#god I hate Zionist Jews so much
absolutepenis · 3 months
hey just wanted you to know that kick-a-long seems to be a zionist or at least somewhere in that field as they're tagging posts with things like 'I stand with lsrael'
I am pro pal and pro 2 state solution or at least some other solution than the god awful one we have now but I think it says a lot about the current situation how I, as a Jew, started having a panic attack when I got even just the NOTIFICATION that I got a message in my inbox because of the uptick of antisemitism literally anywhere and the amount of hate we are all subject to. I stand up for Palestine but I also think it is important to listen to other Jewish voices around me, so yes, maybe I will reblog something from a "zionist" even if it is completely unrelated to Zionism (which by the way, is literally JUST the concept of Jewish people belonging in their ethnic homeland, yes, some people are Kahanist and take it to a much further much worse level) and perhaps more related to Judaism, antisemitism, or even the shoah. yes first world problems yes whatever. i'm sorry y'all. thanks for the information. maybe we should all read more books and touch more grass.
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matan4il · 6 months
Some thoughts, on this complex Purim...
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-> As a reminder that the Bible never forgets to root the stories of Jews anywhere in our eternal bond to the Land of Israel, because Judaism itself is intrinsically Zionist, the story of Mordechai begins by recounting his family history, and how his family in Persian originates in Jerusalem (Esther 2:5-6).
-> The story of recruiting Esther to save the Jewish people (Esther 4:10-14) includes a warning from Mordechai to his niece, not to think that she of all Jews would be spared the genocide of her people that Haman is planning, just because she dwells in the house of the king. This is absolutely relevant for all self-hating / self-erasing Jews, who have internalized antisemitic narratives, and think they will be treated better, or simply be better, by adhering to the idea of being"good Jews," meaning throwing the rest of us, along with essential parts of Jewish history and identity, under the bus.
-> But the meaning of the warning goes deeper than that. Esther is not being unreasonable when she doesn't want to go to the king without having been summoned. If he accepts her, she would be fine, but if he doesn't, which seems more likely (as she states he hasn't called for her in a month), she will be killed (which is not a fate she's likely to escape even as the queen, when King Achashverosh has a history of getting rid of defiant wives, as recounted in Esther 1). Is Mordechai's warning enough, then? Esther's death seems much more assured if she defies the king personally, than the possibility that her being Jewish might be discovered. Appealing to her sense of self preservation alone would not be enough, then. Which is why I think Mordechai did more than that...
-> Mordechai uses words of warning, but he's reminding her of a core Jewish value: that WE see our fate as being inherently linked to that of the entirety of the Jewish people. When Mordechai says she alone will not escape, he may not be talking about concrete death. Maybe no one would figure out that Esther is Jewish. Maybe she will be safe in the king's palace. Maybe she would physically survive Haman's planned genocide of Jews. But would she actually survive in such a case? She IS a Jew. And as such, one of our core values is Jewish solidarity, caring about every other Jewish person, being a part of the greater Jewish community. If that's all gone, if every Jew other than Esther is killed, and if the only reason she remained alive, is because she betrayed a core part of being Jewish, which is caring about her people, didn't she truly survive, is she still herself?
-> And then Mordechai also makes her an offer. He has faith that somehow, even though there's no reason to believe this would happen, the Jews will be saved. Mordechai doesn't ask her to save the Jewish People, because otherwise they are doomed. He trusts that there will be a miracle. He's offering her the chance to be that miracle, the chance to be remembered as the savior of the Jews, instead of her memory forever being tainted as a traitor to her people. If she did choose her own life instead, it is certain in his mind that she's as good as having perished, even as all the Jews will be physically saved.
-> And after having shared with her his faith, he appeals to hers. Maybe she can trust in God, that she of all girls in the vast Persian Empire became queen, exactly so she could help save her people.
-> And in response, Esther asks Mordechai and the Jews to fast for her. She will go to the king, she will do what she can to stand by her people, by her Jewish values, by her identity, by her faith, even if it will result in her death (Esther 4:15-16).
-> Purim is the ultimate story of how much Jews can make a difference. God is not mentioned in any way in the Book of Esther. There's faith expressed in the salvation of his people, there's the implication that it was possible thanks to him, but this story is about the bravery and strength of regular Jewish people, and how their choice to stand by their morals, by their faith and by each other can even prevent a genocide.
(in the following photo: Purim 1946, Jews reading the Megillah, the Book of Esther, at a Displaced Persons camp in an American-occupied part of Germany)
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-> And to me, that's the ultimate reason why Purim is such a cause for celebration, when we have to be happy. Not just because we were saved (and as always when we have been, we get to eat). It's also because we get to celebrate ourselves as regular people, our values, and what we can achieve when we don't give up on them. That in turn becomes a source of strength as well, and helps us to keep going. It's a self perpetuating cycle of the best kind. It is no surprise to me then, that even during and after the Holocaust, whenever it was in any way possible, Jews celebrated Purim.
(in the following photo: Purim 2024, kids in the Golan Heights laying down on the ground in their costumes, as a siren goes off)
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-> For most of us, this is the hardest Purim to celebrate in our life time. I pray it stays that way, and we never experience anything near what happened on Oct 7 again. And still, I feel called upon to remind myself and anyone interested, that we must celebrate. That we have to make sure genocidal antisemites don't rob us of our joy and strength, of our sense of community and what we can achieve together. That we should remember even more than in other years what regular people (Jews and allies) managed to do, simply by standing by their morals and humaneness. That we can have faith this will continue to fuel us as we move forward and, as we have had to do in the past, find a way to re-build ourselves and our future, committing ourselves to making it better than what we had before.
(in the following photo: Tel Aviv's Purim street celebration in 1934, 14 years before the State of Israel declared Independence)
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(in the following photo: Jerusalem's Purim street celebration, 2024)
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Chag Purim Sameach!
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(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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old-school-butch · 10 months
What do they think Hamas wants? What do they think Israel is supposed to do? Do they seriously think Israel is supposed to be like sure here you go we are all going to leave Israel and you can have everything? Do they think that would bring about peace? I’m serious. Like really do they think there is anything Israel could do that would stop any of this? Do they think Israel should’ve done nothing and this situation would’ve just disappeared? Americans are the dumbest fucking people on the planet. Hamas wants compliance or death, that’s how terrorism works, that’s war.
