#go listen to his asmr
mintygreencake · 5 months
Little reminder,
Your faves would not be alive if it wasn't for Milo Greer. And I stand by that, because if Asher stayed in the ward any longer I promise you he'd be on t-shirt. That also goes for Damien, David, Lovely and most likely Huxley. 💀 (Probably Sam and Vincent too cuz I know they wouldn't last too long)
Your faves would have been your favorite clothing brand by the time the department gathered their forces.
Just another reason why Milo Greer is THAT guy, shout out to my man he just built like that 😭
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nortyourself · 1 year
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It’s been a couple weeks and in case anyone was wondering i still love Hush a normal amount.
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pearl-kite · 8 days
So new Vega audio, right. Heads up this got WAY longer than I meant so uh. Prepare to scroll, I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
In advance, I don't even really know when things get posted to youtube time-of-day-wise, so this is probably technically spoiler material, etc etc, and a bit heavily flavored by particular headcanon for the Warden, especially the details of their job.
You work at the Department, your favorite part is psychology-related casework. Sure, the serenity demons have got that corner covered, but you enjoy helping when they're short-handed in between the times you have to do demon-specific tasks like ward maintenance, etc.
You get this fucking file, red flags ALL over it, but you're good at your job, you know how to keep your personal shit separate and not fall for manipulation tactics, but the guy is good. You're also good enough to see through it all, but oh man is he pat.
Shit happens and suddenly you're kidnapped, sort of? And you can see every time he tries to be subtle and nudge you to think one way or another, but he is actually helping you, which yeah, sure that's a manipulation in and of itself, but he's almost nice? You don't agree with a lot of what he says, but there are some points he has that you've had before, but you'll be damned if you're going to let him know that. You can see what he's doing and you're not going to fall for it (maybe that's the problem though, you think you can see it but does that make you overconfident?)
And then when you're finally better he just. Lets you leave. But he gives you an option, and it sounds not only logical, but nice (ah shit did you start to like him? You know he's manipulating you, remember?). So you stick with him. You can leave anytime.
But you don't leave, because maybe you started to forget that he's manipulating you, you saw through it all at the beginning, after all, and there's plenty of evidence that he's not lying about shit going on with that cult.
One day he says he values you, and you immediately think it's a trick, and you can't read his emotions the way he can read yours, but something feels honest about it, and suddenly you believe it when he says you matter, and you like that, you like it a lot, and you think maybe you're a little fucked because you might do anything he asks you to at this point.
And then not even a half hour later something fucking disintegrates him in front of you, which shouldn't have been possible, and it terrifies you and you run. You forget that you can fucking rift away in an instant and you use your fucking feet and sprint, you're so terrified.
Where the fuck are you supposed to go? You ditched your job, even if you were abducted in the first place, do you even have any friends outside of work?
To make things more confusing, some fucking piece of paper materializes out of nowhere for you, and you read it. It feels like a confession, but it's from that bastard so how are you supposed to believe it, and it tells you to just forget him and move on and what the fuck, man, how?
So you read it again, and another couple times, and maybe you end up back at the safe house you had been abducted to at first and you reread it enough that maybe you start to memorize it. And when you finally put it back down to reconsider what you're supposed to do, the thing that killed him suddenly pops in with him alive next to it like he didn't just disintegrate in front of you hours ago.
And he doesn't remember it. He doesn't remember you. He doesn't address you properly, doesn't remember your name and doesn't call you darling. But he does remember? He remembers you but nothing about you? And he begs you to explain what's going on because his memory is about 2000 years old at this point and he doesn't know if there's anyone else that can catch him up.
He's begging, and you don't think this is a trick anymore. For the first time, you're positive he isn't manipulating you, he's pleading.
He asks what your relationship was (good question). You try to hedge and he calls you out. You tell him it's complicated.
What do you mean complicated.
You don't really know how to say "Well, I was your department-appointed therapist of sorts, you abducted me, but then you offered to have me tag along on your mission to save the world and you've manipulated me so much through the whole thing that I can't really tell what was real and what wasn't and then you died in front of me and left me this note that honestly just made it more unclear what we were," so you stick with "You died and left me this note" and hand him the piece of paper you already memorized to read.
And he doesn't just read it to himself, he reads it out loud, so you get to hear the fucking thing in his voice now, and why does he sound so shaken by the request to forget him, does he hate reading that part as much as you did?
He finishes the letter and doesn't understand why you said it was complicated, that made it sound pretty straightforward, why would he have called you darling and dearest and praised you like that if it hadn't been straightforward?
You don't know what else to say, and thank god he drops it, but even though he knows now what he called you he keeps addressing you wrong and you hate it, you're not just an inchoate you're his warden, but he asks if you'll keep helping him and you almost want to say of course you idiot but you just say you will.
Anyway I was very insane about this last night, I don't know if this accurately gets that across, but then again it's about 5 times longer than I meant so maybe that's the insanity.
I've never really been good at putting my reactions into words, it never quite gets across the vibrating flailing aaaaaa feel that my brain goes through, but be assured my brain is vibrating flailing aaaaaa
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guys i have no idea who jerma is but istg i just sat here for like 10 minutes just watching a gif of him eating a burger because it was SO ODDLY SATISFYING???
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hammerhead-jpg · 8 months
Do any Nate Wexler designs exist?
