...” Rocket, going from Rhodey back to the computer screens sarcastically: “boy if I had a unit* every time I heard that one” cuts to a shot of Thor smiling with an off queue “Ha Ha Ha”. Trailer ends... This is actually a rough cut. There’s a lot of black screens in the midst of all these lasting 1-2 seconds. This trailer is still slated to debut on Nov. 21,28, or December 12th on Good Morning America. I'm not sure of the scheduling situation. Also, official extended trailer #2 for Captain Marvel will arrive right around Christmas.” I know that it’s a little much to take in. but do keep in mind, this is only a theory/speculation post.  With all this in mind, I do believe the trailer is close behind. With Avengers 4 being about 6 or 7 months away, it will make sense to have Marvel start marketing for the movie. Much like they are doing now for Captain Marvel, and Spider-Man: Far From Home.   My advice, keep your eye’s peeled! I can almost guarantee we are all in for a surprise soon. Thanks for stopping by! 
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xxruinaxxmcu · 7 years
Gates of Glory, part 16
previous part
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so, there will be a second part up (probably today) that will include many emotions and much Loki, this kinda serves to set that up! bear with me! a lot of action ahead
Y/N entered Frigga’s Chambers some days later.
“I talked to Loki”, she said sadly, “So stubborn, just like Odin.”
“What did he say?”, Y/N asked silently.
“That I am not his mother”, she said with a sad smile.
“My Queen”, Y/N said quietly and took her hand: “Words mean little to him. Trust me when I say this: He truly loves you.”
She smiled at Y/N: “It’s funny how you see it when it is concerning me, but concerning you, you are as blind as a bat.”
Frigga smiled and walked away: “You are the only one to reach him, Y/N. Whatever happens, do not let him fall.” Y/N did not move for several seconds, then stood up to leave the palace. 
Y/N quietly wandered through Asgard without thinking about anything in particular. She had reported the facts to the All-father. She damned herself for letting this happen. Years ago, when she saw her parents died and when she killed her mentor, she vowed to never feel a thing again. Life was just easier without love. It made her job easier.
She had to watch out for no one. She could be rough without second thoughts.
Quietly, she watched the waves crashing against the harbour. Y/N pressed her lips into a fine line and sighted silently. She played around with her fingers and hoped it would end the thoughts in her head. But there was no escaping it.
"By staring at the ocean, it will not disappear", a man's voice said.
"Really, Fandral? Have you ever tried?", Y/N asked and turned to the friend of Thor.
"Not really, actually", he returned, "Just a wild guess."
"The fact you came all the way here to speak to me tells me you need me to do something", Y/N crossed her arms: "What is it?"
"Thor wants to speak with you", he replied. His voice was a bit off.
Y/N raised an eyebrow: "And he sent you to get me?"
"He is not here right now", Fandral explained dryly.
"That means?", Y/N asked cautiously.
"With the Bifrost repaired through the power of the Tesseract, he could travel to Midgard."
"Why did he do so? Do his friends need his help?", Y/N asked irritated.
"Not really", Fandral shook his head, "It is this girl of his. She has disappeared, it seems."
Y/N pressed her lips together: "She could have died. Mortal lives are fragile."
"Whether I agree with his choice of spouse or not does not matter. But he desires your presence", Fandral spoke.
Y/N nodded quietly and replied: "Lead the way."
When they arrived at the palace, people were running around.
"Fandral!" Y/N turned her head towards Lady Sif who walked towards the two of them: "Thor has returned."
Fandral frowned confused: "Did something happen?"
"He brought the girl with him", Sif said, "She's with our healers at the moment."
"So she is alive", Y/N said cynically, "What a miracle."
"For now", Sif replied, "But there's an abnormal amount of energy surging within her. I doubt Thor has accepted the fact that a mortal cannot survive this."
"Energy", Y/N repeated silently, "What kind of energy?"
"Not from Asgard or the nine realms", Sif spoke quietly, "the healers do not know what it is."