Whoever is running the information warfare at Hamas is truly brilliant. The ideology of Islamists has been run through some kind of autotuner so it sounds like it came from a chapter in Pedagogy of the Oppressed and Western liberals are eating it up. While liberals are still catching up on which river and which sea the chant refers to, they still don't grasp that the end goal here is the elimination of the state of Israel entirely. And while 20% of Israelis are Arab Muslims, there are zero Jews in Gaza. The PR people are saying Zionist these days instead of Jews, so maybe it doesn't sound too bad when they say Kill All Zionists but that's just the English translation. Zionism is the creation of a Jewish state. Hamas will call it the 'Zionist entity' because they don't recognize it as a state. They don't recognize it because all states should be Muslim. Israel is occupying territory that should be Muslim. When they say 'end the occupation' it sounds like a call for liberation of an oppressed people, instead of the desire to destroy Israel, kill or expel the Jews and create a Muslim state in its place.
Yemen's Houthi rebels (who are currently attacking Israel) have a slogan "God is the Greatest, Death to America, Death to Israel, A Curse Upon the Jews, Victory to Islam" and I think it says a lot that they take the time to double down on how much they hate Jews/Israel instead of a single 'Houthis are great!' thrown into their own slogan.
The Islamists have noted the 'anti-colonial' rhetoric in Western universities and capitalized on it by positioning Israel as a proxy for the West and thus a scapegoat for the West's sins of imperialism. It does rely on some very old anti-Semitic tricks - because Jews assimilate fairly well (because they don't have an evangelical aspect to the faith) they are both within a culture and othered from the culture - the perfect scapegoat. Many liberals shrugged when the Nazis marching in Charlottesville chanted "Jews will not replace us" but the suspicion that Jews control the media, capitalism, also socialism, Hollywood (and any other center of power you can imagine) runs very deep in Western cultural anxiety. Imagining Israel as a prowerful villian is all too easy when you're primed to believe that.
A wild example of this is how Westerners view Israel as a colonialist power rather than a gathering point for religious refugees. The reality that Jews originated from the land of JUDEA should not be hard to grasp, but is conveniently ignored. The fact that they've negotiated with colonial powers like Britain and the UN is viewed as a sign of political power, even though the main goal of those colonial powers was to prevent Jewish refugees from flooding their own countries. And the memory that the post WW2 boost in political heft came at the price of the Holocaust in Europe, seems to have been lost. The reality that most Israelis are Jewish refugees expelled from Muslim countries, is conveniently ignored. There are enough white faces and dual citizens in Israel for guilty Westerners to find a convenient scapegoat to do all that decolonizing and let themselves be destroyed for our sins. Not that anyone is thinking that hard about it, it just feels right, because it's safe and convenient to accept blame and then shift it to someone else - no matter how many land acknowledgements they crank out.
I guess Westerners think colonizing is something only white people do, and they are blissfully unaware of the size and scope of the Arab Islamic Empires of the past. And also apparently unaware that Islamists explicitly say they want to recreate that empire. Zionists want a single state - and I have a lot of issues with the idea of a religious state at all, but no one can accuse Jews of ever having or wanting to create an Empire. Israel might be criticized for not having a more liberal democractic state, but Hamas isn't even trying to create one. It wants a single Muslim state occupying their entire region, where Jews are killed or expelled and Islamists can consolidate regional power - that's their goal. But the slogan is 'end the occupation' which sounds way nicer than 'end the occupation of land of Israel by Jews so we can make an Islamic state in its place and kill all the Jews who don't run away fast enough.'
Maybe it's that most Westerners don't live in a theocracy, and have no sense of just how controlling and energetic theocratic societies can be, that they can't grasp the idea of global jihad and what that really means. "The Caliphate is the answer" is written in Arabic on protest signs, flying under the radar of English-speakers and certainly not seen as hate speech, but when people tell you they want to establish a global world order under Islamic rule, and are actively coordinating their efforts between states and regions - you should believe them. Moderation is apostasy, punishable by death. Anyone negotiating with Israel faces opposition from more radical Islamists ready to take their place. This is why Islamists spend most of their time attacking more moderate Islamic states and leaders. And by 'moderate' I mean the Taliban, which can barely set up a state in Afghanistan - because it means diverting resources from expanding and conquering other areas. A group called ISIS-K is trying to overturn the Taliban to bring back the glory days of the Khorason, an entity so sprawling it would involve invading China, Pakistan, Iran, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan, which would undoubtedly spark a global conflict. That doesn't phase them. Hamas can barely control the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, which rejects any peace accords with Israel including the Oslo accord. Dying as a martyr is the highest achivement - eternal war is not a problem. The Islamic world is failing to contain radical movements it created and supported for its own interests.
The Palestinians are a good microcosm of this. When Israel declared independence in 1948, the region was invaded by its neighbors. The war ended with Jordan occupying the West Bank and Egypt occupying Gaza and normally the people living there would have been absorbed into these countries, or created a self-governed state. Instead Palestinians, as a group, were created as a stateless people. They didn't want to form a state within the boundaries determined by the war, but instead remain as refugees from a war and promised the 'right of return' i.e. that Israel would be returned to them. Importantly, the war didn't have a declared end. It's still happening, which is how they are still refugees 75 years later. And they live in 'refugee camps', otherwise known as buildings and towns, but it's all temporary in this narrative. Does no one wonder why the pro-Palestinian rallies call for a ceasefire and not for peace? Peace is not desired, just a pause in fighting until they can regroup and try again.
A separate reality was created where the 1948 war is still happening, Israel is not real, it's a 'Zionist entity' occupying the land and that refugees includes everyone displaced by the 'ongoing' war, and all their descendants are refugees too because they have nowhere to live - because where they are living is just temporary. And ‘all they want is to go home’ (but not their current home for 3 generations, the home back in Israel ofc). In this world, they all have to right to live in the region that the zionist entity is occupying, where their duty is to establish a Muslim state. The purpose of this fiction is to create a perpetual problem for Israel, a stateless population whose entire existence is focused on them eventually overthrowing Israel. But it's had unexpected effects.