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I kinda hate this lmao
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vladimpale · 4 months
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oh you don't mind if i snap a few pictures do you (x)
(i listened to this series so many times i couldn't not draw some fanart)
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nat-seal-well · 2 years
Vincent 💙
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imblocking-you · 9 months
As a Kaleidoscope of Death enjoyer, I'm really having fun with the vibes the Dreadful Night world is offering
#dreadful night#kaleidoscope of death#// maple#manhwa#listening to rain and river asmr too really sets that chilly camping in the mountains tone#what is one with bada's partner (i forgot his name) he's so sus#like he wants to help but the way he goes about it makes you think otherwise#ch 17 not killing hyungshin but giving him a death flag triggering statement smart but also cruel 😭😭#the full immersion and when the chills start OH YK ITS GETTJNG GREAT#i love reading horror over watching precisely for this reason bc you dont just follow a story#you flesh out a world in your head and you get to live in it as well#your consciousness stands among the characters while the plot plays out in your head#and when it's not just horrow but they're aware of exactly what's going on and are trying to play it smart#but there's still an air of wonder of what's about to transpire#LOVE IT#ch. 20 i keep forgetting his name 😭 but PARTNER DAMN WHAT A POT STIRRER YOU ARE#wait no sorry for judging you#ALSO this has got to be brain expanding for hyungshin like how a normal person should act learning it's a game#being annoying and curious and shit unlike partner here who is oddly calm about everything 💀#he moves so strategically it's annoying bro is the embodiment of never let them know your next move#also the way they incorporated sex here 😭 crazy#but i love the vibes so 🤷‍♂️#im glad we're all acknowledging that partner is truly blackhearted#cunning x perceptive is hiking up in my ship list lowkey#and a character trait i'm starting to like is 'ambiguously something' LMAO#ch. 22 this is a whole 180 from kod couple's dynamic#well granted they're in diff circumstances but still the personalities presented are very interesting#keeps me on the tip of my toes love these type of stories
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p0pp3t · 1 year
rip vincent solaire you would’ve loved laufey
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free-boundsoul · 1 year
I'm adding Milo to my mental list of brat tamers
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dollvre · 1 year
vincent's new audio spoilers!!
"cause what I'm hungry for isn't on the menu at a place like this. It's sitting right across from me."
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asmrbrainrot · 4 months
Oh to be surprise adopted into a theater club by a 55 year old (I think) centaur man~! Anyways, time to overanalyze @darkandtwistedasmr’s storytelling again!
Spoilers under the cut:
So I had a LOT of feelings about this audio being a theater kid myself, but largely, when I analyzed this facet of Academy life (or more accurately Professor Bairon specifically) I see an aging thespian held back by his fear of change.
Profesor Bairon is, at first glance, the stereotypical comedically dramatic theater teacher wash-up who’s waiting for a big break that’s never gonna happen, however; I do believe he does have potential as an actor, but he’s holding himself (and by proxy his students) back by sticking to what he knows. Bairon clearly knows what he’s doing, it’s even implied he used to have at least some notoriety as an actor. The problem is, he hasn’t changed with the times. Don’t get me wrong, respecting and holding onto traditions can be great but theater is a living art form, always changing. After all, all “old ways” were once new at some point.
Take Shakespeare for example, when we learn about his writings in history and english they’re revered as some amazing eloquent masterpieces reminding us of a more civilized and “high-brow” point in entertainment history. But that’s completely bogus! Shakespeare’s writings were vulgar, crass, lewd, and full of potty humor! Not to mention the reason it sounds “elegant” is because that’s just how old English sounded. To the people of the time it would’ve just been a crass comedy or (equally crass) dramatic tragedy.
Bairon believes he is safe in these supposed “traditional” methods, but fails to realize why they became so popular in the first place. At the time they were new, exiting, and funny! But now everyone has heard those stories, and moved on from such methods. Not to say that they’re bad or shouldn’t be implemented, but at some point you have to try something new. That’s what theater is about, getting up on stage and telling a story despite the risk that it may not be absorbed in the way you intended.
And that is what Bairon is afraid of. Heck! Even in his original stage play he’s telling the story of Queen Mila, (who I have some theories on btw) but everyone already knows about her. They’ve heard the stories and songs and tales. He dips his toes (or hooves rather) into prospect of the new by including the listener as Queen Mila’s admirer, but he’s solely leaning into the exoticism of having a human onstage rather than listening to the ideas of his students. (As demonstrated by him completely highjacking Heather’s theater club)
He’s desperate to find the spotlight again but is unwilling will to risk controversy. What makes his situation even sadder is that since the academy has opened up to all sorts of creative creatures now, the theater department has the potential to combine the stories and culture of other races with the resources and influence of the academy!
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk, here’s a cookie for your troubles 🍪
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mr-laveau · 2 years
Yes, I heard the new Anton audio. Yes I'm thinking up a design for Love (not to be confused w asset), and yes they run a fuckin' flowershop and they're the cutest, sweetest person you've ever fuckin' seen. No I don't have a problem, I'm fine and you just need to get on my level /j
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swanconcerto · 9 months
why's erik dead to you im genuinely curious im so out of the loop??
anon i’m going to keep it so real with you these last people videos have been flopping so hard it’s got me questioning if i’m still attracted to men
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endless-nightshift · 2 years
Love the concept of a telepathic listener and how sweet that could be....
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captain-crackship · 1 year
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