Y/N clenched her teeth: "Where is the All-father?"
"With Thor, I assume", Sif replied confused.
Y/N looked at Fandral and Sif and faked a smile: "Well, duty calls." With that, Y/N hurried upstairs towards the healers' rooms.
When walking towards them, Y/N saw a girl, Thor and the All-father walking down the aisle to the library. The All-father had a dark expression on his face and looked rather worried. Y/N frowned and decided to follow them.
"There are relicts that predate the universe itself. What lies within her appears to be one of them", Odin said when entering the library, "The nine realms are not eternal. They had a dawn, as they will have a dusk." He opened an old book that Y/N could not recognise: "But before that dawn, the dark forces, the dark elves reigned absolute and unchallenged."
"Born of eternal night, the dark elves come to steal away the light...", Thor read from the book, "I know these stories, mother told them to us as children."
"Their leader, Malekith, made a weapon out of that darkness and it was called the Aether. While the other relicts often appear as stones, the Aether is fluid and ever changing. It changes matter into dark matter, it seeks out host bodies, drawing strength from their life force. Malekith sought to use the Aether to return the universe to one of darkness", Odin explained, "But, after eternities of bloodshed, my father Bor finally triumphed, assuring the peace that lasted thousands of years."
"What happened?", the woman asked looked at the All-father who turned towards her before answering coldly:
"He killed them all."
"Why are you certain? The Aether was said to be destroyed with them and yet here it is", Thor said and looked at this father.
"The dark elves are dead", Odin insisted.
"Does your book mention how to get it out of me?", the woman asked a bit frightened.
"No", Odin said and closed the book, "it does not." He turned away and wandered off.
Y/N clenched her teeth and followed the old god: "My king. I have heard what happened to the mortal."
"She will die, as will they all", Odin said darkly, "Death is always present in the lives of mortals."
"I do not wish to object", Y/N agreed, "But I am certain you see the problem at hand."
Odin stopped to look at the warrior: "Speak."
"The Aether", Y/N started, "Is one of the six infinity stones. It cannot be destroyed. Whoever buried it must have buried it at a gateway between our world and the world of humans. Now, we are in possession of it and the Tesseract. One infinity stone attracts an audience, two attract an army."
"The nine realms are at peace, there is no army that wishes to fight us", Odin replied shortly.
"I do not believe in the effectiveness of peace", Y/N spoke just as coldly, "As soon as they find a loophole to attack us from, they will. War, quarrel. It is the constant drive all throughout our time. Everyone wants to rule the nine realms."
"Asgard's armies are ready to fight off all known enemy forces."
"Exactly", Y/N pointed out, "But the art of war is to be ready for the unknown." Odin looked at her with scepticism in his eye. "We know much, not all, but much about the nine realms we rule over, but we also know that there are other forces beyond our rule. What if the things who gave the sceptre to Loki attacked us? We know nothing about their true strength."
"I thank you for your suggestion", he said and walked off, "I will come back to you."
Y/N rolled her eyes, but nodded: "Thank you, my king." She turned around to see Thor and his mortal walking towards the gardens. Quickly, she caught up to them: "My prince. You have demanded my presence."
Thor stopped and turned around. His face was serious when he looked at Y/N. The woman next to him gazed at Y/N in amazement.
"Lady Y/N", he prince said and nodded, "I have."
Y/N looked at the woman: "I suppose you are Jane Foster. I am Lady Y/N of Vanaheim."
"Have you told everyone about me here?", Jane whispered embarrassed.
Y/N could not help but to smile cynically: "It did not go unnoticed that the future king of Asgard has fallen in love with a human. Rumours spread quickly, especially rumours like this." But with this, she turned back to the prince: "What is it you need me for?"
"What flows within her...", Thor said, "is it like the sceptre? Will it corrupt her?"