Palestinian refugees have been more than willing to bring violence to any country that has taken them in as immigrants. Their nationalists have a long list of assassinations of anyone who supports a peace treaty with Israel, including the King of Jordan, the former prime minister of Lebanon, Robert F Kennedy and more. They've also started a civil war in Jordan until they were expelled to Lebanon, where they hijacked a series of international flights and started a civil war there that lasted for 15 years. Palestinians living as refugees in Kuwait aided Saddam Hussein's invading army until they were expelled when his regime fell. These are the reasons none of Israel's neighbor's will accept any more Palestinian refugees, but the Islamist problem remains for any country in its path. What I have found most disturbing among feminists on Tumblr, however, is the complete wilful ignorance about Islamist ideology and its relationship to women. You think you’re ok with the Quran? Read it. There aren't many religions founded by a conqueror who wanted to rule the world. Read what it says about conquest, murder, torture, raping and enslaving non-Muslim women. Arab slave traders castrated men and bred female slaves who were kept as captive wives. Using sexual violence as a tool of war and as a reward for Islamic fighters is long documented and continues today. The birth rate in Gaza is about 5 children per woman and frequently exhorted to be higher. Why? Arafat said it most clearly ‘the womb of the Palestinian woman is the weapon that will defeat Israel.' Population and fertility are part of the political landscape and Islamist strategy. It's how Lebanon went from being a Christian majority country to a Muslim majority country today. There is no reason whatsoever that feminists - who have not shied away from criticizing the sexism of Christianity or Judaism - should mince words when it comes to criticizing Islam in the strongest possible terms. Islamists - who combine Islam with a goal for global dominance - should ring every alarm bell we have.
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gryficowa · 3 months
Here are the common features I saw among Zionists on the Internet:
They have the Israeli flag on their profile picture (Seriously, it's weird, I can understand the Palestinian flag, because it's not the first time people showed support like that, it happened with the French flag at one point, but yours? Strange)
They often have Hebrew in their descriptions (Although their blog is usually in English) and mention that they are Jews (It's probably not a crime, but it does its job with Hebrew… I don't know why, but when I came across Zionists, their description always has words in Hebrew and mention that they are Jews…)
Of course they are bullshitting around the clock on October 7 and blaming Hamas (Because even the Palestinians themselves are Hamas to them)
David star, related to the flag of Israel, but sometimes you can come across a Zionist with this symbol on his profile, not every person with this symbol on his profile is a Zionist (I saw one person in the tags about free Palestine who talked about what Israel is doing to the Palestinians, so yeah , compared to the flag of Israel it is not so certain, is anyone a zionist?
Of course they will deny the existence of Palestinian Jews, what do you require? That they accept other Jews who are not European?
They will use your ethnicity and origin as an attack (Poles, Germans and Muslims)
Of course you will meet Zionists who will claim that other Holocaust victims are "Stealing Jewish things"
Profiles without profiles, but entire blogs are fucking porn
They will attack other Jews in the comments for supporting Palestine, using the texts "You hate yourself" or "They would kill you there"
Of course they will defend Israel's crimes, because the Torah told them that they deserved this land, so fuck the indigenous people (Which they are not, because they are Europeans, or possibly Asians)
Threatening with rape because their level is typical of housing estate pathology
Everyone is anti-Semitic, even Jews, what the fuck don't you understand?
They use information as fresh as a student's sandwich left in the haversack all summer long
Of course, for every crime committed by Israel, they will go into "But Hamas!" mode
They love pinkwashing and homonationalism, unlike LGBT+ people who don't buy this shit
They love to see themselves as victims when real victims want to hit them with a frying pan
Racism, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, Zionism in a nutshell
Their empathy went out for milk and didn't come back for decades
Sure they will call you a Nazi even though they collaborated with the Nazis, which sounds legit
They swear more than a typical Pole
They don't know the difference between manja and swastika, but they themselves wouldn't want their star to become a symbol as they see manja, which has nothing to do with Nazism, and also has a rich history and has been around longer than Hitler stole it, yes, it makes a lot of sense , yes, it references the Pokemon controversy because oh god! In the Japanese version there is manji, and this kata was imported! Obviously it's time to cancel Japan!
They are so fucked up that they enjoy raping Palestinians and dying children…
Yes, Polish anger, when Damian Soból died, Israelis started memeing it and calling him a Nazi (And from Hitler), so I don't have much to add, I won't forget it
I don't know why but a lot of Zionists are LGBT+ which is weird, it just sounds sus (I'm aroace)
Many Zionist blogs have "Anti-Semitism" in their names, which is interesting
They consider Poland a country that cooperated with the Nazis, which is a lie, Poles were victims of the Nazis, and many died in concentration camps along with the Jews
Of course they appropriated the watermelons, because Zionists only know how to steal (Oh, you can see how much Polishness they have)
You can fight for Sudan and Congo, but you will be an anti-Semite because you are also fighting for Palestine, what don't you understand, you stupid non-Jew?
A text about Ukraine, because of course, white people have to be in the spotlight all the time, and the rest? They not white so they has to die, typical mentality…
Of course they use the Jewish tag, because it is known that Zionists must represent the Jews, no, good plan (They probably think they are safe, no, you won't be safe, we will harass you for supporting the genocide)
Yes, these are many of my observations (But probably many others had them too)
Zionists are simply trying to disguise themselves, but the truth is that it looks like manipulation to them, which is shit
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marzipanandminutiae · 8 months
re: your recent post about the Houthis and how you thought the free Palestine movement was all in agreement and specifically this paragraph -
"kind of makes me concerned that some people who say they're censuring Israel for the right reasons- ... -have something more sinister going on"
sadly, a whole fucking lot of them do not, in fact, care for Palestinians - or at the very least, not at much as they hate jews.
we have been talking and yelling and shouting about the amounts of rancid antisemitism overtaking the entire political spectrum, and it seems very few people listen to us. I'd like to add just a few posts that might make my point clear - took me about 3 minutes to find them
(people using (((Zionist))) to mean jew, and/or as a slur, and/or without knowing even the most basic definition, never mind the very different streams of thought regarding it)
("Hitler was a humanitarian" + Palestine flag -- which do you think the user actually believes? could they be trying to mask antisemitism as anti zionism?)
(people taking a frat-boy-esqe stupid/dangerous act of digging a tunnel under a building and turning it into... that)
(a Palestinian man trying to pave the way for peace getting called a 'slimy collaborator' and a 'zionist' (derogatory), + not in this post, but there's also John Aziz, another Gazan advocating for a peaceful resolution, who got a shitton of death threats for saying hamas' mass rape is bad)
(anti zionism and antisemitism are currently incredibly intertwined)
thank you for seeing that there's something wrong and pointing it out - a lot of people don't care enough to do that.
That is. All deeply horrifying. Pointing out misinformation is what I do, though, albeit usually about history.
And while I shouldn't have to say this in a post that's explicitly about antisemitism and the co-opting of concern for Palestine to promote it:
I do not support the Israeli government's current actions in Palestine. I think they are appalling. I think they're akin to responding to a murderer using a child as a shield by shooting the child point-blank, and that's unacceptable. This must stop. Palestinian people are being killed indiscriminately and the international community must stand up and say "no." The only thing with the word "Zion" in it that I understand well enough to have an opinion on it is Cotton Mather's "Ornaments of the Daughters of Zion" (1692, unrelated to the Levant or Judaism), but I know that killing innocents on this scale is wrong. I also think my own country, the US, should not be supplying Israel with weapons.
Clear? Hopefully so.
I'm not sure I'd agree with every view expressed by every person linked in this post, buyt that's no excuse for some of the treatment they're getting. Most of what I've seen in my orbit has been people expressing support for the Houthis- perhaps without realizing (gods, I hope so) that the Houthis are a violently antisemitic terrorist group with the slogan "a curse upon the Jews," and are currently attacking ships unrelated to Israel. I feel like some bigoted people are taking advantage of the compassion and outrage of others to lead them down really horrible ideological paths. There are some online activist types who are led more by Vibes than research, and that's a problem when a lot of misinformation seems to confirm what they're already feeling.
The Palestinian activist whose words you linked used a phrase that stands out to me: "resistance porn." That seems an apt term for people who want to assign Good Guys and Bad Guys in this conflict wholesale, rather than recognizing it as two pretty horrible leading groups- the Israeli government and Hamas -catching innocent civilians on both sides in the crossfire. This is not a YA dystopia novel. You cannot just hate every single person on or associated with one side here, or laud every single person on the other side as a bold freedom fighter.
It's just. Like. How the hell does this go so awry from the very noble, correct, and necessary goal of Stopping The Slaughter Of Innocent People? How do the monsters using people's compassion to advance hateful agendas sleep at night?
I don't know. I'm just reminded of the folks who care more about The RevolutionTM than making actual positive change right now, but with bonus antisemitism.
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tamamita · 1 year
hey there, do you know the reason many Christian Zionists (like my dad for example) will just brazenly claim Palestinians don't exist but are just "Arabs who moved to Israel who hate Jews"? I know it's BS and my suspicion is partially that it's a tactical move--how the crap do you prove to a layman that a people exists to their satisfaction when they're invested in such brazen falsehood?--but do you know the origins of this at all?
Because Arabs play no role in their doomsday prophecies, in fact, during the six-day war, you'd see Evangelicals hope for the war to last for seven days, because it would fulfill one of their prophecies-- that didn't happen, but it did give rise to greater support for Israel. With that said, you could say that Arabs are instrumental in the prophetic war against Israel, because such a war would also be a part of their end time prophecies. Now here's the thing, Christian Zionists do NOT care for other Christians; as long as you oppose Israel, they will gladly consider you an enemy. So they don't care what happens to Palestinian Christians either.
The reason why they'll ignore what you say is because they believe Israel rightfully belongs to the Israelites as was written in Genesis, when God promised to Abraham that he would bless his nation (through Isaac). While this is also upheld by religious Zionists, Evangelical Christians will take it further with the Book of Revelations. Keep in mind that the New Testament is rejected by Jewish people, it is nothing but a forgery with no relation to Jewish traditions. But for Christian Zionists, the NT accounts for much of what they believe will happen in the end of times, especially in the Book of Revelations. Evangelical Christians believe that Jewish people are instrumental in the return of Jesus. The only way to hasten his second coming is to eliminate the enemies of Israel and promote the active return of the Jewish people to Israel. Only by gathering them all and mass convert them to Christianity, can the Messiah return and establish his 1000 year reign. This view is referred to as premillenialism and is the most popular view held by Evangelical Christians in the U.S. Many of your congressmen and senators believe in this form of Zionism.
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historicxllexi · 2 months
okay i decided to watch (partly) that new jessie gender video to see how she's dealing with historical accuracy. i'm not gonna talk about every single point she made in her video, because there were some of the facts in her video that can't be overthrown like: the genesis of nationalism. but what i've noticed is that jessie can't hold herself from adding her own comment to the topics she talks about. disclaimer: i'll only talk about the section of her video about history of zionism, because if she really wanted to show the history of zionism she should present just straight facts and not add her own thoughts on the subject - she should, but she won't do it. also i'm not gonna discuss about everything she mentioned in that section (this part of her video is 1 hour long and tumblr post isn't something that would fit every logical error jesse presented in her video)
at the begging of the second section of her video she was talking about rise of nationalistic movements in 19th century europe and she haven't mentioned that idea of zionism and the believe of existence of jewish state was belittled (or hated) in europe, especially in russia/soviet union and in prussia/germany. "the protocols of the elders of the zion" was published at the time, the assimilation happened and as jesse herself mentioned: nationalistic movements started to rise. and nationalistic movements didn't care about jews (not every single movement ofc but a lot of).
she also stated that the reason why jews wanted to have their own country was because they were forced to flee their homes and migrate to other areas through centuries. which is fundamental misunderstanding of jewish persecution in europe. jews were always marganalized - pogroms were carried out against them, their houses were burned, they were executed, they were accused of drinking the blood of christian children, the church stated that the jews weren't god's chosen people anymore. a lot of them were forced to conversions. judensau, ecclesia et synagoga etc. maybe it was mentioned in the first section of video idk - but still you can't talk about history of zionism without talking about how all of these things effected jews. jesse also said something among the lines that zionists capitalized their idea of creating a state and tried to make it appealing to jews. it's nothing surprising - every political movement wants to influence on its potential members, it's just the way politics works. but in the case of people wanting their own state the situatuon looks different because people don't have to be influenced that much by political parties when they face discrimination on daily basis. it's sociology and people of certain ethnic group will always be more enthusiastic to support creation of the country where they are not gonna be blamed for everything
there was also no mention of why nazis targeted queer people, disabled people and other ethnic groups (hint: it was because nazis perceived them as jews)
reminder: everything i said are just mental shortcuts because if we wanted to talk about zionism and history of antisemitism we would need more time than just four hour long video trying so hard to compare zionism to fascism:))))
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
God the amount of people on here I’ve, not just lost respect for, but become completely repulsed by in the last few days. People I share fandoms with who every so often would reblog those stupid “goblins are Jews so anybody who puts them in stories is antisemetic and should be shunned!!!” Which I usually just rolled my eyes and moved on. Those same damn people are on here justifying Jewish people getting slaughtered and kidnapped. And even if in their minds it’s truly just about “Israel vs Palestine”, not a fucking peep has been heard from any of them about the attacks now occurring to Jews around the world. “Punch Nazis! Listen to Jewish Voices! Be aware of antisemitism!” All goes out the window now I guess?
Gonna be setting everything to do with this situation to 'mature' and tagging "middle east mess" from here on in, this situation is far too much for lots of you and I get that I'm trying to balance things out best I can.
Go into your settings to the "content" filtering as well as "tag" filtering and punch in any terms you can think of to get most of this all off your dash.
Schrödinger's POC.