Y/N pressed her lips together: "I do not know. It is an infinity stone, like the Tesseract. However, as the former keeper of the Tesseract said before he was murdered, things like this are not made for mortals. I doubt it will corrupt her, but it can consume her."
"What do you know about the dark elves?", he asked.
Y/N looked at the roof to evade his gaze: "They are said to have fallen centuries ago. However, it has been forbidden to enter Svartalfheim ever since, which is why no one knows what happened to them after the Aether was taken."
"So they could still be alive?", Thor asked.
"Your father says no", Y/N replied and looked at him.
"I asked you, not my father."
"Yes", Y/N sighted, "They could still be out there."
Y/N was on duty as a guard standing next to Heimdall when suddenly, alarms went off.
"The dungeons", Heimdall said surprisingly calm.  
Y/N froze: "Loki?"
"I cannot see."
Heimdall looked at the woman next to him: "I cannot see anything. Go."
Y/N had never run faster in her life. Asgard's citizens stayed inside, the streets were flooded with personnel of the armed forces. Suddenly, she heard a loud crash behind her. Though she feared the worst, she did not expect that. When she turned around, all she saw was a cloud of dust emerging from the palace. She had seen Thor entering the dunegons.
"I'm sorry", Y/N said more to herself as she put duty before feelings and ran towards the palace.
The creatures that were waiting for her in the entrance were looking more dead than alive. Y/N had never been terrified of anything. But their weapons were deadlier than anything she had ever seen before. A sword was nothing compared to it. She used her shield to fend off their weapons' blasts. The ground was covered in the bodies of her companions that had not been fortunate enough to sense the gravity of the situation. There was no time to fight like gods, now was the time to fight for one's life.
"Y/N, go!! SAVE YOURSELF!" Y/N recognised that voice instantly. That was her former officer from her time as a trainee.
Y/N blocked a blast and used a fireball to kill the thing in front of her. "The entire city is under attack!", Y/N yelled back at him, "We cannot make a step back!"
A soldier next to her was hit and fell to the floor and Y/N used his body as a shield to make her way through the enemy forces. She was covered in blood of his body and of the liquid that was flowing in the creatures she was fighting. She pierced two of them with her daggers that she lit on fire and watched them burn. With her fire attacks and spells involving earth, she fought mercilessly. Suddenly, there were no more blasts.
Y/N looked around her and saw that the ground was covered with the bodies of the enemy forces and Asgard's soldiers. Including her former officer.
She did not lose any time and started running through the palace to get to Odin. She encountered Sif and a squadron that were going towards the weapons' vault.
"Y/N", Sif said in disbelief, "You are alive!"
"Where's the mortal?" Y/N yelled darkly.
"O no", Y/N started running as fast as she could, knowing that all these creature wanted was the Aether.
She heard Thor's loud booming voice screaming something that sounded like a loud 'no' and the sound of his mighty hammer. She threw her body against the door to Frigga's chambers to find the prince throwing his hammer towards disappearing ship in the sky. Then, her eyes fell on the woman on the floor. "It cannot be..."
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veliseraptor · 7 years
Do you have any fanfics where you talk about how Loki felt when he found out he was a frost giant?
There’s been some mistake.
The thought that kept spinning inhis head as he watched their death approach in the form of an army of Jotnar,as Odin swept in and whisked them away, as he stood on the Bifrost and watchedOdin and Thor roar at each other. A child’s thought, a prayer, weakand pathetic.
You didn’t see - what you thoughtyou saw. It was a trick of the light. Maybe it didn’t really touch you.
Even more pathetic. He knew it hadtouched him. He’d felt its hand gripping his wrist and braced for the burn, butinstead it was like a layer of flesh peeled away, his arm and fingers changing.The jotun had seen it too; he’d seen the surprise in its hideous red eyes andmanaged to react first even as his thoughts were racing ahead in leaps andbounds.
Some thing of magic, perhaps, someinnate defense of his power-
Liar. Deny all you like;the truth was there, written on your skin.