One thing I've come to realize in my observations over the years is the majority of the different activists, really loud ones at least, don't actually care about the causes they claim to care about, they don't actually want things to improve for people. Having perpetual victims while they themselves are not victims seems to let them look like they're trying to help and stand up for injustice and victimized people while still covertly looking down their noses at them.
Israel is a great example of that since they do a pretty good job mostly on their own surrounded by enemies on all sides, gotten a little less dangerous over the decades but they're still in the danger zone and generally still thriving.
That and they very rarely get involved in a difficult fight, much easier to virtue signal over a video game than it is when there's some fairly complex geopolitical forces at play. And hating Israel is the easier of the two routes to go in this one, you'll also be seeing the folks that say it's not Jews it's "Zionists" even if the overwhelming majority of Jewish people are Zionists.
Which hey, you're all entitled to your opinion but before you go and start bashing Israel on a hourly basis go ahead and look at all the other countries out there and see how you feel about them and decide if you honestly think you're judging them all by the same standard or if you're judging Israel (or any others) more harshly and then ask yourself why that is.
Amnesty went in to Ukraine at one point after several schools had been targeted by russia, amnesty pointed out all of the obvious signs that the ukrainian military had been using those schools as weapons cache's or staging grounds or any of a number of other military purposes and they declared that to be a big no no and properly laid the blame on the ukranian military and government. You made it a military target by putting troops there.
Oddly even though it's widely known that hamass does the same thing, somehow amnesty still goes after Israel who will "knock on the door" of places they're about to level that are legitimate military targets, if they're also civilian buildings. hamass using the roof of a building as a place for a communications array/radio tower they'll get a dummy bomb dropped in their lap and civilians have their 30 min notice to evacuate because it's going down in 30 min one way or the other, but somehow that's not good enough.
and Oh lord I was in the notes of a couple different post and people talking about the Jewish citizens of Israel not actually being the same people that are the indigenous population to that area, which dna tests have proven that wrong, but hey they're out there repeating talking points made up by goebels so remember that next time these people call someone else a nazi, granted they're stupid enough to call actual Jewish people nazis to their faces showing that they've really just turned that word into something that's on par with butthead at this point.
Circling back round, like I said most of these activists they don't want conditions to actually improve for anyone, because they won't be special little guys helping out the poor oppressed people, they'll just be ordinary.
Cancer researchers would be very happy if they got put out of a job, professional activists not so much.
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This is all beyond very tragic both for the people of Israel and the people of gaza who just want to live their lives free of fear and hate, it is interesting to see people doing 180's on their stances on things like rape and child murder/infanticide and such given who's doing it this time round, if I were Jewish I would be seriously reconsidering my position of I want everyone who wants to and can responsibly do so to own all the guns they like, but having one isn't for me.
I'd cut that last bit out, I'd be armed everywhere I go.
There's lots of issues on both sides of this conflict, but only one side went in to a music festival and murdered 260+ people and dragged off hostages to rape, torture, and maybe attempt to bargain with at some point if the mood strikes.
That's not something the good guys do.
Side note, I'm surprised I haven't seen a specific insult tossed out between members of the Jewish community who are on different sides of this issue, for the curious it's a german word and I'm not going to type it out.
Had someone throw that one at me once which confused me given my lack of being Jewish, loses all it's punch at that point.
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It’s nice to see you shedding light towards what is happening in Palestine, but do you mind also lightning the darkness of what so many muslim terrorists have been doing from decades and still don’t stop to, the amount of innocent lives lost for what? The bombings, manipulation, conversions, attacks, firings and so so much more, have you ever protested for them too? There were children in it too right, didn’t they deserve to live or is it just them? Honestly I’m genuinely interested in knowing if this is for actual humanity or just another propaganda, like have you ever cared for any terrorist victims other than the ones in Palestine ?
i am going to assume you dont know that i myself am muslim.
i am also going to assume youre ignorant of the fact that a lot of terror groups (like the kkk, aryan nation, army of god, aum shinrikyo, lashkar-e-balochistan, khalistan zindabad force, etc) are not muslim.
i will also further assume that you dont know that most perpetrators of terror attacks align themselves with right-wing orientations rather than religious orientations
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(57% of attacks were by right-wing terrorists, 25% were left-wing terrorists, 15% were religious terrorists (as a whole, this includes terrorists of religions other than islam) and 3% were ethnonationalists)
and finally, i will also try and think that youre genuinely curious for an answer, rather than jus saying this because im a muslim and you think id get intimidated by the subject of so-called “muslim” terror groups and chicken out of answering—which i will never do.
ill keep all these things in mind when answering you.
first off, i personally dont consider those people muslims. they are not of my people. they go against everything god told us to do, as pious muslims. id be fine letting god deal with them and damning them to hell. me and everyone i know hates them—theyre the reason so many muslims are the victims of hate crime. but i dont think thats the answer you want. its all too amusing to you to think that a muslim would condemn al qaeda and the taliban. you expect me to avoid condemning them, just because we both call ourselves muslims.
i am 100% against terrorist attacks. if its a muslim or jew or christian or atheist who conducts it, that doesnt matter. crimes are still crimes.
and i do care about the victims. i know people who have lost friends and family in these types of attacks. my empathy is with them.
but do you know sets israel apart from terror organisations like the taliban? why i speak against one and not the other?
everyone hates the taliban. everyone hates isis. everyone hates al qaeda. everyone hates osama bin laden. no one is saying, “well they had a point”. no. just no. forced conversion is not okay. forced marriage is not okay. rape, whether marital or extramarital, is not okay. everyone knows this. everyone acknowledges this and agrees with it.
israel, on the other hand? people are not just turning a blind eye. people are literally encouraging them. people are calling for the death of palestinians. for the death of muslims as a whole.
i ask you anon, do you know what its like to try and get into politics, because youre passionate about it, and seeing people calling for the death of you and your people? that is what i have suffered. that is why i stand for palestine. zionists are not just calling for the deaths of my friends—by extension, they call for the deaths of me and my family. for both arabs and muslims as a whole. they say “may god destroy the arabs” when talking about palestine. no one supports al qaeda in that way at that large of a scale.
i dont spread the word about “muslim” terror organisations because everyone knows those groups are terrible.
i spread the word about palestine because people call for their deaths. (further because as a result of this, people call for the deaths of me and my people.)
why would i condemn terror groups who everyone knows is bad, and ignore the terror groups who everyone supports?