Loki watched with dazed, distanthorror as Odin cast Thor into the Void, stripping him of immortality, ofstrength, of power. Throwing him down.
And this is how he treats hisfavored son, whisperedthe poisonous thought at the back of his mind. What fate lies ahead of you? Selfish, to think of himself when it was Thor whowas lost, and this was not whathe’d wanted, but some part of himwas relieved.
Something ugly and awful wasseething in his gut. A question he couldn’t stop asking and didn’t wantanswered.
What are you, Loki?
What are you?
He seized a servant’s arm as hewalked back to his rooms. “Bring ice to my quarters,” he said harshly. “Threebuckets worth. No, four.”
She looked at him nervously, andLoki wondered what his face looked like. Wild? Savage? (Monstrous?) “Yes,Prince Loki,” she said. “Immediately.”
Loki nodded sharply and releasedher. Rumor would pass through the palace like a whirlwind, wondering about thesecond prince’s demand, but his reputation for eccentricity would (for once)serve him well.
He closed the door of his rooms andsagged back against it, breathing hard. He raised one hand to push back throughhis hair and realized it was shaking.
His hands. Loki studied them again,but they did not change. He could almost convince himself he had imaginedit. He kept thinking, desperately, trying to find some alternate explanationbut his mind only provided him with evidence for the one thing he desperatelydid not want to be true.
You were often ill during thesummers. You look nothing like Thor, or Odin, or Frigga. You have always been odd, always been wrong, alwaysthe less favored (ill-favored).
Who knows?
Odin must know. He had to. Friggaas well. Thor? No, not Thor; Thor would never have abided living with...what hewas. (Wasn’t. You can’t be sure.Not yet.) Was this the source ofthe mistrust, the doubt, the hesitance to offer him the same rewards asAsgard’s golden son-
Because he wasn’t Asgard’s son atall.
Nausea surged and Loki stumbledinto the bathroom and vomited. His stomach heaved and clenched and he gagged,his eyes squeezed closed, nose burning. He pounded one fist against the warmedstones of the floor until he felt his knuckles split.
It was impossible. Everyone knewthat...they were ancestral enemies. The jotnar were beasts, animals, scarcelycapable of civilization. Odin would never...he would never. Itdidn’t make sense for Loki to be-
(can you not even think it)
-to be jotun. One of the creaturesthat had haunted his nightmares as a boy. Thor’s voice: I will hunt down the monsters and slay them all.
Will you slay me, Thor? Loki thought wildly, and started laughing, laughter that turnedinto retching again. He was going to turn himself inside out. He felt feverish,shaky.
There was blood on the floor wherehe’d broken his hand open. Red.
Jotnar bled blue. He’d seen enoughof it to know that.
He heard a knock on the door andjumped, part of him thinking wildly they’vefound me, the guard is here to drag me out and cut off my head, they’re goingto kill me I’m going to die, butthen he remembered his request for ice. He needed to know. Needed to (didn’twant to) be sure.
Loki paused. He could still turnaround. Could still stop this and pretend he had seen nothing and convincehimself that there was nothing wrong with him, that he wasn’t one of them (amonster), that his life wasn’t one great lie crumbling under his feet. Second prince of Asgard? Oh, no. Not you.
What are you, if not that?
Some crawling thing, somebeast that had been brought into the bosom of Asgard for- for what purpose? What use? Yourfather does nothing without cause, Friggahad said once when Loki was protesting the unfairness of some decision oranother, and it was true, Loki knew that it was. What cause this, then, what possible reason-
His mouth was full of saliva.Stumbling over to the door, Loki wrenched it open. “Bring them in,” he saidsimply, and stood back. Waiting until the door closed on the last face,unsuccessfully trying to hide his curiosity, Loki brought the buckets into thebathroom, one after the other, and poured them into the tub.
What happens if you’re right? Whatdo you do then?
Loki stuck both his arms into theice, elbow-deep. It was cold, cold enough to make his bones ache.