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adelle-ein · 7 months
god knows there's a lot of antisemitic microaggressions from "friends" that i'm willing to let slide. genuinely my standards aren't that high. which is obvious based on the people i was friends with pre-oct 7th lol. but like i do have limits and those limits have been crossed by
expressing a desire to join hamas/the houthis
expressing open support for hamas and oct 7th
referring to oct 7th as "legitimate resistance/oppressed rising up/revolution/freedom fighting"
denying oct 7th happened at all
insisting shani louk is alive (she is not, while her family had hope at first they have since found pieces of her she could not have survived losing)
joking about october 7th
joking about the holocaust
saying jews didn't "learn their lesson" from the holocaust
denying the holocaust
denying other jewish genocides
mocking the hostages and their families
wishing death on the hostages
using "zio"
saying israelis need to go back to brooklyn/florida/poland/etc
saying jews were and have always been well-treated in MENA regions
openly fetishizing and lying about mizrahi/sephardic jews
saying antisemitism doesn't exist/is over
saying ashkenazism don't face antisemitism
saying judaism is a dominant world religion
saying zionists/AIPAC/israel are controlling companies/the government/biden/trump/US military/US police/hollywood
mocking hebrew and jewish culture
mocking jewish holidays
treating jewish holidays as inherently evil
saying that israeli government crimes are being done in "our [jews'] names" and we bear the guilt for it
saying "happy [jewish holiday/memorial day] now stop doing genocide!!!"
saying diaspora jews are okay but not israeli ones
saying all israelis need to die/deserve to die/are settlers who therefore deserve to die
saying jews have no culture/stole all culture from muslims/arabs/christians
open insane blood libel conspiracies about (for example) israelis kidnapping blonde palestinian children or digging up graves for organ/skin theft
referring to israeli "blood money"
spreading and endorsing neo-nazis
spreading and endorsing holocaust deniers and other bigots ie norman finkelstein
spreading and endorsing avowed tankies, NK/russia supporters, and deniers of the ukrainian/uyghur/armenian/syrian/etc genocides
spreading rhetoric from other hate groups ie neturei karta
sharing cartoons of octopi, big-nosed evil men, netanyahu and co eating babies, etc
spreading conspiracy theories about spotify or tumblr or what the fuck ever being controlled by """zionist""" CEOs (and even explicitly stating they're jewish when they often aren't)
belittling ANY anti-antisemitism movement as anti-palestinian
using terms like "zionist rats/pigs/filth"
"all zionists should die/kill themselves/aren't human/should be gassed"
"the zionist entity/zionist state"
"hitler loved israel/was a zionist"
"[x] is worse than the holocaust"/"the holocaust is the only genocide that's taken seriously bc it's a genocide of white people"/"get over the holocaust"
being creepy and ogling about the token good jews that meet your insane standards
weighing in on deeply personal intracommunity jewish discussions in horrible ways
telling Good Jews that you’re so sorry about how isolated they’re being by the majority of jews, which are Bad Jews
saying not to donate to palestinian aid groups bc it could make israel money bc israel controls all the aid groups apparently bc they're just so greedy and want so much money
did i mention je-isra-zionists really love money
movements against "zionism in medicine" and other witch hunts against "zionist" (jewish) people in professions
participating in mass harassment movements and callouts against random jews online asking people to stop being antisemitic
openly calling for violence against jews and/or israelis
claims of dual loyalty against diaspora jews
support the american south bc they're victims of their government too (true) but kill all the israelis bc they definitely support every action taken by their government (hm)
jokes and memes. the fucking memes. you're monsters
"but lace, this is hyperbole, surely nobody is actually saying these things " -- these are all literally, exactly, personally things my "friends" and mutuals have said and reblogged/retweeted since october 7th. if you're reading this now there is a 99% chance you are one of them.
and yes i fucking hate the israeli government. what is happening in palestine is evil. i'm a nonzionist jew.
but i know that's not enough. unless you're a token in "jewish" voice for """peace""" willing to say "kill every single israeli and the holocaust wasn't a big deal and 10/7 didn't happen and antisemitism isn't real and i have never been afraid as a jew in my life" you're one of Them. Being pro palestine or even antizionist isn't enough, you have to want your whole family dead and you can't say a fucking word about the way you're treated by your lovely leftist "allies". oh and you better post about it! constantly! 24/7!!!! or you're secretly a zionist who loves dead palestinian babies! probably personally killing them yourself! you filthy ki- er, zionist rat!
so, yeah, if you think i'm one of Them, that's fine. feel free to block me, i'd much prefer if you did. and let me be clear that jews are not exempt from this either. it's reprehensible regardless
i am not your fucking good jew. If you have ever thought of me as one, fuck you. You are not my good goy, either. Fuck your bugs bunny "i wish all my jewish mutuals a happy rosh hashanah." Fuck your "pictures of African Jews worshipping" tokenism and "jews fighting god" memes. Fuck your nazi punches and your Anne Frank headcanons. Fuck all your disgusting pats on the back and keep my fucking name out of your mouth. If you can't stop reblogging blood libel then I don't want to see another goddamn WORD of it.
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lwaaddict · 5 months
Answering shits because apparently it's not enough for them.
"If you hate zionists then you are anti semitic"
I think you need to learn the differences between zionists and Jews because I don't have anything against the Jews but the zionists??? I have so many fucking problem with them.
"From the river to the sea, Palestine shall not be free, from the river to the sea, israhell is all I see"
You stole not only their culture and land but also their freedom speech??? How fucking pathetic do you have to be to even steal that speech, just make a new speech don't fucking dare to say that speech to me.
"Oh but Hamas-"
"What about the October-"
Honestly I'm fucking convinced at this point that people are fucking blind not in the eyes but in their heart.
This is for the people who supports Palestine:
Thank you so much for using your brain and being on the right side of history, continue on boycotting the products that supports Israel and keeps on protesting.
If the Palestinian people haven't given up yet why should we?
I know that you are feeling hopeless right now but you can't stop, use your voice to help the Palestinian people.
Keep on praying for them, one day Palestine will be free again.
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power-chords · 11 months
The ever-talking double of the Rothian pantheon is a Jew. Jewish talkiness may be an artifact of theology (arguing with God), an effect of history (wheedling with Cossacks), a residue of Talmudic practice, or the product of psychoanalysis (“say everything”). Whatever the source, there is “inside each Jew,” as one character puts it in Operation Shylock, “so many speakers! Shut up one and the other talks.”
The irrepressible talker is mobilized by Roth against any notion of Jewish wholeness or authenticity, of being oneself, at home in the world. The authentic Jew is the fantasy of the Zionist and the anti-Semite alike. Both get a platform in the “Judea” and “Christendom” chapters of The Counterlife, in which they reduce the Jew to a singular, univocal self. Purged of ambiguity and uncertainty, that Jew has only one destiny: to vacate his diasporic premises and go back to where he belongs, the land of his ancestors, where he will stop talking so much, or at least in so many voices.