Nothing happened.
Drawing back slowly, Loki examinedhis arms. Still just the same as they had been. Relief swept through him and hesagged forward with a fractured sound. It wasn’t true. Of course itwasn’t true. What had he been thinking?
No, whispered that poisonous voice at the back of his mind, cold andimplacably certain. It’s not coldenough. Their touch is cold enough to burn.
Turn back. Stop now, just accept,let this go. You don’t need to know. What will you gain?
Certainty. The truth, that elusivecreature that every liar craved. The satisfaction of curiosity.
Loki could feel himself fracturing.Didn’t want to believe it, but pieces were falling together, evidenceruthlessly accumulating, his mind laying it all out in front of him and forcinghim to look. You see. Staggering to his feet, Loki went to splash hisface in the sink and caught a glimpse of his face in the mirror.
Pale, his eyes red-rimmed, theimage of madness.
Loki blinked and stared at theshattered looking-glass, splinters embedded in his hand. He backed away fromit, a howl building in his chest that he swallowed back.
He knew what he had to do. Therewas one way to be sure.
Please, Loki thought, staring at his broken reflection. Let me be wrong.
Thor’s voice, again: we can finish them together!
Please, Norns, be merciful. Let mebe wrong.
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Triadverse Week, 4/1 – Author’s choice: Sigyn/Loki/Angrboda & Natashas/Clint/Laura
Also, I think this means that the three one-shots before this one in this ‘verse all became sequels to With Fire and Ice? Whoops... kind of.
“You must think this ‘Thanos’ guy is a pretty big threat, Tony,” Steve’s voice floated over the old flip phone.
“Considering how freaked out Thor was when he told me what he’d heard, I’d say so. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Thor look genuinely afraid before this.”
“Do you have any idea who his sources for the information are in the first place? It’s not that I don’t trust Thor, but I don’t trust a good number of the people he surrounds himself with off-world.”
“Yeah,” Tony drew in a slow breath before beginning, “About that…”
The day before
Sigyn and Angrboda ran together through the icy woods, and the blonde had a moment of thinking to be grateful that it was spring so the snow wasn’t nearly so thick or difficult to travel through as they went towards where their children were waiting. All six were near one of Loki’s portals to Midgard, a precaution they’d been told to take the moment their home was surrounded by murderous foot soldiers of Jotunheim’s king.
Sleipnir met them first, and Sigyn saw her biological sons behind him, the older three forming a protective sort of wall between the rest of the world and their three younger siblings. And emerging from behind an overhang of melting ice… Loki, winded but in one piece.
Angrboda and Sigyn froze, staring at him.
He smiled, halfway between his normal, teasing smile and something much more repentant. “When I realized what the soldiers were at the house for, I panicked,” he explained quickly. “I left a double there to fight with you and myself went with the children. I apologize; there was simply no time to tell you. I thought you had seen me go with the children.”
“We didn’t,” Angrboda bit out sharply – but in the next second she had thrown her arms around him and was clinging for dear life, murmuring, “Don’t you ever do that again, or I will kill you myself.”
They all knew enough to believe her.
“I know,” Loki said, “That the plan was to escape to Midgard if we needed to, but I think we ought to first inform Thor of what’s coming. Thanos is more than what most could handle even expecting him; the best thing we can do is give my brother as much time as possible to gather as many as possible to aid him –” Loki drew in a deep breath, and Sigyn saw a fear he might never admit to in his eyes as he corrected, “Us in our fight against Thanos and his army.”
“Agreed,” Sigyn nodded, already starting to shepherd the children back the way that she and Angrboda had come. There was a portal to Asgard between here and the farm that they could all use, and as it was, their children would be safest on Asgard in the first place.
“Who do you think Thor will draw in to fight alongside us?” Angrboda asked, and Sigyn could see her working out battle plans and potentialities in her head as they began to walk.