Roth’s defense of the double against Jewish reductionism and Zionist certainty is also, in a way, the upshot of Arendt’s strictures about the doubling of the self. The fact that “I am inevitably two-in-one,” she writes, “is the reason why the fashionable search for identity is futile and our modern identity crisis could be resolved only by losing consciousness.” The search for a grounding identity—Jewish or otherwise—necessarily finds its terminus in the stasis of a unified self, unable to carry on a conversation even with itself. Down such a path, she suggests, lies death. [...]
Roth and Arendt turn the double into a figure of satire and irony, using its destabilizing comedy to deprive that house of its foundations. Roth’s most fanciful double is Anne Frank. In The Ghost Writer, the young Nathan Zuckerman, like the young Roth, has written a story that earns him the accusation of being a self-hating Jew. His accusers include his parents and Judge Wapter, a family friend and respected leader of Newark’s Jewish community. Desperate for exoneration, Nathan makes a pilgrimage to the home of an esteemed and elderly Jewish writer (modeled on Bernard Malamud) who lives in the Berkshires with his wife. There, Nathan meets the writer’s assistant, Amy Bellette. As the evening goes on, the form of Nathan’s redemption takes shape: Amy is really Anne Frank, and Nathan will marry her. What better guarantor of his Jewish credentials? He imagines returning to New Jersey and the conversation with his parents that will ensue:
“I met a marvelous young woman while I was up in New England. I love her and she loves me. We are going to be married.” “Married? But so fast? Nathan, is she Jewish?” “Yes, she is.” “But who is she?” “Anne Frank.”
According to Bailey, Roth originally wrote the Bellette character as if she were, in fact, Anne Frank. But that simple application of the reality principle prevented him from finishing the book. It was only when he realized that Bellette had to be a fantasy Anne Frank—a fictitious double, conjured from Nathan’s head—that Roth was able to find the comedy in, the meaning of, the story: how an agonistic writer could turn himself into a nice Jewish boy by marrying the nicest Jewish girl that ever lived, how the most sacred figure of the Holocaust—and the Holocaust itself—could be used to resolve the most profane family romance.
Corey Robin, "Arendt and Roth: An Uncanny Convergence"
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tjmystic · 6 months
Short version: racists, stop co-opting religious symbols, because now I can't tell who's just religious and who's using those symbol to declare their racism.
Long version (under the cut):
Something happened to me in the late 2000s where I stopped seeing crosses as a source of comfort. Like, I have one in my bedroom, but I mean seeing crosses on other people, like on necklaces and things. As a kid, seeing them made me feel safe, to a degree, because I automatically "knew" that I had something in common with the people wearing them.
And then I started listening to the kinds of things that most of those people said, and all of the comfort bled away.
I'm still Christian, but I never see a cross anymore and think, "Oh, that person believes the same things I do!" More often, they believe the exact opposite. I generally hate to be an idealism purist, same as claiming to know everything and have all of the answers, but I DO know that Christianity has rarely been what Jesus wanted, and never when it was the predominant religion of the ruling class. Even though what these people practice clearly ISN'T Christianity, though, the religion itself and its symbols mostly make me feel uncomfortable now.
Well, I'm starting to feel the same way with Stars of David. And I DETEST that. Because, just like with my religion, I KNOW that Judaism is NOT what Zionists and evangelical hate groups are trying to make it into. I know that more Jewish people than not oppose the genocide in Palestine because they've been victims of countless genocides themselves and know that "never again" means for everyone, not just Jews. I know that Judaism is not a religion or ethnicity built on hate. But, just like I know the same about Christianity while evangelicals and fundamentalists clearly don't, I know this about Judaism while Zionists don't. I can't even say there's a significant difference between the two, because, at least in America, nationalism has tainted both to the degree that most public figures of both Christianity and Judaism are the loudest supporters of Israel. And now I'm wary every time I see a Star of David in someone's profile picture, because I don't know if it's from a Jewish person who's rightfully proud of their heritage and/or religion, a Jewish person loudly reaffirming their faith by asserting that their beliefs don't condone genocide, or a Zionist who co-opted the symbol for their hate crimes or support of them.
I hate it.
I mean, what next? Am I going to start feeling uncomfortable when I see the aum? The crescent? The yin yang symbol? Which group is going to take a religion -- an inherently neutral thing -- next and turn it into something vile that makes me question the morals of everyone associated with it?
I don't hate religions. I love the ways that people have faith and express it. I love the different ways that so many human beings see God or the divine. Religion is not the enemy because, to paraphrase David Mitchell, people have killed each other in the name of anything, whether it was politics or religion or something else, since the dawn of time. Removing religion just removes the comfort and sense of identity that a lot of people cling to in their darkest moments. But the more that wicked people appropriate symbols of faith, the harder it is trust that any religious person believes what they say instead of using their beliefs as a justification for cruelty. Especially since the people who are loudest about belonging to a specific religion are usually the ones doing the most harm.
And in case it wasn't clear (and because reading comprehension on this site is notoriously poor), this is NOT a place for antisemitism. Get out of here with that bullshit. Jewish people are just as much people as everyone else and have just as much of a right to their faith and ethnicity. Zionists, however, are scum who typically hide behind either Judaism or fundamentalist Christianity as an excuse to kill innocent people and colonize land that doesn't belong to them.
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phantomnostalgist · 2 months
Progressive, feminist, leftism has become a regressive, misogynist, racist, hate movement
I know no one followed me for politics, but some things are more important than fandom, particularly with the increasingly dangerous violence and division being spread by social enforced conformity to thought terminating cliches that serve to reinforce dangerous ideologies - which the left sees only when we identify them in the right, yet perpetuate constantly ourselves.
And when - more likely if - you finally break through the propaganda, and realize how your compassion, your empathy, your trauma, your isolation, your autism have allowed your mind to be hacked, you may be entirely alone in your breakdown, in the shaking, sobbing, throwing up for weeks, barely able to eat or function.
So, think about what narratives you've been sold, perhaps for over a decade, about who is the oppressor, who does the violence unto whom, and how tricks of language can be used to entirely reverse that dynamic into one which allows victim blaming, harassment, and abuse of anyone you can be tricked into thinking is a bigot, for not using the approved language and not bowing to the bullying of people who make masses of money endlessly twisting the truth, distorting data, and telling you who to hate.
Of course, you'll have to break out of the algorithm, and be willing to listen to people who probably only appear on channels who talk to people with a wide range of views, and who, like all youtubers, use shock click-baity titles and thumbnails.
I mean, we're endlessly told to listen to victims, to women, to LGBT+ people and BIPOC people (a very American term, btw) - but only the ones who stick strictly to the approve script. Otherwise they're a bigot, a right-winger, a self-hating race traitor, a fascist, truscum, TERF, Zionist, Jew. More thought terminating cliches, designed to silence, ostracize, prevent any honest communication, or listening at all.
Waking up from this is scarring, soul breaking, terrifying, particularly when you've been a committed progressive for decades - or thought you were. No wonder it's easier to avoid taking accountability for falling for so much toxic nonsense, let alone spreading it - and monetizing it, in many cases - than to be willing to confront our own fallibility to propaganda designed to twist us into hate. Hating the people fighting for our safety, our protection, human rights, the right to claim our own language to define and describe our own oppression, and protect ourselves from violence.
But god forbid I name names, or link you to any resources. I really can't risk having my life destroyed by violently bigoted haters and misogynists. So all I can do is beg you to think on it, and truly, honestly, question who you've listened to, and who you've merely heard endlessly repeated narratives about. And try, please try, to wake up.
One book recommendation, if you want to understand how this kind of cult ideological thinking works: "Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism: A Study of 'Brainwashing' in China" by Robert Jay Lifton.
And remember how much your brain can be tricked and manipulated by parasocial relationships, echo chambers, and the utter conviction that you are on the side of righteous justice.
Good luck.
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eddieydewr · 3 months
the sad thing is most ppl have no idea what zionism is and honestly being anti zionist imo means you are antisemitic. period. being a zionist and a jew are inherently linked and pretty much all jews are zionists cause the actual meaning of the word is not a bad thing that they try to paint it as. all zionism means, a movement which originated in the 1800s due to rising hate of jews in europe, is for jews and jewish culture to be preserved and for them to have a safe place in the land where they are indigenous because people have been exiling and trying to kill them all off for CENTURIES. if you are against that, against jews and their culture being safe in the land they come from, from which they’ve been forcible expelled for centuries, then you are either a raging bigot or are a useful idiot who has no idea what the word even means or any knowledge of history. the fact that young libs are out here talking about “raging act of zionism” and having no clue what a gigantic nazi they sound like is INSANE to me. insane. they are a bunch of morons being duped by propaganda and used by people who hate the west and all the ACTUAL progressive ideals they stand for…. noah didn’t make or hand out zionism is sexy stickers but ya know what? zionism stickers aren’t bad. they don’t mean anything bad. if you think jews should exist and have a home is a bad sentiment then rot in hell tbh
all of this. i literally look at ‘zionism is sexy’ the same way i would look at something like ‘annibyniaeth is sexy’. annibyniaeth means welsh independence :)
there are shitty people who make the ideology look bad ofc, including conservative jews (both pro and anti), so people think it’s associated with the ethnic cleansing of palestinians, or that jews are running the world. white supremacists and useful idiots agree that zionism is bad and evil for different reasons, lmao.
we have shitty people in the welsh independence movement - we don’t all agree on the same things; we have people who want to stay out of the EU, kill off the welsh language (huh??? like the english almost did then?), stop immigration, have a fully white wales bla bla, anti LGBT, and even ‘noooo we can’t be free until palestine is free’ 💀 we are meant to be a single issue movement, ffs. implement it first with everything necessary ready to set into motion when it happens first, unlike brexit. my god. anyway lmao i digress.
antis don’t care that noah also supports palestinians, they just care that he’s jewish and the fact that he has sympathy for the 10/7 victims instead of… laughing? saying they deserved it? even if he was a full on antizionist with internalised hatred for who he is, it still wouldn’t be good enough for them. roots (iykyk) said something the other day and it’s so true: people don’t care where jews live. they care that jews live.
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jinkushiroll · 1 year
When you said no one gave a damn about Palestine your actually not even wrong, from stan twitter point of view. No one harassed brett gelmen who is a co-star of noah when he proposed to his fiancé in Israel, no one batted an eyelash when Jerry Seinfeld traveled there. Point is many celebs have went to Israel because at the end of the day whether people hate it or not it’s a country with actual people living inside of it. The way people eagerly jumped at the chance to “cancel” and namecall Noah so fast was so weird. It’s been like this for years when he had his bar mitzvah there he got hate, like what he’s literally Jewish it’s his religion.
Point is I’m disgusted with the amount of antisemitism I’m seeing directed at him it’s unfair to see so many act like all Jews that have visited there *to see family or to pray at the western wall* to all be in favor of its government. It’s simply idiotic and generalizing. Noah can travel where ever he likes and I’m glad to see him reconnecting to his Jewish heritage and religion.
Woke up to anon spitting facts🙏
And it's actually so confusing how, as a post on his tag mentioned the other day, everyone just immediately wants to cancel Noah for everything. I've seen people make wild stuff up about him JUST to find scope to cancel him. Like I swear to God 50 years from now someone on twitter (if it doesn't fall off by then) is gonna be like "Noah Schnapp replaced the nword with neighbour in that rap song during his summer camp. There's video evidence." Bitchass he was 13 😭 and I'm not one to express my opinion on this but I'm pretty sure he apologized profusely and much water has flown in the Ganges since then.
Mostly it's all the internalised homophobia and antisemitism and all the people that think they are PhD scholars about the Israel-Palestine conflict after 5 too many Google searches (again, they didn't bother before some gay and Jewish 18 year old posted Israel in his insta stories) but he simply doesn't deserve all that. He is literally just some kid on a practical level, he has more geopolitical knowledge than many of his defenders give him credit for, but he's 18 and rich and grew up in this sort of over privileged white bubble (not something he deliberately chose and can he counted as his fault, something stan twitter will terribly fail to grasp)
Maybe promoting Israel to 20M people on Instagram wasn't all that cash money and maybe the people he's interacting with are active zionists and the concerns of the Palestinian fans are very much valid but like, we need to remember we don't even know HIS OWN PERSONAL stance for sure. Emphasis on all those synonyms because he hasn't himself openly talked about it.
I am from a country where just about every 60 year old around is pro-israel because of the former/current political relationship between Israel and my country, though it is a generational thing. No one from the more recent generations agrees to ethnic cleansing and genocide, but we can't just boycott our grandparents and older relatives even though we have such a significant difference in opinion.
I know this doesn't really apply to Noah all that much, but point stands that we're building our empire of doubts and contempt for him on mere speculations and supposedly reliable observations (as far as I'm aware) and yes I am choosing to defend him because none of that ever ends well, from my experience.
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