Loki drew in a second breath like the first, and Sigyn knew the answer already, though he at first said only, “His Midgardian comrades from… before, I’d imagine.”
“Lovely,” Angrboda murmured, and Sigyn couldn’t tell how sincere – or insincere – she was.
“And you’re sure Thanos is this big of a threat?” Steve asked again. “Because if I bring my guys out of Wakanda, and this doesn’t have the severity that you think it will—”
“Rogers,” Tony broke in, staring in shock out the window of his office. “It’s that bad. I promise you it’s that bad.”
“How do you know that if Thor hasn’t given you a real, comprehensive rundown of what you’re going to be dealing with?”
“Because,” Tony grimaced even as the words came out of his mouth. “I just watched the Bifrost land in the yard, and now I’m watching Thor, three women, and Loki make their way into the facility. Bring the others now, will you?”
Suddenly, there were no more questions in Steve’s voice as he said shortly, “Right. We’re on our way.”
“Last time I checked, Nat, Tony wasn’t real happy with you when you jumped ship to stay in Wakanda,” Clint commented.
“Last time I checked,” Natasha replied, fastening a strand of widow’s bites around her wrist, “Tony had bigger problems on his mind then me staying with my spouses.”
“Like Loki showing up and wanting to help us fight this guy?” Scott suggested.
“I’m telling you,” Clint looked over his shoulder at Scott. “Loki isn’t a problem – not in the scope of things, and not at all if you talk to the right people.”
“Since when are you guys ‘the right people,’ though?” Steve asked. “Tony says Loki and a couple of the women with him are refusing to talk – at all – until you and Nat are there.”
“Suffice to say that we learned to put up with one another during Wakanda’s scuffle with Russia,” Natasha replied.
“It sounds like your downright friendly,” Sam remarked, though at least his tone held no real suspicion.
Natasha and Clint shared a glance, but each elected to stay silent as they finished preparing to land at the Avenger’s facility.
Tony and Thor met them when they landed, and Steve moved ahead of the others to shake Tony’s hand. “Talk after this is through?” Steve suggested, to which Tony gave a quick, curt, nod.
And that was that.
Beside him, Clint barely heard Natasha release a small, tense breath.
“Shall we, my friends?” Thor asked, gesturing back to the facility. “We have much to talk about, and now that we’re all here, I’d imagine my brother and sisters-in-law will be more forthcoming with the information that they have to share.”
“Loki’s going to talk about Thanos?” Clint double-checked in surprise.
“He has opted to, yes,” Thor nodded, though his eyes had darkened with thoughts that Clint could only guess at. “He’s said Thanos is an adversary that merits such… discomfort.”
Clint was pretty sure that ‘discomfort’ was a kind word for what Loki was feeling right now, but he knew Thor only wanted to protect his brother, so he kept his mouth shut.
“You’re sure that Loki’s willing to work with us on this?” Steve asked – Clint had stopped keeping track of how many times the question had been posed.
“Yes,” Thor replied firmly.
Natasha fixed the rest of the team with a firm glare, adding, “Listen, boys, if Loki is what I’ve come to believe he is, the fact that his wives are here with him says a great deal about his intent. If he meant to cause trouble, he wouldn’t put them in harm’s way too – which means he’s not in the mood to cause trouble, but to stop it. Okay?”
Natasha, at least, Tony and Steve both still trusted to put her personal feelings aside for the sake of the impending battle. If she said Loki and his wives could be trusted in this fight, then they believed her. And for now, that was enough.
For now, this tense, hesitantly struck truce was enough… because it had to be.
“Okay,” Steve and Tony replied together.
Then Tony’s chest rose and fell as he drew in a breath and nodded to Cap. Cap, in turn, swept his gaze across all of them as they filed into the room where Vision was already waiting with Loki, Sigyn, and Angrboda. “All right, Avengers,” he paused a beat, as if he was reconsidering everything only to return to the same conclusion he’d already made. “…time to assemble.”
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